#tomoe was the /first/ happy thing to ever enter his life.
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pikahlua · 7 months ago
MHA Chapter 429 spoilers translations
This week’s initial tentative super rough/literal translations under the cut.
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1 僕の"個性"が「家系のどこにも属さないとつぜんへんい」だと聞いて ぼくの"こせい"が「かけいのどこにもぞくさないとつぜんへんい」だときいて boku no "kosei" ga 「kakei no doko ni mo zokusanai totsuzen hen'i」 da to kiite I heard my quirk is "a sudden mutation that didn't belong to any of the family's lineages."
2 パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじも大じぃじも急に優しくなくなった パパもママもシスターもおじさんもおばさんもばぁばもじぃじもおおじぃじもきゅうにやさしくなくなった PAPA mo MAMA mo SHISUTAA mo ojisan mo obasan mo baaba mo jiiji mo oojiiji mo kyuu ni yasashiku nakunatta Papa, Mama, Sister, Uncle, Aunt, Grandma, Grandpa, and Great-Granddad all of a sudden stopped being nice to me.
tagline 1 ある少年の独白ーー あるしょうねんのどくはくーー aru shounen no dokuhaku-- A boy's soliloquy--
3 皆は僕を縛りつけて地下室に閉じ込めた みんなはぼくをしばりつけてちかしつにとじこめた minna wa boku wo shibari tsukete chikashitsu ni tojikometa They tied me up and locked me in the basement.
4 恐くて悲しくて泣き叫んでいたら こわくてかなしくてなきさけんでいたら kowakute kanashikute nakisakende itara I was scared and sad and crying out.
5 口が大きく開かないよう��われた くちがおおきくひらかないようぬわれた kuchi ga ookiku hirakanai you nuwareta My mouth was sewn shut to prevent it from opening wide.
6 何年経ったかわからないある日 なんねんたったかわからないあるひ nannen tatta ka wakaranai aru hi One day, after I don't know how many years passed,
7 「この国は終わる」と言って 「このくにはおわる」といって 「kono kuni wa owaru」 to itte they said, "This country is finished,"
8 人抱えの水と菓子パンを放り込んだきり ひとかかえのみずとかしパンをほうりこんだきり hito kakae no mizu to kashi PAN wo hourikonda kiri and after they threw in what water and pastries they could carry
9 皆は二度と現れなくなった みんなはにどとあらわれなくなった minna wa nido to arawarenaku natta none of them ever appeared again.
tagline 2 No.429 私が来た! 堀越耕平 ナンバー429 わたしがきた! ほりこしこうへい NANBAA 429 watashi ga kita! Horikoshi Kouhei No. 429 I Am Here! Kouhei Horikoshi
10 しばらく経って しばらくたって shibaraku tatte After a while,
11 もの凄い衝撃と共に地下室にキレツが入ったので ものすごいしょうげきとともにちかしつにキレツがはいったので monosugoi shougeki to tomo ni chikashitsu ni KIRETSU ga haitta node with a tremendous impact, a crack entered the basement, so
12 なんとか外に出ることができた なんとかそとにでることができた nantoka soto ni deru koto ga dekita I managed to get outside.
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1 久し振りの日の光はとて��痛くて恐かった ひさしぶりのひのひかりはとてもいたくてこわかった hisashiburi no hi no hikari wa totemo itakute kowakatta The light of the sun for the first time in such a long time was very painful and scary.
2 何がいけなかったのだろう なにがいけなかったのだろう nani ga ikenakatta no darou What was it that I did wrong?
3 何でこんなに悲しいのだろう なんでこんなにかなしいのだろう nande konna ni kanashii no darou Why am I so sad like this?
4 とにかく僕は とにかくぼくは tonikaku boku wa In any case, I
5 ずうっと恐くて悲しいのに ずうっとこわくてかなしいのに zuutto kowakute kanashii noni am always so scared and sad,
6 なのにどうしてこの人たちは なのにどうしてこのひとたちは nanoni doushite kono hito-tachi wa so why is it these people
7 笑っているんだろう わらっているんだろう waratte irundarou are smiling?
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1 人の喜ぶ顔が好きだった ひとのよろこぶかおがすきだった hito no yorokobu kao ga suki datta I liked people's happy faces.
2 だからヒーローを目指したのに だからヒーローをめざしたのに dakara HIIROO wo mezashita noni That's why I aimed to be a hero, but
3 お茶子ちゃんは おちゃこちゃんは Ochako-chan wa Ochako-chan,
4 ヒーローらしく正しい事をするだけでよかったのに ヒーローらしくただしいことをするだけでよかったのに HIIROO rashiku tadashii koto wo suru dake de yokatta noni it would have been fine to just do the correct thing like a hero would. (Note: This is a flashback to chapter 395.)
5 ぐうっ guu "Ggh."
6 なのに余計な事"考���て"… なのによけいなこと"かんがえて"… nanoni yokei na koto "kangaete"... You nevertheless think about unnecessary things… (Note: Still a flashback to chapter 395.)
7 私は わたしは watashi wa I
8 ヒミコちゃんの命の上に生かされた ヒミコちゃんのいのちのうえにいかされた HIMIKO-chan no inochi no ue ni ikasareta was made to survive over Himiko-chan's life.
9 私のした事は わたしのしたことは watashi no shita koto wa What I did...
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1 麗日さん‼︎ うららかさん‼︎ Uraraka-san!! "Uraraka-san!!"
2-3 デクくん DEKU-kun "Deku-kun,"
4 どうして doushite "why..."
5 ここが koko ga "this place..."
6 どうやって… dou yatte... "how did you..."
7 なんとなく…! nantonaku...! "Somehow or other*...!" (*Note: This "somehow" has an implication that the answer is unimportant to the speaker, like "It's not a big deal," or "Never you mind that.")
8 ワン・フォー・オールでとんできた WAN FOO OORU de tonde kita "I flew up here with One For All."
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1 此処は ここは koko wa "This place is"
2 大切な話をした場所だから たいせつなはなしをしたばしょだから taisetsu na hanashi wo shita basho dakara "where we had an important conversation, that's why."
3 そうやなくて sou yanakute "That's not what I mean."
4-5 一旦家帰るって言ったやん いったんいえかえるっていったやん ittan ie kaeru tte itta yan "Didn't I say I'd go home temporarily?"
6 帰れてたら帰れてたで良いんだでも かえれてたらかえれてたでいいんだでも kaeretetara kaereteta de iinda demo "If you had gone home, that'd have been fine, but"
7 此処にいると思ったんだ ここにいるとおもったんだ koko ni iru to omottanda "I thought you'd be here."
8 ……何で ……なんで ......nande "......Why?"
9 …見られたくないのに …みられたくないのに ...miraretakunai noni "...I didn't want to be seen."
10 ごめん gomen "Sorry."
11 でも…見せてほしいんだ でも…みせてほしいんだ demo...misete hoshiinda "But...I want you to show me."
12 だって麗日さんは だってうららかさんは datte Uraraka-san wa "Because, Uraraka-san,"
13 いつもそうじゃないか itsumo sou ja nai ka "aren't you always like that?*" (Note: He's talking about how Ochako has been keeping up a happy facade for a while but he wants her to let him see her sadness.)
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1 入試の時だって にゅうしのときだって nyuushi no toki datte "Even at the entrance exam,”
2 私の"個性"ごめんね勝手に わたしの"こせい"ごめんねかってに watashi no "kosei" gomen ne katte ni It's my quirk. Sorry for stopping you, but...
3 でも転んじゃったら縁起悪いもんね でもころんじゃったらえんぎわるいもんね demo koronjattara engi warui mon ne well, it's a bad omen to trip and fall. (Note: This is from chapter 3.)
4 合否のポイントのことだって ごうひのポイントのことだって gouhi no POINTO no koto datte "even about the points [I needed] to pass,"
5 私のポイント分けるって出来ませんか⁉︎ わたしのポイントわけるってできませんか⁉︎ watashi no POINTO wakeru tte dekimasen ka!? Can you give him some of the points I earned!? (Note: This is from chapter 4.)
6 ずっとーーー zutto--- "all the time---"
7 ーーいつも --itsumo "--always."
8 でもデクって「頑張れ」って感じで でもデクって「がんばれ」ってかんじで demo DEKU tte 「ganbare」 tte kanji de But "Deku," well... It just screams, "Do your best!!"
9 なんか好きだ私 なんかすきだわたし nan ka suki da watashi I kinda like it. (Note: This is from chapter 7.)
10 自分の事より じぶんのことより jibun no koto yori "More than yourself,”
11 他人を優先して! ひとをゆうせんして! hito (kanji: tanin) wo yuusen shite! "you make other people your priority!"
12 体育祭の時だって たいいくさいのときだって taiikusai no toki datte "Even during the sports festival."
13 いつも itsumo "Always,"
14 ずっと! zutto! "all the time!"
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1 デクくん落ち着け! デクくんおちつけ! DEKU-kun ochitsuke! Deku-kun, calm down! (Note: This is from chapter 211.)
2 ずっと救けられっぱなしだ! ずっとたすけられっぱなしだ! zutto tasukerareppanashi da! "You've always been saving me!"
3 ���のヒーローアカデミアでいさせて下さい! かれのヒーローアカデミアでいさせてください! kare no HIIROO AKADEMIA de isasete kudasai! Please let him stay at his hero academia! (Note: This is from chapter 324.)
4 僕のヒーローだ! ぼくのヒーローだ! boku no HIIROO da! "You're my hero!"
5-6 だから…君の強さだけに寄りかからない だから…きみのつよさだけによりかからない dakara...kimi no tsuyosa dake ni yorikakaranai "That's why...I won't rely on only your strength [alone].”
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1 手を握るだけで心が和らぐんだよ てをにぎるだけでこころがやわらぐんだよ te wo nigiru dake de kokoro ga yawaragunda yo "Just holding hands soothes the heart."
2 …ヒミコちゃん ...HIMIKO-chan "...Himiko-chan."
3 ヒーローが辛い時 ヒーローがつらいとき HIIROO ga tsurai toki When heroes are hurting...
4 私のせいで死んじゃった わたしのせいでしんじゃった watashi no sei de shinjatta "It's my fault she died."
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1 私が刺されなかったら…‼︎ わたしがさされなかったら…‼︎ watashi ga sasarenakattara...!! "If I hadn't been stabbed...!!"
2 余計なこと考えたから…‼︎ よけいなことかんがえたから…‼︎ yokei na koto kangaeta kara...!! "It's because I thought about unnecessary stuff...!!"
3 人に血を分けられる"個性"だったの…‼︎ ひとにちをわけられる"こせい"だったの…‼︎ hito ni chi wo wakerareru "kosei" datta no...!! "It was a quirk that could give out blood to people...!!"
4 あんな形でなくても…!見つけられる方法がなかったかなあっ‼︎ あんなかたちでなくても…!みつけられるほうほうがなかったかなあっ‼︎ anna katachi de nakutemo...! mitsukerareru houhou ga nakatta ka naa!! "Even if it didn't seem like [it could do] that...! I wonder if there wasn't a way I could have found that out [sooner]!!"
5 もっと早く…!!! もっとはやく…!!! motto hayaku...!!! "[If I had been] faster...!!!"
6 気付けてたら‼︎ きづけてたら‼︎ kudzuketetara!! "If I only I had realized!!"
7 もっと motto "[If I had been] more..."
8 子どもの時に会えてたら違ったかなあ⁉︎ こどものときにあえてたらちがったかなあ⁉︎ kodomo no toki ni aetetara chigatta ka naa!? "Would it be different if we had met when we were children!?"
9-10 誰がヒーローを守ってあげられるだろう だれがヒーローをまもってあげられるだろう dare ga HIIROO wo mamotte agerareru darou ...who protects the heroes?
11 僕も ぼくも boku mo "Me, too."
12 転弧…死柄木弔に…同じ事引きずってる てんこ…しがらきとむらに…おなじことひきずってる Tenko...Shigaraki Tomura ni...onaji koto hikizutteru "Tenko...about Tomura Shigaraki...I've been dragging around the same things."
13 この戦いをこれまでと同じように消費していかないように このたたかいをこれまでとおなじようにしょうひしていかないように kono tatakai wo kore made to onaji you ni shouhi shite ikanai you ni "I hope I don't let this fight consume me in the same way as I did before."
14 AFOに言われたよ オール・フォー・ワンにいわれたよ OORU FOO WAN ni iwareta yo "All For One told me,"
15 おまえのしようとしてる道は茨の道だって おまえのしようとしてるみちはいばらのみちだって omae no shiyou to shiteru michi wa ibara no michi datte "the path you've chosen is a thorny one." (Note: This is a reference to chapter 316.)
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1 それでも…ーー soredemo...-- "Even so...--"
2 余計なお世話でも手を差し伸ばしていけば…きっと必ず‼︎ よけいなおせわでもてをさしのばしていけば…きっとかならず‼︎ yokei na osewa demo te wo sashinobashite ikeba...kitto kanarazu!! "even if it's none of my business, if I reach out my hand...then surely, definitely...!!" (Note: This line isn’t cut off, but the conclusion of what will “surely, definitely” happen is implied and unspoken.)
3 あ‼︎マジでいたア‼︎ a!! MAJI de itaA!! "Ah!! They really were here!!"
4 麗日あ‼︎俺らも来たぞ! うららかあ‼︎おれらもきたぞ! Urarakaa!! orera mo kita zo! "Urarakaa!! We're here, too!"
5 お茶子ちゃんのばか! おちゃこちゃんのばか! Ochako-chan no baka! "Ochako-chan, you idiot!"
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1 言ってくれるの待ってたのよ何でも思ったら言っていいのよ いってくれるのまって���のよなんでもおもったらいっていいのよ itte kuraru no matteta no yo nandemo omottara itte ii no yo "I was waiting for you to say [something]! Whatever you're thinking about, it's fine for you to say it!"
2 ブッ飛ばしてたけど ブッとばしてたけど BUttobashiteta kedo "They flew you over here, but"
3 残り火大丈夫か? のこりびだいじょうぶか? nokoribi daijoubu ka? "are the embers okay?"
4 うん un "Yeah."
5 え e "Eh?"
6 "残り火"…ってえ…それって "のこりび"…ってえ…それって "nokoribi"...ttee...sore tte "'Embers,' you said... That's..."
7 待て待て まてまて mate mate "Wait, wait!"
8 なんで言ってくんねーんだよ なんでいってくんねーんだよ nande itte kunnenda yo "Why didn't you tell us?"
9 ワン・フォー・オールは完遂した ワン・フォー・オールはかんすいした WAN FOO OORU wa kansui shita One For All completed it, (Note: This word means something like "carried out, accomplished" but in the officials keeps getting translated as "completed.")
10 義勇の力が紡ぎ上げた力の結晶を ぎゆうのちからがつむぎあげたちからのけっしょうを giyuu no chikara ga tsumugi ageta chikara no kesshou wo the crystallization of power spun by the brave and righteous.
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1 今度は こんどは kondo wa Next time,
sign 青山送別会‼︎ あおやまそうべつかい‼︎ Aoyama soubetsu-kai!! Aoyama farewell party!!
2 皆で紡げていけたら みんなでつむげていけたら minna de tsumugete iketara if we can all spin it [together]...
3 チャートの拡大? チャートのかくだい? CHAATO no kakudai? "Expanding the chart?"
4 ええまァ一環ですが ええまァいっかんですが ee maA ikkan desu ga "Yes, well, that's part of it."
5 もち復興の目度がたってからですよ もちふっこうのめどがたってからですよ mochi fukkou no medo ga ta tte kara desu yo "Of course, it's for after the reconstruction is further along."
6 今回の戦い俺たちヒーロー以外の活躍が大きすぎた こんかいのたたかいおれたちヒーローいがいのかつやくがおおきすぎた konkai no tatakai ore-tachi HIIROO igai no katsuyaku ga ooki sugita "In the battle this time, there were too many great feats [done by those] other than us heroes."
7 現職業ヒーローと併せて"英雄"もピックアップしていきます げんしょくぎょうヒーローとあわせて"えいゆう"もピックアップしていきます genshokugyou HIIROO to awasete "eiyuu" mo PIKKUAPPU shite ikimasu "Along with the current professional heroes, we'll pick up heroes* as well." (*Note: The word used for pro heroes is from the English, "hero," pronounced as HIIROO in Japanese. This new list of "heroes" Hawks suggests uses the Japanese word for hero, eiyuu. Not coincidentally, "UA" gets its name from reversing the kanji in eiyuu: ei・yuu -> yuu・ei.)
8 人気制度を失くす方に傾くと思ってたが にんきせいどをなくすほうにかたむくとおもってたが ninki seido wo nakusu hou ni katamuku to omotteta ga "I was thinking you'd lean towards losing the popularity system, and yet..."
9 功罪の罪に目を向ければそりゃそうですが こうざいのざいにめをむければそりゃそうですが kouzai no zai ni me wo mukereba sorya sou desu ga "If you shift your focus to the cons over the pros, that makes sense, but"
10 俺は功を捨てずにアップデートしたいんス おれはこうをすてずにアップデートしたいんス ore wa kou wo sutezu ni APPUDEETO shitainSU "I want to update it without throwing out the good points."
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1 どんな"最高"にも手には限りがある どんな"さいこう"にもてにはかぎりがある donna "saikou" ni mo te ni wa kagiri ga aru "No matter if you're the greatest, your hands have limits."
2 より多くを救えるとしたらそれはきっと職業ヒーローじゃない よりおおくをすくえるとしたらそれはきっとおれたちじゃない yori ooku wo sukueru to shitara sore wa kitto ore-tachi (kanji: shokugyou HIIROO) ja nai "If more can be saved, it's probably not [by] us (read as: professional heroes)."
3 最高のヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー さいこうのヒーローがたくさんいるようなーー saikou no HIIROO ga takusan iru you na-- "It seems like there are a lot of greatest* heroes--" (*Note: Grammatically in English this would read as "there are a lot of great heroes," but the word used here is a superlative, "greatest," used since chapter 1. All Might called Izuku the greatest hero, then later called both Izuku and Katsuki the greatest heroes, and now he's saying there are even more "greatest heroes" than that.)
4 えぇ ee "Yes."
5 ハア HAA "Hah." (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
6 ハア HAA (Note: This is the sound of someone panting out of breath.)
7 何で なんで nande "Why"
8 僕だけ ぼくだけ boku dake "am I the only one"
9 こんなに‼︎ konna ni!! "like this!!"
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1 ボク! BOKU! "Child!"
2 あのあと あの子はヒーローに助けてもらえたのか あのあと あのこはヒーローにたすけてもらえたのか ano ato ano ko wa HIIROO ni tasukete moraeta no ka After that, was that child able to be saved by a hero?
3 今でも寝れなくなるときがある いまでもねれなくなるときがある ima demo nerenaku naru toki ga aru Even now, there are times I cannot sleep. (Note: This line implies that the reason she couldn't sleep was because she was kept up by the previous question of wondering if "that child" was saved.)
4 あの日緑谷出久がもたらしたモノ あのひみ��りやいずくがもたらしたモノ ano hi Midoriya Izuku ga motarashita MONO "What Izuku Midoriya brought about that day,"
5 応援でもなんでも…"何かせずにいられない" おうえんでもなんでも…"なにかせずにいられない" ouen demo nandemo..."nanika sezu ni irarenai" "whether it's cheering someone on or otherwise...'I can't help but do something.'" (Note: Hawks is saying Izuku inspired within people a feeling or thought like "I can't help but do something," which first manifested as them all cheering Izuku on.)
6 あの日きっと皆に届いた…そしてその先にはある筈です あのひきっとみんなにとどいた…そしてそのさきにはあるはずです ano hi kitto minna ni todoita...soshite sono saki ni wa aru hazu desu "I'm sure it reached everyone that day... And there must be something after that."
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1 もう大丈夫だからね もうだいじょうぶだからね mou daijoubu dakara ne "It's okay now."
2 "おばあちゃんが来た"からね "おばあちゃんがきた"からね "obaachan ga kita" kara ne "Because Grandma is here."
3 おーい ooi "Heeey!"
4 どうした2人とも! どうした2りとも! doushita 2ri tomo! "What's up, you two!"
5-6 ヒーローが暇な社会 ヒーローがひまなしゃかい HIIROO ga hima na shakai A society where heroes have [too much] free time.
tagline デクたちが起こした風はやがてーー次号最終回ポスターCカラー! デクたちがおこしたかぜはやがてーーじごうさいしゅうかいポスターCカラー! DEKU-tachi ga okoshita kaze wa yagate---jigou saishuukai POSUTA C KARAA! The wind brought about by Deku and the others will eventually-- Next issue final poster C color!
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scarbladed · 4 years ago
how  are  you  ruined  ?
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𝐛𝐲 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬 . 
you are so lonely. you are miserable in your solitude. you hate that you cannot bring yourself to reach out, to ask for help. you will be forgotten by all who never knew you. your biggest fear is that you will die alone, and you know this fear will be seen to fruition. you refuse to extend yourself beyond the box that others put you in. and it is a box that no one dare come near. 
you are lonely because you are afraid of yourself.
* crossed out because most of the story kenshin has accepted his own death as a possibility.  a long time ago as deserving of it happening for all he’s done in his teens / bakumatsu and   even earlier than that as shinta, who knew death, loss and hardship at an early age.
stolen: @miburoni​ tagging: @agukami​ @vulpesse​ @godkilller​ @ofliminalities​ @homra-no-artemis​ @hanahaken​ @obscuritcs​ @quiirin​ @unmeiha​ @deathcry​ + everyone.
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mandoalorian · 4 years ago
Today, Tomorrow, Always [Frankie Morales x F!Reader]
Summary: The nights were restless without Frankie by your side. He had left for South America a little over a month ago, promising he’d come back with more money to support your family. You didn’t want him to leave in the first place, but there was no changing his mind. You miss him. You’re worried about him. You just want him to come home. [Set after the events of Triple Frontier. Like, right after.]
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3000>
Reblogs appreciated coz this isn’t showing up in tags and I’m too tired to figure out why. xx
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The love of your life. They say distance makes the heart grow fonder, and in that exact moment, you swore there was no statement truer. He’d been gone for a month and three days, your Frankie. You’d been shamelessly counting down until his return. No cell service in the jungles of South America, he’d warned you. He told you he’d be gone for two weeks max, and that you shouldn’t worry. He promised you he’d be fine.
But he was gone longer than two weeks, and you had no way to contact him. You were terrified, unable to help yourself from thinking the worst. Everything reminded you of him; the family photos scattered around your house, his cheap, tangy beers in the refrigerator, waiting to be drunk. Mostly though, your daughter. Maria was a newborn when he left, but now she was nearing two months. As you cradled her, your heart swelled with love. Same eyes as her father. Holding Maria only made you miss Frankie even more.
Religious or not, you would’ve prayed every night regardless. You prayed for his safety, and that he’d come home. You missed his warm hands and broad chest. You missed the way he’d tangle his fingers into your hair, and the faint smell of his musky cologne. Sometimes when you laid in bed, at night, you could still feel the ghost of his touch. Not a second went by where you weren’t dreaming about your Frankie.
This wasn’t the first time he and the guys would get involved in shady business. You wished he wouldn’t. He knew your feelings on it.
“I’m doing this for you and Maria.” he reminded you the morning he left. He took your hands and pressed soft yet chaste kisses across your knuckles. Everything he done, it was always for you and Maria.
Ever since Frankie had his piloting license revoked, things had been difficult. No job, no income. You had a job waitressing throughout your pregnancy but once you entered your third trimester, you were left with no choice but to take maternity leave. You, Frankie and Maria had been living out of your savings. And the savings were rapidly running out.
You knew better than to ask questions, but it was blatantly obvious that he’d accepted the mission in South America for a monetary reward. Or else, why would he go?
On a Thursday evening at around 7:30pm, the phone rang. You’d just put Maria to bed and you were sitting on the sofa, cradling one of your favourite fiction novels. Your eyes flicked towards the wall clock as you took a mental note of the time, wondering who could be calling you at this hour. Three more rings and you got up, padding towards the phone on the coffee table and picking it off the hook. The second you pressed it against the ear, you heard him.
“I didn’t get the money,” he announced over the phone, the line crackling slightly with the distance. No ‘hello’— no ‘how are you?’— just ‘I didn’t get the money.’ You were speechless. Not because of what he said, or what he didn’t say, but because he was alive. And safe, you assumed. Tears welled in your eyes as you processed the familiar sound of his voice. You hadn’t spoken to him in over a month, and so the low octave of his words were like the sweetest melody you’d ever heard. “I’m sorry.”
The guilt was eating him alive. He had to let you know in case you were expecting the money upon his return. He was so anxious, picking at his fingernails and anticipating your response. He had one job and he couldn’t even do that right.
He was broken. He’d done all of this, risked his life, just so he could earn a little cash to help support you and Maria. He’d left you for a month, and soon, he’d be returning with absolutely nothing. If you left him and took Maria with you, he wouldn’t even be surprised. He’d failed you. He’d failed Maria. He’d failed himself.
“Frankie,” you whispered, your shaky fingers curling around the plastic coated phone wire. He took a few breath, waiting for the worst to happen. “I’ve missed you so much.” you choked out, feeling your heart contract in your chest at the mere sound of his voice. What he was saying didn’t matter. No money? You couldn’t care less. Just the fact he was alive, speaking to you, was enough. All of Frankie’s nerves were immediately put to rest.
“I’ve missed you too.” Frankie confessed, his voice equally as soft as yours. As he marched through the freezing temperatures of the mountains and stormed through the humid temperatures of the jungles, he’d thought of you. When everyone else was camped out and sleeping by the fire, he couldn’t settle. He yearned to hold you, to kiss you and to love you. His month away from you only confirmed the feelings he’s been having for a long time.
“Where are you?” you sniffed, wiping away your tears and taking a deep (albeit shaky) exhale. You had to remain composed.
“Hawaii,” Frankie replied. “I’m calling from a public phone box and I think it’s gonna cut me off soon, but I’m catching a flight home first thing tomorrow,”
You smiled ecstatically, giving up and letting the warm tears free fall down you cheeks. Tomorrow? You were seeing him tomorrow? “I’m coming home, baby.” he confirmed, and you gasped out a sob over his good news.
“I love you so much,” you cried. “I love you Frankie. I— I love— I love you—“
“Don’t cry,” you heard him say. “I can’t wait to see you, sweetheart. Is Maria okay?”
“She misses her daddy so much. Frankie, we’ve missed you so much.” you revealed, your smile now aching your cheeks. But you didn’t care.
“My two girls. I love you. I love you today, tomorrow, always. Wait for me, hermosa, I’ll see you soon.” Frankie promised before the line went dead.
He muttered out a curse word and kicked the phone box in frustration. Frankie jumped slightly, feeling Santiago rest a comforting hand on Frankie’s shoulder. He’d somehow manage to shift into the phone box to be alongside Frankie, needing the privacy. “You sure about this, bud?” Santiago quizzed, presenting Frankie with a velvet ring box. Frankie took the box and slid it into his jean pocket.
He managed to hit a jewellery store just an hour ago before they had all closed. He picked out a diamond ring, just for you. It was simple but elegant (or so he hoped. Frankie didn’t have the greatest judgement when it came to jewellery and what looked good or not). He was drawn to it because it was similar to the only other engagement ring he’d ever seen. The ring that belonged to his mother. If you didn’t like it, he’d be fine with returning it until you’s could afford a better one, but the ring was more than just something to make your finger look pretty.
It was a symbol of promise.
“I’ve never been so sure about anything in my life.” Frankie sighed into admittance.
Santiago nodded, his heart blooming over the fact his best friend had finally found happiness. Frankie had been through a lot, but you’d saved him, in every sense of the word. Santiago knew that better than anyone else.
Frankie called you that morning from the airport, just before he caught his plane. You barely slept a peep that night, excited to finally see him again. The love of your life. Your Frankie. You had a rough idea as to when he’d return; maybe 5 or 6ish. That’s what he’d told you. And you believed him because, well, he was a pilot. He could judge these kinds of things.
‘5 or 6ish’ gave you plenty of time to plan a little something for Frankie. It was hard, but you refrained from texting his family and calling your friends because you knew they’d all want to see him. As selfish as it sounded, you didn’t care, you at least just wanted one night alone with him where he could be all yours. No one else to fuss over him, just you. You deserved that much.
You could cook his favourite meal, pick out his favourite record, blow up some balloons, light some candles and dress in his favourite set of lingerie.
You wanted to make everything perfect.
Frankie came home at 2pm, and shamefully, you were still in your pyjamas. He’d told a little white lie about what time he’d be home because he wanted to surprise you. And you were definitely surprised. When he stepped through the front door, clean shaven with glazed eyes, it was like your feet were glued to the floor and you couldn’t move. It was strange, really. You’d always envisioned this moment where you’d run into his arms and give him a big, passionate kiss, but that’s not what happened at all.
Just a few days ago, you were thinking you might never see him again, but here he was, standing before you like the angel of your dreams. And the first thing you said...
“You shaved!” you cried out accusingly, your eyes going comically wide. Frankie chuckled and your heart clenched in your chest.
“What do you think?” he laughed, walking towards you and putting his bag on the floor. You raised your hands to cup his cheeks and feel the softness of his skin.
“Oh Frankie,” you whispered, a single tear slipping down your cheek, but Frankie was quick enough to catch it and wipe it away. “It’s really you. You’re really home.”
“Yes my love, I’m home.” he said, pulling you into a warm bear hug. His big arms squeezed your body tight. If he’d gone any harder, he might have crushed you, but you wouldn’t trade the feeling for anything else in the world.
“Being away from you for so long made me realise something. Home isn’t a place, it’s a person. It’s you. Any doubts I once had are now completely diminished and I know, for sure, I love you. I love you today, tomorrow, always. And I want to promise that to you, so, if you’ll let me...” Frankie dropped down to one knee and reached into his pocket, bringing out the velveteen ring box he’d purchased in Hawaii. “I promise to never leave your side, or Maria’s, ever again. You two are everything I could ever need. Any difficulties we encounter, I know we’ll be okay as long as we have each other, and I promise to swear my life to our little family. So, my love, would you do me the honour of being mine forever? Will you marry me?”
His brown eyes were so warm, they burned you. This was a moment you had only pictured in dreams. Without even taking a second to think about it, you already knew the answer. You’d always known the answer.
“Yes,” you nodded ecstatically. “Yes Frankie, I’ll marry you.”
And the grin that plastered his face was like nothing you’d ever seen before. He was absolutely delighted and he didn’t think he’d ever been this happy in his life, apart from, maybe when Maria was born. He was pretty damn happy that day too.
Frankie slid the diamond ring on your finger and it fit perfectly. It looked good too. Maybe Frankie had a better eye for jewellery than he’d though. “Do you like it? Because if you don’t, we can save up and get it exchanged.”
“It’s beautiful,” you gasped, eventually tearing your gaze from your fiancé so you could admire the way the diamond sparkled under the lights. “I don’t want to get it exchanged. I love it. It’s perfect.”
“You’re perfect.” he cooed, swaying backwards and forwards. When you looked back up at him, his cheeks were flushed an adorable pink.
You crashed your lips into his and wrapped your arms around his body.
“I love you so much Frankie Morales.”
“I love you too,” he replied softly, his warm breath fanning over your neck as he whispered in your ear. “Today, tomorrow, always.”
Permanent taglist: @paintballkid711 @supernaturalgirl @phoenixhalliwell @ah-callie @stardust-galaxies @wickedfrsgrl @goth-topic @nerdypinupcrystal @wonderfulfluffer @kiwi-the-first @pedroepascal @castiel-barnes @honeymandos​ @rocketqueen @ladycumberbatchofcamelot @dybalalover10 @girl-obsessed-with-things @elena-myth @moth-guillotine @pedro-pascal-love @hayley-the-comet @pinkninja200 @maxiarapamaya @autumnleaves1991-blog @artsymaddie @harrys-stan @kennedywxlsh @cripplingmoon @cheekygeek05 @mrschiltoncat @rye-flower @theamuz @persie33 @sleepylunarwolf @martellthemandalor @pedro-pastel @steeevienicks @rrtxcmt @saphic-susperia @ladyjenny19 @readsalot73 @softmedics
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ayuuria · 4 years ago
Yashahime Translation: Animage Magazine May 2021 Issue
Please do not repost this translation without my consent! This includes screenshots of any type and amount. If you wish to share this translation, simply link to this post.
For more information regarding the use of my translations, click here.
The Yashahimes’ Future
The three Yashahimes who carry both demon and human blood: Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha. The three of them have varying personalities, environments in which they were raised in, and goals for their actions. However, through the shared task of demon slaying, they slowly begin to accept one another. Though they are not a perfect “Close, in sync team”, trust has certainly budded between the girls who, together, have overcome any difficult situation. Even Kirinmaru’s attack that killed Setsuna in one stroke could not sever the bond that connects the three. Towa especially, who received a broken Tenseiga from Sesshōmaru, appears to have not yet given up on Setsuna’s life. Although it looks like the girls will still continue to face hardships in the future, we want them to clear the way to a happy future with their own hands.
“Hanyō no Yashahime” entered a short break, leaving behind many points of interest such as Setsuna’s shocking death, the broken Tenseiga entrusted to Towa, and the continued separation of Moroha and her parents. Let’s consolidate the existing mysteries and wait for the second chapter (season)!
Higurashi Towa
Faced with the death of her beloved little sister, Setsuna, her demonic blood awakens for the first time. Until now, she had been using the demon sword, Kikujūmonji, as her weapon but what is this blade… …? (referring to the promo picture for season 2)
Series Composition: Katsuyuki Sumisawa Q&A
The Yashahimes’ story with continuous ups and downs. In addition to reviewing everything up until now, please tell us about the backstory and hints to the second chapter (season)!
Q. Where do Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha normally spend the night?
A. Towa freeloads at Kaede’s house. Setsuna stays at the demon slayer’s headquarters. It’s just that she can’t sleep so she probably keeps watch outside at night. Moroha lives at the corpse shop.
Q. How far apart is Kaede’s village and the corpse shop?
A. Kaede’s village is in the land of Musashi so in terms of modern geography, imagine around Tokyo’s Nakano and Suginami ward. Compared to that, the corpse shop is in the harbor so around Shinagawa ward or maybe even Yokohama. It seems the three of them frequently met up but there’s actually quite a distance. Each of them had different goals behind their actions too.
Q. When Towa, Setsuna, and Moroha first met, how was Moroha able to figure out that the two of them were Sesshōmaru’s daughters?
A. Probably through “smell”. Sesshōmaru is well known among demons and Moroha knows that Sesshōmaru is her father’s older brother. However, Moroha still doesn’t know that Sesshōmaru is the one who trapped her parents within the black pearl.
Q. Does Moroha know her parents’ names?
A. She does. When Inuyasha and Kagome were approached by Kirinmaru and Sesshōmaru, Awa no Hachiemon (aka Hachi), the racoon dog, took Moroha to the wolf demon tribe where she was raised. That being said, Kōga probably told her.
Q. Doesn’t Moroha want to meet her parents?
A. She thinks her parents are dead. That’s why her thoughts are “There’s no point obsessing over someone who’s dead”. Hachiemon the racoon dog, didn’t watch the details of the incident to the end and assumed that “If Sesshōmaru and Kirinmaru were their opponents, they’re probably not alive now.” That’s what Moroha was told through Kōga.
Q. Why is the instrument that Setsuna plays the violin?
A. When creating the scenario, I wanted some sort of “gift” from the modern era as “something to connect the modern and feudal eras”. Therefore, I decided to give Moroha the giant backpack as Kagome’s daughter and Setsuna an instrument. In addition, an instrument that absolutely didn’t exist in the feudal era was better, so I chose the violin. There of course won’t be violins in Japan and even in the West, it had a different shape than it does now. Plus, before the current story was solidified, I had thought of a plot where the modern era was the setting so it’s a remnant of that.
Q. Did Mama Moe teach Setsuna the song she always plays on her violin?
A. While she learned how to play the violin from Mama Moe, the song was not something she learned (from her). Rather Setsuna is playing a song she once heard based off her memory. Where she heard it… please wait for the second chapter (season)!
Q. With Kanemitsu no Tomoe as a medium for Setsuna and the rouge being suggested for Moroha, each of them has had their demonic blood sealed. What about the seal for Towa’s demonic blood?
A. Towa’s is not sealed. Moreover, her demonic blood had not yet awakened. That’s where in episode 24, her demonic blood awakened for the first time with Setsuna’s death being the trigger. However, that was in an out-of-control state. Going forward, how “Sesshōmaru’s blood” flowing within her will manifest itself will be something worth noting.
Q. Why does everyone call Towa and the others “Yashahime”?
A. Ever since the spirit of the Tree of Ages called them as such in episode 4, everyone started calling them that, no matter who they spoke to. At first, even Towa and the others were like “We’re not Yashahime” or “Are you referring to us?” but as they got addressed that repeatedly, they gradually accepted the name.
Q. Kohaku’s* older sister, Kin’u, is a nun but what does his other older sister, Gyokuto, do?
*Translator’s Note: I think the publisher made a mistake and meant to say Hisui
A. She shoulders the responsibility of helping Sango create the weapons for demon slaying, delivering those weapons to the other slayers, accepting demon slaying requests around the area, and collecting information on demon sightings.
Q. Is Kirinmaru a demon of Japan?
A. No. I think talking like this will be easier to understand. Kirinmaru is one of the few greater demons who is aware that the earth is round. In that era, the only ones who have a sense of this are probably just Kagome, Towa, and Kirinmaru. Having circled the globe many times, Kirinmaru, who had traveled around the world, met the Dog General at the very end in the land at the farthest end (of the earth), Japan. Ever since then, he has remained in Japan so it could be said that he’s a demon of Japan, but his existence is on a bigger scale than that. Kirinmaru frequently reads Western books and he orders those from various places around the world. The one who buys them is Riku. Naturally, I’m sure that not only does Riku secretly read the Western books in the library, but Kirinmaru wouldn’t reproach him for such a small thing either. In episode 7, Riku called the apple a “Forbidden Fruit” but of course, I’m sure Kirinmaru has read the bible before. That’s most likely because he’s been alive since the era of myth so he may have seen Buddha or Jesus Christ in the flesh. There’s probably no way he saw Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit though… … (laughs).
Q. Point blank, what is the relationship between Kirinmaru and Riku? In a reflection of the past (200 years ago), it seemed Riku didn’t have any emotions. What exactly was that?
A. This will be revealed in the second chapter (season) as well but to give you a little hint, Riku started taking care of Zero after the Dog General died and as he healed her, he gradually began to have emotions. That’s why Riku’s way of thinking was influenced by Zero, such as “You have to destroy those that you love”.
Q. Zero lost her demonic powers when she created the Rainbow Pearls. Then what was the power she was using when she fought?
A. Zero was using the power of hexes. In this world, there is not only demonic power but all sorts of powers such as spiritual power and Buddhist power and each of them is separate. What she used was a power similar to charms and Inyougogyō**.
** Translator’s Note: Yin and Yang and the five Chinese elements: metal, wood, water, fire, and earth.
Q. Why did someone like Kirinmaru, who values reason, have the Four Perils, who had sleazy personalities, as subordinates?
A. Kirinmaru’s mind is preoccupied with a “certain matter” that’s important so he doesn’t really care about anything else. Hence, he doesn’t remember every single demon that has challenged or served under him and he doesn’t care what kind of person they were.
Q. In episode 21, it was surprising when Towa said “I like you (Riku)!”. To put it frankly, what do Towa and Riku think of each other?
A. Towa thinks Riku is “Riku”. She doesn’t perceive him as being part of Kirinmaru’s group. On the other hand, Riku thinks Towa is “The lady Yashahime that will slay Kirinmaru”. That’s why he addresses her as “Lady Towa”. Currently, there are no romantic feelings between the two of them. Just that, there’s probably “affection” from Riku to Towa.
Q. Why does Riku think “I only kill those I love”?
A. Because “Those who are loved vanish beautifully”. That is what Zero said in episode 23. To Zero, death is sad but to Riku, there’s no difference between dying and living and that they’re the same. Based on that, Riku came to think “You have to destroy those that you love” and he chooses to “kill” as an expression of love. That might be quite difficult to understand.
Q. Why is Sesshōmaru so cold to his daughters?
A. Just as a lion drops its cubs into a bottomless ravine, a demon’s feeling is that they only raise the child that gains strength from hardship. That is the “Rite of Courage and Cowardice”. It’s a little different from the feeling we humans have. That’s why hating his daughters or purposely tormenting them is certainly not the case.
Q. Although, isn’t separating the babies from their mother immediately after birth or having them fight the strongest beast king of the eastern land, Kirinmaru, a little too much?
A. If you watch the kabuki play “Renjishi” I think you will get it immediately. Anime is fine, but I would like to recommend the traditional arts that have ceaselessly been passed down since ancient Japanese times. Even if going to see them is difficult, researching on the internet is easy. Even the phrase “Rite of Courage and Cowardice” will show up in there. It seems that in this world, there’s no people who love their children more than Japanese people. Perhaps that’s why it can’t be helped that the way Sesshōmaru is raising his children feels very cold. However, those who watched the “Inuyasha” series I think will know but Sesshōmaru’s hearing and smell are exceedingly exceptional. He has the ability to immediately rush in, no matter how far the distance.
Q. Lastly, please tell us how production for the second chapter (season) is going?
A. Currently, we’re writing the second half of the script for the second chapter (season). The whole staff are eagerly working under this difficult Corona crisis. In the second chapter (season), we would like to create a script that is particular on the details as much as possible. In the previous series, there were many self-contained demon slaying stories but for the second chapter (season), we’ve changed the structure of the story so that it progresses with the feelings of the various characters intertwining together, just like in “Inuyasha The Final Act”. Hence, I think the impression of the story will change quite a bit. Please wait until the broadcast to see what kind of story it will be!
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bemybstar · 5 years ago
Pairing: Legosi x Female!Wolf!Reader
Summary: It’s your turn to manage the garden club while your friend, Haru is busy. You think it’s just going to be another day with you and the flowers but an unexpected student greets your presence. Will your interaction develop into a friendship or perhaps something more?
Warnings: Spoilers for the anime Beastars since I haven’t finished the manga yet.
A/N: This is my first Beastars imagine and I will now be taking requests so ask away! Hope y’all enjoy and as always feedback is appreciated! Let me know if anyone reading would like to be tagged! Gif is not mine!
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Out of all the things that Cherryton Academy has to offer, the garden was easily one of your favorites. The sights, sounds, and most importantly smells are what made this elaborate place your comfort zone. Hundreds of flowers from daisys to roses heighten your senses and made you appreciate the little things life has to offer.
You were attending to your usually hobbies of watering the back plants after they got some extra sun. You soon heard a sweet voice that made your ears perk up in excitement, it was your closest friend and leader of the Garden club, Haru the dwarf rabbit. She was waiting for you by the shed as you placed the watering can back down to the ground and entered through the sliding door.
“I’m all done watering the plants for today, Haru. Is there anything else you need me for?” You asked as she looked up to answer you.
“I’m so glad you asked, Y/N. There is one small favor I have to ask of you, if you don’t mind that is.”
“Uhh sure. What is it?” You asked as she grabbed her bag from the coat rack.
“I need you to stay here and wait until two students arrive to pick up the flowers for the welcomeing ceremony,” Haru informs you. “I was planning to do it myself but I’ve got a biology project to work on that’s due soon. If it’s too much to handle I understand...”
“No, it’s okay I can handle it,” You encourage her with a confident smile. Maybe this could be your opportunity to get to know the students better and hopefully Haru can leave you in charge of club duties more often. “I promise I won’t let you down,” you tell her as she gives you a hopeful smirk.
“Thanks so much, Y/N.” She exclaims while going in for a hug but you end up having to bend down because of the obvious height difference. “I’ll make it up to you at lunch, promise.” Haru says as you wave goodbye and watch her head out to the staircase.
A whole hour soon passes and you begin to grow inpatient and a bit worried on how long it was taking them to show up. You let out a huff as you turned away to no longer face the door but that all changes when you come into contact with two students, one a herbivore and the another a carnivore. But not just any carnivore, one that happens to be of your own kind, a grey wolf.
He looked to be a lot taller than you and held this awkward presence judging by the way he was slouching and the look on his face. He was accompanied by a grey anyeater which was odd but understandable since carnivores tend to get a bad rap as it is. You assumed the anteater was there for moral support which prompt you to give the grey wolf the benefit of the doubt.
“Can I help you?” You managed to speak out hoping either one of them were willing to ask about the order on the flowers. A pause of silence broke out making you feel as if they didn’t have everything going according to their plan. The male wolf managed to stutter something out but was quickly shot down by his friend who needed to run an errand.
“Excuse me. Aren’t you guys here to pick up the flowers for the welcome ceremony or uhh..?”
“Yeah it’s just...” the wolf tells you but his friend barges in to say, “This wolf will take care of it!” As he leaves in a flash making his friend seem anxious to the sudden change of events.
Now you were alone with him...
His back is still turned from you as you catch him slowly let go of the door knob. You clear your throat to ask him something, “You can follow me to the back now if you want. That way you can show me what you’d like.”
“Uhh okay,” You guess he’s not that much of a talker but everyone’s a little shy when they first get to know someone after all. He follows your direction and hands you a large piece of paper once you finally stop at the flower beds. It opens up to reveal a beautiful design of the auditorium entrance covered top to bottom in pink roses. Luckily for them you had plenty to give.
“So what club are you in?” You ask him doing your best to engage in small talk. “Drama club... on the stage crew. We need the flowers to decorate the auditorium,” he answers. “That’s cool,” you reply shortly right after you say. “Before I do give away these beauties do you mind helping me carry those to the back?” You say pointing to the plants next to the shed.
He does as you wish and follows you to the back where you start spraying each flower with a squirt of water. “Where’s everyone else?” He questions curiously.
“The last member graduated four years ago. Now it’s just me and my friend, Haru but she’s busy with school work and wanted me to take over for today. Do you know her by any chance?” You say as you watch him crouch down to gently place the pot next to the others against the fence.
Unbeknownst to you he did know Haru but it was the way he knew Haru you never expected. He was the cause for that cut on her arm, the reason why she wore that bandage, and more importantly the reason why she’s alive right now. “No I don’t think I do,” was his answer to you. “Well no matter what anyone tries to tell you she’s the nicest animal I’ve ever met.” Leaving him with that notion you continue to water the rest of the flowers before you both returned back to the shed to cool off.
“Thanks a lot for helping me. I’m sure they’ll get healthier now that their in a sunny, happy spot. I want to pay you back. How’s lunch sound?”
“Uhh lunch?” He sounds unsure of himself. “Yeah. What do you like to eat?”
“Uhh well...” You giggle at his response. “Well while your figuring it out, here,” you hand him a piece of paper with your building and room number on it as you watch him take it and blush lightly when his fur brushes against yours. “That way you know where to find me,” you chime in playfully. “T-thanks. Does tomorrow work for you?”
“Uhh yeah that works,” you say trying to hold in your excitement but the wagging of your tail seems to be a dead giveaway. “O-okay well I should probably get going. Hope you have a good day and I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Uh-huh see you t-tomo-tomorrow... hahaha why am I stammering?!” You magage to whisper out that last part right after he heads back outside, leaving you alone with your thoughts once again.
You didn’t think today was going to be the day you’d stay crushing on a boy you never met or even know his name but the garden is a place of change after all. Maybe this change was meant to happen for a reason...
Let me know if y’all want a part two or want to be tagged in any beastars related imagines! As always requests are open and feedback is welcomed! Thanks for reading!
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the-calicos-missteps · 4 years ago
Blind Haruka Nanami AU
Uta no Prince-Sama AU
When I first watched Prince-Sama all those years ago, I legitimately thought the poor girl was blind until it was established that no, she was not XD. It was the style of her eyes that threw me off at that time. So, I decided to make an AU out of this old misconception of mine!
In the first episode, Haruka mentions to Shibuya Tomochika that she had poor health as a child. Seeing as she as young, in this AU she was born legally blind. Not completely blind, just... legally blind. This is probably not the reason she had poor health, but it certainly contributed to it. 
At the beginning of the series, she has a Golden Retriever Seeing Eye Dog named Hayate; yes, named after her idol Hayato-Sama. 
She also has a long white cane with a red bottom; this means she is not completely blind. However, it is usually folded up in a purse or pocket and she only takes it out if it is truly needed. She wears sunglasses on sunny days.  
Some things will not be true to real life. But when is anime ever? 
Episode 1 synopsis below! It’s mostly the same as the original episode with changes to account for Haruka’s blindness, but that is because we must set the stage! (Spoiler: The ending is very different!) Ready, go!
Episode 1 synopsis 
When Haruka begs the guard's to let her in, Hayate sits there making puppy eyes at them. She doesn’t grab the guard, but people watching coo at Hayate, same with the guard behind the one talking to Haruka. The guard then asks why a blind girl would even bother taking such a test for a prodigious school. She tries to defend herself and this is where Otoya steps in.
When Otoya starts talking to her and sees her eyes for the first time, he blushes thinking they look cute. He reaches out to pet Hayate, but then sees his vest and pulls back. 
 Haruka helped the lost girl by taking her around town until they found the child’s mother and retracing the child’s steps. Hayate helped to calm the girl down enough to get her to work with them. 
Ren says his whole spiel, but then adds that are famous composers who have created music even with disabilities like Beethoven, so why couldn’t she take the test? 
Haruka took the test in a specialized room, with previously set accommodations. A dictator read her test out loud to her, and for passage questions, she was given a brail booklet. 
She met Tomo after the test; they were both released around the same time and Tomo immediately latched onto Haruka. They met outside the school before term started. 
She had to keep asking Tomo what was happening during the entrance ceremony, who was more than happy to with over-exaggerated hand movements and sounds. 
When Otoya recognizes her in the classroom, Haruka says ‘Oh! Based on your voice... you’re the first boy that helped me, right? Thank you!’
She asks to ‘see’ his face by tracing it with her fingers. Otoya agrees with a blush and fidgets his hands while she traces his face. He becomes even more embarrassed when she asks if he is okay because his face is really hot. 
When Shinomiya jumps to latch onto Haruka, Hayate growls in warning pulling her away while Masato grabs her hand at the same time, but because of the unbalance of Hayate pulling, is unable to knock Otori into her place... So Shinomiya faceplants into the desks. 
When talking about Elizabeth, he finally notices Hayate and immediately starts petting him, saying he is just like ‘his Eli’ while Hayate growls at him. Otoya pulls him off, berating him while Haruka begs him not to do such a thing because he’s working. When Shinomiya becomes confused, Masato points out his seeing dog vest. Shinomiya has a sudden realization and apologizes profusely. 
Haruka notices the classmates negative perception of them. She clenches Hayate’s lead and says she’s going to sit back down. The others look at her confused. 
When Ringo-Sensei comes in, Haruka sees a blurry image of him and assumes from the long hair he is a woman, even with the masculine sounding voice. She still becomes shocked when Tomo tells her he’s actually a man. 
When Ringo comes close and slams on her desk, before he can say much Hayate growls and barks at him. That’s when he realizes Haruka is his blind student and his reprimand becomes less harsh. 
Ringo has automatically labeled Haruka as weaker in his mind. This is going to color both his interactions with her and her perception of him, as well as lower the classes perception of her.  He also mentions that the headmaster wishes to see her after class.
Hayate growls at people that get too close too quickly. He especially growled at Tomo when they first met but mellowed out around her when he realized she wasn’t a threat.
When Haruka says that they do not have a TV in her house, she also offhandedly mentions that she doesn’t really enjoy it that much. 
During lunch, Tomo reads out the options to Haruka, who can not read the small text. 
When Shou catches her card for him, he asks, rather rudely, what was up with her eyes, then saw Hayate. This is when Ren comes in and reprimands him for being rude to a lady. 
After lunch she’s led by a teacher to the headmaster’s office. Saotome mostly wanted to explain accommodations she would be getting at the school, in account of her... deformity. 
Haruka decides that she does not rather like the headmaster.
She would be getting things like a brail copy of the menus, special rooms for tests, dictators, extra help every Friday, a permanent ‘hall pass’ so she could ‘take care’ of Hayate easily, among other accommodations. 
Saotome sees her disability as a PR grab; they have a blind student whom they are helping to succeed. The press will love it! He doesn’t really care about Haruka as a person.
He tells her he will be seeing her at the end of every week on Saturday to discuss how things went during the week, for he is a gracious headmaster. This is non-negotiable, so she agrees. 
Hayate doesn’t like Shining Saotome. 
Haruka arrives back at the room late; mostly because she was forced to find her own way because there was no one to help her. 
Tomo helps her put away her belongings. 
When telling the story of the first time she heard Hayato, Tomo points out that Hayate’s name is very similar. Haruka then explains that she got Hayate shortly after this experience and named the dog after Hayato. Tomo deadpans. 
After Tomo leaves to get them drinks, Haruka only notices the cat because of it’s meowing. The cat gets close enough to Haruka to allow her to pet him and feel his body shape, while he touches noses with Hayate, who is also curious of this cat who doesn’t smell like a cat. 
When Haruka feels around his collar, he tries to get her to come with him by trying to pull her hand while it’s grasping his collar. This fails. Multiple times. 
He then tries to steal her handkerchief to get her to leave the room. Hayate, who thinks the weird cat is playing, instead takes it back out of his mouth, wagging his tail and falling into a playing position. The cat tries again, multiple times. This also fails. 
Hayate’s vest has been taken off, so now he wants to play. 
Exasperated, the cat soon just gives up and stays with them for the night. Haruka wouldn’t be able to tell easily if he left, and he doesn’t want her confused and wondering about his health!
~Enter Orpheus Heart here~
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thingswhatareawesome · 4 years ago
visitation hours
title: visitation hours fandom: Tiger and Bunny pairing: Barnaby/Kotetsu ; Kotetsu/Tomoe (past) word count: 1125 summary:  visitation: The act of visiting, or an instance of being visited. An encounter with supernatural beings such as ghosts.
visiting hours: A designated time when visitors may come to see a person in a hospital or other institution.
Beeping. Rhythmic, repeating, unceasing. Soft murmurs of voices in the distance, rustling of cloth and quiet footsteps coming nearer, gettling louder, then fading again. A sharper voice, almost mechanical, repeating itself, a click, then silence.
It was dark, and he was floating.
A sigh, and a soft, slender hand caressed his cheek. “Oh, Kotetsu, again?” A voice, fond, but sad. Her voice. His heart ached; he didn’t want her to be sad. “You always did run headlong into things.”
The hand disappeared from his face. Then someone held his hand, cradled it between theirs. Smooth skin, cool.
“I shouldn’t be surprised. You haven’t changed,” chiding, but smiling too. Smiling was better than sad. “But that’s what I’ve always loved about you, how your first thought is always to help. Rushing to rescue without a thought for yourself.
But love, you should be careful. They worry about you. They’re so sad when you’re here.”
(didn’t want them to be sad, they should only be happy, he’d fight the whole world, save them from everything, so they’d always be happy.)
“He’ll be here soon. And Kaede, too, later. I imagine she’ll have some things to say to you.” A giggle, “yes, lots of things. She’s such a spitfire, my girl. So like you. I’m so proud of her.”
Lips pressed to his knuckles. “And of you. Both of you are my heroes, and you always will be.”
Silence. Just the beeping, steady, continuous. A gentle touch stroking his hand, movement, a finger delicately tracing a heart shape in his palm then closing his hand over it.
(she’d done that since she was a schoolgirl. had done that to his other hand after sliding the ring on his finger.)
“He’s almost here. It’s his turn now, I’ll leave you in his care.” A whisper close to his ear, another smile, “I like him.” His hand was on the bed again, nestled against crisp sheets. A kiss against his forehead. Stiff plastic scratched against his cheeks, a mask? but a kiss brushed his lips anyway. “I love you. See you later.”
Then, just floating. The darkness soft and grey. Ringing somewhere far off, ringing, then cut off, and a hushed murmur. The tap-tap of fast footsteps, rustling, growing louder, nearer. A door creak.
A sigh. “You…,” a shaky indrawn breath (his heart warmed, fluttered, joy joy joy), “you always run headlong into things, don’t you.” Someone cradling his hand, pressing it against their chest. “All this time, of course you never change.” An audible swallow, a kiss pressed to his knuckles. “Foolish, “ breathed against his skin.
Long fingers interlacing with his, grip solid, strong. “You saved them. You got them out in time. The family said to tell you how grateful they are.” A pause, a sniff, another shaky breath. “So I’ll have to say that again later, when you….”
(he sounded so sad, shouldn’t be sad, not ever, had spent so much of his life angry and sad and he wanted to make sure he never felt like that again. Had to make sure he never made him, them, sad ever again…
…oh. Oh.)
“But I told them that’s just who you are. The person who drops everything to help. Who will do anything to rescue others, no matter the cost to themselves.” Voice tight, choked, cracking. “I just…wish you’d be careful.”
Now, just a whisper. “I need you, too. I love you.”
(need to make him happy, want him to only be happy, want his smile and his laugh and to never see tears in his eyes ever again
he won’t do this again, won’t let this happen again, he promises, he swears, he SWEARS)
A throat clearing, voice steadier. “Kaede’s coming from the Academy. I believe she, ah,” a soft, breath of a chuckle, “wishes to discuss certain things with you.” (he deserves it, he deserves it) “You deserve it.”
Quiet again. Then a scraping, sliding noise, a low creak of a chair. His hand rests on the bed again, still held. He hasn’t let go. Feels like he’ll never let go.
Anchored. No more floating.
The hospital bed mattress is solid beneath him, a little too warmed, the sheets covering him starched stiff. Outside the room, there’s the sounds of nurses and doctors, distant conversations, the chirps of equipment, the chime of an intercom. Next to him, the beep beep beep of a heart monitor continues, and continues. Above him, a light brightening the grey, and he shifts, turns his head away from it. Kotetsu’s eyes slit open.
And there’s Barnaby, chair pulled up by the bed. His arm is streched out, reached out to Kotetsu, holding his hand. Kotetsu tries to form words, tries to squeeze his partner’s (his lover’s) hand. So weak, his hand only twitches—but Barnaby’s head shoots up with a visible gasp.
“You’re awake!” His eyes shimmer, and the hand not still occupied briefly covers his face. A deep shuddering inhale, and he breathes, “I’m so glad.” He removes his glasses, dashes away the moisture below his eyes with a knuckle, then immediately has to wipe tears away again.
“B-bunny.” Kotetsu mouths the words, manages only a hint of a croak. His hand finally squeezes Barnaby’s, just barely. He doesn’t want Barnaby to cry. He wants to say sorry over and over for worrying him yet again, wants to swear that he finally understands. Wants to promise he’ll never scare Barnaby like this ever, ever again
Barnaby shushes him, rests a reassuring hand on Kotetsu’s shoulder before he stands and presses the call button attached to his bed, alerting the nursing staff. Then he leans down to press a lingering kiss to his forehead, and Kotetsu’s eyes flutter closed. Opening them once more, all he sees is Barnaby smiling above him. “Welcome back,” the younger man says, eyes glimmering still.
Kotetsu feels his eyes welling also. “Love you. Love you too,” he breathes, barely audible, “Bunny….”
“I know.” He’s still holding Kotetsu’s hand, carefully, like it’s a treasure, even as a nurse enters the room, keeps their clasped hands held up to his chest, against his heart, as the nurse greets them and starts an examination. His thumb strokes Kotetsu’s palm right where Tomoe used to like to draw a heart, so many years ago.
Eventually, exhausted, Kotetsu drowses. But he keeps holding on to Barnaby (his grip ever so slightly stronger with each passing minute), and Barnaby doesn’t let go.
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latristereina · 5 years ago
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There are fifteen personal letters exchanged between Isabel and Fernando in the years 1474-1502, that survived to our times, the originals are stored at the Archivo General de Simancas. Their original language is Castilian. Thirteen of them were written by Fernando and two by Isabel. They were gathered in the work titled Cartas autógrafas de los Reyes Católicos de España don Fernando y doña Isabel que se conservan en el Archivo de Simancas, 1474-1502, transcribed and analyzed by Amalia Prieto Cantero, published in Isabel la Católica en la opinión de españoles y extranjeros: siglos XV al XX. Apéndices. Tomo 3 by Vicente Rodríguez Valencia.
I translated only eight of them, six from Fernando to Isabel and two from Isabel to Fernando. I don’t plan on translating more, considering it’s not an easy task in itself, especially for a non-native speaker like me, who translates from her third to her second language respectively, and as much as modern language isn’t a problem, the language and grammar they used in the XV and XVI centuries is a whole new ballgame, some constructions and words are either hard or impossible to comprehend even for some native speakers.
Fernando to Isabel:
My Lady
After having the other note written, I received a letter from the King, my Lord [John II of Aragon], which I send to Your Ladyship. By which you will see how the matters in Enna are, and how he orders me to come with all the people of this kingdom to the aid of this city. Seeing this I cannot express my sorrow; I think that if I were in hell, I would suffer much less than I do now, and so many times I wish death upon myself that I think I may fulfill my thoughts, I do not know why our Lord gave me so much good and so little time to enjoy it, since, for three years, I have not been with Your Ladyship at times even seven months in a row. Now I have demonstrated and I say that I have to go to make them move quicker in order to do the service, which cannot be faster than before Christmas, and if during this time Your Ladyship could make the King [Henry IV of Castile] call me to be sworn in [he is referring to the swearing-in as the Princess heiress of Castile and her consort], I would quickly come, but otherwise, I do not think I would have an excuse for the King, my Lord [John II of Aragon]. However, I will do everything that is in my power to be able to come, but this bad honor [charge of Lieutenant in Aragon which did not let him join his wife] makes me feel so bad that what I am saying does not make sense. I beg Your Ladyship for the Archbishop [of Toledo] and Cardinal [Mendoza] to help in this matter, I do not ask Your Ladyship because you have enough yourself, and do not Your Ladyship think that I need something more than your order [to come to Castile], under different circumstances, I would come, but for now, other reasons are required for me to leave. I beg Your Ladyship to forgive me because being angry and disturbed, I do not know what I am saying, even with all that, I will delay my departure until I get a response from Your Ladyship, which I beg you to be soon, and it is how this slave of Your Grace concludes, The Prince-King [Prince of Aragon and king of Sicily].
Zaragoza, [1 December 1474]
My Lady
At last, now it is clear which of us two loves best, judging by what others write to me about Your Ladyship, you can be happy [while] I cannot sleep… There are so many messengers over there that come without letters [from you], not for lack of paper and not for not knowing how to write, but for insufficient love and haughtiness, for you are in Toledo and I in small villages, but someday we shall return to our first love. If you do not want to make me kill myself, you should write and tell me how you are… There is nothing more to be said about the matters from here, except what Silva will tell you and what Fernando del Pulgar has already said. I beg Your Ladyship to believe Silva and to write to me and not to forget about the Princess, who, for God’s sake, is not to be forgotten, as well as about her father, who kisses the hands of Your Ladyship and is your servant.
The King
Tomorrow, on Wednesday, I am going to Medina.
Tordesillas, [16 May 1475]
My Lady
It took me one day to pass from Valladolid to Cabia, and I decided to come to this city only because I knew it would be of no harm to rest here; I informed people of the city (city of Burgos) about the arrival, upon which the Bishop of Burgos escaped along with others, who are not much at our service. These of the city sent emissaries to me, begging me not to enter (the city) until after the meal, and I did so. Given the little time they had, the reception they gave me was marvelous and with so many people, and with such great love, that it is not an earthly thing, the love they have for us, but a Godly one. I must tell Your Ladyship that I never saw a thing that I would like more than this city nor more honorable. I saw las Huelgas and la Iglesia Mayor which in their way are miraculous. Tomorrow I will go to kiss the hands of King Don Juan for Your Ladyship and for myself*, and for the love of friar Alonso, I will go to see the Monastery of San Pablo. In two days I will depart and soon I will arrive at Valladolid. […] for what is in the letters that I got, I kiss the hands of Your Ladyship. Because I am tired, I do not respond except to what Your Ladyship tells me about how it was necessary for us to see each other, if it had not been for this city, I would have already gone, but the hurry was such that the Cardinal and the Constable put on me, that I could not do so. It seems to me that it is very necessary and that Your Ladyship ought to come because in getting together we help each other more than anything in life, and now is the time that all our power should be jointly exerted. Tired, I finish, kissing the hands of Your Ladyship.
Your servant: The King
Burgos, [12 June 1475]
*he meant la Cartuja de Miraflores where Isabella’s father was buried
My Lady
I have put off writing until the night, in order to see the people that came; infantry has come and the Constable with very good and many people; others have come except for the Admiral and the Marquis of Astroga. The people of the Count of Lemos, the Viscount of Palacios, the Count of Castro have not come, and now the Marquis of Santillana wrote to me that he and the Duke of Alburquerque would join me on Sunday, and they begged me not to move until then; given all of this, it seems to me that for us to go with more ease, in order to not detain anything until arrival in Toro, we should not depart tomorrow; either Your Ladyship from there or I from here, considering  the distress you felt about the people [distress there would not be enough people at their service], Alonso de Quintanilla is already in Mojados; it is what the situation looks like over here, but if Your Ladyship orders otherwise, I shall do it with few or with many. God knows how it weighs on me that I will not see Your Ladyship tomorrow, for I swear by your life and mine that never have I so loved you. And I finish with more desire to serve Your Ladyship more than ever.
Real of Tordesillas, Monastery of Saint Thomas, [14 July 1475]
In regards to what Your Ladyship wrote to me about the two fractions that are being formed, I knew about them before, Your Ladyship will take care of it better than I being here.
Without date or direction.
Amalia Prieto Cantero’s commentary: This note touches upon some negotiation that was being conducted by the Queen or tendencies that she noted at the Court, in regards to which, the King was in favor of Doña Isabel resolving it on her own because she could do it better than him. The sense is obscure and imprecise. Perhaps by the two fractions he meant tendencies of the nobles.
Isabel to Fernando
My Lord
I kiss the hands of Your Lordship a hundred thousand times for such care that you have to know about me, and I have already written to you that I am well and I had that fever no more nor I have felt any bad thing afterward, and even though Your Lordship had already known this by my letter, procure for your life, and since in this case there should not be any hesitation at all, I ask you to answer me after you receive this courier; I beg you to let me know what you determine, and on what day the siege is to take place, where you would like it to be. May our Lord help you to determine and act, and aid Your Lordship in everything and guard you more than me, and I finish by kissing [your] hands, and all our children kiss them, and they are well. At Córdoba, on 18 May [1486]
My Lord
May our Lord continue with the victory He has granted to Your Lordship in the conquest of these suburbs until He gives you the city and the entire kingdom. This has been a marvelous thing and the most honorable in the world; now it seems well how the Moors are doing in Loja who die while defending it [Loja] and our people do it [die] as well. The dead weigh on me heavily but they could not have gone better employed nor could have died better people in their professions than Pedro Valenciano and Velasquillo. I cannot forget Velasquillo and how he was afraid to die such honorable death, it is enough the madness was good for he knew how to live and how to die. All that Your Lordship has ordered has been done and people were summoned, even more than it was said in the memorial, and because I thought the term given for them to depart was too late, although they say that it cannot be less, I ordered people of this city and these of Master of Calatrava to depart [from here] tomorrow; we were doubting whether they should take sacks with supplies or not, because to take them more time was needed, and still it was agreed that they would take them for we do not know if el Real is that well provided; and from now on I will do everything, I want to know what should be done and on what day for we do not want to err in anything. Regarding Alhama, the mayor commander had already talked about it with the Master, and what is done, Your Lordship will see in this memorial. I marveled a lot at the concert of the Moorish Kings which is so disadvantageous to them. In order to leave the Kingdom, it would be better to concert with us and I hope that God’s mercy lets this happen, for him to leave the Kingdom it would be good to have a treaty with him, if Your Lordship were to grant him [Boabdil] Baza and Guadix and their lands in act of perpetual truce, so that they could be his, although Your Lordship won all the Kingdom, maybe the necessity in which he is, would make him agree and hand it over. Pardon, Your Lordship, for I speak of matters that I do not know, it might cause damage, they might become arrogant, thinking there was some necessity for it to happen, for they are fickle, they rise and fall quickly. May God tear them down, and the desire for it all to be done without risk or work of Your Lordship and all your army makes me rave. For now there is nothing to be said about matters from here, except that we all are well, and I close by kissing the hands of Your Lordship, May our Lord guard you, and give you victory as I wish. At Córdoba, on 30 May [1486].
Amalia Prieto Cantero's commentary: At the end of January 1487 the Monarchs left Salamanca for Córdoba, in order to finalize the campaign of Málaga and locations in its proximity, which had been planned since the previous year. At the beginning of March their Highnesses had already reached the city of Córdoba. The men at arms, who had been summoned, gathered at  las Yeguas River. The King’s departure from Córdoba, to lead the said men, took place on 7 April - on Saturday - on the eve of Palm Sunday, in direction of la Rambla. According to the chroniclers, Fernando del Pulgar and Mosén Diego de Valera, the night before the King’s departure, at 2 a.m, there was an earthquake in the city, particularly noticeable on the terrain of the Royal Palaces. And even though some people saw in this occurrence a bad omen, the King did not alter his plans. Although las Yeguas River was the destination of the King’s trip, it had its first phase at la Rambla, where the King spent the night with his army, and from where he wrote his wife a letter that is being analyzed, dated on Palm Sunday. In the text of the missive we can discover an extraordinary emotional state in which the King was, although dominated with great effort, to uplift his spirits. It could be a consequence of the impression the earthquake caused in him, coupled with the fact it took place shortly after he left his wife and children in Córdoba. In the letter Don Fernando tried to console his wife with the hope of quick reunion at some place, where they would be together with much joy, and expressed the anguish that he had gone through that night, being alone, already separated from his family, the anguish he had overcome with great strength of will…Such expressions, like many others in the analyzed letters, display the affection of the Monarch for his wife and confirm the judgment of the historian Vicens Vives about Don Fernando, endowed with great ability to love or hate, reserve and dissimulation, among other qualities.
My Lady
I beg you to let me know how you are, and be very merry, because I hope that with our Lord’s help, I will soon send for you, to beg you to come to me, so we can be together with much joy. It pained me, I could not sleep this night of solitude, but I do not dare to think of sad things. The last night don Alonso de Aguilar came over here, for I had summoned him, to go to the sierras of Loja and Antequera, in order to provide them with more guards; he told me that yesterday an alhaqueque* from Málaga had come to his house with a few hostages. He [alhaqueque] said they had been split over my departure, and 300 Gomeres* went displeased to Vélez; I do not know why they did so, I reckon all this quarrel happened because they wanted to provide for Vélez, apparently thinking it was not done well. Our Lord will save their thoughts. I beg Your Ladyship to let me know how my children are and I kiss your hands. May our Lord protect you more than anyone else.
At la Rambla, Palm Sunday [8 April 1487]
*alhaqueque - a person who managed contracts and at times purchased the freedom of captives and set them free, or acted as a courier between Christian and Arabic population
*Gomeres - inhabitants of la Gomera
@ablooms, @kittyparr, @eyes-painted-with-kohl, @daario-naharis
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supertvngames · 4 years ago
Naruto AU - Shuji Uchiha Scenarios Part 1
Shuji Uchiha is the adoptive brother of Naruto Uzumaki. And the half-brother of Sasuke Uchiha and Itachi Uchiha from their mother’s side, and half-brother Shisui Uchiha from their father’s side. And as well as my OC.
-Pre OS-
Mikoto Uchiha adopted Naruto but has to move out of the Uchiha Distract and into the late 4th Hokage Minato and his wife Kushina’s with the newborn child. Over a while, an Uchiha man was given permission to help Mikoto. The Uchiha man is the father of Shisui Uchiha. They accidently conceive a child, the child was named Shuji. Weeks after Shuji was born, his birth father died.
While growing up, Shuji had a big brother worship towards Shisui as Sasuke towards Itachi. Shuji and Sasuke tend to argue who’s the better big brother, Shisui or Itachi. However out of all his big brothers, Shuji actually favors Naruto because Naruto took the time to listen to him and play with him. Shuji is also seem patient with Itachi than Sasuke is. Even if Shuji likes Shisui better, he looks up to Itachi. And Shuji even considers Sasuke to be most relatable.
Shuji even met Izumi, Itachi’s lover. Shuji sees Izumi as a big sister-figure, mainly due to Shuji not being as stingy as Sasuke especially when it comes to Itachi.
Shuji is practically a mama’s boy, he is always seen with his mother Mikoto. Shuji learn about not just cooking and cleaning, but learn about Mikoto’s fighting skills at a very high level. Mikoto is a role-model to Shuji.
Shuji doesn’t get along with his stepfather Fugaku. Mainly due to Fugaku not being the type to open up his feelings and being a hardass.
Shuji, in-person, witness the death of his mother Mikoto and his big sister-figure Izumi in the hands of Itachi. Naruto was staying for afterschool after a prank gone messy. Shuji and Sasuke found each other as they see Itachi, as he spares them seeing the potential of them obtaining the Mangekyou Sharingan. Both Shuji and Sasuke try to fight off Itachi yet they had no progression. Shuji had to break down the news to Naruto about Mikoto’s demise.
Shuji did his best to enter the academy, to be with his remaining siblings, so he wouldn’t be alone at the house. He was then accepted.
Shuji tries to convince Sasuke to move into his and Naruto’s house because they’re family, and they’re all that’s left for each each other. Sasuke, however, prefer to live in an apartment, to which Shuji visits to keep his half-brother company and see how he’s doing. They train from time to time.
Shuji along with Naruto have been oppressed and discriminated by the Konoha villagers. Shuji has notice that this has happened before the Uchiha massecre, however now, it’s more nasty. Shuji simply doesn’t understand why they hate him and his big brother but he definitely wish the villagers are dead.
While with Naruto, Shuji noticed a girl who has been looking from afar. The girl was Hinata Hyuga. To Shuji, she seems rather cute and nice. Shuji encourages Hinata to come and hang with him and Naruto. Shuji even noticed another girl, Hinata’s little sister Hanabi Hyuga, to which both Naruto and Shuji convinced her to stick around as well.
Shuji helps Naruto train, especially when it comes to preforming the ordinary beginner jutsus.
Shuji does make time to make food and clean, and Naruto does his share as well since the two are working together.
-Original Series-
Shuji and Sasuke may have hold resentment towards Itachi for what they did to their parents and clan. However, Shuji wants to put the revenge mission on hold. After all, there’s nothing they can do for right now. Both he and Sasuke had some disagreements. Yet they still train together.
When Shuji sees that Naruto failed the graudation exams, he purposely funk himself so they could be ninjas another time. Shuji simply doesn’t want to leave his big brother’s side, until Naruto told Iruka that Shuji failed the graudation on purpose because he knows that they need the money.
When first meeting Konohamaru Sarutobi, Shuji thought he was some sort of strange kid even for the grandson of the 3rd Hokage Hiruzen Sarutobi. Shuji, like Naruto, began to befriend Konohamaru. Naruto and Shuji played with Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon. Even invite Hanabi after convincing Hiashi that she needs to stimulate her mind in order to be an effective fighter. It’s the only way to have her live her life better.
Instead of a three-man squad, it’ll be four-man squad for each team: Team 7 - Naruto, Shuji, Hinata, & Sasuke Team 8 - Kiba, Shino, Sayuri, & [A new girl character, a non-clan one] Team 10 - Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, & [A new girl character, possibly a Sarutobi] Same could be said for Team Guy/Gai, and two more teams in the same year as them. One team would have three girls and one boy, both teams have females senseis
Shuji overheard some girl’s talk about Naruto, how she is badmouthing him as an orphan. Shuji pummels Sher to the ground. Enraged that someone is making of his brother after he and Shuji lost their mother.
When seeing he’s on the same team as his brothers and the girl he loves, Shuji was rather happy that they got to stick together. Shuji can fight along side with his relatives and his love, he reassures Hinata that they can all protect each other, they all have each other’s back. Yet, Shuji couldn’t help himself to protect Hinata (and his brothers).
When visiting the Hyuga District to pick up Hinata, Naruto and Shuji get violently angry at Hiashi for badmouthing his own daughter Hinata, being stopped by Kakashi. Hearing Hiashi says that Hinata is a “failure” and that the Hyuga, Shuji remarks that if she was a failure, she’d be taking after him, a lousy good-for-nothing selfish man who is nothing more than someone who brought two girls into the world only to refuse to take responsibility as a father.
After seeing Hinata having a bad situation at her household, Shuji offers to invites Hinata to his and Naruto’s house, at least dinner so he could cook, maybe once every afternoon as a getaway and to get to know each other.
There are times in B rank missions that Shuji ends up in trouble to which Hinata comes to his aid, although, Shuji isn’t upset. Shuji is, in fact, happy to see Hinata becoming stronger and more confident.
Shuji would even help out Naruto and Sasuke from danger as well, especially if it seems over his head, yet he doesn’t want to bear losing his only family he has left.
Shuji would grow from 1 tomoe at the early of the original series, to 1-&-2 tomoe, then 2 tomoe at the middle, later 2-&-3 tomoe, and then fully mature 3 tomoe at the end of the original series.
Shuji did run into Orochimaru at a different place and time, possibly on a mission soon before the Chunin Exams arc with a mix members on Shuji’s part. However, unlike with Sasuke who woke with the power up, Shuji woke up yet he is technically dying but manage to fight on.
It was until later on, Shuji was at death’s door compare to Sasuke when receiving the Curse Mark, until something alerting happens to either of his brothers or Hinata. Shuji finally overcomes the mark’s effects on him and began to have a murderous anger.
When Shuji sees how horrible Neji went through, being enslaved with a mark that can kill you, losing a parent, all that at such a young age. All the while, Shuji holds a grudge against Neji for looking for an opportunity to kill Hinata, yet Shuji still sympathize Neji.
Shuji sees that Gaara, like his big brother Naruto, a special power (although, it’s the power of a Tailed Beast) to which his own village fears and hates him for something that can’t be helped, yet also sees that Gaara got it worse than him and Naruto especially since he has his own father trying to kill him, unable to communicate with his siblings properly. Shuji pities Gaara.
After the Invasion on Konoha by Suna and Oto, Shuji’s speech patterns became more aggressive, especially after the mark reactivates. In Japanese, at first, Shuji’s 1st person pronoun was “Boku”, then it became “Ore”, to show how aggressive Shuji became.
Shuji begins to see that things between him and Hinata aren’t going anywhere. He sees Hinata showing more visible affections towards Naruto.
Shuji and Neji are having a rocky relationship. Until later on, when Hinata becomes temporarily blind, seeing Neji took care of her and even go out to help her condition, Shuji finally fully forgives and trusts Neji, and even tells Neji what’s on his mind, which is vowing that he will find a way to free him and the Side Branch family.
When he and Sasuke heard that Itachi return, and is after his big brother Naruto, Shuji was scared and furious. By the time he and Sasuke run into Hinata, Shuji explains to her on the way that Naruto is in danger and that they need to find Naruto as quickly as possible.
Shuji have to remind Sasuke that they have to run away with Naruto and nothing more, they can’t take on Itachi since he did defeat Kakashi. By the time, they did met up with Itachi, Shuji tries to think of how to escape with Naruto, only to see Sasuke charges at Itachi with a Chidori with Shuji thinking “What a dumbass”. Shuji tries to help Sasuke out but Itachi beats the crap out of Shuji and put him in a coma as well.
By the time both Shuji and Sasuke woke up from their coma, like Sasuke, Shuji became different than he was before. Shuji became rather moody, bitter, and has guilt. The encounter with Itachi and Kisame haunts him. He, his brothers, and Hinata were in a no-way-out situation to which they all could get killed. Shuji tries to rationalize and justify his failure only to see the fact he wasn’t good enough. Shuji finally begins to see why Sasuke couldn’t put the revenge mission on hold, so Shuji then train with Sasuke more than ever.
Naruto and the others began to see Shuji is becoming more and more bitter after each mission and those missions was that they either failed or even success through dumb luck. Especially since he and Naruto seen the suffering and unfortunate events in different places. Shuji ask them how many times they are going to get beaten before they wise up and they realize that being a ninja isn’t a game. Think of Leo from TMNT 2003 Season 4, I admit he was a jerk but he has his reasons.
When Kakashi told Shuji let go of his revenge like Shuji did once before he was put into a coma. Shuji told him that he didn’t let go, he put it on hold, and that Itachi plan to take his older brother Naruto away from him. Shuji already lost his mother, his big sister figure Izumi, and eldest brother Shisui, he not planning to let Itachi go around free. Kakashi tells him that he too lost his loved ones and he only look into the past. However, unlike Sasuke, Shuji doesn’t buy it, his response is “you no longer seek retribution? You dishonor your loved ones. I will honor the memory of my fallen”.
Well, that’s it for the scenarios for Shuji Uchiha for now. I might have more plans for him, some I having a bit of a mix feeling, but I’ll discuss them another time. Until then, see ya.
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txthearteu · 4 years ago
extra long tag game (aka a tmi that no one particularly cares for)
tagged by @soobindipity​ 🥰 thank you bb 😌❤️
tagging @btxtreads​​ @choisoobinie​​ @unlocktxt​​ @bffsoobin (this one is long so feel free not to do it ahahahaksksksks)
note: i found the breakers somewhere here in tumblr but i forgot who the owner is, so full credits to whoever owns these breakers
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tell me the first song that made you stan your current fave group and why did your faves attract you so much?
of course it’s their debut song Crown. I have to admit, I listened to them not because i discovered them but because of the whole “bighit is releasing another boy group” fiasco. people thought the hype would die down, i did too, but to this day the boys never failed me. they consistently made me happy with the content they gave out for everyone to enjoy. also adding, i think i’m attracted to them more (compared to their seniors) since they’re around my age– something in which i feel like i can relate to (in terms of the content they put out, or the jokes, etc)
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rule: answer the ten questions and write your own!
what’s your unrealistic goal for life?
becoming a music artist (pop star) 😔
if you had known that we would be in a global pandemic, what’s one thing that you would’ve done before things shut down (if they have for you)?
travel to Japan and explore the place 😩
what’s an unconventional thing that you carry around with you when you go out?
chopsticks hahahahaha because i usually eat using the spoon and fork when i eat out 
favourite type of plushies and why?
anything twotuckgom related! they’re so soft and convenient because of the size. i also kinda wanna buy the bolsters 👀
favourite song right now?
i don’t have any but if you ask what i’ve been jamming to i’d say its city girls by chris brown
something that you’ve always wanted to learn?
producing music, japanese, korean, hacking 
tell a funny story about yourself (or just something that you’ve witnessed)
so in the city where i live, there are places in which the canals don’t have any stoppers. i saw this kid walking with his family alongside these canals and he was just vibing with the song he was singing to. he was so into the song he was singing that he missed a step and he kinda slipped and fell in to the canal (don’t worry though there weren’t any serious injuries) and i swear it was a funny sight 
headphones or speakers? why?
headphones! when the opportunity is present then i’d listen to my music with no outside noise
craving any food right now? what are you craving?
corndogs 👀
which music streaming platform do you prefer? why?
spotify since i’m on spotify family 
questions from eri to me:
what’s the best trip/vacation you’ve ever had?
the vacation i had in Japan last year! 10 days never felt so short in my life and i was planning to go back earlier this year but you know...’rona....
do you have any random fears/phobias? if yes, what are they?
i’m the toughest gal everyone knows but i get really creeped out by butterflies or bugs. i also get scared with inanimate objects that look like a human being when it’s laying still in the dark, i’m scared of mirrors as well HAHA.
weirdest food you’ve ever eaten?
do you have any hidden talents? what can you do?
i can curl my tongue into what seems to resemble a three-leafed clover. i can also mimic voices well and, from what my friends said, i could actually dance well and im super fast in picking up choreography hahaha (ok but it’s what they said okay)
what is an activity you’d like to try out someday?
biking/hiking/camping :> 
when did you get your first phone and what type of phone was it?
i think it was back in 4th grade and it was the famous nokia 3310 
what is a movie you never get tired of watching?
biggest pet peeve?
 i absolutely get annoyed when someone tries to rush me and by the time i’m ready, they haven’t readied themselves
earliest childhood memory?
i put sand in this ice-cream-cone-looking rock, and i ate the sand thinking it tasted like ice cream
as a child, what did you want to be? what about now?
a music artist (pop star), until now that’s still my dream but unfortunately, i had to be “practical” 
questions from me to you:
android or apple? why?
words of affirmation or physical affection? why?
bean bag or rocking chair? why?
do you view a half-filled glass as half-full or half-empty or an in-between? why? (go as deep as you can)
if someone were to grant your wish right now, what would it be and why?
if someone were to give you anything you want right now, what would it be and why? (something that can be held)
favorite season and why
what made you enter tumblr?
are you happy with where you are in life right now? why or why not?
to see the boys in real life but for it to happen only once in your lifetime, or to meet the boys via online fan meeting as many times as you can in your lifetime? why?
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rule: bold the statements that apply to you, italicize your aspirations, then tag nine people
AIR ༉⋆͙̈
i have small hands / i love the night sky / i watch animals and birds when i pass them by / i drink herbal tea / i wake to see the dawn / the smell of dust is comforting / i’m valued for being wise / i prefer books to music / i meditate / i find joy in learning new truths from the world around me
FIRE ༉⋆͙̈
i don’t have straight hair / i like to wear ripped jeans and overalls / i play an organized sport / i love dogs / i am not afraid of adventure / i love to talk to strangers / i always try new foods / i enjoy road trips / summer is my favorite season / my radio is always playing
WATER ༉⋆͙̈
i wear bracelets on my wrists / i love the bustle of the city / i have more than one set of piercings / i read poetry / i love the sound of a thunderstorm / i want to travel the world / i sleep past midday most days / i love simply lit dinners and fluorescent signs / i rewatch kids shows out of nostalgia / i see emotions in colors not words
EARTH ༉⋆͙̈
i wear glasses or contacts / i enjoy doing the laundry / i am a vegetarian or vegan / i have an excellent sense of time / my humor is very cheerful / i am a valued advisor to my friends / i believe in true love / i love this chill of mountain air / i’m always listening to music / i am highly trusted by the people in my life
i go without makeup in my daily life / i make my own artwork / i keep on track of my tasks and time / i always know true north / i see beauty in everything / i can always smell flowers / i smile at everyone i pass by / i always fear history repeating itself / i have recovered from a mental disorder / i can love unconditionally
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name: -
nickname: cj
birthday: oct 12
zodiac: libra
nationality: filipino
languages: english, filipino (and my dialect), lil teeny bit or korean and japanese kskskskksks
gender: female
sexuality: straight
height: 5'1 and a half (spare me the half pls im trying to act tall)
inspiration for muse: --
meaning behind my url: to put it simply, i love txt
blog established: start of quarantine
followers: 43 lovely followers! 
favourite animals: do you know cat and dog?
favourite books: anarchy by styleslegend (swear i've been hyping it since my 1d days) ; the tale of heidi by johanna spyri
favourite colour: yellow/brown/black (can’t choose)
favourite fictional characters: hulk, hinata shoyo, tomoe (from kamisama kiss)
favourite flower: i don’t have any ahahahhaha
favourite scent: mens perfume/deoderant
favourite season: spring
average hours of sleep: 6-9
cats or dogs: (i love them both but i really love dogs but i just wanna hug them both because i love both cats and dogs)
coffee, tea or hot chocolate: coffee is my go to energizer, for some chill time i’d go for hot choco
current time: 22:34
dream trip: japan(again)/australia/europe 😩
dream job: music artist 😔
hobbies: playing instruments [violin piano ukelele sometimes guitar and drums], listening to music, writing songs, beatboxing
hogwarts house: slytherin 
last movie watched: oh dear god i cant remember HAHA
last song listened to: bbibbi by iu
no. of blankets you sleep with: 1
random fact(s): if given the chance again, i’d combine mint choco and bubblegum ice cream; when i’m bored i try to re-read all my past lessons AHAHAHAHAHA; currently in a 5-year relationship akshsskskssjsjduskgkad
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10 things I can’t stop listening to
city girls - chris brown, young thug
angel or devil - tomorrow by together
paradise - bts
zombie - day6
see you again - tyler the creator, kali uchis
dally - hyolyn, gray
love - kendrick lamar, zacari
redemption (with babes wodumo) - kendrick lamar, zacari
pyramids - frank ocean
all in - monsta x
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ecofinisher · 4 years ago
Wedding in Japan 2 - Chap 23
Chapter 23
Adrien sat on the wall railing next to the stairs on the exit of the mansion along with Kagami facing their friends Nino and Alya, which assisted Kagami in finding Adrien.
“You weren’t really tortured in there?” Nino asked watching Adrien shake his head.
“I was just locked up in there, he brought me food and had left me a lot of water for me to drink. Otherwise, I just sat there all on my own,” Adrien explained.
“Man, how could you hold it out so long, without going to the toilet?” Nino asked.
“I didn’t, I just peed into the bushes as far as I could aim,” Adrien mentioned earning a nod from the Moroccan man.
“Just like I taught you on our trip to the Hautes-Pyrénées” Nino mentioned making Alya chuckle.
“What are you laughing about?”
“I just remembered about that Truth or dare game we played in the camp and you were challenged along with Nathaniel to ran across the forest naked and had gotten a rash over your skin for the rest of the week,” Alya pointed out making Adrien grin at the story.
“Really?” Kagami asked looking at Adrien, which nodded. Nino looked along with Alya down at the stairs, where Roger Raincomprix stood with another police officer holding Gabriel on his arms, while in front of him stood Emilie Agreste and Tomoe Tsurugi.
“Are we going to get interrogated too?” Nino asked making Alya shrug her shoulders.
“I would be expecting that” Alya responded earning a nod from the boyfriend.
Downstairs, where the mothers of the young Agreste couple stood Gabriel was explaining everything he has been cached away from her since her appearance.
“It’s not Nathalie’s fault first to be clear, she had just given me that idea and I thought about it and just went along with her idea. Officially I was the one, who had the idea to akumatize a few people in the hope I would manage to obtain the miraculous right away, with the time I got desperate as I kept and kept failing and she just comforted me. There were times she suggested me to just take a break and think about spending time with our son or tell what really happened. I…..was afraid to tell him the truth, I was afraid he wouldn’t understand it and I postponed it again and continued it. I went on with it for about three years and I gave up as Adrien began to revolt towards me. Back then Goldybug was around I managed to contact her and gave her the miraculous back, then a few months later she and Cat Noir had retired and everything was normal. Adrien moved out shortly after his birthday away from our house and recently Nathalie was saved on a car crash on her way home by Goldybug and his new partner Jade Neko, explained them about my plan to bring you back to life and they came to our house…...then the rest I have already told you the other day on our dinner,”
“And why did you hide our own son in the basement?” Emilie asked.
“Besides Nathalie, Mrs. Tsurugi was the second person, who knew you and I could talk with her once in a while. The reason I wanted to split Adrien away from Kagami was that she was against him and her being together. She didn’t like the fact they had gotten married without saying her anything,” Gabriel answered.
“I knew your husband would try everything to keep his little secret safe, but I wasn’t expecting how far he was going in this situation,” Tomoe added. “This was more of a motivation for him to do it,”
“I believe, that Adrien and Kagami’s decision to marry the other day was spontaneous or even planned as I’ve heard from him she and him shared a lower relationship with you or Gabriel,” Emilie added.
“After all I did I wouldn’t deserve it” Gabriel mentioned earning a nod from his wife.
“I still can’t believe, that you were capable of doing such a thing” The wife complained making Gabriel sink his head down disappointed.
“If I could go back in time, I would have avoided all those terrible mistakes,” Gabriel lamented, then Emilie left him back and walked towards a police car near the exit, where Felix sat alone in the back and Emilie knocked on the window to call Felix’s attention. Felix noticed Emilie wasn’t really fond of what was happening at the moment and sank his head down in sadness.
“Why did you join Gabriel in this?” Emilie asked watching the man shrug his shoulders. Emilie shook her head, then watched Felix look up at the woman and turn his head back to spot Adrien on the top of the wall railing, chatting with Nino and Alya. “Aunt Emilie? Can you do me a favor and call Adrien here?” Felix asked watching Emilie think for a second and she nodded and looked up at the four friends and waved at Adrien, then signaled him to come down to her. Adrien signed Kagami and she helped him walk the stairs down and followed him, making sure he wouldn’t let him fall down per coincidence. The two stopped in front of the police car and Adrien glanced through the window at his cousin.
“Before all this…..before I did this to you and Kagami….Have you always seen me before as a friend?” Felix asked earning a nod from Adrien.
“We’re family Felix. You could have talked to me. I would have helped you,”
“I should have,” Felix replied. “I wish I would have done that. You’re the kindest friend I have ever had and I did all this to you. I don’t deserve your friendship for all the mean things I did,”
“Well….I don’t know, what to tell you, but…...you know with good conduct you can get out earlier from jail,” Adrien said a little unsure about, what he should say his cousin at this moment.
“I don’t know your cousin well, but I like that he delivered himself to the police and told what had happened to you. That’s also a good thing for him,” Kagami told her husband.
“Really?” Adrien asked looking at Felix, which nodded.
“You know Adrien, I feel like after my father died, everything has changed around me, even I…..the friends I had back on that time left me as I began to treat them rudely so that I was alone. It was my fault, but I didn’t want to put the blame on myself,”
“The time you were over the weekend at my parent's house here and made that video call to my friends, you did that out of jealousy as you knew I had what you lost?” Adrien asked making Felix shrug his shoulders.
“I saw you had so many friends, that cared about you and this just annoyed me. Even now you have them and you’re also married to someone…..I have never seen someone so faithful and self-assured in a relationship as she was. She was obvious since the first day, that something was wrong as I showed up the other day styled like you telling about my disappearance. You’re such a lucky man, cousin” Felix avowed making Adrien smile and look at Kagami, which copied his facial expression.
“I really am Felix” Adrien stated leaning his forehead on Kagami’s then he looked back at his cousin. “Hey I know this will take you a little while, but you will find a light in your life too. Don’t worry,”
“Yeah” Felix answered, then at the entrance of the plot of the Agreste an ambulance entered and Kagami noticed the ambulance, then nudged Adrien carefully on the shoulder to earn his attention and she pointed at the vehicle.
“Oh they’re here,” Adrien mentioned. “How long does a check-up usually take?” Adrien asked making Kagami shrug her shoulders.
“I don’t know” The woman responded. “But I think you should take some clothes with you. You probably will have to take a shower there,”
“Yeah I guess so,” Adrien agreed, then saw Gabriel entering into the back of a police car with the help of Roger Raincomprix, then Adrien glanced at Kagami, which noticed Adrien wasn’t quite happy with what was going on.
“You’re okay?” His wife asked making him nod.
“Yeah, it’s just…...I kind of feel bad for my father,”
“I understand that Adrien, but you know your father should have known, that the things he has done would have consequences. This is what’s going to happen,”
“Yeah I know” Adrien responded, then a paramedic of the ambulance came towards Adrien. “Hi”
“Good evening Mr. Agreste, please follow me,” The paramedic asked walking with Adrien at the back of the ambulance and Adrien waited for the man to open the door while he gazed back at Kagami, which approached him then Adrien grabbed Kagami’s hands and looked into her eyes.
“Will you accompany me?” Adrien asked making Kagami shrug her shoulders.
“If they don’t mind it.”
“I haven’t talked with anyone for over 24 hours” Adrien blurted out giving Kagami sad eyes making her chuckle.
“Aww you’re so adorable when you beg,” Kagami confessed, then the paramedic offered Adrien to sit down on the back of the ambulance and placed next to Adrien the first aid bag and passed a wet napkin over Adrien’s injury on his eyebrow he made a few days ago while Kagami stood there watching them.
   A few months later Gabriel and Felix had been sentenced to jail for a few years to pay for the crimes they had done. Adrien and his mother got to know each other better after all the years she was gone, as well Kagami got accepted well by the mother-in-law. Adrien recovered really quickly and slowly began to get accepted by Kagami’s mother as the husband of the daughter.
Adrien and Kagami had moved out of the commune and found a small house where they could live together. Their life was going well so far and they agreed on inviting their friends and their moms to have dinner at their new house to inaugurate the guests to their new lifestyle and additionally reveal to them all a special message. A message, which mostly delighted Kagami as she would finally tell everyone, what she was expecting.
 Adrien and Kagami sat on the outside around a long folding table with their mothers and their old school friends from the Françoise Dupont school eating dinner. The major part of the guests were chatting loud and on the other end of the table sat Adrien together with his wife, his mother Emilie and his mother-in-law Tomoe Tsurugi.
“Did you really make those chicken breasts? Emilie asked looking at Adrien putting a bunch of grapes into his mouth, then he nodded. “I didn’t know you had a talent for cooking,”
“Neither did I” Adrien answered. “I kinda like it to be honest,”
“We took cooking lessons together in the first year we began to live together,” Kagami mentioned. “Madame Morane was a very skilled cook,”
“Isn’t that the same woman, that taught your mother how to cook?” Nino asked looking at Alya, which was cutting her chicken breast.
“No, they were in the same culinary school back in the past and worked a few years together at Auguste’s restaurant,” Alya answered.
“Out of you, who do you think is the best cook?” Alix asked, who sat between Emilie Agreste and Nathaniel Kurtzberg.
“I’m really fond of Adrien’s cooking, to be honest,” Kagami answered. “He’s also more entertained in trying out new recipes when he can, while I prefer to focus on the ones I know and improve them,”
“I have to say those sweet potatoes are good” Nathaniel mentioned. “Until now I only ate them as fried fries,”
“Same dude” Nino agreed. “No offense bro, but fries will always be better for me,”
“Yes I know, but they’re not as healthy as potatoes” Adrien pointed out earning a nod from the Moroccan man.
“Yes, but I’m not eating them every day don’t worry,” Nino assured making Adrien smile.
Kagami looked at her mother eating normally, then she placed her hand over Adrien’s then pointed out at him to his mother and smiled at his wife and slid closer to her on the folding bank and spoke at his mother-in-law.
“Mrs. Tsurugi, are you enjoying the meal so far?” Adrien asked watching the woman swallow the bit she had chewed, then answered.
“You know I’m not used to this kind of food, but I find it’s good. I’m not really fond of sweet food thought, but it’s good,” Tomoe explained making Adrien smile a little.
“You know I’m making sure to help Kagami in having healthy nutrition for the rest of the months,” Adrien mentioned watching the mother nod and continue to eat her food. Adrien sat down and looked a little perplexed at Kagami, which embraced him with one hand and he leaned his face on hers,
“I know I was a little severe towards you in the past about you and Kagami’s relationship, but the last few times I’ve been here with you I have never heard Kagami so happy. I hope I have interpreted this all correctly,” Tomoe mentioned making Adrien smile and glance down at his wife.
“I’ve told you, mother, he was the right one. I just realized it a little late,” Kagami stated grabbing Adrien’s hands to smile at him.
“Hey this just plumped into my head right now as I looked at you before” Nathaniel began. “Why is there a small open space on your eyebrow?”
“I hit my head” Adrien answered making Kim chuckle.
“Where?” Kim asked. “On the bedboard?” Kim asked making Adrien shake his head.
“You’re taking the conversation into the wrong lane again,” Adrien mentioned.
“You guys had all time to get used to it,” Lila pointed out, which sat between Kim and Tomoe.
"Agreed" Max added.
“The issue here is her” Nathaniel whispered pointing at Mrs. Tsurugi.
“Come on, she’s not your mother-in-law, Nath” Alix mentioned. “Why are you even afraid?”
“Who said I was afraid?” Nathaniel asked. “I have respect from women that kick other people’s butts” Nathaniel mentioned making half of the woman laugh around the table.
“You should have from everyone” Nino mentioned watching Kagami trying to get up and Adrien noticed it and got up behind her then placed his arms around the woman holding her carefully on her medium-sized belly.
“You’re not doing anything more, I’ll do it” Adrien warned his wife, which shook his head and kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey, I can’t just sit and let you to everything” Kagami warned watching Adrien shake his head.
“I know, but I want you to sit down and give our baby some rest” Adrien questioned his wife, which nodded.
“But I will at least carry the cake,” Kagami began to walk away, then Adrien placed his hands around her shoulders.
“And I will help” Adrien said, then he looked back at his friend Nino, which gave the blonde a thumb up and began to collect around them the plates along with Alya.
 Adrien and Kagami arrived the kitchen and Adrien opened the fridge and took out carefully the cake they had ordered from the pastry.
“Did Kim really think my scar happened during sex?” Adrien asked watching Kagami shrug her shoulders.
“He was probably joking as usual” Kagami answered taking out dessert forks from the drawer of the kitchen. “But if I need to be honest, I find the scar very attractive on you” Kagami mentioned as Adrien placed the cake beside the woman and both gazed at each other flirtatiously.
“That sounds nice” Adrien answered, then opened the counter over them to take out plates for the cake and Kagami counted them all for him, afterward Adrien closed the door and checked out their cake. “The cake is here, can I know the gender now?”
“You will know it at the same time as the others Adri, just like I promised” Kagami answered making Adrien sink his head down.
“Shouldn’t daddy get a special treatment?” Adrien asked bowing down at the belly of Kagami. “Yes mommy” Adrien mimicked making Kagami laugh.
“Just hold on this one minute and you’ll know it” Kagami responded, then she grabbed the cake and walked back to the outside, while Adrien brought the plates and forks passing by Nino, which carried the empty plates to the kitchen.
“There comes your cake, Marinette” Alya mentioned looking at the end of the table at a traditional dressed Marinette sitting vice versa to Luka Couffaine, which held their son Rouven on his lap.
“Can you film it?” Marinette asked. “If he doesn’t mind it, I’d like to use it on my page,”
“You’ve got a lot of cakes on your site, what is so special on Adrien’s?” Nino asked.
“You know to earn attention from other people. Rose and Juleka are doing the same with their salon, right girls?” Alya asked looking at the two women, which sat next to the Couffaines and Rose gave the Martinic woman a thumb up.
“I’ll do it” Adrien answered. “You can start,” Adrien said watching Alya start to film him, which grabbed the knife and looked at Kagami, which sat down on the bench next to him and nodded with a smile watching him cut the cake, which was decorated with pink and blue overlapping cream on the sides of the cake and on the middle on the top of the cake the top was white and had several lines on the cake forming the field from the fencing sports and on the middle stood two plastic figurines fencing each other, one colored in red and the other one colored in white and behind the character, there was drawn with a pen the gender symbol of each parent. On the upper corner, where Adrien was going with the knife stood the sentence girl or boy? Cut here to find out.
Adrien pressed the knife down, then moved a few centimeters aside to cut the other part of the cake and pulled it out and saw the interior drop out various colored smarties, confusing him.
“Uhm are we having twins?” Adrien asked watching Kagami shake her head, then Luka got up and looked into the hole of the cake, then shove the knife into the cake and pulled out a deflated balloon, which brushed over the small buttons a dark blue color, which made Luka chuckle.
“Lucky you, this was supposed to burst and cover your face with it” Luka explained, then Marinette facepalmed as her cake didn’t work out as expected. “This was our first try anyway, we’ve got other chances”
“I can’t believe you wanted to ruin my beautiful face like that” Adrien joked making Kagami shake her head playfully, then Luka grabbed the balloon and passed it over Adrien’s face. “Hey!”
“The goal was to have your face painted and I just wanted to fulfill it,” Luka said placing his clean hand over Adrien’s shoulder.
“Ha ha ha,” Adrien said sarcastically, then he began to cut down pieces onto the plate and his mother helped him distribute the cakes to the guests. Kagami emptied a bit water from her cup on a napkin, then began to clean Adrien from the side of his head making him giggle from the feeling he got from it.
“You’re tickling me,” Adrien mentioned.
“You didn’t mind the other day I helped you bathe at the hospital”
“You didn’t either,” Adrien added with a chuckle making Kagami nod. “But I really enjoyed it” Adrien whispered making Kagami smile, which had his face almost cleaned more or less and spread the last two dishes to the side of her mother, before Adrien cut for him and her the last two pieces.
“Is it okay, if I share the video?” Alya asked earning a nod from the couple, then Alya worked on forward it to her best friend.
“Blue means boy, right?” Adrien asked earning a nod from his wife. “Wow we’re having a son,” Adrien stated gazing down at his cake. “I’m going to be the dad of a baby boy,”
“You’re going to be a good father” Kagami stated placing her hand on his cheek. “I know it”
“I will,” Adrien replied placing his left arm behind Kagami’s back and the right arm on Kagami’s belly. “Your daddy and mommy will give you a good childhood. Pinky promise” Adrien said pecking Kagami’s belly, then she patted him on his hair and let him lay his head over it.
“But don’t forget he needs also a good education,”
“Yes, I was more referring, that we won’t be that strict like our parents, just when necessary”
“Of course, I don’t think our son will give us a lot of trouble” Kagami stated earning a nod from her husband and moved her hand out to pick the fork, while Adrien kept his position over her baby bump. “You’re not going to eat?”
“Just a few more minutes” Adrien replied carefully patting Kagami’s belly and she sat there for a while watching her husband fondling her, then she carefully embraced his head and kissed him on it and lied her chin over him savoring their moment, soon both took their plate and joined the rest of the guests by eating the cake enjoying the evening while they can.
The End.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years ago
Unlikely Connection
Note: Was thinking of Lang and rereading CYB since getting back into school, and in my off-time before class, I decided to write a little bit. I’d like to think this takes place after The Callout and my little bit of The Future. 
As much as Kakashi doesn’t speak up as much in S&S as he does in CP, his bond with Tomo still sticks around, just in a different form. :p 
This is the theme I recommend when reading this piece. An alternative can be this one too, if you get bored. Do note the alternative is an orchestral piece. Since I’m starting to mentally associate Kakashi with Weiss.
For @langwrites and @owlsofstarlight. Love you both lots. Let’s talk again in a group call sometime. 
Until Kei and Tomo-chan came into his life, Obito thought that Kakashi was a pompous jackass. From how he captivated everyone’s attention back in the Academy, including Rin’s, to succeeding in everything Obito didn’t, it was hard to really match up. It didn’t help how, whenever they spent even an iota of time together, Kakashi would throw a barb and Obito would end up feeling like shit.
Obito never thought he would ever see Kakashi be vulnerable, but since that scandal with the White Fang and his staying at Tomo-chan’s house as a strange roommate — Tomo-chan liked to call him “my housemate” in that cute way of hers, for some reason — that line of thought had definitely been thrown out the window.
The moment right now was no exception.
Kakashi was staring at him from his seat at the kitchen table, his masked chin obscured by his clasped fingers. His eyes were narrowed in that “what the hell” expression again, but he hadn’t said a word since Obito entered the house to pick up Tomo-chan for their first date.
Obito tried not to tap his foot from plain foreboding, instead opting to cross his arms. “Is there something you want to say, Bakashi?”
“…Couple things, really.” Kakashi then sighed into his clasped fingers, his elbows digging into the table as he closed his eyes and considered. Obito waited. “Congratulations on the relationship.”
Obito wasn’t expecting that and nearly tripped over his own feet. “Uh, thanks?”
“Also,” Kakashi unclasped his hands to raise one pointer finger towards him. “Are you going to do your best to help Tomoko be happy?”
Oh. Of course.
This was a test.
Kakashi had been helped by Tomo-chan too. Obito should’ve expected him to ask considering how he was there way before Obito. He would’ve seen a lot more simply because he lived in the same house. 
Obito nodded furiously. “Definitely. She means the world to me.”
“Do you ever want to hurt her feelings?”
“Hell no!” If he did, then Obito would be on Tai’s level and that scumbag needed to die. “Tomo-chan deserves the world!” 
Then, to Obito’s surprise, Kakashi’s eyes curved upwards. Was that his version of a smile? Or what? “Good,” he said softly, putting his hand down. “Tomoko means a lot to me too.” He exhaled, closing his eyes for a moment as if remembering something before opening them again to point Obito down with another stare. This time, his eyes were narrowed and serious. “If you break her heart, I will kill you.”
Obito grinned back. “I’d help with that.”
Kakashi looked taken aback this time. “I wasn’t expecting a dropout to agree with me.”
Kakashi waved it off, shrugging his shoulders before clasping his hands together again over the table, his gaze elsewhere. “…You really love her, don’t you?”
Obito lowered his head, thinking of the angel currently getting ready in her room before nodding. No hesitation about it. “I think about her every day.”
Kakashi sighed this time. “I get it.”
Obito blinked at him before the lightbulb went off. “That’s fair.” He couldn’t help but grin. “Good fucking luck to you with Kei, man.”
Kakashi gave him a wide-eyed look before turning his nose away with an audible snort. “You’re no help,” he grumbled.
“Kei’s denser than brick, Kashi,” Obito smirked, “you’re gonna need it.” He pretended to think on it before raising a hand of his own to add, “Why not do flowers too?”
“And embarrass myself in front of an entire business like you? No thanks.”
At least this time, the conversation felt comfortable.
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scarbladed-archive · 6 years ago
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IN THE SNOW, WHAT FORM DID YOUR PAIN TAKE? / kenshin + winter . 
Kenshin is known for a lot of things, his air-tight control and seamless weaving of how others unless of  highly perceptive skills, perceive him by his actions. To many and most he is the bumbling, silly wanderer who has no desire for battle, a desire that is true. To others, he is the infamous and eternally branded  Hitokiri Battōsai of the Ishin Shishi, feared as a legend, a menace, and a ruthless assassin / swordsman who held no emotions only killed - and the survivors of the families he’s taken members from can speak for it. 
But there are times when this lapse in control can vaguely, very slight, become visible.  A prominent time with Kenshin can be remotely called distracted is during his time in the winter season, due to very personal reasons. The main reason is until the arc of Jinchū in the manga, we have no idea that this complex, highly enigmatic man was married and held that title of ‘husband’ during a winter season . 
This ended, as you know, with the death of his wife by his hands, despite it being accidental and her saving him from death. 
It resulted in Tomoe Himura bleeding out quickly in his arms in the snow, finishing the iconic cross-shaped scar that identifies Kenshin. While it was a marriage originally meant for pretenses, Kenshin genuinely proposed to Tomoe to make it ‘real’ and didn’t want it ‘for show’, and genuinely loved his wife, as she loved him. 
They were too young, and the odds against them too high. Many factors played into what many would say was an inevitable tragedy for them both, Kenshin, the killer of her fiance, Tomoe, the instigator for Kenshin’s near-death in the Forest of Barriers as a spy for the vengeance she no longer felt after spending time and knowing who Kenshin was and could become, and what he was becoming. 
He admitted that he began to found his ideals based on the time spent with her in the countryside of Otsu Village, realizing that all ‘one man could do was save the people in front of him one by one ‘ and that he would ‘find a way to save others without killing after the war’ thus already founding his principles he’d carry post-Bakumatsu and for the rest of his life.
Still, Tomoe’s death was a crippling and final blow to him ever wanting to believe in the methods of ‘Satsujin-ken :the sword that takes life’ as being necessary ever again.  
Which he had already begun to believe while spending time with her and the children, the people who required the medicine he gave under the pretense of a doctor / healer, and realizing he had taken her happiness. 
All the while sacrificing  his own long ago to build a future where innocents like her could be happy while discarding   his future     only dealt the cold reality of the black and white world he believed in entering the war at a premature age.
A world when training with his Master, Hiko - the world would never be that way again.
Despite Kenshin inevitably moving on into the future of the era he helped create, the Meiji, with his second wife, Kaoru Kamiya and his friends, the Kenshingumi, the winter holds a melancholy taste to it that until the acts of the  Jinchū Arc that Kenshin finally begins to open up about his past with Tomoe, and the love shared, the love that will always remain in his heart while having ample room of equal measure, for his future, his beloved Kaoru, no less loved. 
‘ What did you say to Tomoe-san? ‘  ‘ The same as Kaoru-dono. Thank you, Sorry, and Goodbye --  --- shall we be going now ? ‘ 
Despite all this, and Kenshin’s growth of moving on from the past is paramount to him as a character and his own happiness, most of the series the winter time will have him display these symptoms : 
Distance, becoming distracted in doing his dojo chores to the point where someone will have to physically touch him.
Melancholy, Kenshin undoubtedly suffers to personally, in my opinion, from both PTSD and Depression and arguably Anxiety ( fear of losing his loved ones / his control ) and will find himself going back to that snowy day while maintaining an entirely cool and quiet demeanor that, as usual, to his pain and blessing, betrays nothing. 
Alone-time. Be it leaving the dojo for the woods or nature, or just sitting by himself.
 Kenshin still, to a degree, carries the purple shawl of his wife Tomoe as a scarf, in my headcanon, until he puts it somewhere safe after moving on from her and into the future, with Kaoru - but he’ll be found wearing it and keeping it near, for warmth purposes and simply to find comfort and equal measures pain in the realization that he can no longer smell his deceased wife’s perfume. 
Specific and more repetitive nightmares of his first wife’s death - her face, unsmiling at him as he stares at her covered in the injury he accidentally dealt her without intending it.
Clumsiness. Genuine clumsiness. Kenshin will at times find himself almost burning a meal, which alarms everyone but quickly deflects to the point where his friends, his family, know better than to press him on it.
Daily visits to local shrines to the kami, seeking avid comfort and unworthy ‘forgiveness’ from his wife who is buried in Kyoto, and apologizing that this time of year and obvious reasons, he cannot visit her where she lays buried. Tomoe is associated with the iris, and he often is seen laying it in a bucket at her grave, and the inn-keep in Tsukiohen remarks an iris looks lovely ‘even in a rain of blood’. His mind will flit to irises. 
This also occurs while Kenshin is developing feelings for Kaoru and before meeting her, it’s arguably could be a reason it takes him such a long time to act on those feelings out of fear of it repeating itself and feelings of unworthiness because of the horrific tragedies that happened in the winter time. 
Kaoru is not loved out of guilt - Kenshin’s love for her is pure and limitless, but so is his desire to continue, since losing Tomoe at fifteen, to grieve her appropriately, having never found closure until the final arc of the series from Tomoe herself. 
‘As long as you are smiling,  the me that is smiling inside you will be smiling too. ‘ 
So yes, winter is a painful time for Kenshin, and it isn’t until much later that he can come to grips with it, with the help of his newfound family, and his future in his second wife, Kaoru Himura - and move on and still hold that spot for Tomoe in his heart while never forgetting her - but proceeding into the new era with hope, not despair, as she wanted for him.
#✘ANALYSIS: ‘A person’s life is not that easy. You must learn the truth from yourself.’#honestly i think it's important to know that kenshin still /grieves tomoe/ and always will#but that doesn't /detract his love for his wife kaoru as his 'future'/#it isn't a love triangle#but it's a huge factor as to why they have such a slow burn romance#and tomoe herself as a spirit encourages him to move on /herself/#something kenshin wanted in a sense to do but didn't know /how/ because he fell in love with kaoru also#and needed her blessing to be able to take healthy steps towards a future where /he/ could also be happy.#where /he/ could feel his scar fade.#where kaoru didn't have a /ghost/ in their marriage but a benevolent memory that kenshin had made peace with for himself.#tomoe had forgiven him in her dying breaths.#kenshin...never felt closure for ten years.#so yes the winter is highly traumatizing for him .#but again it goes back to - he loves tomoe#he loved tomoe.#a part of him has a place always /for tomoe/#but he healthily moves on in his life with kaoru who represents his future#and that's...really important.#kenshin not grieving would be unhealthy and i don't think very true to him.#i think winter is his way of showing tribute and subconsciously allowing himself to feel pain.#what  i love is that there is /no love triangle/#because kenshin loved two women /deeply/.#and i'm just...yeah they're always handled badly so i'm glad that we didn't have one in this masterpiece of a story.#me crying if someone is like which woman and i'm like n o#yes kenkao has a HUGE PLACE IN MY HEART#but i also have room for tomoken too#and always have
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raincoastgamer · 7 years ago
Anime Ramble: Puella Magi Madoka Magica
Magical Girl anime have this tendency to provoke a binary reaction. Either you see Magical Girls on the promo material and want to watch the show, or else you don’t. So, I’d like to preface this bout of gushing-about-a-show-that-I-watched by saying that your initial reaction to seeing the below poster should be discarded and you should just watch this show.
No, really, I think it’s safe to say that if you have an initial gut reaction of “I’m not interested” then you are probably going to appreciate this show quite a bit, while those who are avid fans of the Magical Girl genre might actually end up being put off by their expectations. Not because of what this show is, but rather by what this show isn’t.
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In the same way that everyone knows that Darth Vader is Luke’s father or that a certain noble from the North loses their head, there are some story twists which percolate into the general cultural consciousness due to sheer popularity and end up becoming common knowledge. Puella Magi Madoka Magica is a series which blew up to such popularity in 2011 that you’ve probably seen the characters somewhere before even if you don’t watch a lot of anime. You’ve probably also seen this little guy
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around, often in the context of memes in which either 1) he tries to get people to make a contract or 2) people inflict violence on him and his smug little face never changes.
So while I want to say that Madoka Magica will surprise you when it pulls a left turn into darkness and despair, not only have I just ruined that specific surprise for you but the internet at large more than likely already did that job for me. Not only was this show popular, which translates into a more widespread awareness of its overall tone and some of its twists, other more recent shows have pulled a similar deception. Only last year did we have Made in Abyss, which I haven’t seen yet but which I understand exists for the sole purpose of having cute kids set off on an exciting adventure only to be eaten alive by Uncle Lovecraft’s Happy Fun Time Cave. If you’ve been around the anime niches of the internet or, like me, have a former otaku for a sister then you know from the onset that this show is far more than meets the eye based on reputation alone.
To start with, take a good look at the promotional material for this show, such as the trailer. The production team did their damndest to ensure that from the outside the show would look like the most derivative Magical Girl show ever made, up to and including keeping Gen Urobuchi’s involvement in the production a secret. Gen Urobuchi (aka ButchGen aka The Urobutcher) is a writer who is known for being a bit of a downer, having been involved in projects such as Fate/Zero and Psycho-Pass. He’s very outspoken when it comes to his distaste for heroic archetypes played straight and his tendency to drag his characters through the mud, so his presence as the show’s writer was what you might call a dead giveaway.
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So what happens when a writer like this tackles a genre known for being all about hope, courage, and the power of friendship and love? There are many people who argue that Madoka Magica deconstructs the Magical Girl anime (Magical Girl Warrior subgenre) as codified by Sailor Moon or Cardcaptor Sakura. Some even say it’s the Neon Genesis Evangelion of the Magical Girl genre. As NGE showed us just how psychologically messed up a Giant Robot show would be if populated by actual human beings, Madoka Magica is about how having child combatants fight monsters in an urban environment with no support network does not make a well-adjusted childhood.
The effects of this kind of pressure and isolation on a bunch of adolescents is one of the elements of Madoka Magica, but fighting monsters with magic isn’t the only thing that makes a Magical Girl story. They’re traditionally as much coming-of-age stories as they are stories about definitions of femininity and self-determination. Madoka Magica has the trappings of a MG show: an all-loving protagonist, a dark and aloof rival, a tomboy friend, a non-magical friend, transformation sequences, fighting against the manifestations of dark emotions, and a cute(?) mascot. It’s talking the talk, but at its heart this is not a story about Magical Girl stories in the same way NGE was about Giant Robot anime (that’s what Revolutionary Girl Utena is for). It certainly plays with many common elements of the Magical Girl anime, but at its heart Madoka Magica is about hope, despair, idealism and selfishness. It’s a psychological drama and grand tragedy. It just happens to be wearing a Magical Girl outfit.
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Which is not to say that one is superior to the other, of course. Just set your expectations accordingly if you’re already a Magical Girl fan. If you’re not, well, you might be in luck...
Twelve episodes isn’t a whole lot of time and Madoka Magica does a lot in those twelve episodes, so while I’m willing to spoil the tone of the story discussing the plot itself is a bit trickier. Kaname Madoka is our pink-haired milquetoast protagonist who doesn’t think she’s anything special, and just wants to make friends with everyone. We’re introduced to her via dream sequence, where she witnesses a dark-haired girl fighting against an enemy ravaging the city. A strange white bunny-cat creature asks Madoka to make a contract and become a magical girl, and then she wakes up. It turns out that when not dreaming of plot foreshadowing, Madoka has a pretty good life; a cool mom, a loving dad and good friends. But today it turns out the new transfer student at school - Akemi Homura - is the same girl from her dream. Homura warns Madoka to never change, to stay exactly as she is if she doesn’t want to lose her friends, family, everything she has ever loved. We wouldn’t have much of a story if Madoka never changed, though, so it isn’t long before the bunny-cat creature from the dream crashes into the narrative as well and introduces himself as Kyubey.
Kyubey offers Madoka and her best friend Sayaka an opportunity: make a contract with him and he will grant a single wish, any wish. In return the wisher receives magic powers and must now fight Witches. Not the pointed-hat, broomstick-riding variety, but rather strange, eldritch beings which bring about despair, death and suicide among ordinary humans. It sounds like a good deal: get magic powers and a superhero job on top of a wish? Who wouldn’t want that? But the catch is that this job is for life. If you’re spending all your free time saving the world, you’re not spending time with friends, getting a boyfriend, even just having fun. Is your wish worth dedicating your life to?
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This story has a lot to say about good intentions. Our characters are living pretty good lives, so is there really anything worth giving that up for? Perhaps the wish is better spent on someone who needs it. But, remember, make a wish and you’re essentially fighting on behalf of that wish for the rest of your life. Is what you wish for really what you want, or do you really want some other outcome? Say you wish for a dying friend to heal; do you actually want them healed, or do you really want their eternal gratitude? All the characters in this story have the best intentions, but there’s a gap between intention and execution. If you don’t know what you really want, all the idealism in the world isn’t going to save you from your own regrets.
The phrase “I just wanted what was best” is a damning one. It's key to remember that the characters are adolescent girls, with all the contradictory vulnerability and immovable self-righteousness which comes at that age. It's the age at which ideas of how the world should be collide rudely with how the world actually is, and a person can either deal with it by changing themselves and developing coping mechanisms - healthy or unhealthy - or else break themselves on the impossibility of making their ideals fit with the system. Then again, it might be possible to change the system itself... but that’s a long shot.
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At one point Madoka’s mother gives her a piece of advice: if you see your friend hurting themselves while trying to to the right thing, maybe the best thing to do is to do the wrong thing for them to break them out of their self-destructive cycle. After all, they’re all still young, they’re at an age where recovering from mistakes is supposed to be easier than when you’re an adult. But this advice happens to come at the wrong time, because these kids are stuck in a situation where a mistake can cost one’s life.
As it happens the relationship between Madoka and her mother is one of the highlights in the series. Mom is a career-chasing businesswoman who still takes the time to talk to her daughter, and though she may not be working her dream job she’s living life on her own terms and is obviously an inspiration for Madoka. Her relationship with Madoka plays a surprisingly important role in the story, which is a refreshing change since parents are usually a non-factor or killed off for backstory purposes. The rest of the characters fit much more neatly into standard archetypes. Madoka herself has a big heart and wants everyone to get along, while her much more outgoing friend Sayaka is the go-getter who will take on problems head-first. We’re introduced early on to a much more experienced magical girl named Tomoe Mami, and she ends up taking a sort of big sister mentor role. All three of these girls believe in helping and protecting others, though each has their own take on the best way of doing so. Homura on the other hand is the dark and mysterious loner who for some reason is fixated on Madoka. We feel like she’s an antagonist, but another character who enters the story later turns out to be even more hostile. The red to Sayaka’s idealistic blue, this new magical girl feels like the antithesis to the magical girl ideals we’re used to: selfish, violent and hedonistic.
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As elemental as each of these characters is, by the end of the story each one ends up in a very different place than where they started - or else had their starting position shifted altogether. Not everyone is what they seem. Homura’s backstory in particular hits like a truck when it finally arrives and ends up being key to the resolution of the plot. That said, Madoka Magica is not a story that goes in for particularly complex characterization. Its twelve-episode runtime forces a fast buildup and resolution. Friendships and other relationships don’t really have the time to mature on screen, and a lot has to be left to subtext or inference. Each character’s arc takes them where they need to go for the story to progress, and it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Some of these character arcs are desperately tragic tales of misunderstandings and misplaced idealism, but in the end these are still archetypal characters, though perhaps not the archetype you expected. Ultimately, they serve more as conflicting views on the show’s central themes than as the driving force of the story itself. The short length of the show is a weakness, keeping the story from being able to develop the cast as much as would have been ideal.
On the other hand, the show’s compact twelve episode structure is also its strength, and the ‘realism’ of the characters is much less important than what each one represents in the story as a whole. It’s hard to say whether or not Puella Magi Madoka Magica would’ve been able to hit as hard as it does if was any longer. This is a story very much focused on building its plot and keeping a steady pace, layering the tone and atmosphere and absolutely killing it in the aesthetics department. It is a straightforward story when all’s said and done, but it is densely constructed and cohesive. Every element of the show works as part of a whole and builds on the others, the visuals, the cinematography, the music, and even in the way the plot is structured. It’s got no time for cheap fanservice, it makes full use of every moment, and it only gets better on repeat viewings. This isn’t a show that supports casual viewing, and it expects you to be paying as much attention to the way a character is being framed in a shot as to what’s being said (or not said) in the dialogue. This is ultimately a simple story, yes, but it’s dense and constantly being told on multiple layers.
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Puella Magi Madoka Magica’s ace in the hole is its mixed-media action scenes. Whenever our characters are fighting a Witch the show pulls a Terry Gilliam and starts doing very strange things with the animation. The medium of the art itself changes, with our cel-animated characters fighting against and among stop-motion objects. Paper cutouts and cotton balls. Lace and embroidery. The effect is unnerving and psychedelic and sometimes overwhelming. It can be difficult to follow the action whenever this happens, but then again these are supposed to be things that aren’t quite in sync with reality, beings which practically run on magic. The fact that these unreal things and spaces are being represented with real-world objects intruding into the animation is a clever touch. It’s an effect that I’ve rarely seen used in anime, and never in an action-heavy context.
(Author’s addendum: I’m aware that director Akiyuki Shinbo’s thing is this mix of visual styles. I do think its usage in Madoka Magica is still notable, if only because it works really well here.)
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Even when it’s being more conventional Madoka Magica is visually accomplished. Even though the wide-faced character designs threw me for a loop at first (so wide!) they did eventually grow on me. There’s something about how the eyes look almost penciled-in which keeps them from straying into overly-cutesy territory. The cinematography is likewise superb. Strong, stylized color work drives home tone and emotion. The setting often dwarfs people within vast, empty cityscapes, the background itself being a reflection of the characters’ emotions and the series’ tone. In dialogue-heavy scenes we get momentary flashes of expression and action illustrating what’s happening inside a character’s head, and the framing of characters in a scene tells you everything you need to know about their relationships without saying a word. Whatever else you might think about Madoka Magica, it looks beautiful and tells much of its story visually through color, framing, light and shadow.
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Going further than that, the structure of the plot is beautifully constructed as well. You could divide the story into four arcs of three episodes, each following the development of a different character, or else three arcs of four episodes, each one ending with a new point of no return. The third and tenth episodes mirror each other as well, each one shifting the stakes and giving us new context for everything which came before. The reason why this show shines so much brighter on a rewatch is because things that seemed like inconsequential melodrama or lazy writing the first time around take on a whole new meaning once backstory and motivation are revealed. It’s for this reason that I’m not terribly concerned about revealing Puella Magi Madoka Magica’s swerve into darkness; high stakes and dark subject matter are not the only secrets that this series has got up its sleeve. By the end of the story we’re not only dissecting the intentions and desires of our characters, we’re asking hard questions about why this story had to happen the way it did at all, questions which lead to what might be one of the most satisfying conclusions to an anime I’ve ever seen.
That is perhaps what makes Madoka Magica the show that it is. Though the ultimate shape of the story is straightforward, we journey there through layers of twisting color and twisting plot. Though we have our perspective on the events of the story constantly re-contextualized about once an episode, it’s always building to a conclusion that both feels inevitable and yet less likely the closer we get. And when the end does arrive, it takes everything that has happened so far, every mistake, every hope, every good intention gone wrong and it makes them matter. Though the ending is theoretically open ended, it’s entirely self-contained. It has introduced us to a new world, revealed the lies underlying this world, and has shown us what these characters do about it. It raises questions, and in the end tells us what it’s been saying all along. Few shows, anime or otherwise, use such a cohesive combination of visuals, narrative, and music to deliver a message. Beautiful to look at, beautiful to listen to, and beautiful in how it unfolds.
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As it turned out, a sequel movie was made anyways. I refuse to provide any comprehensive thoughts on Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Rebellion for now, because doing so runs the risk of being flayed alive by the fandom no matter your take. Suffice it to say that it’s incredibly self-indulgent, visually stunning, and it will make you regret wishing that the ending of the original series could have been happier.
Puella Magi Madoka Magica is beautiful, and you really should watch it.
- Taihus, the wish-granting @raincoastgamer​
(And I somehow manage to write all of this without actually discussing the soundtrack. The thing is, I don’t really know how to critique a soundtrack. It’s good, its use of leitmotifs is masterful and actually brought me to tears in episode 8, Magia represents the show’s true face behind the pleasant pink facade, and I’ve still got Sis Puella Magica stuck in my head.)
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gomeuni-blog · 7 years ago
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Hana Himekawa! ♥
Name: Hana Himekawa
Kanji: 花 姫川
Meaning: Flower; Princess of the River
Alias/Nicknames: n/a
Epithets/titles: The stubborn Princess
Species: Human
Gender: Female Gender specification: Female
Sexual orientation: heterosexual Pronouns: She, her
Birthday: 20 of March (First day of spring)
Age: 16 Part I:  9-10 Part II: 12-14 The Last: 16 Epilogue: 27
Naruto Gaiden: 29
Astrological zodiac sign: Pisces
--- Characteristics ---
Blood type: O+
Height: Part I:  145 cm Part II: 149 cm The Last: 155 cm Boruto: 156 cm
Weight: Part I:  40 KG Part II: 44 KG
The Last: 48 KG Boruto: 50 KG
Body shape: Skinny but with some curves Eyes: Baby blue
Hair color: Blonde
Hair styles: Twin tails Skin: Pale
Accessories: Flower shaped hairpins
--- Ninja information ---
Origin: Takigakure Village affiliation: Sunagakure
Current rank: Jounin
-Genin promotion: 12
-Chuunin promotion: 14
-Special jounin promotion: 15
-Jounin promotion: 16
Occupation: Flower Shop
Status: Active ninja
Team: n/a
Clan affiliation/s: Himekawa
Kekkei Genkai: (Info soon)
Chackra nature: Wind and Earth range
Ninjustsu range: Mid and Long range Taijustsu range: Short and Mid range Genjustsu range: Long range
Deffensive/Offensive type: Balanced
Dominant hand: Right Psychical health: Hana’s immune system is rather weak
Disorders: n/a
Weapons: Ninja bag with basic ninja equipment. Items: Senbon, kunai, kibaku fuuda, shuriken, scrolls.
Name: Naho
Species: Guinea pig
Abilities: Tracking
Missions completed:
D-rank: 12
C-rank: 16
B-rank: 11
A-rank: 3
S-rank: 2
Total: 44
Strength: Taijutsu and Ninjutsu.
Weakness: Genjutsu
Taijutsu: Excelent
Ninjutsu: Good
Genjutsu: Bad
Fighting style: Mixes ninjutsu along with Taijutsu
--- Techinques ---
Hana is quite good when it comes to ninjutsu, her main element is earth and then wind, she has quite a handful of jutsus but she mostly uses her signature ones.
Jinsei no Uta: Meaning the song of life, one of Hana’s abilities she took after her mother was her beautiful voice, since she loved to sing she decided to have a use for it, so this song is a jutsu that she often uses after the battle is over. As you know, sometimes battles leave behind lots of destruction behind, with this jutsu Hana sings and the nature takes place, beautiful flowers bloom, the grass and the plants take over the bodies and the destruction of the battles and it turns everything into new life.
Hanabira no Odori: It’s a jutsu that consists in flower petals and a very strong wind, besides making the opponent not seeing well, the petals also cut at the touch.
Hana exceeds at Taijutsu, she has an incredible amount of speed and agility that makes things easier, but on the other side, her body can only take much, and her stamina isn’t great. In taijutsu she doesn’t’ stick to techniques, her style of fighting is very “free”.
Tsume dageki: She uses thorns to create some kind of spikes or even claws and she strikes the opponent down with it, it’s usually her final move.
Hana is not good at Genjutsu at all but there is one she can use. She used this genjutsu on Tomoe when he was almost dying due to a ambush in Kirigakure.
Amai Yume: Literally meaning sweet dreams, Hana sings a soft lullaby who relaxes the victim’s body and sends them into a deep sleep that makes them remind of their most happy memory. It’s a jutsu she developed in order to use it on herself when she couldn’t stop having nightmares and she needed rest but it didn’t quite work.
Hana has a keen Kenjutsu, she doesn’t use it often but when she does you better run for your life, she mixes wind techniques along with it and her blades can cut clean at the distance of 15 meters.
--- Personal traits ---
Since Hana’s mother died while giving birth to her, Hana’s dad became really attached to her and spoiled her in many ways possible. Because of that she grew up with that Hime personality of hers. She always acts like she is the confident girl she seems to be, a spoiled princess, but in fact she is a very insecure girl and is always sharpening her skills to never rely on anyone but herself. Her relationship with her team was also bad because of that and since she was left solo often she also grew up and strong. The only exception for the rule is: If she loves you, it’s the complete opposite, she may act cold and sassy at first but if you really grab her heart, she will go through hell and beyond for you but also aware that sometimes her spoiled princess personality will take the lead. She tends to cry a lot when she gets hurt emotionally and she is very hard to cheer up when she is sad.
Good traits: Hana is dominant, a natural leader, she is somewhat confident of her abilities and is very ambitious.
Bad traits: On the other side she has a very short temper, has a sharp mouth, tends to do things on her own, speaks without thinking.
Confidence/Self-esteem: Hana seems a very confident person and values herself above everyone when she is with other people but when she is alone she is too much aware of her many flaws.
-foods and drinks: Hot chocolate and croissants
-colors: purple
-favourite animal: Guinea pigs
-what he/she likes to do in his/her free time: Take care of her flowers, walk around and take care of her guinea pigs.
-foods and drinks: coffee and seafood
-colors: mustard yellow
-less favourite animal: snake
-what he/she doesn’t likes to do in his/her free time: procrastinate
Habits: When she is talking to other people she always seems to drive them away unconsciously and when she is nervous she laughs a lot.
Hobbies: As a hobby, she owns a flower shop that used to belong to her mother
Fears: Being completely alone, snakes, losing her father Insecurities: Hana is insecure when she starts to like someone friendly or romantically due to her harsh personality, she thinks that sometimes she might cross the line making the other party hate her.
Ambition: Her ambition is to be successful in life doing what she loves. Quotes: “I am whatever I want to be”, “If I say something with a serious look, don’t ever doubt that my feelings are true”
--- Relationships ---
Parents: Ai Himekawa; Akira Tanaka
Sibling(s): Tomoe Tanaka
Relative(s): Akane Himekawa (Aunt)
Teammates/Ex-teammates: n/a
Relationship status: Taken Significant other: Souta Kobayashi
Best friend: n/a
Rival: Her family besides her father and brother Children: Yui Kobayashi Students: n/a Pets: n/a
Ai Himekawa:
Status: dead Nature of relationship: Mother
Hana never met her mother, she thinks she died when she gave birth to Hana, but the story is a lot more different. Ai died because secretly she was the last one that held the kekkei genkai of their clan who was sure to have ended, her sister planned to steal Hana from her since she was born with the kekkei genkai as well, but Ai didn’t agree to it and died while protecting her baby. When Akira entered the room, it was too late, but he managed to save Hana from Akane’s hands.
Akira Tanaka:
Status: alive Nature of relationship: Father
Hana’s relationship with her father is unbreakable, he would risk everything for her if she had to. She has always been a daddy’s girl, they used to be together all the time and he would give her anything she wished for. He did that mostly to fill in the whole left by his wife’s dad and he was afraid that he would lose Hana. Even if Hana grew up with that bad habit of talking like if she was superior, she never did such a thing with her father, she had a big amount of respect for him.
Tomoe Tanaka:
Status: Alive Nature of relationship: Step Brother
Akira before having Hana, he had a relationship with another woman back in Kirigakure, he fell in love with her and then she tricked him, leaving him and their son alone. Besides all that he found Ai and she immediately accepted Tomoe as a son. When Ai died, Tomoe was still young but he understood it all very well, besides everything he had to care for his precious sister so he left home back to Kirigakure and trained hard so he could protect his family, whenever he came back, Hana felt so happy that she would just cling to him all the time, and when he left back to Kirigakure, she would always cry and try to make him stay. Overall, they were also very close.
Akane Himekawa:
Status: Alive Nature of relationship: Aunt
Akane was Ai’s sister, she had always grown envious of her sister’s ability to have the kekkei genkai. Ai never used it once in her life, she was against it but Akane have always wanted it to achieve fame and fortune. That’s when she found the opportunity of using Hana to achieve that but failed her fist attempt. One day, when Hana was waiting for her dad at the academy, he was late, and her aunt appeared instead and took her, trying to take advantage of it, but her father realized and appeared before anything really bad happened. Hana growing up kept her distance from the Himekawa clan, it was a curse more often than a blessing and as soon she understood what her kekkei genkai was about, she swore to herself never to use it.
Souta Kobayashi:
Status: Alive Nature of relationship: Boyfriend/ Husband
Souta is Hana’s boyfriend and after her husband. First, they didn’t get along with each other since their personalities crashed a lot but soon after they met in very peculiar circumstances, when he practically saved her life, Hana felt quite bit of a spark between them and that was the moment she began to fall in love with him. When she realized she loved him, she honestly had no hope in that relationship, but still, she began wanting to see him more often, even if it was from afar and since the business was going well. Due to the accident in her mission she ended up 6 months in the hospital but as soon as she got out of there she decided to open a shop in Sunagakure. The one who helped her move there surprisingly was also Souta, Hana kept up with that façade personality of her but on the inside, she was very happy to have spent more time with him.
Souta’s visits to Hana always lightened up her mood, even if they sometimes ended up in some healthy arguments. Since Hana thought that relationship had nothing but friendship in it, she ended up giving up on her feelings, only to a few weeks later ended up caught in Souta’s sudden kiss and finally admitting that she loved him. The relationship was mutual. Soon after that their relationship went stable and the façade of them both had ended, and they finally were able to be a happy family.
Haru Misora:
Status: Alive Nature of relationship: Sensei
Haru was an old friend of Akira and Hana’s sensei, he was in charge of Hana since she had a really rough time socializing with other students and all her teams had gone wrong. He understood her above everything and was Hana’s first friend, he was the one who taught her Taijutsu and also helped her develop her signature jutsu. Haru had an important role on Hana’s life because when she had a health crisis, he tried to convince Hana to leave her ninja life, but she didn’t listen to him, that caused her to spend two whole years on the hospital and also for Haru to resign his position as her sensei.
--- Background & history ---
Hana was a very happy child raised by her father. It was only the two of them and they were extremely close. She was spoiled a lot by him and she grew up with the attitude of a very stubborn princess. Soon she met her big brother and they also became very close and they meat the world to her. The lack of female presence didn’t influence her being less feminine, on the contrary, she loved dresses and doing her hair more than anything. Her father gave her the things that belonged to her mother for Hana to follow her steps, due to that, she was constantly under pressure since she felt like her dad was expecting her to become exactly like her mother, other than that, she began her training and her dad often assisted her.
Gennin days:
Hana’s days as a gennin went well overall, she exceeded in her taijutsu and ninjutsu but her ability to resist genjutsu was a mess. But that didn’t stop her from being a good ninja. Everything was well until she was on a mission and she suddenly fell sick, she didn’t know what had caused it and it was not getting better at all, she had to suddenly go back to her village and she stayed in the hospital for about two weeks, they had discovered that Hana had a condition that was weakening her immune system so that prevented her to enjoy her gennin years but without her dad knowing she continued her training, Hana and her Sensei had a huge fight because she was caught training when she needed absolute rest and he refused to be her sensei any longer. That certainly was a shot in Hana’s heart, he was her only friend and now, the only person who understood her was gone.
Chuunin days: Hana’s chuunin days weren’t sweet at all, after she graduated, she began to take more than she could handle, she had this thing of training non-stop and taking every mission she could. In her head, she needed to get stronger and stronger but when she wasn’t with her mind full of those thoughts, she would often think that she wasn’t enough, that she wasn’t making her family proud and that she couldn’t be like her mother like everyone expected her to be. During that time, she had lots of breakdowns and would often shut herself out to the world.
One more thing happened during these days, she met a boy on a mission, a very handsome and charming one and he quickly complimented about her flowers. Surprisingly it was a boy from the Himekawa clan, he kept on and on and finally won the blonde’s heart only to break it into pieces shortly after. After that, Hana shut her heart to everyone who tried to approach her and was practically unreachable. To get away from everything and everyone she took on a long-term mission and came back nearly dead from it, maybe that what she would’ve wanted at that time but Tomoe reached her in time.
War Arc:
Hana didn’t participate in the war, she couldn’t because she was quite in bad shape and her condition had got a hold of her again. Because of that she went to orphanages to help the children and give self-defense lessons to them, besides preferring flowers and animals over humans, she always had a weakness for children, to her, they were like buds who would eventually grow into beautiful flowers.
The Last:
The last is the more complicated part of her life, she does her missions and has a flower shop as a hobby. Due to the flower shop she met Souta but since her rank was upgraded to a jounin she had to go more often on long term missions. One of those missions Souta saved her but still, that mission made Hana’s body fail and for 6 months she couldn’t leave bed or even her hospital room. But her brother stayed with her for the time being since her dad didn’t have that much time to. After she almost fully recovered she moved to Sunagakure, she had lots of time to think and needed something to distract her. Eventually her relationship with the grey haired boy turned out for the best even tough it was a difficult one and the two of them ended up together.
Epilogue/Cheapter 700+:
Hana gets settled, has a baby, gets married, everything is flowers <3
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hazeleyedleto · 7 years ago
Matters Of The Heart -Part 3-
       You’re singing Joyride by Roxette into your round hairbrush while rocking out with your music on full blast, taking advantage of a rare Saturday off to give your apartment a much needed, thorough cleaning that you’d been able to manage in quite a while. It’s not like there were dishes growing mold stuffed under your bed or couch cushions, but most of your wardrobe did happen to be laying all over your furniture in every room, with half of your bedroom floor acting as a laundry hamper, the actual white one in the corner spilling over. Saying that you’d been insanely busy lately is a very big understatement.
       Your phone dinging with a new notification spoils the moment, disturbing you from the best part of the song, and you roll your eyes while tossing the brush into it’s proper drawer. Mumbling, “It better be good”, you take the few steps to your phone and picked up, clicking on the video, watching in amusement as Tomo records Jared skateboarding down the railing of a stairwell. It looks all good and well until his feet slip from the board and he lands on his crotch on the railing, does a complete flip, and lands on the pavement on his back with a loud thud. There’s complete silence for a few seconds before Jared sticks his thumb up in the air and yells, “I’m okay”. Tomo and Shannon can be heard laughing their asses off in the background, before Shannon walks in front of the camera with the skateboard exclaiming that it’s his turn.
       "Fucking idiots", you chuckle and set your phone back on the counter, turning around to get started on the bathroom closet. You refold the towels and washcloths, arranging them all back into a neat pile before removing the contents of the second shelf, where a weird feeling begins stirring in the pit of your stomach. You look at the box of tampons and sanitary napkins while chewing on your thumb nail, unable to recall the last time you needed to use those feminine products. Fear grips at your chest so tightly you forget to breathe for a minute, and you end up backing into the wall where your mind starts to put together pieces of a wayward puzzle.
       Small changes you’ve been noticing begin to make sense, like the almost ever present upset stomach you’ve been experiencing, but chalked up to an acid issue, figuring you’d been consuming too much caffeine. Flying back and forth from Los Angeles to San Francisco three times a week to help your boss set up the new art gallery was stealing a lot of your energy. Of course, you’d gained some weight, but then again you had binged on ice cream for those couple of weeks, and these days you’re not exactly taking the time to eat properly. A lot of your meals consist of whatever you can get your hands on first, mainly chips, cookies, pretzels, and things like that from a vending machine. There was also your mood swings, to which you assumed were from the lack of sleep combined with the uncertainty of how your relationship with Shannon would change once he was married.
       Looking down to your tummy, a wave of relief washes over you at not noticing it being any bigger, but there’s still a nagging feeling in the back of your mind and you have to know what’s going on. Neglecting the rest of your cleaning spree, you head out to the closest pharmacy, returning in twenty minutes.
       An agonizing one hundred and twenty seconds pass while you pace the bathroom floor, silently debating the presence of God to yourself. Your family had never been religious, but at this point you start praying to some higher being for insight, along with negative results on the pregnancy test. It’s not like you don’t want kids someday, but you’ve been through enough lately, and someone surely needs to have mercy on you, right?
       The alarm goes off, letting you know it’s time to check the white stick sitting on the counter next to the toilet, nearly giving you a stroke. With apprehension, you advance to the test, where your eyes widen at the bright pink plus sign staring back at you. All strength seems to disappear from your legs and you plummet to the bathroom floor, shock beginning to settle in. 
       As if being knocked up by your best friend who’s engaged, and keeping it to yourself for several weeks while you weigh your options wasn’t enough, last night at the rehearsal dinner for the wedding, you watched Shannon and Emma together. She had never been anything but nice to you, had never done anything to Shannon to make him question his relationship with her, and he seemed filled with joy when he was in her presence. So, why did you develop a rapid dislike for your best friend’s fiance, and get irritated everytime she touched him? Each time she laughed, he smiled and his eyes twinkled. It was as if he lived for her. Cheerfulness hung in the air around them, and there wasn’t a single reason in the world for you to detest Emma, but here you were, wishing she and Shannon had never met.
       It dawned on you, hitting you like a ton of bricks while you watched them together the previous night, that you’re in love with Shannon, and Emma was getting the future you yearned for. Shannon was truly happy though, and you couldn’t wish anything more than that for him. Pushing your own desires to the side, you formulated a plan, finally coming to a decision about what to do with the shit show that had been tossed at you within the past three months.
       It’s the next day, the afternoon of the wedding where you take a few extra minutes sitting in the car you rented for the day, giving yourself a pep talk and gathering your courage before going into the church. You’re strong. You’ve got this. Two hours, tops, Monique. Just get yourself through it and then you can fall apart all you want.
       After giving your appearance one last check over in the mirror and not coming up with any more excuses to procrastinate, you get out and go inside. Jared smiles upon seeing you enter. “You look good, Monique.” You accept his kiss on your cheek and follow him to where the groom and groomsmen are gathered.
       "And just who is this handsome stranger?“, you try to keep the mood light and playful, after taking special recognition in just how good Shannon looks in his tuxedo.
       "Only the best friend to this stunning lady”, he kids back.
       Out of nowhere you’re hit with a whirlwind of emotions, sadness being the most prominent, forcing you to close your eyes while clenching your teeth together, waiting for the sudden unwelcome tears to pass. When you open them, it’s to three curious onlookers. You fan your face with your hand, somewhat embarrassed and swipe at your cheeks. “Sorry, guys. I don’t mean to act like such a girl.”
       Jared comes to your side and rubs your back comfortingly, while Tomo claps a hand on your shoulder. “I think weddings make everybody cry”, he pipes in with his two cents.
       "It’s not everyday that my best friend is getting married", you smile weakly at Shannon, knowing that this is one of the last interactions you’re ever going to have with him. A couple more wet drops trickle from the corners of your eyes and you brush them away quickly. “I’m just really happy for you”, you press your lips together and pause before continuing, trying to keep your shit together. “You’re going to have an amazing life with Emma, and that’s all I can wish for someone as incredible as you.”
       In a few steps, Shannon’s in front of you, enveloping you in a bear hug. “Things won’t change. I promise I’ll still be here for you no matter what”. You squeeze him tighter with guilt before stepping away, knowing that if he was aware of what you were keeping from him, he would be quick to take back those words. He looks down at you, raising an eyebrow. “Are you alright, Mo? You’re pretty shaky.” You didn’t even realize that until he pointed it out. Your hands are definitely trembling.
        You assure him with a smile so fake that you’re sure you’d have a good chance at winning an Oscar for, even though you’ve never been an actress. “Yeah. Just kinda nervous. You know, being up in front of people isn’t really my thing.” For one, the purple bridesmaid dress that you’re wearing isn’t your normal type; being strapless and skin tight, so you’re not feeling all that confident. Then, paranoia has been rearing it’s ugly head since you’ve arrived, terrifying you that someone will notice your slowly growing baby bump. And last but not least of course, you sincerely don’t like standing out at social events, even though Shannon and Emma are guaranteed to be the center of attention, and not you; but there’s not much solace in that fact.
       "YOU’RE nervous?!“, Shannon jokes.
       Before any more conversation can be had, one of the ushers comes in, announcing that it’s time to get things started.
       By some miracle, you made it through the ceremony, where your heart shattered into a million pieces as the priest pronounced them husband and wife, and Shannon was told to kiss his bride. As much as it hurt, a little part of you needed to see it with your own eyes to confirm that your plan was the right decision.
       After the second worst part was over, it didn’t seem to take nearly as long for the wedding photographer to take pictures, but maybe that’s because you were lost in your thoughts at what would take place later.
       Once everyone in the wedding party is dismissed and given an hour to meet back up for the reception, you give Shannon one last glance before climbing in your rental car, letting the sight of his head hanging back, eyes crinkling at the edges, and his mouth opened wide in laughter be your last memory of him.
       You drive back to the car rental place, exchanging theirs for yours, which is stuffed full of your personal belongings. Bittersweet tears cascade down your face as you repeatedly slam your heel down on the screen of your cell phone, not stopping until there are thousands of fragments and shards of glass littering the parking lot.
       Satisfied that you’ve cut off all ties of communication with your old friends, you slide in behind the steering wheel and start the ignition, ready to get started on your new life.
oh my poor heart
she can stay
Buttercup can be the baby daddy
Noo Shan’s gunna crai
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