#tommy will kiss buck quiet for the rest of their lives
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chaoticpositvty · 8 months ago
You already know.
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foxtrot91 · 6 months ago
Dedicated Ally
Buck pants as Tommy rolls off of him, flopping down next to him with his own, equally heavy breaths.
“Fuck,” Buck grunts, grinning as he reaches over to Tommy, smoothing his hand over a muscular chest.
“Mmhm.” Tommy turns onto his side towards him, nose scrunching as a smile stretches across his face. Buck loves that smile, noticed it the day they met, thinks that smile might be the reason he went fucking insane trying to get this man’s attention.
Unable to resist, Buck leans in for a kiss. It’s chaste, considering the mind blowing sex they’ve just had. But sometimes those are his favourite, Buck thinks; a simple, easy meeting of lips, a kiss just to kiss, no expectations for more, just a way to stay close even after being as close as two people can possibly be.
Buck whines in protest when Tommy pulls away, hearing a huff of amusement in response before he’s being tugged into the other man’s arms. He’s pulled and arranged until his head is resting on Tommy’s strong chest and okay, Buck thinks, if they’re not kissing then this is the next best thing.
It’s not long before he’s drifting, not asleep but also not-not asleep. Just hovering in that quiet, pleasant space in-between. He’s warm, happy, satisfied, and Buck has the vague, faraway thought that he could lay here forever.
At least until Tommy’s chest starts shaking with barely suppressed laughter, which—
What the fuck?
Lifting his head, Buck gives Tommy a quizzical look, not sure what exactly is so funny.
“Sor-sorry,” Tommy coughs, waving a hand as laughter bubbles up to the surface now.
Buck runs through the last couple hours or so in his head, trying to figure out what’s so funny.
They’d had dinner, nothing new there. Buck had put on that new nature documentary that he’d been wanting to watch except that Tommy had been way too distracting and they’d ended up making out like teenagers instead.
That had been followed up with some truly spectacular foreplay — and Buck really needs to find out how Tommy does that thing with his tongue like yesterday, it was inspired, truly, before Tommy fucked Buck into the mattress like his goddamn life depended on it.
So, all in all, a really solid night. Nothing that should have Tommy bursting into uncontrollable fits of laughter.
“What is it?” He asks finally, giving up trying to figure it out on his own.
It’s a moment before Tommy answers, has to visibly force himself to stop laughing. Seeing the look on Buck’s face must help because he sobers pretty quickly before pulling Buck in for a light kiss and settled them both on their sides, facing each other.
“It’s nothing bad,” he starts, rubbing up and down Buck’s arms. “I was just thinking… remembering, really.”
He’s smirking now, a mischievous look in his eye. Buck’s about to ask what it is he was remembering but just as he opens his mouth, Tommy continues.
“You know, Evan, I never did thank you.”
“Thank me?”
“Yeah, for being such a good, dedicated, passionate ally.”
Buck groans as he suddenly remembers their first date, a little over six months ago now. He goes to lean back as he covers his face but Tommy pulls him back, chest shaking with mirth.
“Really, ten out of ten, no complaints. A must have for every gay man out there.”
“Fuck off,” Buck grumps, but doesn’t resist when Tommy suckers him in for another kiss. They’re both smiling too wide — Tommy, from laughter, Buck from embarrassment, so it’s not much more than a light press of lips.
“Would’ve bagged me an ally sooner if I’d known how dedicated they’d be in their… allyship,” Tommy murmurs, pressing another kiss to his brow, right over his birthmark.
Pressing Tommy back into the mattress, Buck hides his face in the crook of the other man’s neck, face warm as he shakes his head.
“You’re never gonna let me live that down, are you?”
“I think it’s sweet,” Tommy says, stroking his hair. “As terrible as that date was, you were adorable even in your obliviousness.”
Buck smiles, warmth blossoming in his chest. He’s not sure why, but every time Tommy tells him he’s adorable it’s like his heart feels too big for his chest, like it doesn’t know how to handle all of this love and affection it’s being fed and is set to burst.
“You know, it wasn’t easy walking away that night,” Tommy says, pressing his soft lips to the top of his head. “But you didn’t seem ready. And maybe a bit selfishly, I knew that if I was going to have you that I wanted all of you, not just bits and pieces doled out in the dark where no one could see.”
They haven’t actually talked about that first date like this before, not really. They’ve acknowledged it, certainly, but they’ve never deconstructed it in any depth like they are now.
“I’m glad you walked away that night,” Buck says honestly. “I was an ass— no, I was, and you walking away helped me realize what I wanted in a way that I hadn’t really been willing to before.”
Tommy hums, fingers trailing along the back of his neck, tracing random patterns.
“You certainly came to terms with it a lot quicker than I expected. A lot quicker than I did,” Tommy comments, referring to what Chim often refers to as his sexuality crisis speedrun after hearing the full story of how they got together.
“I had a really great incentive,” Buck says, grinning up at Tommy.
ETA: Now on AO3 with some additions:
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cjlouwho · 2 months ago
Tommy just isn’t a bottom though it’s crazy to me that people force him to be just to match their weird ass fantasy.
I'm gonna make him bottom even harder now!!!
Continuation from this little guy
"Oh God, yeah, yeah, like that, Evan, fuck!"
"We- we're supposed t- to be talking," Buck stuttered, hooking Tommy's legs over his shoulders to get a better angle.
"We, mhm, we did. Good talk, ohmygodyes, good talk." Tommy brought his hands to Buck's sides, gripping him and pulling him in harder, faster. "Can you, uh-huh, kiss me, please?"
Who was Buck to deny him that? He leaned down, nearly bending Tommy in half, and pressed their lips together, licking his way into Tommy's mouth.
He couldn't thrust into him as hard at this angle, his movements short and sharp, but Tommy didn't seem to mind from the sounds he was making.
Sounds that drove Buck absolutely insane. He'd heard them a little in the supply closet, had to try and keep him quiet then, but he didn't have to do that now. And even with Buck's tongue halfway down Tommy's throat, Tommy managed to grunt and whine and nearly fucking purr with every movement Buck made.
"Shit, Tommy," Buck panted, resting his forehead against Tommy's. "I- I never heard you like this before."
"I miss- oh, fuck- I missed you, Evan."
Damn it, Buck was not going to cry right now. He didn't care how misty his eyes were getting, he would not cry. He lifted himself back up, staring into Tommy's eyes. They were wet too, red-rimmed with tears he was also unwilling to shed.
"I missed you too." He dropped Tommy's legs off his shoulders and, in one swift movement, rolled them over until Tommy was on top.
The movement buried Buck even deeper inside him, and Buck nearly came at the sight of Tommy's eyes rolling back in his head.
"Work for it," Buck demanded. He wrapped his hand around Tommy's cock and slowly, so fucking slowly, began to jerk him off.
Tommy shivered at the touch, at the words, at Buck's cock hitting right against his prostate every time he so much as moved an inch.
"I won't l- last long," Tommy admitted, a blush rising over his sweat-slick skin. God, Buck wanted nothing more than to lick the sweat off every inch of his body. He'd make a mental note to do that later.
Because there would be a later.
Tommy lifted up until the head of Buck's cock was all that was left inside him, then he slammed himself back down. Once, twice, three times, and he was coming all over both Buck and himself.
It didn't take long for Buck to follow after him, coming deep inside him for the second time that night.
Tommy nearly collapsed on top of Buck, their sticky bodies practically melding into one.
After a couple minutes of silence, Buck turned his head to the side and pressed a kiss against Tommy's temple. "You wanna get up?" he asked. "So I can get us a rag?"
"Can you just... stay in me?" Tommy replied, point blank. He bit down at Buck's pulse point, just enough to tease, then licked against it to soothe the skin. "Stay in me until your hard," he whispered, "and then fuck me again," he kissed along his neck, "and again," along his jaw, "and again," he punctuated the last one by clenching around Buck's dick, moaning against his lips. "Please, Evan."
"Holy shit," Buck breathed out. He wrapped his arms around Tommy's back and held onto him tight. "Holy shit, you're gonna kill me. B- but yeah, yeah I can do that."
Tommy smiled, resting his weight over Buck. "Want you in me forever, Evan." He spoke the words like a secret. A promise.
And while it might not be possible to physically remain connected to him for the rest of their lives, in this moment, Buck never felt more determined to figure out a way to do it.
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screamlet · 1 month ago
i wish you would write an outtake from what are your intentions where tommy tries to explain that he was sooooo confused by eddie and buck and eddieandbuck at first and it made him feel insane
(for the "i wish you would write" game)
i miss these boys! but here's something that could have happened in what are your intentions? this would probably be set during chapter 11. you don't have to have read the story for it to make sense.
notes: established relationship bucktommy; tommy pov complete; 1.4k; rated cute for cute
read on the ao3 with the rest of the story!
It happens once in a while, that their days off are on an actual weekend, and those feel weirdly special to Tommy. He's participating in something… normal: it's 9 AM and he's lying in bed with his boyfriend, their limbs tangled into some mess that's not spooning as much as thrown in the cutlery drawer. Evan's legs are so long and they like to wind around Tommy's like a pair of vines; every shift that tightens makes him laugh. Their hands are linked on top of the covers and they've got nowhere to be. This is as close to perfect as life can get. 
So of course, his brain thinks of Eddie. 
It seems wild now, about six months into their relationship, that Tommy ever thought Eddie and Evan had something going on, because they're just… Eddie-and-Evan. Once Evan kissed him that first time, it felt like that question was answered and that door was shut. But that kiss was so… 
"Can I ask you something weird?"
"You promise?" Evan asks.
"Promise what?"
"That it'll be weird."
Tommy bites his shoulder. "Now your expectations are too high, so kick them back down a little, huh?" Evan shrugs and pushes back against Tommy's chest. "That time with the basketball game, when you messed up Eddie's ankle, and I came to talk to you after—"
"You mean our first kiss," Evan croons, dripping with sap and affection. 
"Yeah, yeah, I guess." Tommy kisses his shoulder like he's making a point. "Actually, even before that, when I was hanging out with Eddie but not you, I kept thinking: did you guys ever…"
Tommy takes their joined hands and pats Evan's dick through the covers. Evan bursts out laughing.
"What? That's how you ask?"
"I'm trying to deflect from the fact that it's a dumb question!"
Evan glances over his shoulder. "You think it's dumb?"
Tommy makes a face and makes sure he can see it. "Yeah, now I do, but when I first met Eddie and I didn't know you, I wondered if the two of you…"
Evan shakes his head. "No. It's Eddie."
"He's a good-looking guy and you really were a dense-as-hell bisexual if it never occurred to you. Seriously? No guy crush or drunken—"
"It's Eddie."
"Yeah, exactly! You guys are joined at the hip and when it was just me and him—"
"Joined at the hip, not joined at the dick. It's Eddie." Evan's quiet for a second, like he's thinking. "I think Chim or Hen made fun of me when he first joined because I was really jealous of him and how cool he was, and he'd been in the army. Then on one of our first shifts, we extracted a live grenade that a dude had in his thigh? And—"
"You what."
"Okay, maybe now it sounds like how I acted when I first met you, less jealousy and more acting like an idiot, but—"
"No, the live grenade. It was where?"
Evan turns around. "It was in a dude's thigh. It was a collectible, but then it turned out it was a live round inside."
"And you survived?"
"We did! Eddie was so cool. He extracted it, right, and put it in one of those black boxes. The guy had a ton of blood loss so we got him out, got out of the ambulance, and then when the bomb squad sent in their robot, the whole ambulance blew up. And then that was it. Jealousy over, we were friends." Evan turns his head again. "Did you think we were together or something?"
"Hold on, I'm processing the live grenade thing. It blew up an ambulance. What the hell is your life?"
"Not the weirdest thing that ever happened to me."
"I'm so, so aware of that."
Evan nudges his elbow into Tommy's stomach. "What'd you think of me and Eddie?"
"So… you've gotta remember, okay? I walk around the world with a pair of big gay goggles that are invisibly welded to my head and they never come off, so… I was hanging out with Eddie and he was always talking about you! Always saying how much he loved you, you were his best friend, Christopher loved you, telling me you were so lovable, you were just the best guy in the world, and then Chris couldn't stop talking about you and he loved you so, you know."
Tommy unwraps himself from Evan's legs and sits up on his heels. "But that's the thing, he was so straight about it and—I can't explain it! All these gay things were coming out of his mouth, but all the vibes were like, even when I'm peeing I actively try not to think about my dick too much. I didn't get it. I still don't! And then Lucy compared you guys to the raptors in Jurassic Park, and how he was the bait but you were the clever girl about to jump me."
Evan laughs and tilts his head on the pillow, looking coy. "Really? I don't even know what that means."
"It made sense when I was insane, and I was completely insane. I wasn't even jealous, just confused!" Tommy huffs. "Confused and seriously horny when I got to your place to talk, but I didn't know!"
"Did you have to know?" Evan asks.
It rushes out of Tommy before he has time to think about it: "I mean, yeah. You two are pretty big guys, like, you could still punch me in the face if I read you wrong and hit on you. Not that you would, either of you, but." Evan reaches for his hand and Tommy half-smiles. "The gay goggles, right? They do more than set off awooga sirens when a hot guy walks by. You've gotta be sure about that stuff."
"Is that why you didn't call me?" Evan asks. "About getting a beer after we met up at Harbor and you abandoned me for Eddie?"
"Well. Yeah, kinda. I figured if this straight guy wants to hang out again, we'll hang out again. But if I ask you out—"
"You could have asked, though. Hanging out, just friends?"
Tommy takes a deep breath. "Even then, I think I knew I couldn't ask you out like that. Platonically. So I wanted to be sure. And you kept looking at me like you didn't want to be "just" friends, so—" Tommy groans and shifts around again so he's sitting cross legged on the bed. "Do you see what I mean? You drive me insane."
Evan reaches out and touches his chin, thumb in his cleft. "I love you. You're really sweet and completely insane."
"Obviously I'm fine now. Don't give me that look." 
Evan drags him back down to the bed. He tangles his legs with Tommy's again. This time they're facing each other, the better for Evan to wrap his arms around Tommy's back and kiss him, ensnare him forever. "Was that weird enough for you?" Tommy asks between kisses. 
"Getting there, but I've got a high tolerance," Evan says with a grin. "It's funny, though, you say those things—lots of people have said that about me and Eddie—but, I don't know. Literally never a thought in my head. Even when I used to go out with him and Chris and people would act like I'm also Chris's dad, I'd feel like: hey, they think I'm a dad, that's so cool. Not the Eddie part."
"So that's no to Eddie, yes to baby, got it." 
They freeze, suddenly, because that's—not a thing they've talked about—and maybe it's way too early to talk about—
"Can I ask you something really scary?" Evan asks quietly. "Can we put that question in a black box for a little bit and check it out later?"
"Leave it for when we've got our tactical gear and a bomb robot? Yeah, absolutely. I haven't even had coffee."
"We haven't even had coffee," Evan whines. "Let's go have coffee."
"Hey." Tommy holds him closer and kisses him. "I'll wait, okay? No rush."
Evan stares at him and nods slowly. "Yeah." When he kisses Tommy again, it's sure, not scared or worried. Confident, again. "We're not going anywhere." Tommy agrees, kisses him again, and stays. He loves him and he stays. 
read on the ao3 with the rest of the story!
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theladycarpathia · 9 months ago
I've seen too much stuff about Clipboard Buck and Tommy lately to not write this.
His boyfriend on a power trip should not be hot. 
“See,” Chim mutters under his breath, leaning over the rail to watch Buck down below. “I warned you.”
“So you did,” Tommy agrees, keeping his true thoughts to himself. Buck has the clipboard clenched in one hand, pen in the other, and directs a reluctant Hen and Eddie as they perform checks on the ambulance and the ladder. 
“He’s a menace,” Chim continues, with feeling. “He’s a dictator!”
“Uh huh,” Tommy says, watching the furrow in Buck’s forehead as he makes another tick. He gestures furiously towards something in one of the ladder’s compartments and Eddie puts down the jaws to argue back. 
“We keep hiding the clipboards,” Chim says darkly. “I don’t know where he keeps finding them all.”
“Unfortunately for you, I think that’s something they sell at most major retailers,” Tommy quips and rests his arms on the railing. 
He’s worked under power-crazed maniacs. He was in the army, and then he had Captain Gerrard. His own father was one fully for his way or the highway. 
Buck being like this should not be hot. And yet all Tommy can think about is lying naked on the bed while Buck does things to him from a very meticulous and organized list. 
Eddie makes an obscene gesture behind Buck’s back and Tommy smirks. 
“And this is Buck on a regular Tuesday,” Chim says and pops his gum. “Wait until you see Buck in an emergency or organize an event. It’s a good thing you stopped by. You need to know these kinds of things about a person before you get serious.”
“I’m glad to see you too, Chim,” Tommy says, although stopping to chat to Chimney hadn’t been on his agenda for today. He and Buck have had conflicting shifts lately, and they’ve barely seen each other. Texts and a few brief phone calls have been all they’ve had to get them by and Tommy finally had enough of it. Bobby doesn’t mind Tommy swinging by the firehouse and seeing Buck if they’re not on a call. And today is apparently so quiet that Buck has time to do a thorough inspection of the vehicles. 
“Are you?” Chim asks suddenly, twisting towards Tommy with a surprisingly calculating look. “Getting serious?”
Tommy just shrugs. He knows the answer, he’s just not entirely willing to discuss it yet. But it’s been long enough now that they keep toothbrushes and few essentials at each other’s houses, that they have evenings where they sprawl together in front of the TV, just happy to be together. Tommy knows about his sister, the loss of Daniel, the myth of Abby and has even read Taylor Kelly’s book. 
Which he did in bed, reading several segments out loud, much to Buck’s horror and embarrassment. 
“You seem to be,” Chim comments, and down below Hen throws a roll of surgical tape at Buck. “Not that I’m complaining. We like you, Buck likes you, you flew us into a hurricane…”
“I like him too,” Tommy says, because honestly he’s been smitten since Buck came up with that stupid motto back in the helicopter. “Funny to think that Evan and I never met before as he only got to join the 118 because I left.”
“You got there in the end,” Chim says. “I mean this as nicely as possible but you leaving worked out great for me. If you hadn’t left, there wouldn’t have been a space to fill. If Buck hadn’t joined us…”
“Then you would never have met Maddie when she came to LA,” Tommy says, understanding instantly. Funny how something that simple has changed so many lives. He doesn’t regret moving to Harbor, even with the closeness that the 118 has now. He wouldn’t be who he is otherwise, without that space to accept himself. If he didn’t have that, maybe he wouldn’t be the person brave enough to kiss Buck. “I get it.”
“Although,” Chim continues, still watching Buck down below. “We wouldn’t have the Clipboard Dictator if you had stayed…”
“You love it really,��� Tommy says, because he knows Chim loves Buck. But then Buck’s eyes swing upwards, towards the first floor and the two of them. 
“Oh shit,” Chimney hisses and then ducks below the railing. It doesn’t work because Buck just shouts “Chim, it’s glass! I can see you!”
“That wasn’t your best idea,” Tommy says and then offers Chimney a hand. “Come on. I’ll go down with you. Maybe I can make the tyrant a little bit sweeter.”
Chimney doesn’t look soothed by this. 
“Hello, Chimney,” Hen says pointedly, sitting on the back of the ambulance. “Nice to see you. How funny you happened to be hiding in the bathroom when Buck gets his clipboard out.”
“I wasn’t hiding,” Chimney mutters, eying Buck’s clipboard with apprehension. “Kinard, save me.”
“Evan,” Tommy says, snagging his boyfriend’s free wrist with one hand. “I came by to see you. Maybe we give the workforce a five minute break?”
Buck frowns down at his list. “I wanted to finish this before Bobby was done with his paperwork,” he says before looking suspiciously at his friends. “And if they leave, I don’t think they’ll come back.”
“Damn straight,” Eddie says under his breath. Hen just looks innocent, although Tommy is pretty sure they’re about to see three empty firefighter shaped spaces. 
“Just ten minutes,” Tommy cajoles, stroking the soft part of Buck’s wrist with his thumb. “I haven’t seen you all week.” He drops his voice down for the next part, hoping that Buck is as desperate to see him. “I’ll make it worth your while.”
Buck practically throws the clipboard at Eddie. 
“Taking a break!” he says cheerfully, half dragging Tommy behind the engine. “Be back in ten or I will hunt you down.”
“Will he do it with a chainsaw, I wonder?” Hen has time to ask (Tommy feels as though he should follow up on this later), before all three of them vanish. Tommy doesn’t see because he’s pressing his boyfriend up against the gleaming red of the engine and kissing the breath out of him. 
“What can we do in ten minutes?” Buck asks, eyes glittering, running his hands up and down Tommy’s chest. 
“Probably not a lot, as we’re in the open, in a firehouse, during your workday,” Tommy admits begrudgingly. A week is a very long time. Buck’s salacious texts and suggestive selfies haven’t been enough. “But we have time off in two days and I want to spend every second with you.”
“Good,” Buck says and the next few minutes pass very quickly. Buck tastes of coffee and he keeps both hands planted on Tommy’s rear - if he keeps squeezing like that, Tommy is going to have difficulty walking out of here. 
“I think we order takeout and movies and don’t leave the house for twenty-four hours,” Tommy suggests, just as Buck licks the shell of his ear. Fuck. This kid will be the death of him. 
“Fine by me,” Buck says and pulls him in for one last kiss. “But I really should get back to work. Call you when I’m off?”
There’s such obvious suggestion in his voice that want searches in Tommy’s gut almost instantly. He pushes it down and strokes Buck’s rather red jaw. 
“Can’t wait,” he says. “And Evan? Go easy on your friends.”
But the others are waiting for them, standing in a line by the stairs, obvious glee written all over their faces. Eddie is holding Buck’s clipboard and Tommy deftly removes it from his grasp. 
“Why, Mr Buckley,” Hen says, looking them up and down with a smirk. “That’s not a proper use of company time.”
“Ha ha,” Buck says mutinously, and with far more confidence than someone wearing a ridiculous amount of beard burn should have. “We have a lot to do. Where’s the…?”
Tommy hastily recaps the pen and hands it back to Buck, as though nothing is changed. He’d feel bad about it if it was an official document. But as it was Buck’s handwritten list of chores, he thinks the others might get some amusement out of it. 
He kisses Buck on the cheek and waves goodbye, quickly ducking out of the firehouse before Buck notices. 
“Who vandalized my list?” Buck shrieks indignantly and Tommy just skips all the way back to his truck.
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rcmclachlan · 17 days ago
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by the lovely @beanarie!
Here's a snippet of something I started writing yesterday. It hit me out of nowhere, and once I came out of the fugue state, I discovered I'd written 4,000 words.
The premise: Buck is in the middle of making room for his stuff in Tommy's closet when he finds an old phone hidden in a shoebox. Unexpectedly, it starts ringing.
"Sorry, but I don't negotiate with terrorists," Tommy says, then chucks the hornworm into the bucket by his feet. It lands inside with a muted thunk. There must be a bunch more of the little bastards in there.
"USA! USA!" Buck chants, pumping a fist into the air as he gets closer.
Cracking up, Tommy dashes the back of his gloved hand across his forehead. All it does is smear dirt and make him look rugged and disgustingly sexy. Buck wants to lick every drop of sweat from his body. 
"Done already? Please tell me I got to keep at least three hangers."
"Is there a henley shortage coming that the rest of us aren't ready for? Jesus." Buck holds up the Nike box and says. "I, uh, found this. Or it found me? It started ringing out of nowhere and scared the living shit out of me."
The moment Tommy claps eyes on it, something fascinating happens. Every muscle in his body visibly tenses, like a wave that starts at his jaw and washes its way down, leaving quiet devastation in its wake. In a single almost fluid motion, he straightens up from his lean and folds his hands at the small of his back. Shoulders back, chin up, feet apart. Parade rest. 
Buck's eyebrows hit his hairline. "Tommy?"
"It started ringing." It's not a question or even an accusation. Tommy says it like a simple statement of fact, his voice is flat as a board, the edges sharp enough to draw blood. "It just... started ringing."
"I, uh, yeah?" Buck holds out the box to him, jostling the phone inside, but Tommy doesn't move to take it. 
In fact, Tommy does nothing. Tommy says nothing. Buck has to squint to confirm that he's even breathing. 
After the most terrifyingly silent thirty seconds of Buck's life, Tommy shifts his gaze from Buck to, oddly enough, the sky.
"Did you answer it?"
"No, of course not!" Just because they're on rock solid ground now doesn't mean there aren't still fault lines beneath the surface. He at least thought he knew most of them. "I-I wouldn't, I swear. I just let it ring."
Tommy's nostrils flare. If his lips were any thinner, they'd probably disappear. 
"Um, I'm sorry. I know you said I could have free rein, but I didn't mean..." He has no idea how to end that sentence. He didn't mean to do what? Dig up something that Tommy obviously tried to bury? Make room for himself in Tommy's closet? Make room for himself in Tommy's life in the first place? 
A moment passes, and then the statue that was once his boyfriend shivers back to life. Tommy closes his eyes, exhales, and steps forward to take the box from Buck's trembling hands, tucking it under his arm. He wraps the other around Buck's waist and draws him close for a kiss. Buck pushes into it gratefully.
"Sorry," Tommy says against his mouth, then pecks it again before drawing back. "Sorry, I'm being an asshole. Get that look off your face, you did nothing wrong, okay? I was just... surprised to see it. I forgot it was even in there."
"What is it?" Buck mentally slaps himself. "I mean, I know it's a phone, but who was on the other end of it?"
Tommy doesn't answer right away. Instead he looks up at the sky again for a long moment, a strange smile quirking at the corners of his mouth. When he looks back at Buck, his pupils have shrunken to pinpricks. "Think of it like, uh, an old war injury acting up. It's nothing for you to worry about."
"Is it something for you to worry about?"
No pressure tags: @dadvans, @liminalmemories21, @screamlet, @setmeatopthepyre, and @leashybebes
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kinkykinard · 6 days ago
a lil domestic bucktommy inspired by the pneumonia i'm fighting rn
imagine buck getting sick one day, coming down with a fever but he either won't admit it or just assumes he's overtired and doesn't say anything. he's washing dishes in the kitchen and starts to feel terrible and tommy catches him leaning over the sink, hands braced on the counter, head dropped down and breathing a little hard. He puts his hands on buck's hips, turns him around, and catches the flush on buck's face. he reaches up and presses the back of his hand to buck's forehead and gives a low whistle when he feels how hot buck is. buck protests a little, tries to insist he's fine, but tommy leads him into the bedroom and carefully strips him down a bit so he's not overheating in his sweats and hoodie. he disappears into the bathroom for a minute and comes back with the thermometer, checks buck's temperature, sees just how high his fever is. he wants to get some meds on board but he wants something that might work a little sooner to help relieve buck's misery in the meantime so he strips him down the rest of the way, steers him into the bathroom, and runs him a tepid bath. buck shivers when he gets in and protests at first, but eventually quiets down as he gets used to the water temperature. tommy sits on the ledge of the tub next to him with a cloth, dipping it in the cool water and wiping down buck's face, shoulders, neck, chest, cooling him down little by little until the fever breaks and buck starts to shiver. he coos soft praises at buck as he helps him out of the water and wraps him up in an oversized towel to get him dried off.
back in the bedroom, buck wants his warmest, coziest pyjamas but tommy brings him a pair of boxers and an old, threadbare t-shirt instead, not wanting to risk him temp spiking again by dressing him up too warmly. he tries to tuck buck into bed for a quick nap while he goes to fix buck some of nonna's pastina but buck is clingy when he's sick. so, instead, tommy leads him back into the kitchen and settles him on a chair at the dining table with a light blanket and a fresh mug of lemon and honey tea to keep him comfortable. the coughing starts soon after that and before tommy can suggest a quick nap again, buck moves to the couch himself. all tommy gets back from the living room when he reminds buck not to pile on the blankets is a groan and it'll have to do until tommy can go check on the situation for himself because the pastina is threatening to boil over.
by the time the soup is done and tommy brings a bowl along with some crackers and a fresh cup of tea out to the living room, buck is snoring softly. he's coccooned in all three of the blankets tommy keeps on the couch for cool nights and tommy can't help but shake his head with a small, indulgent smile. setting the tray down on the coffee table, he reaches for buck's forehead, feeling for a fever, relieved to find none. he leans in to press a soft kiss to buck's forehead with a whispered sleep well, sweetheart before moving over to the armchair in the corner of the room and picking up the book he's got on the go.
evan's soft, even breathing provides the perfect backdrop for his book and tommy rests easy, feeling blessed to have the pleasure and the privilege of looking after someone so near and dear to him after so many lonely nights before evan had found his way into his life.
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weewoowings · 5 months ago
Could this be it?
Buck and Tommy were draped over the couch, their limbs tangled in a comfortable mess. The living room was dim, the soft glow of a forgotten TV casting flickers of light across their faces. Something played on the screen—neither of them cared to follow it. The background noise was a hum, barely registering beyond the sound of their steady breathing.
Tommy’s head rested against the back of the couch, his eyes half-lidded, heavy with exhaustion. His fingers idly carded through Evan’s curls, the motion slow, soothing, as though each stroke could erase the weight of the long day from both of them. His boyfriend was pressed against his chest, his body relaxed, sinking into Tommy as if they were trying to merge into one.
They were quiet, their breaths syncing with each rise and fall of the other’s chest. The rhythmic in-and-out filled the space between them, steady, grounding. It was the kind of quiet that felt like home—words weren’t needed, the silence was enough.
His thumb traced the shell of Evan’s ear before his hand returned to its soft path through his hair. He could feel the tension slipping out of Evan’s muscles, the way he melted further into him, like he’d been waiting for this moment to finally let go. Tommy pressed his cheek against the top of his head, inhaling the faint scent of his shampoo, mixed with the lingering smell of the day’s sweat and city air. It wasn’t perfect, but it was perfect because it was them.
“You okay?” Tommy asked, his voice barely more than a whisper, as if anything louder would break the quiet.
Buck made a soft noise in response, something between a hum and a sigh. He shifted slightly, his face burrowing into Tommy’s neck, the warmth of him pressing in, seeking comfort. Tommy’s hand stayed in his hair, fingers curling gently, his touch so soft it almost tickled.
“I love you,” Buck mumbled, barely conscious of the words as they tumbled out of his mouth. They were unplanned, said without thought, like a secret whispered into the dark where it felt safe.
Tommy froze for just a beat, the words sinking in, and then he smiled. His hand stilled in Evan’s curls, his other arm wrapping tighter around him, pulling him impossibly closer.
“I love you too,” Tommy murmured, pressing a kiss to his birthmark. His voice was as gentle as his touch, as if the words themselves were something precious.
Buck, half-asleep, smiled against Tommy’s chest, his body growing heavier with the weight of comfort and certainty. The simple exchange of words had settled something deep within him, something he hadn’t even realized was tense. Saying I love you hadn’t been a decision, it had just happened—and the way Tommy had pulled him closer afterward, the warmth in his voice, made Buck feel like he’d found a home in that moment. He could still feel the echo of Tommy’s words, I love you too, lingering in the quiet, wrapping around his heart like a second layer of comfort.
Tommy’s hand had stilled in his curls, but Buck could feel the rise and fall of his chest beneath his cheek. He knew Tommy was awake, probably thinking the same thing, maybe replaying those words like he was. The ease between them now felt like breathing—natural, effortless. He didn’t need anything more than this right now. Just them, just being.
Tommy’s heart thudded steadily under Evan’s ear, and he found himself smiling softly too. There was no rush, no need to say anything more. The moment was full enough, and Tommy knew they had time—plenty of time for more words, more quiet moments, more soft confessions. This was the start of something new and easy, and the certainty of it settled over him like the perfect blanket.
They both lay there, wrapped in each other, breathing in the quiet, as the flicker of the TV faded into the background.
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leashybebes · 3 months ago
Can I ask for 6 for the kisses? Happy or sad, up to you
6 was on a falling tear. full disclosure - when i got married we got ready together so i don't really understand how first look photos work 🤷‍♀️
Eddie sticks his head into the room where Tommy is waiting with Sal, getting increasingly tempted by the hip flask Sal is waving in his direction.
"You good, man?" Eddie checks.
"Yeah," Tommy says.
"Alright. Maddie's with Buck, you have like three minutes to get into position."
"Got it," Tommy nods. 
Sal claps him on the back. "Good luck, man. See you there."
The room where they're having these photos done is separate from the ceremony room, nothing really that special to look at. The focus of these shots will be just on them, not on any of the background - that'll come later. The room's empty apart from their photographer, Saf, and her assistant Charlie. She smiles broadly at him and gets him situated on one side of a screen in the middle of the room, facing away.
"How are you doing?" she asks.
"Honestly, way more nervous than I was expecting," Tommy admits.
"Everyone says that," she reassures him, then goes quiet when the door to the room opens again. Tommy holds his breath, counts the steps across the floor. He breathes again when he hears a soft knock on the screen.
"Hey," Evan says.
"Hi," Tommy says, and he feels Evan's fingers pluck at the sleeve of his suit. He reaches around the edge of the screen to hook their fingers together and Evan squeezes. Tommy's vaguely aware of Saf snapping a few pictures, but mostly he's aware of the warmth of Evan's fingers, and how immediately secure he feels with them wrapped around his own.
"Shall we do this thing?"
"Please," Tommy says.
"Okay, guys," Saf says in a bright voice. "If I can get you both to take three steps forward, Charlie will move the screen and I'll ask you to turn on the count of three. Got it?"
"Got it," Evan says, with a final squeeze of Tommy's fingers.
"Got it," Tommy agrees, his voice a little less steady than Evan's.
They take their three steps in unison, and Tommy listens to the sounds of Charlie moving the screen, him and Saf exchanging a few words before she checks in with them and gives them their countdown.
Tears burst into his eyes the second he turns and looks at Evan. He knew they would. Shit, that's half the point of a first look photo, isn't it? To get at least some of the blubbing out of the way before the vows.
"God, you look so beautiful," he manages, reaching up to press his hand over his mouth, trying not to actually sob. He knows he's an ugly crier, and they're going to have these damn photos for the rest of their lives.
Evan's eyes are shining with tears too, but he's holding it together better.
"Baby, c'mere." He reaches out to guide Tommy into his arms and presses a gentle kiss to his cheek, right where a tear is tracing down. "Don't cry on your pretty suit."
Tommy manages a laugh. "Bold of you to assume I have any control over this. We can't all be so butch, Evan."
Evan laughs, kisses his mouth this time.
"You look so handsome. Like a Disney prince. I can't wait to marry you."
Tommy kind of desperately wants to pull him closer, kiss him more, rumple up that gorgeous suit. But they're on a schedule today, step by step into the rest of their lives.
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bisexualbrainrots · 2 months ago
for my 911 what if, I once mentioned to @a-mel0n how I'd like for bucktommy's first kiss + time to happen in 3x09 because it just fitted with the theme of the episode (fallout) so I came up with this (long) snippet of their scenes from the ep (1/4). i also wrote this while sleepy so sorry if there are any inconsistencies <3
they're in tommy's place btw!
also, with some help I decided to keep the abby thing, but here it's way juicier! also yeah I'd like to tell y'all about andy sometime, he's the best.
The fridge made that sound again as it was opened, two cold beers being pulled out of it “And I’m sitting there thinking to myself “I have to run, I cannot be a second more with this guy”, that’s why I texted you, actually” 
Buck nods as Tommy gives him one of the bottles, open by the time it reaches his hands “Oh so I was just the distraction then” he smirks at the older, tilting his head, giving the beer a sip as the bottle reaches his lips and Tommy rolls his eyes, taking a sip too.
“Pretty much” he said deadpan as he leaned against the refrigerator.
His date had been horrible, and Tommy was ready to curse at one of his basketball buddies who suggested a blind date. The man wasn’t ugly by any chance, even making Tommy feel weak in his knees when he saw him, but it was his personality that made him want to run towards a cliff. The guy was negativity incarnate, complaining about anything and everything: the place was too quiet, the music wasn’t that great, the waiters were too slow, and the food wasn’t so good. But the last straw was something Tommy could never accept on anyone.
“He said he hates sweets Evan, I mean, What the hell?” Tommy moved towards the living room with Buck following him behind.
“To be fair, I don’t think there’s anyone who has the same sweet tooth as you, Tommy” Buck chuckled when the older shot him one of his looks, and shook his head as they sat on the couch.
“And it’s their loss then” he drank another sip of his beer, resting his head on the cushions “Hating sweets… What else does he hate? Rainbows? Fun?” he nudged Buck's shoulder when he heard the, very loud, laugh come out of his lips “Don’t laugh at me Evan!”
“I… I'm sorry” he had to take deep breaths to calm himself down “But you have to admit it's kind of funny that you're so worked up about a guy not liking sweets, I don't even eat them so often”
Tommy leaned in closer to Buck “That’s just because you try to get on ketosis every year, Don't forget I've seen you on cheat days too!” A second of silence happened before the two men were laughing, shoulders shaking as they tried to compose themselves again “Okay, okay… maybe I'm thinking too much about it, but it's just that I wanted my first time back in the dating scene to feel… special? I guess? I just… I wanted something good, not a date from hell” he sighed, taking another sip.
Buck tilted his head, a comforting smile on his lips “Was the guy at least cute?”
Tommy left the bottle on the coffee table to cover his face with hands and groaned as he sank his body into the couch “He was, and so hot too, which I don't know if it makes it worse that he was such a… pessimist, if I want to be nice” 
Buck whistled “Jeez, I don't want to imagine what you would call him if you weren't nice” he snickered when Tommy's fingers revealed his, very, annoyed eyes “But I get it, after Abby…” he stiffened, not knowing if it was appropriate to continue.
They hadn't really talked about Abby yet, besides that one time before Buck moved out of her apartment, and the younger didn’t know how to approach the subject either, not wanting to make Tommy uncomfortable.
The older gave him a sympathetic look, gesturing at him to continue “It’s okay, we can talk about her”
Buck took a breath, leaving his bottle on the table before speaking “After her I didn’t feel ready either, and it didn’t get any better when I realised I wasn’t the same guy I was before, like… I didn’t want to have something meaningless just to fill a void” he looked down when talking, avoiding the older’s gaze as he fidgeted with his fingers, “I’d say she was… transformative, in a way” he exhaled deeply, furrowing his brows “If I’m honest, a part me feels like I wasted so much time wishing for her to come back, and I regret it, you… You shouldn’t regret this Tommy, a bad date it’s better than stalling” 
Tommy held his shoulder for a while, squeezing a little to give him comfort “Hey, you’re better now Evan, and I could see back then how you weren’t ready to move on so, I don’t think you stalled, not really and… Thank you, for everything”
Buck lifted his head, a question in his face as he looked at the older “Tommy I… What do you mean “everything”?”
Tommy gave him a soft smile, shifting his body and resting his head on the heel of his hand “You helped me when Andy…” he took a deep breath, looking up for a few seconds before turning his gaze back to Buck “When he left, and you were the only to actually ask me how I was doing when nobody wanted to”
Buck frowned “They wanted to, Tommy, it’s just… they thought it was best for you to come to them when you were ready, Chimney almost caved once too” it was his turn to squeeze the other’s shoulder now, stroking the fabric “The only difference between them and me is that I don’t care that I get into everyone’s business” both men chuckled, the air feeling much lighter.
“Okay, but still, thank you for that I… I really needed someone then and I’m glad it was you, even though at the time it didn’t feel like it”
“Oh I know it, I had to fight the words out of you Kinard” he grinned at the older, who once again rolled his eyes at Buck, pushing his shoulder lightly. He looked at him for a while, a question popping into his mind suddenly, “Hey, can I ask you something unrelated?”
“Were you ever uncomfortable with me before I dated Abby?”
Tommy was stunned, not expecting the question, but also not understanding the point Buck was trying to make, or insinuating “Uhm, what do you mean Evan?”
Buck exhaled looking away, knowing the explanation could make it worse “I mean… I know I was a bit of a player before, new girl every night kind of guy and I fear… that it was one of the reasons you hated me so much” he brought his left leg closer to his chest, caressing the knee to soothe himself.
“Evan… I, I never hated you, not really” Tommy moved his body closer, chasing Buck’s gaze to make sure they were eye to eye “I mean, yeah, you were stupid and reckless and I really didn’t like it when you called me Thomas but real hate? I couldn’t really, and about the sleeping around thing…” he looked down for a few seconds before turning his gaze back on Buck, an embarrassed smile accompanying it “I can’t really judge when I used to do the same”
The younger’s eyes were wide open “W-what? How?” 
“Well, there’s something called dating apps, where you—”
“I know what a dating app is Tommy, I just” he exhaled through his nose, a nervous laugh coming out of his mouth “I never thought of you as the type to hookup, not that you couldn’t, I mean… but I just, you seem like such a romantic too”
And he was. Everything about Tommy screamed hopeless romantic.
“Who says you can’t be both?” he let out a short laugh, looking at Buck softly “I’ve always been in love with love I guess, it’s just, after Abby I turned to sex as a sort of self-destructive behavior” Tommy didn’t like to think about that time of his life anymore, the painful realization being too much for him sometimes “I slept with a lot of guys and I mean, a lot, but it never made me feel good or like I deserved to have anything good, it was more like a reminder that I, that I wasn’t allowed to be happy after what I did to her—” whatever he was gonna say next was stopped by the feel of two arms wrapping themselves around him “Evan?”
“I… I’m sorry” the words came like a whisper in his ear, which would make Tommy shiver in any other context but here they were overwhelming him.
“Why are you sorry? You didn’t… You never…”
“I’m sorry you felt that way, Tommy… I know I was a pain in the ass then, and I probably still am” he grinned against the skin of the older’s neck “But you deserve love, you may have hurt people but you are good, Tommy” Buck moved his head back, looking at Tommy deep in the eyes “You are a good person, even if you don’t believe it sometimes”
Tommy wanted to cry, his eyes glistening but not daring to go beyond that. For so long he hated himself so much, and let himself be used to prove that point. One-night stands that made him feel empty, bathroom and alleyway hookups that kept the momentum going, shame overpowering his body. Opening himself to love wasn’t easy, not even with a guy as good as Andy was, but he didn’t want to live in a lie anymore, he didn’t want to let hate burn him from the inside out and consume him.
Tommy gripped Buck’s back, not wanting to let him go just yet “Sometimes I think it’s funny, that my own self-hatred was projected onto many of my relationships, ours included”
Buck arched an eyebrow, intrigued “What do you mean?”
Tommy’s hands left the younger’s back almost as an instinct, feeling a heat reach his cheeks as he pulled away, embarrassment crossing his face “I… okay, don’t laugh please” when Buck reassured him he wasn’t going to he took a deep breath and leaned to take a sip of his beer, pretending it would give him courage “Alright, I… when we met I actually thought you were pretty cute, like I could’ve asked you out kind of cute”
Buck heard the record scratch in his brain, there was nothing else but those words.
‘I thought you were pretty cute’
“And that lasted exactly five seconds until you called me by my name” Tommy hid his face on the back pillows, groaning as his words were muffled by them “I can’t believe I just told you that”
“Tommy, you… you aren’t playing with me, right?” the older looked up, confused at the hitch in Buck’s voice. He looked different, something in him had changed in the way he was looking at Tommy, the older could swear he was seeing a glimmer in his eyes, but shook his head internally, thinking it must be the alcohol.
“No, why would I?”
Buck’s body shifted, his side resting on the back pillows as he leaned closer to Tommy, without invading his space “Okay, this may be funny too but… I sort of got jealous when you told us about Andy”
Tommy tensed up, a million questions popping on his mind as he locked eyes with Buck “Wait, jealous? Why?”
Buck tilted his head, a shy smile appearing on his lips “I… I started to feel like that when you probably started seeing him, y-you changed the way you behaved around me, almost as if… I wasn’t worthy of your time anymore” he remembered how it felt, that strange sensation in his chest the first time Tommy stopped fighting him back, making a passing comment instead “Now I know that’s a stupid way of thinking of course, but, I didn’t realise how much I secretly liked getting your attention”
Tommy looked at him wide-eyed, a thought— a desire crossing his mind “My attention?”
“Yeah I guess so” he chuckled, a soft look in his eyes and a warm grin settling in “I… I was so envious of how easy it was for Andy to get your atten—” suddenly all thoughts were replaced with static when he felt the older’s fingers grab his chin and pull him in.
Tommy was kissing him.
Tommy Kinard was kissing him, on the lips. And Buck was returning it.
It was so gentle and sweet, warmth flowing through their bodies as the few seconds the kiss lasted stretched until it felt like hours, hours none of them wanted to end. Tommy’s hands were in different places, one resting on the younger’s chest while the other landed safely on one of the thighs, simply laying there. Buck’s hands were another story, not knowing where to put them, they gravitate around Tommy’s shoulders tentatively, never landing them anywhere before the kiss broke.
Buck opened his eyes first, looking at Tommy like he was from another planet, and with that a light-switch turned on his brain, a realization with it.
When Tommy’s eyes opened he saw a vision: a pair of glassy blue eyes looking back at him, pink lips agape, and a blush across the cheeks he desperately wanted to kiss now.
“Like that?” his mouth was faster than his head, letting him say things unfiltered.
“Yeah… yeah, that works” Buck was dumbfounded, one phrase crowding everything inside his brain: kiss me, kiss me, kiss me.
Tommy gave him one of his scrunchy smiles, the ones Buck had only seen directed at the older’s ex, and he felt good about it. He felt like he was the object of Tommy’s attention, and that was making him feel giddy inside, yearning to keep that going for as long as the older would want to. Buck got closer, their chest almost brushing the other’s.
“So that was okay?” the older asked, and Buck just wanted to jump him and join their lips again, but he held back even though his skin was itching with want.
“Tommy that was… better than okay, I…” Buck’s brain was officially scrambled, trying so hard to make neural connections and actually work to get the words out “I want to— I need to… God, I can’t think straight” he chuckled, leaning his head on Tommy’s shoulder, who proceeded to sink his fingers into his hair, playing with it. Buck was actually in heaven.
“Metaphorically or literally?” he let out a small laugh when Buck admitted to both, and let him lean back to look into each other’s eyes, Tommy’s hand traveling to cup the younger’s face “Hey”
Tommy nudged their noses together, enjoying the moment without getting to kissing just yet. There was a tenderness in the way he was treating Buck that he had never once tried on him before, and it was giving them whiplash. All the time disliking each other didn’t matter, not when Tommy had just changed Buck’s entire life.
“Tommy…” the neediness in Buck’s voice left the older feeling like all the air was out of his lungs, not knowing how to breathe properly.
“Yes, Evan?” The hitch in Tommy’s voice was making the younger feel like his skin was on fire, desperately wanting the other to put it off.
Buck gave him a peck, and then another, and another one as they leaned on the cushions, Tommy’s head resting on the armrest. Buck deepened the kiss, the feeling of Tommy’s wet tongue driving him to the edge in a matter of seconds, nothing else existing. The younger cupped the older’s face with his hands as the kiss continued, looking more like a makeout session at this point. He bit the other’s lower lip, getting a soft moan out of Tommy.
“I need… I need… more, Tommy, I want more” he said between kisses, and sighed against the older man's mouth when he felt his fingers digging inside his shirt, settling on his waist.
“I want that too, but… Are you sure Evan?” Tommy had to ask, even though he just wanted to have Buck all to himself and touch every inch of his body, a heat settling in his belly.
Buck nodded, a playful smile on his face “I’m sure, I want, I only want you now Tommy” and that did it for him, next thing he knew Buck dived back in, their tongues fighting as the younger started to grind against him, sighing with content.
If there was anything like Heaven, Tommy knew he must be in some version of it. And he was loving it.
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kinardsevan · 8 months ago
30 day fluff prompt challenge: day three
It was supposed to be a surprise party. Evan had spent weeks planning it, ordering the supplies, and ensuring everyone in their group had off so that they would all attend. He hadn’t mentioned anything to Tommy about it because he’d wanted him to have this moment. He’d seen the way his boyfriend was around the other people in his life.
Granted, it wasn’t like Tommy ever spelled it out. Still, there was something about how Tommy felt about the outside world, that Evan knew matched inside him. It’s how he could see the little flicker in his boyfriend’s eyes every time Chim laid a hand on his shoulder before he told him a story, or when Eddie called Tommy instead of Buck to hang out. It was the flash of a microexpression every time Bobby invited Tommy to help out on a dish in the kitchen when they got invited over for dinner. 
So of course, when autumn arrived and Evan knew his boyfriend’s birthday was coming, he’d gone all out. He’d set everything in motion. Of course, the one thing he couldn’t plan for was the weather. Or, well, either of them being on call. 
They were coming up on the tail end of wildfire season, and while it had been relatively quiet since mid-September, there had been college kids partying in the Angeles National Forest. A week before Tommy’s birthday, a small brush fire became something bigger. Less than twenty-four hours later, fifteen acres of land had been eaten up. At that point, it became an all-stations alert, and instead of cycling through their typical shifts like they were supposed to, entire stations were barely taking off eight hours to rest and recuperate, more concerned for their hometown than the need to get back to their daily living. The 118 and Harbor were among those stations. 
He’d barely seen Tommy since the start of the fire. They were lucky to pass one another maybe once a day in the middle of their required breaks, if they managed to fall during the same periods of time. Still, even then, they were both too exhausted to do much more than sneak a quick hug and kiss in before heading back in to work. 
It was exhausting. As midnight approached towards Tommy’s birthday, Evan wasn’t sure how much he had left in him. He hadn’t been home since the second night of the fire, not wanting to take the extra time to travel. There were tents set up that stations would hunker down in to rest in shifts. They’d had a singular evening in the middle of that entire week where Tommy had snuck in and fallen asleep next to him two hours before the 118 had gotten back up and headed back in. They hadn’t had a real conversation in the midst of it all due to the circumstances. The most he got to hear out of Tommy during those six days was whenever his voice came over the radio, announcing that he was coming through with a suppressant. 
But then, they got lucky. Around three AM, officially Tommy’s birthday, the rain came. They’d contained about 95 percent of the fire at that point, but the rain coming through on a cold front helped. Many of the firefighters still there were so excited to see the downpour flooding the areas that they’d actually celebrated when it finally hit. 
By five AM, they’d all been called off to go home for at least twenty-four hours. Granted, the fire was still ablaze and plenty of them had every intention of returning the second they were allowed to, but they had also all been out there so long that many hadn’t seen their families over the course of the entire week. 
Evan was dead on his feet then. He’d been awake almost thirty-six hours, unable to sleep on his last break. He had no idea where Tommy was, but he could also barely keep his eyes open as Bobby drove A shift back to the 118, ordered them all to do as the fire chief had said and to stay gone for at least 24 hours from the time they walked out of the building. 
He would’ve called Tommy, but his phone was dead. It had been for three days. Sometimes he remembered to charge it when he went on break, but mostly, he just listened out on the open channel for Tommy’s voice to know he was okay. Anytime he heard him, he tried to radio out for one reason or another, silently return the favor of letting his love know that he was still alive on the ground. 
Still, he didn’t trust himself to drive. His eyes were so heavy that he wasn’t even sure he’d kept them open for more than five minutes during the time he took to shower and change at the firehouse. It was during the 20 minute period that he’d taken to do all of that, that he left his phone to actually charge so that he could order a ride once he was ready. He’d work out the semantics about his vehicle later. 
And like, he knew it was a hike out to Tommy’s; that he’d be paying more money to travel across town in an Uber than he would just driving his own car. He also knew that it was the safer option, and he was about to be paid out for an obscene amount of overtime. 
He fell asleep in the car on the ride over. The guy who’d driven him had been gracious enough, clearly aware of the situation plaguing their home. Plus, he’d picked Buck up from the firehouse, so he could only assume that the driver made inferences. 
He wasn’t sure if Tommy was home when he got there. The truck wasn’t in the driveway, but Evan also hadn’t driven himself, and he didn’t know how long it had been since Tommy had slept. Still, he let himself in with the key Tommy had given him early in the summer, dropped his bag and shoes at the door, and was stripping out of his jeans and hoodie before he was halfway through the house. When he made it to the bedroom, the older man was buried under a mountain of blankets. He kept the thermostat low, and Evan sometimes wondered if that was because Tommy wanted him to cuddle closer when they were in bed. 
Tommy didn’t stir as he settled. Evan was barely awake long enough to let his head fall into the space between his boyfriend’s shoulder blades. 
. . . 
He wakes up to the smell of coffee, and blinds being gently drawn. It makes him groan, tugging the blankets higher over his head. 
“No,” he groans. “Not enough sleep.” 
“Time to wake up, baby.” Fingers tugging at the edges of the blanket. He yanks them higher, burying his face in the pillow. Evan giggles.
“It’s my birthday,” he grumbles against the pillow. “This is rude.” 
Evan’s hand comes down on his back over the blanket, making gentle circles. 
“The chief sent out an all-stations notice. No one is allowed back for at least 48 hours now. I guess they finally have reinforcements coming in, although I don’t really understand the point now that the fire is mostly contained.” 
Tommy huffs, reaching up and pulling the blankets off his head. He glances up at Evan, freshly showered, smelling of his sandalwood and sage body wash. The blond smiles down at him. 
“Hi, sleepyhead.” 
“You suck,” Tommy grumbles at him, even as he reaches for the cup of coffee that Evan is offering him. 
“It’s two o’clock, T,” Evan laughs. “And I made plans for us weeks ago.” 
Tommy raises an eyebrow at him as he takes a long sip from the mug in his hands. Somehow, the first sip always calms down the grouchiness inside of him. 
“But if you really want, I could definitely suck something,” Evan adds. Tommy almost chokes on the hot liquid in his mouth. 
Once he’s swallowed, he sits up higher on the bed, leaning against the headboard. 
“What do you mean you have plans made,” he asks. “I thought we were just doing dinner tonight.”
“Sure,” Evan replies, leaning against his palm on the other side of Tommy’s legs. “Dinner. With twenty-five of our closest friends.” 
Evan waves his hand dismissively. “Don’t worry. The wildfire kinda shot that to hell. I’m not about to expect everyone to show up after spending a week out in the forest. Eddie told me not to even text him in the next thirty-six hours, since Chris just got back.” 
Tommy nods. 
“But that doesn’t mean I don’t still have plans,” Evan states, waggling his eyebrows. 
Tommy raises an eyebrow at him. “Should I be concerned?” 
Evan just smirks, leaning forward on the bed to peck him on the lips. 
“Only if you have problems being covered in bite marks,” he murmurs before grabbing Tommy’s bottom lip between his teeth, biting down gently. The older man groans softly, all but tugging Evan back into bed with him. 
“Fuck dinner with all of our friends,” he murmurs once he has Evan pinned back down on his side of the bed, his legs laying halfway across Tommy’s lap. He nuzzles against Evan’s neck, nibbling against the spot below his ear. “I think I can find all of my birthday presents right in this bed.” 
Evan laughs again, though it quickly fades into a moan. 
“Happy birthday, baby,” he says, lifting his arms as Tommy tugs his shirt towards his head. 
Tommy nods, smiling down at him as he discards the shirt, leaning back in for another kiss. “Yeah. Happy birthday to me.” 
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diazsdimples · 10 months ago
Fuck It Friday
Hi, it's my weekly "Fuck It I started a new wip bc I have commitment issues Friday" post. Decided to hop aboard the Buddietommy train with my usual introduction to a ship (give them kids).
Tagged for FIF by @aroeddiediaz @cal-daisies-and-briars @dangerpronebuddie @inell @daffi-990
and @neverevan (btw I'm so over this tagging glitch of Tumblr's, when will it end??)
This morning, Buck wakes up in the middle. It’s his preferred spot, with Tommy’s arms circled around his waist and face smooshed into his shoulder, while Buck’s head rests on Eddie’s chest. Eddie’s arm is slung haphazardly over Buck’s shoulder, his fingers tangling in Tommy’s soft, brown curls, and his cheek is pressed into the top of Buck’s head. He can feel his hair fluttering with every one of Eddie’s exhales, and he’s pretty sure Tommy is drooling on his arm. On the bedside table beside them, the baby monitor crackles to life as a small, high pitched whine pierces through the silence of the morning. Eddie’s chest hitches as he wakes, and he shifts beneath Buck’s weight as he moves to silence the monitor. “G’mornin’” he mumbles when Buck presses a kiss against his pec. “How long you been ‘wake for?” “Not long,” Buck replies with a yawn. He’s dying to stretch out, his legs cramping a little, and there’s the small matter of an awake baby that needs tending to, but Tommy is a dead weight against his back, and the man shows no signs of waking – not even when Eddie traces his finger from Tommy’s hair, down his nose and over his lips. “We gotta go get the gremlins.” Eddie begins to gently ease himself out from underneath Buck, pressing a kiss to his birthmark when he whines in protest. “It’s okay, I’m just gonna bring them in here. Stay in bed.” “You can’t carry them all by yourself,” Buck retorts as he begins to wiggle out from underneath Tommy, sending Eddie an exasperated look when the older man tightens his arms around Buck’s waist, his brow furrowing in his sleep. “Help me out here?” Eddie snorts as he watches Buck shimmy across the bed with Tommy chasing after him the whole way. Tommy’s always been a clinger in his sleep, something Buck was delighted to learn, but it has made early morning wakeups difficult. It’s not unusual for Eddie to have to step in, as he does this morning. Circling the bed so he’s on Tommy’s now-empty side, Eddie spreads himself out so he’s blanketing Tommy from behind. Tommy’s arms slowly loosen around Buck as Eddie cuddles Tommy close, pressing a small line of kisses from his shoulder, up his neck and onto his jaw. “Tom, hey, let go of Buck, sweetheart, he’s gotta get up,” Eddie whispers as he kisses up to Tommy’s ear, finishing with a gentle brush of his lips over Tommy’s earring. Tommy turns in Eddie’s arms, rubbing his nose against Eddie’s jaw, and yawns deeply. “Whassgoinon?” he slurs sleepily as he squints his eyes up at Eddie. Buck watches his boyfriends from the foot of their bed, his heart swelling until it feels fit to explode as Eddie kisses Tommy’s forehead and strokes his fingers through his curls, slow and gently bringing Tommy into the land of the living. He itches to join them, to burrow back under the covers and hold Tommy and caress his fingers over Eddie’s arms and kiss their knuckles, but a quiet, yet insistent cry permeates through their bedroom wall from the room next door, and Buck is reminded of why they’re getting up in the first place.
NP tagging @theotherbuckley @hippolotamus @watchyourbuck @bidisasterevankinard @babybibuck
@spotsandsocks @bibuckbuckgoose @alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @jesuisici33
@wikiangela @loveyouanyway @exhuastedpigeon @kitteneddiediaz @thekristen999
@slightlyobsessedwitheverything @actuallyitsellie @idealuk @dangerpronebuddie @simpingforhotfictionalcharacters
@loserdiaz @elvensorceress @underwaterninja13 @rainbow-nerdss @thewolvesof1998
@steadfastsaturnsrings (lmk if you want to be added or removed or if you want to be on my buddie taglist and not bucktommy/buddietommy, it's hard to keep up with who's where)
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cjlouwho · 9 months ago
Our Future
(a bucktommy mini(ish) fic)
ao3 link or read below
Summary: Buck gets a little reckless at work, and Tommy gets a lot upset.
It had started with the silent treatment when Buck first got home from work. Tommy was fixing dinner, forcefully plucking basil leaves from the stem and tossing them into the pot when Buck came in.
He knew something was wrong right away, especially when he was only greeted with a monotone, “Hello,” and no attempt to move away from the pot that did not actually need to be stirred at the moment.
Buck had walked over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to shower.
Once he was showered and dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, he came back out and sat down at the kitchen island, where Tommy was now aggressively chopping lettuce.
“So, how was your day?” Buck asked cautiously.
“Do anything fun?”
“Not really.”
“Get some rest?”
“Tried to.”
Buck rested his hands on the counter, tapping his fingers a few times before asking his next question. “You didn't... Did you happen to catch the evening news?”
Instead of answering, Tommy stopped chopping the lettuce, put the knife down and went to the fridge to get a cucumber. A thick silence filled the space between them as Tommy washed the cucumber and returned to his cutting board. He picked back up the knife and resumed the harsh chopping.
“I will take that as a yes,” Buck mumbled. He sighed, briefly resting his head in his hands before continuing, “Say something, Tommy. You've got your grumpy face and everything; I know you're mad.”
“I'm not mad,” he answered, obviously mad. “And I do not have a grumpy face.”
“You very much do have a grumpy face.” He tried to meet Tommy's eyes from across the island, but Tommy was avoiding him. “Come on, Tom,” Buck said calmly, patiently, “Talk to me.”
Tommy put down the knife and, for the first time since Buck got home, he looked at him. His eyes were red. It almost looked like he'd been crying.
“I just don't get it, Evan. What would possess you to do that?”
“It's my job,” Buck defended. “It's our job. It's what we do.”
“No. No, what you did was way beyond the job. You know how I know it was beyond the job?” He asked rhetorically. “I know because, when I was watching the news, I could hear Bobby on the live feed yelling at you to not go back in.”
“I- I had to go back in though, Tommy. I had to save him. If I didn't go back in, he would have died.”
“He. Was. A. Hamster!” Tommy replied, emphasizing each word. “You risked your life, for a hamster.”
“Of course I did!” Buck said, as though it was crazy to think he wouldn't go back in. “Tommy, you didn't see that little girl crying. Sh- She just got Georgie a couple months ago for her birthday a- and she took such good care of him. She was freaking out. I didn't really think about it, I just went.”
“That's the problem!” Tommy exclaimed, motioning to Buck. “You didn't think about it. You never think about it. You go, and you run into the fire, and you become the hero, and you never once stop to think about you!”
“Hey, that's not fair-”
“What if the ceiling would have collapsed?” Tommy continued. “What if your exit had become blocked? Or the buildup of smoke got you lost? You never considered those things, did you?”
“I told you I didn't think about it,” Buck replied. His voice was quiet, reserved. He wasn't sure if what he was feeling was anger or shame. Either way, he hated it.
“Well, you should have.”
Okay, now Buck knew it was anger he was feeling. “Oh, thank you for those- those wise words. You've really changed my perspective. You should have,” he mocked, getting up from his seat. He went to head toward their bedroom, every intention to slam the door behind him, but instead he turned back around to face Tommy. “You know, we've been together for two years and never once have you made me feel bad for doing my job! In fact, most of the time, you seem to find it pretty hot.”
“When you're not being careless.”
“I was not being careless! I was saving an animal! I was helping that kid wh- who just lost everything she had.”
“Yeah, well what about us, Evan? What about everything you have? Our future? Our kids?”
All the retorts Buck had prepared suddenly disappeared. He stared at Tommy for a moment, dumbfounded, before uttering out, “Our... Our kids? Tommy, we don't have kids.”
Tommy put his hands on his hips, standing straighter. “No, not yet, but one day we will.”
“You think about that?”
“Of course I do,” Tommy replied as though it should be obvious. “We've talked about having kids someday, Ev.”
“Yeah, I- I know we talked about it I just didn't know you thought about it.” Any hint of anger in his voice had long fallen away.
“Don't you?”
Buck nodded. “Yeah. A lot.”
Tommy took a breath, rubbing his hands over his eyes to try and wipe away some of the exhaustion from the day. He moved around the island, taking a few steps closer to Buck. “I just worry,” he said, his voice faltering. “I worry that one day you're going to run into a burning building looking for a turtle, or a fish, and then I'm gonna have to explain that to our kids. I'm gonna be left,” he paused, “left alone, and I can't- I can't handle that.”
“But what if it's a person?” Buck asked. “How would that be any easier?”
“It wouldn't be easier,” Tommy admitted, “but at least I'd understand it then. Listen, Evan, I love animals as much as the next person but I love you a lot more. I'd like to know that when you're at work, you're there with the priority to come back home.”
Buck moved closer to Tommy. Close enough to reach out and grab his hand. “I can't promise you that I'll never run into a building looking for an animal again. That's just me, you know that. But I can promise you that surviving and coming home to you, and our future children, is always in the front of my mind. Always.”
Tommy nodded, blinking away tears. “Today was, um, it was the first time I was ever home, just sitting and watching the news and there you were. They had a special alert for the fire, and it was just live coverage of everything happening, and there you were,” he took in a shaky breath. “I couldn't do anything but watch and when you ran back in, I- I started counting. It was four minutes, twenty three seconds and I don't think I took a breath that entire time. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it kind of felt like my heart was breaking apart, piece by piece.”
Buck shook his head. “That's not ridiculous,” he said, squeezing Tommy's hand even tighter. He pulled Tommy closer, wrapping him in a hug. “I would've felt the same way if it was you. I'm sorry.”
Tommy rested his chin on Buck's shoulder, closing his eyes. “You don't need to be sorry.”
After they held each other for a moment, Tommy pulled back just enough to look at Buck. “Evan, I don't want you to change who you are. You know that, right?”
“I know,” Buck replied, and it was true. He knew Tommy loved him for exactly who he was, even if he was a little reckless sometimes.
“I just-”
Buck raised a hand to Tommy's cheek, stopping him. “I know,” he assured him. He leaned in, giving Tommy a soft kiss. Tommy sighed into it, the tenseness from the day leaving his body.
“I think we should order out,” Buck said once they parted. “Dinner's starting to smell a little charred.”
Tommy's eyes widened. “Oh God,” he said, rushing over to the burnt pot of food on the stove.
“So, did they say anything about me on the news?” Buck asked cheekily as Tommy turned off the stove and dumped the pot into the sink. “Come up with any good nicknames?”
“Oh, actually, yeah,” Tommy replied. “They were calling you the Rodent Rescuer.”
Buck's face fell. “You're kidding.”
Tommy smiled. “I'm not.” He walked back over to Buck, pressing another gentle kiss to his lips. “I prefer Hamster Hero,” he said, smacking Buck's ass playfully as he headed into the living room to get his phone and order some food.
Buck smiled. “I hate you,” he said, plopping down on the couch beside Tommy.
Tommy wrapped his arm around Buck, pulling him to his chest. He leaned down and kissed the top of his head, running his fingers through Buck's hair. “Yeah, I hate you too.”
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beefcakekinard · 4 months ago
[<- part one] ~ ~ ~ [part three ->]
'A few more minutes' lasts about half an hour, and the only reason it isn't any longer is that Buck's bladder finally wakes up and makes itself known. He grumbles as he peels himself off of Tommy and grumbles as he brushes his teeth. When Buck shuffles out of the bathroom in his slippers, he follows the scent of bacon through Tommy's house to the kitchen.
Breakfast is quick, and quiet - Buck's on his second cup of coffee as he finishes eating, and he's still waiting to feel his first.
"Here," Tommy says, reaching for Buck's plate. "I'll get the dishes, you pick out what you want to put on."
Buck yanks his plate back. "I don't think so. You cooked, I'll do dishes." Tommy raises his eyebrow and they stand off for a moment - Buck can practically hear Chim whistling that cowboy tune.
Tommy rolls his eyes when he relinquishes the plate, but he can't hide his smile. "Alright. What do you want to watch? I can get it ready."
Buck shrugs and starts gathering the rest of the dishes. "I don't really care, as long as it's not Hitchcock."
"You heathen," Tommy says. He leans in close, presses a kiss to Buck's forehead over his birthmark, and cops a squeeze of his ass. Buck kicks at him and rolls his eyes as Tommy chuckles his way to the living room.
The dishes gathered into the dishwasher and the skillet drying on the counter, Buck wanders into the living room, his slippers tapping quietly on the hardwood. He finds Tommy on the couch with basketball highlights playing on the TV and a stack of DVDs on the coffee table.
"Babe, you're single-handedly keeping DVD printers in business," Buck says, taking his own seat on the couch. "What's the verdict?"
Tommy raises his eyebrow. "The Criterion Collection alone sells an estimated-"
"Kidding, I was kidding!" Buck says, shoving a pillow into Tommy's face and laughing at how he squawks. There's a wrestling match for it, which Buck yields, only to ruffle his hand through Tommy's hair.
"Our options," Tommy says, fruitlessly trying to smooth his hair down and gesturing at the stack of DVD cases on the table. "I didn't know what you're in the mood for, it doesn't have to be any of these."
Buck picks up the stack and shuffles through it - there's two box sets, for Planet Earth II and The Lord of the Rings, and underneath those, a slimmer case for My Big Fat Greek Wedding. He spreads them out across his lap and considers them, looking between each of the covers.
"Here," he says, holding up My Big Fat Greek Wedding.
"What, really?" Tommy asks, looking bewildered. "Is it my birthday or something?"
Buck shoves at his shoulder. "What, I can't want to watch a rom com? I can't be in the mood for romance when I'm with my boyfriend?"
Buck loves saying that word. When they had the labels conversation, Tommy floated the 'partner' option, but there's nothing like the thrill he gets from being able to say 'my boyfriend'. He gets such a thrill from it, actually, that his coworkers have started to drop hints that he's maybe over-using it a tad. Screw them, he's happy.
Predictably, Tommy's face goes all gooey and soft. That's the best part about the whole 'boyfriend' thing - Buck knows he's not alone in loving it. "Alright, whatever you say," Tommy says.
He gets up, takes the DVD from Buck, and gets everything ready. Buck wastes no time when Tommy returns to the couch: he's sprawled over Tommy's side even before the opening music starts playing, Tommy's arm around his shoulders, his fingers tapping along to the music on Buck's bicep. The movie doesn't matter, not really, not when this is what Buck was looking for.
[<- part one] ~ ~ ~ [part three ->]
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calicomarie11 · 5 months ago
Buck grabs one chocolate chip cookie and hesitates before snatching up 3 more to add to the growing pile of food on his plate. He ignores Tommy’s raised eyebrows as he loads up on junk food from the appetizer and dessert buffet laid out on Bobby and Athena’s new dining room table. 
“What?” he asks with a frown.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you eat a cookie,” Tommy comments.
“Well if I’m going to have to sit through this I want carbs,” Buck pouts.
Tommy sighs, and Buck knows he’s been whining about this party for the last two weeks, but damn it, he’s still annoyed that Bobby and Athena’s Housewarming party is coinciding with the premier of season 3 of Hotshots.  
“We agreed to come and support Bobby,” Tommy says reasonably.
“But he doesn’t even work on the show anymore,” Buck points out. “He’s back where he belongs at the 118. I just want to put the past 4 months behind us and focus on the future.”
Tommy takes his plate away and sets it on a clear spot on the table so he can take Buck’s hands in his, thumbs rubbing soothingly over Buck’s knuckles. 
“Baby, it’s one night that we get to spend with your family…”
“Your’s too,” Buck interrupts.
Tommy’s nose scrunches as he continues without acknowledging the interruption, “and it means a lot to them to have you here.  It’s just a show and those are just actors playing characters. Yes, there are some similarities to your experiences but those characters have grown and changed in different ways from you. Everyone knows it’s all make believe and they’re not going to judge you based on a tv show.”
It’s Buck’s turn to sigh, knowing he’s being ridiculous when everyone else seems to be okay with their lives being used as plot fodder for Taylor’s show. Heck, last week Bobby gave the actor who plays him a tour of the firehouse and allowed him to come for a ride along. 
“Okay.  I will eat my carbs and try to keep my opinions to myself.” Buck grudgingly agrees.
“It might not be that bad,” Tommy says. “It’s a good show.”
“I’ll believe that when I see it,” Buck scoffs. 
Tommy lets him go so he can grab his plate and pile a few more lemon bars on top of the mountain of junk before they join the rest of the crew in Bobby and Athena’s new living room.
As the trailer for the next episode plays the room is quiet, everyone’s eyes darting to and away from Buck and Tommy where they have claimed a corner of the couch, no one wanting to be the first to break the silence. 
It’s Bobby who breaks the stalemate, rising from his seat. “I”m going to start cleaning up, if anyone wants to pitch in.” 
He escapes to the kitchen and is quickly followed by Athena, Chim, Maddie, Karen, Hen, and Eddie, leaving Buck and Tommy alone, the noise from the next show (something ridiculous set on a cruise ship) barely covering the noise of everyone talking at once in the next room. 
Buck turns to Tommy, a knowing smirk on his face. “So how does it feel to have an actor playing you on tv?”
Tommy is still staring straight ahead, a stunned expression on his face. “How, why, that’s not how it happened. There’s no way Johnny is based on me.”
Buck just chortles. “Sure, there’s no way the hotshot helicopter pilot who flew into a lightning storm to rescue Cap and Artemis from the top of a mountain that was on fire is you. The pilot who was roped into helping by Shaft and Bea, his old colleagues, and who took Sandy and Ricky along too.” 
“Where are they getting their information?” Tommy asks, eyes darting around the room looking for hidden cameras.
“They didn’t get everything right,” Buck says, shit eating grin firmly in place. “It took you a lot longer to kiss me than it took Johnny to plant one on Sandy.” 
Tommy turns to Buck then, deadpan as always. “Well Sandy was a lot more obvious about his interest than you were.”
Buck squawks and hits him gently on the shoulder. “Hey, bisexual revelations take time.”  He snuggles down next Tommy, linking their hands together. “But really, are you okay?” He tilts his head back to look up at Tommy.
Tommy lets out a slow breath. “Yeah, I’ll be okay.  I’m starting to see why you were weirded out by the whole thing.”
They sit quietly for a while, the sounds of laughter and conversation from the kitchen washing over them. Buck squeezes Tommy’s hand. 
“So, what do you think their ship name will be? I’m thinking Jandy, but maybe they’ll go with Sohny. Oh, or Jolaine could be cool.” 
Tommy snorts and shakes his head. “It’s lucky you’re adorable,” he says, before leaning down for a kiss.
(Read on AO3)
5 times the Firefam talks about the show Hotshots and the 1 time they watch it together
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piningbuddies · 10 months ago
hiii what are some of your tommy or bucktommy headcanons if u wanna share
heheheh HELLO always down for bucktommy
buck loves wearing tommy's clothes almost as much as tommy loves seeing buck in them. he accidentally wears one of tommy's old, worn LAFD t shirts to the station one day, getting really confused when chimney whistles, saying you got something you wanna tell us, buckaroo? he blushes like mad when he realises, but walks around with a massive smile on his face for the rest of the day, thinking about one day getting to wear his name for real
tommy's very into casual physical contact - he slips his hand into buck's back pocket when they're walking down the street, pressing a hand to the small of his back when ushering him through a doorway, an arm around his shoulders when they're watching TV on the couch. it's not even a conscious thing most of the time, but buck fucking loves it
inspired by @canonbibuck 's headcanon of tommy having a fixer upper and @bigfootsmom 's incredible fic, tommy buys a house and he's asking buck's opinion on everything. the colour of the walls in the living room, the backsplash in the kitchen, even the fucking light fixtures. buck's confused by it, and when he brings it up to tommy, he gets shy and quiet in a way buck hasn't seen him get before, saying evan, it's going to be our home one day. you know that, right? it's only fair you get your say. and buck is so fucking taken aback by how much he loves that man that he presses him to the nearest hard surface and kisses him senseless
speaking of, buck just loves ??? just kissing tommy ??? like with no expectation of it leading to anything else ??? (although if it does he definitely doesn't complain). they'll roll around in bed for an hour before a shift, just pressing eachother to the mattress in different ways and kissing eachother senseless, the world falling away until it's just the two of them
sleepover weekend!
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