#30 day fluff challenge
kinardsevan · 3 days
30 day fluff challenge: day five
"painting together" (aka, a mini deleted scene from The Devil Doesn't Bargain)
Evan leans back against the wall from his space on the floor, staring at the canvas in front of him. It’s definitely…something. 
He looks up at where Tommy is standing a few feet away, his own unstretched canvas stapled to the wall. He’s working in much larger dimensions than Evan an his little eight by eight tile, but the work is also far more definitve than the little swirls of the brush Evan is making. 
“You seem at peace,” he states softly, staring up at his boyfriend. 
Tommy doesn’t reply right away, giving his brush a spin around the glass palette in his right hand before he goes back to the canvas, working in a layer of blue to properly coat the canvas. 
“It took me a while to find something that was calming enough,” he admits when he finally steps back from the canvas two minutes later. He glances down at Evan, smiles at the tile in his hands. 
“I mean obviously you like art,” Evan replies. “I’m surprised you don’t commission it.” 
Tommy shakes his head as he swipes another line of paint across the canvas and then presses a finger into it, blending together two shades. 
“I don’t do it because I want money,” he states over the paintbrush between his teeth. “Sometimes I have an idea and it happens, sometimes it doesn’t.” He pauses as he steps back from the canvas again, and then moves and sets the palette on his supply cart before dropping the paintbrush in his water cup and turning his attention towards Evan again as he sits down on the stool he never uses. 
“When I was first working with Rob, he knew I would draw; sometimes these really dark things that I would remember,” he explains. “But we were in a session one day, and he’d told me to draw the memory I couldn’t get out of my head, onto a canvas. He said ‘whatever it is, however dark it is, just draw it’. And I thought that was crazy because it brought up all of these really dark emotions about it all. I got really angry.” 
Evan nods, watching Tommy with rapt attention as he talks. Something about it has him drawn in. It might be that it’s the first time they’ve really discussed Tommy’s trauma without him being upset about it. 
“So, I get it done, and I bring it into my next session, and it’s this drawing on a twenty-four by thirty-six sheet, black and white and in paint pens, with a ridiculous amount of detail.” He pauses for a beat, staring at the floor as though he’s caught in the memory. After a time, he looks back up at Evan. “Rob looks at it for all of six seconds, and then takes it and puts up on this wall, and when he comes back over, it’s got all of these little holes in it.” 
“Wha?” Evan furrows his brow, confused. Tommy lifts a finger, one second, a small smirk pulling across his face. 
“He’d glued all of these thumbtacks backward on a corkboard with superglue. So when he put it up, he pushed all of the pins through, and then came back, and I was kinda like ‘what the fuck’ you know? Like I put all this work into this project, and he just destroyed it.” 
“Please tell me this resolves in a good way,” Evan states with a small chuckle. 
Tommy nods, drumming his fingers gently against the seat of the stool. 
“So he walks over to me and hands me this water balloon. And I’m still miffed about the picture. But he tells me to throw the balloon. And at first I was like ‘fuck no, I did all this work and you just messed it up’. But he says ‘just trust me, and throw the balloon,” Tommy explains, bobbing his head slightly as he retells the story. He rolls his eyes as the smile reemerges on his face. “So I threw the damn balloon.” 
His smile falls then, but there’s still a look of contentment on his face that Evan hasn’t seen in a long time. He sets his tile on the floor and pushes himself up, walks over to where Tommy is sitting on the stool. He rests his hands on either side of his boyfriend’s neck, thumbs circling in the space behind his ears. 
Tommy narrows his eyes, his gaze pointed at Evan’s shoulder but not actually looking there. 
“There was crimson red paint in the balloons.” 
Evan stands in front of him, watching and waiting. Tommy’s gaze drifts up to him a few moments later.
“After the first one, I kept throwing them, and when they were gone, I went up and ripped it off the wall,” he explains. “And of course he asked me how it felt.” His gaze drops again, eyes searching before he nods at a thought inside his own head and looks at Evan again. “Felt like someone had seen the inside of my head for the first time, and what it felt like to be in here.” 
Evan lifts Tommy’s head gently, presses his lips against the older man’s. Tommy’s hands rise to meet his waist, pulling in a step closer. When they finally break apart, Evan remains in the same spot between Tommy’s straddled legs. 
“I still have that canvas around here somewhere,” he admits, glancing around the room. “And it was the first time I felt like paint might do something more than a pencil could.” His gaze trails back up to Evan. “That was also the first session I was able to actually say ‘I was sexually assaulted in the military’. So I guess you could say his methods work.” 
Evan smiles at him, laughing silently at the statement. Tommy laughs with him, pulling him another step closer and nuzzling his face into Evan’s neck. Evan strokes his hand down the back of Tommy’s head, fingers massaging lightly against the back of his skull. 
“I like seeing you like this,” he murmurs to him. “Like you feel at home in your own body again.” 
Tommy nods, though he doesn’t lift his head. 
“Thank you,” he rasps softly after a tick. “For loving me through it.” 
Evan pulls back then, making sure Tommy is looking at him before he speaks again. 
“I’d never be anywhere else,” he murmurs. “I meant it when I said I’d love you no matter how far you got in the healing process. I choose you, Tommy. Every time.” 
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h3arteyes4mingi · 3 months
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bakuliwrites · 8 months
Day One- Gale of Waterdeep
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500 Follower Event, 30 Day Writing Prompts Prompt: Relic, Tender, Petrichor, Gale (BG3) Pairing: Gale x Reader Tags: Fluff, Kisses, Cuddling, Slightly Suggestive, Gale Route Spoilers, BG3 Spoilers Word Count: 741
Gale’s dark eyes sweep languidly across the page, no doubt committing to memory the poetic verses written within. You watch from the doorway, comfortably warm in the threshold between cozy library and chilly balcony, a mug of tea slowly cooling in your hands. It brings joy to your heart to see Gale this relaxed. He’s reclined in a loveseat, dressed in his usual soft sleeping clothes and donning a pair of new slippers. The book he’s absorbed in is tome-like in appearance: leather-bound, some sort of ancient relic etched in gold leaf on the cover, a hefty clasp hanging loosely on the edges. You smile to yourself as Gale cautiously turns an onion-skin page, brows furrowed in concentration as he scans the next verse. 
With a small sigh, you lean against the doorframe, looking out to the churning sea beyond. There is something deeply nourishing about your days in Waterdeep. Perhaps it’s the way light rushes across the surface of the sea on clear days, sun glinting brilliantly in the sky, seagulls calling out to one another on the drifting ocean breeze. Maybe it’s the twinkling stars mirrored on the water at night, waves crashing gently to shore and the world silent as can be. It could be the hustle and bustle of the town around you, the familiar sounds of a peaceful life you’d almost forgotten in your adventuring days. Or perhaps it’s the unwavering gentility, the steadfast adoration of the wizard before you. 
Gale catches you staring, the corners of his eyes crinkling with delight at the sight of you. 
“Care to join me?” his voice breaks through your silent musing, eyes softening when you meet his gaze, “Books are always better with company.” 
“Of course,” you return, for how could you refuse such an invitation? You abandon your mug on the coffee table, shivering when a gust of wind brushes through the balcony. With it comes a pleasant whiff of petrichor and brine, a scent you’ll probably forever associate this tranquil afternoon with. 
“Darling, you’re freezing,” Gale worries, shifting in his spot to give you room to lay next to him. The loveseat is hardly big enough for two, but all the more reason to cuddle, you think to yourself. And that was most certainly Gale’s plan, for as soon as you sit down, he draws you into his warm embrace. He’s quick to take one of your freezing hands in his, drawing it to his lips and pressing a tender kiss to your knuckles. He warms it with his breath before sneaking in another kiss to your palm.
“Better?” he ventures, a gentle beam breaking through the gloomy grey of the afternoon. 
“Much,” you softly chuckle, letting your forehead rest against his. This moment is suspended in time, the balcony suddenly a realm of its own. Beyond the soft sound of Gale’s exhales, you can hear a drizzle of rain pitter-pattering on the rooftop, droplets bouncing off the railing and landing in tiny ripples on the water’s surface below. Gale holds your hand to his chest, his other arm drawing you close. Beneath your fingertips is the velvety texture of his shirt, the gentle thrum of his heart. This is nourishment in its purest form: Gale Dekarios, his love silently enveloping you, body and soul. 
You angle yourself to better reach his lips, pressing a tender kiss to them, lingering for a long while. Gale’s tongue softly traces the part in your lips as your fingers tangle in his hair. He moves to press tiny kiss after kiss against your cheeks, eyelids, and jawline. 
“Hmmm,” you hum, when he dips to give some much needed attention to your neck, “You can keep reading if you’d like. I don’t want to interrupt you.”
Gale’s book is long abandoned somewhere on the loveseat. You suspect he might be sitting on it, far too engrossed in you to pay attention to the tome digging into his leg. 
A small chuckle reverberates through Gale’s chest when you inadvertently gasp, his lips ghosting down to your collarbone.
“You’ve well and thoroughly distracted me, my darling,” he admits, “I’d much rather you be the subject of my studies this dreary afternoon.”
“Then you are easily distractible,” you return with an impish smirk. Gale quirks an eyebrow at you.
“Or is it that you and your irresistible charm are incredibly distracting?” he teasingly returns, laughing as he pulls you closer and lays his lips to yours once again.
A/N: I adore Gale. Honestly, I adore all of the companions in BG3. And many of the NPC's haha. I want to write more for him, so maybe a fic in the future? Time permitting, of course. Thank you for reading! Up next in this event will be Portia Devorak from The Arcana!
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20 day Intimacy Challenge
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Request:  Can you do like if each of the characters have to do a 20 day intimacy challenge with y/n? <33
What is it? For 20 days, Character x reader partake in a 20 day intimacy challenge where they spend the next 20 days working on their intimacy with y/n, whether it is cuddling, expressing their love, or sex, it really depends on the couple!
Characters participating: Jake Sully, Neteyam Sully, Z-dog, Tsu'tey, and Tarsem <3
1. Write them a love letter
2. Make a love sign and hang it somewhere
4. Cuddle and watch a movie
5. Have a makeout session
7. Stay up late and really check in with one another
8. Prepare breakfast in bed
10. Go for a walk together and hold hands
12. Make a list of things you love about your partner
13. Get it on somewhere new
15. Look at old photos together
16. Take a bath or shower together
17. Plan a romantic date at home
18: Indulge in some "Afternoon Delight"
19. Turn on love songs and slow dance together
20. Spend the day togetherr
23. Leave them a sweet, romantic, or sexy note somewhere
24. Watch the sunset together
27. Find out each other's love language
28. Re-create the first date
29.  Say a prayer for them
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deity-prompts · 1 year
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February Writing Challenge 2023 theme: firsts
First time driving
First episode
First chance
First day
First meeting
First look
First attempt
First bite
First flight
First drink
First birthday
First job
First fight
First pet
First step
First post
First anniversary
First words
First home
First light
First born
First place
First choice
First dollar
First to apply
First photo
First kiss
First kill
Also see:
February Writing Challenge 2021
February Writing Challenge 2022
Writing Challenge Masterlist
Prompts Masterlist
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moonshine999 · 4 months
Making Pancakes
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Day : 2
Ship : Helaegon (Helaena x Aegon II Targaryen)
AU : modern
Dividers by @cafekitsune
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The day was well into motion and the sun was at its peak above. The only bad thing about waking up in the middle of the day is to have the bright sun and a glaring wife in front of you, first moment of wake.
“Morning sweetheart.” he drawled, rubbing sleep out of his eyes. The next thing he felt was a pillow thrown at his face.
“Morning?! Morning? It is 2 pm, your highness!”
“You know what I mean..”
Hela eyed him up and down in frustration. She huffed and turned to leave the room with one last scream “You’re making the bed today!”
He fell back against the pillow and watched her walk away. She was adorable when she was upset. He slowly dragged himself out of bed, damn near falling against the cold floorboards in his efforts to do so. And then, his stomach growled. Loudly. Heh. Great.
He wobbled to the living room, deliberately ignoring the death stare his wife gave him. “Soo darling-“
“Put a fucking shirt on.” “You’ve seen worse..it’s alright. The point is-“
“Did you make the bed?” she asked with an eyebrow raised. “Heh of course not. I just wanted to ask what’s for breakfast?”
Hela closed her eyes and took a deep breath. Damn, she was fed up with him. “You mean lunch.” “Well for my stomach, it’s breakfast only.” “All you listen to is your stomach, Aegon.” “Uh uh” he corrected while shaking his head and a wave of his finger. “I also listen to my heart” he winked “and my dick.”
Hela dropped her head into her palms and giggled into them. “You’re hopeless, Aegon.” “Only for you, honey.” he smiled back.
He joined her around the other side of the counter and grabbed her waist. “How about pancakes?”
“Pancakes at mid-day?” “Why not?” He continued..placing a peck on her cheek. “Aegon-“ she chuckled.
“You’re worse than Jaehaerys.” “Mhm..I know.”
She paused and turned her face the other way, in efforts to hide a smile. With a sigh, she nodded and kissed his cheek. “Fine..but you’re helping.” “Why wouldn’t I.”
The next hour was spent mostly in comfortable silence. Both of them worked ever in sync as they always had. It brought back memories of when they used to help their Ma on Sundays. It made for a home of laughter, comfort and pure happiness then. And frankly they had no intention of ceasing such a tradition. The only difference between them then and now was that they were so much more open in their love. A kiss here, a hug there, holding hands and twirling around.
When the breakfast lunch was ready, Aegon bit into it immediately. With holding the fork in one hand, he laced his other with his wife’s fingers. “This is amazing. We’re quite the team aren’t we?” She grabbed his hand and placed a kiss on knuckles.
“Sure are.”
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A Helping Hand
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♡ Pairing: Buck/Reader ♡ Genre: Fluff ♡ Word Count: 1,101 ♡ Warnings: None ♡ Summary: When Buck needs some help with Jee-Yun he calls you over. ♡ Note: This is for a 30 day writing challenge I am doing. Day: 2 Parenting & Day 3: Everyone knows but them.
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There were not many people you would get out of bed for in the middle of the night, especially after a ten hour shift, but Evan Buckley was one of them. So, when he had called at a quarter past two and begged for help, there was no choice but to leave your warm bed and oblige. Which was why you were currently standing in front of his apartment door, still in your pajamas, tired as hell.
“Uh, hey, Buck?” you said knocking, “it’s me.”
It took a few minutes, but he answered the door, his blue eyes frantic with distress and worry. When Buck had called you, he hadn’t explained why, but as your eyes landed on the crying baby clutched in his arms, you immediately understood.
“Oh thank god you’re here, please come in,” he rushed out, stepping to the side so you could come in.
“Is everything okay with Jee?” You asked, wincing a bit from the loudness.
Buck only sighed, walking past you to go sit down on the couch. He rocked her back and forth gently in his arms, clearly trying to comfort her and get her to calm down.
“She’s been crying non-stop since Maddie and Chimney dropped her off this morning. They'll be out of town for a few days getting some alone time. This is the first time I’ve had her overnight and I guess she’s just not used to it,” he explained over her crying. 
“I see and you called me over here because…?”
“Because I know she’s only met you once or twice, but she did so well with you each time. I just thought it might calm her down to see you and if not, maybe I just needed to see you.” Buck admitted, avoiding your gaze.
“Oh,” you mouthed, trying to process what he had just said.
You and Buck were just close friends and had been for a long time now, but you would be lying if you didn’t have feelings for him. How could you not? He was an amazing guy, impressive firefighter, and all around hunk. The two of you had been tight ever since you joined the 118, which was why you were willing to be here right now. 
Now, you had no idea how Buck felt about you, but sometimes the things he said gave you hope that he just might have feelings. What did he mean by he needed to see you? Why not call Hen or Eddie? They both had kids and could help with the situation. 
Pushing that thought aside, you walked over to him and Jee-Yun. What Buck said was true, each time you had seen her, she had taken to you well. All babies tended to, but it was really just because you knew how to handle them. As the oldest sibling in a single parent household, you had lots of experience raising your younger siblings.
“Let me see her,” you said softly, reaching out your hands. 
Buck gave her to you without hesitation, relief on his face as she easily went into your waiting arms.
“Come here mija, you’re going to be just fine,” you murmured, cradling Jee-Yun closely to you as you began pacing around the living room. 
She slowly started to relax a bit, her cries turning into low whimpers. You started to sing a soft melody to her like your mother used to and after a while she was drifting off to a sound sleep.
Buck watched in surprise and relief, thankful that you had been able to do what he hadn’t been all day. He knew he had made the right choice by calling you over here.
“Where can I lay her down?” you whispered, once you were sure she was ready.
Buck motioned for you to follow him, getting up and leading you into his bedroom where the crib was set up for her.
You laid her down gently, careful not to wake her up as you got her situated and covered her small body with her soft pink blanket. Then you and Buck hurried out, shutting the door quietly so as not to disturb her.
The two of you waited by the door for a moment to see if Jee-Yun would start fussing. Once a minute or two had passed and she was still quiet, you knew she would be down for awhile.
“You are a lifesaver, thank you so much,” Buck said, heading back into the living room with you following after. “If you hadn’t come, she would definitely still be crying.”
“No problem, you know I’d do anything for you,” you said easily. 
It was the truth, you hadn’t known what he needed help with before coming over and that hadn’t mattered. 
“Maybe you could let me do something for you to show my appreciation.” Buck suggested as he turned to you, looking directly in your eyes, a cheeky smile on his face.
You blinked curiously, tilting your head to the side. “Like what?”
“Let me take you out on a date this Saturday night? Maddie and Chimney will be back by then.” He said easily, as if his words weren’t causing your heart to beat faster.
Were you dreaming right now? There was no way Evan Buckley was asking you out on a date. Surely not.
“W…Why would you wanna do that?” You managed to get out after a moment.
“Isn’t it obvious? Maddie’s always telling me how obvious it is. I like you, Y/N. I have for a few months now. I’ve been putting off confessing because after my last relationship I’m a bit nervous,” he admitted with a sigh,” but I guess there’s something about dealing with a crying baby all day that gives you courage.”
You both laughed at that, the slight awkwardness in the air a little lighter.
Shit. A late night confession from Buck was the last thing you expected when you came over here, but you weren’t going to complain at all. Quite the opposite. 
“Um, well, yes. I’d love to go out on a date with you, Buck. If it helps, Chimney always says my feelings are obvious too.” 
Buck looked pleasantly surprised at that. “Really? Well I guess we were the last ones to know.”
“I guess so,” you said shaking your head, “well I should probably go ahead and head out. Call me if you need any more help with her, okay?”
“I will. Thanks again Y/N.”
With that you left, the promise of Saturday lingering in the air causing you to smile the entire way home.
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My Masterlist || My AO3 || Please leave feedback, helps motivate! :) Thank you for reading~
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sugarsfics · 1 year
Messing Around In IKEA
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Summary: Your pregnant with your second child, with your husband Steve. You have recently moved into a new house. Time to get furniture at the best store there is IKEA. 
Trope: Dad!Steve x Mom!reader 
A/N: I have never been in an IKEA store before :/ so bare with me. Also sorry I thought this posted yesterday and it didn't
Warning: BIG FLUFF, kissing 
Word count: 1.0k 
30 Day Challenge: Day 4 Send Request <3
The Harrington Clan pulled into the big blue store IKEA. “blue” your son Grayson said “Yes baby it is blue good job” your husband said. Grayson squealed at the praise his dad gave him. Steve pulled into a parking spot, turn off the car then quickly got his carbon copy, Grayson out, “no I want to go with mommy” Even though he was Steve’s twin he is the biggest mommy boy there is, that scared you and Steve a little bit because you weren’t sure how he was going to reattract when the baby comes. After he put Grayson into the cart, he helped you out of the car “My wife” he said taking your hand to help you out “My husband” you said back giving him a kiss, even after years of being with each other your kisses still make him blush. “hi mommy” Grayson chirped “Hi my baby” you said kisses his forehand “My boys ready” you asked “Yes” Grayson eyes went huge coming closer to the store “big” he mumbled. The store was huge, long, tall aisles, many displays, many colors. This was going to be hard.  
“Ok where should we start first” Steve asks “Ummm......let’s look for the living room” You had in mind what you wanted a nice big couch to fit all your friends and family, you and Steve want a big family and the house you just brought was going to be your family house. It was a beautiful house it was a light gray with white windows and a lovely porch, 2 story house with 5 bedrooms, a nice big backyard with a pool. It was on the outside of Hawkins, Steve wanted a fresh start and a clean slate to his name, but always wanted to be near his friends just in case they need anything. The gang love coming over at your old place, the harrington house was always so cozy and welcoming, and Grayson loved his aunts and Uncles, especially Uncle Will.  
You had some furniture from your old place but the living room is ten times bigger so you need a new couch to match with your old lounge chairs. Grayson was getting fussy in the cart “down Grayson wants down” he started talking in third person a month ago “Ok hang on "Steve told him as he stopped the cart and brought him down “Hold mommy’s hand ok” he nodded and grabbed your hand “mommy hand” you kept walking till you were met with couches “wow that is a lot” you said row and rows of couches were in front of you, so many colors, shapes, and size. “This is going to be harder than I thought” after spending a good 20 minutes looking at couches “Ok this is not working” Steve said “We need a new strategy” he continued. He grabbed Grayson and walked up to a couch and plopped down on it “STEVE” you pointed at the sign Please no seating on the displays “It says no sitting we are laying down” “Steve” “We need to find out of comfortable the couches are because it will be in our house forever and I don’t want an uncomfortable couch so” he patted the spot next to him “Come sit let's find our couch” 
Every couch you sat on Steve and Grayson made a pros and cons list “This one is very big, but it feels like carboard” “This one is cool but as sharp corners, and we don’t need them hurting you or the baby” “blue” Grayson said for every blue couch he sat on. At about the hour mark of sitting on couches there was a light gray big couch that got your eye “Let’s try this one” Steve helped you off the yellow couch you were sitting on the you waddle on to the light gray one. “Oh, this one is nice” he said “Just imagine movies nights on this” “I am going to 100% fall asleep on this” “It goes with our chair too” “I think we found it” he said smiling at you. Grayson wasn’t making a sound which scared both of you so you quickly looked over at him “Just like his daddy” you whispered he had fallen asleep mouth open on the couch “I think he likes this one” Steve giggled “He looks so comfortable makes me want to take a nap” you leaned your head on Steve admiring you son as he rubbed your belly “I can’t wait to have our house be filled with little Harringtons” he whispered into your ear while kissing your temple “Me too” you sigh  
You don’t remember how it happened, but you were suddenly woken up by a worker “Excuse me um... You're not supposed to be sleeping let alone on the displays” “I'm so sorry it was just such a nice couch and-” “Don’t worry about it this happens all the time would you like to purchase the couch” “Yes please let me wake up my husband” you shook Steve which startled him “What happened” you nodded toward the work “Time to buy the couch” “Oh ok” They wrote down our information and were going to deliver the couch to the house. After paying Steve scooped up Grayson and brought him to the car, he buckled him in then kissed his forehead. He walked over to your side seeing you struggling to get in “I told you, you can’t be getting up and down on things without help” “But you were busy with Grayson and I didn’t want to be a burden” “Babe you are my wife the mother of my kids literally carrying my second child into you there is no way that you are a burden you are my everything” he said sweetly kissing your lips then bring you into the car “Now let's go home I am beat from couch finding” You walked into the house and remember “Babe we didn’t find a dinning set or anything else we needed” 
Tag list: @thefreak0fhawkinshigh let me know if you want to be added
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veinsfullofstars · 4 months
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Kirbtober 2023 Day 16: Spinoff
(ID: Kirby series fanart of Yarn Kirby in car form driving off in a puff of yarn smoke, with Prince Fluff barely hanging on by one hand. It is done in the art style of Kirby’s Epic Yarn, with everything rendered as yarn outlines on beige canvas backing stitched in white thread around the edges. END ID.)
Kirbtober 2023 prompts by @/paintpanic (link to list here)
Started and finished on 09/19/23. NOTE: This was originally posted on my deleted account on 10/16/23.
I already used all my yarn puns on the last one, dang. At least recreating the KEY art style was a fun challenge. Lookit ‘em go.
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peachesandcreames · 1 year
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Day 1: The Best Duo 💞💕
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gt-abby · 7 months
OC 30 days drawing challenge
Day 18: winter clothes
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A little bit of shading practice with this one, I hope this drawing challenge helps me improve my drawing skills.
Also, as a general rule, you cannot move a tiny while they sleep in your clothes EVER!!!!!
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kinardsevan · 7 days
30 day fluff challenge: day one
“you’re my new pillow” 
Tommy glances over at Evan as he shifts on the couch, a small smirk playing on his face. 
“You know you didn’t have to go on that hike with us,” Tommy tells him softly, stretching his arm out across the back of the couch. He brushes his hand down the back of Evan’s skull, and Evan leans into it instinctively, letting out a soft sigh. 
“I wanted to go,” Evan replies, turning his head towards Tommy. His gaze drops to the Bernese mountain dog settled between them, her chin settled on Evan’s thigh. “Besides, I think she’s warming up to me.” 
Tommy chuckles, rubbing a hand over the dog’s torso, in which she responds to by slapping her tail against his leg. 
“Yeah, Zale’s never met a stranger she didn’t think we should become best friends with,” he replies. “Have you, baby girl?”
Her ears perk up, but otherwise she stays resting on Evan’s lap. He spends a few seconds scratching her head, but when Tommy looks over again a few minutes later in the midst of a commercial, he spots Evan’s head lolling again. 
“Zale,” he commands, followed by a whistle. She stands to a attention, and then hops off the couch before moving around to Tommy’s other side, laying down next to him. He smirks and pats her on the head a few times before picking up an abandoned cow ear from the floor and passing it to her. 
The entire interaction makes Evan look up. He inhales a long breath, blinking slowly a few times. 
“I’m sorry,” he murmurs, trailing his eyes up Tommy’s body to his face. “Yesterday was rough.” 
Tommy nods, stroking his thumb back and forth on the back of Evan’s head. 
“Do you want to go lay down in bed,” Tommy offers. The pout that takes over Evan’s mouth makes it more than clear that he does not prefer that option. “Okay then. Do you want to cuddle?” 
Weary as he is, a sleepy grin slides across Evan’s face. Tommy rolls his eyes but lets out a soft chuckle. 
He shifts on the couch, grabbing one of the throw pillows from the chair next to him to settle against the arm of the couch. Evan stands, stretching as he does, and watches as Tommy leans back on the couch so that he’s laying down. Once he’s settled, he reaches for Evan’s hand and gives a gentle tug. Evan stares at down at him for a beat with those adoring eyes before he slots a knee between Tommy’s legs. He tries to come down slowly, but Tommy grabs his bicep and yanks him down in a quick tug, knocking the air out of both of them a little bit. 
“Just get comfortable,” Tommy orders him, but in a caring tone. Evan shuffles a bit against him, settling a little further down so that his head is resting directly over Tommy’s heart on his chest. Once he’s done moving around, Tommy’s hand slides back into his hair, massaging his scalp gently. Evan sighs softly, and Tommy can feel his breathing deepen as he fades somewhere between sleep and awake. 
“Better,” he asks when the romcom they’ve been watching comes back on. It’s When Harry Met Sally, which Evan insists is a personal favorite of his. Tommy still prefers Love Actually, but he can see the subtle similarities between the two films. 
“You’re my new pillow,” Evan mutters, nuzzling against Tommy’s chest for a beat before he settles again. “Who knew a toned chest could be this comfortable.” 
Tommy chuckles, shaking his head at Evan settled on top of him. 
“You’re not so bad yourself,” he murmurs back to him, lifting his head to press a kiss into Evan’s scalp. Evan sighs again, and Tommy returns his attention back to the tv, still absentmindedly moving his fingers over Evan’s head. 
He can feel when Evan finally falls asleep, completely sinking into him, one hand wrapped around Tommy’s shoulder on the inside of the couch as the other hangs towards the floor. Tommy reaches down and lifts it up, kisses Evan’s fingers before resting his hand on his chest. Evan snuffles in his sleep, flexes his fingers and then encases a fist around Tommy’s shirt. 
Still, if Evan finds him to be a pillow, Tommy is pretty sure there’s not a weighted blanket on the market that could match his boyfriend. The warmth and weight of Evan is enough to have him lulling down before long, satisfied to just relish in this moment, curled up on the couch with his beautiful boy on a Saturday afternoon. 
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h3arteyes4mingi · 3 months
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listen… NOW LISTHEN!! 🧐👆🏻
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sev-on-kamino · 1 year
30 Days of Blossoming Romance
Day 1: Accidental Hand Touching (prompt list here)
Wrecker x fem!reader
warnings: none, reader has a small injury, no details though, it’s fluff your honor!
word count: 819
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“I gave you a direct order!” Hunter was yelling as the pair of you raced down the mountain, a battalion of clankers in pursuit.
“And I followed it! I just got lost!” You argued. It was technically true. You had taken a wrong turn, and decided you might as well double back for Hunter.
“We both know that’s not true!”
“Wrecker, I’ve got him, light it up!” You ignored Hunter’s fussing completely. He could chew you out from the safety of the Marauder.
“Thought you’d never ask!” Wrecker replied gleefully.
“Wrecker, you were in on this?” Hunter groaned.
“Less fussing, more running!” You shouted, cutting him off and ducking a blaster shot.
“This is not over!” Hunter bit back with a growl.
You rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see them, as the rumble of explosions chased towards your position.
“Tech, get airborn, we need a pick up!” Hunter’s irritation couldn’t have been more clear.
“Locking in on your signal,” Tech replied, not letting on that he’d probably heard the entire bickering session.
“Left!” You took a sharp left leading Hunter towards a ridge where you could step into the Marauder without Tech needing to land again. Right on time, the ship hovered at the edge, the gangplank lowering to reveal Crosshair, who provided cover fire. You and Hunter threw yourselves into the ship and collapsed onto the floor. You struggled to take a breath, as the hard floor knocked the air out of you.
“Nice of you to join us,” Crosshair quipped, popping off a few more shots for good measure, as Tech closed the door, and made a sharp turn away from the mountainside. He turned to you, and offered his arm to help you up.
“Did you see that fireball?!” Wrecker exclaimed, eyes trained on you, as he hauled Hunter to his feet. “It was beautiful.”
“It was amazing, Wrecker,” you huffed, bent over, struggling to catch your breath. “Absolutely perfect placement.”
He beamed at you, before frowning. “You’re hurt.”
“What?!” you and Hunter shouted simultaneously. You straightened up with difficulty and looked down frantically to find a nice little blaster wound in your side.
“Great,” you said flatly, shuffling towards the corner of the ship that you’d turned into your med bay.
“Tech,” Hunter called. “Doc’s hurt!”
“I can handle it on my own. I’ll slap some bacta gel on it, and it’ll be fine,” you waved him off. “I’m fine, Tech!”
“Fine, when you’re done with that, I want you front and center in the cockpit, so we can discuss your listening skills,” Hunter was quite intent on this lecture that he’d no doubt been planning since he saw you back in that base.
“I warned you he’d be mad,” Crosshair said, heading towards the cockpit.
“Yeah, yeah, I remember,” you grumbled, heading the opposite way.
The pain in your side was noticeable now, but you were in no hurry to get an earful, so you stopped by the crate of ration bars on your way to your little corner of the ship, and flipped the lid open. You reached for one of the good bars, only for your fingers to meet Wrecker’s.
“Oh! Sorry, Wrecker. I’m so out of it, I didn’t even hear you behind me,” you apologized.
“It’s ok, sorry for getting you in trouble with Sarge,” he said offering you an apologetic smile.
“Don’t worry about it. He would have found something else if not this,” you grinned up at him. The sincerity in his smile made your heart clench, and you looked away only to realize your fingers were still touching.
Wrecker noticed too, and picked up the ration bar, offering it to you.
“Here, you have it since you’re hurt and all.”
“I don’t know, Wrecker, that explosion was awfully deserving of one of these,” you trailed off.
He grinned at you. “It was beautiful, wasn’t it? Reminded me of you.” Realizing what he’d said, he laughed nervously and looked away. His eyes darting back to see your reaction.
“An explosion reminded you of me?” You smiled up at him, one of your eyebrows raised. You were flattered by the strange compliment because you knew he meant it.
“Ah, cyar’ika, I’m sorry,” he started only for you to cut him off.
“Why? You like explosions, and if a massive one like that made you think of me, it’s a good thing, yeah?”
His shoulders drop in relief, as he grins.
“You always know what I mean, doc!” He replies, pressing the bar into your hands, letting your fingers brush against each other again. He lingers a moment before pulling back and grabbing a different bar. “Come find me when you’re done patching yourself up, and I’ll help you hide from Hunter.”
“It’s a date,” you smile, opening the wrapper with your teeth and taking a massive bite. Wrecker nods and salutes you as he leaves you to it.
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Intimacy Challenge: Day (9)
30 Intimacy Challenge
word count: 1.3k
Day 9: Nothing is better than to be cuddled or tangled up with your favorite person while watching your favorite movie or tv show.
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Your girlfriend knew how much you hated storms and since it was storming pretty bad today she decided to convert y'all's room into a little fort to help block out the storm and you guys would just lay here and watch your favorite movies together.
"Can I look yet?" You asked her as she guided you into the room.
"You can look right now." She said removing the blindfold from your eyes.
You let your eyes get readjusted to the room and then you saw it. She had converted your room into a fort with a blanket and pillows on the floor with snacks and drinks nearby.
"What's all this?" You asked her.
"I know you didn't like storms so I tried to block them out of here as much as possible and figured we could spend the day together cuddled and watching movies. What do you think?" She asked.
"I love it so much, thank you!" You said hugging her.
You guys walked over to the center of the room, she sat down first before you did and wrapped her arms around you. She started the first movie and you guys took turns feeding each other snacks and sharing some kisses here and there. While you were watching the movie, a loud boom of thunder cracked in the background making you hide in her chest.
"It alright baby, I'm here. You are safe."  She said squeezing you in her arms as she placed a kiss on your forehead.
Jake still found it hard to believe at times that he got you into movies since you hated most human things. Since he had gotten word that there was a pretty bad storm headed towards the camp and it would keep everyone inside for at least a few days, he decided to stock up on snacks and necessities to get you through the storm and that you two could just cuddle and watch movies.
"Ma Jake, what is this?" You asked him as you walked into your tent.
"Well, I thought since we are gonna be trapped here during the storm, that we could just hunker down and watch movies until it passes. What do you think?" He asked walking over to you.
"I love it. Do you mind if I change I kinda got caught in some of the rain on my way here." You said.
"Go ahead, I'll finish making sure everything is secure." He said placing a kiss on your lips.
While you got changed, he closed the flap to your tent making sure it was closed tightly so no water would get in. By the time you got changed, Jake was already in bed waiting for you, with a movie pulled on the projector, and smiled at you with open arms as you walked over and climbed into them.
"Jake?" You asked him.
"Yes, my love?" He asked looking at you.
"Were storms ever this bad on Earth?" You asked him as you listened to how hard the rain poured outside.
"They could be especially if you lived near the water but I like how here it's just rain, makes perfect cuddling weather don't you think?" He asked rubbing his arm up and down on yours.
"I agree with you there especially when you are involved." You said placing a kiss on his lips.
For the next three days that's all you guys did, was snack while cuddling and watching movies with breaks in between to check on the people and how they were doing through this.
"Yawne I don't know how you can eat that stuff?" Your mate said watching as you popped a chip in your mouth.
"Like this." You sat up and popped a chip in your mouth with a smile as he rolled his eyes at you.
You two were currently cuddled up watching a movie with you laying on his chest snacking while he ran a hand through your hair. Tsu'tey didn't like many human things but once you had shown him a movie a few times, he found that he actually enjoyed them especially when you two watched them together.
"Do you think we could do another movie?" He asked you.
"Yeah, I would love too." You said sitting up and loading up another one of ya'lls favorite movies.
Once the movie started playing, you laid back down on his chest feeling him press a kiss on your forehead making you smile.
You guys had a rare night where his parents were watching your daughter for the night so you two could you have some time for yourselves. So Neteyam decided to set up a movie night with you two figuring you both were exhausted and just needed a quiet night in.
"Ma 'Teyam, what all this?" You asked seeing a movie screen set up with a blanket and pillows on the floor.
"A little date in which we can cuddle and watch movies, so we can just relax for the night." He said wrapping his arms around you.
"I like that idea a lot." You said placing a kiss on his lips as he walked you over to where the bed was set up.
He sat down first before you crawled into his arms and rested your head on his chest, while he started the movie. You two lay there talking and sharing some kisses while he ran his hand up and down your back making you sleepy.
"You tired, my love?" He asked noticing how quiet you got.
"No, just resting my eyes." You said making him laugh at your stubbornness.
"Okay, I believe you sweets." He said placing a kiss on your forehead.
You ended up feeling asleep a few minutes after that, making Neteyam smile as you were finally getting some sleep, you two mainly haven't been getting rest since your daughter was born. He laid there running his hand up and down your back thinking about how happy you have made his life, until he started feeling sleepy.
You were exhausted and your mate could tell so he wanted to do something special to help you relax, so with some help from Tsu'tey he helped set up a movie night for you two where you two could just cuddle, snack, and watch movies. You came home that day, exhausted and desperately wanting to be in your mate's arms, so you were surprised when you walked into your tent and saw a fort set up with snacks and a movie screen making a smile and a little confused.
"My love, your back. What do you think?" He asked walking over to this.
"I love it. What's this for?" You asked looking up at him.
"I notice how exhausted you've been lately, and wanted to do something special for you." He said making you smile.
"I love you ma Tarsem." You said placing a kiss on your lips.
"I love you more ma y/n, come on let's get you off your feet." He said picking you up and carrying you over to the bed and settling you between his legs.
As you rested between his legs, he gently rubbed your back hoping to relieve some stress from your day making you melt into him as you watched the movie. Your mate couldn't help but smile when he heard you laugh, your laugh was his favorite thing in the world.
"Are you feeling better my love?" He asked placing a kiss on your shoulder.
"Yes, thank you. You don't know how much  I needed this." You said turning and facing him and giving him a kiss.
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deity-prompts · 1 year
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Slipping on something wet
“Please don’t give me another book.”
“Injured again?”
Catching a cold
Shade matching
“I could go on forever.” “Then do.”
“The one thing I asked for was a dress.”
Behind the scenes
“That’s it? That’s how it ends?”
Two-faced neighbours
Physical touch
“I know the way like the back of my hand, okay? Trust me.”
Poster child
Fashion show
“It’s subliminal messaging. They’re in your head.”
Mascara tears
“What are you not telling me?”
Stumbling at the finish line
Stomach ache
Also see:
2021 December writing challenge
Writing challenge masterlist
Prompts masterlist
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