#tommy pico
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Hope is a charred skeleton of a house visible from a road that snakes through the valley of memory where fig trees burst from the ground like throaty laughter.
Tommy Pico, Nature Poem
#Tommy Pico#Nature Poem#hope#hope quotes#memory#laughter#Indigenous literature#Indigenous poetry#BIPOC author#LGBTQ author#queer author#poetry#poetry quotes#quotes#quotes blog#literary quotes#literature quotes#literature#book quotes#books#words#text
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April is National Poetry Month! Here's some of my favorite collections! Full titles under the cut!
Feed by Tommy Pico
Black Movie by Danez Smith
The Weary Blues by Langston Hughes
The Twenty Ninth Year by Hala Alyan
If They Come for Us by Fatimah Asghar
Nature Poem by Tommy Pico
Femme in Public by Alok Vaid-Menon
IRL by Tommy Pico
I Hope We Choose Love: A Trans Girl's Notes from the End of the World by Kai Cheng Thom
A Place Called No Homeland by Kai Cheng Thom
Homie by Danez Smith
Don't Call Us Dead by Danez Smith
Citizen: An American Lyric by Claudia Rankine
#bookblr#poetry#national poetry month#kai cheng thom#danez smith#tommy pico#alok vaid-menon#langston hughes#fatimah asghar#hala alyan#claudia rankine
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Happy National Poetry Month!
We’re celebrating National Poetry Month with – what else – queer poetry recommendations! This page contains a select few titles, but we do, of course, have entire poetry pages, so please avail yourselves! Poetry Collections All Earthly Bodies by Michael Mlekoday From cities and cross-country bus rides to swamps and fern forests, Michael Mlekoday’s All Earthly Bodies celebrates the ungentrifiable,…

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#Black Girl Call Home#cyrus parker#Dear Medusa#Dear Mothman#Feed#Forever Is Now#Jasmine Mans#K.A. Holt#Mariama J. Lockington#Michael Chang#Night Sky with Exit Wounds#Ocaen Vuong#Olivia Cole#Poetry#Redwood and Ponytail#Robin Gow#Synthetic Jungle#Tommy Pico
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from Junk
By Tommy Pico
Wherever we go, needs feed and I find it harder and harder to
believe benevolence is the thing Thousands of Yazidi girls
missing and plastic fills the ocean’s mouth and the cursive of
yr name still occupies the canopy of my throat Fuel, the under-
pinning What fires your gd engine Rigor, mortis Cold as
unmoving or unmoved The opposite of music Warm in the
cold universe Molten, forming A rock becoming magma
becoming lava becoming land Land, the trauma of lava Lava
the lamp of the ancestors and later a cheeky find in the Junk
shop and rising in our living room Livin groom Just bc nothing
cares doesn’t mean it lacks meaning What’s the point of
curiosity but a train rolling past the spot where the Donner
Party feasted n then go on a four hour Wikipedia downward
spiral I’m the closest thing to a mime parade I whisper, home
late tiptoeing down the creaky hallway tryin not to wake my
roommates Nice chicken parm, sluts, I say to my fingers at
lunch Dissociation is evacuating from the inside I just know
we’ll have a good time Junk: a relief map of yr traumas Dipping
yr whole arm into the bin of sunflower seeds I’m in my Shonda
Rhimes Year of Yes n so far it’s pretty freak Gave a beej 2 a
logger in town for a football game at his hostel (almost wrote
hostile) the old-fashioned way, as in I met him at a bar after
lingering eye contact No apps Told him I was writing this poem
Flush with success after only eating half the cheeseburger for
dinner For the first time in my life it wasn’t no burger or four
burgers Full on Rocky situation He said he was flattered every
time his gf’s gay friends grabbed his beer can Bacon-wrapped-
date-flavored Doritos The artifice of order Predictability,
measured time, present wrapping Order, Order, Pockets of
Order Or, Durham I dumped a boy from Raleigh today The
baton of Junk The dance whirls Whorls War Tortle Cut to mall
dressing room thousand outfits montage Ignorance as a tool to
revive the feeling of doing something new Junk has to be the
poem of our time Pointless accumulation Clinging to a million
denials Why do you need an assault rifle? What if radioactive
bears Buying in bulk Afraid of forgetting that night in 2007
when Chantal shouted jamiroquai is holding this party
together!!!! Junk is the garbage ppl keep Didn’t they tell you
I’m a meteorologist but for people What’s that called? Psychic?
Psychic side chick In maths, “arbitrary” is a thing w/o specific
value Quite the Junkery The world, all of its rock formations
and space missions and presidents and religious phobias and
fashions fossils All of it has always seemed so arbitrary to me,
bc to survive this long into an occupation feels sometimes so
arbitrary to be And then sometimes so divine Who else could
survive but my line It’s true, your Junk won’t save you from a
tsunami, but I’m descended from a group whose culture history
language gods cosmology calendar stories government gait was
capital “O” Obliterated I’ll stop writing this when it stops hap-
pening So when I “get” anything it’s hard to let go Resisting
death for generations, I want to make the opposite of death No
excuse for a vanilla bean tapioca ball attitude Ever bought a
McFlurry n shouted yr dead inside but yew were pointing a
finger at yrself and, horrified, yew screamed Ran home but half-
way home yew forgot what yew were doing n bought a pair of
sneaker boots at DSW or just me? I’m building the archive of a
life that shouldn’t exist Wristband from that gay club in
Cartagena where we danced w/ the self-proclaimed Perez
Hilton of Colombia Every bar frankly should have tostones
smellin up the grill Is a poem abt Junk itself merely an accum-
ulation of doomsday and birth certificates If part of Junk is
letting go, partly Junk is letting go of you Junk finds a new boo
“Control” by Janet Jackson is one of the greatest songs in the
nation Warm hearts sparkle in the colonial afternoon Control
is a reaction to something smacking that cracks the future
w/ no precedent We call this a paradigm shift — say we were
totally blindsided Janet wants to take control from her parents
From the loss of a first love Control of the narrative Janet
wants to Black Cat in boxy military garb Janet wants to show
you her midriff and introduce J. Lo to the general public in
a few albums Shock is a kind of collision A booming confusion
The shudder and the shot are almost indistinguishable Shock
has its electric correlate, but is also itself by what surrounds
the event: a quiet dinner party vs sweaty racing thoughts And
what do you make of it My friend said he found out his crush
graduated college in 2014 n hates himself And I’m like wait
til yr my age thinkin, I totally still look like I’m in my 20s Then
it turns out the dude you were makin out with was born the
year Janet, the album, came out What the literal fudge An hour
ago you were singing “That’s the Way Love Goes” at karaoke
In my defense, taller dudes always look older How to negotiate
control and the lack of control When yr slap hand gets itchy OK
whenever anybody dumps you just think of them as a gif of a
white dude wilding out to Wu Tang in a cardigan then suddenly
falling into the Grand Canyon — Dating is all the way dumb I
don’t know what, if any of this, will reach yr peepers but I want
to ask you this (and I am guilty of making ppl wade thru some
bullshit b4 getting to my point): What do you turn to when
breath dashes from yr body like it’s on the lamb? Cindy Craw-
ford says lighting is everything Take a selfie from the sun-
blown window Even supermodels say “lighting” It’s comforting!
But there’s also value in exposing yr engine #BadSelfie Archaic
but also so fresh: self-expression Trust is a thing that guides
you thru a feed The voice like a handshake I’m in front of you
There is paper and a trade-off This is ancient, like pixel drift
What’s under the hood of irritation We call complication a knot
A knotted life that doesn’t get to be undone Who here has a
clear, linear rope? Denial! You have to love yr knots You have
to shout them out Curate if need be Janet turns her knots into
songs Sonic beauty (tho fuck beauty) Knot is the response A
manager is like a politician Not the minutiae but the orchest-
ration The dark forest It’s hard not to inhale The cave is where
to turn when you’ve no other recourse This isn’t a discussion
This isn’t a mandate (lol man date) This isn’t an answer This is
a lineage: Lascaux, Keith Haring, Rihanna How do you draw
breath? In and down Heel to crown Janet says I’m in control
and ends Don’t make me lose it As if she knows what’s to come.
The battle of control is in learning to make, and giving it up
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“Wherever we go, needs feed and I find it harder and harder to / believe benevolence is the thing Thousands of Yazidi girls // missing and plastic fills the ocean’s mouth and the cursive of / yr name still occupies the canopy of my throat Fuel, the under- // pinning What fires your gd engine Rigor, mortis Cold as / unmoving or unmoved The opposite of music Warm in the // cold universe Molten, forming A rock becoming magma / becoming lava becoming land Land, the trauma of lava Lava // the lamp of the ancestors and later a cheeky find in the Junk / shop”
Reblog for a larger sample size!
#closed polls#polls#poetry#poems#poetry polls#poets and writing#junk#tommy pico#junk tommy pico#tommy pico junk#indigenous writers#lgbt#lgbt poetry
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Fuck yeah tommy pico. If you don’t read him you’re a coward

Nature Poem
Tommy Pico
Nature Poem follows Teebs--a young, queer, American Indian (or NDN) poet--who can't bring himself to write a nature poem. For the reservation-born, urban-dwelling hipster, the exercise feels stereotypical, reductive, and boring. He hates nature. He prefers city lights to the night sky. He'd slap a tree across the face. He'd rather write a mountain of hashtag punchlines about death and give head in a pizza-parlor bathroom; he'd rather write odes to Aretha Franklin and Hole. While he's adamant--bratty, even--about his distaste for the word "natural," over the course of the book we see him confronting the assimilationist, historical, colonial-white ideas that collude NDN people with nature. The closer his people were identified with the "natural world," he figures, the easier it was to mow them down like the underbrush. But Teebs gradually learns how to interpret constellations through his own lens, along with human nature, sexuality, language, music, and Twitter. Even while he reckons with manifest destiny and genocide and centuries of disenfranchisement, he learns how to have faith in his own voice.
(Affiliate link above)
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get in, loser- we're touring landscapes of the interior
Tommy Pico, Nature Poem
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Look, I’m sure you really do just want to wear those dream catcher earrings. They’re beautiful. I’m sure you don’t mean any harm, I’m sure you don’t really think abt us at all. I’m sure you don’t understand the concept of off-limits. But what if by not wearing a headdress in yr music video or changing yr damn mascot and perhaps adding .05% of personal annoyance to yr life for the twenty minutes it lasts, the 103 young ppl who tried to kill themselves on the Pine Ridge Indian reservation over the past four months wanted to live 50% more
Tommy Pico, Nature Poem
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Profile: César
One of the highest ranking earth sorcerers in the world, César is seen as the unofficial heir of the current Night Luminary—and he takes the role seriously. As your brother’s best friend, he has been a permanent fixture in your life as far as you remember—another persistent reminder of the magic that has remained inaccessible to you and the community that left you behind. He’s at least an attractive reminder, even if it’s unfortunate that his rare smirk proves that he knows it.
Family name: Pico
Circle: Night Circle
Magic: earth
Birth month: November
Birth place: Tijuana, MX (territory of the Kumeyaay Nation)
Education: bachelor's
Occupation: Archumbricar
Favorite place: desert
Favorite drink: beer
Favorite color: he doesn't have one, but he'll say it's brown if asked
Most prized possession: book collection
Handwriting: somewhat unserious looking, simple print
Always in bag: a book and business related paraphernalia
Family: he has a good relationship with his younger brother Rafa, and his father Alejandro and mother Tarhíata are proud of his influence in the Circle; on the other hand, he doesn't have much love for his uncle Tangaxoan or his cousin Eréndira, but he'd still kill for them
Friends: Arseau is his best friend, and he considers his younger brother Rafa a close friend and his guard Damianos an ally; he's not the type to let others know him well enough to call him a friend, though many might claim the title anyway, and you know he has never and will never consider you a friend
Appearance: amber eyes, dark brown hair in a short buzz cut, never clean-shaven, brown skin with a warm undertone, very tall (somewhere above 193cm/6'4"), muscular, lots of tattoos, wears earrings, usually dresses in a bespoke suit, favorite accessory is a simple necklace
Romance: solo-route (with a possible rivalry with his brother), back-and-forth (borderline love/hate), (possible first love), one of the slower burns
You find César's brooding demeanor and deep sense of duty to be intimidating, but you knew him before he became an Archumbricar—when he was just your brother's best friend who made you laugh when you were sad. Those who look up to him call him a hero, the master of his own destiny. His cards in the Major Arcana are the Emperor and the World.
〉 Sections: Profiles, Editorials, Articles, Ask Me, Answers, Quotes
#radiant circle if#rc cesar#rc profiles#rc ro#his handwriting his my favorite#he would have tattoos but i dunno what designs yet#also reiterating my rec from rafa's profile: go read tommy pico
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People r so concerned abt "the Earth" in the sense of kale salad and bruised gin She'll be just fine. We might not make it, hopefully.
Tommy Pico, Nature Poem
#Tommy Pico#Nature Poem#environmentalism#nihilism#earth#climate crisis#extinction#human extinction#Indigenous literature#Indigenous poetry#poetry#poetry quotes#quotes#quotes blog#literary quotes#literature quotes#literature
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Some Indigenous Poets to Read
Disclaimer: Some of these poems deal with pregnancy, colonialism, substance abuse, murder, death, and historical wrongs. Exercise caution.
Tacey M. Atsitty [Diné] : Anasazi, Lady Birds' Evening Meetings, Things to Do With a Monster.
Billy-Ray Belcourt [Cree] : NDN Homopoetics, If Our Bodies Could Rust, We Would Be Falling Apart, Love is a Moontime Teaching.
CooXooEii Black [Arapaho] : On Mindfulness, Some Notes on Vision, With Scraps We Made Sacred Food.
Trevino L. Brings Plenty [Lakota] : Unpack Poetic, Will, Massacre Song Foundation.
Julian Talamantez Brolaski [Apache] : Nobaude, murder on the gowanus, What To Say Upon Being Asked To Be Friends.
Gladys Cardiff [Cherokee] : Combing, Prayer to Fix The Affections, To Frighten a Storm.
Freddy Chicangana [Yanacuna] : Of Rivers, Footprints, We Still Have Life on This Earth.
Laura Da' [Shawnee] : Bead Workers, The Meadow Views: Sword and Symbolic History, A Mighty Pulverizing Machine.
Natalie Diaz [Mojave] : It Was The Animals, My Brother My Wound, The Facts of Art.
Heid E. Erdrich [Anishinaabe] : De'an, Elemental Conception, Ghost Prisoner.
Jennifer Elise Foerster [Mvskoke] : From "Coosa", Leaving Tulsa, The Other Side.
Eric Gansworth [Onondaga] : Bee, Eel, A Half-Life of Cardio-Pulmonary Function.
Joy Harjo [Muscogee] : An American Sunrise, Conflict Resolution for Holy Beings, A Map to The Next World.
Gordon Henry Jr. [Anishinaabe] : How Soon, On the Verve of Verbs, It Was Snowing on The Monuments.
Sy Hoahwah [Comanche/Arapaho] : Colors of The Comanche Nation Flag, Definitive Bright Morning, Typhoni.
LeAnne Howe [Choctaw] : A Duck's Tune, 1918, Iva Describes Her Deathbed.
Hugo Jamioy [Kamentsá] : PUNCTUAL, If You Don't Eat Anything, The Story of My People.
Layli Long Soldier [Lakota] : 38, WHEREAS, Obligations 2.
Janet McAdams [Muscogee] : Flood, The Hands of The Taino, Hunters, Gatherers.
Brandy Nālani McDougall [Kānaka Maoli] : He Mele Aloha no ka Niu, On Finding my Father's First Essay, The Island on Which I Love You.
dg nanouk okpik [Inupiaq-Inuit] : Cell Block on Chena River, Found, If Oil Is Drilled In Bristol Bay.
Simon J. Ortiz [Acoma Pueblo] : Becoming Human, Blind Curse, Busted Boy.
Sara Marie Ortiz [Acoma Pueblo] : Iyáani (Spirit, Breath, Life), Language (part of a compilation), Rush.
Alan Pelaez Lopez [Zapotec] : the afterlife of illegality, A Daily Prayer, Zapotec Crossers.
Tommy Pico [Kumeyaay] : From "Feed", from Junk, You Can't be an NDN Person in Today's World.
Craig Santos Perez [Chamorro] : (First Trimester), from Lisiensan Ga'lago, from "understory".
Cedar Sigo [Suquamish] : Cold Valley, Expensive Magic, Secrets of The Inner Mind.
M. L. Smoker [Assiniboine/Sioux] : Crosscurrent, Heart Butte, Montana, Another Attempt at Rescue.
Laura Tohe [Diné] : For Kathryn, Female Rain, Returning.
Gwen Nell Westerman [Cherokee/Dakota] : Dakota Homecoming, Covalent Bonds, Undivided Interest.
Karenne Wood [Monacan] : Apologies, Abracadabra, an Abecedarian, Chief Totopotamoi, 1654.
Lightning Round! Writers with poetry available on their sites:
Shonda Buchanan [Coharie, Cherokee, Choctaw].
Leonel Lienlaf [Mapuche].
Asani Charles [Choctaw/Chickasaw].
#first nations poetry#indigenous poetry#native american poetry#first nations literature#indigenous literature#poetry#all my relations#long post#nagamon
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hello everyone, and welcome to my Q3 book recs of 2024! this has been a *huge* book summer for me, not least because i've gotten to visit and chat with so many independent booksellers. after all, my debut novel, Failure to Comply (GR) (Storygraph), is now available for order, and I've been running around doing events and other publicity things to celebrate! While I'm obviously not going to recommend my own book in my top 9, if you enjoy experimental speculative fiction, Mad/trans cyborgs, and evil dykes + body horror, consider checking it out.
anyway! here are my favorites from this summer. it was, as always, a tough choice, but i hope you find something you like!
Gayl Jones, White Rat
Lee Mandelo, The Woods All Black
Michael Faber, Under the Skin
Randa Jarrar, A Map of Home
Jeanne Thornton, Summer Fun
Evan Dahm, The Last Delivery
Tommy Pico, IRL
Bhanu Kapil, The Vertical Integration of Strangers
Camila Sosa Vilada, tr. Kit Maude, Bad Girls
thanks, as always, for reading + enjoying these! i enjoy sharing them with you. if you want to see more regular recs from me for a variety of media, consider subscribing to my newsletter – I share short poetry/prose; audio; books; and more every month.
tagging people below, but no pressure to do it if you're tagged, and those not tagged are enthusiastically encouraged to do this + tag me in it (whether we're mutuals or not!!)
@campgender @capricornpropaganda @fluoresensitive @closet-keys @fatehbaz @lunarianbeams
@felgueirosa @materialisnt @osmanthusoolong @punkkwix @yesthattoo
@snoopyisbisexual @stephen-deadalus @metapianycist @podcastlesbian @metamatar
@lesbianlizzybennet @flameswallower @slowtides @sawasawako @growtiredofpublicvulnerability
@abstractlesbian @grimesapologist @aldieb @bioethicists @heavenlyyshecomes @trans-axolotl & anyone else who wants to!!
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The Clean Plates Club feat. Joel Miller x f!reader
a HeftyThrowaway one shot drabble | Rated: G | word count: 406 warnings: weight gain, stuffed belly, teasing A/N: thanks be to Nonnie who submitted the prompt. And thank you to @strang3lov3 for the idea for this series. thank you to: @xdaddysprincessxx, @rebel-held, @romanarose, @umnitsa for their help in crafting the nachos.
Delicious regards,
Joel was in heaven, though anyone would be hard pressed to get it out of him. You were in the kitchen, cooking up a storm and he was going to be the lucky sunovabitch who would reap the benefits.
At least his heart was feeling lucky. The trial runs you ran through each weekend leading up to a major catering event made his heart sing, but his waistline, belts and clothing were saying otherwise. Between the regular meals you cooked and all the ‘tasting’ he was doing almost every Saturday and Sunday, each Monday he’d lumber into the office and his brother would made another remark about his weight or gut or a subtle comment on how his clothes fit; sometimes Tommy would even go so far as to poke the butt end of a pencil or pen into the added bulk of his middle and laugh.
Joel would play ignorant to his thickening form and ignore Tommy telling him he must be in love because he’s getting soft in more ways than one. He wanted to slap the smug grin off his brother’s face, but he knew Tommy was right – he was getting fat off your love.
On this Saturday, you’d prepped for a Tex-Mex menu and once Joel had eaten his weight in tacos, he sat back in his chair and huffed, unbuckling his belt. As he did, he made a note that he needed a new one now that he was on the last hole – the one he had added to lengthen its life with him. Just as he was unbuttoning his jeans and letting his stuffed belly out with a groan, you walked into the dining room with another platter of nachos, loaded with beef, queso, lettuce, jalapeño, pico… the tray in your hands looked and smelled so good, making his mouth water. It almost made him forget how full he was.
“You look fit to be tied there, Miller.”, you smiled as you placed the nachos in front of him. You smoothed your hand over his very full middle. “You sure you’re up for this, baby?”
Joel huffed a laugh and shook his head. “Don’t matter. I was raised in the Clean Plates Club… I got a job to do.”
By the time he was done, Joel’s plate was indeed clean, and he sat back in the chair slightly out of breath, button up shirt ruined, and feeling pretty damn accomplished.
#pedro pascal#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal tummy#you ask beefro answers#thot tank#hefty hefty hefty#joel miller#chubby!joel miller#🥩
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hey julia !! hope ur doing well... am asking u [instead of messaging!] this bc i imagine u might say some rly cool stuff that other ppl would love to see also lol... but i just wondered if u had any basic tips or resources about like developing a (short-term) writing routine? the context is not fiction writing but like academic but i feel like my academic writing is a creative practice so yeah, hope that makes sense! hope its okay to ask ! have a lovely day <3
hi anna marie! you ask the very question i need answered for myself… i am in a very slow place creatively so i feel silly to be giving advice! but i’ve been thinking about how to get things flowing again. very basic but helpful to me:
getting feedback from other people at a regular interval - i am very shy and this can feel like pulling teeth but it’s so worth it, i am always amazed how much it pushes me to finish things i would have otherwise languished on forever
reading a lot (of course) - it helps me to read a bit directly before starting to write. but also being intentional about it and having a defined list of inspiring works… i recently listened to david naimon interview joanna hedva and he asked them which writers were “squatting over” their latest book which i thought was a good way of putting it! i would like to curate a "squatters shelf" to dip into for inspiration on whatever project i'm working on
distinguishing between writing vs. editing time - this is hard for me because i am a very "edit as you go" type person but sometimes it's stifling! in another interview with tommy pico i heard him talk about his writing routine as very everything-goes, yes-and, accumulation-focused style on monday-thursday and then friday is reserved for finding what was good and refining it. i have always wanted to try this!
incorporating a degree of controlled randomness into the routine - whether it be randomizing where you physically work, what part of the project you work on, or brainstorming new ideas, i really enjoy drawing an option "out of a hat" (i hope that makes sense) at some stage of the writing process. i know i am going to be surprised and challenged by a guiding force even in a small way and want to see what’s going to happen.
something that has helped me a lot with routine in general is “habit stacking” i.e. trying to bundle a new task into something you already do regularly - i have not thought about how to do this with writing, but i have successfully bundled reading into drinking my morning coffee every day and it has changed my life significantly
also: i really like that you specified a short-term routine! i think temporary routines keep things interesting, help mark time, and more fully immerse me in things, so academia might be onto something with semesters etc… i am curious about trying to have a self-imposed writing “season” followed by an “off season” where i chill and eat peaches and watch the sopranos every night or whatever without guilt. (one might say i am chilling right now lol… but it’s definitely guilty chilling!) i also love that you see your academic project as a creative pursuit, i hope you are having a really fruitful time so far! ❤️
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