#tommy martini
wearemusicperformers · 9 months
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temothylol · 9 months
hhngh. its done 👍
insp under cut
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gnomer4 · 5 months
im on that tawog shi
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teslapunk3327 · 4 months
ianto is to me what James Bond is to Ianto
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thefishdeath · 8 months
Benrey and Tommy are on opposite ends of the uncanny valley spectrum to me. They're both people aligned aliens. Benrey is the thing in your ally that you've know was not human from the start. Tommy is the next door neighbor and you are slowly starting to realize that something is off here
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Thoughts below the cut, ID in alt!
SO: Caine is still the ringmaster, and the others may or may not be there, but for what I was specifically thinking, this is a sort of replace-the-cast thing. The most obvious two are Gordon as Pomni and Coomer as Kinger. I was thinking Bubby could be a Zooble equivalent, Benrey as Jax, and Tommy as Ragatha. Darnold would be left in Gangle's spot (though the two are nothing alike), and Forzen would have been Kaufmo.
I picked and chose names based on how weird they were GFDHJSAK
So, normal names like Gordon or Tommy got replaced, while unconventional ones like Benrey and Bubby are the same.
Leodoll is a play on Leo, meaning lion, and doll, which is. obvious.
Asher Blau literally means "happy blue." They're both Jewish names (from what I understand, PLEASE tell me if I'm wrong here), and of course Asher is a double play on Ash, like fire.
Beybend is a play on "Beyblade," while also suggesting Tommy's new flexibility
Benji Calzone is funny
Gotcher is a play on tamogotchi and Kinger's name (or, the last part of Coomer's original name)
The designs are also a play on their personalities, going off the theory for the show that that's the case (like Ragatha being a bit of a doormat and Jax being a jackass)
Gordon: Plush lion. Fierce, brave, and strong, but also a huge softie. Makes others feel better and/or safe.
Bubby: Mime action figure. Going off the idea of him being in the tube like how mimes usually start their routines pretending to be in boxes. Also his joints CAN detatch and re-attach, so something something symbolism somthing he was built instead of born something
Tommy: Heavily inspired by Betty Spaghetty. Literally really flexible, playing into the idea of him having really good instincts/adaptability.
Benrey: LEGO ass. Wanted to play into the idea of his shapeshifting, and also stepping on LEGOs sucks and you KNOW he'd find that funny. Moves like Queen Whatevawanabe (how do you spell her name?) from The Lego Movie 2. Also I liked the idea of he and Gordon being opposites: Gordon is soft, Benrey is hard. You cannot really change Gordon's appearance at all, Benrey's is MEANT to be changed, ect. I like stuff like that idk
Coomer: Tamogatchi. Easy. You ever seen Wreck-It Ralph? He moves like the Nicelanders from that movie, but with a lot more casual glitching. His speech pattern is basically identical to canon. My guy has ADHD and a terrible memory, so although he's kind, he's not super reliable. He's been here for a LONG time.
I do not know what Forzen and Darnold would look like.
Sunkist is one of those lil ducklings on wheels little kids play with, but ofc a dog instead of a duck.
If/when Joshua shows up, Gordon would be SO upset. Relieved as well, but mostly concerned. I was thinking he could either be a lion, too, cuz the idea of a lion cub is SO CUTE, but I think him being a horse makes more sense for his personality. Cowboy horsie!
Before anyone asks, yes, Gordon DOES run on all fours if he wants to be faster
I have zero idea as to where Gman fits into this. Maybe he MADE the program, I don't know.
Anyway, yeah! :)
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bingoary · 6 months
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crys loudly my style was on it's way to realism why must i do this
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h0undeye · 1 year
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art requests for the awesome sauce hlvrai discord
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smolcrow465 · 9 months
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aphroditeslover11 · 1 year
I’m part way through reading ‘American Prometheus’ and have just reached Oppie’s martinis. Apparently his signature trick was to rim the glass with a mix of honey and lime juice. After a bit of digging I also found a Washington Post article that said he liked his measures large and with only a dash of vermouth. The real question is whether I should try it at a party in a few weeks?!
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nerds-yearbook · 1 year
Marvel began reprinting the Punisher in a magazine format with The Punisher Magazine. The first issue had a cover date of September, 1989. ("Circle of Blood" The Punisher Magazine 1#, Marvel Comic Event)
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wutheringcaterpillar · 6 months
Who’s the Other Girl?
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Summary: Tommy is having an affair with you in the states but what happens when you are face to face with his wife, Lizzie.
Warnings: Infidelity, talks of divorce, women standing up for other women.
I bet you're from out West somewhere
Hazel eyes and dark brown hair
And everything you wear fits you just right
I bet you drink martinis dry
And never let him see you cry
I bet you're more promiscuous than I
I bet your bold, 
I bet that’s why you seem to occupy his mind
I bet you’re smart
But do you know about me?
“You were just in the states last week, tell me again why can’t Arthur go and get this woman if she’s so needed here?” Tommy huffed as he finished lacing his shoes, snagging the cigarette from between his lips, looking up at Lizzy with a stare of annoyance as if he hadn’t explained several times before.
This was now the fifth week in a row that Tommy had met with Y/N due to “business”, Lizzie was already calling the bluff on that after a photo of the two of you together had been posted in the paper.
Rumors had already circled the Garrison that Thomas was involved with another woman and he had refused to make any comments regarding the accusations. 
Standing up he disposed of his cigarette, noticing the upset in his wife’s eyes. 
“Hey c’mere.” She allowed him to pull her near and dear into a hug but somehow even with his arms wrapped around her, he felt tremendously far away, straying further each time he’d come home.
“I’ll be back before you know it alright? Tell the children I love them.” Placing a kiss on her forehead, Lizzie tilted her chin up, hoping for more but all she received was Tommy walking out the door, leaving her bottom lip quivering, hands shaking with anxiety, knowing all too well how the story goes.
Going to the window, she watched him get into the car, glancing at his watch while Ruby’s footsteps hurriedly ran across the room, tugging at her mothers skirt. “Mommy, mommy! Where’s daddy going?” She looked down at their child, trying to come up with an answer suitable for a child.
“He’ll be back soon honey. Your father works hard to ensure our safety, and he loves us very much. He’ll be back soon.” Picking the child up, holding her closely to her heart she watched her husband leave, nothing but hopelessness filling her heart.
The fire was lit dimly in the living room as she settled with a cup of tea, trying to avoid picking up the paper but curiosity and the need to know getting the best of her.
Finishing off the tea, with shaking hands she looked at the headlines, her heart aching at how beautiful Y/N was. The picture was her and Tommy seated at a bar, far too closely to be just friends. Her legs were crossed like a lady but Tommy’s hand lay on her thigh, other arm wrapped behind her while she was smiling brightly, blushing like a girl in love.
She looked beautiful, attractive, young, strong, all the traits Lizzie didn’t feel she had anymore. A sudden, simple realization in the photo was almost too much to bare for her weeping heart when she realized Tommy’s wedding ring was no longer on his finger.
The question lingered in the air, did you even know about her, has Tommy told you he was married and if so why engage. Then again Lizzie was aware how convincing and manipulating her husband was. After all from the photo, you did strike her as smart but that didn’t take away from the younger facial features. If she had to guess you were in your mid twenties, and she was well aware how simple it was for men to deceive young women, especially when they were in love for the very first time.
Attempting to put her mindset in yours, she ganderd into Tommy’s office, opening multiple drawers and rummaging through scattered papers until she found the document of the deal.
Surely a young woman like yourself didn’t know how Tommy Shelby operated and to always read the fine print.
Skimming through the contract, she noticed your signature was not at the bottom yet which she believed to be rather odd, but maybe that was why he was bringing you back here. Why not just take it with him though?
All of the endless questions became answered with a simple sentence written in smaller, italicized text at the very bottom of the paper. Almost too small for even Lizzie to read.
“Termination of ownership shall commence after signature is received. Ownership of business transferred solely to receiving partner Thomas Shelby along with any additional funds requested.”
He was going to leave her with nothing. Absolutely nothing, high and dry. Lizzie knew very well what it was like to have nothing and try to find her way through life living off of the scraps of men. Searching the paper once more she found your address in the states, contacting one of Tommy’s assistants insisting that he get a letter to Y/N before it was too late on the behalf of Tommy. Simply stating he had forgotten to take an important paper. Maybe after all the wrongs she had committed in her life, this one good thing would act as a repetence.
Are you the one he's talkin' to
When he gets up and leaves the room
And comes back with a distance in his eyes?
Maybe I should be the one to leave
But damn, when he starts lovin' me
He makes me think I'm all that's on his mind
The knock on the door startled you from your reading. Glancing at the clock, a wide grinned expression spread across your face, knowing fully well who was at the other side of the door.
You’d been aware he was married but after some time of convincing, Tommy had ensured you he’d be leaving Lizzie and there was nothing to be ashamed of, nor feel guilt about. You had never met Lizzie, only heard about his wife through passerby’s conversations.
With the door opening, his piercing blue eyes enchanted your every being, reeling you in, never allowing you to take a second to think. It was like he put a spell on you. “I’ve missed you darling. We’re set to leave around four, surely plenty of time to…” He brushed his warm hand down your cheek sweetly, those ocean eyes scanning your body with such precision and crave. 
Jumping up into his arms, your legs wrapped around him as he kicked the door shut behind him, walking you into the bedroom as your lips collided together in a profound, lustful sensation.
As clothes were shed and he towered over you in the bed, your legs spread once more for this handsome, intimidating man.
He peppered poetic kisses down your neck, leaving marks on your shoulder blades as he thrusted momentously through your sweet succulency, fucking you in a way no other man could.
Impatience, and pure desire washing over you every time you saw his nude, muscular body, you thrusted down with him in harmonious rhythm, stemming your blooming rose with his cock. His eyes never once left yours, your fingers intertwining together as he released his seed into the tight, tunnel of love between your thighs.
When he excused himself to the restroom, out of the corner of your eye the wedding ring sitting atop the bedside table caught your attention. 
Was he really going to leave her? Are the children aware? What were you getting yourself into?
Hearing the toilet flush, the phone rang along with it, and it wasn’t long until you heard Tommy’s voice. Talking as if he were somewhere else, still closing the deal with you.
“We’ll be leaving soon….I invited her to dinner….it’s just business….alright see you soon.”
Just business? Is that all you were? Saddening, you rolled out of bed to retreive your clothes as if that would mask the betrayal and pain bubbling in your heart.
This exchange was supposed to be more than business, maybe not at first but you had grown up with nothing and Tommy was the only willing to invest in the idea of your, and the amount of money he invested was more than enough and made you feel like your ideas weren’t of nonsense or daydreams. One thing turned into another and once that pub opened after a tremendous amount of indecent flirting, you found yourself bent over the bar and Tommy making endless visits to your hometown, spending nights tangled between the sheets of your bed, him spoiling you with surprises and gifts. But what was it all for?
His heavy footsteps entering the room pulled you away from the questions.
Right away he could tell you were upset when your teary, pained eyes connected with his.
“Is that all I am to you is business?” He scoffed, approaching the clear understanding that you’d overheard the phone call and just like that with the flip of a switch his lips curled into a soft, endearing smile while his ocean eyes bore over you sincerely.
“Of course not. I’m trying to let her down easy Y/N. After we finish business, the loose ends will tie together and things will be settled. Alright?” Why did you believe this man who had promised you nothing? Why did his voice have to sound suave and convincing? Your mind was telling you one thing while your heart told you another.
Is it me? Is it you?
Tell me who
Who's the other girl?
Who's the first? Who's the fool?
Who's the diamond? Who's the pearl?
Are you mad? Me too
And I wonder in his world
Is it me? Is it you?
Who's the other girl?
You stop to collect the post, realizing there was a letter addressed to you from Birmingham, surely it wasn’t Tommy considering he was in front of you.
Guilt, and shamefulness flooded your veins while your heart felt like it was waiting to explode in your throat. Contemplating on throwing the letter in the trash, you thought better and slipped the envelope into the clutch Tommy had bought you weeks beforehand.
Stopping along the way to put petrol in the car, you excused yourself to the restroom while Tommy went inside to pay the employee, grabbing a pack of smokes as he did so.
Locking the door and fumbling frantically, you ripped open the letter, not knowing what to expect but it was quite clear who wrote this.
             “Y/N. My name is Lizzie Shelby, 
I’ve presumed you’re aware of me. I’m writing this letter to inform you there is no hatred in my heart toward you. I’ve been in your position of the other woman. There’s no need to tell Thomas as we will meet soon. Don’t allow your heart to stop you from seeing the manipulation. I must speak with you when you arrive, please don’t take this as jealousy but coming from a woman who has been at the other hand.”
What did this mean? How did she know about you? Surely Tommy wouldn’t tell his wife about his mistress.
A sudden knock on the door reeled your mind away from the letter.
“You alright in there?” Checking yourself in the mirror and shoving the letter in the pocket of your purse, you opened the door, attempting to appear unpanicked and at ease.
“Yeah, just was washing my face, let’s go.”
Who's gonna put on the red dress
Scarlet letter on her chest
Can't love with this on her conscience
Tell me who's the other girl
I bet you're cool, I bet that's why
You seem to occupy his time
I bet by now
You know about me
And you know about me
Walking into the dining room, you were taken aback by just how much money Tommy had. The shimmering chandelier, the golden authentic tablecloth, the peruvian curtains, the fine china. Amidst your shock, Lizzie strutted into the room from the kitchen, cradling Ruby gently in her arms while Charlie was running circles around the house. Your eyes locking in a surprised, yet insecure expression while the question, the elephant in the room sat quaintly up in the air. Who did Tommy’s heart really belong to?
Strutting behind you, Tommy lay his hand gentleman like on your back, offering you a drink in the process.
“Y/N this is my lovely wife Lizzie. Very wise she is, and my two children Ruby and Charlie. Dinner is almost ready, sha’ll we sit?” You smiled kindly, ready to take your seat before Lizzie interrupted. Clearing her throat as Tommy pulled your seat out before her own.
“Actually, Y/N do you mind if I speak with you for a moment? I just have a million questions about the states, I’ve always wanted to go.” Tommy peered in her direction, slightly agitated but nodded that it was alright. Lizzie handed Ruby to Tommy, escorting you two rooms away into the living area.
She was poise, collected, much taller than yourself but never did you get the impression she was a threat, even though you considered the situation rather uncomfortable and off.
“I assume you’ve read my letter.” She spoke in a hushed tone, but with a kind hearted smile, insisting you take a seat across from her.
Nodding, a cat felt like it had a hold of your tongue, not knowing exactly how to respond or act.
Reading you like a book, she could tell you were quite nervous and maybe the best way possible to approach this was to come straight to the point head on.
Reaching for her purse, you couldn’t help but notice it was the same one Tommy had surprised you with but a different color. That’s odd.
Pulling out the contract, she allowed it to sit on the glass table in between you for a brief moment.
The hand writing you recognized right off the bat to be Thomas’s with the perfect cursive letters, simply reminding you off all the letters he had mailed to you when he was in Birmingham.
Shrugging off your confusion, you straightened your back, pretending as if you held confidence.
“Y/N is it?” Nodding, she carried on, glancing into the corridor, ensuring her husband wasn’t on his way in here.
When she spoke her voice was gentle, speaking with kind concern, and a soft tone.
“I remember when I was your age. So young and in love, willing to do anything just for another moment with a man. I assume this is you first-“
“How long have you known about me?” You interjected, anxiety and curiosity rising in your throat. She was beautiful, quite breathtaking and the children were so innocent and completely unaware of their father’s infidelity. Why would he do this to such a magnificent woman, whom carried his child. Guilt was eating away at your stomach.
“I’ve had my inklings for quite some time now. Probably back in November. How about you?”
“Mrs. Shelby I don’t mean any disrespect but the plan here tonight um-“ You itched at the back of your neck nervoulsy, the guilt and truth eating you alive.
“His plans you mean. I feel it my duty to inform you to read the fine print before you sign your business over to him.” Before you could respond Lizzie excused herself, not wanting to take longer than she already was without Tommy gaining suspicion.
Reading over the night quickly, you were in shock and disbelief, realizing Lizzie was the one telling the truth. Fighting back tears, you set the paper back down, wiping your teary eyes.
“Y/N, dinner’s prepared. We have your place set.” 
Who's the first? Who's the fool? 
Who's the diamond? Who's the pearl?
Are you mad? Me too 
And I wonder in his world
Is it me?  Is it you? 
Who's the other girl?
“I suppose this dinner conversation is about the contract you’ve left mistakenly on the table. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?” Lizzie shifted in her seat as you took a deep perforated breath, thinking wisely before speaking. The atmosphere in the room came to a still, eyes wandering from one another in guilt and shame.
“This can’t be real. I-I thought we had a future together, we had a plan.” Your voice cracked, sadness washing over your aching heart while Lizzie looked confused from the other side of the table.
“I-I’m sorry what?” Settling his napkin over his thigh and sighing, he took a drink of his wine, clearing his throat.
“Did you think I would leave my family for you? My children?” Lizzie was stunned by the revelation that Tommy told you he was leaving her. Was she really just a pawn all along?
“Where does your heart truly belong Tommy?” Her eyes spoke with vindication, and impatience for her dying marriage. 
Tommy stood from his seat, pouring himself a glass of whiskey, allowing the cold stream of alcohol to stream down his throat, reminiscing the moment before lighting a cigarette.
“It’s just business. If I recall correctly, I’ve given you many things Y/N. A car, a home, enough money to live your life comfortably.” Lizzie scoffed in her seat, swirling the wine in her glass.
“Oh please, that’s not the only thing you’ve given her.”
“Nevertheless. With signing over your business you’d be doing yourself a favor and I knew by making you fall in love with me, that would be quite easy with me as the only investor. Such a small, inexperienced girl in a world full of wolves waiting to sink their teeth in. Signing your rights over would be the wisest thing to do. You give me the business, we’ll part ways just as business deals operate.” Your thoughts were running a mile a minute, as each venomous word he spoke shattered your heart.
All sense of reality diminished, any hope that a man could love you and take a risk for you seemed impossible.
This was no one night stand, but an ongoing affair and you were sat in the lions den between a rock and a hard place.
Lizzie frowned in her seat, thinking of where she went wrong that Tommy would throw their entire marriage away just for extra money he didn’t need. The cold hard truth was Tommy could buy out a business with a simple sentence, he wanted to fuck you and dispose of you.
“Clock’s ticking Y/N. What’s it going to be?” Time bore down on you, massive decisions between right and wrong impending a headache.
Tommy held out the pen, watching you sit there in defeat. 
Reaching for the pen, about to sign the paper Lizzie stood up grabbing the pen from your shaking grip, taking you both by surprise.
“No! Do not sign that pub over to him. After everything you’ve worked, all the time and effort you’ve taken into opening this place up. You’ve taken so many risks. Don’t do this Y/N, he has done nothing but manipulate. Please be wiser than I was at your age. He will leave you high and dry though you may not see it now, believe me.” Tommy’s shallow blue eyes rolled in irritation, slamming his drink down on the table nearly shattering the glass.
“Enough! I don’t recall your name on the contract Lizzie.”
“This is my fucking house as much as yours and I will not let you stomp and parade all over me any longer nor her. In fact I think I’ve just developed a new way of business. I want a divorce.” The room turned completely silent.
When you tried to get up and excuse yourself in unison they spoke loudly, “Sit down.”
Lizzie was fuming, the vein in her forehead visibly popping through her skin while her nostrils flared in anger.
Aiming for the contract, she picked it up ripping the paper in shreds while Tommy grasped for her wrists to try and stop her.
“You can expect to hear from my lawyer and I will be taking the children. They’re hardly yours, you’re never here to take care of them. The endless nights I dealt with them asking why their daddy is never home because he was fucking some other woman out of the country. I’m sure this wasn’t the first time and it won’t be the last.” Tommy was at a silence, excusing himself from the room leaving you and Lizzie alone.
“Lizzie I- I really don’t have the money to keep this place open on my own. I can’t-“
“Well then consider me your next investor.” You were shocked by her statement, not expecting the sincere offer.
“I- I feel like I just tore apart your whole marriage, why would you want to do business with me?” Shaking her head, she smiled sweetly, raising her glass in satisfactionz
“No sweetheart, you got rid of my problem. I’m better off without him. We both are. So what do you say?”
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markrosewater · 3 months
Hi mark. There were a few people who had commented on the technology and aesthetic of Duskmourne and how it feels too close to the present, referencing planes like Capenna or Neo-kamigawa as other examples of modernity in Magic’s fantasy setting. Because I am the main character and my opinion is the most important one, I thought I’d give my two cents on the topic.
Although kamigawa and capenna are obviously more “modern” than a plane like innistrad, they still don’t feel like “now”. By definition, sci-fi is not modern. Although Neon kamigawa doesn’t feel like high fantasy, it doesn’t feel “modern” to me either, it’s too far in the future. In the opposite direction, Capenna feels too far in the past to feel “modern”. Yeah, arc spitter is a Tommy gun and the treasure token is a martini glass, but it still doesn’t feel like the present. My grandpa wasn’t even born until after the end of prohibition. Time period Capenna is based on was literally a century ago. Sure the aesthetic isn’t as far back in history as the aesthetic of a knight in shining armor, but it’s still far enough back that it feels like “another time”, at least to me.
I think the reason those two planes pass the vibe check is because they feel different enough from modern day. TV’s have existed since the late 1920’s, so it would have been historically accurate if the plane themed around 1920s America had TVs. but that still *feeeeeels* wrong. The vibes are off. Yeah sci fi japan would probably have cell phones or something, but that just feels wrong. In other words, fantasy (to me) isn’t about looking like lord of the rings, it’s about NOT looking like everyday life.
This is where Duskmourne comes in. I wasn’t alive in the 70’s or 80’s. Heck, I’m so young that my parents hadn’t even met until after homelands came out. But the 70’s and 80’s feels like modern day. Screaming nemesis and cursed recording have TVs in their art. The booster fun frame looks like it would be on a ghostbusters poster. I feel like I saw my baby cousin wearing the exact same outfit as Toby just the other day. The term “fear of missing out” is just such a modern day thing, even if that concept isn’t new. I’m withholding my judgement until I see the whole set, but based on what we’ve seen so far, I (somewhat) agree with the sentiment a lot of Duskmourne feels too “real”.
I’m sure more detail will be given closer to release, but I would be really interested in learning the whole process of how y’all built this world, even more interested than I would be with any other plane.
We're trying something new. Some people seem to like it, some don't. Time will show whether it was overall a good idea. I will say we need time to better gauge it. There are a lot of very popular Magic things that had an initial negative opinion.
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To hunt or be hunted #8
Pairing: Alastor x Fem!Reader x Lucifer Summary: The revelation that pulled off bits of your armor. Warnings: Song fic, violence, mental breakdown.
Hazbin Taglist: @sakuraluna2468 @boogiemansbitch @mysterypotatoink @sibsteria @cherry-cola-100 @readergirlstuff @phoenixica24 @martinys-world @alientee @jellyroom2 @jewelsrules @ladyzaunis @zealousllamawolf @kittycat246 @shamblezzz
(Picture belongs to Vivzie) (I’ll Never Smile Again, by Tommy Dorsey)
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After taking a deep breath, you opened the duffle bag. A brown leather bag containing the clothes you died in, a man’s hunting attire you borrowed from a dead man, and your axe. You smiled, remembering when Charlie tried to lift it, the metal of the blade being far too heavy to carry, even with both her hands.
In yours it weighed a lot, but that gave you always the necessary momentum to cut a skull in half.
For this event, you would have to look like the Axe-man, for that you used the black corset, had a plaque of angelic steal embedded under the fabric. On top of the white dress shirt, your brown vest and long black coat. On one thigh you strapped your dagger and on the other a small pistol, both covered by the long brown skirt that matched your vest.
As you made your was back to the parlor, your serious aura called the attention of the members in the room, “Someone’s gonna die” Angel partially joked, essentially because your pupils weren’t dilated and you looked armed to the teeth.
“Oh darling, now that is how we kill in style” Alastor brought your eyes to him by directing your face with a finger under your jaw.
“Hopefully we won’t have to, but it doesn’t hurt to be ready” You noticed Alastor’s bow tie was slightly out of place, so you took it upon yourself to pull him to lean a little, undo it, and tie it to perfection all over again. He had left his tie crooked on purpose so you would fix it.
“Uuh, smiles got a date” Angel winked at you, “This will be more fun than a that, won’t it, Alastor?” he put his hand on your shoulder smiling sweetly, “Indeed chérie”, maybe you’ll admit to him that you adore the way he speaks French to you, one day.  
“Be careful, with whatever you guys do” Charlie felt some of your pain, it would weight on her far too much if she did entirely. The thought of not seeing you again hunted her as the months got by, would never say that directly to you.
“We will princess, don’t fret, I would never risk an asset as priceless as our dear chef” he made you laugh, “Asset?” you playfully hit his side, “I mean it in the best of ways, sweetheart” in a way to fix his dumb joke, he took your hand and kiss your palm.
“Going out?” Lucifer walked down the stairs, you noticed he was fresh out of the shower, given hoy fluffy his hair looked, oh how you wanted to pat his head. “Y/n and I will be addressing a loose end, nothing that your royal highness should worry about” you rolled your eyes at the bitterness in the words ‘your royal highness’ coming from Alastor.
“Just visiting some mobsters, we will be back soon, my lord” he frowned, but he smiled through his discomfort. “Can I go? Maybe I can be of assistance, no one would be stupid enough to cross me” He tugged at the lapels of his jacket with pride, winking at you with a sly smile, ‘Would it offend him if I say no because I want to command respect for being me?’ you thought.
You ended up feeling guilty for even thinking that, so you just caressed his cheek, “Maybe next time?” he nodded into your hand, then repeated “Next time”.
“Shall we, my dear?” Alastor’s voice behind you reminded you, “Right, don’t wait up, okay?” Lucifer took your hand before it leaved his skin, “Be safe” he kissed your knuckles, “We will, I promise” the little king enjoyed to no end the angry face Alastor made when he smiled into your hand during the small kiss.
Alastor didn’t moved around town in conventional ways on his day to day, but for that occasion he got a sweet deal on a red and black Model T Ford, to take you with style to the meeting. “Al, sweetie” At some moment you just couldn’t hold your laughter, “Yes chérie?” his prideful face made your laugh worse.
“I love the intention, but it’s a shit car” you felt the need to caress his arm, but given the early morning activities, you decided to give him some space. “No it’s not” he opened the door for you, as the lovely gentleman he is, “Sugar, even if they made the pieces down here, which they don’t, it’s a shit design, you got scammed” he made a few old timey showbiz laughs as he materialized inside the car.
“You forget I’m the Radio Demon” he put in the key, the engine sounded like a rooster with asthma, something must have gotten stuck between the spark plugs because the hood popped and smoke clouded the windshield.
“DON’T you say it” he warned, annoyed when he heard your mocking laughter, “I told you” he was not having it, “Want me to fix this?” he groaned. He saw you tinkering the engine for a few minutes, then come back inside the car. He tried the key one more time, when it ignited, the purr the car made was similar to a Lamborghini’s.
“I learned that in a convent” he was flabbergasted, “I even fought a nun; I was such a rebel, hit her with what I thought it was a crucifix, turned out to be a satanic church” he chuckled, not saying a word because he still couldn’t believe what just happened.
“Ha! Now that I remember, Lucifer would faint if he saw how they portrait him” you looked into the glove box finding a pair of sunglasses, “Boy you do not wanna know how high I flew out though a stained glass” you stopped talking seeing his eyes shining, “What?” he chuckled, “You keep on amazing me” how you blushed made his heart sing.
Standing on the sidewalk in front of the building, you were out of breath for a second. “Nervous?” Alastor took your hand, helping you to regain some composure, “Either that or my corset is too tight” that too, but mostly nervous. “Just breathe darling” easy for him to say, “I haven’t done anything like this in thirty years” he pulled on your hand, hugged your whole body with a good loving squeeze and a twirl. “You’ll be great darling, just be your adorably deadly self” if you had your soul you would feel it swoon, “Thank you for supporting me on this” after a little kiss on your cheek he hooked your arm with his heading for the door.  
“I will be out here if you need me” You appreciated his gesture, it was clear that he believed in your abilities and your strength, but that he would be there for you if you needed backup. Well if that didn’t made you confident, nothing will.
“Miss Axe-man! Wha-what-” one mobster shark shook in his seat after you kicked the door open, “Tony Redstone, my name is Y/n Lionheart” The office, a long room with a table of the same length in the center, mobsters of every caliber you can imagine sitting along it. At the end, in a leather chair, a man, a big man with a mustache so Italian that it said mamma mía by itself.
“The Axe-man of Louisiana” some of the men whispered, air caught in their throats as they processed the facts. “I gotta say kid, you got some nerve to stand here today alone” the raspy voice of Tony made it to your seat at the other end, “You sure have some nerve to receive me without a single pint or jazz playin’” one mobster ran to the cd player, making sure Miles Davis played in the background.
“I thought the murderer was a well, a man” laughed one before your axe went swiftly though his head and back to your hand, “Let’s get down to business, why are ya’ here for?” he played no mind to his comrade’s death, it made you laugh a bit.
“Does James Alden ring a bell?” his name on your tongue was like acid, “How could I forget? Poor fucker sold his own daughter to pay off his debt, what about him?” the spell you put around you was growing weary, the one that hides the corruption away.
“This is more about the child” now that raised suspicion, “What did you do with her?” there was some laughs at the table, “What is it to ya’?” asked one, “You’re exhausting my patience” you whispered as the multiple man started to question your intentions and seriousness.
“Look, it’s none of your business whore, now get outta ‘ere” you took a deep breath, “This will be the last time I ask politely” you never bothered to sit down, however that was the moment you did, making the chair squeak against the floor as you dragged it back enough to sit, “What did you do with my daughter?”.
“Alden married the Axe-man? Lucky bastard” again with the whispering, you lost a nerve, threw the axe around again, killing two more, “What did you do with my daughter?”. “YOU CRAZY BITCH!” yelled the next one to die, “What did you do to her? She was innocent, just a babe!” your voice started to pick up some volume.
“I wanted to raise her as my own, but my wife, she drowned her in the river” Tony blatantly said, ever so calmly.
As the sounds of breaking bones, screams and violence escalated, Alastor put the newspaper he was reading aside, regretting having done so when he opened the door to the room.
A chimera, or at least it seemed like one, had its horns destroyed, the tail of a normal lion instead of a snake, and the goat that should have been the second head did not exist. The noise that the creature's hooves made as it destroyed everything inside the office made goosebumps into his skin.
When the bat wings moved, Alastor had a clear view of your completely red eyes, completely animalistic face, a lion in all your glory, your roar silenced the static of his shivers.
That was the monster that terrified both Louisiana and hell before his arrival.
“I tried to stop her, I swear to god” you stomped on Tony’s legs again, “I TOLD YOU, I TRIED!” he screamed, making you smile, “What kind of monster accepts children as payment? I HELD HER ONCE, ONCE!” one last roar that pulverized his whole body.
“Al…Alastor” your distorted voice address to him, “I’m right here” he managed to say without choking on his own voice. Your body decreased in size as you approached him, breaking one or another skull that was on the ground, “Let’s go”, he nodded, following you to the street.  
Neither of you said anything in the 15 minutes since Alastor started the car, driving around the city without necessarily getting anywhere. With his gaze he examined your body but everything was so perfectly covered, he didn't know whether to ask you if you were hurt or if you needed something, or what was going through your mind.
So he decided to drive towards Cannibal Town.
You didn't argue with him, when he parked the car and opened the door for you, offering his arm at the same time, you took it and walked together through the town.
“Would you like to eat something dear?” you shook you head, “I’m losing my mind” “I know a place that serves the best venison in hell, maybe just a bite, you didn’t touched your breakfast this morning”
“I held her once, Alastor, I’ll never get that back” your eyes tung, briefly the tears rolled down your cheeks, "I thought I could get fixed, with this the last piece of my fucking puzzle, to maybe die with some peace, yo know?" He opened his mouth to ask what were you talking about, but you didn't let him.
"But I felt nothing, just anger and emptiness, my daughter didn’t even had a chance at life, how is she going to answer for herself in purgatory with three days of being born?!" You let his arm go, to hug yourself, "Or maybe they waited a bit before they drown her, who the fuck knows?" He noticed your knuckles had gone white and your claws were sinking into your arms.
"Why God? Why! She was innocent, at least give me a sign she's there with you" you yelled to the sky, your vision clouded with tears.
"Why, if I tie everything together? I have tasted every drug ever created, met all the celebrities I wanted, had my fill of every kind of demon in hell, and I'm still missing something!" In a moment your fist made it to a wall, making a big hole where your fist landed and lots of cracks.
"I will die and I'm still...looking for something I have no idea what is" broken sobbing mess, that's one way to put your mind in, with cannibals looking at you like you had gone insane and Alastor not knowing what to do.
He made himself appear in front of you, offering his hand to you. Looking up to his unreadable face, you took his hand.
You were going to die? He thought, that sentence alone took something alive that grew next to his heart and rip it apart, how? Why? Was it related to your deal to the princess? If yes could he ask the princess to change it? To make it void? What could drive you to kill yourself if it didn’t?
He continued walking, he attempted to go to the gardens, but then had a better idea.
The shadows surrounded you and Alastor, movement seemed to pass through you, but when everything stopped and your feet hit the ground again, you were deep into what it looked like a swamp.
Alastor's bayou.
"Alastor?" you called for him, his hand was still in yours, but he didn’t faced you. "Is it your choice, to end your life?" no answer, just a nod on your part, "Why?" in simple words, "I can’t bear the pain anymore" he finally put two and two together, "Is that why you didn't wanted to talk to me? To be alone with me?" he carried pain on the word alone, "I didn't wanted to hurt you, and as of this morning I went a little selfish there".
"Y/n" he didn’t knew what to say, how could someone How could he help a suicidal person, when he’s brings death to others? "I gave a lot of thought to find a reason to live, after a while it became senseless" he turned around to see you, "Well I don't mean to be that kind of person, but...how about me?" his free hand made your skin melt, "You don't know what you're asking for".
"Or maybe you underestimate my understanding" despite his adorable face, you had heard that before, "Here we go again, don't try to tell me that suddenly you love me or anything" your laugh only made him scoff.
"Would it be too hard to believe? I do not love you as a fact, I have never felt such a thing except for...my mother" hugging him was the perfect move after mentioning his mother, even knowing how much Alastor appreciates her, even in death.
"Nonetheless, I enjoy being with you, being under your culinary care all these time" not that he knew who cooked, but he always thought it was specially made, "You would eat nothing but rotten meat if I didn't" he lowered to your ear, "I also don't sleep much, so there were a few moments in which I saw you turning my radio studio off and place a blanket over my shoulders" the way he felt you tensed up made him laugh.
"I just… I care too much" he circled your waist, "And this morning, was that just caring too much?" he really needed an answer, as to not regret it. "I told you; I was selfish...I just wanted to feel-" he interrupted you, his breath hitting your lips, "Loved" you went forward, pecking his lips, "Like someone cared for...me".
His staff made a static noise, then music played, the melody brought you a longing feeling, of a time when you waited patiently for his segment at the radio.
“I'll never smile again, until I smile at you” he begin singing, “I'll never laugh again, what good would it do?” he twirled you around, your back then pulled against his chest, “For tears would fill my eyes, my heart would realize, that our romance is through” his voice had moments without his static, sending a thrill down your spine.
“I'll never feel again, I'm so in sync with you” you followed the next line, his cheeks blushing as you did, “I'll never thrill again, to somebody new” he sang, placing a kiss to your temple, “Within my heart, I know I will never start” he turned you around waltzing you around “To smile again, until I smile at you”.
“Within my heart, I know I will never start, to smile again” your voices harmonized, “Until I smile at you” he joined his forehead with yours, “Until I smile at you” then he kissed you, the music turning into soft jazz.
"I hope I laid my intentions properly" he whispered against your lips, "Are you still staying with the king?" Due to his aversion to contact, he didn't really mind you having the extra attention, what did sting his pride was if he tried to win you over.
"I made him a promise so, yes" he hummed, "Is that wrong?" he shook his head, "How about we see to lunch? We can go out or I can cook for you" his alluring tone made you want to strip him, "It's almost dinner time, we might as well cook something for everyone, don't you think?" cooking with you? His tail almost broke a hole into his pants due to all the wagging, "Unless you don't want to" he chuckled, "Lead the way" he placed a kiss on your neck, night on where he bit earlier.
"You're testing my respect for your boundaries sir" he looked at you almost innocently, "Am I? I haven't noticed" you hit him gently on his arm, "Whatever you say, radio love".
Part 9.
Stay tuned ;3
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bidisasterevankinard · 2 months
Fuck it Friday
I had inspiration for bucktommy date night where Buck is in a dress so here's more (who forgot/doesn't know how dress look under cut is the photo)
“What are you doing?” 
Evan raises his eyebrow with adorable head tilt and Tommy just smirks at him, when he drips the remains of a cocktail, the name he doesn’t remember, onto Evan's exposed neck, enjoying the way the drops flow closer to the neckline on his chest. Licking all the tracks from the skin with his tongue, Tommy revels in the sharp intake of breath and the way Evan's body shudders under his tongue. Tommy grins. Evan's skin smells like floral shower gel and a little sweat from being in a slightly stuffy room. This blend with tart-sweet alcohol turns Tommy's head better than rum and tequila in their cocktails.
“Enjoying my cocktail and my hot boyfriend. Two in one,” Tommy winks and Evan smiles at him. “Tell me more about cocktails and its history.”
Evan beams and pushes his body so now he sits on his lap, having easy access to his ear.
“The most expensive cocktail in the world costs $22,579.”
Tommy chokes on his beverage.
“Yeah, I had the same reaction. It’s a Diamonds Are Forever Martini at the Ritz Carlton in Tokyo. It’s made from vodka, lime juice, and a one carat diamond.”
“Will you make this at home for a cheaper price?” Tommy nuzzles Evan’s neck.
“When l will propose to you,” Evan nods.
“What if I do it first?”
“Then I’ll do it for our first night as husbands, before fucking you like a king.”
Tommy growls and grinds his again half hard cock into Evan’s perfect little ass.
“It’s a deal, baby,” he bites Evan’s earlobe. “Tell me more.”
“One last fact and we’re dancing, right?” 
Evan bats his eyelashes, pouting, and his blue eyes getting so adorably soft and pleading, that Tommy would kill a man or steal the moon if Evan just asked him like that.
God, this fucking kid. He can make a man do anything he wants with just his pretty face.
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Np tagging @wikiangela @bewilderedbuckley @hippolotamus @diazsdimples @diazheartsbuckley @queerbuck @queerdiaz @watchyourbuck @epiphainie @evnnkinard @evansboyfriend @evanbi-ckley @eddiestummy @repressedqueen @rainbow-nerdss @rogerzsteven @racerchix21 @pirrusstuff @underwaterninja13 @saybiwithme @devirnis @lavenderleahy @loveyouanyway @monsterrae1 @cal-daisies-and-briars @buckera @bi-buckrights @bigfootsmom @bekkachaos @theotherbuckley @thewolvesof1998 @theweewooshow @eddiebabygirldiaz and you if you want to
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WIP! I haven't missed it!
Happy 4th anniversary, HLVRAI!
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