#tommy is the ball and chain to tubbo
luminarytex · 3 months
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consensual marriage !!!!!!!!
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my little champion
(a semi-poetic essay about c!fundy)
is a possessive term, denoting something, particularly an item, singularly belongs to the person speaking. you use this term a lot, especially when referring to my sister.
my l'manberg, you said. my unfinished symphony, forever unfinished. the country we grew up in, the country we share with those i consider family, is solely and singularly yours. what does that bode for me? how undistinguishable am i from my sister? l'manberg was a peaceful community, but it was your peace and your community, founded on people-centric principles that you hypocritically created on your own. my, because you wanted to hold a one-party election, where your running mate threatened to exile me from my birthplace. my, because you exploded the damn place because it didn't seem to meet your ideological standards, even if you and schlatt are two sides of the same charmful coin.
my, because no matter how dead or looked down upon you are, your fingers grip around me like a ball and chain. i am eternally connected to you via being.
is an adjective, denoting how miniscule a specific object is.
i am a mere speck, no matter where you are. you have a tendency to crouch. if not, you're on a stage that's ten feet tall, being slaughtered by grandpa as you look down on me. i see your eyes everywhere. in the tall trees that vignette my tiny cabin in the woods, in the casino that looms over my half-built shack next to the las nevadan horses.
unfavorability is a gene i did not expect to possess, because that doesn't seem like a possibility in the family. grandpa is favored by the god of death. you were resurrected to fulfill some vengeful power dynamic. meanwhile, grandma has granted me the ability to take my own life— the only one in this wasteland who has done it upon themself. how meaningless, she might have thought, when she saw me throw myself into pits of broken promises.
i am absence personified. schrodinger's fox trapped in its box. i was not invited to save tommy and tubbo when they regained the discs. i was not there when quackity concluded his quest for power. i am air, i am silence. i'm smaller than a breath, than the atoms that compose our bodies.
defines a winner. someone who has triumphed, whether because they gained something in copious amounts, or because they've overcome a persistent struggle.
this word can only exist with the other two prefixes. little champion, because i am the breathing time in between your bigger victories. my champion, because my joys in life are not mine. they must be and always are tied to you. we celebrated our nation's independence, long ago, and i anticipated to be repaid the promises you've made. in dread, i waited, i waited, and i waited.
but the truth is, you’ve given it to me on that same day. you dream of peace, of community-shared resources. of protection, of families forever devoted to each other. that is l'manberg. it is a case of your desired triumphs, of the ideal world you fought for incessantly. but at some point, something switched— perhaps, a button— and you saw it as burdensome weight. you coughed it onto me and i collected it. that baggage, that immunity to this wasteland's cyclical violence.
you have injected upon me the parts of yourself undesirable, and thus i have become undesirability itself. i have become what the server seeks but is never seen, dragged down by the prefixes that make me invisible and an irrevocable pathway to you.
when dream stops killing, when swords are sheathed and shields tucked away, when the wasteland starts growing lilies and unwithered roses again, that is me. that should be me. they will pick those flowers up, the ones that have bloomed from my previous carcasses, smell their wonderful fragrance and think, why haven't we thought of this before?
and yet, i will smile. i will sit beside them and keep them company. if i had the capacity to be selfish, i would impart my cassandrian screams. but i'm not. instead, i will smell the same flowers with them, happy that, perhaps, their wasteland would be salvageable, even if i wasn't included in the blueprints.
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anyway here’s the first part of the one shot. as a teaser. a and also,bc I’m proud of it and I never know if I’m gonna stick too my project.s
tw: imprisonment, referenced torture, blood, mentioned vomit, self hatred, internalised transphobia, restraints
Day One of whatever the fuck is going on here.
I thought I was dead for fucking sure in those dungeons. They were so dark, and cold, and I was fucking starving, and that’s not even getting onto the beatings and shit. One of the guards ripped my fucking ear. Dickhead. I kicked him in the balls and even though that got my arse beat more I don’t regret it. Once, I was sick and it was all red and bloody and gross. I was sure I was gonna die that night, but I didn’t. I don’t know why. I shouldn’t be alive. I shouldn’t.
But I’m here now. I don’t fucking know why, again. I don’t deserve it. Wilbur should be here, he’s far more important, he could have started the revolution again, and- and he was my brother, man! I would have died for him. I wish I could have died for him. I wish he’d listen, but no. I was the one spared.
See, the fucking GREEN BASTARD PRICK had us all dragged up to his stupid green throne room where he sits around and pretends to be a leader, all in chains and shit. All of us from L’Manberg were there, along with that BASTARD TRAITOR Eret, and Fundy. Thank fuck the poor kid wasn’t in that hellhole prison with us, apparently he was spared because he was too young. But me and Tubzo are sixteen. Jack’s seventeen. Yeah, it’d be fucked up to imprison an eight year old but we’re kids too. But I guess just executing Wilbur and Niki wouldn’t have been impressive enough to show dominance against the rebels or whatever fucked up shit kings do.
Anyway, Dream speaks, and he’s like “mimimimi you were all very stupid and wrong to fight back against the rightful king, you’re all lame as fuck and are gonna die” or whatever, just a whole lotta bullshit I tuned out, before he turns to Wilbur and is like “but, because I’m merciful, I’ll let you decide one person who will be spared.” Just one.
And IMMEDIATELY, Wilbur said Tommy.
I wish he didn’t. I don’t wanna live if my family is gone. I begged him to choose Tubbo instead, or himself, or Niki, or even fucking Jack Manifold even though Jack Manifold is a dick because he doesn’t deserve to die. But no one would listen, and everyone else was dragged back into the fucking torture chambers that were those dungeons. I’ve seen the devices they have hanged up on those walls. I don’t want my family to go through that.
Anyway, so I’m in ANOTHER cell, but this one is nice. Like, weirdly nice. It’s like it was custom made for me but like why would they be spying on me if they knew about the resistance we would have been caught so much earlier. So it’s a coincidence, right?
It’s all cool and RED. Red is the best colour. There’s a music box and it plays nice music. THERE’S A BED!!!! I missed beds so much. AND THERE'S A BATHROOM. I could wash off all the blood and dirt and sick on me and I felt like a person again. My hair has grown so long it was weird to look in the mirror and see it. I thought I’d look like a stupid peasant girl again and hate it but I like it now I don’t have to be a girl. It’s like I’m a wild barbarian and it made me smile. And then I cried like a fucking girl so maybe I am just a stupid girl who thinks she’s a boy. I don’t know.
The bad part is I’m all chained up. I mean I was chained up in the dungeon but that was like a ball and chain. I could move around and shit until my fucking leg got broken. They finally put that in a cast by the time I was put in here because they realised I can’t walk well and I guess they’re gonna force me to stay alive. I’ve got a stupid collar that’s attached to the wall by a chain. I’ve got little wrist cuffs and ankle cuffs but they’re also attached to the wall by a chain. I’ve even got a fucking tail cuff thingy, and guess what that’s got?
And of course there is you diary. I love you diary you are my ONLY FRIEND. I will call you TUBBO 2. I will tell you about my days and how much DREAM SUCKS DICK. AND BALLS. AND CUM.
And one day I will die and then you will be alone Tubbo 2. And you’ll know how I feel.
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michaels-two-dads · 2 years
Tell me your beeduo headcanons. I don't know anything about them, so I will take anything you say as fact.
(The following headcanons are about the characters c!Tubbo and c!Ranboo from the Dream SMP)
-c!Tubbo immediately thought c!Ranboo was cute when they first met and he had a crush on him, meanwhile c!Ranboo didn’t really develop romantic feelings until much later because he didn’t really have a concept of romance, but he has always really admired and respected c!Tubbo
-c!Tubbo is fascinated by c!Ranboo’s enderman biology
-c!Ranboo often gushes about c!Tubbo in his memory book like it’s his little diary, in the period of time when they were really close just before they got married, he used to write Tubbo’s name in pretty cursive letters and write stupid stuff like “T + R” and write combinations of their last names
-They both flirt with each other, but c!Ranboo is more easily flustered. c!Tubbo loves to try and come up with stupid pick-up lines to make him blush
-c!Tubbo came up with the idea to get married for tax purposes as a ploy to marry c!Ranboo, because he didn’t believe that c!Ranboo would actually want to marry him
-The moment c!Tubbo brought up marriage, c!Ranboo did a ton of “research” on relationships and marriage (AKA reading a ton of cheesy romance novels that he keeps hidden under his bed)
-c!Ranboo made his and c!Tubbo’s wedding rings
-c!Ranboo didn’t understand the idea of a fake marriage and thought that if they were married then obviously they love each other, all while c!Tubbo was desperately trying to not let himself think this was real (this was about a week-long period of time before c!Ranboo kissed c!Tubbo on the cheek and c!Tubbo realized c!Ranboo was Actually in love with him)
-They are both HUGE saps, but c!Ranboo is more obvious about it. Don’t be fooled, though, c!Tubbo is absolutely also a sap
-c!Ranboo can’t say no to c!Tubbo and he can and will happily do anything c!Tubbo asks of him
-c!Tubbo calls c!Ranboo “Boo” “My beloved” “Honey”, c!Ranboo calls c!Tubbo “Bo” “Love” “My beloved”, and they both call each other various fond insults
-They both love their son so so much and they are the most overprotective and doting parents ever, they absolutely spoil him
-Every night c!Ranboo reads Michael a bedtime story and c!Tubbo does sound effects and they tuck him into bed and tell him that they love him
-Michael’s first word is “fuck” which c!Ranboo is APPALLED by and c!Tubbo is delighted by, however they both blame c!Tommy for this
-c!Ranboo is extremely carry-able because despite being tall he is built like a twig. c!Tubbo likes to carry him around bridal style from time to time
-c!Tubbo is very strong and c!Ranboo finds this more than a little attractive
-Several different languages are used in the _Beloved household, including Common, BSL, Piglin, and Ender. Tubbo uses BSL when he goes nonverbal, Ranboo uses Ender when he sleepwalks, and Michael mostly speaks Piglin but is learning Common and BSL
-c!Tubbo says “Honey, I’m home” every single time he comes home and c!Ranboo is there
-c!Tubbo loves to make stereotypical straight man jokes about how he hates his wife, often referring to c!Ranboo as “the wife” “the husband” and “the old ball and chain”, but he is always incredibly in-love sounding when he does this
-Anytime c!Ranboo cries, c!Tubbo makes sure to wipe his tears so that c!Ranboo doesn’t burn himself, and he gave c!Ranboo an engraved handkerchief for when he’s not around
-c!Tubbo keeps an umbrella in his enderchest at all times for when it rains, just in case c!Ranboo isn’t wearing his armor
-c!Ranboo has picked up some BSL so that he can communicate with c!Tubbo when he goes nonverbal
-c!Ranboo and c!Tubbo love to dance together, and they do it often, to music discs or to no music at all. c!Ranboo knows how to ballroom dance and he tries to teach c!Tubbo sometimes, but often they just dance clumsily, happy to be together
-c!Tubbo likes to leave little notes for c!Ranboo to help him with his memory issues. These notes are left in a variety of places, up to including c!Ranboo’s forehead if he can
-When they go to sleep, c!Ranboo usually ends up wrapping himself around c!Tubbo or splaying on top of c!Tubbo, which c!Tubbo secretly finds really comforting. Sometimes c!Ranboo purrs, which he vehemently denies
-c!Tubbo refers to c!Ranboo has having “piano hands”, and he would like to teach him to play sometime
-c!Ranboo adores all of c!Tubbo’s scars, and he often runs his fingers along them or kisses them
-c!Ranboo likes to rest his head on c!Tubbo’s shoulder, c!Tubbo likes to rest his head on c!Ranboo’s lap
-c!Ranboo likes to kiss the top of c!Tubbo’s head
OKAY I’ll stop now.
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itsonlydana · 3 years
Lovers on the weekend ➷ jschlatt
pairing: Schlatt x Reader (gn)
summary: AU- where you dance with your enemy at a ball. You danced with him, because your other choices seemed even worse and everything went downhill after that.
tags/warnings: none, fluff
words: 4561
a/n: hello my darlings! I already posted this on my ao3 -as well as the one that´ll follow in this series- but for wholeness sake i wanted to post it here as well!
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"I swear I'll dance with a woman tonight!"
"Should you dare ask one. "
"No, the women will want to ask me as soon as they see I have time for them!"
With a sigh, you turned away from the piece of cake that you had spent the last half hour breaking down into its smallest pieces with a fork without even tasting it once and stared out the large window next to you. Thanks to summer, it wasn't that dark yet, and you could clearly see the garden outside. How much you would rather walk barefoot on the warm grass, hide in the gardens with Niki, or lie by the big fountain, a good book full of poetry in your hands.
No, instead, your feet were in uncomfortable shoes, Niki had left you for Will alone with Karl, Tubbo and Tommy at the children’s table and the only thing that resembled water were the tears in your eyes, which came both from the shoes and the oppressive loneliness in your heart.
"So (y/n) would be one of the first to beg me to show my moves, wouldn’t you, (y/n)? You’d dance with me." "Sure, Tommy", you answer absentmindedly. You could have ignored him, like so many in this room, but the proud "Didn't I tell you, Tubbo?" was resisting you. Just because you had a sad night you shouldn't put this weight on the kid.
Still chasing after the fresh air, you rest your head on your hand, not noticing that the laughter of the boys next to you had died down.
"May I have this dance?" Everything in your body stiffened at the sound of the honeyed voice to your left. You knew who it was, of course, he contributed to your depressed mood with his presence alone, and you certainly wouldn't give him the victory to look up just to embarrass yourself in case he had approached someone else.
He cleared his throat - you remained to look after the few clouds of the bright sky.
"(y/n), Schlatt asked you something", Karl stated to your right, clueless as ever. "Thanks, Karl, I noticed! ", you snapped and finally turned your head. There he stood, wearing a black suit, dark red tie and a smirk that couldn't mean anything good. The golden chains that adorned his horns gave him even more resemblance to the devil than he already had. "You're at the wrong table, Schlatt." "No, I don't think so." "If you think I'm going to dance with you, you're wrong.", you commented emotionlessly on the outstretched hand of the hybrid, whose mood was slowly slipping into annoyance. His lips remain twisted into a smile, but he couldn't manage to hide the twitch in his right eyebrow.
You had observed this behavior of your counterpart many times, mostly in debates and discussions, when he didn't want to see that you were in the right; which happened often. And as if you hadn't guessed, Schlatt leaned down to you. "It's not nice to leave me standing here, so why don't you be nice and let me take you to a dance?"
You knew you certainly weren't doing yourself any favors by accepting the invitation, but as soon as his warm fingers intertwined with yours and his other hand in your back pulled you against him, you felt all your worries disappear. It was a strange feeling to be so close to him after you had spent the last few years hating everything about him.
"We're a strange couple, you and I. ", he began. “We are by no means a couple; I’m just dancing with you, so I don’t have to keep playing babysitter for Tommy and Tubbo.”, you hissed in his ear and smiled forced by his side to the table where the two young men were sitting and were now chatting Karl an ear off.
You two were so close, you could feel the vibration in Schlatt’s chest as he laughed. You just rolled your eyes.
The first violin players started their first notes, and you took a step forward. Immediately, Schlatt’s grip on your back became firmer and the hybrid smiled at you defiantly. "I’ll lead.” You briefly thought about whether it was worth arguing with him about it, but then you gave in; in the end, it was just a dance.
Actually, you had never been a big fan of dancing - and certainly not a fan of waltzing - but at the same time you had never been a fan of your partner either and yet here you were. You could feel him looking at you, which is why you stubbornly watched the other couples in the large hall, most of whom were guaranteed to be having more fun than you. Niki danced in Will's arms; Bad in Skeppy's; Eret let Puffy twirl them around; George, Sapnap, and Dream stood a little on the side, making fun of Quackity, who was imitating one of the fiddle players, and even Techno, who was talking to Phil at the buffet, smiled. Turning, your anguished gaze met Niki's, who gave you a sympathetic thumbs up.
"Am I that bad of a company?" Schlatt murmured and forced you to look at him at last. Though his voice sounded hurt, his eyes shone with mischief. "Let’s put it this way, I don’t think it’s as bad as listening to Tommy all night, how much contact he’s had with women today" Schlatt laughed again, the soft tone threw you out of the concept for a moment and you almost forgot you didn’t like him. "Nevertheless, I would not have a problem with jumping right now and right away from one of the balconies." "I’m asking you not to do this, it would give a bad impression of me as a dance partner." "Oh please, as if that would bother you.", you huffed. "Maybe. Perhaps it would bother me more if I could no longer dance with the most beautiful person in the hall.", he said quietly.
You ran out of air to breathe. Almost panicking you waited for a twist, because that could definitely not be how Schlatt saw you. You didn’t like each other, some might say you’ve been arch-enemies for years. Every event you two have been to had become a ground for discussion and fights, every hobby a contest. Schlatt was a disgusting show-off who had sat himself on a throne, regarded everyone around him as inferior, and could never feel anything like empathy, let alone love, in his cold, lonely heart.
Schlatt stayed quiet.
The orchestra became faster and so did Schlatt's steps. Only then did you notice that you hadn't messed up a single time so far and hadn't made any other mistakes. Despite your hatred for each other, you were in perfect sync, almost floating over the parquet. Perhaps ironically, it was also due to Schlatt's leadership skills.
Suddenly the man changed steps and began dancing faster and faster in a circle. In shock, you gripped his hand tighter and pressed closer to his chest so that no leaf would have fit between you. "Would you mind warning me next time?", you curse and looked up. Everything but his face blurred into your field of vision with your turns, it was all the sharper for it. A few of his recalcitrant brown curls hung down his forehead and the urge to brush them back was unbearable. The gentle light of the chandeliers reflected in golden sparks in his dark eyes, which examined you amused.
"Why should I? You know I'm an unpredictable disaster. ", Schlatt quoted one of your speeches from a few days ago. You furrowed your eyebrows and looked around the room for a moment.
"Is this some kind of attempt to embarrass me? Are you filming this moment so you can play it at the next debate?"
For a moment, Schlatt looked seriously hurt until his signature grin returned. "No, but that would be a good idea. I could tell the whole world you fell for me, confessed your love to me, and thus destroy your campaign once and for all. Who wants to elect the love-struck, not thinking straight one as mayor?"
"You are unbelievable.", you said sneering at him.
"“Wow, now you are just hurting me" he answered cockily and took another surprising turn to the side "My poor feelings." "How odd." "What is?" "I wasn´t aware that you had feelings." Schlatt bowed his head down, right next to your ear and whispered: "Oh I do, why else would I want to be this close to you?" The words ended straight up sending shivers over your whole body.
Time seemed to stand still, oddly enough. You never thought you'd ever dance with Schlatt the way you did, or even enjoy his closeness the way you just did. The quiet orchestra seemed to have cast a spell over you with its many violins, horns and trombones, clouding the hatred and filling the space in your heart with warmth instead. Without realizing it, your cheeks grew rosier, and your lips parted slightly.
The magic didn't seem to leave even when the music had long since stopped and your feet were still, nothing in you wanted to leave.
Schlatt hesitated for a few seconds as well, lifting the hand that had previously been at your back until it was almost against your cheek. Longing for the feeling of closeness, you tilted your head towards his hand when suddenly Wilbur appeared beside you, shattering the dream. Reality caught you like a hailstorm, Schlatt's hand, which had been clasped with yours until now, began to glow so that you thought you would burn yourself and the golden light in his eyes disappeared behind the icy mask. The goat-hybrid stepped backward, clearing his throat. One last time something magical sparkled between you, then he turned and patted Will on the back. "Let's go get a drink my friend, the air in this room has created a desert in my throat.” Unwittingly, your gaze lingered on the tall man, who turned around briefly. A smile, an honest smile appeared on Schlatt's face, one you had never seen before, and you knew you would never forget that image.
"You and Schlatt, then." Startled and with a racing heart, you wheeled around to where Niki stood, hands clasped in front of her chest, grinning at you. "No! Not me and Schlatt, no. Could you imagine.", you stuttered, which didn't convince Niki. "Oh, I don't have to imagine anything, after your performance no one here has to imagine. Not even Dream and George looked at each other like that.” Your cheeks were on fire now. "I don't know what you're talking about, have you been drinking too much? " Niki was now shaking her head brightly laughing and grasped your arm "Let's go to your table, (y/n). I need to sit down for a bit.” Niki pulled you back to the table from where the loud shouting of Tommy resounded. How did you not hear that just now?
As soon as the boy saw you, he pointed his finger at you. "You! You swore you’d join our prank against Schlatt! You are a traitor, have you fallen in love with him or why are you dancing with him?" The boy’s squeaky voice overshaded the conversations at the table and even the orchestra, which had tuned to a new song and you were sure the words were so loud that Schlatt had to hear them too. Angry, you pushed the finger out of your face. "I’m not in love just because I’m dancing with someone!" "So you’re in on this prank?" asked Tubbo, who was sitting in the chair between Tommy and Phil. The elder shruked only with his shoulders. "I tried to make it clear to them to leave you alone, but you know how they are. Sit down, eat something. Tommy, Tubbo, I heard Dream’s little sister is here somewhere – don’t you want to go look for her?"
And then all one could hear was the loud scratching of the chairs on the parquet floor and you could watch the boys run out of the hall. As soon as Tubbo’s dark hair had disappeared behind the high arch of the door, the whole room seemed to breathe out. When you were about to sit down, Will and Schlatt entered the hall, both holding two of the crystal glasses in their hands, which were on the buffet in the other room, from which you could smell the most aromatic smells as you passed by, and when you looked inside, you could find eternally long tables with the most varied cakes in all shapes and sizes. See baskets of juicy fruits and silver bowls of steaming soups.
Eret, who had organized the ball, had spared no expense or effort in giving their guests the most wonderful experience; in addition to the food and drink, there was the orchestra, which entertained incessantly with pieces of music from all over the world, and during the evening several performances were scheduled by some guests, including Will, who would present his latest songs.
He and Schlatt made their way through to your table, and you couldn't help but stare at Schlatt. In the few minutes you hadn't seen each other, he had lost his jacket and was now walking around in just a white shirt tucked into his black pants and his loosened tie. Your brain was working at peak performance to understand why you found him so attractive out of nowhere, he was Schlatt after all.
You were all the more overwhelmed when a glass was pressed into your hand. You looked up questioningly to Schlatt, who pushed his free hand into his pocket and gave you a wink. Thousands of questions shot into your head – had he really brought you a drink? Was it poisoned? Spiked? What was he up to? You brought the first celebrations after Eret became king to your mind. It was one of the nicest parties you’d ever been to, until Schlatt swapped your water with vodka, which had resulted in you throwing up after a big sip, and the speech that should have promoted your campaign for president had remained in your pocket while you were brought home by Will and Phil.
"I suppose I have chosen the right wine". , mentioned Schlatt with a self-satisfied smile and drank from his glass. You huffed. Why did that little action have to go directly to his ego? Even though you would have liked to put him in his place, you gave him a hypocritical smile and nodded. You couldn’t help but give him a small side-slash: "Every blind chicken finds a grain once in a while." "That’s the motive of your voters as well." "No honey, my supporters know exactly what they are doing and that what they are doing is right." "Is that so?" "Actually yes, do you know that? Each of your ideas and resolutions that you have presented seem as if you hadn’t even thought about them."
Schlatt’s wine breath met yours when he had taken a step towards you after your last sentence and towered now over you. Adrenaline flowed through your veins as you looked further into his eyes, the grip around your wine glass became tighter and it cost you everything not to just tip it over his white shirt. Probably most of it would spill on you, and cleaning wine stains wasn’t on your list of favorite things to do.
"Why can't there be an evening we can enjoy in peace without your drama?", Will asked annoyed, pushing you and Schlatt apart with his hands. "It could be because Schlatt's only personality trait is competition and outperforming others.", you answer Will but addressed the words directly to Schlatt, who straightened his shirt and huffed. "What? We know you only asked me to dance so you could use it against me. You would never do something for others if it could harm you! You are so focused on yourself you egotist." You'd talked yourself into a rage, and the fact that Schlatt didn't even bat an eye made you even angrier. "(y/n), please calm down," Niki put her hand on your shoulder, which you shook right off.
"Why should I? It's Schlatt.", you spit the name at his feet. "Don’t pretend you don’t think the same." Niki dodged your gaze, Phil turned away; confirmation enough. "You know, (y/n)", Schlatt began calmly and drank a sip "You’re wrong. I asked you to dance because no one else did, and I wanted to give you a nice night, despite our relationship. You sat in your seat staring holes in the window and everyone who saw you had to think it was a boring party. Sorry, next time I’ll let you drown in your loneliness."
You took a deep breath before you jerkily turned away, while walking you turned around and pointed with the wine glass in your hand to Schlatt. "You are and will remain an asshole, Schlatt." Niki made an effort to follow you, you however shook your head. "Just let it go, please.”
You shivered all over as you stepped up to one of the balconies that gave you a view of all of L'manburg, your fingers trying to dig into the rough, cold stone of the parapet. In the distance, you could make out the podium where in a few weeks it would be announced who would be the new president of the city. It was also the place where you first encountered Schlatt.
It happened almost a decade ago, a few days after you moved to L'manburg with your parents and escaped the box-filled house on the piers for the first time to explore the city on your own. All day you had been wandering over meadows and wooden paths until you came to a hill in front of which a couple had gathered on a wooden podium. The boy, he had been wearing a large yellow sweater and a black beanie, despite the pleasantly warm weather, sat in the middle and had been playing a quiet tune on his guitar while a blonde girl beside him had been singing along softly. Slowly you had approached, waving cautiously when the girl had looked up and caught sight of you. "Hi! Are you the one who came by boat last week?", she had asked, whereupon the boy had put aside his guitar. "Of course they are Niki, no one else came." 'Niki' had playfully punched him in the side and gotten up to meet you. "I just wanted to make sure, Will." She had held out her hand to you and given you a big smile. "I'm Niki and this is Wilbur, do you want to join us?"
Before you could have answered, a loud shout had rung out and two more boys came rushing from the right side of the hill, both with two swords in their hands. They clashed their swords at each other, forcing one to take an evasive step backward every time the other jumped on top of them, and they had yelled. The whole game only stopped when the boy with long pink hair tied in a braid and white glasses with black lenses saw you. He had paused, which his blond opponent had taken advantage of to rip his glasses off his nose. "Ha! Those are George's glasses, you idiot. If you steal them again, I'll banish you!" The pink-haired boy just shrugged. "Go for it, Dream. As if anything like that could stop me." You had watched the play a bit lost until Niki had fortunately spoken up. "Techno, Dream, stop the nonsense for one day. I want you to meet-" "(y/n)" "(y/n), they just moved here." While Techno shook your hand, Dream just nodded at you. He was too busy examining the glasses for scratches. "Your opinion on government?" "On the current one or in general?", you had asked, completely thrown of track by Techno’s question. "Generally." "Oh, I want to be president one day, so en faveur?" The older boy had huffed and you were sure that he would have given you a lecture about his views, which, because of his reaction, were probably quite different from yours, had it not been for another voice.
"President? Get in line, kid."
A tall boy in a blue sweater and a shorter darker-skinned boy with a blue cap trailing behind him, had come up behind you and watched you with amusement. His appearance had taken all the wind out of your sails and you were too busy surveying the curved horns you could make out between the tightly curled brown hair to look for a counter, which probably played right into the boy's cards. "I don't think I need to worry and see you as political competition when you can't even present and defend your point of view." He had laughed and leaned down to you "(y/n), right? Enjoy your time here, go bake with Niki or play music with Will, but stay out of politics, you're clearly no match for that and me in particular."
You could still clearly remember how his raspy laugh had brought you out of your stupor, how his confident grin had made you brave again and how you had smiled at him and told him your wisely chosen words: "Oh, don't you worry. I'm very capable of doing all those things while crushing you and your ego."
"You know, I'm proud of how far you've come and all you've accomplished." You didn't even flinch at the sound of Schlatt's voice, so unsurprised you were by his appearance. It was much more his words that made your heart beat faster. "Stop giving me reasons to like you" , you murmured and turned around, your arms crossed in front of your chest, fingers fiddling with the soft fabric of your clothes. Schlatt stood, his hands shoved in his pockets, in the open glass door. A slight breeze came up, swept through both your and his hair, and you brushed a strand of hair aside and watched as a few of his curls fell even more in his face. They were flowing all around as he slowly approached you.
"Would it be that bad to like me?", he asked and leaned his back against the balustrade and looked into the hall, where Will was just starting to play guitar. "It also wouldn’t be that bad if I jumped down from this balcony because I could save myself in the water, my body still opposes it with every cell. Does that answer your question?" With your thumb and forefinger, you snapped a small stone from the edge into the depth and then turned around, so that you two were side by side, elbows to elbows, watching your friends gather around the stage.
“It may be a stupid question but do you remember how nervous Will was, when he played in front of all of us for the first time?" You looked up to Schlatt and saw how he watched the young man inside played the strings of his guitar, not showing any sign of nervousness now. "Of course, he wanted us to turn around, and I wouldn't stop peeking- he always stopped playing to argue with me but in the end" "We all starting singing", you finished his story and you both started laughing.
You had never really heard him laughing in front of you, if he had only laughed at someone or out of courtesy, but that laughter; loud and slightly shrill, a laughter that made his chest shake and formed small wrinkles around his eyes, left a fizzy feeling in your body, that only grew when he placed his hand behind you, and his skin touched yours.
"I hate how nice you can be", you burst out and his laughter changed to a chuckle. "Can’t you make up your mind? First, you hate me, and then you admire my kindness." "No, I really don´t like you." - "Oh, prove it.", he said with a smirk, his hand caught your wrist and he pulled you into him. "Because" He imitated your previous dance position, in which you had just been so close to each other "it looked completely different before", he chuckled into your ear, followed by a slight hum of the melody of your first dance. You allowed yourself, and especially your wildly beating heart, to linger for a moment, to wilt in memory and to let yourself swing easily from one side to the other before you got your thoughts together and, unlike before, put some distance between you.
It was enough for you, that eternal back and forth between your brain, which had clung to the attitude of hating Schlatt, and your heart, which was slowly but warming up towards him, beat faster if he even looked at you and sent the most contradictory signals to your body. "Could you for once, please act like a man and not like an egocentric bastard?", you complained loudly and-
Suddenly his lips were on yours. Schlatt urged your body backward until you were pressed between him and the balcony, your back feeling ice-cold as your chest grew warmer. One hand grasped your neck from behind, pulling you against him, the other dug into your waist, crumpling the fabric that separated your glowing skin. Schlatt didn't stop, he pressed himself even closer to you, your back bent over the parapet and despite Schlatt's firm grip you felt like you were in free fall. The taste of the wine between your lips intoxicated you even more and you were sure if you opened your eyes you would see stars. Never in your life had you been kissed like this, with so much passion that you felt dizzy, with so much lust that you seemed to burn up from the inside. You went limp against him, let him take over, let him hold you even after you'd separated. Breathless and without a clear thought you hung on him, your only support were his arms around your middle; yours hung limp in his neck.
"Are you sure that you want to do this? Aren´t you concerned about your campaign or rumors?", Schlatt asked and you nearly wanted to smack him. After THAT kiss he wants to talk politics? You still smirked: "Well, I could always say you fell for me"
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loudlyunladylike · 3 years
Choose your football player: Tommy sitting on the ball and saying he’s laid an egg vs Tubbo sitting in the goal and making daisy chains
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stuffthatireblog · 3 years
Dream smp Soul Eater AU cause why not:
Dream is a meister who used to wield Sapnap (axe) and George (crossbow).
Tubbo used to wield Tommy (shield).
Once Tommy was exiled Dream wielded him behind Sapnap and George's backs and when they found out they left him.
George now doesn't have a miester.
Schlatt used to wield Quackity (sling shot) before they fell out.
Karl now wields Sapnap and Quackity. A sling shot is a two handed weapon and Karl can't wield them both at the same time so he uses Sapnap more often, feeding Quackity's inferiority complex.
Tubbo now wields Ranboo (scythe) and Tommy. Tommy feels inadequate as a shield sometimes because he can't protect the people he loves which made him jealous at first of Ranboo for being useful. They worked things out now though.
Philza sometimes wields Techno (broadsword) and used to wield Wilbur (bow and arrows) before Wilbur moved out.
After Wilbur left home he was wielded by Niki and then he died.
Niki now wields Captain Puffy (saber).
Sam wields Ponk (trident) and because Sam ripped his arm off Ponk is a two pronged trident.
Foolish is a meister but doesn't wield anyone (yet, I'm looking at you foolsamponk).
Eret (rapier) doesn't have a meister.
Purpled (pistol) doesn't have a meister.
Punz (shotgun) doesn't have a meister.
Antfrost wields Red (machine gun) (I don't care if he's not on the smp lol).
Bad wields Skeppy (butterfly knife).
Alyssa wields Callahan (dagger) and he doesn't have a meister while she's not on the smp.
Dream wielded Fundy (ball and chain) for a while but now Fundy doesn't have a meister.
Jack Manifold (bazooka) doesn't have a meister.
HBomb (fan) doesn't have a meister.
Connor is a meister without a weapon.
Hannah is a meister without a weapon.
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mollusksauce · 2 years
MolluskSauce's DSMP Fics
When trying to pull his legs up, to curl up into a ball, his left leg got stuck. He pulled at it again. There was definitely something on his left ankle. He rolled over, which made his head spin in the process, trying to look at his ankle. It was a chain.
He was chained to the wall.
Tommy is kidnapped by Dream and held in his house for three months.
9,800 words, complete
They both scanned the area for stray zombies. Ranboo always checked the gaping holes in the road. Once, a zombie hiding in a shadowy hole had gotten a hold on his leg, and had almost pulled him down. He had barely grabbed on to crack in the road, and pulled himself back up, with the help of Tubbo. It was the closest he had ever gotten to being bit. That’s why when something moved in the dark hole in front of them in the road, he notices it immediately.
“Tubbo, watch out. Something’s in that hole.”
Ranboo and Tubbo find a partially zombified kid in a hole in an abandoned highway. They decide to adopt him, but have to figure out how to keep the kid safe.
23,000 words, complete
Tommy knows who his father is. He has seen all the videos on the news. He knows how his father fights, how he protects others, how he interacts with his adopted children.
He has never met his father. Instead, he lives in the lab he was created in. Dream doesn’t want Batman to see his creation until it’s perfect, until Tommy has proven himself worthy.
Or, SBI Batfamily au
9,600 words, complete
Here's some other short fics I wrote.
A total of about 2,300 words right now
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sparxwrites · 3 years
Hi! Another ex-Yog current-mcyt fan here, and one who participated in WOTF! I have a lot of fond memories of that and am very happy to see you in yet another blockman hell. Could I get a Techno for the headcanon prompt thingy? Hope you're doing well!
sparx has received [ 29 ] asks from ex-yogs fans welcoming her back to hell
g o d wotf brings back memories... i'd say dsmp probably needs one of those, too, but i think i'd be genuinely torn limb from limb and eaten alive and im too old to be dealing with that shit now.
Headcanon A:  realistic
He doesn't really know what the Voices are, or where they're from, or what they want. He knows they're in his head, and that they're often incomprehensible, and that when they are comprehensible they often demand blood or say E - and that's about it. Are they some kind of ghost or spirit possessing him? Some religious thing? A sign of a protracted mental breakdown and detachment from reality? Who knows! Certainly not Technoblade.
He tries not to think about it too much because it freaks him out, and he doesn't like feeling freaked out. The best he can do is learn to live with them, which he has, mostly, and learn how to manage them, which is a work in progress on the basis they seem fundamentally ungovernable. And to try very, very hard to really not think about it. Especially when the voices know stuff he doesn't.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He took up knitting during his retirement. He's shit at it. He has knitted several scarfs, two hats, and something that could generously be called a sweater, and he is still shit at it. He does not enjoy it. He is not getting better at it. However, on principle, he refuses to admit defeat, and therefore continues to knit with the same kind of grim ferocity most people bring to waging war. (Yes, Philza thinks this is the funniest shit he's ever see.)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Uhh, I guess a double-up with the one below, a bit, but also- big fan of chronic pain headcanons for "old warrior" types. Techno with scars that itch, old injuries that ache, joints that go stiff in the cold. Keeping up with his training helps it, and he's got teas and potions and salves and such to manage it, but it never really goes exactly. Technoblade never dies, sure - but he can hurt, and he does. Pretty often, in fact. He tries not to think about the fact that, one day, it's going to get too bad for him to keep fighting the way he's so renowned for. That, one day, it's going to make him slow enough to get him killed.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Despite appearances, Techno does actually have a number of regrets about how he handled a lot of stuff: Tubbo's execution, the subsequent fight with Tommy, and then his reaction to Tommy's "betrayal" and Doomsday.
He's an impulsive kind of guy with a lot of anger/aggression issues, and has difficulty backing down from a challenge and a very "you're with me or against me" mentality - all of which interacts poorly with his extremely powerful sense of loyalty, but also the fact that the slightest betrayal of that loyalty once given counts as a complete obliteration of it.
He's got this vague sense, though, that if he apologises for anything, or allows himself to really feel regret, or actually processes/confront some of the stuff he's done... he'll just sort of crumble. Like it'd very literally nearly kill him. And so he just... refuses to process it, or to acknowledge he's done anything wrong ever, or made any bad choices or ever, and just forges on ahead blindly with a growing ball and chain of definitely-not-regrets around his ankle dragging him down
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blackholesun321 · 4 years
Thus unto tyrants.
Summery: Niki challenges Dream to a duel on behalf of Tommy and his impending exile. Many people forget that Nihachu was trained by Technoblade and defeated him in a duel. These things are connected.
Fandom: Dream Smp/Mcyt
Characters: Nihachu, Dream, Technoblade, Tommy, Tubbo, Captain Puffy, Ranboo, Quackity, Karl, Wilbur, Philza, Fundy, Eret, Awesamdude and Georgenotfound.
Ships. Nihachu/Captain Puffy
Warnings: Violence, Blood, Decapitation, descriptions of gore. descriptions of a dead body.
Hi Blackholesun here wrote this from 1-4 am because as much as I love angst, it’s a little to much for me in this fandom rn, Also Nikichu is amazing and people forget she’s an absolute badass, mostly I think that’s because of her kindness, so I had this image of her just cutting Dreams head off and it turned into this.. idk if I like it, personally it could be better but I don’t want to spend anymore time with it so enjoy. 😊
It takes a certain amount of skill to sever someone’s head from there shoulders.
Calculation, fortitude, and strength. You need to know exactly the right spot to cut, exactly the amount of weight and momentum you need to put behind the swing. It takes years of practice, and it’s better done with an axe then a sword.
But, swords were the agreed-upon weapons for this duel, so Niki will make do.
It also doesn’t help that Niki isn’t as strong as other duelists, she’s made more for speed and quick strikes between armor plates and chain mail. Not the hour long hacking, slashing and brutalizing duels that normally take place between fighters.
She was taught to get in fast and get out quicker, but today-today, she needs to make a statement.
It takes approximately two swings to take Dreams head clean off. Well, clean is a relative term; sense her first swing hit at a bit of a right angle. To diagonal to cut perfectly between the vertebrae. Diamond or not, her sword has been dulled and chipped by netherite plates, so Niki isn’t exactly surprised it catches half way into the spine. She does managed to slice his carotid artery, the spray of crimson like a fire-hose and the choking, gurgling noise of someone drowning in there own blood, is enough to tell her he’ll probably be dead whether or not she can take another swing.
The luck of the gods must be on her side, as no one calls a stop to the duel. And the ragged mess that is dreams head rolls from the stump of his neck.
His body slumps, a puppet with it strings cut as a shocked silence stills over the gathering. Niki watches, dispassionate; as the respawn turns the body into code and sends Dream back to his spawn point.
Sometimes she thinks people forget who trained her, Dreams seems to have, (she’d thrown the gauntlet, defiance in everyone of her movements and he laughed at her, and agreed as if amusing a child.) but in this moment as Dreams blood drips from her fingers, ( memories of those same hands coded in honey, cleaning those same fingers with a dish rag and soap suds soaking up to her elbows, they laugh as she laughs the smell of sticky buns cooking away in her oven.) it’s plain to see that she certainly hasn’t.
“So.” Niki says, out of breath and exhausted, she goes to wipe the sweat trickling down into her eyes and merely smears blood across her forehead.
“Deals a deal, Tommy stays in L’manburg on probation, the walls come down and everything goes back to normal.”
Theres a stuttering sort of flinch as her eyes meet that of king George. An audible silence settles, something deep and deafening as everyone holds there breath seeing what will happen next. She’s thrown the ball in his court, it’s up to this so called neutral king to decide.
He raises his hand, and for one heart stopping moment Niki fears the worst, before the other one comes up, scepter raising high as the king stands.
“I, King George of the Dream Smp, Declare Nihachu the winner of this duel, Tommy innit will remain here in new L’manburg, on probation and under the judgment of its cabinet, the walls around the city will come down and the guards posted around said walls will be disbanded.” He’s unreadable eyes hidden behind glasses, meet her own. His head tilts, his arms come down and with a decisive nod he turns to leave.
“Deals a deal.” And with those last words the King motions his knights, and they all file out the stadium doors.
The silence pervades. Shock stealing voices and belief.
Niki sighs, to tired for shock, and settles her sword and armor back into inventory, the weight of it gone sending relief to her weary muscles. The sight underneath isn’t pretty though, grimy, covered in tacky blood and drying sweat, she looks like a street fighting homeless woman.
“Umm,” she starts scratching at the flaking blood covering her hands.
“-does anyone have a handkerchief?”
Niki doesn’t know who starts the cheering, but she does know the first person to crash into her sobbing and shaking is Ranboo. She curls around her little brother, as others join the procession of giving her the biggest hug in the universe.
Tommy who screams into the heavens, laughing like someone desperate, laughing like someone who feared they’d never laugh again, he remarks on her speed, her skill and ‘oh my god you have to teach me those moves Niki!’
Tubbo who looks at her with such great-fullness, he looks as if the world has been taken off his shoulders, and she can’t help but pull him in, and kiss his tears as they fall. Niki makes a mental note to drag this child from office and get him a new job.
Quackity and Karl are doing a spinning happy dance to the side, Quackity’s wings lifting them every other step. They’re dipping and tripping over each other, drunk on mirth and the heady high of shared joy.
Wilbur whoops past there heads from above, throwing flowers and wedding rice down in a shower, a ‘We won.’ leaving his torn throat every other giggle. Philza twisting and flying around him, Fundy not far behind on all fours chasing the both of them, jumping up to nip at his grandfathers heels before they spin away. He yips in joy, twisting around to land into a tangle of limbs with Eret, crashing to the floor. The former kings glasses askew as they laugh with the adrenaline high of relief.
And then her baby brother, clutching her as if she might disappear beneath his fingers, shuttering tears of relief staining her already filthy shirt.
She coo’s in ender, sweet nothings of the void speak, and rocks him, rocks them as new L’manburg hits the floor in a tired tangle of a puppy pile, Niki laughs and hugs and sings, as someone ( Quackity.) pulls out a guitar, and holds her little brother close.
Puffy comes up to her, face blown in awe, knees hit the floor and hands frame her face, and Niki doesn’t expect the kiss but leans into it anyways. As awkward as being crushed by three other people is, covered in blood and sweat and dirt; Niki thinks this is the best kiss she’s ever had.
The sheep hybrid pulls away, a dazed look in her eyes and says. “Sorry-sorry, should have asked.” A tongue coming out to wet her cracked lips, and Niki isn’t a weak woman, but she’s just fought a god and won, so could anyone fault that her eyes follow?
“But, that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.”
They laugh, leaning into each other and giggle like school girls with a crush. And someone’s setting up chairs and camp fire pits, and Sam has brought out some booze and cider, and a L’manburg party’s starting, right in the blood stained floor of her duel. It doesn’t matter though, Niki thinks. L’manburg parties where ever, when ever are always the best— wildest things and she can’t help but begin to fall into the adrenaline buzz of ‘we won!’ We did it.’ ‘We looked a god in the face and he blinked first,’ as well.
There’s a flash of purple, just catching the light in the corner of the glass ceiling that she almost misses, and Niki can’t help but smile.
Ideological differences aside, in this moment, she thinks he’s proud of her.
Two golden apples, and three glasses of some fruity but extremely alcoholic drink later- there’s a buzzing along Niki’s arm, her communicator vibrating with a whisper. She twists around over her girlfriends kisses and her brothers hugs, for some privacy.
Technoblade whispers: you did well, but next time use an axe. Sic semper evello mortem tyrannis.
‘Yeah,’ she grins and looks up threw the glass ceiling at the night sky.
‘He’s proud.’
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random-ran-me · 3 years
Ghosty problems
Warnings: A lot of fear and uneasiness and just stuff like that soft safe vore, dark and cramped spaces
Tommy had been in so much pain one second and then he-he wa-was gone not in heaven but…not in hell either,
Everything was dark he was conscious but he wasn’t at the same time. He was there physically but he wasn’t at the same time. And he felt everything but felt nothing at the same time.
Everything felt like grains of sand but an ocean washing over him so he couldn’t breathe but wouldn’t die, a punishment…
He felt every single bit of the fear and unease and pain that he had been in when he died… was he dead? or was he unconscious.. Tommy couldn’t tell all he knew was that he had heard Mexican dream wilbur and shlatt A couple of times.. just brushing by his ears like a voice in his head?
Tommy didn’t know all he knew was he was scared but that was the only emotion he could feel so he couldn’t tell the difference…
That was all he felt. The word ringing in his ears
He felt like his legs We’re broken and had Metal chains pulling him down..
Then he saw a booming light and felt something other than fear, determination.
He listened to the light instead of looking he heard his friends voices Tubbo?! Ranboo?! He thought, he tried to yell but nothing came out
So he needed to do it himself he pulled and tugged and dragged at the invisible chains slowly pulling himself forward, he didn’t know how he was pulling himself forward as there was no floor but he managed somehow… he dove out as the light started dying down
He found himself jumping into it not knowing what it was,if it was a trap, if he would die if he wasn’t already dead, but Tommy didn’t care he wanted out of the sandy ocean,
He wanted out.
And he wanted out now.
He let out a cry as he felt his eyes burn.. Tommy didn’t know how long he had been in that place for but it was long enough for his eyes not to be adjusted to light..
He heard everything he wanted to but it was too loud.. he heard birds chirping he heard ranboo And Tubbo.. he heard the wind, as it blew through the grass…
But it all felt like too much.. he would get used to it he was out of wherever he was he had to be unless this was some sick trick but it didn’t seem that way.. well it didn’t till he opened his eyes..
He saw blades of grass all around him.. this wasn’t too out of the ordinary maybe it was just bamboo stalks he told himself..
But then a familiar face he recognized as ranboo crouched over him looking at him with shock and a Little fear..
And then it hit Tommy, it him like a fricking truck
It was back…
Determination now grounded into dust and blown away in the wind..
T-Tommy? Ranboo squeaked out 
Tommy would’ve laughed at him if he wasn’t filled with an overwhelming amount of fear..
He remembered almost everything unlike ghostbur..
But he remembered dream the most..
His mind auto filled for him as when he saw ranboo he wasn’t really seeing ranboo he was seeing that same cracked masked man that had slammed his head into the ground and-an-and killed him?
Tommy didn’t know..
But when ranboo reached a hand down to grab him he screeched and curled into a protective ball..
Ranboo immediately retracted his arm..
Tommy? I-I don’t know if that’s you.. but please calm down..it-it’s ok.. please don’t be scared it’s-its me ranboo… yo-your friend remember?
Ranboo new Tubbo had left to go home and check on Michael as they weren’t too far from snowChester..
He had told him previously but as soon as he left.. Ranboo saw a bright light and something fall out of it as it disappeared as quick as he had saw it..
Ranboo thought he was hallucinating but apparently not.. he hoped (he’s not hallucinating just to be clear lol)
Tommy snapped out of his trance just like that at the mention of his friend but as he looked again to see ranboo himself, and way bigger than him he scrambled backwards not expecting it..
Tommy was so happy and so scared at the same time.. he was out of the darkness but he was tiny..
Wait! it’s actually you?!
Ranboo yelled with his hands in the air, I thought you were dead?!
I-I-I was d-dead?
Tommy asked shakily
Ranboo said tilting his head
Ranboo looked about ready to burst and that was not normal for the ender hybrid,
Tommy hadn’t seen him like this in a long time..
What happened Tommy?
I-I would prefer not to talk about it..
Oh, ok ranboo replied simply
Can I ask later like why are you small how are you here why are you whitish grey? Like ghost bur
Ran-ranboo listen everything is a bit much right now I wasn’t expecting this I’m tired I’m confused I’m scared and nothing I know about is really working in my mind right now everything is confusing OK
All the sounds
All the feelings
All the light
It’s just all too much.. Tommy felt like he was going to cry. He hadn’t realized how much he missed his family and his friends and now he was here probably a ghost or some shit like that..
I’m sorry tommy ranboo said as his tail twitched back and forth..
If-if everything I-is to overwhelming I have a solution ranboo whispered awkwardly
I’ll do anything for just a moment to relax tommy said unknowing he wouldn’t truly relax till his revival
O-ok ranboo dropped down on his arms with a thud soon resting his head at Tommy’s eye level..
Ranboo reached out to Tommy who actually didn’t flinch this time out of pure willpower..
Ranboo dragged him back closer to his face,
I have a Storage stomach and it’s dark and warm s-so you could stay there until I get back to snow Chester.. Ranboo said
He was probably blushing under his fur.. out of embarrassment
(Would be lying if I said he wasn’t lmao)
Uh-I-Tommy was shaking slightly as ranboo’s warm breath washed over him, he had the right to be scared after all his Friend had just offered to eat him.. but Tommy was desperate for a calm and warm space
O-ok Tommy shakily agreed
Are you sure Tommy?
Y-yeah just nervous he said
Ranboo nodded an acknowledgement
Ready? Ranboo asked
Yeah..I guess
Ok then ranboo said with a smile of sorts
He opened his mouth letting hot air wash over tommy before he was gently plopped into the maw
He heard teeth click behind him as he looked around the wet cavern it was glowing slightly purple in some spots but Tommy didn’t pay attention he just wanted to forget he was were he was and take a nap
He felt ranboo’s  tongue prod at him and lick at him covering him in saliva
Gross he thought
Then he heard a noise as to question him
He patented the wet muscle as in to say yes I’m ready
He felt ranboo tilt his head back as Tommy slid forward into the awaiting throat he heard one big gulp and then he was tightly surrounded by the muscle it pulled him down
Ranboo traced his finger down his neck were Tommy was to keep him on a safe and fast Journey down
Tommy finally plopped into a very very tight space it compressed and decompressed all around him..
He heard a loud stomach growl from down below him
The place he was in was warm and cozy he wasn’t going to come plain
He closed his eyes as he felt safe and calm
Ranboo had placed his hand on his mid all the was home to make sure Tommy was ok
And he wasn’t complaining if Tommy started rubbing the wall mid way home..
Sorry it’s very late and the end is a bit rushed but I hope you guys liked it also this is unedited

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memorybooks · 3 years
Give us a recap of the day. What’s been going on, how’s the tyke, the old ball n chain, etc?
it's been good! tubbo and i have been pretty busy since we got a few days off work, so eret and tommy have been taking turns babysitting michael. the one thing is that eret and tommy both just enable michael to eat as much candy as he wants just in time for him to get a sugar high when we get home.
im also still working on tubbo's gift! i'm almost done i just need a good day to actually give it to him!
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hermits-that-craft · 4 years
Read - A Dream SMP Fanfic
He opens his chests frantically, panic settling into his chest like a falling stone. It wasn’t at the hole he dug, nor at the spider spawner or the mine. Where could it be? 
That book has everything, his memories, his morals, what he did. How he betrayed L’Manburg and his new friends. His home. How he knew Tommy was alive the whole time. He can’t lose this book, he has to find it.
“It has to be somewhere in one of these.” Ranboo mumbles to himself, trying to keep the panic away. It doesn’t work, his voice shaking with fear. “Somewhere in one of these, c’mon.”
“Oh my god, you can’t do this. You can’t-” Ranboo cuts himself off as he looks through a barrel, shoving items around in it with a sinking feeling in his gut. “You can’t lose it. You can’t lose it.”
“Where did you put it, where?” Ranboo’s voice is desperate, fear creeping in. “Where could it have gone too.”
He’s panicking, flashes of his parents and pain and yelling are all he can picture. Were they real? Were they fake, imaginings of a past to make an excuse for why he left them? What’s real, whats fake anymore.
“Where could it have…” He trails off, climbing on top of a chest. “Where could it have been?”
“Well, there's nowhere else you went besides here, you went to the spider spawner and you went to there.” He reminds himself, trying to calm himself down as he climbs up the ladder. “I know, I know.”
He laughs breathlessly as he jumps off the ladder, opening the single chest on the floor. Ranboo mumbles a soft “Fuck” as it turns up useless. He was supposed to decorate the festival today. Instead, he’s chasing his memories. “This is not good, this is not good.”
“Oh,” Ranboo tears up, hurriedly brushing them out of his eyes as he searches through his home for that goddamn book. “C’mon its gotta be- Where did you put it?”
“Where did you put it?” He repeats to himself, anger following the despair. He stares angrily in a chest, as though the slime balls and worn leather boots will turn into the one thing he couldn’t lose. “Where did you keep it? Where did you keep it?”
“Can’t remember.” He feels himself tearing up again, ready to give up. He can’t remember, this isn’t fair. Why did he let it out of his inventory, when did he let it out? Desperation claws at his throat and Ranboo almost chokes as it threatens to consume him whole. “I can’t even remember where it is.”
“It’s gotta be somewhere. It’s gotta be somewhere.” Ranboo says, opening the double chest on the floor. It’s an awkwardly placed chest, but it doesn’t matter. He’s already checked it, but maybe a miracle will occur and it’ll be there. “Oh.”
There, sitting under some lily pads, is his book.  Do not read is carved carefully into the leather, a gift from Philza that Ranboo cherishes. Leather carving is not his strong suit, and when Phil saw his old book of memories he made him a new one just to see a better carving. Ranboo sinks to his knees in relief, holding the book in his hands. 
“That's good.” He mumbles, tears no longer welling in his eyes. “It’s all here. It’s all there, it’s all there.” Ranboo stands, flipping through the book to check for any damages. “Okay. It’s all there.” 
“You didn’t put it there.” He realises, horror setting in. “I know you didn’t put it there. You didn’t put it there -”
“You didn’t keep it in that chest,” he looks to the chest that only holds semi-useless garbage. “You didn’t keep it in that chest, that's not where you originally put it.” Horror, fear and confusion mix together in a sickening cocktail as he stares at the chest. “That's not where you originally put it. I know, cause I remember.”
“But how could it have moved?” He reasons with himself, trying to calm down. “There's no- there’s no way, how could it have moved?”
“How did it move?” The horror in his voice is palpable, fear eating at his chest. It’s not supposed to do that, books can’t do that, and this chest definitely did not have his memory book in it when he first searched his house. Blood roars in his ears, and then something sharp is forced into his neck.
A needle.
The contents of the needle are pushed into his veins as someone holds him down, and Ranboo struggles against them. He doesn’t feel any different as the needle is taken out of his neck, but he knows that it’s only a matter of time before whatever this is hurts him more. Ranboo flips over, shocking the man on top of him. Fundy. Fundy holds the needle in his hands, his tail swishing in long arcs. Ranboo stares at him with wide, horrified eyes.
“Why?” Ranboo’s voice is slurred, and his pupils dilate to the point where Fundy probably wouldn’t be able to see the colour in them. “Hurts.”
“You betrayed us, Ranboo.” Fundy says, and his voice softens. “Don’t worry, I won’t hurt you. I just have to get you to the little jail that Quackity built, okay?”
“Hurts.” Ranboo nearly slips into ender, the dull throb in his head beginning to feel as though it will split his head in two. “Hurts, ‘undy.”
“Just go to sleep.” Fundy’s tail stops swishing, and he kneels down, smiling darkly at the teenager. Then, the ground starts to spin as the world 
Ranboo shoots up, his hands chained together. His eyes scan the room around him, noting the purple shifting on the obsidian as light hits it from through the cracks in the iron door. The obsidian room is cold, and Ranboo opens his mouth to call for someone, before finding that he can’t. Panic, now an old friend, sets in as Ranboo struggles to force the muzzle off of his face. 
The door swings open, and Ranboo’s fear filled eyes meet Fundy’s cold ones. Tears prick in his eyes as Fundy gestures to someone outside the door, and Quackity enters with an axe. A whimper forces its way out of his throat as Ranboo spies the bloody aprons that the pair are wearing, though he can’t remember why he should be afraid. Why is he afraid, they’re his friends, right?
“Take the muzzle off him, Fundy.” Quackity says, the iron door screeching shut. Fundy nods, walking over to Ranboo without hesitation. He ignores the way that Ranboo flinches away from him, squeezing his eyes shut as the painful muzzle comes off. “Now, Ranboo, I expect you to answer us truthfully, why did you give Technoblade back his armour?”
“I don’t know.” Ranboo looks at the ground, a few stray tears burning his cheeks as they fall. “I don’t know, I don’t remember.”
The axe finds its home in his leg, and Ranboo lets out a strangled wail as the pain hits him. Quackity slams his head into the wall, and Ranboo sends a pleading look to an uncaring Fundy. Fundy said that he wasn’t going to be hurt, right? Why is he being hurt?
“Don’t lie to me!” Quackity yells, and Ranboo slams his eyes shut to avoid looking at his once-friend’s face. “We took you in, we gave you a home, and you betrayed us!”
“I don’t remember!” Ranboo pleas fall on deaf ears, but he still pleads his case. “Please, you have to believe me!”
“You wrote it down in your book!” Fundy protests. “If you don’t remember it, then why did you write it down?”
“So I would remember it, later!” Ranboo says, trying to fight down the panic. He’s injured and chained up, teleporting would do nothing to help him now. 
“Quackity, let him go.” Fundy’s voice is soft as he talks to the man, and Ranboo falls to the ground as his head is released. “Ranboo, you knew that Tommy was alive this whole time. Is there a reason that you didn’t tell us?”
Ranboo thinks for a moment, trying to gather his panicked mind into anything resembling a processable thought. Memories flit around the edges of his mind, dangerously close to being able to remember them, as though if he only reached out more he would be able to remember them completely. One comes to him, falling through his hands like sand, but he understands what past him had decided.
“I wanted to give him the ability to tell you all himself.” Ranboo says as he remembers. “I wanted to give him the choice, I think.”
“You aided Technoblade in making Tommy into his puppet!” Quackity growls, and Ranboo flinches away from the man.
“Isn’t Technoblade Tommy’s older brother?” Ranboo asks, the memory falling away like the tide. “They acted like brothers. I thought he would be happy there.”
“You’re a fool.” Quackity spits on Ranboo, who hisses at the water. “You and Dream will both have fun at the festival, you fucking bastard.”
And Quackity pulls the axe out of Ranboo’s leg, turning out of the cell as someone unknown opens the door to let him out. Green blood flows out of the wound, and Fundy winces, pouring a healing potion over the wound. Ranboo watches him, not knowing if he can fully trust the other hybrid.
“You said that I wasn’t going to get hurt.” Ranboo says quietly, trying to work out if Fundy had lied to him, or if he just didn’t know that Quackity was going to get violent.
“No, I said that I wouldn’t hurt you. I never spoke for the others.” Fundy sights, pushing his fluffy red hair out of his eyes. “I’m sorry he hurt you, but we had to find out information.”
“He threw an axe into my leg.” Ranboo feels sick, the feeling of bone shards finding their proper home in his legs not helping. “I thought we were friends.”
“We still are.” Fundy lies. “Can I ask you something?”
“Go ahead.” Ranboo leans against the wall, trying to ignore the world. Maybe this is all just a bad dream. Maybe he’s going to wake up soon.
“Did you lie to Quackity about not remembering why you gave Technoblade his armour back?”
“No.” Ranboo says immediately. “Why would I lie, he’s my friend. He was my friend.” Ranboo frowns. “Is he still my friend? I’m so confused.”
“Thank you.” Fundy says after a moment, scrutinising Ranboo. “I’ll make your case to Tubbo. I’m sure you’ll be pardoned - or at least put into house arrest or community service.”
Ranboo doesn’t quite believe Fundy, especially as he watches the fox hybrid leave. He believes Quackity’s prophecy far more than Fundy’s ideal.
Tagging @dark-angel1946 because they asked me to.
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baby-n-boo · 4 years
Not Alone- kid!wilbur, older kid!techno, very little kid!tommy, even smaller kid!tubbo, dad!za.
The sun rose bright and warm on the small cottage in the forest, shining familiarly through the thin curtains to wake the thirteen-year-old splayed across his bed, legs tangled in the blue, sheep printed sheets that were a little too small for the bed itself. He groaned, and rolled over, almost falling off the bed as he moved, it being far too early to be awake, especially on a lazy day such as this one. It wasn’t like he had anything to do, no school, no sparring practice, not even any chores. A perfect day to stay in bed until the sun went away again.
Unfortunately, he wasn’t afforded that luxury, as his door was thrown open, slamming against the wall as it swung, and the cool dawn breeze washed over his exposed skin, ruffling his hair gently. “Wake up, wake up, wake up!” an excitable voice squeaked, before a weight threw itself at the bed, making it bounce wildly. Coughing, with a breathless “oof”, he couldn’t help but open his eyes now, to see the almost-vibrating form of his younger brother, a grin splitting his face almost in half. “oh, hey Will.” he muttered, wearily, and reaching for his glasses. “What’s, uh...what's up?” Fighting back a yawn, sure he wouldn’t be getting any more sleep now the kid had invaded.
Wilbur bounced again, his hands flapping excitedly, as he grinned. “It’s my birfday! Happy birfday to me, happy birfday to me!” he squeaked, starting to sing as he slid back off the bed and started spinning in circles while singing. “Techy! Sing with me!” he gasped, holding his hands out towards his brother eagerly, making it hard for the teen to refuse, as he smiled weakly. “I’m getting up, don’t worry.” Techno assured, as he slithered reluctantly out of bed, pulling on the first shirt to reach his hands- one of Phil’s donated pieces- and took Wilbur’s quivering hand. “Yeah, uh...” he started, not really singing, though the nine-year-old didn’t seem to mind. “Ha-Happy Birthday, I guess?” he sounded tentative, like he hadnt quite done it right.
“Yay! Thank You!” Will’s grin only got bigger, showing the gap where his front tooth used to be, as he dragged Techno towards the bedroom door. “Cummon, Techy! Everyone else ‘s already up! Dad sent me to come get youuuuu.” He couldn’t stop talking, excitement flowing through his very veins, at the very premise of a birthday. Techno didn’t quite understand what was so important about it, or what significance it held, especially if it meant waking up so ridiculously early on a summer morning. Still, he muffled his groan as the sunlight streaming through the front windows hit his eyes, trying his hardest to smile encouragingly whenever the kid looked back to him. Even as his head pounded and his broken glasses dug into the bridge of his nose.
Seeing the rest of the group sat about the coffee table, which had been piled high with presents, Techno couldn’t help but wrap his free arm about his chest, as it ached. Tommy was bouncing almost as much as WIlbur, holding a small, sloppily wrapped bundle tight in his lap, like it was precious, whilst Tubbo, the youngest of the boys, was sat, wedged right up against the edge of the couch, nervously gripping Phil’s sleeve as he saw the eldest be dragged in. Phil, himself, had taken a comfortable seat right in the centre of the couch, a sheepish smile on his face as he saw Techno’s bewildered face. “Hey Will? I don’t think he wants to be pulled everywhere?” Phil drew the boy's attention, chuckling slightly as Wilbur rushed an apology, stumbling over the words, and threw himself into the dining chair that had been hastily decorated with some balloons, to signify a birthday boy’s throne.
Trying to clear up the misunderstanding, Techno held up a hand, ignoring how the too-big sleeve flopped over his fingers, and muttered his own apology. “No, really, it’s my fault, I...i wasn’t going fast enough. It’s fine.” The words fell on deaf ears, however, as Phil smiled apologetically for Will’s behaviour, beckoning the eldest of the four over to sit with him. Instead, he elected to sink down, crosslegged onto the floor, leaning awkwardly against an armchair, and hugged his knees to his chest to hide the way it was aching. It wasn’t like it was a new position, he liked to sit on the floor, and Phil had stopped questioning it now, sure he would sit on chairs when he wanted to, but, especially today, he could enjoy the fact the spotlight was as far away from on him as it could possibly be.
Subtly combing his fingers through his bed head, he watched through strands of unruly, candyfloss hair as Will descended like a vulture onto the pile of gifts with Phil’s blessing, surfacing with the biggest one. He looked to the fatherly figure for approval, and, after he received a nod, dug all ten of his fingers into the thin wrapping at the same time, yanking to open it in only the way a nine-year-old really could. Shreds of paper went everywhere, Tubbo giggling as a piece landed squarely on his nose, Will’s eyes racing hungrily over the bundle of brown and black that fell out. “It’s a coat like mine, I thought you might want to have one.” Phil explained, as Will unfolded it to reveal a rather less tattered trench-coat than the one Phil was speaking of, the one hung beside the door. Squealing, he held it tight to his chest, almost tripping as he ran over to Phil, and threw himself at him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you! I'm gunna wear it everyday, and ill be so cool!” He promised, ignoring how Phil was laughing openly at how big it was. His hands barely even came to the elbows, the tails dragging on the floor behind him as he excitedly ran to his little brother to show him. “Look, Look, Look, Tommy! I’m so cool!” he yelled, as Tommy almost bounced right out of his seat.
“Uh-huhs! You look awesum, Wilby!” the blond grinned, his hair falling over his eyes as he nodded enthusiastically. Wilbur seemed to glow at the praise, his mind racing a million miles an hour as Tubbo nodded to back up Tommy’s point, the sun seeming to shine specifically on him in that moment. “We’re gunna have such cool adventures! Oh, Dad, Dad, Dad, can I go play? I'll be really good, promise!” Will begged, pointing to the window, through which he could see a few animals milling around, the salmon in the river playing lazily in the sun spots. Phil looked amused, shaking his head a little, as Techno stifled a snort. “Maybe later, lil siren. For now, look! You’ve still got more presents! Tommy, how about you give Will yours next?” He carefully redirected the point, relieved as Tommy gasped, and whirled round to grab the brown paper wrapped bundle from where it had fallen to the cushion during their bouncing.
Pushing the sleeves up, and suddenly looking a whole lot more mature as he did so, Wilbur accepted the gift, graciously thanking his little brother, even as the paper almost fell apart in his hands. He tried his hardest to be gentle with it, especially as Tommy watched on, sure that it was precious. And, as he finally unwrapped it from the tissue paper, and it fell into his hand, he couldn’t help but gasp. A small, hand-engraved locket had fallen into his hand, the chain thin and delicate, as it rippled between his fingers, dangling down. Cautiously opening it, Will smiled wide, faced with a picture of his dad, hand on each of his son’s shoulders, Tubbo sat in front of them, all wearing genuine smiles. That was sweet enough, to have his family staring back at him, but the other side held a picture of a pink haired pre-teen, wearing strangely formal clothes, but recognisable all the same. “Techy! Techy look!” Will smiled, rushing over to thrust it in the half-piglin's face, so he could see. The addition of his own picture in the clearly family-heirloom made Techno’s heart flutter a little, especially as he could tell it had been Phil’s experienced hand that had put it together. He replied with a sof smile, and a quiet “huh, ‘tis me, yeah. Thats pretty cool, Will.”, trying his hardest to catch Phil’s eye to send a grateful look his way, though the old man seemed to be purposefully looking away, a slight blush the onbly sign it had affected him at all.
Gently slipping the chain over his head, Will let the heavy piece rest halfway down his chest, as he headed back to the presents, not seeing how Techno’s eyes had glossed over a little at the gesture. Lost in his thoughts, he didn’t even notice as the pile slowly dwindled, more and more activities or toys or clothes spilling out of the bright paper, almost drowning the kid, at least not until a ball of paper caught the side of his head, making him zone back in. Quickly scrubbing at the tears that had, rather embrassingly, slid down his cheeks whilst he hadnt noticed, Techno turned his head towards the perpetrator of the assault, scowling slightly when he saw it had been a laughing Phil.
“That hurt.” he complained bluntly, rubbing at his pointed ear, where it had caught him, adjusting the course strands of hair he had tucked behind said ear, instead of tying it up. “Sorry, son. It’s just, we’ve been calling you for a couple minutes now.” he apologised, rubbing his neck awkwardly, especially as Techno’s eyes widened at the endearment. Before he could question it, however, Phil spoke up again. Or at least, tried to. “I was gunna-” he started, before Wilbur jumped in, having changed from his pyjamas to a loose, hempen shirt and some jeans, with, of course, his precious jacket.
“We’re gunna go play! You wanna come with us?” he enthused, pulling his boots onto the wrong feet in his excitement, and making Phil have to stoop from where he was helping Tommy with his buttons, to swap them over. “Let’s play revolution!” he continued, Tubbo following mutely but happily behind the two boys as they ran to the door, his oversized, hand-me-down green shirt flopping around as he moved. “It’s no fun with just one, two of us! Tubbo doesn’t count when we play, he’s too small.” he protested, as Techno went to shake his head, really not feeling up to playing pretend with the boys that day. He had too much to think about. Phil wasn’t having any of it, though, picking up his sunhat from the hook and calling across the room. “Come on, Tech, We’ll all go, I have to head into town to get something anyway, you can come me if you arent going to play with them.” He left no room to wriggle out, making Techno heave a sigh, and nod, slipping away to his room to change. He could hear the excited screams as Phil opened the door to let all three of the littler kids out, and the following yell to “be nice to Tubbo!” as Tommy obviously left him behind to run into the cooler woods.
It didn’t take long to slip into a light, ruffled front shirt and some black dress pants, Techno feeling more comfortable in the antique style clothes, though he couldn’t help sinking down onto his unmade bed, as his stomach ached harder. It might have been hunger, since he hadnt eaten anything since the previous night, but, hearing the faint whoops of Will as he started up one of his too-complex games, Techno knew it wasn’t anything as physical as that. No, it was much deeper.
Quietly wrapping one arm about his stomach again as he headed out, having shoved on some boots, and thrown his too-long hair into some semblance of out-his-face, he tried to paste on a sort of smile for his adoptive carer, sure he’d never hear the end of it if he showed how much he wanted to frown. He did gain a small eyebrow furrow, but, luckily, Phil had the sense not to push, instead pulling out a wide brimmed straw hat for the easily-burnt half-piglin, and passed it over. “Here, we have to go get the cake for later, I had it made specially by that baker in town.” He was reading off a scribbled grocery list, clutched in one hand as he grabbed a basket with the other, not even looking away from the writing to catch the rest of the stuff trying to tumble out of the cupboard, and shove it back in. Techno nodded quietly, knowing the one he meant, and planning how best to Not-Be-There, since it was probably the busiest store of the waterfront on a normal day, never mind today, when everyone would be seeking pies and pastries for their summer parties. He notoriously wasn’t good with crowds, though he didn’t dare tell Phil this, in case it was a nuisance, instead opting to take a peek at the list, and offer to get something else at the same time.
The sudden burst of helpfullness didn’t escape notice, but, given how much he had to get, Phil didn’t much mind, setting the teen on the job of collecting fruits, and stashed the list away in his pocket, to plot the rest of when they got there. He wasn’t sure how long his boys would be out, but he really didn’t want to keep them waiting too long if they got bored before he got back. Having pre-prepared a tray of snacks and water bottles earlier in the day, he quickly propped the door open with a foot, popping it on the low, end table just outside, for precisely that purpose, before waving a hesitant Techno through with a smile. “Out we come, then.” He joked, pulling out the key to lock the cottage door behind them both, his shoes thudding familiarly on the worn stone step, reminding Techno he wasn’t gunna be going on his own, as he shuffled awkwardly between feet.
He wasn’t used to going out without his cape about his shoulders to help hide him from the world, but even now, he could feel the sun beating down on his shoulders and back, warming him almost to discomfort, even without the thick layer of velvet. He cleared his throat, easily falling into step just behind Phil as they passed the squeaky, broken gate, and straight into the field across the road, taking the wooded path shortcut, much to the relief of the teen, not sure he could have made it all the way up the main road and back today. The rustling of the wheat, and foraging of smaller animals was all that breached the comfortable silence that settled over the two of them as they walked, having established that neither was good at small talk months ago, back when days still came and went in darkness.
They had their own minds for company, for the most part, Phil seeming to hear songs on the wind to hum along to tunelessly whenever he felt like it, and really, Techno wouldn’t have it any other way, especially as it gave him something else to focus on, other than the weird feeling he was struggling to put a name to. He may have squealed slightly as a cow wandered across their path, spooking him a little, and causing Phil to chuckle, squeezing his shoulder a little with his callused hand, but, if he had longed for the warm touch to linger a little longer, well that was between him and the trees.
Before long, the trees thinned out, bit-by-bit, interrupted by houses where they would fit, until, by some strange occurrence, they found themselves stood in the town square, like they had been there all along. Still not used to how sudden it felt, Techno spun gently to get his bearings back, before pulling on the basket. “I’ll...i’ll go to the market, if you want to go get the cake before it gets too busy?” he offered, flinching at the merchants hawking their wares at the top of their lungs only a little ways away. Phil nodded, seeing an opportunity to join the three-person queue, hurrying off with barely another word than “Meet back here”, leaving Techno stood, clutching the basket to his chest, in the middle of the path.
Luckily, most people knew Phil, and so, by extension, Techno, in this small village, shaking their heads good-naturedly as he wandered the stalls, looking for the carrots. Trying to ease the furrowed brow he always seemed to wear, they called out jokes, or offered discounts, but he mostly kept his head down, shoving the number of vegetables he needed into the basket, and holding out the money to the appropriate local merchant. Really, he needed to buy Will a gift, since he had flat-out forgotten what the day was, and he really didn’t want to give Phil a reason to put him back out on the street where he had found him.
Finding he barely had enough coins left in the small pouch Phil had handed him for a hunk of cheese, Techno sighed, dejected, sure he was going to have to pick a flower and pretend it was important, and turned to leave. His last hope was a new stall, tucked right in the corner, boasting rare and wonderful treasures he was sure would be cheap tat. Sidling up to the stall, he tried not to be intimidated by the trader keeping their head shrouded in the shadow of their green cloak, and instead, muttered “Do...Do you have anything for a handful of bronze?” like it was something to be ashamed of. The merchant gasped, pulling back the blanket that had covered their wares previously, to show a distinct lack of prices. “Anything here may be purchased for your budget.” He spoke smoothly, as if luring Techo into making a mistake.
For the most part, he had been right, it was cheap tat, painted bright colors to attract fools. But leaning up against the side of the rickety shelf, stood a gleaming wooden instrument, as if begging to be bought, as if it wanted to be played. He couldn’t help but smile, knowing it was perfect for Wilbur, no questions asked. Pointing to it, he nodded. “I want that.” he spoke bluntly, leaving no room for error, watching as the strange merchant picked up in a gloved hand, and inspected it. “Ah, yes, a wonderful choice. I am sure it will be in good hands. That will be five bronze then.” He held out the spare hand, for Techno to upend the coin purse into, watching as five scuffed, browning circles fell out. Snapping the hand shut before he could take the coins back, the strange merchant lifted the instrument over the desk to Techno, knocking back his hood in the process. “Very good.” He spoke, not seeming to notice as Techno backed away, eyes transfixed on the smiling mask he wore over his own face.
Slinging the carrying strap of the instrument over his shoulder, Techno took off running, the basket of carrots banging against his leg as he moved, only daring to look back when he got to the familiar vegetable stalls he had grown up with. The merchant was gone, only a dusty corner left where he had once been, as if it had all been imagined. Rubbing his eyes, behind the broken rims of his glasses, Techno panted, sinking down onto the bench he had been told to meet Phil back at, and tried to calm himself by rubbing his fingers up and down the thick material of the strap. It didn’t make any sense, but, shaking it off as the old man walked up with a carefully balanced patisserie box, he stood and smiled, holding up the basket. “Got ‘em.” he spoke quietly, feeling slightly better at Phil’s affirming smile of praise.
“We should hurry back, Tommy’s attention span isnt too long.” Phil chuckled, speaking fondly about his middle son, shuffling the box to a more sustainable position. “Then, cake! Which I'm sure everyone is excited for!” Techno nodded softly, watching as the baker’s daughter, Niki, ran across the square, chasing pigeons and laughing. She was only a few years younger than Will, but somehow she looked so much smaller, more innocent. He only hoped the best for her. Hoped she would grow up loved and cared for.
Pulling his attention back to the present, he saw Phil had already strated walking, hurrying to catch up with him, and walk in time. The journey was so much quicker on the way back, the path clear of wandering cows, Techno even finding some suspicious looking mushrooms he might have been able to make a soup out of, just growing at the foot of a tree. He didn’t dare pick them, knowing how many people walked their dogs through the wood, but he did make a mental note to research them in one of Phil’s many books when he got some free time.
Soon enough, they were heading back through the wheat, greeted by three tired looking kids, as they lazed about in varying levels of sleepiness on the front lawn. Laughing as Wilbur instantly perked up at the cake box, Phil ushered his boys aside, handing the heavy and cool box to Techno whilst he unlocked the door, trusting him with the responsibility. He didn’t take it back as everyone rushed in, either, letting Techno go last so he could get the box onto the dining table with minimal little kid help. It was a nice feeling, especially as Phil got everyone cleaned up and seated, giving the eldest the honor of opening the box, to reveal a white frosting covered cake, “Happy Birthday, Wilbur” piped on the top with yellow, cursive icing. Practically bouncing off the walls, Wilbur begged his dad to let him have some now, to which Phil reluctantly relented, moving to get plates and a knife to cut the cake with, with the warning they were only allowed a small slice, so they would still eat their lunch. Tommy didn’t seem particularly pleased with the news, protesting “but daaaaaad” loudly, giving Will the perfect opportunity to start talking Techno’s ear off.
“Birfdays are the bestest! I want it to be a birfday everyday! You get cake, and presents, and....and....cake!” he smiled wide, humming happily to himself as Techno offered a tight smile, the feeling only getting worse. “When is your birfday, Techy?” Will asked curiously, as Phil came back with a stack of chipped mismatched plates, and a small utensil to cut the cake with. “Yeah, actually, Tech, when /is/ your birthday? I havent seen you celebrate...” Phil chimed in, seemingly confused when Techno slumped, shaking his head a little.
“I...i,uh, don’t have one?” Techno whispered, flinching as Tommy yelled “What!” at full volume. “Everyone has birfday.” Wilbur seemed confused, especially as Techno shook his head. “Not me. I don’t know when mine is. My family never told me.” He continued, eyes flicking to Phil, who was frozen in panic-stricken thought. Wilbur nodded quietly for a moment, then leaning over a dozing Tubbo towards the cake, and smeared his finger in the icing, rubbing out his name from it, leaning back grinning with his icing coated finger in his mouth. “There. It can be today.” he spoke as if it was that easy, Techno gaping at how kind the gesture had been, his mind not caught up enough to protest, not even as Will pulled the locket from around his neck, and put it round his brother’s. “Happy birfday, Techy, from your family.”
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michaels-two-dads · 3 years
greetings log manyfandomsonelog michaels-two-dads!! do u have any cbeeduo hcs or prompts? i need some fic inspo (no pressure ofc!)
Hello Jackie Subwayfootlong!
I always forget which headcanons I’ve posted and which I haven’t, but here’s some I’ve been thinking about lately:
-When talking to c!Tommy, c!Tubbo will often refer to c!Ranboo as “the wife” or “the husband” or “the old ball and chain”. He does this with the most fond voice imaginable
-c!Ranboo is super holdable. Once c!Tubbo figures this out he absolutely uses it to his advantage, and he likes to scoop c!Ranboo up and carry him around
-Back in New L’Manburg, one of the ways that c!Ranboo ended up getting used to looking c!Tubbo in the eye was that he would often catch himself staring at c!Tubbo, or vice versa. This would sometimes result in impromptu staring contests in the middle of cabinet meetings
-c!Ranboo learned how to make jewelry from c!Techno, and he often makes c!Tubbo earrings, and c!Ranboo also made his and Tubbo’s wedding rings
-c!Ranboo tries to compliment c!Tubbo’s appearance as much as possible after he finds out that c!Tubbo is insecure about it
-c!Tommy retches and makes a big show anytime c!Beeduo are lovey dovey around him, but he’s secretly really happy for them
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goodvibesprompttime · 3 years
Soulwalker AU (DSMP)
Tommy gets the strange ability to walk through a strange place that is the equivalent of a person’s soul. They are entire biomes, with their own ecosystems, that Tommy can explore. He receives such a power after Drista visits him, and it's unknown if Drista herself triggered this ability or not. Tommy can visit souls anytime, so long as he knows where the person is, but he always wakes up, even when he doesn’t fall asleep.
Tommy starts keeping a lock-and-key journal about everything - he draws, writes, adds sticky notes, organizers - and keeps the key on a chain around his neck.
Potential biomes/souls to visit:
Tubbo: It is a Snowchester just transitioning to spring. There’s minimum snow on the ground, flowers are peaking through, the trees are regaining their leaves. There’s a tire swing on one of the trees, and a pink blob, no taller than a child, is swinging on it, being pushed by a blob of black and white, who was a giant in comparison. There’s laughter, and it's sweet.
Ranboo: Half was endstone with black and purple towers, yet the only voice visible was the inky, black abyss of the night sky. On the other half, was rain, an endless floor of black stone, and floating islands of grass where glowing silhouettes stared daggers, disappointment, and death. On the endstone, was constant enderman noises - be it conversation Tommy can’t understand, or wails of pain. On the blackstone, there were whispers of familiar voices, a few louder than the rest, who’s words could barely be heard, if at all.
Wilbur/Alivebur; It brings Tommy to Ghostbur, but only for a minute until he is ripped into the oncoming train by green string. He could hear Ghostbur wailing, calling his name, but it’s very painful to go back.
Quackity: For a moment, it’s Las Nevadas, with blank silhouettes quickly wandering the streets that phase through Tommy and leave his skin cold. It's greedy and evil… until Tommy reaches Quackity’s office, finding a door with a logo of three rings. Entering, Tommy finds himself at a wedding. He sees the vague outlines of nearly everyone on the server, even Techno. They’re all scrambling around, getting the reception ready, ignoring Tommy, going through him.but leaving him with a warm feeling everytime. Suddenly, there’s a bell ringing and everyone seats. Tommy seats, seeing where this is going. First, Sapnap, one of the clearer outlines that make complex details, walking down the aisle. Then Karl. Finally, people stand, and Tommy does too. Quackity walks down the aisle, smiling, widely. Tommy watches the reception, it's sealed with kisses and the three running back down the aisle. Then it resets - people running around, the reception, the kisses, the grooms run away, then it repeats. It repeats three times, each time Tommy looks for a way out, but is finally noticed by Quackity. When Quackity says his name, Tommy wakes up. 
Foolish: The entire desert biome, decorated with temples, statues of the gods, pyramids, entire towns of the ancient egyptian theme. However, inside the largest pyramid, buried in the deepest part, are two totems held in glass displays. On the right is the standard Totem of Undying. On the left, however, is a Totem of Dying, silver and purple and slightly cracked. If Tommy paid attention to the tapestries on the walls surrounding the totems, he would notice they belong to someone Foolish is or was close to.
Shroud: Like other animals/mobs, Shroud’s soul is easily holdable, as in, Tommy can just hold the soul and interact with it while conscious and himself - and it’s a glowing spider web with memories as little orbs, able to be opened and viewed.
Charlie: His soul is similar to mobs. Tommy can easily hold his soul. It’s simply a ball of slime with little keepsakes that unlock memories when held.
Dream: N/A
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