#BUT i want bedrock bros to be real again :((
whataboutsimple · 4 days
Wanted to put some coins into whole Romeo conversation,
Bassicaly I saw some people speaking of how in the world Romeo could lost his powers and in my personal opinion.. he didn't. He simply tricked us, Jesse and the player.
Let's put some logic here: there's no way someone as powerful as Admin would've just let a human, Jesse, wander around the Sunshine Institute without watching them. No way he wouldn't hear or see Jesse flying around with elytra. NO WAY he wouldn't put Xara in the freaking Bedrock cage.
So what? Imma about to tell you: he played it. All of it. Fred never created the gauntlet, Xara never left the institute, they never took his power away. From the very begginig and till the very end he was playing with us.
Let's say, for example, admins don't need a gauntlet to took each others powers. Then why would Fred create one? Well, maybe in case Romeo would took Xara's powers as well (which he did). But did he really expected Xara to go all the way through all the puzzles without Romeo noticing she's doing something strange? Nah, bro, I ain't belivieng it.
Plus, if Xara knew about gauntlet, why didn't she just teleported there to took it just in case Romeo would took her powers away, so she can use it the moment he'll do it?
And if Admins do need the gauntlet as well, it raises two questions:
How did they found out about this?
Why Romeo didn't destroy the gauntlet the moment he put Xara in Sunshine Institute?
Either way this whole "gauntlet" thing is too suspicious to be truth.
Sure we didn't forget Romeo didn't kill Jesse the moment he felt they are too dangerous for him. He IS the Admin. He can do whatever the heck he wants to. Unless.. it's all part of the plan.
You see, he surely got bored. From Xara's anger, from Institute, from just watching. So he decided to put up a little play. How could he throw away his past life in a beautiful way? Of course he needs a strong Hero to defeat him! That way it won't be embarassing! But.. no one can truly do this. He is the only Admin left and it's too risky to give Xara her powers back. So let's create a little story about the gauntlet and took World's most famous Hero: Jesse!
It's all simple, trully. Make Jesse angry, make them break the rules. Send them into Sunshine Instutite and let Xara activate alarm system, so they would knew about her. Put a bit more anger in them and their friends and leave to have a bit of fun pretending to be Jesse, while he learns the "story of the mystic gauntlet that Fred left".
Let them do all the funny puzzles, put a little show with glitching and stuff. Okay, now you are "defeated". Will they save you? Doesn't matter, you can teleport. Either way he gets out of there and what now? He can start all over agian. Maybe he'll go to portal Network to visit other worlds he had no access to. Maybe he'll find some new people to manipulate, it's always fun, right? Maybe Xara will stop being a bitch and will finally accept his friendship again!
Doesn't matter. He may seem deafeted, but in the very end he's always the winner. Admins can't loose. Real Admins can't loose.
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annimoose · 2 months
Okay, okay, okay, now that I had time to properly digest everything from part 44. I can finally give out some real thoughts on it. Real and disjointed thoughts but thoughts anyway.
Part 44 spoilers
First of all, i am still just so giddy about John being referred to as John in the description now and not as "The Entity". This is, SO MUCH to me.
The title, the fucking title. The Deliverance being a "rebirth" not of just John finally understanding who he is and wants to be, but for both Arthur and John's relationship going forward (hopefully continuing to communicate better with one another at least until Kayne decides to file out divorce papers again), and of course Arthur coming back from the dead "being reborn again." Can I call it that? Plus they did come out of the "hags womb" (over explaining here but fuck it we ball.)
The Waylay is limbo? Right? Or Arthur's personal limbo? Seems like limbo for everyone due to the blood and sand already waiting for him there ("alive" Parker reveal, maybe? Lets go?) I got so many questions about the Waylay. Also if John and Arthur both die and get separated, I will cry for at least a week. They deserve to be happy together bro I cant. 😭
John being a lot more caring now bruvs, its jover. Its so fucking jover for me. Also, John being a lot more active with using his hand now right? Right???
As much as I absolutely adore Yorik, I feel like he will turn heel once Kayne appears again. He stated himself that he does whatever benefits him the most and with Kayne being as powerful as he is, it shouldn't be a question. But if he does choose to stay with Jarthur I will be surprised. (I will still love Yorik no matter what, he just a little silly guy.) I hope he goes around and kills people hitman style with that hand.
Arthur needing to see Faroe again. That shit ate me up, GUH, This hit me in the feelies pretty well ngl. I hope Faroe is in the Waylay. But, what if somehow she was in the darkworld though? I know it's "immortal hell" but, memories can "immortalize" a person. What if John met her and that's what got him to realize his bedrock?
I have never been unnerved by this podcast until John described the fucking witch. Discovering a dead body, underwater? Hell Nawww.
Arthur held his breath for how long exactly? He only took three days after being fucking stabbed multiple times to death? I mean, honestly that sounds like an Arthur thing to me, but still. That's odd. Brings me back to my amulet theory. Is he still wearing it? The amulet still allows you to feel pain but keeps you alive no matter the damage.
Arthur, Arthur, please just read the goddamn letter. YOU'RE KILLING ME. I wonder if Oscar's letter is going to be used as a tool to bring Arthur back if he does almost lose himself again. (Plus I just really want to know what's in the fucking letter, FUCK.)
Day of wrath ey? You'll see soon? Hmmm. Something is going to happen at the castle. Isn't it? They're going to get really pissed, John is going to project himself or something more?? People at the castle probably already know Arthur ain't the prince, but is someone they expect. (like the cultist.) THEY'RE GOING TO MEET THE KNIGHTS HERE, RIGHT???
"Owls don't eat People boys." (Ajejjr fucking loved this line.) but im with John and Yorik with this one, I do not trust Owlexander. I JUST DON'T GREAT HORNED OWLS DO NOT COME OUT AT DAY UNLESS ITS FOOD/WEATHER RELATED. WHY IS THE OWL ATTRACTED TO ARTHUR? MAYBE OWLEXANDER DOES THINK HE IS FOOD. I DONT KNOW. BUT THE BIRD IS SUS TO ME.
Okay thats all I can vomit right now. If you read this, thank you and im sorry for the brainrot.
Okay bye.
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thinking about c!tommy and the fawn response again like… he pretends his first thought is to fight because he’s terrified of seeming weak but his natural instinct when it comes to conflict is to mould himself into the version of himself he thinks others wants to survive. around wilbur, he grew to try and be a stable presence, trying to become his brothers keeper despite being far too young and unable to do anything. he tried so fucking hard in so many ways to ground wilbur because that was the role he took upon to survive. with dream, he grew quieter, learnt to suppress his free will. he mimicked his actions and learnt to present as either a helpless innocent friend or the same angry sadistic violent monster he sees dream as. with techno, he grew deeply violent and tried his best to cut down his beliefs to cater to what he thought techno wanted (even though techno obviously wouldn’t want tommy to follow him solely to survive, but tommy was in a life or fate worse than death scenario throughout bedrock bros and he knew it bc dream sure wouldn’t let him forget). he’s a follower because if he follows and makes sure to try real hard to mimic those around him he won’t be hurt as bad. he’s learnt emotional intelligence to mould himself into what he thinks people want from him. and i think that’s really interesting for a character that in scenarios that he doesn’t feel are life and death is deliberately annoying and offputting.
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somebean81 · 12 days
A Better Minecraft Movie Plot
Hey guys, i got bored and mad, so i wrote my own concept for a Minecraft movie that feels better then whatever Warner Bros are working on.
Steven is a young adult still living with his parents, and he doesn't have any career goals or plans for the future. His parents want him to do something with his life and move out. Steven gets upset and sleeps on it.
He wakes up in Minecraft. He’s so fucking confused and calls for help. But nobody came. He panics and tries exploring until it turns night and monsters are out. He runs into a village and spends the night inside a villager’s home. He can’t understand them, and the villagers can't understand Steven either. He starts learning the way of the villagers– because there is no fucking way he’s going back out to the wilderness– communicating with them and how to craft and stuff.
Steven learns that the reason why there are monsters attacking every night is because of Herobrine, a being from another world with immense power. Steven takes this as someone who was from HIS world and can help him home. He asks where to find Herobrine and is told that he lives in The Nether. So…montage time! Steven works towards getting to The Nether, he goes caving, he kills some monsters, he gets materials, he even gets a dog! Sweet! He builds the portal, and the villagers give him one last "be safe" before he enters The Nether.
Steven enters, and BOY IS IT HOT. The Overworld was weird looking, but at least it was familiar. THIS IS LITERAL HELL. Steven starts traversing the land, before happening upon this bastion nether fortress fusion of a castle. But before he enters, he gets surprise-attacked by some piglin guards, and captured and led to Herobrine’s throne room. Herobrine asks why Steven has trespassed into his kingdom. Steven says that he came looking for Herobrine, to help him get home.
Now that Herobrine knows that Steven isn't here to attack him, he becomes more laid back, telling him that he knows and has the power to return to Earth but then inquiring Steven why he would ever want to leave. “I mean, immense FUCKING power Steven, look at everything that you can build and create and DO! Magic is real here Steven and you can stay forever!” He tells Steven that you can't even die here. Steven is confused, because like, “of course you can die here, I've killed so many zombies and shit,” but Herobrine clarifies that humans can’t die here, and he demonstrates this. Herobrine first kills his dog, and before he has a second of grief, he kills Steven.
Steven has a moment where he is just drifting in literal space, hearing a voice telling him to wake up. He wakes up in his bed at the village. We’re at the rise of climax moment now, Steven doesn't know what to do next. He just experienced dying, Herobrine killed him, and he survived. His dog died. He has no way of going home, let alone convincing Herobrine to help him get home.
Something happens that motivates Steven, and he starts using the materials he previously gathered and starts making armor, and weapons and junk. He gets them enchanted and everything. The villagers help him get things, like arrows and potions and stuff, before he goes through the portal again and head’s to Herobrine’s castle.
He attacks the nether mob’s fortifications, before reaching to Herobrine. Steven demands that Herobrine shows him the way home, or else he’ll blow up the castle. Herobrine toys with this idea, approaching Steven and saying, “do you really want to know?” Then he grabs Steven and teleports him to the End dimension. Steven takes in his surroundings, before apprehensively following where Herobrine is walking. They stop at this empty fountain made of bedrock, surrounded by many large obsidian pillars that have crystals atop them. Herobrine explains that you open the portal by destroying all of the crystals and then using ancient magic to activate the portal. Herobrine states that Steven clearly doesn't know ancient magic, and that it would take millennia to learn it by scratch, and that it is hopeless to try, but during his monologue Steven uses his bow and shoots down a crystal.
Herobrine gets enraged at the interruption, his eyes glowing brightly, and he says smth taunting like “You wanna go? Lets go.” before a puff of purple smoke overtakes him and Herobrine pulls a Maleficent and turns into the Ender Dragon. Giant battle action sequence commences. When Steven gets to the final stretch, Herobrine roars out, “why? Why do you want to go back to that miserable world.” and Steven gives his reasoning on how he can still be something on Earth. Steven goes for the final hit and kills Herobrine. In the last moments before Herobrine dies, he says, “You really are determined. Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.” Herobrine dies and the portal is activated by the XP.
Steven is exhausted but happy that he can finally go home. He jumps in, and is now floating throughout space. He hears a voice all around him, and it talks with him, but Steven doesn’t need to respond. Cue the end poem. Steven wakes back up in the real world. He opens the curtain. Its the dawn of a new day. Steven smiles. The End.
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ao3feed-crimeboys · 2 years
To Protect the World From Devastation
by MangoEatsMangoes
“Like a superpower?” asks Tommy. A superpower! How cool would that be? He could be just like a superhero.
The doctor chuckles, but it isn’t as cheery as the last few times. “A very dangerous superpower. When your heart beats, it pumps this electric energy through your bloodstream. The thing is - your heart wasn’t made for this new energy. It’s destroying you from the inside out.”
“What does that mean?” Tommy asks innocently, tilting his head at the stoic face of the doctor and Mama. Papa’s covering his mouth with a hand, he must be very scared.
Tommy will be brave enough for both of them.
Or: I take Team Rocket, Sparky Innit, Terrified Terrorist Technoblade, and Corrupt Politician Wilbur Soot and PhIlza and smash them together with a little dash of bedrock bros, crime boys, and just sleepy bois inc. Also, the government wants Tommy dead. L
Words: 2340, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Dream SMP
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot, Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Phil Watson | Philza, Other Character Tags to Be Added, Background & Cameo Characters, Tommy's Dad and Mom, NOT THE REAL ONES
Relationships: Wilbur Soot & TommyInnit, TommyInnit & Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Technoblade & TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Wilbur Soot & Technoblade & TommyInnit & Phil Watson, TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF)/Other(s)
Additional Tags: Bedrock Bros, BAMF TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Sick TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Kinda, Kid TommyInnit (Video Blogging RPF), Dark Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Well he's a terroist, not in the weird way, BAMF Technoblade (Video Blogging RPF), Dark Wilbur Soot, Dark Phil Watson (Video Blogging RPF), Not in the weird way also, They're politicians, JUST, Dark Sleepy Bois Inc, NOT IN THE WEIRD WAY ISWTG, Tommy got powers, Zap Zap, Alternate Universe - Modern with Magic, kinda again?, Author is unsure, Sleepy Bois Inc-centric
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sparxwrites · 3 years
Hi! Another ex-Yog current-mcyt fan here, and one who participated in WOTF! I have a lot of fond memories of that and am very happy to see you in yet another blockman hell. Could I get a Techno for the headcanon prompt thingy? Hope you're doing well!
sparx has received [ 29 ] asks from ex-yogs fans welcoming her back to hell
g o d wotf brings back memories... i'd say dsmp probably needs one of those, too, but i think i'd be genuinely torn limb from limb and eaten alive and im too old to be dealing with that shit now.
Headcanon A:  realistic
He doesn't really know what the Voices are, or where they're from, or what they want. He knows they're in his head, and that they're often incomprehensible, and that when they are comprehensible they often demand blood or say E - and that's about it. Are they some kind of ghost or spirit possessing him? Some religious thing? A sign of a protracted mental breakdown and detachment from reality? Who knows! Certainly not Technoblade.
He tries not to think about it too much because it freaks him out, and he doesn't like feeling freaked out. The best he can do is learn to live with them, which he has, mostly, and learn how to manage them, which is a work in progress on the basis they seem fundamentally ungovernable. And to try very, very hard to really not think about it. Especially when the voices know stuff he doesn't.
Headcanon B: while it may not be realistic it is hilarious
He took up knitting during his retirement. He's shit at it. He has knitted several scarfs, two hats, and something that could generously be called a sweater, and he is still shit at it. He does not enjoy it. He is not getting better at it. However, on principle, he refuses to admit defeat, and therefore continues to knit with the same kind of grim ferocity most people bring to waging war. (Yes, Philza thinks this is the funniest shit he's ever see.)
Headcanon C: heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends
Uhh, I guess a double-up with the one below, a bit, but also- big fan of chronic pain headcanons for "old warrior" types. Techno with scars that itch, old injuries that ache, joints that go stiff in the cold. Keeping up with his training helps it, and he's got teas and potions and salves and such to manage it, but it never really goes exactly. Technoblade never dies, sure - but he can hurt, and he does. Pretty often, in fact. He tries not to think about the fact that, one day, it's going to get too bad for him to keep fighting the way he's so renowned for. That, one day, it's going to make him slow enough to get him killed.
Headcanon D: unrealistic, but I will disregard canon about it because I reject canon reality and substitute my own.
Despite appearances, Techno does actually have a number of regrets about how he handled a lot of stuff: Tubbo's execution, the subsequent fight with Tommy, and then his reaction to Tommy's "betrayal" and Doomsday.
He's an impulsive kind of guy with a lot of anger/aggression issues, and has difficulty backing down from a challenge and a very "you're with me or against me" mentality - all of which interacts poorly with his extremely powerful sense of loyalty, but also the fact that the slightest betrayal of that loyalty once given counts as a complete obliteration of it.
He's got this vague sense, though, that if he apologises for anything, or allows himself to really feel regret, or actually processes/confront some of the stuff he's done... he'll just sort of crumble. Like it'd very literally nearly kill him. And so he just... refuses to process it, or to acknowledge he's done anything wrong ever, or made any bad choices or ever, and just forges on ahead blindly with a growing ball and chain of definitely-not-regrets around his ankle dragging him down
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halorocks1214 · 3 years
would you mind elaborating a bit more on the c!phil and c!techno post? not saying you’re wrong in the least, it’s just an interesting opinion I haven’t seen before! I was curious about the reasons?
*waddles in* okay im finally back from class and have a real keyboard to use for this yeehaw
to keep my feelings brief cuz im aware im biased- inniter both proud and shameful ✊😔- there's a trend i've noticed about certain types of content recently that has some symmetry to what was going on at the beginning of the year. but unlike those few months ago, most people seem to be reacting positively to today's stuff
the bedrock bros arc in particular had a lot of discourse surrounding it, especially after the mutual betrayal. many c!tommy fans would rightfully point out how it was a lil eff'ed up that c!techno kind of sort of lied to c!tommy about his real intentions and was dodgy when c!tommy tried pointing out how that's not what he wanted to do ("we'll smooth out the finer details later" or w/e the quote was)
in response, it felt like a cacophony of people claimed how techno was his own character, that he didn't need to be some random kid's caretaker, to the point that the whole "characters shouldn't be judged by how they treat c!tommy" take was created
nowadays i'm seeing c!rivals duo material come out of the woodwork like a flood. a lot of people want c!dream to join the syndicate, have him heal out in the tundra with c!techno after the piglin breaks him out of pandora's vault and away from his torture
now, there are quite a few reasons why i and many others aren't a fan of this idea, but this post is about how c!techno shouldn't be reduced down to any character's therapist! he has his own plotlines with his own motivations, certainly, those same people will at least point out that c!dream fans want a similar story that c!tommy fans did back in december and january, right?
then there's the man the myth the legend c!philza himself, coining the title schrodinger's father for a good few months. with the canonicity of the sbi family dynamic being somewhat wonky (not deconfirmed however), people split harshly into two categories: those who liked the idea of c!phil still being c!tommy's father, and those who very very very much did not
regardless of people's true opinions on the matter, c!tommy fans (fairly) pointed out that c!phil destroying the kid's home right in front of him was a little messed up. c!phil was canonically aware that c!dream was up to something funky, yet he still went through the idea of teaming up with him to raze l'manberg into the ground, which stung c!tommy enthusiasts a little. who wouldn't be just a smidge butthurt about something like that happening to their fave?
like clockwork, lots of people criticized and even outright bemoaned this train of thought. c!phil isn't even c!tommy's father who cares! he certainly doesn't need to, stop making everything about the kid! y'all just have daddy issues and are projecting tbh 🤪
now back to the prison arc, we yet again return to the potential plot of syndicate!dream, where he'll be best buddies with c!emerald duo and c!niki will spoonfeed him while he recovers (yes this is a /srs headcanon i saw) and c!ranboo will just have to "get over" his fear of c!dream to see they're actually best buds (another /srs comment someone made yes that is word-for-word what it said)
essentially, someone in discord shared a tweet that was basically talking about the idea of c!techno shoving c!dream into c!phil's lap saying "here, be a father whether you like it or not" and, well, i got somewhat peeved if that untagged post i made is anything to go by
it's starting to feel more and more like people didn't actually care that others were writing c!techno and c!phil in caretaker roles, they only cared that c!tommy was the one being taken care of. because c!tommy is apparently the literal spawn of satan and is the worst thing to happen to the dsmp and is super annoying and blah blah
but instead of, idk, admitting that c!tommy just wasn't their fave and moving on from content they didn't like, they needed to create these excuses about how it was actually super awful that these fans were doing things like this, that you should feel bad if you support this kind of content because you are ruining these characters and everything they stand for
nevermind that this kind of stuff has been a normal occurrence in fandoms since fandoms have been a definable thing, that while yes it gets annoying how certain characters are favored above all others literally all you're achieving by tearing down someone else's work is that same person either A.) making more of that stuff out of spite or B.) potentially quit making stuff for the fandom altogether
it's just... it sucks, that it feels like you can't want anything nice for c!tommy without it getting called "ooc" or being accused that you only watch his POV and make everything about him. maybe i'm sensitive, maybe im extrapolating, but i wouldn't be the only one who is, considering i've seen multiple others voice similar feelings regarding this situation
so there we have it i guess. my brief words that ended up not being brief at all (so sorry dear anon, i really did try to keep this down to one page at most :headinhands:) and i hope they make at least some partial sense, now i gotta go read even more random shit for my hw fsndkfjndf save me /lh
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daggryet · 3 years
yes i agree!! the conversation with dream on the obsidian is so creepy but it gets overshadowed by all the techno vs tommy discourse!
very /lh but i’ll never forgive them for centering doomsday around c!tommy and c!technoblade’s conflict
1) it doesn’t make sense, as @/shrugofgod pointed out after transcribing the community house scene, c!technoblade felt betrayed by c!tommy but he also said that anarchy was about freedom to choose - and c!tommy had chosen, and c!technoblade respects him for it.
and now that lyssie has been so nice as to transcribe here’s that quote: “i had my plan to destroy the government, i explained my reasons, i’ve been like i’m destroying it because of a, b, c, they executed me, they betrayed me, you betrayed me— you know what, tommy? you’ve made a decision today that can’t be undone. and you know what? i respect you, tommy. you know, you’re free to make your own choices, wrong as they are. that’s what anarchy is about. It’s about freedom. to do what you want.”
and then he leaves. there’s nothing in this closing statement that should lead to more conflict between the two based on this “betrayal” - because c!tommy has already apologised earlier, several times - and this is the last of them “…technoblade, i know what i’ve done, and i hate me for it… i’m sorry.”
the conflict is over there! yes, they’re not best friends and c!technoblade feels betrayed, as he should - c!tommy switched sides and left c!technoblade alone in front of 30 people. but c!tommy had always said he’d never destroy l’manberg or hurt c!tubbo - and he sticks to this. and c!technoblade has acknowledged that he is allowed to make that decision, as that is what anarchy is about.
and c!technoblade’s definition of anarchy is the reason he’s doing this - making it about the conflict between c!tommy and c!technoblade undermines c!technoblade’s speeches about ideology and corruption because by focusing on c!tommy - it becomes not about anarchy, but revenge and punishment. narratively speaking, it only works against c!technoblade to focus on c!tommy, and not c!quackity and c!tubbo - the people in charge of his execution and c!phil’s house arrest.
there's also the matter of the quote "i'm a person!" where it's meant to show that c!tommy doesn't think of c!technoblade as a person, despite there never ever being a hint towards that in the previous streams. c!tommy was the one in the bedrock bros team up who actually asserted their friendship, while c!technoblade was the one who only acknowledged c!tommy's worth after he'd given into violence and tortured c!connor for information. c!technoblade describes seeing him as a tool but now that c!tommy is useful - he sees him as something close to a friend. even after c!tommy turns to c!tubbo, as i said above, c!tommy does his best to show his friendly and well meaning intentions to c!technoblade; and again, c!technoblade acknowledges c!tommy's right to do what he did.
making c!tommy c!technoblade's bad guy on doomsday does not make sense when the people who executed c!technoblade sans trial are right there
2.) it’d have continued from c!quackity and c!technoblade’s battle after the execution where c!technoblade took one of c!quackity's canon lives after he'd failed to take one of c!technoblade's. and - with absolutely no disrespect - cc!quackity is one of the best people on the server to improv speeches. just look at his conversation with c!dream after the bombing of mexican l’manberg: he’s so good. a lot of the reason why c!tommy’s lines during doomsday gets ignored is because they’re not the kind of iconic quotes that c!technoblade uses in his speeches; had the focus been on c!quackity instead, then there’d actually be an interesting conversation about power, about anarchy.
c!technoblade would have been challenged, instead of just shouting quote worthy one liners over the crater that in the context doesn't make sense with who he's shouting it at (c!tommy)
as i said, it also derails the entire premise of doomsday on c!technoblade’s behalf because if it’s not focused at the group that came to his house, threatened him, held him to justice for his actions but without a trial, and then executed him - but is instead focused on the person he took in, who he knew was running from c!dream, and had multiple panic attacks in front of him, and then chose his home, a decision c!technoblade respected? it’s suddenly not anywhere near about anarchy anymore - and that may be intentional, but i doubt it as no one has ever acknowledged that.
3.) the fact that c!tommy facing off with his abuser, face to face, begging him to explain why he couldn’t just have punished c!tommy - is not the primary conflict for c!tommy’s character that day, is so icky to me.
yes, a lot of the pain that day came from seeing his home being destroyed, seeing “what’s left of wilbur, the Real wilbur” getting destroyed; but the pain for c!tommy is especially rooted in the fact that home, and returning home, was something he held onto throughout exile. it was somewhere he was forbidden from ever returning to; and that was because of c!dream.
doomsday being remembered for c!technoblade and c!tommy yelling at each other across the crater that once was l’manberg over a conflict that had already been...resolved; and not the fact that c!dream admitted to seeing c!tommy as his toy, that he destroyed l’manberg because he found it fun, and that c!tommy’s first statement to c!dream had been “you did this, not just to me, but to everyone. why couldn’t you just have done it to me?” - it doesn’t sit right with me.
it was also c!tommy giving c!dream the disc that even set off doomsday because c!dream had been waiting for that before he went after l’manberg. having the disc meant that there were only two things left that c!tommy was genuinely attached to: l'manberg and c!tubbo. he was the one to rope c!technoblade in with him, he was the one to declare the attack and the time, and he was the one to make the tnt cannons. and he did all that because c!tommy showed him that l’manberg was more important than the discs at that moment - and c!dream goes after what c!tommy values the most. to keep their game going, to make sure c!tommy is focused on their game as he says on the obsidian grid.
"our story isn't over, l'manberg's story is over, but our story isn't. i don't think it'll ever be over."
so yes, this was an entire rant you didn’t ask for - and i’m sorry for that hahah - but it’s been building. i think that’s where my frustration with doomsday comes from; the central conflict was centered on the wrong people, and because of that it had the message of doomsday fall flat. and c!tommy facing his abuser was pretty much forgotten in the sea of discourse that arose after the event
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shhhh we can pretend this is c!tommy lore by simply saying that the last time he was sick was right after the exile arc when he went to steal from Techno so he is repeating that by getting rich people things again. he is simply reverting to racoon for comfort. everything can be lore if we want it to. he doesn’t want the gapples though since that reminds him too much of Techno. Bedrock bros is real. In this essay I will
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violets-r-purple · 3 years
Ok so we all agree that The Fall is c!wilbur, so welcome to my short essay on how another just released song-- Adele's Easy On Me-- is entirely written by and for c!tommy
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L'manburg. Specifically during and after exile arc. Tommy has always held onto the hope of freedom and unity tha l'manburg originally stood for even after it getting blown up and had stood by its side even when he was initially exiled. However, as the days went by he began to lose that hope and literally became drowned out as his communication with basically everyone but Dream was cut off and left to himself. He begins to lose hope in l'manburg as a people since they essentially left him behind in his mind.
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So I see this as refrencing two different people: c!techno during the bedrock bros arc and c!tubbo during exile arc. Before exile, Tommy was already beginning to take notice of how the pressures of the presidency and Dream was changing Tubbo from who Tommy used to know (and you can't blame him but Tommy is a simple man and likes his few close constants one of which is Tubbo especially during this time after the 16th). Tubbo wanted one thing and Tommy wanted another when it came to dealing with Dream and it caused their friendship to crumble no matter how much effort Tommy put in (creating and explaining like three different plans to deal with dream the day of exile). And then u have the more obvious bedrock bros fallout. Again, Techno and Tommy right from the bat had their goals said and never changed (Techno to get rid of l'manburg and Tommy to get the discs back). They did communicate this of course and even tho they both grew from the experience together (especially with Tommy starting to heal from exile) they were just too set in their ways to come together when the time came. And from c!Tommy's perspective of both of these instances, these lyrics fit pretty damn well
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Two main thoughts:
- A major point as to a good chunk of the plot in general is the general consensus of other characters seeing c!tommy as this loud, impulsive kid who values two discs over people. They look at the exterior without seeing his selfless, honorable intentions to take care of and protect those he loves. I don't remember the exact quote from him but it was like "I never wanted to be a hero" and it goes completely over the others' heads that this annoying kid could be anything more than just that.
- His hope and resilience is one of the exact reasons c!dream went after him so much. Went out of his way to break him and strip him of these because c!tommys morals and sheer strength of hope would persist throughout anything dream could've thrown at him.
And finally
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The real tragedy to his character: a child soldier thrust into too many wars that left him scarred and traumatized and still somehow managed to manitain some of his youthful outlook on life even through all the hell he's gone through. Yes, he chose to fight for l'manburg in the revolutionary war and lose his life twice in it, and yes, he chose to follow Wilbur to pogtopia and back. But he didn't choose to be exiled not once but twice. He didn't choose to be torn, broken, and worn down miles away from his friends and family, who he had no contact with at all. He didn't choose to be forced to protect his country-- his home only for it to be destroyed beyond repair.
He didn't choose what others did to him.
And he didn't choose to be a hero.
So go easy on him. He's a child, and he's been through too much.
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rhaenyraisadyke · 3 years
A Year Later Transcript: 8/3/21
Here it all is on a google doc if that is easier to read!
W: “I heard there was a special place.. Where men could go and emancipate.. The brutality and the tyranny of their rulers…” Do you know that one Ranboo?
R: I have I have I have, I’ve heard that one a few times, I had a friend that sings that one quite a lot.
W: Yeah it's great, I- I personally, I am a big big fan of the song and not just because I wrote it, I know, I know they saw aww yeah they say you are your own worst critic, but I mean, I think it's good. Do you know what it's based on?
R: Mhm mhm
W: Obviously it's based on hallelujah, but the thing is Ranboo, right is the reason we did it is because Tommy used to sing hallelujah to the plants around the thing... the caravan! Do you remember the caravan? You have heard of the caravan right?
R: Yeah, yeah I’ve heard of it and seen the re-creation of it at the museum, but that's really it.
W: Actually can we go see it? Let's go see it quickly!
R: Yeah, sure.
W: So, so, he used to plant the stuff around the caravan, and it made it grow better, he hehe used to ha, my man Tommy, what is this? This is new.. I won’t ask questions…
R: I- Someone planted a lot of beats here and I don’t know why
W: OH, okay I quite like it, it looks really nice, it looks nicer than the target that used to be here. Um
R: Yeah
W: So my man Tommy used to sing to the plants to make them grow better um and that was the song he used to sing so I thought what a better way to honor tommy, one of the most loyal members of our fair nation then to name the song after him and base the song after his little muse. Tommy is all of our muse really, I'd say. So here's the museum.
R: Yeah, Yeah
W: I haven't been to the museum, wait las- that's where I met you Ranboo right?
R: Oh yeah yeah, that's where you saw me next to the um poster of myself… I don't know why that's still up, I kinda put that there and it preceded to stay there, is it still set up? Oh, oh no.
W: It’s not still up anymore it was here, it was right here on this wall. I quite liked it, but I guess not enough for it to be history though.
R: I’m not historical yet apparently.
W: So yeah in here, in here where the declaration of independence would sit on the wall here, it was actually quite, quite a nice van, not quite as nice as yours, I quite liked what you were doing with yours. Have you been working on it since I’ve been gone?
R: Yeah I’ve been working on it. I added a nice little table outside and did some pathways and appropriately themed flowers.
W: Thats nice
R: Yeah!
W: Let's go to Lmanburg or what was lmanburg, last time I saw it was a big glass thing.
R: Yeah I think it goes by Lmanhole now apparently.
W: Ahh ehh, that's kind of rude, it's kind of rude to Lmanburgs history you know?
R: mhm
W: It’s called Lmanburg, it's called Lmanburg. NOT Manberg NOT Lcrater or whatever, Lmanhole I don’t care it's now Lmanburg it's always Lmanburg. It’s just how it goes.
R: Okay
W: Yeah so that's why the song exists as it is. Oh there's no glass.
R: Yeah! Yeah I mean it seems to have changed a little bit.
W: YOOOO I actually didn’t know this was here
R: Yeah! It’s even got the flag down there at the bottom
W: It’s got the flag man! Can we go down and see the flag? Cmon Cmon lets go
R: Yeah yeah wait you alright?
W: I’m like a lemming I don’t care I’m just gonna jump
R: Oh well okay… careful!
W: Look at this dude!
R: Yeahh
W: Oh wow I really went down to bedrock didn't I? Holy Shit.. I did a number on this place. This is amazing!! Ahhh This is what it deserved, not the glass bullshit, this is what it needed, this like beautiful overgrowing, it feels like it happened, it doesn't feel like a monument, it feels like nature has claimed it back,
R: The book has kind of closed in that sense
W: Yeah.. we’ve got, look they have got they rebuilt the lake man! And this used to be a real river about here into Lmanburg- wait, Ranboo do you see that is that Tubbo?
R: Yeah… that's Tubbo
W: Aye Tubbo!
T: “I heard there was a special place where men could go and emancipate…”
W: Tubbo?
T: “ the tyranny” - oh?
W: Tubbo!
T: Hello?
W: Haha! You’ve came, I- I havent seen you dude in FUCKING ages! Tubbo, are you singing the song?
T: Yeah… Yeahhh?
W: Are you? Are you singing the thing?
T: Yeah hello?
W: Hold on I’m coming im coming im coming man
T: Where are you?
W: Hold on, I'm coming around, here I come, Tubbo man! I haven't seen you in ages!
T: H-H..Hello.. Wilbur..
W: I’m coming around man!
T: Yeah aha…
W: Bro! Its-
T: Weird seeing you here.
W: What in Lmanburg? That seems like the most normal place to see me.
T: Uhh yeah I suppose so
W: Well I- dude I don’t even know what to say to you man, it's like looking in a little mirror, you are even still wearing my suit still?
T: Yeahh
W: How long have you been wearing that?
T: Oh I just put it on for today, I just for it's been a year now…
W: Well you look good in it! Ranboo have you met Tubbo?
R: Yeah! Well I’ve I’ve met him, I mean we’ve um… been around yeah
W: Well Tubbo I’m really happy to see you man, dude
T: Ah, well thank you.
W: Do you even know what happened? Since,
T: What do you mean what's happened?
W: I saw you briefly man when I was resurrected, I remember you SUPER SUPER briefly but this is the first time we have actually gotten to speak, I- I will admit I was a little overwhelmed during that whole thing. I was running across the glass, thank god it's gone, this is far more adpt, but I was running across the glass, I’m sorry I wasn't you know, entirely on the same page, but I promise you I’ve calmed down I’m all settled in, I understand what's changed, what's happened whos new, whos old whos still about who uh…. Who trusts me and stuff
T: Did they fill you in on the story? Like what happened here after you died?
W: Yeah, they did, I’m gonna be honest with you it's not a pretty one, I kind of left a bit of a ripple. If I was a rock, dropped in a lake, I’m a pretty big rock
T: You- yeah’
W: And I can’t say I’m not- I’m not flattered. I mean I am flattered, I’m not TOO upset about it, I like being the big ripple, but more than anything, I want to say super simple man. I want to say. I want to say I’m sorry
T: Awe
W: For one thing mainly, I’ve been thinking about this for years, LITERAL years. I’m sorry for making you president specifically before blowing it up and I’m sorry for when I did this and blew all this up and making this hole,
T: Well I mean-
W: and making you president of a crater and i'm sorry. I’m really really sorry. I really am
T: I mean this wasnt all you Wilbur….
W: We’ll get to that, do you? Do you forgive me?
T: Yeah, I do forgive you
W: Man, ahhh my little treasury, secretary treasury, do you remember that?
T: Yeah yeah I remember that. Secretary to treasury
W: Ranboo he was the secretary to treasury and then he was president
R: Yeah
W: And then he was president
T: Yeah I’m pretty sure the treasury was like somewhere there.
W: So what were you saying about me not being the one there who blew it up?
T: Well I mean you definitely blew it up. I feel like you’re missing some vital information.
W: Wait, so you rebuilt it? How long -how long did it stand before this happened?
T: Yeah so, me, and mainly ghostbur honestly like
W: ….ghostbur….
T: He- put so much effort into making it right again.
W: Is he this obsidian crap I take it and these uh? Fucking lanterns
T: You know dream?
W: Yeah I know Dream- I love him. Dream’s Dreams
T: Oh..
W: Dreams probably my favorite person, sorry Ranboo i mean uh no contest here, Dreams probably my favorite person he saved me
T: Oh.. Oh..
W: He saved me he brought me back to life
T: Well um yeah I mean he was powerful I guess but um Techno and Philza yeah um
W: Techno and Phil blew this up?
T: They built this big obsidian contraption overnight… I couldn’t even see it coming. And they rained TNT for days.
W: nhh
R: Yeah…
W: And that's.. Wait hold on, why would Techno and Phil do this? Why would Techno and Phil blow up Lmanburg? Didn’t they live here? I mean I don’t know about Techno…
T: Techno and Phil, they hated the government, it was partially my fault as well…
W: But you didn’t blow it up
T: No, I didn't. I never wished for anything to happen like this.
W: So it was just Techno and Phil?
T: Y-y yes..
W: Sorry that's kind of just hit my not the blowing up part- You know I’ve done that,
T: Yeah
W: I’m not shaken up about that. I’m shaken up about man, is that, you rebuilt this! After I was gone
T: I can’t take all the credit obviously but there was a big effort
W: That fucking ghost- who cares man YOU rebuilt this! Bro, you
T: Yeah I suppose
W: MY fucking grave! I was so pressed about not having a grave, screw a grave I built something that you loved that YOU wanted to preserve… thats,
T: Yeah, I really honestly…
W: Tubbo that's worth more to me than a grave. That's worth more to me than this shrine. That's worth more to me then- Tubbo this is probably the best gift I have ever been given, this knowledge that people actually cared enough, that you cared enough to rebuild this community after it fell.
T: Ahh, I’m glad you’re happy.
W: You… haha, sorry, aww man, Tubbo thank you.
T: It’s alright, I just feel lost without Lmanburg. All my core beliefs.. Everything died with it.
W: You feel lost without Lmanburg
T: I have no purpose.. Anymore.
W: I guess that's where anarchy fails… Tubbo, I have a little, a little thing coming. Not big, nothing much yet, ehh, it's not a big deal you know, it's a little burger van at the moment but I got plans, big plans. Tubbo it's called paradise
T: Paradise.
W: Yeah, yeah will, would you like to come join me in paradise? Literally?
T: Hmmmm, Id, I’m not sure Wilbur, I’m not sure I trust you man. In order to follow someone I need to trust them.
W: Wait… wait- but I thought you forgave me!
T: Yeah Wilbur I forgive you because I like to hang onto the hope that people change but, I don’t trust you yet Wilbur.
W: Okay… Taboo. I literally was dead for thirteen years. I know it wasn't long for you, I know it was only a couple months for you but thirteen years Tubbo… Thirteen years of my life. I am old! Look at me! I’m not the same young man you knew. I-I’ve been through it and in those years, I’ve learned Tubbo, i wasn't just sat twiddling my thumbs just going “oooh this is nice ohhh i'm in darkness right now” you know I was thinking. I relived that explosion in my head so many times man, and I get that you don’t trust me, I do but like man! Look at me bro, I’m not gonna do it again, I’m not gonna hurt you again. I’m not gonna you know… I know you, you had the festival with Technoblade, I never spoke properly to you about this.
T: mm
W: I could have saved you…
T: But you didn’t
W: I- Tubbo… I’m reaching out to you man, I’m on my knees.. I, I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry and I literally, your forgiveness means so much to me but it doesnt give up what I did to you and it doesnt give up how I failed you as a friend, you know eh, fuck being as a coworker but just you know anything… Ranboo you might know or have known all of this and I’m really sorry if this was your first of hearing I can explain later on but like..
R: Alright………
W: Tubbo, man, I’m, I want to make it up to you. And you know what? I appreciate you don’t trust me. I do.
T: Wilbur in order for you to gain my trust back you have to prove it first. I can’t just give it out anymore. I used to be able to, but I just, I just can’t.
W: Tubbo… I really appreciate it, and I mean that genuinely. I appreciate it and I am gonna go out and prove to you I’m worth being trusted again. I promise.
T: Okay…
W: I’ll do it. I’ll do it. I’ll redeem myself and you'll.. Youll
T: Do you know I still have dreams right? Of the explosion… And, and of the fireworks. And all of it. I vividly see all of it every day. It HURTS. It hurts Wilbur a lot.
W: I- Tubbo, Tubbo, I know, I know, Tubbo, Tubbo, Tubbo Tubbo, please, I know…. I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I- arhh It feels like sorry is such a weak word. I feel like there's nothing stronger that I can say, and I understand what you mean about how my actions need to reflect it and they will. Give me time. I’m gonna make something. I'm gonna make something of this and I’m gonna…
Tubbo do you know how fucking strong you are? And I’m not trying to say - I’ve got your forgiveness, but I know I need to earn your trust but man… you're so strong man, genuinely. Just the fact you proved to me that just there that you have these memories and these nightmares, you still found it in your heart to forgive me, that's... You’re a fucking champion man. You’re a hero.
Look I get you don’t want to join me in paradise. We won’t talk about that anymore but, cmon, at least come and see, come and at least see what me and Ranboo have been doing! Look I don’t know- Ranboo are you? Are you and Tubbo friends? Are you and Tubbo like good friends?
R: Yeah, yeah I’d say so.
W: Then why don't you and him come and see what I’ve made! Come and see what I’ve got going on! Lets go lets go!
T: I think.. I think I’m gonna stay here, Wilbur. I think I’m fine, just to stay here.
W: No, no man, no worries. Look at me bro look at me bro! Chin up! Look, lucky rabbit's foot!
T: Okay…
W: Tommy gave it to me
T: Lucky Rabbit's foot…
W: Lucky Rabbit's foot man, chin up. Ranboo, I’ll, you can come, it's cool.
R: I will, I will. Do you need me to stay here?
T: No.. *sniffles* I’d like to be left alone please
R: Oh… you sure? I mean.. I can stay…
T: Yes. I’m fine
R:You sure? Okay...
W: Ranboo! Let's go man.
R: Yep! Lets- lets go
W: Cya tubbo! I’ll send a letter!
T: Uhuh
W: Comeon Ranboo
R: Alright
W: Ah man! It’s its I mean I I was gonna say this is hard, but obviously it's hard, I’ve -
R: It is, it is
W: It's difficult man and I’ve been you know it's gonna get better and it's gonna be worth it when I see them smiling.
R: Yeah, yeah
W: Tubbo, Jack, Niki, Tommy, anyone… Do you know who the original Lmanburg group were? Do you know who we were?
R: Ah, uhh I think most of them yeah, I think it was you, Jack, Niki, Fundy I believe as well
W: Fundy was after, Fundy was a bit after we got independence
R: mhm yeah I don’t really. I don’t really know much of lmanburg history
W: That’s alright you’ve got it down, it's correct. It’s that group and we um yeah we fought against Dream and we managed to succeed and we created a life process. Ranboo I’m gonna tell you something I’ve never really told anyone, I try and keep this on the low because I don’t want uh people to use it against me is the main problem. I didn’t even tell Tommy. I- I lied to Tommy I’m gonna be honest. I’ll tell him soon
R: Yeah
W: I’ll tell him I lied to him because I feel- it kind of eats away at me. I kind of- I told Tommy that I didn’t actually care about Lmanburg and that it was actually a tool for me to get and gain power and stuff but it's not true. Lmanburg was really important to me and it is still to this day. I want it, I want its history to live on, not as a stain caused by me because I basically took a bit shit on the history books. I wanna, I wanna make it feel like it was you know something that happened and it was a great thing. Think of the good times, the years and years well not years but you know the time of safety the time of fun, prosperity! We built parks, we built you know, no taxes, big walls, we had democracy! All be a slightly disjointed version of it but you know, that's how people should remember Lmanburg, that's what people think of when they think of our nation you know? And that's, and Tubbos the last connection we really have, I mean he, he said it himself, he's kind of you know… he's got nothing without it. I’ve heard of what Tommy, Tommys you know moved on and Jacks moved on and Niki’s moved on and everyones moved on at least partially… but Tubbo man, he's still……
R: Yeah he's still very strung up about it even though it's been awhile… He, he distracts himself with projects and everything which is nice but, you
W: Heh, projects
R: I mean yeah fortifications as well
W: I think he's gonna be alright
R: I hope so
W: I’m looking out for him. Anyway I want to say thank you Ranboo for you know trusting me this quick, I mean you barely know me
R: I mean, yeah
W: You barely have known me very long and you just know you’ve done all this with me and you’ve worked with me and I- I- you know I don’t I don’t know where I’d be without you here right now, man. T-Tommy’s great and all he's here and all but I don't wanna string him along too much because hes- I, when I look at him, when I look at him and he's helping me out and building things with me, I - I see the same eyes that looked at me when… when… there weren't some fun times in the ravine of Pogtopia I wasn't a very well man, and I can just see Tommy from that day…
oH!! Ranboo! This looks great man!
R: Yeah yea, I’ve made a couple of um changes to it. Added some stuff to it
W: Like I was saying though, I appreciate it, I really appreciate it.
R: Yeahh, yeah of course! Of course
W: May I ask, I know I’ve already asked this before but why do you trust me so fast? What's the…?
R: I mean I like to normally see the good in people and everything.
W: I know we’ve gone through that and you’ve made me cry just
R: Yeahhh, sorry about that, but I- I think the reason I think I know what it's like to have no one hurt or at least feel like no one trusts you.
W: Mhm
R: Um, and I- I’ve realised that if no one is with you, then how can anyone really know when you’ve redeemed yourself. So that's why I’m here
W: You wanna see the fireworks?
R: Well maybe not the fireworks but, I mean at least
W: Ceremonial
R: At least when you change er redeem yourself I think it- it's good to have someone there and it's not nice to be alone all the time so…
W: My boy! Ranboo, I knew
R: Yeah!
W: I knew I could trust you. We got the exact same mindset I’m thinking of ahh Ranboo I love what you have done with the burger van
R: Thank you, I’m glad you like it
W: I think this is going to be a beginning of a beautiful partnership,
R: Yeah!
W:beautiful friendship, and maybe when Tubbo comes we can you know have a big party and all get to know each other a bit better.
R: Yeah I can, I can talk with him I think and maybe get him to uh join hopefully
W: Yeah, don’t pressure him. He doesn't have to join, he just needs to come. I just want him to come and see our patented burgers!
R: Yeah!
W: Our burgers, our burger NFTS he needs to come and try them! Ranboo. Thank you man
R: You’re welcome, I’m glad that I could help out a little bit at least.
W: You’re a brilliant man and I'm going to go now a happy man.
R: That's good, I’m glad you’re happy.
W: Thank you Ranboo. Buh Bye. Ah, I love that guy bro!
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hope-vs-disbear · 3 years
I am once again pointing out that c!Tommy hasn't done shit to c!Techno and for c!Techno to seemingly "forgive" him in his will rather then apologize just kinda proves he hasn't grown at all (for me personally anyways) not to mention the complete and utter lack of c!Tubbo like this is his will to be read when he's dead those are things he wanted people to know after he Died and he has nothing to say to c!Tubbo absolutely nothing at all?
And again real growth would have been realizing he's the reason c!Tommy is searching for something in the first place and wanting to say sorry not just "Oh I hope he finds what he's looking for" like as a bedrock bros enjoyer my tear ducts are bone fucking dry
Also he has to actually have any real connection to c!Niki for me to give a shit in that regard like
No go on dude tell her you're besties and then talk about wanting to break out c!Dream see how long your one conversation long friendship lasts
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sapphire-innit · 3 years
VOD: TommyInnit Speaks To Dream’s Sister AGAIN
(rp): Drista!! I love this chaotic child and am looking forward to seeing the children bully each other lmao. I especially love the mythos around Creative mode, and that the most benevolent god on the Dream SMP is just as likely to ban you as hand you a shulker box lol.
I do wonder how in character cc!Tommy is going to be able to stay during this stream: on one hand he’s a master at staying in character even during lh moments, and on the other Exile arc is some Dark Shit and Dristas like what, 14?? Overall I expect this to be one of the lighter streams, with a smattering of moments where we remember that, oh right, Tommy’s pretty actively suicidal at this point and he sees this as one of his last hurrahs.
Speaking of our boy Tommy: it's very clear we are getting closer and closer to the infamous pillar. He switches rapidly between Fight and Fawn reflexes and has mostly internalized Dream’s treatment and conditions at this point. The one stand out moment being him calling out Dream killing Mexican Dream last stream, and pointing out he was changing his story even when Dream tried to lie and say he died of “a drug overdose [...] or natural causes”. I’m curious if Tommy is going to bring it up again, and even more curious if he eventually believes Dream about it; something to watch out for, for sure. I don’t think it’s a coincidence that this moment of rebellion happened right after he had someone both stand up for him and spend time with him that wasn’t actively hostile or going to end (supposedly, at least by intention)
Hey we didn’t start off drowning for once!! cc!Tommy was also singing, though that could have been mostly out of character as well. Still, remarkably in a better mood, he even mentions having an appetite! You love to see it, and it's clearly because he’s looking forward to Drista’s visit
He’s building a log tower and on one hand, Tommy building Towers is a natural state of being, and on the other…. I know the pillar is coming and I am scared
A mention of the Anti-Dream hole… I still worry about when exactly and how Dream is going to find it. Still, I’m glad it exists, both for Tommy having a space for things important to him, as well as what it represents about his mental state re:not giving over completely to Dream
DRISTA!!!! LOL she was already online we didn't even see her join LOL. CHAOS GREMLIN she just flew over in creative mode and started wrecking shit, as is her right lmaoooo
“You massive jer--, (quieter) whats a nicer way…, YOU MASSIVE DICKHEAD” oh, Tommy..
I like how he tries to punch her even when shes CLEARLY IN CREATIVE MODE ADSADASD
The violence inherent in fourteen year olds,,,, adsfsadfsdfds
I hate this conversation why is this the conversation asdffdsfsd TEENAGERS
Well SHE can destroy the obsidian asdfsdfds She just Spleefs
“What would Dream do” Probably worse lets be honest
Is he actually gonna go back to L’manburg?? I don’t believe it but I also want :(
Again with the stabbing
“I have the fork, but I'm also killing you” afsafsdfdsf Tommy why are you wearing your good shit omg
Lol cc!Dream trying to defend his character for mocking Tommy’s accent adsfsdfds “I would NEVER” in the totally not believable tone lmaoooo
“I will take it from you and I’ll kill him”... I have so many thoughts about how this works in lore. Is Drista possessing Dream? He can kick her out clearly, but she still has God Powers…
Lol and now SHES mocking his accent lmaoooo (... is it bad she sounded pretty close to me? lol)
Adsfdsfswd casual chaos Drista just broke the Nether Portal
Asking Drista to stop destroying things is a big ask to be honest lmaoo. Also she seems to be at least somewhat informed that ‘Dream is not supposed to be nice to Tommy’ or at least seemed hesitant to do /weather clear
“Tommy [beheaded him] actually… and killed Mexican Dream” Dream you motherfucker
“How to Sex 3” THE PANIK!!!!!! From Both cc!Dream and Tommy!!! This server is Not Child Friendly lol (Doesn’t…. That not even include sex things…. afasfsd)
Honestly I can’t stop smiling this is so wholesome somehow even with all the cursing and violence
Pigstep IS a bop, Tommy is right
“Just let him, just let him this one time” :(
“Tommy I still have the Fork” Drista totally willing to stab her brother to visit L’manburg
Yes, closing your eyes will totally protect you from Forks lol
“I don’t need school, I dropped out” Is this Lore Crumbs, is this Lore
HEYYYY ITS THE BEDROCK, the one piece of bedrock he has lol, I think he still has that in current day right?
Drista is writing her name in BEDROCK adsfsdfds “I’m not going to be able to get rid of that actually” “That's the Point”
LOL SHe also recognized the burrito as from Mos lmaooo
Somehow “I really want to go to the other place.. I don’t know why he won’t let you” hit hard… it was def ooc, and she doesn’t have the full context, but still… its just someone else wanting and asking for Tommy to be able see L’manburg…
Afsdfsd the Small Gasp when she spleefs herself omgg
Punz!!! WHY!!!! Were you there bc Drista might let Tommy through, was this a safeguard for the LORE. Also he’s currently working for Dream directly right, as a merc?
Drista trying to save Tommy!!!! Punz why are you winning a fight with someone in creative adfsadfsd He’s too good lol
They have negotiated a visit… I’m so emotional I wasn’t expecting this…. No one told me we got a real L’manburg visit !
BIG Q SHES FOURTEEN!!! Omg they didn’t tell him it was Drista. BIG Q!!! BIG Q DON’T SELL HER DRUGS
“He was Naked” good for you Drista, good for you. There’s something so hilarious about Drista just stabbing Quackity over and over again cause she’s uncomfortable lol (as is her right)
Wha --- what video was it????? What is this Tommy picture on the Technoganda???
….”are you sure I’m allowed here” Dream’s conditioning is strong :(
“At many minute I could get mugged” To be Fair Tommy, that was true before
Did Tommy just suggest spawning in a Wither asdfsdfds
DRISTA DOG ARMY!!!! Aww and Tommy has one too~
THE BENCH!! THE HOUSE!!! Aaaaaaaaa He’s sitting on the bench nature is HEALING
…. Who destroyed the front of Tommys house?
,,,,Drista what are you doing with that soULSAND
“OK we'll turn on him” adsfsdfsd
OH HEY TECHNO!!! Lol “Oh god he meant me” fucking mood big man
……. Tubbo hallucination……… fuck
To be fair, logging against a /kill is probably the only way to get away lmao
“Getting thrown off a cliff is literally how Theseus died!!” lol its also hilarious to me that Tommy def does not remember being called that. Personally I don't think it fits him super well anyway, but I do like it as something Techno calls Tommy, that shows how much he misjudges Tommy's character and intentions. No heroes here, just a kid trying to do good by their friends and what they care about
Techno actually looking up how to kill someone in creative mode
…. :( I just want my actual clingyduo content this is meeeeannn
OH HEY TECHNO …. You fucker he would and it would be HILARIOUS (get mad if Drista opped Techno that is lol)
Oh F Techno got him with the Obliterator lmaoooo
“I have 114 levels PLEASE” asdfdasfsdf
LOL Tubbo with the TNT there's our nuke boy, I'll take my crumbs where I can get them
Techno immediately snitching about Elytra and dRISTA GETTING THE ACHIEVEMENT
Drista being the chaotic giver of illegal gifts is so fucking good I'M THRIVING
THE RUN ON PUNZ !!!! omg
Also can we just take a minute to appreciate Tommy being allowed around people <3 <3 This is so wholesome and good and chaotic as all hell
“I thought I was Tom Cruz for like a whole week” ...TOMMY??
Dristas on a banning Rampage afsdfsdf
Omg shes actually making a wITHER DASDASDFAS
Oh no poor Tubbo I didn’t know he was liVE
319k viewers jeezus
Awwwww Techno hyping up Wilbur's song :) that's so sweet actually
…………….Fuck you Dream :( saw the chance to Twist the Knife in c! And TOOK IT
Lol ironically the Bedrock bros song is the oNE COPYRIGHTED ONE, god why did Minecraft ever copyright Pigstep what a shit move honestlyyy
Pigstep fucking goING TO TECHNO LOLLLLLL “this is the most powerful item on the server since it DMCA’s people”
Poor Sam he actually has to BUILD give this man a SHULKER
Lol Everyone wants a shulker so much
….aww he tried to toss the pigstep disc lmaooo DRISTAS LITERALLY HOLDING IT Scaaaaaammmmed
Drista “I NEED IT ON HAND” So committed to violence !!!
The fucking creepers on the way out omg fuckign PERFECT
LOL TOMMY WASN’T READY FOR THE TURN AROUND ON CURSING LMAO You can tell he's always been the youngest who people aren't sure how much they can curse around lmao He's so soft honestly he talks such a big game and then CRUMBLES when called on it lol
Asfdsfs she fell through the same hole again afsdfsdfsd
Drista has been introduced to a Weapon and she’s gotten ATTACHED lmaooo
Wait HOLD THE PHONE Dream has multiple sisters??? Lol
“Yeah I like Shit” Dream: “whAT???”
Bye Drista it’s been nice!!! I hope she had a good time, she seems like a good kid (who is definitely not a content creator lol though she keeps up admirably)
Drista’s one of the few people who can make Tommy speechless lmaooo he looks actually shocked lol
Also first mention of GhostInnit…. cc!Tommy…..
Keep preparing…. Was his original plan to rush Dream even if (maybe especially if…) he died? Fuck man
Also holy shit was this stream right before Quackitys? ? amazing
This was honestly such a BLAST and a really good time, and I can see why its viewed as one of the few breaks we get during Exile :) I feel so refreshed and it was so so nice to have Tommy hanging out in L’manburg having fun with his friends (even if Tubbo was stuck being a Hallucination and Also Banned lol) No deeper insight, I just haven’t stopped smiling for an hour and a half <3
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businessbois · 3 years
hello blue :D i would like to know everything you would like to tell me about your favourite fic you've written
lyssie shrugofgod weirdly-enough this is the kindest thing ever i hope you're ready for vaguely comprehensible ranting.
okay so i couldn't choose between two fics "once i called you brother" and "the art and (mine)craft of war" because i could talk forever about both, but im gonna talk about "once i called you brother" because its the less popular one
heres the link :)
so i basically wrote this fic because i thought that the song "the plagues" from prince of egypt (or at least the opening lines) were incredibly perfect for c!tommy and c!techno and it was a shame that no one did an animatic for it yet. i cannot draw so i just wrote a fic for it.
once i called you brother once i thought the chance to make you laugh was all i ever wanted
is that literally not tommy with techno though?
and then the rest of the song can read as like doomsday or november 16th, you know, them arguing about selfishness and betrayal and all that. the song fucking slaps.
but anyways the fic itself? the opening is inspired by how like, if you didn't know who technoblade was during the beginning of the smp, he would just be this mysterious figure of legend that tommy, wilbur, or dream occasionally talked about. it hit me during the dream v technoblade duel stuff that since techno had never been on the smp before, he was just this invisible dude with a huge reputation and that was so cool to me.
"Alrighty, I've been here before, right?"
"Listen, Techn—Dream..."
these are quotes from tommy that i quoted in the fic. i used to do this a lot, just stick quotes with no context into fics because i assumed everyone had the same precise memory of everything that went on the smp that i did. the first one is referring to tommy being surrounded by people outside the community house and "i've been here before" is him remembering a similar scenario on smpearth and therefore technoblade. the second is when he accidentally calls dream techno (about 30 seconds into this comp) again adding to techno's thing of being just this widely alluded to figure.
"Who do you think will win? My bets on our boy, Dream, but feel free to be wrong."
Niki stays quiet, a small frown on her face.
i feel bad for cutting niki absolutely owning dream with "well, techno's my friend" but it simply couldnt stay in for fic purposes
waking up to a frantic Bitzel muttering about hypothermia and something heavy and red covering his shivering frame.
smpearth is canon because i Want it to be canon and in my canon there's a moment where tommy passes out in the middle of a fight and techno brings him back to business bay wrapped up in his cape because he's technosoft and all their fighting is more like play fighting anyways
Tommy knows that love is earned. That if he does well in some Championships, then his place in the family is secured.
this is inspired by the bet that wilbur and tommy had in like mcc8 that if they placed fifth or higher tommy could be in sbi. in tommy's pov it becomes, "you have to earn your place in this family."
“Because I’m not the vice president.”
this is from one of his exile streams where he's talking to dream about why people won't visit him anymore
Tommy is 10 and too big for his boots.
this section is inspired by tommy's story of how he met techno as told in this storytime.
there is something that flickers at the back of his mind when the ratty zombie child calls him The Blade.
i think it's so incredibly special that everybody calls techno The Blade but like,, that's tommy's nickname for him. theres this moment where tommy's talking about giving techno a nickname and techno's like "you call me The Blade!' again, everybody calls techno The Blade, but he tells tommy "you call me The Blade." like i don't know how to articulate this but, that's tommy's nickname for him. they're brothers.
Tommy's been to war with soft, pale blues.
ae reference because again, smpearth is canon cuz i said
Tommy is 13 and standing over the remains of Business Bay's storage area.
this is an smpearth thing. wisp and vop did a whole grief of business bay, it was very dramatic very tragic. the thing with techno coming to business bay to talk to tommy is from this comic and i hold this headcanon close to my heart.
"Tommy, if anyone gives you trouble—and I mean serious trouble, not the kind we have—you tell me.”
Tommy hears an echo of similar words from the man who just burnt down everything he’s worked for.
"Tommy, anyone that touches you fucks with me... I will kill Techno if it takes me all of my life to prepare for it, you understand me?"
im so proud of this parallel between wisp and techno man you have no clue. okay, so like i said before, the ae versus bb thing in my head is very much like play fighting. sometimes it gets serious like the scenario which is happening in the fic where things actually get destroyed. that's because they're stubborn teenaged boys and conflicts can go from fun to actual trouble real quick. these "similar words" and the following quote are references to one of my favorite wisp moments ever. wisp, for anyone unclear on smpearth backstory, was a part of business bay before he betrayed them for the antarctic empire. he was also the one who burnt down the storage area which is why tommy's remembering this quote so bitterly.
Tommy rolls his eyes. "I pinky promise, Technoblade." He sticks out his little finger like a challenge.
the pinky promising is Canon from like the post-exile streams i think and i headcanon it as something tommy just does with people
and so this is to put context to the "using techno" thing. because i've always kinda viewed as like calling in a friend (or a big brot—[gunshot]) in for help so this part of the fic gives it the background to be like that
But then, Tommy is 16 and standing in a cataclysm, once again watching everything he’s worked for get destroyed by a man who swore to protect him.
this line solidifies that parallel to wisp where techno made a similar promise to protect tommy and now he's destroying everything tommy's worked for (business bay in wisp's case, lmanburg in techno's case) im very proud of this parallel.
His tall brown-haired friend from competitions past
wilbur of course, the competitions past being mcm
He collects titles like music discs
i asked my friend for things that people collect and they said "records" and i said "wait—"
Technoblade is 17 and he has no family. He has a friend who makes sure he sleeps. He has a friend who creates bridges and mischief. He has a bug that he still hasn't squashed.
i've always loved the idea of sbi becoming this little found family on smpearth. like they're not super lovely dovey "we're like brothers" but they're so fond of each other and they hang out when they're not pretending to be at war. and so theres still that room to say that they're not family, but like they totally are
Bright blue eyes beg him for some entertainment, so Techno sighs and grabs The Complete Works of William Shakespeare off the shelf.
this headcanon that techno used to read them shakespeare comes from wilbur's offhand comment asking techno to recite king lear to them
Wilbur's planted himself at Techno's side for the duration of the finale, something that he's grateful for. Wilbur's always been his person to lean on for things like this.
inspired by i think wilbur saying that he was techno's like designated extrovert during mcc's and i really love that aspect of their relationship. because techno is looked at as "the older brother" in so many ways, but like in this way, when wilbur's guiding him through social situations and supporting him, he gets to be wilbur soot's little brother.
Technoblade never says I love you, but he reads his baby brother The Twelfth Night instead of Hamlet and ends Theseus' tale after the Minotaur.
this was one of the first things i had written for this fic. so obviously hamlet is a tragedy while the twelfth night is a rocking good time. so like going back to that shakespeare headcanon but techno protecting tommy in the little ways. the theseus part is inspired by me not knowing the rest of theseus' story after he gets home and his dad jumps into the ocean. like the exile and death stuff i didn't hear about until the dsmp so that's where that came from. techno, even though it kind of goes against who he is, leaving theseus' story as a victory where the hero slays the monster, just to give his little brother something with a happy ending
"Do you want to be a hero, Tommy? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!"
i did always think this could be seen as like "well if you want to be a hero, then you can die like one" and leaving off the unspoken "but if you don't want to be--if you choose not to be, then you get to live. so don't be a hero. please don't be a hero." and theres like that little tragedy there that i really love in techno and tommy's relationship. like, i love you, you love me, all i ever wanted was to make you laugh, but we don't speak the same language. we don't understand each other. everything you are is against everything i stand for. so yeah bedrock bros feels. i wrote this long before exile and all that so its even more complicated now gosh.
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transphilza · 2 years
Idk if you’re still doing the what dsmp moments made you emotional thing but the two that stick out for me were
1- bedrock bros after Tommy chooses Tubbo because I knew that clingy duo would reconcile vut I knew that techno and Tommy are more stubborn and hold more grudges. I just adored their friendship so much and understand where both of them came from in the situation, ya know? Like techno feels hurt and betrayed because his friend who he loved left him for someone who he views as corrupt and unworthy. Not to mention how Tubbo fucking executed him. Techno would have given Tommy the world, but Tommy left him. As for Tommy, he wanted everything but couldn’t have it all. He loved techno dearly and felt so much gratitude when techno took him in, but his and technos priority’s were separate. Techno wanted to destroy lmanberg, which was the only thing Tommy had left of Wilbur. Tubbo is also his best friend. Both of them betrayed each other but are too stubborn to see it and express their grief as anger. My feels we’re double hit when they were standing on the rubble of lmanberg and screaming at eachother. Anyways, I’m sad again lol (can you tell I’m both a c!tommy and c!techno apologist)
2- when Dream gets out and immediately torments Tommy. Just the acting from both of them and the horror of your abuser being free. Not to mention when Tommy ran to Phil’s house because Phil is someone he trusts only to find out that Phil helped Dream escape. I literally was sobbing and had to call a friend for emotional support because it’s one of my biggest fears for someone who abused me to escape justice. I’m a firm believer in c!dream deserving death (kill the abuser!) and Tommy getting so much ptsd from being back in logsteadshire (the fucking tOWER) AND having Dream there promising to torture him forever is just :’(
Anyways, sorry for the whole ass essay I just have a lot of feelings (I’m gonna go cry again)
YES INCREDIBLE CHOICES the scene fresh after the prison break was sooooooo intense it was so amazing so real so true
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arcaneglitch · 3 years
Transcript of Wilbur's latest lore stream: A Year Later
Note: This doesn't include the parts at the beginning and very end of the stream
It starts with Wilbur and Ranboo going to L'Manberg and ends with Wilbur talking about Pogtopia
Wilbur: Anyway, I’m excited. Let’s go to L’Manberg. Let’s go- oh to what was L’Manberg. It’s just a big glass thing now, isn’t it?
Ranboo: Yeah, yeah.
Wilbur: So let’s go and see it.
Ranboo: It goes by like “L’Manhole” now, apparently.
Wilbur: I’m not a fan. It’s kind of rude to L’Manberg’s history, you know?
Ranboo: Mhm.
Wilbur: It’s- um it’s called L’Manberg. It’s called L’Manberg. Not “Manburg”, not “L’Crater” or whatever… “L’Manhole”. I don’t care. It’s now L’Manberg. It’s always L’Manberg, ok. That’s just how it goes. But um, yeah. So that’s why- that’s why the song exists as it is and… oh there’s no glass.
Ranboo: Yeah, yeah. Seems to have changed a little bit.
Wilbur: Yooo! I actually didn’t know this was here!
Ranboo: Yeah! Yeah it’s even got the flag down there.
Wilbur: Oh it’s got the flag! Man, can we go down and see the flag? C’mon c’mon c’mon!
Ranboo: Yeah.
Wilbur: Get me down. Get me down there. (laughing) Shit I’m struggling to climb. I’m like a lemming! No I don’t care, I’m just gonna jump.
Ranboo: Oh ok. Careful.
Wilbur: Look at this, dude! Damn…
Ranboo: Yeah!
Wilbur: I really went down to bedrock, didn’t I? Holy shit I did- I did a number on this place. This is amazing!
Ranboo: Yeah.
Wilbur: Ahh! This is- see this is- this is what they deserve. Not that glass bullshit, you know? This is what it needed. It needed this like- this like beautiful overgrown like- it feels like- it feels like it happened now, you know? It doesn’t just feel like “oh yeah it’s a monument.” It feels like this- the you know, nature’s claimed it back and this is the world.
Ranboo: Yeah the- the book has kind of closed in a sense.
Wilbur: Yeah. Oh it got a la- oh look they’ve re- they’ve rebuilt the lake, man. And look they made the lake flow into like- this used to be real. This was a real river that connected about here into l- Is that… do you see that, Ranboo? Is that- is that Tubbo?
Ranboo: Oh yeah that’s Tubbo.
Wilbur: Hey Tubbo!
Tubbo, tearfully singing and playing piano: I heard there was a special place. Where men could go and emancipate-
Wilbur: Tubbo?
Tubbo: The tyranny- oh! Hello?
Wilbur: You ok? I haven’t seen you, dude, in fucking ages! Tubbo, you singing a little song?
Tubbo: Yeah. Yeah.
Wilbur: What are you singing? You singing the thing! Hold on, I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming. I’m coming man.
Tubbo: Where are you?
Wilbur: It’s m- I’m coming around. Hold on, hold on, hold on. Hold on, here I come. It’s Tubbo, man! I haven’t seen you in ages!
Tubbo: Wilbur.
Wilbur: Yeah I’m coming round man.
Tubbo: Yeah, haha.
Wilbur: Bro! It’s been-
Tubbo: Weird seeing you here.
Wilbur: What? What, in L’Manberg? That seems like the most normal place to see me, right?
Tubbo: Uhh. Yeah! Yeah, I suppose so.
Wilbur: I mean… Dude it’s so- I don’t even know what to say to you, man. It’s like- it’s like looking in- it’s like looking in a little mirror. You’re even wearing my suit still?
Tubbo: Oh, yeah.
Wilbur: How long have you been wearing that?
Tubbo: Oh I just put it on just for today. I was- y’know it’s been a year now.
Wilbur: Oh you’re down there now, ok.
Tubbo: Yeah I came over just to say hi.
Wilbur: Man you look good in it. Ranboo, have you met Tubbo?
Ranboo: Yeah! Yeah I- I- I’ve met him. I mean we umm… been around.
Wilbur: That’s really- Tubbo! I’m really really happy to see you, man. Dude, do you know-
Tubbo: Oh! Thank you.
Wilbur: Do you even know what’s happened since…
Tubbo: What do you mean what’s happened?
Wilbur: Holy crap. I saw you briefly, man. When I was resurrected. I remember you super super briefly but this is the first time we’ve actually gotten to speak. I- I- ok I will admit I was a little bit overwhelmed during that whole thing, you know. It was a bit-
Tubbo: Yeah.
Wilbur: It was a bit- you know, I was running across the glass, which thank god it’s gone. Like Jesus. Like this is far more apt. But like I was running across the glass- I’m sorry I wasn’t, you know… entirely on the same page, but man I promise you I’ve calmed down. You know, I’m all- I’m all settled in. I understand, you know, what’s changed, what hasn’t, who’s new, who’s old. You know, who’s still about, who- who uh…
Tubbo: Yeah, I mean-
Wilbur: Who trusts me and stuff, you know, it’s-
Tubbo: Did they fill you in with the story of like, what happened here after you died?
Wilbur: Yeah. They did, they did. Uh, it’s… I’ll be honest with you, it’s not a pretty one, uh, I- I kind of left a bit of a ripple. Uh, if I were- if there- if I was a rock dropped in a lake, I’m a pretty big rock, uh-
Tubbo: Yeah.
Wilbur: Which, I can’t say I’m not- you know I’m not flattered. I mean, I am flattered but I’m not- I’m not too y’know, upset about- I quite like that, I quite like being a big ripple. But- but- but Tubbo, more than anything, more than anything, I wanna say to you super simply, man. Super simply, man, I just wanna say I- (sighs) I wanna say I’m sorry. Uh, for one- for one thing mainly, uh… I’ve been thinking about this for ye- literal years. Literal years I’ve been thinking about this. Uh, I’m sorry for uh, I’m sorry for making you president. Specifically before blowing it up. And I’m sorry for when I- when I did this (gestures at L’Manberg) and blew all this up and making this hole. I’m sorry that I uh, I said that you were the president of a crater. I just wanna say I’m sorry. I’m really really sorry. I really am.
Tubbo: I mean it wasn’t- this wasn’t all you, Wilbur.
Wilbur: We’ll get to that. Do you- just- what’s- ok uh do you forgive me?
Tubbo: I do forgive you. I do.
Wilbur: Man! My little- my little treasury. Secretary Treasury, man. Remember that?
Tubbo: Yeah, yeah. I remember that.
Wilbur: When you were Secretary Treasury. Ranboo, he was- he was the Secretary Treasury. And then he was president!
Ranboo: Yeah!
Wilbur: And then he was president.
Tubbo: Yeah, I’m pretty sure the treasury was, like somewhere there.
Wilbur: Yeah… Wait, what were you saying about me not being the one who blew it up?
Tubbo: Well, I mean… you- you definitely blew it up, but I feel like you’re missing some vital information.
Wilbur: Well- well how long did it- what- so you rebuilt it? What? How long did it re- how long did it stand before this happened?
Tubbo: Yeah, so… me and mainly Ghostbur, honestly. Like…
Wilbur: Ghostbur (derogatory).
Tubbo: Blood and sweat, like went in- he put so much effort into making everything right again.
Wilbur: Right, is he this obsidian crap, then, I take it? And these-
Tubbo: Oh no! Well, I mean-
Wilbur: Fucking dumb lanterns up here.
Tubbo: Dream.
Wilbur: Well yeah, I know Dream! Yeah.
Tubbo: Yeah, well-
Wilbur: I love him! I love Dream. Dream’s- Dream’s like probably my favorite per- sorry Ranboo, I mean, you know, no contest here but I mean, Dream’s probably my- my- my favorite person. He saved me! He brought me back to life.
Tubbo: Oh! Oh… Well, um… oh yeah, um, I mean he was part of it, I guess, but um… Techno and Philza- yeah they um…
Wilbur: Wait Techno and Phil blew this up?
Tubbo: They built this big obsidian contraption, like, overnight. I couldn’t even see it coming and they rained TNT for days.
Wilbur: Wait that’s… hold on. Why would- why would Techno and Phil do this? Why would Techno and Phil wanna blow up L’Manberg? Didn’t they live here? I mean, I don’t know about Techno but-
Tubbo: No, Techno and Phil, they hated the government. I mean, it was partially my fault as well.
Wilbur: But you didn’t blow it up.
Tubbo: No, I didn’t. I would never have wished for anything like this to happen.
Wilbur: Then it was just Techno and Phil?
Tubbo: ...Yes.
Wilbur: Sorry, that’s kind of hit me. Not- not the blowing up part! I mean, that- I’ve done that, you know, I’m not- I’m not shaken up about that. The thing I’m shaken up about, man, is that (laughs) you rebuilt this? After I’d gone!
Tubbo: Well I can’t take all the- I can’t take all the credit, obviously, but-
Wilbur: Oh yeah the- yeah the- fucking ghost- you ca- man, you rebuilt this! Bro, you- fuck a grave! I was so pressed about not having a grave. Screw a grave! I built something that you- that you love- that you wanted to preserve, that’s-
Tubbo: Yeah, I really, honestly, I mean-
Wilbur: Tubbo, that’s worth more to me than a grave. That’s worth more to me than this shrine. That’s worth more to- Tubbo this is probably the best gift I’ve ever been given, just this knowledge, that you actually cared enough to rebuild this community after it fell.
Tubbo: Oh, I’m glad you’re happy.
Wilbur: You- (laughs) I’m sorry… Oh, man… Tubbo, thank you.
Tubbo: I mean, I- it’s alright, I’ve just- I feel lost without L’Manberg. All my core beliefs, everything died with it.
Wilbur: You feel lost without- without your nation.
Tubbo: I have no purpose anymore. What’s the point?
Wilbur: I guess that’s where anarchy fails… Tubbo. I have a little- a little thing going. It’s not big, it’s nothing much yet, you know, it’s just- it’s not a big deal! You know, it’s a- it’s a little burger van at the moment, but I’ve got big plans, big plans for it. Uh, Tubbo, it’s called Paradise. I was wondering if you-
Tubbo: Paradise?
Wilbur: Yeah. Would you like to come join me in- in Paradise? Literally.
Tubbo: Hmm… I- I’m not sure, Wilbur. I’m not- I’m not sure I trust you, man. I need to- in order to follow someone, I need to trust them.
Wilbur: Wait… (laughs) But you- I thought you forgave me! I thought it was- you know, you-
Tubbo: Yeah, Wilbur, I forgive you because I like to hang onto the hope that people can change, but I don’t trust you yet, Wilbur.
Wilbur: Ok. Well Tubbo, I’ve literally- I was dead for thirteen years. I know it wasn’t long for you! I know it was only a couple months for you, but thirteen years, Tubbo. Thirteen years of my life. I aged! Look at me! I’m not- I’m not the same young man you knew! I- I’ve been through it and in those thirteen years, Tubbo, I wasn’t just sat twiddling my thumbs just going “ooh this is nice! I’m in darkness right now!” you know, I was- I was thinking! I relived that explosion in my head so many times, man, and- and- and I… I get that you don’t- you don’t trust me, I do, but like, man, look at me, bro! I’m not gonna do it again! I’m not gonna- I’m not gonna hurt you again. I’m not gonna, you know… I know you had that- you- at the festival? With Technoblade? I never spoke to you properly about this… I… I could’ve saved you.
Tubbo: But you didn’t.
Wilbur: I- Tubbo, I’m- I’m reaching out to you here, man, I’m- I’m on my knees, bro. Like, I- I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry and I really- and I- literally, your forgiveness means so much to me but it doesn’t- it doesn’t give up what I did to you and it doesn’t give up how I failed you as a friend… you know, as a- I mean fuck- as a coworker. Just, you know, anything. And- Ranboo, you might not’ve known all of this and I’m really sorry if it’s your first time hearing it. I can explain later on, but like-
Ranboo: Alright.
Wilbur: Tubbo, like (laughs) man, I’m- I wanna make it up to you and you know what? I appreciate that you don’t trust me yet. I do.
Tubbo: Wilbur in order for you to gain my trust back, you have to prove it first. I can’t just give it out anymore. I used to be able to but I just- I just can’t.
Wilbur: Tubbo, I- I really appreciate it. And I mean that genuinely. I appreciate it. And I’m gonna go out and I’m gonna prove to you that I’m worth being trusted again. I promise. I’ll do it!
Tubbo: Ok.
Wilbur: I’ll do it! I’ll redeem myself! And you’ll- you’ll-
Tubbo: You know I still have dreams, right? Of the explosion and- and of the fireworks and- and all of it. I- I still- I vividly see all of it every day… It hurts. It hurts a lot, Wilbur.
Wilbur: I- Tubbo, I- Tubbo, Tubbo- I know- Tubbo, Tubbo, Tubbo please! I- I know... I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I… it feels like such a weak word. I feel like there’s nothing stronger that I can say. And I- and I understand what you mean about how my actions need to reflect it and they will. Give me time. I’m gonna- I’m gonna make something. I’m gonna make something of this. And I’m gonna… um… Tubbo, do you know how fucking strong you are? And I’m not- I’m not just saying- trying to say this- I- I’ve got your forgiveness and I know I need to earn your trust but man, I just wanna let you know, I… you’re so strong, man. Genuinely. You j- just the fact that you proved to me just there. That you- you have these memories and you have these nightmares and you still found it in your heart to forgive me, thats… (sighs) you’re a fucking champion, man. You’re a- you’re a hero. Look, I get you don’t wanna join me in Paradise. We won’t talk about it any more, but… come on. At least come and see! Come and see what me and Ranboo have done! Look, I- I dunno- Ranboo, are you and Tubbo friends? Are you and Tubbo like, good friends?
Ranboo: Umm, yeah. Yeah. I’d say so.
Tubbo: Mhm.
Wilbur: Yeah well why don’t you come and, you know, come and see what I’ve made! Come and see what I’ve got going on, at least! Come on man, let’s go, let’s go! Ranboo, Tubbo!
Tubbo: I… I think I’m gonna stay here, Wilbur. I think I’m more- I’m fine just to stay here.
Wilbur: No, no. Man, man... No worries. Look at me. Look at me, bro! Bro! Chin up! Look. Lucky rabbit’s foot!
Tubbo: Ok…
Wilbur: Tommy gave this to me, man. Lucky rabbit’s foot.
Tubbo: Lucky rabbit’s foot.
Wilbur: Lucky rabbit’s foot, man. Chin up! Come on, I’ll- Ranboo I’ll- I- you can come, man. It’s cool. Let’s go. Let’s go.
Ranboo: Yeah, I will. I will, I will. (to Tubbo) Do you need me to- do you need me to stay here?
Tubbo: N-no, I- (sniffs) I would like to be left alone, please!
Ranboo: Oh. You sure? I mean, I can- I can stay…
Tubbo: Yes! I’m fine!
Wilbur: Ranboo! Ranboo! Let’s go, man.
Ranboo: Sure. Ok. Yep! Let’s- let’s go.
Wilbur: See you, Tubbo! I’ll send a letter!
Tubbo: Uh-huh.
Wilbur: Alright. Come on, Ranboo.
Ranboo: Alright.
Wilbur: (sighs) Oh, man… This is- I mean I’ve gotta- I’ve gotta, you know, I was gonna say “this is hard” but obviously it’s hard. I mean, I’ve…
Ranboo: It is difficult, yeah.
Wilbur: It’s- it’s difficult. It’s difficult, man. But you know, it’s- it’s gonna get better! It’s gonna get better and it’s gonna be worth it when I see them smiling. All of them.
Ranboo: Yeah!
Wilbur: Tubbo, Jack, Niki, Tommy… Anyone! Do you know who the original L’Manberg group were? Do you know who we were?
Ranboo: I- oh, I think I know most of them, yeah. I think it was like, you, Jack, Niki, and Fundy I believe as well…
Wilbur: Mhm. Fundy was a bit after. Fundy was after we’d gotten it-
Ranboo: Hmm. Yeah I don’t really- I don’t really know much about the L’Manberg history.
Wilbur: That’s alright. No, you’ve got it down! That’s correct. It’s- it was- it was that group and uh, we um… yeah we fought against Dream, uh… and we managed to- we succeeded! And we created a- a life for ourselves- Ranboo, I’m gonna tell you something I’ve never really told anyone. I try- I try and keep this on the low because I don’t want uh, I don’t want people to use it against me, is the main problem. I d- I didn’t even tell Tommy! I lied to Tommy, I’ll be honest. I- I’m gonna tell him soon that I lied to him because it- it kinda eats away at me. But I told- I told Tommy that- that I didn’t actually care about L’Manberg and that it was just, like, a tool for me to use to gain like, you know, power and stuff but it’s not- it’s not true. L’Manberg is- was really important to me and it is still, to this day, I- I- I want it to, um, I want- I want it’s history to live on, not as a stain caused by me, you know. I basically took a big shit on the history books, it feels like. I wanna- I wanna make it- I wanna make it feel like it was, you know, it was something that happened, you know. It was a great thing! You know, think of the good times, the- the years of safety that- well, not years but you know, the- the time of safety! The time of fun! Prosperity, you know! We built parks! We- we had, you know, no taxes. We had big walls. We had democracy! Albeit a slightly disjointed version of it, but you know… I want- that’s how people remember L’Manberg. That- that’s what people think of when they think of our nation, you know? That’s- and Tubbo- Tubbo’s the last connection we really have. I mean, he- he’d said it himself, he’s kind of, you know, he’s got nothing without it. I’ve heard about what- what Tommy’s you know, moved on and how Jack’s moved on and… Niki’s moved on. And everyone’s moved on from L’Manberg, at least partially. But Tubbo, man, he’s still-
Ranboo: Yeah, he’s still very very strung up about it. Even though it’s been a...while. He- he distracts himself though, with projects and everything. Which is nice, but…
Wilbur: Projects, I mean (laughs)
Ranboo: I mean, yeah. Yeah, this one as well.
Wilbur: I think he’s gonna be alright. He’s gonna be alright. I’m- I’m looking at him.
Ranboo: I hope so.
Wilbur: I’m looking out for him… Anyway, Ranboo I want to say thank you, man, for, you know, for trusting me this quick. I mean, you barely- you’ve barely known me, like, you know…
Ranboo: Yeah, I mean-
Wilbur: Very long and you’ve instantly just, you know… You’ve done all this with me and you’ve worked with me and I- I, you know I- I don’t- I don’t know where I’d be without you here, right now man. I mean Tommy’s great and all and he’s here but I- I feel like- you know, I don’t wanna string him along too much because he’s- I- when I- when I look at him, when I look at him when he’s helping me out, building things with me… I- I see the same eyes that looked at me when- when… There were some- there weren’t some fun times in the ravine of Pogtopia. I wasn’t a very well man and I could just see Tommy from that day.
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