#tomlinson round 11
marmiteprinter · 5 months
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Robin heard the bus honking outside so she rushed off to school.
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Dudley had the day off so he stayed home to teach Rigel his last toddler skill - talking. His aspiration was in the red after his break up, so they had to take the slow route with no Smart Milk, but Rigel picked it up in the end!
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silverfoxlou · 1 year
Behind The Campaign :: Louis Tomlinson
Former One Direction star Louis Tomlinson released his debut album in 2020 through Sony but moved to BMG for his second album, Faith In The Future, in November 2022. Lisa Wilkinson, director of UK marketing (new recordings) at BMG, explains how they looked to reposition him in the market, what learnings were coming from his live success as well as his own festival, why his merchandise strategy directly informed his multi-formatted record release strategy, how they were able to build him without mass radio support, where a wider male audience was targeted this time round, why Twitter remains his most powerful social media platform and how a highly vocal and engaged fanbase was nurtured further and directly involved in the campaign. 
1 Coming to BMG for his second solo album 2 The centrality of merchandise 3 The radio conundrum 4 Targeting a male audience 5 Building his songwriting profile 6 Targeting the press 7 Boosting the digital strategy 8 QR code and interactive community map at his Away From Home festival 9 Twitter as his main platform and setting him up on TikTok 10 Chart battle with Bruce Springsteen and the power of in-stores 11 Stationhead and Tim’s Twitter Listening Party 12 Fan-made Spotify Canvases 13 Documentary and the next steps
1. Coming to BMG for his second solo album
This is his first album with BMG. His debut album, Walls in 2020, was with Syco Music [via Sony]. That was off the back of X Factor with Simon Cowell.
He had done a couple of more commercial singles – one with Steve Aoki [‘Just Hold On’] and one with Bebe Rexha and Digital Farm Animals [‘Back To You’]. They were really successful streaming singles, but that’s not who Louis is. For the boys in One Direction, the ones that have been successful and the songs that have been successful are the ones that have stayed super pop and commercial. Louis did that but it’s just not who he is.
I think he felt, in that structure, that he just wasn’t getting the support to be who he wanted to be. That’s exactly why people come to us. It’s an artist services deal and we’re there to support you and advise you.
You can see from his live business and his merchandise business – and every other thing that Louis does – that there is an incredible fanbase there for him.
When they [Syco] released Walls, they achieved 14,000 units in week one and got to number 4 in Q1 in January 2020. We thought that just didn’t feel reflective of what was happening [around him].
We went and saw him at various venues on his world tour. We went to New York and saw those two shows and we went to Italy and watched his Milan stadium show in front of 30,000 people.
You’re looking and you’re thinking, “Those numbers don’t make any sense. How on Earth did you fumble that?” We were confident that we could do better than that.
He had a signing dinner in October 2021 and then his world tour started in February 2000 [sic], which was the delayed tour [due to the pandemic]. It went all the way through to September, pretty much nonstop.
They sold half a million tickets that year. All the while he’s on tour, he’s still making the album.
‘Out Of My System’ was released as a DSP-focused track before the album. It’s the rockiest and heaviest track on the album. He came straight off stage, went into a vocal booth off the side of the stage [to record it]. Because of the energy, he was so fired up. It was a difficult process because it was creating an album on the road.
He wanted to make an album for live. It was a totally different experience for him. Covid hit just a few months after Walls dropped so the tour was out of the question.
Before we started working on the album campaign, he did a show at Crystal Palace Bowl, which was the first incarnation of his Away From Home festival that he’s created and curated, which is for up-and-coming indie bands.
He gave away 8,000 tickets in August 2021 when we could start doing outdoor things again. I was there and was thinking, “There’s something big going on here.” The fans were so committed and dedicated.
Considering this is someone who hasn’t had real radio support or is seen in celebrity magazines or on social posts, this is a huge phenomenon.
That continued into the tour.
2 The centrality of merchandise
We started on the creative really early and that was a key factor in how successful the album was. We knew early on from discussions with management that his merch business was berserk. We knew what kind of fans he has. With their merch drops during Covid, they played around with the strategy. They got in a really cool design team and they would just do regular drops – limited-edition releases and you’ll never see it again. Everything just sold out constantly.
That informed the whole product strategy.
We knew we had to make product that’s limited in its nature because it encourages demand.
The fans just want it. It’s got to look amazing; it’s got to have Louis looking phenomenal because they just adore him; it’s got to be priced right; and there’s got to be a selection. So it’s more stuff, but less of it.
Instead of treating it like a music product, treat it like merchandise. We absolutely nailed that strategy.
We sold 35,000 records and around 2,500 units were streaming. A good chunk of that was physical album sales. It’s going to inform our strategy for any other albums we do with him.
We did 19 products in the end. We did a standard CD, we did a CD ‘zine which had 82 pages of beautiful content and photos, we had a picture disc vinyl, we did around eight different exclusive retail vinyl albums, we had a splatter vinyl for HMV, we had a colour one for Amazon, we had a clear one for Spotify, we had several more for Urban Outfitters and Target, we had an indie retailers one.
It was a collector thing: how many of the vinyl albums have you managed to get? We did a double deluxe vinyl for D2C. We did cassettes where the artwork joined together when you got all three. They were embossed and glowed in the dark. Louis has Easter eggs that he drops everywhere. The number 28 is like a lucky number, so you see 28 dotted around places. The same with 369 – he uses it in many iterations. If you had a UV light, you’d be able to see ‘3’, ‘6’ and ‘9’ embossed on each cassette.
3 The radio conundrum
We have seen historically that it has been tricky to get radio for him – but not because of any artist proposition issue. It’s just sonically that he wants to do something different to what radio wants to play.
It’s tricky because it falls through the gaps a little bit with what he wants to do. We’ve always looked at it as: let’s just assume there are zero promo opportunities at radio, TV and press. Let’s just take out promo entirely.
What you have got is a global, engaged, fanatical fanbase. You can do more with that than you can with those other things if you don’t have fans.
I would much rather have an artist who’s got an absolutely berserk global fanbase and that gets absolutely no support from traditional media – because you can work with that – than have an artist that’s not really got a particularly big fanbase but radio loves them and TV loves them. What does that matter if you’ve not got the fans?
We did always want to get promo because we would love to be able to expand Louis’ fanbase. But you’ve got to compete against Harry [Styles] and Niall [Horan]. They’re the first people you’ve got to compete against because, to play three One Direction members on the radio, I don’t know if radio stations would. Then you’ve got the sonic battle as well where he wants to keep it pretty raw.
The first single was ‘Bigger Than Me’, which is a big song to sing. It was a good bridge between the last album and this album. It gave the fans what they wanted.
We had really good feedback from radio. They played it to Clara [Amfo, Radio 1] without telling her who it was. She loved it and she did actually play it as one of the hottest tracks of the week. Greg James’s producers said it was brilliant. They absolutely adored it. Matt Edmondson and Mollie King’s team loved it. They thought it was great. But it got blocked at playlist conversations. It was like, Come on!
That was really disappointing because, pre-release, we were getting incredible feedback from producers, but we just couldn’t get it through the playlisting. We’d always planned for it not to go on radio, but if it got on radio that’d be just a brilliant bonus. So it didn’t harm our campaign strategy at all.
He’s too pop for indie stations and he’s too indie for the BBC [Radio 1]. It’s frustrating, but he’s making the music he wants to make and the fans love it. So what do you do?
‘Silver Tongues’ came out just before the album dropped, which was the official second single. That bridged the gap between those two singles. It was much more guitar based. It was up-tempo but it wasn’t too indie.
On the day that the album was released, fans bombarded Greg’s show on the 10 Minute Takeover [on the Radio 1 breakfast show]. And he played it! It was lovely but you could tell it was done like, “OK, I’ve done it now. Go away.” Which is just so sad because his demographic is right in that lane. It’s 18-25.
4 Targeting a male audience
‘Out Of My System’ was released as a DSP track, and that was really to show a different side of what was going to be on the album. It was the hardest one, the rockiest one, the speediest one, it was all about the band. It is one of the best streaming tracks on the album; it has really taken hold.
That was really just to get the male audience because we knew from the analytics we had prior to release that, although his demographics on social media are largely female, wider research that we did with our media teams said that he has a male fanbase. They’re just consumers. If they were to hear him on the radio, they wouldn’t turn it off – that kind of thing – but they’re not necessarily following him on social media. We knew that there was an opportunity there to reach another audience.
5 Building his songwriting profile
We just gave him creative freedom. Louis is really smart. He was the most proficient songwriter within One Direction. He has more songwriting credits than any of the other four members. We know that he’s a talented songwriter so it was just putting him together with people who can give him the confidence, like this album did, to move him out of his comfort zone.
There are some tracks on there that he will say were inspired by people like DMA’s and their album The Glow. ‘All This Time’ and ‘She Is Beauty We Are World Class’ have that slightly more experimental sound to them, which I think took a few people by surprise. He has really incredible writers like David Sneddon, Robert Harvey, George Tizzard and Rick Parkhouse. He has said multiple times in interviews that they gave him the confidence to have fun with it.
I don’t think he expected to get the amount of tracks that he did. It was a big album with 16 tracks. Then we put another three tracks on a digital deluxe edition in week one which shifted another 15,000 units globally.
6 Targeting the press
One of the big wins we had on this campaign was the NME coming on board. They were not interested last time. There was no music press. So one of our key targets on this campaign was to get music press.
We really wanted to get a Rolling Stone cover but the one we wanted to go for Harry was on. So we shifted and we retargeted the NME. We took them to Louis’ Away From Home festival in Malaga [in summer 2022]. He sold it out – 15,000 tickets in 24 hours.
NME did various interviews with Louis for their website and for their socials. They spoke to the bands that were on. It was a real seal of approval. And from that point onwards, we had nothing but great press from NME.
They supported everything – all the singles and we got a four-star review of the album. It was not like we bought it, but it was because we put them in the right place to really see him.
7 Boosting the digital strategy
There were two real strategic decisions that we made at the beginning that affected the outcome: one was the physical product strategy; and the other was the digital marketing strategy. If you don’t have traditional promo, and you’ve got an ardent global fanbase, digital is the most important way of getting your marketing across.
When we first started working with management, they said to us that there were some things that were non-negotiable. Everything should be fair, so we shouldn’t feel like we’re only offering things to fans of a certain demographic or to fans in a certain territory. It’s global. It’s got to be accessible. It’s got to be affordable. And it’s got to be innovative.
They are so good at doing things that break records and break the internet.
They did their livestream in 2020 and Louis sold over 200,000 tickets. It was the most-streamed livestream of a male solo artist during lockdown.
They had quite high expectations of the digital campaign going forward.
We spent quite a long time, about three months, prior to launching trying to figure out how we were going to break the internet.
With #LT369, we trended within about five minutes worldwide of that hashtag going out. When you tweeted the hashtag, it took you to a mini site where a Twitter map was starting to flag where people’s locations were. Over the course of the teaser week, the flags started to fall away but would leave ‘BTM’ which stood for ‘Bigger Than Me’, so we were teasing the single name.
We did a playlist builder and it was generated on socials as a cassette mixtape. You could share it and design your own cover on it. These were just things that really got the fans talking and engaged.
8 QR code and interactive community map at his Away From Home festival
The interactive map was linked to a QR code. We put QR codes around the festival site with absolutely no explanation as to what they were. But the fans notice everything.
We put the track titles from the album in pictures. They were really, really hidden. It took the fans two days [to work it out], but they observe everything.
Everyone started using the QR code. It took them to a website. We hadn’t announced at that point that the album was going to drop or that it was coming. It was a real mystery but that started the chatter going and we started getting trending hashtags for the album.
9 Twitter as his main platform and setting him up on TikTok
Twitter is his biggest platform [with 35.7 million followers]. What’s really interesting about that is that it’s super conversational, and you can see what they’re doing – as opposed to other platforms like Instagram and Facebook. He’s probably one of the only artists that still uses it as their primary platform.
He is really active on Twitter. He will go through bouts where he doesn’t post but then he’ll go on a reply rampage. He just replies randomly to people and does 40 in an hour. The fans go absolutely wild. Twitter was our key platform for launching initiatives and activations
There is a HQ account on TikTok and it crashed part of TikTok when it launched. Management love knowing that they crash things. We “crashed” our D2C site within minutes. There was a queue of 200,000 people in the D2C store at one point within the first hour of launching.
We didn’t technically crash the D2C store but, because of the size of the queue, it shut the storefront down which is what it does, and then forms a queue so that it doesn’t crash. We went on there and could see there were 200,000 people queuing.
10 Chart battle with Bruce Springsteen and the power of in-stores
I don’t think he ever thought he wasn’t getting a number 1 album. We beat Bruce Springsteen, we did it in Q4 and we doubled the numbers that Sony did week one last time [on Walls].
When we were in week one, and we were battling out with Bruce Springsteen, we said that there were an easy 3,000 units there if we put on four Banquet Records shows [at Pryzm in West London] and bundle the album with the tickets.
Every time they put a show on sale, you could see the numbers on the webpage. There were 200,000 people on there, even people who were not in the UK. They were ridiculous numbers.
It was more than Banquet has ever done. We sold out three shows in under a minute.
That was on release week. We had a really solid release week strategy so we knew that we had three shows in the pocket with Banquet.
We had two tracks that had not been released at that point, that weren’t on the album, that weren’t on the deluxe and that hadn’t been released as singles. We created a £4.99 digital album that had another two brand new tracks on it. You could only buy it as an album product and it was a D2C download.
We sold 15,000 of those globally in week one. We sold 6,000 in the UK. We did 3,000 extra records with Banquet in week one via the shows. We did an additional 3,000 with signed product that we put on sale in week one, because there were no other signed products in the market.
The digital super deluxe did 6,000 units. We ran multiple competitions. We gave away a signed guitar with HMV. We did a golden ticket to the tour with Crash Records.
We did a two-day pop up in Camden [North London] and Amazon contributed with signage. We did a one-day one in New York as well. We sold pop-up exclusive merch and we re-sleeved splatter vinyl with a London pop-up sleeve. We did around 2,000 of those. We did the same with the CDs and re-sleeved some CDs with the London pop-up. They were unique and fans could not get it again so they flew out the door. We had 3,000 people show up for it. That was full capacity.
We premiered the video for ‘Silver Tongues’, the second single, at the pop-up. That was the weekend of release but the single, which came out earlier that week, the video dropped on the Saturday.
11 Stationhead and Tim’s Twitter Listening Party
Stationhead is an interesting concept and we’ve done it a few times now. It’s linked to streaming, so every time you play a track within the show, it’s technically streamed by the amount of people that are listening to the show. Louis did one of those and, in terms of Stationhead’s history, it was pretty successful.
We got an email from Tim Burgess’s team saying they wanted to do a Tim’s Twitter Listening Party with Louis. They had such a good rapport and the fans were asking for it.
Beyond the chart units from the streams, it is the noise that it creates online that is more important to us.
It was one of their biggest re-listening streams, which is amazing when you think about the demographic that they have.
12 Fan-made Spotify Canvases
Across socials, we asked people to rework the ‘Bigger Than Me’ artwork. As a way of getting people to go and stream the track, we would change the Canvas semi-regularly so there was a reason for people to go and play it to see if their Canvas was one of the ones that had been selected.
The only downside is Canvases are only seven-seconds long. So if you go and you watch for seven seconds, it’s not your artwork and you come off, it can affect your average listening rate.
We were mindful of that. Our strategy was to do that post-pitching for any real major lists so that they weren’t looking at the data.
He has got really good listening data. It’s around 15 plays per listener which is way over the average. The save rate to libraries is huge and shows that he has really got a good lean-in listenership.
13 Documentary and the next steps
He’s going back on tour. He is back on another world tour from April starting in Asia and then he goes to North America. Then he comes back to Europe, culminating in an O2 show in London this time around in November. He previously did Wembley Arena.
The documentary [All Of Those Voices] premiered on 16th March and then went to worldwide cinemas on 22nd March for a week.
Charlie Lightening made it and went on tour with Louis. He had previously made the Liam Gallagher documentary [As It Was]. Historically he’s done most of Louis’ music videos as well. It was only this time around that we wanted to branch out and see if we could do something a little bit different.
It goes from the band through to his personal life and where he is now. There is a massive focus on the tour. It will blow people away to see what the Louis franchise looks like. This kid has an amazing franchise and most people just don’t have any clue about it.
The recordings business is such a small part of what he does. Obviously it helps to have records out to sell merch and to go on tour. That’s where he really excels.
I’ve never worked on a project where the fans are like they are. You get to see your visions immediately. You get to see the reactions immediately. You get to see the activation work immediately. That is such a buzz.
On most other projects, you launch something and then you have to market it and push it. This was more about pre-strategy, because you know that when you launch something, if you get it right, it’s going to work and you’ll get to see that reaction immediately. That was so much fun. Campaigns like that are rare.
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louisupdates · 1 year
Former One Direction star Louis Tomlinson released his debut album in 2020 through Sony but moved to BMG for his second album, Faith In The Future, in November 2022. Lisa Wilkinson, director of UK marketing (new recordings) at BMG, explains how they looked to reposition him in the market, what learnings were coming from his live success as well as his own festival, why his merchandise strategy directly informed his multi-formatted record release strategy, how they were able to build him without mass radio support, where a wider male audience was targeted this time round, why Twitter remains his most powerful social media platform and how a highly vocal and engaged fanbase was nurtured further and directly involved in the campaign.
Lisa Wilkinson, director of UK marketing (new recordings) at BMG, explains how they looked to reposition him in the market, what learnings were coming from his live success as well as his own festival, and more.
[The article will be broken into sections, linked below.]
1. Coming to BMG for his second solo album
2. The centrality of merchandise
3. The radio conundrum
4. Targeting a male audience
5. Building his songwriting profile
6. Targeting the press
7. Boosting the digital strategy
8. QR code and interactive community map at his Away From Home festival
9. Twitter as his main platform and setting him up on TikTok
10. Chart battle with Bruce Springsteen and the power of in-stores
11. Stationhead and Tim’s Twitter Listening Party
12. Fan-made Spotify Canvases
13. Documentary and the next steps
This is his first album with BMG. His debut album, Walls in 2020, was with Syco Music [via Sony]. That was off the back of X Factor with Simon Cowell.
He had done a couple of more commercial singles – one with Steve Aoki [‘Just Hold On’] and one with Bebe Rexha and Digital Farm Animals [‘Back To You’]. They were really successful streaming singles, but that’s not who Louis is. For the boys in One Direction, the ones that have been successful and the songs that have been successful are the ones that have stayed super pop and commercial. Louis did that but it’s just not who he is.
I think he felt, in that structure, that he just wasn’t getting the support to be who he wanted to be. That’s exactly why people come to us. It’s an artist services deal and we’re there to support you and advise you.
You can see from his live business and his merchandise business – and every other thing that Louis does – that there is an incredible fanbase there for him.
When they [Syco] released Walls, they achieved 14,000 units in week one and got to number 4 in Q1 in January 2020. We thought that just didn’t feel reflective of what was happening [around him].
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We went and saw him at various venues on his world tour. We went to New York and saw those two shows and we went to Italy and watched his Milan stadium show in front of 30,000 people.
You’re looking and you’re thinking, “Those numbers don’t make any sense. How on Earth did you fumble that?” We were confident that we could do better than that.
He had a signing dinner in October 2021 and then his world tour started in February 2000, which was the delayed tour [due to the pandemic]. It went all the way through to September, pretty much nonstop.
They sold half a million tickets that year. All the while he’s on tour, he’s still making the album.
‘Out Of My System’ was released as a DSP-focused track before the album. It’s the rockiest and heaviest track on the album. He came straight off stage, went into a vocal booth off the side of the stage [to record it]. Because of the energy, he was so fired up. It was a difficult process because it was creating an album on the road.
He wanted to make an album for live. It was a totally different experience for him. Covid hit just a few months after Walls dropped so the tour was out of the question.
Before we started working on the album campaign, he did a show at Crystal Palace Bowl, which was the first incarnation of his Away From Home festival that he’s created and curated, which is for up-and-coming indie bands.
He gave away 8,000 tickets in August 2021 when we could start doing outdoor things again. I was there and was thinking, “There’s something big going on here.” The fans were so committed and dedicated.
Considering this is someone who hasn’t had real radio support or is seen in celebrity magazines or on social posts, this is a huge phenomenon.
That continued into the tour.
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dreamings-free · 2 years
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Louis Tomlinson is dropping his next single 'Out Of My System' this Friday | Dork
It's taken from new album 'Faith In The Future', set to arrive next month.
Current Dork cover star and all-round legend Louis Tomlinson will drop his new single ‘Out Of My System’ this Friday, 14th October.
readdork.com 11/10/22
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baenxietydad · 11 months
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Swynrp WriMo Task #30 - Wanted Character List
10+ characters I want to see played (characters I want someone else to play version)
1. Abby Park - suggestions include: Kwon Youngeun, Doyeon Yoni Nu, Oh Daun)
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2. Dr. Wendy Pleakley (suggestions include: Mela Franco Habijan Ivory Aquino, MJ Rodriquez)
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3. Wilbur Robinson (suggestions include: Anthony Kayvan, Shayan Sobian, and Conan Gray)
Come play my son! <3
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4. Art or Gaston Framagucci, one of Franny’s himbo stepbrothers! (suggestions include: Tom Hiddleston, Karl Urban, Patrick Dempsey, and Shemar Moore)
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5. Luz Noceda (suggestions include: Angely Gaviria, Lizeth Selene)
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6. Claudette de la Croix
come round out the de la Croix sisters with Claudette ,the middle sister! She’s pretty much a blank slate so any character vibe you want can likely fit!
Laurette is the half-sister of Paulette, so Claudette can either be a sister of half-sister as well.
Doesn’t have to be a redhead, but here’s some suggestions if she is! Lots don’t have gifs yet but I make gifs so I can fix that if they have videos on the internet anywhere. These FCs range a lot in age- some would only work if they were close to Laurette’s age, some Paulette’s age, and some could be either/or
With: Haley Ramm, Sophie Skelton, Eleanor Tomlinson, Alana Pancyr,, Bree Kish [half sister only, biracial black-white natural redhead], Maggie McGill [nonbinary she/they], Erin Kellyman [half sister only, biracial black-white natural redhead], Molly Quinn, Janet Devlin [there’s some old like circa 2012-13 gif packs of her on tumblr, I can make updated ones], Clementine Desseaux, Katie Leclerc (HoH, gifs are kinda old so I can make an updated pack), Gina Steibitz, Caylee Hammack, Anastasiya Solenova, Samantha Cormier
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7. Taranee Cook, W.I.T.C.H (FC suggestions include: Sydney Park, Bae Yu-jin, and Griff)
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8. Esmeralda (FC suggestions include: Gratiela Brancusi, Mihaela Drãgan, and Raisa Mihai)
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9. Cornelius Robinson (fc suggestions include: Mattheew Goode, Hu Bing, Park Hae-soo, Chris Pine, and Arian Moayed)
Come play my husband! I beg you<3
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10. Teresa Lewis - Lilo & Stitch
one of the Mean Hula Girls from Lilo and Stitch lol, I wrote those skeletons and love them :3 honestly I’d love if someone wanted to be a girl gang with me with them haha. I have a small Mertle muse in my head xD Would love some more Indigenous rep so I’ve singled out Teresa here.
Some Pacific Islander fc include: Maile Akln, Maia Cotton, Tioreore Ngatai Melbourne, Remi Cruz, Ava Raine, Becca Hatch
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11. Kida!!! Here's a list of some but not all of the indigenous FCs I'd love to see for her
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12. Aaron Z (fc suggestions include: Han Hyun-min, Killy, Steve Lacy)
ANY of the 4Town boys lol I wrote their skeletons :3
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13. Aaron T (suggestions include: Shayan Sobhian, Emilio Sakraya, Omar Ayuso)
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14. Tallulah Robinson (suggestions include: Elena Satine, Anna Arendshorst, Rose Huntington-Whiteley)
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15. Sisu (suggestions include: Patti Harrison, Nicole Zefanya, Wawa Zainal)
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16. Namaari - (suggestions include: Toc Tien, Ah Moon, Pisay Pao)
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titanfan8 · 2 years
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With the 45th pick in round two of the 2016 NFL Draft GM Jon Robinson of the Tennessee Titans selected RB Derrick Henry of Alabama.
Before Henry was selected only one other RB had been picked in the 2016 NFL Draft and that was Ezekiel Elliott chosen with the 4th pick in the first round by the Dallas Cowboys.
Henry had just won the Heisman trophy and led Alabama to a national championship but many NFL teams were weary of picking running backs from Bama becuse many of them didn't pan out which is why Henry lasted as long as he did before getting picked but those teams would eventually regret not picking Henry.
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Henry's first two seasons he split carries with RB Demarco Murray who also arrived in Tennessee in 2016.
On October 16, 2017, on Monday Night Football was when Henry truly started to make his presence felt as he ran for a then career-best 131 yards on 19 carries, including a 72-yard touchdown late in the fourth quarter of the 36–22 victory over the Indianapolis Colts.
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On December 3, 2017, Henry ran for 109 yards on 11 carries and beat his longest rush of the year with a 75-yard rushing touchdown late in the fourth quarter of the 24–13 victory over the Houston Texans.
In the Titans final regular season game against the Jaguars in Nashville, Henry caught his first receiving touchdown on a 66-yard reception in a 15–10 victory that helped Tennessee clinch a playoff spot.
DeMarco Murray was out with a knee injury for the Titans playoff game at Kansas City, Henry got the start.
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In a 22–21 road victory, Henry had the best performance of his career up to that point, rushing for 156 yards and a touchdown on 23 carries and catching two passes for 35 yards. His 191 yards-from-scrimmage was a franchise record.
Murray was let go after the 2017 season and another RB Dion Lewis was signed to split carries with Henry for the 2018 season.
On December 6 2018 in a home game against the Jaguars Henry exploded for a 238 yard rushing performance along with 4 TDs.
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In the second quarter of the game against the Jaguars, Henry had a 99-yard touchdown run, fending off three tacklers, giving him the longest TD run in NFL history and tying him with former Cowboys RB Tony Dorsett who is the only other player to have a 99 yard TD run which took place in January 1983 against Minnesota.
The 238 yards rushing was a new franchise record breaking the 228 yards Chris Johnson had set in 2009.
Henry also became the ninth player in NFL history to record a 200+ yard and 4+ touchdown game, and the first to do so on fewer than 22 carries.
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His 238 rushing yards were the most by any player for a single game for the 2018 season. Henry was named the AFC Offensive Player of the Week.
Henry finished the 2018 season with 1,059 rushing yards and 12 touchdowns.
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During a home game against the Jaguars in Week 12 of the 2019 season, Henry had a 74-yard rushing touchdown in the third quarter.
Overall, he finished the 42–20 victory with 159 rushing yards and two touchdowns.
During the regular-season finale at Houston against the Texans Henry finished with 211 rushing yards and three touchdowns as the Titans won 35–14 and made it to the playoffs as a Wild Card team.
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Henry was the NFL leading rusher in 2019 with 1,540 yards and 16 touchdowns.
The Titans would travel to New England to play the Patriots in the wild card round of the playoffs.
Henry rushed for over 100 yards and a touchdown in the first half, finishing with 182 yards (the most ever against a Bill Belichick coached team, and the third most ever in a postseason road game) and a 22-yard reception in a 20–13 road victory over the Patriots.
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Henry became the first rushing champion with a 100-yard playoff game since Terrell Davis in 1998, the first to win a playoff game since LaDanian Tomlinson in 2007, and the second Titan with multiple post-season 100+ rushing games. He also broke his own franchise record for most yards-from-scrimmage with 204.
During the divisional round against Baltimore, Henry rushed 30 times for 195 yards and threw a three-yard touchdown pass to wide receiver Corey Davis in the 28–12 road victory.
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Henry became the second player in NFL history with three postseason games with at least 150 rushing yards, joining Terrell Davis, who had four. In addition, he became the only player with at least 175 rushing yards in consecutive games. Davis is the only other with two such games in a career.
In the AFC Championship against Kansas City he rushed 19 times for 69 yards and a touchdown in the 35–24 road loss.
Henry signed a new four-year $50 million contract with Tennessee before the 2020 season.
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In a 2020 Week Six home game against the Texans Henry finished with 212 rushing yards, 52 receiving yards, and two touchdowns (including a 94-yard rushing touchdown). In overtime, he finished the game with a five-yard touchdown to end the game as the Titans won 42–36.
Henry was named the AFC Offensive Player of the Week for his performance in Week Six. He was also named AFC Offensive Player of the Month for October after racking up 399 scrimmage yards with 344 yards rushing and five touchdowns.
In Week 17 rematch at Houston, Henry rushed for a career-high 250 rushing yards and two touchdowns during the 41–38 road victory.
During the game, Henry became the eighth running back in NFL history to surpass 2,000 rushing yards and was the second Titans RB to go over 2,000 rushing yards as Chris Johnson did so as well in 2009.
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Henry finished 2020 with 2,027 yards rushing and 17 touchdowns and for the second year in a row lead the NFL in rushing.
Henry was also named the 2020 NFL Offensive Player of the Year.
During Week Two of the 2021 season at Seattle Henry finished with 182 rushing yards, 55 receiving yards, and three rushing touchdowns as the Titans won 33–30 in overtime. Henry earned AFC Offensive Player of the Week for Week 2.
In Week 6, Henry ran for 143 yards and three touchdowns in a 34-31 win over the Bills, earning his second AFC Offensive Player of the Week honor of the year which included a 76 yard TD run.
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Henry set an NFL record as every year from 2017 through 2021 for five straight seasons he had a TD run of 74 yards or longer.
During a Week 8 win at Indy Henry suffered an injury a Jones fracture that would end up sidelining him for the remainder of the regular season.
Henry finished 2021 with 937 yards rushing and 10 TDs
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Henry was activated off injured reserve on January 21, 2022, for the team's divisional round playoff game against Cincinnati.
In his return, Henry had 20 carries for 62 yards along with a rushing touchdown in the Titans' 19–16 loss.
In a week eight victory at Houston Henry broke Eddie George's record for total TDs when he scored his 75th touchdown when he scored from one yard out.
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So far in 2022 Henry leads the NFL in rushing after nine weeks with 870 yards rushing and 9 TDs as well.
For his career so far he has 7667 yards rushing and 74 TDs rushing.
0 notes
liberty-barnes · 2 years
Which Reynolds Is Most Likely To...? ft. Mom, Dad & Tommy
Part 8 of the (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds series
Tom Holland x Singer/Actress!Lively-Reynolds!Reader
Summary: Tom and Blake decide which Reynolds is most likely. It goes about as well as you might imagine.
Warnings: just fluff. Honestly, just pure fluff.
Word Count: 2.4k words
Estimated Reading Time: 11  minutes
A/N: Shoutout to @the-girl-in-the-chair for the Andrew Garfield battle idea! Love you, sweets <3
Also, in case you missed it, there are two more bonus chapters added to this series, you can check them out on the masterlist or here:
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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The image shows a grey cotton couch in a brightly-lit living room. On the right side sits Blake, dressed in comfortable yoga pants and an oversized sweater that most likely belongs to Ryan. Her legs are folded under her and she’s running her fingers through Ryan’s hair. Ryan sits on the floor in front of the couch, also dressed comfortably, head pressed up into his wife’s hand. Sitting on the left side of the couch is Tom, wearing his iconic bright pink Hello Kitty sweatpants along with a white shirt with the words lol ur not (y/n) lively-reynolds printed across it. On the floor, leaning against his legs sits (Y/n), wearing black sweatpants and a grey and red Louis Tomlinson World Tour crewneck.
“Good morning lovely people!”
“It’s three in the afternoon.”
(Y/n) sighs.
“Good afternoon, my beautiful followers!”
“But what if when they watch this it’s night?”
She stares blankly at the camera.
“Good evening-”
“But what if-”
“Oh, my God, Thomas!”
“Hi, guys!”
Blake snorts.
“Today, I’m joined by my loving boyfriend, amazing mother, and god-complex of a father, round of applause, please.��
The three pose for the camera while sound effects of people clapping and cheering are put in the background.
“Now, the reason why we’re all here together is that, after three months, Tommy and I have finally finished moving into our new house! So Mom and Dad came to help us put everything away cause I’m really lazy, and also I suck at putting together IKEA furniture.”
Blake nods.
“So we just let the boys do it while we laughed at their stupidity.”
They stretch until they can high five.
Ryan and Tom roll their eyes almost in sync.
“Yes indeed. Now, the thing is that while we were alternating between laughing at their stupidity, filming their confused faces, and scrolling through Twitter, I stumbled upon a game you guys had made called Which Reynolds Is Most Likely? Now, the purpose of the game was to decide who between Dad and I was most likely to do whatever.”
Ryan continues.
“And obviously, we couldn’t help but join in on the fun, so we abandoned the VIITSJÖ, got the camera set up, and decided to participate in this game!”
Tom rests his hand on his knee, fingers gently brushing (Y/n)’s shoulder.
“(Y/n) will be reading the questions directly through Twitter while Blake and I, as the resident Reynolds experts, decide who would be most likely. They can argue, but our word’s final.”
Blake and Tom fist bump.
“I really don’t like how friendly you two are.”
“And if by some chance, Blake and I can’t decide, we’ll just text Taylor and she’ll decide.”
“So let’s get right into it! We should do, what? Maybe ten questions? Fifteen?”
She turns towards the group.
“Fifteen should be fine.”
She nods at her Dad.
“Alright, then, off we go.”
“Oh, here’s a good one! Which Reynolds is most likely to win an eating contest?”
The answer is unanimous, immediate, and almost fully in sync.
Tom’s the one to explain.
“(Y/n) likes to eat, but eating too much or too fast makes her nauseous and just overall feel bad.”
He tilts his head down, looking right at her.
“You do everything fast, you know? But you always eat slowly. Sometimes I feel like that’s the only time you actually stop to take a breath.”
Blake smiles at them.
Ryan scowls.
“Yes, yes, we get it, you’re in love, now stop looking at her like that it’s disgusting. Anyway, I win round one.”
(Y/n) side-eyes him.
“This isn’t a competition, father dearest, remember? This is more of a they-bash-us-and-we-can’t-say-anything-about-it situation.”
“Oh, this one’s a bit obvious but still. Which Reynolds is most likely to adopt an animal and name it after its species? Like, naming their pig Piglet, or their cat Kitty, etc.”
Tom and Blake share a look of ponderation, though they seem to come to a conclusion after a little while.
“(Y/n). You’re always calling animals after their species so it’s really you.”
Ryan nods.
“If anything, you’d try to give them a normal name, but still only call them by their species nickname, to the point where both you and the animal will forget their actual name.”
She blinks.
“Well, alright, no need to call me out that much, geez…”
She smirks mischievously.
“This one might be a bit harder. Which Reynolds is most likely to get arrested?”
Ryan immediately points at her.
Blake slaps his hand down.
“Stop pointing at her when the answer’s obviously you. My baby girl’s smart enough that if she ever does anything illegal, she won’t get caught.”
(Y/n) smirks.
“There’s a comment here too that says Which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally get arrested? Does that change your answer?”
Blake shakes her head.
“Nah. The only reason the first one’s answer is your Dad is cause you'd never get caught, but he probably wouldn’t do anything illegal.”
She smushes his cheeks between her palms.
“You’re a big softie underneath all your sarcasm. But you’d definitely end up accidentally getting arrested because you did something illegal without knowing it was illegal.”
Ryan purses his lips.
“Fair enough.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to completely forget how to function when left alone for a week?”
It was almost like an instinctive answer.
She pouts but nods.
“Yeah, okay.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to drunk tweet a world leader and get an answer?”
Tom purses his lips.
“Well, I mean, you drunk-tweeted Meghan Markle once and she answered you, so that counts, right?”
She shakes her head.
“That was before she married Prince Harry. Besides, Dad’s more famous than I am, so I feel like he has the highest chance of having someone answer him.”
Blake nods.
“I agree. The world has a bit of an obsession with my husband.”
Ryan smirks.
“I’m every man’s wet dream.”
Blake laughs.
(Y/n) gags.
Tom nods in agreement.
“Oh, this will make for a nice story. Which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally get on the wrong plane?”
(Y/n) and Blake immediately turn to Ryan.
“In my defence, it was six in the morning, I had just woken up and I’m not used to flying alone.”
“You went to Tokyo instead of London.”
“Heathrow and Haneda sounded the same to my tired brain!”
“They told you your ticket was for another plane.”
“I just thought I got it wrong when booking the flight!”
Blake facepalms.
“Oh for Heaven’s sake, Ryan.”
(Y/n) turns towards the camera.
“This is why Dad isn’t allowed to fly alone, by the way.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to get returned by their kidnappers cause they were being too annoying?”
They all turn towards (Y/n). She looks around wide-eyed.
“Why are you all looking at me?”
“Two words: One Direction.”
She nods at Tom.
“Yeah, that’s true. But what if the people who kidnap me are Directioners and they don’t mind me ranting about why The Sidelines is the best enemies-to-lovers fic because Escapade doesn’t count as one?”
Ryan blinks at her tiredly, like this monologue is one he’s used to listening to.
“Well, then they wouldn’t be kidnappers anymore because you’d willingly stay and follow them anywhere.”
She blinks but nods in agreement.
“Which Reynolds is most likely to spend their entire fortune on concert tickets? Yeah, I don’t even know why I’m asking, I already know you’re gonna say me.”
Blake reaches over to ruffle her hair lovingly.
“If it makes you feel any better, your Dad would spend his entire fortune following you to them if you asked.”
(Y/n) smiles at Ryan.
“Yeah, that’s true.”
She throws herself into his arms and he hugs her tight, pressing a kiss into the crown of her hair. Blake and Tom smile fondly.
(Y/n) smirks devilishly.
“Which Reynolds is most likely to buy things just to be able to say they own them?”
They all turn towards Ryan.
“It was one time!”
Tom cocks his brow.
“You bought a three foot tall figure of Green Lantern. You hate Green Lantern.”
“Yes, but Hugh wanted it so I had to buy it.”
Blake rolls her eyes.
(Y/n) nods as if that’s a very good reason to buy something you hate. To be petty.
“So, Dad, then.”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally join a cult?”
Blake frowns.
“I think I’d say Ryan. Honestly, when you get into things, you don’t actually notice that they may be bad for you, so I’d say you’d definitely join a cult and not notice until it’s too late.”
Tom makes a noise of disagreement.
“Well, yeah, but (Y/n) also does that. And, since she can’t take proper care of herself and worships everyone that brings her candy, they could easily lure her out.”
“Well, yeah, but-”
The video’s speed increases, the screen gets a black and white filter, and a stopwatch appears. In the background, Blake and Tom animately talk and debate while Ryan and (Y/n) look increasingly put off. When the stopwatch reaches ten minutes, the image goes back to normal.
“And I understand that, but-”
“Okay, it’s been ten minutes, I’m calling in Taylor for a tie-breaker.”
Ryan takes out his phone and dials the number, putting it on speaker. After six rings, Taylor Swift’s distinctive voice comes out.
“Do you need a tie-breaker?”
“Yes, please, Tay. The question is which Reynolds is most likely to accidentally join a cult? Mom says it’s Dad, Tom says it’s me, I’m not gonna give you any of their arguments, I’m just letting you make up your own mind.”
She hums, then chuckles a bit.
“Well, to be fair, you became a Directioner and a Swiftie of your own accord, despite knowing how crazy these fandoms are. Ryan got pulled in cause he wanted to listen to the music to support us and you, and just ended up not getting out. That kind of counts as accidentally joining a cult, don’t you think so?”
(Y/n) blinks into the void.
Ryan looks like he’s put on glasses for the first time after years of myopia.
Blake and Tom look pensive.
“Holy shit, she’s right.”
They let Tom’s statement hang in the air.
“I joined those fandoms? I’m a Swiftie? I’m a Directioner? What the fuck? How-”
“Which Reynolds is most likely to turn one of their haters into a hardcore stan?”
Ryan immediately speaks up.
“That’s you. 100%. My haters are basic. Yours? They do almost as much research and obsessive following as your hardcore stans. It would not surprise me if you got all your hardcore stans from people who wanted to hate you but found out they loved you too much for it.”
Blake and Tom nod.
“I concur.”
“I do as well.”
“Ha! Which Reynolds is most likely to burn the house down while trying to cook?”
Three fingers pointed at Ryan.
“I’m getting better!”
“You burned pasta last week cause you forgot to put water in the pot.”
Ryan looks down and pouts.
“Which Reynolds is most likely to write a spicy fanfic about them and their partner? Nope, never mind, I should read things in my head before reading them out loud, this is not a good one.”
“Well, I mean, I’ve written some, so it’s pretty obvious.”
(Y/n) screams and covers her ears.
“Shut up! I don’t wanna know! Shut! It!”
“And finally, wow this one has a lot of votes! It’s a poll one. The question is: Which Reynolds is most likely to fall madly in love with Andrew Garfield?”
Ryan scoffs.
“It’s obviously me.”
(Y/n) crosses her arms.
“Nuh-uh, I win this one. I’ve been obsessed with him since I was sixteen.”
“I kissed him.”
“And it meant nothing to him! You already got your heart broken, just move on and let me have him.”
Ryan gasps, and so the fight continues.
Behind them, Blake laughs delightedly, wincing playfully every time one takes a particularly good jab at the other. She watches the fight as one would watch a wrestling match: sympathetic for the athlete’s pain but simultaneously too enthralled by the fight to care.
Tom, meanwhile, looks out into the void in horror. It’s as if he’s going through the five stages of grief all at once. You can almost hear the words running through his brain.
We’ve been together for almost four years and yet she still likes Andrew better?
White lettering over a black screen.
We debated for twenty-five more minutes. Mom tried to call in Taylor. She refused to get involved. We went to Louis and Harry. Taylor had gotten to them before us so their lips are tightly shut as well. Hugh agreed with me but Dad says it doesn’t count cause of their rivalry. Andrew didn’t answer the phone. The choice is in your hands.
End of video.
The Reynolds fam being iconic for 15 minutes gay
Me, You, and Steve - TomYnAndrew parody
Andrew Garfield & Ryan Reynolds Oscars Kiss
98,456,247 views ● October 10th 2022
65M 👍 2M 👎
yn_my_beloved: So you’re telling me if I kidnap (Y/n), I get fic rants AND her amazing company? Brb, I’m off to buy a white van.
tomynschild: tom’s shirt tom’s shirt tom’s shirt tomsjdsdgfdhjsbaljfgla fuck
slutforreynolds: I love how much Blake loves the fact that the whole world is obsessed with her husband
thereynoldsfamownsme: (Y/n) and Ryan’s hug :’’) I’m just gonna sit here and bawl thanks that was the best fucking father daughter moment ever. 
steppingstonesholland: Ryan just now realising he’s a Directioner/Swiftie HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH
tomfuckinghotland: I’m gonna be honest, I’d like to believe that (Y/n) is not the right answer for that last question just cause I don’t think she’d ever break Tom’s heart like that.
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔ reply to tomfuckinghotland: That part’s quite a bit of an inconvenience, yes, I’d hate to figure something out.
Tom Holland ✔ reply to (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔: Oooor, you could just stop loving him?
(Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔ reply to Tom Holland ✔: I. Would. Rather. Die.
tomfuckinghotland reply to (Y/n) Lively-Reynolds ✔: omg mom and dad are fighting in my comment section :o
580 notes · View notes
hldailyupdate · 2 years
Louis Tomlinson on the 'importance' of supporting new artists, 'brilliant' 5SOS and his 'amazing' Away From Home Festival performers STONE.
Not content with travelling the world on a tour that saw him entertain 500,000 fans across five continents, releasing his brand-new single Bigger Than Me and creating 'sonically ambitious' second album Faith In The Future, Louis Tomlinson has another passion.
Away From Home Festival, an event curated by the singer-songwriter, saw 17,000 music lovers descend upon Malaga, Spain last month for a line-up boasting the likes of The Vaccines, Hinds and Louis himself.
He's an artist known for recognising and representing up-and-coming artists; having helped 5 Seconds of Summer secure a global platform in One Direction's early years.
Now, as he prepares to release his second body of work, we find out why championing new talent is so important to him.
Speaking on his Away From Home Festival, which hosted its second event last month in Malaga, Louis told OfficialCharts.com: "It’s only the second year we’ve done it, but it’s already something that’s pretty special to me.
"It’s something I’m really proud of. It’s a dream I’ve had for a long time, to create something like that. It’s already come such a long way, it’s something I’m immensely proud of."
Louis went on to explain that he feels a 'responsibility,' given his profile, to support rising singer-songwriters.
"There’s a responsibility, being in the situation I am and lucky enough to have the social following that I do," he told us. "If I can help out a little that’s really important to me.
"There’s this feeling – not of guilt as such – but of luck that I’m where I’m at.
"If I can help out, that’s good to me. That’s part of my intention behind Away From Home. The first festival that we did, we had a band called Bilk. If you haven’t heard of them, check them out because they’re amazing.
"This time round we’ve had STONE. That’s really important to me and was part of the thought process behind Away From Home."
STONE are a four-piece indie group hailing from Liverpool, made up of Fin Power (vocals/guitar), Sarah Surrage (bass), Elliot Gill (lead guitar) and Alex Smith (drums).
It's safe to say Louis is a huge fan.
"STONE are amazing," he says. "They’ve got loads of amazing support slots right now; it feels like they’re really having a moment. For me, music like that is very interesting. It’s different to what 75 per cent of other artists are making, and that excites me. I’m lucky enough to be in the position that I am, so championing new music and artists is something that’s really important to me."
We congratulate Louis on his taste and strong eye for talent, citing 5 Seconds of Summer's growth since he first asked fans to 'get behind' the group back in 2012.
"They’re absolutely brilliant," he beams. "They’ve had a very long career now, and even without the One Direction tour, those boys would be where they are today because they’re brilliant musicians and writers. They’re a brilliant band. It’s always been important to me to support other artists."
This comes as Louis readies the release of his second solo studio album. Marking a true evolution in confidence since his debut record Walls, he explains the album is more 'sonically ambitious' than his previous work.
"I felt much more freedom in this record to express myself in the way I wanted to," he told us. "I didn’t put as much restraint on myself as I did on the first record.
"On Walls, I was so overanalytical about every sound. Every lyric. Every moment. I went into this process with a lot more freedom and, naturally, I’ve created something that’s more true to who I am as a musician and as a music fan; what I like listening to."
Louis Tomlinson's new single Bigger Than Me is out now. His second studio album Faith In The Future is released November 11 via BMG.
(13 September 2022)
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blouisparadise · 4 years
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Here are so many amazing bottom Louis fics that were posted or completed during the month of November. We hope you enjoy this list. Happy reading!
1) Work Me Breathless | Explicit | 1678 words
Note: this is the sequel to this fic.
Louis visits Harry at work after the doctor got a new promotion. They christen his new office...
Louis leaves a little breathless.
2) Skeletons In My Closet | Not Rated | 2051 words
Basically soft core porn. Harry decided to treat Louis on Halloween.
3) Looks Like We Made It, Look How Far We’ve Come, My Baby | Teen & Up | 2161 words
Louis and Harry are going to officially move in together, they’ve chosen the house and everything is ready, they just need to wait a few months before the owner gives them the keys.
So what’s the problem, you may ask. Well, they’ve been arguing for days and Louis is honestly considering strangling his alpha with one his ridiculously ugly designer scarf. Okay, not really. But he’s going to lose it soon if they don’t stop fighting.
4) Little Devil | Explicit | 2241 words
The pair had just finished taking a round of shots when the one and only Harry Styles saunters over, clapping Niall on the back to say hello. “Louis,” he drawls out, not even trying to hide the fact that he’s raking his eyes over the smaller boy. “You know this is a costume party, right?” Louis rolls his eyes, starting to ramble on about how he is in a costume and what a nit Harry is when he gets it. Harry is saying Louis is a devil.
“And what are you supposed to be Styles? An angel, really?”
“It’s a costume Lou, ’s not supposed to be real,” he says with a smirk, sliding past Louis but stopping long enough to whisper, “I can assure you, I’m no angel baby.”
5) After the Lilo Kiss | Explicit | 2477 words
"I guess I need to show you who you belong to, hmm baby boy?" he growled in my ear while choking me with his other hand.
6) Oh So Thankful | Explicit | 3034 words
Or the one where Louis and Harry both stay at college for Thanksgiving break, and decide to spend the holiday together.
7) Tell Me What You Want (What You Need) | Mature | 3246 words
Louis didn’t plan on getting laid tonight. When he invited Harry over the day before, it was completely innocent. Just two lads hanging out. He still doesn’t plan on it, no matter how hard he’s getting as Harry’s fingernails start scraping over his nipples lightly every time they pass.
8) Calling Out For Someone To Hold Tonight | Not Rated | 3819 words
Harry’s straight. Louis isnt. They still manage to fall in love.
9) Your Love Delights My Soul | Explicit | 4186 words
"Alpha..." Louis moaned against Harry's lips, chasing the friction against his thigh.
"You are my one and only," Harry bit his jaw, "And you know it quite well. Pretty sure I remind you every night, but you have to rile me, have to make me angry. Why, Omega?"
10) Life and Death | Explicit | 4122 words
In which Louis is Life and Harry is Death.
11) When You Turn Off The Lights | Explicit | 4305 words
Gothie Louis/Normie Harry.
12) On My Mind All The Time, Say You're Mine | Explicit | 9261 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“Dude, we’re inside, and it’s night time. Those don’t look as cool as you think they do.” Louis could kick himself, he sounded so stupid, but it certainly got the guy’s attention.
It was at that unfortunate moment that he noticed several other things about this hot asshole, that he hadn’t noticed just staring from afar. First, when Louis spoke to him, his gaze was kind of unfocused behind his sunglasses, and secondly, that he had a red and white cane folded up under his arm.
“I’m… Blind,” the man chuckled, awkwardly.  
Louis wanted to melt into a puddle out of pure embarrassment.
“I— am so sorry. I have to go.”
“Hey, wait, wait,” the man soothed, grabbing at Louis’ shoulders before he could get away.
“I’m sorry,” Louis repeated, looking down at his shoes.
“It’s alright,” He cackled. “I get it a lot. More than you know.”
13) Let's Break The Internet | Explicit | 9505 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here. Please note that the pairing for this fic is Louis/OMC.
The one where Louis is an Only Fans baby.
14) With the Certainty Of Tides | Mature | 13980 words
“Love you,” Louis whispered in the dark. He didn’t know what time it was or where the light had gone, he knew that he was in Harry’s arms, basking in the afterglow of all their love and he’d be a fool to not tell Harry that. As if Harry didn’t know.
“Love you,” was whispered back, as if Louis didn’t know. They confessed to each other as if it was their first time saying it, raw and painful, and listened to it the very same way, but they knew those words to be the only ones true.
With all the certainty of the tides, with all the light from the sun, with all the steady beats of their hearts, they were deftly in love, in secret and so loudly. They were brave and fearless and strong and hopelessly devoted in every sense of their breaths.
“We made it, baby,” Harry mumbled, bringing their lips into a final kiss, sweet and soft and the color of pink. They already knew that, didn’t fight tooth and nail and argued through every petty year and bleed their hearts into the words they sang and on their skin for them to have not made it home.
They were home.
15) A Moment In Time | Explicit | 14004 words
The one where Harry and Louis used to be together, until they weren’t, but with a twist of fate and a bit of magic, could this be their chance to find forever in each other’s arms?
16) I'm Still A Little Bit Yours | Mature | 14921 words
“Harry?” Louis asked to the empty apartment. "What the hell?" He sat up on the bed, his comforter pooling around his waist. The place wasn’t big enough to lose someone. Harry must have left in the middle of the night. And then he felt it. The new twinge of pain in his already bruised heart. He forcefully threw his upper body back and grunted in frustration. Then he looked over to the bedside table and noticed a note under the cup of cold chamomile tea he never got around to drinking.
He reached over and there were only two words scrawled on the otherwise blank page, “I’m sorry.”
He was so damn stupid! He curled up on his side sobbing and trembling. He covered his face with the comforter, tears soaking his pillow, as he begged his body to go back to sleep.
17) I Couldn't Face A Life Without Your Lights | Mature | 15538 words
Louis and Harry are college students who haven't been the same in the past two years.
18) Practice In Pencil, Seal It In Pen | Explicit | 16486 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is in love with Louis but he doesn't know.
19) Bang Bang (My Baby Shot Me Down) | Not Rated | 16683 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
The one where Harry wants a little more in the bedroom and has a habit of putting his foot in his mouth.
20) The Animals, The Animals | Not Rated | 16721 words
Admittedly, it’s not the first time Louis Tomlinson finds himself in handcuffs.
The difference this time is these handcuffs are attached to a year long sentence. Not just that, but a year long sentence sharing a cell with a possibly mute 19 year old with dark eyes and even darker secrets.
21) Colder Weather | Mature | 19103 words
When Harry comes around, it’s the coldest time of year. Louis, for once, just wants Harry to take him away from colder weather.
22) Across the Grey, Salty Sea | Explicit | 19968 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 212: Alex from Dunkirk and French escort/prostitute Louis who ends up in Alex’s quarters more nights than not. Alex gives him his dog tag to wear maybe just a lot of smut and dirty talk with Louis being a pretty princess.
23) Blinded By The Sparks | Explicit | 22205 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry is a scammer who drifts from casino to casino. Louis is the new waiter who wants in on the scam.
24) Rainbow Bloom | Mature | 22711 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis is in denial. Louis has been in denial for far too long. Then Harry enters his life and everything changes.
25) What A Sight For Sore Eyes | Not Rated | 24216 words
Louis’ playing Danny in their uni’s production of Grease. They’re missing a Sandy, and Harry’s sort of been in love with Louis for a year.
Everything else just kind of happens.
26) MISSING | Mature | 26950 words
Louis brothers report Louis missing after they can’t get hold of him for 24hours
Harry Styles and Charlie Stone, detectives of the teenage homicide and missing persons division, are long time friends of the Tomlinson's and take the case.
27) Even The Best Laid Plans | Explicit | 25175 words
Louis wants to have sex with someone and decides Harry is the perfect alpha for the job.
28) Sunflowers, Sunshine, And You | Explicit | 28778 words
Sunshine county is small but mighty and Harry takes pride in knowing nearly each and every person that lives inside of it. For nearly eleven years now he’s been sheriff, and not one of them he’s ever regretted settling down here.
He knows the road names like the back of his hand, knows the people and the animals and the way the world works here. In all of the time he’s been here, not a thing has changed.
So, all things considered, when he starts seeing a beat up pickup truck roaming through town with plates he’s never seen before, Harry, to be frank, jumps on that like a fly on fresh dog shit.
29) Blue Songs Are Like Tattoos | Explicit | 30739 words
“Good morning, University of California, you’re listening to KALX 90.7 FM Berkeley, this is DJ Harry Styles. If the owner of the tapes I’ve been finding around the studio doesn’t come forward and introduce himself, I’m going to continue tossing them straight in the trash!”
or the DJ Harry and Rockstar Louis fic.
30) Sweet Like Honey | Explicit | 33117 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry and Louis need money and they find an unconventional solution in the form of PornHub. It’s not supposed to be a big deal.
31) When Our Worlds They Fall Apart | Explicit | 42228 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Harry put his hand over his heart as if Louis had wounded him. “You’re so harsh, my liege! Perhaps you need to relieve some tension…” He let his voice trail off suggestively.
“The day I ask YOU to relieve tension is the day I lose all my wits and join the Imperials,” Louis said. “It will never happen”
Prompt 325: Star Wars AU with Harry as Han Solo and Louis as Leia.
32) Somewhere In Between | Explicit | 42765 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Louis wakes up early. He brushes his teeth and can only stomach a piece of toast for breakfast, dressing quickly and heading for the car. He pulls into the parking lot of the Department of Dominance and Submission just as they’re unlocking the doors. It takes him all of an hour in the uncomfortable chairs to fill out the paperwork to the best and most accurate of his ability, handing it over to the receptionist as soon as he’s finished and wiping his sweaty palms on his business trousers.
There’s a high chance that within ten to fifteen business days, Louis will be matched with a dominant.
33) Spoonful of Sugar | Explicit | 42900 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here. This fic is also a sequel to this fic.
Louis Tomlinson cares for his family above all else, a fact that’s led him on a twisted path peddling drugs to support them. Just as he’s made the decision to jump ship, Louis gets snared between the two largest crime syndicates in the city. To keep his family safe he’s forced to trust the man that failed to keep his promise two years ago, the resident drug lord he’s unknowingly been working for, Harry Styles.
34) Breakable Heaven | Explicit | 44594 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
“What do you think?” Louis gets captured by Harry’s green eyes, unable to look away or even take a breath.
“I think you’re the most magnificent creature I’ve ever met.”
“You must not have met many creatures then.”
Harry’s eyes glance downward to Louis’ lips and his tongue darts out to wet his own. “None like you.”
35) You're The Habit That I Can't Break | Not Rated | 44940 words
When Louis crosses paths with a green eyed stranger in prison, he learns that some habits aren't so bad.
36) Fine Line (The Story of Us) | Not Rated | 46191 words
Walking through Harry's album Fine Line. Each chapter reflects a song off the album.
Harry knew he was a lucky guy, really he did. He knew that in the cosmic pulling of straws he had pulled the long one and basically won the lottery. With a number one debut album, millions of adoring fans, and many a celebrity praising his work Harry should feel happier. He should be skipping instead of walking, singing instead of talking, and grinning from ear to ear. Maybe he was ungrateful. Maybe he was numb to it all. Or maybe he had a big, ocean-sized crush on his best friend.
37) Tastes Like Summer, Smiles Like May | Explicit | 47519 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
A cold prince, an alpha with nothing left to lose and a kingdom with a secret.
38) A Silent Whisper (That's Left Unsaid) | Explicit | 50842 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
A Fake Relationship & Exes to Lovers AU ft a failed proposal ten years ago, an oblivious Harry, an overworked Louis, Zayn as the protective best friend, a meddling aunt and a lot of talks about weddings and rings.
39) Lost And Found | Explicit | 51736 words
Where Louis is just looking for his dog but finds love along the way.
40) Don't You Know That I'm a Moon in Daylight? | Explicit | 58770 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
Prompt 79: Louis and Harry fell in love in the 18th century, Louis wanted Harry to convert him into a vampire, but he ended up resenting Harry for it. Fast forward to our modern days, they haven’t seen each other since then, but one day they meet again through a mutual friend. Harry was bitter for a long time, but he accepted that being angry wouldn't erase the fact that Louis was the love of his life. He wanted to court and spoil Louis like in their original time period, but Louis avoided him every time Harry tried to reconnect. Happy ending!
41) The Guesthouse | Explicit | 61951 words
Louis has a secret that could break him. With every trip to the Guesthouse, with every fuck he offers himself up for, he gets a piece of the freedom back that he's lost.
Seven nights a year he goes to the exclusive sex club; every day he fights to keep that little bit of information to himself.
And there's another thing - his unwavering and pointless obsession with his bandmate.
There's the Guesthouse, and then there's Harry, and Louis works tirelessly to keep the two apart. Soon, very soon now, he won't be able to.
42) My Friend Lost A Bet | Mature | 74965 words
The one where Louis ends up on the list of potential fake-boyfriends for Harry Styles because Stan really sucks at football bets.
43) In A Sea Of Mist | Explicit | 126725 words
Note: This fic was written for the Bottom Louis Fic Fest. Check out the full collection here.
A Greek Mythology/Camp Half-Blood AU where Harry is lost, the road to peace is a wretched one, and somehow, through a mist of confusion and regrets, Louis seems to be the only thing that makes sense and everything Harry needs.
Check out our other fic rec lists by category here and by title here.
You can find other monthly roundup fic rec lists here.
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marmiteprinter · 5 months
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The round came to an end that night so here's the family photo! Dudley couldn't manage a smile - I guess he's nervous about the kids' first day at their new school.
At the end of the round, Dudley is now 44, Robin is 16 and Rigel is 5.
The next family is the Rossellini-Turners - Talia, her son Flynn, and her dad Lucas.
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bluebandana · 4 years
Louis Tomlinson Live from London: Summary
the countdown and intro graphics were of glitches and they were super cool
his hair is still super long and like styled around his face
song 1: just hold on
he sounds so punk pop
such a good intro song!!!!!!
song 2: we made it
the lighting and graphics are super sick
the wheel from the music video was there!!!! the colors were amazing!!!
song 3: don’t let it break your heart
all of the lights are white around the screens and they kinda look like mirrors almost
“massive thank you to everyone who bought a ticket it’s gonna do so much for the causes” 
“fank you”
"this is a one direction song” 
song 4: drag me down
he let the band do they first round of the chorus and then he came back in for the repeat just like when he pops in on the recording and you can still really tell the difference he makes
there were like laser lights which were really apparent when they said “all these lights”
it had like techno in and then transitioned into something softer before two of us 
song 5: two of us
there’s an orchestra!!! 
he stood on target from walls video and then he stayed there for the next few songs
song 6: habit
strings are still here and wow they add so much to the song. amazing work and amazing choice to add them in
the band was saying how they were having a blast and he goes “power of vodka for me mate i’m loving it” sdfghjkl
song 7: too young
he sounds so soft omg
strings intro arrangement played for a minute
song 8: perfect now
his vocals sound so so good and with the strings this is the best version of this song ever
song 9: through the dark
this song was made to be a louis solo
he sang the high note and killed it obviously
song 10: fearless
it sounds so calming
the guitar is amazing
HUGE instrumental at the end
song 11: copy of a copy of a copy
it’s so good. if he doesn’t release this after the show i’ll cry
lyric highlights: “it’s no use crying over split blood,” “you won’t be the first or the last to bleed...every broken heart as far as your eye can see,” “i can hear you howling ‘til your lungs hurt”
song 12: defenseless
we went straight in no transition and it was painful
the guitars again incredible
the bridge. that’s it.
song 13: beautiful war
the best cover ever. we deserved to have it in this hq
song 14: always you
this song hits so different live. wow.
song 15: little black dress
the lights changed with literally every note
he GIGGLED in between
song 16: walls
there’s a disco ball!!!
song 17: only the brave
i have no other commentary besides ouch
"FUCK” exactly how we feel louis thank you
“okay so one more time massive massive thank you for buying tickets... no matter what time it is where you are. thank you to the band and crew. have a little drink for them and this is kill my mind”
song 18: kill my mind
i said this with every song but this song live wow. immediately from the intro it was IT. hopefully we get recordings or a live album from this because everyone needs to hear these songs live
there were fan videos on the screens!!!
“thank you for watching goodnight”
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louisupdates · 2 years
[On dedicating The Greatest to the fans]: It’s nice to do that in the context of the song, and also done not in a cheesy way, I don’t think. ‘Cuz sometimes when you do a concept like that, it can feel a little bit eggy or a little bit contrived or whatever, but I think we’ve done it in a really authentic way. That song was originally written, not necessarily as the album opener, but as the tour opener. So throughout this process, I’ve always got the live show in the front of my mind. We went through different times with different songs, with really trying to visualize different moments in that show and trying to create them, just through imagination, obviously. And I think, straight away from the off, Fred Ball did a really— goes way beyond my musical comprehension— a really, really clever opener, really slaps you round the face, and you can imagine in the context of a live show, that’s what you want from that first look. […] Not only is it going to be the opener, but straight away from the off, it’s a message about the connection between me and the fans, and that’s also a nice way to start the show.
- Louis Tomlinson, on The Greatest, for Faith In The Future: Track By Track (part 1, 3/12)
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12
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bayrut · 4 years
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There are so many Louis-centric ships! Everyone has faves, but have you ever wondered which one is superior? Well, you don’t have to think too hard about this anymore! 
Introducing, the ‘who should Louis Tomlinson date?’ bracket tournament, brought to you by @seasurfacefullofclouds1, @silverfoxlou​ and @tomlinsno​! We’ve put 16 wonderful bachelors (list and descriptions under the cut) against each other, for a chance to win the most coveted prize possible: a date with Louis Tomlinson! (not really, we wish...) 
Vote for your faves by using the link above, but be quick! Each round is only open for a limited time. 
Round 1: open until 5 Dec. Midnight ET
Round 2: open until 7 Dec. Midnight ET
Round 3: open until Dec. Midnight ET
Round 4: open until 11 Dec. Midnight ET
After each round, we’ll announce which candidates have advanced to the next round. And, finally, we’ll crown the winner the day of the livestream! 
On the website, you can click on eaach picture to enlarge and have a better look.
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Oli Wright: Louis’ bestie since childhood, Mr. Ginger is never more than an elbow-length away. Chiquitita, tell us your secret, BFF doesn’t really stand for what we think, does it?
Steve Aoki: DJ, musician, and entrepreneur. He called Louis’ fans an army of bees, but this long-haired, smooth talking DJ has the whole fandom buzzing. What happened in that private plane, Stevo?
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Liam Payne: if six packs could kill, Payno is armed and dangerous. Louis has already checked him out front and back and sideways, and as much as he takes the piss, Louis would never say no to a Lilo cuddle.
Zayn Malik: the one who got away, the long-lashed shy beauty, the prettiest one who was secretly in love with the jock, all those lighthearted “Love you, Boo”s actually translate to, “I love you, Lou.” A soulmate’s connection is never broken. You know what to do
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Jurgen Klopp: this Premiere League super manager is described as advocating “heavy metal” football, but the only music he’ll be making is in the studio with our fav five-a-side tenor. We know who really got Louis into Borussia Dortmund— a silver fox whose name rhymes with “Hot Pop.”
Greg James:  this dreamboat is now five mornings a week at Radio One, which means 20% more chances for him to flutter eyelashes across the switchboard to try to get Louis to say Big B* C* — oh dear. Louis does lose his powers of concentration around this flaxen-haired cutie.
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Marcus Rashford: 22 and fit, a professional football player, and dedicated to ending child food poverty in the UK. Artificial intelligence couldn’t really design a better boyfriend for Louis, could it? 
David Allen: having grown up with Louis, David shared a beef with the geography teacher, but what a hunk of beef he is now! What was in the Donny waters the year they were born? Whatever it was, we want some.
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Tom Holland: this 24-year-old hunk stars in Spider-Man Homecoming and kills lip-syncing to Rihanna. His fav 1D man is ... Louis naturally, like everyone with taste. A superhero and a dancer, who could say no?
Jack Saunders: usually it’s dry as dead leaves, but did we detect a bit of man-on-man flirting at BBC Radio when Jack talked indie artists with Louis? There was lyric appreciation, there was music history, there was a bit of The Strokes vs. The Killers drama, everything a friends-to-lovers epic should be.
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Chad Michael Murray: the OG I-watch-your-show-religiously-because-of-YOU crush, the one that made Louis speechless, the one he wore his coolest outfit to meet, real cas-like, no big, just the only one from One Tree Hill whom Louis fucking adored, the one to speed up his pulse and ask for a selfie with. THAT Chad.
Michael Blackwell: who’s tall, dark, handsome, can absolutely shred on a guitar, shy around Louis, and drinks responsibly on New Year’s Eve? Shut up, it’s this smoldering hunk of British pineapple with a sweet juicy core. Cut us a slice, mister!
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Jojo Wright: much more than a shoulder for a poop tattoo, Jojo makes Louis laugh so hard that no sound comes out. He would scoot Louis up to the main iHeart stage all day, and then bundle Louis into his heart.
Hot Friend Luke: admit it, you’ve thought about Louke, you’re thinking about Louke right now. Stop thinking those thoughts and vote your conscience! Who makes Louis lose his train of thought, who holds him, who goes to rallies and festivals with him, who gives him a giggle like that. Vote Louke.
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Sam Fender: Will they talk? If these two date, no one will ever understand a conversation again. At any rate, it’s a moot point, as bystanders will be mesmerized by their dueling cheekbones.
Sam Claflin: not so fast, this 34-year-old British dreamboat first laid eyes on his fav 1D dude Louis Tomlinson in 2014. Both of them have matured since then. Maybe their twinkling eyes and dueling jawlines are a match made in heaven.
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Let’s go with 3 and 11 for the Bagel Verse, because TIS THE SEASON FOR IT. ❤️🎄🥯
thank youuuuuu
a bagel for all seasons
3: What’s your favorite line of narration?
Niall tunes out the steady stream of chatter as he takes in the family photos competing for space on the walls. It looks like Harry and Tomlinson – Louis, Niall corrects himself – have known each other their whole lives, from the playground to the prom to their wedding. There aren’t many professional photos, mostly candids of beaming smiles at the camera joined by a myriad of friends and family members.
Niall pauses in front of a gold frame, considering the Christmas morning photo it contains. He suddenly has the most vivid memory of a guy he’d dated when he was younger and enjoyed waxing philosophic after a few too many whiskeys. Wren was Welsh and had keenly felt the effects of being such a long way from home. One night, he’d taught Niall the word hiraeth. Niall can still clearly see in his mind the wisftful expression on Wren’s face as he had explained that, although it was hard to translate exactly, it meant a homesickness for a home you cannot return to or a home that never was.
11: What do you like best about this fic?
I really like all of the scenes with Niall interacting with the quirky townspeople. It was fun casting people into all of the different roles. I did a lot of work to figure out the different legal issues that people could come to him with for advice, and my favorite of those is when he actually helps Bebe. I like how everyone knows he and Shawn like each other and tease them mercilessly. I love the scene with Niall meeting Zayn's dad. I feel like all of the really rounds out the story.
send me a fic ask!
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eeveedel · 4 years
Recently Del & I have been discussing actor Louis in his life when he weighs 80 pounds over his original weight that he started with in chubby actor, so, I decided to write it for her :)
Setting: Christmas time in LA, the weather is still warm and hot, Harry is preparing for christmas with lots of christmas treats, decorations, a new holiday line of clothing.
The weather in LA around Christmas was always a blessing to Harry and Louis, who never really enjoyed the cold and snow of the east coast when they lived there for a few short years at the beginning of their relationship. Even with Christmas two weeks away, the sun was shining and the weather was warm, the boys took every moment they could to soak up the sun poolside in their private garden where they had decorated the surrounding bushes to resemble Christmas trees.
They had a record player on their patio beside the pool spinning side A of ABBA’s Voulez Vous, Clifford and their new cat Doris lounging in the yard with Louis who had just stepped out to get some sun, while Harry was pouring mimosas for the both of them as he waited for their eggs to finish before joining his family outside.
Just as “I Have A Dream” was fading out on the record, Harry was stepping over Doris to set up the table for breakfast outside in the sun, when he spun around to find Louis setting his boxers on the ground by his lounge chair.
“Louis! It’s 11 in the morning!” Harry chastised, though he wasn’t too serious as he chuckled at his husband’s nudity.
“Okay and? We were just naked in bed about an hour ago, not like we’ve spent a whole day in suits. Besides”, Louis pat his rounded belly, “I can’t have any tan lines, this entire tummy needs some color” he finished as he raised his arms above his head to lay back in the lounge chair.
“Well, the tanning can wait, I just finished breakfast baby come eat.” Harry went to reach for the utensils he brought out to set them by both of their plates, adjusting Clifford and Doris’ food trays under the table side by side.
“Harrryyyyyyyy I just laid down, can’t you bring it over here?” Louis giggled as he lowered his sunglasses over his eyes. He really loved to push his luck these days with Harry, finding that he and his husband both loved the bratty side of him.
“You can get your ass over here and I’ll sit in your lap and feed you” Harry said with a smirk, “gotta make sure my husband gets some type of exercise, even if it’s just to walk to more food.”
“Hey! I do, I’ve been working out with you!” Louis huffed back as he stood up and walked toward the chairs to take a seat, leaving his boxers behind.
“Yes yes, I know, and I’m thankful for your company, even if you only walk for an hour and a half and then head straight to the kitchen.” Harry chuckled as he took a seat on Louis’ right leg, pulling a plate of eggs with heavily buttered toast and bacon in front of them.
“Doctors order you know, said as long as I did a little bit of cardio everything else was looking healthy.” Louis smirked as Harry raised a piece of bacon to the older boy’s soft pink lips.
“Yes, I would say so.” Harry smiled as Louis chewed, hand reaching to grab under his belly to jiggle it in agreement.
When Louis decided to take an extended break from his acting career, focusing on helping charities and spending more time at home with his husband and pets, he knew exactly what he was getting himself into. He was tired of living a life of restriction, both in his personal life of never getting to spend enough time with his family, but also in his dietary, and even sex life.
Ever since that movie role where he had to put on those 30 pounds, Louis was craving this time to really let go and let Harry take care of him. Let himself gain as much weight as his body wanted.
So he did, during this extended break (which had only started about a year and a half ago) Louis had steadily crept up to gaining 80 more pounds on his once dainty and toned frame. Harry, of course, helping him the entire way.
The beginning of the process this time was nothing like the original. Louis having the knowledge that this was a big kink for them used that to his advantage, almost like he needed it to survive. The day his break started, he came home from the press conference of the announcement of his acting hiatus to find an entire table full of his favorite recipes Harry hadn’t made since that movie shoot, demanding that it all be gone by the end of the day.
That’s how the first few months of this break went, Harry practically stuffing Louis at least three times a week, Louis walking around aimlessly eating anything he could find to fill his ever hungry belly. He had years to catch up on food wise, and he wasn’t going to miss a single morsel if he could help it.
As the months went by, he hit each milestone in Harry’s ever loving company, Harry weighing him every two weeks instead of every two days just so they could focus on Louis’ happiness over some type of number goal. Over the months, his belly slowly swelled forward, even when he wasn’t stuffed to the gills now his stomach looked like it could belong to a pregnant woman. His thighs once again found each other, his chest became a soft plain for kisses, and his collarbones disappeared once more. Louis would sit in front of their master bedroom mirror and just admire his curves, running his hands along his soft body to familiarize himself with every inch, every stretch mark that Harry would press soft kisses to. He would run his hands along his belly finally being able to really know his reflection without having to worry about it needing to change for his career anytime soon.
Milestones were set for Louis to achieve by Harry, like outgrowing gucci belts, stretching out fitted t shirts, even popping open a few tom ford button downs. When he busted open the trousers he had worn to his last movie premiere during a particularly difficult stuffing, Louis didn’t think Harry was ever going to catch his breath as the older boy cradled his packed belly trying to get any relief. That was a fun night for both of them.
“What do you think baby? Do you want anything else?” Harry asked, jolting Louis from his memories, gently tracing his pointer finger in circles around the blue eyed boys belly button.
Louis’ belly wasn’t anywhere near full, but it sat content and rounded out in his lap, Harry’s soft hand pushing reality into him. He was so lucky, so happy to be here now with Harry.
“I think i’m good right now baby, thank you so much.” Louis lent over and kissed his husband, his belly bumping into Harry who basically melted at the contact.
“Are you sure? I’m sure there’s room for a little more in here.” Harry lent down to kiss the crest of Louis’ stomach.
“I’m good, really, but you said you were…..making christmas cookies today right? Trying out some new recipes or something about it?” Louis smiled shyly, hoping Harry would get the hint.
“Oh yeah I am, I completely forgot. I have to find the perfect recipe to bring to my parents house!” Harry’s dimples were on display as he thought about his parents around the christmas tree.
“I was thinking, if you need help finding the recipe, I could be your tester? I’m dying for something sweet.” Louis kissed Harry on the cheek.
“I’m sure that could be arranged, you’ll have to fill out an application though” Harry chuckled
“An application? Who else would you have do it?” Louis pulled back from leaving kitten kisses on Harry’s neck.
“Well, you’re going to have to fight Clifford of course for the job.”
The day went on as it usually did in the Tomlinson- Styles home. After Louis laid out in the sun for a while lounger, he made his way back to the kitchen for some snacks before lunch. Still refusing to put on his boxers, Harry rubbed his lower belly as Louis reached for the box of cheez its in the overhead cupboard.
“You know, as much as I love seeing your ass, what if someone comes over? Do you have something against clothes now?” Harry said, continuing to run his hand along the underside of Louis’ stomach, feeling it’s heaviness in his hand when he gently pressed into it.
“Clothes are restricting and, honestly all of my boxers are getting a little uncomfortable.” Louis said as he pulled the box down and began opening it.
“Louis….did we not just buy you those? What, a month ago?” Harry’s cheeks began to flush as he squeezed Louis’ stomach lightly. There’s no way - this boy had to have plateaued by now. They’ve been taking it relatively easy with their stuffings and really just enjoying themselves lately.
“Yeah, I mean, a month is a long time...and I’m still hungry like all the time.” Louis blushed, “it’s...it’s really not that surprising, is it?”
Harry wasn’t really sure what to do with this information as he pulled Louis closer to him. “Well...how do your jeans feel and your other new clothes? Do you feel like I have to take them out yet?” Harry had been taking out Louis’ clothes when they would buy new ones, just until Louis felt he really couldn’t wear them anymore. After all, the boy had gone up a good few sizes, and they didn’t want to have to buy a new set of clothing for each one.
“Yeah I mean, everything could be a bit looser, but nothing I can’t handle, I guess my body still wants to gain a bit more.” Louis bent over to kiss Harry’s cheek.
“I….I’m gonna start baking the Christmas cookies.” Harry blurted. He knew exactly what they were going to do today.
After pressing his lips to his husbands once more and lightly smacking his ever soft behind, he shooed him out of the kitchen so that he could get to work.
“And please, put your pants on Louis!”
A few hours had passed and Harry had an array of cookies spread along their dining room table. There were ginger snaps, chocolate chip, sugar cookie, pepper cookies, even an assortment of chocolate and red velvet cake pops Harry had wanted to try out because he thought they would be cute once decorated.
Another two trays were still baking in the over when Louis brought his dishes from lunch into the kitchen to wash them.
Louis didn’t realize Harry was baking enough to feed all of Los Angeles today, “Babe?” Yelled Louis, trying to see where Harry was in their house as he wasn’t in the kitchen.
Harry rounded the corner with Doris in his arms, “hey baby, how was your lunch?” He pecked Louis on the lips, letting him scratch at Doris’ ear. Their animals always loved Louis so much, it made Harry’s heart so happy.
“It was really good babe, thank you.” Louis continued scratching Doris’ chin, “But what is all this? Are you trying to feed the entire city?” Louis chuckled, not thinking much of it.
Harry’s face flushed as he set Doris down, “I was actually thinking….we could maybe have some fun?” He pulled Louis closer to him, belly pressed up against his abs making his insides flip and roll with want.
“Fun you say?” Louis smirked, maybe he wasn’t as oblivious to what he thought was coming next.
“How about...you go take a seat at the table, and I’ll get some tinsel yeah? How does that sound cutie pie?” Harry nuzzled his nose against Louis with a smile on his flushed face.
“Fuck YES, okay okay I’ll go.” Louis said excited with a smile.
“And Louis?” Harry stopped before grabbing his husband's arm.
“Will you go put on that lace bodysuit for me?” Harry smiled softly.
Louis ran up the stairs as fast as he could to pull the soft lace along his body. He had a few different lace pieces that Harry had hand sewn for him to wear because he liked them so much. A few had to be retired because he could no longer pull them above his thighs and bum, this one not too far behind as it stretched against the curve of his belly. Louis tied up the sides, as there were ribbons connecting them tied up in cross cross patterns.
Louis made his way downstairs to find candles lit and all the blinds shut to mimic the darkness of the night sky, the Christmas lights on their tree turned on to set the mood.
Harry stood in the center of the dining room with a string of tinsel in his hands, stripped down to just his boxers and undershirt.
Louis was breathless at the scene with excitement, “we really are a kinky bunch for doing this in the middle of the day” Louis said as he made his way to Harry, slipping his arms around the younger boys tiny waist.
“You know Harry, you could stand to put on a few too” Louis giggled, poking Harry right in the stomach.
“Honestly, I was thinking about that earlier today.” Harry said with a smile as he lent down to press a kiss to Louis’ lips.
“Wait, really? The fittest fashion designer in Hollywood?” Louis pulled back with surprise.
“I mean….we only live once don’t we? Maybe I’m a little tired of being so LA fit all the time. I don’t know, we’ll talk about it later.” Harry said lifting the tinsel, “why don’t you pick a spot for me to tie up these pretty hands, hmm?”
“Can we do this on the couch? Put a nice movie on, relax?” Louis said, “a….little bit of mindless eating?” His cheeks flushed, and a hunger was beginning to burn in him for this scene to get started.
“Of course baby, you go put a movie on you like, and I’ll get the cookies ready for you.” Harry pecked him on the cheek, leaving Louis to sit on the couch and open Netflix.
When Harry came back over Louis was all set up comfy against the couch cushions ready to be manhandled.
“Give me your wrists baby.” Harry said sweetly, tying the small hands behind Louis’ back. “There we go, now if you get uncomfortable you tell me okay?” Harry kissed down Louis’ chest as he nodded in agreement.
Harry began lifting cookies to Louis’ thin soft lips, who munched happily on each different kind and flavor Harry baked up. It was almost routine, Louis would take bites of the cookie, Harry would pat his belly, survey the lace tie up on the sides, and Louis would be onto the next few cookies.
It was around his 10th or 11th treat he was starting to feel a little constrained in the bodysuit, his belly pressing up against the lace, the sides tugging tightly against his skin as he took deep breaths in between each treat. He wasn’t near full yet, just a little….well, tied up.
It wasn’t until Louis took a breather after the 17th cookie, which happened to be gingerbread, that Louis felt something rip on his side.
“Knew this one wasn’t gonna last much longer.” Louis grunted out as he took a thankful deep breath, his stomach expanding with new found room.
Harry was on him in seconds, rubbing Louis’ tummy in big gentle circles, pressing down here and there to hear Louis make a little noise of discomfort or pleasure depending on where the spot was.
“You look so good like this Loubear.” Harry was breathless watching this scene play out, his dick straining in his boxers watching Louis shamelessly eat all of these treats, his belly swelling forward to find room for everything he was trying to cram in it.
“You’re really too sweet.” Louis smiled softly and closed his eyes for a moment, a soft burp making its way out that Louis was grateful for.
“I bet you belly is starting to feel a little full, huh baby boy? You’re doing so good for me” Harry pecked his cheek, “can’t believe you were this hungry.”
Louis wasn’t really full yet, so he decided to press Harry’s buttons, “Still am baby, not full yet” Louis smiled wide using his head to point to the cookie tray, “The gingerbread are really good, can I have another?” Louis locked eyes with Harry and Harry thought he might combust then and there.
“Of course baby, anything for my big boy.” Harry pressed the gingerbread to Louis' mouth, Louis making a show of biting off a piece and chewing it slowly.
“Won’t be able to finish all these if you eat that slow baby, your tummy’ll catch up to you.” Harry said softly as he gripped underneath Louis’ stomach giving it a small squeeze, running his hand down further to rest it on top of Louis’ hardening cock.
They continued on as Louis zoned out on the movie, getting up to about the 25th cookie when he had to readjust his sitting position to make room.
“Can you untie my hands baby? Wanna lay back to make more room.” Louis said sweetly, Harry setting the cookie they were working on down to relieve Louis’ hands of their constraints.
“There we go, thank you.” Louis said as he brought his own hands to his rounded stomach, the tie on the other side of the bodysuit barely staying with the pressure it was being put against.
“Anything for you baby.” Harry brought the cookie back to Louis’ mouth, eager to watch him finish this tray at least.
Louis positioned himself so he was laying with his upper body propped up against the armrest of their couch, Harry hovering over top of his with his legs straddling Louis’ thighs as he continued to feed him treat after treat. He would duck down occasionally to kiss at Louis’ laced covered skin, or move his legs up so his thighs were pressing against both sides of the other boys belly, earning a soft huff or grunt from Louis as more pressure was added to his already packed tight stomach.
By the time the boys got to the last cookie, Louis was finally ready to call it.
“Last one baby, I’m so proud of you, look at how good you did.” Harry said as he raised the final pepper cookie to Louis’ lips.
“Thank god” Louis said softly as he took the cookie in his mouth, chewing it slowly before swallowing. He brought his hands up and rested them on top of his belly that was now swollen and firm, 30 or so cookies stuffed inside of him.
“How does my baby boy feel? Hmm? Your belly feels,” Harry pressed down softly, “a little tight, you must be uncomfortable.” He pressed a soft kiss to Louis’ lips, earning a soft smile and Louis’ huffing out a breath once their lips were parted.
“shame I don’t wanna move right now cause I really, really want you to fuck me Harry.” Louis’ eyes were dark when he opened them, his left hand trailing as far as he could to find his cock, but his swollen belly was in the way of him reaching it.
“Mmmmm, I can fix that baby, you just relax for a few minutes okay. Look at you, my big beautiful husband. This belly is just,” Harry pulled the tie on the other side that had miraculously not come undone, “so precious, don’t you think? Remember when you used to be so small and thin, we never had this much fun.” Harry then untied the halter holding the bodysuit up around Louis’ neck, pulling the fabric down. “You always have been handsome but this? This is so…..sexy.” Harry’s mouth was basically watering as he finally got his hands on Louis’ soft, stretched skin. Stretch marks were subtly visible sitting along Louis’ plush hips from the weight he had gained so quickly months ago, something Harry took a lot of pride in.
“Harrrryyyyyyy” Louis whined as Harry pressed a soft hand against Louis’ very hard cock. “Please I….I can’t.” Louis huffed out.
“Tell me about it, sweetheart, tell me all about it.” Harry egged him on as he pulled the body suit off of Louis, past his belly, his bum, dragging it down his legs and throwing it on the floor narrowly missing a candle or two. With his belly now free, Louis took as deep a breath as he could manage and ran his hands along his skin, Harry’s joining them by running up and down his soft sides.
“I am so lucky.” Harry said as he leaned down for an absolute bruising kiss with his very full boy. His thigh brushed against Louis’ dick, making the older boy moan into his mouth as the contact.
“Want me to take care of you? Know you can’t do it yourself, not right now with this in your way huh?” Harry teased, lightly smacking the side of Louis’ stomach.
“Stop. Teasing. I’m…..very hard and very full. Need you. now.” Louis huffed up before he went to nip at Harry’s lower lip.
Harry’s hand trailed down to Louis’ hard member earning another moan from the boy, he reached under the couch where he had stashed the bottle of lube for this scene in particular.
“Gonna take care of you baby, don’t worry.” Harry whispered as he spread the lube onto his palms, one hand softly tugging at his husband's dick and the other hand going to his rim. This was one of Harry’s favorite things, watching Louis absolutely lose it while stuffed to the brim. He knew Louis got some type of high from being stuffed, adding to that Harry pounding into him? Louis turned into a right mess as the joined sensations.
2 fingers in and Louis’ began squirming beginning for more, his own hands laying softly on his belly. “h..Harry, please, more.” Louis panted out, not sure whether to chase the feeling of Harry’s hand softly rubbing his dick or the now 3 fingers in his bum.
It continued on like this for a few minutes, Louis rubbing his own belly through the process to try and get some relief from the pressure packed in there, a soft whining echoing through the house as Harry gave him what he needed with his fingers.
“Harry, I’m ready, I’m ready now.” Louis grunted out, “get on with it please.”
“Okay baby, gonna be gentle, don’t wanna hurt you or your tummy.” Harry pressed a kiss to the stretched skin before him, Louis now laying flat on the couch as his belly rounded out like a mountain of sorts on top of the older boy.
Harry slowly entered Louis, inch by inch, Louis was right gagging for him to bottom out as fast as he could and knew Harry was only being gentle, but he needed this as bad as he needed to be stuffed. There was something about being controlled in such a way by Harry that couldn’t compare to anything else.
“Harry.” Louis said, eyes shut tight when his husband finally bottomed out, “fucking move.”
At that Harry began his venture of picking up pace as he moved in and out of Louis, trying to be as gentle as possible considering Louis’ state. Every time Harry would jostle the blue eyed boy's belly, Louis would whine a little more at the feeling, grabbing at his belly to steady himself. That and him panting from not doing any of the work besides taking him so well was making Harry feel hot all over.
“Harry I, I’m gonna come…..please, pleasepleasepleaseplease can I come.” Louis’ voice raised higher and higher with each please rushed out of him, his back arching for what it could with the weight of his stomach holding him down.
Harry laid a hand on Louis’ belly as his other hand gripped onto the arm rest for more support as he thrust in harder, making sure he kept contact on his boys prostate.
“Of course baby boy, come whenever you can.” Harry said before a particularly hard thrust in as he watched Louis’ eyes roll back in pleasure as his orgasm crashed into him.
“HARRY, I fuckingcantbelievei” Louis’ jumbled swear words were shouted through the house as Harry worked Louis’ through his orgasm, chasing his own release. It wasn’t hard when he watched Louis reach down and grip his own belly with two hands as he panted and squirmed under him from the pleasure, Harry’s orgasm rushed through him upon seeing the sight.
Making sure he didn’t fall on top of the stuffed boy underneath him, he collapsed to the side of Louis, a panting mess himself after the show he had just watched his husband put on.
“Louis you….” Harry reached his hand over to turn Louis’ mouth to his, kissing him, “are so hot what the fuck.” He finished as he rested a hand on top of Louis’ belly, drawing soft circles with his fingers.
“Yeah, but” Louis went in for another kiss, sighing into the younger boy's mouth when he caught his tongue, “you, you’re so beautiful Harry. How did I get so lucky all those years ago.”
Both boys laid there for what felt like forever wrapped in each other’s arms sharing lazy kisses waiting for their heart rates to return to normal. Harry loved the feeling of Louis’ belly pressed up against his own, the blue eyed boys head tucked under his chin as he raked his fingers through the chestnut hair.
“Jesus Christ, Merry early Christmas huh”
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First Lines
i was tagged by @sunsetcurveofficial, thank you!! (i am so very relieved it's only the last 20)
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favorite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favorite authors!
listed in chronological order according to my most recently updated on ao3, and skipping over the prompt collection:
1. Keep Me Up All Night [Luke/Reggie, E, 19k (so far), AU]
This, like many things in Reggie's life, is absolutely Luke's fault.
2. Can I Call You Mine? [Caleb/Reggie, M, 27k (so far), AU]
Neither Luke nor Reggie are particularly good with numbers.
3. 3am [Alex/Willie, G, 4.6k, AU]
Alex is settling in for the night when his phone lights up with a message.
4. You Feel Like A Holiday [Carrie/Luke, E, 3.5k, AU]
Carrie's applying sunscreen to her cheeks when Luke comes up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist.
5. Love A Girl Right [Carrie/Luke, E, 2.7k, AU]
When Luke gets home from practice he finds Carrie on the couch reading a book.
6. Motivate Me [Carrie/Luke, E, 3.4k, AU]
It's Luke's idea.
7. When You Came Around, My World Felt New [Alex/Willie, G, 31.9k, Alternate Canon]
There's a bond that forms amongst the people in the crowd of a show.
8. Wishin' You Were 'Round With Me [Alex/Reggie, G, 6.4k, AU]
It's only been a week but Alex thinks his new job is going fairly well.
9. It's Gonna Be Hard When I'm Gone [G, 2.5k, Canon]
Putting the ornaments on the Christmas tree one at a time has been a tradition for as long as Julie can remember.
10. It's Not Christmas Til Somebody Cries [Alex/Luke, T, 18k, AU]
Luke only really wants one thing for Christmas.
11. Still [Alex/Reggie, G, 6.1k, Canon]
It's the biggest night of their young lives and Alex keeps getting distracted.
12. You and Me, Baby [Niall Horan/Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Harry Styles, G, 4.5k, AU]
Every day is a lazy day when you're a cat.
13. You Feel Like Home To Me [Perrie Edwards/Louis Tomlinson, M, 46.8k, Canon]
It's not like Louis hadn't imagined what having his first child would be like.
14. I Don't Usually Give In To Peer Pressure, But I'll Give In To Yours [Zayn Malik/Harry Styles, Louis Tomlinson, E, 36.1k, AU]
Zayn knows Louis is approaching before she even makes it all the way down the aisle of cubicles.
15. Something So Magic About You [Magnus Bane/Alec Lightwood, T, 10.6k, AU]
Alec tries not to look at the clock sitting on his desk, taunting him with every tick.
16. We Would've Happened All Along [Niall Horan/Harry Styles, T, 23k, AU]
Niall has a lot on his mind these days.
17. Stay The Night, I Promise That I Won't Bite [Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson, T, 19.6k, AU]
Louis is bored.
18. Don't Leave Me Hot & Lonely [Liam Payne/Harry Styles, M, 4.9k. AU]
Harry sighs and stretches his arms up and over his head, waiting to hear the crack of his bones before he drops them back down.
19. We Don't Have To Think It Through [Niall Horan/Louis Tomlinson, M, 11.8k, AU]
max said he's done with me
20. Nothing's Gonna Change My World [Niall Horan/Zayn Malik/Louis Tomlinson, Liam Payne/Harry Styles, G, 6.8k, AU]
Louis isn't used to so much activity in the house.
good LORD that took forever! honestly i'm not too surprised that most of these start out by naming whatever character whose POV the fic is in, because it's the easiest way to do it. also i think my favorite one is probably the first because it's 100% true.
i'll tag @lynnymars, @dearmrsawyer, @magicalrocketships, @whatisreggieshortfor, @alexenglish, @bigbrotherlouis - but no pressure whatsoever to actually do this.
ALSO since i'm super avoiding doing any actual writing, i'm going to make this post even longer by adding on the first lines in my three current wips:
Nothing But My Feelings [Carrie/Luke, coming 3.24]
The room is so dark when Luke wakes up that, at first, he thinks it's still the middle of the night.
A Mouth That I Would Kill To Kiss [Bobby/Luke, coming 4.17]
Luke's been asleep for maybe an hour when he's rudely awoken.
Destination: Nowhere Near [Luke/Reggie, coming 4.7]
Luke taps his fingers against the dashboard, feeling restless.
(lol at all of these having Luke in them ok i'm leaving now byeeee)
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