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Just call me Marmite! She/her. 30-something. TS2 Blog where I can share my stories and occasional Default Replacements. WCIF friendly.
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marmiteprinter · 1 month ago
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At the end of the semester, Nova and Ashley both managed to pass their exams again with good enough grades to earn grants and progress to the next year, making Ashley a Senior and Nova a Junior.
"Congratulations!" cried Nova, hugging her sorority sister.
Ashley, who had to admit that she was warming up to Nova a little bit, hugged her back. "You too."
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Tara, whose exam was slightly later, also passed with excellent grades and made it onto the Dean's List!
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marmiteprinter · 1 month ago
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Nothing much happened for the rest of the semester. At one point, Nova rolled a want to go on a date so she called her friend Manuel Sanchez and asked him out. They ended up making out at the Student Union but only had one bolt of chemistry so Nova wasn't sure it was going to go anywhere serious.
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marmiteprinter · 1 month ago
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Tara settled in happily and quickly to Greek life. She decided to declare Drama as her major, and discovered one random day while studying Mechanical that her One True Hobby was Tinkering!
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She also started getting really friendly with Professor Amal, the teacher of the undeclared Freshmen, to the point where he felt comfortable enough with her to climb into the hot tub naked one evening.
"Uh... Professor? I can see your thing."
"Please, call me Amal. I'm not your professor any more, after all. You're a Drama student now! And there's only a few years between us in age."
"Okay..." Tara wasn't sure whether to be flattered or uncomfortable so she settled for resolutely looking anywhere but at Amal's privates and trying to keep the conversation light and friendly.
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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Nova quickly invited her friend over to give her the good news. Tara immediately agreed to move in, although she said she wouldn't pay towards the bills they'd already accumulated.
"That's fair. But you'll split the bills from now on?"
Tara nodded. "Of course! Sisters for life, right?"
Welcome to the 'hood, Tara Young!
Tara’s Traits Zodiac: Aquarius Aspiration: Family/Popularity LTW: Marry Off 3 Children Major: Undeclared Personality: Neat 4, Outgoing 4, Active 2, Playful 6, Nice 9 Hobby: Unknown Sexuality: Straight Current Age: 18 (Freshman)
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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"Oh Watcher, why did I go out so late last night?" scowled Ashley as she dragged herself out to her final. "The sun is so bright!"
Nova chuckled. "Come on, you! Chin up! You'll do absolutely fine!"
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They came back two hours later with mediocre grades, but both had passed.
"See?" said Nova. "I told you that you would pass!"
Ashley thanked her for the reassurance. "But these grants... they're barely enough to cover the bills here. It's going to be a tough semester."
"Well, maybe we need another person to help split the costs," Nova suggested. "Is it finally time to make Tara a full member?"
Ashley nodded. "Yes, I think that makes sense. She's been a good pledge and I'll be glad to have her living here. I'll let you give her the good news."
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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That evening, even though she had a final the next day, Ashley decided she wanted to go out to the lounge. After all, sorority girls had a certain reputation to maintain! She got a drink at the bar and then joined in with the smustle on the dance floor.
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Soon, she rolled a want to work as the DJ so she pushed the professional out of the way and took over on the decks with her whole one point of creativity.
"Woo!" she yelled. "I'm amazing at this!"
The dancers disagreed, as most of them left the floor and headed over to the bar.
Feeling a bit sheepish, she handed the headphones back to the actual DJ and slunk off home.
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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"Hey, you're still here!" exclaimed Nova when she finally woke up, feeling groggy and hungover.
Tara was clearing up the dirty plates from the night before. "Nah, I went home but I came back again to tidy up. Thought I'd get a head start on things!"
"Well, thanks! But I'll tell Ashley that I told you to do it as a pledge task so it counts towards your pledge score. Wow, I'm starving."
"There's still some grilled cheese in the fridge if you want?"
"Hmmm, warmed up grilled cheese? No thanks. I'm going to get a pizza!"
So while Nova headed onto campus to fetch a pizza, Tara finished cleaning and then relaxed in the hot tub, silently wondering how long the pledge period was and when she would finally be deemed a full member of the sorority.
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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Tara successfully completed her first task so Ashley assigned her another.
"Everyone's getting hungry," she said. "You need to find a way to feed everyone. You have twenty minutes, max!"
Tara knew the easiest way would probably be to order a pizza, but she was broke, so she fished around in the sorority's fridge and decided to make grilled cheese for everyone.
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Luckily for her, everyone appreciated the grilled cheeses, although Nova fell fast asleep face down in hers.
"Lightweight," chuckled dormie Manuel Sanchez.
Fortunately, her little mishap didn't affect the party score and everyone headed home at about 2am having had a great time!
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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The two sorority girls invited as many people as they could think of to their toga party that night. It wasn't exactly swinging, and they were both secretly hoping for party crashers just to bulk up the numbers, but it was going as well as they could hope for under the circumstances.
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"So, Tara, time for your first pledge ritual!" said Nova.
"Uh oh. What do I have to do?"
"Nothing too bad to start with. You just have to prank every single person at the party somehow. Up to you what you do, but it must be done!"
Steeling herself, Tara headed over to her first target - dormie Jamal Wilson - with a joy buzzer in hand.
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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When they got home, Nova tried to butter Ashley up by cooking her some ramen. Unfortunately, she wasn't a great cook and it was burnt, but she still tried to persuade Ashley anyway.
"So, Ashley, I think I've found us a third member! My friend Tara is interested in pledging, if you'd be okay with that."
Ashley had hoped that she'd be the one to find a new member, but she couldn't deny that they needed more sorority sisters if the Greek House was going to survive.
"Sure! Invite her over tonight when I'm back from class, then we can invite her to pledge officially."
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So, that evening, Tara became their first new pledge!
"What do I have to do?" she asked Nova.
"Well, just spend as much time here as you can. The more time you spend here, the quicker you'll become a full member. And while you're here, we might tell you to do stuff and you kind of have to do it or you might not get in."
"Like embarrassing stuff?"
Nova grinned. "Maybe! We're throwing a toga party later so you'll find out!"
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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The new sorority sisters didn't have class until the afternoon so they decided to head over to the Neetor Student Union and Library to meet and greet people and hopefully attract some new pledges.
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Nova saw her friend Tara Young and happily hugged her.
"We're trying to get pledges!" she said. "You should come over to the Sorority later and meet Ashley properly - I'll try and convince her to let you pledge! Wouldn't it be great if we were sisters?"
Tara was excited. "That would be amazing! I'll be there!"
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
Round 11 - Summer 3 - Wildflats Peninsula University
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For the first time ever, it's over to WPU! Wildflats Peninsula University may not be the biggest or most prestigious, or even the best university in SimNation, but for Sims hailing from Wildflats Peninsula, it’s home. WPU, as it is lovingly called by its students, prides itself in being a cosy, friendly place. This small university is popular with students looking for a peaceful university experience.
This is actually Cactus Canyon University by @aondaneedles, which is a lovely little desert university and was perfect for my needs - I only renamed it. It has three dorms, one of which is currently occupied, four residential lots (including one currently occupied Greek House), and seven community lots.
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The first household at the university is the Annya-Fruhm-Var Sorority, newly founded by Ashley DeBore upon her arrival at WPU. Unfortunately, the small size of the brand new university means the sorority doesn't get many members, and at the moment it's just her and new sorority sister Nova Green (with whom Ashley doesn't really get along). Will Ashley manage to save the rapidly-dying sorority?
Ashley's Traits Zodiac: Libra Aspiration: Fortune/Grilled Cheese LTW: Become Mayor Major: Psychology Personality: Neat 3, Outgoing 8, Active 3, Playful 7, Nice 4 Hobby: Arts & Crafts (Painting) Sexuality: Straight Current Age: 20 (Junior)
Nova's Traits Zodiac: Aries Aspiration: Popularity/Pleasure LTW: Have 10 Best Friends Major: History Personality: Neat 5, Outgoing 8, Active 5, Playful 2, Nice 5 Hobby: Nature (Keeping Fish) Sexuality: Straight Current Age: 19 (Sophomore)
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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"Oh, so this is where you've been hiding all afternoon!" said Vance jokingly as he came into the Rec Room. "Come on mate, dinner's up in the Mess Hall."
"Are you going to report me for missing my turn on the obstacle course?" Parker asked.
"Of course not! Come on, let's eat."
Daisy put her pool cue away. "And as I have no desire to partake in the Mess Hall food ever again, I think I'll head home, chaps. Lovely to see you all again!"
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The round came to an end that night as the season changed and everyone slept fitfully in their bunks.
At the end of the round, Vance and Nathan are both 31, Tegan and Isaac are both 30, Parker is 26, Hayden is 23 and Bryson is 22.
Vance and Tegan are both now Junior Officers and qualify to move into the Junior Officers' Housing next round, which is similar to the Barracks but would give them each their own room. However, Vance will probably move in with Oliver instead so Tegan may decide not to live alone. We'll have to see!
For the final household of the round, it's over to the newly-built university at last!
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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After his lengthy turn on the obstacle course, Isaac was particularly stinky and headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Unfortunately, he clogged the latrine while he was in there and, even though it wasn't his turn, he volunteered to unclog and clean the latrines because of it.
Even as the toilet water splashed him in the face and he recoiled backwards, he realised he actually quite enjoyed tinkering with objects and getting them to work again!
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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Vance, Tegan and Parker came home that afternoon with Tegan and Vance both having received promotions to Junior Officer. Parker, however, was not so lucky. They tried not to rub it in.
"Sorry, buddy," said Vance, elbowing him gently in the ribs. "I guess the brass thought you were too valuable here in the barracks keeping the recruits on their toes!"
Parker shrugged. "Sure, whatever. I'm going to the Rec Room with Daisy."
"Mate, it's time for the obstacle courses!"
"I'm excusing myself. You go."
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So while everyone else headed outside to the obstacle courses, Parker ignored his duty and headed into the Rec Room with Daisy.
"Won't you get in trouble?" she asked.
He shrugged again. "I'm not bothered today. Anyway, hey, look at you! Your bump is really starting to show!"
"Is it? I thought I'd placed the belt strategically!"
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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Some of the recruits wandered a bit deeper in the Town Hall and found the chess sets on the first floor. They didn't need Logic but some of them thought it couldn't hurt to sharpen up the ol' strategic planning skills and meet some more people at the same time.
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Isaac got along particularly well with townie Kai Butler.
"I can tell you're a good sort," Kai said, shaking his hand. "You don't deserve to be just a recruit. I know a few people over there at the base and I'm going to pull a few strings for you. How does that sound?"
"Sounds great! Thanks, buddy!" smiled Isaac, thrilled at the thought. "Hey, I'll give you a call and we'll hang out sometime!"
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marmiteprinter · 2 months ago
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Once the Barracks were spick and span, the recruits all headed out on the town. They were still in uniform so they didn't want to make a bad impression and decided against hanging out at the bar or getting too rowdy. They just went to the Town Hall to meet the locals.
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While Bryson discovered that he really enjoyed playing music, the others started schmoozing with whoever wandered into the Town Hall. Hayden greeted Derrick Phillips, hoping that he hadn't shown his curiosity about the other man's strange condition too strongly on his face. Meanwhile, Isaac said a warm hello to Bethany Neetor, who explained she was the local schoolteacher.
"Lovely to meet you! We're the new recruits over at the Military Base. I'm Isaac, that's Hayden, and the gentleman on the piano is Bryson."
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