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(German below) The new Amon Hen (monthly bulletin of The Tolkien Society arrived yesterday and guess whose painting appears on the back cover again... I'm sooo excited!!😃♥️ ---------- Das neue Amon Hen (Monatsbulletin der Tolkien Society) ist gestern angekommen und ratet mal, wessen Bild wieder auf der Rückseite zu sehen ist... Ich freu mich so!!😃♥️

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Mas de las Minas de Moria. #tolkien #tolkienart #tolkiensociety #tolkienuniverse #tolkienfan #tolkientribe #tolkienstate #tolkianus #jrrtolkien #tolkienbooks #lotr #lordoftherings #lotrfan #esdla #moria #minasdemoria #grutasdecacahuamilpa (en Grutas De Cacahuamilpa,gro) https://www.instagram.com/p/CovXe68OS-a/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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This is such an awesome opportunity! Read more here!
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Listening to any whisper is a dangerous pastime! You could listen to hidden truths or unspeakable secrets, as well as to wits uttered for the sole purpose of leading you on the wrong path. If you��re not willing to pay the price, it’s not wise to spy, especially someone like me!

Schola Sforzesca
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30 Years of Tolkien
Today (26th December 2021) marks the 30th anniversary of my first exposure to the works of JRR Tolkien in the form of the Bakshi Lord of the Rings film. I started reading the book shortly afterwards, and the rest, as they say, is history. In 30 years of Tolkien fandom, I have made many friends all over the world, and have created several hundreds of Tolkien inspired artworks, mostly watercolours. Most of those that were painted from 1997 onwards can be found here or here.
The images above are a walk down memory lane, and haven’t been published online before. The earliest are from 1992 and are strongly inspired by David Wenzel’s Hobbit comic. The artwork shown above ranges from 1992 to around 2003. Many are unfinished or discarded pieces. They consist of the earliest ink and watercolour drawings, coloured pencil and pencil works, watercolour paintings, drypoint etching (the Nazgûl) and lithography (the black rider).
The watercolour works owe much to Alan Lee’s style. Around 1999 I changed the vertical format to a horizontal one to allow for more dynamic compositions which are often inspired by cinematography. I was lucky that when the Jackson films were released, my vision of Middle-earth was already firmly established, and I was able to stick to it, albeit at the moment, I try to develop and make it more diverse.
Tolkien remains a strong inspiration. I’m currently working on illustrations for a book about the Second Age written by Martin Simonson, to be published by Sapere Aude in Spain. I also found an old unfinished watercolour (the very last image shown above) which I think I begun around 2003 and for some reason never completed. In retrospect, I really like it. Moreover, it’s a scene that’s still on my to-do list, so I’m going to finish it now, almost twenty years later.
Thank you to all who’ve engaged with me through my artwork over the years, particularly @germantolksoc and @tolkiensociety-blog Here’s to the next 30 years ...
#tolkien#tolkien art#jrr tolkien#tolkien illustration#tolkien anniversary#drawing#watercolour#pencil#coloured pencil#ink#etching#lithography
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NEW TOLKIEN BOOK: The Fall of Númenor will be published on 10 November 2022. Edited by Brian Sibley and illustrated by Alan Lee, the book brings together J.R.R. #Tolkien's many and varied writings on the Second Age of Middle-earth into one book, with new commentary. (1/4)
via @TolkienSociety
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Tolkien Society announces speakers for seminar "Tolkien and Diversity" on 3rd and 4th July
We are pleased to announce the speakers for our seminar "#Tolkien and Diversity" on 3rd and 4th July. Check out the list of talks and register to attend via our website. https://t.co/pAlbkp4us5
— Tolkien Society (@TolkienSociety)
June 9, 2021
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My painting "Arwen`s Fate" made it into the Tolkien Society's "Amon Hen"!! As back cover!! I'm so happy!! "Amon Hen" is the Tolkien Society's monthly bulletin and I'm honored to have my painting included for August! By the way, I have decided to offer the original painting for sale as part of my shop opening, which is coming up soon. If you are already interested in the original painting, please feel free to contact me in advance. (Music in video by @frametraxx)

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Annatar el señor de los anillos. #tolkien #tolkienart #tolkiensociety #tolkienuniverse #tolkienfan #tolkientribe #tolkienstate #tolkianus #jrrtolkien #tolkienbooks #lotr #lordoftherings #lotrfan #esdla https://www.instagram.com/p/Cof6Xj0ONUt/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Good bye, Christopher. We Tolkien fans can never repay the debt we owe to you.
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The pillars of the earth tremble because there will be no salvation without the red double-headed serpent! Follow the path and hold the sword for eternal glory!

Schola Sforzesca
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Today is J.R.R. Tolkien's twelfty-seventh (127th) birthday! As Frodo did for Bilbo, the Tolkien Society continues to celebrate Tolkien's birthday in his absence. Our tradition: at 9pm your time raise a glass and toast "The Professor!" #tolkiensociety #tolkienbrasil #tolkiendilli #tolkiencollection #tolkienbirthdaytoast #thehobbit #consekhobranco #tocasp https://www.instagram.com/p/BsK_TNAHe3w/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=owugxdz8bou3
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Tolkien Society@TolkienSociety
"Where am I, and what is the time?" he said aloud to the ceiling. "In the House of Elrond, and it is ten o'clock in the morning." said a voice. "It is the morning of October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know."
"Where am I, and what is the time?" he said aloud to the ceiling. "In the House of Elrond, and it is ten o'clock in the morning." said a voice. "It is the morning of October the twenty-fourth, if you want to know."
Image: "Rivendell - The Riders" by @DonatoArts
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Quick sketches of Frodo in Rivendell drawn during #nerdanelsworkshop hosted by @MarieBreta and the @TolkienSociety The prompt was “courage”.
#tolkien#jrr tolkien#tolkien art#tolkien illustration#lord of the rings#lotr#frodo#drawing#pencil#nerdanels workshop
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Tolkien Moot XIV convention begins in less than 2 weeks - RSVP Today! http://www2.tolkienmoot.org/news/tolkien-moot-xiv-in-less-than-2-weeks-rsvp-today
#J.R.R. Tolkien#tolkien#tolkien society#tolkiensociety#gaming#rpg#role-playing game#convention#spokane
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Zum #Tolkientuesday und #Weltflüchtlingstag die Erinnerung an diese Aktion der DTG #WorldRefugeeDay Deutsche Tolkien Gesellschaft https://www.tolkiengesellschaft.de/18340/aktion-auch-zwerge-waren-mal-fluechtlinge-endet/#sthash.nixd5BYD.dpbs Vorträge von Mitgliedern der Deutschen Tolkien-Gesellschaft DTG, mehr Tolkien und mehr Zwerge (auch von ZWERG e.V.) bekommt ihr bei den Tübinger Tolkien-Tagen vom 04-10. September 2017 - Tickets (auch kostenlose, zB für Helfer) bekommt ihr hier: https://www.eventbrite.de/e/tubinger-myra-tage-tubinger-tolkien-tage-eine-ganze-woche-fantasy-tickets-32569257526
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