#tokyo revegers
yume-chin · 6 months
I've been working on requests for Inazuma Eleven for months that have given me writer's block. For months and months I banged my head over those requests but nothing. That's why I won't make any more requests on IE for now, I can't and don't want to find myself in that situation again.
So, if you read and remember asking me about Inazuma Eleven I ask you to forgive me and make other requests on some other topic.
I also decided to delete some of the topics I used to write about because I haven't followed these anime for a while and I think I'm no longer capable of writing for them.
Finally I would like to warn you that I am about to open the tag list, if you are interested you can leave a comment or write to me privately so when I open it I will contact you.
If you want to know the topics I write about there you can find it here.
Thank you so much in advance
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🌸Tokyo Revengers Father and Daughter Moments🌸 Ft: Taiju, Hakkai, Ran, Rindou, Draken, Kakucho, Hanma, Mikey, Mitsuya, Nahoya Masterlist / Resident: @enchantedforest-network / WC:2.6kSynposis: Random moments of TR dads with their sweet little ones. Different scenes for each one of them! this is pure fluffy goodness! (unedited) Click below!
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Slightly exhausted, his sleep was interrupted once again. It only lasted 10 minutes when his wife put the baby down after feeding. Walking into the lowly dimmed nursery he saw his newborn daughter in her crib upset. Carefully picking up the fragile newborn, in his arms, cradling them close to his chest. “There there now…” he spoke in a low tone. He made his way into the nursery  sofa. The man who once had a short fuse in his younger days is now a father of this little one. He wouldn’t admit it but he was scared of holding his child for the first time when they were born. Doubts in his mind he wouldn’t be a good enough dad but that moment when he held his child those father instincts began to kick in. He wanted to protect them with every inch of his living soul.  
The newborn was calming down little by little hearing the steady heart beat of her father. Taiju closed his eyes for a brief moment, resting his head back slightly. He took a deep breath “I know you're fighting your sleep.. It’s okay.” The newborn seemed to calm down more as he spoke. Opening his eyes looking down at the newborn against his chest. His child knew his voice, not that he would often speak to his pregnant wife's belly but his wife was around him a lot during his pregnancy and accompanied him during the opening of his restaurants. “My voice is the only thing that seems to calm you down… usually it's the opposite for others..” he smirked. Taiju repositioned himself on the couch as laid his head down against the pillow as  the baby was still against his chest. He looked down at the newborn, his thumb gently caressing the delicate cheeks. 
He was on his ipad in his dressing room he had about a half an hour before the show began. He promised his daughter he would facetime her before the show. He had sent her a gift and was eager to see her open it. On the other side of the screen his daughter  was opening the gift he sent to her. Leaning against the counter “I hope you like it.” Hakkai smiled
Opening the pretty rose gold box with a gold ribbon around it her eyes lit up “It’s a bunny!!” She exclaimed, holding the white fluffy stuffed  bunny in her hands then giving it a big squeeze. “Thank you daddy!” Seeing his daughter's raw reaction to the gift made his day. “Your welcome sweetie. I’m glad you like it.” 
She nodded “When are you coming home?” she asked and looked at her dad. He gave a softer smile. “Soon baby. I know daddy has been away for a while now. But soon I will be home with you and mommy.” With his  career it did interrupt his family life. He did manage to still be active in his daughters and wife's life, face timing, photos and every now and then they would join him on his trips. Still he didn’t want his daughter around the cameras and the paparazzi since she was still so young he still wanted some type of privacy in his personal life. 
Looking at the time as it seemed to fly by “I’m sorry baby but daddy has to get going. I will call you when I’m done.” A soft pout on his little one's face “okay daddy, you promise?” “Of course, daddy loves you.” “I love you too daddy”
“9…10… ready or not here I come.” Ran called out opening his eyes as he found himself observing the living room. Walking around the living room searching for his child who was hiding from him. “I’m gonna find you.” he called out. 
He couldn’t hear a giggle nor a movement. They learned from the last time they played not to respond to their fathers comments. Ran began walking down the hallway carefully listening to see if he heard any sort of movement. Ran began to check obvious places they would hide that he knew about under the beds, in the closet, even behind the curtains but nothing.
He was rather impressed that he wasn't able to find them yet. He began to question where they could be hiding. He began to search for her in more and more places he thought she would be weren’t there. Few more minutes passed and no luck.  “Oi my  little one I give up. You can come out now.” he called out.
He waited to hear for some type of movement giving some type of idea what their hiding place was and what it could be. He didn’t hear a response, he was now assuming she wanted their father to look for her. He began walking through the rooms again checking them thoroughly. 
He noticed one thing in particular, the laundry room was slightly cracked and opening the door he noticed a large basket that had a blanket he knew he put in the dryer now it was in the basket. Coming closer he noticed a bit of movement. Gently pushing the blanket down he saw his daughter in a deep slumber. The blanket was still slightly warm, Ran carefully picking her up in the blanket still. In a groggy voice as they let out a yawn “daddy you found me.” 
“I did.” letting a low chuckle out.
Rindou squinted his eyes seeing his daughter who was in pre-k holding hands with a little boy in her class. Every dads worst nightmare when they become a father of a little princess. Holding hands with a boy. As his little princess saw her father she let go of her friend's hands and waved to him as she darted towards her father. Crouching down as he greeted his baby. Embracing him with a tight hug. After a bit of small talk Rindou placed her in the car as he began to drive home. “So who was that boy you were holding hands with?” the father questions were coming out now
“Oh he is my boyfriend!” 
Luckily he was at a stop sign and he looked at his daughter who was in the back seat. “Come again? Boyfriend?” The words boyfriend ached his poor soul. 
Hearing a car honking for him to go, his eyes went back to the road. “Yeah daddy. He is a boy and he is my friend.” Taking a calming breath he was relieved by the comment. “I see… you don’t like any boys yet right?” 
“No, they are just my friends.” she chuckled
‘Good’ he thought to himself. “You would tell daddy if you did right?” 
“Mmmmm” she thought about it for a moment before responding “No.” “What??? Why not?” “Because I don’t want you to scare them away.” 
“I wouldn’t do that to them…”  he was lying to himself of course he would. 
“Are we doing this right now?” Still on the edge of the bed seeing the covers pulled up little fingers holding the blankets up. 
“Mhmm” with a small cough.
Letting a small sigh out as he  placed the small cup of medicine down on the nightstand. “You know you need to take it.”
“It’s gross….” Lowering the blankets down to see the red cheeks of his kiddo. 
“I know it is, But the quicker you take this the quicker you will feel better.” 
The tiny child sat up in her bed seeing Draken reach for the small cup of medicine handing it to them. She looked at the cup of medicine scrunching their nose before taking the medicine. 
“See, it isn't that bad.” rubbing her head.
As she laid back on the scooting the covers up more. “I’m sorry you had to miss work today…”  
Giving a small smile, “It's fine I wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. Your my top priority everything else is second” A small smile on her lip appeared. “Get some rest, I will check on you in a little bit, okay?”
Throughout the day Draken checked on her. Checking her forehead to see how the temperature was going down each time he checked on them. He was relieved each time going in, still as a parent he did worry about his little one getting sick. They weren’t their happy go lucky self he is so used to seeing. As she were still asleep he checked on the one more time his hand lightly touching her forehead the fever seemed to be gone. He leaned down pressing his lips on their forehead.
A storm was passing through Tokyo. The sounds of thunder and lightning echoed in the quiet room. Walking up front her she could hear the rain and whistling from the wind. She looked around and her night light was on. The sudden lightning and thunder once again prompt the little one to rush to her fathers room. Opening the large door she crept to the side where her father was sleeping. She nudged her dad gently and whispering “daddy” 
Kakucho, feeling the small push, opened his eyes to see his daughter in front of him. “Baby why are you out of bed?” speaking in a groggy tone
“The loud noises outside.” She looked towards the window and then at her father.
“Do you wanna sleep with me and mommy?” He asked.
Nodding at her dad's question he scooted on the bed as she climbed in. “You don’t have to worry about anything sweetheart, daddy is here to protect you.” 
Another  struck from thunder and lightning his daughter snuggled into him more. Kakuchou’s arms holding his little girl making sure she felt protected. “I got cha.” He spoke in a soothing voice stroking his daughter's hair. He wasn’t going to sleep until he knew his little girl was okay. Kakucho watched as his daughter was becoming more tired. The sound of the rain was all they both could hear.
“Can I name him?” his daughter spoke as she held the tiny small black kitten. The walk from the convenience store just for snacks ended up being snacks and small kitten they found on their way back. 
“I was thinking Cujo, he looks dangerous.” He looked at the kitten who didn’t want to come to him, only his daughter.
“No! He is not a rabid dog! He is so cute!” she laughed, petting the kitten in her arms. “Figaro! 
He looked at the kitten who seemed to resemble the kitten from the movie she watched. With his free hand he scratched behind the kitten ears making the kitten let a little meow out. “Ferocious Figaro.”
“Do you think mommy will be okay with us keeping a kitty?” asking as they were approaching the home.
“We will see we were only supposed to get snacks. We came back with the snacks, kitten and food for the little terrorizer. I mean Figaro.” he was getting his keys out of his pocket. “Don’t worry mommy will be fine with the kitty, let me sweet talk her.” “Yeah! Tell her she is pretty and she is the best mommy!”
‘Among other things to convince her,’ he thought to himself. “That will work.” flashing a smile at his daughter as he opens the door. “Hey babe we’re back, we got the snacks and a kitten~!”
“How do they make it look so easy there?” Mikey looked at the screen and the ingredients as he thought he measured correctly. He looked at the cookies they were supposed to be nice and pretty just like one the video he was watching. Instead he got flat cookies that resemble crepes. 
His daughter looked around the countertop that was messy and behind the mixing bowl and she saw another cup of flour. “Daddy, we forgot the other cup of flour.”
He turned his head towards his daughter, seeing the other measuring cup of flour as she was bringing it close from behind the mixing bowl. “That could have been the reason the batter was a bit runny…” Mikey scratches the back of his head. 
“It’s okay daddy, we tried our best.” giving her father a chipper smile.
Mikey looked down smiling at the child who had flour covered on her. “Let's try again and make sure we add that cup of flour.”
After the final attempt both of them were looking through the glass window of the stove seeing the cookies rise. “We did it princess.” “I bet they are going to taste yummy daddy! I want that one.” pointing to one of the corner cookies. “Next time we can make taiyaki daddy!”
Feeling a bit more confident in his baking skill “Why not right now?” Mikey couldn’t pass up making his own Taiyaki. He wanted to enjoy every moment of his vacation with his little one as much as possible before he returned to racing. 
From the moment his daughter was born they had a strong bond. Mitsuya doted over his daughter any chance he got. Getting home he had a routine the moment his daughter's eyes landed on him he automatically picked her up. Today he had his hands full of items. Opening the door he saw the pretty bright wide lavender eyes of his daughter looking at his directions. The coo’s and excitement was all on her face as she sat on her mothers lap. “My little jellybean.” he smiled “Let daddy put this up really quick.” leaning down kissing the top of her forehead. 
Mitsuya shuffled to his office, placing the fabrics and sketch pads down. The moment his daughter lost sight of her father. Her eyes began to tear up wondering why he didn't pick her like he usually does. He could hear his daughter crying from the other room. Walking back to the living room he saw the little stream of tears from his daughter's cheeks. His daughter reached for her daddy as he picked her up. “I’m right here.” he slightly chuckled, “Jellybean daddy is right here.” 
Moments as she was in her father's arms the tears stopped and a smile peered on her cheek. He did get a kick out of it, how just picking her up in a matter of seconds made a difference. Confirming he was the favorite parent of his daughter. He wiped her eyes then placed a kiss on her temple. “This is a definite confirmation that I'm her favorite human.” flashing a smile as he looked at his wife who playfully rolled her eyes.
“Is it yummy?” Nahoya rested his elbows on the table as he watched his daughter eat her ramen. 
“Mmhmm!!” she was slurping the noodles. 
Few things he loved doing was watching his daughter eat. The expressions she would make as she ate made the food look 100 times better than someone else eating it. The way she did a little dance in her chair as she continued to eat. This was a sign the food was extra good.  Nahoya’s daughter was also his biggest critique too if something was missing she would point it out.
“Papa did you want some?” she asked, looking at her dad as she grasped more noodles with her chopsticks.  
“I’m okay. You eat.” he slightly chuckled 
She held the chopsticks closer to her father “papa have some please!” At that point he couldn’t say no anymore, leaning in as he ate the noodles from the chopstick. “It’s yummy!” 
Swallowing the noodles “It is. Now here is the biggest questions: whose Ramen is better, mine or Uncle Angry’s?” 
Angry was listening to the conversation he was behind his brother. He made eye contact with his niece. To slightly tease his brother a bit he lifted a bag a gummy bears up and pointed to himself. 
“Ummmm sorry daddy it’s Uncle Angry.” 
“What?!” He stood up from his chair. Angry, placing the gummy bears in his pocket. Smiley was now determined to challenge his brother to a Ramen battle.
 In a split second Angry walked to his niece, of course he loved his brother but him and his niece were pretty tight. Handing her the bag of gummy bears. “Atta girl.” 
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Interested in joining the taglist please fill out the form below to get a notification of your favorite characters when they are being posted! Link here ->taglist Tagging: @the-haitani-baton, @satanlovesusall666, @galactict3a, @ratlovecat, @niko-ash, @iluv-ace, @captainmycaptainn, @strawberrychrome, @missgab, @anxious-chick, @spookiisopium, @bontensbabygirl, @txna04, @stygianoir, @kira-rrh, @intheafterall, @staygoldsquatchling02, @nightqueensk, @alexanderlightwoodii, , @sintyu, @missgab, @elmakimaki , @hana-patata, @ancient-vivarium @livefromnc , @mdibby @chronic-claire-universe @cxrxx @drakensdarling, @stephisokay, @lunatical, @q-the-rockaholic, @istanstraykids, @opchara, @twistedw0nd3rland3acc, @galliardsmaniac, @villsophie, @carixes , @kodzukein , @trevengersprincess, @wakasasbae , @wakashudou , @burpzz, @alexanderlightwoodii @opchara , @cloudsinthecosmos , @sushijimaaa , @haitani-maki , @wakashudou , @burpzz , @mztoman @heijihattori , @zzelan @toe , @leivane , @kenpachisbrat , @kr0wu , @donquixotehomura , @mizugami @ackerbaby , @levixsiren @bakugosgirl01
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zaenaris · 2 months
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New Pazuribe event: Koko and Inupi + Yuzuha and Hakkai ❄️🦊🐦‍⬛☠️
Edit: part 2 here
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smol-sirens-garden · 3 months
Do not get me into an anime/game. You will have to deal with the rabid bullshit that comes with it xD
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emzeciorrr-gaming · 4 months
[ANDROID] Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE! -- Gameplay
"Tokyo Revengers PUZZ REVE!" is a puzzle game with RPG elements developed by the Japanese company Goodroid, released for iOS and Android mobile systems in 2023, based on the manga comic "Tokyo Revegers" by Ken Wakui. Before starting the game, we create our own gang of up to 6 people. During the game, the basic task is to eliminate 3 or more of the same elements of the same color and shape vertically or horizontally. When we arrange the elements in an L-shape or vice versa, or a wider line of elements horizontally or vertically, we will see special powers that allow them to be eliminated faster. In addition, each of the characters in our gang has their own powers. To achieve and use them, one of the characters' bar must be filled and then, after pressing on it, we can use its power. We receive rewards for completing a level and, over time, reaching a higher level for one or more characters in our gang.
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barrenstars · 11 months
i've been thinking about it lately and i know a lot of my mutuals are as slow as me to reply ooc, ( tumblr dms are like the void ) so i was thinking of ways, aside from posting starter calls for people that i could make interacting with me easier than having to plot. and, honestly, memes are the absolute best way. if we've never spoken, barely spoken, speak every so often, or speak every day, i still encourage you to send some memes. because, honestly, my inbox is full of the same four people and i'm not too sure if it's because i, myself, am struggling with reaching out to people. that, and i know there is a lot of anxiety about sending memes to someone, i get anxious to send memes to people in case someone is like 'ew its them', or they simply get ignored. ( anxiety is a bastard fr fr. ) so this is my way of kind of saying, just send the meme! or forty! also, in case you're struggling to think of who to send them to, i'm going to attach a list of muses i am feeling really motivated to write for!
muses !
jujutsu kaisen todo aoi, ieiri shoko, nanami kento, ino takuma, amachi sana (oc; verse available), nakada reina (oc; verse available), anya forger (jjk verse available, might be altered), petra müller (oc; verse available). tokyo revegers sano emma, haitani ran, yamamoto takuya.
these are of course just the muses i have the most inspiration for, you can send anything or we can write anything for anyone on my muse list, it doesn't bother me at all! i'm just trying to think of ways to make things easier for people.
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biriz-suzume · 1 year
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Muito Supremacy # Very Supremacy # CHIFUYU# Tokyo revegers
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fantanimeblog · 2 years
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Tokyo revegers è un anime che già dal primo episodio dici ok guardiamone un altro.
Hanagaki takemichi protagonista di questa storia all’età di 26 anni si ritrova a dover sventare un omicidio ma non nel presente nel passato… state tranquilli capirete quando inizierete l’anime comunque sia non per tanto dovete iniziare questo anime per il protagonista ma per come sono stati scritti gli altri personaggi dell’ opera a parer mio in modo impeccabile.
Piccolo Spoiler per chi è amante di storie gang vs gang siete obbligati a vederlo
Vi lascio il link e la trama dove vederlo qui sotto
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Takemichi è un disoccupato di 26 anni la cui unica ragazza, avuta alle scuole medie, è recentemente morta. In seguito ad un incidente, lo stesso Takemichi si ritrova all'improvviso ai tempi delle scuole medie; il ragazzo si ripromette così di cambiare il futuro e di salvare la ragazza.
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simplyxsinned · 3 years
it’s one of my first times requesting and stop i’m nervous. but anyways
could i request for a stubborn but shy reader to be cuddling with draken (tokyo revengers) and to be able to feel like they’re able to open up to them because their past relationships have been not so positive? tysm!!
🪐 anon
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"To lend a shoulder when you cry"
a/n; No need to be nervous when requesting anon! Sorry this took a long time :<
genre; hurt/comfort, toxic relationships
Characters; time skip! Draken x gn! reader
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It was days like these what you needed the most was a hug...from anyone just a hug. It reminds you of them, you thought that you had forgotten them and moved on but the past still haunts.
You didn't want to bother Draken, he's busy with his work. Sitting there on the bed, you stared at the ceiling, thoughts racing in your head. Unknowingly, your vision starts to blur, fat globs of tears roll down your cheeks dripping down to your chin, it feels so suffocating.
After minutes which felt like hours in your mind, you heard the front door opening. "I'm home" your lover shouted. Seeing no reply, he went in your shared bedroom.
It’s eerily silent, he could only hear your faint sniffles that you tried so hard to hide. He sat down beside you and sighed, he knows what is occupying your mind.
Without a word, he held you in a tight embrace in hopes that it'll at least give you some comfort, it's his own way of saying "i'm here, you have no need to suffer alone" You unknowingly felt safe in his arms, like nothing is going to hurt you, except for your thoughts of course.
Sometimes, he just wishes he didn’t have a busy schedule. He just wants to spend his living days by your side, it doesn’t matter if it’s just cuddling or sharing jokes with each other, he’ll gladly do anything for you to be able to see that bright smile of yours again.
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Thanks for reading <33
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manjiroro · 3 years
character: ran
content: fluff, gender neutral reader, slight crack
synopsis: ran may not be too vocal about it but he really loves it when you do his hair
yo so i feel the need to write something and im having ran brainrot so im gonna do smtg about those
i apologise for any mistakes and i hope you enjoy~~
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haitani ran may look like the biggest, teasing asshole there is but you knew him better than anyone else, asides from his brother of course. you knew ran was far from that, when he’s in the comfort of his own home, ran is a drama queen, one who gets upset when you refused to run your fingers through his hair. though, he’s not one to outright tell you what to do, he’ll just sulk and be petty until you find out what was wrong.
living with the haitani brothers was fun, everyday was filled with something new. just the other day, the brothers got into an argument over who ate the last box of cereal and of course, whenever such arguments happen, you’d have to be the one to step in. you may be ran’s partner but sometimes it feels as if you’re rindou’s personal assistant.
rindou would be the one to ask you to get groceries for the house and asking you to do his chores for him. whenever you questioned him, he’d give the excuse of him being too tired and on occasion, would threaten to tell his brother what you did when he wasn’t home that one day. spoiler alert, you were using ran’s precious hair products because you were jealous of his shiny, soft locks.
dating ran wasn’t always bad, sure he can be cocky and loves to tease the living shit out of you. but, being domestic and casual with him was the most enjoyable. the both of you often opting to stay home, cuddling together with you laying on top of ran as the both of you stared lovingly into each other’s eyes. or when he lays his head on your lap while you were occupied with something, he loves it when you subconsciously start raking through his hair, scratching his scalp in the process. it always gave him tingles running down his spine.
ran loved it when you touched his hair, you were the only one who had the privilege of doing so, anyone else would’ve risked their arms getting whacked by his baton. the feeling you gave him while playing with his hair was indescribable but it was addicting to him. ran wouldn’t outright say it though, he’s not one to admit things easily. so instead, he plays it off by asking you to do his hair every. single. day. as much as you loved him, doing his hair every day can be a tiresome task especially when he doesn’t know how to sit still.
“ran stop moving, if you’re gonna keep doing that, i’m not gonna style your hair anymore. you can ask your brother to help you”
you grumbled at your boyfriend. he had been fidgeting in his seat, sometimes even turning to face you to give a quick kiss to catch you off guard. it would’ve been a sweet gesture if it weren’t for him messing your progress up, causing you to restart again.
“aw don’t be like that y/n. i’m sure rindou doesn’t wanna do it.”
and right after he said that, his brother walked past the both of you, trying his best to avoid eye contact.
“hey rindou! style your brother’s hair.”
rindou stops in his tracks and gives you a look of disbelief mixed with disgust.
“no way i’m touching his nasty hair.”
“okay first off rindou, i wash my hair everyday.”
the younger brother grimaces before walking away, not wanting to continue the conversation which he felt was stupid.
“see y/n, you’re the only one who can do my hair.”
ran gives you his shit eating smirk, looking triumphantly at you while you deadpanned at him for once again, turning around and messing his hair up.
“you have arms you can do it yourself.”
you sighed, letting his hair go to redo his now messy hair.
“then it wouldn’t be as fun anymore.. i like it when you style my hair”
ran mumbles, cheeks slightly flushed, making you smile. your heart swells at finally hearing a heartfelt confession come out of ran, the last time you heard one was the day he confessed to you. you kissed the top of his head, making him perk up at the sudden gesture.
“well if you say it like that then i guess i’ll have to continue styling your hair every day then.”
ran hums his response, smile slowly creeping onto his face
“i love you y’know that?”
“mhm i love you too idiot”
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❥ masterlist
reblogs are highly appreciated!!
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spiikeekun · 3 years
So, first post of 2022 : a Emma Sano fanart!
I really like it, I hope you like it too.
Take care of yourselves, drink water and rest!
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yume-chin · 3 years
Hello everyone
Hi everyone, I'm Yume and I'm a 19 year old Italian girl. I'm in my first year of university.
I love to write and for this reason I decided to activate this account and use it to publish fanfictio, oneshort, headcanon and chat about anime, manga, videogames and movies.
I write 100% for these titles but if you want to read about other anime you can ask me either in messages or in requests
One Piece
Tokyo Revengers
Cod mw
Cod mw 2
Tmnt 2012
RotTmnt 2018
Tmnt 2014/2016
Treasure Planet
Spider-Man into the spider-verse
Spider-Man across the spider-verse
Feel free to ask me any requests.
Hugs to all ♡੯ᵕू ໒꒱
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baselball · 3 years
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emma sano > you
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mindninjax · 3 years
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smol-sirens-garden · 10 months
Watching Tokyo Revegers finally.......
Mikey is literally looks like a cinnamon roll- could actually kill you, and I love him.
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pleplip · 3 years
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