#todoroki is a simp
musicfeedsmysoul12 · 1 month
Hey look more shuffle song challenge
Run - Awolnation.
“You don't understand a thing do you?” Izumi asked. Her hands were in his pockets as she looked at the heroes in front of her.
 “Don’t understand what?” demanded the leader of the group. “You’re here against your will.” 
 “I’m a human being aren't I?” Izumi asked rhetorically. 
 “I’m human,” Izumi smiled, her eyes flashing black. “We’re all capable of horrible things aren’t we?” her grin only widened as her skin began bubbling. Her Quirk was coming in strong. She felt herself rise. “You should run,” she laughed right before he lunged. 
 They shouldn't have tried to talk her down.
 Just another group of idiots thinking they knew her.
Tears of Gold- Faouzia
 “I’m sorry Izuku,” Bakugou was at the door again. Izuku hadn't opened the door, the hero had to yell it. Izuku took out his phone to type out another message to security of his building, reminding them that he didn't want to be bothered by Bakugou. Not now, not ever. Not really anyway. 
 Not after what he did. 
 God Izuku should have known. He remembered thinking he'd been naive after everything. Remembered the tears pouring down his face. Remembering the fact Bakugou had only sent a text not anything else. 
 He'd been so stupid, so foolish to think things would change. 
 Izuku felt the tears in his eyes again, and wiped them away.
 He wouldn't cry over Bakugou again.
 Not now, not ever.
Thumbs -Sabrina Carpenter 
 Things were supposed to be better. Things were supposed to have changed. Things weren't supposed to repeat like some shitty rerun.
 Izuku clenched his hands, refusing to look at the new Commission. Or well, Committee. 
 It was the same shit over again. A power hungry force trying to fore certain heroes to the top to control society. 
 Izuku hadn't obeyed. Had focused on helping others. Most of his class had. 
 And because of this they were nothing. Old has been heroes despite being twenty-five while fame hungry heroes stole the spotlight.
 Izuku gritted his teeth, feeling the Quirk his father mockingly gave back under his skin.
 The cycle just would keep going wouldn't it?
Drag Me Down- One Direction
“Who is my biggest supporter?” Izuku repeated the question. He paused, humming.
 A few people smirked, or smiled shyly, thinking he would say them. Bakugou was ready to take the words, while Inko wanted to bury her face into her hands.
 “Ah that would be Iida! Or Ingenium!” Izuku said after a moment of thought. “He’s always been there for me since I started UA. He and Uravity were the ones who thought I would go far! He's been there for everything, from physical therapy for my arms, to villain fights, and more.” Izuku beamed. “I've never felt more supported than by him.”
 “Really?” the reporter laughed, smiling at the feel good story of friendship. 
 Izuku smiled, aware of what hornet's nest he’d just kicked. 
 He didn't quite mind.
Wait for It- Hamilton Sound Track
 Inko knew she made a lot of mistakes. From sleeping with a man not her husband, to not telling her son the truth of his parentage. To having to deal with the sham her marriage became. 
 To having her son walk away from her. Having him fall to the darkness because she couldn't support him. She was to scared to, terrified of what would happen to him.
 Now she had nothing. There was nothing for her here. Nothing to move on with. 
 There was only one thing she could do. She hovered at the edge of the group, listening to the pink girl describe the machine to take someone back in time.
 It doesn't take her a second to yank it to her. She held the eyes of the hero who tried to snatch it, pressing the button.
 She wouldn't wait to fix things.
Sorry not Sorry- Demi Lovato
“He seems sorry,” Kirishima said out loud, eyes lingering on the 1C table where Bakugou Katsuki was eating by himself.
 “I'm not,” Izuku snorted. He ate his Katsudon with no shame as Kirishima tried to look disapproving. “He's never been anything but rude and mean to me, I don't see why I need to feel sorry.”
 “He…” Kirishima hesitated. Nothing he could say wouldn't sound like victim blaming. It was like saying that Izuku had asked to be assaulted during the final exam that ended up with Bakugou failing. Or that Bakugou shouldn’t have listened to the teachers and stayed inside rather than leaving during the remedial lessons where he got kidnapped.
 “He deserves it,” Izuku said. It had taken a few sessions with Hound Dog, but he could say it with his full chest.
 Bakugou deserved it. Izuku took a twisted glee in rising high up in the hero course while Bakugou stagnated in general education, his attitude providing a great deterrent from ever getting back into his original track. 
 He should probably talk about that in therapy.
Stupid in Love - MAX, Huh Yunjin
“I’m in love with you,” JD blurted out, unable to stop the words. They covered their mouth. Inko jerked back, the green haired woman staring at the devil with a wide mouth. “Shit. Don’t-” they shook their head and turned away. Inko reached out to grab their arm.
 “It’s mutual.” she said. JD froze, before turning around to stare at her. She held their eyes, not looking away. They couldn't help the smile growing across their face, leaning forward to grab her face to plant a kiss on her lips. Her hands came up to cup their own cheeks, neither able to stop kissing.
 It wasn't their first kiss, the history of friends with benefits coming in.
 But it was their best.
Devil Saint - Luma, Yuppycult
Izuku printed off every piece of evidence. He marked them all, circling each moment. He was through. He did not flinch as he wrote everything down. He did not stop until it was all down.
 He sent each hero school a package. A package showing each horror Bakugou Katsuki and Aldera caused. Each bruise, each word. He then sent it to multiple new sources and sat back. 
 It was time to watch it burn.
Valhalla Calling- Miracle of Sound
“You’re crazy!” Shouto shouted as he caught Izumi from her jump. She shrugged.
 “And?” she smiled charmingly up at the other teen. “I’m not some damsel you can keep locked up Shouto. Now come on, let's get out of here!” the dancer jumped out of his arms and Shouto nearly broke down then. But he couldn't. No, he had to run to keep up with her gait. She flipped around the battlefield, mocking the villains who thought her weak, thought she would bend for them, thought she'd give up being a hero for pretty words.
 “If I die, I die as myself!” she shouted, jumping perfectly over a burst of blue flame. Shouto’s breath caught, eyes wide.
 She was so damn beautiful.
I’m a Mess- Bebe Rexha
Izumi hated how she felt. She hated how Dabi could twist her up like this. Hated how the memory of his arms made her want to cry. 
 She flipped down onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.
 He didn't love her. It was obvious to her. People didn't love her for who she was. They only wanted what she could give them, what she provided.
 For Dabi it was easy. Sex and intel was what he wanted and she got to feel loved.
 She knew that.
 So why did his fake love make her feel funny? Why did she keep playing with these games?
 God she felt ridiculous. 
 “Baby?” Dabi opened the door, and Izumi tucked away her thoughts, smiling.
 She'd enjoy it while it lasted.
 He was there and willing to pretend at least.
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moodyvoid · 1 month
Toga: “I miss Magne.”
Tomura: “I know. It feels strange without her.”
Mr. Compress: “I miss her advice and how she was always willing to lend an ear.”
Spinner: “Even though it used to annoy me… I miss all the nicknames she’d call us.”
Toga: “Sugar, Pumpkin, Honey.”
Twice: “Sweetpea, Darling, Muffin.”
Dabi: “Sexy, Stud, Daddy—“
Mr. Compress: “Huh?”
Dabi: “… She didn’t call you guys that?”
All of them shaking their heads no.
Dabi: “Oh.”
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kelin-is-writing · 5 months
fwb!touya who despite your agreement on not necessarily having to stop seeing other peoples, has deleted the contacts of the two or three girls he used to occasionally hook up with, when you weren’t around, the moment you two had started your relationship and everytime he crosses paths with them at school he barely even acknowledges their existence. why? ohh that’s because the moment you, the girl he desires on a soul-type of level, has agreed to be in all this with him touya’s eyes haven’t been able to look away from you, not even for a split second.
fwb!touya who a mere call or text for you telling him how much you miss and want to see him, is enough to make him skip practices with his rock band only to run over to your place and spend time with you. be it doing homework, watching movies or those weird reality shows that secretly pique his interest, playing games that usually end up in heated makeout sessions, you putting on nail polish while he styles your hair, cooking together, napping together, having sex four or five times. just you two basically being all over each others at any given occasion. touya wanted you close to him as much as possible and he was going to have exactly that.
fwb!touya who keeps telling himself you two are just ‘friends with benefits’ but from time to time he finds himself playing the guitar, compose and writes songs while thinking about you. he would’ve never wanted to admit it, for the moment, but you’ve been his muse since the first day you guys meet and the major reason for it was your smile, your laugh, your voice… that beautiful spark in your eyes whenever you looked at him… it made his heart warm up and a pleasing emptiness take over his stomach… shit… this wasn’t good at all, he was going into a dangerous territory right there and it wasn’t supposed to happen.
fwb!touya who has never marked any girl he’s slept with before nor has he ever permitted them to mark him, because he has never felt the need to do that with his past flings; yet it took only one week, three days, fourteen hours, thirty-two minutes and twenty-six seconds in your relationship to make him go around the campus proudly, a shit-eating grin on his face, with your glossy lipstick imprint onto the side of his neck right where everyone could see it while you walked around with his teethes’ mark on your neck; a statement dedicated to everybody in the school that told all of them he is yours and you are his.
fwb!touya who never holds back from showing off to everyone your close relationship. you could be talking to a classmate and he would walk up to you surrounding your waist with an arm, pulling you flush against his side, and ask genuinely curious and interested what you guys were talking about while leaning his cheek against your head as he hummed along to the explanation you gave him with that voice of yours that is as beautiful as you are, completely smitten and mesmerized. once you were talking with another classmate of yours, that was assigned as a committee with you for a school festival, about some preparations when he came up to you ignoring the other person’s presence and just fixing his intense gaze on you while asking if everything was alright and if you needed any help while delicately moving a strand of hair behind your ear and then rest it gently on the back of your head to let you know that it was fine to lean on him whenever things became too much.
fwb!touya who keeps telling you and himself that the two of you are just ‘friends with benefits’, but the way he fucks you, talks to you and overall treats you are far from being those of an actual ‘friends with benefits’ and he doesn’t notice until a random guy who’s a schoolmate of you two and fan of his band starts asking him about you, throws glances your way, tries (but fails) to flirt with you and touya is watching over you two seething as he smokes by the fences outside the school’s building, tomura being the one who makes him notices that he’s clenching his jaw so hard they can hear his teethes scratching together. it’s right then that he realizes that the reason he had suggested all that thing between you two wasn’t only because he was attracted to you, but because he has been in love with you the whole time since the start of your friendship.
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gamergirl-niffler · 3 months
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harumichan12 · 2 months
Oh my god I’m SCREAMING! HE'S BACK!!!
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yourbeautifulmess19 · 6 months
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writersmorgue · 2 months
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my favorite izuku moments from the last chapter 💚
seeing him be such an inspiration to younger kids is so heartwarming. He really came full circle, and even if it was hard for him to see he was one of the greatest. I hope he went on to fulfill his dreams in a way he could appreciate.
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dabiscrispyankles · 1 year
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isabeauwolf · 3 months
I wanna see Touya with long hair 😭 it would look so pretty and fluffy
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plush-rabbit · 2 years
Dating Enji to Get Back at Touya
Request: Idk if youre down to write thing kind of thing but the idea is; Touya is a shitty immature boyfriend whos never treated reader right even though theyve been dating for a long while. They finally break up after a big fight inwhich reader is just done with his bullshit. They sont talk for a while until he sees reader with his father of all people. Reader is with Enji and he treats her RIGHT☆ he spoils her and treats her like the women she is.  Touya is not happy♡  thats it, just reader dating Touyas dad for revenge but actually is really happy w him 
A/N: I’m gonna try a different format here so let me know how you think of it, kind of like a fic, but not a full one
Touya isn’t the best partner to have. He’s never cheated on you, but he’s so dismal of your feelings. He can be mean- ignoring you, walking out on you when you’re crying, staying for a quick fuck and leaving immediately and if he doesn’t leave immediately, he falls asleep and wakes up early to raid your fridge and leave without a note. 
There’s a certain charm to the relationship. Despite him being mean and the fights where he’d raise his voice and tell you nasty things in order to hurt you, to see you cry- he could also be sweet. He’d call you pretty, and kiss your cheek. He could fuck you nice and soft, and kiss you with so much passion you could have mistaked it for some deeper feeling. He wasn’t the type to say sorry, but he would bring you gifts- expensive ones that he’d know you’d like. 
But the fighting is too much. It’s mean and cruel, and both of you brought out the worst in each other. And one day, you had enough. You broke it off and deleted his contact and even though you couldn't bring yourself to delete the text messages, you did.
Maybe you should have gone with his brother, Natsuo, who you know would be a sweetheart and would treat you better than anyone could. Or maybe his sister, Fuyumi. She was always cute and had such a sweet voice. But, for better or for worse, his father was there, going through a divorce and desperate for something or someone to just relieve himself on, you and him both took advantage of one another after a few drinks and a confirmation that both of you were single. 
Due to his failed marriage, Enji uses you as a rebound. It works out, really, since all you’re using him for is just to get back at his son. A “fuck you” and the pride- or something far more ugly and hurt- getting to tell him that you fucked his dad in his childhood home. And Enji gets to not be so alone anymore, gets to relieve his stress and use you in all sorts of harsh ways without a complaint. He gets to fuck somebody else while going through a mid-life crisis.
That’s all the relationship that it is, a ”fuck you” and a rebound. 
But then he visits one night after a long day of work, and like father, like son, he wants to use you, forget about his day. Maybe he should have called you, checked to see if you were awake, because even if light peeks out from under the door, you could be asleep. He takes out your key, and tries not to think about the implication of having a key to your home, and opens the door. Enji has memorized the walk to your room already, could walk the exact number of steps and turn without pumping into the corner of the wall if he were blinded. 
He can already feel his cock harden at the thought of getting to scoop you into his arms and have you ride him, to feel you clench and kiss his neck. His mouth salivates at the thought of kissing you. There are whimpers coming inside and his perverted mind, he knows he came at the right time- all it will be for the night is rushed kisses and a wet hole aching for him.
And then he opens the door, and you’re under the blanket, crying and taking shuddering breaths. You’re crying and you take notice of him. You can’t stop the tears, and you can’t mask the heaviness in your voice when you speak.
“Enji,” you sniffle and he stands at the doorway. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t-” you rub at your eyes and tears drip down the curve of your face- “I didn’t know you were coming.”
He thinks about when Rei would cry and how he’d snarl and yell. How his youngest would stand between them, and he thinks about all he would do is yell even more. Late in the night, he would apologize, and in the morning, he would fuck her, muttering against her skin about how he loved her. 
His lips are dry and he can’t tell you that he just came here for sex.
“I- uh. I’m sorry.” You’re apologizing- for either the awkward situation or for crying. “I’m a mess right now.” You scratch at the space where your shoulder and neck meet and you leave lines behind. “You can leave if you want.” He can leave, because if you had told his son, Touya would have left in a heartbeat and you would cry about it, but you wouldn’t hold it against him. He would come back the next day and wouldn’t ask how you feel. Tears shine in your eyes, and you’re alone in your room, crying. “It’s fine,” your voice breaks and your lips tremble.
He thinks to himself that he doesn’t want to see another significant other cry because of him.
Quickly, he takes steps towards you, and he crouches by the bed. “What’s wrong?” His hand cups the side of your face, a tear catching on his thumb. “Did something happen?”
You start with a few heavy breaths, and your eyes shine and he can see himself in your eyes, kneeled on the floor, trying to comfort you. All you can do is cry, muttering about how work was awful and you can’t stand it anymore. You cry and he has such an urge to hold you, to run his calloused hands down your back and make it all better.
He isn’t sure when it happened, but he’s on your bed, stripped down to a white tank and his briefs, and you on his chest, with hands entangled in one another and his other hand running up and down his back. You fall asleep beside him, and he stares at you for a long time. His arm is asleep under you, and he makes no attempt to pull away from you. 
In the morning, you wake up and make breakfast for him. He sits with you for it, and sits on the couch next to you, his arm spread against the back of the sofa watching the morning news.
“I’m sorry for last night,” you say without looking away from the television. “I- uh- if you have time, I can make it up to you.” Your hand is on the inner of his thigh, and you look up at him, parting your lips and grabbing his hand that rests behind you, feebly guiding it to the back of your head.
“Sorry, but I have to go to work.” He kisses the top of your head and stands up. “I’ll come by tonight.”
If it was Touya, you would have been sure that was a lie, bet your life on it and bet your favorite blanket too. But Enji does come by tonight, and he comes with flowers and takeout and he sits with you, and he kisses you goodnight before sleeping beside you. And in the morning, he’s still there, sleeping beside you with his face buried into your chest.
“You really didn't have to do all this,” you tell him, the petal of a tulip tickling the tip of your nose. 
“Do you like them?” He feels like a child, standing awkwardly, hoping you’d say yes and waiting for your answer is the most nerve wracking thing he’s done all day. You nod and tell him you love them, keeping them close to you and unable to keep your hands off of the petals. And he swells with pride knowing you like what he got you.
Dating Enji is odd. He’s been married, but not once has he ever called you Rei. Never treated 
He’s large and imposing. And he’s kind and soft. He likes having you close to him, always a hand on you when you’re within arm’s reach. All the little things are celebrated, and wants you with him. 
you as her or compared you both. He kisses you good morning and kisses you goodnight. He makes you cry and apologizes. He holds you tight and tries to fix himself. You wonder what happened to Toiya to make him be so cruel, but you wonder who Enji was before you, why his ex-wife wanted to divoarce him. Why some of his children don’t call. He must have been mean before. You wait for the other shoe to drop, wait for him to yell at you and call you mean names until you cry. You wait for him to do something, but he never does.
He kisses you sweetly and makes room in his closet for you. He peels you mandarins and cracks open your pistachios. He holds your bags and carries you inside when you fall asleep on the drive home. He treats you so well, and it makes you want him. 
Touya was so sure that you would come back to him. Whether it was for a quick fuck or actually wanting to get back together, he wasn’t sure, but he knew- or believed- that you would come crawling back.
And days turn to weeks and weeks to months, and he’s with someone else, hoping that you’d call him in the middle of the night, asking him to come over. 
There’s something that he needs from his father, and when he walks into the smaller house than the one he grew up with- the family home being left to his mother- he can hear your laugh. He thinks to himself that he must be so stuck on you, that you must be the exact same way. It’s early in the morning, and he’s still a bit tired, a headache about to form in the back of his skull, and he thinks that it’s his imagination, until he walks into the kitchen, and sees you leaned against the counter, and his father with his hand on your hip.
Neither of you take notice of him until he clears his throat and you both tense, turning to look at him. 
His father looks a bit ashamed, but you don’t. You wave at him and return to cleaning up the table where two sets of dinnerware rests, a plate once full of food, now just scraps. Touya’s stomach drops and he realizes what all this is. His father fucking his ex, and living with them in some faux happy daydream. 
The worst part of whatever weird situation that he had the unfortunate luck of walking into, is that you actually look happy. 
You wear a necklace, one far better than the one he could ever have given you, and his father is speaking to him, wrds all garbled up and nothing more than nonsense as he stares at you, ready for a punchline, ready for you to be mean and attempt to make him jealous by kissing his father in front of him. All you do is kiss his cheek.
“I’m gonna go throw the trash, ‘kay Enji?” Your fingertips tap at his jaw to turn him towards you, giving him a kiss and walking away. 
You’re on a first name basis with his dad, and his father’s gaze follows you, watching you walk away with a smile he doesn’t think he’s ever seen him make. 
“I know it must be odd-” Enji starts, and it goes unlistened to, only glimpses and phrases, actually making sense. “-it just happened-” , “They’re really nice-”, “I hope you don’t mind.”
The last sentence is such a slap to his face that he gets up and walks out, slamming the front door hard enough that picture frames rattle.
When he goes outside, he finds you there, the bag of trash beside you, and your phone held in your hand. You ask if he’s leaving already, and you wish him for a safe drive. You don’t even give him a spare glance. 
He’s furious and he hates himself and you and his dad. He hates how happy you looked. How domesticated the both of you were- are. He hates how you moved on from him. That you meant it when you said you were done with his bullshit. He thought he would have had another chance. But he knows himself- he would have ruined it too, and even though the relationship was awful, he still went to you when you called him. He still bought you gifts and he still has your house keys.
“Do you live with him now?” His voice is emotionless, and there’s a hint of disgust in there to ask whatever void is growing in him.
You shrug. “Yeah. Got my own toothbrush here and everything.” You smile. “My place was starting to get cramped anyways.”
Inside, Enji calls for you, and quickly, you stand, wishing Touya a good day, and he stands outside with a bag of trash and a key with no home to return to.
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sinnamonpork · 2 years
[somewhere in a rundown apartment]
Dabi: Should I or should I not fuck the hot pro hero that is most likely a spy for the commission?
Mr. Compress: You shouldn't.
Dabi: I know right? But there's something in his eyes that's just begging for me to ride that hero dick.
Kurogiri: Dabi that is a bad idea.
Dabi: Hmm you're right. You only live once and all that. I shouldn't let this chance pass by.
Shigaraki: Fucking hell let the dumbass be. If he wants to be stabbed by an overgrown chicken then that's his choice.
Toga: He came as he died.
Dabi: *continues to sigh dreamily while posting Hawks' posters around his room*
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succubus-nini · 2 years
I want Fatgum to rail me into immobilization and then take care of me then proceed to praise me on how well I did and how beautiful I am.
I want Dabi to fuck me so hard against the wall the wall has imprints of how hard my body collided with the wall and degrade me the whole way through, then kiss my cheek and say I was a good slut for him then leave.
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dabisqueen · 1 year
Who tf made him this hot?!
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atomic-taco-muffin · 2 years
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Literally every Dabi fangirl: yes daddy
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dabisangle · 1 year
Stop talking shit. Let me tell you for the first and last time this is your only fucking chance DABI is NOT going to die bitches I would kill HORIKOSHI if so.
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niikachuuuu · 8 months
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Someone: So what’s your type?
Me: Yes.
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