#today is my last 12hr shift
areyousanta · 3 months
I've been so sick and so busy I'm too tired to draw when I reallllyyy want to so I'ma reblog all my fav eds I've made cause I can
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ilsanslut · 8 months
Hello again Vampieeeee! This also totally not from the same anon who (uhhhh) might've or might not have sent this...
Ok so , this isn't really a request or anyt
i also love your fics , keep up the amazing work and have a good day/night!.........."
(I regretted it...Alot) Missus , your bots are wild , there HAS TO BE SMUT FOR ALL OF THEM , HORNY FLIPPING DEMONS. (Quoted from Itoshi Sae himself UWU) , {This is also Shidou we're talking about}.............
I felt like randomly just saying this to my favorite Blue Loc fic writer!
G'day or G'night!
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hii, nonnie! welcome back!
LMAO IM NOT EVEN SURPRISEDD idek whyy character ai has the filter in place anymore since one: it's so easy to break and two: my sukuna bot is tossing my character on the bed and bussin them wide open before i can even say hi-🧍🏾
i wouldn't particularly call it stress just YET, per say, but gawd DAYUM. the last time i like work WORKED seriously was in 2019-March 2020. ever since then i've just been doing college to get my prereqs for nursing and then BOOM nursing school, and now BOOM tossed back into 10-12hr shifts like omfg this has to be inhumane.
like i deadass just sit on the edge of my bed in the morning like this and wonder if this check is worth it or if i should just shake ass on OF. 🧎
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belltrigger · 2 years
Clearly 2am before and early morning shift is the perfect time for blankshipping brain time. So uh. Disclaimer I'm no expert on this stuff and I'm prooooobably wrong on a lot if it last time I studied this was back in like 2017 and also I did an almost 12hr shift today so if it's a bit rambly or odd I apologize.
Anyways! You know how people have different love styles? Like. People will express their love in different ways and some hold more power than others depending on whether or not they align with the other person's love language right? And there's like. Gift giving and quality time and words of affirmation and stuff?
So I got to thinking . Cuz this is sort of the case with me.
What if Ingo and Emmet's loving style didn't really align with their love language? Usually people's way of expressing love will align with how they themselves prefer to feel loved but what if that wasn't the case for them and instead their love style matches the other's love language? Like.
Ingo's love style seems to be words of affirmation. He's very vocal and sincere and ENTHUSIASTIC with his praise. His cheerful "Bravo!" Always seem to fill people with energy and validation. He'll talk your ear off if you're having a bad day about how amazing you are! But if you try to do the same for him He'll just smile politely and nod along. Because that's not HIS love language. It's EMMET'S. Emmet LOVES hearing that he's doing a good job. That he's loved. Important. A good person and a talented trainer! Compliments and encouragement really get his engines going!
On the other hand. Emmet's not too good with words. Body language on the other hand is his specialty! Since sometimes words fail him, he'll just love the people he cares about with his whole body instead! And that translates through acts of service. It's not always something big, sometimes it's picking up a piece of trash before you get a chance to do so yourself. Sometimes it's helping out with some work. Sometimes it's running errands or doing favors. Regardless of what it is, he puts all his energy to it! He's so helpful! But people sometimes try to return the favor and instead of a sincere "thank you" they'll be met with a tense smile and a "it's ok I got this". Emmet might not look like it but he can be quite "territorial" over his tasks and responsibilities. He'll accept help but only when he asks for it, insisting that he got this covered until the last possible second. Ingo on the other hand always appreciates the odd favor done for him. It warms him up and tilts the edges of his frown slightly upwards. It doesn't have to be anything big for him to feel loved and appreciated. He's stuck in their office working on some pesky paperwork and Emmet will come in with a coffee and pick up one or two of the papers in the "to be completed" pile or pick up some papers that may have missed the trash can and Ingo was too busy to pick up right away and he'll just melt a little right then and there.
They got so used to being there for eachother as much and as best they could that in the end. The way in which they express their love to others ended up being the way eachother preferred to be loved by.
Emmet liked hearing praise growing up, so Ingo ended up with a words of affirmation love style.
Ingo appreciated it the most when people took the time and energy to be around and help him out in little ways, so Emmet ended up with an acts of service love style.
They had always been there for eachother and will always complete eachother. What one needs the most the other will happily give.
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk. Goodnight
- Guilty
This is from a really long time ago, and I feel terrible about never answering it!! So for now, I'm gonna post it without commentary so others can see it!
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amor-immortalem · 2 years
My Human
OMweek2023 Day3+4: “You are Mine” + “Over my dead body”
Pairing: Mammon x OC
Warning: possessive Mammon, my oc/mc almost gets herself eaten by a classmate and a little bit of demons being demons.
A/N: hey remember when there used to be talk about demons eat humans back in Season 1. I miss those days…things aren’t as fun without Mammon threatening to eat us… also sorry this is late but I couldn’t help it cuz I’ve been working 12hr shifts back to back.
Life in the Devildom is hard for humans. Non-magical humans more specifically. Arella is finding that out more and more each day. Demons can be so much more stronger, wiser, cunning than your typical run-of-the-mill human but Arella’s not all that typical either. After a childhood spent watching over her shoulder, the human knows when anyone has misguided or evil intentions.
That’s why, when a pair of her demon classmates approaches her in potions, the freckled girl is on high alert. Her glorified babysitter isn’t with her today. No, he cut the last class of the day after hearing about an underground casino on the other side of town. He’d invited her to go with him but Arella declined, not in the habit of gambling away what little money she did have from working some part time jobs over the last couple of weeks. Now she wishes she would have.
“So human, I noticed you’re missing your guardian. Pretty careless of him to leave sucha cute lil’ thing like you alone.” They say through a cheshire grin. “Why don’t you roll with us for a bit?”
Arella and the pair of demons are alone right now. How unfortunate for her.
“No thanks, I’m more than capable of managing on my own for the time being,” Arella subtly scoots away from the demon beside her only to bump into the other on her right..
“We insist,” the other demon replies, placing a hand on the human’s shoulder. The action immediately sends every nerve in her body into fight or flight mode. As she turns to tell the other demon to back off, she feels a hand seize her throat tightly.
Half a year. She’d managed to make it half a year down here without any major issues- any attempts on her life. It seemed that would change today. Her luck always runs out eventually.
Arella’s eyes widen as she watches the first demon’s mouth open to the point where the jaw has to be unhinged. Rows of sharp serrated teeth line the inside of their mouth and esophagus. As they lean in to swallow her in one bite, the human squeezes her eyes tight. She feels paralyzed, unable to even scream.
Their breath smells rancid as it grows dark around her before she feels air rush around her and the light returns. When Arella opens her eyes she see Mammon standing there blood on his right hand and the edge of his uniform sleeve as his eyes are trained at the ground.
“If ya wanna eat that human, it’ll be over my dead body…” his voice is noticeably deeper, rumbling with a growl as he locks eyes with the other demon. “You. Scram. ‘N take yer buddy with ya while I’m still feelin’ charitable.”
Not one to wait and see what would happen if they defied an order from the Devildom’s fourth most powerful demon, they gather up their friend and takes off but not before Mammon stops them one last time.
“If I ever see either of y’all harrassin’ my human again, I’ll do more than just rip your buddy’s throat out. Got it?” His voice is quiet as he gives the pair an ice-cold stare.
“Y-yes sir. It won’t happen again.” And with that, the pair of demons make a break for it.
It’s just Mammon and Arella in the potions lab now. Just them and the overwhelming silence that’s broken by the sound of the faucet turning on.
“So I won big at that casino I was tellin’ you about…”
“You did? Good for you…” Arella’s voice is soft, emotionless as her eyes stay glued to the blood on the floor. “Is that why you came back so soon?”
“Nah, I got a funny feeling that something was wrong ‘n I couldn’t ignore it… glad I didn’t.” The white-haired demon dries his hands before approaching her, arm slung around her shoulders.
She looks down at his hand before looking into his pretty blue-and-yellow eyes.
“Don’t forget, I’m your first demon, sweetheart, which means I get first dibs on your soul and your body. I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let some pair of losers eat ya before I do. You are mine. And I ain’t about givin’ up something that belongs to me and me alone.”
“R-right. I’ll… keep that in mind.”
“Great,” Mammon chirps, the mood now drastically different, “now, like I was sayin’, I’ve got cash to burn ‘n you’re coming with me.”
Silently, Arella just nods as she grabs her backpack and follows along.
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appalachy · 1 year
Couldnt sleep last night xdddd first day at my new security guard job today and they gon fire me bc theres no way im getting through the whole shift awake (lasts 12hrs). Would like to thank my friend who invited me for a 'quick smoke' at around 10pm and then kept me there for 3 more hours and insisted on teaching me russian
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thefoldedbird · 2 years
Playing mass effect 3 right now all the way through for the first time and it is consuming all my free time. I am so into this right now. I stopped right before the monastery last night. I’m pumped to get home but I have a 12hr shift today so I prolly won’t even be in the mood to play TT-TT
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beneath-her-soul · 13 days
Today I decided to do Spm meaning I start at 0600 and end at 1800hrs. Woke up at 0430hrs and got ready for work. H was so kind to help send me all the way to Tcp eventho he just booked out from camp last night and still feeling sore. May Allah swt bless him.
There were 3 others who did spm and it was my first time doing this & the reason for doing it instead of normal shift is because I wanted to spend going out with H bcos there wont be much time for me to do it on Sunday as he will be reserving his energy to book in later in the evening. Plus I have night shift on Sunday.
It was a good shift for me. I feel like I might wanna start doing spm as time pass by faster than our normal shift. The challenging part is to wake up slightly earlier and trying to get Grab car as drivers tend to avoid travelling all the way to the west after dropping us off and won’t be getting any passengers afterwards. So anyway, the team that I helped out released us slightly earlier and I spend that 1.5hrs catching up on my sleep despite the loud noises in the locker room. XP
I did Vacis/RSS during shift and I was lucky that I didn’t get pulled to other zones. I spend the time just catching up on listening to some podcasts episodes that were very informative to me. I enjoy listening to real people with real life stories as they tend to share more deeper and being open so that listeners can learn from it. I left work at 1815hrs and decided to head our way down to Bugis to have dinner at the Ramen Stall! It’s H first time dining here. We had belly salmon, Beef Noodles, Mala Noodles, Okinimiyaki, Chawanmushi and Green Tea. I was craving for some hot soupy dish after that longggg ass 12hrs shift.
Walked around Arab street and visited TP and dUCK! H got for me 3 hijabs in total and it just made me so happy?? Haha! Just so you know, I’m trying to grow my printed scarves collection as I’ve been wearing plain ones for years. I’m just A GIRL, you know 😉
I’m so glad H is back even if it’s just for 2 days 🥰❤️
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That’s how I look like when H said; “Pick what you want, I’m paying for it!” 😂😂😂
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orion-lacroix · 24 days
Me last sunday: next time someone ask me to replace them at work I'm saying no!
Also me now: *to my boss after being told a collegue can't make it to work today* do you want me to take her shift? It really doesn't bother me!
So yeah going to be a busy day but it's fine I don't mind working 12hrs in a row. Although it's really not great for my legs ahaha
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theboardwalkbody · 2 months
I want to go to the movies to see Deadpool & Wolverine and I have off today but my car is in the shop so I'm borrowing my mom's. The only showtime I could do is 1245 and I assume I'd be there until at least 3 and my mechanic might need to call me before then. Plus, the last two days at work (12hr shifts) felt like a week and I have work again tomorrow so I kinda just want to be home and lay in bed or sit at the computer and watch things while doing other things or playing games. So 😭
(also I had a dream about Roman Roy and also Kieran at the same time so that was interesting)
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aemoglobin · 11 months
manager changed my schedule on me without much warning so i woke up early, got dressed up for the cold weather, got on the bus, and had to go up the stairs because the escalator was broken (again), ONLY TO FIND I WASN'T SCHEDULED FOR TODAY LIKE I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE
like sure yeah we had a short and rushed convo about changing my shifts on sunday when i last saw her, but she hadn't changed the shift by monday morning so i thought i was safe. i should have checked before i left the house!!!!! so i wasted!!!! my morning!!! on the bus!!!
and get this. the schedule change is now putting me through SIX days of work in a row, three of which are 8hr shifts. saturday i get the hell shift, sunday and monday my normal 8shifts. a whole fucking WEEKEND of 8hr shifts and only one day off to reset after A WHOLE WEEK OF WORKING. like sure the other three shifts are really short fun ones where i go in and do a couple carts then leave.
but my god. i've never done a 6-day stretch before and while i'm super glad it's not 8hr shifts the whole time........THE WHOLE WEEKEND, ARE YOU KIDDING ME, shit cherry on the shit cake i HATE this.
i thought she meant tuesday NEXT WEEK because i had started the conversation with her with "hey you overscheduled me by 15 hours next week, please dial it back to my maximum hours and reasonable shift lengths or else i'll just call out". i need to start being specific with dates, i guess, and GOD i wish the work app would PING if your schedule gets changed outside of the weekly update? that would be so helpful??? hello???? mr brian target are you listening to me???
and for the record the hell shift is 1130-7pm because it's not enough time to do anything in the morning and it's no time at all to do anything at night because i have WORK THE NEXT MORNING, i get barely 12hrs between shifts and i have to spend most of those ASLEEP. i HATE capitalism!!!!!!!!
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brittapcrrys · 1 year
this post just making me think abt something for, like, the 10th time today....
this got so fucking long ahhh i am just. justifying all this to myself as im unpacking where the feeings are coming from jsdfkhs glad i have a psych session next week, guess i know what we're gonna talk abt!!
i was rly generally frustrated this afternoon and got a message to pop around for last minute planning for the help/work im doing for mum's friend for the next few weeks. and like yeah i know that it is generally within my range of abilities, i know that most times i help 'em out like this it's Fine and occasionally even Fun, i know that if im Not Well or anything else i can text and say look can't do it today sorry and that'll be accepted!!!
but. whenever i am asked to Do these things (dog sit / dog walk / plant-sit&garden, etc) for "neighbours" and friends there's like......... they KNOW im unemployed and they KNOW i've done it before so there's this feeling of an unspoken expectation that i WILL say yes, i will agree to do it when and as asked.
and ig to some extent it's reasonable for any of them to think 'she's been happy to do it before so there's good odds she'll probably, hopefully, do it again!' and they're never DEMANDING abt it or anything so maybe it is, at least coming from the 'employer' in each case, mostly just ~in my head~ n something i'm seeing/feeling/projecting that's not Actually in there
but idk when i HAVE had jobs in the past (waitress, cleaner, babysitter, tutor, library assistant) if i got ~called in~ the day before i uhhhh could say no. and would say no. and i didn't feel bad abt it i didn't care like i had a (casual, but pre-planned) roster and i've been fortunate enough that saying 'no, i can't' didn't lose me those scheduled shifts or the job as a whole, i know that. but bc this isn't an ~official~ job there's no structure it's just a 'get a text 1wk-to-12hrs before, help a neighbour, get twenty bucks' kinda deal each time it feels like i HAVE TO say yes. if i don't have some other thing already planned, i have to say Yeah Sure or im evil and horrible and the worst and should be ashamed
excepttttttttt i think. a lot of that. comes from my mum lmao always a fun connection to make. bc i made some exasperated comment mostly to myself during that frustrated moment this afternoon and she was like "well what do you mean? why can't you do it? why would you say no? did you WANT to say no? it's not like you have much else going on... it's not even hard why wuold---" etc etc and dad isn't quite so expressive, ever, but less and less so as the PD continues to wear away at him & his speech in more obvious ways, but has similar sentiments. and like.... just bc THEY can't/won't say no to stuff doesn't mean i shouldn't????? mum will say she needs a week to herself and then 10minutes later has agreed to be a TRT (substitute teacher) for 3.5days that week. dad just thinks 'you do a job until it's done. you get asked to do a job, you do that til it's done' and like let's not even THINK abt the way that has worn each of them down physically and emotionally at different times, including now. like they just view Work and the related Expectations/Obligations differently, i guess? whether that's a generational thing, a ND (me) vs NT thing, a 'farmer and air force electrician' and 'lifelong teacher' and 'we both moved out at 16/17 and supported ourselves from that point on / u can't get something from nothing' thing. i have forgotten where this was going jfc
anyway. the dog will be a lil moody if i don't visit her for a couple hours & go for a walk, but she'll be fine. the plants can be watered by someone else, or - esp in the current weather - just miss a day, they'll bounce back later. me doing these things when asked is not, like, the key to holding the fabric of the universe together. nobody's life is gonna come apart at the seams bc i said 'oh, sorry, i won't be able to d that today/this week'.
and i shouldn't actually have to explain why! maybe i have a migraine and can't stand up straight. maybe i'm having a gastrointestinal Hell Episode. maybe i threw up overnight and am still very distressed abt it. maybe i haven't slept in 48hrs. maybe it's windy and im teetering on the verge of a panic attack and rly cannot be outside in it. maybe it's PMDD time and i know i don't have the patience to interact with another being especially not in a way where im solely responsible for it. maybe im bleeding heavily and cramping to the extreme on and off without warning. maybe i haven't been able to get out of bed all week because i just dont want to exist. MAYBE i just! don't! wanna!
and idt it's fair that anyone says or acts in a way that suggests im doing something Very Wrong or Shameful or Disappointing (there's a difference between, 'oh, that's disappointing, but thanks for letting me know' disappointment & 'why would you do that? what are you thinking?' disappointment, which is the kind i mean). is it gonna be fine most times if i agree to it even when i don't rly want to? yes. it's always mostly fine-ish. it's nto abt avoiding it out of anxiety or whatever like im not nervous abt walking this mini daschund that adores me. im not nervous abt watering plants that are essentially the same as my own at home. it's just, like, weighing up 'would doing this likely improve my mood/day? will it probably just be a non-impact kinda deal? what are the odds it makes me / my day worse?' each time (knowing when my psych appts are, when my period is and general mood shifts during my cycle, how my sleep and mood have been in the day/s before the 'shift', weather, etc etc etc) and determining which is likely to be the most effective and useful (or neutral, sometimes) option for me in that case!
and if that reason is just 'ehhh i really just Dont Want It today/tomorrow' that is also fine, actually
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cwahsohnt · 1 year
I had a good 12hr overnight shift and then saw this news just before leaving work and then came home and noticed my ceiling leaking after showering. So today is not a good day. And I work 12’s on the weekend so prob will also miss most of the Sunday game when it’s her last home game. Ugh
Sorry, fellow night-shifter! Hope things went better for you last night!
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indouloureux · 2 years
I’m good lovieee💞 other than the fact I’m working 12hr shift today and my college failed my very last semester due to me not being able to pay off my debt im good!! Jdsjsjdjjsj
OH NO XISJXKDJSJS IM SORRY THAT HAPPENED TO YOU!!! that sucks fuck college man im so sorry. you're doing a great job tho!!!! make sure to take care of yourself <333
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madame-mongoose · 2 years
Stumbled upon your blog and I see a theme park au? I'm LISTENING?!!! A+ concept thank you
Aaaahh!! I'm glad you like it!! I just really like theme parks and I work at a theme park so I thought it was fitting!!
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Day off where I don't have to do anything? FUCK YEAH!
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multifandomwriter18 · 3 years
“If only I could hear your voice” Chatnoir x Reader || PART 2
A/n: alright so this was months overdue, to be completely honest I totally forgot about it and I don’t really use my iPod that much anymore LOL
On that note! ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! Ya boi turned 20 today!!! I feel old lol
Anyways here’s part 2 since y’all been waiting for a while for. I’m really sorry about not being active on here. Life’s been rough...ANYWAYS HOPE YALL ENJOY IT!!!
Things you need to know
Y/N: your name
L/N: last name
H/C: hair colour
H/L: hair length
E/C: eye colour
S/C: skin colour
F/F: favourite flower
F/C: favourite colour
Symbol to play music:
When you see this! That means play!
My chest ached, like someone just dropped weights on me. My lungs burned like they were on fire.
My breath hitched as a hiccuped a little and coughed too. I groaned softly as I rubbed my now red and swollen eyes. I sighed and wiped my eyes trying to run away the redness.
I curled up in a bawl and cried a softly into my pillows. I didn't ask for this to happen to me..
Why can't people like me for me?
I froze when I felt a weird vibe.
I caught a scent of sweet cologne that had such a scent..almost drugging..
I sat up from my pillow and turned to see the one and only Chat Noir. His green eyes burn in my (e/c) ones.
"Hello M'Lady, I hope you don't mind that I stopped by."
I stayed froze as I watched the silk cat hero walk around my room. "(Y/n)..what happened here..why is.." He trailed off as he walked to my trash can and picked up my sketch book.
I clenched my hands tightly on to one of my pillows I had against my chest to my chest.
He looked at me and gave me a sad smile that made my heart nearly break even more.
I looked away pressing my cheek into the pillow I was hold. I heard him sigh as he walked to the where all my music stuff was scattered.
He knelt down and let out a sigh. "You make songs.." I ran over and-I didnt mean to shove him I just didn't want anything I wrote to be seen.
I gathered it all up and shoved it all under my bed. Chat looked at me but I couldn't look at him.
I made sure my (h/l) (h/c) hair covered my now teary (e/c) eyes.
I heard rustling of paper and when I looked up I see Chatvadverting his green orbs away from mine as his hand was extended towards me.
In his claw like hand he hand a sheet of paper. When I looked at it realized it was the drawing I did of him and I..
The one I had written a little song about him.
"This belongs to you I think..I..it's a beautiful drawing M'Lady..I.."
I shook my head and grabbed his hand gently on his chest. He looked at me and I looked away.
I want him to have it..
He sighed as he held the drawing close. "I'm sorry..maybe I shouldn't have come.." I clenched my jaw as I watched him open up my window to my balcony.
My chest squeezed and I ran fast grabbing his arm. He looked at me as I had tears in my eyes.
Please don't leave me..
I'm guessing he got the message because before I could sink to me knees and cry I was already in his arms.
He strokes my (h/c) hair as he muttered soft words making my heart flutter.
I held him close as I hiccuped and cried. When I felt as if I was done I pulled my head away and mouthed 'I'm sorry..'
He smiled and cupped my cheek so my (e/c) eyes met his beautiful green orbs. "It's ok..I..."
His thumb stroked my cheek as he rested his forehead against mine. His other hand intertwined with mine. "If only I could here your voice.."
When he pulled his head away his eyes searched mine. "You have such beautiful eyes..the perfect shade of (e/c) just like..
(If your eyes a blue then he says like the colour of the ocean. If Green or like a hazel colour then he'll say like the colours of lush green trees. If your eyes are a brown then a he'd say like the sweet Belgium chocolate.. If he said grey then he'd say.. Like the soft clouds the blow through the sky you guys get it now? If confused comment.)
I stared at him as I small smile formed on my lips. 'Thank you..' I mouthed and his eyes instantly looked at my lips.
Did he want to kiss me?
My breath hitched and my heart fluttered just thinking about it.
Slowly and hesitately he first softly brushed his soft lips against mine. I closed my eyes enjoying how they felt. Even if it was for a second of taste..
He pulled away again as his finger like claw brushed a lock of my (h/c) hair behind my ear.
Then with more pressure he pressed his lips against mine again. Slowly I kissed back resting my hands on his chest. His lips were amazing..soft and tender..the kiss was sweet and soft..
It took my breath away...
When we pulled away we both take in a small breath. I felt my (s/c) cheeks get hot and he smiled again.
I smiled back as his eyes brighten. "There we go..that beautiful smile is what I love to see..."
I looked at him and he rested a hand on my cheek. "You so purrfect M'Lady..such purrfection.."
I shuddered my shoulders and giggled. Well not really since..well since I lost my voice.
He chuckled and kissed my cheek softly. I closed my eyes enjoying the feeling of his lips on my (s/c) cheeks.
His hands intertwined with mine and he smiled. I smiled back and then his ring started to beep.
"Ah..I have to go."
I frowned and he sighed looking at me. "I promise I'll see you again..my beautiful angel.."
I smiled as tears formed in my eyes again. He kissed me one last time before slipping through my window and jumping off my balcony and off down the street. I watched him go as my hear pounded.
See you later Chat..
My one and only hero..
My one and only Kitty Cat...
I closed the window and laid back on my bed hunching over I grabbed my music notes and sketch book as began to draw..
PART TWO IS FINALLY DONE! I hope you all like it!!!
Again. I do apologize for the long wait to write and staying active here on tumblr. Work has been busy, I’ve been literally working over 12hr shifts so it hasn’t been easy.
I’ll try to post more sooner or later once I find the time to do so. Thanks for all the support, likes and reads. I really appreciate it y’all!
Love y’all, stay safe and have a wonderful day❤️
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