#tobias forge x reader
rainrot4me · 3 months
I dunno if u do requests however ID FUCKING EAT UP A TOBY SMUT SO MUCH OMG I DONT HAVE ANY CONTEXT OR WHAT I WANT I JUST WOULD 104% SWALLOW DOWN A SMUT FOR TOBY ‼️‼️ anyway as yk i love ur works and ily and idk you but anyway have a nice day/night :3 <3 AND TY!!!!😈
carley ily this is for you 🫶
Refuge For Two
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Summary: You decide to spend the weekend at your family’s cabin during a snowstorm after a particularly stressful week. When you find an injured Toby, your need to care for him turns into his need for you.
Characters: Ticci Toby x Female Reader
TW: Injury, blood, wounds, fingering, thigh fucking, tics, inexperience, kinda first time, vaginal, desperation, cumming on thighs, slight restraint, biting, virgin
Words: 5.7k
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As the tires of your Jeep skidded down the gravel path that winded to the cabin, relief finally settled.
Winter was always a rough time for you. As if seasonal depression wasn’t kicking your ass, your job definitely was. Working at a hospital had always kept you on your toes, but with the snow and ice set in, more and more accidents piled up in every room. It was nothing short of exhausting. 
So when you eventually had enough and called your parents asking to borrow the family lodge for a little rest and relaxation, you could’ve cried when they dropped off the keys to you the next morning. The cabin wasn’t far from your own home. You lived in a small town nestled off the side of the highway and the cabin was just up the mountains about an hour away. It was a perfect distance from your tiring job and busy life, giving you the time you needed for the weekend. And the drive wasn’t terrible. Dark clouds had settled in the sky, rolling over and swirling at the peak of the heavily wooded mountain. It made you all giddy to think of how comfortable it would be nestled up by the fire while snow coated the ground. Yeah, you needed this.
Pulling the Jeep under the carport adjacent to the large cabin, you shut it off and hopped out. The cold wind whipped at your face making your hair fling wildly. You hugged yourself, teeth chattering as you flipped the hatch open, threw your duffle bag over your shoulder, and hurried to the front door. 
The sun sat just above the mountain range, casting a blue haze over the dense forest through the thick cloud cover. To you, it was beautiful. The calm before the snowstorm that was soon to set in. You unlocked the door, hurrying inside and tossing your stuff on the kitchen island. The inside of the cabin was nearly just as cold as the outside, offering you little relief from the wind. Hurrying over to the living room, you gripped the few logs nestled by the fireplace and tossed them in along with a a couple of matches you found on the mantle. Warmth engulfed you immediately, the fire casting a comforting glow to the rest of the room. A couch and a loveseat sat close to the fireplace, a large rug bringing the room together nicely. 
Shuffling your shoes off, you kicked them by the door and rustled through the contents of your bag. Random warm clothes, a book you intended on reading, some junk food, and your phone. As you flipped the screen on, you noticed the no service notice in the upper corner before flipping the screen back off and setting your phone down. Whether it be from the high altitude or the dense forest surrounding you, your phone was no use this weekend. Somehow that made you happy, knowing you wouldn't have to worry about getting called in suddenly. 
You flicked on the small light above the stove and flicked the gas eye on, blue flames erupting from under the metal bars. You filled the kettle resting on the counter with water, placing it on the eye and grabbing a mug with a bag of tea. You quickly brought your bag to the small bedroom down the hall, changing into some comfier clothes before heading back to the kitchen at the sound of the kettle whistling. Pouring the piping water into the mug and letting the tea bag rest, you cupped the mug in your hand and turned to the living room. 
Through the pulled curtains, you could see the sun was setting low behind the dense trees, a dark pink tint painting the sky through the thick cloud cover. Snow had begun to fall, little flakes of white decorating the trees and ground. The sound of the fire crackling just pulled it all together, driving you to nestle into the corner of the couch with a blanket and sip your warm tea. This was the perfect retreat from your busy life. Nothing but the sounds of nature and fire to keep you company, an amazing contrast to the beeping of monitors and yelling of patients. This was the solitude you craved.
When finally the sun slipped under the ridge and the sky became completely dark, you flipped open your book and clicked on the lamp on the coffee table next to you. The snow had piled up a couple of inches now, the wind whipping outside the cabin and creating a low whistle all around you. It was slightly unnerving, but in the security of your warm cabin, you didn’t mind it all that much. You became lost in the pages of your book, your tea and the fire creating an atmosphere where your brain slowly crept away. So when you heard a loud thunk outside, you had to close your book and lean forward, unsure if your brain was playing tricks on you. But when you heard another loud thunk just outside the cabin walls, you jumped out of your seat and tugged the curtain back, peering into the dark storm. It took you a minute to adjust your eyes, but when you saw the figure of someone curled up near a large tree, panic coursed through you. You had to double-take just to make sure you were seeing things correctly. What the hell was someone doing this far up the mountain?? 
You wanted to shut the curtains and hide under a blanket, more scared than anything. But being a nurse, your caring instincts took over and you slid on your boots and jacket, quickly hauling open the cabin door. The wind blinded you briefly, the heavy snow whipping against your face and chilling you to the bone. But as you rounded the cabin and trudged through the thick snow, you came up on the figure, realizing it was a boy, curled in on himself and shaking violently. Sliding your hands under his shoulders, you hauled his arm over your neck and hoisted him up. He rested his body weight against you, dragging his feet as he let you pull him to the cabin door. Hauling him inside, you slammed the door shut and brought him to the couch, laying him down quickly. 
His body still shook violently, the warmth of the fire fighting hard to warm his body. His blue lips chattered, the patches on his face dark and stuck against his skin. Under the light, you could now see the large tear in the arm of his heavy jacket, dark blood soaking through. He wore heavy boots and dark jeans, his curly brown hair stuck to his forehead as he panted for air. But what caught your attention was the hatchet strapped to his belt. Alarming. You quickly realized he was just a boy barely scraping his twenties, he was taller than you, but lanky and not much larger than you. He reminded you of your patients, feeble and sickly. 
Snapping back, you quickly slid his arms out of his jacket, his long-sleeved shirt underneath torn to shreds at the arm as you finally caught the wound: three large gash marks cut into his arms, tearing the flesh and bleeding quickly. You panicked at the sight, wondering what on earth could have caused that. You didn’t know of any mountain lions in the area, but even then the claw marks were too big for them. There was little time to think as you sprinted into your bathroom and grabbed the first aid kit stuffed inside the medicine cabinet. Pulling it open, you groaned at the lack of sewing needles or sterilizing spray, just some alcohol wipes and rolled elastic bandages. It would have to do. You wet a wash cloth and brought the rest of the supplies back to the couch, where the boy was beginning to stir.
He tried to sit up, but your comforting hand pressed his chest back down against the couch. He was freezing and still shaking wildly, but at least his lips were returning to a somewhat normal color. “It’s okay. Lay down, I’m here to help.” You cooed to him, rolling his sleeve up to his shoulder and examining the scratches closer. They weren’t as deep as they seemed, but the blood was spilling quickly. If you didn’t hurry, he could likely pass out. You pressed the wet washcloth to the wound, the boy stirring immediately. He was mumbling something you couldn’t understand, his hand wrapping tightly around your wrist in an attempt to pull yours away, but you resisted. You pressed a hand on his cheek, reassuring him softly as you cleaned at the wound, the blood slowly clotting under the warm rag. 
He was still mumbling, whispers of no and please falling from his lips, but he had quit tugging at your wrist. His eyes were still shut, pupils moving quickly underneath in a silent panic. When the wound was clean to your liking, you tossed the rag and tore open an alcohol wipe, bracing your arm against his chest. “This is going to hurt…” You warned, angling his arm and pressing the wipe against the wound and braced for the panic that you were sure would come. But when he barely flinched, his mumbles unwavering, you raised your eyebrows in alarm. It was odd, but you ultimately chalked it up to his body still being numb from the cold, his pain receptors not fully awake yet. Once the wound was sterile, you wrapped the flesh-colored bandages around his arm tightly, encasing the wound and hopefully stopping the bleeding. You secured them in place before looking at the boy’s face, slightly jostled when you caught him staring at you through hooded eyes.
You rolled his sleeve back down, sitting up and off of his chest and giving him a good once over, satisfied you couldn’t see any more injuries. “That should keep it clean.” He glanced between you and his arm, rising himself up slowly to lean his head against the armrest of the couch. When he did, his neck twitched violently, eyes squinting shut. It caught you off guard, but he seemed to ignore it as soon as it happened. He smiled at you lazily, reaching his arm to brush the hair from his forehead. “T- Thank you.” He said hoarsely, voice still raw from breathing in the cold outside. Stutters. Tics. So all the twitching his body was doing wasn’t just from the cold. You recognized the movements, seeing them in other patients. Who was this kid?
You sat across from him on the couch, catching your breath. “What the hell are you doing out here?” You questioned, eyes flicking between his sickly face and the hatchet strapped at his hip. He took notice of this, sitting up further onto his elbows. “Uhh… Hun- Hunting. For bobcats.” He smiled quietly, unsure of his own answer. You wanted to question further, wanted to press as to why he chose the night a snowstorm was coming through to go hunting. But you didn’t. You just watched the fire crackle. “What’s y- your name?” He caught your attention again as he fully sat up, sliding his legs off the couch and landing his feet on the floor. He was recovering fast, the warmth entering his face again, his strength rebuilding strangely quickly. “[Y/N].”
“Thank you, [Y/N]. I’m T- Toby.” His shoulder twitched at your name, his eyes trailing to the fire as well. The situation grew tense quickly, your mutual silence growing too loud. “I’m a nurse. Couldn’t just let you die out there.” You smiled at him, standing and shuffling to the kitchen where you repoured your cup of steaming hot water, this time grabbing another cup. You placed a tea bag into each, cupping them in your hands and bringing one to Toby. He took it reluctantly, staring into the liquid and swirling it around before taking a sip. He sunk into the couch as the warmth pressed his mouth, the taste comforting him. He drank the rest in two big gulps, setting the mug down before popping up. 
“Well, b- better get goi- going.” He laughed awkwardly, springing around as if he wasn’t just on the brink of hypothermia. You sat up quickly, swallowing the rest of the tea in your mouth. “What?! You were nearly frozen to death. Absolutely not.” You bit harshly, blocking his way to the door as he scooped up his jacket. Toby looked at you curiously, unsure why you were giving him the decency like it wasn’t common courtesy. “The storm won’t stop till morning. Till then, there’s no way you're going back out there.” You huffed, sitting him back down on the couch.
You didn’t trust him. The hatchet at his side and the uncertainty of his story made you very suspicious. But he was just a boy, definitely not much older than you. You couldn’t send him back out there on a good conscience. Although his constant ticcing and jerking were catching you off guard, the genuine concern for him overrode any fears you could have. After fighting with yourself, you made up your mind. He wasn’t anything to fear.
“So, Toby. Are you from around here?” You mused, sipping down the rest of your mug before grabbing him and bringing them to the sink. Sliding off your boots and jacket, you tossed them near the door, scooping up Toby’s and neatly folding them on the loveseat across from you. He smiled. “Yeah. Got so- some, uhm, family who live near h- here.” He stared out the window as he spoke, fingers fidgeting with each other as he watched the snow whip through the air. You deduced that he wasn’t a very good liar. But whatever, you didn’t know him and he didn’t know you. 
As the storm outside thickened, a shared silence hung over the two of you. Around an hour had passed since you brought him inside, but little had been discussed between you. Toby stared out the window, looking for something you didn’t know. He had kicked off his boots and sat them aside, laying into the couch comfortably. His hatchet perched on the coffee table beside him. You kept to your book, occasionally glancing up to study him. It was odd, even though he had warmed up, his skin was still a sickly pale color, and the only sign of life was the dark red tint over his cheeks and ears. The bandages still clung tightly to his cheeks, a large one on his left covering a rather large wound from what you could tell. Peeking through the shreds in his sleeve, you could see the bandages on his arm were stained dark with blood. Closing your book, you reached for the first aid kit, stirring Toby to look at you. “Need to change your bandages,” You sighed, unwrapping the roll of cloth. “What got you anyways?” He flinched, rubbing his hands together. He was way too nervous for such a simple question. “Bobcat.” Another lie. If he wasn’t going to tell you the truth, there was no reason for you to push further. You slid closer to him, rolling his sleeve up again but the shreds of cloth kept sliding down. “H- Here.” Toby leaned back, hooking his hands under his shirt pulling it over his head, and tossing it to the floor. 
What you were met with took you back with shock. This guy was decently ripped. Toby was thinner, but his abs and chest muscles complimented him perfectly. His shoulder and arms were thicker too, veins stretching down his arms and muscles pulsing under his weight. Clusters of freckles ran over his skin, hiding the deep blush he sported. The clothes he wore hid his figure nicely, who would’ve guessed he was secretly ripped? The twitch of his neck brought your attention back to his arm. You could see the small smirk on his lips as you blushed, embarrassment creeping over you as you unclipped his soiled bandages. The wound was a lighter color now, the dark bruising around the wound healing nicely but the puffiness of infection still remained. “You’ll probably need stitches. But it’s looking better.” You grinned, tearing open another alcohol wipe and sliding it over the damaged skin. When he didn’t flinch or hiss, your confusion only grew. Maybe he had a good pain tolerance. Or maybe the cut had severed a nerve. Either way, he was going to need to have this looked at professionally. 
“It’s o- okay. My fam- family has a doctor.” He answered, lifting his toned arm up to let you slide the bandage under and wrap it tightly around once clean. You snugged the bandage on, leaning back to make sure everything was in place before packing the kit up and sliding it back onto the coffee table. “I don’t have any painkillers. Hopefully, the pain isn’t too bad.” You leaned back into the couch, straining yourself not to glance down at his chest again. He smiled, running his hand through his curled hair. “I’ll be al- alright.” He leaned back as well, angling his body to face you as you curled your legs closer to yourself. There was that awkward silence again. The tension between you two was thick, your eyes refusing to look at him for fear of embarrassing yourself again. Toby, however, kept his eyes all over you. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him studying every inch of you. It made you blush. “How c- can I thank you?” He questioned, running his hand over his bandaged arm, admiring the neatness of it. You glanced at him, eyes flicking down to his stomach for a split second, but it was already too late. You caught the happy trail running up from under his belt line, his v-line angling lewdly against his pale skin. You blushed hard, eyes flicking up quickly, but by Toby’s expression, you knew you were caught.
He sat back smugly, pressing his back into the couch and spreading his legs just a little too far. The face you made was embarrassing. Your eyes wide, cheeks dark, and lips parted ever so slightly. Toby knew what he was doing. But he just started into your eyes, freckled cheeks rounded from his cheeky smile. “I think I- I know…” He cooed, pressing a hand flat on the cushion only inches from your knee. You shrunk into yourself, his soft words making you all kinds of squeamish. This was bad. You were young, sure. Your job was always your main focus, so you never really had time for relationships with someone, your experience only went as far as you did in high school with little hookups or sly touches. You were inexperienced, so to speak. You couldn’t embarrass yourself further by revealing how little game you got. You weren’t a virgin, but you definitely weren’t confident in yourself. And you definitely did not intend on getting laid this weekend. 
“Uhm… I’m not- not really…” You lost your words when his fingers brushed your knee, the cold digits sending chills through you. Toby sat up, looking nowhere but into your eyes, gauging every reaction as his hand slid over your knee and slowly up your leg. You placed your hands over him, stopping his trail mid-thigh. “Listen, you don’t, uh, have to…” His fingers gripped your thigh tightly, rubbing his thumb across the goosebumps on your skin. You glanced at his face, the deep blush on his cheeks heavy under the warm light. “I’ll st- stop if you say so, but I j- just want to thank y- you,” He mumbled quietly, eye flicking nervously between your face and the rest of your body. “Besides. It’s ju- just us out here.” 
You were insanely nervous, thoughts running a mile a minute as you contemplated your options. But when his fingers squeezed your thigh again, it made it harder to think. Your eyes flicked between his hand and that pretty face, his nervous smile making you flustered under his cold touch. Before you could stop yourself, you were nodding, slipping your bottom between your lips, and chewing nervously. Toby smiled, his bright eyes laying all over you. You slid your hands off him, gripping the couch underneath you as he slid both of his hands up your thighs, fingers brushing under the bottom of your shorts. He towered over you know, his tall figure encapsulating your easily as he ran his hands up your sides. You were a blushing mess, face burning when he brought his lips dangerously close to your skin. “Relax…” He cooed, arm jerking slightly before he slid his cold hand under the hem of your sweatshirt. He was met with goosebumps rising on your stomach, they trailed his fingers as he explored but his eyes were locked on yours. 
He brought his face down to press soft kisses against your cheeks. He perched on his knees, both hands now wandering over your body and reaching to unclasp your bra. You raised your back to help him, squirming when Toby dipped his head lower to kiss your neck. He slid your bra off, tossing it to the ground before he quickly palmed your tits, massaging the mounds under his cold hands. You gasped under the cold touch, nipples perking to attention in his hands as he sucked on your neck. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders, his tongue slid up your neck to your jaw, raising his head up to meet your eyes. He flicked at your nipples, squeezing the nubs under his fingers and smiling at your squirming. “So c- cute.” 
You were burning up, a dampness already showing on your panties from the excitement. You could barely contain yourself when he sat back against the couch, pulling you onto his lap with your back pressed against his bare chest. He slid his arms around you, the tight muscles tensing and releasing as he slid his left hand under your sweater and quickly grabbed your tit, massaging lazily. His lips met your neck again, sucking on the warm skin as he slid his right hand down the waistband of your shorts, messing with the elastic. You whined under his touch, feet perched on either side of his thighs as he slid his hand to your panties and pressed further still. When his fingers slid against your folds, you finally gasped, reaching a hand back to grip his hair as he continued to abuse your neck with kisses. “S- So wet already…” He groaned, biting softly on your shoulder. He pressed his fingers further, his digits sliding through the slick between your legs and spreading your lips further. He hummed against you, fingers finally landing on your clit and making you flinch. When he circled the nub, it was sloppy and rough, making you whine. The stimulation was a lot, making your knees close together tightly around his hand. When he refused to let up, you hissed your sensitivity. 
“Toby-” You whined, sliding your hand down his arm and under your shorts, gripping his hand to stop his movements against your sensitive clit. “Slow… please…” You hissed, pressing your fingers on top of his and rubbing slowly, beckoning him to follow your rhythm. When he repeated your movements, you gasped loudly, laying your head back on his shoulder. “Sorry…” He mumbled against your shoulder, peppering little kisses across the skin. He continued to slowly massage your clit, his cold fingers a wonderful sensation against your burning core. It didn’t take long until he got the rhythm, pinching your nipple and rubbing your clit deeply, enough to make you buck up into his hand. You slid your hand into his curly hair, moaning loudly when he slid his fingers deeper to press against your entrance. When his fingers slid inside, you gripped his hair tightly, your moans reverberating off the walls. His fingers stretched you nicely, the slow pump of his wrist making your mouth hang open. It was pure bliss. His fingers curled against your walls as he pressed his palm against your clit, rubbing quickly. “Toby… Oh my… oh my God…” You moaned, grinding your hips in time with his fingers curling into you. He was kissing behind your ear, nibbling on your earlobe as he hummed. His pace only grew, fingers curling deeper as you felt your core knotting up wonderfully. His palm nudged against your clit harder, tugging the nub as his fingers pressed deeper against your walls. You felt the wave of ecstasy wash over you as you came on his fingers, walls gripping the digits tightly as he rubbed your clit through your orgasm. You were panting, leaning back against him as he slid his fingers out of your soaked cunt. 
Toby was smiling against your shoulder as he pulled his hand out of your shorts, admiring the way they glistened with your arousal. That’s when you felt it, his cock twitching under your back, trapped inside his jeans. You breathed deeply, pressing off of him and standing up. He whined for a moment, reaching for you until you began to slide down your shorts, then your panties. Toby sat back against the couch, blushing hard as your plump ass stood in front of him. It just made his cock twitch harder in his jeans, begging to be let out. Your sweater was next, pulled over your head, and tossed to the ground. It was all Toby could do not to just cum right there. Your body was so stunning, every curve and divot of your skin making him harder.
Before you could turn around, he pulled you back against him, setting you in his lap. He was quick to unzip his jeans, tugging his boxers down just enough to let his cock spring free and nudge against your back. You blushed hard, pulling your legs back to straddle his thighs, your bare ass pressed firmly against his twitching cock. You stabilized your hands on his knees, leaning forward lewdly as your arched your back. You glanced back, cunt pulsing with excitement as Toby spit into his hand and began to lazily pump his cock, eyes never leaving your ass. You pressed back against him, eyes pleading when he finally glanced up at you. “Toby…” You whined, grinding your ass down against his cock when he slid his hands to grip your hips. 
“Shit… Y- You’re so, so hot. Gunna fuc- fuck you soo good.” He mumbled, neck twitching with excitement. He gripped your hips tight, tugging them up so he could nudge his cock under you, pressing the head snugly against your entrance. You stared back at him, stomach fluttering at the desperate faces he was making. When he positioned himself, he gripped your hips again, pressing down slowly. The stretch was glorious, your pinched moans ringing as he pressed you down further and further on his cock. When he finally bottomed out, your warm walls pulsed tightly around him, adjusting to his thick length. He was groaning, fingernails digging into your hips as he pressed you to move, tugging you forward and back on his cock. You were a moaning mess, cunt throbbing around him as he ground your hips down on him. You gripped his knees tightly, grinding back against the length inside you as he pressed against your walls. It was heavenly.
This is exactly what you need. All of your stress of the week prior melted away as Toby tugged your hips up, sliding you up his length before pressing you back down. He kneaded your hips and ass, his cold hands massaging all of your sore spots and melting you into him. You were losing yourself on his cock as he thrusts up into you, your hips bouncing down to meet him. He was groaning, pressing his back against the couch so he could get a better angle to thrust up into you, his lips hanging open. His cock nudged deep inside of you, every thrust pressing against your walls and making you gasp. “You’re so- so pretty [Y/N]. Riding me so g- good.” He whined, gripping your hips tighter and jerking you on his cock. You could only brace yourself on his knees as he fucked you on his length, controlling your pace with his tight grip. 
“F- Faster, Toby… ahh-” You groaned, glancing back at him as your mouth hung open. He was focused on your ass, concentrating deeply to make sure he fucked you the best he could. Truth was, Toby was just as inexperienced as you. But he was bound and determined to treat you the best he could because, God, were you treating him good. He glanced up at your pleading face, hips stuttering as his arms twitched around you, pulling you flush against his chest. You laid your head back against his shoulder again, perching your feet into the couch and opening your knees wider. At this angle, Toby could thrust up into you better, nudging his cock deeper inside and sending you hollering. His cock stretched you wider, his thrusts pressing firmly against your g-spot with every move on his hips. You tried to arch, but Toby’s hand gripped you tightly around the waist, holding you still so he could piston up into you quickly. 
‘Oh my- oh my God!” You hissed, tangling your hands in his curly hair and tugging sharply. He moaned loudly into your shoulder, retaking his place of biting into your skin, but this time he didn’t hold back. His teeth pressed firmly against the muscle in your shoulder, making you roll your eyes. He slid his right hand down your waist, pressing the pads of his fingers against your clit and circling deeply. That’s what sent you over. You squealed, mouth hanging open as you stuttered up into his fingers, chasing your orgasm. Toby noticed this, holding you tighter and thrusting as deep as he could, relishing in the way your walls began to clamp down against him. “Co- Come on,” He groaned, sucking on the bite mark he planted on your skin. “Come f- for me…” His fingers slid on your clit, pushing you over the edge.
When you felt that familiar wave crash over you, Toby was quick to press deep inside of you and hold himself there, letting your walls constrict around him as you cried out. The tightness made him wince, using all of his willpower not to spill inside of you, groaning when you clenched down again. Your clit throbbed as Toby slowly rubbed you through your orgasm, his still-cold hands wrapping you tightly against him. Before you could catch your breath, Toby was pulling out of you and quickly pushing your legs together. He slid his cock in between the gap in your thighs, holding your legs still as he quickly stuttered his hips up, rubbing his length between your sensitive folds. You hissed, the quick pace making you squirm as he fucked your thighs, your ecstasy slick on his length.
Before you knew it, he was spilling on top of your thighs, moaning desperately into your ear as he held your waist tightly. There was… a lot. Several stripes of cum coated your legs as his thrusts slowed down to a dull grind, riding his orgasm out. “Oh my- y fuck…” He groaned, hiding his face in the crook of your neck. As you both caught your breath, he slowly sat you off of him, grabbing his torn shirt off the ground and wiping your legs clean. He was twitching all over, pleasure still riding through him as his tics became sporadic, almost intense. He grabbed a blanket and you grabbed him, your bodies laying snugged against each other as Toby threw the blanket over the both of you, surrounding you with warmth. He reached up, flicking off the lamp on the coffee table and wrapping his arms around you, pulling you tightly against his body. 
“T- Thank you,” Toby mumbled, tucking your head under his chin as he breathed deeply. His twitching had calmed, only the slow stutter of his voice left. In the soft glow of the fireplace, you nuzzled into his chest, breathing his scent in deeply. The storm still raged outside, the wind whipping against the house and howling lowly. You could feel yourself drifting as Toby’s fingers drifted along your spine, little goosebumps rising in their wake. For the first time in a long time, you were relaxed and calm. The stress of work and life had left you as you just lay in Toby’s arms, swallowed by his scent. 
When you stirred awake from the sunlight shining through the windows, you immediately noticed the emptiness beside you. You sat up, the blanket sliding off your bare chest and sending cold chills across your skin. You pulled the blanket around you, shuffling to the window and peeking out. The snow was beginning to melt, the sunlight reflecting brightly off of what was left from the night before. As you turned back to the living room, there was no sign of Toby. No boots or shirts were scattered on the ground. No hatchet on the coffee table. But what you did see, was his hoodie still neatly folded on the loveseat across from you. You smiled to yourself, picking the clothing up and examining it. It was rather large, swallowing you whole as you slid it over your head. But it smelled like him. 
When the weekend was up and you packed your Jeep full, you sighed, craving desperately to stay and abandon work. You glanced into the thick forest, longing for some sign of Toby, but knowing you wouldn’t get one. Groaning, you slid into the driver's seat and started the engine, the warm air relieving you from the cold outside. 
As you drove back down the mountain, you couldn’t help but stare into your rearview mirror at the early morning fog lying low amongst the trees. Maybe it was a trick of the light, or your desperation making you see things. But as you glanced back one more time, you could’ve sworn you saw a curly-haired boy amongst the trees. 
But when you looked back again, there was nothing there. Nothing but miles and miles of forest.
Even still, you smiled.
This was a request for @carmoronic!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated!
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983 notes · View notes
littlemissemeritus · 27 days
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masked brainrot
320 notes · View notes
ghu-leh · 4 months
Late night tender moments - Secondo Emeritus:
The warm feeling of his kitchen, as he prepares a meal. The smell of the boiling pasta, simmering tomato sauce, and spices fill the air. Banter and little quips come and go between the two of you, as he guides you through his cooking process. As he puts the finishing touches on the two dishes, you sit on the countertop while your eyes take him in. You have never loved him as much as you did right in this moment.
A warm kiss exchanged in the garden late at night. Nature is quiet, and the ministry is asleep. The only sound you hear now is his voice, his breath. He firmly yet gently holds your waist, before tenderly placing a kiss on your lips. As you process the heat that now comes alive within you; the cool, calm wind of the night envelopes you. A contradiction that only happens in his presence.
The soft sound of the running sink awakens you, before you are welcomed by his scent. The silky bed sheets felt nice against your figure, but someone was missing. You sluggishly get off the bed, dragging your feet as you approached his restroom. You find him shaving his stubble, carefully grooming himself before he shoots a glance in your direction. Then a smile. Memories of your shared intimacy come flooding in. In the reflection of his mirror, you faintly see the marks on your neck that he left last night.
A flickering candlelight dances around in his room late at night, while he reads a book. You turn around in an attempt to conceal sleep, but give up as you look at him. "È tardi, piccolina" he adds distractedly, while he turns the page. "You are one to talk". He lets out a soft, rumbling chuckle at your little observation, before holding you closer to him. "Cattiva, cattiva..." His voice soothes you. His embrace ends up doing the trick, and you quickly fall asleep in his arms.
A slow dance shared in the privacy of his chambers. His piercing eyes adoringly look into yours, while you softly sway from side to side to the rhythm of the music that comes from his record player. You smile brightly, your eyes never leaving his. Not many words are exchanged, only glances that reveal shared longing. You rest your head against his chest, and as he continues guiding you through his dance, your senses focus on his heartbeat. You feel your body relax and all tensions dissipate, carried away by his touch.
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luciferscowgirl · 5 months
Okay, let’s make this a ✨masterlist✨
My most recent/ongoing work:
Never to Return - Catholic virgin fem OC x Cardinal Copia (let’s call it a slowburn maybe?) // most recent chapter here 🔞
(If you want to be included in a tag list concerning this ongoing series, hmu!)
My most recent one shot: here
Dom Cardinal Copia:
In the name of Distraction - 1st person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (he is a brat tamer in this.)
La piccola morte - 1st person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (he helps you deal with a bad dream in his own ways.)
You and Me and the Devil makes Three - 2nd person fem POV x fem oc x Cardinal Copia (he likes to watch you watch him. A threesome.)
“This might’ve been a little bit too much” - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (Copia is not amused and he’s going to punish you for it.)
“Mangiamo!” - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (he’s a bit switchy in this, but that’s your fault.)
One Morning with Cardinal Copia - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (he’s a soft dom in this, and he woke up horny.)
Lay all your Love on me - 1st person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (flash fic. He’s a soft dom and makes sure to kiss you properly before he goes all the way)
Morning Indulgence - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (a lovely somno fic. You wake up needy for the Cardinal. Soon, the two of you are busy waking each other up.)
Showtime - 2nd person fem POV x Papa/Cardinal Copia (established relationship. Copia is a lil jealous and wants to show you who you belong to. He also likes boxing, as it seems.)
One out of Three - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia x Special Ghoul (established relationship with Cardinal Copia. You two are getting a little freaky with a Ghoul. Copia takes the reins in this little adventure of yours. It’s also very gay in a way.)
Your Infernal Majesty - 3rd person fem x Cardinal Copia/Dracopia (CW/TW: NonCon stuff! | Year 1350. A young, untouched woman follows the mysterious Cardinal back to his mansion out of sheer curiosity, and what happens is something she is not going to remember.)
The Wedding - 2nd person fem x Cardinal Copia (TW/CW: mentions of alcohol consumption. | Basically the two of you attend a wedding and get freaky in public. Established relationship. Copia talks dirty. He teases. He edges. He’s a sexy asshole in this one.)
Little Miss Innocent - 1st person fem pov x Cardinal Copia (oc is super bratty. Kind of a rage fuck. Copia is upset and makes her pay for it.)
Play The Way You Feel It - 2nd person fem pov x Cardinal Copia (CW/TW: dubious consent! | Copia is plagued by some dreams he’s been having. His fleshlight isn’t enough to mend the yearning…)
Sub Cardinal Copia:
An ice-capped Fire - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (Copia is a whiny, pleading little whore in this short one shot.)
Divine you feel my Thrust - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (he’s whiny again. And also, you indulge in some nice butt stuff.)
In return, you gave them Hell - Copia‘s POV x 3rd person female OC (power struggle. It contains some pole dancing. And restraints.)
Papa Emeritus IV:
For a Minute - 2nd Person female POV x Papa Emeritus IV (let’s find out what happens on that couch during Miasma, huh? Disclaimer: possible ghovie spoiler)
Letters from Copia - Cardinal Copia POV x 2nd person gen. (Copia writes you a letter while he’s away on tour. Please be so kind and open it, he’s yearning and needs you to read it.) M-Rated.
Fics with more than one chapter:
If I could turn back the Time… - 2nd person fem POV x Cardinal Copia (my first fic ever. Never intended to write more than one part. I add to them whenever I see fit. // Reader basically meets her old flame after ten years of not having been able to see him.)
Until you’re Mine - 2nd person fem POV x Dracopia ! (Reader goes on an adventure to meet the Cun-, the Count and it’s oddly Bram Stoker’s Dracula coded.)
Never to Return - 3rd person catholic virgin OC POV x Cardinal Copia (Alice is a catholic woman who lives a pious life, well, does she really? Because one errant night, she meets a mysterious, satanic man who’s gonna help her with exploring new shores…)
The Wedding - 2nd person female POV x Cardinal Copia (The Cardinal and you are invited to your cousin’s wedding. Copia didn’t want to go, but after a little negotiation you managed to bring him with you. You didn’t think he’d actually do what he wanted to do, though…)
My Wattpad account:
I’m slowly but surely transferring all my fics from Wattpad to AO3 so there might still me some which I haven’t uploaded on AO3 yet, like this one for example.
Copia is quite the violent dom in there.
Thank you all for reading my silly little stories! 💓💓💓
Here’s a photo of the man I am definitely not obsessed with 🤥:
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p0piaz · 2 years
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Finally made fallen angel copia lol 🖤
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luxavier · 1 year
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I needed to draw Cardinal Copia to feel okay.
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kaisarionn · 2 years
I come with a fluffy Sodo x reader request (u can chose the gender idc) where Sodo realises the reader practically melts when Sodo nudges his forehead against theirs n rubs his nose against theirs and he loves the effect he has on the reader with that (maybe also with some of the ghouls teasing him about it bc they’re little fuckers ofc they’d tease him 💀)
A/n: this is so adorable I am blushing like an idiot! Lemme know if you want a pt2! Thank you for my first request!! Ficlet. Word count: 425. Estimated read time: 1m 33s. Fluff w/ some crack
Walking out of the meeting you had with Seestor, you turn down the long hallway, walking briskly as you never liked this hallway, it was always excessively cold and smelled of frankincense and vanilla.
It had very few windows and the windows it did have, depicted images grotesque, even for a satanic church.
But you continue your walk towards Sodo’s room nonetheless, you had missed him as you had both been very busy that day, Seestor being very short-tempered with everyone trying to plan the summer tour; and with the new arrival Mr. Saltarian, every thing went to hell, almost literally.
You continue reviewing the important parts of the meeting but you are snapped out of your thoughts as you almost bump into a wall and realize, you had arrived a Sodo’s door, you give it a knock and hear his footsteps trek across the room, with a twist of the handle, the door creaks open, and with a warm smile he says “come on in.” as he gently grasps your hand, you make your way across the soft carpet, looking at all the trinkets scattered around, to the other side of the room.
You look at the bed and see that he had arranged it like an intricate nest, blankets scattered everywhere, pillows arranged obscure positions, almost as if he were trying to build a pillow fort.
You also noticed that the room was dimly lit by candles that smelled of beeswax and honey. You sit down gingerly next to each other, as in afraid to disturb the atmosphere and get comfy, with his arms wrapped around you, and your legs tangled around each other.
Basking in each other’s warmth, enjoying the other’s presence, as if nothing else matters. He carefully leans his forehead onto yours and you all but melt. He feels your weight sink further into him, looking down at you he chuckles “amore mio, you are too sweet for this world.” Loving the way you reacted, he does it again, but this time he gently rubs his nose against yours, and you’re practically a puddle.
He continues to do this, for what feels like an eternity, a beautiful, blissful, eternity. he leans in to do it again, but just then Aether bursts in followed by Swiss, he is shocked at the display of affection for a moment before yelling “HEY IT’S TIME FOR DINNER LOVE BIRDS!” while Swiss just stands there laughing. Your face heats up in embarrassment as Sodo jumps up to chase them around the church— damn it Aether!
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serene-sun · 1 year
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𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖘 𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖌𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖑𝖘 𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖚𝖙 𝖘𝖕𝖔𝖎𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖙𝖍𝖊𝖎𝖗 𝖎𝖉𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖎𝖙𝖞
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Long legged boy
Some good ass abbs
The cutest nose ever
Has a matching tattoo with Swiss
Ruffles on all his clothes
Actually low key very funny
Loves tossing a ball between shows with sodo/dew
Not very shy, it’s the truth sorry
His voice is literally just the recording of an angel
Horney meter 7/10
Very funny, not in a chaos or menace to society way, he actually has some really funny jokes to crack
Very shy, no like really
That Swedish accent make my heart flutter
ALWAYS with Swiss
Respects women with a passion
Makes far to many gay jokes (honestly don’t know if it’s in a bromance way of if there’s a little fruit to his goose)
Horney meter 8/10
the glue of the ghouls
Has a little band with Mounti
I can’t really tell what kind of accent he has but there’s something there a lil bit
Forgets to close drawers and cabinets
ALWAYS dancing
Genuinely humble
Uses his mustache as a weapon (hard to explain but the people who watch his lives understand how upset we get when he “leaves it in the bathroom”)
Uses 3 different cups at ones, one for wine, one for tea, and another for water/Coffee
Laughs at his own jokes
Loves helping people
Did I mention that he is ALWAYS dancing?
Calls everyone “Jack”
Horney meter 9/10
Not shy, just doesn’t really do much when not necessary if that makes sense
LOVES dogs
We already know he tall af
Finds everything funny in one way or another
Goofy boy
Australian accent
Sorry- I really haven’t seen allot of him soooo
Horney meter 2/10
Dancing too
Very much animated
British accent (it’s so cute I swear)
He’s so cute and adorable, I JUST FEEL SO Extrahapobscureness
Has banana with him at all times
Woman respecter ✊🏻
Horney meter 2/10
I really don’t know what else to say bc he’s just so perfect and cute that that’s just what he is!
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Going to link my favorite songs by each of them for anyone curious, but know that you WILL hear THEIR voice and THEIR IDENTITY
Aether Swiss rain 1. 2. sodo/dew mountain papa(Tobias) 1. 2. 3.
(Also please don’t ask or bother them about ghost, they could be fired!)
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londonfog-chan · 4 months
Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader: Rite Here, Rite Now Part 1
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This two shot fic is dedicated to that poor soul on TikTok getting shitty comments about a headcanon of Eddie liking Ghost. Fandom has become so damn toxic bro. Who cares about what an imaginary character likes or dislikes?? We are cringe, we are legion. We make out of pocket headcanons sometimes. Like come on, Eddie might “theoretically” dislike Mary On A Cross specifically for various reasons, but I could see him having some favorites. You can’t say he would entirely hate Ghost when fucking Year Zero and Mummy Dust exist. Or the whole of Prequelle as an album. I had to laugh at one person saying he liked Avenged Sevenfold (it didn’t exist in the 80’s and neither did Ghost like we are literally arguing about shit he wouldn’t have known about be so serious rn). But I digress. I’ve even gotten a couple hateful comments on a fun little TikTok I made and I honestly have just been deleting them and blocking. Don’t even want to deal with people’s bullshit anymore. Please enjoy this spite fic and continue writing and having fun babes. Go against the flow and make Eddie proud.
Part 1 (You are Here), Part 2
Every member of Corroded Coffin could tell when you arrived to a function. Eddie knew the sound of your car like a cat that knows when its owner is home, and he’d be waiting outside the school to greet you first. That and the car make and model. Someone always called it if not Eddie. He’d been off his game today though, definitely the excited nerves. Jeff called out your 1979 Volkswagen Beetle heading up the driveway by slugging Eddie hard on the bicep, Gareth and Dougie immediately following up with calling “no tag backs” as they rushed to hit each other and Eddie like a bunch of middle schoolers. Eddie almost got nailed by Dougie’s beefy fist until he nimbly dodged out of the way, cradling his prized Warlock like it was a newborn.
“God dammit, easy asshole!” Eddie laughed. “Don’t be hitting my baby! I need her intact if I’m going to impress our songstress.”
“Trust me Ed, she doesn’t need more impressing. You had her in a tizzy when you asked her to write a song for you. I wonder what she came up with.” Gareth said, leaning forward so his hands were settled on both his high and medium toms, he was watching your approach intently with a gleam in his eye. “She didn’t even make it to campaign on Friday. Must have really been in the zone.”
You parked the car against the side of the driveway, emerging looking as though you’d just swallowed a whole mouthful of cry baby sour gum. Your lips were pressed tightly together, clutching your fat Trapper Keeper to your chest as you approached the group.
“Hey sweetheart!” Eddie called, waving you over enthusiastically. “You okay?”
“Eddie… God it’s so bad… It’s worse than I thought.” You said, grimacing.
God you looked delicious. He couldn’t help himself but to stare and smile like a dope. With each step your flowing gray skirt swished enticingly side to side, and with a bit of pride Eddie noticed you were wearing the Twisted Sister shirt he’d distressed for you, looking like an adorable snack of a metalhead with your black clothes, black opaque tights and dirty Chucks.
Eddie’s smile faltered only slightly when he heard your self depreciation.
“Oh come on, can’t be that bad. Not with those grades you’ve got in English. Let me see…”
“Fuck no! No seriously… it’s worse than you think.” You insisted, shaking your head and pulling away from his outstretched hand, “It’s so… God dammit! What the hell was I thinking…?”
Gareth, Jeff and Dougie left their instruments to approach you, Eddie putting both hands on your shoulders to comfort you.
“Hey, hey… come on, don’t be like that.” He said, smile gone and a more serious look on his face. “I get it, I really do. It comes with the territory of writing your own songs. Trust me, I’ve done it for years. You won’t pick it up overnight, and whatever you think is weak we can work on it together. I’m a DM honey, I can have my pen out faster than you can blink and help redraft as many times as it takes.”
“Oh… god dammit… okay, fine…”
You reluctantly handed Eddie the trapper keeper, the velcro making a harsh rip as he pulled it open to the first page where your lyrics neatly sat waiting for him to peruse. Eddie’s eyebrow raised when he saw the title, “Square Hammer”, outlined in red ink.
“ ‘Square Hammer’? … Huh… I like it, that’s good.” Eddie nodded, and continued to read on.
The lyrics were certainly unique to say the least. It was obvious you’d tried to go with a theme based on the prompt he’d given you: something that oozes the brooding dark metal he envisioned Corroded Coffin would croon to thousands of fans. You certainly had an affinity for the macabre, and he knew he could trust you with everything he wanted in his vision. Then again you could have written the cheesiest, poppy trash in the world and he would have loved it. He was extremely biased, far too sweet on you for his own good. But these weren’t bad at all. The lyrics reminded him of old Hollywood vampire movies, echoing the work of Doctor Faustus with the thematic element in the song. The voice of the lyrics seemed to be coming from an otherworldly entity, one summoned to offer power and prestige to the listener.
And Eddie was obsessed with every word the further he read on.
“Woah, woah…”
His eyes widened with every sentence he read.
“Holy shit…”
Powers clandestine, solving a crooked rhyme… Every line, no matter how simple, packed a lot when combined in the collective.
Eddie finally looked up at you, completely bewildered.
“You wrote this by yourself?!” He croaked.
You were embarrassed to hell, curling in on yourself and looking like you wanted to die.
“Ye… yeah… I… When you asked me to write for you, I got really stuck on what I wanted to do. But I remember you mentioned Black Sabbath was one of your first covers, and then I couldn’t get the image of the coffin out of my head because, you know, “Corroded Coffin”… and then we were reading Faustus in Mrs. O’Donnell’s class and I thought since you asked me to do you this favor and Faustus is all about favors…-“
You were rambling. Not even paying attention to Eddie’s continually growing grin. He was bouncing on the balls of his feet the longer you ranted on, until his untamable outburst silenced you.
“THIS IS AMAZING!” Eddie was screaming, scaring the shit out of everyone. “Holy fuck sweetheart! Are you bullshitting me?! This is… fuck! We’ve been stressing for new material for next month’s gig at The Hideout and you just gave it to us on a silver platter?! Jesus H.!”
“Check this out…!” Eddie turned away to show his friends while you quietly protested, unable to speak as he passed the paper around. The guys crowded around, each one shouting out when they saw a favorite part, “hammering the nails into the sacred coffin” quickly became a favorite, because they immediately began trying to work out how they could fit the lyrics to sound.
“All we gotta do is work out a melody and we’re in business baby!” Eddie said. “This is bitchin’!”
“But it doesn’t even make any sense!” You argued. “Like seriously? The entrance to the shrine part does not fucking fit, I only wrote it because I couldn’t come up with a better rhyme with clandestine!”
“Who cares?” Eddie cried. “It’s badass as hell! The imagery is absolutely savage… ‘Hiding from the night, sacrificing nothing’, and don’t let me forget about the little tongue in cheek line you added about hammering nails into a sacred coffin!”
“It’s fucking great!” Echoed Jeff.
“You should be proud. You managed to take our style and give it a unique spin, that’s not something anyone can do.” Eddie praised. “God dammit… I’d have been a millionaire by now if I could write like this.”
“You… you really liked those parts?” You asked cautiously.
“Of course I did sweetheart! This is real metal shit right here. And the part with the ‘crooked rhyme’? That really captured the creep factor I was looking for. Shit… what’s more metal than summoning a demon for a deal? That’s exactly what Corroded Coffin needs in its material. I love this little brain of yours!”
“Don’t forget Ed!” Dougie cut in. “ ‘Are you ready to swear right here right now before the devil’?!”
“Bitchin’! Keep this up, and I’m gonna wanna make you write all of Corroded Coffin’s songs from now on!” Eddie beamed happily.
“We gotta get the melody worked out!” Jeff said, “Any ideas? I could come up with a few…”
The boys began gabbing together, Eddie unable to help himself as he began to strum his precious 1984 BC Warlock, his black beauty. Without a doubt he could already envision how he could make his baby purr for you, impress you, take you out finally.
And then you changed his world forever.
“… I had an idea for a melody already…” you said quietly.
All eyes turned to you. The guys were thunderstruck.
“Seriously?! Lyrics and a melody?! You’re spoiling the shit out of me sweetheart! Jeff, let her borrow your…-“
“No… no I… I don’t know how to play guitar…” you said, cutting off Eddie sheepishly, “But I… I brought my Casio with me…”
“Where is it?!”
“In the trunk of my bug…”
“Well go get it! Show me whatcha got sweetheart!”
Eddie followed you to the front of the Volkswagen. Everyone always thought the front trunk was the coolest shit ever and he was no exception. The cool car only added to the many things he liked about you. You took out the obnoxiously large keyboard and the stand, fumbling to close the trunk until Eddie stepped in with an “easy… I got it”, slamming the trunk shut and helping you lift the Casio like a gentleman. You were shaking, vibrating with embarrassment so hard that Eddie had to help you plug everything in and adjust the sound, hovering and reaching over you on purpose hoping you’d notice and feel his burn for you.
“Alright sweetheart? Show us what you’ve got.”
You turned on the Casio and fingered the keys gently, warming up with a few chords as you tried to soothe the shaking in your fingers. Fiddling with the settings, you stalled as long as you could while the boys waited patiently. Once you found the setting you wanted, you went for it.
It was like a demon had possessed your body. The melody was quick, but it packed a hell of a punch. It was in the key of D minor, and you had ironically chosen what sounded like a combination of 1960’s psychedelic sticky rhodes and Transylvanian organ to achieve the effect you wanted. The sound overall was eerie, yet enchantingly fun all at the same time. And your singing! You were singing softly under your breath, rocking yourself to the melody on the tips of your worn out sneakers, and you had quite the set of pipes! Despite your shot nerves, you’d clearly come up with something truly special that no one else in the entire world could have conceived of.
It wasn’t the traditional metal Eddie had in mind, more avant-garde, theatrical even. Whereas he had expected a sound more like Black Sabbath, you played something not out of place at a theater performance of Dracula. But this sound… there was something that nagged him about it. It was a sound that Eddie could imagine playing to arenas of screaming, adoring fans.
“Gentlemen… that’s our fucking song!” Eddie cried, “That’s our song, it’s a goddamned masterpiece!”
The Casio halted, and your mouth was hanging open mid play.
“What?! How-…” you began.
“I can already hear the riff, Ed what do you think of following with standard tuning instead of going to D minor?” Jeff picked up his Gibson and began to play, mimicking what he heard on your Casio by ear. “If you move it, the sound is way off from what I’m envisioning. But if you keep it at standard you leave it easier on the fingers with the couple of open notes when you start stretching.”
“Yeah, yeah! If you tune it down it’s going to sound off with her playing when you hit the chords.” Eddie agreed, immediately looking back at you. “Play it one more time sweetheart?”
You cautiously complied, going through the melody one more time as Jeff began to follow with you. Eddie was completely absorbed in your music, listening to both you and Jeff play and following along quietly. The warlock in his hands eventually couldn’t be helped, humming to life when he started playing a chord at a time by ear. As he played, he kept you repeating the melody over and over, both Eddie and Jeff deep in concentration on the sound. It was getting almost exhausting trying to continually repeat the sound until they got it right.
“D minor.” Eddie said, playing a note.
“Then she does B flat there.” Jeff played.
“A minor.” They said in unison.
“C. And that’s what I’m thinking your rhythm guitar can do, meanwhile, I’ll keep the root of the chords for the riff so I can follow her keys.” Eddie said, and he began to perfectly copy your melody. “Okay sweetheart, just one more time… and then let’s bring everything together.”
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serene-starss · 9 months
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Paring: Tobias Forge & Reader
Warnings: suicidal thoughts/intentions, mention of death
“I eh, I understand these emotions and thoughts are hard to have.” He said, a comforting hand on the small of my back as he sat down on the wet concrete curb of the road.
I sniffle, trying not to cry at the kind gesture, “It’s ok, you don’t have to stay out here and convince me everything is sunshine and rainbows.” Three or four tears run down my raw cheeks as I simply blink
“Nothing is sunshine and rainbows,” he says as he gently starts moving his hand in a circular motion, his presence alone is soothing. Maybe being a family guy is why he’s so kind, and being the ‘Big Boss’ so firm and honest. It’s a good mix for a guy like him.
I look at the cigarette in my hand as the burning ember falls off and goes cold as it lands on the cool pavement that’s just barely wet from whatever rain or sewer leaked from outside the hotel at this time.
The street light highlighted our faces like we wore clown makeup, but to think about it, it is silly that such a sophisticated man would sit outside in the cold just to comfort a hired musician.
Laughs echo from inside the building, and warm light pools out of the windows decorated for whatever season it was supposed to be
I cry softly, putting a hand on my forehead. I want him to go inside because I don’t want him to spoil and rot like every other gram of happiness or joy that has been near me. “A black hole is what I am, I don’t want to swallow anyone who already hasn’t been.” I crow as the continued sound of joy hurts my heart.
“I’m not a scientist but black holes create new matter like planets do they not? So maybe we’re all just the aftermath of someone like you.” He says softly, I hear the exhaustion of the day in his sweet voice as he tries to cheer me up.
“I can’t do it.” I simply say as I hide my face in my knees as my cheeks fill with air and I stop myself from letting out a loud cry.
“Yes you can,” he says as he scoots closer to me, I know he’s not a therapy friend but just like before his fatherly and leading nature makes him simply incredible to be around. “You can because I did, and I know nobody wants to be compared to others but we are constantly changing”
I sigh heavily, “Except you mean something, your are worth something, and you have millions of fans and undying love from people. You’ve saved people's lives.” I say
“Yes but..” he thinks for a moment, “I mean it wasn’t too long ago I was just picking up a phone for money and doodling logos on napkins.”
I look up at him with puffy red eyes.
“I was In the same position when I felt all alone and helpless when someone very close to me passed away suddenly. I know how it feels to be at the bottomless pit of nothing” he said as he rested his elbows on his knees.
I wipe my nose on my sleeve, “I just…”
“You just need something or someone to keep you going,” He looks at me and flashes a smile.
“I already have one, thank you, I guess I should’ve said,” I say as more tears roll down my cheeks.
“For what? I told you I don’t mind coming out here, it’s because your my friend, band mate and I ca-“ he tries to finish before I cut him off, “for saving me, your truly the nicest and most understanding person ever.” I start to sob.
His face softens and he wraps me in a tight yet delicate hug, “I’m sorry you needed saving.”
I try not to get snot or tears on the back of his jacket as I melt into it, “thank you”
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littlemissemeritus · 4 months
GHUMBLR I AM SO PROUD WITH U RESPITE FUCKING WON!!!!! weve finally got all the votes,, heres the ending poll!!
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mamaemeritus-secondo · 5 months
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Had this piece commissioned for me! Secondo is my husband.
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feralforpapa · 2 years
Missionary Man [Part 2]
Terzo Emeritus x AFAB!reader
A/N: Thank you all for all of the love on Part 1! I’m sorry it took so long to get this out, I’ve been swamped at work lately. If anyone has any fic or headcanon requests for Papa 3, just send ‘em my way. 💕
Plot: just a continuation of Missionary Man [Part 1]
Warnings: NSFW. Smut. Pure smut. Foreplay. Fingering. Unprotected sex. Breeding kink.
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“As much as I want to confess right now… I also have to keep you on track with going onstage, Papa.” Your voice was almost a squeak as your face was still being held by Terzo’s hand. “I still have to do my job.”
Terzo’s lips pressed into a thin line and he gave you a quick nod before dropping his hand to his side again. He turned back to the mirror once more, giving himself the final outfit check - he was always adamant about looking put together, and it always showed based on his exquisite suits, stunning Papal robes, and right down to his calm and lustrous demeanor. For a moment, you thought you might have angered him, or made it seem like you were trying to reject him in a subtle way, and that sent a wave of panic through you.
you were promptly cut off before you could even get his name out of your mouth, and that was probably for the best, considering that your voice would’ve sounded small as you tried to explain yourself.
“I know. The ritual comes first, and then we can resume this… confession… si?.” Terzo shot a reasurring smile at you through the mirror. “We still have a job to do here.”
“We do.” You let out a little sigh that conveyed how much you didn’t want to be professional at the moment. “Speaking of: it’s time for you to go backstage.”
“Mhm,” Terzo hummed, folding his arm behind his back to take that proper stance that always seemed to drive you wild. “A lot of ground to cover tonight, cara mia.”
There were a few moments of silence between the two of you. Both of you seemed to be caught up in your own thought process about the way the rest of the night might possibly play out. We’re the confessions taking place here? The hotel? Somewhere else? The possibilities were endless, but you weren’t very picky about where any of it took place. All you knew was that you wanted Papa Emeritus III’s cock buried inside of you within the next two hours, or you were bound to just lose it.
Terzo finally turned his eyes and attention over to you after that bout of prolonged and tense silence.
“Half an hour will seem like an eternity, no?” He asked as if he had just plucked those thoughts directly from your brain.
“Well, I’ve waited this long to have some time with you, so, I don’t think another hour will kill me - hopefully.” You smiled in amusement, and silently willed yourself to last a little longer.
So far, you were doing fairly decent at keeping your mind on your job itself, but that seemed to get a little harder with Terzo stepping towards you now. He stared down at you, and his eyes were still consumed with that look of hunger from before. You swallowed down the lump that had settled in the back of your throat, and started to become very noticeable to you that your arousal was only growing as Terzo’s gaze almost put you in a trance-like state. His hand came up once more to grasp you tenderly by the chin, giving you a pull towards his body.
“Bravo ragazza.” Terzo’s accent came out velvety and smooth as he purred at you.
That was it, and that was all it took for your arousal to come fully into fruition. You weren’t very fluent in Italian, but you knew enough from your time at the ministry to know when your Papa was calling you a good girl. You clamped your thighs together right where you stood, forcing yourself not to moan out loud at his words, or just forget about the ritual all together and drop down to your knees in front of him.
It was practically like the floodgates had opened at that moment - figurative and literally, let’s just be honest about that - because every single encounter that you had with him never failed to make a puddle form between your legs. Every passing glance at Mass, the way he strutted the halls with such a balanced and confident stride, and his eyes… those fucking eyes that you’d been so desperate to watch bore holes into your soul while he was between your legs again… it was all you wanted at that moment.
“Y-you really-“ you had to cut yourself off to take a deep breath and swallow down that lump in your throat again, “You really have to go backstage now, Papa.”
Terzo, already sensing your emotions let that smug smile pull at his painted lips again. He gave your chin another small squeeze before lowering his head to press a quick peck to your lips, only letting the heat between the two of your linger for less than a second. He pulled away with a small, teasing hum as he dropped his hand from your face.
“I assume you’ll still be here when I return, hmm?”
“Yeah, definitely not going anywhere.” You caught your bottom lip with your teeth this time.
You couldn’t done everything in the book to try and hide the way that you were feeling or how goddamn desperate you were to have that man on top of you, but it was of no use. Terzo wasn’t a fool, and he knew exactly the type of effect that he had on you, because it had never been much of a secret. There really was no way of keeping secrets from him anyway. He always seemed to know exactly what you needed and when, especially if it involved a need for him; it was like he could smell it on you like you were in heat, or something. Then again, perhaps you were when it came down to the brass tacks of it. The man seemed to hit the on switch for your most primal instincts, and it left you wanting him in the most animalistic of ways.
Needless to say, Terzo was a very versatile lover from what you had already witness from him. He didn’t have any hangups about trying new things, nor was he on some sort of “alpha male” power trip where you were just expected to lay there and let him fuck you without complaining. He could be dominate if needed or wanted, yes. But, the man was also capable of laying you down and making love to you like you were the only person he ever needed or wanted. And that change of pace was always nice when you were in the mood for it.
But, romance wasn’t really what you were after at this moment in time. There was a part of you that wanted him to fuck you until you were raw, because at least you’d have something to remember him by in case you didn’t get a chance to be with him for another few weeks. You were already a flurry of emotions, and nothing had even happened yet. You were undeniably aroused, but also sad at the thought that he might be gone and busy again once you two fucked. You knew deep down that you were never going to get enough of him, you’d always want more.
“Alright.” It was Terzo’s voice that brought you back to reality once more. “Then I fully expect you to be here when I come back.”
“Yes, Papa.” Your voice betrayed you, and your tone oozed with how needy you were.
Terzo let his mismatched eyes roam your form for a moment, but it didn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to. Before you could even blink, he had already turned and sauntered fluidly over to the dressing room door. But, he didn’t leave before cocking his his head back to you, throwing a flirty smile and that goddamn wink of his over to you. That was the second time in the span of 10 minutes that he made you want to sink down onto the floor - whether that be to gravel at his feet or blow him was debatable - and just like that, he had disappeared out of sight, closing the door behind himself.
That hour and a half really did feel like an eternity, just like Terzo had questioned you about before he left. You found yourself pacing around the dressing room like a caged tiger, doing your best to take your mind off how slowly the time seemed to be dragging on and on. The slow ticking of the nearby wall clock seemed to get louder and louder by the second; needless to say you weren’t doing a very good job at keeping your mind occupied elsewhere.
You did a lot of preening in the mirror during that time. You did your best to make sure your outfit and hair were styled right, wanting to make sure everything was in place. You became slightly insecure that you might not look as desirable as you thought you should - but that was obviously a harsh critique on yourself that wasn’t needed.
Your outfit of choice wasn’t all that different from the stage garb that the Nameless Ghouls wore. You did your best to try to look the part while you were on the road with them, but it was also the fact that you just appreciated their aesthetic. You wore a long sleeve button down and the hem of it was tucked neatly into your jeans, and those jeans were paired with black leather boot me that stopped below your knee. You spent a good chunk of your time buttoning and unbuttoning the top button of your shirt, trying to decided which looked more appealing.
You finally decided to leave it unbuttoned after 30 minutes of internal conflict about it.
The time that wasn’t spent obsessing over your appearance in the mirror was spent keeping yourself occupied by listening to the echo of the band playing as it reverberated into the backstage hallway. Of course, you could’ve gone out to watch them perform, but you had seen the show countless times and you just didn’t want to tack on anymore temptation for this moment that wasn’t already there. Terzo had already gotten you wet just by being in the same vicinity as him, so seeing him performing and going through his usual antics onstage would’ve driven you completely feral, and it was only bound to get worse before the night was over with.
Nearly two hours later, your salvation finally came when you heard Terzo’s vocal over the beginning of Monstrance Clock echoing through the venue. You knew full well what that meant, and anybody that knew anything about a ritual did; it was a tradition that it was the last song to be played at the end of the show. That’s when your nervousness really began to hit you with full force, knowing you were only moments away from Terzo returning. You made your way over to the vanity once more, still listening to the ongoing chanting of the crowd as they sang along with Terzo.
You laid your hand on the counter, leaning over slightly as you gave yourself another once over in the mirror. You bit your lip at the thought of the confessions that you were going to make, and that only made the excitement settle in the pit of your stomach.
You were sitting on a leather loveseat that sat in the dressing room when the door finally opened up to reveal Terzo standing in the doorway. You could see in Terzo’s face that he was still high from the adrenaline rush that being on stage gave him, and you knew that would only add fuel to the fire of what he was going to be like now. You shifted where you sat as you watched him shut the door behind himself as he sauntered over towards you. You had taken off your boots a while ago, letting your feet press against the floor as you stood up to approach him.
“How was the Ritual tonight?” You asked, with a coy smile tugging at your lips.
“Amazing, Tesoro. They always are,” Terzo replied, offering his gloved hand to you. “But, we can talk about that later. We have - if I may say - more important matters to attend to, don’t we?”
“Yes, absolutely. We do.” The words came out of your mouth a little faster than you intended to.
Nope. There was definitely no denying your neediness for him now. But, the way his head tilted back slightly as he looked down at you through his lashes let you know he seemed to be pleased by that. And if there was one thing you wanted to do: it was to please Terzo in every way that was possible.
“I guess we should start with your confession then, si?” Terzo asked, taking another long step toward you, letting his body come to a stop only a few inches away from yours.
And then that solid lump formed in the back of your throat again, but it seemed damn near impossible to swallow it down this time. For a moment, you thought you might choke on your own words, but somehow, you managed to swallow thickly before letting out an audible sigh. You turned your eyes up to Terzo’s again, and it didn’t take them long to start scanning over his face paint. It never failed to make you weak in the knees to see how it brought all of his best features to the forefront.
“How do the siblings do it?” You asked.
Terzo cocked his eyebrow at your question, as if he didn’t quite understand your meaning.
“The confessions,” you added with a small laugh. “Is it, ‘forgive me, Father, for I have sinned?’ Or ‘Forgive me, Papa… I haven’t sinned enough.’?”
Terzo smiled with a quietness, letting that intimidating gaze of his grow into one that was ready to send you over the edge. He reached his hand up just as he had before, letting his gloved digits grasp lightly at your chin, giving you a small tug forward as his mismatched eyes burned into yours.
“The rest usually just ask for a talk… but, I could get used to hearing that second one, cara,” Terzo purred, letting his accent roll fluidly off his tongue. “And what about you, eh? How do you want to address your Papa?”
“Well, if we we’re going by the restrictive rules of Christianity… then I’ve sinned a lot lately, Papa- sinful thoughts, anyway.”
There was a slight pause, and the tension between the two of you felt like a thick cloak was being draped over the entire room itself.
“And what are those thoughts?” Terzo’s voice was more of a whisper as he raised an eyebrow with strict interest and attention.
Here it was, it was all or nothing now. There was no way you could mention something like that and not go through with telling him about it.
“You,” you confessed, biting into the side of your cheek. “My mind keeps going back to our earlier… encounters… I mean, the thoughts are really bad during Mass, but they get even worse at night.”
You raised your hand up to wrap your fingers around his wrist while he still had your chin in his grasp. You gave it a small squeeze as you blinked up at him with a wanton expression. This man had barely touched you in all the ways that you needed him to, yet you were already mush in the palm of his hand, ready and willing to do anything he asked.
“I know it’s probably obvious and, like you said, there’s no need to be coy,” you continued, letting out a small breath when you felt his fingers squeeze into your skin again, “So, the confession is that: no matter how many times I try to get myself off at night thinking about you, it just doesn’t compare to how good you made me feel when you touch me.”
“I can’t say that it didn’t seem obvious… I can feel the tension and frustration radiating off of you when I’m near you these last few weeks, amore,”he replied, letting his eyes scan over your face and body. “And if your body didn’t give you away, then the way that you look at me certainly does.”
“Guess I’m not so good at keeping secrets.”
“Not from me, no.”
You started to let your hand drop away from Terzo’s wrist, but he finally released your chin and grabbed your hand instead, pulling it up to place your palm flat against his chest as he tilted his head at you.
“But, I am slightly disappointed to hear that you aren’t finding your own pleasure lately… that just won’t do,” Terzo hummed, letting the tip of tongue click against his teeth to emphasize his words. “All of us need to be satisfied and happy if we are to serve or ministry properly.”
“Give it back to me then.” Your fingers gripped slightly into his white shirt. “Please.”
“As your Papa, I’m happy to provide whatever you need.” Terzo’s free hand snaked around your body, pulling you into his chest.
He finally lowered his head enough to put his face closer to yours, and it was close enough that you could feel his breath against your skin. Your fingers gripped further into his shirt this time, and you closed the distance between the two of you as you leaned forward to press your lips against his. You couldn’t help the small moan that escaped against his lips as the two of you engaged in a long awaited makeout session. You could feel his arm tug you flush against his body, and that only made you more eager to keep your lips on his.
You were only showcasing your impatience by both of your hands already starting to work their way over the silver buttons on his shirt. You tugged at them to unsnap and few and you felt the chuckle against your lips from Terzo before he dragged his warm tongue along your bottom lip.
“Trying to skip right to the good part, are we?”He mumbled against your lips.
“All of it’s good, Papa,” you breathed against his mouth, catching his bottom lip between your teeth.
You could feel that smirk of Terzo’s as he brought his hands up to your chest, starting to undo the top buttons of your shirt. The kiss continued when he took the lead and pressed his lips back to yours, letting his tongue slip into your mouth this time. Another small moan sounded in your throat as your hands grasped at his slender waist, but a whine of protest escaped you when he detached his mouth from yours too quickly for your liking. There were more wanton stares thrown back and forth before he finally let two of his gloved fingers slip between the buttons of your shirt.
“I’d love to see this unbuttoned just a little more, cara,” Terzo purred, tugging at the fabric of your shirt, then dropping his hand to the button on your pants. “And these.”
“As long as you’re the one doing it,” you told him, taking his hands in yours to pull them back up to your chest.
“With pleasure.” Terzo’s lips pursed while he slowly began to unbutton your shirt.
His eyes barely left yours as he as he finally undid the last button and let your shirt fall open. But, obviously he couldn’t stop himself from dropping his gaze down to get a look at your bare chest. You watched his teeth scrape over his bottom lip. You took the incentive to try and further please his eye by shrugging the material from your shoulders, letting it slide down your arms to pool in the crook of your elbows. You stayed like that for a moment before dropping your arms to let the shirt fall to your feet.
“Hot. There’s no other way to put it.” Terzo’s hand snaked around your waist once more, giving you a sharp tug into his body. “And far too irresistible to be so unstatisfied lately… but, I’m determined to fix that tonight, sorella.”
He ghosted his lips over yours on purpose, making the intensity of the moment build before ducking his head down to your neck. There was a small gasp that escaped you, and your hands involuntarily clamped down on his shoulders when you felt his warms lips on your neck. He immediately found that sensitive spot at the base that he knew would send you into a completely unhinged state. You felt his lips suction around your spot as he let out a small growl against your skin, and then you felt the material of his gloved fingers move their way up your body to your breasts.
You dug your nails into the material of his suit on his shoulders, letting your head fall back, rendering yourself vulnerable to his mouth as he nibbled and sucked at your heated flesh. One of Terzo’s hands fell down to your ass, gripping into like he owned it - like you were his - it made you squirm with delight against his body to see him assert that dominance. You didn’t bother to try and stifle back the moan that escaped your throat when you felt him press his warm tongue against the base of your throat to lick a stripe up to the side of your neck. He coated you with his saliva as if he was marking you for himself.
“Fuck, Terzo,” you whined, sounding completely desperate for him, but that was the least of your concerns. “I need more of your mouth. Please.”
“That’s a dangerous request to make when I’m starving to devour you again,” Terzo purred against your skin, brushing his thumb over one of your stiffened nipples. “Especially when I know just how fucking good you taste.”
You huffed out in response to his words, practically turning into a post-verbal mess before him. It was light a switch had finally flipped inside of you, and whatever shyness you were still clinging onto was finally released. Instead, you were taken over by your own carnal instincts and your need to let this man have his way with you.
You reached up, grasping at Terzo’s raven black hair to pull his head down to your chest. You only had to use minimal effort, because he was more than willingly to duck his head down and suction his mouth around one of your nipples with a certain quickness. You whined sharply and hiked one of your legs up onto his hip as much as you could; your next goal was to press your crotch flush against his, more than a little impatient to feel his cock harden against you. Your grip strengthened on his hair as he growled against your breast, continuing to tease your nipple with his tongue. You couldn’t hold yourself back from rolling your hips against him, starting up at slow grind to try and relive that severe ache between your legs.
Terzo seemed to be pleased by your initiation, and it was further proven by the way his other hand dropped down and he was helping guide your small thrusts with his hands gripped into your ass. You had soaked through your underwear with your arousal by now, and you wondered how much more wet you could get before it soaked through onto his trousers - which was a turn on within itself, to mark him just as he had done you moments ago.
Terzo finally pulled his head up to press his forehead against yours, narrowing his eyes as he watched your face already contorting with pleasure. He kept that firm grip on your ass, giving your hips a small yank so you could grind your pussy flush against him this time - as flush as you could since the two of your were still clothed. Your pupils dilated with a glimmer of lust when you felt just how hard he was getting. You let your hands slip between the two of you, quickly unbuttoning your jeans and taking down the zipper.
One of his hands shot back up to your face, grasping your chin as he tilted your head back to make you look up at him once more. You watched the side of his jaw flare from the way he gritted his teeth, biting back his own seething arousal. Your hands came up to hold onto his waist as he stared down at you, and the smoldering look he was giving you made you realize that he probably wasn’t going to hold back when he finally fucked you.
“Touch yourself for me, cara,” Terzo groaned at your mouth, flicking his eyes down to your lower half. “You say it doesn’t compare to how I touch you, so show your Papa.”
Your jawed flared as you looked up at him with eyes that were already glazed over and completely shot with lust. You grabbed Terzo’s wrist, pulling it down between the two of you, leaning your head forward to engage him in another hot kiss. You slipped your tongue inside of his mouth this time, desperate to taste him in anyway that you could get it. He moved his tongue back against yours without protest, still using his other hand to grope and squeeze your ass as he began to grind against you with more intent this time.
“I’ll show you, but I wanna use your hand, Papa,” you breathed against his mouth, pressing his gloved hand into your crotch.
“Sembri così viziato,” he teased you for your needy behavior, but it was evident by his tone he enjoyed it. “At least let me get this off, si?” He lifted his gloved hand back up to show you.
You squirmed where you stood, wanting to protest, but decided against it as you nodded your head at him. You watched his painted lips tug into a smirk while he lifted his fingers up to his mouth. He placed his fingers to his teeth, biting down on the soft cotton of the gloves as he maintained eye contact with you. Your lips parted as you let out a sigh, watching him give a tug to the material to pull it off of his large hand. When his bare fingers finally came into view, your gaze went straight for them, eyeing them hungrily.
You grabbed Terzo’s wrist again, pulling it back down between the two of you, pressing his fingertips against your exposed underwear. Your breath hitched into your throat when you felt the warmth of his fingers as he pressed into the top of your pubic bone. You guided his hand, letting his fingers slip into the band of your underwear, and that’s where he decided to take over his own movements. You placed your hand over top of his, digging your nails into his skin when you felt the first few jolts of pleasure as his fingers slipped between your folds.
“Ah, sorella, you really have missed me, haven’t you? Already so wet for me,” he growled in that silly tone, using his fingers to spread your leaking arousal around your sex. “You are going to feel so good stretched out around me again.”
You moaned out, using your hand to press his fingers further inside of you. Your body jolted roughly against his, both of your chests pressed against one another. Your head fell back, enjoying the feeling of Terzo beginning to draw rhymically circles around your swollen clit. The ache you felt from in your core was still very prominent, but it was becoming a little more satisfied with each stroke he made with his skillful fingers.
“Right there, Terzo. Your fingers feel so good.” Your voice was already becoming shakey from each hard breath you took.
As much pleasure as you were in, you still weren’t intending to be selfish about it. You pulled your hand away from his, bringing it forward to press your palm against his crotch. You let out a grunt when you felt just how hard his cock was as it strained against the material of his jeans; that was enough to make you want to bend yourself over from him right at that second. You’d throw your own pleasure to the wind for him, but you knew he wouldn’t allow you to do that to you.
“Do you feel what you do to me, bellisima?” Terzo asked, jutting his hips forward to press his cock firm against your palm. “You aren’t the only one that thinks about us fucking. Fantasizing about you during Mass isn’t enough anymore.”
“Fuck me now, then.” The words blurted from your mouth without a single sense of hesitation as you rubbed his erection through his pants. “You can bend me over that vanity and use me, Papa.”
Terzo narrowed his eyes, and his fingers slipped deeper inside of your entrance until they were penetrating you fully. You felt his fingers curl upwards until he was pressing right into your g-spot. Your hand paused their strokes against his cock for a moment, becoming caught up by your own pleasure when he began to pump his fingers in and out of you.
“Facile, bambina. I’m going to breed you on every surface tonight, until you tell me you’ve had enough,” Terzo purred dangerously, creating rhythmic strokes against your g-spot for emphasis. “But first, I want to feel you cum on my fingers - that’s an order.”
You nodded feverishly up at him, looking at him through hooded eyes as he gave you his strict order. You started grinding your pussy down into his hand enough to press your mound into his palm as he fucked you with his fingers. Each thrust made your clit glide against his skin, creating a new wave of sensation and pleasure each time. Each stroke of his fingers only seemed to make you wetter, and that was very obvious as your arousal began to leak enough to coat his fingers and open palm.
“Fuck- right there- don’t stop, Papa” you moaned, grabbing hold of Terzo’s waistband, hastily unbuttoning his pants.
You snaked your hand into his pants, finally getting the first feel of how hard he really was when you wrapped your hand around his cock. Terzo growled out with a mixture of pleasure and impatience, pressing his hips against your hand, urging you to continue. You pumped your hand along his cock a few times, biting into your lip when you heard the first actual moan fall from his lips.
Hearing his deep voice turn into sounds of pleasure was more than enough to bring you closer to your impending climax. You stroked your hand along his length, stopping ever to often at his tip just to tease him, loving to feel the way he would thrust sharply against your hand. You watched as he glared at you with narrowed eyes, and that only seemed to encourage his to to make his fingers move more intensely against your g-spot. He’d pull his fingers from you every so often, but only to circle his fingers around your clit.
Your moans had turned into sharp whines as that coil of pleasure begin to tighten in your stomach, letting you know that you were getting close. Terzo only added to your stimulation as he dropped his head, surprising you as he took one of your nipples into his mouth again. You mewled out, letting your head fall back to surrender yourself over to his mouth and fingers as you were right on the edge of your relief. Your legs trembled right where you stood, so much that you thought you might collapse right there. Your movements against his cock finally paused, and you could feel the warmth of his pre-cum leaking onto your fingers.
“Terz’, I’m so close,” you panted, using your free hand to grasp his hair again, clinging to him while your walls started to tighten around his fingers. “I’m gonna cum.”
He released your nipple from his mouth once more, pulling his head back up to look down at you again. He grasped your face with his free hand, forcing you to look up at him, yet again.
“Si, cara mia. Show me how good it feels - I want to see that pretty cum face when you let go for me,” Terzo encouraged you, but still keeping a consistent pace with his fingers.
You released his length from your hands at that moment, bringing them up to wrap around him, hanging on for dear life. You cried out as you clung to Terzo’s frame, feeling that tight coil in the pit of your stomach finally snap. You felt that intense wave of pleasure as your orgasm began to overtake you in heavy waves that shuddered your whole body. Your chest rose and fell rapidly, and your walls contracted tightly around Terzo’s fingers, but he still made the effort to pump them in and out of you as you rode out your orgasm.
“I’m cumming.” You were able to choke out words through your gritted teeth, but only just.
“Brava ragazza, just like that. Cum for your Papa,” he continued to talk you through your orgasm, tugging at your bottom lip with his teeth. “Merda… I can feel you dripping down my fingers, tesoro. They feel that good, hmm?”
“Y-yes, yes.” You had to force yourself to answer his question.
You were already feeling a little dazed and foggy-minded, thanks to the first orgasm he gave to you. The last few weeks, you were only able to give yourself minimal amounts of pleasure, but having Terzo forcing you to cum for him gave it all back in an instant. It was slightly overwhelming to feel so much stimulation at once, but it was a euphoric feeling none-the-less.
“I need you, Terzo. I don’t want to wait anymore. I want you inside me now,” you finally began to beg without an ounce of shame.
Terzo, obviously starting to become just the slightest bit impatient from his own lust pulled his hand from your pants. He lifted his hand to reveal the way that you had slicked his fingers with your fluids, and his mismatched eyes scanned over them. You watched his take his fingers to his mouth, and you breath hitched when he dragged his tongue along his ring and middle fingers, tasting you.
He hummed, closing his eyes as he savoured the way you tasted on his fingers. He licked another stripe up to the top of his fingers before placing them in his mouth briefly to clean them off. His mismatched eyes finally opened to find your again, and he tilted his head at you with a small smile. He reached out that same hand to you, and it’s as if you already knew exactly what he wanted as your mouth opened without him so much as having to signal you to do it.
“You taste even better than you did the last time. If I went down on you now, I don’t think l’d be able to stop,” he whispered gruffly, pressing his fingertips against your tongue, making you whimper at his words. “But, I plan on having my face buried between your legs before the night is out.”
You lips closed around Terzo’s fingers with a hum, sucking at them gently before pulling your head back to make them pop out of your mouth. You grabbed his hand, pulling him with you as you headed for the vanity. You mind had only one intent at that moment, and that was to have his cock filling you completely; you had waited long enough to feel him again. You used your arm to swipe the contents of the counter to the side, gazing up at him through the mirror with a lust-driven glance of encouragement.
“Fuck me, baby,” you said bluntly, reaching down to shimmy your pants down below your ass, leaving yourself exposed.
Without another word, Terzo’s hand began to do the same to his trousers, lowering them enough to let his cock spring free from them. You pressed your chest down against the counter, giving your back as much of an enticing arch as you could as you reached back to grab at his waistcoat, pulling him into you. You grunted when you felt his large hands grab your hips, giving you a sharp yank back into his pelvis. You loved feeling that bit of assertiveness from him, even more so, you loved the feeling of him grinding and pressing his cock against your ass.
“You are so ready for me, cara,” Terzo moaned, letting the tip of his cock slip between your folds, teasing your slit with the head of his cock. “I can feel how wet you are against my cock.”
You groaned, pushing your ass back against Terzo to start up a slow grind against his cock and pelvis. You felt him press the tip of his length against your entrance, hitting his hips slowly to press his himself inside of you. You moaned out, digging your nails into the wood top of the vanity as Terzo gave a harder thrust this time, stretching you open as he began to penetrate you.
“Don’t stop,” you gasped, pressing your hips back against his, forcing his cock further inside of you. “I missed feeling you stretch me out, Papa.”
Terzo groaned, giving his hips a snap as he filled your pussy all at once with his girth. You let out a slightly strangled moan at the surprise of feeling him enter you all at once. Your chest heaved up and down against the vanity, and you lifted yourself up into your tiptoes, trying your best to expose all of yourself to him. You were presenting yourself to him as if you were something that was in heat.
Then again, being in heat was exactly what it felt like whenever Terzo was near you. Perhaps that’s what he meant earlier when he said that your body gave you away whenever he was near you. It was obvious that he could feel how turned on he made you whenever he was around you.
“And I love feeling you around my cock,” he replied through a growl, starting to give you slow thrusts as he kept a firm grip on your hips. “I want to feel you cum again. I want to feel you soak me before I breed you, bellisima.”
The next thing that you felt was a stinging slap to your ass. It made your body jerk forward against the vanity as you mewled out again, tilting your head back, and that’s when Terzo tracked his hand up the base of your neck to grab a fistful of you hair. He gave your hair a quick tug, reminding you that he was absolutely in charge, and that was when he began to roll his hips against yours with quick movements. His cock delved deep inside of you with each thrust of his rhythmic pace.
You choked out a moan, unable to form any sentences this time as you were taken over by the pleasure of him bottoming out inside of you. You panted as you laid there and took every single stroke that he gave to you, letting your cunt contract naturally around his length each time. Terzo let out growl and moans of his own, becoming focused on getting you off and nothing else. He landed another hard slap to your ass, leaving your skin red and burning, but it only added to how good it all felt.
The small room was was filled with the sounds of the two of you moaning in unison, and it was only contrasted by the lewd sounds of your skin colliding with Terzo’s as he fucked you. You could already feel yourself getting closer to your inevitable second release of the night, and you could tell it was going to hit you harder than the first. You had been reduced to nothing more than a moaning mess as you clinged to the vanity. You had had gotten so wet from the encounter that it was beginning to run down the insides of your thighs, it very obviously had soaked his cock and the front of his pants by this point.
“Does it feel good?” Terzo moaned, giving your hair a tug to pull your back up into his chest so that you were forced to look at him through the mirror. “Tell me. I want to hear it.”
“Fuck yes,” you whimpered when you felt the head of his cock brush your g-spot from this new angle. “I’m not gonna last much longer - you’re hitting my spot, Papa - goddamn.”
“Good,” he snapped hotly in your ear. “I want you to lose control for me, ragazza. I want to please you.”
“You do, Papa,” you cried, started to move your hips back against his, grinding yourself into his cock. “No one makes me feel this good. I’m all yours, whenever you want.”
“Of course you’re mine.” It was a blunt statement that sounded very serious when Terzo growled it against your ear. “I don’t want anyone else to have you like this, sorella.”
You had completely surrendered yourself over to him at that moment. You let your head fall back to his shoulder, still keeping that eye contact with him through the mirror as your hand came up to brush through his raven hair again. You gripped into it as he dropped one of his hands down to slip it between your legs, using the fingers of his bare hand to stroke over your sensitive clit. You grinded against him, but you were also met with those rhythmic, jarring thrusts from him.
“Fuck, don’t stop- just like that, Terzo. Shit, shit, I’m gonna cum so hard,” you encouraged him through choked crying, feeling your legs start to tremble more intensely this second time around. “I want you to cum with me, baby.”
Terzo moaned against your ear a little louder, his body shuddering against yours when you praised his efforts. You kept a tight grip on his hair, continuing to move your hips back against his, trying to fuck him just as hard as he fucked you. Judging by the sharp moans that both of you were letting out at this point, you both seemed to be doing a very good job and bringing each other closer to the precipice of climax.
“Cara, you’re getting your Papa so close. I’m going to cum with you-” Terzo let go of your hair and reached down to wrap his hand around your neck glaring at you through the mirror, continuing, “Where do you want it? Tell me, bambina.”
You turned your head up to look at him directly, pushing yourself up to let your lips crash into his. You moved your lips against his, nipping against his bottom lip every so often before slipping your tongue into his mouth. You moaned out when you got the first taste of yourself from earlier on his tongue, huffing out before pulling back enough to ghost your lips over his.
“I want you to cum inside me,” you breathed, letting go of his hair to cup the side of his face as you looked at him with big eyes. “I want all of it, Terz’. Your hair came up to grasp his hair just as quickly as you let it go. “Cum with me. Breed me.”
Terzo growled in response and his lips pressed to yours this time, initiating a very sloppy kiss as his tongue darted past your lips to get to the inside of your mouth. You whined against him as he let go of your throat, bringing his hand up to hold the side of your face briefly before pushing you back down to your chest on the vanity. You breathed breathed out and gripped into the vanity again when he grabbed roughly onto your hips again, you flicked your eyes up to him in the mirror, watching intently as he fucked you.
You didn’t want the image of him standing over you and fucking you from behind to leave your mind; you wanted to keep it etched onto your memory like an engraving on stone. The sight of it was more than enough to bring exactly where you needed to be at that moment. You locked eyes with Terri through the mirror, letting out strangled cries of pleasure as your eyes began to well with tears from the amount of stimulation you were receiving. The combined feeling of Terzo’s cock filling you up and his fingers drawing circles around your clit was the final nail in the coffin.
“Okay- okay-“ you managed to choke out, trying your best to form a coherent sentence to warn him. “I’m cum- FUCK- I’m cumming-“
You cut yourself off with a desperate cry as you doubled over against the counter, slamming your ass back against Terzo, doing your best to keep his length as deep inside your cunt as was possible while your orgasm overtook. You felt your walls convulsing and clenching hard around his cock, making him moan out along side you in the process as he leaned over to press his chest down to yours. You could feel the heaving of his chest against your back as his own composure began to wane.
“Ah, cara mia, sto per venire,” he announced, burying his face into the nape of your neck to let out a primal growl against your skin. “Ti senti così bene.”
You didn’t need to understand what Terzo was saying to know that he was climaxing - you could feel it. Your back arched painfully against his chest when you felt the first few spurts of his cum coating your walls and filling you deep. You continued to thrust back against him as much as you could, but you were slowly reduced to only being able to grind your ass against him. You doing your best to try and milk him for everything with his weight on top of you. You reached up with a shaker hand, placing it against the back of his head, for no other reason than to feel as close to him as your could.
Terzo returned the affection by laying a few random kisses against your shoulder blade, biting down into your flesh every so often with his teeth. Your hips shuddered against one another, and there were more than a few stray moans that escaped oth of your as you continued to ride out your orgasm to reach that post-coital high that came along with it. There were another few sets of sloppy kisses and nibbles being left along your shoulders and neck before the two of you were finally finished.
You body and legs were trembling so much at this point that you began to have genuine concerns that you’d fall over into the floor of you didn’t keep a tight hold onto the counter. You let out a large breath and let yourself relax against the counter. You felt him pull some of his weight off of you as he let his palms rest on either side you your head. His cock was still buried inside of you, and each movement that he made - no matter how small - sent aftershocks through you that made you whine softly.
“You are gonna be… the fucking death of me,” you breathed out, adjusting your head to eye him from your peripheral vision.
“Me?” Terzo scoffed before taking in a breath to relax himself. “You are younger than I am, sorella.”
“Mm… you’re way too humble, and a sadist to boot…” You did your best to prop yourself up onto your elbows, “there’s no reason to make someone cum that hard, unless you want them obsessed with you… old man.” You threw a teasing look over your shoulder at him.
“I don’t believe in things that are lackluster, and sex is at the top of that list. If I have anyone obsessed with me, I just chalk that up to my position as Papa.”
“Oh, is that how you explain that harem of siblings that are always following you around?” You hummed, throwing a look up to him.
Terzo smirked, reaching down to caress your cheek and chin with his hand. He tilted your head back to get a good look into your eyes.
“Is that jealously I’m sensing?” He questioned, stroking his thumb across your cheekbone.
“It depends on how much you’re gonna make fun of me if I say yes.”
His eyes wandered over your face and features silently for a moment. After a moment, he shook his head slowly before leaning himself in and pressing his lips to your cheek, planting a lingering kiss there. When he pulled back, he press his forehead into the side of your face, giving his head a small shake.
“You have nothing to be jealous of. I appreciate the devoutness of the other siblings and they’re loyalty to the clergy, but who’s the one that’s with me right now?”
You bit into your lip, and tried to pull your face away from his hand to hide the deep blush that began to radiate across your cheeks. But, it was no real use, he held your face firmly in his hand, giving it a little squeeze to let you know he wasn’t allowing you to pull away so easily.
“Answer me, Sorella.” Terzo’s tone was a little more stern this time, but you knew he didn’t mean for it to sound intimidating.
“Me. I’m the one with you now, Papa,” you replied, still looking back at him with a doe-eyed gaze.
“Exactly.” Terzo’s voice was more gentle when he answered, then he laid several quick pecks to your lips. “I thought it might have been becoming obvious that you’re my favorite of all the siblings.”
“I’ll make a mental note of it. I promise.” You smiled back at him, but quickly shifted your stance where you stood when you started to grow stiff from your current position. “Okay, I think I need to stand before my legs give out on me.”
Terzo’s length was still inside of you while it finally started to soften. The mixture of your fluids was quickly creating a mess that seeped out of your pussy. You could feel the mess it was making as it ran down the insides you your thighs, coating your skin, along with your pants and his. You grimaced lightly at the feeling of it now; the sloppiness of sex was always fun for the first few minutes after it was over, and then it just started to feel overly sticky.
“That statement right there: it makes you the oldest one here by default, Tesoro,” he chuckled, giving your cheek another small kiss before he stood up straight. “I’m going to pull out now, si?”
You nodded your head, non-chalantly reaching your hand behind yourself to lay it against his slender hip. It was the same reasoning as to why you grabbed his head moments ago; you just wanted to be close to him. You wanted to touch him and feel his warmth beneath your fingertips. Secretly, it was something that you didn’t want to l live without now. Terzo gave you a small smirk through the mirror, and it wasn’t until now that you noticed just how smeared it Papal make was; it was mainly the paint around his eyes and mouth that was smudged beyond repair
You felt him start to pull out, but even that added to the overstimulation that you felt. You moaned softly, giving his hip a small squeeze of warning as he laid his palms against your back, rubbing soothing circles to one of your shoulder blades. He gave a quick jerk back with his hips to pull himself out fully all at once, making another small moan escape your throat, and then came the feeling of all of his ejaculate running out of you.
“I’ll apologize for putting your legs to sleep, but I won’t apologize for the mess I made - that part was worth it,” Terzo mused, admiring the way that his seed oozed from your cunt before pulling his eyes up to your face again. “Are you okay?”
“Trust me, I’m fantastic,” you reassured him, grunting as you started to lift yourself up again. “Just a little worn out, if we’re going to be honest.”
“Let me help you then.”
His reply was quick and he didn’t give you any time to protest or tell him you were going to be okay before he was shoving himself back inside his pants and making a beeline to gather up another of your clothes that had been strewn around the room. You stared at him through the mirror, shaking your head with amusement as he pranced around to gather your clothes and, lastly, a small pack of wet wipes that he had in his stage back. He returned back over to your to set the items down on the counter, then he grabbed your shirt to hold it open for you.
“Yeah, no need for you to fuck that well and be this respectful afterwards,” you protested playfully, pouting at him through the mirror as you slipped your arms back into your shirt.
“Well, tough shit. You’re just gonna have to deal with the fact that I have a few manners, amore mio,” Terzo replied bluntly, giving you a smug grin.
“Mhm, very polite,” you chuckled, buttoning up your shirt.
You watched Terzo sink down to his knees at that moment, and you were slightly confused - but so not opposed to such a sight - you turned your body carefully towards him to see him pulling out one of the wipes from it’s packaging. It was very obvious what he was about to do, and seeing such a level of caring from someone that held such power was such an unusual thing to see.
“Wow. Papa Emeritus… on his knees with a pack of wet wipes,” you said it more to yourself than him, finding it rather comical to see. “Even you have to find this strange, Terz.’”
“Nope. It’s not strange for me, at all. I’m more than happy to pamper and look after any of my lovers - being Papa doesn’t absolve me of having decency,” Terzo replied, lifting up the wipe to your thigh. “May I?”
You nodded your head at him, turning your head away for just a moment to try and hide the blush he had forced from you again. You chewed the inside of your cheek when you felt the damp wipe come into contact with your skin as he cleaned your off. The was a gentleness to Terzo’s touch that threatened to arouse you all over again; the way that he too his time and the care he put into the actual aftercare was a whole kink of it’s own.
“Besides, I get on my knees for many different reasons,” he added, cutting a flirtatious glance up to you. “Had you not been so sensitive when we were finished, I would have happily dropped down to my knees to clean you with my mouth instead of this.” He waved the wipe at you to get his point across.
You sighed audibly at the thought of him going to his knees you clean the aftermath of your shared fluids with his mouth and tongue. It was right then that you cursed your body for getting so worked up that you had missed out on the chance to have that man’s face buried in your pussy while he was down on his knees for you. You let your head fall back for a moment so that you could let out a calming breathe, then you pulled your head back down to look at him as he finished up with wiping your skin down.
“Will I sound desperate if I ask for a rain check?” You raised a curious eyebrow at him.
“It’s funny that you think you need to ask for a rain check, as if we won’t be doing this again.”
“Well, I never like to assume things.”
“You can very much assume that I want to keep seeing you.” Terzo swiped over your skin once more before discarding a few used wipes into a small trash can by the vanity. “I did tell you that my face would be buried between your legs before the night is out, no?”
“If I can get out of Sister Imperator’s sight, you mean,” you laughed, pulling your pants and underwear back on again. “And yes, you did say that.”
“She keeps you for herself far too much. Perhaps you should consider assisting your Papa full time.”
“I’ll think about it, pretty boy,” you teased, reaching out to brush a lock of his hair back into place.
Terzo sighed, leaning forward on his knees to place a kiss to your stomach through your shirt. He flicked his mismatched eyes up to you, staring at you as he finally lifted himself back up to his feet. He still had that small smirk of seductiveness on his face as he took a step towards you, reaching out you caress the side of your face with his hand again.
“Well, you still have the rest of the night to consider a new venture. That is, if you want to accompany me back to my hotel?” He questioned, tilting his head at you.
You smiled, reaching out to snake your hands around his waist, taking a step forward to press yourself comfortably against his chest. His thumb strokes gently over cheekbone as he gazed down at you as if you were the only other person in the world. He had that otherworldly effect of making anyone feel special when they were in the moment with him, and all you wanted to do was for this feeling to last beyond tonight.
“Of course I want to… but under one condition,” you said.
“Run me a hot bath when we get there, pretty please,” you whined playfully, looking up at him with the most innocent gaze you could muster.
“Well, lucky for you, I had planned to do exactly that when we got their anyway,” Terzo hummed in response.
“Are you trying to make me spoiled?” You huffed.
Terzo tilted his head at you. “I don’t know- is it working?”
You rolled your eyes at him in response, doing your best to hide the smirk on your face as you finally turned your head. You pulled away from him with reluctance to grab your bag and pull the strap over your shoulder before throwing a look over your shoulder as Terzo followed you.
“C’mon, let’s go gather up the Ghouls and get them occupied for the night before they get loose inside the venue.”
“I’ll follow you. I get to enjoy the scenery more that way.” He winked at you.
Your eyes rolled at him yet again, but it couldn’t hide how undeniably happy you were in that moment.
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copias-juicebox · 1 year
A taste of your own Poison
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Pairing: Terzo x fem! Reader Words: 7324 Genre: one shot (or maybe two in the future?) Warnings: starts off innocent and turns into a little spicy rubbing up and down.. no actual smut though Notes: it's here. I wrote this to get Terzo out of my system. It didn't work. anyway here you go. Summaray: Terzo is an asshole, usinghis status too much. He has grown far too cocky for his own good. He sleeps around the ministry, breaking hearts until he meets you. You are not easily swayed. A worthy opponent for him.
Also on AO3
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You‘d been walking around the ministry for about 30 minutes now. It was your day off and you decided to explore the huge building and its grounds a little more. You were a relatively new member of the clergy and so you were curious what this old, massive place had to offer. Maybe you could find any hidden places, secret passages or even just a small, calm spot should you ever be in need of solitude. You had no plan where you were going, your feet carrying you down a long hallway at one end of the building. You passed many great halls and pretty doors on the way. It was a friday afternoon and most of the clergy members had decided to spend the rest of their days outside since it was a mild, spring evening.
As you walked along the corridor you noticed a big oak door, with intricate patterns drawn on it in the corner to the left. You were not sure what it was but the door itself intrigued you and before you realized your feet came to a halt in front of it. You decided to see what lay behind it. You pushed the heavy door open and peeked inside.
The room that stood before you appeared to be an office with high ceilings, through the huge windows light flooded the area around the desk and you could see dust particles fly through the air. On either side of the windows stood a shelf with loads of books. The dark heavy curtains were pulled to the side and neatly held together by a clip.
„Saluti Sorella. What brings you here?“ a voice from the other side of the room startled you. You turned to the source of the voice and saw Papa Emeritus the third, standing there, to the left side behind the door. In the area, that was slightly hidden from the direct view of the door, stood two armchairs and a coffee table. Papa stood there awaiting your answer and smiling at you. His papal makeup impeccable, just his hair slightly hanging over his eyes.
„O..oh hello Papa.“ you bowed down to show respect. „I uh I was just wandering around actually. Not really intentionally coming here. I didn‘t think I would cross paths with anyone to be honest.“ you answered him a little blushing because you just wandered into Papa Terzos office without even knocking first. What a terrible way to introduce yourself to the beloved Papa. You reprimanded yourself.
Terzo stepped a little closer and smiled sheepishly at you. „I appreciate the bow, bella. I assume you know who I am then?“ he stood there, hands clasped together in a very collected manner.
„Of course I do Papa. Everyone in the Clergy knows you.“ you smile at him, hoping not to say anything wrong and fuck up the first impression he has of you, well not more than you already ruined it for coming in here without knocking.
„You flatter me Sister, but unfortunately I can‘t say I have seen you around, no?“ he cocked his head to the side, a frown forming on his handsome face.
„Ah yeah that is because I am a relatively new member of the Clergy.“ you told him, fidgeting in your spot.
„Hmm. And your name bella?“ he held out his hand which you looked at a little embarrassed and gave him your name and your hand, expecting him to shake it, when instead he bend down, one hand behind his back, the other one lifting your hand to his lips and kissing it. He kept his eyes trained on you and your slight gasp that escaped your lips was something he took pride in as a small smirk crept upon his face. „A pleasure to meet you Sorella.“ He let go of your hand and came back to stand in front of you. „And how exactly did you find my office?“ He looked from right to left as if he was seeing his Office for the first time.
„Well like I said I was just walking around a little, getting to know the place since I am still fairly new you see?“
„New to the ministry, huh?“ Terzo chuckled. Well you have found your way into Papa Emeritus‘ Office bella. I apologize for the mess here.“ he looked around the relatively clean space, just a few papers lying around and an empty cup of coffee stood on the desk.
Your eyes widened realizing you just ran into Papas Office. „Oh no it‘s not messy at all. Actually I have to apologize. I didn't mean to intrude like that you see I was just walking around and I saw this beautifully adorned door here and I wanted to see...“ you started rambling.
„It is quite alright sorella, I don‘t mind having you here.“ He interrupted you lifting his hands up and down again to calm you down. „This is actually my great grandfather's old office. He was also Papa Emeritus but the clergy was much smaller at that time.“ he said, gesturing to an old painting of another Papa above the fireplace. You inspected it and when your eyes dropped to Terzo he was overlooking a stack of papers laying atop of his desk.
„Uh I am not interrupting your work am I Papa? I can leave..“ Before you could finish he once again stopped you.
„My work for today is finished.“ he shook his head. „Besides you are my guest now. I need to show you some hospitality, sí.“ he grinned.
„I just don‘t want you to feel like you have to. I am fine leaving if you are busy and want to be left alone. I know you are a busy man after all.“ you tell him smiling softly.
„I appreciate the gesture, bella but it‘s not necessary.“ he put his hands on his desk leaning against it. „But I am not that busy.“ A moment of silence passed over you. You admired the room and the ambience the light created. „You look nice by the way.“ His sudden compliment pulled you from your momentary daze and you blushed slightly, not visible but you felt the heat creeping up your neck. Here we go. Not even a week in the ministry and he already is living up to his reputation you thought.
„Ah thank you Papa.“
„Of course. It‘s true.“ He chuckled „But you know, I bet you‘re even cuter when you‘re flustered.“ he began to saunter in your direction, around his desk.
You took a step back, regaining confidence „Papa.. don‘t even start please. I know what you are doing and I won‘t fall for it ok.“ you countered his obvious flirtations.
„Oh what am I doing Sorella?“ By now he stood in front of you. Not too close yet but you could see his face and eyes close up. „I am not flirting, Sorella, just stating the obvious, yes. You are cute and easy to embarrass.. And I think I‘ll try to make that happen.“ he smirked.
His words made you want to fight his charm. How dare he think he can just lull anyone into his arms. You might look like an easy target, easy prey for him to pounce on but you knew your way around men like him. He wouldn‘t be the first one to try and sweet talk you to lure you into his bed, just to kick you out when morning comes. No you were not going to give this man what he thought was so easy to achieve. If he thought he could play a game he was going to go against a worthy opponent. He triggered something in you. Something you had buried deep down. A sad and hurtful memory that you cherished but also wished you had forgotten.
„Well you try all you want. I am not going to get flustered by your attempts because I know your reputation Papa.“ you smiled at him sweetly, acting up.
„Oh yeah? My uh.. reputation you say? What exactly is my reputation sister?“ He stepped closer to you, his voice an octave lower now. „And are you sure? I bet I can get you so adorably flustered before the hour ends.“ he said teasingly.
With every word he said and the cockiness of how he said these words you felt yourself getting more and more competitive to show him how wrong he was. Obviously this man was not used to anyone denying him and you were going to do exactly that, you decided. You were about to teach this man a lesson.
„Oh I dare you. Try me. But don‘t cry when I don‘t give in“ you said confidently, raising one eyebrow at him. „And about your reputation you know.. the usual I don‘t think I‘ll have to explain.“ you shrugged.
„Oh, the usual yes?“ he stepped even closer making you take two more steps backwards now only a few centimeters away from the wall. „Well what are you going to do if I do this?“ he closed the gap between you, pushing you into the wall and caging you there with one hand against the wall. He tilted his head to the side inspecting your cheeks. „Now is that a slight, adorable shade of pink I see?“ he said cockily with a smirk.
Boldly you counter by holding eye contact with his mismatched eyes. „I am telling you Papa I will not give in to your attempts. I know what you are.“
He hums deeply „Oh and what am I then, bella?“ he chuckled, moving his face closer to yours. „Am I a flirt?“ he guessed. You could feel his hot breath on your skin and it made you slightly tremble.
„Not just that, no.“ You put your hand on his chest and pushed him away gently. „You‘re way worse than that. You‘re a womanizer.“
He laughed and his smile grew bigger as your hand hit his chest. „Alright you might be right. I will admit that. I mean come on I can never deny a beautiful Sorella. Satan did not give me all this..“ he looked down on his body. „..to hide myself away from the ladies.“ he smiled devilishly. „But what if I am? Are you going to stop me Sorella?“ he kept his cocky tone, teasing you.
„No. you may do whatever you want. You‘re Papa. But don‘t be mad if it‘s going to hurt your feelings.“
„Oh don‘t worry about that. I won‘t expect anything. Even though I can‘t say that I believe you would be able to resist me. I imagine many in the ministry have fallen for me.“ he smirked.
You wanted to wipe that smirk from his face. That absolute arrogant bastard. But he was right. He did have many admirers. Now that you were thinking about it you were sure there was not one Sister or Brother for that matter who wouldn‘t let Terzo do them however he wanted. You were sure that many of them would actually kill to be in your position right now.
It was well known that Papa was a very eager lover. He knew about his charms and he knew how to talk to women and men. Oddly enough his reputation of being a player hardly seemed to repel the other Brothers and Sisters. Maybe it was just a little different for most of them, being more open with their desires and sexuality but to you it was nothing you wanted. You had heard many stories, many nightly encounters between Sisters and Papa. They always ended the same way. They’d spend a night full of pleasure together and that was it. He would invite them again but if any of them had any romantic expectations they would always get rejected. It never stopped the other Sisters to try and shoot their shot. Some of them might be happy just to spend one passionate night with their Papa, others were hopeful to be the one for Papa, the one he falls for. Whatever their motives were you knew you wanted more than just a one night stand. You wanted, no you needed someone that was there for you, someone to rely on and someone you could trust. Someone that belonged to you and you alone. Someone you could share your most intimate moments with. And you were willing to wait patiently until the right one comes into your life. This man on the other hand was the total opposite of that. He runs around lusting and seeking pleasure in a different bed every night.
„Papa half of the clergy fell for you. And you know that so don‘t pretend you‘re oblivious.“ you retorted.
„So uh you‘re saying I am a heartthrob?“ he asked, still wearing that goddamn smirk. „Well if you think I‘m so irresistible then you won‘t be immune to my charm, will you?“ he said. „Maybe I should try to make you fall for me now?“ he joked.
You scoffed. This man. You were nearly speechless. „Good luck trying Papa. The knowledge alone that you are doing this to anyone in the clergy without any meaning is enough for me to never fall for your games.“ you shot at him.
„Wouldn‘t that just make me a better lover, armore?“ he quipped brashly. „I would call myself quite experienced. I understand how the female body works. You just have to let me take care of you.“ he purred in your ear.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, not believing what you heard. He backed off a little. „Very well then I respect your decision. But just to make sure…“ he moved in closer to you again „since you are so unaffected by me, you don‘t mind if I do this?“ he leaned in his lips mere centimeters from your own, his eyes observing your expression. He lingered there for a long moment waiting for your reaction.
You pushed yourself further into the wall. „Nope. Doesn‘t affect me.“ you answered, slowly feeling your self control slipping away. No you could not give him the satisfaction of winning this.
„Are you sure Sorella?“ he whispered. „even if I were to do this?“ he started to move in closer and for a moment you panicked thinking he was going to try to kiss you. Before he could do so you managed to swerve to the left, which resulted in him nearly kissing the wall.
„Oh no no you don‘t get to kiss me Papa.“ you shook your head.
He smirked blushing himself under his papal makeup. „Very well. You win. For now.“ he backed off. „But I can‘t promise I won‘t try again. I am a man of commitment after all.“ he stated, arms spread in front of him.
„You are a player, that's what you are. I don‘t want no player, no short lived night of love, no.“ you snorted.
„You don’t want one night of utter bliss and pleasure, no? We could do it more than once then.“ He snickered. You didn‘t react to his stupid remark and he continued. „Ok ok. I don‘t blame you. But let me warn you. I am terrible at rejection.“ he frowned and chuckled at the same time. He cleared his throat and added „You know this is nice. Just.. talking to a pretty sister like you.
„You call that talking, huh?“ you laughed out loud, throwing your head back.
„Well you didn‘t run away or slap me. That is something. And I have other topics of conversation if you‘d prefer. But I do have one more question?“
You frowned. „I have a hard time believing anyone here would have the balls to slap you. And you‘re papa, if anything they would love any attention you gave them. They are all going crazy over you.“
„Well if you knew how I flirt with some sisters you‘d understand my fear of getting slapped.“ he added sheepishly, earning a questioning look from you. „But you didn‘t answer my question. May I ask you one thing?“
„Ah yeah sorry. Sure, go ahead.“ you encouraged him.
He took a moment to form the sentence and you waited patiently now that he gave you some distance you could breathe again.
„Have you.. ever been in love before?“ Terzo asked, tilting his head. It sure was a strange question. One you had not expected him to ask you now all of a sudden. He remembered that one woman. He was still young then. How he tried to woo her, in his odd ways, he had even written her a poem. Unfortunately it didn‘t work. She dumped him and moved on. She found someone else. He hadn‘t forgotten her. He would never forget her.
Your expression softened. He was seriously asking you an honest question. „Well if i‘m being honest with you I don‘t think so, no. I‘ve had a few crushes yes but never once I would call any of them love. Why?“ You were curious why he was suddenly interested in that?
Terzo nodded. „I was wondering..“ He frowned „You see sorella, I have been in love before.“ He stepped closer again „I tried so hard to impress her. To please her, but.. I wasn‘t enough. She left and found someone else.“ his voice was distant now, as if he was lost in his own thoughts. He himself didn‘t know why all of a sudden he told you this. But something about you reminded him of her.
Hearing Papa share this intimate story with you surprised you. Suddenly you felt bad for him. You even pitied him when you saw his sad eyes staring into the distance. „I am sorry to hear that Papa. It was not supposed to be then. I am sure you will find someone else.“ you tried to lift his mood.
„I hope so.“ he sighed softly, looking up at the ceiling, exhaling. „But I fear she was my one true love. I doubt I‘ll ever be able to love someone like that again.“ he mumbled. „Do.. Do you know what it‘s like to have your heart broken?“ his eyes found yours again.
You shook your head „No.. No, I don‘t think I do. Since I have never loved anyone. I did feel some sort of thing for the guys I dated and they sure as hell hurt me but I don't think that feeling comes close to having a broken heart.“ You stood for a moment in silence. Terzo contemplating your words. „But do you want to hear my opinion Papa?“
„Hmm“ he looked up at you „Sure yes tell me what are your thoughts?.“
„I don‘t think that there is just one true love in this world. If you give yourself and someone else a chance, you can find the one that actually is for you. Just because you believe she was the only right one doesn‘t mean she was. If she rejected you i‘d even say she probably wasn‘t the right one yeah?“
Terzo blinked, his mind blown at her perspective.
"Hmm... I... You... You're right," he nodded, "That's quite some wise advice for someone like you." He chuckled, "Where did you learn that?"
You chuckled. „I don‘t know I just kinda have a „gift“ of seeing more than just one perspective on things. There is always a bright side to look up to. And most people don‘t see them when they are down. And I like to remind them because I want to help them.
"Well, you're good at it. I wish I could have that outlook on things." He looked down to the ground, head hanging low.
„Anyway“ he clapped his hands together and smirked moving on and changing the topic suddenly, "Do you enjoy your time here in the Ministry? I understand it can be boring, which is why I try to make my office as inviting as I can. So my, ah, „guests“ don't get too... bored." He teased. You noticed the very odd looking objects he had stuffed into cupboards or on shelves. Many of them surely occult, some more normal for an office space. Paper stacks, pens, organizers and envelopes and a magnifying glass lay on the desk, some decorative items such as a small statue of Baphomet and a small accompanying dagger with the sigil of Baphomet lay on the edge of his desk. In the other corner of the room on a podest lay a very expensive looking Satanic Bible. Next to the podest stood very high candleholders with halfway burned down black and crimson candles.
„Well thank you. I quite like it here. This place is to my liking.“ you replied „You managed to archive that with your office since i was intrigued enough to come in here.“
Terzo took a moment and looked at you before speaking up again. "Hmm, do you know that you're rather pretty, Sorella?" Terzo asked with a smirk, "I could stare into those eyes all day."
Papa was trying to get her riled up again, to see if he could get her to blush. But at the same time, he genuinely meant what he said.
Oh no he is back again now. I know what he is trying to do. He does not actually mean it that fucker. „There he goes again.“ you muttered to yourself. „It won‘t work man. But keep trying. You‘ll eventually have to accept your defeat.“ you responded.
"Oh, but that's because you haven't seen me really try. Maybe if I tried this...?" Terzo smirked, closing the distance between you again.
He put a hand under your chin and tilted your face to meet his gaze. He stared into your pretty eyes for a long moment, his own mismatched eyes full of fire.
"There's nothing I could do to get you to fall for me? Even this?" He asked. You smirked at him and visibly gulped. „If it was anyone but you Papa I might get weak. But you? No, I could never give you a chance.“ you explained to him.
"Oho, that's what you think." Terzo took a few breaths, steadying himself as he pushed her back into the wall. „Are you flirting with me Sorella? "You said anyone but me but I think if I really did try, you'd start to feel... something. Or maybe.. you already do?" Terzo smirked in return, still holding your chin with his gloved hand, "Let's try one more time, eh? What's the point of giving up so soon? He once again leaned in closing the distance more.
You stare into his eyes, face inches apart. „Papa I am honest with you. There is nothing you could do that would make me change my mind here. I don‘t want a guy to just play me and drop me when he gets what he wants. My self respect is too high for that.“
"And who says that's what I'm doing?" Terzo asked, tilting his head.
His other hand gently caressed the side of your cheek now, slowly moving back and forth on your soft skin.
"How do you know that I'm just a flirt? That I would just drop you like that?" He asked quietly. „You don‘t deserve to be treated that shitty, no.“
As much as you wanted to fight it, his words had an effect on you. You started to understand why everyone around you was so enthralled with him. He was a truly charming man. You knew that the moment he kissed the back of your hand in that smooth manner but you could not let him get to you.
„It’s very obvious papa. You‘re just trying to prove your point here. If I were to give in, the worst you would do is laugh at me and rub it in my face how you knew I couldn‘t resist the glorious and irresistible Papa Terzo. And at best you would seduce me into your bed for one night and the next morning forget about me. Don‘t think I don't know that kind of man! I may have never truly loved anyone but I had my fair share of partners over the years. They are all the same and I swore never to fall for someone like that anymore.“
"Oho, you say all that? And yet..." Terzo smirked, moving his hand away from your chin, only to begin caressing your collarbone instead before he spoke again. "You seem to be attracted to me? You may deny it, but you are, aren’t you?" He teased with his deep husky voice.
His touches and voice was slowly breaking down your walls, but you laughed it off, masking your growing attraction to his very essence. „You wish papa, you wish. I am just trying to be respectful because you are Papa. And I couldn't exactly slap you can I?“
At this point Terzo had to admit he was starting to doubt his impact on her. He simply wasn‘t used to any of the sisters denying him. In fact they all nearly fought to spend the night with him and this Sister here was testing his patience. It only made him desire her more.
Terzo let his hand slowly slip over your chest area, testing the waters of your comfort zone.
"Oh, you could slap me if you wanted to." He smiled, "I doubt you would, though. I think you like me." He moved his face an inch closer to your ear, whispering seductively. "I think you want me to do... this..." he breathed out.
He suddenly kissed your neck and as fast as he had leaned in he pulled back, the same smirk still glued to his face.
Your eyes widened and your heartbeat quickened when you felt Papa kiss your neck. It stunned you and for the short moment you got lost in the feeling before you could shake yourself out of it and regain your senses. You slowly pushed papa off of you. “Nope no. Don‘t do that. I never gave you permission to do that.“ you warned with a shaky voice, not sounding as nearly as convincing as you wanted to.
Terzo chuckled darkly, his eyes glancing upward as he let his right eyebrow twitch, "Hmmm... But I did it regardless."
He moved close to you again, smirking down at you. "It seems you lost all your composure, eh? And I thought I wouldn't make you squirm..“ the last part he mostly mumbled to himself.
You eventually wiggled yourself around between his arms and managed to get a little bit of distance between you. „You are the worst Terzo. You belong to horny jail. Really are you down that bad? I could give you a list of Sisters that would gladly spend the night with you.“ you nearly hissed, trying to get him off of you by luring him with another Sister.
„Ha so I‘m the worst? But you‘re getting all worked up over me bella.“ he smirked, his nose almost touching yours. „So, what? You‘re offering me someone else? Do you want me to take my attention off of you?“ a smug smile on his face.
God he is so full of himself you thought.
You pointed your finger at him. „Yes! Yes you are. You are enjoying this. You are even having fun doing this, you‘re insufferable.“ After you took a moment to compose yourself you continued. „And yes I could give you a list if you‘d like. If that gets you off of me that is.“
„Oh is that so?“ Terzo asked interested.
„Yes I know one Sister who would be perfect for you actually. She keeps talking about you nonstop. Terzo here.. Terzo there.. she literally never shuts up.“
„Now who is that Sister you are talking about, mh?“ he wanted to know. Of course he wants to know. That horny motherfucker. „What is she saying about me? Does she think of me often, yes? Does she think of me in bed?“ At this point he was probably creating scenarios in his own head, You assumed.
„Oh look at that. Someone interested, huh?“ You teased him.
He looked back at you. „Give me her name bella. Let me talk to this lovely sister. Perhaps she can be my little plaything for the night?“
The scowl on your face was instant. „Are you fucking serious right now? All you‘re going to do now is use the poor girl and then throw her away?“
„She‘s not a poor girl if she wants me.“ He lifted a finger. „Now tell me what‘s her name?“ Papa leaned in his mouth close to your ear now, whispering „what is her name bella?“, nibbling on your earlobe. He was messing with you and you knew it but it actually felt so good you had to pinch yourself to shake him off of you.
„If I am going to give you her name you promise me to be honest with her and make your intentions clear? She will not get hurt by you?“
„Of course bella. I am not that cruel. “ Terzo grinned wickedly. „I promise you this yes? No tricks and no deception on my part.“
You contemplated for a moment and ultimately decided it was not your responsibility and both were adults who clearly would enjoy each others company so you gave him the name.
„Sister Emma. It‘s sister Emma. She has the biggest crush on you.“ you sighed
Instead of backing away from you as you expected him to, he kept you between his arms.
„Hm Sister Emma you say?“ Terzo smirked. „What has she been saying about me?“ His Hand slowly, carefully moved towards your face, his gaze wandering to your lips. He couldn‘t hold back his now mischievous smile.
„Satan please Papa, you should ask her yourself don‘t you think? And stop touching me! While you ask her you can touch her all you want or all she wants yeah? So you can keep your hands to yourself right now.“ you tell him, lightly struggling against him. You were not really trying to get out of his grasp. You didn‘t feel threatened by him but you were adamant of telling him off and you wanted him to be the one realizing his defeat, which he apparently couldn't or wouldn‘t anytime soon.
„Hm but what if I don‘t want to stop touching you? You are attractive, after all.“ Terzo smirked, pressing his body further into yours. His gaze shifted to your lips and he reached his hand behind your head to move it closer to his own. You realized what he was about to do and your eyes widened. This time he was about to lock his lips on to yours and you quickly pulled your hand up and put it in front of your face so his mouth connected with your hand.
„I am not your little plaything Papa!“
„Hmm you‘re so close.. yet so far“ he mumbled against your skin. “You want me but you‘re denying it. Why Sorella? Why do you not let me pleasure you?“ his hand wraps around your hand now holding it in place as he starts softly kissing your wrist now.
„Tell me Sorella, does this hurt or does it…“ he paused nibbling on your sensitive skin. „Or does it feel good?“ You could not deny that man knew what he was doing. His mouth felt amazing against your skin but you would not let him toy with you. No, in fact you had an idea.
You were shocked he was being so gentle. „Lord please, you are insane really. How do you even come up with this on the spot? You wiggled around, purposely rubbing against him, pretending to try to get out of his grasp. „Papa, if anyone sees us like that they will get the wrong impression.“ you tried, sounding disgustingly cute, even to your own ears.
"Hmm? What's the problem with that?" Terzo smirked, moving closer to your neck. His voice was gentle yet still full of his playful charm.
He moved his face slightly so he was close to kissing the crook of your neck, "Does this... Make you uncomfortable?" He whispered, slowly moving his lips up on your skin.
You wiggled around more, his hot breath ghosting over the sensitive skin of your neck, making goosebumps run up your spine. „Papa please..“ you pleaded, sounding desperate and lost.
He groaned „Mhm, that only makes me want you more.“ he chuckled and started nibbling on your skin.
You gasped, it wasn‘t like you were not expecting this. You knew he was going to do it but the prickling feeling on your skin, everytime his lips connected to your skin was not something you got used to easily. Terzo moved down to your collarbone, leaving soft kisses and nibbles there.
„You‘re enjoying this Sorella..“ he mumbled against your skin, with a playful yet dangerous tone in his voice. „Say you like it..“ he whispered.
At this point you were sure he was doing this mostly to prove a point, not to you no but to himself. He was obsessed with you agreeing. He needed you to say it, to give in and you knew he would not stop if you didn‘t. But you were not finished with your plan yet. You needed him to get frustrated before you could get to step number two.
„No.. no I don‘t.“ you whispered back.
"Yes you do, bella... I can tell.." Terzo replied, nibbling at your collarbone again.
He moved his lips to your neck and kissed it. "Tell me you enjoy this..." He kissed your neck again. "Tell me you enjoy the way I touch you..."
Terzo smiled down at you, his gaze still fixated on your neck. Lord he was obsessed with your neck. He looked like a predator, like he was getting closer to his prize.
Your eyes fell shut and your arms came to rest on Terzos shoulders. Just a little more. You thought. „No please just let me go. I promise I will send Sister Emma to you right away.“ you fake whined, your breath hitching towards the end of the sentence. You were nailing this.
Terzo chuckled quietly, his lips still attached to your skin. He was moving to the other side now, repeating the same actions. „Do you really want me to stop?“ His face lingered against your skin, caressing it with his lips and tongue. „Say you want me to continue.“
„N.. no please stop.“ you stammered. Now was the time. You started to move against him, rolling your hips forward directly into his, the movement painfully slow.
Terzo groaned and his body froze for a split second. You had him where you wanted him.
Terzo ran up his hands over your hips, his voice becoming more and more seductive as he whispered to you, "Do you feel that?" He started nibbling your neck again, "Do you feel... how you want more? How you crave my lips against your neck?"
Terzo breathed softly against your ear, "You want me..." He moved his lips to your face, his words full of confidence and lust.
You pulled him closer to you, so his body was now pressed flush against yours. He took that as a sign and hummed, pushing your legs open with his knee, moving impossibly closer.
You waited patiently for the right moment to strike, craning your neck for him to get better access. He welcomed your action by attacking your skin, trailing hot kissed up and down until he reached the spot right under your earlobe. For a moment you relished in the feeling, but eventually you had to make your move. You suddenly grabbed his shoulders and spun him around, switching your positions, his back colliding with the wall. You pinned him down, grabbing his wrists so he wouldn‘t get out of your grasp too easily. „Okay Papa, enough of your teasing.“ You stared at him, face just a few centimeters away, waiting for his reaction.
Terzo gasped. „Oho Sorella..“ his deep voice echoed in the room as he grinned up at you, his pupils dilating, full of desire and lust. You had just triggered something in him. His eyes dipped down to your lips and he couldn‘t stop thinking how beautiful and lush they looked from up close.
„Well I‘m impressed.. I didn‘t think you would do such a bold move on me.“ He looked to your arms, pinning his wrists to the wall.
You mustered up your most seductive gaze and looked him straight in the eyes, mumbling to yourself. „Now where were we..“ your eyes wandered down on his body, pressing yours further into his as your face came closer to his neck this time. You started breathing heavily into his ear and your started grazing his skin with your lips and teeth softly, moaning quietly as you pressed soft, lingering kisses onto his flesh.
The man in front of you shivered, a mix of pleasure and anticipation building up in him. His eyes fluttered closed as he took a deep breath. „Ohh.. my.. Sorella..“ Terzo stammered out as your lips connected to his neck.
You worked your way down his neck until he bucked his hips forward. You smirked against his skin and started to lick that spot, softly nibbling and sucking on it.
He hissed „Uh yess..“ You looked up at him with your mouth still attached to his neck and he looked slightly vulnerable. It surprised you and deep inside of you something was coming undone. You sucked on the spot even harder making him slouch back into the wall. His breathing became labored and you knew you had to keep going.
„My neck.. is so sensitive..“ he muttered. „And you‘re so gentle sorella…“
Your hands started to roam over his slender body, while your mouth moved up to his jawline, kissing him gently. You made your way to his ear and whispered „Papa you‘re so kissable.. and so tasty.. I wonder how you really taste.“ you continued to nibble on his earlobe which earned you a throaty moan and a whispered „Cazzo“. You chuckled „Are you enjoying this Papa?“ you asked seductively, lifting his shirt up to feel the bare skin of his stomach. Your fingertips softly, ghosting over his soft flesh.
The man under your fingertips shivered as he answered you. „Oh yesss sorella..“ his voice trembled and his eyes were still closed. His breathing became more ragged and rapid with each passing second that you worked on him. „This is..“ he sounded completely lost in the moment right now. „..incredible Sorella… I want you. You‘re so good with your mouth.“ he moaned.
You nibbed on his skin more. „I am just returning the favor, Papa.“ you stated with a sultry voice.
Terzo bit his lip, stifling a moan as his breathing became more shallow. „You are going to be the death of me..“ he said, finally looking back at you and capturing your chin with his hand and pulling you closer to his face. In his eyes were blazing flames now you could see them burning hot for you. „Let me taste you Sorella..“ he nearly begged?? You were not sure if you heard correctly but he sounded quite desperate. Your plan was working out better than you expected.
You raised one eyebrow at him. „Papa I haven’t even started yet. You replied cockily. „Let me take care of you, yes? You deserve this. You deserve to feel good, ok Papa?“
To accentuate the point of your words you rolled your hips into his, you continued to rub up and against him with sensual moves as your lips latched back onto his neck. Terzo couldn‘t even answer he threw his head back against the wall with a thump and moaned out loud this time. You began to move faster against him and you could clearly feel his hard erection against your thigh now. You angled your body differently and rubbed the head of his cock against your throbbing core, a jolt of pleasure running through you and you couldn‘t hold back your own needy moan that escaped your own lips.
Your underwear was now drenched, you were certain and you yearned for more friction. Thank Satan that beside being worked up yourself you could still control yourself. It was all going to be worth it just to see his face after this.
Terzo apparently was doing much worse than you. He was completely lost in the feeling, his hands started to run down your body, every curve and bump he was grazing, until they found their way to your ass. He grabbed it and pressed you harder into his own hard cock, guiding your movements against him.
„Ahh Sorella.. what are you doing to me.. please don‘t stop.“ he moaned. You kept rubbing into him, feeling your own arousal leaking down your legs.
„Keep going…“ Terzo groaned, eyes never leaving yours. He couldn‘t believe how much pleasure he was experiencing with that many clothes still attached to your bodies. In fact he never experienced anything like this. It turned him on. A lot. For the first time ever he began to get worried he might come in his pants if you kept going like that.
„Tell me Sorella..“ he was breathing hard. „Do you want me?“, as the words left his lips, a small moan escaped him again.
You didn‘t answer him, just hummed against the crook of his neck. „I want many things Papa.“ you successfully evaded his question. „And I do need to get laid some time soon.“ you told him honestly. „But I don‘t know if you‘ll be the one for me.“ you still teased him.
„Tch..“ he sighed and ran his fingers through your hair. „Why do you have to be so cruel to me amore?“ „Sweet Satanas you're turning me on so much..“ his voice became more desperate. „Why won‘t you let me take care of you, mh? You can take care of your Papa after that?“ he suggested.
Your eyes found his mismatched ones. „Do you…“ you looked away shyly.. „Do you want to make me moan Papa?“ Your gaze coming back to his own. „Do you want me to moan for you? Do you want me to scream out your name?“ You rubbed your leg against the bulge between his legs, acting all innocent and cute for him.
He quivered under your touch, breathing in again. „Yess.. I.. I want to make you moan and scream. I want you to call for me as you come undone for me.“ he wrapped his loose arm around, his hand coming to rest on the small of your back, while the other continued kneading your ass. „I.. I want this, I want us.. I want you…Please…“ he pleaded breathlessly, in his eyes now a mixture between vulnerability and desire. An odd combination for someone as cocky and overconfident as he was.
You distanced yourself from him, laughing out loud, head rolling back. „Now look who is at my mercy now.“ Terzo whimpered at the loss and stared at you with big puppy dog eyes.
„Now you got a taste of your own medicine Papa. I hope you enjoyed it while it lasted. It will never happen again.“ you exclaimed proudly, smiling down at him. Terzo stood there dumbfounded, back still leaning against the wall, slightly slouched down. It was a sight to behold. You could tell he was lost. Lost for words and certainly lost for what to do now. Not even a frown was forming on his features.
„Now if you‘ll excuse me. I have work to finish. Have a good day Papa.“ as you started to walk away you suddenly remembered something and turned around. „Oh and uh should I send Sister Emma over? You know she might help you with your uh.. condition.“ you gestured to the very visible tent in his pants, winking.
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luciferscowgirl · 5 months
So hey guys, I brought you a gift!!! 😏
What do you think would happen if a young catholic woman finally got the chance to go out to part for ONCE?
“Alice finally got the chance of going out to party for once. Little did she know that this night would drastically change her quiet, pious life forever…
Do you want to come and follow the adventures of a young woman of God who gets to have a taste of a very hidden, mysterious world?”
AO3 link:
Cardinal Copia x female OC
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fan-therapy · 1 year
mentally ill ghouls. i don't make the rules
these are all disorders i have so YES i am projecting. YES this is just to comfort me. REBLOG WITH YOUR MENTALLY ILL/DISABLED GHOUL HEADCANNONS I WANNA SEE!!!
Rain- GAD/Generalized Anxiety Disorder- i feel like he worries, but not in the social anxiety way. he's quiet but not in the social anxiety way. like he just thinks everything is gonna go wrong. poor bby probably suffers from panic attacks!!! also, i think he would be the type to start skin picking/nail biting/etc without noticing, and once he does notice, he can't stop thinking about it. now his brain wants to think about it!!!!!
Mountain- Sad/Social Anxiety Disorder- OPPOSITE OF RAIN. That's why he stays hidden behind his lil drum set. he doesn't need to be seen back there and that's what he wants!! he likes to few specific people and that's it. not naming names but his people are Rain, Copia, and all of the ghoulettes. they're just peaceful and help him feel better and think things out!
Phantom- ADHD/ Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder- i am RIGHT and if you disagree no you don't. he experiences executive dysfunction a lot and it really upsets him! he just wants to do things normally! he also always does that thing where someone asks/says something and he goes "what" but when they start to repeat themselves, he realizes what they're saying. he has slow processing like that (like me frfr). he subconsciously fidgets because he got so used to doing it that he doesn't realize what he's doing. like Rain!!! the ghoulettes let him do their hair 'cause he always needs to keep his hands busy so he doesn't skin pick etc etc etc
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