#daddy terzo
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tvvzro · 2 years ago
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coffee bbg
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lemon-leviathan · 2 years ago
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Something Kinda Cute I Guess…
So I’ve Been Watching Ghost TikToks Nonstop For Weeks Now, And My Cousin Who’s Like Four Sees Me Watching Them. He’ll Stop And Watch For A Moment With Me And Any Time He Sees Secondo He’ll Ask The Same Thing Over And Over. “Do You Love Him? Is That Your Boy? You Love Him So Much?”
All I Can Do Is Smile And Nod. He Tells Me He Doesn’t Like The Skeleton Man, But He Knows I Do…
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pleasefollowmyotherblog · 2 years ago
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guess who’s been obsessing about a certain someone 👀
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fandom-wreck-9000 · 2 years ago
My brain: stop flirting with the Terzo bot and let’s work on the Wally darling fan fic
My heart: but but- he called us gorgeous…
My brain:… the fic can wait-
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ravenart357 · 1 year ago
Finally got the under painting done for the people! I still have so much more work to do 😭 for the background I decided stained glass windows of papa Nihil and sister imperator sooo…send help
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captaingrebelguf · 5 months ago
I Can Do Better
Ciao, ciao, ciao. Life is too short; so I've brought another drabble to the two (maybe three or four?) party fan club that I am still dragging my sweet, patient @copiousloverofcopia along with me. Sorry, girl. lol <3
Once again dicking around in the magical AU that came from the mind of the ever lovely: @copiousloverofcopia.
Mrs. Prime Mover Sister Alessandra borrowed from Prime Mover Ren and her series, Tied as One Eternally. Please read. It's life changing. And Ren is the best. Anything you click on written by her will instantly make your day better and leave you beyond flustered. Ayyyoooo!
Be well, be good to each other, and happy Thursday, my dudes.
Okay. So, this takes place a way a way back...
Terzo handed his radiant, exhausted, (and kind of sweaty) Prime Mover a plastic cup full of ice chips. 
Alessandra stared dumbfoundedly at her husband as if he had three heads; hesitating to take the ice, “Terz… I said--”
“I have Omega and Alpha headed out to go get the shawarma order, it's not something the kitchen could handle,” Terzo cut her off, scrunching his nose at her and placing the cup at her bedside, “Paziente, Mama.”
Alé groaned, letting her head fall back against the mountain of pillows fluffed up behind her, “I’m not going to make it."  
Terzo smiled brightly as he brought his lips to give her a chaste kiss on her forehead, “Soon, cara, soon. You’re strong as hell, Alessandra; this is a cakewalk.”
“You have no idea,” Alessandra sighed in agreement before a yawn slipped out; she looked down at the hour-old infant bundled in her arms. Dante Alessandro Emeritus, their second child, their first son; already had his parents wrapped around all his ten fingers. His button nose was the spitting imitation of Mena’s as a baby. His tufts of soft, ebony-hued hair were already a mess. Dante had Terzo’s full lips and matching eye colors. Alessandra couldn’t see much of herself in their newest addition, but she knew their son was going to be one handsome bastard. Just like his Papa.
“I’m starving,” Alé pouted, stretching her achy back as she gave her husband pouty eyes. Terzo gave her an apologetic smile, biting his tongue before he let himself foolishly mention something else she could put in her mouth.
“Don’t,” Alé warned sternly; knowing exactly where his train of thought was going, “I am in no mood for your jokes.”
“I wasn’t!” Terzo lied, laughing as he stroked his wife’s untamed curls. Alé scoffed, rightfully not believing him. 
“You really are amazing, cara,” Terzo murmured, taking in his strong-willed Prime Mover holding their child at her breast. He lowered his gaze to their son, ‘Satanas, did they make great looking kids.’
Alé smiled tiredly from her cot in the ministry’s infirmary, proudly taking the compliment. Once they had made it from Dante’s impromptu birth suite in the hallway, the nursing staff quickly threw together a temporary private room for the family. Alessandra and Dante had both been fully checked out and given the ‘all clear’ by the physician. Terzo silently watched everything from Alé’s side, slightly shell-shocked as the adrenaline died down.
“He’s pretty handsome, huh?” she whispered still in a happy dopamine-filled daze; her heart couldn’t feel more full looking between a father and his son, “I wonder if you looked like this when you were born..”
Terzo smiled sadly; he couldn't help but instantly think of his own childhood, his own mother. He turned his head away from Alé. She continued to coo over their son, laughing to herself, “Just imagine: now you get to be tormented the same way you punished Primo all those years. What goes around, comes around, Terz.”
Terzo didn’t reply, the fears he’d been suppressing over the last nine months all hit him at once. The memories of his miserable childhood seeped back in as he tried to focus on anything else in the room. Traumatically losing his own mother. Being shipped across the country from one sect to another, before finally arriving at the ministry as a young child. And then immediately being tossed aside by Nihil; already having been inconvenienced enough to have a third unwanted child dropped on his doorstep. Terzo never forgot that dejected, hollow feeling from the man who was supposed to care and love for him.
Terzo held out for longer than he would ever admit waiting for Nihil to see him as his son; waiting for him to be proud. Terzo remembered all the times he had been caught in the middle of Nihil's drunken rage; being screamed at and having items thrown at him. He remembered the silent car rides growing up where Nihil couldn't even pretend to be interested in his own sons' lives. Or Nihil disappearing for months on end on drug benders. The cigarette ashes being flicked at him if he ever said the wrong thing at the wrong time. The public monologues of what a disappointment Terzo was to him.
Terzo looked up at the ceiling and turned his body away from his partner and child, pleading with himself to think of anything else. But the ‘what ifs’ kept circling back. What if this was his future? What if he ended following his own disappointing father’s footsteps and let his own kids down? What if he ended up being a failure?
“Terz?” Alé asked, looking away from the infant only to be met with her husband's back side; realizing he had gotten strangely quiet. He had his arms folded snugly at his chest and stood as straight as an arrow. She saw his shoulders sag down as he took a ragged, calming breath.
“Terzo, what is going on?” Alé pressed again, more worry evident in her voice, “What’s wrong?”
He slowly turned around, avoiding eye contact, mustering up a smile for her sake. Alé could see the misty look in his eyes and held her hand out to her partner, “Terzo, what’s wrong?”
He sniffled and let out a short laugh, he took his wife’s hand, giving it three squeezes, “I’m sorry, cara mia. Everything seems to have caught up to me all at once. I'm just emotional.”
Alé rubbed her thumb over his knuckles soothingly, smiling softly, “I knew you couldn’t be that calm, cool, and collected.”
Terzo chuckled, waving her off, trying to shrug off the conversation, “Sadly: no. Fake it until you make it. I’ll be fine, amore. Promise."
“Well, that's a lie. If you don’t talk to me right now, I swear to Lucifer you will never see me naked again,” Alessandra warned, trying to get her husband to crack. She raised an eyebrow at him as she waited for his response.
Terzo laughed as he dropped himself down into the folding chair the staff had pulled out for him next to Alé’s cot, “Eh. You got me. It’s just been a lot--”
Dante interrupted their conversation with a few snuffles and coos sounding like it might lead into a good cry. Alessandra smiled down at her first son; she gently clutched him closer to her chest, swaying him. She couldn’t believe he was finally here, still thanking Lucifer all went well. Terzo looked away from the infant, choosing instead to stare into the space in front of him as he debated about how to go about this conversation.
Alessandra interrupted his thoughts, “I just realized: Terzo, I’ve been hogging the baby, why don’t you hold him?”
“No, no, cara,” Terzo woke out of his trance and shook his head, trying to lighten the mood, “You’ve earned this, you did all the hard work. You keep the fresh baby.”
Alé rolled her eyes at him, scoffing as she started to move the infant from her chest, trying to swiftly pass him off to Terzo before little Dante started to stir again, “No one likes a martyr, Papa." 
Terzo’s arms remained firmly crossed and unmoving over his chest, “Alé…”
“Why don’t you want to hold your son?” Alé sternly questioned, before slightly grinning and teasing him, “Don't pull a Nihil." 
Terzo pursed his lips, feeling the knot in his throat forming again. Alé immediately regretted her words, knowing she had struck a nerve. She moved Dante back into one arm and with her free hand she reached to rub her husband’s arm, “I'm sorry. That wasn't funny. I didn't mean it like that…" 
“Alessandra,” he finally sputtered, speaking a mile a minute, “I’m so scared this will be different and I won’t have the same bond I have with Mena. What if Dante is like me and he’s a stronzetto? What if I yell at him? What if he hates me? What if I don't have the patience for him? I… I can’t be like Nihil.”
“You’re not!” Alé exclaimed, grasping his hand, giving it a gentle, but firm shake, “You are nothing like him. You are an incredible father, Terzo. I don’t know how many more people you need to hear this from. You are the best father I could ask for for our children. You’re a little… much at times, but you are everything Mena and Dante deserve from a dad. You are nothing like him in the ways where it matters. Why didn’t you bring this up earlier? You promised me no more secrets, Terz. We're in this together." 
Terzo tipped forward and buried his head in his hands, “I don’t have a good excuse. I know you’ve been struggling and worried about having two kids and I refused to add more undue stress to your plate. And… I waited too long to bring this up…”
She reached out and rubbed circles on his back, “My sweet idiot. You are nothing like Nihil. The fact that you’re even having these thoughts is asinine.” 
Terzo didn’t reply at first. He began to open his mouth and then it felt like there was an elephant’s foot on his chest crushing all the air out, “What if I do treat Dante like how Nihil treated me and Primo and Secondo?”
“Again: you won’t,” Alé replied, completely dismissing the idea, “You’re better than that, Terz. After everything he put you through, you know what to do and what not to do. Look at Mena. I think we’re doing a pretty damn good job with her! A little spoiled, no thanks to you, but I think we’re doing well.”
Terzo smiled up at his wife, sniffling as he carefully dabbed at the black smudging around his eyes, “Time will tell… But I can’t stop thinking about it. Every night before bed. Every morning I wake. When there’s a quiet moment in my office. Every time I'm tucking Mena into bed. What if I become my father?”
“Terzo,” Alessandra scolded, “You will never become Nihil, you care too much. You're a good man. Now stop being a fool and hold your son.”
Terzo sat up and shook his head, “I’m not ready. Not yet.”
Alé disappointedly sat back, holding the newborn baby tightly to her, “I didn’t realize you were this upset about it, Terzo.”
“Eh, the paperwork, the Papa duties shit, chasing Mena around, and courting you all day are pretty good distractions. As I said: I know you had enough to worry about already,” Terzo admitted to his partner. He looked over at his son as his thoughts began to swarm his mind again.
‘I have a son’ kept reverberating in his brain. He couldn’t believe it, after nine long months, he was finally here. And Terzo was able to be there for Alé the entire pregnancy this time around. He was there for all the milestones: every ultrasound, the first hiccups, the first movements, being there to massage out any and every cramp she had, playing him music (Meliora being the first album once they were convinced the unborn child could hear), the midnight cravings, being there to help Alé with her birth plan (a sad waste of time looking back on it now), and especially feeling his son respond and move when he sang to him. Terzo loved every second of it. Their son was worth it all. Dante wriggled against his mother, making tiny huffing noises; unable to fathom how loved he was already.
“I can't believe he's already here,” Terzo murmured, trying to change the subject, he was hypnotized by the small creature, “I’m sorry for dumping this on you… it should be a happy time... and-- I'm sorry, amata.”
Alé smirked, still watching their son with his Emeritus-colored eyes, sleepily looking up at her, “You’ll learn this soon, Dante. Your Papa makes bad choices; just really, really poor choices and he’s a damned fool. I think he's just scared of you overthrowing him. But believe me, he will grow on you after a while.”
Terzo scoffed as he briefly stood from his seat to kiss Alé’s flushed forehead, “You’re something else, dolce.”
“You’re something special, too. You're a good man. You're a great father. Stop doubting yourself; there's a reason I keep you around and let you knock me up," Alessandra teased, trying to lighten the mood, “I think being retired has made you soft. What happened to the arrogant, self-righteous Papa with an ego so large, it could barely fit through the door.”
Terzo stuck his tongue in his cheek and folded his hands behind his head, laid back as much as he could in the plastic seat, “I’ll show you large.”
“There he is,” Alé giggled, shaking her head. She stroked Dante’s cheek, softening her voice, “These kids have no idea how lucky they are to have a role model as compassionate, empathetic, supportive, and courageous as you.”
“Ah, tesoro, you’re making me blush,” Terzo fanned his face, finding himself unable to pull away from her loving gaze, “Thank you for the pep talk.”
“I mean, do you think Nihil was even present for any of your guys being born? Let alone delivering a baby! You’ve already surpassed him in “dad-ing”. None of this would have been possible without you, again, Dr. Papa Emeritus the Third,” Ale cackled, tossing her head back, gently rousing Dante again.
“Okay, circling back to that,” Terzo began ramping up for his spiel with wide eyes, already waving his arms wildly, “We’re choosing a date for you to be induced next time. Because I’m not doing this any more!”
“Oh, I’m so sorry the problem you helped create is inconvenient for you!” Alessandra mocked, still laughing to herself. 
“It’s not the birth, it's the fact that you keep having me on the receiving end. You know my track record, Alessandra! I’m going to drop the next one!”
“In the name of Lucifer,” Alé groaned quietly as her laughter ceased, wiping at her eyes, “There is not going to be a ‘next one’.”
Terzo’s well-prepared, crude response was interrupted by a soft knock at the door, “We will follow up on this later.”
"There is nothing to discuss!" Alé scoffed as Terzo sarcastically nodded in agreement as he stood.
Once he reached the entryway, he opened the door to see his two older brothers, and there excitedly hanging onto Zio Secondo was Terzo’s perfect daughter.
“Tesoro! Complimenti, Mena! You’re a big sister!” Terzo cried out, holding out his arms to his daughter; both just as equally excited to see each other. Mena almost threw herself out of Secondo’s hold as she eagerly stretched out her arms to her father.
Secondo handed his niece off into her father’s embrace, “We heard congratulations are in order, eh?”
“She did it again, Alé was an absolute macchina. A whole even 8lbs and a whopping 20.6 inches. Maybe the generational stature curse will skip him!” Terzo teased as he shook his ‘older’ brother's hands while balancing Mena on his hip.
Secondo peered past the dim glow of the room, studying his brother’s face. He looked down on him, momentarily lowering his sunglasses, “Perché stai piangendo?” 
Terzo waved him off as he continued to rock his daughter before changing the subject, “I assume you’ve heard where he made his entry?”
“We are aware. Sister Imperator is already there assessing the damage. She’s furious, Terzo. If only you could hear the screeches coming out of her mouth. She’s already roped in as many of the nosy ghouls and siblings loitering around to help facilitate clean-up,” Secondo chuckled, already so proud of his nephew and his excellent choice in timing; already sticking it to Sister. He carefully extracted a wrapped Cuban cigar from the pocket of his onyx suit and handed it to Terzo, “Congratulazioni, fratello.”
“Lo apprezzo molto. Grazie, fratello,” Terzo replied, touched by the gesture before tucking it safely into his breast pocket. Secondo gave him a brotherly pat on the shoulder as he stepped aside for Primo.
“We didn’t want to intrude, but our nipote had been asking nonstop about you two; she is aware her brother has arrived. She’s been insistent on finding her Mama and Papa,” Primo explained from the doorway.
“Thank you for babysitting her, ti devo,” the new father expressed his gratitude as Primo enveloped both him and his daughter into a bear hug. The lingering smell of warm sun beamed off Primo’s button-up shirt, he must have been out gardening when he heard the news. The familiar, comforting aroma lifting a weight off his soul. 
“Non c'è di che,” Primo replied softly as he stepped back from the embrace, “Well, we’ve done our parts. We will let you four have your family time, please let us know if you need anything else. We’re here for you.”
“Nonsense!” Terzo insisted, “You are family, too. Let me check with the mama.”
“Only if it’s not intruding,” Secondo reminded him, before shuffling his hands together, “But… we are excited to meet our nephew.”
“You should be, he’s a looker. He’s going to be something special, just like his big sister,” Terzo beamed at his daughter, receiving a shy giggle in return. He held up a finger as he and Mena headed behind the privacy curtain to see Alé and Dante,  “Aspetta un po’!”
“Mama!” Mena squealed as soon as she laid eyes on her mother in the bed; noting something bundled and stirring in her arms. She began to try and wiggle herself free from Terzo’s hold to run to Alé’s bedside. Terzo clung onto the toddler and fought her tiny iron fists squeezing out of his arms. They had wanted the meeting of the siblings to be a little more controlled and calm. Terzo was insistent on this. From all the books he had devoured over the past nine months, trying to fully prepare himself this time around, he had some idea what he was doing; surprising even himself.
“Oh, my Mena!” Alé’s eyes began to mist up at the sight of her first born, remembering bringing Mena home for the first time years before, “I’m so happy to see you, I’ve missed you, baby.”
“Missed you, too, Mama,” Mena dittoed. She whined against her father, trying to bend herself backwards out of his arms.
“Mena, aspetta, per favore,” Terzo struggled out, beginning to lose hold over his incredibly strong child, “Alé, amore, are you willing to see ai ragazzi? You don’t have to if you’re not up to it.”
“Of course!” Alessandra warmly welcomed the visitation as she sat herself up and pulled her robe back over her chest and shoulders, regaining a little modesty before receiving her brothers-in-law.
Terzo winked at her as he obviously captured one more mental image of her exposed breasts. Alessandra scoffed in disgust at her partner and rolled her eyes, patting down her hair as he turned away to gather their guests.
“Alright, gentlemen,” Terzo excitedly began, waving them into the nurse’s room, “Let’s go say hello!”
The group headed past the curtain to be met with the glowing vision of Prime Mover Alessandra and her newborn son. The exhaustion was still evident on her beautiful face as she happily greeted her guests. She shifted Dante in her arms to allow the older Emerituses a quick peek. Primo and Secondo cooed afar at the newborn as they seated themselves in the other pair of fold out chairs; letting Mena and her new brother have their moment.
Terzo mentally prepared himself, asking his daughter, “Tesoro, are you ready to meet your fratellino?”
“Yes!” Mena whispered excitedly, desperate to get into her mother’s arms.
Terzo and Mena approached Alé and Dante in the bed as Mena began to take in the view of her new sibling. 
“Hi, baby,” Alessandra cooed to her first born. Terzo leaned in to allow Mena to give her a kiss. Alessandra couldn’t believe it seeing her children before her; they had two kids now. Two. She couldn’t comprehend how she had agreed to this again. But she took faith in her husband’s reaffirming words: they’d figure it out and they’d be fine, “Mena, this is your brother, this is Dante.”
The four sat in a brief silence allowing Mena to adjust and take everything in. Terzo hugged Mena a little tighter, drawing her attention to her father, "What do you think, tesoro?”
“He’s hairy,” Mena stared at the newborn intently, taking in all his features.
“He… he is a little hairy… isn’t he?” Terzo hesitantly agreed with his oldest, the books did not prepare him for this scenario, “You too had a lot of hair when you were born, stellina.”
“I remember,” Mena nodded stoically. Terzo and Alé glanced at each other and shared a skeptical, but confused look.
“Eh, right,” Terzo broke the silence, “Do you want to say hello to him, Mena?”
“Ok,” the eldest Emeritus heir nodded slowly; still a little skeptical of the new human nestled in her mother’s arms.
Terzo lowered their daughter onto the bed next to Alé and Dante. Terzo fluffed up a pillow behind her to give her a little extra support. Mena burrowed against her mother, clinging to her arm, but still kept a curious eye on her newborn brother.
“He isn’t scary, I promise,” Alé empathetically whispered to her daughter, “You can get closer to look at him.”
Mena sat up, her small hands still firmly planted on her mother’s arm for security. She peered down at Dante’s face. Alé shifted her arms to move Dante closer to his sibling, he lightly stirred before silently yawning; his eyes still adjusting to his new environment.
“Hi, Dante,” Mena tilted her head, giving her new sibling an unsure, but welcoming smile. Mena cautiously reached a hand out to touch the blanket he was wrapped up in, seeming to relax a little more against her mom. Her little brother tried to focus on her face as she looked down on him. She squinted, inspecting the newborn before whispering for just Alé to hear, “He has my eyes.”
“He does, doesn’t he?” Ale laughed quietly at the innocent revelation, stroking her daughter’s curls, “Don’t you think he looks like Daddy?”
Mena glanced back to observe her father before turning back to her brother, shrugging, “I guess.”
“What do you think, my love? How does it feel to have a little brother so far?” Alé smiled, pressing her lips to her daughter’s crown.
" He's okay…” Mena agreed, taking in her sibling's features before nodding assuredly to herself, "He's gonna be trouble.”
The room erupted in laughter at her statement. Primo gave Terzo a stern, knowing nod, remembering just how much trouble Terzo truly was as a child.
"I'm glad he gets your seal of approval!” Terzo teased smirking at his daughter. Relieved the meeting of the two seemed to be going well.
“Do you want to hold him, Mena?" Alessandra offered.
Mena nodded softly as her mother carefully placed Dante into her tiny, outstretched arms. Terzo's hands waiting on the side of the bed to catch him if Mena lost interest; as he had witnessed her doing with her baby dolls before dropping them to the floor.
“See?" Alessandra began, beaming down at the two humans she created, “Holding a baby isn't that scary, Terzo." 
“I don't need your merde," Terzo jokingly muttered in a hushed tone, glowering at her while trying to mask his amusement at her taunts.
“I'm only teasing, my love," Alé winked, wrapping her arm around their daughter and resting her cheek on her head, “Mena, tell your Papa it isn't scary to hold him." 
“You held me, why don’t you hold Dante?” Mena innocently asked, not taking her eyes away from Dante’s face. She seemed to be entranced by the baby as she gently held onto his small hand; taking in all of his features and the strange noises he made.
"That's not fair," Terzo chided Alé for using his daughter against him, clenching his jaw through a tense smile. She flashed a wicked smile at him and a wink.
"You haven't held your own son, yet?” Secondo piped up, joining in on the gentle hen-pecking of his younger brother, "Why won't you hold the baby, Terzo? You are scared, aren't you? Might drop him, mani di ricotta?”
"Stai zitto, testa di minchia,” Terzo seethed at his brother, glaring daggers. Primo gently nudged the middle Emeritus brother, breaking up their spat. Primo could read Terzo like a book and this wasn't the right time; his little brother was more tense than usual.
Primo rose from the seating in the infirmary room and made his way silently to his family. He rested a hand on Terzo's shoulder as he peered at the newest arrival.
“You’re doing so well, tesoro,” Primo complimented Mena, “You’re already such a good big sister.”
“Grazie,” Mena grinned up at her beloved uncle before returning to coo at her little brother.
"He truly is the spitting image of you, Terzo. At least from the few pictures your mama had of you when you arrived here,” Primo recollected, softly smiling as he basked in the glow radiating from the family snuggled on the bed.
“Bah, how would you remember that?” Terzo scoffed at his brother, wrapping his arm around him, patting his back. Primo leaned into the sideways hug, returning the embrace.
"You really would be surprised by all that I remember,” he smiled at his younger brother, tapping at his temple. He leaned close and spoke in a hushed, reassuring tone, "Sei dieci volte più padre per loro di quanto lo sia mai stato per noi. Non avere preoccupazioni." 
Terzo’s eyes widened as his hand clasped over his heart, “Cazzo stregone. Esci dalla mio mente.”
Primo chuckled as he gave his brother another pat on the back, "I know you fairly well, stronzo. Now get that garbage off your mind and celebrate the arrival of your son.”
“Ave Satanas. Grazie, fratello," Terzo shook his head in disbelief. 
“Sí, sí. Go tend to your tua moglie," Primo gestured forward.
Terzo gave his brother's arm a thankful squeeze as he turned his attention back to Alé and their kids. He lowered back down onto the chair, eye-height with Mena, “Tutto bene?”
“Sí!" Mena asserted, “He's very interesting." 
Terzo nodded, pretending to understand, “You're telling me he's not too bad to hold, eh?" 
Mena nodded vigorously as if she were an expert now, “Oh yes, he's a good baby." 
“Alright, Terzo broke the brief silence, clearing his throat. He held his arms out towards his son, “I’m ready for a turn then.”
Paziente -- Patience Stronzetto -- Little asshole Complimenti/Congratulazioni -- Congratulations Macchina -- Machine Perché stai piangendo? -- Why were you weeping? Lo apprezzo molto -- I appreciate it Nipote - neice Ti devo -- I owe you Non c'è di che -- Don’t mention it Aspetta un po’ -- Wait a second Ai ragazzi -- the boys Stellina -- little star Mani di ricotta -- butterfingers Testa di minchia -- dickhead Sei dieci volte più padre per loro di quanto lo sia mai stato per noi. Non avere preoccupazioni.-- You are ten times more of a father to them than he ever was to us. Don't have worries. Cazzo stregone. Esci dalla mio mente. -- Fucking witch. Get out of my head. Tua moglie -- Your wife Tutto bene? - All good?
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bumblebeesfromvenus · 2 years ago
Phantom of my Soul
Terzo x fem!reader
A/N: uggghhh this took me so long because of writers block but I love how it turned out! There's sooo much smiling in this one but I just want him to be happy okay 😭 hope you enjoy!
~Fi 🪻
Warnings: none, just fluff with some angsty elements, Terzo being insecure about his neck scar :(
Word count: 4.69k (hehe)
Italian was translated with Google
Please don't copy my work! I put a lot of effort and heart into the things I write.
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The beautifully crafted stained windows of the abbey were throwing colorful shapes on your face as you walked down the stone hall. You could hear nothing but your shoes on the stone, which was odd considering it looked like a lovely spring day outside. You had expected to hear a bird song or a lost bumblebee buzzing through the cold hallway, but there was nothing. Strange.
The air was thick, like a fog almost. As you continued your stride through the old church, you noticed a little crack on one of the windows. Stepping closer to insepct it further, the crack began to grow, eating its way through the glass.
The shrill sound of the cracks cutting their way through the finely made motives made your ears hurt. You took a step back when the cracking became even louder and tiny glass shards started flying. With a loud shatter the window broke to pieces.
Ducking, you shielded your face with your arms, hoping to get some protection from the sharp shards of glass flying at you. You managed to to keep your face without scratches but your arms were less fortunate. Tiny cuts adorned your skin. It definitely could've been worse, so you were lucky. For now.
You had expected to see the blooming courtyard on the other side but were instead met with an unsettling gloom. But it wasn't outisde.. it was like a door or a portal of some sorts. Like a tear in the fabric of reality. You were drawn to it somehow, yet it evoked an unsettling feeling in your stomach.
You stepped closer starring into the deep void. Hesitantly reaching out your hand, you carefully touched the gloom and the deep purple smoke clung to your skin. You tried shaking it off your hand, to no avail. Then just second later it seemed to have vanished into thin air. Stepping even closer you curiously gazed into the window before you. Suddenly, you were met with a pair of eyes. You stumbled backwards, wanting to scream but the air got caught in your throat and all you could manage was a wrangled gasp.
The eyes were starring right into your soul it felt like. One a piercing green, the other a blinding white. A dark gloved hand slowly reached its way out of the smoke, the mysterious eyes never leaving yours. You glanced at the hand, up at the eyes again and decided maybe it was time to go. You bunched up your dress and ran down the now dark hallway. Panting heavily, tears welled up in your eyes. What on earth was that? Did you even want to know?  Curiously the stone hall only seemed to be getting... longer? It kept stretching further and further and panic bubbled up in your chest.
Quickly looking behind you, you could see that a second hand had now emerged from the window, gripping the stone frame, seemingly wanting to pull out whatever the hell was inside of it. A sharp pain shot into your head making you halt your sprint, holding your head in your hands. You groaned, stumbling to the side and supporting yourself on the cold stone walls.
"Amore mio.." a deep voice whsipered. It was as terrifying as it was oddly comforting. Tears were running down your cheeks. What was that? You quickly pushed yourself off the wall and used all your remaining strength to make it out of this damned church.
Finally, the door was getting closer. That beautiful, heavenly, ornate door that would be your way out of here. Just as you were about to cross the threshold, the heavy door slammed shut, leaving only darkness.
You shot up from your bed, gasping for air. You were heaving, placing a hand on your chest to hopefully get some air and you quickly looked around, hoping you weren't in that terrifying abbey anymore. Some of your hair was sticking to your forehead and your sheets were drenched with sweat. "It was just.. a nightmare.." you mumbled, trying to calm yourself. You'd finally registered that you were in your room, letting out a relieved sigh. "Just a nightmare.." you whispered to yourself.
Brushing some of your hair out of your face, you laid back against your pillows. You should try to get some sleep. That was one hell of a nightmare after all. As soon as you closed your eyes, you saw that hallway again. The shattered window, the smoke. Those eyes. Annoyed, you rolled over on your side and pulled the covers up to your nose. But no matter how hard you tried, you just couldn't sleep. There was so much on your mind.
Not to mention it was like someone was whispering into your ear everytime you closed your eyes. Like they were in your head. You let out a frustrated sigh and slipped out of your bed, putting on a robe. You lit a candle and made your way to your bookshelf. There had to be a book about that church. Or at least a mention, you just had to find something.
You skimmed through your selection of books and a black leather-bound one caught your attention. Putting down the candle, you pulled out the book and blew off some of the dust that had settled on the cover. The dust had hidden a shimmering, golden title that read 'The Emeritus bloodline and the ecclesia impiorum'
Emeritus? Emeritus.. Emeritus! Of course! You had heard stories of this bloodline. They were typically told by mothers to keep their nosy children away from the abandoned building but maybe there was some truth to these stories.
They were said to have ruled over the land surrounding the ecclesia impiorum, which you assumed was the old cathedral not far from here. Which, in retrospect, looked a whole lot like the abbey from your nightmare. At least what you could tell from the drawings. Then again, don't all churches look the same? Your brows furrowed. Weren't they all dead? This didn't make sense.
You opened the book, being met with a family tree of sorts. Your eyes widened at how many people this bloodline entailed. A long scroll of paper fell out of the book, revealing even more relatives of this family. Oh my God, why were there so many of them?! Shaking your head, you continued searching the book for more information about the church and anything that could be useful to explain the dream you had. After what felt like hours, you shut the book.
You paced around your room, arms folded in front of your chest, frustrated. There had to be an explanation for this. The book didn't help your search but instead introduced some very odd concepts and customs to you. Like the one of the so-called 'prime mover'. The maternal 'mate' of the current ruler. Whatever that meant.  And some of them were.. strangely detailed. The grounds the abbey stood on were supposedly cursed. You wanted it to be paranoid superstition but after that nightmare... you weren't so sure.
You did find out some things about the late leader of the ecclesia impiorum. A rather.. scary looking fella called Terzo. His face was painted to resemble a skull. Which was a theme in his family after looking at the ancestry and examining a multitude of paintings printed in the book. As well as the differently colored eyes... hm. He was the third in his branch of the bloodline and last 'Papa' of the church, at least at the time the book was written. He was also decapitated for some reason, that the book didn't deem important enough to mention.
You placed a hand on your throat and swallowed. That couldn't have been a nice way to go. You looked back down at the book. This couldn't be it. Maybe you missed something. You sat down at your writing desk, opening the book again. You carefully looked at every single page to make sure you didn't miss anything. And what do you know, you had missed an entire chapter. Strange.. It's like it just.. appeared. It was about rituals, all different kinds, and surprisingly, most of them were way less bloody than you had anticipated. Some of them even mentioned... Ghosts? Oh, great. God, you really hoped you didn't have to deal with any ghosts.
A good amount of the later pages were ripped out of the book. You groaned, resting your head on the book. Were spirits and entities messing with your head or had you just hit it too hard on something as child? You didn't know. But you had to do something. That dream just wouldn't leave you alone, no matter how hard you tried to distract yourself. It was burned into your mind.
After some more nervous pacing in your room, you had decided to investigate for yourself. This was probably one of the dumbest ideas you've ever had but you needed answers.
Taking your trusty candle, you snuck out of your room, quietly closing the door behind you. You made your way down the grand staircase and across the marble foyer. There was chill in the air, a breeze carrying in a few leaves as you pulled open the heavy entrance door. You wrapped your free arm around yourself. You should've brought a coat.
There was a bumpy, dirt road leading to the church. The closer you got, the more you felt at ease. You couldn't explain it, but it was like it was calling you. Luring you in. It felt like you were carried by the wind because you blinked once and were now met with the terrifying presence of the ecclesia impiorum. But.. you just left your house? What.. your mind began to fog up, like a haze had been put on you. Your mind was screaming at you not to open those doors but run back home, where you were safe and warm. But your body just kept moving closer, arm reaching out to pull open the heavy door. You stepped inside. "This is a horrible idea.." you whispered to yourself. Your entire body tensed up the moment you set a foot into this abbey.
Looking around, this hallway looked almost exactly like the one from your dream, just.. older. There were missing bricks, cracks in the stone and cobwebs in every corner. The beautiful windows were now dusty and dull, compared to the vibrant glass you had seen in your nightmare.
But the strangest part was you had never been here. How could your mind have know what the ecclesia impiorum looked like from the inside?
Stepping in further, the wind blew through the cracks in the stone, making an unsettling noise. Then, with a loud bang, the door slammed shut. You shrieked, dropping your candle. You scrambled, trying to pick it back up before the flame died, and you'd be alone in the darkness. Luckily, you were fast enough, and the flame had survived the fall.
Scanning the hall with the candle, your movements halted when you saw glass shards on the floor. Your blood ran cold, and all the color drained from your face. No.. how was this possible? It was just a dream. Right? You couldn't explain this. Could anyone? What was all this? You backed away, tears stinging in your eyes and your breathing beginning to speed up.
Lost in a spiral of thoughts, you were ripped out of them when you felt a warm breath on your neck. Your eyes snapped wide open and you let out a blood curdling scream. Practically jumping away from whatever the hell that was, you turned around and were met with a dark figure. "Hello, amorina" it said, the voice shaking you to your core.
You couldn't move, you couldn't talk, you could barely breathe. All you could do was take in this mysterious man in front of you. His black hair was messy, his face painted. A deep purple vest, embroided with swirly patterns hugged his figure. He was wearing a black shirt with big sleeves and ruffles around the wrist underneath it. Black gloves, a cape and some golden accessories adorned him. Then you met his eyes. His eyes. They were the eyes you saw in your nightmare. Without a doubt. You took him in, scanning across his face and then down his neck.
Hands clasping together over your mouth you gasped. There was a giant scar on his neck, shimmering in a beautiful golden color. Yep. You had lost your mind. You couldn't comprehend what you were seeing. He was Terzo Emeritus. He was supposed to be six feet under with his head chopped off. Your fight or flight response kicked in and you took off. Sprinting away from the third Papa of the ecclesia impiorum. But before you could make it far, you ran right into his arms. You grunted as your face hit his chest.
You were panting and panicking, quickly running off into the other direction. You were, once again, stopped by Terzo. He grabbed your wrist and said some things you couldn't understand, you were set on prying your wrist from his grasp. Scratching at his arm and pulling your entire body weight in the other direction trying to get your wrist free, but he didn't move an inch.
Tears began spilling out of your eyes. "L-Let me go!!" You sobbed. You were so tired, having used up all of your strength at this point. Sinking to the floor, you continued sobbing. His grip on your wrist loosened, and he sunk to the floor next to you. You looked up at him through your teary eyes. "Perdonami, amore mio," he whsipered, rather softly at that. "W-What..?" you questioned, trying to catch your breath.
"I ,eh, lose my temper sometimes. It's not easy being back from the dead, amorina." You blinked a few times, then scrambled away from him. You were talking to a dead man. "You're dead! You're supposed to be dead! Why aren't you dead?!" You screamed. Terzo looked offended. "That's not very nice" he mumbled grumpily.
Terzo got up, barely taking a step towards you when you spoke. "You take one more step in my direction and I swear to god I will kill you with a candle." He defensively put his hands up. "Now you better explain why you're standing in front of me instead of being in a dusty coffin" you fumed.
You were still sitting on the cold stone floor right underneath the shattered window. You had sneakily grabbed a larger glass shard in case Mister fancy pants was to pull any funny buisness. He sighed defeatedily.
"I guess I do owe you an explanation. But first, let us move to something a little more comfortable, yes?"
You eyed him suspiciously.
Nonetheless you followed him through the dark hallways. You definitely shouldn't follow strange men who were suppose to be dead but you trusted him somehow. It was very odd. Considering everything that has happened so far you were surprised how calm you were around him.
You had reached something that looked like a study. "Please, sit." He gestured to a purple velvet sofa, a soft smile on his face. Terzo took a seat across from you on a matching velvet chair. He cleared his throat and intertwined his hands and placed them in his lap. "You are right, I am supposed to be dead. I got.. betrayed.. by my own flesh and blood. But, It seems that your presence on these grounds has somehow, eh,  brought me back?"
He wasn't sure how this happened. This shouldn't happen. It's impossible. You looked at him with a slightly shocked expression on your face. It took you a minute before you had organized your thoughts and spoke. "So what you're saying is that my snooping around in this old abbey has magically brought you back from the dead and reattached your head?"
Your last few words have seemed to struck a nerve as his face fell and he reached to his throat. Your eyes widened as you realized what you had just said. "I-I apologize. I didn't mean to be so insensitive.." you apologized, looking down into your lap. Terzo gave you a sad smile. "Eh, it's quite alright, amorina." He assured you. A small smile spread on your face as you looked up at him. You just noticed how handsome he looked in the dim light that the few candles in the study provided. His eyes were filled with kindness. He was peculiar. Who knows, maybe that comes with being back from the realm of the dead.
Your brows furrowed as you pondered a question. "What is on your mind, hm?" Terzo's voice broke you out of your thoughts. "Why me?" You questioned, looking at him. "I'm not special." Terzo hummed in acknowledgment. "Maybe, amore mio, that's where you're wrong," he said, his voice smooth like honey. You were deep in thought again, trying to come up with a reasonable explanation for why it was you that brought him back.
Terzo couldn't help but admire you. You looked so cute with your brows pulled together, lightly chewing on your lip. Your eyes lit up as the book came to your mind
. "The book!" You exclaimed. "What book?" He questioned. "The one about your family! I found it on my bookshelf. It said something about a 'prime mover'. Do you know anything about that, Terzo?" You asked him, hoping he could shed some light on this situation. It was his family after all.
Terzo stiffened and he cleared his throat uncomfortably. You could've sworn you saw the faint hint of a blush on his cheeks. "W-well.. I do know about that but, eh, " he rubbed the back of his neck, " it's quite.. a lot to take in, amorina" Terzo smiled nervously. You looked unimpressed and crossed your arms in front of your chest.
He swalloed hard, not wanting to scare you off.
"The prime mover is something like a soul mate, you see. The Papa and the prime mover have a special bond. They're souls are connected. The soul is not, eh, bound to any realm, it's free to do as it pleases. And if they don't find to another they keep searching." He explained.
Terzo cleared his throat after seeing your surprised face. Your were lost for words. He was right, it was a lot to take in. Was your strange dream his soul trying to reach out to you? You were supposed to be this man's soul mate? You didn't even know the guy! Not to forget the fact he's supposed to be dead.
But it would explain why the nightmare didn't let you sleep peacefully. Why you were so eager to find out what it meant. Why you felt so drawn to this church. And drawn to him. He was handsome, there was no denying that. Actually, the more and longer you looked at him, the prettier he seemed.
He had treated you with nothing but kindness and gentleness. His voice broke you out of your trance. God, his voice. "Dolcezza? Are you alright?" He questioned with worry being evident in his voice. He had moved to sit next to you on the velvet sofa, taking your hands in his. His face displayed his worry as he searched for any indicator of emotion in your eyes.
Internally, Terzo was a nervous wreck. He hoped you didn't resent him for this. That you would turn him away and despise him for the rest of eternity. It would break his heart. You were the most beautiful being to exist to him. You had enchanted him. It was unexplainable to him. He'd met you not long ago but felt like he'd known you forever. He knew your soul, your heart and your mind. "I.. I think I am, yes. It's a lot but.. it makes sense now" you smiled quietly. Terzo gave you a small smile back that melted its way into your heart right away. "It does, doesn't it, amorina?" He chuckled. You nodded, a blush on your cheeks.
Both of you just sat there for a while in comfortable silence, enjoying eachothers company. Terzo spoke, breaking the silence. You were almost upset as you enjoyed just sitting with him but as soon as his lovely voice hit your ears all was forgotten.
"Would you care for a walk, amore mio?" He asked, slightly looking down at you. "I would love that, Terzo" you smiled. He offered you his arm, leading you through the old stone halls, past the chapel and the altar room until you had reached the garden. It was absolutely magnificent, the moonlight shining on the different colored petals and reflecting off the small stream running past the ecclesia impiorum.
You let go off his arm and gasped. "It's beautiful" you beamed. Terzo couldn't help but smile. "You should see it during the day. The colors are much more, eh,  vibrant. But I have to admit, it doesn't look bad with all these stellas shining upon it." He spoke.  Terzo looked up at the stars and the moon high up in the sky and you could've died right there. He was so beautiful in the moonlight.
But the light also revealed the glistening, golden line running along his neck. Your heart clenched at the thought of the horrible thing they'd done to him. Those thoughts were quickly replaced when Terzo gave you a toothy smile.  He took your hand without a word and pulled you into a dance. Placing one hand on your waist and holding your hand rightly in his he started guiding you.
He hummed an unfirmiliar tune and swayed you to the rhythm. You layed your head on his shoulder, closing your eyes. This was so peaceful. Him humming a beautiful melody, dancing with you underneath the moon with a slight breeze giving you a chill. "Per favore non lasciarmi mai, amore mio.. " he mumbled to himself. "hm?" You looked up at him.
"Nothing, amorina.." he smiled, stroking your hair. Terzo went back to swaying both of you. You two stayed like this for a while until you gently moved his hand from yours and placed it on your waist so you could put yours on his chest. Your hands made your way to his shirt collar which started dragging down to reveal his scar. Terzo eyes widened as he realized what you were doing.
"Amore-" he took one of his hands off your waist trying to stop you. You gently grabbed his wrist and placed your other hand on his cheek.
"Please" you pleaded. Terzo's eyes soften as he let you lower his hand back down. You pulled him closer by his shoulders and let your lips ghost over his neck. You went along his scar and up his jaw. He let out a small groan as you made your way back down to his scar, kissing and sucking his skin.
His hands tightend on your waist and as he let his head fall back. You pulled away, your lips slightly swollen, Terzo panting.
"I love your scar, Terzo" you whispered.
"Amorina, I.. it's hideous-" he sighed, letting his head fall forward.
You couldn't stand hearing him talk about himself like that, it broke your heart. You took his face in your hands.
"No. It's beautiful. Just like you." You assured him.
Becoming teary eyed, he placed a gloved hand an top of yours and smiled at you. "You're perfect amore" he muttered, before pulling you in to kiss your lips.
They were so soft. You never wanted him to stop kissing you. Fireworks were going off in your heart. It's strange what can happen in just one night. You pulled him closer by his neck and he slightly dipped you. He pulled away and admired you in all your glory. Your lips stained by his paints, chest panting. He quite literally took your breath away. He stroked your cheek.
"sei il mio sole, dolcezza.." he whispered. "I don't know what that means, but I'm sure you're right" you smiled, making him chuckle.
"I love you, amore mio"
"I love you too, Terzo"
With one final kiss you two were united. Lips to lips. Heart to heart. Soul to soul.
Ecclesia impiorum = church of the unholy
amore mio = my love
amorina = little love
dolcezza = sweetness
Perdonami = Excuse me
Per favore non lasciarmi mai = please don't ever leave me
Sei il mio sole = you're my sun
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peachie-ghoul · 2 years ago
Tumblr media
Terzo art i really like
94 notes · View notes
sinclqir · 2 years ago
terzo x female reader
angst, cheating, breakups, and a very VERY rude terzo (it’s only for the sake of the story)
there will be a part two!
you’re a very well respected person in the ministry. you organized the tours, made sure all the siblings of sin were in check, and a very hard worker. you were also dubbed one of the most attractive sisters in the ministry. you had many siblings of sin try to hook up with you, but you didn’t per sue them, thinking it can interfere with your work. and you were not going to let all your hard work go to waste for a one night stand. but you weren’t perfect, and you let all that aside for him.
papa emeritus iii.
his charm and flirting got to you and you got with him. the casual sex quickly turned into a relationship. this was one of your first relationships you’ve been in. it was perfect, you would spend all your free time together, him buying you the most lavish gifts, him whispering sweet nothings in your ear, but that ended fairly quickly. he kept flirting with other siblings but you just assumed it was only his personality, which wasn’t half untrue.
he was always a very flirtatious man. to your knowledge he was loyal though. his flirting was the only thing he shared with others.
until the rumors started to fly. a new sister had been introduced to the ministry. she was beautiful. her name was daniela, and she was one of the most attractive people in the ministry. yet every time you tried to talk to her she was insanely passive aggressive. you didn’t think anything of it, people thought you were intimidating due to your high ranking in the ministry. if sister imperator needed anything important done, she would go to you immediately.
terzo started to become more distant with you, it hurt, but you didn’t know how to talk to him about it. he was a busy man, he’s papa. you decided to shrug it off until someone showed you that his relationship with sister daniela was starting to become something more than just acquaintances. they showed you a picture of terzo with his signature sly smirk, and the sister blushing. that wasn’t crazy to you, but the picture of him with his hand on her thigh made you a little uneasy. and then the video. it was of them kissing. your heart broke at the sight. you were never good with emotions so this feeling was unnatural to you. you didn’t know what to do.
you decided to confront him tonight, tired of everyone telling you he was cheating on you.
he walked out of his dressing room, prepared for a concert. “terzo…can we talk?”
"what is it?" terzo asked, he put a hand to his ear to block out the sound of the crowd, "what do we have to talk about? i am very, very busy and i have an entire crowd to sing for! so what is it!?" you looked at him sadly, “never mind, we’ll talk after the show.” terzo took in a sharp breath, but covered up his reaction with a smile, "alright! i will be very happy to, after the show." He grabbed the microphone out of the stand and stepped to the front of the stage, "are y'all ready to rock!?" the crowd roaring, "are you ready to let the devil in!?" the crowd roaring.
he performed a fantastic show, as usual, and stepped off stage. "whew! What a tough crowd tonight. but, it's time to have a little chat, isn't it?" terzo sighed as he slid his papal robes and placed them down on the ground. the backstage was quiet as the staff put away all of the instruments and audio equipment. the room was dimly lit, as terzo had demanded that no light be shed on it, as it was part of his dark aesthetic. "let's have it, what did you want to ask me?"
“can we talk in the dressing room? please?” your voice was light, which took him by surprise, he was used to your very stern voice. “of course!” he grabbed your hand and walked to his dressing room. he closed the door and walked to his vanity to take off his papa paints. “terzo, i’ve been having this problem recently…that i can’t ignore any longer.” you avert your eyes to the ground. "hm. go on. i'm listening.” his voice sounded uninterested as he took a makeup wipe and carefully took off his paints. “people have been…gossiping recently and…. a lot have been saying things.” you trail off as you felt a lump in your throat.
terzo looked concerned, though he hid it well. "tell me, what have people been saying," it may be difficult, but i want to help you, he thought, "i need to know, you understand?"
“they’ve been saying that you have been unfaithful to me…with sister daniela. is it true?” you already knew the answer, but you wanted to hear him say it.
terzo turned bright red and his jaw dropped as his head whipped around, "what?! that's... that's ridiculous! who... who would spread such horrible lies!?" his eyes filled with fury and he slammed his fists on his thighs, "that's absurd!"
you look at him with sad eyes, “terzo, i know you’re lying.”
"excuse me!?" terzo stood up and stormed over to where you were standing, "why would you be so stupid as to believe that!? just because other people say it doesn't make it true! how on earth can i tell you to trust me if you're gonna fall for stupid rumors like that!?" he grabbed your shoulders, "i would never do that to anyone! how could i even do such a thing!? i’m papa! i serve Satan! do you really think i could cheat on someone!?" you shrugged off his hands.
you pull out your phone. “they have shown me pictures!” you showed him said photograph. “how do you explain that?” he could see the tears in your eyes. threatening to fall.
terzo grew extremely quiet and pale in the face. "that-..." he paused, not quite sure how to explain it, "that's me comforting her! sister daniela is very close to both sister imperator and i. she's been struggling with some pretty... sensitive things lately, and i was making sure she was feeling alright! we weren't... we weren't trying to do anything! i swear it! how can i... can i even prove it?!"
“stop lying to me please…they have more.” you swipe and show him the second picture.
"w-what!?" terzo stuttered. he grabbed the phone and looked at the picture in sheer disbelief. his jaw dropped. oh no. this is bad, this is really bad. but... terzo was a quick thinker. "you- no... this is- this is a deepfaked image! i would never do that with sister daniela!" he said confidently, "i would never do that with anyone that's not you!" a tear slipped out of your eye. “why would someone do that…?” you whispered.
"because they want to spread lies! i'm papa. i'm a public figure. people want to tear me down, and you, you foolish idiot, you just blindly believe in whatever anyone tells you!" terzo shouted, "i would never cheat on you! do you... do you even trust me??" when he called you an idiot it hurt, you told him how you hated being called anything that had to do with your intelligence. your ex wasn’t a good person, he always degraded you and made you feel like you were nothing.
“i did trust you! since you want to keep blatantly lying to me, here’s a video!” your emotions started to take over as you showed him the video.
for the first time in all of his life, papa emeritus the third was speechless. he stared into the phone, frozen completely into place. his eyes seemed to bulge out of his head. after several seconds had passed, he swallowed hard and spoke quietly, "that... that... there's..." he sighed, "it's... true."
you backed away from him. “how could you! you…you said you loved me!” the tears started to fall. you hated to show your vulnerability, especially in a situation like this. "it was just... just a one time thing! i- i didn't mean it! she was just so sad... and she... it meant nothing! it was just one time!" terzo begged your forgiveness, "i swear it won't happen again! it meant nothing! it won't happen again! i promise you! just, please, forgive me! PLEASE!"
“yeah…you’re right…it wont happen again because this,” you gestured in between both of you, “this is over.” you turned to leave but terzo grabbed your forearm.
terzo gasped. he couldn't believe you would say such a thing! tears filling his eyes, "NO! PLEASE! I LOVE YOU! DON'T LEAVE ME, PLEASE!" he pleaded like a child, "I BEG YOU!!!"
“get off of me! if you loved me, you wouldn’t have fucked another!” you yelled at him, letting him know how bad he fucked up.
before he could speak there was a knock at the door.
his eyes were glossed over as you walk to the door. to your luck, it was the topic of the hour. sister daniela. “is terzo is here?” her voice was like sandpaper to your ears. “yes, he’s here.” terzo said meekly. “what do you want?” he couldn’t help but give a nasty tone to his question. why is she even here? what does she have to say about this? this was just a one time mistake that meant nothing! it's not even like it was planned or anything... it's just... that she's sad! i was just comforting her! i didn't mean for it to turn into THAT! i didn't mean for it to turn into anything!, he thought.
you step aside and let the sister walk in. she harshly shoved your shoulder and gave you a smirk. "oh, you have to be kidding me..." terzo mumbled in annoyance, "get out! get out!" He pointed to the door, trying desperately to get rid of her, "this has NOTHING to do with you! just... just get out, you..." he tried to think of something mean to say, but couldn't think of anything, so he finished with, "...brat!"
the sister looked shocked at his sudden outburst, “but…but terzo…” you stared at the two of them.
"yes? what? what do you want!?" terzo yelled, clearly getting more and more upset by her presence, "go on! spit it out already! what is it that you want!?" he tried as desperately to hold back, "just get to the point, you... you... BITCH!"
sister daniela look as if she was about to cry, “never mind you asshole! i should’ve never fucked you!” she started stomping towards the door. before she left she got up in your face. it took everything in you to not fuck her up. “oh and by the way, he said that you could never compare to what i gave him.” with that she left.
terzo stood still for several seconds after the door had slammed shut. a million words ran through his head, but none of them made it out of his mouth. he was stunned into silence... and then he was mad. "that BITCH! that SCULLION! that SLUT! i'll show her! i can't believe she's this petty!" he stormed a couple steps towards the door, "i'll show her... i'll show everyone!”
“show everyone what exactly? that you’re nothing but a liar and a cheat.” you were tired. tired of all of this. "do you seriously think i care what people think?!” He snapped, pacing back and forth, “im papa, don’t you forget that! i have a responsibility… a mission! one that’s much bigger than some stupid little cheating scandal! i’ve got the whole world to enlighten!” He shouted, then he began to grin, “i’m gonna use this as marketing! shat a scandalous papa am i!”
“i should’ve never loved you…this was the biggest mistake i’ve ever made.” your words were laced with venom.
he felt his heartbreak. “w-what?” he clutched his chest, the pain feels physical. “i thought what we had was special? how…how could i have been so stupid?”
you laughed in disbelief, “how could you be stupid?! i gave this relationship all i had for a year! a year terzo!!”
“i know… i… i was wrong! i was... i was so wrong! i'm… SORRY!” Terzo sobbed, trying to get the right words out, “i just… i just…” Terzo curled up into the fetal position on the floor, “i can’t…” He began to hyper-ventilate.
you stare at him, “satanas you’re pathetic..”
terzo's jaw dropped as you spoke. " you're cruel..." he wiped a string of tears from his eyes, "i... i can't believe this. how could you be so... cold? i just... how could you?"
“need i remind you that you’re the one that cheated!? and i’m the cold one? really!?”
"I-I KNOW I'M THE CHEATER! BUT YOU'RE... YOU'RE THE coldest person i've ever met in my LIFE! *and ive met some people!" the pope shouted, "SO YES, FOR THE LOVE OF SATAN WHY ARE YOU SO COLD!?. WHAT'S YOUR DEAL!?"
“i am only giving you the same amount of treatment you have been giving me!”
"THAT'S A PILE OF BULL!" the papa yelled, "I WOULD NEVER BE AS COLD AS YOU!" he stood up, pointing a shaking finger at you, "you're so cold you're a monster! you're no better than the rest of humanity!" he spat, "you just play the role of 'the good girl’ but you're just as cruel and heartless as the rest of... everyone." he finished, tears filling his eyes once more, "i... i didn't wanna say this... but I've always known it."
you got up in his face, feeling his breath fanning yours. “all you did was lie to me…all you did was hurt me…and IM the fucking monster? really!?”
"YES!" the pope yelled, "YES YOU ARE! you're a monster! you're a cold hearted, unfeeling, heartless monster and i don't know why i didn't see it for so long!" he laughed in bitter annoyance, "is that what you want me to say? i'm a lying cheating bastard and you're a *saint!?"* He scoffed, "well, good for you! you're right! i am a lying cheating bastard, and you... are a cold hearted, unfeeling, heartless monster. congratulations."
"OH, DON'T YOU BRING THEM INTO THIS, YOU HYPOCRITE!" terzo yelled, "you and i BOTH know i could bring up something from your past here, but I'm not THAT petty... but o should be, because you aren't worthy of being treated with even an ounce of respect! you deserve to be mocked and laughed at, so you can fully understand what you've done to me! YOU ARE A HEARTLESS, COLD-HEARTED FIEND!!! AND DON'T YOU COME CRYING BACK TO ME WHEN NO ONE ELSE WANTS YOU!"
he reminded you of your ex. it’s fully broke your heart.
terzo gasped as his heart shattered? into a million pieces. he didn't know which was worse... the heartbreak of realizing that the one person he ever really loved didn't love him back, or the heartbreak of realizing that others never loved nor respected him back.
the truth of what she was saying was way more painful than she could imagine...
The pope fell to his knees, sobbing, "n–no... no, it's not true... i-i'm..." he fell to his side, bawling uncontrollably, "I'm nothing but a-a joke?"
“i set everything aside to love you…to show people that you’re better than that. that you’re a good guy….but…they’re right.”
"they're right..." he mumbled, lying completely prone on the ground. he tried to speak... but his words were only a garbled mess of tears and snot, "i-i'm... I'm nothing but a joke and a-a joke like me... doesn't deserve love..." the pope started to laugh as all the pain and hurt and anger and fear and sadness all built inside him, "i-i don't deserve love, do i?" His words seemed to turn into a mix between crying and laughing, "no... no one... deserves a freak... like me..."
“have fun with your pathetic life…this is the last time you’ll be seeing me… have a terrible night terzo.” you turned at left. slamming the door. you walked outside the venue and completely broke down. all of it hurt too much. the love of your life….cheated on you…called you an idiot….and a monster..
terzo watched you leave... still just lying there on the floor. he curled himself up and kept crying. It's... it's true... he didn't deserve love... he was a freak. was sister y/n right? did everyone think he was worthless? was... was that why no one took him seriously?
"f-freak..." he whispered to himself, his self esteem broken in a million little pieces...
"that's all i'll ever be... a pathetic.…freak...”
my guilty pleasure is writing angst. anyway lmk if you enjoyed this!
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witchimage666 · 2 years ago
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Spirit. Absinthe.
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tvvzro · 2 years ago
feel the envyyyyyyy
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lemon-leviathan · 2 years ago
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Ghost BC Confession 2: I’m Very Tempted To Cover My Truck In Jesus Related Stickers So People Think A Christian Is Driving It, And Hide This Father Jim Sticker Amongst Them.
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lil-freak-dexii · 2 years ago
Thought: One of Copia’s rats got into Terzo’s cereal and ate all of it.
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fandom-wreck-9000 · 2 years ago
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Sketches/doodles I did
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haleighviars43 · 2 years ago
I’m so sorry Terzo 😂 but I can’t
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copiousloverofcopia · 2 years ago
Prime Mover Ren, I have a desire for more short, one-shots of Terzo as a daddy. 💕
Ask and you shall receive Ghestie (even if it takes me forever to do it cause #primemover) lol
Anyways this little drabble was actually inspired by the Ministry BBQ art by @beepophobia and in honor of Father's Day!
So Happy Father's Day to all the Papas out there and HERE WE GO!
Terzo's Day
Also available HERE on AO3!
SFW below the cut!
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The air was thick with sweet smell smoke and delicious shimmering meat. The sounds of laughter and small children playing, surrounded the Abbey grounds. As the afternoon sun shined brightly upon them, Terzo sat on one of the many picnic benches wearing a gray tank top to keep cool as he sucked back on a can of Peroni Nastro Azzurro—quenching his thirst. He was enjoying the day, his family close at hand and a happiness in his soul he could not find the words to describe.
"Fratello the grigliata mista di carne is gonna burn." he jabbed, watching his brother with Mr. Saltarian at the grill. Secondo was sensitive when it came to his cooking skills and Terzo’s playful commentary had definitely struck a nerve. Secondo starred up into his brows. Regaining composure before deciding to respond.  
"Cazzo, you keep your comments to yourself. I can handle the meat." he replied, balancing the cigarillo in his lip. Terzo shot back a wide-spread mischievous grin. Secondo, instantly regretting the way he phrased his words before Terzo blurted out his response. 
"Oh I bet!" Terzo laughed, dodging the ketchup bottle that caming flying across the table at him. Mr. Saltarian shaking his head at the juvenile antics of these supposed, “Heads of the Church”. A little bit of sibling rivalry and some good natured ribbing was par for the course at any Ministry barbeque. Today’s carnivore culinary exploration however was special. A celebration in honor of Father’s day and Terzo was determined to enjoy every minute of it.
The clergy, siblings, and ghouls all had gathered with their families in abundance. The Abbey grounds, almost faire like in its jubilance and brimming activity. It was on days like this when the full community of the Abbey came together in something other than prayers and rituals. Something other than their commits to Lucifer in which to allow themselves a moment of respite.  
Terzo was grateful, acknowledging that he had everything to celebrate. His beautiful Prime Mover Alessandra, was carrying their third child in her womb. Only days away from welcoming another yet Emeritus into his brood. Terzo, fully determined to populate the world with his unholy spawn. 
Two of which, Filomena and Dante, were gleefully running around with the ghoul kits as the grownups were preparing lunch. Terzo and his brothers had all huddled together at the grill. All of them bickering as to the right way to prepare the feast, a pastime that was one of the simplest pleasures.
It wasn’t that long ago that Terzo’s regard for Father’s day was barely a footnote to be mentioned. Every year the same unenthusiastic celebrations as he actively avoided fatherhood. While he and his brother’s were close, Nihil wasn’t exactly the type of father figure to be celebrated and so for all the years leading up to Alé, the day was nothing but monotonous and draining. Terzo, counting down the minutes until he no longer had to pretend to care about Nihil. 
Now this day was for him. He was now a father to be celebrated, a fact sometimes he still had trouble wrapping his head around. Terzo smiled as he watched those around him. Nihil was pouting that Secondo had shoved him off the grill, while Sister Imperator, in her new wide brimmed hat and back dress, consoled him. Secretly giving Secondo a thumbs up as they’d managed to evade Nihil’s poor cooking. 
Terzo caught sight of Copia, his best friend and their new reigning Papa. He was running around like a chicken with its head cut off as he dashed back and forth, grabbing all the things forgotten inside. Copia’s people-pleasing at an all time high during things like this. Terzo couldn't help but smile at him as he passed, buns in head and an anxious look on his face. 
Then Terzo set his sights on Primo. His eldest brother seemed at first to be content. Enjoying the outdoors even more so than normal—if that was physically possible. But underneath Terzo sensed something—a quiet sadness behind that old worn smile. 
Terzo placed his hand over Primo’s, catching his brother’s attention as he scooted up closer to the table, leaning over to speak. “You alright old man?” Terzo asked him. Primo at first said nothing, letting out a sigh as he continued to watch the activity around him. Taking a moment before his eyes met with Terzo’s across the table. 
“I will be…Fratellino…” Primo began, Terzo now concerned. The hint of melancholy in his voice and the painted smile seemed to be holding back something that Terzo had never recalled seeing with Primo before—pain.
“Si? What is wrong?” he asked him. Primo got quiet, clearing his throat and nodding as the siblings and ghouls passed by their table. Terzo knew that he was stepping into unfamiliar territory but he had to know. 
“Just promise me that you will never take what you have for granted.” Primo said quietly, his tone and demeanor betraying him. Allowing Terzo to see that there was more unsaid but that Primo couldn’t muster to speak. 
“Primo?” Terzo proceeded with caution. 
“Promise me that you will always honor Alessandra and love and cherish every child she bears you. That you won’t take for granted the blessings Satanas has given you—or you may end up an old bitter man like me.” Primo said with a smile. Terzo smiled back at him, it was evident then that while Primo had lived a long life, he had missed out on things—things for which he now had regrets. Terzo squeezed his hand tightly, struggling himself to maintain his composure as he spoke again.
“I promise fratello—I promise.” Just then little Mena came dashing up to the table. Her purple sundress, completely soaked and the curls of her dark hair dripping wet. 
“Dad!” she cried, “...Dante won’t stop squirting me with the water guns! I have asked him to stop but he won’t!” Terzo pivoted around on his bench, looking over to see his very guilty looking son staring back at him. Terzo allowed Menta to take his place as he stood. 
“Piccolo uomo, vieni qui dal tuo Papa.” he commanded Dante. His little boy was the spitting image of him, a mess of hair and a charming smile. He approached his father like a puppy with its tail tucked between its legs. His hands suspiciously hidden behind his back. 
“Yes Daddy?” Dante asked. His voice, sweet and his face adorned with the softest, round cheeks that Lucifer himself would be unable to resist pinching. Terzo dropped to his knees before him, bringing himself eye level with his son.
“Dante…sii serio piccolo. Have you been spraying your sister with the water again?” he asked him. Dante shook his head no, adamant that he hadn’t done anything wrong. It was then Terzo could see Alessandra coming up from behind them. Holding a pair of soft towels and a look of exhaustion spread across her beautiful face. 
Just as she reached them, Secondo called out that the food was done and the whole of the Abbey came running up from all around them. “Sorry I have been trying to keep up with them but it’s getting a bit hard.” she smiled standing before Terzo. He smiled back up at her, placing his hand on her belly and feeling their child kicking away inside her. 
“I can only imagine amore…but It seems we have a problem.” he said, sending her a wink.
“Oh, is that so?” Alé laughed. Mena stood up beside her father, still dripping as Terzo explained. 
“Si, apparently there is someone who looks exactly like Dante spraying Mena with a water gun.”
“Ah I see, what a weird coincidence. You see I seem to recall letting Dante and Phil’s nits get the water guns out from the green house.” Alé laughed again.
“Indeed.” Terzo replied, listening to Primo holding back his laughter from behind him. “Now Dante…are you sure that it wasn’t you?” 
“Yes.” Dante proclaimed. Alé raised an eyebrow at him, waiting for him to be honest with his dad as she knew the truth. And even more importantly she could see something Terzo could not. 
“You’re being too hard on the boy.” Primo commented, Terzo turning to face his brother before Dante spoke. 
“Yes Dant—-” Terzo shouted as he was hit full force in the face with a cold stream of water. The likes of which was powered by the pair of water guns that Dante had hidden behind his back. Instantly Primo and Alessandra burst out in laughter. Watching as Terzo panicked a moment before opening his eyes and flipping back his dampened hair from his face. As his vision came into focus, he watched as his mischievous little boy ran off laughing with Mena trailing not far behind him.
Terzo turned back to face Primo, “Still have regrets?” he chuckled, the face paint running down his face. Primo nodded and smiled, Terzo was a lucky man and even though it wasn’t always easy he loved being a father to his children. He loved them more than life itself and that while it wasn’t always perfect it was his. And today was his day.
Notes: grigliata mista di carne -popular Italian barbecue dish of mixed grilled meats Piccolo uomo, vieni qui dal tuo papà- Little man, come here to your Papa. sii serio piccolo- be serious little one
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