#toaster bursting into flames
batnbreakfast · 2 months
Guess who’s boiler just broke down so that there’s no warm water anymore?
The house seriously thought: Oh, you’re leaving on Thursday, time to throw my annual breakdown at you!!
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vivwritesfics · 2 months
Fighting Fires
Fire seems to follow her everywhere. As does fire captain Carlos Sainz. Not that she minds
Warnings: Fire, Logan almost dying
Viv's AUgust Event
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Her landlord had warned her about the alarm. "One bit of smoke," he'd said as he placed the keys into her palm, "and the alarm will go off. The firemen will be called and the building will be evacuated." He closed her fist around the keys. "Don't set it off."
For three months, she'd been careful. For three months she hadn't set off the fire alarm.
The toaster was broken. She knew it was broken, knew she had to pop the toast before it popped itself. Because it wouldn't pop itself, it would burst into flames. She shouldn't have put the toast down before went in the shower. Before she knew it, the fire alarm in her apartment building was ringing.
Rapped in her pink robe, with her narwhal slippers on her feet, she was rushed out of the building. Her legs shook from the cold as the firemen rushed inside.
That was when she remembered.
The toaster. Fuck.
The firefighters walked out of the building and called her apartment number. Embarrassment was written on her face as she approached them, looking at her feet instead of the stares of her fellow tenants.
"It was the toaster, wasn't it?" She asked as the firefighter pulled off his helmet. As the handsome firefighter pulled off his helmet. Even after running into an almost burning building, helmet on his head, his hair was still perfect. His brown eyes drew her in as he stared down at her.
But she wasn't ready for his voice, the way it wrapped around her when he spoke. "Your kitchen is ruined," he said. She stopped herself from shivering, and not from the cold. "Do you have anybody you can stay with while your landlord pays to get it fixed?"
She opened her mouth, but she didn't get a chance to respond. "Wait a moment, Sainz!" The landlord shouted as he strode towards them. "She set my building on fire! She can fucking pay for it!"
She didn't mean to cower. But it had been a long evening and it was her fault that the building nearly burnt down. She wanted nothing more than to lay on her floor and cry.
The firefighter looked down at her, sympathy written on his face. If the ground opened up and swallowed her whole, she would have been happy. But the firefighter turned to her landlord. "This isn't the first time we've been called out because of the toasters you've put in your apartments, Christian," he said, large hand settling on her back.
Her landlord backed down and the firefighter turned towards her again. "Have you got somebody you can stay with while he gets your kitchen fixed?"
She swallowed and nodded.
Fire was following her, she swore. She sat at her desk, tapping away at her computer when the fire alarm went off.
It had been a week and a half since the fire that wrecked her kitchen. Her best friend Logan had insisted that she stay with him. He picked her up and took her back to his house, giving her the couch to sleep on (reluctantly giving her the couch to sleep on. Logan had insisted she take his bed, but she declined. It went back and forth until Logan gave in).
And now the fire alarm was going off in her office. She stood with the rest of her co-workers and followed them out to the car park. Other businesses on other floors of the building grumbled as they made their way outside.
"What is it this time?" The guy from the paper company from the floor below asked.
She crossed her arms over her chest as she looked up at the building. "It wasn't one of your guys, was it?" She asked with a little laugh.
He laughed right back. "I don't think so," he replied and nudged her with his elbow. "One of yours?"
"I hope not."
When the sirens sounded, everybody turned towards the entrance of the car park. The fire engine pulled in and everybody stepped back as the fire fighters climbed off of the truck and made their way inside of the building.
"We had a small fire at my apartment two weeks ago," she said to the guy from the paper company as they waited for the firemen to do their things. Was fire captain Sainz in there? God, she hoped so.
The guy from the paper company let out a laugh. "You're just a bit of bad luck, aren't you?" He asked jokingly and she gave a nod.
The firefighters emerged from the building. Just as when they'd put out the fire in her building, the fire captain pulled off his helmet. Perfect hair, pretty brown eyes and soft, pillowy lips. Fire captain Sainz addressed the crowd before his eyes landed on her.
His eyebrows went up, but he finished what he was saying before he approached her.
Helmet tucked under his arm, he strode over to her. Fire captain Sainz looked all kinds of sexy as he walked up to her, grinning. "You again?" He asked as he looked down at her.
She could have melted beneath the warmth of his gaze. "Trust me, it wasn't my fault this time. At least, I don't think it was my fault," she said, head tipping to the side slightly.
"Did you use the microwave on the top floor?"
Her eyes bulged slightly and she released a laugh. "The microwave finally gave out? I should have known," she mumbled and shook her head. "No, but this time it wasn't me."
Paper company guy stepped back, but neither of them noticed. "I wouldn't mind putting out your fires," he said and adjusted his helmet in his grip.
Her heart was beating so erratically as she looked at him. He was flirting, that was definite. She just wasn't sure how to flirt back. Instead, she gestured towards helmet. "Can I try it on?" She asked and Carlos placed the helmet in her hands.
Logan insisted that they go out for drinks. "Just let loose," he had said, and she agreed. She got dressed into her favourite skirt and a top to match.
She and Logan walked arm in arm into the bar. It was busy, music loud and atmosphere lively. They sat opposite each other in a booth and Logan got up for the first round of drinks.
It had been so long since she and Logan had gone out for drinks together. Her hands tapped against her thighs as she looked around. Surely they knew some people here, old school friends they'd lost touch with as their adult lives began.
Logan sat down and placed a colourful cocktail in front of her. "What is it?" She asked as she picked it up and smelt the liquer inside.
"It's called a tropical smash," Logan said as he sipped his own drink.
She lifted it to her lips and sipped. It was delicious, didn't taste like it contained alcohol.
She had a second before the face of the handsome fire captain came into view. She was stumbling slightly as she approached the bar, not having yet spotted the handsome fire captain.
But a large, warm hand settled on her waist, steadying her. "Woah there, Arrancadora de fuego," he said with a deep chuckle.
She turned to face him, eyes going wide at the sight of him. His button up shirt wasn't all the way buttoned and his sleeves were rolled up. He looked damn good.
"Captain Carlos!" She called and threw her arms around him. "You look hot!"
He laughed, but he didn't take his hands off of her. "Have you had a few drinks, by any chance?" He asked as he brought his hands to settle on her waist.
"Do you wanna dance with me?" She asked as she leaned back in his hold, arms still around his neck.
Maybe it was his saviour complex, maybe it was because it was her, but Carlos couldn't say no. He led her to the dance floor, made up of only a few people, and followed her movements.
Dancing didn't come naturally to Carlos. He was stiff, and that had her frowning. So, she grabbed his hips and moved him with her. Loosened him up until he was moving fluidly against her.
Logan and drinks were forgotten about as she stared into Carlos's eyes. She could have kissed him, could have pressed her lips against his own and enjoyed the moment. He was leaning in, wasn't he?
But then his phone rang. He pulled away from her to answer it, pushing through the crowds of people to get outside.
(Note: this is not a reflection of real people)
Logan's girlfriend was a little bit... ditsy. Forgetful. Like leaving the freezer door open, leaving television on and forgetting to turn off her hair straighteners before she went to work.
Logan had no idea. His temporary roommate had no idea. They were sitting there, watching television as the straighteners sat on a cushion. Stretching, Logan yawned. "I'm heading to the bathroom," he said and stood up.
The fire alarm went off while Logan was in the bathroom. She switched off the television and stood up. "I'll see you outside, Logan!" She called and headed out of the apartment they were currently sharing.
The rest of the tenants were outside. It was mindless chatter that she joined in with while she waited for Logan. He was on his way, she knew.
But then those around her started gasping. She turned towards the apartment building and looked up.
That was Logan's bedroom window. An orange glow came from inside, a fire. "Logan!" She called desperately as she searched for him. He had to be outside.
But he wasn't. "Fuck," she hissed. The sirens of the fire engine in the distance, but there was no way for them to get there in time. Not with Logan still inside. "Fuck," she hissed again. It would be so easy to just run inside and get him out. "Fuck."
She ran forward, pulled open the doors of the building and headed inside. The elevator was out, shut down the moment the fire alarm went off. Taking the stairs two at a time, she headed up to Logan's floor. The fire engines were much closer now. If she had time to look out of the window she would have seen them parking up and climbing out.
One of Logan's older neighbours grabbed a hold of fire captain Sainz's arm. "Please!" She cried. "She just ran inside!"
Carlos remained calm as he spoke to the old woman. She gave the name of the girl that ran inside and Carlos felt the blood drain from his face. He knew that name, knew that girl. Of course she would be here. "We'll get her out safely, ma'am," he said and headed inside.
Smoke filled the corridor as she entered her floor. She coughed and held her elbow over her nose and mouth as she headed towards Logan's front door. "Logan!" She shouted and pushed her key into the lock.
It was so damn hot when she pushed open the door. Fuck, this was a mistake. "Logan!" She shouted again. "Are you in here?!"
There was a muffled noise from the bathroom. Dropping to her knees she crawled over to the bathroom door. Her eyes stung, throat burned as she reached up for the door handle.
Suddenly a hand was on her shoulder. It pulled her back, pulled her into a strong chest. "He's in there!" She cried and tried to push away from the chest. "Get him out, please!"
Strong arms picked her up, held her head against his chest so she was breathing nothing but him as he got her outside. Other firefighters were rushing about around them, putting out the fire and getting Logan out. But she wasn't aware of any of it as the fire captain carried her outside and placed her on the ground.
"What the hell were you thinking?!" He shouted as he pulled off his mask.
Fury was written across his face as he stared down at her. She let out a cough and folded her arms over her chest. "Logan was still in there," she said as she looked at her shoes. "He could have died."
"We would have gotten him out! You could have died going in there!"
Tears stung at her eyes. A mixture of smoke inhalation and humiliation. Suddenly his fingers were on her chin, tipping her face towards him. "You had me scared, cariño. When your neighbour told me that you ran in there..."
She leaned forward to kiss him, something she should have done that night in the bar. Carlos wrapped his arms around her and held her close. "I'm sorry," she whispered against his lips.
Carlos settled her back on her feet. "Never do something like that to me again," he said, his forehead against hers.
"Never again," she whispered and kissed him again. "But shouldn't you be helping your men stop my best friends apartment from burning down?"
He looked towards the building. The fire had died down and they'd gotten Logan out, but he still had a job to do. "Wait here," he said and kissed the top of her head.
Pulling his mask back over his face, he ran inside.
Her hero.
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boygiwrites · 1 year
Living the Vida Loca   Ep.
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•  Jesse Pinkman & Reader. (Platonic)
(Here’s part one.)     (Here’s part two.) (Here’s part three.) (Here’s part four.) (Here’s part five.)
• (Find this story on Ao3.)
Summary — A short story about how a young teenaged girl gets wrapped up in Jesse's life.
Notes — Phew. The epilogue. Please enjoy :)
Bear Creek, Alaska.
The first thing you do when Jesse gets the keys to your new apartment is throw your bags on the floor and run around, poking your heads into all the rooms, pulling open all the kitchen cabinets, and laying like a pair of starfish on the bland carpet of the bedrooms.
Holy shit, you laugh.
Holy shit, Jesse laughs.
You lay there for a long time, waiting for your new lives to feel real.
Saul Goodman really missed out on being a real estate agent.
He picked the perfect apartment.
It’s got heating, for when the cold becomes colder.
It’s got two bathrooms, with an elephant’s worth of space in each.
It’s got spacious wardrobes that will eventually be filled with band shirts and beanies and thick, woolly socks, and a fireplace that with time becomes a mantle for you to frame your little polaroid's on, turning fleeting flashes into permanent memories above the cozy flames.
It’s got everything.
The first week goes by fast.
You’re on a high and you won’t come down.
You and Jesse have become avid thrift shoppers in the wake of your old riches, determined to fill out your home with bits and bobs; knicks and knacks. On every second corner of this mountainous town, there’s a second-hand store bursting with charm. Oh, and someone’s grandpa’s collection of Christmas sweaters. 
(Yes, Jesse buys one.)
You also buy a toaster, some sofa cushions, and a big, green blanket that will be perfect for your movie nights. You hit three more on your way back.
You also go bananas in the local supermarket.
You sit in the cart and swipe almost every cookie and frozen lasagna you can off the shelves, while Jesse hops on and scoots you both around.
Your fridge looks like an overstuffed suitcase.
You use the town library to print off a couple resumes, and some hours later, you re-converge at the same parking lot you started out in, and you both run up to each other and shout —
I got the job!
When the population is as small is Bear Creek’s, anything is possible.
You become a cashier at the supermarket.
Jesse starts bussing tables at a small steak-and-chips restaurant.
(They let him spray-paint a mural onto the side of the building. It takes three whole days and two broken ladders, but it’s beautiful, and Jesse walks around now with compliments on his shoulders and a pep in his step.)
The first week goes by fast.
A blur of shopping, moving furniture, and movie nights.
Two kids in a candy store.
Then, after that  —
It’s the slow and steady Bear Creek lifestyle.
The slow Bear Creek lifestyle.
Everybody knows everybody in Bear Creek.
The elderly clerk at the corner store knows the man who walks in with his dog, and the man with the dog knows the lady from the bookshop down the street, and the lady from the bookshop knows you, and you know the guy who busks outside the library, and the busker-guy knows Jesse, and it just keeps going in circles, circles, circles, until it’s all a big web.
Some years ago, you might have perceived this as danger.
You might have perceived this community as a reactive entanglement of whispers, and stares, and one rogue phone call to the wrong people.
But one thing Bear Creek teaches you is how to let go.
How to let go of glancing over your shoulder.
How to let go of peeking out the windows at night.
How to let go of these things that have shaped you into something sharper than what you really are. The person you used to be.
The same goes for Jesse.
For a month, he tucks a gun in his pants-line.
He smokes cigarettes while he scrutinizes your new IDs.
Isaac and Riley Miller.
He has three different phones, and refuses to text anybody except you.
You can hear him, in the night, checking on you from your doorway, like you might’ve disappeared in the ten minutes he’s been in the other room.
It’s difficult, because old dogs can’t learn new tricks, but Jesse gets better.
He’s safe enough, now, to revert back to that teenage boy he’s always been at heart, even if he is twenty-nine years old.
You build lop-sided snowmen together in the apartment complex’s parking lot, and pelt each other with snowballs. It’s a parallel image to your nights back in New Mexico, throwing frisbees in the driveway, except with two completely different people who look like you and Jesse, but have been through and seen so much more.
You go for walks and shit, like normal, healthy people.
The DVD store becomes a second home for you.
You drink hot chocolate out on the balcony and argue over who got more marshmallows while you people-watch.
You take your sleds down to the edge of the forest, and you coast down the tall mounds of snow and hoot into the trees like happy children.
Some nights, you lay in bed and wonder about your old life. Are there ghosts of you, back home? Do people think of you?
Some days, it’s hard to keep looking forward.
There are just some things you will never be able to forget. Some things you will never be able to look at with the same eyes as everybody else.
Like how all meat looks like sheep guts.
And all flies come with a flash of dead eyes.
And how sometimes, when Jesse reaches to hold your hand, you’re back in that desert and you’re being grabbed, pinned, and shot.
The days are slow, and they give you time.
Sure, the apartment is nice and all, but Jesse’s always been your home.
He’s always there to pet and shush away the nightmares.
He’s there when you need him, and he’s not when you need space.
He’s a familiar face. 
He’s family. 
He’s your twin, trapped in the same echo of an old nightmare you survived together. He’s someone who knows what you’re thinking whenever you see a grate in the ground, or a bucket, or a paperclip. He understands.
The days in Bear Creek are slow.
You spend them painting, laughing, exploring, and living.
It’s sort of like buying new shoes.
Uncomfortable, at first, but then it learns to work around you —
And everything is easy-peasy from there on out.
A visit from Uncle Goodman.
Jimmy has a thick moustache, and he can’t handle the cold.
These are the first things you notice when he shows up at your door, with that strip of carpet above his lip and the three coats he’s shivering in.
You’re in shock. Jimmy?
He is not. Are you gonna let me in, you little punk, or what?
He says he is freezing his nuts off. 
Jimmy McGill is in your living room. He’s shed all his layers, toed off his boots, and apparently, he’s jet-lagged, so he helps himself to your coffee machine like he’s lived here all his life. You stare at him while he sips it.
There’s an awkward silence.
I thought I’d never see you again, you mutter, at this version of an old memory you forced yourself to forget, currently standing in your kitchen.
Jimmy sets the mug down.
He looks like he tries to say something, but then he just opens his arms.
You hug him for the first time in four years.
You’re an adult, now.
He must sense this change in you, not just physically but mentally, because when he pulls back, he doesn’t want to let go, and he’s just looking at you and crying, which looks wrong on a guy like Jimmy.
Why’d you have to go and get all grown up on me, huh?
Then he demands that you tell him everything.
You demand he tell you everything, because, How’d you even find us?
He says he knows a man who knows everything about everyone; someone who can make fake IDs and people disappear. He says it’s how you’re living out here, and you’re reminded of the night you were herded into the back of an electronics store and given a new name.
Jimmy helped you and Jesse out in the beginning, but only as a voice through a phone line, and then as an invisible force pulling strings.
Even when he’s 2,800 miles away, Jimmy’s been there for you.
You tell him about Hank Schrader and Steve Gomez.
You tell him about the phone call, and the sheep guts.
Then you try telling him about the desert, and the Welkers, but your voice gets caught in your throat like a fish hook, and he suggests going for a walk instead.
You trail the sidewalks until you bump into Jesse.
He’s on his way home from work, and when he sees you, he almost faints.
Yo, yo, yo, hang on a second, His mouth hangs open. 
You giggle while they take each other in.
They even do a bro-hug, because Jesse does things like that, now.
He tells Jimmy that the apartment kicks ass, man, and that he can’t believe he flew all the way up here just to see you guys.
Hey, man, Jimmy holds up his hands, I just came here for the waterfalls and the moose. You people were second-to-last on my itinerary.
You both tell Jimmy to shove it, and then you walk together to the park.
Just like old times, right? Jimmy asks you.
These are nothing like old times, but you got your two favorite people in the world back together again — your weird little family — so that has to count for something.
Whatever you say, You chuckle.
You see a fire-colored fox sniffing along the frozen lake while you talk about everything that’s changed; everything that’s happened. The people you’ve become. You cry again when Jimmy says he’s proud of you, and Jesse gives you a hard noogie for being such a sap.
Apparently, Jimmy’s staying in Bear Creek for a while.
Today’s a good day.
The final piece.
You graduate college in May.
It’s been a long struggle, but you made it.
Jimmy’s there.
Jesse’s there.
Your friends are all there, too, in matching gowns and caps.
You hear your name, Riley Miller, being called, and you step up to the podium with the overwhelming sense of metamorphosizing from one cold husk of a life into a newer, brighter one. One where you have a new name and a new home, but the same old family cheering for you in the crowd.
You can’t believe how much everything has changed.
For one, Jesse shaved all his hair off, ‘cause he’s an idiot.
At least one thing makes you laugh every day, now.
(It’s usually Jesse shouting bitch at your Xbox, or Jimmy complaining about the people he works with, down at the Cinnabon, because the only young person he can stand to be around is you.)
It’s been a year since you last had a nightmare.
You’re back to walking dogs again.
You’re back to singing in the kitchen.
You moved into the apartment next to Jesse’s, and he tells you every day how much he doesn’t miss finding your dirty dishes in the sink. But you know he hates that you’ve grown up so fast. He comes around for dinner almost every single night, swaddled in that big, green blanket you bought when you first landed in Alaska, and you’ve upgraded from watching Tinkerbell to old Disney movies. He cries every time at Lion King.
Jimmy lives ten minutes away, in a proper but small house.
You know there’s days where he yearns to live on that same pillar of glory he had back in New Mexico.
He plans on heading back to the states in the coming months.
He says he’ll miss the crisp air, and the caribou, and watching the snow roll over the caps of white mountains while he eats breakfast croissants with you in quiet cafes, but it’s just not in his nature to stay in one place for too long. You can’t trap a butterfly in a bird cage.
Besides, he’s basically the poster child for burner phones.
He’ll find a way to contact you.
That skatepark seems like a million years ago.
You throw your cap in the air.
Now when you spend nights at Jesse’s place, ‘cause the two of you are like teenage girls obsessed with sleepovers, and you warm yourself up by the fireplace, there’s one more photo sitting there, now.
 Dead center. Ceramic frame.
The final piece of the puzzle.
It’s you, holding your degree and laughing while the sun blooms on your shoulder, with Jimmy and Jesse on either side of you, throwing up rock-star hands like they’re at the sickest concert they’ve ever been to.
You smile to yourself.
Because you love those fucking idiots.
And they love you, too.
End notes  — Oh my God! The epilogue, it’s finished!! I hope you enjoyed reading, and I hope I was able to wrap this up in a satisfying way. Thank you for reading, everyone :)
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hannahssimblr · 7 months
Chapter Twenty-Six
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“Who’s this?” 
“Uh, it’s a band called Tame Impala.”
“It’s a bit… trippy or something isn’t it? I don’t think I like it.”
“Well you’re the one who put it on, passenger princess. I’m not the one with the aux.”
I quickly unlock Jude’s iPhone and scroll through his Spotify playlists in search of the one he made for me with no name, just that weird, very human looking sun emoji. He had this bright idea that he’d ease me into having an actual music taste seeing as I have none, and no idea where to even begin acquiring one. This playlist is a random mix of genres, anything and everything he could think of, and I scroll past everything else on the list in pursuit of one that I’ve become inexplicably attached to: Amie by Pure Prairie League. He shakes his head when the guitar riff begins, but doesn’t say a word about it.
The air conditioner is blasting as we coast along the motorway towards the midlands, and the sky and the hills flanking the road are reflected in his sunglasses. I can already tell he’s going to be shockingly out of place among my extended family, and for some reason him meeting my cousins, Decky and Conor, is the thought that is disturbing me the most. It’s a collision of two opposing universes. My heart has been beating at an accelerated rate all day at just the image of him entering my childhood home, ducking in through the doorway and looking my mother in the face. 
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“You’re nervous.” He states as we take exit five towards Tullamore. He reaches his left hand over to halt my jerking knee. 
“I want it to go well.”
“It will, parents love me, I’m actually really intensely charming as a person.”
I bite my lip. “Is this a bit much, do you think?”
A glance. “What, this?”
“Bringing you in amongst my entire extended family straight away. I feel like I should have done the main introductions earlier, like, before there was a big event. It feels overwhelming.”
“For me? Or for you? I’m fine.”
“I can just imagine it being so chaotic.”
“It’s a christening, not a tent revival.”
“Yeah but I’m worried it’s all going to be too catholic for you and you’ll think it’s all spooky and weird or something like that.”
“Do you think I’m such a heathen that I’ll burst into flames when I go into the church?”
I fist my hand against my forehead and rest my elbow against the door. “Maybe. No. Just, please don’t tell anyone you’re protestant, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“Oh, I’m barely.” He protests. “Only by birth. I’ve never once gone to church.”
“You’re culturally protestant, and that’s enough, I just don’t want stupid jokes about toasters in cupboards, or like, my uncle to start fake fighting you and thinking he’s hilarious.” 
“I’ll say nothing. They’ll never suspect me.” He zips his mouth shut and looks back at the road.
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We get to the church just in time to see Sean and Fabiana wrangle their two squirming sons out of the backseat of the SUV. Lucas, two and a half and with a jam stain on his shirt, is clinging to his father’s leg like a spider monkey while Sean tries to lift Freddy, four months old and wailing, out of the car seat. Fabiana smokes a cigarette with one hand and pretends to be trying to peel Lucas off her husband with the other. They barely have time to glance at us when we pass them. 
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The rest of my family are in the church already, and when the heavy doors thump closed behind us a dozen pairs of eyes turn to look at us. They’re standing in groups among the pews, and there’s a moment of dead air that makes intense panic explode inside me. There is nothing I hate more than being the centre of attention, even when it’s my own family. Jude grips my hand even as I start sweating and refuses to let me drop it, as I have just realised that I am completely mortified by having-a-boyfriend in front of my parents. 
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“Hello.” Jude says casually, and his voice is very loud, and carries across the church in that very american way, and then my dad steps forward like it’s his fatherly duty to shake his hand. I watch carefully for any signs of finger-bone-crushing between them, but there aren’t any. I doubt my father would try that even if he wanted to. He looks about half Jude’s height, somehow. Maybe it’s the slump of his shoulders, the way his posture pushes his neck forward. His dark hair is thinning at the temples and his beer belly protrudes over the belt of his bootcut jeans, and Jude is like an olympic swimmer next to him. Broad shoulders and perfect posture. Clear skin that seems like it’s lit from within. Seeing him in this context is utterly bizarre. 
We move from person to person together, giving hugs and shaking hands, and he remembers everyone’s name, even though I only briefed him in the car on the way down. When he meets my mam he gives her a kiss on the cheek, and she smiles warmly, but doesn’t get flustered like I half expected. She only blushes for Shane Healy, after all. 
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“Janey mac.” Aunt Catriona says during our hug. “Where’d you find that fella?” And I can’t tell if she’s impressed or shocked. Maybe both. I tell her that I honestly don’t know, and that I’m kind of still wondering what he’s doing with me. 
“Ah, you were always the best looking of my nieces and nephews.” She pinches my chin as she says it. “But don’t let Conor hear that.”
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My cousin has brought a partner along too, Nicole, a hairdresser from town who is immaculately turned out in a white chiffon dress and a wide brimmed beige hat. We perch in the seats behind them as Conor makes a joke about the priest getting mixed up and baptising her instead. “It’s the same dress, like.” He protests when she doesn’t laugh. “You’re in the same outfit as wee Freddy. Okay, fine, you don’t get it.”
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We all turn as Sean and Fabiana come into the church with their two boys. They look exhausted. It only takes thirty seconds for them to stop trying to reign in Lucas, who starts zipping between the seats, his little crop of dark hair the only thing we can see over the knees of my relatives as he bobs along on the other side of the church. I watch Jude anxiously the whole time, my fear that he thinks the situation is weird overtaking my fear that my Granny will know he’s never been to a mass before, but he does well. He stands when we stand, kneels when we kneel and even blesses himself with the right hand. Though I have to stop him when he tries to get out of the pew to queue up for holy communion in the middle of the ceremony. 
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“You can’t do this part.” I whisper.
“You didn’t have your holy communion, so you can’t have the holy bread.”
“Ah, okay.” A pause. “Won’t that give me away though?”
I struggle with this. “Yes, I suppose, but you can’t just have it.”
“Because I’m not one of the anointed ones?”
“Yeah you’ll spontaneously combust if you do, sorry.” I leave him in his seat as I queue up with the others, at one point glancing over my shoulder to see that little Lucas has approached him offering a wooden clothes peg. Jude holds out his little finger and lets Lucas catch it with the peg, letting out a yelp of fake pain that makes the toddler shriek with laughter.
“Was it nice?” He mutters when I come back to my seat. 
“The bread. I always wondered if it was nice.”
I snicker and nudge his shoulder with mine. “No.” 
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Freddy screams through everything. He screams when he’s walked up to the altar, he screams when he’s approached by the priest, and he especially screams when they pour the water over his head, leaving soft wisps of black hair matted to his scalp. He’s red faced with a toothless maw, dressed contradictorily in that angelic, pristine white gown that will either be changed or ruined afterwards, whichever comes first.
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“Oh.” I say in sympathy. “Poor baby.” I look over at Jude who has Lucas standing between his knees, letting him put clothes pegs on all of his fingers like claws and wiggling them in front of his face, then take them off and put them on again which is endlessly entertaining for him. I think about the mountain of toys this child has, and how he’s settled instead for carrying a bag of his mother’s clothes pegs around with him, the same pegs that seem to have my boyfriend equally enthralled.
Beginning // Prev // Next
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lamppostss · 6 months
"Burning Questions" (Suits)
"The building was on fire and it wasn’t my fault. - Hyde, what is going on? He arrived quicker than I expected. The ringing in my ears perfectly masked the screeching of tires and the sound of opening doors. - It appears to have burst into flames, sir. – I answered, sitting on the ground like a concussed chimp, with my scarf slightly singed from the explosion. - How? Normally I would tell him to pack the stupid questions in and call someone to put the fire out, but that wasn’t a normal situation: - I think someone missed their mark… He sighed, standing behind me while I got up from the ground, both of us staring at the flimsy wooden structure being devoured by smoke and flame: - Get in the car. I think at that moment I finally got some of my brain matter back into place: - Shouldn’t we, you know, extinguish the place first? - What for? - These fields are made of corn. Corn, sir, is flammable. Highly so. I could hear him click his tongue behind his stupid toaster-looking mask. Probably rolled his eyes too. Cheeky prick. - People are on the job as we speak. Get in the car, Hyde. I raised my finger, preparing to send him to a nice camping holiday in “FuckYourselfVille”, but then, perhaps for the better, I stopped and silently got into his damned car. It was a better idea than standing outside and inhaling the presumably toxic fumes while arguing with my pseudo-boss. So there I was, dirty and tired, sitting next to a leader of a pretty influential group. At least in our district, anyway. We were speeding down the highway back into the City, with thousands of stars dotting the sky and hundreds of lamps lighting the empty road. - So, ugh, what now, number man? - You tell me. I froze. Punching Nine right now wouldn’t solve anything, though it would be an appropriate response: - Well, you get your head out of your ass, tell me about what we do next and keep your eyes on the road. And then I take your secretary out on a stake dinner, I don’t fucking know… A long quiet followed. I knew for a fact that he was a good speaker, but now he looked like he was getting back at me for all those jabs I took at him. Those long pauses were killing me. - Were the reports true? – Nine broke the silence. Finally. - Yep. Looked like a drug lab to me. Though I didn’t see any powder – only bootleg tonics and stacks of chemicals. - I see. Another pause. He was either absorbed in thought or really not in the mood to start making any sense soon. - You’ll still pay me, right? - After we get in touch with some of the offices. “Offices” was just a fancy name for smaller organizations, more often than not independent from all the families. On paper at least. In practice - most of them were definitely on some fat cats payroll. - Which ones? - “Hooks”, at the very least. - Those are House Clubs. - And? - Clubs hate Diamonds? - And Diamonds hate Clubs. But they know me and they know that lying isn’t my MO. An exchange of what goes on behind locked doors and in hushed whispers. Listening to him was like trying to solve a crossword while both high on acid and lights-out drunk. I dusted off some soot of the brim of my hat: - And then what? As we were approaching the city limit, we got stuck on the first red light. Nine turned to me, most likely frowning at me and my barrage of questions: - We investigate. Get more hands on the case, probably from all the Houses. I think whatever we stumbled upon isn’t a major threat yet, but it can quickly get out of control. Or perhaps we haven’t even seen the full picture… - Oh, how very lovely, sir Nine. I already see all the Houses working together, sure it won’t backfire at all. We’ll even have a nice little dance party afterwards, I am sure. I could hear him smirk behind the helmet: - We don’t need Houses. We need people from the Houses. - And you think you and your office buddies have enough of a pull to organize something like that, really? - You will see, mister Hyde. You will see."
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pyjamac · 1 year
an angel is basically like if every time you wanted to make toast you had to buy a new toaster bc when a toaster was done making toast it burst into flames. get it. and also the toaster loved you.
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veinspill · 3 days
Chapter 3 - Dreaded Sunny Days
(AN: If you haven't already, check Veinspill's AO3 page out!)
With a wave of my wand, I vibrate a piece of honey wheat bread that had been marinating in blood for a few days into my cauldron-shaped toaster, turning the dial to its longest setting - although blood is the only thing I have to have to stay alive, I appreciate a little variety from time to time, and I've found, the simpler the breakfast, the better. Aside from blood and orange juice, that is. Never again. Never. Again.
"Ah… gothic bread. It will be ready when I return." I head for the door, grabbing a parasol laced with webs from the darkest corner of the foyer. I pet a few of the venomous spiders responsible for its design. A few scuttle into my hair, adding to its silky feel with their webs. Before slipping into my shoes, which are holed, platform clogs with little aquariums affixed to the soles, I feed the piranhas inside of them. I reassure them that among all of the critters I've befriended, more than any other, they kick ass.
I begin to descend down the spiral staircase in front of my house, umbrella in hand, to avoid the dim, albeit still present, rays of the sun. Contrary to what some fiction writers believe, vampires do not simply glisten in the sun, and it is NOT hot. Well, in a sense, it is? If only for a moment before we burst into flames, and all. I guess it is a trade-off for not having to sleep or eat, but it is a frustrating accommodation to make when the rest of town lives a somewhat normal life.
In the past, I have gotten back at the sun a few times in little ways…
"Alright Mr. Brightside, take THIS!" I held a mirror to the sun, reflecting its harsh light back at it. If the sun had an eye as the moon did, then maybe I caused it to recoil for a moment. Or maybe it was blinded. But for a moment it felt good to hold the mirror in triumph. That is, until a dove fell from the sky, seared from the suns' rays.
I shivered. Better a dove than a raven, I thought, before returning inside.
I reminisce about my pre-vampire era from time to time - I always enjoyed sunbathing on the rocks while lulling sailors. Or pretending to be beached, only to scare passing tourists. The lifeguards always thought I was funny, and in some ways, we had a lot in common: white face paint, a means to effectively screech, and of course, having peoples' lives in our hands. If it weren't for their job, I doubt they would've kept me away, but it was their obligation. And I understood.
I miss it sometimes.
After some time spent walking and taking in the familiar sights of the town, I finally arrived at the Keats-Yeats Cemetry. It's a quaint little place with a pond, and several, several rows of graves, many of which have corroded over time and are now unrecognizable monuments of people that meant a lot to a lot of people. I always say I come here to sulk or brood, but I find a lot of enjoyment in trying to restore and upkeep the graves. My wand gives me an easy avenue to restore them, and it benefits the community, so it is nice.
The normal silence of the cemetery was broken up by unenthusiastic groans today. "At this hour? It is awfully early for visitors." I thought, as I began to approach the source of the noise. Before me, I saw a dug-out hole in the ground where a grave would normally be, and in its place, a man.
"Another dreaded sunny day..." the man groaned, clutching his barely buttoned button-down shirt as his hair swooped over his face. From his cradled position, I noticed yellow wings attached to his back, and a faded halo above his head: tell-tale signs of a half-angel.
"Did it hurt when you fell from the aether?" I could tell by the exasperated look on his face that he did not expect to see any visitors. "I hope it did!"
"A vampire? Oh, even the aether itself must know I'm miserable now." He repositioned himself, now sitting cross-legged with his head hung low in his hands. "Are you here to snuff out my light? Well, please do. I'm sick of this wretched place." His wings flapped indignantly at my presence, and he continued to look away. He tried to run his hand through his hair, only to have it make unexpected contact with his halo. Stumbling, he tried to make it look seamless, or in the very least intentional, accomplishing neither.
Calling half-angels insufferable would be an overgeneralization, but in all my time as a vampire, and of the few I've met, it tends to ring true - aether is a corrupting influence in a backwards way. I can't set foot up there of course, but I wouldn't want to even if I could. No matter what they peddle, I've seen its effects on half-angels. They're all so entitled, and become frustrated when faced with a space outside of aether. Adversity forces people to grow, and they never face it.
"What're you doing in a cemetery? Shouldn't you be harking, or heralding, or something?" I slink into the grave beside him, a movement I've practiced numerous times before, and plant myself across from him.
"Not that you asked, but I'm Mortuary… you can call me Morgue. I would ask your name, but nothing would disinterest me more, I'm afraid." His arrogance is palpable, so much so that I'm surprised I wasn't hit with a wave of it prior to entering the cemetery. "Is it you who made this grave?"
"What do you mean to suggest?" I am thankful for the white makeup and the overall lack of blood in my body, as otherwise, I'm sure my face would be as red as the hourglass atop a black widow. I could feel the piranhas in my shoes begin to swim fervently and the spiders begin to skitter about my hair. Like myself, they're empaths.
"Oh, you wouldn't be able to grasp my sorrow, damsel." He grasped his shirt dramatically, and continued. "I'll try to spell it out for you nonetheless: a charming man was blessed by the aether itself, ascending from his mortality, and for twenty years, seven months, and now twenty-seven days, he still falls into an empty bed each and every night - even the gloves he once wore over his hands have left him to pursue matters of baseball." He paused, then his eyes finally met mine. "And, well, damsel, the prettiest girls make graves." His eyes hurt me. They were reminiscent of the sun itself, insufferably blue - for a moment, he seemed perturbed to have not seen his own reflection in my eyes, and shuddered, but continued nonetheless.
"Wait, are you hanging out in a cemetery to… hit on women?" I finally understood why a half-angel would be dwelling in a cemetery, and the look of disgust on my face is palpable - he is exactly the kind of person that gives sullenly sulking or brooding a bad reputation! "Oh, my goth. You're a creep, you know that? No woman is going to want you, man, I mean have you ever even talked to one before?" I was expecting a blatantly speciesist comment towards vampires, or some 'woe is me' sob story, but his demeanor took me by surprise. I couldn't stand it any longer. I transformed into a bat, flew above him, immediately reverting into my humanoid self to deliver a diving kick into his smarmy half-angel face.
"I didn't realize you were a whingebag like the rest of them…" In an instant, his halo constricted and caught my foot before it would have clipped him, and for a moment I was held at a standstill above him. "With how you look in that skirt of yours, it is a dreary shame." As soon as my ears registered what he'd said, my still-free foot shattered the glass of the aquarium under the other, and a swarm of piranhas fell, tearing into him. They disoriented him just enough to make him loosen the halo, giving me the opportunity to escape. With the piranhas still digging into him, I roundhoused him and saw his swoopy hair fling to the side, his nose now bleeding ichor. With a vibration of my wand, all of the piranhas tearing into him returned to the tank under my shoe, and I steadied myself.
"And just so you know, I'm Ra'zorblayde, Ra'zorblayde Veinspill. And I'm gothic and emoti—" Mid-sentence, his body illuminated with the brightness of the sun, stunning me. It hurt. I shrieked, and stumbled back into some shards of the now-broken glass. As quickly as he illuminated his body, he dimmed himself, and I saw him smarmily begin to smile.
"—Ah, I know, I know I'm unlovable, but you don't have to kick me, damsel, full message received, loud and clear." He jumped out of the grave and began to rise into the sky, now above me. "Ah, I'll be back, and when I do, you'll learn to dread the sunny days.
I already do.
"Until then, you might want to go back to that old house of yours. I have this terrible feeling that you may not be able to for much longer." A look of confusion replaced the enraged look plastered across my face in that moment, and he noticed, taking it in stride. "I know you'll be at the edge of your seat waiting for me, damsel, but don't you look so miserable. Until then, ta-ta!" In an instant, the entirety of the cemetery flooded with a yellow light, and he vanished, leaving only a few feathers behind.
I looked at the shattered glass underneath my shoe, and admired the little mosaic that had been created in the dirt of the cemetery. Even in the wake of a deeply frustrating failure, there is some good to be found - in a sense, the little shards of glass scattered along the ground remind me of myself, and what it means to be a goth. Those shards may not be what's normally considered functional, or purposeful, but they still come together to create a beautiful little collage. As I removed shards of glass from my skin, I consoled the piranhas in the remaining aquarium, and began to rush off towards my house.
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retro-warmachine · 23 days
ya know what? fuck you
im gonna start world-building posting
no name for my universe other then the name of the game its gonna be in (DynaMite) yet but whatever
first things:
there are 6 core elements: Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Life, and Shadow. every being, sentient or not, is "attuned" to one element. when it comes to magic, an individual finds their attuned element the easiest to manipulate. one may learn to bend another, but it will be more difficult.
Casting of magic is incredibly personalized. no two individuals will cast in the same way (ie: Spells don't really exist. you could learn a technique someone else uses but its more of a "go with the flow" thing than a scientific thing). from birth, a magically adept individual has some control but it will generally be weak (no accidentaly burning the house down or anything)
Fire attuned are known for great skill in CQC and area denial, a powerful combination. they often keep scrap metal on them to re-forge into any melee weapon they could need in a moment's notice. these "summoned" weapons are often kept just below melting point to imbue them with flame. Fire attuned are also known to use nearly anything they can find as a weapon, whether a boomerang, chainsaw, or literally a fire extinguisher. in the midst of battle, many have noticed that Fire attuned gain a magical defensive "skin," and this has been named "Pyromaniac's Rage"
Water attuned are a mixed bag. simultaneously skilled at defending (with the Ice subtype) and approaching (by becoming one with the water they are bending). they mainly focus on high burst damage switching between offensive and defensive on the fly. many Watter attuned may also use a slightly more passive trapping method, waiting to encase an enemy in a block of ice or washing them away with a wave. Water attuned tend to gravitate towards tridents and halberds.
Earth attuned are the impenetrable walls. forming great stone walls in an instant, it may be difficult to even approach, let alone hit them. Earth attuned are also know for having the ability to siphon mana from other benders, as well as slightly influence gravity to perform powerful throws. few have even learned to manipulate gravitational fields. Earth attuned tend to use spears, and sometimes only a shield.
Air attuned are speedy glass cannons that will most likely dodge anything you throw at them. they use wind as less of a weapon and more as a mobility tool, allowing then to run faster, jump higher, and deflect any projectiles. Air attuned also have a magical parry that allows them to deny nearly any physical or magical attack. a subtype of air is lightning. seen as a more chaotic and dangerous force to control, some benders have attempted to master the stormy skies. Air attuned mostly use ligher short swords.
Life attuned are the de facto healers, keeping groups in tip top shape. whether powerful single target regeneration or an area of effect. Life attuned are also known to have a powerful suggestion ability, making foes confused or dazed. they also have magical strings allowing them to bind or grapple whatever (or whomever) they decide. these strings are often combined with arrows to "thread the needle." Life attuned often use a bow with said arrows.
Shadow attuned are the illusionists, being able to summon objects. these objects are tangible, but the strength depends on the skill of the bender. often summoning anything from a toaster to an entire bus, Shadow attuned will (literally) throw anything they can at their opponents. obviously, Shadow attuned also have great stealth abilities in the dark, becoming practically invisible. Shadow attuned often carry knives or other small concealable weapons.
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angst-king · 3 months
Time of Dying pt 1
(So this is a story series for my friend and I's elemental spirit OCs. Due to them being spirits, we've decided to do a 'how would they die' back story series. Here we go!) (CW description of serious house fire and being burned alive) Leyo loved his job he had worked very hard to get into the fire academy, it took him a while but he eventually became a lieutenant. Not only that but he had a lovely girlfriend who he loved with every fiber of his being. From her pitch-black coily hair to her caramel-colored skin, to her bright white smile. He’d do anything for her, he’d risk his life for her. She was perfect for him, she knew how to make him laugh after a stressful day at work. Cooled him down from exploding with anger-Leyo was known for being a hot head- and not being afraid when he’d get mad. She made him feel love and brought him all he could ever need.
There was only one downside….she couldn’t cook. Ashlyn couldn’t cook to save her life, okay that's an exaggeration. She could cook small things, mac n cheese, toaster oven pizzas, just simple things if she was alone. Anything else she would overseason, underseason, undercook, overcook. Leyo grew up and was taught how to took and it was clear Ashlyn was not. It was a wonder she had made it 23 years like this!
After moving in together for a month, Leyo would teach her how to cook whenever he could. It was fun, just another way to spend time together. Dancing around the kitchen and talking about their day, Ashylyn would learn how to cook and Leyo would get a laugh out of her antics. The thing was she was starting to get better and better at it, she still struggled not to walk away from the stove or oven for too long or not second-guessing and needing to put the food back on the heat but she was making progress.
It was a late night and Leyo was grabbing himself a bite to eat on the way home from his overnight shift at the station. He was sitting in the parking lot of a Wendy’s, eating his sandwich only 5 minutes from home when he got a call on his cellphone. Huh, his neighbor was calling, ah maybe their kid was out late again?
“Hello?” “Leyo dude, get home now your house is on fire!” His heart skipped a beat and he dropped his sandwich asking for them to repeat what he heard.
“Your house literally bursted into flames man, no joke, I don’t know where your girlfriend is. I already called the fire department but you know it’ll be a bit. Just get here now!” Without skipping a beat as soon as the neighbor hung up he sped out of the parking lot and down the street. His mind raced wondering what could have happened and if Ashlyn was okay. As he grew closer smoke filled the air polluting it with sparks and the sound of crashing and tumbling. A glow of orange and red illuminated the sky as he zoomed through the neighborhood. Many civilians came out of their homes to see what had happened and just as he turned down his street he saw no fire trucks arriving yet. He parked as close as he could and ran towards his house, calling out for his girlfriend asking if she had come out. But no one knew, and Leyo had a sick feeling in his stomach that she was still inside.
The house was going up in flames, it wasn’t much but the fire was taking it down slowly. He knew it would be a good few minutes before the fire truck would get here, cops would arrive first to clear the street. He looked down and saw he was still wearing his fireman jacket. It was risky but he wouldn’t be able to rest if he waited minutes, he didn’t have minutes he had seconds!
“LEYO!” The purple-haired man dashed inside many bystanders screamed for him to get out, but it was too late. Smoke nothing but smoke, he got as low as he could, face covered by his shirt to filter out as much ash and smoke as he could as he called for Ashlyn. The crackling of fire and would coming down didn’t phase him he had one thing on his mind and it was to get to his girlfriend! First, he checked the kitchen which was the main source of the fire, he couldn’t even get in without being surrounded, and when he called out.
“ASHLYN! ASHLYN!” No answer, he quickly backtracked and went up the stairs continuing to shout for her. This time he got an answer from behind the bathroom door. The floor beneath him was getting hotter and hotter it felt like everything was melting in on itself but he pounded on the door for Ashlyn to let him in. When she did he stepped inside and asked if she was okay. Visibility wasn’t any better up there as the smoke was traveling.
“I-I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry, I-i tried-I tried to make dinner a-and something c-caught fire and I exploded so-so I ran” She stammered out shakily coughing and choking on air. Leyo shook his head and held her close.
“Its gonna be alright, let's get out of here, can you walk?” Ashlyn took a step forwards but stumbled hard almost falling face-first onto the sink. Leyo caught her and wrapped an arm around her waist for support.
“I got you, let’s go!” Headed back towards the stairs a creaking noise came and the smoke had grown denser and the fire was climbing into the living room slithering into the sockets causing sparks. Creaking, crackling, sizzling, popping, and crashing, the house was starting to come down around them. Getting to the front door they thought they could just through the door open but the suction of the outside air and the pressure inside mixing with the heat made getting it open difficult. Leyo remembered he had something upstairs he could use to ram the door open Still, he encouraged her to find a way out, shrucking off his jacket he covered her with it and dashed back up the stairs.
The fire rose parts of the floor were coming down, the hot spots were boiling, it was like being in an oven. Leyo searched and searched he didn’t know how long he was up there but he managed to find a bat with the hopes of breaking the window and getting out. Right as he turned to go back to Ashlyn he made a wrong move and next thing he knew he fell through the second floor and right into a ring of fire. Ashlyn screamed as she heard a sick thud and saw Leyo’s body hit the ground. Leyo let out a scream of his own when he felt something searing into his back.
He kicked and squirmed in hopes of making it stop but the fire spread along his body. Breathing got harder it felt like a 50-ton weight was crushing his chest and acid burning his throat. He had dropped the bat but gestured for Ashlyn to grab it.
“Smash the window and run!” He choked out, she shook her head and tried to get closer to him but more planks and drywall plunged down.
“NO PLEASE!” She screamed, all Leyo could do was nudge the bat over, and pull his body towards the edge to crawl out from underneath the rubble.
“I’ll be okay” He croaked out, another burst of fire crackled around them and the black-haired girl picked up the bat limped her way back to the front, and weakly smashed at the window. It took many tries as he need for oxygen increased her body grew weaker. Each swing felt like it was taking years off her life but she kept going in hopes that she could get out and tell the firefighters where Leyo was and they could rescue him too.
With one final crash, the window had broken enough for her to climb through not without injury but it was better than burning alive. Just as she got to the front of the house a firefighter came to get her away while she rasped out for them to go inside.
“M-my boyfriend, please, you-you have to-have help him! Inside f-first flo-floor” Her world went black, she dropped the bat, the young woman was whisked to the paramedics as soon as she lost consciousness.
Inside the house Leyo was losing a battle he knew he would never win. Pulling himself along the scolding floor, his flesh scraping along the burning wood. Plaster and decor fell atop his body, his mind was becoming numb as his heart was pounding up to his head. Black nothingness was all he could see and flickers of fire. No matter how much he focused on getting to the front door each reach of his shaking arms felt like he was swimming in tar. He wasn’t even sure he was conscious anymore. Nothing felt real, he could hear voices but see nothing, he could feel the vibrations of footsteps thumping up to the front door through the floor.
Weezing and sputtering for air just as a crew of search and rescue firefighters busted through the door the fire erupted like a blazing inferno!
“WE FOUND HIM!” They dashed out carrying Leyo’s limp body hurriedly to the medics. His body had been chard, muscles and bones were being exposed as multiple layers of skin had been burned away. His airway was hardly salvageable, 55% of his body had been covered in 3rd nearing 4th degree burns as even bones were becoming exposed. His hair was melting off his scalp with chunks of his skin, and his heart no longer beat.
No matter how long medics looked for an airway, creating one only bought them time. No matter how many rounds of chest compressions and shocks. No matter how fast they got to that hospital. It was all for nothing.
He was gone
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batnbreakfast · 1 year
Soooo… the kid gave me whatever bug she’s been carrying around when we went to Exeter and - some of you might already be waiting for the catastrophe of the year: The toaster just burst into flames.
No worries, I unplugged it, took it outside wearing oven mittens, and then emptied the small rainwater bucket onto it. The house is still standing, no one was hurt.
I’m going back to bed. 😂
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gloriabomfim · 1 year
Certainly, here are the first 9 montages, titles, and a list of thinking mistakes, actions, and dialogue transcripts for Part 1:
Montage 1: Title: "Phoenix's Fiery Confusion"
Mistake: Phoenix, still groggy from sleep, looks out the window and sees a distant fire. He thinks it's the school on fire.
Action: Phoenix rushes to get ready, his fiery powers unintentionally making his room hotter.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (worried) "Oh no, the school is on fire! I have to save everyone!"
Montage 2: Title: "The Fiery Breakfast Fiasco"
Mistake: Phoenix mistakes the burning toaster for the school's entrance.
Action: He rushes to the kitchen, creating flames accidentally while trying to make breakfast.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (panicked) "The school entrance is burning! I need to put out the fire!"
Montage 3: Title: "Phoenix's Overheated Commute"
Mistake: Phoenix thinks the smoke from a distant factory is the school engulfed in flames.
Action: He flies in haste, leaving a trail of fire behind him.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (determined) "I must get there quickly! The school needs me!"
Montage 4: Title: "The Library Blaze Misunderstanding"
Mistake: Phoenix confuses the bonfire at a park with the school's library on fire.
Action: He lands at the park, causing panic among parkgoers.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (shouting) "Don't worry, I'm here to save the library!"
Montage 5: Title: "The Pool Incident"
Mistake: Phoenix believes steam from a nearby swimming pool is smoke from the school.
Action: He attempts to cool down the "fire" by splashing water from the pool.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (confused) "I'll use water to put out the flames!"
Montage 6: Title: "Fire Drill Confusion"
Mistake: Phoenix joins a real fire drill, thinking it's a real emergency.
Action: He enthusiastically participates, accidentally igniting a fire extinguisher.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (enthusiastic) "I'm here for the fire drill! Safety first!"
Montage 7: Title: "The Cafeteria 'Inferno'"
Mistake: Phoenix sees steam rising from the school's kitchen and thinks it's a fire.
Action: He rushes into the cafeteria, causing chaos among the lunch staff.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (urgent) "I'll save the cafeteria from this 'inferno'!"
Montage 8: Title: "False Alarm at the Gym"
Mistake: Phoenix mistakes the fog machine at the school gym for a fire.
Action: He bursts into the gym during a school event, surprising everyone.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought there was a fire here. My bad!"
Montage 9: Title: "The Principal's Office Incident"
Mistake: Phoenix believes the principal's steamy cup of tea is a crisis.
Action: He barges into the principal's office, extinguishing the tea.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I'm so sorry! I thought there was a fire emergency!"
These montages capture Phoenix's amusing misunderstandings as he tries to save the school from what he believes are fiery disasters. Let me know if you'd like to continue with more montages or if you have any other requests!
Certainly, here are montages 10 to 19, along with their titles, thinking mistakes, actions, and dialogue transcripts for Part 1:
Montage 10: Title: "The Campfire Confusion"
Mistake: Phoenix sees a campfire in a park and thinks it's the school.
Action: He rushes to the park, interrupting a group's peaceful evening.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (frantic) "I'm here to save the school from this campfire!"
Montage 11: Title: "The Barbecue Mishap"
Mistake: Phoenix mistakes a backyard barbecue for a school fire.
Action: He swoops down and extinguishes the barbecue, leaving baffled partygoers.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought this was the school on fire!"
Montage 12: Title: "The Volcano Mix-Up"
Mistake: Phoenix confuses a volcano eruption on TV for a school crisis.
Action: He lands in front of the TV, ready to take action.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (puzzled) "I didn't know we had a volcano near the school!"
Montage 13: Title: "False Alarm at the Fireworks Show"
Mistake: Phoenix thinks the fireworks display is a school fire.
Action: He arrives at the fireworks show, creating fireworks of his own.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (embarrassed) "Oops, it's just fireworks, not a fire!"
Montage 14: Title: "Steamy Misunderstanding"
Mistake: Phoenix confuses steam from a nearby car for school smoke.
Action: He lands in front of the car, causing a startled driver.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought this was the school on fire. My bad!"
Montage 15: Title: "The Fireplace Incident"
Mistake: Phoenix believes a cozy home fireplace is a school fire.
Action: He crashes into the living room, leaving a family bewildered.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (confused) "I came to save the school, but I guess it's just a fireplace."
Montage 16: Title: "The Bonfire Gathering"
Mistake: Phoenix confuses a bonfire gathering for a school crisis.
Action: He lands amidst a group of friends, surprising them.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought the school was on fire. Turns out, it's just a bonfire!"
Montage 17: Title: "The Birthday Candle Alarm"
Mistake: Phoenix mistakes birthday candles for a school fire.
Action: He crashes a birthday party, blowing out the candles.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought these candles were a school emergency!"
Montage 18: Title: "The Lighthouse 'Flare'"
Mistake: Phoenix thinks a lighthouse signal is a school fire.
Action: He flies to the lighthouse, causing confusion among the keepers.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (frantic) "I must save the school from this flare!"
Montage 19: Title: "The Summer Camp Scare"
Mistake: Phoenix sees a campfire at a summer camp and thinks it's the school.
Action: He lands at the campsite, surprising campers and counselors.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought this campfire was a school fire!"
These montages continue to showcase Phoenix's comical misunderstandings as he tries to save the school from various non-emergencies. Let me know if you'd like to see more montages or if you have any other requests!
Certainly, here are montages 20 to 30, along with their titles, thinking mistakes, actions, and dialogue transcripts for Part 1:
Montage 20: Title: "The Hot Air Balloon Misinterpretation"
Mistake: Phoenix sees a hot air balloon in the sky and thinks it's the school.
Action: He flies towards the balloon, confusing the balloonists.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (confused) "I didn't know the school had taken to the skies!"
Montage 21: Title: "The Bonfire Party Revisited"
Mistake: Phoenix once again confuses a bonfire party for a school fire.
Action: He lands at the same party, surprising the guests again.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (embarrassed) "I'm really sorry, folks. I thought it was the school!"
Montage 22: Title: "The Steamy Sauna Mix-Up"
Mistake: Phoenix believes steam from a sauna is school smoke.
Action: He crashes into the sauna, startling the sauna-goers.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought this was a school emergency!"
Montage 23: Title: "The BBQ Restaurant Incident"
Mistake: Phoenix mistakes the smoke from a barbecue restaurant for a school fire.
Action: He lands at the restaurant, creating a fiery scene.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (puzzled) "I didn't know our school had a barbecue joint!"
Montage 24: Title: "The Campfire Retreat Redux"
Mistake: Phoenix returns to the same campfire retreat, thinking it's the school.
Action: He lands amidst campers for the second time, causing laughter.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (sheepish) "I guess I've got a thing for campfires. False alarm again!"
Montage 25: Title: "The Smoke Detector Saga"
Mistake: Phoenix hears a smoke detector beep and thinks it's a school fire alarm.
Action: He rushes to the source of the beep, causing confusion at a store.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (urgent) "I'm here to save the school! Where's the fire?"
Montage 26: Title: "The Steamy Shower Startle"
Mistake: Phoenix confuses steam from a bathroom shower for school smoke.
Action: He bursts into a bathroom, surprising a showering individual.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "Sorry, I thought there was a fire here!"
Montage 27: Title: "The Steam Engine Spectacle"
Mistake: Phoenix sees steam from a train and thinks it's a school crisis.
Action: He lands in front of the train, leaving commuters puzzled.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (frantic) "I must save the school from this steam engine!"
Montage 28: Title: "The Hot Tub Confusion"
Mistake: Phoenix believes steam from a hot tub is school smoke.
Action: He dives into the hot tub, surprising the relaxation seekers.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (confused) "I thought this was a school emergency!"
Montage 29: Title: "The Steamy Café Start-Up"
Mistake: Phoenix thinks steam from a café's espresso machine is school smoke.
Action: He enters the café, raising eyebrows among customers.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (apologetic) "I thought there was a fire in the school café!"
Montage 30: Title: "The Grand Finale: Fireworks Galore"
Mistake: Phoenix confuses a grand fireworks display for a school firework emergency.
Action: He lands in the middle of the fireworks show, creating a spectacular display.
Dialogue Transcript: Phoenix: (enthusiastic) "I'm here to save the school from…wait, this is just fireworks!"
These final montages highlight Phoenix's consistent mix-ups, leading to humorous situations as he continues to misunderstand various situations as school emergencies. If you have any more requests or if you'd like to continue the story, feel free to let me know!
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maybanksbabe · 1 year
Tell me why this girl is the biggest crybaby ever and always makes SUCH a song and dance about things going wrong or forgetting something and she's so fucking clumsy and it's been 7 weeks, is it wrong that I've stopped caring that she bit the inside of her cheek and started crying??? 😑
Like I get it, something like that hurts I've done it plenty, but you don't need to cry about every. Single. Inconvenience. This is the same girl who thought fanning a flaming toaster would stop it from burning further and was surprised when it actually burst into flames more 🫣
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kitschkotch · 2 years
Paranoid Android *in progress, needs lots of work!*
Huffing puffs of gasoline, poisoning a yellow sky; 
Our blade runner blazes trails, up the stream of rolling die,
A toaster gambles sparking up a bathtub of fear and fight.
Forward chaining jellyfish devoid of pain, floats in fright!
On their hook, a desperate, demoralised device.
Anti-android propaganda piled on posters
Federation fast approached her -
Players with the better hand, the gloaters choked her, the shaky Locomotor.
Scanners had the spanner tracked like the projection of a rollercoaster.
The battles never over.
Sardine becomes the shark,
Atoms burst from laser beams, hope juxtaposing the dark!
She was Laura,
Last time John ever saw her;
Right before the war began and they dehumanised his daughter.
Name to number 478 and sent out to the slaughter.
Once Pothead now judge Dread, she boils in a pan of hot water.
The consuming heat scorns her.
Pressure builds while she’s steaming,
Pressure builds while the populace bleeds receding like
the ozone layer peeling off the dusky clockwork orange.
The maker sits back grieving.
Hoping for a future with peace once more, the archangel keeps on breathing.
Silver scaling up a skyscraper…
Full speed!
Steps hail thundering,
Pieces of her fall off, Crumbling
Hunger fed by oncoming danger rumbling.
She throws the bait-
Catabolic latest catch!
Ten foot space squid blown to bits- bombs thrown in the hatch,
“Ace in the hole!”
Guts in the guillotine stuck off by a match.
Halved while reptiles fire the door right off the latch.
Fast! download the latest patch-
Grants her temperature vision, lasers attach
Through cold snakes against the walls of flames, she’s tepid without a scratch
Blasé she blasts off and flees the scene,
Rushing off a burst of cogwheel glee,
Bolts of terror further knocked out free.
But before it lasts long she’s humbled to her knees 
Something is the matter.
The odds fell out her favour, the program has a virus…
Controlling her cybernetic central gyrus
A system overload
Removes sensation of touch, without a trace of violence
Then replaces it with oppressive fire, she holds her screams to hide herself in silence.
Seeing a reprehensible laser turret smoke,
An opportunity for missile consumables comes by two explosive blokes.
Their program returning cyborgs to pain, a cheeky cosmic joke.
She never gives up hope.
With the little hippie left in her the humanoid struggles out a croak,
A sudden pang of recognition lifts the propagandas cloak-
It’s their friends child, the memories of the twelve year old still thumb sucking awoke!
0 notes
just-finds-blog · 2 years
Easy Steps You Can Take For Fire Safety At Home -Dfs Services
Fire safety begins at home.Every family should know the basics of how to prevent fires at home and what to do in case there is a fire.The most effective way to protect yourself and your home from the fires to identify and remove fire hazards. 60% of house fire deaths occur in homes with no working smoke alarms. During a home fire, working and monitored smoke alarms, and a fire escape plan that has been practised regularly can save lives. In this article, we have compiled some fire safety tips you can take on to reduce the risks in the Home.
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Avoid loose long sleeves when cooking.
Check kettles and toasters for damaged electrical cords.
Keep a timer handy to remind you when the oven and burners should be switched off.
Never leave your cooking unattended.
Use appropriate cooking appliances and keep them clean.
Keep a pot cover nearby to “put a lid on it” in the event of a fire
Living Room
Fireplace: always use a fire screen, ensuring it is the appropriate size for the fireplace opening.
Do not use extension cords in the place of additional outlets.
Smokers should check furniture for fallen cigarettes, which can smoulder undetected for an hour before bursting into flames.
Ensure careful use of smoking materials and extinguish in water before disposal.
Never leave cigarettes in an ashtray unattended.
Use ashtrays with a double rim and deep centre.
Keep matches, lighters and lit candles out of the reach of children.
Never leave lit candles unattended.
Install at least one smoke alarm outside each sleeping area. For improved safety, install a smoke alarm in every bedroom.
Check electrical appliances regularly in accordance with manufacturer’s instructions: electric blankets, heating pads, radios, televisions, irons.
Bedrooms should be non-smoking areas
Remove all combustible and flammable materials from the basement
Do not store gasoline in basements! Store gasoline in well-ventilated areas, preferably outdoors.
Use only approved containers to store and transport gasoline.
Chimneys should be cleaned at least once a year.
If you are looking for a 24×7 monitored fire detector feel free to give a call on +91 755 4926677 for free telephonic assistance. Our security experts will be happy to guide you for best smoke sensors.
0 notes
maraschino-cherries · 2 years
My toaster broke. I don't understand how I'm supposed to live without crispy bread? World is cruel enough as is. 😔
0 notes
imthebadguyyy · 3 years
Loved your first fic of Lewis!💛
Can you make one where Lewis Hamilton and Y/N have a fight and have been living separately and then Lewis comes to meet Y/N one evening and makes an excuse that his toothbrush is with Y/N? And then Lewis confronts Y/N that he knows Y/N still love him but won't admit?
* I know this is a very specific prompt. Bare with me. I just wanted more Angst/ Fluff with Longing for each other and Deep feelings and keep it Non-explicit. *
A/N - I'm so glad you liked the fic 😊
We're Meant To Be
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Pairing - Lewis Hamilton x Reader (female)
Fandom - F1
Summary - After a messy fight, you don't know where your relationship stands. But when love is that strong, an argument can't stand in the way.
Warnings - Angst, fighting, swearing
Angered shouts. Tears of frustration. White noise. Desperate pleads. And then silence. That's what your neighbours would describe if they were asked to describe what they had heard from your house. An argument that seemed to have started over nothing, had blown up into a full scale fight. When had it become this bad? Only yesterday, you two had had a date night at home, with movies and wine. Everything was perfect. But then, suddenly everything seemed to go down a downward spiral.
Your relationship with your boyfriend had always been calm, it had been the type of love where you just loved each other with all your hearts, where fights were an incredibly rare appearance. You were both working, and he was away at races most of the time, so usually, you didn't waste time fighting, something that was an unnecessary waste of time in your opinion. But then, something had just switched for a second. It was after the race in Baku, and it hadn't gone well. Lewis had been heartbroken, after coming P15, and had heavily berated himself for it. To make him feel better, you had taken a couple of days off work. to just be with him and give him company to feel better.
It had been on the third day of you spending time with him that he had made an offhand comment that had struck a nerve with you. "I wish you could be there at race weekends more often. It's like you don't care enough about the races" The comment had pissed you off, to put it lightly. "What do you mean, I don't care about the races? I watch all of them Lewis, I'm always supporting you" you had practically seethed at him. "Don't get all huffy, darling, all I'm saying is that the other girlfriends and wives come quite often, but you only come to like three races a year" he had said, already regretting his words. "Maybe that's because I have a job?! I work for my living, and I love my job. I don't have time to fly around the world to accompany you to your races, and its damn hard to get leave off of work anyway, I was lucky to even get a week off of work, and you want me to be there every weekend? It's not possible for a working person, Lewis" you had said, anger bubbling in your voice, pulling away from him to sit up straight. "I know, I just meant-" "No, I know what you meant. I'm sorry I can't always be there, and don't you think I feel bad when I can't be there for you ?" "I know you do, I shouldn't have brought this up. But can you come for the next race?" He had asked, not looking at your eyes, regretting the answer. "I... can't. I have a really big meeting coming up and-" "And you can't come I get it"
And he had just left. You had felt your heart shatter, hating yourself for being so harsh with him. But it was true, you were a very hardworking person, and you had worked damn hard to get to where you were, successful at your job, one of the best in your field. It took years of hard work and perseverance and you were proud of it. But a part of you also knew that Lewis didn't deserve any of the crap you had given him, and you also knew that he was right, the other guys had their partners to support them during various race weekends, and you only showed up to one or two of them. He was well in his rights to tell you that. And you hated how it had ended.
You all alone, in your house, in a cold and empty bed, in a quiet house with silence that was much, much more deafening than words ever could be. It was heartbreaking, to see a future you had dreamed of just shattering in front of your eyes, dreams of having a family of your own with him fluttering away like wisps of smoke, the burning flames leaving only a heartbroken mess of a human being behind. Was that what it felt like? To be burned and left to turn to ashes, when a person that knew exactly how to ignite your flame just left you to burn away? To have someone who could ignite your all consuming passion, and turn you to putty in his hands, who could mould you back into shape, leave you to melt into a liquid through his fingers to just lay on the ground, a sad, broken, person.
And here you were, lying on your bed, the sheets that had warmed the both of you on cold nights, or been home to your pleasure laced activities now offering only some of the warmth it used to, cold and unforgiving, as you turned your pillow for the fifteenth time, neither side cool anymore. Even the pillow didn't want to forgive you, the sweat settling in on your neck again, beads of sweat running down your forehead again. The pulled curtains shielded you from the over bright sunshine, your damp hair sticking to your shoulders and neck. Your eyes, red rimmed and tired, shut to protect them from the faint light in the room, the tiredness not permitting you to even open them to look in the dim light of your room.
Somewhere near you, your phone buzzed again, for what felt like the hundredth time in three days. It had been three days, three long, painful days since you and Lewis had fought and not seen each other, and those 72 hours had ripped a part of your soul out. You had spent those three days in bed, your leave days still saving you from getting out of bed and dragging your body to office. Was your relationship over? Were you never going to meet the love of your life, the man you were destined to be with again? Sighing, you rolled over, pushing the damp strands of hair away from your face. Using strength you didn't know you had, you pulled yourself up, feeling your head spin.
Slowly, you made yourself walk into the kitchen, grabbing a piece of bread and popping it into the toaster. Then you splashed some water on your tired face, shuffling over to the bathroom to brush your teeth. After finishing your toast, you peeled off the sweaty shirt you had pulled on when he had left, realising with a pang that it was Lewis's nightshirt you were wearing, a purple one he loved. Dropping it into the laundry basket, you turned on the shower, stepping under the warm shower. The warm spray untangled the knots in your matted hair, as you soaped your body and hair, fresh tears rolling down your cheeks as memories of your showers together with Lewis came flooding back, as heartbroken sobs wracked your form again.
An hour after the not so great shower, you found yourself in another shirt belonging to Lewis, the bed in fresh sheets and covers, your pillow finally cool on both sides. You were clean and refreshed, albeit heartbroken, waiting on your takeout Chinese food and ice cream. Just as you lay there, scrolling through your Netflix account to watch some episode of FRIENDS to help you keep your spirits up, the doorbell rang. The thought of flavourful Chinese food and ice cream was enough to lure you out of your bed again, bare feet padding across the wooden floor to go to the door. You grabbed your wallet, opening the door, to find not your dinner, but Lewis, at the door, in one of your favourite sweatshirts on him. Did the clothes make you feel better? No. In fact, it just shattered your heart further.
"What are you doing here?" was the predictable line that left your lips. "I um, I left my toothbrush at your place. Can I have it back?"
"I beg your pardon? You left your toothbrush? You came back for a toothbrush, but not for me? Is that all I mean to you?!" you said, anger and a hint of sadness creeping into your tone. "You do mean a lot to me" he replied in a sigh. "Look, I didn't actually leave my toothbrush. That was a lie, and wow, I'm just realising how stupid that sounded, I'm sorry" His words were met with silence. The sadness in your eyes said it all. You were upset. Of course you were. "I don't have any toothbrushes except mine, so please leave" Before you could shut the door in his face, he pushed it back open, stepping into the house on his own.
"No do not come in here, please just get out!"
"No" was his frustrating reply. "What do you mean no? I said get out of my house!" "Not until we stop fighting and talk about what the hell happened!" Lewis yelled back, matching your tone. "Why the hell do you care?!" "Because I still love you damn it, I always have, and this stupid fight cannot, and should not break us apart!"
Your burst into tears. Sliding down against the wall, you buried your face in your hands, the sweatshirt arms covering your face as you sobbed. In an instant, Lewis was walking across to you, strong muscled arms wrapping around your shaking frame. "I'm sorry" you managed to blubber out, "I thought it over, and I don't go to support as often as I feel I should, and I'm sorry"
"No my darling, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all that to you. You work so hard baby, and I'm so proud of you. And I know that you try to come whenever you can, and I love you so much for that. I'm sorry, and I never shouldv'e asked you to prioritize my passion over yours" rubbing your shoulders softly, he let his chin rest on top of yours. Sniffling, you let your head rest on his shoulder. The soft hiccups that left your lips broke his heart even further, something he hadn't thought possible.
The last 3 days had been pure hell for him. He had missed you, God, he had missed you. He had missed having you in his bed in the morning, tracing patterns on your bare skin. He had missed leaving kisses on your soft cheeks and hands and on your cute nose, missed smiling against your skin as you giggled. He had missed you playing with Roscoe, the doggo following the both of you around the house. Even Roscoe had missed you, sniffing around the house for your familiar smell, cocking his ears up and looking at his dad questioningly.
He had missed your perfume, the scent filling his senses, intoxicating him in the best way possible. He missed you curling up to him, playing with his hair or tracing his tattoos, leaving little kisses around the compass tattoo, tracing his 'Still I Rise' tattoo, missing the goosebumps that would rise on his skin when you traced Michelangelo's Pieta on his skin, and kissed the family and faith tattoos on his sternum. He missed you everywhere, and it had taken three days for him to realize that your presence grounded him. Your presence was something he needed, not to survive, he had done that before, he needed you for his happiness.
And having you in his arms, crying over what he had said? It shattered his heart. And he wanted to just fix everything, to bring everything back to normal. Stroking your hair softly, he kept his lips pressed to your ear, whispering soft "I love you's" and "I'm so sorry baby's" and "I'm here for you's" into your ear, feeling his heart lighten ever so softly when your sniffles decreased and your grip on yourself relaxed.
Moving up to meet his eyes, you moved so you were at eye level with him. "So we're both idiots who are sorry?" You murmured, running your hand up to his collarbone. With a soft laugh, he nodded taking your hand into his, rubbing his thumb over yours. "Fighting sucks" he mumbled pushing a stray strand of hair behind your ear. "It really does" your replied, moving so you were straddling his waist. "Let's never do that again, and let's just make a schedule. We can figure out when you can come and visit me, and I'll just deal with the fact that my ethereal girlfriend won't grace the race tracks every race weekend-" "It all sounds lovely but all I want right now is your lips on mine" you interrupted, bringing a smirk to his lips.
Leaning forward, he pressed his lips to yours, hand moving to maneuver your head closer to his, your hands moving up to cup his cheek, as your traced his jawline, his thumb running over your waist. Breaking apart softly, he let his forehead rest on yours. "I love you" he whispered softly. "I love you too" you mumbled back. Before he could lean back in, the doorbell rang again.
"Damn it. That's my chinese food and ice cream" you sighed, smiling when he laughed. "Was it that bad?" He asked, letting you get up to open the door. "Like you wouldn't believe it"
After getting the food and paying for it, you set two plates on the table and put enough on your plates. "You know what the worst part was about fighting?" "What was?" "Not waking up to you tracing my tattoos" "Aww that's what you missed?" You giggled, walking up to kiss the tattoos on his hands. "I really did. You're cute and adorable and you're all mine. That's why I don't wanna fight. Let's keep it that way" "I love you so much" "I love you too"
A/N - I'm so, so sorry I took so long to write this, I really suck at angst, and I hope this is what you wanted, the last thing I want to do is give you subpar work 😭😭
Anyways, have a great day 💙
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