#toa krel x reader
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drrobobitch · 1 year ago
☆𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓣𝓸𝓐 𝓰𝓪𝓷𝓰 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓪 𝓬𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓼𝔂 𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓮𝓻 ☆ (yea pretty basic but it’s the best I got rn 😭)
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Warnings: slightly angsty??,cringe,slightly cursing but otherwise fluff, mentions of burning….??? And fire??mentions of injury, car crashing, and stalking?? Blinky bro- get it together man
This is so long help 💀💀😭 (also sorry I didn’t include some of the characters I got lazy)
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Jim…to say he worry’s for you is an understatement
Feels like he has to be there watching your every move so there’s no accidents
You’re bumping into walls, poles, signs, breaking things,tripping,accidentally burning things
Jim is kinda of confused…how did you not see that pole….it’s right there
But he doesn’t have the heart to throw shade your way
Even if you do break things
Very important things
In all truthfulness he is frustrated but never mad, especially at you
Even when frustrated he doesn’t snap at you or lash out (even if he did I wouldn’t even count it as that, he just doesn’t seem like the type to yell at his s/o or anyone for that matter)
He just tries to fix it to the best of his ability
And if you try to fix it, he’ll definitely appreciate it even if it is a little…..banged up
As for the burning….
After the first time you cooked together…
Wouldn’t let you near the; stove,microwave,oven, or even the toaster without his supervision
He’s just trying to keep you safe, he doesn’t want an accident to happen, so…can you really blame him???
If you’re able to drive no you’re not 😃
You’re not getting in that car
Is scared you’ll slip up and get hurt or worse
So he’ll ride in the car with you if you’re driving
Once he gets his drivers license, you’re not driving it for a while 🧍🏾‍♀️he’s just looking out for you
When you trip he tries his best to catch to catch you but there’s no guarantee
He also tries to pull you out the way when there’s a pole which usually works
Unless he’s distracted
Another thing, he’d never laugh if you fell, and he’d always help you back up
He’s so sweet I love him he’s such a gentleman 💙
Toby pie
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Tbh he was probably scared of you at first 💀💀💀
Thought you were bad luck (thank eli for that)
He quickly figured out that wasn’t true
Nothing happened to him when you were around
It was just you tripping and falling 😭😭
He did try to help you to the best of his ability
Surprised whenever you bumped into a pole
“How did you not see that?!?! It was right there!!!”
Throws shade at you all the time for falling tripping, or worse
But always does it lightheartedly
Tells you to ‘be careful’ but you him both know that’s not possible, even if you tried
The burning now…
That’s what has him paranoid
What if you’re house burns down
“You burned my house to the ground” (sorry not sorry)
But still
Every time you tell him you’re cooking, he tells you to be careful or asks if he can help
Even if you say you don’t he’ll show up anyway 💀💀(“how I got you address…?…….don’t even worry about that bruh-“)
I mean you don’t want your house crispy do you?? 😭💀
Usually asks what you’re doing so he can keep track and be aware of what could go wrong
He’s lucky you’re just clumsy
Not one to laugh when you fall, but he has that stupid smile on his face while he helps you up
If you can drive, he feels very anxious about you driving
Doesn’t want you to get hurt or deal with the trouble of having to buy a new one and have the same thing happened over and over
So he offered to drive it for you (despite not having his license💀💀)
Either way start praying
If you break something, he helps you clean it up or just fixes it for you
If it’s something important, it’s likely that you never broke it because he never let you near it 😭😭 (no shade to you he’s just being careful)
But if you do break something important he’s definitely frustrated and you can tell
Toby is a very honest person, so he usually voices how he feels and his opinion
In this scenario…dw he’s not the type to yell at you or anything but he will slightly raise his voice an octave or two
But you can tell he’s upset
“I told you to be careful!! I told you this was really important, and to be careful with it……why didn’t you listen to me”
He knows that even if you tried you couldn’t but is still frustrated
But he’s not mad at you, he could never be mad at you
You usually try to fix it afterwards, which he is great full for that
Like a lot
(He’s so sweet I love Toby 🧡)
Claire bear
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Tbh she just feels bad for you
You bump into stuff, fall and trip, burn things in chemistry by accident (you got ms. Janeth growing gray hairs💀💀)
And you break your own projects and assignments 😭😭😭
She usually offers to help you fix it
Let’s you know when there’s a pole or wall up ahead
Tries to stop you from tripping, but once again no guarantee
Is praying you don’t or haven’t already fell down the stairs (you have)
Tries to cook you food before you try to make it or she’ll buy you so many snacks or take out that you don’t even need to make lunch or make food 💀💀
Will also try and keep track of where you are so that she can be there to help you if you’re in danger
If you’ve got a car, she won’t necessarily drive it for you or tell you not to drive you
But will offer for you to ride or walk with her to spend time with you
And she’ll ask you almost everyday(she’s so slick)
It’s her little way of getting you to not drive the car without outright telling you (Claire is so smart, Claire>>>>>>)
Definitely helps you clean if you break something, if its glass…you’re not going anywhere near it or the mess you just made
Knowing you, you’d probably step on it or worse
If you break something important, like Toby, she probably didn’t let you near it in the first place
If you do break it…..
She’ll definitely be pissed
But she won’t say anything (that’s how you know bruh 💀)
She definitely wouldn’t yell at you, like at all
She wouldn’t even know what to say
In the end she feels bad because SHE thinks that YOU think she hates you
She doesn’t, and she lets you know that after a bit or after she’s calmed down
She’s more so frustrated than mad
If you try to fix it, she’ll definitely appreciate that
(Claire is a W girlfriend)
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Confused as to why you keep bumping into walls and poles
Can you not see??? Are you blind??
Toby tells him you’re just clumsy but…..he doesn’t understand
What does clumsy mean?? And what does that have to do with you falling all the time??
Catches you when you trip or fall, not just sometimes, but all the time
He doesn’t pull you out of the way when there’s a wall or a pole
Instead he picks you up :)
Offers to carry you so that it’s less hazardous for you when traveling
Feels a little uneasy when you drive a car 😭😭
He doesn’t want you to crash okay 😭
As for cooking..
No 😃
Hell no😦
He can’t really stop you…
Well not that he can’t he just doesn’t 💀💀
The others keep track of you for him (mainly Toby)
So they’re there supervising, you…a grown adult
They know you feel embarrassed but they don’t care, they’re saving your life
And your house-
But anyways back to AAARRRGGHH
Won’t stop you from driving a car, but if you get in an accident even once
Gets nervous about you driving one again or any vehicle for that matter
If you break something he’s probably gonna eat it 💀💀 (if it is something he can eat)
Dw it doesn’t hurt him even if it is broken glass
If you break something important, he probably wouldn’t even be mad
Not even frustrated more so sad if anything at all
Does say anything either just holds it looking sad
Which makes you feel bad (and sad)
So you fix it (or try at least)
Which he very much appreciates, and it lifts his spirits quite a bit :) 💚
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Also confused as to how your bumping into walls
Like bbg can you not see???
Probably thought you had bad luck but after a while figured out that wasn’t the case
Still a bit cautious around you though
Tries to warn you when there’s a pole but is usually too late
Also try’s to catch you when you trip, which he always does of course cus it’s Blinkous duh 🙄 (my 5th hubby wubby/hj)
For his own sake he HAS to be there to watch you cook
Also you’ve caught him following you from time to time, he’s just looking out for you buddy, he’s trying his best
He mainly just asks where you’re headed so he can know what you’re up to
Will try and distract you from getting into your car (doesn’t work and if it does it’s rare)
And since you know how stressed he gets about you driving, and since you don’t want to stress him out further
You’ll usually just walk
If you break something he’ll probably clean it up for you or help fix it
If it was something important, he probably was sure to keep it on him so that there’s less of a chance of you breaking it
If you do break something important, he’d definitely be frustrated but not mad per say
And you can tell
He just sighs and quietly grumbles whilst trying his best to fix it
Would not give you the chance to fix it at all and is scared you’ll break it further
In the end he let’s it go because he knows you can’t help it
Even though you stress him out sometimes he still loves you (I love my hubby wubby)
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Finds it partially amusing that you bump into poles and walls
But if you fall over or are actually hurt by it then that’s where the hilarity of it ends
At first he thought you just had bad luck or something, but he checked and you didn’t
So you explain you were just really clumsy…and partially hazardous 💀💀
Pulls you out the way if there’s a pole up ahead or just warns you before you hit the pole and or wall
Usually catches you if you fall and if HE doesn’t then he was probably just using his magic
Sometimes if he’s in a particular mood he’ll let you fall, but he’ll make sure that you don’t get hurt (but still 💀💀)
Doesn’t trust you in the car, so he ‘offers’ to drive for you
If you do drive……naur 💀💀
He’s getting out
And throws shade at you while doing so (lightheartedly of course)
He doesn’t let you cook either, he doesn’t have the insurance for an apartment fire (💀💀💀💀 I’m sorry, no like I’m actually sorry that’s funny and it shouldn’t be)
So instead of supervising he’s the one doing the cooking
But usually gets take out so there’s less of a chance
He barely trusts you the toaster
The amount of times you’ve broken something is beyond me 😭😭
If you break something, he’ll help you clean it, or offer too at least
He knows you’re an adult and you can handle it yourself but he doesn’t want you to be hurt
Especially if it’s broken glass
If you break something of importance
Tbh idek what his reaction is
Believe it or not
He’s only a little frustrated, if at all
He’s more so exasperated if anything
When he sees it broken he’s just like “oh……here give it to me I’ll fix it”
🧍🏾‍♀️like bro ur not mad??
If you’re insistent on fixing it (which you are) then he’ll let you
He does appreciate it though
Like a lot
Steve the Palchuk
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Probably made fun of you and laughed at you whenever you fell when he first met you
Then was kinda scared of you cause Eli told him you were bad luck
But now he doesn’t
He’s still somewhat amused
Just no longer out right making fun of you
He does help you up when you fall
“Hey, watch where you’re going, I don’t want you getting hurt..”
Yes pookie
Anyways, Steven usually tries to catch you
But he’s also a bit clumsy so you both end up falling down 😭😭
He is definitely one to warn you, not just when there’s poles in front of you but around you as well
Will sometimes pull you out of the way closer to him to look…heroic??? (Steve come on-)
Doesn’t let you drive his Vespa
And if you have a car of your own
😅 nah man-
“Oh please fuck that car, get on my Vespa” 💀💀💀
Doesn’t understand how tf you burn things
How???? Especially if you were watching it the whole time
As much as he wants to protect you but still
He’s scared to come over when you cook
Especially if it’s over the stove
If you break something he usually offers to help fix it or pay for it
Even if he doesn’t have the money for it (aww Steve 🥲)
If you break something important
He won’t be mad more frustrated
And if it has anything to do with the sake of Arcadia then he’s scared screaming and running around like a little girl
So you have to calm him down and apologize
You and him do try to fix it so he’s feeling a lot better
But still he’s nervous, are you just clumsy or bad luck???
Was Eli right???
Nahh someone this sweet could never be bad luck
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She’s never met a human this….
Clumsy??? Is that the word
Doesn’t understand why you’re bumping into poles, “they’re in front of you how did you not see them…?”
Same with walls, you’ve had to have seen it….are you blind
When you trip, she’ll giggle a little bit but she’ll help you up
She thinks you’re so silly
The amount of times you’ve broken your own projects and assignments is astonishing to her
Has watched you burn things without literally trying
And is just like 🧍🏼‍♀️”how did you do that??? Show me!!” (💀💀)
Watches you when you’re cooking
After a while connects the dots, your forbidden from the kitchen (unless it’s to eat)
If you’ve got a car
She won’t stop you from driving it
But is still worried
If you get into an accident then she probably wouldn’t let you drive it for a while after that
If you break something, she’ll offer to fix it
If it’s tech she’ll take it to krel to fix and probably improve :)
If it’s something important
Tbh I don’t see her being mad about that seeing that you didn’t do it on purpose
“I told you to be careful!!…….now look…..”
“Sorry I’m just frustrated….”
But the thing is she doesn’t look or seem frustrated
She looks more worried and sad if anything
She appreciates that you offered to fix it
Dw it’s not that she doesn’t trust you or thinks you’ll break it
It’s just that whatever it was probably wasn’t something you could fix
So now she keeps important stuff in a certain place that you can’t reach, or would have a hard time try at least
But she loves you even if you are a clumsy silly little human (I nominate Aja to be my girlfriend)
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Now this…….I’ve been waiting for this (I’m literally obsessed with this boy I love him sm)
Is also confused as to why are you are bumping into walls
“Ay yi yi yi…….are you a soolian??….it was right there…you saw it coming!!!”
Eli also told krel you were bad luck 🧍🏾‍♀️
Which krel, boy genius, obviously didn’t believe
I don’t see him pulling you out of the way when there’s a pole or a wall, I don’t really see him warning you much either 💀💀
On a good day he probably would
If it were something that could hurt you or worse would probably do both
“Be careful!!! And watch where you’re going, my love you know I can’t stand to see you hurt” 😍😍😍
Krel >>>>>>>>
Probably laughs when you fall, but helps you up)
Except when you’re hurt, then he probably feels bad and helps you up
Is actually scared FOR you
Like constantly
Bro is going through enough he don’t need this 💀
The fires, possible car accidents
💀💀he’s horrified
If you’ve got a car or something
Not anymore
He’s not letting you get in that
Literally forbids you
“As king in waiting of akiridion 5, I hereby forbid you from going in that death machine”
“Krel…….this is earth….now get out of my way I’m going to the mall-“
Probably had luug piss on your tires (making them pop, or melt…..probably-)💀💀💀
Either way you’re not getting in that car
Now the burning…..
If it’s in chemistry class
He’s probably yelling and screaming along with everyone else😭😭
If it’s because you were cooking
He gives you a blank bot so that you never have to cook again!!! 😃
And if that’s not good enough for you then sure go ahead burn your house down 💀💀💀
He’s just trying to protect you
If you break something it kinda scares him or makes him nervous
Not too sure why
He does offer to help you clean it up
Or more likely fix and improve it in any way he can
Or he’ll use parts of it (for god knows what)
If you broke something important he probably kept it away from you anyways (sorry y/n)
If you did manage to break something important
He’d be frustrated definitely
But not mad seeing as you didn’t do it on purpose
“I keep telling you to be careful!! Why don’t you listen!!! Ugh….great now I have to fix it”
That and other things pretty hurtful things in all honesty are things he says in the heat of the moment
After a while he calms down
He knows you can’t control it so what’s the point in yelling at you for it, you apologized and tried to help what’s the point in being upset
He does think you’re adorable and loves you, but when breaking his inventions….it hard to think so (no he still thinks you’re adorable)
Couldn’t add a gif for him so anyways but yea 😔
Like I said before
Bro is horrified of you
You must be bad luck or something
After a month or two of watching you…(wtf Eli not again)
He realizes that he might be wrong
None of your friends ever got hurt, just you
He’s thinking about investigating you
Which he does
You just explain to him that you’re a little bit clumsy
“Yea…., a little clumsy….”
C’mon you fell over the railing that’s not clumsy mf 🙄/j
He genuinely thinks you’ve been cursed but what’s the point in telling you that, you have enough going on
You almost burned your house down for gods sake you don’t need anything else rn
Tries to warn you if there’s a pole or a wall(the majority of the time you don’t hear him)
At this point he just feels bad for you…
If you trip he’ll try to catch you but ends up falling down with you
Won’t laugh if you fall, he’ll just help you up and tell you to be careful (even though he knows damn well you can’t 💀💀)
Like I said before Eli….thought you were cursed
So when a fire breaks out and you’re the cause
He starts freaking out
He does know now that you aren’t….or might not be
But the possibility is still there…..(I’m Eli’s eyes at least)
Honestly he’s really scared for you
Like shaking in his boots scared
And gets extra scared when you don’t respond to his texts he keeps thinking something happened
Eli is definitely a bit paranoid as always
Honestly if you break anything he’d probably just let you clean it or if it were too big of a mess he’d probably helped
If it was important he probably fixes it or at least tries
It’s not that he doesn’t trust you
It’s just that he doesn’t trust whatever the fuck type of borderline hazardous shit is gonna happen yet
Especially if it’s an item that could be considered a weapon
Eli doesn’t even have to worry about you crashing your car
You wanna know why??
He told your parent(s) about the time you snuck out (to go see him 💀) and that you had basically crashed your car on the way back
Needless to say you no longer have car keys
You and Eli ended out getting into a big fight later about it
But more on that later 💪���🐺
Yea he loves you obviously
Even if he does think your cursed
But that’s not gonna stop him from loving you
(Sorry this was short I had to finish it quick tho)
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darkchaosreptile · 23 days ago
A game of hearts
I wrote this sloppy and fast. Now I have five hours to sleep. Was it worth it?
Krel had spent all morning listening to Aja talk about Steve. Steve this, and Steve that, she told Vex about her date with the Palchuck the other delson and even got advice from the Blanks! So when Steve stopped by early to walk with them to the schoolhouse, Krel was sick of it.
"Don't either of you have a personality outside of your dating lives? Aye yi yi. I would've at least thought you were better than this Aja."
Aja didn't seem to mind her brother's comment. Instead she laughed, and put her hand on Steve's, which was on her shoulders.
"He's a part of my life little brother. Besides this is normal for a 'teenage girl'. I thought blending in was important?"
Steve, confused as he usually was, immediately went to defend his infatuation with his girlfriend.
"You're just jealous because you can't get a girlfriend, buttsnack. You know cause your brother can't flirt?"
Steve said the last part to Aja, consistently looking for her approval. It made Krel roll his eyes. Of course just because he wasn't interested in romance everyone assumed he wasn't good at it. Go figure.
"I'll have you know if I wanted one I'd have one. And she would be happy. Ugh. But have her own life. Won't you two ever get off of eachother?"
Krel was more than happy to hear the first bell ring. He was very thankful to be in the honors math class now. I mean he'd appreciated Ms. Janeth noticing his genius before, but he was definitely going to thank her now. He split away from his sister and her annoying new boy toy and beelined to where he knew to be.
Math was unfufilling per the usual, even if slightly more difficult than the normal mush they teach in the actual math class. Krel was on his own for now. He had a seperate English period than Aja and wouldn't see her until lunchtime. He went down the hall, his path memorized.
"Oh hey that's the guy that didn't do a volcano. Good to see someone with some originality."
A passing human girl commented on him to her companion as they passed him. Then Krel had an idea. He might not be interested but he could still prove that he had game.
"Oh ho! I may be intellectually ahead with my sciences, but even I must defer to the greats when I say, 'surely the angels must take after you?'"
Krel's compliment immediately earned him a small blush from the girl in question who, unable to reply, walked faster, whispering and giggling to her friend. Oh yes, he was good at this. Krel liked this game. Maybe he should play more often.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 8 months ago
I'll never leave you again | Angor Rot
Previous chapter (Prologue)
Next Chapter
find the story also on Wattpad, Neobook and Tumblr
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- Angor - The trolless called out as she entered the cave she and her husband inhabited. Their previous cave had been raided by Gunmar's evil forces and the whole village had to flee and wander to find a new place to live. Away from the wars so that the children could grow up in peace, so that the parents did not have to worry about whether their children would return home, or whether the older trolls would be thrown out of the house and beaten to death by Gummies who were looking for a moment's fun.
The woman's voice was strained and the slight breaking of her voice was audible to her husband. Nothing could be hidden from him he knew her too well however he did not avert his golden eyes from the preparations for the expedition - This is a bad idea - She interjected again the blue troll looked worriedly at her beloved sensing that his plan would not work out. She had always believed in her husband but now she doubted his idea undermining his authority as leader of the fallen village of Rot, some of the village managed to escape but some were not so lucky
Those who managed to escape followed the marriage worried, the little trolls cried and the mothers tried to soothe them the men tried to soothe the stressed women. However, the way towards the safe haven was long and hard and for this reason some trolls died on the way from exhaustion their loved ones were also tired, but they stubbornly went on - This is a very bad idea Angora - The woman pleaded the further her husband did not pay attention to her
Finally long light blue claws touched her husband's stony grey skin wrapping her hands around his biceps - Please listen to me - The woman almost begged him to listen to him walker for a moment, she did not trust the sorceress she wants to go to Rot.
- I cannot defend the village of Anoana - He finally spoke up seeing her beautiful green eyes in full view, she was not now wearing her familiar headband which has a tassel on the front covering her eyes and the back of her nose however the distinctive two black claws painted from the eye to the corner of her mouth were on her cheeks - This will help me gain more strength - He confessed facing his wife
Her eyes expressed great worry and concern at the same time exhaustion caused by the trek that had stopped two days ago. They were three days ahead of Gunmar's army, but nobody knew when they would find them again and kill everyone Angor did not want to let this happen again, he had to protect the people at all costs.
He could even give up his birthstone, his soul to protect his village, his people. He could give his life for the Anoana he loved in all worlds.
The light blue troll's lips parted slightly as she raised her hand to touch her husband's cheek, who almost immediately snuggled into her palm squinting and a quiet cat-like murmur issued from his throat - How am I supposed to defend my village when I can't even protect you? - He whispered opening his eyes to encounter cuts and bruises on her body most of the wounds were on her hands and arms, when those in need were helped to get up and walk on. She had a cut on her cheek from Gumm Gumm who attacked her when she tried to help a small troll escape from the village.
He let her out of his sight for a moment and when he heard her shrill scream he froze almost immediately, when he saw Gunmar's servant standing over her and aiming his sword at her wanting to kill her in one blow or inflict as much pain as he could before she would die, he raised his stone hand and ran his finger under the cut being careful not to inflict pain on her. He was worried too, but he did what he thought was right
- The expedition won't take more than two days, we'll still have a day's head start on Gunmar before he finds us - He whispered and his eyes jumped from the cuts on her body to her green eyes
She clenched her jaw tighter looking at him almost appraisingly - Why don't you let me swim with you? - She whispered, coming closer to him - Let me help you - she whispered even more quietly than before raising her other hand to take both stone hands on his cheeks she had to stand on tiptoe to reach, Anoana and Angor were similar in stature they were almost humanoid, their bodies were similar to human bodies more than other trolls they were tall and slim but Rot was taller than his wife.
She barely reached his shoulder however this did not stop them from indulging in affection every day, Anoana gently tilted her head to get a better look at him from a different angle, she wanted to know the answer to her question. She could see Angor's thoughts churning as he thought of an answer that would satisfy her, he sighed heavily through his nose - It's dangerous you know that - He whispered, the woman's hands clasped tighter on his cheeks, he knew she did not accept his words at that moment - Someone must take care of the serfs while I am away - he added after a while hoping that his wife would loosen the grip on his cheeks
- In that case, don't go," she persisted, not wanting to let him go, sensing that something bad would happen. She would be angry with herself if something happened to him she could even say that she would never forgive herself for not being beside him when he gets hurt and vice versa - Stay. Angora please - Anoana still begged him hoping that he would change her husband's mind but she knew him too well and for too long she knew that he was stubborn and wanted to do well, but the black nightmare was standing over her trying to warn her of the danger that was just waiting for her attention Angora
- It will be alright, love - he whispered lifting her chin gently to press his nose to her forehead - Before you know it I will be back with magic and we can live without fear of Gunmar finding us and killing us - he whispered into her forehead, she closed her eyes feeling his nose pressed against her forehead before she had time to respond or enjoy the touch that was meant to reassure her he moved away tucking the last things into the pouch in his belt.
- If I do not return in two days, find a market and stay there with our people - whispered Angor standing at the exit, he was worried about his wife, he could not imagine how she was worried about him but he would not like his nightmare to come true, if Gunmar attacked again he would not have enough strength to fight back. He would not want his wife to die in agony as well as his subjects, he was worried about everyone - It is safe in the market place, please go there with our subjects - he added after a while
- As soon as you are in the market place I will be waiting for us there - He confessed without giving her room for argument or any other words she looked at the ground when he said this without being brave enough to look at her worried green eyes. When he finally got the courage to look at her one last time she said nothing just watched him walk away.
As he looked ahead, as he walked through the middle of the temporary encampment his people had set up he could feel their gaze on him as they looked at him in awe of his courage and sacrifice, no one else would ever dare to look for Morgana. No one would ever dare to ask Morgane for the power she possessed.
As Angor passed through the camp every Troll when they saw the leader bowed gently but this time everyone knelt on one knee lowering their heads low in homage to him and silently conveying their gratitude that he was trying to help them even at the risk of his own life. Even if his wife does not like it and is forced to watch the stature of her beloved disappear somewhere over the horizon.
- I didn't believe you would let him go - A voice beside Anoana spoke up and footsteps approaching her made her realise that her best friend stood beside her as she stared dully at the horizon behind which Angor had disappeared, she didn't even know when the sun was slowly setting - How are you feeling? - Asked quietly Idun gently stroking her friend's shoulder looking with worried eyes as Anoana started to look around realising that she had been standing in one position for hours and was still looking at the path that Angor had followed
- Hopeless - Anoana wheezed, turning her head towards Idun she was young she had dark purple skin and her long black hair was tied in a high step that filled the space between her horns which curled at the ends in spirals. Idun stood out from the other girls, she wore dresses that had cuts on her thighs and on her shoulders she constantly wore a belt in which she had various vials of healing potions and poisons pinned. The time of war has caused the young troll to carry vials with her every time she will be able to defend herself however they are usually hidden in a pouch clipped to her belt. On her back was often a bow, which now lay safely in her temporary shelter but still close enough to the weapon to reach for it as quickly as possible during an attack.
Indun had violet eyes of exceptional beauty, however, she was personally ashamed of them, as it was rare for a troll to be born with violet eyes - I don't know how to feel - Mumbled the older woman after a while, Anoana was older than Indun by at least a hundred years but the two women were friends and were inseparable sometimes Angor claimed that Anoana adopted Indun, as the younger troll was more willing to be in the company of his wife than his own parents.
This made Angor feel jealous at times, however, he would not admit to wanting his wife's attention so much and not wanting to share it. It's not that he didn't like Indun hell he liked this kid he taught her how to hunt and cook good food optionally weaving in teachings on how to be a good leader and how to be a good troll. Anoana and Angor acted as parents in Indun's life without even knowing it the young troll suffered when they weren't there, the purple troll's parents weren't the best or the worst she herself didn't know at what level to define them as they didn't give her the attention the young troll needed
They were not interested in what she was doing all day long
They were not interested in what new things she learned from the village chief
Her parents lived their own lives and all she could do was feel like a fifth wheel but Angor and Anoana effectively made her find the light in her life again and every day she stood with new hope that Angor taught her something new and maybe Anoana would take her with her to look for ingredients for potions or they would learn new spells together.
- Do you think she will get what she wants? - asked Indun quietly, worrying about the older troll as much as Anoana who looked again at the horizon of trees behind which Angor had disappeared. The trolls had a problem with sunlight because as soon as the sun's rays fell on their stony skin it painfully burned their skin turning them into real stone taking away the colour of life that had previously shone in their eyes, which would later turn into grey and emotionless stone - Is Morgana even alive? Does she exist? - asked the younger troll, stopping from foot to foot
- They say that Morgana fell into the ocean because of King Arthur, there is no chance that she will survive - muttered Indun, looking at the trees, in whose shade they would hide to protect themselves from the world and the sunlight. Anoana shook her head - Don't believe these rumours sun - confessed quietly Anoana turning her body towards the younger troll putting her hand on her shoulder for Indun to turn towards her - You see, before Gunmar attacked our village we fished a man out of the sea - recalled the older woman correcting the belt that was wrapped around the younger troll's shoulder - We said a prayer for the man to survive and the goddesses of this world would make her still alive –
- Did they succeed? Did they bring her back to life? - Indun interjected by tilting her head tightly clenching her jaw. Anoana merely smiled and shook her head
- 'It was the decision of the goddesses we have not been able to see if they restored the soul of the woman from the sea,' Anoana confessed quietly, she lifted her hand from the younger troll's shoulder and embraced her cheek stroking the stony skin beneath her eye - 'But we believe that the woman found renewed peace in the world of the living or perhaps she only now knew peace in the world of the dead,' whispered the older troll, she leaned over to press her forehead against the younger troll's forehead - 'And you believe it,' she whispered closing her eyes
Indun looked for a moment at Anoana who presses her blue forehead against hers, the younger troll followed Anoana's lead and also closed her eyes - Of course - whispered the younger troll, after a few seconds they moved away from each other - So now you are in a leadership role? - asked the teenage troll curiously - You mean I can be your right hand? - Indun raised an eyebrow and Anoana dryly giggled while shaking her head
- 'You're too young to be my right hand,' the older trolless giggled as she headed towards the other subordinates Indun took one last look towards the forest sighing heavily at Angor's departure from the village, the young troll hoped that Rot would find what he needed and that the legend of Morgana would not be a mere fairy tale to keep the spirit of the children to believe that there was still magic. The young troll turned on its heel and with long and quick steps tried to catch up with Anoane without having to run up but failed.
- So what is the plan? - asked Indun as she followed the older woman, looking under her feet to avoid falling over tree roots
Anoana only sighed heavily - He instructed us to go to the market place - she confessed quietly - That is reasonable. He said that by the time we get there, he will be waiting for us there - with that the time leader muttered - It makes sense, it will take us two days to get to the market and he will have time to get the magic from Morgana and come back - Anoana shrugged her shoulders wanting to believe what he was saying but stress and uncertainty coursed through her veins as she thought about it more intensely
Indun followed Anoana seeing her shoulders tense and her back as she artificially straightened up pretending to be calm and everything was going according to plan however Indun knew that Angor's wife was worried about him and the expedition he had not taken her on with him. The younger troll watched as the blue trolless moved by the villagers ordering them to get ready to go to the market again, Indun only watched as Anoana began to rule this temporarily over the people of the fallen village of Rot.
The younger troll swallowed hard and went off on her own to pack up her belongings left over from Gunmar's raid on the village of Rot, it is not that Indun did not want to comfort Anoana or see that the older troll needed it, but she began to think that her words would be unnecessary and Anoana would not accept help anyway to calm her thoughts and satisfy the storm that was coursing through her veins.
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makethiscanon · 10 months ago
SnowFall: Krel x Fem!Reader [Part 3]
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Word Count: 2100
Rating: G
Tags: First Meetings, Winter, Skiing, Adventure, Third-Person.
Read Part 1: [HERE]
Read Part 2: [HERE]
The ski-lift took Krel to a different mountain this time: one that was much, much higher than before. Unlike the blue course he had just done, when he reached the summit, he did not find a jumbled congregation of people elbowing each other for space. Nor did he find small children. Or much chatter at all.
“This is more like it!” he exclaimed.
The skiers were setting off in ones or twos, their pace fast from the start. They were much more streamlined, and Krel had to admit, it was entertaining to watch.
Krel noted this one was a much longer course than before. He could only see so much of the track before a sheer drop took it out of sight.
When there was a lull in skiers, Krel eased himself up to the starting point. He planned a route for as far as he could see, then quickly set off.
He couldn't bypass the other skiers as easily now. They seemed more aware of their aerodynamics and flew down the slopes at a pace. So instead, he enjoyed the rush of his own movements, zipping this way and that and he descended the mountain.
When the course suddenly dropped off, taking him to unplanned territory, he grinned and shrunk himself down towards his skis, picking up speed.
The course, again, was lined by trees, though their birth around the perimeter was much wider. It still felt secluded, but left Krel feeling like he had a lot of room to explore.
After a few minutes of descent, the course took a sudden steep drop, with a short ramp some few metres after. Avoidable, if necessary, but not something Krel worried about hitting.
Aligning himself with the ramp, he picked up speed then zipped into the air with some pretty impressive hang time, if he said so himself.
He landed the jump with relative ease, but had to swerve as soon as he landed to avoid colliding with a snow-covered boulder.
“Too close,” he said once he’d cleared it, letting out a small sigh of relief. When he looked back, wondering why on earth there was a course with that kind of monstrosity lying in wait, he noticed the snow surrounding the boulder seemed to be covered in large splinters of something.
He quickly felt the rush of accomplishment and threw his hands up victoriously, knowing he had bested an obstacle that might have claimed many. He raised his arms to shout in delight, but stopped himself when something up ahead caught his eye.
Someone was limping through the snow. Each time they lifted their left foot, Krel noticed the ski on that side was much shorter. He wondered if those splinters surrounding the boulder had anything to do with it.
Painfully aware of how fragile humans were, Krel felt compelled to check on this particular one in need. He slowed to a stop beside them then pulled down his mask to talk.
“Are you alright?” he asked, then caught the way they seemed to freeze up at his intervention. Perhaps they did not want helping.
He started to turn, readying himself to set off, but the person lifted their goggles and lowered their mask.
“I crashed. Think I twisted my knee.”
The airy, embarrassed laugh caught him off-guard, but no more so than the fact he recognised the face it came from.
“Tiësto Girl…? Great Gaylen, this planet really is small.”
She looked confused for a second, then realisation dawned on her.
“The guy from the lobby.”
“You remember me.” Krel said in delight. Then he pondered her earlier statement. “Will your knee untwist?”
A short pause followed. Unbeknownst to Krel, it was while the girl debated whether he was trying to make a joke or not.
“Well. Yes. Sort of? Um. You couldn’t do me a favour?”
He cocked an eyebrow curiously.
“I assure you I probably could.”
Another pause.
“Um… okay. Anyway. Can you go on ahead and radio for assistance?”
Krel blinked. He wondered if that sentence was supposed to make sense to him. He was, of course, willing to help, but where was he heading to and who was he calling?
“There’s an emergency shack every quarter mile. Didn’t you read the safety pack at the lodge?”
Krel had not planned to leave the comfort of his room today. Reading a human safety manual had not been up there on his priority list.
That being said, he didn’t want to look like a fool.
“Got it.” He lied. He turned to go, but paused a moment to double-check on her. “Will you be alright?”
She nodded.
“I’ll manage. Hopefully the rescue team’ll show up before I get there. Thanks, by the way. Four people passed by me before you stopped to help. Either they didn’t see me, or ignored me.”
This girl was in a neon pink-and-yellow puffer-jacket. Krel couldn’t imagine anyone was blind enough to miss her.
Feeling compelled to be of use, Krel set off down the mountain in search of this so-called shack. He wasn’t entirely sure what a shack was, but was sure he would know once he saw it.
Sure enough, as he zipped down the snowy mountain, it wasn’t long before he came across a small, log house just off to the side of the ski course. Judging by the antenna poking up from its roof, this was the place because there was a radio inside.
Krel slid to a halt at the edge of the track, then pulled himself from the groomed snow and onto rougher, uneven terrain, with his sticks. After a few wobbly manoeuvres, he discovered it was easier – although by no means easy—to walk his way to the cabin, lifting his skis in large, unbalanced steps.
Once he was at the front door, he unclasped his ski boots then went inside, propping his skis and sticks up just inside the door. The room inside was small, but seemed fit for purpose. There was a desk, a chair, a worn-out bed, some cupboards, and a hearth that looked like it hadn’t seen the flicker of a fire in a long time. Most importantly, though, was the radio sitting atop the desk.
“Excellent.” Krel said triumphantly, then studied the device for a moment, chuckling at such a primitive piece of technology. Still, he supposed it could do the job in a pinch.
Removing his goggles, his mask, and his hat, Krel sat himself in the chair then put the radio headphones over his ears and reached for the mic. Thankfully when it came to technology, he was very good at figuring out how to use new equipment on the first try. He pressed a button on the mic’s base then leaned in to speak.
He released the button and waited. He was about to try again when a crackly, static voice replied through the radio’s speaker.
“Reading you Cabin Twelve. This is Base Camp. How can we help? Over.”
“Ah- right. Yes. This is, presumably, Cabin Twelve. A girl is on her way and requires you to untwist her knee.”
The pause before the reply was unhelpful.
“…Do you need a rescue team? Over.”
“Yes. She wants to meet you at the cabin. She…”
Krel’s words tapered off as the cabin became bathed in a murky, grey light. He looked up from the radio, only to see that heavy snow had started to fall outside. His finger remained pressed on the communication button as surprise hit him. When he remembered to remove it, the reply through the speaker was mostly scatchy static with a few disjointed words.
“… wait… she… don’t…”
Krel frowned. Human technology at its finest, again. A little bit of bad weather and everything came to a standstill. Although, he had to admit as he listen to the sudden wind whipping against the side of the shack, this change in weather was particularly unexpected.
He spoke into the microphone as his view of outside became increasingly blurred by snowflakes.
“I recommend you hurry.”
As Krel continued watching the snow growing heavier, he suddenly saw a neon pink blob appear in the hazy distance beyond the window. Rushing to his feet, he only thought to throw on his skiing goggles before heading out to help the girl towards the cabin. He was very aware that unlike him, her body was susceptible to the cold and that the ever strengthening wind would only make things worse, especially when she could only walk as fast as her bad leg and broken ski.
As his feet came into contact with the snow, he sank down a little with each step he took. It stalled him slightly, but he managed to greet the girl just as she came off the course, onto the bumpier, ungroomed terrain.
“Base camp should be on their way.” He said in greeting, though found he had to shout to hear his own voice over the wind.
“What?” She shouted back.
Realising that talking was futile, Krel chose instead to take her arm and hook it over his shoulder to support her as she pushed her skis towards the shack. Thankfully, though he was in his human form, his strength was still that of an Akiridion. Even at her slow pace, it wouldn’t be long before they were both out of the bad weather.
As the wind and snow whipped up around them, the girl leaned herself towards him, her voice coming through as a dampened shout,
“Where did this blizzard come from?”
Truthfully, he did not know either. Earth weather was unpredictable at the best of times, but this seemed excessive.
As they made their way closer to the cabin, Krel suddenly heard a crackling sound that drew his attention. It was a fizzle in the air, like static. The hairs rose up along his exposed neck. He instinctively looked back towards the mountain, only to witness a bright flash of lighting, followed by a thunderous boom that rattled the trees and caused both of them to stumble. Krel’s eyes grew wide.
“What was that?” Asked the girl, regaining her footing after cursing like a sailor from the pain of putting pressure on her bad leg. But Krel did not hear her. Not because of the wind. But because every fiber of his being was now focused on watching the powdered snow picking up speed as it raced towards them down the mountainside.
Krel didn’t need to know what an avalanche was to know that anything hurtling towards him at that speed and ferocity was not something he wanted to be caught by.
He turned and began dragging the girl by her shoulders, forcing her past any speed that could be comfortable in an effort to get her to safety.
“Go, go, go, go!”
He shouted over the storm, unable to keep his gaze in one direction when he needed to look at both the distance to the shack, and the ever-gaining maelstrom behind them. It was so much harder to walk as the earth trembled, as the avalanche gained footing. He felt the pressure shifting. They were only meters from the shack but he knew they wouldn’t make it. Everything around them quaked as the rumbling turned thunderous, then the path ahead turned dark as the avalanche’s shadow overtook them.
Knowing he had no other option, Krel used all his Akiridion strength to push the girl the last distance towards the cabin with a forceful jolt, then turned and brandished his serrator.
He unleashed a shield, giving her just long enough to get to her feet and wrench the cabin door open, before the overwhelming pressure of the snowy landslide knocked his serrator from his grip, leaving him defenceless. The girl turned just in time to see him disappear beneath the avalanche’s onslaught before she had to force the door closed to save herself.
What followed was a few agonising minutes of pain, stress and screaming as she backed up and pressed her whole body against the door, begging it to hold as the entire cabin groaned and creaked under the pressure.  She begged it to hold. She begged it. Snow sputtered down the chimney, telling her that the shack was being submerged. She held still, hissing and cursing with even her bad leg jammed tight against the door.
Then, finally, the creaking subsided for the most part. Everything turned still. She listened. She couldn’t hear the avalanche, or even the wind. With her heart hammering in her ears, she pulled away from the door slowly, then when it did not cave in, she turned and wrenched it wide. Only a wall of powder-white snow greeted her.
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thewildsophia · 2 years ago
3Below//Krel Tarron x Depressed!Reader
A/N: Re-watching 3Below has reignited my love for Krel. There also aren't any Krel x depression out there so fuck it ima do it myself. For these headcanons, I imagine the reader to have Major Depressive Disorder as opposed to any other kind of depression bc that's what I have. Enjoy!
TW: S//H, S//I, Adult Language
Another warning will be placed before sections containing the above.
Words: 2485
"Read More Link” placed due to length.
Krel Tarron x S/O w/Major Depressive Disorder
At first, Krel would not understand. That is, he wouldn’t pick up on the fact that you have depression. 
His knowledge of human sociology and behaviors is very limited when he and his sister first land on Earth. However, even after he’s spent months here he still struggles to understand and pick up on social cues. 
So even though you exhibit very obvious signs of depression — i.e. lack of energy/appetite, excessive sleeping, and loss of enjoyment in activities — Krel doesn’t suspect anything inherently wrong with you. He thinks that your personality is just different from your other human counterparts. 
And to be fair, for as long as he’s known you, you’ve always acted this way (because you were depressed-). 
You would definitely have to tell him you’re depressed because otherwise, he would never figure it out. You ended up telling him during a period of lucidity where you didn’t feel too bad and were conscious of his lack of understanding of your behavior. 
As you tell him, Krel stares at you intently, committing everything you're telling him to memory. 
Now he really doesn’t understand. 
This whole time he thought you just have a different temperament from the other humans at your school, but in reality, you were suffering from a serious illness that he had no idea you had.
Tbh, Krel’s not ok for a few days after you tell him. For a brief moment, he’s angry that you didn’t tell him sooner, but he quickly understands why and his anger dissolves into sadness. He feels so terrible about not picking up on the fact that you’re constantly in pain and that he’s done nothing to help you. 
Krel spends the next few days after you told him researching all about depression and other similar mental illnesses. He’s honestly a little fascinated by how many illnesses there are lmao. It’s just that on Akaridia-5, there aren’t illnesses like that, so he’s happy to learn something new (even if it’s not under more favorable conditions). 
Krel has a lot of questions about your flavor of depression for when you’re mentally ready to answer such questions. 
Tbh, he’s a little insensitive with some of his questions, but that’s just because he doesn’t know any better. Correct him (politely) and he’ll make sure to be nicer with his questions. 
Not much changes dynamic-wise; Krel’s still your loving boyfriend, the same way that you’re still his loving significant other. 
He does make it a habit to compliment you every time he sees you. Whether it be a compliment about your looks, your school work, or even something as small as “I’m happy to see you today,” he really tries to boost your confidence in hopes that you feel better about yourself. 
He also tries to be around you more often, both to make sure you’re ok and to show you that he’s there for you. 
Krel becomes better at predicting when you’re about to enter a depressive episode. Having been around you for so long and now knowing what the warning signs are, he’s very good at guessing when you’re entering certain episodes (sometimes even before you know. Scary, huh?)
When you enter depressive episodes, Krel does everything he can to make sure he’s there for you, both physically and mentally. He will hold you close to him with all four of his arms while he listens carefully to what is troubling you. 
Krel still doesn’t quite understand the emotions involved in depression. Like many other people, he believed that it was just constant sadness, but the more he read and spoke with you about the matter, the more complex it all became. Sadness, despair, emptiness, fear, anger, jealousy, all emotions that he’s never really felt in full. Not to mention other even more nuanced emotions such as paranoia and shame that he’s actually never felt at all. 
Krel is also very good at helping you through mood swings. He’s come to understand that all humans fluctuate between many different emotions, sometimes in a short period of time. He knows when you want him close to you and knows when you want space. 
If you are someone who is very mature with how you explain how you’re feeling, -- like telling someone you’re mad at them, why you’re mad, and that you want space to cool off/talk with them about it -- Krel has an easier time responding to you. He’s much less likely to misinterpret your feelings and what you want. 
Krel actually learned how to vocalize his own emotions from you whenever he’s distressed or upset which definitely opened you two up for a much more healthy form of communication.
He just struggles with emotions in general, but he makes the effort to understand for you :)
TW: S//H, S//I
If Krel ever gets even a hint that you’re hurting yourself, his mental walls would fall and he’d collapse in on himself.
If there is someone who is threatening or hurting you, he, his sister, and Varvatos can easily get rid of them. If you are sick, he can help treat you until you are better. Even if you do something as small as scraping your knee, he can be there to put a bandage over it.
But yourself? He can’t protect you from yourself. He doesn’t know what to do and that scares him so much.
After what happened with his parents, he is very grateful for the lives of those he loves as he understands just how easily they can be taken away from him. He is afraid that one day you will be gone and all that will remain is him.
Krel would have found out about your self-harm either on his own or someone tipping him off about it. You just didn’t have it in you to tell him yourself. 
Krel then begins to really try and learn human medicine. He would spend hours reading medical articles, watching first-aid videos, and taking copious notes about everything he learns, even if it grosses him out a bit (organic organisms were never really something he was interested in before).
He tries to come up with other things you can do when you feel like hurting yourself; Drawing/coloring, writing, reading, playing games, anything that will distract you. He’s always sending you ideas especially when he’s not with you and knows how you’re feeling. 
And to both of your credits, your self-harm does lessen in both severity and quantity. But unfortunately, it doesn’t always help since old habits die hard.
Krel is there in an instant to help you when you relapse assuming you tell him you need help. Even if you decide not to tell him immediately and care for yourself that day/night, Krel almost always finds out sometime after and worries over you about it. 
His hours spent learning first aid pay off when goes to treat your wounds; Cuts, burns, bruises, bites, you’re convinced that Krel can treat any minor injury. And you’re grateful for that. 
Krel is thorough about disinfecting any open wounds with hydrogen peroxide or Neosporin over burns and is incredibly gentle when wrapping them in gauze. He likes to check on them every few days as well to make sure they’re healing correctly.
He holds you close to him afterward -- all four arms wrapped around you and face pressed into your neck/shoulder -- and begs you not to leave him. At first, you’re confused thinking he meant, like, break up with him. It isn’t until you give it more thought that you realize that he doesn’t want to leave him through death.
If you ever express feelings of guilt -- whether verbal or through body language -- Krel quickly dismisses them from your mind by telling you how he wants to help you and how much he loves you. That he wouldn’t bother doing all of this if he didn’t see anything of substance in you.
If you ever express a desire to die, -- whether through suicide or some freak accident -- Krel will look cool on the outside but on the inside, he will be panicking. As hard as he may try, Krel could never understand why you want to die. 
Even if you explain it to Krel -- Everyone and everything that troubles you and the awful guilt you constantly feel by just being alive -- he believes that there is always a reasonable and achievable solution to your problems. It’s not that he’s trying to downplay your problems or your emotions, he’s just naturally more of a rational thinker even under stress.
But even though he doesn’t understand the emotions themselves, he does understand that human emotions can elicit other undesirable responses and thoughts.
Krel will constantly tell you how much he loves you and that he doesn’t know what he’d do with himself if you were dead. 
He does what he can to push those thoughts from your head.
As written earlier, Krel likes to spend time with you in person. Not just because he loves you sm but also because it makes it easier to keep an eye on you and intervene when necessary.
Def says something along the lines of, “I’m happy you’re alive.” And the first time he said that you cried so hard he thought he insulted you lmao. You had to explain to him that you weren’t insulted but relieved and overjoyed. 
Krel is not the most emotionally intelligent person out there, but he tries to be and is willing to understand them for you.
When you had shown up at school with a busted lip, bloody and bruised knuckles, and a dull gash on your cheek, Krel freaked the fuck out. The moment he spotted you walking to your locker from his own locker he was all over you. 
“What happened?” Krel cried while gently taking your face into one of his hands while the other went to grab your hand.
“It’s nothing,” You mutter, pulling your face out of his grasp and taking a step back. Krel scoffed, looking almost offended while saying,
“Nothing? Nothing did that to you?”
“I just-” You start, raising your hands up in defense before dropping them at your sides, “I got in a fight with Steve. It was over something stupid. We’ve known each other for most of our lives; I just worry about him.” You cross your arms to hold onto yourself and look anywhere Krel isn’t. Krel moved his head so that it was in your line of vision, forcing you to meet his eyes. 
“I take it you don’t want to talk about it?” He asked. You nod ‘yes,’ and Krel frowns.
“I won’t push you then, but I really want to get you treated,” He says, taking a step closer to you. You stay where you are and allow him to hold your hands.
“Later, I’ll be fine for now,” You say while bringing up one of his hands to kiss the top of it, “You can have Aja or even Mother patch me up after school.”
Krel looks at your knuckle hesitantly before agreeing, trusting that you truly would be fine until after the school day.
The moment the last bell rang he made a beeline to find you and ran you to his house as quickly as possible. The two of you were the only ones home when you got there, so Krel wasted no time in having one of the blanks retrieve a first aid kit. Once given to him, Krel attempts to treat your injuries but fails pretty miserably. 
You end up showing him how to clean and wrap different kinds of cuts and bruises. It’s when you’re in the middle of cleaning your knuckles in the sink that Krel says something that makes your stomach drop.
“Mother, can you scan Y/N for any more injuries, please?”
“Wha-Mother! You don’t have to do that!” You shout panicked and covered your arms in a vain attempt to conceal your other injuries. 
“Numerous other injuries found upon Y/N in the upper arm, forearm, and thigh regions. Approximately 27 cuts to the epidermis and 3, 1st-degree burns found.”
“What!?” Krel turned around so fast to face you, you swear you saw his electric blue hair whip from the air, “Where?! I demand you show me!”
“No!” You cry back panicked, hands gripping the side of the sink behind you. Krel scowls and grows before shouting, 
“Mother, show me a hologram of where the injuries are on Y/N!” 
“My King-in-waiting, It would seem that I have breached a highly sensitive topic on behalf of Y/N. I believe it best that they discuss it with you themself.” Mother responds. Krel sighs, his upper right hand running through his hair.
“Y/N,” He starts, “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you. I’m really worried.” He carefully walks over to you but leaves a foot of space between the two of you.
“Will you please show me where you’re hurt?” He asks quietly. Your eyes begin to burn with tears and your mouth opens to explain yourself before shutting quickly with a ‘clank’ of your teeth. Unable to speak, you place your hands into his lower ones, palms up, and nod your head. Gently, Krel’s other hands push your long sleeves higher up your arms, and he’s baffled at the numerous cuts he sees littering your arms. There were many different colors, thicknesses, lengths, and stages of healing -- some were a day old while others were weeks old. He ran his thumb over one of the older ones.
“Wha…” Krel stutters, eyes dancing over your arms, “What are these? What-Who did this?” His eyes flicker up to yours. 
Your jaw twitches -- wanting to speak but unable to -- and you pull one of your hands away from his to point to yourself. Krel’s eyebrows furrow.
“I-I don’t understand,” He whispers, his own eyes beginning to water, “I want to understand.” 
“I did this,” You mumble out, pulling your other hand away from his, “I am…ashamed.” Tears begin to fall and you scrub gently at your eyes to dry them.
“You-You did this?” Krel asks, confused and stunned, “You willingly hurt yourself? Why?”
You heave out a few breaths trying to figure out how to relay your emotions to him. While difficult to say, you manage to squeeze out three words.
“I hate-” You stammer, “I hate myself.” 
And Krel is immediately embracing you.
“I love you,” He says, cupping your face in his upper hands and staring into your eyes with his other two around your waist, “I love you so much. Please don’t ever say you hate yourself.”
Gently, he kisses your forehead, your cheek, and then your lips.
The two of you are left a sobbing mess of tender skin and emotion in the kitchen for Varvatos and Aja to find later when they arrive home.
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troublesometrollhunters · 3 years ago
Could you do headcanons of doing something silly with Aja and Krel and then getting into detention? :)
Krel and Aja were about to accidentally reveal themsleves to the class so you made a comottion. Something in the schools science lab caused their forms to start glitching so you tipped over some beakers making them shatter.
Everyone turns to stare at you while Krel and Aja get away from the magnetization thing that was making their human forms glitch. Dangerous chemicals spill and you realize all too late that the beakers weren't empty just full of a clear looking liquid. It was probabaly hydrochloric acid now that you think back to the lesson...
All eyes are on you and just begin to laugh nervously trying to clean it all up with a rag as quickly as possible.
"Whoops. So clutzy..." You murmer nervous as you continue to wipe everything up.
You watch the Tarrons and their humans forms were normal again. They thumb upped at you like you'd taught them and you signed in relief. Whatever had glitched was over and they seemed fine. So now to worm your way out of being in trouble.
"(L/N) are you trying to blow up the classroom???" Janeth demands and the reality of the situation hits you. Well Shit. Oh well the things you do for friendship and interplanetary peace right?
Looking at Aja and Krel pleadingly they shrug unsure of what to do. You pout and Krel suddenly coughs getting Miss Janeths attention.
"Ugh I'm dying the fumes! We must evacuate!" He says overdramatic falling to his knees as he grips his heart. Still cleaning as Miss Janeth rolls her eyes she points at you not falling for Krel's act.
"Detention!" She states making you grimace.
"What but it was an accident!" Krel and Aja begin to defend you but Miss Janeth is unwavering.
"That is so unlivley! They didn't mean to drop anything they just... Did." Aja says not knowing what to say. They look at you unsure of how to help and you just try to clean up the mess without getting hurt.
"All three of you Saturday detention." She reperiminds and you all groan. Well at least your together.
Detention buddies ✨
Miss Janeth gets sick over the weekend so instead of her you have Uhl. Senior Uhl does not seem happy to be spending his Saturday with you three but you guys don't want to be here either. As the day goes on you have to admit he is much nicer than Mrs. Janeth.
You'd all done your homework and were all more or less responsible so Senior Uhl decided to let you off easy. You help him grade papers and begin laughing and joking around as you all talk.
Aja balances pencils on her nose while Krel drums pens against the desk. You give everyone a passing grade and are lenient on answers as Uhl chuckles at your guyses behavior.
Helping him finish his work he's in a way better mood. Besides your some of his favorite students and he found the whole lab accident dumb. Your all getting bored but you have to stay until your times done.
He puts on a movie hoping to make the hours go faster. He brings out some confiscated items to mess around with and you all snack and play with toys as the movie plays.
Aja and Krel ask a lot of questions through the film but seeing it's not in English and instead is one of Senior Uhl's soap dramas your as lost as they are. He jokes a bit letting his guard down and you have a fun time watching even if you have no idea what's going on.
He reads a scolding Miss Janeth sent to him before you all get ready to leave. He's obviously bored and thinks its stupid as he reads it in a monotone voice and not a scolding one. Giving you a copy with a chuckle so Miss Janeth will think he chewed you out he playfully gives you all a wink.
It begins raining and Senior Uhl. ends up driving you home in Suzanna when he sees you only have your bikes. As he drives he shares some of his favorite music.
The day could've been much worse and at the end of it you feel relaxed and refreshed having some much needed time off from the alien weirdness. All in all not bad.
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ettellessa · 2 years ago
I decided somebody had to fix Rise of the Titans so I did it myself.
I cut out all the bad things: no pregnant Steve, no bad ending.
Feel free to watch, save, reupload and share. Enjoy, huzzah.
Fixed It (G-drive)
Fixed it (mega)
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drclr · 4 years ago
Krel Tarron With A Boyfriend
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Krel met you through Aja
You were Aja’s best friend, and so, you were doing your obligatory duties as her best friend to show up to their house and have suprise movie nights
everyone on the house knew you by now
and honestly, Krel always liked you
you weren’t as overbearing as most other people and you never pushed yourself into his personal space
now when i say Krel liked you
it wasn’t like anything serious
he just preferred you to other people
of course, he thought you were attractive and had a nice personality
but still
he just liked you as a person
but then one day
Aja started talking about how he didnt have that many friends and didnt really talk to other people 
so you asked her how he was 
the more Aja explained it to you the more you understood how truly amazing Krel actually was
by the end of Aja’s explanation, you were in absolute awe
you couldn’t help but walk to Krel the next day at school with an expression of repressed excitement and go “KREL YOU’RE SO INCREDIBLE!?!?!!!!”
and man
your sparkly eyes, your slightly flushed cheeks, your sincere astonishment, your grin
it made Krel’s core do something
a flutter
a squeeze
he didn’t know what it was, but it was something
he just stood there in bewilderment with his eyes wide as he started feeling things the longer he looked at you looking at him like that
you tugged at his little heartstrings
Krel snapped out of his daze and he quickly ducked his head to hide his blush behind his hair and just let out a little “mhm” before passing you and going to class
you knew Krel was often a man of a few words, but you couldn’t help but worry if you had somehow upset him
he never brushed you off like that before, so this felt different
maybe you stood too close or something 
you had decided you were gonna apologize later and silently hoped he didnt hate you
and when you apologized
how his eyes widened slightly, how his body stiffened from surprise, and how his cheeks were coloured red 
you stood there stunned as the realization dawned on you
could it be,,,, Krel liked you-
you cut off the thought before it even fully started, because that’s just ridiculous, there’s no way
suddenly an arm was thrown over your shoulder
it was Mary, one of Aja’s friends
and one look at his face just confirmed everything
and sent you in absolute panic
Mary, who felt your panic, laughed and patted you on the back reassuringly
“relax. hey take your time. this is new for both of you and we don’t know if it will even go anywhere.”
-but i kinda want it to- you thought
Mary leaned closer to you and whispered sleazily “hooo you want it to huh you have the hots for Krel dont ya dont you hohohoooo what do you want to do to my friend’s brother you fiend”
before you could bite back at her, she stood back at full length and looked at you “honestly though? i think you have a solid chance with him”
that single sentence repeated itself the entire bus ride back
and it continued to plague your mind for the following couple of weeks as you were weighing the pros and cons of this situation
over these couple of weeks, you were fixated a bit too much on Krel you couldn’t help but notice how cute he was
his little habits and the little faces he pulled as he played his music were all too endearing
you tried to sit with him at lunch some times and slowly getting friendlier than you usually would
yknow just to gauge his reactions
which you came to discover were also so freaking cute
he got nervous and a bit jumpy and the tips of his ears would tint red
but he never refused you and displayed any type of discomfort
so one afternoon while you two were on his house, waiting for Aja, you decided to ask him out
“Krel, you know   the arcade a couple blocks over? i heard they installed some new games over the past weekend so,, i was wondering if you’d like to go check them out with me. yknow after we’re done with school and all…”
you gulped at the tense silence that followed and wondered for a split second if you should add “haha yknow as two friends buddies good bros hanging out ahah”
as you were stuck in your own thoughts Krel let out a little huff and gave you a soft smile “i’d love to”
you heart went wooOOSH at the sight of his smile
whether he was good or bad at video games it didn’t really matter to you
you enjoy his company regardless and his reactions to the games amused you
and this is something that’ll stay constant throughout your relationship
you love games and Krel loves you so whatever his stance was on video games previously didn’t matter because he loved engaging in something that you loved* and he also knew that you love sharing your interests with him
even if you sucked at one game or the other you could get a good laugh out of him from it and it totally makes everything worth it
you, of course, would engage yourself in what interested him 
it’s a fair and sweet trade
you guys’ relationship would progress kinda slowly but also not really??
like the pace suit you guys
something that can be a little puzzeling with Krel is that even though he’s touch and affection starved, he’s not a touchy person so being affectionate is a hit or miss
he’ll never reject your advances for physical affection cuz you’re his boyfriend* but it’s rare for him to be the one intiating it
PDA is not a thing
like ever
not even holding hands
this is new for Krel and he’s so aware of the fact that you’re both guys
he’d just want it to be known between you guys and your trusted circle
but he knows that it sometimes can be upsetting so he does what he can to make it easier
he stands closer to you, enough to feel his body warmth
when he walks beside you sometimes he’ll let the back of his hands brush yours
yknow just little things that go unoticed to everyone else but it means a lot to you
being in a relationship with Krel just means being in the recieving end of a lot of little things that come together and make it wholesome
Krel gives these small quick kisses out of nowhere that make your heart stop for that split second but then by the time you processed it he’s already gone on his way
they’re so quick and small
its so adorable, really
and he has this Special Look that’s reserved just for you and it’s so so soft and full of adoration, he usually gives you that look when you’re not looking
Aja sees it though and it makes her so happy seeing Krel like this
you make Krel happy
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writings-of-a-daphodil · 4 years ago
Krel x Wizard Headcanons
Krel x wizard!reader
Summary: Headcanons for Krel and a wizard.
Requested?: Yes! This was inspired by a wonderful anon's request:
Hello! Do you think I can request Krel and Wizard reader dating headcanons?
I hope you like it!!!
Fandom: Tales of Arcadia
A/n: I don’t normally write for Krel, but this was something new. I enjoyed spiceing things up.
—Krel was really surprised when he discovered you were a witch. He had thought he was the one with the big secret.
—You probably met at one of the battles and hit it off right away.
—Or he met you at Hex Tech.
—He probably saw you using magic, so he knew you were a wizard from the get go.
—He was a bit cynical and snarky at first, but he was excited to make a new friend.
—The two of you can also be pretty snarky together and it was part of the way you bonded.
—Another way would have been through inventing, you love how innovative Krel is.
—He was very interested in your magic too, using it as an excuse to see you.
—Aja would always tease him though.
— “Right, you’re going to watch her do magic.”
— “I am!”
—Though he loved seeing you, your magic really did fascinate him, he had never seen anything like it.
—It wasn’t long before you found out he was an Akiridian.
—It honestly made sense to you, he didn’t exactly seem like your run of the mill human.
—When you found out, he decided to just go for it and ask you out as well.
—He was honestly a little surprised when you said yes.
—Now that you were dating the two of you spent even more time together, you were very happy he had decided to stay on earth.
—You spent a lot of time talking about each other’s cultures.
—Eventually the two of you discover that magic and Akiridian tech is very compatible and the two of you really enjoy experimenting with it.
—Sometimes you’ll have dates where you order food and experiment with the tech and magic all night.
—You always end up falling asleep on each other.
—Aja loves teasing Krel about it.
—Speaking of Aja the two of you get along really well and she too finds your magic interesting.
— Anyways, there are also plenty of dates where you and him just talk, you could talk for hours about anything, especially if you’ve lived a long time.
—Krel isn’t the biggest fan of earth, but you teach him to love it with the way you talk about it.
—He enjoys it when you take him to your favorite places on the planet.
—You also have lots of study dates.
—He’ll help you with math or anything else.
—It’s a very sweet relationship and the two of you work together well.
—It’s also less stress because you know you can each handle yourselves.(You maybe more than him).
—No constantly being worried about each other.
—However, the both of you still worry a little and you are always coming to each other’s rescue. (You coming to his more often).
—No matter what you always have each other’s back.
Voila!!! Thank you for requesting this and I hope you liked it!! Have a safe and wonderful day/night!!!!
P.S. I am open to requests!!!!!I
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incorrect-toa-x-reader · 4 years ago
Y/n: I'm a really good fighter! I once bit a jump rope in half!!
Krel: Why?
Y/n: What do you mean "why?"
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thatweirdoagainbitches · 4 years ago
Krel x reader
Another character I really like. There are more than a billion people on this Earth and I only have crushes on people who don’t exist. Whelp! 
Summary: This is just a bunch of things I think are cute. 
gender neutral reader
~~ You two would meet at school.
~~ At first he thought you wouldn’t talk to anyone but that changed when the class went to the museum
~~ You walked away from the group and stared at the dresses. You were in a trance when someone bumped into you. “Hey watch it!”, you said. “Sorry”, Krel said. He looked really embarrassed but you didn’t really care. “It’s fine”, you said as you turned your attention back to the dress. He looked at you and then at the dress. “Why are you so fascinated with this piece of clothing?”, he asked. You chuckled and looked back at him. “I’m trying to imagine what it would be like to spend every day in this”, you said, “I mean look at it! You could sneak five people in that!”. He smiled at you. “How would you use the restroom in that?”, he asked, amused with your humor. “I guess they would get like two people to lift in up while you go”, you said holding back laughter. You both laughed and sighed. 
~~ A couple days later, Krel asked you out. Well actually, Aja and Toby pushed you two together and told you to go to the movies. Close enough. Oh and after a couple weeks of dating he tells you where he’s from. 
~~ After that Krel was acting ver ver cute
~~ When you two sit next to each other he would pull you onto him so he could wrap all his arms around you
~~ You don’t really know how to invent things but Krel tries teaching you. You failed. But it’s okay! He loves it when you get that cute thinking face and when he needs to clean up your face from the explosions. 
~~ When you go over to his house, you two watch movies and he always gets so confused with it.  “Why are they not running?”, he asked. “I don’t know. It’s a horror movie so people are stupid.”, you answered while grabbing some popcorn. “I do not understand this...”, he said annoyed. 
~~ When anyone tries hitting on you he wraps his arms around you and death glares them. 
~~ He is taller than you in both forms and you hate it. But every time you try standing on something to make yourself taller, he just gets you down and tickles you. His extra hands help with that. 
~~ When you get mad he either makes you laugh or calls you cute. You hate him for both.    
Krel: Smiles
Y/N: Pissed: Don’t you dare make me smile...
Krel: Grabs you and starts tickling you
Y/N: NOO! I’m MAD!
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 7 months ago
I Will never leave you again | Angor Rot
Fragment To find the full story go to wattpad or neobook
Chapter Three
Chapter five
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The party at the inn was in full swing everyone was happy that Gunmar's son had been killed by a troll hunter and the bridge of the beheading had been hidden in the marketplace for this reason Vendel finally cheered up when he realized that nothing threatened the marketplace or the trolls.
Anoana stood in a corner of the tavern sipping tea the wound from a few days ago was still healing and her left arm was too bandaged but that didn't make the woman stop her little expeditions, since she knew that Bular wasn't lurking in the shadows somewhere she could move more freely around Arcadia she didn't necessarily remember fondly the encounter with the dark prince when she left the marketplace at night to collect healing herbs
She wanted to forget about it at all
She swallowed her saliva hard and her jaw clenched tighter as she felt the pain from the scar that remained after meeting Bular in the forest she never forgot the stress that flowed through her and the thought that she wouldn't make it out alive before it was too late out of nowhere Kanjigar appeared and saved her
To his unwillingness
Despite everything, the widow did not manage to thank him, however, the news of Bular's death and Kanjigar's avenging filled her with gratitude and pride for the troll hunter. The widow's quiet footsteps headed towards Vendel - So? - She asked tilting her head, the old man looked at her with a raised eyebrow waiting for her to continue what she wanted to say - So now you believe in our human troll hunter? - She asked, putting down her empty tea mug on the nearest table
Vendel sighed, but smiled - Maybe you were right, the boy will do great deeds - He admitted, however, still rocking to the rhythm of the music that was playing in the background, Anoana smiled proudly - I'm always right - She muttered earning a giggle from the elderly troll, The widow gently bowed to the old man as a gesture of respect turned on her heel and walked away in a direction only she knew in herself
Before the widow had time to leave the inn she was stopped by the voice of a young troll - Are you leaving already? - Asked Indun while sipping her drink closely watching the older troll - The party hasn't even started - Whined the younger troll as he approached the widow
Anoana only smiled - Parties are not my forte Indun - She reminded the younger troll by gently waving her hands in an unwilling manner, ever since she lost Angor her social life was closed only to her friendship with Vendel and Indun. Come the last few days she has opened up enough to try to befriend a human troll hunter, maybe it's also due to curiosity - All the more reason not to celebrate on this day - whispered the widow looking dully at the ground
- Tacos for everyone! - Cried Toby handing out Tacos to everyone as he said, but the widow shook her head refusing to accept human food her portion was given to Indun who without argument accepted an extra portion of Tacos which she clearly liked
Anoana, even though she was smiling tried to hide the pain in her eyes - You should be amused Anoana - Indun muttered while swallowing the Tacos that Domzalski distributed, the widow sent a murderous glance towards the younger troll - Don't look at me like that - She only shrugged her shoulders unmoved by the widow's gaze - It's been almost three centuries! You've continued to pick yourself up and you don't even sing like you used to,” the younger troll argued further, unconcerned with the widow's increasingly angry gaze
- Sing? - A voice behind Anoana suddenly spoke up, causing her to roll her eyes as she turned to look at the teenage troll hunter. The widow closed her eyes and ran her hand over her face with fatigue - Anoana used to sing when we celebrated something or during ritual times - Explained an excited Indun smiling pointing at the widow as if the troll hunter didn't know who the younger troll was talking about
- I used to sing is the correct answer,” the widow mocked, ‘I used to sing,’ she crossed her arms over her chest as a grimace spread across her stony face, Jim's blue eyes gently lit up as he smiled, ”No. I will not. I will not do it - growled Anoana wanting to head for the exit to end the conversation however she did not do so why? She had no idea but her legs refused to obey she felt as if her legs had become a real stone preventing her from moving in any direction to escape from this conversation
- You sang during the battles you won - Indun spoke up again wanting to persuade her mentor to return to the old habit she had abandoned so long ago - Bular is dead is a reason to celebrate - She argued further the younger troll causing Jim to be more and more interested Blinky sitting next to Jim was not too thrilled about persuading Indun to sing Anoana, likewise the interested party herself
- Isn't this a good reason to return to old habits? - Persuaded this time by Toby interjecting himself into the conversation, the widow felt every troll's gaze fixed on her stony skin. She shouldn't celebrate without him. She shouldn't sing without him. She shouldn't play the drums without him - Unless you're afraid - Indun wanted to joke with the widow but was met with the worst look the widow could give her
- No - She growled almost at the younger troll, the widow was famous for being calm and her nerves were made of steel it was hard to upset her however Indun never got to know Anoana's worst anger until today - I will not play, celebrate, sing. Even more so on this day,” Anoana hissed fending off the conversation by running for the exit to lose the curious gazes of the trolls
The chief of the market also watched the situation worried about the widow's mood wanted to intervene, but before Vendel could intervene or do anything else to calm the widow she had managed to leave - And to this one what happened? - Jim asked, confused by the widow's behavior.
Indun sighed heavily - Young Indun can't understand some things - Murmured Vendel shaking his head looking then at the younger troll looking guiltily at the ground and then at the door through which the widow left - Today is the day she let her husband out of the village - Blinky spoke up putting his hand on Jim's shoulder - And he never came back to her - He finished with a slight twist of his blue face as his orange nose wrinkled up
- It has been almost three centuries and she is still after him refusing every pastime she did with him - Explained a worried Indun - Despite persuasion she is still looking for him while refusing everything - She finished - Including my training - She mourned as the daggers hanging on Indun's back began to burn her as she thought how long it takes her to persuade the widow to do anything other than look for the ring or bury Angor
The younger troll shook her head and Vendel spoke up this time, sensing the atmosphere that was thickening with each passing moment - Those are topics for other days, right now we are celebrating the capture of the bridge of the beheading and the killing of Bular son of Gunmar by our troll hunter! - Exclaimed Vendel spreading his arms out to the sides the party moved on and every troll forgot about the drama that unfolded moments later
- And no one helped her look for her husband? - Asked Jim and his voice was quiet as he looked at his mentor, Blinkous only shook his head - When the war for the common lands, Gunmar attacked her village she tried to protect her village and her people with her husband - Explained Blinky slowly but after a moment he shook his head - That's a story for another time - He stated directly cutting himself off from the topic - And it's rather for Anoana to tell you - sighed gloomily the blue troll and his ears drooped
⋆⁺₊⋆ ☾⋆⁺₊⋆
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makethiscanon · 2 years ago
Forgotten in the Frosted Hills: Part 1
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'Post my forgotten WIPs' won out on the poll, so here's chapter one of a Krel x Fem!Reader who likes the cold fic. Sorry Skrael lovers, he does feature but isn't the pairing.
Word Count: 1750 || Rating: Teen || Warnings: Mild Threat/Violence || Tags (Chapter Specific): Plot-Focused, Reasonably Canon-Compliant, Adventure, Fantasy Realism, First Encouters, Prologue, Reader is English for Specific Arcadia Canon Purposes.
You didn’t mind the cold. In fact, compared to the heatwaves of summer, you absolutely adored it. People often questioned how you could stand to walk around in light dresses when everyone else wore thermals. Truth was, you liked being chilly. The bitterest winter winds were a tickle on your skin, and in the cold you finally felt like you could focus. Summer sunshine only ever brought discomfort, leaving you stranded indoors where you would not burn or melt.
People often commented on your odd preference, but you didn’t mind. Not until your oddity caught the eye of someone you wished it didn't.
It was a mid-winter afternoon in rural England. Not as cold as usual for the time of year, but certainly enough to keep most people indoors. You, however, were out on the hills. The fields were empty, cattle nestled up warm in barns some many miles away, giving you the freedom to wander at your leisure. No coat. No hat. Just a thin dress, and tights that had no other function than to hide the imperfections of your legs.
You were strolling the hillsides, trying your best to locate an unusual tree-stump that had caused a ruckus at school today. Apparently, it had appeared out of nowhere, but looked like an ancient throne. You didn’t know if you believed the rumour, but it never hurt to check on days like today. It was too cold for anyone else to be out, meaning you could make a fool of yourself if the rumour turned out to be fake, and no one would know.
It was odd, actually. The past few days, you’d almost been certain someone was watching you. With fields stretching on for miles out here, though, there was nowhere for someone to hide.
You walked on, wondering if the colder bite to the air was just your imagination. But as you carried on, you began to notice frost speckling the grass underfoot. Your breath turned to white clouds. You smiled. You hoped that meant snow.
When you reached the peak of the hill, you stilled. Beyond, the land fell into a shallow crater, sloped on every side. It was a natural phenomenon, though the people from town often said it had ties to the Fae. You usually scoffed at such stories, and had wandered here plenty to know that wasn’t true.
But this time the crater – and the crater, alone – was white. Not with snow. With frost. And there, in the saddle between the four hillsides stood the throne, its dark wood standing out against the icy ground.
You edged down the slope to get a closer look, watching your footing as the frost turned thicker. With every few steps, the air grew colder. Alarmingly so. You’d never felt it so clearly before. It was fresh and invigorating, and you were sure any other person would have turned back with frostbite by now.
You felt eyes on you as you descended into the crater. When you were almost close enough to touch the throne, you stopped. The hairs along your arms and neck were prickling. You scanned the hilltops for signs of a lurker, but no one was there. But there had to be. You could feel them.
After a moment, you turned your attention back to the throne. Now that you were close, you could see the intricate carvings in the wood. They looked old. You’d walked this part of the hills many times before. A tree-throne this worn, it should have been here for decades, but you had never seen it before.
Being a reluctant skeptic, you hoped this was proof enough of something more than human. You wanted to believe. Perhaps now you could.
Figuring you needed to give it a once over to make sure it wasn’t some artsy installation, you ran your hands along the bark, then froze as a humourless chuckle carried on the wind.
“Don’t you feel it?”
Someone was behind you. You turned to look, but found no one there. Yet the hairs on the back of your neck still prickled.
“You aren’t like the others.”
This time, the voice sounded more concrete. Not something you could so easily dismiss.
You turned to look at the throne once more, coming face to face with a being that was as ancient as time itself. Your breath caught. You were too surprised to move.
He looked thin, with skin as blue as frost, eyes as black and as bright as the night sky, and was wrapped in a shroud with the skull of some ancient horned being adorning his head. It was not in his face that you saw his age, for his façade looked no older than you, but as soon as you laid eyes upon him, you felt your own mortality, and how small it was in the presence of his eternity.
He smiled a wicked smile.
“At last, we meet in person.”
He sat in the throne, one knee hooking over its arm as he claimed it leisurely, exposing a portion of his bare leg as his shroud slipped down into his lap.
“Aren’t you… cold?” You asked. It was a strange thing to ask, out of every uncertainty running rampant in your mind, yet somehow felt the safest of many questions. Suddenly, here was a being confirming every wild story of the Fae you had ever heard. He was physical proof that there was more to the world than what it seemed. Yet you were too scared to ask about any of it.
His smile grew wider, his eyes unblinking.
“I fathom I am just as cold as you.”
You almost told him that you didn’t feel the cold, only you stopped yourself once you saw the blackened ends of his fingertips, plagued by frostbite.
He noticed what you had seen. Raising a hand to study himself, turning it this way and that, he spared it but a glance before returning attention to you in full.
“Haven’t you ever wondered why the cold doesn’t bother you? Why it is, that others must wrap themselves in layers when the temperatures plummet, and you do not?”
How did he know that?
In a blink, he was behind you. His hands found your bare arms and he trailed his fingers across your skin. They felt so incredibly, impossibly cold. But it was not uncomfortable. He mused, pressing his nose into the side of your hair, his breath against your ear.
“My touch can kill animals, and wither plants to nought. Yet, you do not flinch.”
He slipped in front of you, hovering off the ground, bringing his face close to yours. His white-blue irises were so bright they were frightening.
You felt a dread welling in your stomach, one that could not be abated as you took a step back. At last we meet in person, he had said. Who was he, this creature from whom you could feel not an ounce of kindness, yet spoke to you without malice? He was asking questions you had never pondered, making you wonder about impossibilities no human ever need wonder.
“I… like the cold.” You said after a moment, aware he was hinting at such a thing anyway. “But who are you? Why does it sound like you know me?”
You being here was coincidence, and nothing more. It was by chance you had stumbled onto him, by chance you had sought out the throne. He knew all about your preference for the cold, yet it could simply be his deduction. You had willingly wandered into the middle of a frost-patch in a dress, after all.
“I am Skrael of the North Wind,” he offered. But his next words sent a shiver down your spine. “And you are to be my bride.”
Without an ounce of humour, an ounce of leeway, his words settled over you like a chill you never thought you could experience.
“Wh-what’s that supposed to mean?” You asked, taking yet another step back. He had to be a trickster. He couldn’t really mean it. “I don’t know you.”
He glided towards you, following even as you continued to step back. You made it to the edge of the frost patch before he slipped behind you, grabbing your wrist. You span, hoping to dislodge his grip, but to your utmost horror, he was unfathomably stronger than his thin body looked.
“If you fight me, I shall make this difficult.” He warned, icy talons forming on the tips of his fingers. “You are my bride, ____, whether you like the fact, or not.”
“I can’t be.” You demanded, trying again to pull free. “You’ve got the wrong girl.”
He chuckled humourlessly.
“I would not stoop so low as to willingly put my hands on a mortal. I have studied you closely for weeks. There can be no other. You are my destined bride.”
He was insane. Bride was one thing. Destined bride was something else entirely.
“Let me go.” You demanded, using your other hand to try to pry him off. But his grip held fast. He watched your helpless struggle with clear amusement. He did not stop you. Your pathetic attempt was futile.
“Come.” He said, after tiring of your games. “I wasted enough time pursuing you. Now that I have you, the day of reckoning draws nearer.”
He floated back towards the centre of the frost patch, unfazed by your struggling. You tried to pull back, to kick your heels into the ground, but nothing stopped him. The agonisingly slow pace at which he moved only served to amp up your distress as he neared the blackened wood throne.
“Stop!” You wailed with a shriek, embedding your nails into the flesh of his hand. He stopped with a sudden jolt. You realised then that it was not the scratching, but the shriek that had faltered him. So with a deep breath, you shrieked again, hoping it would stun him.
But the only thing your cry served was to earn you a fierce slap across the cheek, and a glare that promised all hell should you do it again. The pain was excruciating. It burned and stung, and knocked your sight blind for a moment.
Skrael said nothing. With you knocked into a stupor, he pulled you to the throne and placed his hand upon the wood. In an instant, you, the throne, and even the frost vanished, leaving not a trace that they had ever existed.
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troublesometrollhunters · 4 years ago
Explaining Valentine's To Krel Tarron
~ Humans are weird. Your traditions are weird. Your hoildays. Your culture. It's weird. It's all weird. You are weird.
~ That being said Krel does like you so he's gonna do the stupid hoilday even if he hates the entirety of it. Mother did research for him in secret and proofreading her findings everything seemed fine. Being as this was a foreign planet with a different culture and strange people he supposes it makes sense to you even if it doesn't make sense to him.
~ Akriddion doesn't have anything like this so this Valentines is new to him but he does his best. According to the books he sped read, movies he skimmed, and stories he's heard around school, Valentines is the most anxiety induced hoilday for humans. They have one day to prove their love and worth as a partner and are expected to go above and beyond for them. So Krel decides to do just that.
~ As King in Waiting Krel will someday have an entire planet to rule, this can't be harder than that can it? Aja has a lot to say about the hoilday. She's going on a date with Steve and keeps giving him advice. She suggested carving your names into a tree? He thought no. That wasn't as bad as what Vex suggested though. Varvotos told Krel he should kill a rival human and present the body to you in a romantic display. He politely declined.
~ He has created an algorithm. After compling all the data from his books, movies, and highschool rumors he has a plan.
~ He has picked red roses from the garden with Luci's help, bought tickets to a romantic movie thanks to Mother suggestion, got you a present thanks to Ricky, and has planned a romantic dinner at a restaurant. It all seems over the top and unneeded but if kids at school are talking about it, it must be true!
~ The Day of Valentines he's excited to see you. With everything planned out nothing could go wrong! He has caculated it and nothing could go wrong and the data is always correct and he's not gonna worry about it or dwell on it to much or the day will be ruined!
~ Halfway through the date he's tired. You loved the roses and were excited about the movie and restaurant. He's glad your having fun. But admittedly... He's not. Krel's surprised when you ask if he's enjoying himself. This entire time he thought the day was for you. When you push a bit and he admits no he's not you hum.
~ When you pull at his arm and drag him out of the movies he's surprised! This wasn't the plan. He tries to reason it's fine but you assure him if he's not having fun than you don't want to keep watching. At first he thinks your going to break up with him but... it's the opposite.
~ Stopping at Stuart's Taco truck you buy food for you and him before taking his hand. Blushing he follows you and pauses when you stop. The outlook? Looking at you for answers you plop on a bench and pat it for him to come over. He does.
~ Handing him a burrito he takes it before looking at you.
"I thought..." He's confused as he takes a bite but you just smile shushing him.
"The movie was fun for me but if it wasn't for you I didn't want to stay. I want you to have fun too. This is our date. Not my date." Nodding he continues eating. Apparently data and teenagers could be wrong. Who knew?
~ Sitting under the stars looking at the constellations Krel smiles as he begins pointing them out to you. Leaning on him smiling he smiles back as he tells you stories of his home. You're right. This is a lot more fun.
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daydream-believin · 4 years ago
Master Douxie’s Camp For Gifted Youngsters - x reader au
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* okay so long story short:
* only not in the summer its just basically CHB
* instead of leaving off on his own, douxie just scoops up the whole gang to join him
* jim, claire, toby, steve, krel, blinky and arrgghh, nari, you, everyone present.
* they make camp up in oregon. the veil is thin there ya know. it’s good cover.
* these kids may have saved the world but they aren’t that properly trained, apart from jimbo
* so douxie has taken it upon himself, with the help of you, blinky, and arrgghh, to train these kiddos and better prepare them for the upcoming war with the arcane order/titans
* jim and claire are just assumed to still be in new jersey
* krel has brought along ricky’s head
* steve’s mother thinks he got into a boot-camp type school for the semester (coach knows what’s really up and he’s helping keep her from worrying and making it sound not so dangerous) that’ll be good for him (which is not a lie per se)
* and toby’s nana is a old wizard who’s concept of time is fuzzy so she’s not worried about him having a fun little trip with his friends. he’ll turn up soon and she’ll have a pie fresh out of the oven for him.
* while all kids are being trained, douxie is giving special attention to his new apprentice claire, and you are guilty of favoring jim, as a swordsman yourself
* steve is also a favorite, as he is very eager to learn all manners of cool weapons, despite not being the practiced swordsman jim is. douxie has a little experience with axes. its going well
* you’re not entirely sure how best to work with toby, as the hammer thing is uncharted territory for you. but he seems to somewhat know what he’s doing with it, so you and doux have mainly focused on defense magic with him
* as much as you both tried with krel, combat just wasn’t his thing. he was plenty capable, sure, but his heart wasn’t into it. his efforts were better used in his new obsession, combining tech with magic, and he was getting good at it. douxie encouraged this, and leant magic whenever he needed it. it was amazing, some of the things krel’d been tinkering with.
* nari is having the time of her life with the kids. they treat her as a weird sister. she loves being included. human children have always fascinated her.
* blinky is still recovering from his injuries, but having arrgghh by his side again has helped immensely. despite his injuries he helps train the kids in any way he can.
* younger you hadn’t thought you and douxie would ever be glorified camp counselors at 919 but hey, saving the world isn’t always as glamorous as you think
*edit) forgot to mention the camp is protected by a magic border that keeps the monsters out (like CHB) powered by the group’s magic
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drclr · 4 years ago
Steve: I learned some very valuable lessons from this.
Douxie: I’m guessing they are all horrible distortions on the lessons you actually should’ve taken away.
Steve: Death isn’t real, and I’m basically god.
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