#toa james lake jr. x reader
Jim and you are sitting in the library doing Trollhunter homework with Claire and Toby
Jim: We should get a divorce.
(Y/N) starts chuckling stopping what their reading while Claire continues her work and Toby snorts
(Y/N): What are you doing?
Jim shrugs
Jim: Just practicing.
(Y/N): Why are you practicing your hypothetical divorce?
Jim: ... I don't know I'm the Trollhunter, I'm sixteen. I think I'm having a quarter life crisis.
(Y/N): You don't even have a girlfriend Jim.
Claire and Toby are giggling now while Jim smiles
Jim: Hypthetically divorce me?
(Y/N): Okay... than hypothetically I'm taking half of your assests.
Jim: Well you didn't sign the hypothetical prenup. P-pre... Its called a prenup right?
Claire deciding to join in
Claire: Yes its a prenup and you did hypothetically sign one so...
(Y/N) cracking their ass up
(Y/N): Who the fuck is this guy?
Claire: I'm his hypothetical divorce lawyer in this divorce case.
(Y/N): Than I'm taking the hypothetical kids. So...
(Y/N) pauses.
(Y/N): Right we can get those?
Toby scooting closer and joining in
Toby: Yes we can defiently get those hypothetical kids. Don't worry about it.
Jim: Who the fuck is this hypothetical nerd? Glasses wearing nerd...
(Y/N): Woah that is a alot of hypothetical insults.
Toby: I'm wearing glasses to look the role. I'm not just a hypothetical divorce lawyer but also a troll lawyer Mr. Trollhunter. Now about the assest division.
(Y/N): This is my hypothetical divorce lawyer.
Pulling Toby close you chuckle
(Y/N): We've hypothetically been sleeping together so-
Jim holding back laughter
Jim: How could you hypthetically-
Jim taking a deep breath still holding back laughter
Jim: Ho-how could you hypothetically do this to me?
(Y/N) also laughing
(Y/N): Because you are hypothetically an alcoholic so...
Blinkous: Great Gorgons what's happening?
The Trolhunter crew bursts out laughing.
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X Reader Aesthetics
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How about making some enjoyable troll foods with troll jim? I remember you wrote something similar a while back, and it was so wholesome.
Jim purrs deeply, rumbling happily as he watches you. You laugh at his cuddly behavior and it just makes him happier.
He feels at peace in his kicthen especially since your here with him. Moonlight is leaking through the windows behind him hitting his back as he works with you. Your both making a midnight snack. (... Well your midnight his mid day) You try to sneak around him to grab something but Jim smirks as hes in a playful mood. Laughing he quickly wraps you in his arms picking you up, before pulling you close nuzzling you softly.
He's getting used to his new body, his new strength, his new feelings, and his new senses but as you cook with him like you used to so many times before, he remembers how things used to be and accepts this is how things are now. This is who he is. This is Jim. He's still Jim, troll or not.
He chuffs as you continue to wiggle smiling as you squirm in his grip.
"Jim!" You whine. He chuffs nuzzling you with a small smirk. Tilting his head and giving him a kiss he purrs before placing you down. Humming softly as you grab what you need his lips brush the back of your neck as he gives you little kisses. The laugh that escapes you as he tickles you with the kisses makes him smile. He missed this. He missed you.
"So what are we having?" He hums. You'd been cooking for awhile now. He had no idea what it was but it smelled good. He was doing his own thing while you did yours so the smell in the kitchen was interesting to say the least but he decided to focus on your smells and your food because it felt more like home that way.
Turning in his grip a whisk and spoon in hand you reach above him before wrapping your arms behind his neck and standing on your tiptoes for a kiss. His purrs get louder as his lips meet yours before you pull away making him whine softly. Smiling you look up at him letting out a soft hum as your fingers play with his scrurf.
"I'm making muffins. Your making a magic potion." You tease. Jim huffs at the small jab at his troll cooking before getting revenge by nuzzling you. Ignoring your pleas to stop he continues to nuzzle and tickle you a large smile on his face.
"I'm making muffins they just happen to be more like chemistry than cooking." He responds in a huffy tone.
You hum playfully teasing him and he huffs before stealing some more kisses. As he hemd you close purring softly you had a feeling you wouldn't be finsihing your snack anytime soon but that was alright. Jim was the best snack in the world.
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Nap time with Jim so he can get the rest that he deserves 🥺
Well he knew you'd been tired after training but when you leaned on him he couldn't help but indulge in some cuddles. You'd fallen asleep during the Gun Robot movie that was currently playing on the t.v. Which honestly wouldn't be a problem except you fell asleep cuddling ontop of him which meant you were kind of pinning him down.
Groaning realizing he had stuff to do you make a little noise. Pausing his hand ruffles your hair gently as he stays quiet. Sighing as he did his best not to wake you he looks up towards the second story where his room was. He had a chapter of Blinkies troll homework to read and some school work that really needed to be done.
Looking at you before glancing at the stairs he hums softly. Shifting trying to get up you whine in your sleep and cling to him face scruntching up as you hide in his soft blue jacket. Jim pauses going still and after a moment your dead asleep again quietly breathing as you snuggle close on instinct.
"... Huh." He mumbles before going limp as you continue to cuddle him. Well it could be way worse...
As he relaxes his eyes feel heavy. He's sure Claire or maybe Toby did the homework. If not he could deal with that later right now with the warm light leaking through his window and your soft breathing he feels at peace. Swiping some hair out of your face smiling at you, he gives in. Closing his eyes too tired to resist any longer he lets himself fall into a deep sleep.
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Trollhunter Dating Aesthetics 🗡
Jim: Notes slipped into your locker, pinics in the park, dancing after dark, glowing crystals, the swish of a sword, that smell right after it rains, the baby blue cloud dotted sky, wind whipping through your hair as you drive on a vespa, him sharing his jackets, moving your hair out of your face, soft kisses under the moonlight, touches that send electricity up your body, smiles sent across the room, the sense of adventure.
Claire: Shakespeare quotes, algebra jokes, the smell of old books, staring at the stars, sharing earbuds, rock music, the feeling of stage lights, polaroid pictures, the swing of a bat, kisses that take your breath away, smeared purple lipstick, eyeliner, studded leather jackets, ripped jeans, screaming the lyrics to your favorite songs, journals and spilled ink.
Toby: The smell of fresh baked cookies, cuddling in warm blankets, sunshine child, friendship bracelets, video games, Snacks at 1 a.m, sunflowers, memes, inside jokes, prank wars, watching the sunset in quiet silence, the thud of a hammer, snuggling in sweaters, movie nights that last past midnight, gemstones, gentle kisses, holding hands until the end.
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Can I request a Trollhunters fluffy oneshot of Jim Lake Jr. x shy female human S/O when she falls sleep on his shoulder during a bus ride? 🥰🥰💖💖 Please?? 😁😁 I really live for flustered Jim!!! 💖💖
You had convinced Jim to take the bus home with you. You wanted to spend some time together but after the day you'd had you were half asleep. Walking onto the bus you flop down in a seat and Jim slides in next to you.
Jim rubbed your shoulders gently as you leaned against him sleepy. Humming softly he smiles kissing your forehead. Your face burns red and he laughs squeezing you close.
"Long day?" He asks softly. You hum again hiding your face into his blue jacket. He smiles softly and squeezes your arm gently. "I'm sorry." You grunt and Jim nods.
Slipping off his jacket he throws it around your shoulder and you snuggle closer to him. His face tints pink and you look up at him smiling.
It's raining softly outside and looking in Jim's blue eyes you feel your eyes get heavy. Listening to Jim's heart snuggling into his jacket the rain beating down you slowly feel yourself fall asleep, Jim holding you close as you drift off.
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Halloween! Reader is a spirit inhabiting a cursed sword! It's a powerful magical weapon, but cursed to be bound to the wielder 'till their death. Reader's just this snarky demon-spirit-ghost sword made to help the gang, but at the price of forcing them to tolerate reader. Kinda like a genie situation, 'cept the genie is tempting them to the dark side (at least at first)
You were a curse. You knew this but whoever made you hadn't really set rules so you decided what you wanted to do and who you wanted to be. Over the melliena after they'd past you had changed and grown.
You mirrored the image of whoever held your sword and helped them on their quests until the day they felled. Whatever species they were you copied. If you disliked your owner you'd push them closer to death and make your weapon be the end of them but if you cared for them and they earned your trust they have luck for their entire life and a weapon that would never fail them.
Your current master was mean. He'd slain your old master but he was also smart. You were bound to his will by magic and although you tried to hurt him you could not...
One day your current sword owner foolishly clashed you against Daylight when fighting the trollhunter. It was his last mistake as The Hunters sword shattered you and left him defenseless. Knowing you'd die from being carelessly broken all you can is smile knowing you took some evil out with you.
You should fade but instead you feel different almost weightless and then everything goes black.
"For the Glory of Merlin Daylight is mine to command!" You wake up with a flash of blue light. Your old owner is gone and your original home destroyed but looking up at a group of shocked trolls and teens you have a feeling your adventure is far from over.
"ANOTHER HUMAN?" A six eyed troll demands. You blink and turn staring at the group before observing your hands. You were alive? You were human?
Looking up in shock you see the person who felled your master. Did he inherit you? But you felt yourself shatter. Your original home was gone. The sword that held you destroyed. Were you free?
Tilting your head staring at your hands you felt much lighter but you almost looked different. Your usual faint glow was now tonted blue. Daylight lit up and you realized what'd happened. You weren't free simply under new ownership...
When the Hunter destroyed your sword your spell had traveled to his. You were now linked to the Daylight sword. Lost in thought you snap out of it when they begin yelling.
"Must be a changeling kill it!" Another troll screams before charging. Putting your arms up flinching on reflex he passes right through you. You see him growl and he begins bickering with the other trolls but your too disoriented to listen.
You couldn't leave but you didn't feel safe here. Perhaps you could disappear into the sword for awhile and come back when Jim was alone? Shifting nervously unsure of what to do your aura glows a light blue brightening Jim's sword. He stares at it than you curious.
"Great Gorgons." One of the trolls speaks looking at you amazed. Everyone had stopped and was staring at you now. A ghost! How intresting.
"... Wait I've seen them before! Jim! Jim that's the troll who was helping the other guy! Remember my warhammer passed through them and when you smashed the other troll they disappeared!" A tubby human says. You blink realizing he's right. You had fought them as your old master made you. But now you were bound to Jim. Now you could be good again.
"They are a curse Master Jim. It appears when you shattered their blade they transferred to you. I'm sure we could get rid of them easily." Eyes widening you shake your head panicked.
"No please!" You beg. The others look distrustful but Jim pauses looking you up and down. Humming softly he steps forward.
"... I'm Jim. Do... do you have a name?" Blinking you think. You didn't have a true name but you could name yourself.
"... (Y/N). Call me (Y/N) Blade." You respond smiling. Jim smiles back and you feel warm. He was a good owner.
"Well (Y/N) welcome to the Trollhunter team."
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You stare at Jim longingly as he talks with Claire about something. Your mentor a Redeemed Angor rolls his eye as he carves something.
Redeemed Angor: ... Tell him.
You choke in response as Angor continues carving.
Magic Reader: I can't.
Redeemed Angor: Humans confuse me.
Magic Reader: Look Claire and him are kind of courting if I get in the way of that I'll ruin everything and they'll hate me.
Angor goes silent as he looks at you. Humming he shrugs.
Redeemed Angor: Kill her.
You: A n g o r!
Redeemed Angor chuckles as you smack his arm ignoring how the other Trollhunter children look at him confused.
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Angsty Song Fic~
(Hold on I still need you By: Chord Overstreet)
Loving and fighting, accusing, denying
You stand with Jim fighting in the Forge together as you train. You look away from him after the hard session and your eyes flash gold. You get up a moment later and join the others smiling and laughing together.
I can't imagine a world with you gone
You see the Eternal Night. Bular and Gunmar roaring in victory. Changelings running rampant. Jim, Claire, Toby, Eli, Steve, Darci, Mary, Shannon, Aarrrgh, Blinky, Draal, Vendel their all stone or dead or ash and it's your fault.
The joy and the chaos, the demons we're made of
You smile as Jim, Toby, Claire, Blinky, Aaarrgh, and Draal give a group hug.
You frown your arms pulled close as Bular growls something threatening at you. Strickler, Nomura, and Otto stand in front of you but don't defend you otherwise.
I'd be so lost if you left me alone
You sit on the ground tears running down your face as you stare into a puddle golden eyes staring back. Jim, Toby, and Claire are disgusted as your changeling mentors laugh behind you. They told you this would happen, they love your persona but they could never love the real you.
You locked yourself in the bathroom
You stand between your friends and your changeling family. Slashing your weapon on instinct rocks fall separating Jim, Claire, Toby, Draal, Blinky, and Aarrrgh from you Strickler, Nomura, Otto, and Bular.
Lying on the floor when I break through
Your shaking realizing what you just did. How much you just messed up. Bular roars before he throws you. You make impact against one of the cave walls before they leave you to die. The changelings walk away as you lay on the ground bleeding and in pain. You reach out but they don't look back. Not until your eyes close and your hand goes limp.
I pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Jim and the others break through the rock and find you unconcious and wheezing as you fight for your life. Your bleeding and injured but not quit dead yet. Jim holds you close and you begin crying in your sleep hearing his heartbeat.
Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me
They're hugging you, begging you not to leave as they begin sobbing. Blinky picks you up from Jim as they frantically search for a safe way out of the cave.
Hold on, I still want you
Blinky notices the Janus Order insignia on your arm as they carry you out of the cave running you towards the nearest human hospital but he doesn't care. None of them do.
Come back, I still need you
Aarrrgh Blinky and Draal wait in the bushes outside the hospital waiting for news. All your other friends from school are shocked to hear the news as Jim, Claire, and Toby make calls in the hospital lobby. They all rush to your ward where they sit in your room or out in the hallway waiting for you to wake up.
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
You're on life support in the hospital and Jim is there with all your friends. He holds your hand as your friends surround your bed. Barbara keeps Strickler, Nomura, and Otto from entering threatening them with a call from CPS. Strickler looks up and through the window he sees Jim holding your hand with the insignia and how the others truly care for you despite your original intentions.
I swear to love you all my life
Jim holds your hand to his head begging you to please wake up. His thumb brushes against your insignia as he curses the Order under his breath.
Hold on, I still need you
You smile at Jim after your first mission together. You took down an enemy in the Forge and you'd never felt more alive.
It flashes and your laying in the hospital bed. Your vitals aren't looking good...
 Long endless highway, you're silent beside me
Jim thinks of you clinging to his back as you both ride his vespa after school. Your humming something as you hug him close staring at the stars.
Driving a nightmare I can't escape from
It hits Jim Claire and Toby as he begins humming the song in the hospital that it's Nomuras song, Peer Gynt in the Hall of the Mountain King. The signs were always there.
Helplessly praying, the light isn't fading
They don't care. The trollhunters don't care. Their begging and praying, pleading with whatever's listening for you to wake up. They want answers but they also more than anything just want you alive.
Hiding the shock and the chill in my bones
Strickler, Nomura, and Otto walk in as Barbara was told by Sheriff Scott to let them through. They couldn't be proven as the abusers that caused your accident. Jim clings to you but Strickler pushes him aside and puts his head to yours whispering something in changeling.
They took you away on a table
Strickler steps back as doctors and nurses rush in to handle your comatose state. He slips something up his pocket and Jim notices. Somethings gone wrong and the heart monitor flat lined. The trio glares at Strickler as the others leave to watch the surgery or wait again in the waiting room.
I pace back and forth as you lay still
Jim is outside in the woods with Aarrrgh Blinky and Draal. He paces nervously as the trolls try and comfort him. The others are in the surgery hall hoping for better news. Strickler, Nomura, and Otto are in the hallway as well but leave the kids alone.
They pull you in to feel your heartbeat
Jim walks back into the hospital and sits down hours later. He eventually wakes up when Barbara shakes his shoulder Strickler standing behind her. You're being wheeled out of the surgery hall after a long operation to fix your damaged organs. He runs up to you and follows you back to your room holding your hand the whole way.
Can you hear me screaming? Please don't leave me
The others get up and shift awake from their sleeping positions as they hear the gurney. They run after Jim and you. Otto advises Strickler against Visitors but Strickler shakes his head letting you have this.
Hold on, I still want you
A montage of all your friends coming to talk to you privatley. Their unsure if this is the last time they'll ever see you again.
Jim mentions past adventures. Fondly going over training and all the things you've both accomplished.
Toby talks about all the fun you've had. About the stories you've all made together and how TrollMarket misses you.
Claire mentions sleepovers and long nights of studying magic, trollish, and school subjects together. How you made her life interesting.
Mary babbles for awhile not sure what to say. She brings you up to date on what's happening at school and the latest news. But she also whispers how much she misses you.
Darci is quiet for a moment before she makes a joke. You don't laugh but thats okay. She updates you about her mascot stuff and brings you up to date about all the sports teams.
Steve isn't good with people being sick. With loosing people. He tells you, you need to get better soon cause he's dedicating the next big game too you. He asks you to please heal up soon.
Eli talks about classes and what your missing in the supernatural world but also what everyone's saying at school. He mentions a new video game and how he won't play it until you wake up to play it with him.
Mary is a bit shy but she's also no stranger to death or tragedy. She closes her eyes and sings you a little song she knows you like. By the end she's crying and she has to leave but she hopes it made you feel a little better.
Come back, I still need you
Flowers and other mementos slowly fill your room. Your surrounded by boquets, cards, books you enjoy, treats you love, and various gifts. As you remain comatose Jim sits alone with you unable to concentrate on anything else.
Let me take your hand, I'll make it right
Everyone else is gone and Strickler silently walks into the room. Otto and Nomura are not with him but they wanted to be.
I swear to love you all my life
Strickler knows there aren't cameras in the room. He slips out what he gave you earlier to finish the job. Closing his eyes he begins shaking.
Hold on, I still need you
He stops and slips the curse that'd kill you back into his pocket. He begins crying as he takes your hands in his own and puts them to his forehead shaking. He can't do it. None of them can. Not to you.
… I don't wanna let go
Strickler gets up and takes out his phone. He calls Jim and tells him they need to hurry. The part of the curse already inside you couldn't be healed by modern medicine. He takes your hand and promises he'll make this right.
I know I'm not that strong
He slowly walks to the door and locks it. Carefully he turns off your machines and picks you up heading towards the window. Opening it he holds you close waiting. The trolls would be here soon with Jim to take you to HeartStone TrollMarket.
I just wanna hear you
Strickler slowly hands you off to Aarrrgh who carefully takes you cradling you close. Toby's on his back as Jim looks up at Strickler. He opens his mouth so many unspoken words needing to be said. So many apologies to be made and amends to make. And yet the changeling looks away dismissing the trio. They don't hesitate and take off.
Saying, "Baby, let's go home"
As they run through the woods your getting sicker. The infection having spread thanks to the curse. You were shivering in Aarrrghs hold as he held you closer. Draal runs ahead opening the TrollMarket door. Aarrrgh rushes through.
Let's go home
The kids following as Blinky Aarrrgh and Draal carry you through TrollMarket the HeartStone so hopefully Vendel can heal you as normal medicine can't. Your continuing to worsen.
Yeah, I just wanna take you home
Vendel looks up from his reading. Getting up pushing everything off his desk your carefulky laid down on it, as a Heartstone is placed into your hands. Blinky, Aarrrgh, Draal, Claire, and Toby watch as Jim holds your hand and Vendel does his magic.
… Hold on, I still want you
He's whispering how he forgives you. How it's okay and he doesn't blame you for what happened. How when you wake up it'll all be okay someday. You just need to wake up and talk to them. Whatever kind of trouble your in they'll save you. They'll protect you.
Come back, I still need you
Your eyes open glowing with a golden glow as you gasp for air.
Your friends laugh glad to see your alive as you slowly begin to heal.
And Strickler packs his things away Nomura and Otto helping him as none of them could do what needed to be done.
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Can we get some quality brushie brushie time with Troll!Jim? We need some more of the fluffy blue boi, and I seriously wanna brush his fur/hair. It just looks so soft!
Sitting down in the woods your in a shady patch on an otherwise sunny day. The trolls were asleep in a cave you'd found but Jim couldn't sleep and after the week you'd had neither could you.
You were hoping this could help you both wind down.
As you pull the brush through Jim's hair Jim closes his eyes and slightly leans back. There was a small smile on his face and your not sure when you'd last seen him this relaxed. It'd been a long time.
As a breeze gently goes through the woods Jims bangs shift as your hair flows. A little purr escapes Jim's throat at the pleasant breeze and the soft brushing. Smiling you move some hair out of his face before you kiss his forehead. Continuing to carefully brush you close your eyes at the nice day.
His thick troll hair was pretty knotted but after experimenting you found out human shampoo and conditioner just didn't do it anymore. His hair was more troll like and it was too thick for human products.
Massaging in and washing out the fancy dog shampoo and conditioner in the nearby stream, his hair was now much less tangled and brushed through easily.
"How you feeling?" You question giving him a small trim before you keep brushing. You blow the hair off his armor and he scoots closer making your heart flutter.
Jim doesn't say anything but he purrs in response leaning into your touch. You brush some furr out of his face and his purring gets louder as your brush passes his horns, giving them a good scratch.
"Not as bad as I thought it'd be..." He admits softly. He'd been dreading a shower or bath since he couldn't take his armor off but once you'd done his hair he completely relaxed.
You smile chuckling softly and he looks back smiling.
"Okay I've finsihed brushing." You hum fluffing out his hair. His mane was now maganable and he looked good. Not bad for someone who wasn't a professional and had never touched troll hair.
"What? Nuuuuuuuuu." Jim whines.
Leaning back he lays down in your lap staring at you. Looking up at you giving you his best pleading look you lean forward giving him a kiss.
"Your a cutie you know that?" He rumbles in response closing his eyes as he relishes your trouch. You giggle giving him another kiss. He kisses back little tusks brushing against your lips as you both take in this moment. Pulling away you give him an eskimo kiss before you continue to brush his hair. His hair doesn't need it but if he wants it you may as well.
"Your spoiled." You hum teasingly as the brush scratches his scalp.
He simply purrs at your response and the sensation. Stroking his face he looks up at you and you look back, fingers gently touching his stone skin as your other hand brushes his hair.
The things you did for your boyfriend.
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Y/N: Bular says ‘I love you’ in a very weird way.
Jim: How?
Y/N: Watch this.
Y/N: Bular, I love you!
Bular: I’d kill for you.
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I realy hope I'm not late ok can you do
A reader that is a ocean goddess with a. Mermaid like look taking a likeing to jim and trying to flirt with him
California was known for its sunny beaches and clear skies. Some parts of Cali weren't as fortunate as Arcadia Oaks but Jim was glad that his neighborhood was typically sunny and the beach was only a 30 minute trip. So he could just get away for the day and go where the water was warm year around.
He was never known as the best surfer but being so close to the beach he'd picked some things up and after a long week he thought this spantenous trip to take some time to himself would be good. Just sun, sand, and no magic or trolls or girls. He could finally relax and get some things he'd been feeling off his chest.
Locking everything important in his vespa seat he smiles before taking off his shoes feeling the warm sand under his feet and inbetween his toes. Putting his towel down along with his umbrella and cooler he hides his keys under the blanket and his jacket before he runs towards the water with his old board. Laughing the entire way he yells at the sky once he makes it in the water, jumping up and down in joy. He watches the water splash all around and smiles as he spins taking in the sea and sand as he stands in the shallow waves.
He hadn't realized how hard it was to be be the Trollhunter until it was almost too much. Until unpleasant thoughts filled his head and his doubts nearly killed him. Laying on his board and paddling out to sea he's thankful the waves won't pumbel him as hard as Draal does during sparring or the Forge does during practice.
Paddling out he does a duck dive with his board as he aims for some of the bigger waves. Watching for the current and being careful he finally gets where he wants to be. Flipping himself over so he's ready to stand when the wave comes he waits. Letting the wave pick his board up he stands before sticking his hands out to keep balanced. Riding the wave and shifting his stance slightly to keep upright, he pauses as he sees something shiny in the water.
Crying out as he leans too far trying to see the shiny thing he falls into the water and tumbles with the waves.
Holding his board and moving his hair out of his face he hums. What was that?
A few hours later and Jims arms are sore but he's happy after a long day of surf and sand. He lays backwards on his board staring at the sky when a wave suddenly washes over him.
Crying out Jims thrown off his board and into the water. Reaching out for his board trying to get to the surface he feels the current tug him down as he begins sinking. Swiping for his board again he misses sinking further into the water. The Velcro on his ankle begins to loosen and he pinwheels against the current struggling to grab his board and ride a wave back to the saftey of the sand.
Hand grasping for wood he pauses as it grabs something else. Running out of breath and confused Jim gasps as he suddenly breeches the water and hits the beach. Coughing he blinks looking at the clouds before he takes deep breaths heaving in air. He'd been so far out, how had he gotten back to land? What had he grabbed or what had grabbed him?
That's when he notices a heavy pressure on his chest. Tilting his head he pauses seeing you. Whatever you were.
Jim stares at you and you look back blinking owlishy. Seeing he's heaving you force yourself backwards, propelling yourself off him so he can breathe. You land in the sand with a loud thump as you sit next to him.
"Ummm... hi?" He mumbles in a daze. You smile at him wiping hair out of his eyes.
"Your eyes are as blue as the ocean..." You mumble. He pauses as you reach out again and touch his face, his cheeks become red and you look panicked. "Are you okay? I'm sorry I don't know much about humans. I-" Scooting away from him he watches as a blue and green tail he hadn't noticed slowly fades to two human legs covered in a scale skirt.
"What are you?" He asks amazed. You smile and with some effort shift your legs so your sitting closer to Jim.
"... What do landers call it? A mermaid perhaps? A water dweller. A siren. Oh Merfolk! I'm a mer folk." They explain with a soft smile.
"What do they call you?" He questions swallowing as he stares at you amazed.
"A name... Your asking for My name?" Shifting the mer person stares at the sky thinking. Jim wonders what world they live in where they have to think of their name. Do they have one?
As they think Jim pauses as he observes them waiting for their answer. They wore a baggy sailors shirt and the skirt that was once their tail. Worn rope tied their skirt and shirt together and he could see little barnacles growing on the edges.
They were wild just like the sea.
They're hair was braided and curled, with seaweed and he noticed shells woven in like beads. Bracelets hung on their wrists and they jangled as the person moved. Looking closer he saw they were gold and silver bangles that hung with ancient coins, probabaly lost to the sea from sunken ships. A real mer folk. Jim was staring at a real mer folk.
"... My name is (Y/N)." They greet.
"I'm J-Jim. Jim Lake." He responds blushing. You giggle and he smiles listening to a sound similar to bells.
"Well Lake what are you doing in the ocean?" You ask with a teasing smile and he chuckles.
He had come to get away from magic but talking with you relaxing on the beach, maybe magic was exactly what he needed.
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You were worried about Jim lately. Everyone in his friend group and his family accepted him but he still had trouble accepting himself. He didn't like going out of the house, even when it got dark.
He was scared of scaring others and although he wasn't ugly he was different. His horns bumped against door frames. His furr got easily matted. And his teeth were shrap and strange. He couldn't walk past a mirror without smashing it or into the kitchen without whimpering. Honestly he was just a mess.
So when October rolled around you weren't surprised that Jim didn't notice. Although he was hyper aware of himself the outside world was more difficult for him to track now, time had become different. So as the leaves changed colors and the air become colder he barely noticed it.
Jim as usual didn't want to leave the house but after pestering him for a bit he gave in and decided to go on a walk with you.
The night was dark but the street lamps kept the shadows at bay covering you and Jim in a halo of orange light. Jim huffed at you grumpy because it was cold out but you just smiled, clinging to his arm and snuggling close to him. He whines chuffing at you but giving him puppy dog eyes he sighs giving in to your pleads for affection. He bends down and headbomps you nuzzling you softly. Laughing sweetly as his furr tickled a happy purr traveles through his body as he relaxes. You giggle and he smiles as you two continue your walk.
It was still relatively early and although you were on a side street Jim was afraid to be seen. As your feet crunched on the fallen leaves you noticed him flinch at every sound.
"Jim?" You question and he hums stiff. "Do you know what day it is?" You ask mischeviously. He looks down at you confused. Blue eyes staring curious. He tilts his head and nods no.
"Jim!" Pulling at his arm he gasps as you lead him into a busy street full of kids wearing costumes. He stares in shock about to scramble away but you keep a tight grip on his arm. Smiling widely you point at a house stuffed to the brim with people.
"It's Halloween!" You state proudly as you take off your thick coat to reveal your costume. He opens his mouth before closing it. Shoving you playfully you smile as you begin to run off towards the party. He chases you and picking you up he begins peppering you in kisses.
"... Thankyou..." He mumbles and you smile wrapping your arms behind his neck.
"Of course." You hum giving him a smooch back. His face turns a deeper blue and you smile. "Come on Jim, Toby and Claire are waiting inside!" Bouncing up and down on your feet he nods following you into the house. Things were different now but that didn't mean they were bad.
Hours later and Jim was tuckered out. He'd had fun dancing with you all night and really enjoyed the party.
You'd done all sorts of stuff together, like dance, karoke, bob for apples, carve a pumpkin, drink apple cider, eat halloween snacks (he himself enjoyed the plastic silverware when no one was looking). All in all it was an amazing night even if it was Steves party.
Everyone complimented his costume making him feel better about how he looked. And about an hour ago Steve recludentally gave him the prize for best costume when he announced it. The party had calmed down and now most of the remaining guests were drinking or eating the left overs sharing scary stories.
You were leaning against him on the couch using his arm as a pillow while Toby sat on his other side. Purring content he sneaks a kiss on your cheek making you giggle. Smooching him back he feels his tail wag and he smiles ignoring everyone but you.
This was the best Halloween ever. Troll or not he was still him and you loved him. And that was all Jim needed.
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As Blinky stares at his library he thinks perhaps, just perhaps he may have gone a little overboard.
"Uhhhhh Blinky when I told you about mistletoe I don't think I really explained it well. Your supposed to hang it over doorways not uhhhhhh... every way." Jim states looking up at all the dangling mistletoe branches. He pulls a branch down that had broken free from it's place so it wouldn't smack him in the face.
"Ahhhhh yes well Master Jim it appears in my excitement I ummmm..." Tapping his fingers together nervously he looks around the mess that he'd made in his library. "Got carried away?" He questions.
"Woah what happened here?" Toby asks as he follows Jim into the library. His nose crinkled confused at the dangling plant. Mistletoe? Why so much?
"I ummmm... I decorated for your human hoilday." Blinky states face turning a light blue. He had seen the plant in one of his books and Jim had explained an old Yule or Christmas tradition done with said plant. Ummmmm... one where if caught under it you'd kiss whoever was with you.
"Uhhhhh Blinky mistletoe is not the only hoilday decoration." Toby says chuckling as he looks up at the strings of mistletoe Blinky had hung from his ceiling.
"I know Tobias." He states rather sharply. He'd seen his error stop making fun of him!
"Mi... Mistle... Mistletoe?" Aarrrgh questions sniffing the air as he wonders in. Blinky nods very emabrassed and Aarrrgh nods chuffing. As he walks by Toby he lightly headbomps the boy before doing the same to Jim. "Why so much?" He asks headbomping Blinky as well. Blinky blushes deeper at the troll kiss before coughing into one of his hands to regain focus.
"Well you see I..." Looking away Blinky fidgets with his hands. He wanted to kiss (Y/N) but it seemed he only made a mess.
"Ohhhhhhhhhh." Toby states getting it. "You wanna smooch (Y/N) don't you? Yeah I've been trying to get Darci under the mistletoe too." He admits. "So far I've almost kissed a bunch of wrong people." He hums.
"Well I mean-" Blinky covers his face with his multiple hands and just nods unable to speak from being so emabrassed. He was acting like a love sick whelp! Aarrrgh nuzzles him and Blinky smiles at his life long companion.
"Just ask. No need plant to kiss." He advises and Blinky blinks. Aarrrgh was right! He was being a coward by not just asking them and expecting a plant to do all the work.
"Yeah Blinky were pretty sure they like you! I mean why else would they spend endless hours with you?" The redhead questions. Blinky glares and Tobias bites his lip.
"That came out wrong." He states. Blinky hums crossing his arms.
"Yeah that was a no brainer Toby." Messing up Tobies hair Jim turns towards Blinky. "What he means is (Y/N) spends a lot of time down here and they're always excited to talk to you. Come on you don't need all this mistletoe to get a kiss." Jim states.
"Yeah let's not come off as desperate Blinky. We can help you take some of it down." Toby advises as he pulls a strand off from a shelf. Looking around Blinky drags his hands down his face. They were right! He messed up.
"Ahhhhhh great gorgons! This is all wrong! Hurry! Hurry!" He states as he begins pulling down the mistletoe panicked.
Pulling down the strands frantically Blinky steps on a chair to pull a strand down while Aarrrgh and the boys go into the other room to get supplies to help them get to the higher places Blinky had hung them.
Blinkous was so busy yanking at strings and throwing the overwhelming amount of mistletoe into the fire that he didn't hear you come in until you were standing in front of him.
"AHHHHH (Y/N)! UMMMM MISTLETOE I MEAN HELLO!" He shouts hiding the plant behind his back.
Confused you look up at Blinky before smiling.
"Mistletoe?" You ask teasingly. Blinkys face tinges a dark blue and he notices your face is also a lot redder than usual. He also notices in the corner of his visions Aarrrgh and the kids are about to come back in but take their leave. No don't leave! However his focus goes back to you as he begins stuttering, trying to salvage that terrible greeting.
"Uhhhhhhh.... Yes!" He coughs and smiles getting off the chair so he's level with you. "Yes Viscum album a pretty flower is it not? I-I... I was doing some hoilday decorating." Blinky says quickly face going a darker blue as he watches you. Your cheeks were flushed presumably from the cold that resided outside TrollMarket but he liked to think maybe it was him. Smiling at you, you returned it. Your smile warmed his heart. You were so kind and so gentle and oh... oh dear he was staring and rambling and did he say any of that nonsense outloud? Blushing harder at his very intrusive thoughts he looks away from you before hearing your laugh.
Turning flustered, your all smiles as you laugh. Your laugh is nice. You're not laughing at him and that makes him feel better. His heart races as he watches you as you finally catch your breath. Oh dear and now his hands are shaking.
"Do... Do you know what standing under a mistletoe means in human culture?" You question curiously stepping a little closer. Blinky knows. Of course he does. This is exactly what he wanted. To kiss you under the mistetoe preferably by his fireplace to be more romantic or something. He can't think his brains a mess as he stares at you. Shaking his head no in a panic you laugh again.
"Let me show you." Nodding he pauses as your hands gently touch his chest. Oh. Oh! It was happening! Itwashappening!!!
Standing on your tiptoes he can't believe your about to kiss him. He bends down face inches from yours to help you reach him. Heart pounding in his ears he sees you pause.
Closing your eyes he watches dumbfounded as your lips gently met his. Blinking repeatedly he freezes in shock dropping the mistletoe he had been holding behind his back.
You you you you you kissed him!
Pulling away you begin laughing at his surprised face. But there's no malice. No ill intent. Your smiles warm and as you hold his hand that's warm too. Face heating up to an uncomfortable degree he ignores it and thinks of the kiss.
"Happy Hoildays Blinky." You hum and he nods. Indeed.
Happy Hoildays.
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For a trick out of Halloween prompts- Blinky being caught in something that makes him see some spooky/things he is scared of (perhaps the pixies making a resurface) and Reader having to calm him down (first time posting a prompt, don’t really know how to do them; love your work btw! It really lights me up to reread some of the older ones and see how your writing style has grown!)
(Tw: Death, troll gore, and human blood.
Blinky trembles as he steps over the stone of the fallen. Draal. Aarrrgh. Vendel. And so many residents of Trollmarket. They all laid beneath his feet as he ran searching for Jim. The bitter crunch of stone and their distant screams echoed around him reminding him of their grim fate. Of how much damage Gunmar could truly cause.
This wasn't possible, Killahead was destroyed, he was forever trapped, and yet as he continued running looking for Jim he knew in his heart they were gone because of him.
He smells it before he sees it. And when he sees it he looses all composure. Collapsing to the ground as the smell of iron and metal fills his lungs he holds him close. This devastation. This loss. It was all his fault.
Everyone was dead. He had failed at teaching Jim how to handle a trolls strength. He failed at showing him how Daylight worked and how to use it. He had failed at keeping him alive and now the boy lay still in his arms. He sobbed getting blood all over himself as he held Jim. Sticky red liquid staining his stone as he sobbed over the boy.
Then a gasp.
Looking up in the striking darkness there you were. His Angel. His life. His Light. His love. But as he stared into your eyes his heart dropped.
You were Horrified. Disgusted. Repulsed. You hated him.
He reached out to you but his hands were stained with humans blood. Jims blood. Dear God this was his sons blood.
Oh God. Barbara. Shaking at the thought of telling her, of telling everyone who remained if there were any, he holds Jims body close. He is unable to speak. He is unable to move he simply stumbles towards you hoping for some kind of comfort. Hoping you could somehow make this all better.
You remain still and he remains silent as you both stare at each other. He wants to apologize. To beg forgiveness. He prays that Jim is alive that you would stop looking at him like that. The amulet hadn't called to another perhaps... perhaps there was still-
"Blinkous Galadrigal." All his eyes widen and he trembles as the armor falls off Jim and the boys arm goes limp as he drops the amulet. Dead. Jim was dead.
Blinky stares at you opening his mouth to say something anything but he can't bring himself too. The armor consumes him and as he stares at you horrified he sees a shadow and vaguely he's aware of another presence. He yells to warn you, to save you, at least you PLEASE! But he's swatted away as Gunmar takes your life just like everyone elses.
"BLINKY! BLINKY!" Gasping the troll sucks in air. His blinks heart pounding as he looks around. He's in the library. You're in the library!
He stares at you taking you in. No blood. No fallen or broken trolls. He's home and your here. You're safe.
He notices a large book in your hands and suddenly feels his head throbing. Blinking at you he pauses seeing the yellow stain on the wall. Sound slowly comes back and it's complete choas. The kids, Aarrrgh, and Draal were smashing pixies with books. They were alive!
You were alive! You didn't hate him! Oh thank Deyas grace! It was a dream! An awful hallucination caused by those damn pixies!!!
Picking you up he spins you around and laughs before placing you down. His hands grip your shoulders and he smiles staring at you.
"By Great Deyas Grace! A dream! It was all just a horrible dream!!!" He cheers relieved. You tilt your head confused and he sees the cotton in your ears. You couldn't hear him.
He squeezes your shoulders gently and although he's ever said it, now is as good a time as any to tell you the truth. In the dim light of the library, surrounded by choas Blinky takes your face into his hands cupping your cheeks as carefully as he can.
"I love you." He mutters before pulling you into what humans call a kiss. Through all the yelling, screaming, and crashing he ignores them and focuses only on you. You hum surprised but melt into it, and kiss back. Your arms wrap around the back of his neck and he smiles.
It's sloppy he knows. But through this kiss he hopes he can convey everything he loves about you that he thought he just lost.
The world fades away as he holds you. Nothing else matters. Just that you and his family are safe and here and with him.
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W e l p- may i request Jim Lake and an artist s/o hcs?
~ Jim is so appreciative of art. As a chief he understands the time and love that goes into your craft. He loves cooking you love crafts and it's great for both of you.
~ Whenever he has time off he likes watching you craft. When you paint the brushstrokes are calming to him, when you draw he likes the sound of pencil on paper, and when you sculpt the way you shape clay amazes him. He also finds it funny how you can knit sew and croquet because he had no idea they were all different things. The fact that they aren't the same really confused him as first but when he finds out he notices the differences right away.
~ He makes a real effort to know about your talents. He supports your skills whether you want a career out of it someday or it's just a hobby. He's not good at art himself except for baking and cooking but he doesn't mind when you rant about it for hours or ask for help on a project. He enjoys spending time with you however and whenever he can.
~ Jim loves spoiling you. Making you fun lunches and creative dinners. On every date there will be something homecooked and delicious or thought out and meaningful gift. And just as he spoils you, you spoil him. He loves when you make him crafts. Cards, drawings, doodles, knitted things, paintings. Everything and anything you make him he keeps as a treasure in his room. It's contantly a swap of gifts between you two, often cheesey and silly ones but it's cute and everyone's happy for you.
~ Blinky adores you making Jim feel confident in his choice. You often talk to Blinkous about books and it always gives Jim a dopey smile to see you and Blinky happy. Jim craves Blinkies approval so the fact he approved you, the person he loves most is amazing. However when you begin drawing one day while he's sparring that really catches Blinkies attention.
~ Vendel is next to know about your talent and he's surprised the human hunter snagged such a talented mate. Soon all pf Trollmarket knows and you've gotten many new admirers and fans.
~ Painting, Drawing, and sketching are apprentally talents admired by most trolls. Being a warrior or fighter is something most trolls strive for but any who take an artistic path are considered some of the bravest souls. The trolls notice quickly that their version of art and a humans is very different but your style and talent is still appreciated and admired. Sometimes Jim will grow jealous of all the attention trolls give you but he's glad trollmarket has come to accept you.
~ More than anything, above all else he loves you and he'll do anything for you. Your his amazing partner.
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