#toa troll jim x reader
ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 months
I'll never leave you again | Angor Rot
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- Angor - The trolless called out as she entered the cave she and her husband inhabited. Their previous cave had been raided by Gunmar's evil forces and the whole village had to flee and wander to find a new place to live. Away from the wars so that the children could grow up in peace, so that the parents did not have to worry about whether their children would return home, or whether the older trolls would be thrown out of the house and beaten to death by Gummies who were looking for a moment's fun.
The woman's voice was strained and the slight breaking of her voice was audible to her husband. Nothing could be hidden from him he knew her too well however he did not avert his golden eyes from the preparations for the expedition - This is a bad idea - She interjected again the blue troll looked worriedly at her beloved sensing that his plan would not work out. She had always believed in her husband but now she doubted his idea undermining his authority as leader of the fallen village of Rot, some of the village managed to escape but some were not so lucky
Those who managed to escape followed the marriage worried, the little trolls cried and the mothers tried to soothe them the men tried to soothe the stressed women. However, the way towards the safe haven was long and hard and for this reason some trolls died on the way from exhaustion their loved ones were also tired, but they stubbornly went on - This is a very bad idea Angora - The woman pleaded the further her husband did not pay attention to her
Finally long light blue claws touched her husband's stony grey skin wrapping her hands around his biceps - Please listen to me - The woman almost begged him to listen to him walker for a moment, she did not trust the sorceress she wants to go to Rot.
- I cannot defend the village of Anoana - He finally spoke up seeing her beautiful green eyes in full view, she was not now wearing her familiar headband which has a tassel on the front covering her eyes and the back of her nose however the distinctive two black claws painted from the eye to the corner of her mouth were on her cheeks - This will help me gain more strength - He confessed facing his wife
Her eyes expressed great worry and concern at the same time exhaustion caused by the trek that had stopped two days ago. They were three days ahead of Gunmar's army, but nobody knew when they would find them again and kill everyone Angor did not want to let this happen again, he had to protect the people at all costs.
He could even give up his birthstone, his soul to protect his village, his people. He could give his life for the Anoana he loved in all worlds.
The light blue troll's lips parted slightly as she raised her hand to touch her husband's cheek, who almost immediately snuggled into her palm squinting and a quiet cat-like murmur issued from his throat - How am I supposed to defend my village when I can't even protect you? - He whispered opening his eyes to encounter cuts and bruises on her body most of the wounds were on her hands and arms, when those in need were helped to get up and walk on. She had a cut on her cheek from Gumm Gumm who attacked her when she tried to help a small troll escape from the village.
He let her out of his sight for a moment and when he heard her shrill scream he froze almost immediately, when he saw Gunmar's servant standing over her and aiming his sword at her wanting to kill her in one blow or inflict as much pain as he could before she would die, he raised his stone hand and ran his finger under the cut being careful not to inflict pain on her. He was worried too, but he did what he thought was right
- The expedition won't take more than two days, we'll still have a day's head start on Gunmar before he finds us - He whispered and his eyes jumped from the cuts on her body to her green eyes
She clenched her jaw tighter looking at him almost appraisingly - Why don't you let me swim with you? - She whispered, coming closer to him - Let me help you - she whispered even more quietly than before raising her other hand to take both stone hands on his cheeks she had to stand on tiptoe to reach, Anoana and Angor were similar in stature they were almost humanoid, their bodies were similar to human bodies more than other trolls they were tall and slim but Rot was taller than his wife.
She barely reached his shoulder however this did not stop them from indulging in affection every day, Anoana gently tilted her head to get a better look at him from a different angle, she wanted to know the answer to her question. She could see Angor's thoughts churning as he thought of an answer that would satisfy her, he sighed heavily through his nose - It's dangerous you know that - He whispered, the woman's hands clasped tighter on his cheeks, he knew she did not accept his words at that moment - Someone must take care of the serfs while I am away - he added after a while hoping that his wife would loosen the grip on his cheeks
- In that case, don't go," she persisted, not wanting to let him go, sensing that something bad would happen. She would be angry with herself if something happened to him she could even say that she would never forgive herself for not being beside him when he gets hurt and vice versa - Stay. Angora please - Anoana still begged him hoping that he would change her husband's mind but she knew him too well and for too long she knew that he was stubborn and wanted to do well, but the black nightmare was standing over her trying to warn her of the danger that was just waiting for her attention Angora
- It will be alright, love - he whispered lifting her chin gently to press his nose to her forehead - Before you know it I will be back with magic and we can live without fear of Gunmar finding us and killing us - he whispered into her forehead, she closed her eyes feeling his nose pressed against her forehead before she had time to respond or enjoy the touch that was meant to reassure her he moved away tucking the last things into the pouch in his belt.
- If I do not return in two days, find a market and stay there with our people - whispered Angor standing at the exit, he was worried about his wife, he could not imagine how she was worried about him but he would not like his nightmare to come true, if Gunmar attacked again he would not have enough strength to fight back. He would not want his wife to die in agony as well as his subjects, he was worried about everyone - It is safe in the market place, please go there with our subjects - he added after a while
- As soon as you are in the market place I will be waiting for us there - He confessed without giving her room for argument or any other words she looked at the ground when he said this without being brave enough to look at her worried green eyes. When he finally got the courage to look at her one last time she said nothing just watched him walk away.
As he looked ahead, as he walked through the middle of the temporary encampment his people had set up he could feel their gaze on him as they looked at him in awe of his courage and sacrifice, no one else would ever dare to look for Morgana. No one would ever dare to ask Morgane for the power she possessed.
As Angor passed through the camp every Troll when they saw the leader bowed gently but this time everyone knelt on one knee lowering their heads low in homage to him and silently conveying their gratitude that he was trying to help them even at the risk of his own life. Even if his wife does not like it and is forced to watch the stature of her beloved disappear somewhere over the horizon.
- I didn't believe you would let him go - A voice beside Anoana spoke up and footsteps approaching her made her realise that her best friend stood beside her as she stared dully at the horizon behind which Angor had disappeared, she didn't even know when the sun was slowly setting - How are you feeling? - Asked quietly Idun gently stroking her friend's shoulder looking with worried eyes as Anoana started to look around realising that she had been standing in one position for hours and was still looking at the path that Angor had followed
- Hopeless - Anoana wheezed, turning her head towards Idun she was young she had dark purple skin and her long black hair was tied in a high step that filled the space between her horns which curled at the ends in spirals. Idun stood out from the other girls, she wore dresses that had cuts on her thighs and on her shoulders she constantly wore a belt in which she had various vials of healing potions and poisons pinned. The time of war has caused the young troll to carry vials with her every time she will be able to defend herself however they are usually hidden in a pouch clipped to her belt. On her back was often a bow, which now lay safely in her temporary shelter but still close enough to the weapon to reach for it as quickly as possible during an attack.
Indun had violet eyes of exceptional beauty, however, she was personally ashamed of them, as it was rare for a troll to be born with violet eyes - I don't know how to feel - Mumbled the older woman after a while, Anoana was older than Indun by at least a hundred years but the two women were friends and were inseparable sometimes Angor claimed that Anoana adopted Indun, as the younger troll was more willing to be in the company of his wife than his own parents.
This made Angor feel jealous at times, however, he would not admit to wanting his wife's attention so much and not wanting to share it. It's not that he didn't like Indun hell he liked this kid he taught her how to hunt and cook good food optionally weaving in teachings on how to be a good leader and how to be a good troll. Anoana and Angor acted as parents in Indun's life without even knowing it the young troll suffered when they weren't there, the purple troll's parents weren't the best or the worst she herself didn't know at what level to define them as they didn't give her the attention the young troll needed
They were not interested in what she was doing all day long
They were not interested in what new things she learned from the village chief
Her parents lived their own lives and all she could do was feel like a fifth wheel but Angor and Anoana effectively made her find the light in her life again and every day she stood with new hope that Angor taught her something new and maybe Anoana would take her with her to look for ingredients for potions or they would learn new spells together.
- Do you think she will get what she wants? - asked Indun quietly, worrying about the older troll as much as Anoana who looked again at the horizon of trees behind which Angor had disappeared. The trolls had a problem with sunlight because as soon as the sun's rays fell on their stony skin it painfully burned their skin turning them into real stone taking away the colour of life that had previously shone in their eyes, which would later turn into grey and emotionless stone - Is Morgana even alive? Does she exist? - asked the younger troll, stopping from foot to foot
- They say that Morgana fell into the ocean because of King Arthur, there is no chance that she will survive - muttered Indun, looking at the trees, in whose shade they would hide to protect themselves from the world and the sunlight. Anoana shook her head - Don't believe these rumours sun - confessed quietly Anoana turning her body towards the younger troll putting her hand on her shoulder for Indun to turn towards her - You see, before Gunmar attacked our village we fished a man out of the sea - recalled the older woman correcting the belt that was wrapped around the younger troll's shoulder - We said a prayer for the man to survive and the goddesses of this world would make her still alive –
- Did they succeed? Did they bring her back to life? - Indun interjected by tilting her head tightly clenching her jaw. Anoana merely smiled and shook her head
- 'It was the decision of the goddesses we have not been able to see if they restored the soul of the woman from the sea,' Anoana confessed quietly, she lifted her hand from the younger troll's shoulder and embraced her cheek stroking the stony skin beneath her eye - 'But we believe that the woman found renewed peace in the world of the living or perhaps she only now knew peace in the world of the dead,' whispered the older troll, she leaned over to press her forehead against the younger troll's forehead - 'And you believe it,' she whispered closing her eyes
Indun looked for a moment at Anoana who presses her blue forehead against hers, the younger troll followed Anoana's lead and also closed her eyes - Of course - whispered the younger troll, after a few seconds they moved away from each other - So now you are in a leadership role? - asked the teenage troll curiously - You mean I can be your right hand? - Indun raised an eyebrow and Anoana dryly giggled while shaking her head
- 'You're too young to be my right hand,' the older trolless giggled as she headed towards the other subordinates Indun took one last look towards the forest sighing heavily at Angor's departure from the village, the young troll hoped that Rot would find what he needed and that the legend of Morgana would not be a mere fairy tale to keep the spirit of the children to believe that there was still magic. The young troll turned on its heel and with long and quick steps tried to catch up with Anoane without having to run up but failed.
- So what is the plan? - asked Indun as she followed the older woman, looking under her feet to avoid falling over tree roots
Anoana only sighed heavily - He instructed us to go to the market place - she confessed quietly - That is reasonable. He said that by the time we get there, he will be waiting for us there - with that the time leader muttered - It makes sense, it will take us two days to get to the market and he will have time to get the magic from Morgana and come back - Anoana shrugged her shoulders wanting to believe what he was saying but stress and uncertainty coursed through her veins as she thought about it more intensely
Indun followed Anoana seeing her shoulders tense and her back as she artificially straightened up pretending to be calm and everything was going according to plan however Indun knew that Angor's wife was worried about him and the expedition he had not taken her on with him. The younger troll watched as the blue trolless moved by the villagers ordering them to get ready to go to the market again, Indun only watched as Anoana began to rule this temporarily over the people of the fallen village of Rot.
The younger troll swallowed hard and went off on her own to pack up her belongings left over from Gunmar's raid on the village of Rot, it is not that Indun did not want to comfort Anoana or see that the older troll needed it, but she began to think that her words would be unnecessary and Anoana would not accept help anyway to calm her thoughts and satisfy the storm that was coursing through her veins.
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How about making some enjoyable troll foods with troll jim? I remember you wrote something similar a while back, and it was so wholesome.
Jim purrs deeply, rumbling happily as he watches you. You laugh at his cuddly behavior and it just makes him happier.
He feels at peace in his kicthen especially since your here with him. Moonlight is leaking through the windows behind him hitting his back as he works with you. Your both making a midnight snack. (... Well your midnight his mid day) You try to sneak around him to grab something but Jim smirks as hes in a playful mood. Laughing he quickly wraps you in his arms picking you up, before pulling you close nuzzling you softly.
He's getting used to his new body, his new strength, his new feelings, and his new senses but as you cook with him like you used to so many times before, he remembers how things used to be and accepts this is how things are now. This is who he is. This is Jim. He's still Jim, troll or not.
He chuffs as you continue to wiggle smiling as you squirm in his grip.
"Jim!" You whine. He chuffs nuzzling you with a small smirk. Tilting his head and giving him a kiss he purrs before placing you down. Humming softly as you grab what you need his lips brush the back of your neck as he gives you little kisses. The laugh that escapes you as he tickles you with the kisses makes him smile. He missed this. He missed you.
"So what are we having?" He hums. You'd been cooking for awhile now. He had no idea what it was but it smelled good. He was doing his own thing while you did yours so the smell in the kitchen was interesting to say the least but he decided to focus on your smells and your food because it felt more like home that way.
Turning in his grip a whisk and spoon in hand you reach above him before wrapping your arms behind his neck and standing on your tiptoes for a kiss. His purrs get louder as his lips meet yours before you pull away making him whine softly. Smiling you look up at him letting out a soft hum as your fingers play with his scrurf.
"I'm making muffins. Your making a magic potion." You tease. Jim huffs at the small jab at his troll cooking before getting revenge by nuzzling you. Ignoring your pleas to stop he continues to nuzzle and tickle you a large smile on his face.
"I'm making muffins they just happen to be more like chemistry than cooking." He responds in a huffy tone.
You hum playfully teasing him and he huffs before stealing some more kisses. As he hemd you close purring softly you had a feeling you wouldn't be finsihing your snack anytime soon but that was alright. Jim was the best snack in the world.
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beespacehive · 4 years
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This legit sum chapter 2 of my fic when I post it 😭😭.
God I love drawing them so much!
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ashestospace-fics · 4 years
There's always a little bit of time
Series: Wizards tales of arcadia
Pairing: Hisirdoux Casperan x Male reader
Part1/ ?
Word count:5,234
Summary: After a few Years out of the state for College. Claire's older brother comes back to Arcadia. Only to face the changes from the home town he grew up in, and the thinking time bomb that awaits for him and his new friends. Through out the way determine to help out a Punk wirzard and his Feline helper. They both end up discovering the only time they have left, they want to spend it with each other until the very end.
A/n: heads up, I'm mainly writing this for myself and my own enjoyment. And why not share it with the rest of y'all. I just love Douxie more than anything LOL
"How far away are you?"
Claire's cheerful voice bounce back into your earphones. After a few years away, you were finally coming back home to Arcadia from College. The view of the buildings you grew up with bringing you back nostalgia as you lean back on your spot from in the taxi. You couldn't help but grin even, buzzing with adrenaline as you tap your hand against your lap. "Not far now, I'm passing your school! Hoho Oh man, it looks the same. So around 10 minutes?" You could laugh at her scream of joy as you heard from the other line her fast footstep.
The idea of seeing your Little sister again had you excited. Weirdly enough, the bickering and fights and Chanclas threw at each other have been long forgotten. The idea of seeing your family once again was the only thing in your mind. And as you watch your taxi slowly approach the front of your house and saw the three figures standing on the porch, almost had your heart pumping out of your chest with a strong feeling of happiness. Not even letting the taxi driver say his farewell, you shoved a hand full of a tip in his hand as you jump out of the car with your bags on your shoulders
Bright smiles from your parents and sister as you jogged towards them. The rough sound of the bags falling as you extended your arms open towards Claire as she jumped at you for a bear hug. Both your Dad following along as he spun both of you in his arms as if you two were still little kids, Breaking into a fit of laughter together. "Ayh que fea, you look" it was the first thing that came out of your mouth as you look down at your sister.
"Hey! Really Y/n? that's the first thing you're going to say to me after being gone for so long?" Claire quickly protested. "Ayh Mijo, it's been so, long look, at you- did you dye your hair?" Your Dad caught himself up. Groaning loudly as your head fell back, Claire only laughs as you all let go of the embrace. Ignoring your Dad, you headed straight to your mother with open arms as she holds your little brother. "Hola ma, y little Enrique! Wow, he's so big" You gave her a side hug as and a kiss on the cheek as you pinch your little brother's nose. Her teary eyes quickly caught you off. "Aw ma, come on, The mayor shouldn't be crying-" you wince as she fanned her face.
"I know I know it's just, looked at you! My little boy is back home-"
"Mom please?"
It didn't take much of a few more tears here and there before you all went inside. The lively energy of the house was something you didn't know you needed from being far away from home. To the delicious smell of your Father's cooking, to your sister booming you with questions about college. Everything felt right at home once again. "I leave for a few years and, you're already copping me? The white streak in your hair looks rad," You pointed out as you sat down on the couch. Claire's smile fell slightly for a second as she pushed her hair back. "You wish heh, a lot...of things happened while you were away Y/n" there were such mixed feelings once she said that, your eyes following her hands as she played with them. You pushed her shoulder with your own.
"Hey, I know high school is horrible, but I'm here now for the long part. I was real entertain by your so-called magical adventures with that boyfriend of yours. Dad wouldn't stop calling me about it. What you put on his Arepas?" You joked at the memory, Claire's reaction the complete opposite as she jumps slightly from her spot on the couch. "What? Did he tell you? How much?" She grabbed your shoulders and shook you in distress. "I told them to wait! I wanted to show you firrsst ugh" she stretches her face as she fell back on the couch. You couldn't help but laugh at her reaction.
"What? The boyfriend part? You actually thought Dad and Mom were NOT going to tell me? Come on Claire, They both told me they hated him at first. Now they say his some-sort of a knight? It was hilarious. I think they were reading into those fake News of Arcadia," Feeling her froze in place, you looked up at her with a questionable expression. It was weird to see her overreact like this. "Right, boyfriend! Yeah, Jim, haha.., his great" she smiles at you brightly, squinting your eyes at her, you lean forward. "I smell secrets... What's up with your Romeo Claire? Is he acting weird? Do I need to give him a brotherly greeting?" Rubbing your knuckles together as you gave her a grin, she waved her arms around once again.
"Nonono Jim's great! He really is and, I know you'll get along with him just fine but, it's just that..." A deep sigh left her as she pushed her hair back. "I'll...show you tomorrow when everyone's around. This is serious and, I don't want to freak you out, okay? It's nothing bad!" She finishes up reassuring once your expression drops again. "Oh jeez Claire...uh okay, okay, uh sure. Anything that's going on, I can't handle it! I won't freak out if you don't," you pushed your shoulder against her's again. Both of you smile slightly at this. But the sudden worry didn't pass with whatever was going on with your family, especially your sister.
It wasn't like you didn't notice while being away. Of course, you did. You felt it every night as you study for terms. But right now you were back home to your home town. Where everything seemed so different but the same as always. The two of you stood in silence again as you watched t.v. Eyes focusing on the low-quality show as night soon followed. Parents upstairs with your younger brother, Finally deciding to go back to your old room and sleep the days trip off, once both of you got tired of watching the same telenovela the past hours. Saying your lazy good night's your, mind kept on wondering what was waiting up ahead now that you were back. What was the worry that your family and sister weren't telling you yet? That was all soon forgotten as you drifted off to sleep. You were greeted by your pillow, surroundings still the same as you left them years ago when you left. The soft smell of candles that your mom left on days before still lingering. It felt good to be back home, but the feeling of something greater up ahead came back to your mind.
"God, I feel like crying at this," you hummed loud as you took another sip of your coffee. Your mother laughed as she took her cup in her hand. "It's just Coffee Y/n" she gathers her things as she prepares to leave for work. Enrique sat next to you in his little chair. "Si Pero, like it's your Coffee Mom, it's not the same trust me" you place a hand on your chest as she rolled her eyes at you. "Thank you, honey, also for looking after Enrique. Claire will be back after school. I feel bad for leaving you with him just when you got back-" "Mami, it's fine, he is my little brother. I will take care of him all you need since I'm free now. And I'll take him out with me right, Enrique? Aventuras con tu Hermano? Yeaah, you want adventures with me" you wiggled your hand on his stomach, erupting in a fit of laughter you mother took one final sigh as she hugged you.
"Thank you, I will see you later, take care," you hummed once she gave you one final hug. Looking between the door closing behind her, you look back at Enrique. A small staring contest as he blabbers at you. "You know what? Great idea Enrique, We should totally go out," It felt stupid if you stay put in the house doing nothing at all. With so many things supposedly going on in Arcadia nowadays, there was no way you were going to keep missing what everyone kept bragging about to you while you left. So preparing everything in hand for Enrique, it took a lot of figuring out as you place him in the Car seat. Grateful that your old man left you his car for the time being.
"Alright, you seem set to-" a loud thumping sound fell behind you. Jumping at the sound, you turn around. A box had fallen, The sound of your heartbeat against your chest almost had you panting at the scare as you went to pick it up. "Weird...how did this even fell?" You stare at where it was. It was like something pushed it off the counter. It was pretty heavy as it is. "Okay weird..." You mumble once again to yourself as you set the box down and went back into the car, Not noticing the pair of eyes that watched you from behind the shelves. Watching you drove off into the Street. NotEnrique was still peculiar in too when Claire was going to let him bug you once she tells you everything.
The drive down the City felt quiet as you watched people pass by, Choosing to stop in the nearby park to walk around and see what's new. Enrique seemed excited to be out with you, the whole time blabbering as you push his baby cart. A few people here and there from the neighborhood say their hellos once they recognize you. 'the Mayor's son is back' or a 'y/n it's nice to see you back in town' It felt strange but good to see the same folk that you grew up with again. Things have changed that was for sure too, A lot of reconstruction from disasters, new shops here and there. The sound of your stomach slowly brought you back, cringing as Enrique look up at you. "Sorry, Enrique, maybe I should have eaten dad's breakfast," you sigh, stopping in your tracks as your eyes landed on a nearby Cafe. 
Making your way over, you felt your face heat up as you recognize some people here and there, their faces more surprise to you seeing you with a child might be giving the wrong idea. It was embarrassing to say as you waited in line, Grabbing your phone to distract yourself as the line move slowly. The day was going quicker than expected, your mind going back to whatever Claire needed to tell you. Multiple things came to mind, but you brush it off. Claire was always a good kid. Even if you two pick on each other, you would know if it was horrible. Still, you couldn't figure it out and, it was driving you insane internally the more you thought about it. You huff as you lean your head on the cart before standing up straight. It was your turn on the counter to order.
You push the cart forward, smiling at the lady as you looked up at the menu for a moment. "Hey, ill have...uh-" you caught yourself off as a stack of cups fell beside you. "Oh, fuzz buckets," you heard someone said as you looked down at the male who bent down to pick them up. "Douxie, really? Again?" The girl at the counter said in a disappointed tone. Crouching down, you help him pick the cups up.
"My bad, they were all too close, oh thank you-" he quiet down as he looked up at you. Hand grabbing the cups you held for him. "No problem Man," you simply said as you help him finish, his yellowish eyes still on you as you handed the last remaining cups. You eyed him from the side as he kept staring at you and down at Enrique with almost a puzzle look. The girl at the counter clearing her throat.
"Douxie, you're holding up the line..." His head shoots up as he looked back at her then at you. "Oh, right! Ha, my bad!" He says with a small nervous laugh as he went off behind the counter. A chuckle left your throat. That was a weirdly cute reaction. "So uh yeah, I'll just get a cup of coffee and a number 6," you ordered once you sat down at a table and placed Enrique in a buster sit in front of you. When you started to look around again, Your own e/c wandered over to the guy who dropped the cups. He had a punkish style, for sure, he was into music at a simple glance. His black hair had dye indigo tips. One thing was for sure, He was a looker. You weren't one to denied when someone was actually attractive. Even though he had such a black sense of style, you felt such a tranquility feeling emitting from him. It was weird, to say the least. 
"Pffft-" eyes went over to Enrique. A handful of his shoe in his mouth. "Wh- Enrique, what are you doing?" You blurted out laughing, fighting back between him and putting his leg down. You took a small video of it to send it to Clair or Mom. Every time you put his leg down, he pulls it back up. "Dude, what are you doing??" He just blabbers back at you. Someone else chuckle brought your attention to look over. It was the same guy from earlier with your order. "Foods here?" He simply said with a smile to you. You smiled back slightly as he places the food down in front of you. It all looked delicious, "thanks," "not a problem," he turns around to leave before slowly turning over to you again. His fist pressing against his palm as you looked up to the ceiling before at you. "Hey, uh, weird question?"
"Depends how weird it is," you said back, smiling again at his sudden interest. He chuckled back at your statement, "Well, are you Claire's older brother by any chance? I can be assuming since you're with Enrique or, or you're just the Babysitter," he lifted his hands in defense. You raised a brow at him. How did he know that? You expected any older person to mention you because of your Mother. But from your sister? You imagine at least someone younger. This guy is clearly around your age. "Heh, yeah, I'm her brother, how do you know my little sis?" You lean on the table with a hand supporting your head as you look at him. Suspicions on your tone, he seemed to catch up as he rubbed his neck. He seemed so calm about it. 
"Oh, meet her back in the school while I was putting fliers for the battle of the bands. She's really good at the bass. She told me you teach her how to play? You must be a good teacher" you press your lips together, heat raises to your face for a moment. "Yeah, I thought her here and there, most of the things she learn on her own," you fidget with your cup of coffee. 
"you in a band?" you asked with a raised brow at him. 
"yep, play the bass and other instruments here and there," he responded. 
You open your mouth to speak again, "I'm Y/n by the way.  I don't know how much Claire told you," you chuckled off the sudden nerves. Why were you nervous? You didn't know, it wasn't like you haven't talked to new people all the time in college.
"Douxie, and don't worry, nothing so bad. You were the only thing she was talking about these past few days. Never seen anyone so excited to see their sibling." You chuckle again, "uh yeah, it's been a few years since I left, so I imagine with how she is," you motion to the chair next to you. Thinking he might be getting tired of just standing in one place. You thought he was going to deny the invitation. Since he did seem like he was still working, but instead, he grabbed the chair, turn it, and sat down. "I imagine I was gonna meet you later today, not in the middle of dropping every cup in the store" you both laugh, he went over to look at Enrique. "Claire is happy to see you back, you know? she's was real nervous,"
You sigh at this, "yeah, and I still don't know why. Though, I thought it was about her boyfriend but looks like it's not. Do you know what it is? It just haves me worry for her" Douxie stood still as Enrique grabbed his finger. "Uh...well I do know, but I think she should be the one to tell you or well show you first" you groan again as you head drop back. "Awe comes on man, it can not be that serious for her and like everyone to hide it. What is she hiding a body?" You waved your hands. Douxie waved a hand as he lowers your own. "Okay, okay, what do you know about the weird news of our City?" You gave him a puzzled look as he smiles at you in return, amusement was written all over in his eyes. 
It was weird, the sudden light feeling in your chest. He was so calming in a way you didn't know how to explain. Now that you think about it, you almost miss his accent. "News? You mean the so-called end of the world that happened, in where creatures came out of the ground and aliens appear type of News?" You scoff, He only gave you a little nod. "What? You're not trying to tell me that really happen, are you?" You squinted your eyes at him. He waved a hand at you, "Hey, hey, I know it sounds crazy, but if I were to prove it. Would you believe it?" You press your lips together again.
Okay, maybe this was weirder, prove it? Sounded like a cryptic fanatic, but still... "Only if it involves my sis, or are you just trying to ask me out?" You raised a brow at him. He seemed shocked for a second before brushing it off with another smile. "Maybe, one of the two or both. But mainly so you don't faint when we get all together annnnndd, so you don't get embarrassed, " he grins as he extended his hand. "You can think about it while you finish or you know. Freak out later" he shrugged, now you were looking at him more intently. 
Going with a stranger right at the bat once you got back home might not be the best decision you had ever made. But you needed to know what was going on with your family. So you agree, like any mad man who had nothing else to lose. Both of you agree to meet up later, once he was done with work and when both your parents were back at home to look after Enrique. Something felt off not seeing Claire right at the bat after school, she would be home by now, but she texted she was getting everyone ready. Or everything ready, for the big surprise, as she suddenly put it. It has to be special if she's taking so much time for it. So here you were now outside a library where Douxie told you to meet up. A part of you wanted to ask yourself why you even agree to this. Was he just going to show you a theory room of cryptics? It wasn't like you weren't into those things, you love it actually,  but right now, it didn't felt like the right time for you to geek out. Taking a deep inhale as you step in, hands in your pockets as you looked around. It was empty.
"Douxie?" You called out as you walk around. Books everywhere, you ran your finger on the cover of an old one that lay on a table. Whatever language it was, you didn't understand a lick of it. Eyes trail up until you were meet with bright yellow ones staring back at you. You let out a curse under your breath as you looked at the cat in surprise.
" Oh jeez, since when are you there little guy?" You place a hand on your chest, trying to ease your heart as you approach it. The feline walks around, avoiding your touch.
"May I help you?" You look around the shop. There wasn't anyone there, but you swore you heard someone.
"Hello?" You blurt out again, "Uh, Douxie?" Okay, a part of you was starting to regret how creepy things were getting. Maybe you were overthinking it.
"Oh, of course, you'll be looking for him, he's in the back," the voice came from in front of you. Turning your head slowly you stare down at the black feline. Now noticing it was... wearing glasses? No way did it just talk.
"Di...did you just talk?..." You whisper out as you stood up straight.
"Of course- oooh... oh no" The cat seemed to regret his choices on speaking now, watching you slowly back away.
"Okay, maybe drinking so much coffee has finally gotten to m-" you jump slightly as two hands hold into your shoulders.
"Y/n?" You looked back at golden eyes staring at you worried.
"Douxie, I think I finally lost it with the coffee-" you blurt out with a nervous laugh.
In return, he just looked down at the cat in front of you two.
"Archie, I warned you Claire's brother was stopping by first!" He scolded the cat, who just seemed to wince as he walked around again.
"Yes, but you can't blame me for not knowing it was him, everyone is used to this-"
"Oh, Virgen Santa, he is still talking. You're talking to him, how is he talking? Did I hit my head? and you two are a dream?" You blurt out rubbing your temples as you backed away.
"Y/n, you need to calm down. Remember when I told you about proving you about the weird things? Well, Archie over there is not even the tip of the iceberg" Douxie scratch his neck as he pointed at the cat again.
Now it was your turn to stay quiet and still as you look at him. Then back at the cat who stares back at you. You inhale deeply as they both waited for you to take a moment.
"Okay...so talking cat....this is what Claire is making a fuss about, or are all those weird stories are something about ten times bigger in where I might have my jaw on the floor?" You mumble out..
Douxie opens his mouth before closing it, eyes trailing all over the place as he started to count.
"Uhhh yep, it will just get even more jaw-breaking when Claire tells her story of her adventures" Douxie motion for you to follow him.
A part of you question why you even follow him, how could this get even more insane. Your brain was all over the place, as you remember the News and pictures online. Another part of you wanted to doubt everything still.
"Adventures? Oh god, please don't tell me my sister somehow got caught in weird alien adventures," you groan as you followed him up the second floor. Eyes looking back at the cat every second as if it were to try and eat you.
"Complete opposite, more of Magic and less of the alien part,"
"Say what now?" You blurt out.
Douxie stops in front of you, extending his hand. Looking down at it, you took it slowly with a raised brow. The sound of ticking was greeted to your ears, as you watched the bracelet in his wrist illuminate, a blue light surrounded his arm. Your eyes meet with his again, It was all a sight to see. It was like all that energy was coming from him as bits of his hair flew up. It was tranquil, like a quiet river. You felt completely mesmerized by him. 
"Magic is a basic element that has been on this planet for centuries, Arcadia luckily is a hot zone for creatures and the supernatural. It just so happens that your sister and her friends ended up saving this planet more than once with it." Your eyes were blown wide as things started floated around the room.
"I know this is a lot to take Y/n, but Claire doesn't want to scare you away. She's has done amazing things! And she realllllllly wants to share it with you. And as her teacher, I thought, I'll give a little hand to show you first" you were still blown away with everything. The things that were floated around slowly descended back down on the table and shelves. You look down at both your hands. They were so much bigger than yours.
"W..wha- okay holy cow, give me like a second" you pushed your hair back. Your heart was beating against your ears with adrenaline. You pulled your hand away as you walked around the room before standing in front of him. Douxie stares down at with a nervous smile. Archie, watching everything from his spot where he sat down. Who knew what overcame the wizard to show you before his sister did. He didn't know and didn't want to ask himself where and why the sudden urge took over.
"Okay...magic..is a thing okay that is stupidly cool and I feel like a kid reading his books, but I need to ask, what are you? And you said, teacher? Teaching my sister what? Magic?? You telling me Claire knows how to do magic???" You got closer and closer to him as you spoke. Nose almost touching even as you pin him behind a bookshelf with questions.
Douxies' face didn't fail to go a light pink as he put his hands on your shoulders. Looking to the side to clear his throat, he felt his chest twist at your amazed expression, that he felt like he almost blackout at your question.
"Okay, so I'm a wizard and yes, and yes two both question," he pulled himself not to tilt his head as you look down at the floor.
"Ah...okay, uh, that's crazy but amazing. Also, holy cow again and holy cow and, she didn't call me? She's so gonna get it! How do you do all of that though, is it with that thing in your wrist-" you couldn't help you own curiosity and excitement. Hands darting to grab his own as question fell from your lips like a mantra.
Douxie looks back at Archie, who was just as wide eye as him. You were taking it better than expected, the freak out was short. But Douxie couldn't help but smile ever so slightly at you. In curiosity to learn the unknown, you and Claire had it the same. You didn't even notice that it was a full-on 20 minutes of you rambling and Douxie listening to you. Not once, bothered on how your hand flicker with his bracelet. And how gentle and light it felt against his hand and fingers.
"And can you li-.....oh...oh damn it did I went into a rambling parade?" You blurt out once you notice the sun was starting to set.
"Yeah, but it's fine, I expected you to ask questions. It's the norm of thins things," He laughs it off, both of you feeling heat reach your ears once you finally let go of his hand.
"Sorry about that hah, I still can't believe Claire didn't tell me Like this is insane!" you threw your hands to the air.
"It's gonna get even more insane once you meet some of our friends, trust me," Douxie reassure you. The weird feeling was back, something like that would have you freak out more, But for some reason, it just didn't, like it didn't felt like much of a surprise somehow deep down.
"Can't wait....So...it's the cat, like your-" you trail off slightly, the idea of how this could get more insane was something your mind was still trying to deal with.
"Archie? he's my familiar" both look over at the cat that head raises to look at the two.
"Oh, he's your little assistant," you smile cheekily. He gave you an insulting scoff in return.
"Wizard Associate, thank you very much, Mister Nuñez," Archie corrected as he hops from where he stood.
"Ah, sorry?" You laugh slightly, both of you leaning from a bookshelf.
It fell silent for a moment as you stare up to the ceiling.
"You okay Y/n?" Douxie asked.
"Yeah, just thinking about how crazy my day went and wondering how crazier is going to get now that everything I heard might be true. And what would have happened if I was actually here..." You hummed slightly as you titled your head to look over at Douxie.
"You're pretty cool Douxie, hey if I do end up fainting to whatever my sister shows me, do NOT let her draw on my face or take pictures" you pointed at him with squinted eyes. He places a hand on his chest as he lifted the other one.
"Hey, I promise that I will try and stop her. Claire is way sneaky that you think," Douxie said as if he remembers something horrible before cringing at the thought.
"I know, one time she put glue on my shoes," you groan loudly as you let your head rollback.
Douxie laughs "What? Didn't think she'll be the type of kid".
"Oh, trust me, she was horrible, but I guess so was I," you shrugged off as you chuckle slightly. Douxie crosses his arms as he sighs. You look back at him, catching him staring down at you. Both of you didn't say anything or look away for that brief moment.
The sound of your phone going off alerted both of you, looking down at your new message. It was Claire telling you to come over to where high schoolers used to go for bond fires in an hour. You look out to the nearby window. The sun was going down quickly.
"I guess that's her sign that she's ready for me to see her magical secret" you stretch your arms as you put your phone away.
"Yep, you mind if I take a trip with ya? Since we'll she sent me the text, that's she's ready...and we'll we are going to the same place..." he trails off. Archie rolled his eyes at him as he jumps behind Douxie.
"He doesn't have a car" Archie added as he went between Douxies legs. Your smile dared to grow at Douxies' sudden flustered expression.
"His bike is very much broken down-"
"Hey it's fine, I don't mind. You can come with" you bump shoulders with him, trying to give him a reassuring smile as you walked down the stairs. Douxie closely following behind as both of you made it outside. Guess it was time to see what type of friends Claire has made while you were away.
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 months
I Will never leave you again | Angor Rot
Fragment To find the full story go to wattpad or neobook
Chapter Three
Chapter five
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The party at the inn was in full swing everyone was happy that Gunmar's son had been killed by a troll hunter and the bridge of the beheading had been hidden in the marketplace for this reason Vendel finally cheered up when he realized that nothing threatened the marketplace or the trolls.
Anoana stood in a corner of the tavern sipping tea the wound from a few days ago was still healing and her left arm was too bandaged but that didn't make the woman stop her little expeditions, since she knew that Bular wasn't lurking in the shadows somewhere she could move more freely around Arcadia she didn't necessarily remember fondly the encounter with the dark prince when she left the marketplace at night to collect healing herbs
She wanted to forget about it at all
She swallowed her saliva hard and her jaw clenched tighter as she felt the pain from the scar that remained after meeting Bular in the forest she never forgot the stress that flowed through her and the thought that she wouldn't make it out alive before it was too late out of nowhere Kanjigar appeared and saved her
To his unwillingness
Despite everything, the widow did not manage to thank him, however, the news of Bular's death and Kanjigar's avenging filled her with gratitude and pride for the troll hunter. The widow's quiet footsteps headed towards Vendel - So? - She asked tilting her head, the old man looked at her with a raised eyebrow waiting for her to continue what she wanted to say - So now you believe in our human troll hunter? - She asked, putting down her empty tea mug on the nearest table
Vendel sighed, but smiled - Maybe you were right, the boy will do great deeds - He admitted, however, still rocking to the rhythm of the music that was playing in the background, Anoana smiled proudly - I'm always right - She muttered earning a giggle from the elderly troll, The widow gently bowed to the old man as a gesture of respect turned on her heel and walked away in a direction only she knew in herself
Before the widow had time to leave the inn she was stopped by the voice of a young troll - Are you leaving already? - Asked Indun while sipping her drink closely watching the older troll - The party hasn't even started - Whined the younger troll as he approached the widow
Anoana only smiled - Parties are not my forte Indun - She reminded the younger troll by gently waving her hands in an unwilling manner, ever since she lost Angor her social life was closed only to her friendship with Vendel and Indun. Come the last few days she has opened up enough to try to befriend a human troll hunter, maybe it's also due to curiosity - All the more reason not to celebrate on this day - whispered the widow looking dully at the ground
- Tacos for everyone! - Cried Toby handing out Tacos to everyone as he said, but the widow shook her head refusing to accept human food her portion was given to Indun who without argument accepted an extra portion of Tacos which she clearly liked
Anoana, even though she was smiling tried to hide the pain in her eyes - You should be amused Anoana - Indun muttered while swallowing the Tacos that Domzalski distributed, the widow sent a murderous glance towards the younger troll - Don't look at me like that - She only shrugged her shoulders unmoved by the widow's gaze - It's been almost three centuries! You've continued to pick yourself up and you don't even sing like you used to,” the younger troll argued further, unconcerned with the widow's increasingly angry gaze
- Sing? - A voice behind Anoana suddenly spoke up, causing her to roll her eyes as she turned to look at the teenage troll hunter. The widow closed her eyes and ran her hand over her face with fatigue - Anoana used to sing when we celebrated something or during ritual times - Explained an excited Indun smiling pointing at the widow as if the troll hunter didn't know who the younger troll was talking about
- I used to sing is the correct answer,” the widow mocked, ‘I used to sing,’ she crossed her arms over her chest as a grimace spread across her stony face, Jim's blue eyes gently lit up as he smiled, ”No. I will not. I will not do it - growled Anoana wanting to head for the exit to end the conversation however she did not do so why? She had no idea but her legs refused to obey she felt as if her legs had become a real stone preventing her from moving in any direction to escape from this conversation
- You sang during the battles you won - Indun spoke up again wanting to persuade her mentor to return to the old habit she had abandoned so long ago - Bular is dead is a reason to celebrate - She argued further the younger troll causing Jim to be more and more interested Blinky sitting next to Jim was not too thrilled about persuading Indun to sing Anoana, likewise the interested party herself
- Isn't this a good reason to return to old habits? - Persuaded this time by Toby interjecting himself into the conversation, the widow felt every troll's gaze fixed on her stony skin. She shouldn't celebrate without him. She shouldn't sing without him. She shouldn't play the drums without him - Unless you're afraid - Indun wanted to joke with the widow but was met with the worst look the widow could give her
- No - She growled almost at the younger troll, the widow was famous for being calm and her nerves were made of steel it was hard to upset her however Indun never got to know Anoana's worst anger until today - I will not play, celebrate, sing. Even more so on this day,” Anoana hissed fending off the conversation by running for the exit to lose the curious gazes of the trolls
The chief of the market also watched the situation worried about the widow's mood wanted to intervene, but before Vendel could intervene or do anything else to calm the widow she had managed to leave - And to this one what happened? - Jim asked, confused by the widow's behavior.
Indun sighed heavily - Young Indun can't understand some things - Murmured Vendel shaking his head looking then at the younger troll looking guiltily at the ground and then at the door through which the widow left - Today is the day she let her husband out of the village - Blinky spoke up putting his hand on Jim's shoulder - And he never came back to her - He finished with a slight twist of his blue face as his orange nose wrinkled up
- It has been almost three centuries and she is still after him refusing every pastime she did with him - Explained a worried Indun - Despite persuasion she is still looking for him while refusing everything - She finished - Including my training - She mourned as the daggers hanging on Indun's back began to burn her as she thought how long it takes her to persuade the widow to do anything other than look for the ring or bury Angor
The younger troll shook her head and Vendel spoke up this time, sensing the atmosphere that was thickening with each passing moment - Those are topics for other days, right now we are celebrating the capture of the bridge of the beheading and the killing of Bular son of Gunmar by our troll hunter! - Exclaimed Vendel spreading his arms out to the sides the party moved on and every troll forgot about the drama that unfolded moments later
- And no one helped her look for her husband? - Asked Jim and his voice was quiet as he looked at his mentor, Blinkous only shook his head - When the war for the common lands, Gunmar attacked her village she tried to protect her village and her people with her husband - Explained Blinky slowly but after a moment he shook his head - That's a story for another time - He stated directly cutting himself off from the topic - And it's rather for Anoana to tell you - sighed gloomily the blue troll and his ears drooped
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ksiondzkanexkiii · 2 months
Next chapter Four
Chapter Two
You can find the entire chapter on Wattpad, Neobook
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- Mrs. Anoano! - Cried Tobes' voice as he ran toward the widow, who was busy preparing for the trip she had planned - Ma'am! - cried Tobes this time gaining the attention of the woman, who slowly turned toward him to see the teenager running toward her
She raised her eyebrows however anxiety flooded her veins the closer the teenager approached - Toby? - She muttered quietly, wondering what the teenager might want from her at the same time she wondered when she told him her name however she shrugged her shoulders at that thought probably Blinky or Aaarrrgghh told him - Are you okay boy? - she asked looking down to look at the boy who barely reached her hips.
Toby stopped in front of the woman rested his hands on his knees trying to catch his breath, Anoana slightly croaked - Sure, take time to breathe - She muttered waiting for the teenager to stabilize his breathing, which was uneven after his frantic run
Toby finally, when he caught his breath straightened up fast enough to make something in my hips gurgle, at which Anoana's face twisted even harder hearing the sound, Tobes looked at the widow with a bemused gleam in his eye - Our troll hunter has a birthday tomorrow - He began to speak at the same time gently whispering through the braces he had on his teeth - And I thought whether to have a surprise party at the smithy, you know! With balloons, with music," Toby said enthusiastically. Anoana blinked slowly without understanding a word
- Birthday party? A party? - she inquired while tilting her head, Toby couldn't see her eyes through her distinctive scarf she wore on her head however, seeing how she slightly parted her lips in thought he understood the hint that the widow had no idea what he was talking about - Birthday? Is it some kind of ritual or something like that? - She inquired and the depth of her voice showed even more confusion and maybe even slight stress
- No. Birthday," Toby began to say, wanting to explain to the widow what the birthday party was all about, but the widow's movements were jerky as she clenched her stony fingers tighter on the leather book she held in her hand even forgetting that she had anything in her hand at all
- Oh by the gods it's been a long time since I've participated in rituals," she whispered to herself realizing this as she covered her mouth lightly with her free hand, she didn't focus on what Tobes was trying to tell her she practically didn't listen to him as she thought about the rituals she missed and even didn't perform herself. After she lost her husband she stopped performing any rituals without him it wasn't the same, when there was a ritual to welcome spring she had no one to give the flower that first grew on the ground after the thick layers of snow disappeared, and she had no one with whom to throw the replica of the goddess of winter, into the waters that had thawed out
Tobes jumped up and waved in front of her face finally snapping the widow out of her reverie as she looked at him with boredom and a raised eyebrow - What? - she asked calmly come the note of sarcasm threaded through her voice
- Birthday is the day people are born, every year we throw parties to celebrate the day we were born," Toby explained, Anoana raised her eyebrows hearing Tobes explanation. She had never celebrated such a thing, nor had she ever heard of such a thing, although she often spent her free time among humans, or not as a human, but as a bird or rodent. Most often it was a bird, but when she became interested in something in a building she would change her form into a rodent or an insect and fly into the rooms that caught her attention
However, she found out quite painfully on the fact that being an insect, she has to watch out for flip-flops, people have an ugly habit of killing insects however, she will not say these words out loud
- Is it birth day - She muttered raising her eyebrow not sure if she understood correctly however Tobes nodded vigorously, he no longer had the strength to correct his pronunciation after Blinky instead of using the word , "Birthday" used the more poetic version , "Birthday" Toby thought that was why he twisted the words to appear smarter however when Anoana said the same thing Tobes realized that it was not Blinkous' pronunciation that was faulty after all
- Something like that," muttered Tobes nodding vigorously, the widow straightened up more to avoid humping like Vendel as her shoulders slumped as she still wanted to solve the mystery of why Toby had come to inform her of the troll hunter's birthday. She wanted to figure it out for herself first so as not to come off as a fool, "And for this reason I came up with to make a surprise party and invite you to it," said an excited Toby crossing his arms proudly on his chest.
The teenager was proud of his plan - At the same time, he wants to ask you for help - He added in a quieter voice almost dreamy enough that Anoana, despite her long ears, had to move them gently to understand what Tobes was saying
- Help? - Anoana asked puzzled, tilting her head - What can I help you with Toby? - She muttered, she had to stop frowning so much on her face, because she could feel the muscles that were frowning starting to hurt from the long pull of her eyebrows down.
- I came up with a plan to create a story as Aaarrrgghh lost his temper when the trolls are in the forge of heroes," said the teenager still proud of his plan, "Blinky would say push the button of the blades to run between them, and when Jim shows up and tries to alleviate the situation suddenly one of the platforms will open to reveal a mass of balloons and confetti! - excited the teenager
Anoana blinked several times still not seeing herself in this plan - But what am I supposed to do? - She mumbled finally, Toby only snickered and waved his hand dismissively - No big deal just pretend to be scared and run away and when Blinky opens the balloons and confetti we will all shout , "Happy Birthday" - Explained Toby adding quotation marks as he said what to shout
The widow was not convinced about this plan - But why should I appear there? - she whispered - To make it more believable, I can't ask Vendel, because he'll laugh it off! - Toby argued and Anoana's shoulders slumped. She felt slightly offended and taken advantage of, however, the vision of the party before the expedition effectively overshadowed her bad mood that wanted to appear after the words of the human teenager
- Well, so be it," she tiredly ran her hand over her face and Toby gave a short exclamation of joy, "In that case, tomorrow around seven o'clock in the morning," said Toby in a quick departure without giving her an opportunity to say more or anything. The widow only rolled her eyes, but smiled at Domzalski's childish joy
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You can find the continuation of the chapter on Wattpad, Neobook
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Trollhunter Dating Aesthetics 🗡
Jim: Notes slipped into your locker, pinics in the park, dancing after dark, glowing crystals, the swish of a sword, that smell right after it rains, the baby blue cloud dotted sky, wind whipping through your hair as you drive on a vespa, him sharing his jackets, moving your hair out of your face, soft kisses under the moonlight, touches that send electricity up your body, smiles sent across the room, the sense of adventure.
Claire: Shakespeare quotes, algebra jokes, the smell of old books, staring at the stars, sharing earbuds, rock music, the feeling of stage lights, polaroid pictures, the swing of a bat, kisses that take your breath away, smeared purple lipstick, eyeliner, studded leather jackets, ripped jeans, screaming the lyrics to your favorite songs, journals and spilled ink.
Toby: The smell of fresh baked cookies, cuddling in warm blankets, sunshine child, friendship bracelets, video games, Snacks at 1 a.m, sunflowers, memes, inside jokes, prank wars, watching the sunset in quiet silence, the thud of a hammer, snuggling in sweaters, movie nights that last past midnight, gemstones, gentle kisses, holding hands until the end.
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Can we get some quality brushie brushie time with Troll!Jim? We need some more of the fluffy blue boi, and I seriously wanna brush his fur/hair. It just looks so soft!
Sitting down in the woods your in a shady patch on an otherwise sunny day. The trolls were asleep in a cave you'd found but Jim couldn't sleep and after the week you'd had neither could you.
You were hoping this could help you both wind down.
As you pull the brush through Jim's hair Jim closes his eyes and slightly leans back. There was a small smile on his face and your not sure when you'd last seen him this relaxed. It'd been a long time.
As a breeze gently goes through the woods Jims bangs shift as your hair flows. A little purr escapes Jim's throat at the pleasant breeze and the soft brushing. Smiling you move some hair out of his face before you kiss his forehead. Continuing to carefully brush you close your eyes at the nice day.
His thick troll hair was pretty knotted but after experimenting you found out human shampoo and conditioner just didn't do it anymore. His hair was more troll like and it was too thick for human products.
Massaging in and washing out the fancy dog shampoo and conditioner in the nearby stream, his hair was now much less tangled and brushed through easily.
"How you feeling?" You question giving him a small trim before you keep brushing. You blow the hair off his armor and he scoots closer making your heart flutter.
Jim doesn't say anything but he purrs in response leaning into your touch. You brush some furr out of his face and his purring gets louder as your brush passes his horns, giving them a good scratch.
"Not as bad as I thought it'd be..." He admits softly. He'd been dreading a shower or bath since he couldn't take his armor off but once you'd done his hair he completely relaxed.
You smile chuckling softly and he looks back smiling.
"Okay I've finsihed brushing." You hum fluffing out his hair. His mane was now maganable and he looked good. Not bad for someone who wasn't a professional and had never touched troll hair.
"What? Nuuuuuuuuu." Jim whines.
Leaning back he lays down in your lap staring at you. Looking up at you giving you his best pleading look you lean forward giving him a kiss.
"Your a cutie you know that?" He rumbles in response closing his eyes as he relishes your trouch. You giggle giving him another kiss. He kisses back little tusks brushing against your lips as you both take in this moment. Pulling away you give him an eskimo kiss before you continue to brush his hair. His hair doesn't need it but if he wants it you may as well.
"Your spoiled." You hum teasingly as the brush scratches his scalp.
He simply purrs at your response and the sensation. Stroking his face he looks up at you and you look back, fingers gently touching his stone skin as your other hand brushes his hair.
The things you did for your boyfriend.
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Imagine being pregnant in TrollMarket
~ You were one of Jims teachers. Recently pregnant and left alone to raise the baby you moved to Arcadia for a fresh start. However monsters and mayem were not on the pregnancy itinerary and now you've stumbled into a whole world of trouble that doesn't involve your pregnancy problems.
~ Jim swears to you as long as he's Trollhunter no harm will come to you or your baby and he's so sorry that you got caught up in this mess. However your quick to forgive and soon the Trollhunter team becomes your family, the kids becoming your own children in a way.
~ Jim is quick to cook you anything you want. If you have a weird pregnancy craving he'll make whatever you want. Pickled pears? Got it! Something super sweet? Of course. Something really spicy? Sure. Icecream? He'll get the machine and make you some! He loves cooking for you and is glad he can help outside of trollhunting.
~ Toby throughout the entire process becomes your hype man. Becoming pregnant can be hard on your body and how you see yourself. Especially since the hormones make everything seem like a big deal. Sometimes the weight is upsetting or you feel fat and like a slob other times your so tired but feel lazy for taking a nap. He's there to tell you your amazing and beautiful and you should always feel that way because it's true. Self care is key and he's determined to make sure your taken care of the whole pregnancy.
~ Claires an expert in pregnancies because of her baby brother. She helps you make a list of things you should get for the upcoming baby and enjoys maternity shopping with you. You may be a pregnant lady but that doesn't mean you should be forced to live in sweatpants for nine months. She also helps you pick out cute baby clothes and toys for the nursery.
~ Poor Blinky in his excitement mixes up troll customs with human ones and creates weird hybrid things that don't actually exist and defiently don't help the pregnancy.
~ The kids and trolls keep up on absolutely everything. You're very well taken care of the whole pregnancy. Jim makes sure your eating. Toby makes sure you take care of yourself. And Claire helps you with house stuff when you need it. Draal, Blinky, and Aarrrgh also get very involved. They want to hear about your doctor appointments and see all the sonograms and ultrasounds. (Good luck getting their hands off you when the baby begins kicking)
~ You never got a baby shower so the troll team surprises you. Claire organizes the party, Jim handles the cake and food, meanwhile Toby invites all your friends and decorates. You get gifts from trolls, people, and even changelings. Strickler didn't come but he sent an expensive gift and a nice card.
~ You don't think much of it as it's a busy fun day full of gifts, laughter, games, and love. When the parties over they have one last surprise for you. Taking you upstairs the kids are excited to show you a recently decorated nursey!
~ Blinky had painted the walls of the room to look like an enchanted forest. There was elegant trees with birds and critters and flowers full of bees and butterflies. Soft green carpet laid on the floor and you nearly cried as you looked around. Draal had built you a beautiful crib of wood with little pieces of heart stone hanging off of it. And Aarrrgh smiled as he'd put in some shelves and arranged toys. Stepping further into the room taking it in, the crib was full of fluffy pillows and soft blankets. All of them were fantasy themed with pixies or tales of fae. Hand made dolls of the trolls were in a toy bin and plushies of goblins and other creatures were placed around the room. There was a gorgoues rocking chair in the corner and next to it a shelf full of young troll books and childrens toys. There was also a wooden changing station with soft pillows for your baby that held all the supplies you needed to clean and change them. You cry telling them this is the best gift ever.
~ Bular found you by accident. About half way through your second term Goblins were chasing the trollhunting team and out of options they hid at your house since you were the closest. The U.V lights you installed made the goblins flee and you thought that was the end of that until a changeling tried to break into your home a couple days later.
~ The team decides Trollmarket was the safest place for you. Staying in Trollmarket until the baby comes and you can safely move everyone is excited. Trolls may not love humans but the fact that your carrying a life inside of you is seen as a glorious thing. Trollmarket would never turn a pregnant person away even if they are a human. You get an influx of gifts from trolls around the market and they all make a point to smile and wave whenever they see you, something they didn't do before.
~ If your feet ever become sore, don't worry about it. In human standards you may be big but in troll ones your small. Blinky, Aarrrgh, Draal they'll carry you if they see you struggling. It's also a troll instinct to want to feed anything that's tiny so be prepared for trolls constantly offering you strange things to eat because they think you should be bigger for the baby. Gifts are a common occurrence as you live with Blinky. Weapons. Troll toys. Books. You also receive a lot of interesting letters.
~ Blinky tells the babies stories every night before you got to bed. He reads human fairy tales but also tells troll lore excited. Aarrrgh snuggles next to you and wherever the baby kicks he laughs. You always go to bed warm and happy as your baby rests soundly in your stomach.
~ Draal gets very protective of you when you locate to Trollmarket. He was protective before but after the attack he's now a guard dog, constantly by your side unless the team really needs him. When the baby starts kicking he's nervous to touch your belly at first. He'd seen the others do it and he wanted to as well. Taking his hand you gently put it your stomach and his eyes widen as he feels a strong kick against it.
"They're a warrior!" He states excited and you chuckle. With who they'd be raised with you had no doubt they'd be a warrior.
~ Aarrrgh is very cuddly the entire pregnancy. He wants the baby to be warm and safe so he often curls up around you when you take naps. He's often nuzzling your baby bump and asking questions. Human pregnancies and troll ones are very different and sometimes he gets confused but he does his best.
~ Blinky reads way to many books that Claire brings over about babies. Now he thinks he's an expert on all things baby related. The entire pregnancy he gives ludicrous advice thinking it'll help the pregnancy and the baby. It's sweet but he becomes a bit overbearing and the kids sometimes have to intervene.
~ Vendel gets annoyed when the others have to leave and he's stuck with you. But as you waddle around the Heartstone complaining about sore feet and back pains he pauses. He leads you somewhere to sit down. He gives you a chunk of heartstone to hold and wraps you in blankets so your warm. Wandering away he comes back with tea for the both of you and starts a pleasant chat.
~ You've wandered into a dangerous world and your worried about your baby, about the kids. They shouldn't be alone... They shouldn't be taking care of you, your the adult! Vendel notices the sad way you say alone and care. He sees your lip tremble and it hits him your scared. He softly asks you if your afraid to be alone, if your afraid you won't get the care you need. Your hands instinctively touch the baby bump and your thoughts wander to the father who'd walked out on you. You nod feeling tears in your eyes and he gently puts his head to yours humming something soft and soothing.
"You are not alone here and you will be cared for here."
You begin sobbing relieved as he rubs your back. No you suppose you had nothing to worry about.
~ Vendel knows a lot about human pregnancies thanks to asking you and doing some light research. Blinky likes to challenge the old man about it and they often bicker about what's good and not good for you and the baby. It can be quit entertaining if not alarming.
~ Vendel gives you potions for morning sickness so you no longer puke when you wake up and he gives you tea to sooth your aching muscles. He gifts you a heartstone necklace so that peace may always be with you as you carry the baby.
~ Your in Blinkies library one day. The kids are out patrolling and your enjoying a nice night when suddenly your soaked. At first you assume you peed yourself and are a tad emabrassed but you know Blinky will understand. Calling him in for some assistance he pauses seeing you and that's when the contractions start. You didn't pee, your water just broke.
~ Going to a hospital may take too long and getting out of the canal was too dangerous at this point. You're very carefully picked up by Aarrrgh before your rushed to the heartstone. Someone had ran ahead so Vendel was getting ready as you were brought in.
~ There are soft blankets to lay on and your put on a Heartstone slab which eases the pain of labor. Trolls excitedly wait outside of the heartstone for the baby to come. Hours pass and although your sweaty and exhausted you can't help but smile as your baby is placed in your arms.
~ The kids run in along with Draal and they stare at you holding your newborn. You're covered in blankets and sweaty but you couldn't be happier as you stare at your baby. They're swaddled in a soft furry blanket holding a chunk of heartstone with wide eyes. They look around and you smile.
"Hi... Hi... I'm your mama..." You mumble holding them close. "This is your family..."
~ Vendel takes the baby to check on them and you sleep after the draining expeirnce when you wake you smile holding your child close. Vendel was the official grandpa and you'd named Aarrrgh and Blinky the godfathers of the child. You said the kids could be sisters and brothers if they wanted and you told Draal he was an uncle. They were all very excited.
~ You give your baby a human name and a Trollish one. One you'd use in the human one and one you'd use in TrollMarket. Holding them close and looking at your family you smile. You wouldn't have it any other way.
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Human s/o trying to court Aaarrrgghh and Draal (separately) the troll way for valentines day even though they're small
Humming as you harvest the crystals you'd been growing you hang them from a thick chain. Smiling at the finsihed project you head to Trollmarket.
Being human you couldn't exactly take crystals off yourself so you'd spent ages growing some of your own. You'd loved Aarrrgh for some time now and whenever you were around him you wanted to tell him your feelings but it always seemed like the wrong time. With the looming threat of Bular, Vendel being unkind to Jim, then there was the ongoing mess with Gunmar, and finally Ursunas plots to try and steal your mate away... it had been difficult to find a time to tell him the truth.
Holding the necklace close you smile as you approach the library. Today was the day. Getting courage from Valentine's and feeling the time was right you sign.
"Blinkous? Aarrrgh?" As you step into the warm space away from the cold of Trollmarket you hum feeling Heartstone energy wash over you. Gaining a new sense of self confidence, you grip the necklace knowing Aarrrgh will return your feelings.
"Back here!" Blinky calls and you follow the sound of his voice. Pushing aside a curtain you find the two trolls reading. Well Blinky was reading Aarrrgh was laying near Blinky getting scratches as he laid down listening.
"... Hey Aarrrgh. Blinkous." You greet smiling. Blinky waves putting his book down on his lap while Aarrrgh looks up. "Uhhhh Aarrrgh I wanted to ask you something." Getting up he chuffs before nuzzling you in greeting.
Feeling your face heat up Blinky smiles at you winking. Emabrassed you grip the crystals in your hand, swallow thickly.
You could do this.
"Ummm Aarrrgh?" He nods and you blush holding up the necklace for him too see. Smelling the crystals and looking at your hand he hums.
"What this?" He asks softly.
"It's uhhh for you. I know I'm not a troll but... I know this is how..." Flushing you look away. "This is how trolls ask eachother to date isn't it?"
"Date?" Aarrrgh questions.
"Courting old friend. It's a courting offer." Blinkous chides in. Aarrrgh huffs surprised. Staring at the necklace than you as you refuse to meet his eyes Aarrrgh smiles.
Nuzzling you, you smile back. Giving Aarrrgh scratches he purrs before leaning down. Smiling you carefully put the necklace over his neck.
"I like date (Y/N)." He states. Smiling he chuffs rumbling happily as he softly headbonks you.
"What are you doing?" Jim questions as you heft a giant axe over your shoulder.
"Well it's Valentine's Day soon and love is in the air." Toby gasps and you glance over at him, the heavy axe almost tipping you over.
"(Y/N) you can not kill a rival to win the one you love! We may be trollhunters but that doesn't make us barbaric!" The redhead scolds. Snorting you shift the axe.
"I'm not going to kill anyone Tobes. Except maybe myself." You state as the weight of the axe makes you sway. Why were troll wepons so fucking huge anyways? Come on you weren't that small.
"Then what's the axe for?" Jim asks poking it. Glaring at him already struggling to stand you huff.
"Well it was either get a weapon or cut off a chunk of my flesh." You shrug. "The axe felt less dangerous."
"You sure about that?" Toby questions as you nearly lob his head off.
"Sorry! Sorry." Adjusting the grip you have on the axe you hum. "It's for Draal." You explain.
"Draal?" Jim asks and your face goes red.
"... (Y/N) are you in love with a troll?" Toby coos. Blushing you glare.
"Shutup! Maybe? Yes! I don't know!" Your red in the face and probably look like a mess. What a great way to start romancing someone.
"Really (Y/N)? Draal?" Jim questions.
"Shutup! I'm gonna to give him his present you can do whatever you want!" You state before marching out as fast as you can with a giant axe.
Walking down to Draals hut, you get odd looks from tge citizens of Trollmarket. But most trolls ignore you as you wobble around with the heavy axe.
Finally getting to Draals hut you sign letting the axe drop into the ground as you breathe in. That was harder than you thought it'd be.
"(Y/N)?" Draal questions. Staring up at him you feel your heart hammer away as you see how big he is compared to you.
"DRAAL! HI!" Leaning against the axe he chuffs amused as he tilts his head.
"What are you doing here? Is the Hunter in need of assistance?" He questions looking up for Jim.
"No! No. Just me! I came to talk to you." Chuffing as he stares at you, you smile. "Oh ummm..." Grunting you heft the axe up and hold it out as best you can. "This is for you!" You state. Draal blinks staring at the axe. Taking it from you, you sigh relieved.
"Thankyou. It's a beautiful weapon." Smiling you look at your feer emabrassed as you fiddle with your hands.
"Uhhhh Draal?" He hums looking at you.
"Would you maybe like to go out sometime...?" You bit your lip waiting.
"Go out?" Looking up he seems confused.
"... On a date?" You question. He pauses before putting the axe down staring at you.
"What is a date?" He asks still perplexed.
"Courting. Can I court you?" You demand face red. He snorts surprised before he smiles. Slapping his hand on your back he hums.
"I wouldn't mind if you decided too." He responds and you smile as he pulls you close to lightly headbonk you.
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You were worried about Jim lately. Everyone in his friend group and his family accepted him but he still had trouble accepting himself. He didn't like going out of the house, even when it got dark.
He was scared of scaring others and although he wasn't ugly he was different. His horns bumped against door frames. His furr got easily matted. And his teeth were shrap and strange. He couldn't walk past a mirror without smashing it or into the kitchen without whimpering. Honestly he was just a mess.
So when October rolled around you weren't surprised that Jim didn't notice. Although he was hyper aware of himself the outside world was more difficult for him to track now, time had become different. So as the leaves changed colors and the air become colder he barely noticed it.
Jim as usual didn't want to leave the house but after pestering him for a bit he gave in and decided to go on a walk with you.
The night was dark but the street lamps kept the shadows at bay covering you and Jim in a halo of orange light. Jim huffed at you grumpy because it was cold out but you just smiled, clinging to his arm and snuggling close to him. He whines chuffing at you but giving him puppy dog eyes he sighs giving in to your pleads for affection. He bends down and headbomps you nuzzling you softly. Laughing sweetly as his furr tickled a happy purr traveles through his body as he relaxes. You giggle and he smiles as you two continue your walk.
It was still relatively early and although you were on a side street Jim was afraid to be seen. As your feet crunched on the fallen leaves you noticed him flinch at every sound.
"Jim?" You question and he hums stiff. "Do you know what day it is?" You ask mischeviously. He looks down at you confused. Blue eyes staring curious. He tilts his head and nods no.
"Jim!" Pulling at his arm he gasps as you lead him into a busy street full of kids wearing costumes. He stares in shock about to scramble away but you keep a tight grip on his arm. Smiling widely you point at a house stuffed to the brim with people.
"It's Halloween!" You state proudly as you take off your thick coat to reveal your costume. He opens his mouth before closing it. Shoving you playfully you smile as you begin to run off towards the party. He chases you and picking you up he begins peppering you in kisses.
"... Thankyou..." He mumbles and you smile wrapping your arms behind his neck.
"Of course." You hum giving him a smooch back. His face turns a deeper blue and you smile. "Come on Jim, Toby and Claire are waiting inside!" Bouncing up and down on your feet he nods following you into the house. Things were different now but that didn't mean they were bad.
Hours later and Jim was tuckered out. He'd had fun dancing with you all night and really enjoyed the party.
You'd done all sorts of stuff together, like dance, karoke, bob for apples, carve a pumpkin, drink apple cider, eat halloween snacks (he himself enjoyed the plastic silverware when no one was looking). All in all it was an amazing night even if it was Steves party.
Everyone complimented his costume making him feel better about how he looked. And about an hour ago Steve recludentally gave him the prize for best costume when he announced it. The party had calmed down and now most of the remaining guests were drinking or eating the left overs sharing scary stories.
You were leaning against him on the couch using his arm as a pillow while Toby sat on his other side. Purring content he sneaks a kiss on your cheek making you giggle. Smooching him back he feels his tail wag and he smiles ignoring everyone but you.
This was the best Halloween ever. Troll or not he was still him and you loved him. And that was all Jim needed.
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beespacehive · 4 years
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Claire got them matching shirts-
Also instead of working on the second chapter I just go draw stuff for them smh-
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“So, when you get arrested, I’m not bailing you out.” for Troll!Jim, if you like!
"So... When you get arrested I'm not bailing you out." Jim states. You roll your eyes as you slip on your armor boots. You were in full warriors gear and looked ready to kill somebody. With what that man said you are about to kill.
"I'm completely fine with that." Your respond and he rolls his eyes coming closer. He tries to wrap his arms around your wasit but your busy putting on your armoured gloves and picking a weapon.
"Baby please-" He starts trying to keep you from grabbing an axe. You turn and peck his cheek smiling as his scruff tickles you.
"I'm gonna kill him. I am. You can't stop me." You respond holding a bronze sword. Jim signs as he sticks his hands in his pockets.
"All Toby asked was if your a furry." Jim remarks. It was a joke and you knew this. Toby was trying to process his transformation and it was the first thing that popped out of his mouth. He wasn't trying to be rude but it defiently made everyone pause awkwardly.
"And know I must defend our honor." You answer smirking.
"(Y/N) it was a joke-" Jim tries to convince.
"TOO BATTLE!" You yell running out of his house towards Tobies.
"(Y/N) NO!!!" He can hear Toby screaming and sirens in the distance. Not again.
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Ask: Could you do something like Troll!Jim and the reader were out doing something and some kids saw him and thought he was wearing a costume and invite him to a party. Please, if it's not too much to ask.
Ask: A halloween ask if you don't mind! Can we have one with Troll!Jim?
You were sitting on Jims back porch with him after dinner with his mom and friends when you hear something. About to throw a cloak or anything you could find over Jim it was to late. Two teenagers no older than either of you came walking out of the woods and saw him.
"Awesome costume dude. Where'd you get it?" One asks. You both blink confused.
"What?" You both question confused. The dude chuckles.
"The costume man. You look awesome!" His friend compliments. You tilt your head and look at Jim. He shrugs.
"The store?" He questions smiling. The teens nod.
"Dude we have a wicked costume party wanna come?" They ask.
"You and your girl?" The other one invites you winking. You smile looking at Jim and shake his arm.
"It's Halloween. I forgot." You silently cheer into Jims scruff. He smiles.
"Yeah we'll come." He states fanfs shining.
"Cool. See you than." The guys wave and you and Jim run inside excited to tell the news.
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Ask: I'll kill for you" For Angor Rot.
( A/N: This is a yandere story and has been properly tagged. Please be advised the story has dark themes and may be triggering. )
You stood with your friends shivering as a chill went up your spine. You were nervous that he'd come and the biting cold of Winter wasn't helping keep you warm. Glancing around not seeing Angor you calm a bit. Normally you wouldn't care if Angor was around, you'd just help you friends beat him as always. But lately he was just so violent... so cold and more ruthless than ever. Why did Jim have to destroy his damn soul anyway?
Your teeth chatter as you fall a bit behind. It's just so cold your so cold. Empty. You feel depressed and empty and it makes you stop walking. You wonder if Angor feels this way all the time and a pang in your chest starts at that thought. No one deserved that. Not even him.
Hearing rustling you jolt and scan your surroundings rigid and afraid.
Where were the others.
"JIM! JIM!" You call but a loud thud from behind you stops you in your tracks.
"Hello my precious mage~" He coos. Screaming you run forward refusing to look back but he's faster and stronger than you.
He catches up within a minute and wraps his arms around you, a big hand almost covering your entire head as he stops your screams.
"I'll kill for you. Kill to keep you." He threatens hissing into your ear. You shiver and you feel him smirk. "Come with me and don't say a word." He hisses. You nod your head eyes wide with fear as tears trickle down your face. "Good." The last thing you remember is your world going black as you fall to the ground head spinning.
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