#to spade where he plays joker
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wildflower-otome · 1 year ago
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Spade no Kuni no Alice ~Wonderful White World | Joker End
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sorcerersandskillusers · 1 year ago
Card Meanings in the new, The Day I Picked Up Dazai art.
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Ok so im currently still in shock that were getting new day I picked up dazai content so bare with me, but onece again Asagiri has included playing cards in his art so of course I have to break down what they mean.
Lets start with side A (the right side):
First we see a joker:
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While Gogol is the obvious fit for the joker, the card also describes Dazai extremely well. He is almost always acting like the fool in any given situation, even in the mafia he loved to be as weird and funny as he could as well as tease and annoy the people around him, something jesters famously did.
In fact, his dynamic with Mori is very close to how a king and a jester used to work, where the jester was the only person who was allowed to openly mock the king and would usually heckle him. They also played a key part in psychological warfare, which we see Dazai specialises in.
I think the whole; wit, intelligence and unpredictability kind of speaks for itself.
Next card is the four of spades:
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This one is also really fitting, it shows how after the day I picked up Dazai side A, Dazai settles into his little routine of going to bar lupin with Oda as well as how he finally has someone who he can trust and be comfortable around. Finally, it is a clear message of optimism, something Dazai never shows before he meets Oda.
Next the two of hearts:
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This one is pretty obvious, it's Dazai and Oda spending time at bar lupin. It actually fits so well, there's not much I can say about it other then how it shows the love and care Dazai and Oda had for each other (platonically)
Now for Side B (prepare to cry)
The first card is the three of spades:
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Whyyyyyyyyyy... why Asagiri. This one is also fairly obvious but it has multiple meanings. It most clearly represents Dazai suffering in side B as he has to run the mafia without odasaku and live in utter loneliness while destroying all the connections he never got to have for the sake of a friend he never got to meet.
“It was hard,” muttered the young man. “It was really hard fighting Mimic without you in the organization. I had no choice but to take over for Mori and make enemies of everyone around me to expand the business. Everything I did was for this world’s—”
It also represents the moment on the platform where he nearly tells Odasaku the truth and goes with him to bar lupin, the horrible decision to abandon everything for Odas future
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The next card is... the ace of spades:
The ace of spade has many meanings, most of which involve change or transition, but by far its most famous meaning it death. I really don't think I have to explain this one, Beast Dazai having the card of death has a pretty clear meaning.
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But the ace of spade does have a secondary meaning, and this one is a little more hopeful, as it shows Dazai passing the safety of this world onto Atsushi and Auktagawa.
Finally, (it's a bit hard to see) we have the ten of diamonds:
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I want to focus mostly on the highlighted part because it's what really applies to BEAST Dazai, he lived his whole life to create a world where what matters most to him, that Oda gets to be happy and write his books, becomes real. This card doesn't apply to Dazai directly, more to the fact that he made succeeding in his mission his only priority and discarded everything else.
Bonus round Odasku card; the king of clubs
the only card thats seen on Oda's section and one that clearly represents Odasaku as a character.
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"King of clubs represents a dark man, who is loyal and kind. He is a good businessman, shrewd with money and investments, but isn’t selfish. In fact, the King of clubs is a very devoted father, husband and citizen. In a broader sense, the King of clubs encompasses idealized qualities of a fatherly figure. This card is universally considered as a very good omen."
I feel like this sums Odasaku up very well, the devoted father and loyal friend parts are just him to a t.
(this is also the card I think best represents Fukuzawa)
Right, I think I got everything, if you disagree with this or find something I missed, please reblog or comment with whatever you want to add, or send me an ask. I love discussing, and hearing other people's views as long as they're respectful.
If you add something, please add it in the post not the tags, so I can reply to it (or in the tags if that makes you more comfortable)
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geniusphilester · 2 months ago
i'm a bit of a balatro nerd, so here's some notes on dan's screencap in his insta story
if you haven't played before, balatro is poker in its most core mechanics, with single-player roguelike (so you lose a lot and build from playing a lot) deck building (what it sounds like, you build your deck) mechanics to make poker Bigger. you can do some weird and wild things with it, but at its base, you're playing flushes and straights and pairs and trying to score chips.
if you want to see it in action, markiplier has a good video that seems like it'll be first in a series.
in balatro, you get a base level of hands per round depending on your deck/add-ons like vouchers or jokers. for checkered deck, which dan is playing, it's 4 hands/3 discards, so you have four hands to try to get enough chips to get to the next round. there are three rounds per ante, and the regular game ends at ante 8. you can also skip rounds to get stuff.
which is the long version of saying: dan has gotten to endless mode, which means he's beat the regular part of the game and is shooting for a ludicrously high score. he has to get 47 billion chips to win this round and get to the next one. for comparison, round 1 in ante 1 on white stake difficulty (which is the one dan's playing in) needs 300 chips to advance.
also for comparison: i have hundreds of hours on this game and i haven't cracked the 100 million chips achievement on steam
he's doing a flush build (which makes sense for checkered deck; it only has hearts and spades, unlike the normal four suits) and his flush is leveled to 24, which is really good/necessary to get this late in the game. he has a lot of money, he used all his discards for the round, and he has a bunch of face cards with modifications on them. it's good strategy just looking at this much, basically
and then all the jokers he has up top make this REALLY impressive. in order from left to right
gluttonous joker: played clubs get +3 multiplier. odd one for checkered deck (no clubs to start with) but a) maybe he added some and b) even if he didn't, it's a negative card, so it's not taking up room that any other joker could use. (for this set of circumstances, base slots for jokers would be five.)
sock and buskin: retrigger all played face cards, which means all the cards dan is playing in this hand will score a second time. two of his face cards have red seals, which means they'd play a third time, one of those red seals is a glass card that'll give him a higher multiplier...i could keep going, but doing a face-card flush build is a good way to score big.
photograph: first played face card gives x2 multiplier when scored. again, another great joker for a face-card build.
blueprint: copies the joker to the right. GREAT card if you have good jokers. it also has holographic, which means it add a +10 multiplier as well.
triboulet: highest tier of joker (legendary) where kings and queens give x2 multiplier when played. but imagine it twice, since he has blueprint as well.
the tribe: x2 multiplier if hand contains a flush. and he's obviously doing a flush build.
to add to all of this, his order is really good because the cards play left to right. times multipliers stack on each other, and since chips get exponential, you need that to really get anywhere.
tl;dr - while some of this is luck (the store doesn't always sell jokers this good at the right time), dan is good at balatro.
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januaryembrs · 9 months ago
Bugsy and Spencer tea!!
the one with the card counting | Spencer Reid x Prentiss!Reader
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description: Bugsy and Spence quarrel while playing Old Maid
length: 700 wds
set in the trouble almost all my life universe
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“Spence, I love you, but if you try card counting in Old Maid one more time, I’m not speaking to you for the rest of the flight,” Bugsy snipped, staring down at the man over their deck of cards, his hazel eyes narrowed and concentrated as he flicked through his hand. The joker card glared down at him from the dead centre, where he’d strategically placed it so she’d be more likely to take it when her turn came, though he’d been unsuccessful so far. 
She didn’t need to see his lips to know he was chewing them in frustration, eyes darting between the pile on the table of already used hands, the rest of the deck they were picking up from, and how many cards she had in her hand. 
“I’m not, and even if I was, it’s just math,” He replied in a defensive tone, knowing she’d already caught him out as he looked up at her, the red back designs fanning over her mouth and nose, though her annoyed expression was still clear as day to him. For a guy who rarely understood what people meant until they spelled it out verbally for him, Bugsy had always just seemed to make sense in his head, “I’m not cheating,”
He said it like someone who was trying to convince himself it was true, his eyes as innocent and none threatening as they would go, though he got that little notch between his brows that said he knew exactly what he was doing and felt bad for lying to her. 
Huffing, she drew her cards to her chest and setting her elbows on the table, Hotch to her left with an amused smile drawing at his lips as he tried to catch some sleep on the way home from a case, though the sound of the two agents bickering gave him some inflight entertainment at least. 
“Oh, really?” She asked, daring him to repeat himself even though saying it the first time had been hard enough, and Spencer simply nodded with a small ‘Mhm’, “Alright, smart guy, if we’re playing it like that then I’m taking this card,” Bugsy said, pulling the ace of spades he had sitting beside the joker with a pointed look on her face, “And the reason I want this one and not the one next to it is because I know that's where you put the old maid,” 
Spencer swallowed, the tip of his nose turning a blush, as he grit his teeth together in annoyance, “I guess the joke is on you, Miss Prentiss. I don’t even have the old maid,” He said, forcing his voice not to quake, and he sounded somewhat believable, at least that’s what he thought until he saw her brow raise, and he knew he was fucked.  
“Yeah? Government names is it?” She asked again, giving him chance to fix his error, only he doubled down with a second nod, his lips pursed. Her finger shot out to point to the joker card, where she could only see the intricate pattern that matched every other in his hand, “So this isn’t the Old Maid?” 
Spencer blinked once, the two of them exchanging a heated look like they were waiting for the smallest of breaks in character, and his breathing even despite the fact it was under duress, his expression abnormally calm as the jet went entirely silent, “Yes,” 
“Bullshit,” He quickly collected his cards to his lap and scrambled to shuffle them well enough that she wouldn’t guess which one was the dead card, his scowl spreading over his face.
“You cheater, you must have seen my cards, there’s no way to count where I put the joker, that is entirely by chance-” Spencer snapped back, flipping them between his long, lithe fingers as Bugsy giggled into her hand. 
“Play nicely, boys and girls,” Rossi chided where he had his nose buried in the newspaper, only glancing up to see Spencer glaring at the girl who sat opposite him with a victorious smirk. 
“Face it, Spencer Reid. You might be good, but I’m better.” Derek bit his lip to stop himself from laughing where he was eavesdropping on their game on the seats behind them, and he thought he might have to take it to his deathbed that he and the younger girl had swapped Spencer's cards out the second he went to the bathroom. Or maybe save it for a rainy day, when he really needed leverage against the stubborn girl and let them squabble in peace. 
Bugsy didn't tell him until a year later, the week before she left for London.
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rotomartsblog · 2 months ago
I’ve been thinking about my version/rewrite whatever of Ever After High so I’m just gonna list a few lore tidbits about the world and some of the characters
So first things first I want to say that my version of the EAH school is more based on European secondary education than American (since I’ve decided that EAH should logically take place in Europe). Mostly N. Ireland’s secondary school system since that’s what I’m most familiar with. Anyway- EAH students go through seven years of school from around age 11 to age 18 (give or take a bit). EAH officially has two stages of education; the Freedom stage and the Legacy stage. The Freedom stage is the first three years of school and the Legacy stage is the remaining four years. The Legacy stage itself is split into two sub-stages, Pre-Signing and Post-Signing. The story begins in the second year of the Pre-Signing Legacy stage, where Legacy Day will take place at the end of the year. Students also can only room with people from their year.
I wanted to actually establish what the Curse on Wonderland actually is since that never actually gets explained in canon. Basically, the Curse takes the form of an erupting black fountain in the centre of Wonderland that leads up to the sky, “polluting” the atmosphere. It has both a physical and mental effect on the people of Wonderland, making them physically weaker while also “corrupting” their minds I guess? While the people of Wonderland have developed medicine and treatment for the curse, it’s more effective against the physical symptoms than the mental ones and it isn’t widely distributed.
Speaking of Wonderland, the Alice of the story is the only “character” that follows the Legacy system, because the rest of the characters are from Wonderland and don’t follow the same rules as Ever Afterlings. This doesn’t mean that the characters don’t have family legacies and traditions but they operate separately from Ever After’s.
Speaking of Alice, Alistair has been trapped in Wonderland since he was 10 years old. He isn’t as fond of Wonderland as his canon counterpart. Also his last name isn’t Wonderland it’s Adventures. I know that’s sounds equally stupid but it’s makes more sense to me based on the lore I’ve established.
Card people have the ability to go “flat” like a card. Also, they’re made of the same material of a playing card (specifically card stock), and they feel like such whether they’re flat or not.
Card people are limited to only two colours in their designs; white and the second colour depending on what suit they’re from (Clubs are green, Diamonds are blue, Hearts are red, and Spades are purple), except their eyes, which can be any colour. The exception to this is royal cards, which have three colours; white, black, and their suit colours (also their eye colours of course, which in Lizzie’s case is green). The outlier to this entirely is the Joker cards, which have no set rules for how they’re coloured.
There’s never a set number of Jokers for each generation of card people. In the previous generation, the parents generation, there were two: the red joker and the black joker, but in the current generation Courtly is the only Joker card.
Chess people are living chess pieces so they are made of wood.
Card and Chess people aren’t ‘born’, they’re literally made.
Lizzie, Kitty, and Maddie are the first Wonderlandians to attend Ever After High.
When the Evil Queen was imprisoned, all known entrances to Wonderland were closed off. However, new ones can be made either on purpose or accidentally. This is how Darling ends up in Wonderland.
When Ever Afterlings go to Wonderland their colour palette changes because idk I think it looks neat.
Also the Evil Queen cursing Wonderland and being imprisoned would’ve taken place like right before Raven started EAH.
Okay done talking about Wonderland onto something else. King Charming is a piece of shit human being. He’s a bad dad and an unfaithful husband who has a whole lot of illegitimate kids. Blondie is one of them.
Raven ended up rooming with Maddie in their first year at EAH because over half of the students in their year requested to specifically not be roomed with Raven.
Briar’s mum was asleep for 100 years because I don’t want to work out how it’d make sense if she was from the previous generation. Rosabella’s mum is Briar’s mum’s great-niece. Briar and Rosabella call each other cousin because it’s simpler.
Rosabella, despite what is believed, is actually the Beast in the story. The reason it’s believed she’s the Beauty is because the society of EAH is #sexist and #homophobic so the idea of the Beast in BATB being a girl or a boy being the Beauty is unbelievable. Rosabella suspects she’s the Beast because when she was younger she grew horns, though she’s forbidden from telling people this.
Briar and Rosabella’s parents are not on speaking terms because of a situation revolving around Rosabella’s horns. When they grew in, Briar’s parents had offered to babysit Rosabella while her parents were busy. Briar’s dad then dehorned Rosabella (and he wasn’t trained for it so it wasn’t a pleasant experience for Rosabella). Rosabella’s parents were obviously upset about this so they cut ties with Briar’s parents.
By the time the story begins Ashlynn’s mum is dead so she’s kind of going through it. Her dad hasn’t remarried yet.
I’ve messed around with the ages of some characters so while most of the main cast is the second year of the Pre-Signing Legacy stage, some are in different years. I haven’t worked out everyone but the important ones right now are that Dexter and Darling are in the first year of the Pre-Signing Legacy stage and Ramona is in the first year of the Post-Signing Legacy stage (and Justine I guess since they’re roommates).
Also most roommates will probably be the same as in canon since I can’t be bothered to change those.
Despite Legacy Day being when you pledge to follow your destiny, there are expectations on people whose stories typically happen when they’re young (case in point: Alistair being in Wonderland when he’s 10). Cedar often deals with people prodding and asking questions since she’s still a puppet as a teenager, though her dad also started his story late so it isn’t unique to her.
Raven doesn’t listen to Tailor Quick in my version. Sorry to swifties but sometimes you write a character and realise some things don’t work with their personality. Raven listens to goth music and dad rock. Dexter still listens to Tailor Quick though.
Speaking of music tastes, Poppy listens to Ska punk and Holly hates it so much.
Cupid was told to hide her monstrous features when going to EAH, so she’s masquerading as a Cherub. Also for a majority of her first year at EAH she’s faking her personality.
EAH’s school is specifically for European stories and there are different school in other regions for their stories.
Idk how yet but I’m planning on including references to other fairy tale authors and collectors like Andrew Lang.
I’ve planned a few arcs and mini stories for my version, some of them replace canon arcs. A few of these are a story based on A Wonderlandiful World, a rewrite of Way to Wonderland, a rewrite of Dragon Games that features two of the mention regional schools, a story I can only describe as “Cedar gets psychologically tormented by an arm puppet”, the Blood Knight story, and a story that replaces Epic Winter.
While EAH is typically only open for people with legacies to follow, there is a course available for people without legacies. However, it’s incredibly expensive and the course is kept entirely separated from the main course. Non-legacy students aren’t even allowed to be roommates with legacy students and there’s few opportunities for the two courses to interact. Poppy was originally in this course before Holly managed to get Headmaster Grimm to transfer her to the main course and the Charming family have a deal with the school so that none of their children go to the non-legacy course.
That’s all for now I think.
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cut-the-camera · 10 days ago
Bojan Cvjetićanin with a Formula 1 Driver Boyfriend
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Bojan x Male! F1 Driver! Reader
Request: can I request a Bojan (or Jure actually) from Joker Out fic where he has a boyfriend who's an F1 driver, I saw you wrote for both fandoms so I thought I'd compile them both lol. I really like your heartstopper work btw x
It almost undoubtedly started because you were a public Joker Out fan. Whether that was tweeting about them when they were on eurovision or being caught liking edits of them or posting a picture from their concert, being photographed in a Joker Out hat or hoodie people knew you liked Joker Out.
People always laughed about it and assumed that the two of you would never actually speak but...you did. Bojan direct messaged you not long after your public support for them and the two of you hit if off fairly quickly, choosing to keep your relations private for the sake of both of your careers and privacy
The two of you managed to keep it secret for a hell of a lot longer than you expected. The speculation started when you would like each others posts or comment on each others social medias
You get shipped together almost instantly with there being several fanfictions being written within hours of your first mention of each other and edits of you to Joker Out songs flooded tiktok. At first, it started as one of those joke ships with the vibe of, "haha wouldn't it be so funny if they were together, could never happen though"
Bojan then started being a little bit too obvious about it. Posting stories of him watching F1 on the tv, wearing random merch he found of whatever team you drive for, liking the F1 social media posts, suspiciously posting from the countries that you were in for races so if fans followed both of you, they got the idea pretty quickly.
You weren't much better, from still being caught in joker out merch, suspiciously being at festivals they were playing at, posting with the likes of Kaarija and Wild Youth, randomly following Slovenian travel accounts on instagram, and Joker Out being on your Spotify wrapped that year certainly didn't help things
People officially found out after a video started circulating of him at an F1 post race celebration party and everyone went mental on twitter for the next week trying to work out what the hell he was doing there (until a second angle of that video came out of the two of you drunkenly kissing in the corner of the room)
Coming out was rough for you if you hadn't already. F1 is a sport plagued by a section of fanbase of homophobic straight men that did not hold back when they found out about you and Bojan. You turned all your comment sections off (and so did Bojan for a while) while you worked out what to do about this. There were meetings about it, it made the news as these things often do, you got harassed at races and all the while an entirely new fanbase was born, the fanbase of your ship which by all accounts had now become "cannon"
You were fairly supported by the Joker Out fanbase which did serve as a slight comfort to you and so, of course, did Bojan. He with with you whenever he could be to help you through the media onslaught that you had to go through, he advised you about what to do when everything got too much, he stayed on the phone with you for hours if you two couldn't be together because of other commitments
You did quickly find out though that there is a large and mostly hidden section of the F1 fanbase that came out of the woodwork to support you. The gay side of the fanbase.
The lgbtq side of the F1 fanbase was very loud in their defence of you. Queer news publishers wrote articles about you, fans wrote to you in spades to give you praise and support and heartfelt messages and you suddenly found yourself the most popular driver among Gen Z.
You both end up being adored by the other persons fandom with an endless supply of fanfictions, fan art and social media posts. You feed those fandoms like mother birds with your own social media posts whether that's Bojan doing silly tiktok trends with you, you taking back stage pictures of joker out concerts or the two of you occasionally streaming together if that's something that you do.
Bojan comes to the races whenever he can, whenever he has a concert in that country or doesn't have any concerts or obligations at all (he did once come to a podium in full concert gear. Kiki has to remind him to take his mic off before he ran out of the building to come see you after a concert once)
He’s always ecstatic when you win, instantly pulling you into his arms, kissing all over your face, lifting you up and spinning you around or letting you lift him
He’s also equally as proud of you when you don’t do as well. Letting you talk him through all the things you think you could have done different (without being self deprecating as he very quickly shuts that down.) He comforts and consoles you if you’re especially disappointed with a race or if people are being especially harsh on you
He’ll take you off of social media, plan a date for you, cook you dinner, give you a massage, watch your favourite films, train with you, sing to you, whisper sweet nothings into your ear, anything to help you feel better when it’s particularly hard
He gets rather frustrated with the media. Seeing as he always says that he himself reads and takes in a lot of what people say about him online it would only make sense that he does that for you too. He reads articles about you, sees what people say on Twitter and on podcasts and even hears what people in the paddock or in the stands say about you (god help the audience if they ever decided to boo you like they did to Max) and it really upsets him. He often has to hold back from firing off endless responses to comments or turning and just having it out with whomever is shit talking you. You assure him that while you admire his protectiveness, you don’t need him to do any of that (but if you ever did want him to defend you, he would in a heartbeat about F1 or anything else, you’re his boy and no one messes with that)
He doesn't understand the rules at all, he just cheers and ‘whoops’ whenever he sees something that vaguely looks like your car whiz by (you've tried to explain the rules so many times but it's really not worth it)
He does try though bless him, he started researching everything he needs to to try and have conversations with you (you once found him watching a YouTube video on F1 with a notebook open.) He'll listen to you talk or rant about new cars, new FIA rules, other drivers, the press etc with big, wide eyes to make sure you know he's listening and he cares.
The two of you travel a lot with your races and his concerts so you two have a wild variety of experiences under your belts. Your camera roll is full of him eating various deserts in different countries, standing next to landmarks, jumping on stages, chilling on beaches etc. You do, however, always have to make sure you're careful where you choose to go on dates when you're travelling especially since a few of the places you race in are less than kind to LGBTQ people. The night before flights are often spent between you and Bojan showing each other articles or google searches about laws in whatever country you're travelling to or screenshots of them sent to you if he's not with you loving, 'be careful baby x' text messages
He's a connoisseur of edits of you. Every F1 driver has a signature edit song (AKA Smooth Operator) and he knows every lyric of yours no matter what language it's in (he even sings it sometimes to piss you off or if he's just been listening to it too much and it gets stuck in his head)
His camera roll is completely flooded with pictures of you. He has pictures of you in the gym, screenshots from media interviews, pictures of (what he thinks is) your car mid lap, pictures of your trophies, pictures of you in your race suit (which he thinks you look insanely hot in by the way. He blushes intensely whenever he can feel you looking at him even through the helmet, or when you take off the helmet and your hair just a little bit wet from sweating, or when you lift the visor and he can only see your eyes through the helmet or- yeah you get the idea.) For a very long time, his Lock Screen was a picture of you holding a trophy high in the air and whenever he looked at it he was reminded just how proud of you he is.
He often goes to the gym with you (sometimes to work out but mostly to watch you train.) He'll happily do whatever it takes to help you with certain exercises like holding pads for you to spar with him, throwing you tennis balls for reaction time etc (or sometimes he does whatever it takes to hinder you sometimes by sitting on your back during planks or, sitting under you during push ups for kisses or offering himself as a weight for deadlifts)
He really gets on with your paddock friends through seeing as he can speak nearly all of their languages to some extent. Obviously, he's closest with whoever you're closest with but overall I'd say he gets on best with Lando, Oscar or Daniel.
Jealousy is through the absolutely roof though and I can't even pretend it's not. The second he saw Charles he clenched his fists so hard his rings drew blood against his own palm.
"Who is THAT??"
"Oh that's Charles, he's my teammate/he drives for Ferrari,"
"is that so..."
There is absolutely no doubt that Joker Out released a song very specifically just after the two of you got together that was about jealousy and someone described to be suspiciously like Charles. (everyone knows what its about but it's an absolute banger so no one minds)
Similarly though, you end up jealous of a lot of the musicians he had inevitable chemistry with or gets shipped with so you're very much even in that respect.
He loves watching you before races, often finds himself staring at you and your concentration face (which he either finds incredibly cute or sexy depending on his mood)
He called you 'my champion' once and you cringed so hard you were nearly sick so he's taken to saying it all the time. In instagram captions, during dates, over the phone and once during sex which earned him a very swift slap (though that probably had the opposite effect than you were going for-)
He absolutely asks whether he can get a version of the Joker Out car either branded by whatever team you drive or promoted by you (though you and Jure were deeply disappointed when you were told you couldn't street race the Joker Out jeep)
He shits himself at every sign of danger for you. He didn't consider that what you did was anything more than running around a track until you got into a little scrape with another car. It was thankfully nothing serious for you but it completely changed the way he watched you work. Logically, there was probably always a part of him that knew you could be at risk but he didn't think about that until he was forced to and afterwards he thought about nothing else.
All of the research that he was doing didn't help either when he learned exactly how fast those cars go and how many accidents there've been in motorsports history. He started being, for lack of a better term, hysterical about it, kissing you hundreds of times for "luck," hugging you like you're going to war before races, constant 'be careful's and 'is that safe's, flinching 900 times during races and just generally not helping his anxiety. You ended up having to sit with him and explain all the ways and rules that mean F1 is as safe as it's ever been and that statistically you're going to be alright.
That mostly worked and he was able to watch you again without feeling like he was going to faint every five seconds. If ever you did crash though...oh boy. Several medics and security marshals may have been sworn at in Slovenian when they wouldn't let him near your car. (it's even worse if he coukdnt be there that day for whatever reason and he had to watch the crash on TV with painful replays or have Nace show him a cold, faceless breaking news story with nothing but a picture of your car on fire and a screaming headline)
He sits with you in the hospital if it's that bad and never leaves your side until he's forced to. He holds you hand and begs you never to do this to him again even though he knows it's never really your fault. He even starts whispering prayers in Slovenian (and probably a few in Serbian and English for good measure)
You beg him to sing for you to cheer you up so he ends up making up little songs about how much he loves you and how much he wants you to get better and how much he hates you for scaring him like that
If you require anything else after the crash he's always there for you whether it's just a decent meal and a few kisses or if it's something more serious like changing wound dressings or helping with physiotherapy. In return you dote on him in the eventuality he gets sick with his pitiful immune system.
You try to go to as many of his concerts as you can, supporting him from backstage so you don't get swarmed by fans in the audience. Occasionally you come on stage if Bojan asks you to or if a fan has a sign or gift specifically for you but you prefer to sit back and watch him shine as he does for you.
I imagine you get on well with the other members of the band. You and Jan discuss vintage cars, you bring Nace and Jan old F1 or racing jackets, Jure keeps trying to bribe you to let him drive your car, you play F1 simulator with them all and they all get way too competitive and they all tell you how much Bojan talks about you when you're not around.
Along with the less than favourable song about Charles, Joker Out released several songs that, for lack of a better way of putting it, show exactly how horny Bojan is for you. (and then the two of you get some banging edits made of you with those songs)
You accompany him to any award shows, premieres or events that he's invited to, cheering and taking pictures of him holding awards like a proud mother and he happily dresses up for any MET Galas or Start of season event that you find yourself invited to. (fans absolutely DEVOUR pictures of the two of you on red carpets together)
It's fairly easy for you to move to Slovenia with him though you'd likely still have a base in somewhere more convenient. The two of you move just outside of the city, somewhere beautiful in rural Slovenia where you raise your children in a home full of love and music and lots of toy cars.
Your kids are complete nepo babies but everyone's okay with that
When you both settle down and start a family Joker Out likely doesn't tour as much and you likely either retire or end up more of a mentor or team principal role for the next generation of drivers
There was inevitably, a massive argument between you and Bojan about your kids wanting to get into Karting (he did eventually relent and allow the kids to have lessons if they wanted them but you both had to be there to supervise)
If you are still a driver by then then Bojan often brings your kids to the paddock or the grand stands so they can 'wave at daddy'
You tried your best to teach the kids without letting Bojan's anxiety make them nervous too and you decided that the only way to get around that was to have him learn with them to see that it's actually not so bad.
This was, in fact, the hardest thing you had ever had to do in your career and you often joke that you deserved a trophy for it. He started off by jokingly asking whether you could put stabilisers on it in a way that felt less than joking, accidentally swearing in front of your children half way round the track and constantly slamming on the breaks but he left the whole experience ...absolutely loving it and deciding that he wanted to race YOU around the track. You can decide whether or not you let him win or completely destroy him in that endeavour.
In return he's determind to teach you to play guitar or piano or trumpet or one of the many instruments that he has under his belt. (which he also would say is the hardest thing he's ever had to do in his career)
You became an advocate within the F1 community and an inspiration to LGBTQ fans everywhere and there is absolutely no doubt that the two of you consider yourself each other's biggest fan.
AN: Thank you so much to the person that requested this! I absolutely adore my Joker Out requests so this one was so much fun! I hope it's okay!!! I may do a Jure one of these in the near future if that's something that people would want :)
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waitmyturtles · 4 months ago
As I did last week, I have more constructive criticism for Jack & Joker, so, trigger warning again, please fly away if you can't deal with objective criticism of your faves.
What frustrates me about the construction of this show is that it's tripping on its own feet. And I shouldn't use the indefinite article; I should call out director Tee Bundit directly, because we saw him do this in spades in Step By Step. Tee did everything he could to avoid building a real narrative romance between the SBS leads, and the emotional beats that succeeded their late-series intimate breakthrough were not syncopated properly to match the development of a convincing relationship.
The incomplete beats at hand here are not as bad as they were in SBS. What's keeping me going on in Jack & Joker is that, at least, we are getting separate emotional development trajectories for Jack and Joke -- and a nice, hearty head-smack from Ah Mah at the end of the episode, towards Jack and his inclination to shut down and keep his shit internal. Ah Mah is trying to get Jack to know how to act as family, and she did the same with Joke's father earlier in the episode.
Like I said last week, I think this show has some really wonderful family-related thematic gems like the ones I just mentioned for this week's episode. Yin and War are acting these themes out with heart. Jack's in a really tough spot. The robber clowns will get together again next week to try to get him out of his tough spot.
And I know many of us are upset with Joke's dad, as I am, too, he's a real piece of shit, but his scenes with Joke struck me as very real to the experience of an insanely strict Asian dad. I've written about this too many times to count, but the ability of an Asian parent to cut their kids off like that is a concept that majority Western culture hasn't contemplated, except in instances of religion, sexism, bigotry, etc., but anyway -- that kind of cut-off doesn't exist as part of the everyday Western mentality about parenting, whereas in Asian parenting styles, to reject the patriarchal hierarchy could mean permanent separation, as Joke's dad has enacted to Joke. The fact that the motherfucker reconsidered AFTER EATING JOKE'S FOOD struck me as deeply sexist ("the way to a man's" blah blah, UGH), so I'm glad Ah Mah told that bitch off, but I did think those scenes were done well and realistically.
Anyway, where this series is absolutely lagging is in the EDITING. All these rich people games. I think there are many more concise narrative ways that we can be told that the rich play with the lives of the poor, than to give us bloated scene after bloated scene of literal gaming. Forget metaphors! Just give us some well-written, snappy dialogue about how these rich people are total assholes! We'll believe it!
And at the same time, I'm feeling bad for Rose, honestly. She likes Jack! She has no idea her crush on him is caught up in this Boss bullshit. She's gonna be hurt! And they're gonna rob her house now? I mean, I think what Tee is saying (I think?!?!?!) is that what comes to her, she deserves, because she's as scummy as the rest of the other scummy rich people (Ajahn Pichai, was that you?!). But like, this is her dad's shit?! So she gets automatically blamed because she's a nepo baby? I mean, I guess, if you're a reader of New York Magazine, that's reasonable thinking, but like, some of us are moral thinkers here!
This shit is complicated, and for an episode that was ONE HOUR. AND. 21. MINUTES. LONG., we could have a shorter AND clearer episode that could have scrubbed at the grout of these otherwise very interesting moral quandaries. But instead, we got video games from some dusty-ass rich boy who needs a goddamn bath.
I know, I know we haven't gotten the intimacy payoffs for any of the implied couples yet, and maybe this is part of YinWar's intention in having so much control over their script. But I did wonder if I was watching a Series Y/BL, or if I was watching a dramedy instead. I don't really care what genre it's in. But what I would like is for the themes to be crystal-clearly focused so that us, the viewers, can lean into what the cast and showmakers WANT us to care about -- which, thematically, I'm unclear on at this moment.
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daydreamingleclerc · 2 years ago
Fluffy oneshot idea: flight delayed, stuck at the airport with Lando and you guys start playing random games to make the time pass
OOOOOH okay i love this
lando norris x reader
flight 374 from melbourne to london delayed due to weather conditions (approx. 2hrs)
“lando, the planes two hours delayed.”
he was attempting to scout out the first class lounge, although you weren’t really sure why. he was hardly listening, and it was then that you noticed max scurrying across from the bookshop to the bench in a warzone type of manner, hoping lando wouldn’t spot him.
of course lando didn’t spot him.
“lando,” you poked his arm, “are you even listening?”
“sorry, what?”
your best friend halted, turning to face you despite still being eager on his toes. you noticed max running to the fountain.
“planes delayed by two hours, so we’re stuck in the airport,” lando’s face scrunched, “oh, and max is behind the big tree next to the fountain.”
you raised your voice loud enough so that max could hear it, and he was unimpressed by your quick reflexes. lando, however, seemed stunned that you’d even clocked where max was in the first place, but all in all it wasn’t that difficult.
“what’re we gonna do for the next two hours?” lando pouted like a child.
“i would say we could go and get a drink, but i don’t think they’d let you two kids have anymore e-numbers.”
lando prodded at your ribcage and you laughed, brushing him off as he tried to tickle you. you wandered around the first class lounge, lando was satisfied with his haul of snacks that he bought “just in case we’re here for three days”, while you were satisfied with your purchase of new books.
“flight 374 from melbourne to london delayed by a further ninety minutes due to weather conditions.”
lando grumbled again, beginning to get bored. max was off with another one of your friends trying to find a birthday present for his mum, and lando began to throw peanuts at your face. the more agitated you got, the more he laughed.
“lando! will you stop?” you couldn’t help but laugh with him, his schoolgirl giggle always getting the better of you.
“im bored!” he whined, and so you put your book down.
“okay,” you turned to face him, “i spy with my little eye, something beginning with W.”
his mouth scrunched, and he repeated the letter as he looked around the airport. “window!”
“mhm, your turn.”
“i spy with my little eye, something beginning with… C.”
“how’d you get it so fast?” he asked, once again startled by your quick reflexes.
“because lando, we’re in an airport and they have about a million clocks,” you sighed, “okay, something beginning with B.”
“B.. B… um…. bag?” you nodded your head, “something beginning with P.”
“P? okay, um, plane?” lando shook his head, and you looked down into his lap, “peanuts?”
“no, Y/N… its phone. god, i thought you were supposed to be the smart one!”
you stuck your middle finger up at him. annoyed at yourself but mostly annoyed at him. “okay; new game. where’s your pack of cards?”
“flight 374 from melbourne to london will board at approximately three forty five pm.”
the pair of you cheered, and while lando rummaged for his pack of cards, you let max know about the boarding updates.
“found them!” he handed them over and you split the deck in half after shuffling it, “what are we playing?”
“just put the first card down.”
lando put his first card down, face up, seven of hearts. you put yours down on top of it, six of spades. lando put another card down, three of hearts, and lo and behold, your next card was the three of hearts.
you placed your free hand over the cards and dragged them away to your side. you placed a card down, the queen, while lando put the joker down.
in the end, you beat him 5-1 at snap, and he was being a sore loser.
“i just don’t understand how somebody’s reflexes are that quick.”
“maybe because i’m just better at everything than you? have you ever thought of that?”
lando laughed, and he slung his hand luggage bag over his shoulder. max was waiting at the boarding gate, and you’d never been so excited about going home.
“i’d like to see you be better at me than driving an f1 car.”
“hm, thats not going to be too hard, is it?”
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ariparri · 8 months ago
Peregrine Pearce - The Puppeteer
The Hogwarts Mystery Cardverse is an AU that takes place in a fantasy land called Cinderhaven. There are five regions, four of them representing a suit of cards; Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds. The final region representing the Jokers.
Cardverse Masterlist
We finally introduce Peregrine in the AU! He will be known as Peregrine Pearce because we gotta give him a last name. He’s also not related to the McQuaids so his connection with them is strictly through Veruca where he helps her come to terms with everything going on in the country. Also thanks to @carewyncromwell for helping me figure out Peregrine's character!
Note: Sorry there hasn’t been much content for Cardverse or just HP in general. After dealing with someone, and I now no longer associate with them, I lost the motivation to work on any HP related content for a while. I’ll still be making HP content but it won’t be as much as my other fandom stuff. Also sorry there’s no illustration for this man, but I currently got other wips I really need to finish 😖
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Peregrine Pearce is a master of duality, seamlessly blending charm and darkness in his role for the Cardverse AU. At first glance, he presents himself as a profound connoisseur, relishing in the intricate style of the trade market and its instruments. With an air of sophistication and class, he holds himself in high regard, showcasing a talent that extends beyond the financial realm.
Having served in the war and enduring the loss of his closest companions, Peregrine Pearce shares a resonance with Rakepick regarding the injustices embedded within the Spades system. His past includes a stint in the military, a chapter he left behind, disillusioned by the pain it wrought. The harsh reality of his experiences, coupled with societal judgment on his poverty and lack of formal education, fueled his departure and entrance into the trades market.
Peregrine embodies the archetype of a puppet master, adept at manipulating emotions and situations to his advantage, yet not devoid of empathy. His emotional detachment, cultivated to shield himself from past mistakes and betrayals, aligns with his pragmatic approach to navigating the complexities of power. The tragedy of his manipulative tendencies manifests in the loss of his friend, a casualty of Peregrine's pursuit of personal glory. Rather than confront the role his actions played, he deflects blame onto the military and the system, reinforcing his emotional distance and manipulation tactics.
As a master of the trade market, Peregrine relishes in the complexities of commerce and finance, wielding his knowledge like a weapon to gain influence and power. He is a connoisseur of strategy, always several steps ahead of his adversaries, and unafraid to play both sides of the board to achieve his goals.
Beneath this polished exterior, however, lies a complex and cunning individual. Peregrine is a dark-minded manipulator who takes pleasure in playing with the lives of others. Peregrine's vanity is evident in his calculated manipulation of others, using flattery and charm to mask his true intentions and bend them to his will. Yet, despite his smarmy demeanor, there is a hint of playfulness in his interactions, a subtle wit that shines through even in the darkest of moments.
His alliances, transient and transactional, serve as shields against vulnerability, enabling him to sever ties when necessary. His allegiance shifts from aiding Rakepick to assisting the rebels, exploiting the chaos for his gain while protecting his involvement. He is a man who thrives in the shadows, pulling strings from behind the scenes to shape the destiny of nations and individuals alike. But beneath the layers of deception lies a man with a heart, however tarnished it may be, and a lingering sense of morality that occasionally peeks through the cracks in his carefully constructed facade. In absolving himself of responsibility for his manipulations, Peregrine perpetuates a cycle of self-preservation and exploitation, masking his own culpability.
Operating in the shadows, he orchestrated a series of recent events that transpired in the Country of Spades to achieve his hidden agenda. His involvement in helping Duncan Ashe persuade Coby McQuaid to run for a pivotal role in the country showcases his strategic mind, setting off a chain reaction that disrupts the country's stability. Peregrine's role as the architect behind the shutdown of the railroad system and the closure of borders, basically ‘throwing out ideas’ for Rakepick to take, highlights his willingness to plunge the region into chaos for his own gain. Manipulating circumstances, Peregrine reveals his prowess as a puppet master capable of influencing key figures which have also led to Rakepick’s downfall.
Despite his darker inclinations, Peregrine displays a unique sympathy toward Veruca and the rebels, particularly in light of the fate of her brother. As a result, his assistance to her, both during and after the war, paints him as a confidant and ally, even as suspicions linger among others. Mostly as he covertly orchestrates numerous schemes against both sides of the civil war.
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queersouthasian · 1 year ago
Jack&Joker - U steal my heart!
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One of the most popular Thai BL cps, Yinwar, are back with a heist themed BL after a long hiatus since Love mechanics.
*taps mic*
I refuse to spiral into insanity all by myself, so here is a thread of theories or rather poorly made assumptions regarding the characters and plot.
#1 Joker and Lupin
You know what Joker reminds me of, or rather who? Arséne Lupin.
Arséne Lupin AKA the 'Gentleman Burglar' is a French fictional book character,
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There is a French live action drama on Netflix called 'Lupin' where a guy named Assane Diop, a long standing fan of the books, imitates Lupin to avenge his father's death.
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Now, why am I mentioning Lupin out of nowhere? I remember binge watching the live action and wishing that one day we would have a BL with a similiar theme. The BL gods heard me lol. Joker, seems to be very similiar to Lupin/Assane. He is cocky, witty, bitchy, sassy and chaotically evil yet cares and loves beyond one may speculate.
And If Joker is our queer Lupin,
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Tattoo is our Benjamin,
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Benjamin used to replicate intricately made precious jewels/jwelery which helped Assane to rob the original and replace with the cloned item which looked indifferent to the human eye.
If that's that, if tattoo makes shit which gets used during heists, then maybe he was the one to create the gas which puts everyone to sleep. Literally anyone can argue that it could have been chloroform, something that's easy to access. BUT, considering the amount of 'chloroform' which flowed through the ventilators, people would have been dead. Atleast Anan. That shit results in muscle breakdown and can put people in coma.
And if we have the Assane, the benjamin, do we also have the Ganimard?
#2 Cards and Ganimard
Cards play an important role in the world of Joker, it's everywhere,
In his description
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on the loan papers
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It's his signature, of course.
But you know who else has a card related description?
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Jack has what we call the "ace of spades"...
Now this is where this gets interesting,
If the joker is the 'harlequin' which symbolises chaos, unpredictability, wit and intelligence; who exactly what Joker is, The Lupin, then Jack is THE ace of spades, which symbolises intellectual power or spiritual growth BUT carry the reputation of being the 'Death Card' popularised during the Vietnam War. It's a die or domino with a single pip.
And If Jack is the 'ace', he can be the queer Ganimard,
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This makes me think, either Jack will be the hindrance or guidance, maybe both.
It could be that, the only history Jack and Joker share is Jack getting conned by joker. IF joker did scam Jack on the 'superhuman project' which was assumbly his dream project yet Jack helps him, then he can be called inhumanely loyal and hopelessly in love.
"You are still kind and haven't changed"
And if Jack can cooperate with Joker so well (the whole fight scene against the guards), he would be the only one to know how Joker works or atleast have an idea. And If that's what it is, he would either directly join the heist by pretending to stop it and Joker, or he is actually going to do it 'cause, he is the "death card"
He is either with you, or against you.
The vibe till now seem very contrasting to Partners in Crime, while the later was more like a social commentry where two lovers rob the exploited, the rich. But this one is more like a cold witty thief who finds an extremely loyal admirer and falls for him BUT this could turn into a love story with betrayal. This show either is going to be chill, cool and quirky and little bit angsty OR extremely twisted and angsty. Let's see.
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theaudiovore · 1 year ago
For more than a year now I’ve had a concept for a single player TTRPG orbiting in the depths of my mind, slowly accumulating mass and occasionally passing into the Observable Universe that is my conscious mind.
A concept for an Elder Scrolls single player tabletop RPG.
In its present conception I imagine it to be played with some rules, paper and pencil, and a deck of playing cards.
In this game the player will start as a Prisoner, and through their own actions, divine intervention, and the weight of prophecy they will become a Hero.
They will meet their Doom and enter the Tower.
The Wheel turns.
The structure of play will be meant to resemble an Enantiomorphic Event, as all Elder Scrolls stories do.
The Three necessary elements are of course, a Prisoner, a King, and a Tower.
The Prisoner is the player, a person who by destiny or circumstance will rise to fullfill the role of Hero. The Eternal Champion, the Imperial Agent, the Nerevarine, the Hero of Kvatch and Champion of Cyrodiil, the Last Dragonborn, the Vestige. They are noone and come from nowhere, and so they can be anyone and go anywhere. They are Free in ways others are not, while simultaneously being shackled by their prophesied Doom.
The King is the antagonist, the threat to the wellbeing of the world and the people within it. Their power shakes the stones of the Tower and threatens to end the dream that is the Aurbis. Jagar Tharn, Zurin Arctus, Dagoth Ur, Mankar Camoran and Mehrunes Dagon, AL-DU-IN. They enter the story at the height of their power, and so they have nowhere to go but down. They see themselves as the Hero because their pride blinds them to the truth.
The Tower is the prison you must escape, the fortress you must siege, the secret you must learn. It is embodied in every obstacle, it is where you will always return, it is where Doom unfolds. The Staff of Chaos, NUMIDIUM, White Gold, Red Mountain, Snow Throat. It is both obstacle and objective, prison and protection.
I imagine the player character as a collection of Tags that grows as the game progresses. You’ll start by picking some Tags that represent your background, skill set, and Sign. Something like "Dunmer, Thief, Marksman, Charming, The Serpent” or “Nord, Warrior, Axe, Endurance, The Steed”.
Play proceeds by drawing cards from a deck of standard playing cards, 54 cards total with the Jokers included. Each suit would represent a type of encounter. You decide based on your tags and the story so far how the encounter goes, and sometimes you advance a clock. The Doom Clock.
Red suits represent opportunities and advantages. Diamonds for Material (Equipment, Magic, Relics, etc) and Hearts for Living Things (Creatures, Companions, Guilds, etc). Jokers represent divine intervention.
Black suits represent dangers and obstacles. Clubs for Material (Traps, Barriers, Curses, etc) and Spades for Living Things (Creatures, Bandits, Guards, etc).
Red Jokers represent Aedric forces like Yffre, Auri-El, and Mara. Black Jokers represent Daedric forces like Namira, Hircine. and Jyggalag.
You Draw a card and think about how your Tags let you resolve the situation it represents. Most of the time, you can choose to skip a card and ignore that encounter. Perhaps you decide that the danger is too great, perhaps your equipment is better than what you’ve found. Some cards cannot be skipped. Some events advance the Doom clock, bringing you closer to the final confrontation. Some cards advance the Doom Clock even if you skip them.
The Doom Clock represents the passage of time, your steady march to the finale. The Prisoner always confronts the King eventually. It always happens that way. Time is a living being, and while AKA is patient he cannot stay still for long. While the world waits for you, it does not wait forever.
I don’t have much beyond these concepts yet, but I have been thinking about this a lot. I know I want to explore things like Fate, the Aurbic Pattern, Duality, and the Cyclical Nature of Time. I know I want to include elements of the strange deep lore and apocryphal texts that make up the internal mythology of The Elder Scrolls. I know I want to reach for the sensation of a lonely exploration, of being burdened by prophecy, of being the one that the whole world waits on, the axle that the world turns around.
Something I need to do is play games that may share tonal or mechanical elements with what I want to achieve. In my ~20 years in the tabletop roleplaying hobby I have spent the vast majority of that time with various editions of The Dragon Game and others of its style. It is only in the past 5 years or so I’ve been expanding my breadth of experience, seeking out other styles and modes of play. This thing I want to make is outside my current sphere of competence, so I must increase my reach to match my grasp.
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elisedonut · 4 months ago
Thank you for playing! you get about 2k of a fic that i honestly don't think I'll ever finish
this is a little amnesia memories inspired au that i started a long time ago i keep messing with it and changing things but i just really doubt ill ever actually fully finish it
it was back when i was like oh maybe i could write something long and have like a chapter per character
and then quickly realized no no I can not
so it just kept getting shorter and then when i participated in that one event where i was assigned characters alot changed to before i decided to write something else kldfjsdkl
originally it was going to be like
Mc: Percy
Orion(spirit that causes mc to lose her memories): Cedric
Heart/Shin: Marcus
Diamond/Toma: Oliver
Spade/Ikki: Tom
Clover/Kent: Stan
and Joker/Ikyo: Fred or maybe also Cedric i was undecided
but I ended up replacing Tom with Lavender because the aforementioned fest that had assigned characters and was considering moving heart to Dennis before i gave up and just made a perciverus soulmate au dkfjsldkf
He was falling. Or perhaps it was more like floating?
The last thing he could even remember was… 
What was it again? He just had the thought in the back of his mind a moment ago he’s sure of it.
Percy watches the colours of the space around him swirl and mix, as if all the stars around him would hold the answer. Reaching out towards them as if he could grab them. 
What was he doing? 
He was at home before, wasn’t he?
A letter. 
Running out the door into the night to apparate.
Oliver was dead. Right? 
He was there when they had to lower him into the ground.
But– If that were true, then why– 
“Ollie?” Percy asks, cautiously. 
“Hm? Is that who I look like to you?” Not-Oliver asks back, tilting his head in a way that reminds Percy of when they– well when Percy and the real Oliver were still in school.
When Percy just continues to stare though Not-Oliver continues. “Guess so– Well I'm glad you’re awake. Do you feel any pain? Pressure in your head? Limbs feel numb?” 
He’s speaking so fast.
Percy tries to think about it for a moment. 
Tries to focus on different parts of his body. 
Tries reaching his fingers out towards the mysterious figure in front of him. When he finds that his fingers go right through him, Percy frowns. 
It was almost like he was more asleep than awake. 
Everything, just slightly off. Blurry in a way that made it difficult to even think.
Opening and closing his fists a few times Percy responds, “I- I don’t think I feel much of anything to be honest.” 
Likely that look on Not-Oliver’s face means that’s not a good thing. Even if it feels a bit freeing in Percy’s opinion. 
Almost peaceful.
“Ok so–” Not-Oliver starts again, “Look, I'm a spirit and I may have accidentally ran into you and I may accidentally be stuck,” The spirit?–apparently, continues. He doesn't look like any ghost Percy had ever seen. When Percy doesn’t respond, Not-Oliver continues again, “So I may or may not have accidently knocked your soul off course, out of your body. But, don’t panic. I do have a plan.”
Don’t panic, he says. Percy’s soul is apparently out of his body all together and he’s telling him not to panic. Taking in a deep breath and watching as Not-Oliver flinches Percy tries to calm himself down enough to listen. Motioning at Not-Oliver to continue again.
The sooner this was over with the better.
“You’re taking this a lot better than I was expecting you to, to be honest.” Not-Oliver says confused before shaking his head quickly and continuing, “Alright. So, here's the plan. I found a few worlds where you have a tether. so you just have to find the one that’s actually yours.”
“Pardon?” Percy asks, trying to wrap his head around what that could mean. 
“Exactly as I said, You just have to pick the one that feels right and I’ll plop you back into that body and then everything will be fine.” Not-Oliver says quickly before adding softly, “Hopefully.”
Before Percy can ask for clarification on what he meant by hopefully the stars around them change in the air, twisting around themselves.
For the first time since he woke up in this odd place, Percy feels like his feet are actually on the ground again. It continued like that for a few more seconds until four doors materialised in front of him. Each adjourned with a different symbol in the middle. 
A weathered and cracked red door with a heart symbol, messily painted on.
A polished and metallic looking blue door with the metal spade symbol neatly welded on.
A clear slightly green tinted door with a paper clover stuck between the plastic.
And Lastly, a bright yellow door with a diamond cut meticulously out of the wood.
All of the doors had a red string connecting to him. Percy’s not sure if that’s what Not-Oliver meant by a tether but if so that was quite more literal then he’d assumed. As he pulls on one of the strings he expects it to feel some tension but they each stay slack, regardless of how much he pulls.
As Percy inspects the doors he thinks about which he should choose. Percy’s still not a hundred percent sure this isn’t a dream. Maybe a potion fueled hallucination. Maybe George decided to put something in his wine for old times sake. 
Looking back at the Oliver doppelganger for a moment he seems to just be waiting patiently for him to come to a decision. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected. Or what he’s even supposed to be looking for. 
Is there even a right answer here? They all feel the same in a way. 
Do they even lead anywhere, or do they just open to an empty frame?
Should he even play along?
Walking behind the doors he sees that they look the same on the back as they do on the front. 
“Does it really matter which one I pick?” Percy asks.
“Well- they all lead to different worlds, so–” Not-Oliver says from over his shoulder. 
“So then there's definitely a wrong answer here…” Percy mutters as he walks up to the Red Door. “If I open the door, does that count as a choice or do I have to walk through it?”
Not-Oliver hums to himself for a moment before nodding,“You should be able to open them. As long as you don’t touch the actual portal then it shouldn’t do any harm.” 
Percy reached for the Red Door again. Not-Oliver didn’t sound very certain, but nothing was going to happen if he just sat there. Even if it isn’t real, he always had been too curious for his own good. So he may as well try. The door comes open with a loud creak from the hinges. 
Left with the sight of swirling foggy lights and stars,h e’s disappointed. It only takes a moment for it to clear though.
The angle is awkward so he can’t see much of the room. But he can see himself laid out on the bed. From the look of him he must have been here for a while. Bandages up and down his arms and legs. A side table with dying flowers and miscellaneous get well cards. 
Is this all he’s going to see in these? An unconscious body?
He’s here, wherever here actually is, so maybe the real him is just passed out somewhere, like that. If so though this isn’t going to be very helpful to him. 
Still, he doesn’t close the door. He still waits. Maybe someone will come in that could give him a clue. Or maybe something will happen to show it’s not the world he expects. 
It doesn’t take too long of a wait for the door to open. Percy can’t see who came in from the angle but he could hear the way the heavy door dragged as it opened and shut. The sound of footsteps and a chair being slid across the floor.
Then he gets his first glimpse of them when they pull Percy’s limp hand into their own. The red string on their hand was connected to his own.Their hands were large and rough, completely enveloping Percy’s own. The difference in their skin makes Percy even more confused. When the door opened he’d assumed it was some family member but that’s certainly not a Weasley's hand.
“They all think I did it, you know?” The man whispered to him. That voice was familiar… “Wake up soon, Percy. I don’t know what I’ll do without you. Even if I don’t deserve it.”
When the mystery man leaned down to kiss Percy gently on the lips he knew exactly who it was. Dark eye’s, back hair, broad shoulders, all too familiar.
“Oh? That your boyfriend?” Not-Oliver says with a grin. 
“I don’t have a boyfriend.” Percy says quietly. 
Haven’t since you decided to play hero.
He watches Flint talk to him a little while longer before deciding to move on. He’s careful to only touch the doorknob as he moves to shut the door again. 
It’s not like he would mind dating Flint really. He’s intense, sure, and his family would hate him. Still that wasn’t his world in the first place. The Flint from his world would never like him in general. They weren't even friends, much less lovers.  So it doesn’t even matter if his heart’s racing a little bit at the thought of it.
Shaking off the weird feeling he didn’t want to think about, he moves to the next door. The Blue Door was cold to the touch as he opened it. He was half way expecting to see this other him passed out again, but instead it seems to be some sort of restaurant? Not one he recognizes at all though.
The other Percy was seated at a table, all alone. The room looked familiar though at least. Maybe this was a good sign. Even if he can’t remember his flat’s dining room being so cluttered. Strange though, Percy had expected to see another version of him passed out in some way again. 
What would happen to this other him if he does choose this world? Does this other consciousness just vanish?
Percy glances at the closed Red Door. Is there still a consciousness there too? He hadn’t considered it but now though, he’s not so sure. By the time he glances back at the blue door someone had joined him at the table.
“How’s the new textbook going, Professor.” She said, as she leaned over the table a bit to look at something that Percy couldn’t quite see.
He could see his reaction though, watching himself move and speak felt strangely surreal.
He rolled his eyes lightheartedly as he responded,“Don’t call me that. I-”
“-Don’t even plan on taking the position, Yeah yeah i know.” The girl said before putting her arms around his shoulders, “Still think you should, though, you’d be far better than Binns.”
“Anyone would be better than Binns, Lavender.” The other him said.
(Add talking moment here about how Lavender seems nice but he's surprised to see her here.
Green Door - ???? Stan Knight bus moment???
Yellow Door - Oliver and Percy talking and walking somewhere fake out where Percy thinks this might be right but then Oliver says something sketchy or maybe there's clearly no magic or something idk
Open ended, the choice being made left ambiguous.
Looking over the doors again, Percy knows he’s made his decision. He knows none of them are actually his world. None of them match any of the things he remembered. Too many inconsistencies to match. But after the conversation with Not-Oliver he knows these are his only options. Opening his door of choice he’s stopped by Not-Oliver’s voice once more.
“Are you sure?” Not-Oliver asks, “I don’t think I’ll be able to pull you back out if you change your mind.”
“I won’t,” Percy says. Feeling more sure of it the closer he gets to its frame. When he sets his hand on the portal's surface all the other doors vanish, locking his choice in, and everything goes dark.
When he wakes again he’s exactly where he feels he needs to be. Or at least, as close as he can get to it. He’s still truly hoping all that had been a dream…
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kaitoujokerscans · 2 years ago
Get Back Hachi’s Memories! CH3
<3> Memories Lost
"There, there, Hosshi. Have some konpeito." Hachi, with a bandage wrapped around his head, held out some sugary konpeito which Hosshi gladly chowed down on. "Eat up now!"
Joker watched them from the sofa. As far as he could piece together, Hachi had hit his head and passed out while Joker was absent. His external injuries seemed to be limited to a large bump on his head.
But internally, it seemed there was something more seriously wrong with Hachi...
Hachi turned and addressed him, "I still don't know who you are, but thank you very much for giving me first aid." Hachi gave a very polite thank-you, which was quite in line for him — except for the part about not knowing who Joker was.
Joker asked with trepidation, "Hey Hachi, you're joking, right?"
"What's this about?" Hachi replied in confusion.
"Well, I mean... you do know who I am, don't you? You're just acting like this 'cause you're still angry about that teacup, yeah?"
"...I'm sorry. I really don't remember," Hachi quietly apologized.
Joker changed his question. "What's your name?"
"Fuuma Hachi."
"Where were you born?"
"The Fuuma ninja village."
"Any siblings?"
"I'm the eighth of ten children. In order, there's Taro, Jiro, Saburo, Shino, Goro, Rokusuke, Nanasuke... then there's me, and Kurumi and Ichimaru are my younger siblings."
"Your hobbies?"
"Cooking, cleaning, and all other household chores."
"Your favorite artist?"
"The Shuffle Sisters, of course! I'm a fan of Ai-chan!"
"Your favorite author."
"Spade King!"
"What's my name?"
"I don't know."
"Why not!?" Joker blurted out, eyes focused on Hachi. But Hachi just hung his head apologetically. Hachi definitely wasn't the type to lie so blatantly. It didn't seem like he was teasing him or playing dumb on purpose. It must've been from when he hit his head...
"You're sure you don't remember me at all? Not even a little bit? You don't know Phantom Thief Joker-"
The moment the words were out of Joker's mouth, Hachi's expression tightened. He glared at Joker with a sharp glint in his eyes. "Phantom Thief Joker!" Hachi shouted loudly.
"H-Hey..." Seeing how worked up Hachi was, Joker flinched for a second.
"I know that name!"
"Phantom Thief Joker...! When I heard that name, anger suddenly swelled up in my mind! I remember that person did something awful to me!" Hachi stood menacingly with his fists clenched tightly at his side. "That's a name I couldn't forget if I tried! I'll never ever forgive Phantom Thief Joker! I have to take revenge on him at all costs!"
"Eh... um... uhhhh..."
"As it happens, you just brought up his name! Are you Phantom Thief Joker!?"
"Eh? Well, uhhh..." The gears in Joker's brain turned as fast as they could. Then he caught sight of his own clothes and threw out, "Uh, no, I'm... not Joker! My name is Kaitou Joe." Joker used the same name he just used on stage. Luckily, he was still wearing the costume too.
"...Joe-san?" Hachi asked inquisitively.
Joker responded without delay. "Yeah, that's me! I'm Kaitou Joe, and I travel around the world on this airship! I'm kind of a globetrotter! I go where I please, wherever the wind takes me!"
Hachi's eyes softened, and he bowed his head. "Oh, I see. I apologize for accusing you of being Phantom Thief Joker without knowing anything. That makes more sense. You were kind enough to treat my wound, Joe-san, so you couldn't possibly be that cold-blooded scoundrel Phantom Thief Joker."
"Say that again!? Who are you calling a scoundrel!?" Joker bent forward without thinking.
"Uh, nothing, er... you shouldn't insult people like that," Joker quickly covered up.
"Oh, excuse me. Yes, you're right, Joe-san."
"Sure..." Joker said, leaning back into the couch. An awkward silence ensued. Both of them were trying to figure out what to say to each other. The living room was silent except for the sound of Hosshi chewing on konpeito.
Hachi opened his mouth. "All right, Joker-san. I have to leave now."
"Huh? Where are you going?" Joker asked in surprise.
"I get the feeling that I can't stay around here. Thanks to you reminding me, I figured out that my goal is to beat Phantom Thief Joker. So I'm going to head out and look for Joker!"
"Eh? No, wait, instead...!" Joker bent forward again in a sweat. "How about you stay here instead? You can travel with me in this airship and search for Joker while you're at it!"
"Besides, you're hurt. You shouldn't push yourself until you get better. Maybe you'll remember something else in the meantime."
He couldn't let Hachi go off on his own at this juncture. If he went out and found out that "Joe" was Joker, things would snowball. So it fell to Joker to figure out a way to restore Hachi's lost memories.
"But I couldn't possibly impose on you..."
"It's fine! C'mon, just stay here. Okay, Hachi?"
Hachi considered this for a while. Then he looked up at Joker with shiny golden eyes. "All right! I'll take you up on your offer for now. Thank you, Joe-san!"
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When Joker woke up the next day, a wonderful smell drifted past his nose. It was the delectable scent of toast and ham and egg and sausage; one of Hachi's usual breakfast menus.
Joker jumped out of bed and rushed to the breakfast table. He nearly put on his usual red suit before hurriedly switching to "Kaitou Joe"'s outfit. The chic look just wasn't his style.
When he entered the living room, Hachi spoke to him with that same old smile. "Good morning, Joe-san."
"Oh... right... good morning."
"Since I'm intruding on your hospitality, I made breakfast."
"Yeah, I can see..."
Hachi's memories still weren't back, it seemed. Joker sat down at the table and wolfed down breakfast with the usual gusto. It was the taste of Hachi's cooking, same as ever. The crispiness of the toast and firmness of the egg yolk was the same as ever too.
To the side, Hosshi was stuffing its cheeks with konpeito as if nothing was any different.
"Not a care in the world, huh, pseudocat...?" Joker mused. Meanwhile, Joker was on edge trying to keep his identity secret from Hachi.
"Well then, I'll join you too," said Hachi as he drew up a chair across from him and started to eat breakfast, as was his usual habit.
Everything was the same as normal. Except that Hachi, though he was right in front of Joker, didn't remember him at all...
Curious now, Joker asked, "Hachi, how's your injury healing?"
"The throbbing in my head's completely gone now. Thank you for that, Joker-san!" With the same beaming smile as ever, Hachi munched on his breakfast. "Oh yes, I did some investigation into Phantom Thief Joker."
"...!" Taken by surprise, Joker's utensils froze. "O-Oh really?"
"Yes. It appears that Phantom Thief Joker is an internationally-active thief. His manifold and elusive ways of showing up have given him the nickname of 'Miracle Maker'..."
"I do know that much." It was a weird feeling, hearing Hachi explain this.
"But somehow, I get the feeling that I know Joker. I've seen his face, of course, but I think I've already heard about the gum he uses, his trademark card techniques, and his other special tricks. I suppose I must've done research on my enemy..."
Well yeah, Joker thought to himself. Hachi was the one person who got to see Joker working up close and personal. It seemed that Hachi didn't remember that he'd been Joker's assistant, nor was he able to recognize the face of "Joe" as "Phantom Thief Joker". This is a real issue...
Joker crammed his mouth with a second piece of toast and swallowed it down. Then Hachi said to him, "By the way, I've had a lapse in memory like this before."
"Huh!? You what? Really!?" Joker was about to ask for more detail, but just then his phone rang. He glimpsed at the screen and saw the words "STUPID SPADE" displayed. That was what Joker had listed for his contact info.
Joker picked up his phone and answered, "Sup, this is Joker..." before catching himself. "Joe, can I help you?" he corrected.
The call automatically transferred to the tablet next to the table, and a camera feed switched on. The tablet screen showed a young man who looked puzzled by what Joker had called himself. "Do you have a moment?"
Phantom Thief Spade was the one on the other end of the line. He was a handsome youth with steadfast eyes and a shapely nose. His long dark blue hair flowed freely and was crowned by a yellow crest that tufted out at the top. Spade had been Joker's rival since they were kids.
"Uh, actually..." Joker was tongue-tied. If Spade somehow let slip that he was Phantom Thief Joker in front of Hachi, he'd be in big trouble. And he was pretty sure that Spade was going to talk about their mutual profession.
"Cutting to the chase, something surprising happened while I was on the job recently..." Spade started to talk without even waiting for a response from Joker.
Oh snap, if he keeps talking, I'm not gonna be able to keep my identity secret!
"Ah! Sorry, Spade! I've got something else to do right now. Seeya!"
"Huh? Wait, Jo-"
Before he could say the next syllable, Joker switched off the display.
Hachi asked in confusion, "Joe-san, are you sure?"
"Eh? Yeah, it's fine!"
"That was Phantom Thief Spade-san just now, wasn't it. I've met him more than a few times before."
"Huh? Oh really, you have?"
Apparently Hachi did remember Spade. Joker was a little mad that his memories of Spade were still quite intact, whereas his memories of Joker had been neatly excised.
"Sheesh, that's just perfect, isn't it..." Joker grumbled to himself. Just then, his phone rang again. He checked it and saw the words "SWORD-FOR-BRAINS QUEEN" on screen. The names he registered people under were very childish. "Not again..."
But if he didn't answer, she'd probably just keep calling. The tablet display came on. The girl who showed up on screen didn't even say hello before getting down to business. "Hey, can I talk to you, Jo-"
"OH HEY! Been a hot minute, Queen!" Joker frantically cut her off.
"Huh? It hasn't been that long, has it? You sure sound chipper."
Queen's eyes widened in surprise. She had beautiful blonde hair tied into two ponytails and a charming face, but contrary to appearances, she could be very rowdy.
Like Spade, Queen was a longtime affiliate of Joker. The three of them had trained under the same master, Phantom Thief Silver Heart, and learned the ABC's of thieving from him. Queen still lived with Silver Heart as his granddaughter.
"I need to talk to you about something. On my last job, I ran across this one phantom thief. There was something really weird about him."
"Oh, really." Joker's mind was elsewhere, and he already had the urge to hang up.
"So about this weird guy... hey, are you paying attention to me, Jo-"
"NOOOPE nope nope! I have no clue!" Joker drowned her out as fast as he could. Why was it that they picked today of all days to call him by name!? Talking to them right now really was a bad idea. "I'm busy right now! Talk to ya later!"
"Hey, wait-" But before Queen could finish, Joker turned off the display again.
Hachi, right in front of him, was confused. "Joe-san, you're busy?"
"W-Well, I'm eating the breakfast you made right now, aren't I? I'm the type to focus on my meals and eat them respectfully!" This was hardly something Joker would have said yesterday when he was gaming and munching on a fillet at the same time. If he'd had this attitude then, none of this would be happening right now.
"Ha ha, a compliment like that makes all the effort of making it worthwhile." Hachi smiled. "I suppose Queen-san just had bad timing too."
Apparently he still remembered Queen, too.
"You seem to have a lot of thief friends, Joe-san. I wonder about that weird phantom thief that Queen-san mentioned."
"Ha ha, I guess I do." Joker laughed hollowly and sighed. If he didn't restore Hachi's memories quick, he wouldn't be able to talk with Spade and Queen normally, and more importantly, he wouldn't be able to do any capers.
Joker asked Hachi, "Hey. You said something about having a memory lapse before, right?"
"Yes. I hit my head one time and got amnesia."
"What!? Really?"
"I think I just must've hit the wrong spot. But I got help and went back to normal that time..."
"You got help!? From who?" Joker impatiently leaned forward. If they used the same method, Hachi's memories might be restored.
"Umm... If I remember correctly, the person who helped me was..." Hachi traced back his fuzzy memories and at last exclaimed, "That's right, it was Hyakkimaru-san!"
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bzramblestuff · 1 year ago
Jeez how did I never noticed Kaitou Joker season 1 & 2 Opening isn't exactly the same- (the same can be said for season 3 & 4 OP.)
Time to ramble I guess!
Reminder once again that this is just a ramble and not a professional-level analysis
Wasn't going to dive too deep on the changes at first, but I probably still will accidentally rambles. So!
OP 1 & 2 doesn't have that much difference, only the flash of some episode from season 1 changed to season 2.
The next difference is the main cast spotlight, whereas the season 1 spotlight is 1 character per beat; Joker, Hachi, Spade and Queen. Season 2 do 2 Characters instead, Joker + Hachi, Spade + Dark Eye, Queen + Roko and leaving one open space filled none other than Shadow + Rose.
I think what's interesting on this is Shadow filling Queen previous spot, Queen in S1 look midly mysterious because she's the main focus that season. Replacing her with Shadow (+Rose) is like saying he's the focus for S2 which is yes, true.
The last difference is the last panel, nothing big, just different pose of the main cast, S2 do look more cleaner though.
Season 3 & 4 meanwhile is more noticable.
Another main cast spotlight but S3 & S4 pose changes minorly, mostly mirrored and slight movement difference (S4 is more comedic with Hachi slipping off banana and SH back's acting up). It do make me wonder why they changes it though, such a little detail not a lot would pick up.
The next scene is Joker zoomed on-beat, it's barely noticable but the season 4 frame have that colorful tint along the line.
Another Cast spotlight but this one is for the side-character (or reoccurring) for the respective season.
Immediately Phoenix catches my attention, the difference between the two are not that different but it is interesting; the Phoenix form and Human form switching places, S3 Akai Tsubasa at first is infront while S4 Phoenix is Infront instead. Probably highlighting what we know (or don't in the case of S3) about Phoenix, S3 we barely know him and assume his human form is the default before S3 Finale drops and reveals the otherwise (Phoenix form is his default one instead).
The one that follows after Phoenix is Commando Satsuko & Ali Baba to Commando Satsuko & Mr. Kaneari, Probably to display that they do get married, shoving Ali baba aside bcs he's only appeared in one episode.
Thirdly is Capt. Blue, Hayami and Rainbow Justice to Chappa, Hyakkimaru and Younger Ai. Three characters that got introduced in S3 replaced by a new character in S4 and surprisingly Hyakkimaru! A pre-existing character that plays an important role is S4, Would say that's interesting. Not forgetting Younger Ai, which backstory appeared on S4 instead of the earlier season like the other main cast.
Shadow and Rose is next on the list! Nothing much beside Shadow looking more friendly(?) And Rose being in-front in S4. S3 Shadow look either angry or smiling I'm unsure but the gaze definitely is more intense, if it is an angry expression this could be a way to highlight the development of being calmer in the fourth Season.
Now for a more noticeable changes, the Devil fang member to Agent Purple (in her prime), Doctor Neo and a striking silhouette of Genma. This most likely display the threats and enemy they're fighting, from the "Bounty Hunters" to Doctor Neo and Genma. It's interesting though to see Purple as an ally is there. Maybe to show the connection between her and Neo? Another interesting thing is how menacing Genma is, with such a little screentime yet massive impact on the story.
President D afterward only changes pose, from being darkened by the shadow to being closer on the screen. Maybe to show him being more directly involved in the story, and also the apple seems to be highlighted (if you know, you know).
Hoshi zooming in and being mirrored in S3 to S4 and title screen.
S3 & S4 stayed the same until that part where all of Joker enemy slides in the background again S3 are the DF Members; Red Scorpion, Nightmare, Candy and Spider Ace. S4 being Doctor Neo and Genma again, but uniquely Red Scorpion and Spider Ace pops up again, most likely because they do appear again.
Finally! The last Frame changes from the Main Cast + Hosshi to Almost every important character in one screen.
That's all! Thank you for staying on another ramble of mine!! Feel free to tell me if I missed anything.
Ps. Will edit the post from time to time, mostly for some grammar corrections
Also Happy birthday Joker/Jack Jones!!
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wonderxshows · 1 year ago
cursed headache world… sounds fun aside from that though i love multiplayers… and yes amnesia time is literally so real . have fun with amnesia memories though...!!! i see that like there are different worlds or something... what's that about ... sits
yeah same !! multiplayers are super fun . . . sometimes my sisters and i play w my mom + a coworker of hers and its pretty cool 👍
anyways uhuhh so basically the mc ( she doesnt have a default name in the game afaik <//3 ) loses her memories bc this spirit named orion apparently collided w her and took over the space where her memories were ( according to what he says anyways who knows if thats true :shrug: ) and like at the beginning of the game ur actually in this ? limbo of space while orion explains everything thats going on and he lets uu choose a world to go back to which starts its respective li's routw ( for example in the heart world, shin is the mcs bf and in the spade world ikki was her bf etc etc )
all the dudes Do show up in each others routes but they play different roles each time like in the heart world toma is the mcs childhood friend but in the spade world hes her step brother !! im not sure how this is supposed to be explained exactly but theyre like parallel worlds or smth ?? i dont rmbr exacrly what orion said. whoopsies
anyways cool fact all the dudes are based off playing card suits . . . and i think ukyo is supposed to be a joker . . . hmhmm <- merely speculation as she hasnt gotten to him yet
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xxmia0wm4yh3mxx · 2 years ago
hey guizs! remember Angellerina?
that Deltarune FC I made?
well i wanted to give out some lore for her so here
Angellerina in her light form is a beautiful and expensive porcelain ballerina music box that Noelles mom bought at an Church Fair auction as well Eboena (a romani wooden figurine with moveable joints made out of ebony wood) that she got for Noelle to play with
Angellerina spent most of her days on a shelf collecting dust, only being held when Noelle's mom came to clean her, Little Noelle Loved Angellerina though (even though she wasn't allowed to touch her because she was extremely fragile, she would also often hold Eboena up to her and pretend talk) But but one day, Noelle climbed the shelves just to get a closer look at Angel, when the shelf fell and Angellerina broke her leg
Angellerina never held anything against Noelle, Actually she liked her alot and always thought of her as her Lightener and was very happy to be held even if it was for a moment, Noelle's mom got very mad at little noelle though and grounded her,
Noelle's mom eventually got her fixed and Since Noelle's mom couldn't have nice things her house she gifted it to the school as a thank you for sponsoring her to become so she could become mayor
after the dark fountain opened, Ebbie (who saw a vision of great war after the kings took Angellerina and fought over who got to keep her, but also great peace and happiness if she became a part of the royal court) took Angellerina under her wing and cared for her and they became very close, but this also made Eboena wanted by the kings for not giving them such a precious Treasure) Ebbie was very protective of Angel because she could easily break, and Angellerina also was very shy and overwhelmed easily, That was until she met Jevil and Seam
(Okay so I have this HC/Fanfic where seam was like 5 they also felt out of place because they had the uncomfortable powers of the red Joker and when he found Jevil and they grew up together and formed a queer platonic relationship and knew that they would separate, But as they grew older they became mischievous outlaws because they disrespected the rouxls rules and they dreamed of one day becoming royal Jokers who could do whatever they wanted, well mostly seam, Jevil just wanted to go were Seam went)
First when Jevil saw Angel he was awestruck by her strange angelic aura, he always tried to get close to angel but she would mostly run away and Ebbie would chase him away, But Angellerina eventually started to come out of her shell, little by little, and was in enticed by Jevils Confidence and Mischief, and soon enough they fell in love with eachother (their dynamic was kinda like Suselle lol)
(also, seam and Ebbie got along well with Ebbie's seriousness mixed with sass and seam's go with the flow and cheery attitude and fell in love to ^w^)
they were a merry band of misfits together! who somday hoped to join the royal Court, but one day after charming the Queen of spades, the crew got to become a part of the royal court! much to rouxls annoyance
Angellerina was able to spread love and peace with her Heavenly aura and was able to become more confident (and show a bit more of a mischievous side!) with Jevils influence, She finally was able to be free and happy with everyone she loved
But after Jevil met the "man" the spade king wanted to kill Eboena for her crimes (also she was romani) But seam begged him not to, so He put her in the dungeon in return that Seam hanged up his Magicain hat
Angellerina was locked away in a crystal ball so she couldn't escape, Even though all seemed hopeless for her, She still loved Jevil and her Friends and still believed that they would be together again
okay know that thats out of the way, if Spamton is somehow related to Noelle, Does that mean Angellerina and Spam are related in some way? I mean Eboena would sure as hell not let anyone capitalize on Angellerina and turn her into a marketable plushie, but also Spam would HATE Jevil as in inlaw but also I keep thing of this
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