#to put it charitably that is
why shax misspelling toast actually makes so much sense and says a lot about this ridiculous language of ours
Yeah this is a post I'm making now, fight me. I was trying to explain spelling bees to @komorezuki and she mentioned the demonic misspellings being understandable now because English is, well, English (other languages do not have spelling bees, and now that I think about it, having international competitions where even native speakers are struggling to spell words is a wild concept).
And Shax is actually being so logical when spelling toast as t-o-s-t-e. Especially with the hesitant addition of the e. Here's why.
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Because in English, often, the e is added at the end to elongate the vowel sound. This is probably best explained with examples.
Think about how you would have pronounced 'tast' out of context versus taste. The first one has an 'a' sound that resembles apple, right?
(Side note, the double consonant often performs the opposite function of the e, it shortens vowel sounds, like apple vs able. 'Abble' would have a short a and 'aple' would have a long a, which is why they're not spelt that way. Another example where both the e and the double consonant get illustrated perfectly is the word app verses the word ape.)
Also, ad verses -ade (like youtube ad vs lemonade). Right? So toste rather than tost. Shax was operating logically when she added the e.
Except well, English is a fuck-all free-for-all fuck-it-let's-ball language. If you squint at a section it makes sense and then you look at another section and it doesn't at all.
Like cost is short vowel, but coast makes it long, it isn't a 'coste'. So it's actually toast, rather than toste.
But also post doesn't need an e at the end and it's still a long vowel. Caste has an e at the end and is pronounced the same as cast, with the short vowel.
Shax gets a gold star for logical thinking and effort.
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vaguely-concerned · 6 months
there are a lot of daddy issues to go around on DS9 in general, but odo, bashir and garak are really in their own special little fucked up 'what am I but wrought in my father's image' club
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abyssaldyke · 7 months
Oh my god if you are in the USA and filing your taxes yourself this year, please use the irs free file tool to find guided tax software. You can calculate your agi (adjusted gross income, basically the first thing on your W-2) quite easily and if it is under $79k USD, the irs will direct you to free tax software so you can file both federal and state at the same time. I ended up using 1040.com for my slightly-complex return and it took me 2 measly hours. Be not afraid! Go forth and file!
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oplishin · 5 days
unfortunately i do have a general distaste for ospreay because of *gestures vaguely* all the speaking out stuff he tripped ass backwards into???
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willowcrowned · 1 year
man it’s so weird that people are always at their most incompetent and deserving of ire when I have to wake up at 6:30 AM. surely this is a strange coincidence that is 100% their fault and not because I didn’t sleep enough
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carefulfears · 1 month
what do you consider the heart of californication? like really carries through the series & makes it compelling
thank you for this question, i really love it. to me, it's a number of things, starting with that the show cares deeply about hank and takes him seriously in a way that the culture doesn't. in a way, yes, he's their dog and pony show with the funny one-liners and the salacious pull. but the arc of the series is unequivocally aligned with him and his desires and his needs and his values.
hank wants to be with his family, wants to be better for them, wants to not let them down- and the show needs him to fail at all of those things. for the dog and pony of it all, for their viewership and for their thesis and for the food in their mouths, but it simultaneously feels bad that he is failing. simultaneously knows that this isn't what he wants, and that it's sad. and it can be as simple as a dream sequence or a look or a quiet final scene, but every single episode is ultimately going to remind you that everything you're laughing at is a loss.
which, like i said at the top, speaks to a level of respect that the show had for the character that is just gone in discussions of the series. they take the time to recognize that he is missing something. he is losing something and he is without everything that means anything to him, this is the cost. equally important, duchovny respects that character and understands the same.
i was listening to an interview last night (trish you heard this) where he was speaking with some podcast dudebros and one of the hosts said that he always wanted to be just like hank moody, and then he made some "bad decisions" and got there, and he doesn't like it. and duchovny said that every time people come up to him saying "i'm just like hank moody," he says "i'm sorry."
men watch and they want to be just like hank moody and women watch and they want to fuck hank moody so bad, and all of you miss what the source comprehends: that it's an irreparable deficit.
other than that, i feel like what roots that show is that it really isn't all that cynical. not in the way that it could be. and the show believes in hank.
there is a lot of kindness and hope (often false hope) that runs underneath most every relationship and interaction and dynamic in the series and i really really appreciate that about it. it's like in the pilot when hank is being mean and he wants marcy to yell at him and she just says "go home, honey. sleep it off. tomorrow's another day."
there's always a little bit of understanding and grace amongst the crazies and i think there's something really special about that
#gave up on this <3 you're gonna pick up what i put down. i trust#people on this show love each other. that's the heart of californication#at the end of s3 when one of the women that hank had slept with (felicia) says 'it's all done with great affection' about#them dragging him to HELLLLLLL all day lol#'come here. be happy in new york.'#and she goes back in to her husband. happy and laughing#that's just one of my favorite scenes because everyone on the show wants the best for each other#and it isn't just people being lenient and softer than deserved with hank#he is extremely loving to family/friends/random women#and all of the characters are so good and thoughtful to each other#it's nice in a way that stands out in a sardonic comedy that's reduced to 'tits and ass'#there is so much compassion and care cycling through everybody#that's what carries the series for ME. and i don't think i could really explain it further#even random scenes like lew ashby coming into the bathroom to talk to becca when she's sobbing and won't let her mom in#there isn't any reason for him to do that. it isn't because he wants to fuck karen. it isn't because he's a particularly charitable person.#it's because it's his buddy's kid and he wants her to feel better#i don't think there's a character on the show who wouldn't do that for bec or for the core 4 or for mia#but anyway i know what you mean and i think those things are mainly what grounds it#that it's ultimately compassionate and that it respects its lead#californication
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beevean · 3 months
Johnny did change his mind later on in his more recent colors review about the story.
Though now that you mentioned him it reminded me of a Discord server I'm in who take potshots at his opinion for ever thinking the story is good because "they knew it was shit even as kids" insultingly they're adventure/dark era fans.
I know! That proves my point even more! I pulled his review from 2010 for a reason 😭
I think we're straying further from the main point. It's not about specifically Johnny's opinions. It's about how the fandom has shifted in the last decade, and Colors, a game that nowadays is considered decent but the start of many problems writing wise, was lauded! It broke the infamous Sonic Cycle! Things that nowadays fans criticize like the cheesy jokes or the simple plot were what the fans wanted, because the average mentality was that the 2000s, which nowadays are worshipped and are getting a nostalgic comeback, sucked major ass in everything and they brought Sonic to a low!
I'm trying to put things into perspective, that's all.
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beetlehoven · 3 months
does anybody actually like crespecular like his wiki is so barebones i was giggling. anyway i love eccentric fucks
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tbh i don't think I'll ever draw him again after my little project is done bc he is not important to me but! im going to animate a little thing and he will be in one (1) frame so i had to have some sort of doodle-y reference ♥️♥️
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emdotcom · 3 months
New Post Shift 2 content has dropped. We eat well, tonight, lads (the lads being myself)
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thebirdandhersong · 2 years
on a more serious note I would really appreciate prayer for an awful email I have to write (which I've been desperately putting off the whole week). It is a necessary one that I hate to write and I hate to do it but I have to and I REALLY don't want to.
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Call to Mystery
Electric voices whisper in the dingy grey of attic walls. They crackle effervescently in the hollows of adjoining spaces, Illuminating the pathways seldom seen in silvery circuits. Their touch, sharp yet satisfying, is a necessity and a danger. It is too easy to simply float away and forget the grounded state. Mystery is the oldest temptation. Yet every time the voices whisper, We take the Same Electric Bite.
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dazzlerazz · 11 months
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Me figuring out the story of the game just a few dialogue boxes before it feeds me that information
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tungledotedu · 10 months
'losing the support of arab and muslim voters is fine actually' -maga but blue
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biden loyalists outright admit that minorities who support their party are interchangeable. they will happily ignore the grief, despair, and anger of the people impacted by biden's policies if they can rely on another group to show up and vote.
and it's interesting how they note that american voters almost never care about foreign policy. i mean, we've known that for a while. you don't care what your leaders do outside of your country as long as they're good to you. if that isn't chauvinism, i don't know what that is.
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and you can't claim to care about antisemitism while conflating jewish people with zionists!
(21 dec) editing to add more receipts:
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'normal people'. wow.
aren't these libs also white. condemning 'talking over minorities' while claiming from the river to the sea has 'really ugly connotations'...
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and when they do share one palestinian voice, it's... ahmad fouad alkhatib. who graduated from the american military university and works for an american 'near east' policy institute. there's a great takedown of the newsweek article by apollos-olives, who is also palestinian.
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i highly doubt that sprinkledsalt actually follows other palestinian people, whether they're everyday people on tumblr or media personalities (unless they have convenient opinions for liberals). and no, you can't claim they're prioritising their mental health when they freely share articles about hamas atrocities and mass rapes. there's no way they wouldn't know about the general strike.
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urne-buriall · 1 year
Dreamy Drabble Prompt: Adventure
It was between them and the family adventure park, and on Dean to convince the financer, Rich, to fund the money-sink of a blind horse rescue.
After a tour of the farm they clustered around the kitchen table. Dean paged through budgets, blueprints of new outbuildings, program plans for some small revenue. Cas' knee knocked against Dean's to stop it bouncing.
Rich sat back, looking around with long consideration, then pinned his eyes on Dean and Cas.
"You're together," he said. So flat and plain that Dean struggled to respond.
Rich took out his chequebook. "My Dave just loves horses."
prompts :: spirit of the west
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hey y'all, that guy who reminded y'all about the primaries back in like november back with another one! I didn't actually know the primaries vary in date from state to state, so keep that in mind!! south carolina just had theirs today, I hope their turnout was good and we'll see some different than new hampshire results. next up is nevada on the 6th (feb), then michigan on the 27th (feb).
march 5th is still the big bulk of the states, including the one I'm in, but if you're not voting on super tuesday, still keep an eye out! you're voting in the next coming few weeks or months!! look up when your state's voting in the primaries, and make sure you're registered with your current address, especially if you moved recently (this one got me last time), just turned 18, or will be turning 18 by the time of your primary!!!
make your voices heard everybody!!!! let's not put another genocidal maniac into power if we still have a say in things!!!!
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neon-angels-system · 30 days
one of the people I'm working on a group project with tried to put AI-generated images into our presentation. I've been procrastinating so I only caught it today. two days before said presentation. the images have been there for five days. how did none of the other group members pick up on this. the images were supposed to be diagrams. none of the labels made sense. I'm going to bash my head against a wall.
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