#to outgoing and like....
radiance1 · 8 months
The Justice League have a problem, one that needs some level of knowledge and expertise of a being from the Infinite Realms to give them a better chance of actually solving this problem.
Every ghost they have summoned, without fail, took one look at Constantine. Squinted (yes, squinted). Then decided to go back to where they came without a word.
This. Would have been useful, nice even. If it was a situation where they needed the summoned being of a cult to head back to where they came without a fight.
But alas, that is not what is happening.
The Justice League, obviously, ask him why the ghosts keep fleeing back to their Realm at the sight of him, but Constantine can't answer because he genuinely has no idea why they keep leaving when getting a proper look at him.
So they keep trying and they do find some success in it. They summoned a boy, most likely older than he physically looks yet it still puts some of them off because of, well.
You know.
A boy with white hair and toxic green eyes. The boy stops short, as if not expecting to be randomly transported to somewhere else, takes a look around the room, then the Justice League. His eyes settle on one person.
Constantine, in particular.
He squints (Why do all of them squint? Nobody knows) and then a sudden looking of realization passes on his face. Different from the looks of vague fear and genuinely want to not involve themselves any further, his face held slight disgust and a heavy amount of disappointment.
Thankfully, he didn't leave immediately after that.
Constantine asks what's with the look on the ghost boy's face, the ghost boy in question squints even further. Stares at Constantine for a moment or two, buries his face in his hands and brings his knees to his hand and groans out.
"He could've done so much better."
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lotus-pear · 7 months
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kangals · 2 months
in kep's training class there's one other dog about his age who is a recent rescue from down south and she is sweet but soooo scared and shut down, so the trainer has paired her and kep up so kep can be the role model 😅 because he's got such an outgoing, confident temperament he helps set a good example for her, like when today there was a thunder rumble outside and she glanced over at kep, who was blissfully continuing to wiggle at me and beg for treats, and you could see her visibly relax a bit like "oh ok, no one else is concerned about this." and she wagged her tail once today at a stranger! huge progress.
basically kep is her assigned Emotional Support Himbo. he's SO good at being a dumb puppy i love that we've weaponized it.
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windwardstar · 3 months
it's super nerve wracking being the first trans person in a space and just being so visibly and loudly. but like, you're never the only one. and having seen all the people who were already in the space decide to come out because it's now something they realize it safe to do, and also watch it pull in more queer people because the space is now explicitly welcoming is one of those things that's just made it all worth it. the garden will grow if you plant the seeds and tend to it.
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stiffyck · 5 months
Actually fucking frothing at the mouth thinking about aroace hotguy
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aurorangen · 2 months
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Act cool Oscar, the words kept repeating in his head while making his introduction and during their hike. He felt unusually calm with Suzume's company and grinned like an idiot every time they talked! As with Suzume, she kept stealing glances at him, oh he's so handsome. She loved learning about him and his life sounded so exciting: he is definitely a cool guy! It was all going well but...
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cuubism · 2 years
dream and hob are really just that post that was like 'introverts only make friends when an extrovert forcibly adopts them'
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anghraine · 7 months
It's kind of fascinating to me that towards the end of P&P, Elizabeth has become protective of Darcy and either a) actively tries to insulate him from Situations or b) wishes that she could and gets stressed that she can't.
Darcy deeply loves her and is very ready to do whatever he can to secure her happiness, but narratively, I think the emphasis at the end is very much more on Elizabeth's protectiveness towards him.
It's like:
When Bingley and Darcy first come back to Hertfordshire, Darcy is very quiet and Elizabeth can barely bring herself to say anything—until Mrs Bennet insults Darcy. Then Elizabeth speaks up.
Mrs Bennet enlists Elizabeth to separate Darcy from Bingley with another insult to Darcy. Elizabeth finds this both convenient and enraging.
That day, Elizabeth decides to privately tell Mrs Bennet about her engagement to Darcy, specifically so that Darcy will be spared Mrs Bennet's first unfiltered response.
Elizabeth fiercely defends Darcy's character and love for her, as well as hers for him, to Mr Bennet. She not only says she loves Darcy but that it upsets her to hear Mr Bennet's criticisms of him.
Elizabeth is both relieved by Mrs Bennet's ecstatic reception of the engagement and a bit disappointed by how completely shallow she's being about it, and 100% sure she made the right call in keeping Darcy away.
Elizabeth defends Darcy against Darcy himself, repeatedly.
There's a period where Elizabeth seems to unwind and laugh, but this passes, especially after Charlotte and Mr Collins show up. Darcy manages to stay calm around Mr Collins (I think this is framed as a significant and admirable achievement for him), but Elizabeth does not like him being in a situation where he has to deal with Mr Collins in the first place.
Elizabeth tries to shield Darcy from being noticed by Mrs Phillips and Mrs Bennet, who do seem to make him pretty excruciatingly uncomfortable.
Ultimately, Elizabeth ends up trying to keep Darcy to herself or to shepherd him around to relatives he can handle more easily, and is so stressed at this point that she just wants to get married and escape to Pemberley.
After their marriage, things are actually great at Pemberley and in their married life, despite the occasional complication.
Lydia writes a congratulatory letter to Elizabeth, asking for Darcy to get Wickham a promotion unless Elizabeth would rather not bring it up with him. Elizabeth really does not want Darcy to have to deal with this and handles it by privately setting aside a Lydia fund out of her personal expenses. (IIRC, it's not clear if Darcy even knows about this.)
Elizabeth also is the driving force behind Darcy's reconciliation with Lady Catherine.
This could read as an unsettling, unbalanced dynamic and a very odd ending point for the arc of a woman like Elizabeth, but in the context of the overall novel, it doesn't feel that way. Or maybe I'd see it more that way if I interpreted Darcy (and for that matter, Elizabeth) + their arcs differently? But as it is, I do think that by this point in the story they are genuinely doing the best they can, independently and for each other, and they've both come a long way. They shine in different contexts and support each other as much as they can in the circumstances that do arise.
It seems very them, in terms of their temperament and abilities, that Elizabeth would put all this effort into shielding Darcy, while at the same time, Darcy completely cuts off Lady Catherine for insulting Elizabeth and only ever speaks to her again because Elizabeth wants him to.
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petricorah · 2 years
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just some casual early morning fishing and some not-so-casual evening pining after your best friend
mini explanation of how this would take place if it were a prequel to the dangers of not confessing comic
After ozai’s defeat, they finally take a break and go on the fishing trip they lied about. And it’s amazing, and fun, and Zuko’s heart is aching throughout every second of it. Because he’s drowning under the weight of his impending duties as firelord. He has Responsibilities. But all he wants to do is be with Sokka and have the time relaxing with the people he cares about, actions that he was deprived of during his youth. And Sokka’s about to be halfway across the world, back at his home, where he belongs. And it would be selfish to ask Sokka to stay. And even more selfish to tell him how he feels when he knows soon the trip will be over, and it will never work between them, and Sokka probably doesn’t even feel the same way. So he stays silent. 
And misses his chance.
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dipperscavern · 2 months
i know modern cregan would be the guy you meet who you think absolutely hates you at first but the truth is he just physically doesn’t know how to act around you
this is so accurate it’s painful. your friend asked if he could invite someone to the group hangout, and of course you say yes. you like meeting new people.
he’s quiet, has a resting scowl & just steals glances at you from across the room all night. he keeps to himself, and seems standoffish & slightly unapproachable, so you just stick to your other friends. you think he’s pretty, but he doesn’t seem like he wants to talk to you, so you accept that. until you hear from the friend that invited him that he actually does like you, he just thinks you’re so pretty he doesn’t know what to do with himself around you.
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pcktknife · 11 months
ingo and emmets names are ingoing and outgoing but emmets also means whole/universal + truth and he's the one that wears white. what does it mean what does it all mean
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of-pale · 4 months
Just an average day of Nero hanging out with the twins:
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> Vergil refuses to go out in the public unless it's necessary like the introvert he is
> Dante wants to go out because that's where pizza and strawberry sundaes are
> Dante messes with no half melted strawberry sundaes from deliveries
> Only the fresh shit at Fredi’s will do or no dice
> How else will Vergil catch up on all the human wonders, if he doesn't go outside?
> Dante suggests going to the cinema, bowling, arcades etc.
> Vergil is only willing to go to calm places with no crowds like library, bookstore or a museum
> Nero tries to find a compromise and contain the situation
> It's going well, obviously
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fansids · 1 year
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Couple of young Macaque sketches for SotK I slapped color on to prove to myself that I can still draw monkies.
His ears are wrong for his age, but I'm too lazy to fix it
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bibliosims · 1 year
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arthur "art" shepherd & noah quigley
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jewishregulus · 5 months
Regulus with the prettiest little dimples and the most perfect curls that are always perfectly styled and and and
the true regulus black vibe to me is og fairytale esque . beautiful and princess like with this air of disturbing melancholy . in his story the birds pluck his mothers eyes out and walking on land feels like walking on glass . this is his aesthetic to me . beautiful and angelic but obviously distressed and deeply troubled . the type of person you can tell would benefit from being in a rage room.. … i think regulus’ appearance is very meticulously taken care of bc he can’t control much else in his life , which is why he gravitates towards feminine styles .. there is just more to do… I’m sorry i can’t process my trauma rn i need to do my 50 step hair care routine …. this takes up too much time you see ..
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acourtofthought · 21 days
Elain being an introvert doesn't mean she can never come alive when surrounded by the right people.
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What is said of Elain in ACOMAF:
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Introverts display extremely introverted behavior when not surrounded by people they feel they can connect with on an emotional level and that's why she's a shell of who she once was.
Despite Elain finding friends in the NC, we've yet to see this version of her there:
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The version where we see Elain shine, not the one she is in the NC where she needs to default to a more introverted state because she doesn't have that deep connection with anyone.
Just like that rose necklace, Elain needs to be exposed to light for her true colors to be visible.
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