#to now digging into sm stuff like oh oh i they were in love i get it now
1980ssunflower · 10 months
My dealer: got some straight gas. this strain is called “now and then” youll be zonked out of your gourd
Me: yeah whatever. i dont feel shit.
1 hour and 5 minutes later: dude the tape said "For Paul" on it
Also me pacing: John Lennon and Paul McCartney were in love with eachother
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cashmoneyyysstuff · 2 months
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a/n : WAAAHHH another event organised by @queenpiranhadon THE QUEEN HERSELF !! this sm fun, hope yall enjoy !! lovely banner was also made by @queenpiranhadon IS THERE ANYTHING SHE CANT DO OMG.
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modern au, fem reader, merman shoto, maybe ooc shoto but ehh were havin fun, shoto is very touchy, mute shoto for plot, shoto iq too handsome for his own good, shotos a prince, shoto is very inlove w reader but its all inoccent, shoto n reader are both in their 20's, reader has a dog ! fluffy fluff fluff, sorta cliffhanger, theres a lot of stuff not mentioned bc i like romance and nothing else, little hints of soulmates, falling in love quickly the events don't play out exactly like the fairytale but it's inspired !
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walking on the beach is supposed to be relaxing. and usually, it is. there’s nothing you enjoy more than the sounds of the waves crashing and the wind howling in your ears. inhaling the sea air as max digs into the sand, barking out happily at every new big stick he’d found.
except this time, it’s not a big stick. but a big..person.
a human. person. unconscious you hope, you pray, sprawled out in the sand with clothes absolutely torn to shreds.
so yeah, not very relaxing.
it's been a few minutes since your dog had barked for your attention a little further down the beach. you'd happily giggled at first, thinking your dog might've an extra long stick for you to throw him only for you to see what looked like hair from your field of vision. and then an arm, a leg and now here you were.
anyone's first instinct should be to call an ambulance, of course he could be injured ! so with a start, you grab max by his collar to prevent him from licking off the handsome--you feel a little bad for gazing at him while he's unconscious/dead but you have to be honest--stranger's face off, and pull out your phone to call emergencies.
you look back down to check on him one last time only for him to be wide awake.
"oh, shit !" you squeal with a start, landing right on your ass from your crouched position over him. the man is unmoving at first, but gets up with a light groan. you want to help him, you really do, but you feel like someone's glued your butt to the floor.
this man you thought was dead seconds ago, about to call the ambulance for, has awoken. looking around aimlessly before his eyes land on you. he looks almost..entranced by you.
yet all you can think about is how gorgeous he is. a part of you still feels bad about it.
then he's a hair away from you and you can't breathe. you squeak embarrassingly loud, shooting up to your knees.
"um !" you gasp "hello..?" you back up a bit but he pays it no further mind continuing to blink at you. "are you okay? um--do you need medical assistance ?" from what you can see he doesn't look injured, so you're relieved, but you still want verbal confirmation.
except all he does is open his mouth a couple times before immediately closing it again. you blink at him and he blinks back at you.
"do-are you..okay ?" you ask tentatively, the man is unresponsive and you're seriously getting freaked out. "i- it's okay, we'll get you some help, lemme just.." you readjust to finally move and call emergencies, but something stops you.
a very cold hand is wrapped around your arm. you squeal at the chill, dropping onto your ass in front of the man. again. you don't want this to become a recurring thing at all.
finally the man gives you a response..sort of. he graces you with a shake of his head. his hair flows around softly and some water droplets fly off at the movement. he doesn't want you getting him help ?
"no ?" your eyebrows furrow "you..don't want help ?" he shakes his head again. you can tell he's trying to convey something but he can't seem to get it out. you wonder why he won't speak, and then you realise: he must be mute.
and now it's starting to make a bit more sense. you still wonder why he doesn't want paramedics involved. and you're mind races again, maybe he's a criminal on the run ?!
you blink, being brought back to reality by the handsome man who's sopping wet, freezing cold yet it barely seems to faze him with his grip still on his wrist. freezing to the touch yet you barely feel it with his eyes on you like this. he points to himself, then raises his thumb up. you're so lost in his eyes it takes you a moment to realise what he's saying.
i'm okay.
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somehow, the man ended up staying at your house.
you know nothing about him, not his name, his age, though he looks about your age. you don't know where he's from or why he was in the state he was in but somehow he's ended up coming into your home.
you let him look around your house to his hearts content. this man is the epitome of strange, he seemed curious of everything in your house, even the dry clothes and the shower you offered him.
after explaining to him how your shower works, and he'd changed into fresh new clothes, the biggest tracksuit you could find, you find yourself currently looking at him watching tv, seemingly entranced. you've got half a mind to warn him about sitting too close to the tv since he's sitting right in front of it on the floor, but you decide against it
you know nothing about him, but he seems not to know anything..at all.
you don't know sign language, you have no idea how to communicate with him, you wrack your brain, scratching at your head with a huff. the sound seems to alarm him and he turns to you with a cute tilt of his head, you can somehow guess he's trying to ask you what's wrong, his eyes seem to be clouded with worry. you feel your skin heat up.
"i'm alright, thanks." he seems to understand. he nods, it seems his attentions gone from the tv to you as he keeps inspecting you. his sudden rising from the floor causes you to jump a little, eyes wide as he sits down next to you and softly bounces on the couch. he seems surprised by the softness of it as he bounces a couple more times and that does manage to get a giggle out of you.
he looks up at the sound and his eyes are fixed to yours again "nice huh ? i bought that when i first moved here." he nods, focused. it gives you the confidence to continue even though his intense gaze makes you a little anxious. "i slept on this for a while before i was able to actually buy myself a bed." you giggle, suddenly overcome with nostalgia. you'd moved to your small town about a year and a half ago, you were still young, freshly graduated when you decided to leave it all behind. your big bustling town, you're family and everything that you knew. you thought it was time for a new start, as big as your hometown was it felt extremely suffocating. you needed something new.
the first few months were a struggle, something to get used to. but you'd managed. you'd found a yourself a nice job with a nice pay. some nice neighbours and nice coworkers and the sweetest little (?)english sheepdog. said dog had gotten quickly attached to your unexpected guest, excitedly jumping all over and licking him. your guest though startled at first didn't seem to mind. even placing his hand on top of max's head as if to pet him and being surprised by the softness of his fur. he seemed to like soft things.
you shake your head, deciding to focus on your guest. who's eyes have not left yours. you don't know if you can get used to that. "so um..where are you from ?" he perks up at your question. grabbing your wrist so he could softly pull you over your window to point outside where you'd found him. his skin is considerably warmer now that he's not drenched, it makes your cheeks tingle how easily he grabs at you.
"uh, no that's not what i meant," you chuckle nervously, but he's adamant. shaking his head and pointing outside again. towards the sea. the sea ?
"the sea ?" you ask incredulously "you came from..the sea ?" he nods, almost excited that you'd figured it out..the sea ?
okay, there could be a rational explanation for that..maybe his boat got lost at sea..sure it was plausible, but that's never happened in your quiet little town. everything about this man was unusual.
at your doubt, the man's eyes widen just a bit. and it looks like he gets an idea because he starts pulling you over to your bathroom. you're trying to reason with him and get him to slow down, but he seems intent and set on getting to your bathroom.
"hey, what're you--ah !" you cover your eyes quickly when you notice him taking off his clothes, heart speeding up as you squeak "wha-what the hell are you doin' ?!" then the water starts running, and then nothing. you're curiosity peeked, you glance at him through your fingers and don't see what you'd expected. instead you see..scales? and a tail ?
and then your hands fall from over your eyes, and you fully see it. the mix of white and red scales, they shine underneath the light of your bathroom.
a tail.
the man you rescued from the beach has a tail and isn't a man at all.
you've got a merman in your house.
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shoto is running late.
usually he's on time, but it seems the universe was against him today. his father had held him back with an endless lecture that seemed to drag on. he'd been more on edge, so to speak, since his son's coronation was approaching, a day he was absolutely dreading and everybody seemed to be on his back about it.
his sister had also held him back earlier. just for a chat she'd claimed, except shouto could tell it was a clumsy attempt to try and get some type of answer out of him, of why he's been sneaking off so often. she had lamented to him about her worries with his fascination of humans and their strange inventions. fuyumi was the only one he'd confided into about his collection of strange objects from the human world. tossed into the sea or scavenged from shipwrecked boats if he was feeling a little risky. however, what had started off as an innocent interest started becoming dangerous, in his sisters eyes, as he slowly started rising up to shore. closer and closer to humans.
she'd warned him to be careful, that humans were dangerous. shouto knew of the tales that were told about humans since he was young, of the unspeakable things they did to his kind. of course he did, but he just had a feeling not all humans could be like what he was told. as usual, he waves her off with the promise that he'd be vigilant as he swims off again.
he hopes he makes it in time.
someone calls for him suddenly and he stops in his tracks, the voice sounds familiar and he recognizes his fluffy haired friend izuku swimming up to him, shoto is tempted to ignore him. but it'd be mean, and unbecoming of a future king of the seas, so he waits for him to catch up. izuku midoriya was his one and only real confidant, his family had worked for his ever since they were both young and even if he was technically his servant, he could confidently call him his friend.
"hello, izuku." shoto greets simply, izuku quickly returns the greeting, before looking around to make sure they wouldn't be heard.
"were you going up to shore again ?" he asks nervously. shoto hums, nodding softly "i am." izuku stiffens, his fins flicker nervously.
"i-i don't know if that's the best idea.. i mean, your coronation is coming up and your father is even more on edge than usual-"
"what he doesn't know won't hurt him. which is why i'm expecting you not to tell him anything."
"of course not ! but his majesty is..." izuku cuts himself off, looking off to the side "i fear he's getting suspicious of your..activities?" he explains, wording it as best he can. shoto holds back the groan bubbling up in his throat: so many worries piling up and so little time.
it's unbecoming of a future king, but shoto decides he'll worry later.
"i'll think about him later." the disdain in his voice is palpable, but izuku being used to it doesn't react. he knows the relationship between the king and his son has been more than strained ever since the queen disappeared. some say she simply vanished, or left of her own volition, while other whispers claim she was instead captured by humans.
but after her disappearance the queen was never mentioned again, neither was the princes older brother, touya, when he disappeared not long before his mother did. the mere mention of them was forbidden, it was wiser to act is if they never existed in the first place.
izuku shakes his head and quickly swims up to follow the dual haired prince, who'd started swimming off in front of him.
both men finally rise up to shore. izuku hides besides a rock protruding from the sea floor while shoto decides to be a little bolder, peeking up to his chest from where he's perched up on the rock as well.
"ah ! shoto, you shouldn't !" izuku warns, but he simply shakes his head "it's fine, no one's here at this time of day." his eyes never leaving the sand in front of them, surveying the area like a hawk. he purses his lips. maybe he had been too late after all. he'd have to wait until tomorrow.
until he spots a mass of fluffy grey and white hairs. both he and izuku shrink back at the sound of a loud booming bark, shoto not as far sunk as izuku. then his gaze locks on to someone walking along with the furry beast.
a human.
the green haired merman has half a mind to warn his friend they should make their leave, however the young man is unmoving, seemingly entranced.
shoto breathes a sigh of relief, you've shown up at last.
it's usually at this hour that you walk along the beach with your companion. shoto's been watching you for a little while now and he's determined a routine. some days you stay longer than usual, but he's content to see you anytime, all the time. you're fascinating, the way you move around with those..legs of yours is something he can't his eyes off of. and you're breathtakingly beautiful to him, though is his father were to see you he's sure he'd think otherwise. he'd been told humans were hideous beasts, but he's never seen anything in all of the seas as beautiful as you in his years of living.
izuku snaps him out of his trance, urging him saying they should be on their way back lest the king get even more suspicious of both their absences. he wants to keep looking at you, forever if he could. part of him even wishes he could walk along the sand with you.
but he retreats after a final look to you, and dives back down towards his home, so far away from you.
he wished he'd never went back home though, when his father had decided to get on his last nerve yet again. constantly nagging, constantly berating him like he knew any better. lecturing him about how his behaviour was unacceptable for a future king.
he knows that, he's heard it all before. as he swims further and further away from home he wishes it could all just stop. this future king talk, the coronation. he wishes it could all just fucking cease.
and he wishes he could be with you above all else. you'd understand, you wouldn't nag him about his duties. hell, you wouldn't even have to know, you'd just see him for him. and that's all he wants.
if only, he wishes.
until he's being lured away by some sea creatures who for sure mean trouble, but they've intrigued him with promises of making his wishes come true. when he's suddenly faced with the sea witch, he knows he should get away and fast, making a deal with her was not advised if you cared for your own life.
..and yet, she says she can give him what he truly desires. and what he desires is a life where he doesn't have to gaze at you from afar. where he can only dream and wish for if only's.
and he can't turn back now.
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it takes a lot longer to get used to the fact that you have a merman in your house. you've been glued to the tv in shock for an hour, not processing anything happening on it while the merman in question casually watches, munching on some candy you'd offered him when you'd first made it home.
it's funny, if you think about it a little bit. you're friendly with your coworkers yet not a single one of them has ever been to your house before. and now you've got a fucking mythical sea creature in sitting on your couch eating watermelon candies.
truly hilarious.
you catch a peek at him from the corner of your eye, you're surprised by how easily he's entertained, especially since he's only looking at an informercial but you think you can understand why now. why he seemed so confused, and maybe this was also why he can't talk ? but he could understand you perfectly.
god, your head hurt.
there's a weight against your skull and when you look up from your lap, the merman has his head pressed to yours. you hold back a squeal, because you are beyond tired of embarrassing yourself in front of him, a harsh intake of breath leaves you. he tilts his head at you, you've gotten good at de-cyphering what he means in the two hours you've known him. you sigh.
"i-i'm alright..thanks" you speak sincerely, his shoulders relax but he doesn't lean very far away from you, visibly comfortable being so close to you. "i'm just..in shock..i had no idea mermaids even existed..!" you chuckle, then quickly cover your mouth "merman, sorry !" he doesn't seem to mind, shaking his head with a barely there smile. it's a faint pull of his lips that could've been missed but you'd caught it and your heart hammers in your chest--were all mermen this pretty ?!
"well..um, i bet seeing a human up close like this is pretty surprising too ?" he nods and you laugh. "is it what you expected at least ?" he nods again, but it feels..softer, more personal. like it was directed at you and you only, for some reason. the close proximity between you both seems familiar.
you're everything he expected and more.
"do you..have a name ? ah !" you catch yourself quickly, running off to your room, not before telling him you'd be right back, you barely see him nod with widened eyes. you pull out a random book you left unfinished for..you don't remember how long now.
if he understood you speaking, maybe he could understand how to read ?
it's a possibility and you lose nothing by trying.
you're back next to him and place the book between you both, he leans in closer, inspecting the words on the page with an unreadable expression.
you tell him your name, and start spelling it out with the letters on the page. you hope it works, that'd make it a whole lote easier if it does, so you ask him for his name.
it takes him a second, but soon the dots start connecting, and he slowly points to five different letters
"shoto.." you sound out, you look back up at him. his face is soft and the small smile on your face makes you smile too "shoto ?" and he nods happily "it's nice, i like it." you admit, his eyes shine brightly and he points to you and nods. you think he's saying he likes your name too, so you thank him with a giggle and your hunch his confirmed when he smiles just a little wider, the corner of his eyes crinkling.
seriously are all mermen this pretty ? it's a little unfair that more mermen don't show up in town.
but you think even if they were to suddenly appear, you'd like shoto the best.
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shoto seems to have superhuman abilities, besides the not being human part..
in only a week, he's learned how to write and you've been communicating by passing notes and using a white board you'd gotten him while you were out shopping, you figured it'd be easier and a little less confusing.
he's been here for two weeks now, and it's been fun. so fun in fact you forget he's not human with how easy he's adapted into your life. he goes shopping for and with you sometimes, he loves watching and he likes to take walks with max, the both of them being inseparable. you'd be a little jealous if it wasn't so damn adorable. you're still enjoying your break from work and shoto makes it much more enjoyable, it's nice to have someone else around for a change.
you've..talked, about a lot of stuff with shoto, but one thing he will not talk about is himself, and you've decided not to pry. especially because you hate seeing the conflicted, sad look on his face. he talks to you about his kind, and his friends, but never too much about himself. you don't pry, but it surprises you that even mermaids have baggage.
"is there anything you wanna do today, shoto ?" you wonder if he ever gets bored, he doesn't say anything about it, but you know you're not all that entertaining..maybe you'll take him go kart racing.
shoto stops petting max to grab at his white boards, quickly scratching something down.
can i watch a movie with you ?
your heart stutters. every time you suggest an activity for him to do he always adds you in it. it's stupidly endearing and makes him cuter than he already is.
"but don't you wanna do anything else ? " he tilts your head for you to continue "like..aren't you bored ? i know i don't do anything interesting...you don't wanna do something more exciting ?"
he blinks, and writes down something on his white board that has your mouth go dry.
i like doing anything because you do it with me.
"o-oh.." you mutter, fiddling with the texture of your couch, picking at it softly "that's nice.."
after a moment of quiet he presses his head to yours, as affectionate as ever to get your attention, you blink up at him holding up his whiteboard and a smile forms onto your face.
movie ?
you let him pick this time.
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"if you want to be able to live with your beloved.. you must manage to do one thing.."
a kiss. a true love's kiss.
shoto has seen a lot of kisses in the few weeks he's been with you. he remembers the first kiss he'd received was when your elderly neighbour had knocked at your door thinking you were home while you were at the grocery store. she must've thought he was your mate, because she'd congratulated him and told him to treat you nice because you're a very sweet and pretty girl, which he'd intensely nodded at. she'd grabbed him by the shoulder and softly pressed both her cheeks to him, and you'd explained to him that she had kissed him as a sign of politeness. a common human courtesy.
he'd seen kisses on tv, kisses on the street, but none of them compared to the description of a true love's kiss. none of them felt fitting enough.
something on tv catches his eye. the movie has gotten to the climactic scene, a new term he'd learned. and the main love interests are desperately clinging to each other. their lips are touching, but it doesn't look like the kisses he's seen before..strange.
it confuses him, so he taps your shoulder and writes his thoughts down.
what are they doing ?
you clear your throat, your eyes widen. your eyes are so pretty. "they're kissing, shoto.. we've seen that before right ?"
but it looks different.
you hum in thought "well, i guess i can put it like.." you purse your lips in thought, you look so cute when you're deep in thought. "they love each other a lot, so being away from each other made them..um, do that. it's 'cus they care about each other alot..i think."
have you done that before ?
you splutter as your eyes fly across the whiteboard, shoto shuffles so he can sit closer to you. you don't move away, you smell so nice.
"n-no..i don't think i've loved someone enough to.." you whisper, gaze flying from him to the small space between you both.
the sound of the white board dropping to the floor doesn't alarm you, neither does the way his hands slowly reach towards your cheeks. he does nothing but run his hands across your cheeks for a while, simply gazing at you. he presses his forehead to yours and you feel his breath his your face, your eyelashes flutter as his head softly bumps against yours. his nose nuzzles against yours, you're so soft.
you don't have to read anything to know what his eyes are asking you silently, you nod anyways.
shoto doesn't exactly know what love means by humans standards, but by his standards and the little he knows he thinks this might be it as he presses his lips to yours. it's not as desperate and dramatic as on tv, and there's no melodramatic music playing in the background.
but he loves this, he loves you.
you pull away when he presses you back against the couch, and suddenly something feels different. your chest feels warm. you feel loved.
"that..was nice..woah." you breathe, and shoto nods, mirroring the smile growing on your face. what you don't expect is for him to open his mouth and speak.
"it was.." he hums, your eyes are the size of saucers and he huffs out a light laugh "do you think..i could do that again with you ?"
you nod, in a trance, but as he leans in you grip his shoulders. he blinks up at you
"..wait, how long were you able to talk ?" you're unblinking, and it makes him chuckle lightly.
"just now." he answers simply, before you can ask more questions he stops you "i will explain later, i promise." he nuzzles his nose to yours "but for now.." he kisses your cheek "i'd like to learn about this..love feeling.with you." he kisses your other cheek, always adding you in "will you let me ? "
you're willing to let him do anything as long as he does it with you, as long as he keeps adding you in like you're the only one that matters, you want to keep mattering to him. and you want to learn more about your feelings too.
so you laugh, and with a smile, you pull him back into you.
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a/n : eeeee i loved participating to this event theheheh ! tumblr quit deleting my drafts but i still had tons of fun ! hope yall enjoy reading MUAH MUAH !!
taglist ! : @queenpiranhadon @starieq @lovelyiida @lady-ashfade @angels-fantasy
@seonne @sweetnans @vexis-world @2melamoo2 @tootiecakes234
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enhypen reaction to you calling them by their first name
“Heeseung what are your plans for today?”
“I’m sorry, what did you say?” he would ask with this face 😦
dawg was literally eating his cereal when you asked him this and just stared at you eating his cereal slowly
“Heeseung, I asked you what your plans were for today” you said rolling your eyes bc he wasn’t answering you 🥱
He then gets up out of his chair and walks over to you. he puts his arms on your shoulder and says “Please, enlighten me on what you said again”
your literally malfunctioning like a robot that just got water poured on it.
“Uhm no man”
“ugh ew don’t EVER call me man”
“Well then what do I call you, Heeseung?”
“I don’t know maybe like, Heedeungie or Bambi?”
his eyes would be sparkling sm i swear 🥹
unfortunately you would give in and call him ‘heedeungie’ and ‘bambi’
“What no i’m- i dont- ugh fine. ONLY because your my boyfriend and i love you <3”
he starts jumping up and down like a little child when he finally wins.
You’ve always really liked Jay’s perfume collection. He had some sprays that he’d let you borrow but you wanted some for your own.
“Hey Jeongseong, where do you get all these perfumes from?”
mans socks almost flew off his feet when you said his first name. 😇
“I’m sorry who the hell is Jeongseong?” he asked as if you didn’t know what had just came out of your mouth.
you, being a watery 🤡 just replied with, “Uhm who is the only man here with the name Jeongseong?”
blud looked at you so offended 😭
when you stood up from the couch dawg tackled you back on the couch and cuddled with you.
“I’ll get them for you-“
“Omg yay thank you so much!” you cut him off but he continues
“-Only if you don’t call me Jeongseong anymore.” he said looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Okay okay deal!”
man smiles at his success 😃
since winter was coming up, you still had your summer stuff out and really needed help putting it all away. Jake was doing nothing besides playing a game on his phone (let’s say rhythm hive 😍) so you decided ask him for help.
“Hey Jaeyun, would you mind helping me out by putting the summer shit in the shed? 😃”
“Uhm you good Jaeyun?”
doesn’t make a big deal about it and decides to play along yk?
“Sure thing, Y/N. I’ll help you!” jake replied smiling from ear to ear.
You just stand there. You didn’t actually think that Jake would be so chill about it
“What? What’s wrong Y/N”
“Ugh baby your ruined it!” you said playfully while running into the backyard.
“HAHAHA I SAUR GOT YOU GOOD.” Jake laughs and runs into the yard with you.
“You SAUR didnt 🥱🙄” you said mocking jake.
blud is used to you doing this at this point. don’t even respond to you
“Hey Sunghoon what ya doing?” You ask.
“Oh nothing just watching TV.” He said as if it wasn’t obvious enough.
“Oh. Well Sunghoon I was just wondering if you wanted to watch a movie with me”
“Sure, I’ll pick the movie.” He said getting up
you were very confused on why he wasn’t reacting like you thought he would’ve. you honestly thought he would’ve been somewhat upset about it but he seems to not be bothered.
“Sunghoon can it be a action move please 🙏?” you asked. you called him sunghoon to see if it would tick him off but he didn’t budge.
“Hey! Why aren’t you reacting when I call you by your first name?” You ask upset
Sunghoon just slowly turns around and looks at you 😛
“Because, you do this to me all the time babe.”
you literally feel so embarrassed and now wanna dig your own grave.
Poor baby was so confused. he literally didn’t know what to do after what came out of your mouth.
“Hi Sunoo! Isn’t it such a pretty day out. Wanna go for a walk with me?”
babes just stood their with his mouth like 😦
looks around the room and then point to himself.
“Me?” he asked with his mouth still agape
“Yes you Sunoo! Who else is named Sunoo in this house?” you replied back
“No one..” he replied back softly.
“Do you wanna go for a walk with me Sunoo?”
“Only if you don’t call me Sunoo anymore. I like being call bub, baby, and ddeonu”
he was pouting and WHFILE he is saur cute.
sunoo rn:
“Okay bub i’m sorry. I wont do it again.” You said smiling and hugging him.
happy sunoo = happy life
you and jungwon decided to do some ‘spring cleaning’ in your bedroom. yalls were cleaning underneath his bed when you found a skateboard
you always wanted to learn how to skate but never did because your older brothers were just asses 🙄
“Jungwonnnnn, ouuuu can you please teach me how to skate? please please pleaseeee?”
shy creature istg
“What? OH skating yeah mhm I could teach you!"
you literally spent the rest of the day learning and let's say you have scratches all over each your legs and hands..
He made it his job to place a a huge ass bandaid on each one and place a tiny kisthy on each one which eventually annoyed you.
MY HEART ❤️❤️❤️
you saw this trend on tiktok where people are making cakes of pictures of people but end up looking like it just fell 30ft in the air. you really wanted to do this with niki because 1. you were bored and 2. because you just love spending with with him.
you heard him coming towards the kitchen so you call him over
“Riki i wanna make something with you come here now please!”
he does that thing where he slowly turns his neck and pops his eyeballs out. (KSJDNDJISKOWOA IHOPE YALL KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT)
"What did you call me?" he says with a psychotic look while smiling in the hallway.
he runs from the hallway, picks you up, and runs over to the living room to plop down on you.
acts innocent while your suffering
"So what did you wanna ask me? 😇😇😇 he says with his legs kicking back and forth while your under him
“I wanted to make a cake with you” you say out of breath.
“Oh yay! I love cake!” He says running back to the kitchen leaving you on the couch.
HAJOAPALA I CANT BELIEVE I FINALLY HAD THE NUTS TO POST 😭 yalls this is my first post so at least give me some credit for trying here ☹️ anyways, love yall. stay safe!! ❤️❤️❤️
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shurisbathwater · 1 year
Hiii I have a request☺️
Shuri x reader
Reader gets pregnant and is confused and terrified bc she’s only been with shuri
So one day she visits shuri in the lab and starts asking more detailed questions about the strap
Then she’s also worried bc he and shuri aren’t actually in a relationship so she starts avoiding her until she can figure out what to do
Shuri doesn’t like that she’s being ignored so she just shows up in the readers house and like is sitting on the couch or something waiting for when the reader gets home one night.
Plz forgive my formatting I wrote this at work. Thank youu😚
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𝐖𝐀𝐈𝐓 𝐅𝐎𝐑 𝐘𝐎𝐔 ; Shuri udaku
A/n :: Thank you sm for the request love &lt;;3! Srry this took ages 😭😭 I had alot of stuff going on personally.
𝐈𝐍 𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐇 :: you find out your pregnant with Shuri's baby. Freaked out and confused, you avoid and deny everything. Hard truth -You and Shuri are not even in a relationship. So what will happen now?
𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐒 :: Angsty, fluff. That should be it.
𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐃 𝐂𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐓 :: 1,834
higher -- tems
best part -- daniel caesar Ft. H.E.R
𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐍𝐈𝐁𝐁𝐋𝐄𝐃 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐋𝐈𝐏 and bounced your knee up and down as you sat on the toilet of your bathroom. "Fuck.Fuck.Fuck. Oh my gosh."
You put your head in your hands as you just needed a moment to.. you'd say.. think. How could you let this happen? You grab the pregnancy test sitting on the sink and you grab it, looking at the result.
"Positive.." you breathed out as you shook your head. "No no no." You put your head in your hands once again. You throw the test and it hits off of the door, onto the floor. You rip open another test and repeat the same process.
You watch the test as you wait for the result, keeping your beady little eyes on it.
Soon, two lines come up on the test.
"No!nope nope nope." You dig through the trash to look at the box. "This has to be some kind of prank." You muttered, in denial about everything.
It could be the test, right? there's no way..well it is from a cheap drugstore. You read the test, and nothing seems useful to you so you throw it back in.
You're going to have to accept it.
You're pregnant.
With shuri udaku's baby.
Without thinking, you leave the bathroom and grab your coat. You then get your keys from the counter and go down to the stairs, to get to the parking garage.
As you get there, you sit in your car and nibble your lip. You cant be pregnant. You guys aren't even together. You can't be together. That was the agreement. This was just for fun..but It got serious so fast. You drive off, palms sweaty and shaky.
𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑𝐄 standing outside of shuris lab now. You grab the doorhandle but hesitate, but before you can do anything griot informs her that someone is here.
"Come in!"
You take a deep breath and open the door, standing helplessly as she works on a new project.
"Oh, y/n. Didnt expect to see you here." She says as she glances up at you, then continuing to work.
You chuckle shakily as you muster up some words to say to her. "I'm..I wanted to ask you something, you know about the strap." You get quieter on the last word.
She drops her piece of equipment and stares at you. She raises her brow and stares at you strangely. "Can it maybe get me pregnant, for instance?" You ask.
"No..why are you asking?" She tilts her head. "Y'know, I just wanna protect myself. Is anything faulty about it or...?" You slightly lie, and before she can open her mouth you cut her off.
"Actually, don't answer that. Its fine." You say as you turn around to the door. "Y/n--" but before she could say anything you were gone.
you felt a wave of embarrasment and shame come over you. You felt as if you screwed this up. You walk to your car and try to open the door, but your hands were shaky. you take breaths to calm yourself.
"I'll figure it out." you mumble to yourself as you finally open the car door. Okay, a plan. what will you do?
No idea.
you groaned and put your head against the steering wheel. You were completely clueless..how were you going to take care of a mini you when you can hardly take care of yourself some days?
You figured the best idea was to stop seeing shuri untill you figured out and processed all of this.
you rub your belly and bite your lip.
"Everythings gonna be alright.." you reassured yourself as you started the car, your shaky and clammy hands gripping the steering wheel.
You drove off from the lab, playing some chill r & b to soothe you.
Once you got to your house. you slumped on the couch and sat there in distress. you felt the tears prickling in your eyes, and your throat closing up. There was one question lingering in your mind. what were you going to do?
Your phone buzzed, bringing you out of your trance. you wiped your eyes and sniffled.
wyd tomorrow?
day after that?😏
busy all week
you threw your phone across the couch as you slumped there, being sorry for yourself. How could you let this happen. Messing with the princess of wakanda wasn't the best idea.. but somehow you couldn't let go. You craved her touch, and when she wasnt there you could still taste her on your lips.
The best idea was to avoid. avoid avoid avoid. Untill nessecary. Which would probably be..forever? she couldn't know about this baby. Not now , not ever.
weeks later
𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐅𝐈𝐃𝐃𝐋𝐄𝐃 with your fingers anxiously as you sat out in the waiting room, outside of the obstetricians office. You sat alone with your thoughts as the clocked on the wall ticked. Shuri had been trying to contact you for ages now, and your only choice was to decline and avoid.
You now were here for your first ultrasound, which was well overdue. suddenly, a secretary comes out.
"Y/n L/n?" she says as she looked around the room.
you got up from your seat and took a deep breath, your hands shaking. "Okay.." you muttered as you made your way to the office.
You had no idea what the gender was, and the pregnancy was slowly started to show on you. mood changes, morning sickness, and cravings. The belly was starting to show too, in which you had to hide with baggy clothes. Layering clothes was basically your best friend.
You walked into the office as the doctor smiled at you warmly. "Hi.." you said in a low tone. "hi y/n." She said as she put on her gloves. "Do you mind just sitting over there?" she says to you as she prepares everything for your ultrasound. you take a seat. she then adjusts the chair to make you lean back.
She starts the procedure by pulling up your shirt and putting gel directly on your stomach. she rubs the cold gel on your preganant belly. "Nervous?" she said to you, trying to make conversation. "Kinda." you chuckled. "Thats okay.. it's normal. You're not the only one." she grinned at you.
"Okay..." she says as she gets the sensor and puts it onto your stomach, moving it round. Suddenly something comes on the screen. your..baby.."Oh..oh my gosh." you say as a tear rolls down your face, hands over your mouth. you laughed softly. You start to sob quietly out of joy.
This was a moment you were going to cherish forever.
"It's just me and you." you said in between sobs, smiling.
"Would you like to know the gender?"
"No..no..I want it to be a surprise." you sniffled as you wiped your tears.
𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐄𝐋𝐄𝐕𝐀𝐓𝐎𝐑 𝐃𝐎𝐎𝐑 opened as you get to your apartment floor. You felt joy running through your body, but also waves of sadness.
You walk over to your apartment and put the keys in the door, the keys jangling. you walk in to see the lights on and someone sitting on the couch. It can't be..you drop your keys and walk backwards. "When were you going to tell me...sthandwa." she turns and gets up to look at you. "oh.." you mutter as you close the door behind you. "h..how did you get in here, Shuri?" you said shakily. "when were you going to tell.Me."
she picks up the trash can from your bathroom , and takes out the two pregnancy tests. "I..."
"This is why you were avoiding me?"
"I didn't know how to tell you." you sniffled as you felt the waterworks coming.
"..I thought it was for the best."
Shuri looks at you, attempting to stay strong. you saw her slowly breaking down, tears rolling down her face. "When did you find out? how far along are you?" she rushes to you, grasping onto your elbows, rubbing her hands along your arms.
"A couple weeks." you sniffled and smiled up at her. you take the photo of the ultrasound out of your bag and show it to her. she gasps softly as she takes it out of your hand to look at it.
she cries some more, tear drops rolling on the picture. "entle.." her mother language slipping off of her tongue. she puts it on the counter and gets on her knees, admiring yourbaby belly. she kisses it softly and looks up at you. she closes her eyes as another tear comes down, and you cover your mouth to stop you from full on sobbing.
the most beautiful moment you had ever experienced.
"Have you told anyone yet?"
"no.. i don't plan on it anytime soon."
"I'll wait for you. whenever your ready, I will wait for you."
𝐘𝐎𝐔 looked at yourself in the mirror and adjusted your hair for what felt like the fifth time in the past five minutes. "Relax babe, you look amazing." Riri reassured you as she walked towards the mirror, looking at you in the relfection. "You should go out there. Everyones waiting for you." she grinned. you give her a tight lipped smile back as she put her hand in yours. "you got this. it's your day." you nodded as she walked out of the bathroom, glancing at you and shutting it behind her.
"Okay." you mutter as you walk out of your hiding spot.
you walk over to the front of your babies gender reveal in awe. You couldn't believe it was happening. You felt calm and stress-free as you know there people who love you and care for you, meaning you didn't feel alone anymore.You felt a little anxious though. you rubbed your belly again and you looked down at your outfit, and admired yourself. You felt as confident as ever. you smiled to yourself as Shuri came up beside you, kissing your forhead. "I told you not to wear those death traps." you rolled your eyes as you knew what she was referring to.
"Heels aren't going to hurt the child, Shuri." you chuckled. "Plus, i look good, don't I?" you spun around to show the full fit. "Amazing." she smiled wide.
Shuri grabbed a pin, and you grabbed a balloon which had the words "Boy or girl?" inprinted on it. Family and friends gathered and smiled hopefully at the both of you.
"3..2..1..!" They all chanted along with you
Shuri pops the balloon, and suddenly everyone cheered in unision. Blue glitter spread in the air, meaning it's a boy!
You and shuri screamed excitedly, jumping up in the air. she picks you up and spins you around.
"Oh my gosh..Marry me."
your lips part slowly as you try to process the information you just heard.
"Marry me, sthandwa."
You nod as you were shocked you couldn't even say anything.
it was now you, your wife and your son.
A/n : sorry this took so long yall...chile what a mess. Anyways hope you enjoyed.
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bunnyluvs-blog · 1 year
"Who do u love" "I love Gyu"
Gamer!Beomgyu x roomate reader, non-idol au
Tags -- Fluff, irl games, Make out session, cuddles, cod, gyu is a rage quiter
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"WOOOO HEADSHOT" You could hear even if you were actually there. If was your lovely and oh so quiet roomate, Choi Beomgyu. The biggest nerd youve ever seen. He was dorky with his messy dark brown hair. If he wasnt busy playing games he was working or napping. Often falling asleep on the couch after watching a whole series of k-dramas. However dispite all of this, you found him to be darling. The chocolate haired boy never failed to put a smile on your face as he would smile at you when you brought him food during his midnight gaming sessions.
It was 10pm on a friday, which is a normal gaming beomgyu hour. You were at the gas station picking up some extra snacks for you and beomgyu. He paid just a little bit more then you for rent so it was the least you could do. You walked around the aisles, your phone lights up with a message.
beargyu !: "Can u pick up some sour patch kids plsss 🤤"
Y/n: "yes i can anything else ?"
beargyu !: "A MONSTER 👹"
Y/n: "original im assuming"
beargyu !: "u know me sm OK BYE"
You close your phone and pick of the sour patch kids and two monsters. Last time you only brought one beomgyu got mad because he didnt have one for the morning. Now you always get 2 monsters for him. You actually have a list on your notes app for all the stuff he gets from different places. Down to the amount of pickles he wants on his burger. You start heading back to the apartment. Its not far from where you and beomgyu live so you often just walk.
You get back home and place your keys down and kick off your shoes, placing the snacks on the counter. You could already tell he was playing Modern Warfare just by the noises the TV was making. You lay on the couch for a bit. Too tired to really move around. You were a sleepy girl, not much someone can do there, well besides sleep. Which is what you did for about 15 minutes before your phone was being blown up by beomgyu telling you to hurry up. For all he knew you were still at the Corner store buying him snacks. Sitting up and stretching for a bit, you got up to grab the snacks.
You made him some Mac n cheese so he could have real food and not just snacks. For some weird reason the owners if the apartment never thought it was a good idea to get a modern day stove, so it takes 25 whole minutes just for the water to boil a bit. and whole 40 minutes later, it was ready. You got the bowl of mac n cheese and his monster and knocked on the door before opening it. And there he was, your adorable roomate yelling at the TV because some kid shot him. Placing the food down on the table you tapped him softly. "Gyu i made you food so you dont starve yourself mk?" He looks at you brightly as if you were a genie from a bottle and closes his game. He never liked to game and eat, something about the food being too good he doesnt do his best. "Thank you! Your the best, omg you even got the right shape for the noodles. Its like you were made for me" He says, smiling widely before taking a big bite of the food. All you could do was smile.
Once he finished he put his bowl away in the sink then headed straight back to gaming. By now it was almost 12 and beomgyu was still gaming away. Yoy thought too bring the sour patch kids he asked for. Putting them in a bowl so he doesnt have to dig around for them, and removing all the yellow ones. Beomgyu never liked the yellow sour patch even though you loved them. You brought the candy to beomgyu, as he turns to look at you as he flashes his one of a kind smile. It makes your heart flutter like it always does. "Y/N you have my candyyy ugh howd you know i was craving them right now" He ask but its not really a question, you just smile and giggle. "Im just magic" you said to him "You're welcomeee" you say leaving the room. "Thank you, love you" He replied. Which made your heart stop. You had always had a little crush on Beomgyu if it wasnt clear as day. He was exactly your type and he was major cute. You never wanted to act on it though incease he didnt feel the same and one of you would have to move out because of your feelings.
You chose not to think about it. Maybe it just slipped out, Friends say i love you all the time, he probably wasnt even thinking. You scroll through your phone for about half an hour before you hear an angry scream and a door slamming, along with a very pouty beomgyu. He sits next to you pn the couch with a loud huff sound. "Oh no what happned" you say with a sorry look. "Some 12 year old just killed me in overwatch, he was actually cheating and he got the play of the game!" Poor gyu you thought for a bit before he laid ontop of you. He always does this when he loses a game. He comes to you with that adorable pouty face and cuddles you. "Is there anything i can do to make you feel better" you said softly, messing with his hair. It goes quiet for a bit and you think he's fallen asleep when you here. "You could kiss me" What. The words leave his mouth and all of a sudden your at a loss for words. He just said you could kiss him, AND IT WOULD MAKE HIM FEEL BETTER? "Only if you want me to.." you say softly in return. And that was all beomgyu needed before he shuffled up and planted a quick kiss on your lips.
Both of your faces turned red, beomgyus ears turning the same shade as well. Next thing you knew, you kissed him, deeper and more passionate this time. He returned the kiss putting his hands on your waist. Wrapping your arms around his neck. Your lips moved in sync with one another. Passion and romance filled the room. Beomgyu licked your lips as a way to ask to add tongue to the kisses, and you happily open up your mouth a bit to let him in. These kisses last for what seems only a fee minutes, but you both stop due to the fact that air is needed to be alive.
"Idk ive just always had feelings for you" he said softly, "I mean how could i not, your so pretty and sweet, and loveable. Your eyes are so soft, and you always seem to just know me its amazing." He lets his thoughts run free from his brain to his mouth. And you dont mind. "Like you get me food and hold me when in sad, you never judge me. You take out the yellow sour patch even thought i do like them, i just tell you to take them out so you can eat them because i know theyre your favorite. But i told you i didnt like them once, and that was 6 months ago" You couldnt help but giggle and give him another kiss. "Oh gyu your so silly, thats one of the main reasons i fell for you" you say smiling and plant a kiss on his forehead. You were so happy, nothing else was said that night as you and beomgyu fell asleep on the couch, not caring what back problems came the next day
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cyborg-franky · 2 years
Hi Franky :)) I love your writing and headcanons sm you're a huge inspiration to me I hope one day I can write as smoothly as you do! I've never been sure how to ask or request anything but I was wondering how you think the strawhats would react to being called babygirl by a male significant other? I was thinking about this yesterday and it cracked me up and I wanted your take too if possible! You dont have to of course and either way hope u take care and have a nice rest of your day or night!!
Oh thank you! that's very sweet of you <3 such lovely compliments aaah and I'm sure your stuff is good too so shhhhh, have confidence! and these were fun to do so I hope you enjoy!
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He sort of tilts his head and gives you a look, not sure what you mean by that but also not really that bothered.
Just decides you are in a silly mood and laughs loudly and calls you a baby girl also.
Now he thinks it’s your thing and always calls you baby girl. 
Everyone is confused it’s become the go-to for you and Luffy to shout at one another.
If she could crush you in the palm of her hand she would.
You can see the vein in her forehead and hear how she grinds her teeth.
Trust me, if anyone is the baby girl here it’s going to be you.
Doesn’t hesitate in kicking your ass.
Just thinks your silly and chuckles, and goes about her business like you’d say nothing.
If you try it again she gives you this grin over her book, one that promised she was about to make you the baby girl unless you drop it.
And you do because Robin will end you.
“What?” He says, not sure he heard you and he blinks.
“I said, come here, baby girl.” You said again and he huffs, cheeks going pink as he considers why you called him that in the first place.
But he doesn't mind it, he feels cute and precious and just goes along with it.
Will kick your fucking ass.
You will call him it once and get away with it.
After that prepare to have your head beaten with a very expensive leather shoe or launched over the side of the ship with a grumble of I’ll show you who’s a baby girl, shithead.
Not phased, just laughs and sips his tea, looking at you as you repeat it and he nods. “Perhaps I am, do you want to see my panties? YOHOHOHO.” And completely turns it on you and now you have no idea what to say or how to react.
He looks at you confused, arms crossed over his chest as he tilts his head slightly.
Was that some kinda human thing? Was it some kinda ‘young people saying’ or was it both?
Either way, he just ignores it and gives a good-natured laugh and slaps you on the back, telling you to go play with someone else.
“Did shitty cook tell you to say that?” He asks with a sneer on his face as he stands up from where he’d been napping, cracking his neck, and flexing his fingers.
“What? No?” You said and he’s already done listening to you, walking past you, enraged and you just hear the kitchen door slamming open and all manner of screaming and shouting and things breaking.
He looks at you, flips his shades up, and squints.
“Babygirl?” He repeats and you nod.
He hmmms about it for a moment before letting his shades sit back on his nose, turning to his work, and laughs. “Yeah alright, I can dig that.” And now you are confused about how this middle-aged man can be so chill about it.
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bonesandthebees · 1 year
hi bee I AM FINALLY READING UR QSMP ONE SHOTS WOOOO i've literally been meaning to forever 😭😭😭
it's just a constant war of procrastination between wanting to properly catch up on qsmp (even tho ik i could totally understand them without watching !! i just wanna get a feel for how the ccs act n stuff in character :o) vs needing to read all of ur fics .
anyways the procrastination of my essay due in two days has chosen for me LMFAOOOWAEFIJAWKE (don't worry i will work on it... just after a nice treat from ur latest one shot ^-^)
dadza knows his egg children :( i will cry i will sob
i loveee how you added in them speaking through sign language, that's so cool man !!! aaaaa and how personal it feels to both of them i'll cry eueueue
She was a natural-born storyteller, just like Wilbur.
He’d stared at the writhing mass of wires and binary code that wore his son’s face, and slammed his axe straight into its chest. Its blue eyes had turned green as lines of code ran behind them, only to fade to black once it was dead.
the IMAGERY ohmygod
Phil hadn’t felt anything but rage when he drove that axe into its chest. But maybe he should’ve felt more.
okay . maybe i will attempt my essay now that i've been refreshed with bee fic awesomeness o7
oh god no not an essay I hope you're able to get it done in time 😭
aaa thank you I had so much fun describing all the little ways the kids could've looked off in that stream. I was going for an uncanny valley kind of thing. there's nothing blatantly wrong, but it's just too many little things that are too perfect to be real.
I also had so much fun describing the sign language. I definitely struggle with writing signing in the sense that I always debate whether to keep the sentences closer to direct interpretations/translations or to lean into the interpretation side of things since the text is an interpretation of what they're saying and isn't exact. but when it comes to describing how someone signs like how their hands move and all I enjoy diving into that because it's essentially how you describe someone's tone of voice, but in a completely different way than what i'm used to. I just love sign language man I need to practice my own signing more
I was very happy with those lines you pointed out :) both the cuteness of the storyteller one, but also the description of phil killing the fake chayanne. I loved imagining how the binary monster chayanne and tallulah could've looked. like were they more magic or robotic? bc a mass of flying binary code technically would look closer to magic in a realistic setting, but I thought a more robotic vibe would represent what it is a bit more accurately
I love phil man I love his complicated feelings towards not having complicated feelings about killing monstrous clones of his own children like he's such a messy guy and keeps his emotions ten feet away from himself at all times i love digging into him
good luck with your essay!!!
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augustinewrites · 3 years
oikawa + first fight for @ufo-ikawa thank you sm for all your kind words you absolute sweetheart!
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once the argument’s over and the two of you have retreated to opposite ends of the apartment for some much needed space, you’re still the only one oikawa wants to talk to about this with.
you’re the only one that can tell him what he needs to hear, the only one who can call him an idiot and tell him to grow up, even when he refuses to hear it.
but you’re mad at him, and, fuck, he’s a little mad at you for being mad at him. unfair, he knows. sue him.
he’d just had a bad day. a bad week, really. his knee was acting up and he’d been benched from games until further notice, stuck on the sidelines with the pt during practice, not allowed to go to the gym or do anything too physically strenuous.
he’d been so frustrated, sitting on the side and watching his team lose without him at tonight’s match. and you were just...there. he’d been unfairly snappy and you’d gotten rightfully pissed, telling him to leave if he was so unsatisfied and unhappy.
and then you’d both fallen asleep pissed, which was one of the things you’d sworn never to do in your vows.
now it’s morning, his back hurts from spending the night on the couch, and he could really use a hug.
so, naturally, he calls the one person who is arguably the opposite of a hug, but will also tell him what he needs to hear.
“what did you do this time?”
oikawa bristles slightly. “why do you always assume it was me who did something?”
iwa sighs tiredly on the other end. “do you really want me to answer that?”
no, he didn’t really want to be kicked while he was down, so he just tells his friend what happened. about his knee, and about the fight, and about you.
“so, you called to tell me you’re an idiot?”
and he still, somehow, gets kicked while he’s down. “thanks, iwa,” he says dryly, using his shoulder to hold his phone to his ear as he sets about folding up the blanket you’d laid over him last night. “i know that. i was...unfair.”
he fluffs the throw pillows— you always hate when the living room looks sloppy. “and i need to apologize.”
“but she was mean to me too, iwa!” he groans, running a hand through his bedhead. he really hates it when the two of you gang up on him like this. “we both said stuff last night.”
“but you started it by being a jerk in the first place,” iwa states flatly. “you were so busy basking in your own misery that you didn’t notice it affecting her too, so of course she snapped. that’s what marriage is, isn’t it? you don’t go through things alone anymore.”
because he’d been so focused on the bad, he’d refused to see all the good that came out of this week.
being on the sidelines meant he got to leave practice early, coming home to help you cook dinner, rather than just eat it. being confined to the couch at home meant he could convince you to cuddle him longer and watch just one more episode with him before bed (which would turn to two, then five). being benched during games meant he got to sit in the stands with you, holding your purse as you cheered for his team.
you don’t go through things alone anymore.
you were there, suffering with him, supporting him, loving him when he was arguably at his worst.
“since when were you so wise, iwa-chan?” he sighs, heading to the hall closet to dig through his gym bag.
“since i got 12 psychology credits in university. now go make up with your wife before i fly over there and beat you up.”
“why are you wearing knee pads?” you can’t help but ask when you finally exit the bedroom to find oikawa in the kitchen, making breakfast.
he whirls around as if he’s surprised to see you, beaming as if you hadn’t kicked him to the couch just last night. “oh! you’re awake!”
he strides over to you, dropping to his knees and taking your hand in both of his and gazing up at you.
“i’m sorry for being a brat yesterday.”
“you were being a brat yesterday,” you agree, feeling his grip on your hand tighten slightly. “you hurt my feelings, toru.”
“i know,” he says weakly.
but you’d been a little mean too, and you know that.
and you know he’s sorry, because when you’d inevitably snapped at him, words tumbling from your mouth spoken in anger, you’d expected him to turn away. expected him to storm out to blow off steam or cool down.
but he hadn’t. he’d stood there, probably unaware of the guilty expression falling over his face until you were done.
and because you’d been so caught up in his anger in last night’s outburst, you’d looked past how great he was this week, in spite of his injury. an injury that momentarily put his career in jeopardy. he must have been so stressed.
yet he’d carried the groceries in from the store, hanging bags from his shoulders, wrists, and the crooks of his elbows so you wouldn’t have to carry a thing. not going to the gym in the morning meant he’d stayed up later than usual with you, the two of you laying on the couch cracking jokes and talking about the future.
because at the end of the day, you know he loves you.
so you let him apologize, kneeling down to lean into his embrace. you let him hold you tight and in turn, forgive you for saying some things he knows you didn’t mean.
and you smile softly to yourself when he tells you that there’s nothing you could ever say or do to make him walk away.
because for every moment that makes you want to leave, there are always dozens more that convince you to stay.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Just saw your little mix!reader au (LOVED IT) and I was thinking, what if y/n is kinda like Perrie aka the queen of leaking things and she's dating Tom and everyone makes fun of them bc they are THE couple that keeps spoiling/leaking stuff
Hello lovey!! Thank you for requesting and reading my other work, it’s very much appreciated!🥰 I love this request sm, omg. Happy reading, I hope you like it!💖
The King and Queen of Leaking
I had WAY too much fun with this request...enjoy!🥰
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It had been a regular day in your household. You were in the kitchen starting up on breakfast while Tom was in his makeshift gym doing his morning workout. You were just finishing up on the eggs when your phone pinged. Glancing at your phone you saw that it was a text from Jade.
Jade💜: Babes! Check you email ASAP!!!
The texts in the band’s group chat began to flood in making you curious. Have you all done something to get in trouble with management? Maybe it was an awards nomination? Turning off the stove, you place the last pile of scrambled eggs onto Tom’s plate. After you set the plates on the table, you pull out one of the dining chairs and sit on it, pulling out your phone to see more texts from the girls.
Perrie🦋: Oh.My.God. I CANT BELIEVE IT!!!
Jesy💖: I’m so so so SO proud of us!!! And our fans omg, they’re amazing!! I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!!
Jesy💖: Where the hell is (y/n)???
Jade💜: Probs busy with Tom👀🍆💦
Perrie🦋: Has she not seen the news yet??
Leigh-Anne😻: Based on her lack of response, I’m guessing she’s busy😉
You gasp once you read Jesy’s last message. Your fingers move rapidly across your screen, exiting the messaging app to open up your email. The anticipation builds up in your body as you refreshed your inbox. Your leg bouncing as the little circle that went around and around popped up on your screen. For the last couple of days and weeks, your fans have been streaming Sweet Melody to top the charts and get it to Number 1. It has only been 10 weeks since “Confetti” has been released and the album has been getting an amazing response. Seeing your fans’ determination to get the song up the charts made your adore them even more and you just wanted to hug and thank every single one of them. You guys had the most amazing fans in the world, though many celebrities claimed that theirs were the best, Mixers were the crème de la crème in your eyes.
Your inbox refreshes and the first email you see is from the Official Charts Company, a company that celebrated singles that reached number one on the charts. You click on the email and carefully skim through the paragraph. When you read that Sweet Melody had officially charted at number one you let out an excited squeal. Tessa, who has been sitting beside your seat, jumped up to her feet the same time you did. Your crouched down as she happily bounced around you.
“Number one Tess! We made it to number one!” You squealed as you gently squished her face. She let out a bark before licking your face.
“Let’s go tell daddy the news, huh? Let’s go!” You couldn’t contain your excitement, the feeling rushing through your veins. You felt like your heart could burst from all the happiness you were currently feeling.
You practically ran to where Tom was, your feet moving as quick as your heartbeat. Tessa’s nails clicked against the wooden floors echoing in the hallway.
Tom, who had just finished his workout, heard the commotion outside. Your excited squeals and the sounds of both your and Tessa’s feet getting closer to him. The stomps came to a halt once you stopped at the doorway of his “gym”. He looks up from his phone and looks at you expectantly. You were beaming, like the sun that brought light into the room. His expression mirrors yours, but his smile was a bit more confused.
“Hi darling, what’s up?” He asks, removing his AirPods and placing them back into their case. You squeal excitedly once again as you run across the room and stand in front of him. Though, it was as if your feet had springs in them because you couldn’t stop jumping. Tom looks at you amused but was still confused.
“(Y/n), what did you do, love?” He asks. Maybe you were up to something?
You stop jumping for a bit and unlock your phone, shoving it into his face. He moves his face back so his eyes can focus but ends up taking the phone from you because you were moving too much. As you dance around the room, Tessa joining in on your little fiesta, Tom reads the email to himself. Once he reads the news his jaw drops looking up at you with wide eyes.
“NUMBER ONE BABY!” You scream before running into his arms. A look of shock is on his face before he screams “YES!” at the top of his lungs. Your legs wrap around his torso as his arms support your back and your bum. He starts shaking his hips and jumping around just like you were as you both celebrated your band’s huge success.
Your cheeks began to hurt from smiling too much, but you just couldn’t keep it off your face. You were too happy to keep a neutral face so you continued to smile. Tom looks up at you with the most proudest expression. He knew how hard you and the girls worked on every song on your albums, so to see that hard work being rewarded made him feel immense amounts of joy for you all.
You began to giggle as you hid your face behind you hands, Tom still carrying you. “I can’t believe this actually happened, oh my god.” Your voice came out muffled but Tom could still understand you. He chuckled while he placed your feet back to the ground. You leaned your head against his chest while his hands rubbed circles onto your back.
“Of course it happened love, you guys deserve it.” He places a kiss on your temple while he swayed you guys back and forth. His cheek resting against you hair as he held you. Your excitement boiling down to disbelief at the news.
He moved his head and gently removed your hands from your face. “Look at me.” Turns out you were silently crying, your tear stained cheeks making his heart drop, but then he noticed they were tears of joy.
You sniffled, smiling when Tom wiped some of your tears away. His hands cupped your cheeks while his eyes gazed at you lovingly, “You have no idea how proud I am of you— and the girls. You guys have worked day and night for this album to exist. I’ve seen you guys write each song and saw how much thought goes into each one, you guys are fucking incredible. Look at how much success it’s getting, you guys did that.”
You laughed as more tears ran down your cheeks. You groaned throwing your head back and wiping them away, “Well, I couldn’t have done it without you. You’ve been so understanding with everything and you managed to be one of my biggest inspirations for writing. Thank you. I love you so much.” You beamed at him before crashing your lips against his soft ones. You felt his lips curve up to a smile as his hands held your face. You suddenly pulled away, Tom chasing your lips, still stuck in your little moment.
“Oh my God! We need to tell the fans! They’ve been streaming for weeks!” You pecked his lips once more before rushing out the room. The excitement entering your body once again. Tom looks down at your phone in his hands smirking. He turned to Tessa, “Give her a few seconds.”
“MY PHONE!” He heard you exclaim in the hallway. Your head popped from behind the entrance. You skipped into the room and took the phone from Tom.
“I love you!” You sang, kissing his lips again, then skipping out to the hallway.
Before you can post anything of the band’s new achievement, you opened the group chat.
(Y/n)🌻: First off, I was far from Tom’s dick, I was actually cooking😌
(Y/n)🌻: Second, I love you all so much!!!!!! I can’t believe we did it, the amount of pride I feel to be part of this band is astronomical right now! Nine years together and we’re still making it, I love you guys!❤️❤️❤️
After you messaged the girls, you opened up Instagram. Meanwhile, Tom had joined you, dressed in new clothes and fresh out the shower. He hummed at the food on the table and pressed a kiss to your forehead, his way of silently thanking you. He sat in the chair beside yours and began to dig into his breakfast.
“Do you mind if I film a video real quick?” You ask him, looking into the camera as you fixed your hair. Tom wipes his mouth and swallows his food.
“Go ahead, tell the world you’re number one.” He teased you. You rolled your eyes though your lips were curved into a smile. You prepared yourself before pressing down on the circle.
“Hi guys! So I’ve just found out some amazing news and I thought you guys might want to hear it too—“ Tom began to drum on the table, making you look at him in amusement.
“Oh, that’s a good idea.” You nod, approving of his actions. When he stops drumming and points at you, you look back to the camera with a giant smile.
“Guys...WE MADE IT TO NUMBER ONE! SWEET MELODY IS AT NUMBER ONE ON THE CHARTS!” You announced, voice bouncing off the walls of your house. Behind you was Tom, also cheering equally as loud while he pumped his fists into the air.
“Thank you guys so much! The girls and I love each and every single one of you, you guys are the best fans in the world and we are forever grateful for you. Thank you!” You blew a kiss into the camera before ending the video.
You watched the video over then tagged the girls and the group’s Instagram. You quietly hummed Sweet Melody to yourself as you clicked around and added some stickers to your video. When you were content, you clicked on share and turned your phone off.
“Alright, celebratory breakfast.” You sang as you grabbed your fork and stabbed it into a strawberry.
Tom chuckled beside you and nudged your shoulder, “Then celebratory sex after?” You hummed at his suggestion, eyes teasingly squinting at him.
“Give me time to digest first. Then celebratory sex.” When Tom agreed you laughed and dug into your food. Everything was going great at the moment. Your song is number one on the charts, your career is flourishing, you had four amazing sisters, and you had the world’s best boyfriend. It was as if nothing could go wrong.
~half an hour later~
Tom had you pinned to the bed, light kisses scattering along your skin while his hands rubbed your thighs. With clothes still on, he was snuggled in between your legs, finding comfort in the tight space. He managed to get your top off leaving you in that red lacy bra he adored on you. His lips ghosted between the valley of your breast and down to your belly button. His lips stopping right above your sweatpants. He tilted his head back a bit to drink in your appearance. Hooded dark eyes, laid out before him, that red bra making your breasts look irresistible, you were perfect.
“Look at my pretty girl. Aren’t you stunning?” His voice was deeper than his usual chipper tone. The tone brought butterflies in your belly, the vibrations of his voice going straight to your core.
“I’m all yours, Tommy.” Your hand finds its way to the brown curls that rested on his head. You gently guide his head back up and pull his lips towards you. Your lips connect, first gently and almost innocent, but full of passion. The passion burns more when he presses his hard on against you, roughening up the passionate kiss, your teeths clashing and tongues wrestling. You were lost in his trance until your phone tinged.
Tom curses under his breath as you both jump from the sudden sound. You quietly apologize and mute your phone, not bothering to look at the notification. When you lay back on the bed, Tom’s palms press against you cheeks as he crashes you lips together. His hands move below you, tugging off your sweatpants. He was about to remove the last layer of clothing separating you two when your phone continuously began to vibrate. On the other night stand, Tom’s phone began to vibrate as well.
Your boyfriend groans plopping his head against your stomach. You sigh apologetically, hands now stroking his bare back.
“We should get that, seems important.” He kisses your stomach, hesitantly dragging himself off you. You roll over to your stomach and grab your phone.
Jesy💖: We love you too my darling!! We miss you so much here in London:(
Perrie🦋: I would say let’s have a sleepover as soon as you come back from Atlanta, but the pandemic:( I miss you tons!!!🥺
Jade💜: I love youuuuuuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Leigh-Anne😻: You absolute gem, I love you❤️
Jesy💖: (Y/n) what did you tag me in?
Jade💜: Wait, I’m tagged too.
Perrie🦋: I didn’t get tagged :(
Oh wait, I see it :D
Leigh-Anne😻: Why do I have a bad feeling about what she tagged us in?
Jesy💖: (y/n)?
Jade💜: Jesus, she’s turning into Tom, smh.
Leigh-Anne😻: She’s always been like this lmao
Tom’s only made her worse🙄
Jade💜: I bet you NOW she’s busy with Tom
Leigh-Anne😻: Babes!!! Now’s not the time to be doing the deed with Tom!!
Jesy💖: Hold on let me text Tom too.
Your eyes widen as you read the messages from the girls. A string of “shits” with a mix of “fucks” fall continuously out your mouth. You struggle to turn around, getting tangled in the sheets. When you finally sit up properly you go to your Instagram and rush to your stories.
“Uh, (y/n)—“
“Yeah, I know, I know.” You frustratedly mumble as your thumbs fumble on the screen. You go to your story and don’t even hesitate to delete the video you posted just half an hour ago. Tom’s phone rings and you swear you hear him gulp. He answers it, putting it on speaker mode and holds it away from his ears.
“Tom Holland I blame you!” You hear Jesy’s voice through the phone. You double check if you deleted the story before turning your phone off and shoving your face into your pillow.
“I didn’t even do anything!” Tom defended himself, almost laughing. Honestly, as bad as the situation was, it was ironic how it was his girlfriend that leaked the news. You guys are really meant to be.
“The hell you weren’t! Literally drumming on the table, you div! I can’t with you two!” Jesy exclaimed. You knew she was joking by the tone of her voice. “Where is your girlfriend anyway?”
Tom giggle shoving the phone next to your ear, “My lovely girlfriend is right beside me.”
You hear Jesy gag, “Babe, did you even read the email properly?”
You lift your head from the pillow and take Tom’s phone. “No, I got too excited about getting number one.” You admitted pouting. Tom chuckles at you, moving to lay beside you. His arms wrapping around your almost bare figure and shoving his head in between your breasts. Nothing sexual but because they felt like soft pillows against his cheeks.
“They said they’re announcing it on Monday.” She informed you chuckling. You whined and facepalmed yourself. “It’s okay, hun. You were just in the moment, I know how you can get. Although, the fans absolutely love it.” She mentioned.
“Do they?” You asked stifling a laugh.
“Having an absolute field day, they’ve deemed you the Queen of Leaks. Apparently Tom’s been crowned as your king.” She teases. You feel Tom laugh against your chest, his shoulders shaking.
“Alright, I’ll go now, let you two get back to what you were doing. I suggest lurking through Twitter and Instagram, the fans’ reactions are hilarious.” You bid your goodbyes and hang up. Tom’s head pops up from your chest, “Can we please go through the reactions?”
“I was thinking the same thing.” You tell him already opening up Instagram. You go through your tags to see a bunch of memes. Tom shifts to sit beside you, throwing his arm around your shoulder.
Some fan reactions:
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Tom watching (y/n) make her video and being the supportive boyfriend he is🥺 They’re made for each other I swear
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The girls watching (y/n)’s story and finding out she just leaked the news. We stan our Queen of Leaks😌🙌🏼👑
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Tom realizing that (y/n)’s really the one because they both can’t keep secrets without spoiling them. This is why they don’t have good things smh.
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Jesy calling the police, not for Tom, but for her because she’s ready to shred that boy’s ass for turning (y/n) into him💀
You and Tom spend the rest of the day stuck in bed going through the different reactions from your fans. They were entertaining, making you and your boyfriend laugh at your fans’ humor.
While you sat in between his legs, your back against his chest, Tom leans down to nuzzle his face into your neck. He breaths in the scent of you mixed with your shampoo, something he would never get tired of. You feel that goofy grin press onto your skin making you look up at him.
“Why’s that look on your face?” You ask hun teasingly.
“Because the fans have a point.”
“That we both can’t keep shit to ourselves?” You laugh. Tom makes a sound of agreement pulling you closer.
“Well yeah—but when they say that we’re meant for each other, they have a point. You really are my soulmate.” The goofy grin on his face was permanently stuck to his lips. You giggled shifting to peck his lips. When he sees you struggle he meets you halfway, finally touching those soft luscious lips of yours.
“I guess I am.” You hummed contently, mirroring that lovestruck look on his face. There was no other person in the world that you’d be willing to spend this moment with. The more you stared into those honey brown eyes of his the more you believed your fans; he truly was your soulmate.
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lumothespadesman · 3 years
Chapter 3
Here we are again! Thank yall sm for the support once more!! Im really happy people like this idea :]
I finished this at 5am, this is a cry for help <3
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As they made their way over to the library, Charlie began to devise a plan in his head.
He had to get out of here. Condi and Bizly are likely not heard of here, as Fundy didnt seem to recognize them. But then why is he known? Did he have a life here that he couldnt remember?
His mental rambling was cut short when Fundy put a hand on his shoulder. "Now listen here," he muttered. "Whatever you told me about not knowing anything, you cant tell all that to him. Hes been in a really bad place since you went missing." The fox calmly explained. "And thats why I want you to just,, please play along. It cant be that hard, can it?"
Charlie rubbed the back of his head, furrowing his brows at him. "But... you said I acted differently. If were gonna make this convincing, what the hell am I supposed to do?" He remembered something along the lines of him digging himself into a hole, but... hes sure that wasnt all of it.
Fundy let out a long, silent groan as he tried to think of something. "You.... uhhh,, you always called him Quackity from Las Nevadas. Yeah! Thats the key thing. You need to call him that."
The two men were now standing at the door. But before they could finish up their plan, the door opened.
"Fundy I swear to god, who the fuck did you invite h-" a raven-haired guy stepped out his eyes immediately widening in shock as he looked up from the book he was reading. Fundy let out a yelp of surprise. "Oh- Quackity! Uh.." his brown eyes drifted from a surprised Charlie to the frozen man infront of them.
Quackity dropped the book he was holding. "S.....Slime?" He breathlessly whispered. Charlie looked down at the book. "Well,, thats a reasonable reaction." He felt a jab in his arm from Fundy as he said that.
Not even waiting a second, the short stranger sprinted forward, and tackled the God with a hug. "Oh my fucking god...." Quackitys voice cracked. "Youre,, youre back! Youre actually back!"
Charlie remaimed still, blinking. The last time he was hugged... god, it felt ages ago. "Its-" He looked back at the fox, who was furiously nodding. "Its good to see you again, Quackity from uh... Las Nevadas!" He was all for being a good actor, but when Its to decieve someone.. his skills start to lack a bit in that aspect.
"Im- Im sorry for not being able to save you back then." Quackity let go, wiping away a tear from his functional eye. "Those days were a fucking torture on me. And when I saw what you left behind, I thought I'll never see you again.."
The latter struggled to respond, confused by the new info. "Its,, okay..? Im not dead!" He actually died? What the hell did he leave behind?
"Fundy, where'd you find him?" The man now turned to the fox, who had his arms crossed the entire time. "Oh!" He started wagging his tail. "Well I was going to the forest to fish and stuff yknow, and I guess he just found me! He recognized me, so I took him here, knowing how happy you will be." He explained it proudly.
However, Charlie was frowning as the explanation went on. Hes,, making up half of the story. He also left out how they actually met. Though looking back at Quackity, he formed a genuine-like smile. "Thank you so much, dude." He simply said, turning back to the God.
"Welcome home, Slime."
After spending some time around Quackity, they were now carrying stuff to a restaurant apparently? He had no idea why. "Jesus, so many things have happened since you were gone!" The raven-haired man rambled. "I exiled Purpled from here because of what he did, I renovated some buildings and Im already making more! I've also built more gambling machines after a while, youre going to love them!"
Charlies expression got more and more tense as time went on. He didnt want to lie to this man, he wanted to tell him everything that Fundy didnt.
And so he did. "Quackity," he called, making the latter stop talking. He looked back at him, with slightly widened eyes. "...yeah?"
"I have to tell you something." He bluntly continued, adjusting his glasses. "Im... not who you think I am, actually." He settled the boxes down, since they arrived to the restaurant. "....what do you mean?" The smile still hasnt washed off Quackity, as he did the same thing.
"I mean that Im not,, I dont remember ever meeting you, or being here-" Charlie swung his arm around, to show what he means. "My memories come from a completely place and time."
The shorter man didnt look convinced. "Wha- haha, what are you saying? You were completely fine until now!" This response only frustrated the latter further. "I was acting! Fundy told me to. He fabricated the story of how he found me. We actually had an awkward mishap before he brought me here." He stepped closer, putting his hands together. "Please, believe me. Im not the Slime you know, and I need to find my friends." Charlie pleaded.
Quackitys smile slowly faded. ".....oooookay, I think you need to get some sleep after everything that happened today." He grabbed the Gods arm, alerting him. "What?! No, you have to believe me! Im not Slime!" He exclaimed, trying to break free of the others grasp.
"The immobile state you were in definitely fucked you up, Slime-"
Finally, Charlie wriggled out from the grip, and took a few steps back. "Dammit Quackity, Im not Slime!" He snapped, immediately realizing his tone and brought a hand to his mouth. When... was the last time he snapped like that? Was it when Grizzly made the pickaxe squeaky?
However, his gut said to keep going, so he did. "Im literally a GOD trapped inside my... my own body for some fucking reason?? Im just really confused, okay?!" The man said all that in one breath, letting out a big exhale afterwards. To this, Quackitys motherly demeanor cracked. "Wait... really?" He narrowed his eyes at Charlie.
He couldnt utter a word by the way he was staring at him, so he simply nodded. The shorter man looked back at the boxes, pushing it to a better spot. "Okay, hold on a minute. Hold here for just a fucking second." He muttered, rushing past Charlie. "I gotta talk to Fundy." The latter heard him add.
"Wait- wait, no! Dont tell Fundy anything about-.." he rapidly turned around, but to his dismay, Quackity already left the scene. "About,, all that...." he quietly finished his futile sentence.
Well shit, what was he gonna do now? He just revealed what he actually was to a guy he barely knows, and now Its gonna spread like wildfire! Charlie put his hands on his face, trying to not knock off his glasses, and let out a sigh. He looked back at the restaurant they stopped at. Perhaps he can chill out there for a bit?
The god made his way inside after putting the box he was carrying next to the other one. Unfortunately, he wasnt alone. Another figure sat right at the first table, pretty close to the door. "So, I heard your conversation." The stranger spoke.
"Wh- really..?" Charlie widened his eyes. "Yeah, the door was a bit open, didnt you notice?" The other guy replied. Its true, the door was slightly open when he came in.
"Thats besides the point though." The stranger spoke once more, standing up from the table. Wow, he was... actually taller than expected. "I know who you are," he pulled his shark hood down, turning around to face the latter.
"..Charlie Slimecicle, was it?"
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cloudraker · 2 years
🙈 Oh gosh, if you’re sure! I’ve always wanted to send in a matchup request cause they were one of the reasons I followed you in the first place. I just really liked your writing a lot and the matchup idea was so cool to me. But don’t feel pressured to do it, if you don’t wanna do matchups rn! I will not be disappointed, dw! I’d just send another in the future when they’re actually open.
This would be for MTMTE/LL! I’m a 5’10, bulky, masc nb with long curly dark brown hair and deep voice. I’m bisexual (I like any gender) and my love language is touch and quality time. I am extremely enthusiastic about my partner(s). It’s very important for me to regularly do stuff with or for them, and I appreciate ones that don’t mind public displays of affection or have a love language of receiving acts of service.
My hobbies are cooking, gardening, drawing, and writing and I love to do creative writing or drawing with my partner. My professional career was Sound Mixing for Film. I’ve moved to Database Programming for the pandemic, but my passion still is in Sound Mixing. My interests are historical mystery, biology (especially paleobiology and entomology), horticulture, retro tech, and food “tourism.” I keep terrariums of bugs and frogs and an excessive amount of indoor and outdoor plants.
I believe love is made, not found, so there’s few things that I would “dislike” in a partner as long as they’re willing to find compromises and work with me. What I dislike is messiness, a lack of courtesy for others (lateness / bullying / etc), pickiness with food, and a hatred of bugs. A hard no from me would be political or sociological disagreement.
hjdfhja I'm so glad you like my writing that mean's a lot thank you sm omg <33 and I'm glad you're finally able to send in a matchup :D
I match you with...
Under the cut for length :)
Hailing from a mechanical planet, she doesn't really have a whole lot of experience with organics, especially ones as small as insects. She takes an interest in your terrariums and how they work as well as how you take care of the critters inside. Lots of questions about everything, really
Finds paleontology as a whole super cool! Being mechanical, Cybertronians don't change over time the same way organic species do, and finds it utterly fascinating that you can dig up fossils and connect them to living creatures and see how they've changed over time
I see her as having physical touch and acts of service as her love language, so it’s a good match! PDA is something she is totally on board for, and has no problem giving and receiving affection while in public
Time spent together isn’t always doing something flashy, but instead indulging in your hobbies together. She’s got that book she’s writing, so writing together isn’t an uncommon activity. She joins you in tending to your plants, asking questions about the difference between that plant over there and the one you’re watering now, why you’re giving this one more water than the last one, stuff like that
She is,, very curious about everything
Tries to help you with horticulture by coming up with different ways of keeping your plants healthy in different environments
She agrees with you on the love is made, not found front. She understands compromises, and is always happy to work one out when the need arises. She’s serious about the relationship and she’s willing to put in the time and effort to make it work
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velvetcoves · 4 years
some V3 relationship HCs :) (boys)
(f/n)= first name <3
-mod velv
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★ anyway
★ Kiibo has a basic understanding of human nature, but there are things that he just.. doesn’t get
★ like.. why do you have so many cups?? don’t you need only a couple?
★ and yes, he supposes that rock shines, but why do you need it?
★ you’ll have to explain to him some of your nature, and most humans as well. he’s very interested in learning as much as he can :)
★ after he gets some of it, (which took a while), he’ll start collecting little things that remind him of you. like a crow
★ your reactions mean everything to him
★ if you have any games that require timing, i have one word for you.
★ Kiibo.
★ he can literally pass any levels you’re stuck on
★ did i mention he heats up?
★ even though he’s.. made of metal, he’s surprisingly very comfortable! however, there are times where some parts of him dig into you uncomfortably, but there are solutions :)
★ like sweaters!! and blankets
★ speaking of, i feel like Kiibo would have a love-hate relationship with winter
★ on one hand, he gets to see you in the snow, help you make a snowman, and keep you warm during the cold nights
★ but.. his body gets stuck more often.
★ and the metal gets cold quickly, and he doesn’t want you cold :(
★ but you just remind him of the sweaters and you’ve got a happy robot :)
★ whenever you two go out, he always has to be touching you in someway
★ it’s never something big, and most times you don’t even notice him until later
★ more often than not, his hand finds its way to your back
★ it’s now a habit of his, to kind of lead you with that
★ if his hand isn’t at your back, i feel like it would be somewhere on your arm. like a linked arm, or he’s holding your hand so he doesn’t lose you in a crowd.
★ ok but his h a i r?
★ can i be a simp for hair
★ he definitely would let you, and only you play with his hair. like braiding it, brushing, etc.
★ i feel like he would rarely call you by your actual name, because he uses so. many. pet names.
★ “angel, could you grab that for me?”
★ “dearest, come here for a second.”
★ stuff like that smh oh to be called dearest by Kiyo
★ he’d tease you sometimes as well
★ if you’re shorter than him, he’d definitely hold things above his head so you couldn’t grab them. and if you’re taller than him, then oh boy. he’d hide stuff from you. not important things, but stuff you’d need only in that specific moment.
★ he also really likes to play with your fingers lol it helps him concentrate
★ ok but just imagine.. Kiyo in the middle of a conversation, you’re not really paying attention as you’re screwing around on your phone. suddenly, Kiyo’s soft fingers interlace between yours, giving your hand a squeeze before he begins to play with your index finger as he continues to talk. tracing the shape of it into his mind. almost like he wanted to make a copy of you.
★ he could never try to replicate you, though. you’re so perfect to him.
★ Rantaro is definitely that dude that if you’re wearing a hat, he’ll pull it down over your eyes or he’ll just straight up steal it.
★ play with his hair plEASE-
★ his hair is soft, threads through your fingers rather easily, and smells like lime
★ y’all are that couple that has one’s head in their lap as they read or somethin, playing with the other’s hair.
★ he is also that dude that comes up behind you, covering your eyes with his hands as he whispers, “guess who?~”
★ Rantaro actually has pretty small hands, and they’re actually cold most of the time.
★ beware of him and his goddamn hands smh
★ he will definitely stick his hands under your shirt for “warmth” as he so says. you know that he just wants to see your reactions
★ he’s actually god at eyeliner, so if you need to wear some, he’s your guy. hey, the dude has sisters.
★ speaking of, his sisters absolutely ADORE you. usually when you go over to his house they just.. immediately snatch you for 99% of the time and Rantaro is just “😀”
★ he leaves you little doodles everywhere. like he’ll bring you a book you asked for, and like on the 120th page there’s a crow with heels and it's the funniest thing you’ve seen all day
★ he starts laughing when you bring it up, and eventually you both are just laughing so hard at it you can't breathe
★ he has so much fun when he’s with you. he can never repay you
★ steal his hat steal his hat steal his-
★ Shuichi is flustered rather easily when it comes to you, so use that information to your advantage hehe
★ expect lots of cuddles from him, especially those back hugs. like the ones where he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, leaning his head on top of yours if you're shorter, or against your back if you’re taller.
★ he’ll let out a small sigh of content as he nuzzles into your form, trying to keep his face hidden.
★ he finds your voice so soothing, especially when you read to him? like watch this:
★ you two are working on one of his cases together. your job is reading out his notes from the scene, your voice a low murmur as he works away. you haven’t noticed that he’s just.. stopped writing, staring at his pen as he begins to play with it. scratchy handwriting is what his eyes rake over, an adoring smile plastered to his face as he just listens. eventually you notice he’s stopped. “..Shuichi?” your soft voice asks, and he jolts a bit, grasped from his daydream. “a-ah.. sorry (f/n).. continue?”
★ more often than not it's your murmurs that causes the sleep deprivation to slap him in the face and just be knocked tf out.
★ helping him with cases is one of your favorite things?? like Shuichi you’re so smart give yourself some credit?????
★ every morning he greets you with a small smile. even though he’s still really tired, he makes an effort for you :)
★ i love funky detective man smh
★ b,, baby man,,
★ if you’re terrified of bugs, he’ll try to keep his little friends away from you, he doesn’t want to scare you at all :(
★ if you don’t mind bugs/you like them, he’ll be overjoyed!!
★ he probably has a bug named after you
★ more often than not, you’ll find them in your room or on your things. usually they’re really gorgeous, he says they remind you of him that day :)
★ he tries to switch up the bugs you find each day, so it’s always a little surprise when you enter your own room
★ ask him to carry you
★ he wants to carry you.
★ pl e a se
★ Gonta is also really warm, and his hands are HUGE
★ expect so many head pats from him. he loves how small you are compared to him
★ boops from Gonta? boops from Gonta.
★ this man straight up craves your cuddles.
★ because of his body temperature and scent of pine, it’s not hard at all to fall asleep in his embrace
★ i feel like he wakes up rather early, so he gets the pleasure of watching you sleep
★ not in a creepy way! he thinks you look so.. peaceful. angelic, is more of the word.
★ he absolutely LOVES seeing you in his clothes. just the way the cloth envelopes your tiny frame, you with your adorable smile and sweater paws?
★ god he loves you sm
★ when you two first got into a relationship, he rarely touched you.
★ he literally had no idea what to do
★ he lived all of his life on eggshells, scared of every coming day
★ and then you, his ray of sunshine, just came to him?
★ he’s just so lost
★ however, you knew what to do.
★ you basically taught him that no, you’re not going to disappear from his life at any given moment. you promise.
★ it took some convincing, but you got there.
★ anyway, he doesn’t show too much PDA, but he’s taken up the habit of grasping your sleeve when you two walk together
★ given the fact that you’re likely taller than him, this boy l o v e s your hugs.
★ the way you just envelope him in your loving embrace.. he feels like he doesn’t deserve it.
★ he might tell you so, but you quickly shut him up with a kiss or something :)
★ spooning spooning spooning-
★ he’s usually little spoon, but he’ll be big spoon if you want :)
★ Ryoma really likes being held by you. he feels like time stops, like all that matters is you in that moment.
★ he just feels so safe when he’s around you. he’s gotta get used to it
★ one time when you both went on a date, you accidentally found the main base of the stray cats in your town
★ they LOVED him and now you go there frequently to visit the cats
★ ya’ll definitely have a cat from there too smh you’re so cute
★ at the earliest stages of your relationship, i have two words for you.
★ good luck.
★ you are not safe from Kokichi.
★ you are targeted by him.
★ anyway, i definitely feel like he would be so clingy with you.
★ he doesn’t care that you’re in public, he will latch onto you and be a nuisance.
★ holding onto your sleeve, holding your hand, latching onto your leg so you have to drag him around, full on trying to tackle you, etc.
★ p i g g y b a c k r i d e s
★ if you don’t want him to completely annoy you, just hoist him up onto your back for a ride
★ he LOVES it
★ i also feel like he wouldn’t really know what he’s doing at first.. you make him feel so many things, emotions that he thought were buried a long time ago. it’s a bit too much for him
★ patience is key with Kokichi. please just wait for him. he’ll catch up when he’s ready.
★ but when he does? and when you’ve convinced him you’re not leaving anytime soon?
★ you have the most caring and lovable man right at your side.
★ he’s.. so soft with you.
★ Kokichi absolutely adores being held by you. probably the most out of the V3 crew. he feels so secure, so sure of your relationship in those moments. he sleeps best when you’re around, which he desperately needs due the insomnia that plagues him most nights.
★ quiet cuddles are such a treasure to you. he’s usually silent during your cuddle sessions, his head either in the crook of your neck or buried in your chest, inhaling your scent so he can imprint it to his mind. it makes you more in love with him.
★ also DICE adores you-
★ he is,, the biggest simp for you,,,
★ literally every single day, Kaito looks at you with the biggest grin on his face because every time he looks at you, he notices a new thing that makes him love you even more.
★ stargazing da te s✨
★ ^ these dates often end up with him going on a rant about the constellations and their movements, star types, etc. and you love him for it
★ his coat is so warm?? you wonder how he wears it 24/7
★ he absolutely LOVES it when you tackle hug him. he doesn’t even care if he was in the middle of a conversation, just feeling the sudden embrace of his s/o makes him melt.
★ those tackle hugs usually end up in him turning around and scooping you up, spinning you around before planting you back down and giving you a sweet kiss
★ PDA? he loves it
★ he NEVER would do anything that makes you uncomfortable though.
★ your PDA mostly consists of hand holding, hugs, all that soft stuff :)
★ he would definitely have to do a double take if you ever wore his jacket.
★ “hey (f/n)? where-“ and he’d just s t a r e at you, his face going ablaze in red
★ he’s like that Tamaki gif
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★ yeah that one ^
★ more often than not, you get piggyback rides from him
★ the gentle rock of his body as he walks, his overall warmth, his scent of lavender.. it’s perfect to lull you asleep.
★ he wouldn’t have it any other way :)
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datk-popblog · 4 years
NCT Dream as Your Boyfriend
(not a request! I thought I’d do a little write write for you guys haha❤️)
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He’s such a loving boyfriend. Like he’d do anything to show his affection for/towards you.
Whenever he’s super busy with comebacks or just work in general; he’ll ALWAYS make up for it.
Like for example. If he missed 5 days to spend time with you, he would spend 5 days on little dates with you. It’s the little things he does.
The boys always mention how much he talks about you and omg he gushes everytime.
“What can I say? I’m obsessed with her!”
Cute little nicknames for you like “lovely,” “Buggy bear,” “Honey bee,” and “Doll face”
He likes to make you dinner a lot. Like a lot a lot.
“This is the fourth time you’ve made me dinner in the same week, babe.” “I can’t let my wifey starve!”
He was the type to get your relationship very open to the members but very secret in public.
Renjun always wants to protect you from the hateful critics and what they have to say about your guy’s relationship.
When it came to meeting each other’s parents; man oh man he was a wreck.
“Are they gonna like me? Especially your dad! I have to look very clean and nicely dressed. I can’t look like a jerk!”
He wouldn’t shut up about how nervous he was gonna be the entire ride. It got so bad it started making you overwhelmed and nervous😭
On his days off, he literally took you anywhere you wanted to go.
The spa? He’d get a mani pedi to pamper himself too because he’s a supportive boyfriend so why tf not.
Even dates to the amusement park? Like one day he’d be like “it’s my day off, so, let’s go to the park.”
Even dates to South Korea’s fanciest restaurants like omg.
When it’s sexy time, he knows what you like and how you like it delivered.
One day he found out you can squirt and he’s literally been making you squirt over and over ever since.
Yeah, Renjun looks very innocent on the outside with a dash of glitter to him; but when you two are alone he MANHANDLES the fuck out of you.
Sometimes he doesn’t mean to hurt you. He just is really rough and it comes off super duper aggressive.
After sexy time, he ALWAYS ALWAYS makes sure to nut in your mouth. Whatever position you guys are in, he’ll turn you around or stand you up.
He just loves watching his liquids drip from your lips. He gets off looking at it.
After sex, he’d cuddle you so so hard. Like he’d fuck the hell out of you, but wants to be little spoon? Like dude wtf
“I love you soooo much my lovely.”
Ugh omg just hold this boy and cherish him
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He’s such a tease boyfriend and it SHOWS.
He likes to brag about how hot you two look together (and y’all do look hot PAUSE)
“That’s my baby. Her fine self!”
He enjoys bringing you to his practices. He knows you like to watch him dance
Sometimes you’ll be there at the studio for hours and you’ll get super tired.
“I’m sorry I’m taking long baby girl. We’ll be home together soon.” He’d tell you then go back to practicing
The one special thing about Jeno is that he’s soooo reassuring. From little compliments to accomplishments.
He loves to praise you for how much you’ve done and how good you take care of him
“I love you so much. You’ve done everything for me.”
Like if you passed a test or something from school, he’d take you on a date.
Even if you didn’t pass the test he’d still treat you because he loves you so much!
Jeno likes to leave little love notes around your guy’s room. It’s like a scavenger hunt. You’ll find them behind the tv, under your pillow and bed, in your shirt drawer. Literally everywhere.
When it came to announcing your relationship to the world, he wasn’t afraid. He did NOT care at all. Regardless of what the company said. SM told him to wait at least one year and he did it after 6 months.
“I know you’re meant to be my forever. I can feel it in my heart, babe. I know you are.”
When it came to sex, he was super super sweet and slow. He loved taking his time with you. He wasn’t dominant but was when it was the right time.
Lovesssssssss to suck your toes.(IK ITS WEIRD BUT HE LOVES IT!!!!) He loves tf out of your feet???
For your guy’s first time, Jeno put roses on the bed and serenaded you with a guitar and literally had you meLTINGGG.
“I love you so much. Whenever you’re ready; I’m ready.”
He liked for you to be dominant sometimes but would never force you. He never forces you into doing stuff you never wanna do; especially during sex (or in general)
After sexy time, it was shower time together.
You both just hugged one another in the shower and let the water run over you both. And during all this, his thick arms just embraced your frame.
When you were in his arms you felt loved and at home.
“You know I love you right?” “You tell me all the time, Jeno. I’m aware.” “I just love saying it.”
(Jeno is my bias so this made me feel so lonely writing his section. I hate it here😭)
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Haechan is known as the sassy one but in the relationship that’s literally how he is. It’s the Gemini in him.
Don’t be surprised if sometimes he has an attitude. He just had a bad day at work.
“I don’t mean to yell or snap at you. You know I love you, baby.” And he’d hold you so so tight
You guys wouldn’t ever argue sometimes but if you did you both would ignore each other.
Then the other mates would have to fix the issue with you both.
“If you guys don’t stop with the petty shit!” -Renjun
Haechan LOVES your kisses.
If you didn’t kiss him in a certain amount of time he’d fake cry and stomp his feet.
“Jagi~~!! I need your kis-“ “omg there. Be quiet”
When he was gone for work (for literal months) it was so hard for you guys to maintain a good long distance relationship.
You guys would FaceTime all the time but it was never the same because you wanted him in person.
“I don’t know the next time I’m able to see your face. I miss you a lot though, baby girl.”
You would see Haechan all the time and how good he was doing on the web but omg YOU MISSED YOUR BABY
Occasionally he’d come back home and stay with you for as long as he needed to.
“You should travel with me and sing with the group. A female touch would be awesome.” “Haechan, I love you, but I’m not singing with 127.”
Soon enough he convinced SM to bring you wherever he went so now you’re with the boys. All. The. Time.
“You’re my new assistant, Y/N. I demand a bottle of water.” “Kiss my ass, Haechan”
SEXY time with Haechan ooooooo chile
He likes to lift you up and hold you against the wall and kiss your neck.
Or even doggy style. Haechan just loves the view from the back.
Whenever he hits it from the back, he digs his fingers right at the bottom of your back. Or even grabs your shoulders to go in deeper.
You only know when he’s close when his body starts slowing down and you feel his body jerk.
“I wanna nut in you so badly, Y/N!” “Well don’t do that.”
Eventually he nutted in you and you had to take a plan B. So that’s that
“I told you not to do that to me, babe.” “I couldn’t just hold it back. It came out.”
After 10 months of dating, he bought you a promise ring. Seems quick but he KNEW it was meant to be. He’s not letting you go; no matter what.
“Soon, I’m gonna turn that ring into an engagement ring.” Haechan smiles
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone more affectionate than Na Jaemin
He’s such a loving boyfriend like super loving
Before you would go to work, he would pack your lunch and make sure to add little hearts and notes in your lunch-bag
His little notes would say something like: “I love you so much my honey bear,” “Have an amazing day at work. DONT overwork yourself.”
If you went somewhere without him, he would be a little offended but would end his disagreement w/ a “text me when you get there. I love you.”
and holy fuck if you did NOT text him, he’d lose his mind
you guys have each other’s locations
when Jisung was around, it was literally a competition for whoever gets Jaemin first.
Jaemin would occasionally pick Jisung over you. He’s fake and it shows
“where’s all the love and attention I need?” You call out.
“Baby, you have to wait your turn.” -Jaemin
when you guys argued, he would literally feel so guilty. especially if you had reasons to be pissed off.
like you would have receipts and he’d just cry. not to play victim, but because he wouldn’t ever want to hurt you emotionally, or physically.
“I’m really sorry...I promise I won’t do it again.”
he made it up by kissing you endlessly.
sexy time with Jaemin was everything you desired it to be
little comments in-between sex like: “i love you princess,” or “do i make you feel good?” 
okay but Jaemin is more of the submissive type. he rarely gets dominant with you.
“i’m tired of riding you jaemin. my legs hurt.” “don’t worry, babe. lay down.”
like he KNOWS how to put it down
like he knows what he be doing too like wtf man
Jaemin makes dinner practically every night. this man is never not cooking.
“do you want pork or soup tonight?” “how about pork IN the soup?” “Y/N, I love your thinking.”
Jaemin as your boyfriend>>>>>>anything else
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Chenle likes to wake you up with breakfast in bed
even though sometimes he can burn the food or miss an ingredient
“how does it taste, baby girl?” you smiled and kissed him
Chenle was very very giving
he would always buy you something (RICH CHENLE CHECK)
little trips to the mall, coffee shops, jewelry stores
“babe do you want this?” “Chenle, I don’t need-” “Grab it. I’ll get it for you”
he brags to the dreamies about you ALLLLLL THEEEEEE TIMEEEEE
“you see Y/N as my lock-screen? isn’t she so frickn beautiful!”
“Chenle, you’ve mentioned Y/N about a hundred times” -Haechan
“And I don’t regret it.”
if you guys are far away from each other he’ll always ft you. there’s never not one day he’s not talking to you
“holy shit. I miss you so much. I’m going insane!” “Chenle, it’s just three more weeks.” “I can’t even go 3 minutes without thinking about you.”
since you guys have a studio apartment together in South Korea, he does surprise pop up visits
he’ll literally be sitting on the couch and scare the shit out of you
“Chenle, you didn’t tell me when you were gonna be home!” “I thought I’d surprise you when you come home from work.”
When he came home, you guys made love. Like he was holding it in for YEARS!!!
Chenle is rough af when the times right. Like especially when he hasn’t seen you in so long.
“Tell me when to slow down. I don’t wanna hurt you.” He whispers in your ear
He likes to kiss your neck and leave hickies when he’s on top. HE ENJOYS LEAVING MARKS ON YOU
He’s very demanding
“Tell me you love me. Tell me, Y/N. Say it, baby.”
Sometimes he gets tired and makes you ride him. And when you slow down, he grabs the fUCK OUT OF YOUR HIPS
“Chenle, I cant go any faster. My thighs hurt.” “Here let me help you.” AND BOOM. HES ON BEAST MODE
As soon as you guys finish, he cuddles you so hard and rubs your booty. He doesn’t care to put boxers on after sex because he’s just so comfortable
“That was so amazing. When’s the last time we’ve done something that well together?” “Chenle, I don’t know. You’ve been gone for 3 months.”
“Yeah but how’d you get so well.” “Chenle what?!”😭😭
If you guys rest long enough; he goes for round two. There’s nothing holding this kid back. HE WILL FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF YOU BC HE MISSED YOU
If you guys ever have small arguments it would literally be for five minutes and boom. You guys are best friends????
he hates arguing with you because he feels it’s a “waste of time” and it ��emotionally hurts the relationship”
which he’s not wrong because who would want their relationship ruined on stupid arguments
“Y/N quit ignoring me and make out with me.”
he’s just never around you anymore so it’s just a bunch of orgasms built up
Chenle is awesome in all the right ways. This kid is the best boyfriend.
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I’m pretty sure Jisung has told you and other people hundreds of times he’s gonna marry you.
“you have no idea how much I fucking I adore you, Y/N.”
yeah he’s the baby of the group, but you’re HIS baby.
“Jagi! You have to eat something! I’m not letting you go anywhere til you eat!”
he’s very very caring. sometimes he doesn’t show it in a talking way, but through his actions; it speaks so much louder.
Jisung can be a little awkward sometimes. especially around the members.
If you were to kiss him when the dreamers were there, he would get super red and would be on hush mode.
“Jagiiiii~ You aren’t supposed to do that. You know how I feel.” “But you and I both know how much you love it.” You smiled
when he first met your family, he was very scared. I mean like sweating through his dress shirt scared.
“Jisung, baby. they’re gonna like you a lot, okay? Don’t be so nervous.” “Yeah, but what if they ask me a question and I don’t respond? Imagine if your dad asks me what my intentions are with you? What the fuck am I gonna say?”
he literally shakes when he meets your mom but not your dad???
after he met the fam, they loved him a lot
Jisung is the sweetest person how can anyone NOT love him. like cmon
when you guys came out to the public, he took you E V E R Y W H E R E
and i mean everywhere
You were his date to music awards, debut stages, game/talk shows, etc.
Jisung loved bringing you everywhere with him. He says it makes him feel safe and at home every time he’s with you
(i wish someone felt that way about me. ima cry)
(this next part im NOT getting into detail. ik how lots of you feel about baby Jisung therefore it’ll be not so r-rated)
love making with Jisung is the softest thing ever.
before he does ANYTHING to your body, he ALWAYS makes sure you’re okay with it.
“Baby, you know I’ll always put your feelings first. I love you.”
He wasn’t rough(unless you asked or begged) he was always gentle
whenever he was on top, he liked to bury his face into your neck and give you neck kisses and soft nip at your ear
whenever you rode him, he’d just grab your hips and does the work for you. he knows how tiring it can be for your thighs so he goes all out by helping
his soft mOANS ARE TO DIE FOR. like literally he lets loose when it’s private time
moral of the story; find yourself a Jisung bc you won’t regret it.
It’s been WAY too long since I posted. I’ve been working full-time at my job now and saving up for a car ! Im super excited for myself guys omgggg. I missed you guys so so much
xoxo Jay
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sluttyten · 5 years
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summary: you and mark hate each other, but that line between hate and love is really so very thin
words: 4,394
tags: knifeplay, blood play, dry humping, penetration
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When SM decides that there should be a female subunit of NCT, you’re one of the members. At first the guys hate the idea of there being female members, but it doesn’t even really matter because your subunit operates almost independently from the rest of NCT. Until one day your manager tells you that NCT U is having a comeback and they want you to be in it.
You’ve met the guys before of course, but you’ve never really practiced with them or even had like a full conversation with any of them. Until now.
The unit is made up of you, Mark, Yuta, Doyoung, Renjun, and Hendery, and one other girl from the female subunit. And instantly, you and Mark don’t get along. Maybe it’s due to a bad first impression or something, but you just grate on each other’s nerves, but it seems that Mark really can’t stand you at all.
Before you met him, before you were in the group, you knew who Mark Lee was. You’d seen videos and stuff of him and he always seemed so nice and sweet and friendly. But now you definitely see that he’s not like that at all. You can’t believe that you were lowkey biasing him before you were actually in the group. Like he’s still very visually attractive but everything else about him…
At some point you’re doing a little bit of overseas promotion for the group, so you’re all staying in a hotel. It’s fun to get to travel overseas with the group and it’s your first time doing so, therefore when you’re talking with the other girl in the group you’re both being loud and laughing, enjoying yourselves on this trip. You’re talking with Hendery and Yuta as well since they’re friendly, but Mark just glared at you, not even a part of this conversation, and he tells you to shut the fuck up. Specifically you. Not your other girl group member, not Yuta, not Hendery. You.
You do shut up, but you sit there internally seething, arms folded as you glare at the back of his head, and just radiate all of your anger, hoping Mark feels it. You can’t stand him, he makes you furious, and it just races through you, violent urges appearing in your mind like pushing Mark up against a wall or maybe having him push you against a wall, hands rough on him or maybe him being rough back with you, and then your imagination shifts and suddenly it’s not just pure anger—the urges in your mind shift the visualization to Mark’s bare shoulders under your hands, his hips against yours.
It’s fucking stupid. Hate and lust are so easily tangled together for you.
Just a few days later, you’re just generally pissed off. You didn’t sleep well the night before because the other girl was talking in her sleep, plus you’re just still mad at Mark for telling you to shut the fuck up, and you just feel angry and frustrated at yourself for your mind creating scenarios that turn sexual every time you want to be mad at Mark.
So, when you’re coming back to the hotel from a performance, neither one of you is actually in a good mood at all. Everyone’s keeping their distance, and as you walk toward the bank of elevators in the hotel lobby, the rest of your group members hurry ahead and the staff members drag behind, but you notice none of this until you’re already in the elevator with the doors closed behind you.
It’s just you and Mark.
“What the fuck.” You groan, turning your back on him.
Mark makes an equally dissatisfied noise as the elevator shudders to life and begins rising. It shudders again and stops. You wait for the doors to open, for some poor hotel guest to step into the hostile air of this elevator, but nothing happens.
The doors stay closed.
And then the lights flicker.
“What did you do?” Mark asks, moving over toward you to move you out of the way so he can look at the panel of buttons you were standing in front of.
You frown at him, wrinkling your nose at his close proximity. “I didn’t do anything. Why would I? You think I want to be stuck in here with you of all people?”
Mark snarks back, and you are just not in the mood at all to deal with him, especially not in light of this new situation.
You shove him.
Mark stumbles backwards until his shoulders hit the opposite wall of the elevator. For just a second his eyes are wide and confused, but then that look disappears and he’s sneering at you, like a challenge.
You close the distance between you, press your hands to his shoulders to keep him pinned like that, but Mark just keeps staring right back at you without any shame or fear or anything more than like this look of satisfaction. As if he’s been waiting for you to snap like this.
And that infuriates you.
“I fucking hate you.” You spit the words, but Mark just smirks.
When you first moved to Seoul, when you left your family behind in pursuit of your career, your father slipped you a gift before you got in the car to leave. “Don’t tell your mother,” he’d whispered. “I just want you to be safe. It’s a big city and there are dangerous people.” He’d pressed the gift into your hands, hugged you tight, and let you climb into the car that would take you away from them.
It was a while later when you finally looked at the gift and found that it was a switchblade he’d slipped you. At first it seemed over dramatic. You would just carry like pepper spray or something. But within your first week in the city, as you walked home alone from the convenience store one night, you wished you had the blade, so you began carrying it.
And even now, a few years later, with bodyguards who protected you, you still carried the switchblade.
You leave one hand on Mark’s shoulder, pinning him to the elevator’s wall, and your other you dip to your waist.
Mark hisses in surprise when you press the cold metal of the blade against his throat. Not hard enough to do any damage, just enough that he feels it’s presence, the sharpness, the threat.
It’s a risky move and you realize it the next second. Mark could freak the fuck out, report you to your managers for threatening him with a weapon. You could be terminated for this.
Luckily, Mark just swears under his breath, and you feel his fingers curl over your hip as he tilts his chin up to expose more of his throat.
Heat unfurls in your belly. The whole atmosphere in the elevator changes. Your pressed against every inch of Mark, your blade grazes his throat when he swallows. When he moans and shifts his hips forward, just enough that you can feel something hard against you, you drop everything, step back.
“Are you turned on, you sick fuck?” You stow the switchblade back in your waistband, noticing the way Mark’s eyes follow it. And though your tone is accusatory, you push away the voice in the back of your mind that reminds you that you’re turned on too. That heat is just pooling inside you; you can still feel the ghostly warmth and weight of Mark’s body against yours, feel the thrill that zipped through you as you held a knife to his throat and he liked it.
The elevator shudders again and moves, smoothly this time until it stops on the floor where your rooms are. You leave the elevator, slipping out before the doors are even all the way open.
You hear Mark leaving behind you, and then you hear the beep of his hotel room unlocking and the soft sound as he falls shut behind him. You shape your head, trying to clear your thoughts that invade, telling you to walk back to his door, to knock and go inside, to just let the list consume you and be fired by that hatred.
Your roommate is sitting on her bed when you come inside your room, and she glances at you sneakily a few times before saying, “What took you so long? We were making bets in our elevator on if you or Mark was going to kill the other first. I don’t see any blood or anything, so I’m only assuming that he’s alive too?”
“Yeah. Our elevator stopped for a couple minutes.” You dig into your suitcase. “I’m going to shower.”
She doesn’t say anything else, just watches you gather your clothes and go. And you’re grateful for the silence because it lets you run things back in your mind, repeating every encounter you’ve had with Mark to date. Is there something you’ve missed? Some detail that showed to you that he would like you holding a knife to his throat like that?
You think about it in the shower until your roommate knocks on the door and says she has to pee. You think about it more as you lay in bed in the dark, your roommate’s sleep-talking making you incapable of falling asleep. Though the thoughts running through your mind could also be to blame for that—how could you sleep when you’re thinking again of Mark’s moan, his hips rolling forward to grind his erection against you.
It’s after one in the morning when you decide you can’t stand it anymore. You pull on a sweatshirt, slip on some shoes, and you tuck your blade into your waistband again.
Mark’s rooming alone. You know that because everyone had made a fuss about it. The other guys hadn’t wanted solo rooms, but Mark won the draw. So you know there’s no one else there to disturb when you walk over to the door. You consider knocking, but it’s late and the noise will echo, it could wake someone else up.
As you stand there contemplating what to do next, your hand raised as if to knock, someone walks up beside you.
“What are you doing?” Your manager asks.
You jump, drop your hand down to your side. “Oh God, you scared me. I’m just—I was coming over to apologize to him. We were arguing in the elevator earlier, and I’ve been thinking about it instead of sleeping, and I just want to apologize. But if I knock it could wake up everyone.”
Your manager, who you know hates that you and Mark don’t get along, smiles. “I think apologizing is a great idea.” He reaches into his pocket, sorts through a few room cards, and then hands one over. “Don’t take too long apologizing, okay? And please don’t make it into a bigger argument. We have a schedule tomorrow that you need to be well rested and on your best mood for, okay?”
You nod, swipe the keycard, and then open the door before handing back the card and watching your manager walk away.
The room is completely dark once the door closes softly. But you stand there for a moment and let your eyes adjust to light offered by the city, shining in through the window since Mark had barely drawn the curtains.
He’s in bed, asleep on his back, so you move carefully as you crawl onto the bed, straddle his waist, and then pull out your switchblade and press the button on the side of it.
Mark’s eyes fly open when he hears the snick of the blade opening. You put the blade to his throat in the same move, quickly quieting him, though he still whispers your name, his voice raspy, surprised and turned on. His hands are on your thighs, his eyes are wide and shimmer in the faint light.
Slowly his lips form into a smile. “Did you come to hurt me?”
You don’t answer him, just carefully draw the tip of the blade over his throat, over the soft skin under his jaw, right to his chin so he angles his face up. You reach with your free hand to touch his hair, brush your fingers through the gentle curls on the top of his head. Your heart pounds in your chest, this close and this intimate with Mark.
“You know, before we were in the same group, I used to really think you were hot. You were my favorite in NCT.” You explain softly. “But then the first time we met, god, it was nothing like I expected. You were totally different than your image, and then the next time was worse. You weren’t nice to me, and I didn’t know what I did wrong. Since then it’s only gotten worse for the two of us, but, shit, you’re still very, very attractive, Mark Lee.”
You nod, and say nothing, just slowly roll your hips down over his dick. His fingertips skin up your thigh, dipping under the edge of the shorts you’d worn to sleep in. Your pussy tingles with desire, but you’re in charge here and you want him to feel that.
You sit up, moving your hand with the blade away as you drag Mark upright as well with your hand in his hair. You keep that hand in his hair, but your other goes to his shoulder, and in the moment before you kiss him, you hear Mark’s breath catch and then pick up, and he lurches forward to press your mouths together, a moan slipping from his lips.
You slide the blade over to press against the base of his neck, and Mark groans, his hands on your skin twitch as if to draw your down against him. You sink down against his cock growing hard in his shorts, circle your hips and bite his bottom lip.
“You’re so weird, Mark. Does this turn you on?” You drag the blade down over his collarbones to the neck of his tshirt. “A sharp blade against your throat, a girl who you hate sitting in your lap and wielding it?”
He hums. “Love it. I think I’ve—“ Whatever else he was going to say fades away as you kiss him again.
The tip of the blade snags against the neck of his shirt, and the fire ignited in your belly tells you that maybe it’s time that you just get rid of the shirt all together. You’re pleased at the east slide as your switchblade cuts just right through the fabric. Mark makes a startled sound, but you shush him and kiss him some more until the blade slides sideways and refuses to cut anymore of the shirt.
You sit back on your heels, drop the knife to the side, and grab his shirt instead. Mark watches you with his bottom lip caught beneath his teeth, and you tear his shirt the rest of the way apart. It falls down from his shoulders, leaving Mark’s bare chest in front of you.
When you lips touch his collarbone, Mark makes another quiet contented sound, but the farther down his chest you kiss and lick, the less quiet he gets. When you reach the base of his sternum, he tries to rock his hips up against you, so you press a hand to his shoulder, and push to get him to lay flat again.
You pick up the blade once more, slide it down the center of his chest as you sit up on his hips. Mark watches you closely, try not to breathe too hard when you skim the blade close to his nipples, and when you have it near his abs, he flexes them.
It’s when you start to slide back from his hips, bringing the knife closer to his waistband, that Mark squirms.
“Relax.” You palm his dick. “I’m not going to cut this off or anything.” He pulses in your hand, and you give a gentle squeeze that has Mark closing his eyes and biting back a sound. “Unless you want me to really cut you? The thrill of the knife itself isn’t enough for you, is it, Mark?”
He shakes his head.
You move the knife back up his chest. You hesitate, not wanting to do it in the wrong spot or too deep or anything actually dangerous to him.
“Don’t tell me you’re pussying out now?” Mark asks.
“Of course not.” You touch the tip of the knife to a spot on the right side of his chest. “I’m just building the tension. I know you like it.” You pump your hand over his clothed dick again.
“Then why don’t you just—“
For a moment you think maybe you didn’t actually cut him at all, then a fine line of blood wells up on his chest. Mark hisses, his dick moves in your hand. You drag your thumb through his blood, smearing it over his chest, and you realize your pussy is dripping wet. You didn’t know that you were really and truly into this knifeplay or the blood until right this second.
Mark almost whimpers when you press your thumb against the cut again. “Fuck, fuck. This is hot.” He rocks his hips up into your hand.
It’s a shallow cut, already it’s stopped bleeding.
Mark rolls his hips, trying to get more friction than your hand is offering. When you bring the knife down to his abdomen again, he goes still, but you can almost feel him quivering with the need to move, held back by the thin sliver of the knife’s edge.
Quickly you drop the blade, put both hands to the waistband of his shorts and his underwear and bring them down. His cock springs up, wet and hard, shiny with precum. Mark kicks his shorts off to the foot of the bed, his hand flies to touch himself.
You take up the switchblade again, and gently tap it against the back of his hand, slide it along this forearm and then toward his palm. Mark lets go of his hold on his dick before the blade gets too close to that sensitive part of him.
With nothing touching him, no knife or hands or anything, just you staring down at him, his cock bobs in the cool air, dripping a clear drop of precum to his belly.
You skim the blade through it scooping some up, and you bring it up to Mark’s mouth. His breath clouds the metal, and he looks into your eyes as he holds out his tongue.
You’re very careful as you wipe his wetness off on his tongue. Mark’s cock twitches as he tastes it, the taste of his precum and the cold bite of the metal. You feel powerful like that, fully dressed over his nude body, making him clean his precum off your knife.
And the power feels nice, but as you watch his cock so hard against his abdomen, you’re pretty sure that having him inside you just might feel nicer.
You slip your sweatshirt over your head, and you hear Mark’s gasp as your tight tank top has your tits on full display for him, your nipples stretch against the fabric, and he moans again. You see him lift his hands before he second-guesses himself and drops them to his sides again. You want to feel him touching you, palming your tits while you’re seated on his cock.
You move forward, properly straddling him again, rubbing your still clothed pussy over his bare cock. Mark moans, and you muffle the sounds with your lips on his.
He touches you then, his hands dive into your hair, his hips rock up against you, dry humping you, and making such lovely noises that you swallow down.
You sit up, breaking the kiss, and holding your hands to his shoulders so he can’t follow you (as he tries to do). You glide your hips forward and back, savoring the feel. “Fuck, Mark. Do you want me to fuck you? Do you want to be inside me?”
“Yes, I always have. First time we met,” Mark’s nearly panting as you keep humping him. “That first day, do you remember? You were fresh from practicing your debut? You were wearing a tight top and short shorts, and you looked so fucking pretty, dewy from exertion, and I just looked at you and thought about how good you would look like that but from my cock.”
He’s saying all the right things right now. You’re soaking wet, and you stop to just grind your clit in little circles against the head of his dick.
“I want to make you cum on my cock, so just stop with this fucking teasing.” Mark groans, bucking his hips up.
You rise up on your knees, reach back to pull aside your shorts and panties, and then you sink back down, rubbing your bare wet pussy over his erection. Mark nearly whimpers, but he covers his mouth with his hand, just watching you tease.
When you sink down on him at last, his cockhead dips inside you, and you just keep going, sinking down down down until Mark’s cock is fully inside you. You sit on him for a minute, savoring the feeling of being full. He hits all the right spots just like this, and you wonder how angry it would make him if you just stayed like this, cockwarming him. Would it make him angry enough to take control?
You couldn’t have that. So you move.
You keep it slow at first. Still teasing, loving the way that Mark bites his lip to try to keep quiet, how his eyes flutter shut when you pull up to just the tip and clench around him. You love seeing him like this, totally under your control.
The switchblade lays forgotten in the sheets beside Mark, so you pick it up, close the blade and toss it onto the bedside table. Enough of that, you got what you came here for, though there is one other thing you want to try.
You sink all the way down on his cock, circling your hips, and you moan his name. Mark hums in response, his hands come up to grasp at your hips, helping you in the way you move. You trail a hand up his chest, and when your fingertips touch his throat, Mark opens his eyes to watch you warily.
You press your thumb in, applying light pressure. You just think Mark would look so pretty with your hand on his throat, and if he likes the threat of a knife, maybe he’ll like being choked too.
Mark’s face shutters, closed and cold suddenly.
“No,” he says, batting your hand away. His tone goes so serious that you fully back off, sitting totally upright. At least now you know not to test it again. So instead you reach for his hands, bring them up from your hips to your chest.
His hands are warm and good, massaging your tits, but then also pinching your nipples, rolling them between his fingers. You drop down hard on his cock. Heat blossoms inside you, hungry and seeking all the pleasure you can get.
Mark sits up as if he needs the same thing. He kisses you again, a clash of lips and teeth and tongues. You swear you catch the metallic tang of blood, but then it’s just the taste of Mark’s kiss, a hint of mint and something else, and you fuck yourself down on his cock, harder and faster, no longer trying to tease him because you just want an orgasm, want to feel yourself unraveling with Mark inside you.
He gets there before you. Your fingers move over his chest, one of them dragging over the cut you gave him, and that’s what finally sets him off.
Mark moans out a series of swears, his hands fall to your hip, pulling you down on him as he rocks up into you, and cums. Shooting his load inside your pussy.
You fall complete into him. Chest to chest. You grasp at his back and his shoulder, your nails scrape his skin, and Mark groans, pulsing the last of his cum inside you. You moan his name, whimpering as your orgasm finally hits you, buzzing to life and burning through you. You shake and clench, and you bite down on Mark’s shoulder as his hands press you down on his cock, still grinding you against him.
After the last of your orgasmic bliss fades and the uncomfortable over sensitivity sets in, you put a hand to his arm, and Mark stops moving your hips in those slow circles. You don’t move, not more than detaching your mouth from his shoulder. You just rest your head there instead, breathing slowly and just settled in to this feeling of being wrapped up in Mark.
Everything is quiet. Maybe somewhere outside the room in the city you hear sounds, distant sirens or road noise. But inside it’s nothing more than quiet breathing and heartbeats, the rustling of sheets when you finally move off of him to lie down beside him instead.
In this quiet it seems okay to touch and be touched by each other. Mark’s fingers are light on your skin, tracing your curves, the shapes of shadows, just touching you to touch you.
“How did you get in here anyway?” Mark asks after an eternity, his fingers stop moving over your body and instead curl against your inner thigh.
You take a moment to answer, to finally find your voice again. “I told our manager I was coming in here to apologize to you. He let me in without another question.” You take his hand away from down there.
Mark smiles and twists his hand around so he can play with your fingers. “Apology accepted, I think. And if this is how you always apologize, I don’t see any reason that we should stop doing what we do outside of this room.”
“I still hate you.” You tell him. “You just happen to also really turn me on while annoying the shit out of me.”
“Good,” Mark guides your joined hands to his chest, brings them down to rest over his steadily beating heart. “I still hate you too.”
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based off this message: masochist/sadist mark? You're in a co-ed group, you see eachother everyday and for some reason he fucking hates you?? The longest conversation you had was him telling you to shut the hell up because you were laughing (not even that loud)? The nice christian boy is for press? One day you're not in the mood and you snap on him and threaten to come to his room when he's sleeping with a knife(it gets graphic) and he thinks it's hot?So you grab that knife and hold it to his neck and he smiles?
a/n: this was a message that at first I wasn’t too sure about, but god then I started thinking about it and I had to write this
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hoe-for-yukhei · 4 years
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Clean Freak Idol BF taeyong — Soloist [fem] reader
Everybody knows the tea between 10th floor and 5th floor.
Then there's Taeyong.
"We are here because we want to talk about the most awaited collaboration of the most iconic ship in the kpop industry, before we talk about your new mini album 'NO HISTORY' let me ask you guys a question first. The whole world knew you two used to date, isn't it awkward to work with each other?"
Man, what is this girl saying?
Taeyong and I stared at each other and laughed.
"Hahahahaha what are you guys laughing about? hahahaha"
The audacity to ask us.
Before inviting guests into your show, please dig some information about them.
"No hahaha sorry it's just so funny. Such a ridiculous question."
Taeyong stopped you for saying anything blunt, you have this image that you're straightforward and blunt, and to others they see it as rude.
You're not doing it for clout or to be savage wannabe, that's just who you are.
"No, we didn't broke up, we just lived apart. We moved out of our dorms and shared an apartment. But we didn't take it well so we moved back in."
Really taeyong? We didn't BROKE UP? interesting..
"Why? What didn't work out for the two of you?"
Oh let me tell you the story.
"Taeyong what are you doing? Stop covering your face! smile!"
"Eh-Andwae! I just woke up!"
What is he talking about?
Bare faced Taeyong is art.
Everyone who gets to see him fresh out of bed is so blessed, this would add 10,000,000+ on your lifespan.
"Oppa you stopped eating, Isn't the dish good?"
"Yes it's good! You should try that side dish too! I was just thinking about something."
Here we go again.
Taeyong is zoning out lately, I thought he's worrying about the NCT comeback, yearbook and all but turns out he isn't.
"What is it? Tell me hmm?"
"I was thinking, since we're already dating for 5 years why won't we live together already? I mean we're already in the right age and all."
Hmm I haven't thought about that.
"Why? Aren't you happy here with the members? And besides you have the whole room to yourself it's just like having your own house. Why need one?"
"Of course I'm happy. We grew up together and I treat them as biological brothers.. it's not about them. I want to start a life with you.. but if you don't want to then fine with me.."
"What do you mean I don't want to? I would love to move in with you. But heads up honey I'm a living mess. It will drive you nuts clean freak."
Everyone knows he's a clean freak. Aesthetic, spotless, and organized. He can't stand dirt. He's the type of guy who always bathe unlike jungwoo, the guy who would always wear gloves when handling food and dishes unlike jaehyun and yuta who uhh never you know what,he has sheets on his bed (and it's white as fuck no creases and lints jaehyun has been slapped hard),the guy who gets cranky when his clothes are not handled right so he ends up doing laundry everyday, he's also the guy who praises febreeze. Febreeze is his life,addiction,religion and many more.
Yes he loves febreeze more than me.
2 years went by like a bliss. Everything's good.
Actually too good.
We spent happy days together loving each other more as time passes by until he can't take it all anymore.
He knelt to the ground and pulled a ring and said 
"Marry me y/n."
"I know I know.. but please hear me out. y/n we spent 7 years together full of love,laughs,and cries. I know you're finally going to have your debut next week and can't be seen in a relationship for like 2 years, but I can't take it anymore I don't want to lose you..this industry is fucked up y/n.Just please promise me you'll hold on to me.. to us.."
"Of course. You're my rod in this dark world without you I'll be lost. I'll forever hold on you. But you sure this isn't an engagement ring?"
"*sighs; you know it's not. I really want to but I already know the answer after I proposed for you like 3 times already. You're not yet ready.. but I'll wait."
"I'm sorry taeyong–"
"No don't say sorry I understand"
You were both in the right age but still young to marry.. and both of your careers are not helping.
NCT PROJECT again. You're happy for Taeyong, he really likes it whenever the whole 23 of them perform together.
But also pitied him.
"What is wrong with you two?! I expected better than this. You better composed some good ones or I'll give back the job to  composers."
"No sir, I really want to participate again in composing I can give you a better one—"
"Then do it. I want it done by next week. I only let you boys play composer and lyricist again because the crowd wants to. You get me Johnny? Taeyong?"
It's the 6th time this week. You always pass by the room because it's in the same way of the recording studio. He was getting yelled at again.
And again.
And again. 
Taeyong's been stressed for the whole 2months. Johnny and he were told they could participate in producing the album.
At last they can express themselves.
Johnny really wants to write songs but never given the opportunity to. So Johnny and he are working hard. Knowing SM they're controlling as ever this means it's a one and only lifetime opportunity. 
His dog died. His best friend and buddy.
The warm condolences of his fans comforted him. He's thankful to have them.
Y/n's first ever single is coming out. You have been pretty busy too. Recordings, photoshoots,MV filming etc. And SM and fans are breathing down your neck everytime you move.
Some anti spread fake rumors about you. Usually you'll ignore it but right now is different. Being new to this industry brought pressure to you and you don't know what to do but just cry..
You saw a cat. You always love cats, they calm you down. It gives comfort to you. You decided to bring it home to your shared space with taeyong.
You did him a favor and put a little spice in his composition then while drinking your hot chocolate you were called by your mother leaving the cat,the chocolate and the house you hurried to the hospital.
Stressed ate taeyong. He's frustrated at the moment he wants to shout and cry his heart out.
The 8th song they made just got rejected. again.
It's the last draw and they can't participate in writing on the album anymore. Mark, xiaojun and taeil got injured while practicing,the new choreographer is a dick. A stubborn stylist doesn't follow anyone's instruction causing jaehyun to be called out because of his hair and the management wants them to do nothing. Some anti is making fun of his dog's death and a sasaeng is following him right now.
The house is where he rests,it's his favorite place .
But now it isn't.
The house is a fucking mess.
Dishes on sink
Furs on sofas and floor
Chocolate drink spilled on the carpeted floor of his work space.
The computer is on
Somebody touched his music
The air smelled like a stray dog or cat
Shits on his pile of clothes and a cat is napping on the end of the bed.
Lee. Taeyong. Mad.
He's angry asf.
"Oh hey taeyong you are home?? How was your da-"
"What is that?"
"A cat?"
"and that?"
"My drink.."
"Dishe–okay what is your point?"
"Nothing.  Just you being a pig."
"You're disgusting. Be ashamed of yourself y/n can't believe a woman doesn't know how to take care of a house."
"What's wrong with you?! That's so sexist!"
"What's wrong with me?! Your stupid new cat shitted on my clothes! The house is shit! Everything's shit! Even you! You messed up my song!"
"Taeyong calm down there was an emergency and about your song i-"
"shut up y/n! I'm tired! The last thing I want to see is a dumpsite! I have to keep up shits at work and I have to keep up with your everyday shits too?! I'm so sick! It looks like the house isn't the only one that needs cleaning. My life too.. I can't believe I put up with a garab6e like you. You should've been taken out a long time ago—"
"The only shit here is you."
You took your new cat and went.
Your grandmother died. That's the emergency.
It's heartbreaking and with taeyong earlier the last hanging piece of your heart shattered completely.
You went back to your own place, you ask hae-un a friend of yours who's a model under the same entertainment to get all your stuff in your house. 
She came back with seong-hyun his boyfriend carrying boxes and bags.
"Y/n.. take a break..I'm here for you."
"He wants to talk to you y/n. he said he was—"
"okay.. I understand. Everything will be fine y/n hae-un and I will never leave you. We'll get through this together just like the old days.."
Hae-un take care of your things at work. You decided to wake up from the slump and change labels,made depression your motivation, you skyrocketed. Soon after many articles about you were made.
“솔로이스트 Y/N L/N은 왜 SM 엔터테인먼트를 떠났을까?”
(Why did Soloist Y/N L/N leave SM entertainment?)
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"할머니의 갑작스러운 죽음으로 솔로이스트 Y/N이 망했다. '나는 망연자실했다. 어떻게 해야 할지..' "
(Soloist Y/N went hiatus due to Grandmother's sudden death
"I was devastated. I don't know to do..")
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"솔로 퀸 Y/N L/N 7년 동안 NCT 이태용과 데이트 했었다고?!"
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"엘, 채널, 헤르메스 뉴 앰배서더, 모델 Y/N L/N. 그녀가 어떻게 도망가는지 지켜봐."
(ELLE, Channel, Hermes New ambassador and model Y/N L/N. Watch how she rules the runway)
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P-NATION의 솔로퀸 Y/N L/N이 NCT 김도영, 루카스 웡과 함께 메디컬 로맨스 드라마 '더 터치 오브 유어'로 데뷔한다.
(P-NATION's Solo Queen Y/N L/N, will debut as an Actress in a Medical romance Kdrama "The touch of you" with NCT Kim Doyoung and Lucas Wong)
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You have so many projects going on. Actually you were not ready for this. At SM you’re only an underrated singer who mostly writes others songs instead of doing yours. What can you do? It’s the higher ups orders.
Haeun recommended PNATION this is where you really felt like you’re an artist and family rather. Of Course you love your sunbaes and colleagues. It's just that SM restricts everyone and they try to shape them into KPOP robots that everyone will buy. 
You love all of your projects well..except one.
"P-NATION의 솔로퀸 Y/N L/N이 전 남자친구 NCT 이태용과 함께 새 미니 앨범 'NO History'를 발매한다!"
(P-NATION's Solo Queen Y/N L/N will release her new album "NO HISTORY" with ex-boyfriend NCT Lee Taeyong!)
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Oh great…
You haven't 
Communicated with Taeyong since you left the house.
You actually avoided him.
Taeyong would straight up walk to you when on stage such as Music Bank, Inkigayo, Mama etc. But you always find a way to avoid the guy.
The fans ship you guys after finding out your 7year relationship with him. You were chill with it but you always reminded your fans that you're not together anymore theyy should snap back to reality.
Y/N doesn't like the reality now.
His ex boyfriend is in front of him doing arrangements eating Sweet Potato cubes from Starbucks and guess what.
He's formal and silent asf.
Like you guys didn't date and almost got married.
There were 5 songs in the Mini Album
Letters on the floor
The title track is Ethereal. You have to dance to that sexy love hoe song. Produced and composed by yours truly.
You just sat on your swivel chair discussing with the other producer while Taeyong wrinkles his forehead seeing the album content.
Track 6. "DOUCHEBAG"
Who The fuck would name their song douchebag?
Taeyong is confused but at the same time a little hope and warm blooms at his heart. Thinking DOUCHEBAG is all about him. Little did he know it's a diss track about MNET.
Don't worry taeyong douchebag may not be about you but most of the songs are.
He's keeping his distance letting you adjust to him..but that doesn't look like it to Y/N.
The audacity of this guy to ignore me. Bitch.
It's noon and you haven't eaten breakfast yet. Taeyong comes to your side to invite you to lunch until he is cut off by a high pitch squeal of yours.
" y/n ssi—"
"Hahahahahah calm down, you miss me that much?"
It's Doyoung.
He knows you have a few modeling projects with doyoung and an ongoing drama but he didn't know you two were this close.
You smooch your face on doyoung's face and smile brightly at him.
Ah he hates it.
"Hahahahahah enough y/n I'm here for hyung. Hyung do you want to go grab lunch?"
"Ani. Doyoung-ah i’m not hungry. Comeback next time."
"I'll come with you oppa."
Taeyong stood up.
Oppa was the last straw for him. You don’t call anyone oppa.
Let alone smooch your face to someone’s chest.
You’re that brat girl who only warms up at him. 
Only him.
Doyoung and Y/N were surprised by Taeyong’s sudden actions.
Why is he angry? Did you guys do something wrong?
“Taeyong-ssi, gwaenchana? Is there something wrong?”
Taeyong suddenly realized what he did. So foolish of him. Now he looks like an ex-boyfriend who’s jealous of his ex’s friend.
He isn’t like that. He just wants closure with you.
We’ll look into that later.
“‘Y-YAH! What are you guys doing there? I thought we were going to eat?’ that’s what i’m trying to say.”
You and Doyoung just nodded, you thought you guys did something wrong to upset him hahaha.
Taeyong is literally speaking in small fonts as he says his excuse. As stupid as it sounds. You two believed him. Thank god phew.
You survived your 1 month with Taeyong. And for guys who dated for 7 years you two were awkward as fuck. It’s like the first time all over again. Calling each other with Honorifics and bowing whenever you two meet at the hallways, Just keeping it civil. But you gotta admit it to yourself, you start to warm up again to Taeyong these past few weeks. Dyed his hair black, and has that boyfriend material aura again.
Taeyong is planning something to win you back . He just woke up and realized ‘What if I show her again why she fell for me in the first place?’
He’s doing simple things to get close to you again. Your heart beats fast whenever he comes close.
“Jduigywfwygf Lee Taeyong i swear to god you-”
“I am what?
“You Scared me! Stop doing that! Why are you even here? I won’t record today. I'm going to learn the choreo.”
“Me too.”
Our Choreographer came and hell he was teaching us some sexy ass moves. I didn’t even know Taeyong was supposed to dance with me too. I suddenly have  flashbacks to Hyuna unnie and E’dawn sunbae’s Cage Dance Performance.
“One, Two, Step, Three, Step, Four”
“Y/N what are you doing? You missed the step.”
“I did?”
“Yes, It’s the 5th time already. Taeyong teach her. I’m going to take a break”
Y/N is very tense. He felt it. Especially whenever you two grind and to that one part where you kneel in front of him.
“You’re stiff and tense right now. How about you take a break?”
“Omg! Finally!”
“You left your body while we're dancing. Something wrong?”
“Nah I just feel Awkward and all. Knowing our history and everything.”
“Why would you?”
“It’s just you know uhmm.. I don’t know how to explain but you get what I mean.”
“Then Let’s be friends again! So it wouldn’t be awkward.”
He’s just waiting for you to open the topic. That’s all it takes to get Taeyong creep back to your heart. You don’t know if befriending your ex is good or what but it’s nice to have him back. It’s like normal. The teasings, hugs, and laughter are back. It’s like when you two were still together minus the label of course.
Since you two were close again why not invite him to your shoot? Besides Doyoung and Winwin are there.
Taeyong internally passed out when you invited him. He’s so happy for you. The dream of you being an actor never left his mind. Now he gets to see it with front-viewed seats, until that scene comes up.
Myeorin’s starts to tear up. He run after Haju and  hugged him behind. “H-haju you don’t have to..” 
The man just kept a blank face but you can see he’s having a hard time letting go.
“Go. I want you to be happy. You love him Myeorin”
“H-haju no! I love you!”
“You know you don’t. You're just stuck in our past memories.”
Haju breaks free from Myeorin’s hug, he cups her face and their foreheads touch each other while sobbing.
“I still want to live in that past. With you haju.”
He stared into Myeorin’s eyes and landed a soft peck at her temple.
“‘The beautiful journey of today can only begin when we learn to let go of yesterday.’ The person who taught me doesn't apply it to herself. Pabo. Go, you have  no time left i heard he’s leaving”
Myeorin realizes Haju’s words and runs to chase the one  that she truly loves. “Do Hyejeong you bitch you didn’t tell me you’re leaving”
The Set changes and moves to a different venue.
Myeorin stands outside of Hyejeong’s penthouse sobbing. He erratically rang the bell 30th time already and no one’s answering. 
A Janitor saw Myeorin and confronted her.
“Miss Myeorin! What are you doing there?”
“Ahjussi *sniffs* have you seen Hyejong?”
“Ah! sir Hyejong?  He just left a while ago carrying his personal belongings. Why?”
Myeorin just stared at Mr.Kang and suddenly wailed.
“Ah-Uh M-miss did I do something wrong?”
Myeorin just missed Hyejeong. Knowing him  he wouldn’t come back ever again.
“What are you crying at you brat? You’re causing a scene in my property.”
“Hye-Hyejong!” Upon hearing that cold voice she stood up and faced Hyejeong with swollen, teary eyes, and a dripping nose.
“Sir Hyejong I promised I didn’t make her cry! She just suddenly weeps when I said-”
“It’s okay Mr. Kang I know. No need to clean here anymore. you can rest now. And you brat go inside.”
The two of them went inside. Hyejeong comfortably sat on his aesthetically white L-shaped sofa in front of his Floor to ceiling big windows. While Myeorin stands there dumbfounded.
“I-I thought you’re leaving…”
“Well yeah I am until Professor Shin said I have to cover his surgery tomorrow because his wife is in labor.”
“So you’re not leaving anymore?”
“I still am.”
Confused about Hyejeongs statement, creases were formed at her temples. She extended both of her hands trying to block the huge door. The lad just lowkey snickered at her actions.
“What do you mean?! No! nuh uh you won’t leave this place over my dead body.”
“”Why Won’t I leave?”
“Because I love you.”
Hyejong suddenly stopped sipping his drink and just stared at her with those big bunny-like eyes.
“Do Hyejong Saranghae.”
He rose from the chair and met her body.
“You lose.”
“I don't careabout the bet anymoret. I love you.”
Hyejeong's mind left the earth. His lips unconsciously guided him to  Myeorin’s plump, soft, pinkish lips. It tasted like pure heaven.
Taeyong got startled at the director’s cue. No thoughts, mind empty, just watching his love of his life kissing his best friend. He knew it’s part of their work and he’s proud of the both of them  but a part of him just aches knowing you’re single and doyoung single, you might fall for his kisses that used to be his.
“Y/N! Focus!”
“You okay?”
“Yeah just out of character.”
Y/N didn’t know the kissing scene and suggestive scenes are the ones that they'll be filming today. It’s supposed to be Next week! Now she felt odd knowing Taeyong’s here. She turned to Taeyong’s space, seeing him sending her a death glare while eating sweet potato chews.
“TAKE 6”
“TAKE 12”
The number of takes irked taeyong. Was he invited here just to suffer? Finally you guys nailed the scene. He thought it’s over yet there’s more to come.
Myeorin and Hyejeong were intoxicated with each other. A peck on the lips results in a very deep passionate one. Hyejong carried her in his arms, not letting go of her tasty lips together and they traveled towards the bedroom.
Taeyong stormed off the set. Right in front of my Sweet potato chews he said.
“Taeyong! Where are you going?”
“Don’t follow me. I’ll go home now.”
“What? why? I brought you here. I thought we were going to have ice cream after this?
He mimicked her voice. Taeyong tried to look angry. But in Y/N’s eyes he’s a baby pouting.
“H-Hyejong? Who is that?”
“Duh? Doyoung?”
“Why would i eat ice cream with him?”
“Yeah right. Why would you guys eat ice cream if you two can just suck each other’s faces off.”
“No! Why would I?”
“Fine I am! You said today’s going to be fun. Yeah fun for you you kissed doyoung 17 times.”
You grinned like a mad man  at his accusation even though you’re guilty of it. It’s just so cute you can’t help but to..
 “Why would you do that?! You kissed another guy then you kiss me? Don’t give me false hope Y/N.”
“Okay.. I won’t kiss you anymore. You said it yourself.”
“No, I didn’t mean it like that! It’s just that it’s giving me false hope..”
“About what?”
“About you. About us being together again. So don’t kiss me i you don’t mean i-”
Yeah you kissed your ex. He needs to shut up.
“Do you still love me?
“Of course. I have always been Taeyong.”
Cut the chase and hide and seek. You  won’t deny your feelings anymore. The feeling of missing him, his warmth, and love. You won’t deny it all again.
You two left the Area hand in hand, talking while having a little stroll.
“Hey I have a question?”
“What is it?
“Did you change your perfume?”
“Yeah. It’s Yves Saint Laurent’s  Black Opium”
“I like the old one better.”
“What smell do you love the most? Me or Febreeze? ”
“Definitely Febreeze.”
The sound of your laughs and voices faints as you two went back to the set
"If you were to pick what is your favorite song in this album? And What part of it makes you like it?"
The Interviewer  asks.
You picked up your mic and said
 “Ethereal. I like the pre chorus part the
 i can't wait to see him next
and witness his ethereal glow
he is my darling
and nothing or no one
could ever come between
bonded for life
he is my king. 
It just reminded me of someone. Someone I missed..” The crowd goes wild, they're squealing and most of them are screaming Lee Taeyong!
Taeyong goes shy.. He can’t believe you wrote him that song when he asked you who’s your inspiration you just said ‘my grandma why?’ now he knows.
He Throws you a ‘you’re hiding it from me’ look while you just replied a simple wink.
“Okay, Let’s get back to the unanswered question.. What didn't work out for the two of you?”
You two stared at each other's eyes knowing the answer.
Once again you grabbed your mic and said
“Let’s just say he’s a major clean freak.”
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acciostorian · 4 years
mae reads the kane chronicles: the serpent’s shadow the red pyramid
(aka we see mae go through many emotions in the space of 2-3 days)
holy fuck ive only got to the contents and the chapters have those classic pjo click bait titles i’m so happy rn
WAIT IM SUCH A FUCKING IDIOT- the serpent’s shadow is the THIRD BOOK. uh-oh i almost fucked this whole series over lemme change the book real quick....
i’m literally on the first page and i’ve already been sent on a mission, so the kanes are THOSE bitches
SADIE AND KANE ARE BRITISH???? omg yes please
never fucking mind they’re from LA
oh wait sadie was raised as a british kid. that’s very sexy of her.
carter be like, “you wouldn’t be interested in my dad’s lectures.” SHUT UP CARTER I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT EGYPTIAN PUNISHMENT
so sadie was raised in east london???? THATS SO SEXC BECAUSE ME TOO BOO
sadie has a british accent. a b r i t i s h a c c e n t.
“six years in london and she thinks she’s james bond” LMAO
sadie’s so emo/alt i love it. does rick always write his characters like this??
sadie pronounces it “mum” and carter says “mom”
it’s so refreshing to read mum ngl
sadie said bloke omg
i’m feeling carter’s pain. little sisters are shits and honestly sadie has the same vibes as my little sister and me and carter are quite similar. i hate this.
oh wow they really said sadie was too white for their family...
sadie did not HESITATE to be like, “yeah dad we’ll lock that guy in his office. mint.”
sadie telling the story is an experience
sadie said “maths” and “mates” in the same sentence. this is some refreshing shit.
sadie’s friends saying carter is hot is fucking hilarious. like it’s a classic piss-off to thirst over your mate’s sibling
LMAO AMOS WAS LIKE, “yeah we don’t talk about manhattan. they’ve got their own problems. *cough percy jackson cough*”
i read thoth the god of knowledge as thot the god of knowledge
carter is right, amos has undeniable swag
philip of macedonia. the crocodile. cool.
i love how the greeks and romans be like “if we don’t honour the gods we’ll get SLAUGHTERED” and the egyptians are like “you know what? fuck the gods me and my homies hate the gods”
sadie kane would stab you in a back alley and dance to mcr as you bled to death and carter kane would take you to a museum, tell you everything about everything and then commit a terrorist attack
amos really went “don’t touch anything, the cats in charge and peace out bitches” and then fucking jumped off the balcony of his five storey mansion
sadie made that door go BANG
that fucking clay statue came to life and not one of them screamed. I WOULD SHIT MYSELF.
i’m giggling, all the greek/roman gods have really long/scary/cool sounding names like tartarus and chaos and nyx but the evilest guy in egyptian myth is called set. S E T.
please make muffin some crazy badass animal like crookshanks or swiftwind.
i love carter sm, even tho he’s scared as fuck he still picked up that ancient sword and was like “ig i’ll bash some heads in whilst sadie holds the cat”
every cat in new york is helping them
bast jacked that car like it was nobody’s business
i used to think the greek gods were stupid for having so many things to control but honestly the egyptians are taking the piss, do you really need a whole scorpion goddess?
the kane siblings are written so well. like i actually BELIEVE they’re siblings
i think carters gonna become a comfort character now... like i relate on another level. little siblings always take the spot light and you have to act level headed and calm because the younger ones start shit and you’re like “i gotta be the good one because my family would fall to shit if i didn’t behave.” so big kudos to carter, i love you
zia was like “king tut?? ugh he was such a boy, there were waaaaay cooler tombs out there x x”
i read “nectanebo II” as “nintendo II” and i was like ??? when was that a thing
i drinking camomile tea whilst reading this and i feel so peaceful uwu
sadie really can do magic like THAT like bitch be like “i just copied what zia did and yeah it worked lol”
okay so i’m sorta feeling bad about sadies life rn but i’m still very pro carter
set’s laugh makes me uncomfortable. because when most villains laugh it’s usually described like “their laugh was like a knife, cold and sharp. i hates it.” but when sadie discribed set’s laugh she was like “it was warm and friendly. beautiful.” LIKE AAAA THATS A RED LIGHT
set: the god of theatre because gods dam is he a good actor
sadie saw some hot emo guy and was like “omg marry me”
iskandar be like “lmao imma speak in alexandria greek all the time but this girl bouta die? i switch to perfect english for dramatic effect”
woooOooaaaah SLOW DOWN THERE BUDDY, tongue tattoos???
zia: you guys will probably suck at this at first but oh well we all can’t be great
sadie: *makes fire first time* wooosh
sadie and kane: *doing cool shit* me and my tea: sluuuurrrp
bast is so sassy i love it
me when it’s a sadie chapter: okay ig :/
me when it’s a carter chapter: HOLY SHIT CARTER HEY OMG YOURE DOING CRAZY STUFF???? COOL. i love you.
bast: so yeah, you’d be stupid to teleport to paris, this is desjardin’s home territory
sadie and kane, lying in the streets of paris: oh cool cool
sadie: like i might die rn but i don’t care, as long as it doesn’t get filmed and put in youtube, that would be embarrassing
like ???? sis get your priorities together smh
sadie: *sees hot emo guy again in her spirit adventure, he hints that’s he’s dead or something*
also sadie: so will i see you again?
“no, an egyptian drink. you’ve heard of hot chocolate? this is rather like hot vanilla.” dam now i want some.
carter is an amazing older brother. he’s written perfectly and he’s a great character to relate to for me. even though sadie can make his blood boil, he dropped everything to calm her down when she was panicking about not being able to change back from a bird. i too have to do that for my little sister - sadie and ava are ironically the same age - so i find that very comforting that there is someone like me to relate to!
‘a businessman with a rolling suitcase was waiting by the doors. his eyes widened when he saw me. i must’ve looked pretty strange — a tall black kid in dirty, ragged egyptian clothes, with a weird box tucked under one arm and a bird of prey perched on the other.
‘“how’s it going?” i said. “i’ll take the stairs.” he hurried off.’ LMAO THIS IS WHY CARTER BABY I LOVE YOU
highkey pissed that carters like “i’m always edgy around the police. once i turned eleven they started giving me the Look. when it doesn’t happen it’s always a pleasant surprise.” LIKE FUCK NO HE SHOULD BE ALLOWED TO WALK AROUND UNHASSLED WHATS WRONG WITH HIM
lmao bast be like “imma jump off this national monument. see ya at the airport in my finest clothes and jewellery x”
FOOD UPDATE: i’m eating a chocolate covered waffles and having some tea and i feel so happy rn sorry i know you don’t care but like aaaaaaa
bast called carter her little tomcat and my heart exploded
bast really likes convertibles huh
thoth: i hate rereading my old writing, my present self would never write like this now!! SOMEONE GET ME A RED PEN
are they... are they going to dig up elvis presley?
might put some elvis in for this part, y’know, to set the mood?
i cant stop reading ‘thoth’ as thot even though i know how to pronounce it
the captain with a axe for a head: my name is bloodstained battle axe 😸
yuh bast did some shit ...
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