#to keep barreling into things even if he's hurt even if he's bleeding out heck especially if he is
creamecream · 2 years
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Blood magic and the elf twins who use it.
Asher Surana - Blood Mage
Devante Tabris - Reaver
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vwildmonk · 4 years
Tell me about your monkey-wolf! 14, 28, 34, 43, 45, 49, 63
Oh these were fun, and ended up a little rambling because Lin has a way of taking the wheel and running.
14. What is something they love about themself? OH! Hard call actually here. Lin, for all she loves others and could probably give a good long ramble about each member of her network, isn’t that great about loving herself. The Main Thing though would probably be her ability to Protect others. She prides herself on being the one who is strong, fast, and smart enough to defend- do what needs to be done. When she was younger it would have probably been her golden fur, she really did love how huggable she was, a lil Pompom.
28. who would they kill? who would they kill for? Ohohoho Kraken. Interesting Q. Kill for? Her CornMaze Family. Her Network. Anyone who threatens them is playing an Incredibly dangerous game. She would throw her own life away in exchange for those closest to her, and with the Other form growling at the back of her mind... when things came down to it if something pushed her far enough (like a certain Sir Boggart)... she would consider it and perhaps even fall into it if it were a great enough threat. However truthfully, clear head? She will threaten and growl and bite but actually killing is something she is horrified to fall into as she knows it’s not something she’d come back from. She won’t do so if she is in control, threatening is as far as she’d dare. Much as she dislikes the Peckneck, she wants to scare him enough to perhaps push him a little bit into more legal means and into honestly taking care of lil Boomer. If he follows what she’s asked in their agreement, and makes sure that sweet kid stays safe, then she sees no reason to go beyond her words.
34. which party member do they go to in a crisis? Another good one, Lin is used to isolating herself in crisis, better to stay clear of people she could hurt, fight or ride out the crisis singlehanded. But lately, to ground herself: Spooky grandparents. They’ve been an amazing influence on Lin... she got attached. Having a place away from the heightened sense overstimulating Toontown and ‘The Room’ is a blessing, and the company- even if she doesn’t talk about why she had to run there- is soothing. These two have her trust. She also holds Ms Bou in high regards with her no-nonsense sensibilities, and is going to her for a mild crisis over how the PECK to do certain legal stuff for a lil someone...
43. Why do they fight? Family. She fights for family. To keep Einquell a bright and safe and good place for the wonderful people she loves. It used to be for the stagehand network, still is, but it has also grown and extended. She has a network that touches so many people, people her bleeding heart adores both the bright spots within Halloweentown or the scattering of innocent children she has met and cherished. Those she has met in this past year, she fights for them, wonderful people who love her and she loves back fiercely. For them she would do a great deal of things and take on a great deal of fights... although maybe she’ll realise eventually she doesn’t have to throw herself into it alone.
45. How do they hug people? I HAVE MANY THOUGHTS ON THIS KRAKEN: Lin is readjusting to hugging. She loves them and she is naturally tactile, but her redesign made her wary for a period (claws and coarser fur than before). But she loves giving and receiving hugs more than she dislikes her design. She likes you (and you are ok with hugs)? Congrats you got 3’6” limpet. For those taller than her she either wraps herself around knees/torso in as fluffy an embrace as she can give. If the person is smaller she wraps them in a ball of protective love, tucking close to her chest as if to shield the person from the world, tail wrapped around backs of knees and tucking them under her chin. Just right amount of squeeze and she’s pretty good at clocking right amount of time per person. As long as she is mindful of her claws her hugs can be amazing things. Radiating as much warmth and safety and gratitude as she can for these amazing shining beacons in her life.
49. What makes them smile? Once again, the people she calls her own within the network. Her Network’s shenanigans, her network nieces/nephews/nibling’s (and potential lil kid’s) antics- watching them play and find joy in the world, personal stories and chatter over coffee at small tables. It’s the small things that she holds close on the cold nights. Things she feels selfish for wanting and being part of but peckin’ heck she is going to soak it up while she can.
63. What fight has scared them the most? The one 4 (nearly 5) years ago, without compare. The Thing that made her this way- although that was less a fight and more a devastating end to a would-be triumph. The fight was already over when that barrelled in... Nowadays? Lots of fights have scared her. Ones where she almost or did lose control are high up there in her mind’s eye. But the big one at Macabre Manor? Seeing someone she saw warmly unmoving and ragdolled, with a Threat so near... it certainly gave her a push in a direction to deal with as many threats as she can. She’ll Protect them All so that Never happens again.
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writer-and-artist27 · 5 years
Waiting (Not Forever)
Nothing quite like Lang and Abalisk finishing Shell Game with Chapter 65 and the reviews/rambles I finished writing to start a train of inspiration that I’m writing at almost 11 at night before New Year’s Eve with my toes freezing. Not to mention finishing this past midnight.
That’s how it goes. And Lang encouraged it (specifically saying “Dooo eeeeet”), so I’m going with it. Takes place before Kannabi by the way, in-between S&S 23 and the WIP 24, so everyone’s 12-13. Prequel to The Callout too, now that I think on it. 
…Somehow, I made this angsty. New Year’s Gift, here you go! If you wanted to know how Obito fell for Tomo in my head. 
I recommend going with the song Ocean of Memories from Ufotable’s adaptation of Fate/stay night: Unlimited Blade Works. It fits the mood.
There was something about coming back from a long mission that made Obito glad to know that he was almost home. For once, there was a chance to take a shower, to sleep in without worrying about an attack, and to be with his precious people again.
It didn’t stop Kei from being sarcastic with Kakashi on the way home, but he could handle it. Maybe. 
“What was that jutsu back there? You could’ve made our enemies’ ears bleed.”
“Not your business and besides. At least they’re dead.” 
“That doesn’t help anything.”
Then again, maybe not. 
But nothing quite prepared him for the view he saw of the village gates. She wasn’t supposed to be waiting there alone, wearing nothing but a white gown and a protective pink shawl to protect herself against the early morning cold. 
His blood could’ve frozen in his veins. 
“O-Obi?” Tomo-chan looked up from her apparent pacing, blue eyes wide as soon as she made eye contact with him. Obito could’ve felt his heart stop too, because there was no mistaking the dark pink of her cheeks and how her toes, even through her sandals, were barely colored from how long she was standing there. Hell, how long was she even there? Just standing there, waiting in the cold, all by herself with apparently no one around for company? 
“Team Minato,” she breathed, her eyes wide. “You…” 
Almost immediately, Tomo-chan brushed her braid back behind her ear, her orange hair ribbons pale in the light of the graying blue sky as she ran forward and past the green gates of Konoha’s entrance. She was coming towards them.
“Tomo—” Kei could barely get a word in before Tomo-chan barreled into her. Sure, that itself was normal considering how Tomo-chan hugged everybody, but there was something about how Kei was clearly baffled, speechless for the single second it took for Tomo-chan to tightly wrap her arms around Kei’s waist. Kei exhaled, her backpack rustling with the motion. “Tomo-chan?” 
Then there was a small sniffle and that was all it took for Kei’s shoulders to slacken, the exhaustion in her face melting away for genuine understanding. “…Hey there, you goofball,” she said, patting Tomo-chan’s head with her free hand. “You didn’t have to wait by the gates again, Tomo. We were going to come back.”
There was no initial response, only a fierce shake of her head against Kei’s hoodie as Tomo-chan pulled back, her gaze pointed downwards. It took a moment. “J-Just give me this for a little bit,” she finally mumbled, barely giving herself breathing space as she stepped away. “A-Anxiety goes places. But hey. Um. Welcome back, Kei.” 
There was no missing the unsaid, I missed you, even when Obito lacked his Sharingan to look further.
“Ah,” Kei said softly, a wry smile on her face before she pushed at Tomo-chan’s shoulder. “Thanks for seeing us back, Tomo. Now go do your magic, you goof.”
“O-Oh, sure…” 
And then Tomo-chan’s gaze focused on Kakashi, and Obito could do nothing but watch as Tomo-chan proceeded to run over at the exact same speed as before to hug him too. Kakashi sighed, doing the bare minimum to support her weight via one arm while making sure his pack didn’t fall from his shoulders. “We’re alive, Tomoko,” he said dryly. “There’s no need to cry.”
“Th-That doesn’t make it any less easier,” Tomo-chan muttered into Kakashi’s shoulder, loud enough for even Obito to hear. She then pulled away as fast as she came by and started the hug, her hands clasping one another. “I-I try, so…” Tomo-chan trailed off as finally, finally, she turned and met Obito’s eyes.
Obito waited, tilting his head and ignoring the urge to adjust his goggles, instead choosing to look at her face as soon as she trotted over to him. He took a breath, attempting to put on a smile in the hopes of reassuring her. Because if this is going where he was thinking it was going… “Hey, Tomo-chan! We’re home!” he tried to boast.
Yep. It didn’t work. 
In fact, Tomo-chan simply stared up at him with those big blue eyes of hers. They were shining, almost glassy, before they closed and Tomo-chan nodded. “Aye,” she said, very quiet. One of her hands slowly reached up towards him.
Obito was expecting a hug. Heck, anything, considering how she interacted with Kei and Kakashi before him. He just wasn’t expecting her to cup his cheek, tenderly at that, a thumb gently rubbing at a new scar left by an enemy’s kunai. “You’re hurt,” Tomo-chan continued, not even breaking her tone of voice as her blue eyes were still focused on him. “Obi…”
For some reason, her voice screamed disappointment, and Obito turned away. “I-It was just a scratch, Tomo-chan. Nothing a future Hokage can’t handle.” It still felt like a lie, but it was all Obito had. There was something about how Tomo-chan was looking at him that made him feel ashamed. Horrible. Naked, even. “I’m okay.” 
Tomo-chan shook her head. “Obi, I…” she paused, almost considering her answer since her thumb stopped moving too. Then Tomo-chan took a breath, gently moving his head back via the hand on his cheek so they could make eye contact again. “You know I love you, right?”
Obito’s heart could’ve leapt out of his ribs. There was that urge again, that urge calling for him to hug her and do something, but his arms were frozen against his sides as he stared into those blue eyes. “T-Tomo-chan…” 
Tomo-chan smiled sadly as a single tear slid down her pink cheek, barely missing the orange ribbon keeping her braid together. “I’m not disappointed,” she continued, her voice one centimeter away from shaking as her thumb brushed at the corner of his eye not covered by his goggles. “I’m just anxious. About so many things, about not being able to see you again. About how you did come back alright, but how long is that going to last?” Her breath was misty in the cold morning air, barely coming out as tangible clouds as she exhaled, ducking her head. “I know this sounds so weird, more so because I need to calm the fuck down since everyone’s okay, but…” 
Obito felt his jaw slacken in silent disbelief. Tomo-chan said “fuck.” She actually said “fuck”!
In response, a broken giggle left her lips as she came close, her other hand finally coming around his waist for that expected hug. It was tight, it was warm, it was all Tomo-chan. “I missed you. A lot.”
Obito exhaled too, noting his breath coming out in cold puffs above Tomo-chan’s head. She smelled sweet. She was being sweet again, even though it was only another mission, even though she cursed for the first time ever, even though— 
Kei met his eyes past Tomo-chan’s shoulder, and the look said everything else. 
Hug her, dammit. 
Obito didn’t even have to hear Kakashi’s faraway scoff. Instead, Obito immediately wound his arms around Tomo-chan’s smaller frame, squeezing her to him in the hopes it was enough. He didn’t even care that there was dirt and a bit of dried blood on his clothes. There was a friend he needed to be there for. 
“I missed you too, Tomo-chan,” he confessed, pretending that he didn’t have dust in his eyes and merely hoping his goggles were enough to block it all out from prying eyes. His heart was screaming out want and need — sure, it was weird, but it was nice. Tomo-chan was here. “I missed you too. We’re back.”
A nose brushed the crook between his shoulder and neck as another sniff graced his ear. Then there was a whimper accompanying the growing wet spot on his jacket collar. “W-Welcome home, you dork.” Oh no, Tomo-chan was crying. Shit. “Welcome home…!” 
Obito hugged her tighter, nodding into her hair to hide the shaky smile on his face. 
This was what made the fighting worth it. For once, he had someone to come home to. 
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chicgeekgirl89 · 5 years
The Shituation: Chap. 3
Fandom: SEAL Team
Characters: Lisa Davis, Sonny Quinn, Jason Hayes, Clay Spenser, Eric Blackburn, Trent Sawyer, Brock Reynolds, Ray Perry, Cerberus
Read Chapters 1 and 2 Here
Shituation: A situation that is already very bad and then goes to shit.
“We got trouble!” Ray yelled.
Everyone’s guns went up and Lisa was shoved toward the back of the cave as there was a loud bang and smoke filled the room. Her eyes immediately began to water and she choked as gunfire erupted around her.
“Get down!” Sonny pushed her to the floor, his hand heavy on her back. 
It was chaos and terror and she had no idea how they were going to survive when she couldn’t even see six inches in front of her. 
“Take Davis and go!” Jason yelled from somewhere next to her and the next thing she knew Sonny had grabbed her arm and was pulling her toward the back of the cave and through a tunnel.
The air was clearer in the tunnel but her lungs and throat still burned. Sonny finally stopped, pressing her into a shadowy spot. “Stay here,” he ordered, handing her one of his backup weapons. “Shoot anything that isn’t us.”
With that he was gone. She put her hands on her knees and bent double trying to catch her breath, panting against a stitch in her side. Seconds later Trent barreled into the space dragging Clay with him, Ray right on their tail. Trent lowered Clay to the floor where he groaned, his eyes closed.
His face had gone pale and Lisa realized there was blood, a lot of it, seeping through the bandages. Ray took up a defensive position at the tunnel entrance as Trent hit his knees. “Davis, I need your help,” he said and Lisa moved on shaky legs to do what he asked. “The bullet must have moved and nicked an artery. If we don’t get this stopped he’s going to bleed out.”
She nodded. Trent handed her a wad of gauze. “Put pressure on it. Hard as you can.”
She pressed her hands to Clay’s leg with her entire body weight as Trent prepped another transfusion. Blood soaked through the gauze almost immediately and Trent handed her more which grew equally red. Lisa swallowed back bile as she grabbed a third wad. The bleeding wasn’t stopping. Clay was going to die in here, all because he’d been protecting her.
Trent got a transfusion going and then took another look at the wound. “It’s a little better,” he told her, but his eyes said it still wasn’t great. “How you doing Clay?”
There was no response and Trent looked up to find Clay’s eyes closed, his head lolling to the side. “Clay! Hey! Wake up!” 
The rest of the group had made it into the new cave looking a little worse for the wear, but without any other serious injuries to report. Jason was barking at Blackburn through the comms while Brock and Sonny reloaded what little ammo they had left and Ray kept an eye on the tunnel.
Clay moaned and then his eyes opened a crack. “Hey,” Trent said. “That’s it. Look at me. Hey!” He cupped Clay’s cheek and tapped it roughly. “Clay, look at me. Do you know where you are?”
Clay nodded sluggishly. “Good. Don’t go to sleep okay?” Trent said. “How bad’s the pain?”
“It’s not bad,” Clay said, but his hands were clenched into fists and Lisa didn’t believe him for a second.
“I can’t give you anymore morphine right now. Just try to ride it out,” Trent told him.
“Sonny?” Clay croaked.
“Yeah, what’s up buddy?” Sonny asked, still shoving ammo into his gun.
“What do you call it,” Clay coughed a little, “when the shituation gets even worse?”
“Jason’s fault,” Sonny said immediately causing him to crack a smile.
“You can let go,” Trent said to Lisa. “I got it.”
Lisa let him take over and stood, trying to stretch out the cramp that was still in her side. The world tilted a little and she reached out a hand to touch the wall. The adrenaline rush was making her dizzy. “Davis? You all right?” Sonny asked.
“Yeah.” She forced a smile. “Yeah, just need to catch my breath for a second.”
That seemed easier said than done. She sucked in one and then another, the world getting progressively less stable. The stitch in her side felt even worse than before and she pressed a shaky hand against it, trying once more to ease the pain.
“Lisa,” Sonny came to his feet, moving toward her. “You’re bleeding.”
“What? No,” she said quickly, looking down at her hands. “No that’s Clay’s blood.”
“Lisa, hey, look at me,” Sonny said gently. “I need you to sit down.”
“What?” He must be confused. She wasn’t bleeding. She was okay. It was Clay who was bleeding. “No, Sonny I’m fine.”
“Listen to me, sit down right here, okay?”
He guided her to floor and she suddenly found that this seemed like a great idea after all, because her legs felt strange. And she was tired. Really tired. “Trent!” Sonny yelled the man’s name loudly, making her flinch. Why was he yelling for Trent? Clay needed him, he was bleeding.
She felt dizzy. Why did Sonny look so worried? She knew him and there was real panic in his eyes as Trent left Clay and came to them. “She’s hit,” Sonny said tightly.
“What?” Trent’s voice was sharp and he immediately began unstrapping her vest. “Help me get her out of this.”
“No, I’m okay,” she said as they pulled and tugged. She could take off her own vest. But even as she reached for the straps she found her fingers didn’t seem to work quite like normal.
Her thoughts were becoming hazy, like she couldn’t quite grasp them. She was fine. She should tell them she was fine and that they should take care of Clay.
Within seconds they had stripped her down to her t-shirt. Sonny eased her back so she was lying on the ground and that was when she began to really feel it. The stitch in her side was on fire. She gasped. “Oh god.”
Lisa looked pale and shaky and it had him worried. Even if she was combat trained, it wasn’t like she did this on the regular. They’d asked a heck of lot of her today and it wasn’t over yet. “Davis? You all right?”
She smiled at him. “Yeah. Yeah just need to catch my breath for a second.” She pressed a hand to her side and that was when he saw the blood dripping onto the floor. “Lisa, you’re bleeding.” His stomach lurched and he automatically reached for her, even as she protested. She didn’t know. Probably hadn’t even really felt it yet, too much adrenaline running through her system.
“Lisa, hey, look at me. I need you to sit down.” He tried to keep his voice calm as he took her arm and helped her to the floor. He didn’t want her to know that he was panicking, because god almighty she’d been shot and was bleeding and it was all their fault. “Trent!”
She looked confused and that scared him even more. “She’s hit,” he said as Trent knelt beside him.
“What?” Trent’s eyebrows shot up and he immediately stripped off the gloves he’d been wearing, pulling on a fresh pair before reaching for the straps on her vest. “Help me get her out of this.”
Sonny pulled at the velcro, working as fast as he could to get it off her body. She groaned as they pulled it off and Sonny’s heart stopped when he saw the dark stain spreading across her shirt.
“Trent, what’s the situation?” Jason asked, his eyes still trained on the small opening into their cavern, waiting for the bad guys who were sure to catch up eventually.
Trent cut it into Lisa’s shirt, ripping it apart to expose her abdomen. The bullet had traveled upward, lodging just above her hip. “It must have been a ricochet off the floor,” he said.
The angle had allowed it to slip under the bottom of her vest, evading the kevlar’s protection. It was an improbable shot. One that should never have happened.
The rest of the team had taken notice, the nervous energy in the air ratcheting up several notches.
“Is she all right?” Clay asked, trying to sit up and see what was going on.
“You stay down!” Trent barked. Lisa moaned as he probed at the wound, blood flowing at an even faster rate.
“Sonny!” Lisa gasped, reaching blindly for him.
“I’m right here,” he said, grabbing her hand. “We’re all right here. You got the whole team with you okay?”
Trent was working rapidly grabbing gauze, bandages, and antiseptic. Lisa tensed, her eyes squeezed shut in pain. Sonny wished they could go back to five minutes ago when she hadn’t realized she was hurt.
Trent kept moving, his hands working hard to stem the flow of blood that didn’t seem like it wanted to stop. “Trent?” Sonny asked.
“I’m working on it Sonny,” he growled, grabbing more gauze. “Put pressure here.”
Sonny used his free hand, pushing gently against the wound, afraid of hurting her even more. Trent grabbed his wrist and pushed it down hard. Lisa cried out, arching her back, and Sonny wanted to die hearing the agonized sound. Trent looked him dead in the eye. “You can’t be gentle. This is life or death. If you can’t handle it I’ll get Ray to do it.”
Sonny shook his head. “I got it.” He released her other hand and pressed firmly, cringing at her choked cry of pain.
“Talk to her,” Trent ordered as he started an IV. “Keep her awake.”
“Davis, hey, look at me, you’re going to be fine, all right?” Sonny said. “Gonna have a great scar, be a hell of a story to tell all your behind the scenes buddies.”
“Sonny, I’m scared,” she whispered.
He wanted to throw up. “I know. I know you are. But Trent’s got you, okay? And I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere.”
She nodded and closed her eyes, her breathing shallow and fast. “Ray, I need your help,” Trent said. Ray came closer, shouldering his rifle so his hands were free. “Hold her shoulders down,” Trent said quietly, then raised his voice so Lisa could hear, “Lisa, this is going to hurt.”
He pulled Sonny’s hands away and began packing the wound. She screamed and Ray pushed down hard her shoulders to keep her from moving. Tears streamed down her face and Sonny felt some pricking at his own eyes. The next thing he knew she had gone completely limp, her head lolling to the side.
“Trent?!” Sonny asked in a panic. 
Trent took her pulse. “She just passed out. Probably better for now.”
“How bad is it?” Jason asked from where he hovered having taken over Ray’s spot on the defense. “Bad,” Trent said. “She’s lost a lot of blood. I’m giving her a transfusion but she needs a hospital fast.”
“Jay, we gotta get out of here,” Sonny said.
“Yeah I got it Sonny,” Jason snapped. He put his hands on his hips and started to pace.
Jason was worried. Trent was worried. This was some real, bad shit.
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fizzyren · 5 years
NSFW prompt (Lance/Possessed/Angst) from way long ago for @usagi-monet, :,) sorry I’m late, I didn’t forget you. This is on AO3!
Hunk/Lance, possession, alien sex, overstimulation, in heat, multiple orgasms, dry orgasms, pwp, the whole nine yards yall just...read it. 
“Oh god, oh god, quiznak I- guys, guys- ” Lance gasped, frantically patting his hands over his armor, trying to touch for cracks, for some entry point.
“I-I think something just went inside of me, oh my god. I’m going to die . I’m-”
“Lance! Calm down.”
Hunk sighed out beside him, looking at the blue paladin as if this was another joke of his. Lance looked at Hunk pleadingly when he pulled his foot up out of the sticky goop or sap or whatever was coming out of these trees and coating the planet’s surface.
“Hunk, did you not see that-that thing go inside of me!?”
“I didn’t see anything at all other than you shooting at random shadows. Stop playing around, man.”
Hunk shook his head before turning back around, his bayard activated in it’s larger gun form, resting with the end towards the ground.
Lance made a small noise of apprehension, still looking down at himself and then behind as if he might see the figure once again.
Just as quiet as the forest they were in, so too was the...apparition. Lance had no idea what to call it. It had no definite shape and had seemed to float listlessly towards him. Had he been paying more attention to the trees around him and not getting sap off his boots, he could have probably easily dodged the thing. But as it was, Lance looked up right as the opaque fog-like being ran into him with barely a cold touch. It had startled Lance’s bayard to activate and his clenching hand shot a ball of hot plasma into the ground. Hunk’s echoing scream as he whipped around matched Lance’s when he too turned to try and find the source of the fog.
And now it left a sour taste in both their mouths. Hunk upset with Lance scaring him, and Lance upset that there was some whisper-y motherfucker that just waltzed right through him.
They didn’t have long to bicker about it. Lance suddenly felt like a fire had been lit inside his armor. When he looked up to Hunk, ready to ask him if he felt any different too, he paused.
Hunk was staring at him, or more accurately, Lance was staring down the barrel of Hunk’s activated bayard cannon. Confused, Lance took a half step back and held a hand up.
“Woah, hey. What the heck?” he tried to say, but instead what came out was a monotone, “don’t shoot.”
Hunk’s grip on his bayard tightened and Lance could see the narrow of his eyes behind his helmet’s visor. Lance’s voice came out again, devoid of any emotion and fluctuation.
“I will not hurt you. Please put away your weapon.”
“I’m not doing anything you say.” Hunk all but growls, and the yellow gold light of his bayard goes brighter like he’s preparing to shoot. Lance feels himself panic, or is it whatever has suddenly taken over him that is startled?
“You will not shoot your friend. He is precious to you.” He says, or... it says. Like it knows how deep his and Hunk’s bond runs.
Hunk stays quiet and doesn’t move. The...entity takes that as signal to continue or get to its point. Lance, meanwhile, is freaking out at his lack of control on his own body. It feels strange. As if there are blankets wrapped around each of his limbs and holding him close like a swaddled up baby. It doesn’t help to calm him down as his inability to move creates more problems than comfort.
“I will explain more when you take me to your leader,” Lance wants to rolls his eyes at the cheesy line, “all I wish is to seek council with your authority. We are in trouble.”
“And who is we?” Hunk asks carefully.
Lance’s eyes do roll this time, though more on the entity's part.
“Were you listening? I said I will explain only with your leader present.”
“How do I know you’re not just trying to kill us all?”
“Were we in any position of desire to harm you and your team, it would have happened as soon as you entered the forest.”
There’s silence before Hunk finally sighs and lowers his bayard. Lance’s fluttering heartbeat returns to normal as he sighs.
“What did you do to Lance?”
“Your friend is still here. We are simply borrowing his form. Our species is unable to communicate with others without a medium.”
Hunk still looks wary. Lance inappropriately thinks he looks quite handsome like this, a half glare-scowl on his face and his shoulders squared up to make him look straighter. He looks big, strong, worthy, the little voice rooming in his head purrs.
Hunk turns around before speaking, “Hey, Keith? Got something on our end. Mute Lance’s com when you respond though.”
Lance makes to complain but he knows that it’s probably for the better. They don’t know what this thing is. They don’t know if it’s really a friend and not a foe. And right now, Lance is completely compromised. He just wishes it was a little more comfortable.
He expected to still be cold, for that entity’s chill to settle in now that he was….possessed? Inhabited? But there’s been an ever growing heat inside, starting at his toes and fingertips and crawling up.
The entity must sense his unease because it relinquishes control and suddenly Lance can move and speak. He stumbles back when he has to focus on his weight on his knees and feet.
“W-Woah-“ he mumbles, blinking away the sudden dizziness. Hunk turns around in alarm only to see Lance almost fall back again.
He’s saved by the hand on his forearm, holding him upright and Lance’s heartbeat washes the heat over him in stronger, faster pulses. It rises and rises and Lance groans from feeling suddenly lightheaded.
“Lance? Hey, what’s wrong? What’s happening?”
His view of Hunk suddenly blurs into two, and somehow that’s the funniest thing he’s ever seen in his life at the moment and he catches the back end of his own chuckle before he passes out.
Waking back up is, in every sense of the word, hell. Before he can even open his eyes heat swallows him. It burns a headache behind his sinuses and his joints grow stiff. His chest is burning but his stomach and pelvis are boiling.
He doesn’t want to open his eyes, too scared that he’ll see charred skin and bone where his body should be. That thought becomes a fever dream when a chilled hand lays across his forehead. Lance groans and turns into it, not caring who it is, just hoping they stay a little longer.
Cold pressure rubs across his brows and down the bridge of his nose and Lance mumbles Hunk’s name, recognizing the touch.
When he blinks, trying to make sure it really is Hunk, he’s met with a dark room and Hunk’s shadow hovering over him. He looks worried and Lance has an apology on the tip of his tongue ready to make that worry go away.
Heat suddenly pulses through his veins, interrupting that line of thought. It comes again, stronger with the gasp he takes. Hunk’s hands draw away and Lance sobs because that’s so much worse. It makes the heat so much worse. He can hardly see anymore, vision fuzzy and caving in. There’s nothing for him to hold onto as his body feels like he’s been spun around, rotating on one point like an empty bottle.
Hunk’s hands come back on his shoulders and chest when he rolls, trying to stand up. A stupid idea, probably, but it’s too hot to stay laying down anymore. The sheets and mattress under his back were trapping too much heat.
There’s something squirming inside his head. He can feel it pressing between his brain and his skull, slipping through tissue and vessels. He’s suddenly so nauseous he can’t breathe. Words are being spoken to him but he doesn’t understand their meaning. Up becomes down and left becomes right.
Hunk eases him to the floor from where he’d stumbled forward and then he can’t tell where the rest of his surroundings are. Every point of contact between him and Hunk burns ice cold and it’s a drug Lance wants more of. The world falls away.
Hunk however...Hunk is very much freaking out. Not only does his best friend get possessed by a creepy planet alien ghost, but now he’s acting weird. Well, weird doesn’t come close to it. Hunk is just glad Lance is still breathing and not spouting that ‘take me to your leader’ crap.
The situation he’s facing now, might be in the running for being worse, though. Lance is feverish, mumbling in some strange language that Hunk can’t put a name to, and trying to walk away to quiznak knows where. He’s also, somehow, become incredibly strong. Every time Hunk tries to sit Lance down, he’s pushed away.
It’s all fine and controllable until Lance gets Hunk on the floor, flat on his back and hovering with this dazed sway that makes him look like he’s a breath away from passing out again.
“Hurts- ” he whines, breathless when he straddles Hunk’s hips, “it burns. Do something. Please, do something-”
Hunk’s tongue turns to stone in the back of his throat when Lance pushes down without warning, pert bottom rubbing circles on top of Hunk. He has a firm grasp of Hunk’s shirt hem, pressing against his stomach like it’d keep him down while he grinds into him again.
Whatever heat Lance is feeling blends up Hunk’s cheeks.
Now that Lance has gotten a good rhythm for himself, he doesn’t look like he’ll stop any time soon. His head rolls back on his shoulders as he sighs, moans on his next thrust forward and again when his hips swing back. Hunk chokes on the pleasure.
“Th-this is like... the least best way to handle this-” he pipes up, not loud enough it seems. That, or Lance is definitely ignoring him.
“It’s so hot,” Lance moans, filthy and airy and oh quiznak are his eyes glowing?!
Lance’s head rolls again like he’s only upright because of a single string. His eyes are barely open but Hunk can still see the white glow pouring from behind his pupils. The color of his irises bleeds out, turning the glow a baby blue shade that falls on his cheeks.
Hunk finds himself sweating under that gaze. Or maybe he’s sweating because Lance feels like he’s been sitting in an oven for five hours. He’s sweltering hot in his lap and Hunk might actually melt. He’s too scared to touch Lance. Worried he would literally burn himself.
The layers of clothes between him and Lance are suddenly a blessing. Deliriously he thinks, there’s a reason you wear oven mitts when taking something out of the oven.
Hunk remembers that they’re actually in the middle of some negotiations with these alien entities. Whatever is inside of Lance is also somehow inside of Shiro and they are holding a meeting with Allura and the rest of the paladins.
Lance was unable to join, seeing how he’d been unconscious on their return. And with his steady rising temperature, Hunk didn’t want to leave him alone. The problem at hand is….still manageable.
Lance suddenly begins to pull on Hunk’s pants and that “still manageable” runs in the other direction.
“Woah woah woah, what are you doing?” Hunk goes to grab Lance’s hands and gets swatted for his effort. Hunk makes a stressed noise and hovers his hands, not wanting to get slapped again.
“We shouldn’t be doing this. Like really really. You need to be laying down.”
“It’s hot. Don’t wanna lay down. Wanna-” Lance trails off, words slurring to incomprehensible mumbling and murmuring as his heated fingers pull Hunk’s cock free from his boxers. “Burns inside” he gasps.
Hunk meets Lance’s eyes again, and even though the glow is starting to hurt to stare into, it dims when something passes over the light source inside. That something being, what looks to Hunk to be a ball of circles and cubes. The shape is almost crystalline and oh so very tiny. He loses track of it when Lance blinks sluggishly.
It was enough of a distraction that now Lance is completely naked on top of him, and his pants and boxers are bunch up under his knees.
“Oh man- Lance we really shouldn’t be doing this. This is such a bad idea.” he mutters more to himself than anything because Lance isn’t listening to him anymore.
Lance is sweating, body finally unable to handle the dangerous temperatures that his fever is working up. Lance is also trying to seat himself down on Hunk’s half hard cock like it’s nothing.
In a blind panic Hunk grabs Lance under the knees and lifts. They go toppling off to the side and Lance sobs like he’s been shot. He thrashes to try and get free, screaming like Hunk has done something wrong.
“Lance! Lance, stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!”
“A-aaah- I-I can’t-“ Lance’s voice wavers between that monotone pitch and his own frenzied voice. He’s fighting it. Hunk can tell that Lance is trying to be good but whatever is inside him isn’t budging.
Lance moans again before his eyes drop down, looking at Hunk with a burning sort of hunger he knows that he won’t be able to get away from.
“If I give you want you want you have to leave him alone,” he says suddenly. Lance doesn't seem to hear him until his head rolls back and a laugh comes free.
Hunk is busy watching the way Lance’s skin pulls across his collarbones and ribs as he tips back. They’ve not has any way to get UV light but Lance still looks like he’s been on the beach for the weekend. There’s almost this glow to his skin or maybe it’s the sweat, maybe it’s the alien inside him doing something.
When their eyes meet Lance has that backlit look to his eyes again and the monotone voice from the entity inside him actually sounds amused .
“You’re smarter than you look, Paladin.” it purrs. Hunk isn’t amused.
“You didn’t come here to talk with us, did you?”
That laugh comes again, more frantic when Lance squirms and pushes his hips into Hunk’s.
“Your friends have not lasted as long as you in resisting the temptation. Will you allow your Lance friend here to burn himself out? This really is a painful way to go,” Lance’s eyes glow brighter as a sharp grin curves his mouth. It looks eerily out of place on him.
Hunk takes Lance by the jaw and presses in frustration. He can’t hurt this alien without also hurting Lance.
The entity seems to have thin patience the longer Hunk tries to stall.
“The longer your friends fornicate with me the longer your lover here suffers,” Hunk wants to make a comment about them being lovers but the alien continues, “we’re waiting for you. Complete the link.”
It’s cryptic. It makes no sense, and Hunk has a growing feeling that whatever this alien is getting at means that the other paladins are in a similar state as Lance. Probably already fucking each other. Hunk doesn’t know what this thing means by completing the link but he knows now that if he doesn’t Lance will die. Will this affect spread to the other paladins?
He doesn’t dwell anymore on it. He’d made his decision and as a Paladin of Voltron, he has a duty to save people. His fellow teammates included.
Hunk and Lance end up back on the bed again where he can reach the lube he has stashed.
He spends the time prepping Lance despite his protests. And he’s glad for it once he starts to press inside because Lance is almost too tight.
Lance reaches down to grab at the top of Hunk’s thighs, nails biting in as he gasps. The glow in his eyes flickers before fading away and Lance looks Hunk over with clear blue eyes for the first time since this started before shivering. His bottom lip gets caught between his teeth when he stares lower at where Hunk is still inside him, holding still, waiting for a go ahead or for Lance to stop wincing.
It takes a whole awkward three seconds for Lance to finally start making little movements with his hips, up and down to test the feeling. He pushes towards Hunk’s hips and his eyelashes flutter and Hunk has to squeeze his eyes shut to stop looking.
His crush on Lance is nothing new. They practically grew up together. Lance has been with him through everything. And as annoying as Lance is, Hunk has always found himself drawn to the other. Hunk prides himself in being the person Lance is most comfortable with and he takes every casually tossed arm over his shoulder and hug and bump with pride.
They’ve talked about it before too. Lance is very aware of Hunk’s crush. Not because he could see it, course not he’s dense on that romance stuff, but because Hunk had made a mistake of confessing one night at the Garrison as they snuck out to look at the stars and talk about their futures.
Somehow with all of that, they didn’t date. Hunk kept his crush and Lance conveniently didn’t bring it up or voice any feelings that would suggest he felt the same. He just made sure that Hunk knew he wasn’t bothered with it. It made things like this a little tougher.
“Oh god … you’re so big- ” Lance whined, leaning in to slip his hands to the back of Hunk’s thighs and pull. His legs rest up on Hunk’s hips and he grinds down.
Hunk’s chest hurts watching Lance’s head fall back and a moan tumble free. It feels more than good when Lance clenches around him with that noise.
His eagerness is a little unexpected but Hunk could have it worse. He guesses Lance could be actually dead by now. Or trying to hop on someone else’s dick. It’s a though Hunk doesn’t want to linger on.
“Ngh - yeah, yeah right there Hunk I-” Lance gasps, pulling at the back of his thighs harder when Hunk rocks forward with power behind his hips, “fuck yes that feels good!”
The words keep falling past Lance’s lips like he hardly has any control over it and Hunk is almost embarrassed to admit that it’s getting him turned on. But he’s come to accept that Lance sets all sorts of fires in him a long time ago. He’s had plenty a fantasy of having Lance under him like this, whining and begging for his cock.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, deeper. Go deeper Hunk,” Lance babbles again, starting to squirm in his lap. Hunk is stumped for the first time.
He’s quite literally as deep as he can be. Balls pressed up firmly against Lance’s spread open hole, wet and dripping with lube.  He can’t go any further than this despite Lance’s pleading. But damn if he doesn’t try.
He leans over Lance with one arm, other curling under his waist to keep him at a good angle before pulling his hips closer. They slot together a little better this way and it almost feels like he’s deeper even though he knows there’s not much of a difference.
It’s what Lance apparently wanted. He moans, croons to himself while he scrambles against Hunk’s broad back until he’s squeezing his shoulders and biting.
The pain makes Hunk wince, starting to fuck into Lance in hopes it will get him to let go with gasps and noises; It partially works. Lance moves away from biting and scratching to screaming. His eyes are gathering up that glowing charge again as he stares blankly off at the ceiling.
The change almost makes him worried if Lance is about to pass out on him but he keeps mumbling Hunk’s name between pleas for more, deeper, faster. He doesn’t sound different other than his voice being tighter.  
But then he’s clenching around Hunk’s cock and gasping, no actual noise coming from his parted lips. His skin stretches against his throat when he shoves his head back, arch of his neck a mirror to the one in his back.
Hunk pulls Lance closer, kisses under his jaw and chin until he’s shivering and finding his voice again.
“Hunk, keep moving,” he whines, “don’t stop, don’t- oh fuck- fuck, fuck, fuck right there, yes, yeah, right there just like- nnggh-“
Hunk leans back a little, hands finally settling on Lance’s hips when he asks, “are you okay?”
He’s not expecting the full body shudder, Lance’s eyes squeezing shut and head falling back. Hunk doesn’t think it’s in reply to the question, but maybe to the small and shallow thrusts he’s keeping. Even that he’s having doubts about, Lance just came, right?
After a few shaking breaths, Lance tenses up again, toes curling and this time a moan pressing out past his lips, “ah- Hunk-”
The breathing under him picks up again, whining growing tighter the more Lance squirms. He calls out for Hunk again, lips trembling and eyelashes wet. Hunk tries to comfort him through whatever is happening.
He rubs his hands over Lance’s sides, up over his chest and shoulders to gently cup his face, thumbs swiping away the tears that start falling. He hates seeing Lance cry, but it’s a strange situation and Hunk has a hard time coming to terms with the fact he’s still hard inside of Lance.
“Cum in me,” Lance slurs, head lolling off to the side and then back in the other direction as he tries to open his eyes and focus on the face hovering above him, “gotta- I need it inside!”
Lance’s head bobs once more before the glowing comes back and his voice changes, but even now, the voice sounds out of breath and well-fucked, “complete the link, Paladin.”
Completing whatever stupid link this thing wants isn’t something Hunk think he knows how to actually do, but completing inside of Lance is. That’s easy to do. He’s already wound up so much from Lance squirming on his cock and squeezing around him every time he shifts around on the bed.
There has to be something wrong with him too to have cum so fast, and on command like that, but Hunk doesn’t care anymore. His mind goes peacefully blank for a few seconds, softly lulled through with Lance’s sighing and hands rubbing his shoulders and chest to encourage him or just show his appreciation.
When he comes back to reality, Lance is quiet and unmoving, arms by his sides now rather than trying to touch anything he can reach. His chest is moving slow in time with his breathing and Hunk assumes this is it.
As he pulls out slowly, he wonders if he should be more panicked than he is. This whole thing feels surreal.
The last thing he sees is Lance’s gaping entrance, wet and leaking pearly white onto the sheets. The last thing he hears is that monotone voice in his own head, purring gratitude against every nerve and driving the world black.
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everbluesky · 6 years
Grey-Part 1
Hello everyone! Here’s the finished product of my fanfiction! I hope you enjoy!
Tim slid down the black, slippery mud path, careful to avoid the pieces of metal protruding from the ruin-like buildings on both sides as he slid at a high speed. As soon as he reached the bottom, he broke off into a sprint. He knew if he was going to get back to his place safely, he was going to have to do it quickly.
After all, if he stalled now, he would die.
And there would be no one to save him.
So Tim kept running. He ran through the rubble of what once was a city, jumping over fallen pieces when they got in his path. He glanced behind him. Crap. They were gaining on him, but he could hear them better than he could see them. They panted loudly as they ran, and they weren’t exactly the most graceful creatures either. One of them crashed through the rubble loudly, scrambling over a large chunk of rubble and attempting to jump at him. Tim quickly jumped to the side, while keeping his pace of course. He heard it land harshly on the ground, and he swore he could hear a loud crack. No time to stop though.
Why should he stop for something that would kill him the first chance it got?
Two more ran past their fallen comrade, not even bothering to check on it. He could hear them coming up quickly on both of his sides. So they were going to try strategy now? That’s very unusual for them. Suddenly, the one on his left lunged at him, and Tim barely had enough time to jerk his body back. But he did, and it went barreling into its comrade on the right.
Tim took no time to check on them as he jumped straight over the mass. He saw his place in the distance over the trees on the side of the black, muddy path. Tim couldn’t help but relax a little.
He was almost there.
Suddenly, one of his hunters jumped onto his back. Crap. He hadn’t been paying attention. He crashed on the ground harshly, his attacker jumped off his back and stood over him triumphantly. Tim didn’t move a muscle.
He held his breath.
He felt his attacker grab his boot with its teeth, and flinched as the creature dug its fangs into his foot and shook it around a couple of times. It then let go and began to circle around him, growling and sniffing as it did. As slow as humanly possible, Tim let out a slow exhale and reached for a small black orb on the side of his belt. He grasped it carefully in his hands as the ginormous, dog-like creature leaned its eyeless head down towards him and let out a low growl.
Tim suddenly pushed a small button on the small orb, and it let out a loud, ear-piercing siren. The eyeless monster let out a sound similar to a bark, and Tim jumped up quickly and threw the orb as hard and as fast as he could. The creatures large ears perked up and followed the noise as it soared across the large meadow. It let out a low, terrifying howl and then broke into a full on sprint, running to the direction in which he threw the orb.
Tim dropped into a crouch and watched as several others of the creatures raced past him and over to the loud noise. They made loud whines, barks, and howls as they did. They were smaller, so they must be the beta type. And that other one must be one of the alphas then, he thought to himself.
He let out a soft, soundless sigh as he picked up several tools that had fallen off of him when he had been knocked to the ground. He quickly put them all back in their appropriate places and went to pick up the last object. It was a long, sturdy, black metal staff. It was similar to his Bo staff, in a way, but it was a lot heavier, and it was much than just a Bo staff. It was a multi weapon, and it was made of a metal stronger than any earth material.
He had found all of his most recent gear at his “home”. It was the only place that was relatively safe. A tall, office looking building that was the only thing still standing. Tim was lucky to have appeared next to it when he had first gotten here. How he had gotten here, exactly, was a complete mystery. Ok, not a complete mystery, but…it wasn’t what he had been expecting. But then again, he wasn’t expecting anything.
All he knew is that he missed his family, and not his biological family, per say.
But his real family.
Heck, even Damian.
He had no idea how long he had been in this crazy, messed up place. This world that looked like a black and white movie, void of any color what-so-ever. A world with a grey, cloudy sky that always looked as if it would rain any second, but never cleared. Tim didn’t know if his family was trying to find him. But, then again, why would they? He was just the stand-in, wasn’t he? He had pushed his way into the “Bat-family” and he was sure he wasn’t even wanted.
Why else would Dick turn his position of Robin over to Damian the first chance he got? Why else would Jason and Damian constantly insult him, and even try to kill him? He was just the info guy. Just a college intern that got paid by having food and a roof over his head.
Oh well, it didn’t matter anymore. All that mattered was surviving. No one was here, and no one could help him if he got hurt, so he had to keep moving. He had to.
Tim put the staff on his back and began to walk towards his towering safe-place. The orb would roll away and go off for another hour or so, and as long as he didn’t make a noise louder than that, he was perfectly safe, for now.
He gave once last glance in the direction that the creatures had run before turning to the field that surrounded his home. The field looked like one of those long grass fields you would see in the country-side, except for that the plants in it were completely black. It didn’t really bug him that much anymore, after all, he blended in perfectly.
His new outfit–which consisted of a long, sleeveless, hooded trench coat, a long black under shirt, sturdy leather gloves that came up to his elbows, two black utility belts on his waist, black shorts, grey leggings, and long black leather boots that came up just above his knees–was completely black, save his leggings and parts of his gloves. The hood was also very strange. When he put it over his head, it provided an almost veil-like cover that made it impossible for anyone on the outside to see his face, even if they shone a light directly at him. It was strange, but he didn’t mind. He could still see after all.
Tim continued to limp through the field, his feet making no sound with each step. That was another thing that had happened when he had gotten here. He made no sound when he walked, and very little sound when he ran. It was fine though, it helped him get past the creatures with little-to-no problems. It was just a little freaky.
He finally reached the front of the large, dark grey concrete building and walked through the doorless doorway. Tim limped up the stairway and made his way up to the seventh floor, where he had made his home. He jumped across the large gap between the stairs and the seventh floor, where part of the stairs had broken off, fallen, and crumbled to rubble on the set of stairs below. He winced as he landed, and he could feel blood in his boot.
Tim stood up shakily and looked at the worn sign on the wall that depicted a barely visible number seven. He walked through a doorway and into a large, empty room save the few office desk that were strewn across the room in an unorderly fashion. One large greyish white desk stood upright against the wall, its surface covered in various marks and scratches. He had moved it there. It was his bed. A little uncomfortable, but it beat sleeping on the floor.
He jumped up and sat on the large desk, taking the long leather boot off of his left leg. He examined the wound. It didn’t look to bad, compared to previous ones he’d gotten. Tim made sure that there wasn’t any teeth still stuck in the wound and cleaned it as best as he could with a small towel and a canteen of water in one of the drawers of the desk that he used for injuries only. It was still bleeding a little, so Tim got some gauze from his belt and wrapped it gently.
He watched as blood slowly began to soak the gauze, staining it black. Tim gave a small frown and got off the desk, being careful to land gently. He took off his hood and made his way over to a mirror on the other side of the room, stopping in front of its cracked surface and stared at his reflection.
He stared at the long black bangs, ashen grey skin, and  bright blue eyes. Tim’s eyes were the only hint of color still left on his body; his skin had turned grey shortly after he had gotten here, and shortly after he…
Tim frowned and shook his head. Maybe it was just a dream.
An incredibly long and painful dream.
He turned and limped back to his makeshift bed. Maybe he should just sleep. It’ll get his mind off of everything.
With that, Tim lied down on the cold, hard surface and closed his eyes, soon slipping into a dreamless slumber.
@asanotheronebitesthedust @boosyboo9206 @mizmahlia
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justtextmeoppa · 7 years
❝ You saved a man!! ❞
Plot: You’re one of Korea’s top surgeon and there’s an accident in Big Hit Bulding and you’ve to perform an emergency surgeon in front of the guys. 
Words count: 2,3k+
Genre: “Real life”?? 
For anon, I hope you like it cutie! - M. 
Gif aren’t mine, credits to the owner! ♥
P.S. Y/N’s older than Jimin because she couldn’t be one of Korea Top Doctor if she was Jimin’s age. 
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It was two years that you didn’t see Jimin, either because of his schedules but also of yours. You were dating for a few months when you were teenagers, but your crush hadn’t diminished over the years and despite the distance, you were left in excellent relationships.  
So when he asked you to see you, because he knew you were back in Korea after two years of absence because of your work, your heart had made a deadly leap and the smile had no longer left your face.  
You were older than Jimin, to tell the truth, was your younger brother the person who had made you know, but he had always been more mature than his age and it was for that reason that you had developed feelings for him.  
Despite the agitation of that day, you had decided in less than twenty minutes what to wear and you were extremely satisfied with your outfit. Nothing too sexy but not too chaste, yes you wanted to win him over somehow because you still liked Park Jimin.  By checking your phone you wrote a message to him, telling him that you were out of the building and that you couldn’t get in as they had perfectly made you understand it wanted the pass.  
You watched in the reflection of a showcase nearby, wishing to have put less lip gloss and wondering if those shoes matched the skinny jeans you wore at that time.  
“To Hell, I’m fine so…” You murmured when a hand tapped on your shoulder and his reflection in the showcase smiled at you.  
And that was another blow to the heart for you because you didn’t know how it was possible but he had become a thousand time handsome than you remembered.  
Slowly you turned and his smile became even more gentle and especially bright, as he opened his arms and allowed you to hide among them. It was a hug full of meaning, of words that didn’t need to be said. You laid your chin against his shoulder, with heels you could reach his height, forcefully clenching your arms around his waist and fully inhaling his scent that still had some effect on you.  
“You’re even more beautiful than I remembered!”  
“And you even more inclined to flirt.”  
Jimin burst to laugh, moving little to be able to look into your eyes while moving a strand of hair behind your ear.  The butterflies in your stomach have begun to dance, you can even feel your legs shaking and your hands, pressed gently against his back, tremble in the same way as your legs.  
“Can we g-go inside..? I wouldn’t want your fans to think anything strange if they see us… ”  
He simply nodded and loosened the grip on you, transforming the hug and leaving only a hand resting against your back in order to guide you. You didn’t remember that jimin so at ease, but you liked it because for once his shyness didn’t interrupt any kind of contact.  
You followed him quietly, observing the building and listening carefully to what he told you and remaining fascinated by the fact that they had just moved and the achievements they reached. Obviously, you know them, you’re a fan of BTS even if you never admitted it with him and at the bottom of your heart you always knew that they would achieve a worldwide success.  
Jimin continued to speak, without ever leaving your side and especially without moving the hand from your back when two people almost jumped in front of you, making you just wince.  
“YAH! JUNGKOOK-AH! HYUNG! ” Jimin screamed, covering your with part of his body almost wanted to hide you from two of his bandmates.  
The youngest smiled at you immediately, despite the slight redness on his cheeks made you realize that he was extremely embarrassed. While the other moved Jimin and took your hand, pretending a kiss on your hand and making you blush immediately.  
“Jimin-ah, you have so charming friends and you don’t tell us???”  
Namjoon smiled at his friend, obviously, it’s all a joke at that time and in his gaze, you noticed something different. The way he watched Jimin when he kissed your hand makes you realize that there is something you don’t know, something the latter hid from you, and curiosity was already starting to pop inside you.  
“Nice to meet you.” You murmured with a little bow, seeing Jungkook observing you with the same smile that Namjoon had addressed shortly before to Jimin.  
“Our pleasure, Noona. Jimin told us a lot about you! ”  
That confession could do nothing but please you, while you mentally began to dance a kind of victory dance. If he had spoken of you, there were extreme possibilities that your crush wasn’t one side type.  
Together with the other two, you started walking in the direction of the rehearsal room, where the other four were simply chatting as they had finished a heavy day of rehearsals.  
“Finally!” Yelled Taehyung, who you immediately recognized thanks to his characteristic smile, as he approached you and vigorously shook your hand with joy.  At that time you understood why him was so tied to Taehyung, they were practically two cupcakes disguised as sunbeams.  
“Guys, she’s Y/N.. My childhood friend, do you remember? ”  
The other three greeted with a nod of the hand and a huge smile, but suddenly a strange roar echoed all over the floor and caught all eight of them by surprise.  
“What the heck..” Seokjin and Yoongi murmured in chorus while screaming outside the rehearsal room began to make you realize that something had to have happened.  
Without waiting and ignoring the “where the hell are you going y/n?” by Jimin, you ran to the door and opening it you found yourself in front of a cloud of dust and smoke, while some people were screaming to call the rescue immediately. The building was new but apparently, a non-bearing column had collapsed, causing all that dust and maybe some injured.  
“Where are you going? We stay in the rehearsal room until the rescue arrives. ”  
Jimin’s voice was shaken, trembled and you could feel it perfectly but you weren’t instructed to remain helpless in those situations. You smiled to reassure him and you started walking in the midst of the smoke, knowing that he wouldn’t follow you because that of the unknown was a rational fear of every human being, and he didn’t know what was expected in the midst of that cloud of dust.  
Cloud that immediately began to dissipate thanks to the perfectly functioning ventilation systems, so your view was more facilitated in following the groans of some of the wounded. With a clinical look, you realize that no one seemed to have really hurt when a moan different from others took your attention.  
You paraded your shoes and ran towards that voice, biting your bottom lip forcefully when the boy who was looking for help was on the ground with a metal bar stuck into his abdomen.  
“Hey, I’m Y/N. I’m a surgeon and you’re in great hands.. But I’m telling you now that this bar will have to come with you to the hospital unless firefighters saw it. ”  
Your voice was sweet and kind, one of the first things they had taught you was to reassure the patient in any way. The more nervous the patient was, the more was the risk of aggravating any condition.  
A middle-aged man came up to you, coughing lightly, and you asked if the rescues had already been warned and his affirmative answer gave you more security and peace of mind.  
“What’s your name?”  
“Lu.. L-Lu.. ” He began to say but immediately began breathing with wheezing, almost as if he had something stuck in his throat.  
It was an alarm bell for you so you immediately bent your head backward and opened his mouth, recovering in the meantime from your bag a small portable flashlight. By making light in the oral cavity you noticed a huge amount of soot, caused by the fall of the column, and some pieces of concrete that obstructed the airways. And it was certainly not the best news for you at that time.  
“Don’t talk, try to stay conscious, all right?” You ordered to him, but his breath became every second ever more strenuous, while his heartbeat decelerated rapidly.  
He would be suffocated if you hadn’t intervened promptly. Luckily the bar in his abdomen, somehow, stopped the bleeding and wasn’t the main problem. You turned to the man next to you and ordered him to find any kind of knife and a lighter, causing an absolute confusion in man.  
“DAMN IT, MOVE!” You screamed, however, keeping the calm and the cold blood, while the man nodded and began to run in search of the objects that you had just asked.  
“Y/N what are you doing???” Jimin asked after reached you along with the other six, while you started poking around in your purse finding what you needed.  
You didn’t love vodka, but that little bottle found in your hotel room’s mini bar would have been incredibly helpful. With fast and precise gestures you would remove the tip and the barrel with the ink from the pen found in your bag, starting to pour over half bottle and thanking the man who had just returned with a small kitchen knife and the lighter. It had passed a few moments but no one could be wasted, so you took the knife and spilled the remaining transparent liquid on the blade and then repeatedly pass the flame of the lighter on it, trying to sterilize it as much as possible.  
“Is she going to do what I think..?” Hoseok asked, with a distraught tone, while Jimin was blocking your hand and observing you as if you were crazy.  
“Y/N; It’s not a movie. ”  
“Exactly and if you keep holding my hand, this boy will die. ” You hissed in a cold tone, the surgeon who was in you had just come out in the open, yanking gently your wrist and rid from his grip.  
With precise moves, you swipe your finger on his Adam’s apple, until you reach the cricoid cartilage. You had taken that action so many times that you could have done it even with your eyes closed. Two deep breaths, made by holding the pen ledge between the teeth, and you started practicing a small incision of an inch, pressing forcefully to make the cut as deep as its length.  
Immediately the cricothyroid membrane showed up in front of you, in all its horrible appearance, so effortlessly you practiced the second incision albeit smaller, putting without problems the straw of the ballpoint pen.  
The beating of the boy, you had tightened his wrist a second before, was slowly increasing and bending toward him you blew twice in the straw, hoping that he will automatically resume breathing. The compressions were not a useful action at that time because with the compressions you risked of moving the metal bar and aggravating his conditions.  
One, two, three, four, five, you were almost at the sixth second when the boy’s chest began, again, to rise and fall and a sigh of relief will escape you from your lips, while you are sitting backward.  
“What the hell is this, a Grey’s Anatomy episode..?”  
The voices of the six Bangtan arrived soon after, while your gaze rested on the boy next to you who hadn’t distracted his eyes from you even for a second. You were dirty with blood on your blouse, on your hands, and maybe even on your face, but he was looking at you in a way that could, incredibly, make you blush.  
“How the hell did you do it..?”  
“You never asked me what I did to live, Jimin..” You murmured with a smile, controlling in the meantime the young man’s heartbeat. It was slow but stable and luckily the rescues came right at that time.  
“Who has practiced this tracheotomy?” one of the men asked, observing you and then laying his gaze on your dirty clothes; “Who gave her permission, Miss? You could kill him. ”  
“I’m a surgeon.”  
Showing your badge made the paramedic open wide his eyes, whispering to his colleague “She’s Y/N Y/L/N, unbelievable…”  
“You should bring this man to the hospital right away, you’re not here to whispering silly things.” You hummed slightly annoyed and they immediately nodded, bowing with reverence and checking the boy’s vital parameters, deciding how to act because of the metal bar.  
In slow steps you walked away, going to slam against Seokjin who was watching you with admiration, though he hadn’t yet pronounced a word.  
“Noona.. Are you a surgeon?? ”  
“Yes, Jungkook.. I was abroad to take a specialization, but let’s say I graduated very early. ”  
“Daebak” all seven murmured in chorus, making you blush slightly.  
“Y/N.. You opened that man’s neck. ”  
“He couldn’t breathe jimin..”  
“GUYS IT’S NOT A BIG DEAL” You exclaimed, embarrassed because of their looks when all of a sudden, all seven encircled you, hugging you with a loud screams of pure joy.  
“G-Guys, I can’t breathe!”  
“Hey, let her, you can’t touch Her!” Jimin almost seemed to smoke with jealousy while he was pushing them away, who began to tease him jokingly and pinching his side.  
“May I ask you something, Y/n?”  
The wait wasn’t one of the things you loved most, but knowing him you knew that however shyness was part of him so maybe you had to give him time to formulate the phrase in the best way.  
But without saying anything he leaned towards you and grazed your lips with his, for a handful of seconds, leaving you completely shocked. The whistles of approval arrived almost immediately, while two of their managers came running to tell them to leave the building but your gaze couldn’t move from Jimin’s, who was blushed as much as you.  
“Will you give me a date, doctor?”  
“Surgeon, please. And yes, I waited all these years only for this. ”
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I’d Live Them All The Same
Hello mates! You know I love angst, and, well, it just happened to be Angst Appreciation Day today, so yeah ;)
Characters: Older sister Winchester!reader, Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, John Winchester [mentioned], other members of the Winchester/Campbell family. 
Words: 2400+
Warnings: Broken reader, implied depression, just overall bad mental health. If you think about what Sam and Dean’s been through, it’s not far of a stretch from the show, but just know that it’s angsty (not the most angsty thing I’ve written though, sorry.)
A/N: I feel like I got a positive response to some of my older sister stuff I did a while back, and I also just got some older sister angst feels, so yeah, here you go. Also, there’s a couple of paragraphs (and title) taken from this song: Circles (MNG Remix) - Eden Project. If you want, listen to it while reading this, it builds up the angst ;)
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Your name: submit What is this? document.getElementById("submit").addEventListener('click', function(){ walk(document.body, /\by\/n\b|\(y\/n\)/ig, document.getElementById("inputTxt").value); }); function walk(node, v, p){ var child, next; switch (node.nodeType){ case 1: // Element case 9: // Document case 11: // Document fragment child = node.firstChild; while (child){ next = child.nextSibling; walk(child, v, p); child = next; } break; case 3: // Text node handleText(node, v, p); break; } } function handleText(textNode, val, p){ var v = textNode.nodeValue; v = v.replace(val, p); textNode.nodeValue = v; }
If I told you how this story end,
Would you change a step you take?
And if I could relive all of my days,
I'd live them all the same.
'cause I'm scared, of all that I don't know,
'cause I want it all but all of it ain't gold.
And I'm scared, but I know it's not for long
'cause I'm learning what I should've long before.
You sat on the carpet clad floor of the dark motel room, right by the door. It was the middle of the night, but it wasn’t not quiet — your brothers’ steady breaths filled the room, filled you up with calmness. You clutched the shotgun tighter, and the cold metal of the barrel your hands were wrapped around was slowly getting warmer by the heat you were exuding. You’re 24 years old and you’re the protector of this family. Always had been, and always will be.
You couldn’t sleep. You’d tried. But the anxiety kept you awake and you just had this bad feeling that the creaking motel door would flung open any second to reveal someone or something that was there to kill your little brothers. Maybe you were being paranoid, or maybe you weren’t — but the idea had crept into your head, latching on and making its way into every single one of your thoughts, making sure that you ended up in the same place every time; the door and the possibility of it being forced open.
So now you sat here, trying to keep your heart from hammering in your chest. Listening to your brothers’ breathing helped though.  Not only could you try to match your own with their even rhythm, but it was also a very appreciated reminder that your brothers were fine, comfortable and asleep.
’Take care of your little brothers, (Y/N).’
You were the protector, and so far, you had done a pretty okay job at it. Sure, you could’ve done it a thousand times better, because both of them had gotten hurt before — there had been several trips to the hospital. Things had happened, a broken leg here, a concussion there, internal bleedings, nearly-drownings — the list went on. Things that you, no matter how many years had passed since then, still were beating yourself up about. Things that you sometimes doubted that your brothers even remembered themselves, but that you could not let yourself forget. You kept track of every single one of them, but when it came to your own injuries, it was all a blur.
But, considering the dangers you exposed yourself to in your extraordinary lifestyle, you had gotten by better than expected. Better than most would have. That’s what the logical part of your brain was telling you, at least. The other part — the winning part — was waiting for something to happen.
And this way of thinking — it was wearing on you, and it had been for years. It was consuming your entire being, seeping its darkness into every moment. In fact, you never fully relaxed. You could watch your brothers joke around, and you could play with, but your senses were always on overdrive, almost. You never fully relaxed. And it was tiring.
Sometimes, you wondered if they noticed. Being 22 and 18, they sort of were adults — although to you, they would always be kids. They weren’t as innocent as you would have hoped them to be, but even though you tried, you couldn’t protect them from knowledge about what lurked in the night — you were only a child yourself, and it was your dad’s wish, so you couldn’t do much. Sometimes, you asked yourself if they noticed that you were falling apart, because that’s what you felt like. Like the dam would break. But then again, the facade you put up was convincing. It was perfected, in all fairness. Spotless, almost. Polish and strong, and not at all like the other side of you. Not at all like who you were when you let it all unravel at night when they were asleep. Whenever you were with them, you put on this faux calmness, this casual, happy aura, because you knew that made them feel safe — and maybe you felt safer too.
Because maybe that act made you believe that maybe you could do this, maybe you could keep them safe. You loved them to bits and pieces, you loved them way more than you loved yourself, more than you loved life. In a heartbeat, in a split second, without a question, without thinking about it — you would die for them. Without a doubt.
But you knew, you knew, deep down in your heart, that it wouldn’t be the case. No matter how hard you tried, you most likely would not be able to keep them safe. You were too weak, and meanwhile it felt like the whole wide world was after them. And well, you too, but you didn’t care about yourself. Sam and Dean were what was important. Sam, with his bright hazel eyes, wispy bangs, youthful dimples, admirable determination and enormous heart. Dean, with his soulful green ones, his freckles that were dusted over his cheeks, those dark blond strands, his fierce loyalty along with his pretty-gigantic-heart as well. They deserved the absolute world.
And how you wished you could travel back in time. How you could somehow stop your father from becoming a hunter, or even better, stop the demon from entering Sam’s nursery that night in ’83. Heck, maybe even travel back to your grandparents’ time and persuade them to shelve the gun and quit hunting, to never raise your mom into it. Because in this life, everyone died before their due-date, so to say. It was just a matter if you were 20, 30 or 40 when it happened. How long would you make it, that was the question. You wished that you could protect them from the life. Although, maybe you could try to talk them into leaving. Leaving hunting, leaving your dad, and maybe even leave you, if that was the ticket that would get them a safe life surrounded by a family of their own. You knew how your story would end — in death — but maybe that didn’t have to be the case for them?
If I told you how this story ends,
Would you change a step you take?
Even though you thought about it every day, you didn’t know how often they did. They were most likely aware, they were bright your little brothers, but maybe they denied it. If you knew Dean right, he probably did. Or at least he tried to make it seem that way. As for Sam, as brooding he could be, probably spent some more time contemplating it, but you didn’t know for sure. Maybe they still had dreams and hopes. You wanted them to.
And if I could relive all of my days,
I'd live them all the same.
No matter how much horror you had experienced in your fairly short lifetime, you still wouldn’t change it. Because you had them, and that’s all you needed.
You took a deep breath, trying to calm down. The room was warm and lacking precious oxygen — because in all honesty, it was a stretch to fit three young adults in a small motel room. Hell, there weren’t enough beds, so you slept on the couch, if you could sleep, that is. Despite all this, shivers ran through your exhausted body, creating goosebumps and making the little hairs in the back of your neck stand up as a finishing touch.
Rubatosis — it was a word which’s meaning you learned the other day; ’the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat.’
That’s kind of what you were feeling like right now. Your body was trembling. You were beyond tired, but your head was buzzing and it just wouldn’t let you relax. If the noise wouldn’t wake your brothers, you would have banged the back of your head against the wall.
If you were to be straightforward, honest with yourself, you kind of just wished someone would hold onto you. After all, the thing was that you looked out for Dean. You looked out for Sam. Well, for your dad too at times. Sometimes you wondered who looked out for you.
You wouldn’t admit it, no. But the truth was that it would be nice — although, it only further proved that you were, in fact, weak. You shouldn’t need that, shouldn’t wish for it.
You just felt so alone. Alone in a room filled with your family. You just wanted to feel calm and safe and sleep, but at the same time, it didn’t feel like you would survive the night.
Somewhere, far away, you thought you heard your name. It seemed muffled, almost as if you were underwater and it came from above the surface.
There, you heard it again.
You frowned slightly, confused. What happened? What was going on? Everything was sort of fuzzy and you felt a little out of it, even you could tell that. You wanted to open your eyes, but they felt so heavy that you remained in darkness.
And then you realized; it was Dean voice. He was calling on you, trying to get your attention — something was wrong. Maybe something got into the room and maybe —
Your eyes shot open, a breath got stuck in your throat and then you couldn’t breath at all. And if it felt like your heart was pounding before; it now felt like it would jump out of your chest, bursting through your ribcage, landing on the floor. If you had been connected to a heart monitor at this moment, it would have given out such a screeching noise you probably would have gone deaf.
Your whole body froze, and you couldn’t move. Your wild, round, wide eyes darted through the room — now alight with morning sunshine — until they found green, moss green.
”Shit, (Y/N), I’m sorry.” Dean’s voice was laced with worry. ”I-I just wanted to wake you, you looked so uncomfortable… Oh god, you’re not going to have a heart attack or something, are you?”
Your eyebrows knotted as you blinked forcedly, trying to keep the room from spinning.
”W-what?” You stammered.
”I found you asleep on the floor, a-and I just thought we could move you to something more comfortable — you could take my bed…” His voice died down, as he realized he was rambling.
So you’d fallen asleep after all, how you didn’t know. You kept on blinking, trying to get used to the light. You tried to breath, you tried to get your pulse to go down to a more normal, healthy rate. You almost felt like you would pass out.
You only barely noticed that Dean dropped to his knees, sinking fully down to your level, where you were scattered on the floor, still with your back leaning against the wall.
Then, he gently placed his hands on the sides of your face, forcing you to look at him. Your eyes found his green ones again.
”It’s okay, (Y/N), I’m here. You’re safe.” He looked a little spooked, this wasn’t the big sister he was used to — his big sister always knew what to do and had things under control — but he showed that away, and handled the situation gently, calmly, and overall: well.
You swallowed, and never broke the stare. Time passed, you didn’t know how much, but it didn’t matter — you didn’t have the energy to think about that. Meanwhile, Dean softly rubbed his thumbs across your cheeks, but you didn’t really think of it — in fact, your mind was almost completely blank.
When your heartbeat had slowed down enough that Dean wasn’t scared for your health, scared to touch you and make things worse — he wrapped his arms around you; tightly. You found yourself pressed against his chest, your cheek against his collarbone, your legs in an awkward position and his head placed on top of yours. You felt paralyzed, but for the first time — for as long as you could remember — you felt sort of safe. Protected. Warm. He was fisting your shirt in his hands, and it kept you grounded. You weren’t okay, you had to admit — but you felt as you could get there, or at least closer.
Your eyes stung and you almost wanted to cry — but you couldn’t do that, you had some self-control left. Or maybe, it was just such a basic facility that it just wasn’t possible. You hadn’t cried in front of your brothers since you were a kid yourself and it was just such an alien and uncomfortable thought. So, you shoved the tears that wanted out away, hiding every sign they ever were there — but for some reason, you just felt as Dean could tell anyway.
Dean never let go, he didn’t even loosen his grip, and you were so thankful for that. Maybe this was your salvation, and you were lucky he found you because you would have never been able to ask for it yourself. Although, now you could tell you had needed it.
After a while you heard another pair of soft footfalls traveling across the carpet — and you knew it was Sam. He leaned against and slid down the wall until he was seated on the floor next to you and Dean, moving away the shotgun you had dropped besides you. The next thing you was aware of was how he placed a light kiss against the top of your head.
Sometime after that, he quietly spoke up.  
”You’re so strong, (Y/N). But you don’t have to be all the time. It’s okay.”
You felt silly and a wave of disappointment aimed at yourself washed over you. You hadn’t kept it together, and now Sammy, the youngest of you all, had to reassure the person that was supposed to look out for him, that it would be okay. The person who was supposed to tell him that instead.
You couldn’t lie to yourself, you weren’t nearly as strong as you pretended to be. But then again, maybe no one was.
You were worried your brothers would be uncomfortable. Maybe they would wonder who the girl in front of them was, because it sure as hell wasn’t their sister. But they didn’t seemed to mind at all. Maybe, just maybe, it was because the roles had been reversed so many times before — all the times before.
The three of you just sat there for a long time, and you never managed to say anything. At most, you nodded. You just listened to Dean’s heart beating in his chest, feeling Sam gently play with your hair. Feeling the warmth and the love. They seemed to understand, and you wondered what you did to deserve them.
After some time, things began to feel a bit fuzzy again, but in a much more pleasant way this time around. You felt your eyelids droop, and the last thing you were aware of was someone lifting you up, and then how your face met an endlessly soft pillow.
Then you let yourself drift away into a dreamless sleep.
Tags: @winchesters-favorite-girl @jensen-jarpad @straightasdeanwinchester @evyiione @samanddeanshotsis @darkestgrungeuniverse @fabulouslycassie @delessapeace-blog @mariairwin666 @1amluke @saveprettydays @cookee50 @yoursmilemakesmeloveyou @infamati--et--obliterati @stillcooli0 @sammysbeanie @jamric @deepbreathssammy @extreme-supernatural-lover @lemonadegazeelle @mogaruke @winchestersmut @i-kdog-posts @steve-rogcrs @wordshowers @27bmm @jjsoccer11 @ivebeenraisedfromperdition @bluecookiesandbooks @disappointeddinosaur @nicolevanderstar @frayedphan @jared-jensen-misha-are-lovelyy @straightestgay-voice @legend-o-zelda @holysheeppanda @mynameisdesolation @to-stars-and-back @forevershadeddark @stonergirl4life95 @wxnchestervevo @captainemwinchester  @rosie-winchester 
There was a few I couldn’t tag, and I don’t know if this is the case right now, but if you do change url and want to stay on my taglist, you’ve got to tell me!
Also, if you want on or off the taglist(s) just send me an ask :)
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joshpup · 7 years
To Love or Not To Love // Pt. 2
Intro // Pt. 1 // Pt. 2 // Pt. 3 // Pt 4 // Pt. 5 // Pt. 6 // Pt. 7 // Pt. 8 // Pt. 9 // Pt. 10 // Pt. 11 // Pt. 12 // Pt. 13 // Pt. 14 // Pt. 15 // Pt. 16 // Pt. 17 Word Count: 2,743 Genre: Svt Mafia Au Member: Mingyu TW: Angst, Violence, mention of blood, there will be fluff eventually i promise. idk about tw if there is one i should add pls let me know im bad at them
When you came back to your senses, you had no desire to open your eyes. Your hand were bound behind your back again, only this time much tighter and stronger than last time. You doubted you could break out of this one. You didn’t want to open your eyes, but when you finally did, you found you had yet again been blindfolded. How you hadn’t felt the blindfold in the first place made you feel really stupid, but you had other things to worry about. You felt the floor rock back and forth underneath you, and you realized you were wedged between some seats on the floor of the car. Your thoughts turned to the coffee shop. Had the police shown up? Was everyone okay? You hoped they were. Partly because you simply wanted them to be safe, but also because your coworkers would be the only ones who knew about you. You had dropped contact with your family a long time ago, and had been living on your own in a small apartment.  You doubted people would make a great effort to find you if you were hidden away enough.
As you bumped around blindly in the car, the occasional knee brushing against your shoulder from whoever sat in the seat closest to you, you began to weigh the amount of trouble you had landed yourself in. Rather than being kidnapped, maybe you should have just let Jun shoot you, or maybe you should have listened to Mingyu’s warning and gone back to the room. The car made a sharp turn, throwing you into the seat next to you. A hand reached out and steadied you, but you jerked away from the touch. The car drove on for a few more minutes, then slowed to a stop. You heard the door open and a few people get out before someone reached in and grabbed you. You stumbled to your feet, barreling making the landing as you climbed out the car. Your legs were still a bit numb and without your arms, your balance was off.  The person kept a good grip on your arm, not too tight, but not soft enough to let you know trying to break free would be pointless. Barely anyone spoke. The few that did were only in small murmurs.
You were led up a few stairs, only tripping on one of them before stumbling into the building. Whoever was leading you was doing a real crap job of it, but it's not like you expected them to treat you well, they had kidnapped you after all. You were guiding through the house before finally coming to a stop in what you assumed to be a separate room judging by the fact you couldn’t hear the footsteps and quiet murmuring of the other people. You felt a hand start to untie your blindfold and when your eyes adjusted to the light you saw Mingyu standing in front of you.
“You should have stayed away on your day off (y/n)...” he said, almost harshly, a bit of a glare in his eyes. Why the heck was he mad? It’s not like he was the one who had been freakin kidnapped. All the terror that had once filled you was quickly replaced with anger. A fiery rage unlike any other before filled your body. You were mad, and Mingyu could tell. He was far from the cheeky guy you served every day at the shop. No, he was much different. If your hands hadn’t been so tightly bound behind your back, you would have punched him as hard as you could. So instead, you kicked him as hard as possible in the shin. He shouted in pain and immediately grabbed his throbbing leg and took a few steps back. You glared down at him as crouched and rubbed his leg. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. Good, whatever he was going to say would only earn another hard kick from you. You regretted ever thinking about Mingyu in a positive light. Mingyu stood back up, but rather than a piercing glare like you thought he would have, his eyes were actually quite soft, almost as if they were full of sorrow. This however only made you more angry. If he was going to feel sorry for you he might as well just let you go. Mingyu looked at you for a bit, and you glared back. Neither one of you moved, neither of you blinked, you barely dared to breath. Finally Mingyu let out a long sigh then moved towards the door. He made no effort to unbound your hands or even say anything. He simply walked out the door and locked it behind him.
As you heard the lock click you let out a breath of air. Finally taking the time to look around, you found that only a bed and a nightstand stood in the room. There were no windows and no other doors; the room was unbelievably plain, all whites and greys. The room looked as if it had gone untouched for years. It smelled dusty and as if no fresh air had entered the room in about a year. The bedding look outdated, and honestly you were surprised they had even gone as far as to put bedding on in a room that was never touched by the looks of it. You walked around the room a few times, your arms still tightly bound behind your back. If they hadn’t been you would no doubt be looking through the drawers of the nightstand and looking under the bed for something, anything that might help you escape.
However, as time passed on and nothing happened, the small bit of hope that maybe, just maybe, they would let you go began to fade and you really started to struggle against the multiple zip ties that bound your hands together. The more you struggled against them, the more they hurt as it rubbed along your now raw skin. You somehow managed to open the drawers to the nightstand after giving up on breaking your hands free and found nothing but dust. Under the bed was no different. You checked every inch of the room. You didn’t even know what you were looking for, just anything. Anything that could help even in the slightest. As expected, you found nothing.
Eventually you gave up on looking for stuff and went back to trying to break free from the zip ties. If only you were stronger.  Breaking one zip tie wasn’t easy but it was still possible, but the three or four they had put on you? Now that was impossible for you. And they were pretty tight, practically cutting of the circulation. You tried everything to break free: pulling, twisting, rubbing it up against things, you even tried wedging one of the bedposts between your hands and yanking against it, but not only did you practically crush your arm but ended up dragging the bed across the room. Your wrists hurt, the ties were digging into your skin and you could tell that it was causing you to bleed. Next you moved to the locked door. You pushed, pulled, yanked, kicked, anything, but it didn’t budge in the slightest.
You paced around the room, reality finally starting to set in. You would most likely never be free. You were never going to work at the shop again, or see the few close friends you had, or even see your family again, because you got kidnapped by a bunch of really dumb guys who cant do their job right, as awful as their job may by. You were full of mixed emotions. Scared for your future, angry you had been kidnapped by Mingyu of all people, and upset that you would never most likely never even see the people and do the things you loved the most in life. Hours passed by, you didn’t need a clock to know, you could just tell. Your feet hurt from standing for so long, so you finally allowed yourself to sit down in one of the corners of the room. Why a corner you had no idea, it just felt safer, and there is no way you were going to sit on that bed. You weren’t about to get yourself comfortable in the room you were being held captive.
No one had come to the room since Mingyu had dropped you off. You had no idea what time of day it was, or what day it was for that matter. You had no idea how long you had been passed out or how long you had driven away from the shop. For all you could know it could be one in the morning and you had no way of telling. What you did know was that you were tired and hungry. You were going to pick up some breakfast after you had stopped by work but that didn’t happen, so you had eaten anything all day long, and it was finally catching up to you. You sat there for what felt like hours, but it was probably more like 30 minutes when there was a knock on the door.
Why the heck bother to knock? I can’t even open the door… You thought to yourself. You stayed right where you sat and didn’t utter a single word. The lock clicked and the door was pushed open. In stepped a person you had never seen before, but that didn’t shock you as you had only truly met two of them. He wasn’t dressed in black like you had seen all the others, but rather a soft looking pastel sweater and jeans. His light brown hair hung down in his face, coming to a stop right before covering his soft eyes. He don’t look anything like what you would expect to see from a group of people who just killed someone and kidnapped another person. He looked at you softly, a mix of care and pity filling his eyes. A gentle, almost sad, smile appeared on his face that you couldn’t help but notice looked like a cat. He walked towards the bed and set down a small tray of food before looking back at you.
“I’m really sorry we did this to you.” He said, looking off to the side in a guilty fashion, “this was honestly the only thing we could do, to keep both you and the rest of us safe.” You just looked at him. There a lot of things you could say, and that you wanted to say but for some reason you kept them to yourself. Instead you watched him walk out of the room, then looked towards the food sitting on the bed.
“This group,” you sighed, “is so dumb.” how the heck did they expect you to eat a meal when your hands were still tied behind your back. You sat there and looked at the food a bit longer, wondering if it was worth it to just try and eat it without your hands, but decided you’d rather starve (dramatic, i know). Instead you pushed yourself closer to the wall and somehow ended up falling asleep. How you were comfortable enough mentally and physically to fall asleep, no one will ever know, you must have just been exhausted.
A while after you had woken up the same soft person came into the room after knocking. He stared down at the full plate of now cold food and looked at you a little puzzled. You glared back at him.
“How come you didn’t eat anything?” he questioned. You just looked at him for a second.
“My hands are still all tied up. How was i supposed to eat?” you replied in a harsh tone. He groaned and ran his fingers through his hands.
“Mingyu I swear…” he mumbled. He seemed to think for a second. “Here, just come with me.” he said, gesturing to the door. You got up and followed him into the hallway. The hallway was dimly lit and the walls were full of doors. It reminded you of a hotel. You followed the nameless guy down the hall and down a flight of stairs into a much better lit kitchen. As you walked you caught a glimpse of a window and saw only the midnight blue sky. So it was night after all. The real question was does that make it the same day you were kidnaped or the day after?
The guy came to a stop by a drawer and opened it, pulling out a pair of scissors. You stepped back when he started to walk towards you. You weren’t going to lie, the thought of someone going behind you with a pair of scissors wasn’t the best thought to you, especially because he was part of the same group where several other members almost killed you. He stopped and held up both hands.
“I promise im not going to hurt you, nobody here will, we would have already done that if we wanted too. You’ll go untouched,” he said, “or at least until boss gets back…” he mumbled. As if you weren’t already worried enough, then now you really were. The cat smile guy quickly noted you were thinking that.
“If anything though, Mingyu will be the one who has to deal with everything, not you.” He added, obviously trying to calm you down. He looked at you for a few seconds before walking around you to cut the zip ties like he originally planned.
“Oh geez…” he gasped. Yup, you had totally cut up your wrists like you had thought, maybe even worse. It was hurting like hell but you just figured that was because they were tied to freaking tight.
“We were going to take them off eventually, you didn’t have to hurt yourself like this trying to get out.” he stated as he gently started to cut of the ties.  
“Wouldn’t you have done the same thing if you were in my position?” you questioned coldly.
“I have been in your position…” he said softly, causing you to loosen up a bit. Had he also been kidnapped before? By the same people that got you or someone else?
“I’m Joshua by the way.” he declared as he cut the last tie, as if he hadn’t even said anything about being kidnapped before. You glanced at him before slowly pulling your hands in front of you to inspect the damage you had managed to inflict on yourself. Yah, it was pretty bad. Joshua put the scissors back then told you to follow him once more. You ended up following him back upstairs, but rather into the room you had been kept, into a different one. Inside had two beds, pushed up against opposite walls. The room was full of stuff, from clothes to books and even a few stuffed animals. This must be his room that he shares with someone else. You watched as he looked around on his shelf, eventually pulling out a box. He set it down on his bed and opened it to reveal a bunch of bandages. Without saying a word he set to work bandaging up your cut up wrists.
After he had finished doctoring up one wrist you finally spoke up.
“So, how many are there of you guys?” you questioned.
“Thirteen.” joshua answered without looking up, “but there are a lot of other groups out there, we are one of the bigger ones though.” you nodded. You had entered a whole other world, a world no one ever wants to enter.
“And where are the other twelve?” you asked as he started to wrap your wrist.
“They’re...out.” he said with a pause.
“Out where?” you questioned.
“Just handling some business.” Joshua answered vaguely, coming to a finish and taking one last look over his handy work.
“Does that business have to do with why you guys stormed into my coffee shop and shot someone?” you asked, running you hand over the new bandages.
“It’s best not to ask questions.” Joshua declared as he put the first aid kit back on his shelf.
“If I’m going to be stuck here forever I might as well know.” you stated. Joshua let out a deep sigh then looked at you.
“Yes, it does. And let’s hope everything goes well for the boss, otherwise it won’t be good for either you are Mingyu.”
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kanrakixystix · 7 years
First Sentence Drabble Master List
CindyLu (Cindy Aurum/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret)
"You really didn't have to do that," Luna whispered.
"Hold on tight, Miss Oracle, cause here we go!"
“Ain't you purdy?” Cindy cooed, smiling down at the car she'd been working on.
ClaRegis (Clarus Amacitia/Regis Lucis Caelum)
I saw you looking at the stars and wished to join them.
Clarus turned in time to see Regis lean back against the door to the Shield's citadel bedchambers that he just shut.
“Clarus, we are going to the Chocobo ranch for our son’s birthday and there is nothing you can do to change my mind.”
Clarus shut the door with a snap and turned to look Regis square in the eyes.
"I look so old for my age.."
CorGis (Cor Leonis/ Regis Lucis Caelum)
He didn't know when exactly he started seeing flashes of Regis after the fall of Insomnia, but he did know that seeing him hurt. A lot.
DawnSpecs (Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum)
Looking back on it, Ignis wasn't entirely sure how this had happened.
Well, this was an interesting predicament, to say the least.
GladNis (Gladiolus Amicitia/Ignis Scientia)
Gladio couldn't help the huge grin that came to his face when he looked at Ignis.
‘Let the world fall apart before my eyes,’ he thought, ‘for we are no longer afraid.’
HighSpecs (Ignis Scientia/Aranea Highwind)
Aranea stood in shock, unexpectedly staring at Ignis’ naked body, and knowing full well it was her own damn fault for not knocking and just angrily barging in. 
"So, have you ever had a dream about me?"
“I lied to protect you.”
“It’s all fun and games until someone gets stabbed with a pole arm.”
Ignis handed Aranea the box—her present—with a smirk on his face, barely able to contain himself at her impending reaction.
Ignis knew Aranea was trouble; since the day she fell from the sky to this very moment that she sauntered towards him wearing nothing but the shirt she stole from him this morning. 
Ignis sucked in a quick breath when he felt the pressure of Aranea's lips upon the lid of his scarred eye.
He didn't know what prompted him to do so, but as Ignis walked past Aranea, he playfully patted her on the bum.
“Are you really going to wear that?”
“Hold still. You’re bleeding.”
“Here, hold my lance.”
“I never took you for the jealous type, four-eyes.”
His eye gleamed in triumphant behind his shades as he let out a quite uncharacteristic 'hah!' at finally pinning Aranea down during one of their many spars.
There's a first time for everything, Ignis mused.
IgNoct (Ignis Scientia/Noctis Lucis Caelum)
Noctis, hands at the rather uncommon mounds on his chest, looked pointedly at Ignis and asked, "How the heck did this happen?"
Knuckles white, he shut his eyes and bit back his tears.
“I can’t believe you’re not in the mood to argue with me. It’s truly a first.”
“Noctis, I beg of you.”
“It’s my fault. I should’ve been there for you.”
"Gladio..." He looked up at the shield standing over him, eyes prickling with tears. "He's not breathing."
“I’ll be yours if you want me to be.”
After all, Ignis had his promise to keep.
LuNyx (Nyx Ulric/Lunafreya Nox Fleuret)
Nyx wasn't one to simply caress her skin, her shoulders, her neck: to give her the comfort she needed, he was ready to worship her.
“I am fifty percent absolutely certain.”
"Stop staring at me, you smug heathen."
"You’re not going to get anywhere staring at my grave, you know."
“I told you to slow down but you just don’t listen, do you?”
"Hell DEFINITELY had no fury like a woman scorned."
"So... What happens next?"
“Don’t treat me like glass, Nyx. I’m not going to break.”
To say she was stubborn was an understatement, but luckily, he was bullheaded too.
When he heard her voice, all his anger started to fade.
"You didn't have to."
PromNis (Ignis Scientia/Prompto Argentum)
“I’ve found a way to make you smile,” Ignis said softly.
Somehow, they’d made it out alive.
It took Ignis everything he had to not go up to the Prince and the gorgeous blond and rip the blond out of the Prince's grasp.
Ignis kept telling himself that there was no reason for him to be jealous that Gladio had his hands on the gunner’s waist- Gladio was just fixing Prompto’s stance.
'Shit, shit shit shit,' Prompto screamed at himself internally, as he hit the send button on his phone.
"If you wait too long, he's going to find someone else, you know?"
PromNyx (Nyx Ulric/Prompto Argentum)
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for months – a drunk one night stand wasn’t my plan!”
Nyx had never expected Prompto to be this good with his tongue.
“Biting’s excellent! It’s like kissing, only there’s a winner.”
Nyx growled as Prompto moaned in his ear.
“I can’t believe you just straight up told Nyx Ulric, Insomnia’s hero, that I have a crush on him,” Prompto grumbled, red as a tomato, as he walked beside Noctis.
PrompTis (Noctis Lucis Caelum/Prompto Argentum)
“HA!! I knew Promptis was a thing! You owe me Alice.”
“You are everything to me.”
“I’m not saying I’d like to…but I’d like to.”
"You know, Noctis told me about them but they're even prettier in reality," Luna whispered as she traced Prompto's nose with her slender fingers.
"I thought...I thought you loved me..." Noctis choked out, staring into the barrel of the gun, the finger on the trigger.
"W-what's happening to me!?"
“Noct, I know you like the way my legs look in the skirt, but you have to pay attention to where you’re walking. This is the third time you’ve walked into a lamp post,” Prompto sighed as they walked towards the school gates.
"Hey, buddy, you feeling alright?" Prompto said, looking at Noctis with concern.
“I should have told you when I still had the chance.”
"That better not be what I think it is."
"If I could begin to be half of what you want me to. I could do about anything, I could even learn how to love like you." 
RavNea (Ravus Nox Fleuret/Aranea Highwind) 
"If you leave now, don't come back."
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darthshaquille · 8 years
Since the darkness took our minds They burned our courage many died Had to leave it all behind rebuild our lives Passing memories remained It made my soul a burning flame Haunted dreams of my desire Reveal my name Raise our swords we fight for life Shields and armor shining bright Strike like dragons we have no fear Our swords are made of steel
Fly across the high seas and mountains Rise above the golden horizon Far away beyond the gates of space and time Through the wastelands forever and on Still we fight on for our freedom The cry of the fallen souls bleeding Forever journey through the lands of ice and snow Will we face all the fears of the world? The cry of the brave Since the time we saw the sign Destruction of your feeble mind Centuries have come and gone but nothing's changed Hopes and dreams have disappeared Destruction of your kind is near Trapped inside your suffering eternal flame Search the darkness search the light Fierce resistance what a fight Glory for unholy seal Lies all cast in steel
In the depths of your desire So secretly you feed the fire Burning through the memories of all our lives Watch the day turn into night You reach out for that guiding light First to be the one to hear their blinding lies Fear of darkness fear of light Sucked in by their ancient might Ruthless in what you may feel When your mind they steal'
The mighty and powerful sounds that echoed from the glorious metal song blasted through a lone figure's ear. The agitating and swiping guitars and pounding drums all served one purpose: to get the blood running for a fight that just like the song: 'would be a sight that many dragons of the old days would find honourable'. Honourable because of the loss one small dragon could have felt. As the song repeated, the figure spotted movement that even rats would be to prideful for. Scurrying like a shadow was a despicable excuse for life. A rotten scumbag that had dared to slay a dragon! In the most cowardly ways possible. Something that would fall completely before the eyes of this figure, who's crystal gems turned radiant from a deep blood lust. One sparking a vivid red shade before the man cloaked in a long black cloth kicked himself from resting position and moved in pursuit. It was easy for the unidentified man to stalk this shadow, all over the world had he been dishing out punishment for people of this kind. These lowest of the barrel, dirt beneath the earth. Calling this fleeing shadow a monster would insult the very tools the vengeful person would use to get the Justice that was so unfairly screwed.
The Hunter was a human, tall built with broad shoulders and a burning soul, dressed warrior of modern times: Combat boots, trousers, t shirt with the unmistakable logo of a metal band, cloak and a special duel disk. Yes, a duel disk. Everything in night black, Having the benefit of stealth during the depth of night. He was Crimson, the duelist that used a long forgotten and dangerous power for the light of justice delivered in cold fashion. Once a respectable duelist in the Pro League but then faded from memory because of personal trauma. Now, finally, a few of those would be dealt with. As the shadow of this rat was exactly the kind of being why the vengeance seeker became such a dark figure. As this person was the lowest of all trash: a child murdering rapist. Earlier there was mention of a Dragon. Indeed, a very loved dragon. His sister, a young and aspiring duelist that hoped to follow in the footsteps of both her brother, had been brutally murdered by this scumbag of a person. No, not a person, a demon! One that had to be destroyed in every way possible. And what better way then with the very cards once belonging as a treasure towards his beloved sister, his little dragon. Crimson closed in, shuffling the cards and getting close by. The deck, a mixture of cards that belonged to him and the person that had been taken, radiated with power. As if an ominous light or candle was burning inside the cards forming one heck of a motivator. Mentally, being blessed with a legendary gift, the man could hear the agitated and murderous cry of his sister's most beloved card. It's might awakened by having that love ripped away. Even cards, as Crimson discovered, had feelings. That's when it happened. First contact!
Busting through a wooden barricade, the Hunter cornered his prey, pressing the bastard violently against a wall while the latter screamed in terror from this sight. Where earlier this thing had been a shadow like rat hiding from everything, now a ghost of black rushed him into a corner and pressed a strong elbow against that squeaky throat. Almost a real rat it seemed, as the culprit looked back with the sight of utter terror! This guy was exactly as another Hunter had said. A 'Nice Guy TradeMark', some filty scumbag that was sick and tired of being 'left alone' by the other gender and before long, turned violent. A single card radiated very deeply at this statement. Soon, very soon. A voice that trembled with rage and hatred for this...thing, started the long way of retribution...
'What who the fuck are you???'
'Stay the FUCK away from me! Scary bastard!'
'What? I dunno a fuckin' dragon. Leave me be!'
That line, 'day of Judgement is Upon You', was a call for the utter darkness. A deep purple mist began engulfing both characters. One that had such a density the world seemed to fade out of existence. The single light coming from Dautan's cheap 'easy to afford' duel disk that everyone knows and understands, as well as the more intricate one that Crimson held. Both a backpack and a disk, which folded out from a single base. Solid and sturdy, one big bar shot out from the arm, where one single card shaped spot was lighting up, then two on the left and on the right shot out, revealing the required five spots where one would place a card for the Duel Monsters duel. This custom disk was halfly designed by the Industrial Illusions company, and designs that his little dragon had made.
They both now stood amidst a 'duel ring from the Shadow Realm', a place many duelists either didn't believe exists or were terribly frightened by. And for good reason. Crimson had learned the risks the hard way back in the day and now had made it his life's work to never let this power get out again. Except for those that were deserving of an eternity of suffering. The Shadows gained power from torturing their victims beyond anything that was conceivable by the minds of humankind. A survivor of the torment had kept these details safely locked away from public, but if one mention of 'returning' to these Shadows got that survivor a violent panic attack whilst the eyes saw horrors beyond sight, you can imagine this place is bad. The ideal place for a sick fuck as him. Crimson showed chivalry, having drawn five cards from the forty five in his deck, because it mattered not. With such dark thoughts already it's key to keep one part true to yourself. SO Dautan took the first move. Which was utterly pathetic. Having survived the Pro league, there were real strategists. But this scumbag had no understanding of the honour that was bound to these duels. Not a single shred! How could one so vile and tainted by sickening urges such as murder? It was inconceivable that he had a chance. Plus another factor was the experience. Having dueled those that had everything to loose as well as nothing, you tend to get a feel and read on the power and capacities of one's deck. But this sick bastard had a deck you'd expect. Summoning a level four machine consisting of the Union monsters was nothing special. SO when the X-Head Canon appeared, with a staggering 1800 points, there was absolutely no panic. Maybe even joy with the lovely fact of three face down cards. Back line support. An amateur.
'My turn! I draw'
With piercing eyes of boiling rage, the deck resonating perfectly with the danger of this guy in progress, it seemed to actively try to win on it's own. Holding in hand a card combination that would proof so rare and potentially powerful it was almost sad. Almost...
'I play a field spell! Activate Seal of Orichalcos!'
After voicing this, placing the blue card with an intricate depiction, began shining bright with light as it's holographic representation turned into a real life thing. The ground beneath both duelists radiated in toxic green as the two crossed arrow tip seal activated and coloured the shadows in a sickening colour; which was but a slight taste of what's in store.
'Then, I can call to my field Guardian Eatos! Rise my Celestial Fairy!'
From above, blinding white light announced the arrival of a beautiful Angelic being. Big wings of white, simple outfit and a gentle look in her eyes, landed peaceful on the ground. But as the celestial guardian spotted the target and threat, those gentle eyes turned into a cold monstrosity that would destroy everything in it's path. Justice of a Divine sort.
'Next, I play another spell card! Over the Rainbow: Pot of Gold! This makes your chances of winning even slimmer. Because now, at the cost of half my life points, I can do something that will break your defensive power completely!'
Feeling his body violently harmed as a cloud of shadows surrounded Crimson from waist down, it was clear the Shadows were very hungry for a treat. It hurt, there was no denying it. Outside of the Shadow Realm, this was but a simple game where honour was met with graceful defeat an humble victory in Pro Leagues and bragging rights were granted at your average locals. But here? Losing one life point meant the Shadows took that much life out of you. And having payed half of them in the start, was rather costly. The grasp was colder then ice but burned hotter then Lava. It felt horrendous to do this to one's self. But as deep as this cost was, the pay off would be worth it. Because after rain comes the Sun. Or rather Rainbow. Mighty radiant and having a protective light to it, rose a rainbow from around the Seal's borders. Raising up into the high nothings until a roar as powerful as thunder echoed across both duelists' ears. Riding the rainbow as an ancient steed, appeared a dragon. Covered in scales of white and gold, with the seven colours of the rainbow in it's neck. Atop near the head was a solid Ruby that burned in scarlet red! Following it was the orange glow of Amber, also vividly radiating with power. Next a Yellow Topaz that screamed blood lust, which nearly made one forget the green Emerald that for once in all the years wasn't hiding it's flare. Prancing prideful as a noble Pegasus, was the Sapphire blue. Followed by a soaring indigo of Kobalt that followed, almost as a hunting eagle. Purring last in line was the violet Amathyst. With majestic wings and immense beauty, normally the mere sight of this mighty Dragon would fill your heart with hopes and dreams for the future. Yet the eyes of Duatan had no chance given that the Rainbow Dragon was hungry for revenge, it's bold golden eyes had a darker glow, it was vicious! But what was most impressive, was how the Mist of Shadows could make these holograms real. Their tempers were not just programmed into the disks, but actively fed to life by the power of this Realm. Just like Eatos was calm but ready, so to was the Dragon, made flesh and bone.
'Then I play another spell! Card of Sanctity! Now we both get to draw until we each hold six! But you won't be needing any of them, as your turn will never come!'
'What's your problem! What is this place anyways and why can I feel that dragon's breath?'
'You're in the Shadow Realm, this is where your soul shall remain forever. And much to your disbelief, these cards are now real. This is a real Guardian and a real Dragon! As for what my problem is, Duatan, that is you! You're my problem!'
Having said all that, Crimson redrew a hand, five new cards sealed the deal even more. All was fit for a one time combo finisher...
'Now, it's time to meet a dear friend of mine! By taking my one turn normal summon, Red eyes Chick arrives to the field!'
On the field a small black and red egg appears out of thin air, which cracked as soon as it manifested. Inside was a young dragon newborn, burping a single flare of flames up.
'But this small one will grow up real fast as I activate the power of it's ancestor from my hand! By removing this little chick from the game, I can special Summon the Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon to my field!'
The chick got a hiccup, then bursted outwards as from one shape a massive dragon covered in black and crimson red scales rose up from nothing. Though slightly smaller then the Rainbow Dragon, it represented perfectly how deep the anger and hatred of Crimson really was. Huffing and puffing with black flames, a metallic glance covered the Dragon. Which reached up in it's full length and let loose a massive roar! The Metal Dragon, a key card of Crimson, felt the murderous power of it's master and immediately reacted. Almost sensing it treat, the dragon looked at the fool before it and coughed up a ball of fire.
'Easy, Darkness Metal Dragon...first I need to use your special power! Become a Beacon that draws more of your kind forwards! Liberate the other dragon stuck in my hand so I can also bring forth the normal Red-Eyes Black Dragon!'
The mighty dragon with a metallic hide, let loose a powerful roar that turned to become something as a rally call. When Crimson placed the card in it's place, the new and younger dragon (less advanced and more nimble built) rose from bright flames in it's Black scaled glory. Roaring ferociously before evolving into a complete copy of the Metal Dragon but without the organic Steel hide. The Darkness dragon, rose it's wings high and proudly took position.
'Then, there's two more spells I play, Heavy Storm and Soul Taker! These wipe your board clean so my mighty monsters can sate the urge I have been nursing for quite some time. Then you'll pay for it all'
With his entire board destroyed and left wide open for three dragons and a celestial warrior, Duatan could do nothing more but plea. As the reality sunk in that it was game over as soon as Crimson gave the order.
'Why? What have I ever done to you??'
'Done? You don't remember the Rainbow Dragon then? The card granted by an idol to a fan?'
'Should I? You're stalking me sick fuck!'
'Lara Drado...'
'DON'T FUCK WITH ME DISGUSTING ASSHOLE! I know you know who that was!'
'Lara...Drado...she was...'
'Found dead in your home after you raped and killed her. These Dragons all want a piece of you and I'll be more then happy to feed them your soul, as you took the Rainbow's owner away! Jesse Anderson entrusted the Crystal Beasts to Lara, and you took her away!'
'They are but mere cards you idiot!'
'Can a real card do this?'
Crimson rose his hand, a signal that was followed by a single ping. The Amathyst gem started glowing as if it was kindled. Then the rest of them all began pinging, something dangerous was rising from the dragon. As the Ruby lit up, the mighty creature opened it's mouth as a rainbow reflected of it's teeth. Breaking the sound barrier, the full blast of four thousand attack points were blasted in a shining white beam that collided with Duatan. Who screamed in utter pain! Half of his life points were instantly depleted but unlike Crimson who had willingly payed them earlier, this was an attack. A runaway train slammed itself into the dumb fuck's body. Sending a sensation through the nerves that told the brain one thing: that beam of cosmic energy was real and melted through the very skin. Unable to contain this pain, being skilled alive by acid was less painful, Duatan's voice echoed as loud as a train honking. Screaming lungs and air for relief as this was unbearable! When finally the beam was gone and the damage dealt, what remained was a humanoid body that had several spots bitten clean off by corrosive acid. The energy of the Rainbow Dragon's beam was just to powerful. Physical pain, as raw and pure that it would almost be good there was another thing coming. See, the Shadow Realm made the attacks real, each brink of pain was dished out full force. But, while the Seal had already added salt into the wounds by spicing up the creatures on Crimson's side, it's logo plastered between each of their eyes, there was still more to come. The Shadows now had the right to eat away half of his soul, inflicting a small splinter of a fraction that was eternal torment. If the previous was pain, the next was utter mind numbing destruction. His soul, or the sorry excuse for it anyway, was ripped into a million pieces.
'How...this is...a game...i feel...pain...'
'I told you, dumb shit...now are you willing to remember? The Shadows must have shown you by now...'
'You're her...brother..I killed...sister..'
'Yes, there we go. Now I can finish this, end this Darkness Dragons! Eatos, Blast his mind into oblivion!'
Both dragons reeled their heads back in a thunderous roar. While Eatos' eyes rippled with a power only she possessed. That's when the Darkness dragon released a blast of infernal dark fire, grey and black flames that danced with a mix of blood red. Darkness Metal went few degrees higher: releasing deep black and navy blue flames. These flames would melt bones and boil blood. The Celestial Warrior opened her mouth and fired a stream of blue and white energy, celestial energy. As these three attacks collided with the sick bastard, his world was like a mirror that shattered. A pain that would turn his body into dust overloaded his senses, without granting him the relief of passing out. His blood boiled the organs in his body, while his skin melted away in puddles everywhere. His eyes were instantly destroyed and the nerves deeply hidden in spine and bone ended fried like a microwave. There was no body left, just an ethereal half formed shape that stared blandly forwards.
'You killed me...'
'You reap what you sow...now, feed the shadows...'
After that, all the mist dissipated while a last scream echoed through Crimson's mind. The Shadows had claimed their price and would begin an eternity of torture so horrible it could make the blind see and the deaf hear. A mind as powerful and strong as a god would be reduced to mere bits and pieces after being smashed over and over by a hammer. Never would that soul ever find peace, only endless torment that can't be described. Worse then having his blood replaced by nitrogen or the air inside his lungs turned glass. Duatan was a person wiped from existence. While this wouldn't bring back his sister, this gave some closure, knowing that long after Crimson would pass away that bastard would still pay for what he had done. Penance for eternity. He looked at four cards: The Seal of Orichalcos, Guardian Eatos, Red-Eyes Darkness Metal Dragon and the Rainbow Dragon. The cards still pulsed with energy. But a different kind. They were at peace now. Lara Drado was avenged. When sirens of the law began echoing, Crimson placed his earplugs back and hit the play button. Music rang into his ears once more...
Ride forever onwards stare into the sun Where hopes and dreams are everlasting marching on and on Rise another day across the distant skies Where the dawn above the winter moonlight shines upon the fall of our lives
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