#Sonny Quinn
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disasterfandoms · 10 months ago
Help Yourself First || A Seal Team Imagine
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@aliceinwondwonderland asked: “Hi, i really enjoy your seal team imagines so i wanted to request something! :)
Could you write a platonic reader x seal team? Could you base it of the scene in season 3 episode 11/12 were David almost faints and they are worried about her, but then with the reader? So like the reader was roughed up during the flee and when they get to the safe house the reader does not want to take a rest, being stubborn, and then later the reader almost faints, worrying the guys and the reader allows them to look at them and rest for a bit.
I hope everything is clear and alright! :)”
A/N: Oooo a general seal team request! I have written one with all the guys in a bit! Thanks for requesting!
TW: talk of injuries, passing out, general angst, being shot at
You didn't remember anything when you woke up. You were in the back of a caravan, Metal on one side and Sonny on the other.
"Hey sunshine, welcome back!" Sonny spoke, laughing when he realized just how out of it you were.
"Where... what...?" you muttered, sitting up and feeling the immediate dizziness as you did.
"Easy," Metal said, "You got a concussion."
"What? No I'm fine," you argued, closing your eyes to focus on the pounding that felt like jackhammers in your skull.
Metal rolled his eyes, but didn't reply. He's worked with you long enough to know not to argue.
You and the team were finally at the safe house, and were working on getting everything set up for staying there until they could be rescued.
You were getting more and more irritable by the minute, though. The boys, who are only doing it because they care, have constantly checked on you and tried to pull you away from your job.
"Enough, Clay! I'm fine!" you snapped, though when you turned around, you became extremely light-headed.
"Y/n!" you heard Clay say, but whatever else happened, you had no clue, as all you saw was darkness.
Waking up surrounded by your team has become a major pain in your ass, you thought as you opened your eyes. This time you noticed a needle in your arm, where Trent had hooked you up to IV fluids. You went to take the needle out, and felt a hand swiftly smacking you.
"Y/N I swear to fucking christ, if you touch that needle or even think about getting up, I will tape you to the table and maybe, just maybe, remember to come get you when we're rescued," Jason threatened, smacking your hand again as you hadn't moved it away from the IV.
Huffing, you mutter, "Yes Dad."
"Good. Now rest, until Trent says you can go back to work," Jason ordered, moving to check on the others.
You grumble under your breath, until you see Trent's face. "C'mon T, I'm fine."
"You passed out, again. Y/N, stop fighting us on this," Trent spoke quietly, "Let us help you for once."
You closed your eyes, sighing as you nodded. Trent was always your soft spot on the team, he's who took you under his wing. He's like your big brother, always listening and caring for you, even teasing you on your horrific dating life. "Sorry T," you whispered finally.
"Stop apologizing," he grumbled, "You're just being an idiot."
You nodded, "Fine... but how mad is Metal?"
You smiled wildly as you heard Trent laugh, glad your attempt to make him smile worked. "You're lucky you're his superior, he would have slapped the shit out of you in the caravan," he joked, moving to recheck his supplies.
At least you know they all had your back, as annoying as they are.
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
The choice is so plentiful, it's always hard to pick, but I think I found a good prompt for Sonny Quinn from your Thursday 'Bring the Noise' Prompt List: 24. "She's mean and she's mine" 🤭 Also the song I think fits him is "Angel loves the devil out of me" by Jace Everett. I'm curious if you agree!
Also: Thanks for sharing your writing! 🩷 I really appreciate it!
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I love that song for him! I've added it to my Sonny playlist!
The first argument you and Sonny have is about the shotgun you keep loaded under the bar. He finds it when he’s trying to fix one of the taps because it’s gone a little hinky.
It’s a Winchester, one of the older models. The serial number scratched off.
There is no way this thing is legal and that presents a problem for Sonny, a big one. If it comes out that he’s around an illegal weapon then he faces a court martial and the possibility of being kicked off Bravo. You, though, you face jail time.
“You have to get rid of it.” He tells you when you come back up from the basement after taking inventory.
“No fucking way.” You tell him, gesturing towards the gun. “Sometimes that’s the only thing between me and a bad Thursday night.”
It takes him a minute to realise what that means. He forgets that when he’s away there’s nights that you’re here alone. You have a couple of veterans that you hire for the busier periods but sometimes it’s just you and you’re a dainty fucking thing.
“We need to get rid of this…” He begins again but you cut him off.
“And I said no.” You snap at him. “You don’t get to come in here and tell me…”
He sighs because he knows what you’re like when you’re in this mood. Your tired because it’s been a rough couple of days, pissed off because he’s deploying in twelve hours and it’s fucked up a trip the two of you have had planned. He decides to ask for forgiveness instead of permission. He picks up the shotgun and walks out to the sound of you cursing up a storm behind him.
You don’t speak to him after that and he doesn’t blame you. It usually takes you a good few days to calm down when he fucks up. He tends to give you a little space but he doesn’t have the luxury of that kind of time because he’s shipping out so he breaks the stalemate between you with a text from the plane.
“Don’t be mad baby.” It reads. “I’ve left you something under the bar.”
He’s almost three thousand miles away by the time you pick up that text. He sees the three little dots before the picture comes in. It’s a brand new Winchester with a red gift bow resting on the barrel. The paperwork is tucked in an envelope underneath it. You’re fully legal now, if you have to protect yourself you won’t face any recriminations for having an illegal fire arm on the premises. On top of that he’s also recommended the place to a few buddies of his, they’ve promised to make it their new watering hole while he’s away.
“I’d never leave my girl without a way of protecting herself.” He responds from his hammock. They’re all bedding down for the night so that they’ll be fresh and operational by the time the plane lands.
You send him another picture, this time something a little more risqué and he clears his throat so stifle the moan that threatens to leave his throat.
“You enjoy torturing me don’t you sweet thang? Knowing I’m on a plane full of other guys, that I can’t touch myself when you’re sending me shit like this.”
You send another picture and his jaw clenches as his hard cock rubs across the zipper of his cargo pants.
This, he thinks as he studies the image of you in nothing but a pair of black panties with the Winchester in your hands. This is the sweetest revenge.
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lovelymary · 6 months ago
“Well, you know, work never allowed us to be a couple, and now we're here at work trying to be a couple.”
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skarkkk · 1 year ago
Sonny: Damn, I hate snakes
Clay with a notebook in his hand: Sonny's Fear List, number two hundred and-
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bravo4iscool · 1 year ago
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there‘s too little trent in this world, so take this🕺
i hope you like this lol.
reader is clay‘s little sister and her nickname is „missy“, it‘s no indication of her name tho :)
word count: 5k
not proof-read :)
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You happily smile and run into your brother's arms as soon as you see him. „I missed you big man,“ you laugh.
„Missed you too, Missy,“ Clay whispers into your hair, holding you close for another minute. „Thank you for inviting us,“ he then tells you, breaking the hug with a big smile on his face.
You grin and lightly shove his shoulder. „Of course I‘d invite you. It’s not often you have free time, you know. Besides, I don‘t want to spend Thanksgiving alone.“
When you look behind your older brother you see his team members finally approaching. They were waiting at the beginning of your driveway. They weren‘t all here today though. The team leader, Jason Hayes was with his family, as well as Ray Perry, but the others were invited to your Thanksgiving dinner.
„Hello, welcome,“ you enthusiastically greet them, waving. „Nice to finally meet you all. Clay told me much about you guys!“ You smile at them, shaking hand after hand.
They all smile at you and then one of them starts speaking. „Thanks for the invite. I‘m Sonny. I‘m surprised Blondie never told us about you,“ he tells you and you side-eye Clay before you start laughing.
„I think I need to have a talk with him regarding that matter,“ you tease. „But, let’s not talk about that! Please, come inside.“ You motion them to follow you and walk into your house. It was a little small but perfect for you. You couldn‘t imagine living somewhere else.
They follow you like a bunch of lost puppies and it‘s more than funny to you. You show them your living room and tell them to sit down. You would bring the food shortly, you say.
Clay follows you into the kitchen where you run around humming to yourself. „Are you trying to feed a whole bataillon?“ he laughs and you shriek.
„Jesus Christ!“ You place your hand over your heart. „Don‘t scare me like that!“ you scold him, jabbing your finger at him.
„I’m sorry,“ he laughs, pressing a kiss to your head. „Won‘t do it again. I just wanted to help you,“ he explains, starting to stir the gravy. „Been with these guys for too long.“
„Well, you chose to, didn‘t you?“ you ask putting the pie in the oven. „By the way,“ you look at him. „Who‘s the one with the beard?“
„We all have a beard Missy,“ Clay snorts and you roll your eyes.
„The one who didn‘t talk,“ you explain, tilting your head at your brother. „He only looked at me a bit strangely.“ You place the baking gloves on the counter and wipe a couple hair strands out of your face.
„Could be Brock or Trent. Why you wanna know?“
„He’s cute,“ you say with a shrug and Clay stops stirring. He turns around, eyes wide.
“No. No, no, no! You won’t make a move on one of my teammates!” he almost screams and you only laugh.
“Why not?”
“Because, firstly, I would work with the man fucking my sister, which is already weird enough and, secondly, you know our job,” his voice turns serious. “I don’t want you to…get your heart broken.” Clay averts his gaze, memories of his own breakup with Stella surfacing. She wasn’t able to live with the fear of losing him…
You already had him to worry about but dating another SEAL? He didn’t know if you could take that much stress and uncertainty. He wanted only the best for you.
You sign and walk towards him. “I know your job,” you confirm, gently placing your hand on his upper arm. “But does a dangerous job mean you guys are unlovable or don’t deserve it?”
You look up at him and he wants to cry. You were right but still, he didn’t want you to love one of them. Without saying anything he pulls you into his arms and keeps you close.
“Don’t…do anything you’ll regret,” he whispers and you tighten your arms around him. You never wanted to let him go. You’ve missed him too much…
“I promise,” you whisper back, a little tear escaping your eye. “Besides, I just said he’s cute. Never said I’ll make a move,” you then immediately joke, breaking the hug with a sniff.
Clay only rolls his eyes, trying to hide his smirk. “Maybe you did but I know you better.”
Trent sits on your couch, involved in a heavy discussion about football with Sonny. The Texan couldn’t accept the fact that he was the only hardcore football fan.
“We can watch soccer instead,” Brock retorts with a snort and immediately gains a death glare from Sonny.
„We‘re in America and in America you watch football!“ Sonny proudly exclaims, straightening his back and popping out his chest. „Besides, it‘s a long Thanksgiving tradition!“
Trent just rolls his eyes and pushes himself off the couch. He would look and ask if he could help anywhere. He’s not used to doing nothing. His hands are itching to do something.
When he‘s about to enter your kitchen he sees you and Clay breaking a hug. He decides to wait outside. You haven’t seen your brother in a long time and he wanted to give the two of you some privacy. When he‘s sure he can enter he slightly clears his throat.
You look to the door and smile when you see one of Clay‘s teammates. „Hey,“ you greet him, walking over to shake his hand. „Can I help you with anything?“, you want to know and he shakes his head.
„No, thanks. I actually wanted to ask if I can help you,“ he answers, trying his best to not look too intimidating. His height didn‘t help with that. „I‘m Trent, by the way,“ he’s careful not to stumble over his words.
He was nervous. Why was he nervous? You only were Clay’s sister. He didn’t know you. You didn‘t know him. So, why the hell was he nervous about talking to you?
„Uhm,“ you look around and totally miss the way Clay eyes his friend with a stern gaze (You didn‘t miss it). „I actually do need help, yes. These-“ you point at a couple of pots and the turkey. „-need to be set on the table.“
“Okay,” Trent slightly smiles before he looks at Clay. “You wanna help?” The younger SEAL stares at his friend for a couple seconds before he nods.
“Yea, I’ll tell you where to put it.”
“Great,” Trent mumbles as he picks up the turkey and leaves the kitchen, Clay following him with one of the pots. You look after them with a smile, then a laugh when you hear how your brother instructs his friend.
You decide to head to your living room to call the other guys. „Food‘s ready,“ you smile at them, peaking your head through the door. Sonny immediately stands up and claps his hands.
„That‘s my call!“ the Texan says and Brock snorts. Then he also stands up and walks towards you.
„I hope this isn‘t too much to ask but the dog‘s still in the car and I wanted to know if I‘d be allowed to get him out?“ He lightly tilts his head and you nod, an excited grin on your face.
„Sure! You can go and get him. Clay told me much about Cerberus!“ Relief washes over Brock and he excuses himself to get Cerberus. Normally he always took him with him but he didn‘t know how you‘d react to the shepherd dog.
„I‘m surprised that he didn‘t go crazy already,“ Clay retorts, suddenly by your side. „That dog‘s his life…“
„Well, at least he‘s got someone, no? Dog or not.“ You smile at your brother before you leave him alone to sit down in your dining room. „Are you coming?“ you turn around and he nods before following you.
„Missy, it‘s me!“ Your head shoots up when you hear Sonny‘s voice. What was the Texan doing in your house? Not that you didn‘t want him here, you‘ve become amazing friends with Bravo Team since your Thanksgiving dinner but it was 12am, so why was Sonny here?
Your head pops out of the kitchen and you eye Sonny. „What are you doing here? You’re supposed to be at work.“
„Trent said I need to step back for a day or two. That fucker got me the wrong way during sparring,“ he explains while he stretches himself on your couch. „You have no problem with me being here, do you? I can also leave if you want me to.“ He looks up at you with a raised eyebrow.
„Oh,“ you smile. „No, you can stay. I have no problem with that.“ You turn to leave to the kitchen again then you turn around once more. „I hope you‘re fine lasagne? Clay asked me to cook it since he‘ll be around for lunch today.“
Sonny starts to grin and stand up immediately. „Did you say lasagne? Count me in Ms.Spenser!“ He follows you to the kitchen like a lost puppy and you laugh at that.
„You really want to compete with Cerberus, do you?“ Sonny only snorts at your question and sits down on one of your kitchen chairs. You laugh and shake your head. „Normally he‘s the one following me to the kitchen like he‘s a saint.“
„He ain‘t a saint,“ Sonny retorts and you grin.
„No, he‘s not. But you are?“ You turn to look at him, just fast enough to see him smirk.
„Never said I was one,“ he answers with a shrug, a full grin now working its way onto his face. „No one‘s a saint,“ he continues, stretching out his legs. „Except for you maybe. You come quite close to one.“
„Why‘s that?“ you ask, sprinkling cheese over the lasagna. You glance at him over your shoulder. He has his hands crossed in his lap and his head laid back, eyes closed. You smile at that sight. If you learned one thing about Sonny it was that he always acted all tough and untouchable but deep down he just wanted peace and calm…
„You‘re nice, you care for us, Trent has a crush on you,“ Sonny starts listing, not paying attention to the fact that he‘d just exposed his brother and you freeze. Trent had what? Surely you must‘ve misheard it. „Jason likes your muffins, Clay isn‘t bitching around that much when he was with you before.“ Sonny opens his eyes and looks at you. „You want me to continue?“
You shake your head and walk over to the oven. „No…“ you sound a bit confused, almost irritated by Sonny‘s words. „You don‘t need to praise me to the heavens, Sonny.“ you force a smile at him. „I‘m just…a normal person. Nothing special.“ You push the lasagna inside and turn the oven on.
Sonny tilts his head at you. Something he said caught you off guard, he can feel it. „Is it because I told you Jace likes your muffins? I was not supposed to tell you but-“
You turn around. „It‘s not the muffins Sonny.“
„Mhh…“ Sonny recalls everything he told you and then his eyes widen. „Oh shit! It‘s what I said about Trent, right? Oh fuck!“ He stands up. „Look, just- I don‘t know… Just because I said it doesn‘t mean it needs to be true!“
You shut him up with your gaze and for a second he just stands in your kitchen staring at you. Then realization hits him. „Oh… You want it to be true, don‘t you?“ You feel blood rush into your cheeks and avert your eyes. Sonny wouldn‘t let you hear the end of it now…
You expect the Texan to crack jokes and maybe laugh but he just looks at you. „You like him“, he then slowly puts the pieces together further and you simply nod along. „Now I own Ray 50$, damn.“
Your eyes widen and you open your mouth. „You had bets on me?“ He can‘t be serious, can he?
„Of course,“ Sonny seems so casual about it. „Ever since you brought Trent soup when he had a cold. You didn‘t even do it for Clay when he was bedridden.“ You don‘t know how to respond to that. If the team knew… did Trent know it too? Your palms start to sweat.
„Does…does he know?“ you carefully ask Sonny and he snorts. Was that a good sign now or a bad one?
„That fucker is as oblivious as Cerb when Brock tells him they‘re going swimming but instead he drags him to the vet.“ You blink at Sonny, not sure what to do with that answer. Sonny sighs. „Long story short, he doesn’t know. He doesn’t even think there's a possibility of you liking him back. That man is so head over heels over you that he tries to find even the slightest excuse to show up at your front door.“
„He…does?“ you’re still surprised by the fact that Trent apparently also likes you. You didn‘t know how to process all this.
„Of course,“ Sonny laughs. „Matter of fact, I‘m 100% sure he’s trying to convince Clay right now to let him come with him. Man‘s desperate to see you.“
You want to answer but then you think for a second. Why was Sonny telling you all this? Why was he breaking Trent‘s trust like that? This wasn‘t normal for Sonny…
„Why are you doing this Sonny?“ You then decide to ask. „Why are you telling me all this? Aren‘t you…betraying Trent right now?“
It‘s 11, maybe 11:30pm when you leave work and the cold wind collides with your face. You shiver and pull your jacket faster around you. You should‘ve taken your fucking car instead of walking to work this afternoon. You curse yourself as you quicken your steps and look around almost paranoid.
With Clay being your brother you always were very aware of what was happening around you. Clay made sure to teach you what he thought was necessary for you to know, that included the observation of everything around you and you’ve never been more thankful for it. It made you feel a tad more safe, especially now that you were walking around alone at night.
When you hear footsteps getting close to you you fish for your phone, never being more happy to have Clay on speed dial. You press your phone to your ear, your eyes glancing behind your shoulder. There was someone…
You decide to walk another way back home. One where you walk through the more populated areas of the town. While you try to keep an eye on your surroundings you wait for Clay to pick up. When he doesn‘t you suppress a curse and dial the next number. Sonny.
He would pick up, no? He is always on his phone anyway. But Sonny doesn’t pick up. You try to reach Clay again, then Sonny. They don’t answer.
“Fuck,” you breathe out, glancing behind you again. Whoever was walking behind you was surely following you. You’ve been taking other turns for the third time in a row now and they were still behind you.
You squint at your phone and take a deep breath. Without thinking twice about it you dial Trent’s number. You’re afraid you’ll break your phone with the grip you’re having on it but you try to keep calm. Clay prepared you for situations like this. Kinda.
“Trent? It’s me. Am I interrupting something?” you let out a relieved breath when he answers. “Could you do me a favor?” you’re even more relieved when he immediately answers with a yes. “I’m on my way back home from work and there’s someone follow-“ you can’t even finish your sentence before you hear him get up and grab his keys.
He asks you where you are and you quickly send him your live location. He promises you he’ll be there as fast as he can and your legs nearly give out from the sudden reassurance. You thank him over and over, quickening your steps once again.
“I’ll be there in 15,” you hear Trent say and you visibly relax. “Stay where you are, try to find a crowd or something close to that. I’m gonna stay in the line,” he explains and you nod, telling him you’ll do the best you can.
Your eyes scan the buildings surrounding you and then fall onto a small 24/7 shop. There surely was someone who could keep you company while Trent arrives, right?
“There’s a uh store,” you carefully say, your feet walking yourself over there almost by themselves. As expected Trent tells you to enter and look out for someone.
A small ‘ding’ signals you entering the store and you immediately start to hide between the shelves. And you were right to do so because only seconds later the bell rings again. You take a deep breath and grab one of the baking mixtures to look busy.
Then you call Trent’s name again. “I’m pretty sure they followed me into the store,” you quietly say, trying to glance around as unsuspiciously as possible. You pause for a second, the grip around the baking mix tightening. “Please tell me you’re here soon…”
“5 minutes,” he tells you, flooring the throttle of his truck. “5 minutes, then I’m there.” His grip on the steering wheel turns his knuckles white and he needs to keep himself calm more than ever.
On the battlefield he never was that nervous. His brothers could take care of themselves but you… You couldn’t.
Yes, Clay probably taught you basic self defense, he thinks but still. He could protect you better than you ever could…
When he arrives at your location he doesn’t bother properly parking his truck. He jumps out and tries to calmly walk towards the store but it‘s like his feet are itching.
He raises his phone, looking at the still ongoing call. „I‘m here,“ he tells you and then he opens the door. You‘re in his arms before he can even blink.
He stumbles two steps backwards before he can wrap his arms around you. „It‘s okay, it‘s okay,“ he says, his hand finding its way to the back of your head, keeping you close to him. „You’re not alone anymore.“
„God, that man was creepy,“ you breathlessly laugh, breaking the hug. You immediately miss the warmth Trent generated and heavily blush. „I‘m sorry for calling you so out of the blue-“ you want to apologize but he’s raising his hand to stop you.
„No, none of that. You can call me whenever you need. I‘m always there for you,“ he explains, looking you deep in the eyes. „Now, did you see the man? Do you know who he is?“
Trent‘s eyes narrow and the sparkling got replaced by a dangerous look. You shiver and swallow. You turn so you stand beside Trent and then you nod into the direction of a man. „That‘s him,“ you say. „He‘s been following me for at least three blocks.“
Trent looks at the man, then at you. „My truck‘s outside. Gimme three minutes and I‘ll join you there. I don‘t want you to witness this.“ He looks at you again and you nod.
„Okay. I‘ll go and wait…outside.“ You turn your back to Trent and leave, adrenaline pumping through your veins. You knew what he was gonna do. He‘ll nicely confront the man and probably calmly tell him to fuck off.
You stand beside his truck, already climbing in since it‘s still running and you can already see yourself patching up his bloody knuckles later. You sigh when you think about that. Sometimes you thought that he was just chasing trouble…
„Why are you looking at me like that?“ you mumble into your pillow, your eyes heavy with sleep.
„You’re pretty,“ Trent says and you can hear the smile in his voice. You quietly laugh and rub your eyes. Then you sit up in your bed and look at him. He sits on the floor, his back popped up against a wall.
„How long‘ve you been watching me?“ you want to know, smiling at him. He accompanied you home after the incident the night before and he refused to leave…
You offered him your couch, your bed even but he declined. So, he probably was awake the whole night, making sure you’re safe.
“I woke up about two hours ago,” he lies, placing his arms on his bent legs. “I made breakfast,” he then tells you, standing up with a low grunt. “Get ready, then we can eat.” He smiles before he leaves your room.
You quickly stand up and throw on some clothes before you rush to the bathroom to get ready. On the other side of your flat stood Trent in your kitchen, asking himself if he was going crazy.
He couldn’t think straight whenever he was with you and damn, it was showing. Telling you you look pretty while you just woke up? Watching you sleep in the first place? What the hell was he going through?
He wasn’t unfamiliar with being in love, that’s what brought him his two ex wives… So, he really wasn’t new to it but why was he acting so weird with you now? It shouldn’t be weird, no?
“You made all this?” your voice pulls him out of his thoughts and he looks at you. Fuck, you were even more beautiful now… How was he supposed to look past that and just…be normal?
„I did, yeah,“ he smiles, hiding his fidgeting hands behind his back. You grin up at him, the crinkles around your eyes showing and he just feels like he’s falling in love with you all over again.
„You didn‘t have to,“ you laugh, crossing your arms in front of your body. „This is- You didn‘t need to-“ you want to finish your sentence but Trent interrupts you. He gently leads you towards your table and pulls back a chair for you.
„I wanted to,“ he simply says. „Besides I already got the call that I need to leave soon, so I just wanted to make you happy before I and the team vanish for god knows how long again.“ He sits down opposite to you and fills your and his glass with orange juice.
„Will Clay pick you up?“ you ask, taking a sip of your orange juice. Trent shakes his head saying something about Clay not being allowed to know he was here and that Sonny wouldn‘t let him hear the end of it if he found out that he spent the night at yours.
You only laugh at that and continue to eat your breakfast. „I can drive you?“ you then suggest but he kindly denies.
„I can drive on my own Missy, don‘t worry. Besides, don’t you have to work today?“ Trent chews on his bread roll, curiously eying you but you just shake your head. You wouldn‘t need to work the next three days.
Your lungs sting as you run into the ER. You look around, panic in your eyes, your body shaking.
“Ma’am? Can we help you?” a young nurse asks, clearly worried. “Is everything okay?” She gently places a hand on your arm and your head snaps towards her.
“Clay Spenser. Where is he?” you rasp out, eyes teary. “I’ve been told he’s here.” Your voice breaks and the first tears run down your cheeks.
The nurse nods along and carefully leads you down a hallway. “I’m afraid we can’t help you but my colleague can surely tell you which room he is.” She smiles at you and you want to smile back but you just…can’t.
After half an hour of asking around you’re finally led to your brother’s room, your throat dry. You didn‘t know anything about his condition. Everything they told you was that he was being treated in the hospital.
„One of his friends is also in there,“ you’re informed as you come to a hold in front of the room. „We can ask him to leave at any moment though since he does not count as family.“
You only smile at the nurse. „No need for that. I…know him.“ You didn‘t know who of Bravo was with your brother right now but nevertheless you knew him. And besides, this team was family. They maybe didn‘t share the same DNA but the same blood was adorning their hands.
When the nurse was sure you were fine on your own she left you at the door, a comforting hand on your shoulder before she walked away. You stare at the door, taking a deep breath and opening it with trembling hands.
You pushed it open, your breath hitching when you notice all the monitors scattered around the room and the endless beeping of said machines.
You can see someone move and walk towards you in the corner of your eye. You know who it is when he lays his arms around you, pulling you into his embrace.
Trent doesn’t say a word while you cry, only holding you close and keeping a hand comfortingly on your back. He felt a bit helpless right now, not really knowing what to do but all you needed was just him holding you…
„Thank you for staying with him,“ you whisper after a couple moments, sniffing and breaking the hug. You want to wipe away your tears, feeling embarrassed for losing control like that but he gently wraps his hands around your wrists, pulling them away from your face.
You’re confused for a moment but then he pulls out a tissue and carefully starts to wipe away your tears. You feel like you could start to cry all over again.
„Thank you,“ you sniff again but he just shakes his head.
„You don‘t need to thank me.“ Then he pulls you into his arms again, planting a kiss on your head. „You both are family.“ Trent breaks the hug and cups your face with gentle hands.
„I know you’re scared for him right now,“ Trent glances into the direction of the bed where Clay was laying. „But he’s stable. He‘s pulling through. He’s a strong one.“
Your hand reaches out to place it over his, pulling them from your face and holding them in yours. You say nothing, only holding his hands and working up the courage to finally look at your brother.
„How did it happen?“ you ask, your voice almost being stuck in your throat.
„That’s…classified. I‘m sorry,“ Trent says in a quiet voice. „But, he’s got a couple of broken ribs, his lungs have seen better days and the fingers of his right hand are broken.“
Fresh tears gather in your eyes as you listen to Trent, letting go of him with trembling hands and walking towards Clay. „I told him that his job would demand its tribute sooner or later. He didn‘t listen…“ You sniff, carefully sitting down at the edge of the bed. „He never listens to me…“
“I thought you’d kill me as soon as I wake up,” Clay breathlessly laughs while you take a look at his bandages. He was currently laying on your couch, letting himself be treated by you.
“I would’ve,” you mumble. “If it weren’t for Trent.” You reach for the bandage tape and rip off a piece to place it over his arm brace so the bandage would stay in place.
Clay looks at you, tilting his head. “You like him, don’t you?” he then carefully asks and you halt for a second.
“What if I do?” you return the question, avoiding his gaze and fumbling with the tape in your hands.
You can feel your brother looking at you anyway, his eyes burning into your head. “I’d probably try and beat him up.”
“You would fail.”
“I know.” His hand reaches for yours and you finally look up. “I know what I told you when you first met them and…I still mean it but I can’t control who you love.” Clay pauses for a second, his gaze softening. “If you love him then so it be… Besides, he also has a thing for you but I think you know that already.” Clay starts to chuckle at the end of his sentence, his thumb carefully stroking the back of your hand.
“Guard your heart Missy. Don’t give it to the next best asshole.”
“Are you saying your friend is an asshole?” Your eyes widen with surprise.
“That’s not what I said!” Clay immediately shakes his head. “He’s a good guy—I know that for sure—but there are dudes who aren’t as amazing as lovely Trent. I’m asking you to be careful about them.”
You slightly smile before you sigh and stand up. “I don’t think you have to worry about me Clay. I’ll be fine as long as you don’t decide to run into a grenade anytime soon again.”
“I didn’t do it on purpose,” he grumbles, rolling his eyes in a joking manner. “Sonny said the path was clear.”
“You think he’s okay with this?” Trent carefully asks as he intertwines his fingers with yours.
“I don’t care what he thinks,” you reply, leaning against him, looking down at your hands. “I’m a grown up. I can do what I want.”
Trent chuckles, glancing at you with a gentle smile. “Do I need to expect the big-brother-talk?” He then wants to know. He needed to know what he needed to prepare for when he saw Clay again.
“More of a big-brother-beating,” you snort with a laugh. “I told him he’d lose and he knows it too but he wants to try anyway.”
“I promise I won’t be too hard on him,” Trent laughs, pressing a kiss to your head. “He’s still not cleared to operate so I need to look after him anyway.”
You don’t reply to that, only enjoying the moment, finally in Trent’s arms, without having to worry about anything in the world. You knew that sooner or later you’d be confronted by his job and its bad sides but right now you didn’t care about that.
You were with him and that was wall what you needed right now.
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vae1bixy · 1 year ago
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rebelwrites · 7 months ago
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Unicorn || Whiskey || Cookies
Football || Sharks || Horses
Steak || Dog || Beach
Feet || Onion || Hammer
Wedding || Wine || Poker
Target || Purse || Popcorn
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child-of-of-the-sunshine · 5 months ago
A/N: I didn’t want to leave any Bravo members out, so of these aren’t well thought out
Jason: The absolute mess it self explanatory I don’t think we need explanations here for him
Ray: the one that has there life somewhat in order
Sonny: The party animal the amount of time this man had to be picked and not to mention the ship deployment, he the party animal
Trent: Trent gives off dad of the group vibes I think it’s because he’s the medic and sometimes it seems like he’s giving a disappointed look
Brock: The one that keeps to him self but is close with the dad of the group dad and funny one/uncle, he’s also the sassy one too
Clay: The youngest of the group
Full Metal: he’s the funny one, he has great one liners and was classic until the end even in death he was still classic
Bonus for metal: he the funcle aka Fun Uncle, but will also murder your boyfriend/Girlfriend if they lay hands on you (every friend group has one and you know it) 
That is my take on Bravo and there friendship rolls
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lonestarlife · 10 months ago
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biregrets · 1 year ago
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😩😩 Sonny’s ‘touch her and die’ vibes
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disasterfandoms · 10 months ago
Don't Go Where I Can't Follow, Chapter Two || A Seal Team Story
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A/N: This is Chapter two of the story that started this entire series: The Fix it! I will have the masterlist and the first chapter of the story linked! Reminder that this is set during/after the season 4 finale, and is based on the premise of Metal not dying. Pease note that I nor @bravo-four-seal-team are experts in medicine and therefore there are probably inconcistencies in this story.
TW: suicidal ideation, suicidal attempt. sex, pregnancy, vomit, alcohol use, description of medical procedures, death, near-death, code blue, domestic violence, PTSD, depression, anxiety, graphic language, mental abuse, hallucinations, blood, panic attacks, mention of miscarriage, mention of past abuse, mention of past injury, mention of disabilities, stalking, kidnapping, mention of ventilators, mention of comas, mention of past abuse, mention of stillborns, mention of rape, rape, mentions of gags/bondage.
AO3 Series Masterlist
Chapter 1
It was easy for her to run, she could get away from her thoughts for a while, forget about the emotions, just focus on breathing, where she was going, how she held herself, she just kept moving. They all had their own ways of coping and processing the day, running for her allowed her to escape from everything. 
She was tempted to drop Adonis back to Amelia and then just go back to base, work on the things she needed to do, but she knew that would never happen, knew Amelia would be on her ass if she decided to up and vanish, like she had done multiple times when things got tough. 
She slowed down, checking her watch and seeing the time, she’d stay out for another hour, sitting on the grass she huffed, getting the water bottle she had picked up and a collapsible bowl, popping it open then filling it so the german shepherd could drink. She never took her phone with her, it was still sitting on the table at Amelia and Trent’s place, she really wished she was overseas, least she would be able to focus and keep busy, no one would complain if she didn’t eat, there were times when they couldn’t, and they could only have protein bars, which she hated, but would eat. 
The Marine soon stood up, starting at an easy pace, before picking up speed and running with Adonis back home, well back to Amelia’s. She hated having to stay at hers, always feeling like she was just getting in the way of things. Eventually, she did get back, removing Adonis’ leash and letting him inside, she followed behind, the house was dark and quiet, so she would keep quiet as well, moving silently, locking the door and moving to get water. She was now exhausted, so sleep would hopefully come easily to her. 
“How was your run? Hi Donnie! Hi baby, you have fun? Hmm? Gonna sleep with me tonight? T’s gonna kill us when we comes back, isn’t he?” She would have laughed, seeing Ash jump a foot in the air, had the face mask she put on after her shower allowed her to.
Ash would never admit that Amelia caught her off guard, but she jumped and felt her heart rate skyrocket "the run was good, Adonis was an absolute angel, I'm gonna turn in for the night" she says "I'll need to go to...the store get things in the fridge for when they return." She speaks quietly "How was your call?" She asked as she took a drink of water. As much as she wanted to toss back a glass or two of whiskey, she couldn't, she hadn't eaten, but she also was cutting down on how much she drank "You should be in bed Ames"
“Donnie’s always a good boy, aren’t you?” Adonis barked in response, his tail wagging. Amelia nodded, and he ran upstairs to her bed, jumping on where Trent usually slept and waited. 
“Call was good, Scott was asleep, Trent looked exhausted. And it’s only… 8:30. I’m gonna have a cup of tea and work on the schematic and some ideas on trying to convince Trent on turning the formal dining room, which we don’t use, into a playroom for Willow, a place to keep all the toys her auntie Ash, Uncle Scot-Scot, and her grandparents keep supplying.” She said, poking fun at how they love to spoil her daughter.
The young woman grinned slightly, she had a habit of coming back from wherever she had been deployed to with toys and clothes. 
"Well," she says "You enjoy your tea, but I'm gonna go to sleep." Really she just couldn't continue to stay awake, letting the worry eat at her, it had gotten to the point of the feeling of being hungry and gone, the water she had drunk was the only thing she had since being told about Metal.
"Enjoy your evening Amelia" she smiled to her sister-in-law before moving to the guest room.
“Night Ash, come get me if you need me,” Amelia told the young woman, but in the back of her mind she knew Ashley would rather suffer and die than as for help. She sighed, grabbing a mug and filling it up, before heading back upstairs to Adonis and her laptop, enjoying the time alone. 
Downside of sleeping on a ship, you could hear every little noise. Voices would bounce around and stop people, the crew from getting a decent sleep. 
Metal was being woken and checked on by  medical staff, which he wasn't too pleased about, however they were beginning to prepare for transport off the ship and to a plane.
The rest of Bravo had been woken and told to go pack their gear and get sorted out. There was still some tension between Clay and Sonny, which wasn't helping matters "Think he regrets his words?" Clay asked. 
"Metal" Sonny added, looking over, to the others "you know 'Chernobyl of fun' from where I'm standing none of it was fun" the Texan said as he zipped his bag closed.  
Clay nodding "Pretty sure he jinxed himself" he sighed 
Jason rolled his eyes "Yeah well someone still owes him a case of beer." The others stopping and looking at Clay and Jason "Clay did the needle decompression" Bravo one informed "First time" 
"Thought I was out of firsts" Clay smirked. Trent during this time had kept quiet "How's the family holding up?" Brock asked. Drawing the attention to Trent who still looked exhausted. 
"Amelia is trying to hold it together, Ashley I'm pretty sure is on her way to a breakdown, someone else talk to that stubborn ass of a man about calling his family" Trent huffed. 
"I'll give it a shot, but I make no promises I'll get anywhere" Jason states, Soto appearing in the doorway "Be ready to go, got word that they're sending a bird for us in the next hour." He informed them. 
The team all relaxed knowing that they were getting out and away from the ship and never needed to be on one again for a long time. "Hey Brock" Sonny smirked "You still gotta tell Metal about the fun he missed out on" 
The team laughed, while the dog handler did not look too impressed to be the one to speak up and say something.
After Jason finally got all his stuff packed away, he made his way down to Medbay to see his brother. Jason, deep down, feels like shit that Metal got injured saving his and Clay’s asses from the RPG. Metal is his teammate now, he felt the need to protect him as such. It always hurts a little to go down and see him, just because, god, he must be in agony from the wounds he suffered. 
Jason walked into Medbay, finding Metal being poked and prodded by the nurses, trying to make sure he’s safe and stable for transport. He had to laugh at the sight, Metal looked terrified of needles. 
“Don’t.” Metal growled, then smiled politely at the nursing staff who seemed a bit afraid of him. 
That caused Jason to double over in laughter. “I-I’m sorry, Metal, but you’re afraid of needles?”
“Always have been. Pain in the ass to give vaccines to. Why are you here when they’re loading us all up on the same aircraft?”
“Trent asked someone to get it through your skull to call your family.”
Metal groaned, shaking his head. He didn’t want to talk to anyone yet, he’d rather just wait until they were all stateside and they could just see it for themselves. “Not happening, Hayes.”
“Why the hell not? Just send an email to the both of them saying you’re fine, you love them, and you’ll see them at the tarmac.” Jason huffed, putting his hands on his hips. He didn’t understand why Metal was being so damn stubborn about this. 
“Dammit, Jason. Not ready to talk to anyone about any of it, and I know my family. They won’t leave it alone.” Metal said, angry at the injuries, at his sister’s stubbornness. 
“They’re worried about you, Metal. Trent’s worried about all of you. Tell them you don’t want asked anything, not yet.”
Metal scoffed, “Yeah, like that’ll work. You met Amelia? Ashley? They’re both equally as annoyingly good at making someone talk.”
It hit Jason what might actually be wrong with Metal, why he won’t talk to his family. “You’re worried you won’t operate again. Is that it?”
“Hayes I swear to god, leave it alone.” Metal said menacingly, and it would have worked if he was able to do anything.
Jason just shook his head, and sighed, “Scott, send them the email. You’re alive, they don’t expect you to be 100%. Ashley, who I know you love, is going through some rough shit because you won’t talk to her.”
Metal sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose, trying to get the headache to go away. He finally resigned to emailing them, nodding, and shooing Jason away before everyone gets yelled at. He then sends an email to both Amelia and Ashley, before shutting down his laptop and pulling out his book again. 
This was gonna be a long flight home.
The time it took from the ship to land, to board the plane, was already hell, especially for Metal since both Clay and Sonny had begun to quote things at him, Trent silently watching from where he sat, offering no help to his friend at all. 
They had 6 hours in the air, before they landed home. 
Trent just hoped both Clay and Sonny realised that Metal could probably kill them with the book he was holding, and was trying to finish. “Bet you totally regret the fun meter idea” Sonny grinned, Clay nodding “Got jinxed man” 
“If you like living you’ll leave me alone” Metal responded, trying to focus on the page he was re-reading for the 8th time. Trent sighed “Clay, Sonny, I got watch go sleep” he suggested, no one argued, both SEALs moving towards where they had set up so they could sleep. 
“Don’t start” Metal warned, Trent raised an eyebrow “Don’t start what? I’m sitting here keeping an eye on you” he responded, almost challenging his friend to make an excuse about what he thought he was doing. 
“You sent Jase to talk to me about emailing the girls” Metal frowned “I told you I would do it when I was ready” 
“When would that be? Once you got to a hospital stateside, where, you’d deny them entry for visiting? Or maybe you plan on shutting them out fully? You do realise your gonna be stuck with them, if it wasn’t Jason, I can guarantee, Amelia would have called Blackburn to order you to make contact” 
The look on his friend's face was enough to tell him that he got off lightly with Jason talking to him “I think you’d prefer Amelia and Ashley checking on you, rather than these guys pestering you.” he said, leaning back and crossing his arms “Won’t be long until you have to deal with Amelia worrying, she’ll be at the tarmac, your girlfriend however is gonna wait until your settled in hospital to check on you. Get some sleep.” Trent stated, removing the book from Metal’s hands. 
The unimpressed look Metal shot Trent spoke a thousand words,but Trent really didn't care at this point.
4:30 AM. 
She’s going to kill Trent for making this her normal. Here she was, though, wide awake before dawn, Adonis sleeping peacefully where her husband should be laying. She gives him the lightest kiss on the head, and petted him a little bit before getting up to start the day. 
She first checks on her daughter, making sure she was okay before going downstairs and starting a pot of coffee, considering what to do for food since Ashley has takeout from the night before. She also needs to go to the store, get Trent some of his favorites before he comes home, it helps him get back to normal faster after a deployment. Amelia gets a cup of coffee, sits down at the bar and opens her laptop, checking her email. 
She’s received two of importance: one from Trent, saying they were on their way home and should be there by noon; and the other from Scott. She quickly opens the email from her big brother, which reads: 
You need to stop worrying about me. I’m okay! As long as they have me drugged up, I can barely feel any of it. You probably just rolled your eyes at that, and if so, then mission accomplished. 
Take care of Ashley for me while I’m stuck on this godforsaken ship, and while I’m laid up in the hospital stateside. She’ll never admit it to me, but she’s probably terrified, unnecessarily so. 
Also, where the hell have my Willow pictures and videos?!? Thought you promised me at least one video and one picture a day of my little Willow tree. Yes I still call her that, and yes it’s still hilarious to me you named her after a tree. 
Most of all: Take care of yourself while I’m trapped. Know this stuff is never easy on you, even though you hide it well. Lean on your husband, dammit, it’s what he’s there for. Well, when he is there. 
Love you, stop worrying. 
Amelia’s eyes couldn’t contain her tears as she read the email, she’s been trying to keep it together since she found out, but hearing from him broke the dam. She let them fall for a few minutes, everyone was  still asleep upstairs and she didn’t need to be strong for anyone in that moment. After that, though, she wiped up those tears and went on when her morning, drinking coffee and reading the news, making a grocery list, and then getting ready to get her daughter’s morning started after she got dressed.
She was never a fan of sleeping, it's always been that way, she would nap here and there, 20-40 minutes each time. 
One thing that she hated was not knowing, she preferred having a plan, routine, so by 5am she was up, bed straightened, made to military standard like how she was taught. She began with push ups, which changed to sit ups then squats. 
She would need to eat something, so she reached for her uniform pulling out one of many protein bars she carried, opening then eating it. 
Why did they all taste like paper?
Grabbing paper from her notebook she carried she wrote down things she needed to do. 
She grabbed her toothbrush from her bag sighing slightly, she was supposed to be deploying in 24 hours, now she wasn't. Going to the guest shower room, she turned the tap on, brushing her teeth, once that was down, she grabbed a quick shower, dressed in what she had, plain sandy colour t-shirt and cargo pants, tying her hair into a bun out her face. Then pulled on her boots and headed downstairs. 
Second thing on the list, make sure Amelia was ok, see if she needed anything picked up "Morning Amelia" she said when she saw her friend "I'm gonna head out, gotta feed that kids, Void got into the main container again" she says showing her the video alert she got from the feeder "You ok?" She frowned, looking at her friend "You've been crying" she states worried, watching the woman Infront of her "Trent and Scott ok?" 
Seeing her friend nod, she raised and eyebrow "So why were you crying, don't give me that look" she warns "I know you, and know what your look when you've been in tears"
“It’s nothing, I’m fine Ash. Seriously, nothing’s wrong. Got an email from Trent, they’re on their way home, said something about them touching down at noon,” Amelia says, smiling. She’s omitting Scott’s email purposely, she doesn’t want Ash to feel like something is wrong with their relationship on purpose if he for some godforsaken reason didn’t email his girlfriend too.
Ashley shrugged "Alright, you need anything picked up? I'm gonna head out, gotta drop something at base, sort out the cat feeder, actually probably replace it, then head to the store,”  she says. 
The marine leant against the wall, checking the time "I logged out of the email account, pretty sure sitting refreshing that app was not helping my sanity." She smiles slightly, clearing her throat "Better crack on with the day. See if I can get my co to let me cover any training session while I'm stateside" she hums, picking up her keys "If you need anything call or text me, I can pick up a few things to save you rushing about"
Amelia smiled, “I’m making my grocery list now, Trent has a rough time readjusting so I try and accommodate by getting his favorites for him. Me and Willa-loo are going when they open, then it’s just a matter of getting her ready to see her Dad in person for the first time in two months. He told me last night he’s worried she’ll think he’s a stranger.” Amelia chuckled, then continued, “Hey Ash? … check your email.”
“Willow will be so happy to see Trent” Ashley grinned, glancing at the time “I will check later, once I sorted out a few things required to do” she hummed. “If you need anything, let me know, I’ll see you later at some point. Gonna be a while at Base” she huffed, walking towards the front door.
“I know that, but he’s not convinced. Bye Ash, read your email and i’ll see you at the hospital later.” Ameli said, waving goodbye to her friend and getting on with her day, starting with taking Adonis out and then getting the baby’s outfit picked out.
Time passed quickly, and soon everyone found themselves back on home soil, the team made sure Metal was safely off the plane, jokes being shared, the team laughing and smiling, promise to visit Metal when they could, of course he did not support that idea and wanted to be left alone and not be disturbed, as Medics took over the transport to the ambulance. 
Blackburn bringing Amelia and Willow over to their family, knowing that Amelia would settle better once she had eyes on her older brother, the commander of DEVGRU looking to Bravo, congratulating them on a job well done, telling everyone to go home, while he made sure everyone had downtime until they were needed again. 
Trent grinning as he saw his wife, and his daughter, who had grown since the last time he saw her.  The rest of the team moved to their own families, but told the little family to call them, if they needed anything. 
It was always like that, when someone was hurt, or it was a fresh relationship or newborn, everyone jumped in to offer a helping hand, it was always like that. 
“Hey sailor, how was your flight?” Amelia asked, laughing as Trent dropped his bag and barreled into them, giving her possibly the biggest hug she’s ever gotten in her life. 
“Fine, full of people annoying Scott while he tried to read. Hi sunshine! Can I hold?” He asked their daughter, making a “come here” motion with his hands. He was incredibly relieved when she moved her grip off of Amelia and reached for him instead. 
“Think someone missed her Daddy as much as I did.” Amelia smiled, hugging Trent on one side while Willow was happily kicking her feet, looking around the tarmac. She waved at Scott, before removing herself from Trent and walking over to him. Trent nodded at her to go, he knew she needed to see him and he was happy to just be holding his daughter. 
Holy shit, she’s grown so much since he last saw her. 
Amelia didn’t take long with Scott, just gently hugging him and telling him she’s glad he’s alive, before she nodded to the paramedics that they can take him.  She watched them be wheeled away, before walking back to her family, beyond happy her husband was home, was safe. 
“You ready to go, love?” She asked Trent, whose entire focus was on Willow, talking to her about how big she’s gotten. 
“Yeah, can we stop by the house, let me shower and change before we go?” He asked, moving to the side of the vehicle with the car seat, putting Willow in and making sure she’s secured. 
“Yeah of course. Probably easier if we let her have her morning nap at home, let her eat lunch and then leave. Gonna text Ash, tell her he’s on his way to the hospital and we’ll be there around one.”
“Sounds like a plan.”
“Hey, T?”
“Yeah honey?”
“I love you, and I’m glad you’re home.”
“I love you too.”
The second Amelia text her, she grabbed the things she knew would be needed for Metals hospital stay. It took an hour to get to the hospital.
It then took her a while to actually go into the hospital, she mostly just sat staring at the building, god she hated these places, she waited for a while so she was sure that Scott was by now in his room, probably complaining, maybe sleeping, most likely reading. 
Asking for the information, and sharing her relation to him, she made her way to the ward and then the room, taking a breath, waiting until the nurses and doctors left the room. Knocking on the door and smiling slightly “Hey” she whispered “I brought you, well things I guess you’ll need” she says, holding the bag up. 
She was surprised when he closed the book, and set it down “Have you even slept?” he asks, raising an eyebrow, Ash rolled her eyes, setting the bag down on the chair next to the bed “Few hours here and there, how are you holding up?” she asked. 
“Surviving, in a shit load of pain, but I'm alive” Metal responded, reaching out and taking Ashleys hand “Stop worrying.” 
“Oh please. We both know that I won't quit worrying about you, just like you worry about me” Ashley tuts “You know that talk.” she smirks, seeing the look of confusion cross his face “Something along the lines of, you can be heroic, but you need to deal with the consequences?” she states. 
“Ashley, don’ start” he warns, but Ashley laughed “Like I would, as much as I love you, and your need to look after the team, I need you to get better, then I’ll rip you a new one for freaking me, right, Ames says she and T will be here at one, but...I gotta bounce, finish sorting things out, but I will be back, you play nice” 
“I'm always nice”
“Only when you want to be, get some sleep.”
“You too Ashley” 
“Eh I’ll sleep when your home” 
Coming home was always weird for Trent. He tried to spend his deployment completely focused on the present, trusting Amelia has the home front settled, so he can enjoy himself if he can and focus on getting home safely. 
That focus, however, comes with a price when he comes home. Everytime he walks through the door, for the first couple weeks, he feels like a stranger and a guest, all at the same time. Doesn’t matter the state of the deployment, home never feels like home until he gets situated again. 
This deployment is no different. Walking into the house feels foreign to him, especially since this was the first time he’s been gone for more than a week since Willow was born. Even though Amelia had cleaned before they picked him up, he still saw the toys, the playpen, not that he minded, helped him to know life went on while he was gone. 
Still, feels a little weird. 
He put his bag down in the entryway, immediately going upstairs to shower, scrub his skin raw, try to was off the stench of the ship, the memories burned into his brain. His mind kept skipping to the last mission, seeing Brock struggle with the terrorist while Ray froze. Then when he froze again in the field, only this time it was both Ray and himself in trouble. He tried to push it out of his mind, he was safe at home, with his wife and daughter. He wouldn’t be able to, though, not for a little while. 
After a while he gets out, changes into clothes that aren’t his uniform, and heads back downstairs, petting Adonis when he sees him. Amelia’s in the kitchen, the baby on her hip, making a bottle. He comes up behind them, putting one arm around Amelia’s waist and digging his face into the crook of her neck. 
“I’ll feed her, go take care of yourself,” Trent offered, letting go and backing up a few steps, letting Amelia turn around. Amelia nods, smiling and leaning her hip with Willow on it towards him, letting him grab her. She gave him the bottle once it was ready, and he went to sit on the couch, propping his feet up, laying Willow down and giving her the bottle. God she’s grown up on him, he couldn’t believe that in just two months she’s as big and strong as she's gotten. 
“I’m, uh, gonna go on a run with Adonis. He got a good one in with Ash last night but it’s been a while since it’s just been the two of us,” Amelia smiled, leaning on the doorframe, her arms crossed, Adonis’s leash in her hand. 
“Go, I got her. Gonna get some snuggling in with Willow and watch something. Have fun, and be careful.”
“We will, won’t we Donnie? Yeah? Ready to go? C’mon! Be back in like an hour.” Amelia smiled, clipping the lease to the German Shepherd and walking out the door.
Trent looked down at his daughter, her bright eyes staring back up at him. Seeing her just instantly puts a smile on his face. He tickles her leg, his fingers going up her side, then pinched her cheeks, causing her to giggle. 
Yeah, he could get used to this.
Ashley had returned to the hospital, but never went in Metals room, standing watching him read, she was just glad he was relaxed. 
She kept out the way while staff checked on him, letting out a sigh, she moved forward, knocking once again on the door then entering when he looked over "Forgot how fast you get through books" she states leaning against the wall, allowing the nurse the room to move around and do the checks, the marine couldn't tell you what was being checked, all she knew was, her boyfriend was trying to hide the pain "Could he get painkillers or something? He won't ask, he's too stubborn" she grinned. 
Moving to sit down, making sure not to knock the side of the bed. "So, other than, these lovely injuries deployment go ok?" She asked 
"Was slow, boring, Brock got sea sick, Trent decided to research, think it was scurvy?" 
"...Brock got sea sick and he's in the Navy…" she blinked, smirking slightly "Course Trent was more worried about some weird sickness...I swear I thought he was the sane one in the family" seeing the small smile she got from the man. "Heard you managed to create a fight club and take down all of Bravo" 
The injured man chuckled "You'd think they'd know they can't beat me" he said, setting the book down "took the rest of them to tackle me down, somehow turned to the Bravo pile" 
"You get to fight Hayes? If not I want front row seats"
She was happy that Metal was talking to the, though she could see the energy leaving, while sleep tried to take hold. "Babe, rest up, it'll help the pain, when you wake up, I'll be here ok?" She said quietly, watching him nod slowly "Good, gotta get rest before your friends come crashing your peace" she hummed while she watched as the man fell asleep. 
Leaning back in her chair letting out a breath, and closing her eyes, counting to ten before going on her phone and researching some things.
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bullet-prooflove · 11 months ago
Jujube: Sonny Quinn x Reader
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Tagging: @switchbladeclub @kind-wolf @@mariashane @floydsglasses  @firecountryqueen666 @caffeinatedwoman @@kmc1989 @sca3a @jeysbae @hufflepuffgirl @hgs-11 @meera10 @f1babe98 @angelnyx finiteuniverse13
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Sonny calls you his jujube. It starts as something to make you blush because the first time he’d said it, he’d had his head between your legs and was licking up the mess he’d just made of you.
“You taste as sweet as a jujube.” He’d mumbled against your thigh before he’d devoured you all over again.
It had stuck after that because there’d been a fifteen minute debate about what a jujube actually was.
He thinks about that when he’s trapped inside of the torpedo tube on the edge of drowning. The water’s lapping over his face, saturating his beard, stinging his eyes. His neck aches as he tries to keep his head up but his nose bumps against the smooth metal because there’s nowhere else to go. He’s going to die in here and you will never know how he feels.
This thing between the two of you it may have started off as casual, something to keep him occupied between deployments but it’s quickly become more than that. It’s sunshine and happiness and all the good things in life, everything he’d been lacking until he met you.
“Clay.” He says over the comms system as the water splashes over his forehead. “Clay buddy, I need you to do something for me.”
“You want me to sing the Longhorns fight song?” Clay responds, his voice a welcome sound over the radio. “Because I  gotta say it sounds much better with your accent.”
“Nah man, you’d just ruin it anyway.” Sonny smiles despite his predicament. “It’s about my Jujube, I need you to tell her…”
He trails off then because the emotion in his chest, it’s too much. He closes his eyes and he remembers the morning before his deployment, the two of you together in his sheets, your fingertips chasing over his tattoos as he held you close.
If he had known that was the last time…
“Tell Jujube I loved her, that what we had, it meant the world to me.”
“Sonny…” Clay chides and Sonny can hear the anguish in his  voice.
“It’s important to me.” Sonny tells him, his voice breaking just a little. “It’s important that she knows that she’s more, that she’s always been more.”
There’s silence for a moment as the radio crackles and Sonny knows what that means. If Clay agrees they’re both acknowledging what’s about to happen, that they’re not going to get Sonny out of the tube, that he’s going to die.  
“I’ll tell her.” Clay says quietly. “I promise you brother, I will.”
Sonny drowns after that. He stays dead for three minutes before they bring him back into the world choking and spluttering, coughing up his own lungs.
On the plane ride home he’s a little antsy, his knee jingles and his fingertips tap out a tune on his thigh. He plugs his headphones into his ears and he listens to your playlist, the one with all the songs  that remind him of the key moments from your relationship.
First kiss, first date, first time.
He clings to each of those memories until he gets his feet back on the tarmac. It’s everything he can do to get his ass to the carpark outside of base where he knows you’ll be waiting for him.
When he sees you standing there alongside your beat up Chevy, something inside of him just settles. You’re wearing that pretty summer dress he likes, the one he’s ruined you in multiple times and a pair of worn cowboy boots.
You’re in his arms in a matter of seconds and Sonny, he does not want to let you go. Back in that tube, he didn’t think he was going to get to experience this again so he holds onto you as tightly as he can, his lips brushing over your forehead, your nose and finally your mouth.
When he kisses you it’s like the sun breaking through the clouds after months of rain. All of that darkness, that fear that’s plagued him it evaporates and there’s just you, always you.
“You are everything to me.” He says fiercely as he cradles your face between his hands. “Absolutely everything.”
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lovelymary · 5 months ago
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“I never wanted to weigh you down.”
2.17 // 7.10
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finiteuniverse13 · 10 months ago
SEAL Team Superpower/Umbrella Academy AU
Bravo + Metal have powers. Powers are not the norm, so they attempt (poorly) to hide them. They do not know that the others have powers.
"How don't you notice that the 6 people you're closest to have powers?"
Well, reader, it is because they are all collectively So Very Stupid. In their efforts to conceal their own powers, they render themselves Oblivious to each other's powers.
Their powers are:
Jason - Super strength Ray - Uncanny aim & holding breath indefinitely Sonny - Teleportation Trent - Speak to the dead Brock - Summon tentacled monsters Clay - Convert sound into force Metal - Mind control
Who does know about these idiots and their powers? Blackburn. The man is fucking SUFFERING. He knows exactly what's going on and is not stepping in ONLY because there is a massive betting pool with the s/o's to figure out when they all figure it out.
Trent and Metal know each other's (they're dating), but are under the impression they're the only two and it's.. guys... it's so painful to watch. Their excuses for each other are. So. Bad. It's incredible that neither have them have had the other brought in for an emergency psych checkup.
Also Brian is alive but injured (& dating Clay) because I say so and he's in a Davis role because I also say so, also very much aware of everything that is going on and is LIVING for it.
Brian has a whiteboard with a "Stupid Almost Power Reveal" tally and he's started having to erase previous tallies and just write it in 10s (eg erasing 20 marks and just adding 20 to the written score) because this is... incredible amounts of denial from truly everyone.
Does the rest of DEVGRU have powers? Maybe! Who knows? Not Bravo!! Those guys are OBLIVIOUS. The last time Clay lost his temper and yelled, everything fell off the walls and they thought that a mini-earthquake just Happened to happen at the same time. Blackburn screamed into Lisa's shoulder that night. They also drank A Lot of alcohol.
(if you've seen this on discord already... hush I have Thoughts but no motivation to write)
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bravo4iscool · 7 months ago
seal team masterlist
masterlist overview
what if brock was a smoker (a brock reynolds headcanon)
part two
the reason sonny’s so good with kids (a sonny quinn headcanon)
bleeding out (trent sawyer & brock reynolds)
sister (trent sawyer x fem!reader)
just a friend (scott “full metal” carter x fem!reader)
slayweek 2024 masterlist (sonny quinn x clay spenser; discontinued)
just date already (trent sawyer x reader)
more to come…
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vae1bixy · 1 year ago
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All that matters
Season 2 Episode 4
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