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calling4glaives · 2 years ago
Poll #12
Only one week left until Nyx week starts on June 4th!
For our last poll, we're entering the highly debated topic of shipping. We want to know your favorite Nyx ship! Reminder that there are no wrong answers!
We look forward to seeing your creations for Nyx week!
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caparrucia · 2 years ago
Well, you already write/have written for my best two Nyx ships - PromNyx and CorNyx - Lucky me!
So I guess if I could have amazing stories for any other ship from you, it'd be PelNyx
Ooooh, that's interesting! Pelna is my favorite of the minor Kingsglaive folk. I love the rapport he has with Nyx and how efficiently it's built in the movie. Nyx has some of his best expressions in his conversations with him.
His death was also the most upsetting one, I think, in the entirety of XV. Because like, Luna and Noctis accomplishing what they've set out to do. (Luna dying is full on bullshit, but, at the same time, it's foreshadowed and built into the premise.) But Pelna's death is just. Awful. He's a great representation of the split in the Kingsglaive, between the traitors and the loyalists. Part of what really upset me about it too is the fact no one mourns for him. I wish Nyx had. He's just. Gone. And yeah, shit hits the fan immediately, but. Y'know.
That was my emotional support side character, sir.
Also he's very handsome and I fucking love his smile.
Yeah, yeah, it's a good ship. I should think about it. One day I'll get back to writing with enough consistency to do something for it. (Or, you should request it in the next prompt drive, anon. I'd be happy to write something for them!)
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amarabliss · 3 years ago
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A bit of PromNyx for @whostarlockeda03 It was a bit of learning but I enjoyed doing it! what a cute relaxed couple!
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promptoshipzine · 4 years ago
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We are officially in the creation phase! Keep an eye out for future announcements through the process! We will have great things in store to celebrate Prompto <3
Special thanks to art mod @niscuit-gravy for the lovely Prompto promo art!
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okaycookies · 4 years ago
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Here is my companion illustration I made for @absolutelynoct 's wonderful PromNyx fic for the FFXV Rarepair Big Bang!
Treat yourself and read it here !
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absolutelynoct · 4 years ago
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Hello all! I am excited to announce that in 2021 I will be spear-heading a zine that celebrate Prompto and the love he deserves! It is titled Heart & Soul since Prompto is both the heart and soul of the group. Stay tuned for the tumblr for the zine, but in the meantime, if you are interested and have a Twitter then please take the time to vote on the Interest Poll!
You can follow the zine here: https://twitter.com/PromptoShipZine
And stay tuned for more information! We look forward to bringing this lovely Prompto Ship Zine to you <3
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ffxv-goth-zine · 4 years ago
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Today's preview is by head mod @absolutelynoct! Featuring Prompto & Nyx, this Gothic romance is a piece to die for!
Pre-Orders Open until March 31st! UK: http://starscourgegothzine.etsy.com Everywhere Else: https://ffxvgothzine.bigcartel.com
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zva-redink · 6 years ago
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Happy pride month y’all from your local proud-to-be-queer canadian artist! I can’t NOT share this WIP. Hopefully done this weekend and then posters!
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dragonbornette · 5 years ago
Chapters: 7/7 Fandom: Final Fantasy XV Rating: Explicit Warnings: Underage Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Nyx Ulric, Prompto Argentum/Noctis Lucis Caelum
Nyx is a stranger in a strange land, bumbling through jobs and trying to find his place...and then he meets a young kid named Prompto.
Warning: Prompto is underage for the first half of this fic. Nothing overtly explicit happens between them, but there is adult content so, be warned :)
This is one of my rarepair fics that doesn’t get a lot of love. Any interest would be super appreciated <3 Please give it a shot.
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thwippersnapple · 6 years ago
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Art for Lending A Hand!!! PromNyx! Super cute - Quick note- Prom is underage in this fic for those who wish to avoid underaged ships
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seladorie · 6 years ago
In your FFXV sentinel au, some sort of situation where Prom and Dino run into a glaive patrol outside of the wall while Prom is taking down some sort of monster or magitek patrol?
thanks for the prompt!!! it was fun revisiting the sentinel au :)
read here on AO3 or down below!
In hindsight, Prompto may have miscalculated. That would imply that he thought through the consequences of running away from camp in the middle of the night to rescue some people who had the misfortune of being surrounded by three red giants.
He does not think it through. Prompto doesn’t even know who’s being attacked. He and Dino could see the giants, taking form through the darkness, blades glowing like a deadly beacon, and they both start running.
Dino reaches the campsite before he realizes that while he ran to safety, Prompto ran towards the daemons.
Prompto yells, “I’LL BE BACK IN A MINUTE!” There a few people that he can feel fighting for their lives, focus and fear and anger and exhaustion threatening to choke him. The red giants themselves ooze such overwhelming hatred and violence that he slams up his meagre walls, raises his gun and fires.
The shots do little damage, but draw the ire and attention of the giants away from the people they’re attacking, giving them a much needed reprieve. And more importantly, an opportunity.
Prompto rolls out of the way of the red giant’s flaming sword, the heat of it so oppressive that his head swims. He can hear the sound of the others attacking, so he lifts his gun again and continues his onslaught in order to distract the giants away from them.
Cold air bursts around him; Prompto slides several feet before landing on his ass on the ground. He thinks, Oh, cool, magic! The implications of one of the people he helped having magic sinks in. Oh, shit, magic!
It takes time. The extreme heat of the giants and the cold of the magic leaves Prompto sweating and shivering all at once. The sweat makes the situation far less tolerable, chilling his skin even further.
The ice magic does its job and does it well. One red giant screams into nothingness, and the others follow shortly. The darkness hisses and fades, and Prompto drops onto the ground in exhaustion. He regrets the decision pretty much instantly, ice on the ground seeping into his clothes.
“Come on, get up,” said someone nearby. A sentinel someone, bonded and feeling so much like a confident reassurance that Prompto gets swept away in it. A hand grabs his arm to help him up, but it flinches away. “Holy shit, you’re a guide.”
“What?” says Prompto, alarms blaring in his mind. He shouldn’t have allowed himself to be touched. His medication prevents people from noticing him passively, but it would be really fucking hard for a sentinel or a guide to not notice that they’re in physical contact with a guide. “No, I’m not.”
“You are!” said the person, a man in a–a Kingsglaive uniform, shit, Prompto is totally fucked. The man, who has dark, messy hair, darker skin tone than a typical Lucian, calls out to his fellows, “Nyx! Luche! He’s a guide!”
“He one of ours?” asks another dark-haired man who looks very Galahdian. An unbonded sentinel.
“I’m just a photographer,” says Prompto, but he’s distracted. He eyes the shadows nervously.
“A photographer,” repeats the last one, who is pale with blond hair.
A shadow moves, and all three of the Kingsglaives tense. “We’ve got to go,” says the blond one.
Prompto doesn’t want to be interrogated, but they need to get to safety. “There’s a camp over that way.”
They nod. The one with dark, messy hair turns around and lifts up what appears to be a motorcycle off the road. “My bike will still work, Luche!”
“Then you’ll take the civilian with you,” says Luche. “Nyx and I will run.”
“Alright,” says the glaive who is neither Luche nor Nyx. He straddles the bike, and waves Prompto over. “Here, hop on.”
Dino is pacing on the campgrounds when they arrive, and shouts when they appear. “Prompto! You asshole, I thought you were going to die!” Prompto lets Dino pull him into a too tight hug for a moment, before pulling away.
“Dino, say hi to the Kingsglaive,” he says.
“Oh,” says Dino. “Hi, Kingsglaive. How’s it going?”
“Good,” says the Galahdian, Nyx. Grinning, he adds, “Things just got way more interesting. Prompto, was it? What’s a guide like you doing out here?“

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sunbunnyyy · 6 years ago
You’ve Got Mail
Rated: E - explicit sexual content
Word Count: 10642
Relationships: Prompto Argentum/Nyx Ulric/Cor Leonis
A/N: hi so @pocket-prompto and I decided to do a fic exchange because we are basically the same person and decided the world needed more Nyx/Cor, so here is my fic for him. Please enjoy this because I had a ton of fun writing it and as you may have noticed got entirely carried away.
Summary: Everyone’s a bit stressed out. Work is long, exhausting, and unrewarding. The only good thing about the end of the day is coming home to Prompto, at least until he gets stuck with the night shift and has to keep arresting that idiot Lazarus.
Or, Nyx is overworked and everyone needs a laugh sometimes.
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bladesandstars · 6 years ago
Fanfic - FFXV Fantasy AU
Chapter 4 of Circulation is live! I’ve been bad about updating here, but it’s a vamp/fae/werewolf/all kinds of fantastical creatures AU and I’m having a lot of fun with it!  T rated so far, Gladnoct and Promnyx have shown up, and Crownea and Fleurentia may sneak in at some point too.  Here’s a short preview:
Prompto surveyed Nyx with a practiced eye and brushed back dark strands of hair, eliciting an annoyed hiss that Prompto waved away with a gentle smile. Fingertips passed, soft, across the shaved side of Nyx’s scalp, but avoided the long red marks there.
“What did you tangle with this time, babe?” Immediately on his arrival home, Prompto had sat Nyx into one of their kitchen chairs to inventory the damage and how severe it was, with his usual mother-hen attitude. Supplies sat ready on the counter, and Prompto’s studied gaze and steady hand belied the fact that he’d woken out of a dead sleep when Nyx got home, despite his attempts to be quiet coming in. Nyx had just given him a look that asked if Prompto had put a ward on the door to wake him when Nyx arrived, and he’d answered with a sideways slice of a smile that said “maybe.” Nyx looked fondly at the spikes of pale blond hair standing up in a maelstrom all over his head; they’d done this middle-of-the-night routine many times before.
Nyx was dressed  in a soft gray regulation t-shirt, his stiff leather jacket folded neatly over another one of the kitchen chairs. He was only a little indignant, and mostly grateful for the company. Still keyed up from the events of the night, he clearly found the gentle touch and crinkled, freckled cheeks that greeted him to be more than welcome, as obedient as he’d been the moment he stepped across the threshhold.
“Group of ghouls, they—ow! they were harassing this old witch and I just—”
“Had to get involved, right?” Prompto couldn’t help grinning a little bit proudly as he dabbed antiseptic onto the scratches. They weren’t deep, and wouldn’t require anything more than basic first aid. He knew his boyfriend could take care of himself, but it still worried him when Nyx patrolled alone. He understood it though. Especially on full moon nights. Didn’t want to get the rest of the Glaive involved, and the fewer people who knew about Nyx’s little affliction, the better.
"Always such a hero." Prompto gave Nyx another soft smile and pressed a kiss to his temple before turning around to wash his hands again and get more supplies. "Was that all? You're—and I mean this in the best way, you know—filthy."
Check it out on AO3! Thanks as always for reading.
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amarabliss · 3 years ago
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"Come here sunshine..." PromNyx for @whostarlockeda03
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promptoshipzine · 4 years ago
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Introducing amazing artist @thwippersnapple !
Find thwippersnapple on twitter too!
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rinegadetales · 6 years ago
Look, we all know Tumblr is a bit whack (read as: straight up fucked) so let's be real.
I'll be tentatively posting here on until December 17th. After that, I will likely move entirely to Twitter until there is a different platform (i.e. Pillowfort.io) that I can jump to.
Until then, I'll be backing up everything, getting it ready to post in a new place. So if you're still here and still like what I do, head over to my Twitter @ ThatKanraGirl.
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