#to explain away why it's been spelled wrong and continues to be spelled wrong
You know what, I have to get this off my chest so here's my essay on why Anakin and Padme's relationship in Attack of the Clones singlehandedly sinks not only Episode II, but detracts from the entire prequel trilogy.
Here's the thing: the prequels are a tragedy, chronicling Anakin Skywalker's lamentable fall to the Dark Side and becoming Darth Vader. But the movies spend SO. MUCH. TIME. foreshadowing Anakin's fall, we never really get to see him be a hero. (I will always be immensely grateful to The Clone Wars for giving us this desperately needed characterization for Anakin).
The same applies to Anakin/Padme's relationship. Their romance should be a tragedy, and really the only way to make something tragic is to make the audience root for it to succeed in the first place.
But their relationship as depicted in the movies is so toxic and covered in red flags I can't root for it to succeed. (And Anakin himself is already apparently one breath away from going full Dark Side so there's no chance to root for him either.)
Side note about "I don't like sand" since the problems with their romance often get chalked up to "Anakin is awkward" : "Awkwardness" could have worked, because awkwardness CAN be sweet and endearing when it's coming from someone who is shown to be kind and compassionate (see: Tech in general, but also with Phee). But Anakin, 10 years after TPM, isn't depicted in AotC as truly kind or compassionate or anything even approximating heroic until maybe the Battle of Geonosis at the very end of the movie. So yeah, Anakin being an idiot young adult when talking to a girl he likes is understandable; it's all his other behavior that is absolutely unacceptable.
Just a few "highlights:"
- Padme covers the cams in her room because she doesn't want Anakin watching her, then directly calls out Anakin for the looks he's giving her and tells him it's making her uncomfortable... And Anakin's response is creepy smile and then later he persists in talking to her about how he dreams about her etc and so forth.
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^ Oh, if only the above or similar had been the actual scene...
- Inexplicably (and out of character for the Padme we got to know in TPM), Padme just... rolls with it and lets Anakin continue the creepy behavior she just told him she didn't like? Okay, guess we're reinforcing the idea that when women say "no" they don't ACTUALLY mean "no," persistence always wins, just gotta keep trying no matter what the woman says.
- Anakin strokes Padme's bare skin (she still hasn't said anything to indicate she's okay with this kind of attention), and she kisses him before pulling away and expressing regret over it. Since there's no other explanation given for Padme's sudden attraction to Anakin, we're left to assume that Padme must have been hiding her feelings for him from the get-go and therefore it must have been right for Anakin to keep testing her boundaries (do I really need to spell out how deeply problematic this messaging is??).
- Padme tells Anakin a relationship isn't feasible. (I have frequently come across comments on her "dominatrix dress" in this scene because apparently if a woman is going to turn down a man she has to plan on wearing, what, a burlap sack I guess, so the guy doesn't "get the wrong impression"). Anakin then shuffles full responsibility for his feelings onto her because of "the kiss she shouldn't have given him."
- Anakin commits one mistake and bad decision and egregious crime after another in the movie, as noted above it's not until Geonosis that he makes any decision that could be marginally considered heroic or "good," and... Padme likes this awful behavior, apparently?? Where did Padme liking this come from??? (If you're going to have freakin' rational smart independent kick-butt PADME fall for something like this, at least explain/show WHY.)
- By the time we get to the "We're about to die so yeah I totally love you" cliche, I'm not even cringing anymore because I'm just trying to figure out how we got to this point in the first place.
So... Yeah, we keep being told this is an epic tragic romance, and all I can see is two hours' worth of indicators that if Padme were my real-life friend, I'd be holding an intervention long before Anakin got assigned to her security detail on Naboo. FOR FORCE'S SAKE, PADME, HE'S BEEN THROWING UP NOTHING BUT RED FLAGS! RED MEANS STOP!!!
Again, this isn't just "Anakin doesn't know how to talk to girls because he was raised as a space monk." (Come on, people, Obi Wan was raised the same way and he does NOT act like that... But I digress.) This is Anakin being a creepy stalker who doesn't listen to the woman he supposedly loves and won't take no for an answer, and he ends up rewarded for it, and we're supposed to cheer him and Padme on and want them to be together?
No. Not me, at least.
And with this as the backstory going into Revenge of the Sith, with us never getting the chance (in the movies) to see Anakin at his best even with the woman he supposedly loves, Anakin's fall doesn't really feel tragic - it just feels... inevitable. His fall is plenty tragic and regrettable for the Jedi and clones and the Republic in general, of course; but with respect to how Anakin's demise affects him, it just hits as being a long time coming.
(At the end of the day, the only reason why I tolerate Anakin/Padme in TCW is because I actively ignore everything about their relationship from AotC. TCW also did such a stellar job showing enough of Anakin's good side contrasted with his darker tendencies that Anakin's fall in RotS now finally hits me as tragic for Anakin in particular. And the only reason why I rewatch AotC is for Obi Wan and the Yoda v Dooku fight, I almost always skip over 90% of the "romance" scenes at this point because I don't like gagging while watching a movie.)
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essenteez · 1 year
"falling in love with your best friend feels like eighth deadly sin."
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"And if you really think that it's an obsession, don't worry." He spoke again, this time his voice was hoarse as he struggled to speak, his thumb and eyes now wandering around your half opened lips. "I'll take all of it."
𝐒𝐲𝐧𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐢𝐬 : You made a tough decision that left you absolutely devastated. Falling in love with your best friend was unacceptable. You got to leave. The method was slowly vanishing from Yunho's life until he would get used to your abstance. Deep down, a voice kept telling you it was the right choice. However, Yunho never meant to let you go as he stood in your door on one rainy spring evening, demanding an explanation.
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : Yunho × (f)reader
𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞 : Angst, smut
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 : explicit language, unprotected sex, fingering, oral (f!receiving), tongue fuck, anal fingering, ass smacking, missionary, deep penetration, pet names
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬 : 6k
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Is it possible to feel like your decision, at the same time, is the best and the worst? As if you’re attempting to go both ways, feeling like your body is ripping apart.
You asked some of your friends about it, desperate for a helpful answer.
"Depends.'' they always shrugged, which only meant they had the same idea about it as you did. Read as none.
In the beginning, you thought your approach to the problem would be the best solution for both him and yourself. However, the more time had passed, the more it all felt like the most fanciful of tortures.
Nothing had happened between you two, nothing deep enough that you could hold on to. So why, why did you keep failing to convince yourself that everything you went through was for the best. Was it because of guilt that was eating you alive whenever he looked hurt by the distance you had been widening for the past four months? Or because that was a normal reaction after sacrificing something important for a better cause? You were doing that for both of you, especially for him. Your intentions were good. Why wasn't it working?
And now there you were, completely frozen, face to face with him in the late spring evening as he suddenly banged on your door, ten minutes after you ignored his text once more.
You were now staring at the upset man in front of you. Due to shock, you couldn't look away. You allowed his eyes to burn into you.
He was drenched from the pouring rain outside, standing at your door that you should've never opened. His expression and posture reminded you of a wild animal that was about to attack you.
Your hand trembled on the knob as you contemplated slamming the door in his stoic but serious face. All you wanted to do was crawl under your bedsheets to hide for the rest of your miserable life.
You were wrong from the very beginning. You didn't put on any sacrifice. You've been running away like a coward, and at that very moment, you were about to receive your punishment.
"We need to talk, don't you think?" The jaw muscles tensing up under his skin as he almost hissed the words out.
You had to get away from him, as far as possible. Far away, so it was easier for you to breathe again. It was time to dig through the long list of excuses that, to be honest, you were running out of.
"I was actually getting ready to leave for a night out with girls, so can we…"
His index finger pointed in your face, which stopped you from continuing the poor act.
"This is the only chance I'm giving you to explain what's happening, (y/n). If you close this fucking door on me…" he hesitated but the power in his voice didn't weakened, "you'll never see me again."
The breath abruptly left your lungs. You swore your heart stopped for a second just to restart its beating with double the speed. You heard your blood pumping in your veins as the inner panic unleashed from his words that were like a magic spell.
There was no bluff in his words. He didn't mean to scare you, despite him knowing you were vulnerable for empty threats like that. The warning was absolutely backed up. You could see it by the way he stood there before you, how he clenched his fists, the way he looked at you with devouring anger in his brown eyes.
No doubt, you crossed all possible lines. And you had no idea how to handle the consequences. You knew one thing, you'd rather die than never see him again.
"What do you mean?" You still tried, wishfully thinking he spoke about something else.
No answer came your way. He simply passed you by and stormed inside your apartment. You were too scared to protest, not after the eyes he gave you before walking in.
You slowly closed the door, in need of every second to gather all the shreds of courage you had in you. There wasn't much.
Somewhat ready to get eaten alive by the unbearable remorse, you finally turned around. However, he disappeared from your eyes' reach.
"You still have some of those spare clothes I left once after a party?" He yelled from what you realized was your bedroom. "I'm totally soaked."
The last thing you cared about now was wet stains on your wooden floor, spreading from the door through the living room up to your bedroom and glistening in the weak lamp light.
You couldn't form a word, every sound was caged in your throat. The anxiety began its biggest harvest inside you. You felt all the strength leaving your body. All you could muster up was standing on your two feet in the middle of your living room, and that alone was impressive in your current state.
You were registering his steps in the other room. Yunho walked into the bathroom to get rid of the wet clothes. He spoke to himself about how nice that the dryer was there. Then he reentered the bedroom and next you heard nothing but his loud sighs.
"Come here." His voice had little volume to it, but the depth of its tone resonated in your ears and echoed in your whole being. The command was crystal clear and sent a set of sharp shivers down your spine.
You let your feet lead you to the doorframe of your room. However, you stopped them there.
He was sitting on your bed, aggressively rubbing the towel on his wet hair. He wore his plain black T–shirt and pair of gray sweatpants you stored in your drawer after he forgot it months ago. He looked like he had just walked out of the shower.
"Do you hate me?" He asked suddenly, still not looking at you. "Maybe I scared you with something I said or did?"
You wanted to refuse, feeling your heart cracking even more, but no sound left your dry mouth.
He, on the other hand, had a lot to say.
"Did I do something wrong, hmm? Cause I've spent three months going back and forth to all our meetings, and I genuinely don't know what that would be." He laughed bitterly, still drying his thick black hair.
You felt like shrinking while the guilt that kept growing towered over you unforgivably. You had seen Yunho angry before but never at you. Why were you so stupid to think it would never reach you after all you had done?
A tint of sadness invaded his chords, "You suddenly started to avoid me, mumble something under your nose instead of answering me, or you have been straight up ignoring me. You don't pick up my calls or respond to my texts and if you do it's always the same shit 'I'm busy, will call you later' which is bullshit cause you never do, (y/n)."
The tears showed up in your eyes, and you bit your lip to stop them from pouring out like a tidal wave.
He noticed it. The hand with a towel dropped on his legs.
"I don't know, did someone tell you we can't be friends or make you feel bad about it?"
Yes. Me. You cried inside your jumbled mind.
"No." You uttered, swallowing your tears.
"Then what?" He urged, aggressively tossing the towel aside after he turned it into a damp ball. Now, all his attention was paid to you, and you felt bare under his eyes.
"I don't know what to tell you." You whispered, the lump in your throat only grew.
"The truth, (y/n)." He begged. "If you don't want to be friends anymore, then fine, I can't force you. But after all this time and memories we've made, I think I deserve to hear a reason behind your decision. Not to mention everything was fine 'till Hongjoong's birthday."
Him, now linking the dots, made you feel as icy needles ruched in your blood, tearing your veins.
Something did happen at your friend's birthday party. One innocent game, alcohol untying people's mouths, and you ended up begging God to help you erase that night from your head.
You thought you kept your composure after drunk Bona spilled her crush on your best friend. This one sentence that she sang toward him smashed the glass of denial and released all the spirits of truth. The realization hit you like thunder, and the effects never left with time.
After that, you slowly, nor drastically, began walking away. Your behavior should not have been seen as related to that party's events.
If it was so clear to Yunho, was it obvious to everybody else?
Although he was right.
What were you thinking? It is Yunho, we're talking about. He would never leave a problem untouched when he saw one. There was nowhere to run and hide now, and it never had been.
You reached your hand to the light switch and let the room get embraced by darkness. There was no option for him to see the shame on your face when you would be telling him the issue that tormented both of you.
He didn't say anything, handing you the mic.
You walked inside the room and slid to the wall, calling on it for support. You were placed in front of him but at a safe but far distance.
"I love you." You confessed, shaking like a leaf. "I don't know what is happening, but I know I want you so much. Every inch of me craves for you, and I lost all control over my own self when it comes to you to the point I can't sleep at night, eat, or think straight. I've never felt like this before, about anyone. And we're best friends. I have no right…" The guilt caged your voice.
The silence on his side was crushing. That was the end. You had nothing to lose.
You took a deep breath, "That's why I've avoided you and purposely ignored you. I have to stay away, Yunho. For both of our sakes."
You heard him taking a few deep breaths.
"Why didn't you just tell me?" Somehow, his voice bore the accusation.
"I was scared of rejection." You chuckled at your miserable position. "The girls laughed that I sounded absolutely obsessed when I told them about this. They said they were only joking, but I started wondering and got scared. What if I am? You asked if you scared me with something. You didn't. I'm scared of myself. Because…no one sane acts like that. No one sane falls in love with their friend."
As you finished the confession, you dared to look his way. Your eyes got used to the dark, and you managed to see his darkened features.
The left side of his face was slightly illuminated by the dim light coming from the living room. You were watched intensively as he was eyeing you up.
His upper body was leaned forward, his arms resting on his spread knees. He looked…disappointed? Angry? You couldn't really tell. However, his deep breathing betrayed that the chaos you let out in indeed affected him.
The question was how would he accept what you brought upon him.
"I'm sorry." You breathed out on the edge of crying. You felt awful by ruining your amazing friendship. "Truly."
He submerged his finger in his damp fuzzy hair and then proceeded to wipe his face. He seemed deep in thought. You watched how he stroked his thighs a few times before standing up.
"Yunho…" you gulped, seeing him closing the distance between you.
He was getting dangerously close.
"Please, stop."
The man listened to your command. Still, he halted only half a meter from you. Yunho gave you a second to calm down, let your guard down, therefore you had no time for reaction as his arm suddenly reached out for your hand, grabbing your wrist firmly, and began pulling you close to him.
You quietly whimpered, trying to twist your hand out of his grasp, but there was no use. He mercilessly dragged you until your bodies met.
You couldn't look up, not with all the panic thriving inside you. However, he did not mean to stop. You felt his finger underneath your chin, and suddenly, you found yourself looking in his eyes that shone with a new light in the dark room.
"I would never reject you." He let out a firm but gentle whisper. "What do you think that I came here for? To fight for you."
The bangs of his wet hair tickled your forehead. He stood so close to you like he only ever did in your intrusive thoughts and uncontrolled fantasies. You had no choice but to let his scent of cologne and rain embrace you from all sides.
"And if you really think that it's an obsession, don't worry." He spoke again, this time his voice was hoarse as he struggled to speak, his thumb and eyes now wandering around your half opened lips. "I'll take all of it."
The touch of his lips was more than you imagined. You whimpered into his mouth, at which he responded with a smile. You fought not to push him away from the intensity of your surprise. Everything was happening too fast and not how you had seen it in your head for uncountable times when thinking about the face-off.
Yunho kissed you slowly as if he was giving you time to get used to his touch and his taste. He let go of your wrist, and after gently putting your arm around his neck, he carefully wrapped your waist. His other hand moved from your chin on the side of your head. The embrace tightened.
You couldn't say you just allowed him to pull you close to him. You were like a ragdoll. The rollercoaster of severe emotions took away your will to move. He could’ve done anything he wanted to do to you, placed you anywhere he needed you to be. You were completely frozen.
Yunho was considerate of your state and didn’t want to push you. He broke the kiss and pulled his head back to look at you with a slight smile that showed understanding.
"Do you want me to leave you alone? If you need time and talk about it once you’re ready, I’ll wait." He assured you, the gentleness in his tone making your heart flutter. "I’ll wait as long as you need me to."
"I– I don’t know." You stuttered, no volume to your weak voice. "W– what would you want?:
"Can I be indecently honest?"
You nodded, the hope sparking in your heart.
"I want to stay. I missed you so much. For the past months, whenever we met, I felt like you were light years away despite you standing right beside me. So I want to kiss all your doubts and fears away so we both never feel that way again. I want to hold you close, taste you. I want to relearn my name as you moan it all night long. I want you. I've wanted you for so long." He flooded you with the confession that held much more fire and confidence than yours from a minute ago.
You trembled in his arms, grabbing more onto his shirt at his back as he wiped away a single tear that managed to escape and roll on your redden cheek. It felt like a dream, and you felt the familiar anxiety of the moment you would have to wake up as it happened all the time before.
After all these months of pain from keeping yourself away from the man you've been falling in love with, feeling like he was slipping through your hands with your own help, you were a shadow of a woman. You were a ruin.
"What’s your decision?"
But the will to fix everything that was broken smoldered inside you, and you felt that with the right blow of wind, it would turn into impressive flames.
He quickly groaned at your allowance, and your faces got close again. Both his arms now embraced your waist and back.
"Of all the things I just said, which one do you want me to do the most?" He asked, his lips brushing yours.
"Everything." You breathed out without hesitation. Experiencing the long yearning, you needed to feel everything, from innocence to obscene.
Your lips interlocked again, but this time, nothing tamed you for kissing him back as you had always desired.
With every breath between, the kiss was getting hotter, wetter. Your tongues twirled in a wild dance, teeth hooking on each other's lips. With quiet whimpers and moans, you drove each other crazy.
His damp hair was tangled in your inpatient fingers that massaged the back of his head and neck. He moaned in your lips from the affection. The sweet adlip instantly woke up the aching between your legs.
You felt the wall behind your back again. One of his arms left your waist and was placed above your head.
He broke the kiss, "You really thought that Bona's confession meant anything to me?" He panted, his half closed eyes never leaving your lips.
So he found the answer. He did mention he studied all three months of your random change.
"I didn't know what it meant to you. I was too scared to think about it. It just made me realize my feelings for you, and I feared for our friendship."
"And your solution to save our friendship was to stay away?"
"I'm sorry."
He clenched his jaw, and that alone was enough to double your already crazy heart rate. His eyes were pitch black, his brows frowned.
"It makes me really angry." He groaned. "To think your first thought was that I would reject you. That you asked yourself that tough question and saw no hope. That you went for the wrong answer. As if I ever gave you a reason to doubt."
"I'm sorry."
"It's me who's sorry, (y/n)."
You moaned at the speed he attacked your lips again. He didn't graced them for long with his unsatisfied affection as he moved onto your jaw, then sensitive neck.
You felt how his body pinned you to the wall. With the power he pushed into you, he picked you up. You were gasping for air from the waves of pleasure shaking your body as his hungry mouth kissed, licked, and bit on your skin.
"You always smell so fucking good." He cooed sultry, placing his hands under your ass, forcing you to put your legs onto his hips.
He pushed himself with you in his arm off the wall and began walking you two to your bed.
You were released from his tight embrace and let him push you on the sheets. With aw, you watched him remove his shirt, putting his beautifully shaped torso and abs on display.
"Now's your turn." He snarled.
His hands went down to your cotton, loose shirt, and ripped it apart with one pull. Your bare breasts bounced free. You only now remembered you had no bra on.
But he didn't care about your surprise. He just gently laid on your side, supporting his weight on his elbow. His chest rubbed on your right breast in a slow massage that had you wave underneath him.
"Goddamn it, (y/n)."
His hand embraced your neck, giving it a little squeeze. You watched it going down to your chest, between your naked breasts, and then lower on your stomach where his wrist twisted to go south. Now, you had his long fingers getting dangerously close to your throbbing folds.
You grabbed the sheets at the touch of his fingertip.
"I'm not the one who's getting soaked tonight." He smirked watching how your wetness spread underneath your leggings as his middle finger circled on your clit.
He wanted more, your loud moans too accompanying your flooding nectar. Two fingers decisively entered your pussy as the thumb worked on your pearl.
"Oh my…" you whined, arching your back.
To make your torture more difficult, he leaned his lips to your ear and began feeding your mind with the obscene.
"You're always so wet when I'm on your mind, kitten? Do your fingers fuck this dripping cunt like mine are now when your all alone?" He whispered, his breaths tickling your neck, "I can assure you, I walk hard all day because of you."
The image of him stroking himself fast, rough while moaning your name was a perfect way to bring you closer to the edge as his fingers now fucked you with a full speed.
"Yes." He grunted, satisfied with your whimpers and trembling pelvis. "Cum for me."
Yunho drank the sweetest sounds of euphoria from your lips. Your cute moans were like ambrosis for his ears. He craved for more, his soul, heart, and ego demanded more.
He sucked on the skin of your neck as his hand massaged the last ounces of orgasm from you.
"I dreamed of this so many times (y/n) – my fingers, all sticky and wet from your juices."
"Yunho…" you begged. "Please."
The yearning for him or his words along with skillful touch; you couldn't tell, but something was making you lose your sanity way too fast.
Yunho smug eyes began reading your needs. He just licked his lips before walking away to let the room bask in light again.
With the cover of the dark, you felt more secure. Now you laid there, feeling like there were hundreds of eyes watching you, even though the only person in the room with you was Yunho, who just nonchalantly stood there; one hand on the light switch, and the other, that just were inside you, on his sticked out tongue.
Unconsciously, you began closing your legs, putting hands over your chest, but he was quick to stop you.
He agility climbed on to you. Now you had his weight pinning you down, his slim pelvis between your thighs and his hands holding your hands about your head.
"Don't you even hide from me again." He warned you, looking you deep in the eyes.
His arm found its way under you, and with one pull, he moved you further up the bed before he raised himself and sat on his hills.
"I forgot to ask before ripping off your shirt," he smiled adorably, "but do you cherish your leggings?"
Knowing what was coming and feeling more than just excited about it, you shook your head.
Your soaked leggings and underwear shared the same fate as your shirt. With no hesitation, Yunho grabbed them in his fingers and ripped them apart.
You felt the cold licking your dripping slit, wishing it was that man's tongue.
"I had to turn the light back on." He grinned while studying your quivering folds. "I had to see it in detail."
His brow raised, and his eyes became absent as if they recalled something, a thought he cherished.
"I'm genuinely unable to count how many nights I imagined your taste." He voiced it. "How would you feel on my tongue. So soft and warm."
You shivered at those words. The way he said it, the way he watched you with almost worship… Yunho finally found himself on the spot he longed to be for many months.
"It's all yours." You whimpered.
He looked in your eyes again, searching for a bluff, but he was visibly relieved to see your genuine, needy expression.
"Put your pretty ass up for me, please."
You did what you were told, getting rid of the shirt, well now its shreds. Arching your back as your upper body stretched on the bed, you stuck your slightly circling butt towards him.
A gasp left your mouth as the smack landed on your plump cheek. It was sudden but more than welcomed.
"Somehow, I've always known you're filthy." He snickered, clearly glad of your reaction.
"There are a lot of things you have not found out about me yet." You uttered, biting your lip with a smile.
You flinched from another hit that left a stingy feeling and added another flood of your juices between your thighs. There was no option to not let the moan escape your chords.
"I can say the same about you." He growled as if you were about to learn something forbidden.
You felt how he grabbed your ripped leggings and slid it off your hips, down to your knees.
The warmth of his tongue almost made you cry. You grabbed the sheet between your teeth. Slow, but firm licks were meant to have you beg in a second. However, your taste was too much for Yunho to play the game of teasing any further.
He spread your cheeks and dived in deeper.
The man put his whole spirit to savor you with the way his tongue lapped on your folds, latched on your quivering core. He fed on your uninhibited wails that Yunho could swear were a balm to his heart that almost got broken today if you had not opened the door.
He now knew you were his, the same way he belonged to you. Completely. Equal in this healthy obsession.
The essence on his lips worked like the best aphrodisiac for his nature. He wanted to have you loud in pleasure, trembling in ecstasy. For a moment, he craved to control all over your being. Just so you could feel loved, desired, and perfect. So you could see yourself through his eyes.
His tongue found its way inside you. It was sudden, unexpected but more than appreciated.
"Ahh, yes." You hissed, the sheet ripping in your fists.
Yunho shifted his position to have better access to you. Your eyes rolled back at the depth he was penetrating you with. Long, skillfully muscle waved and curled within your walls.
His thumb began drawing circles around your upper hole. Gently, hesitant at first, but your appreciation for his tease made him brave enough to go inside.
With his tongue and thumb sunk inside, Yunho was at the finish of shaping a devastating orgasm for you.
Your face twisted with unbearable pleasure. Moans sent his way were full of gratitude and admiration for his mastery. For a few moments this man managed to make you feel like flying, see the stars above.
He abandoned your holes when he felt the last shreds of bliss left you. You fell flat on your bed, trying to bring yourself down on earth.
Yunho took his time to climb up your spine with juicy kisses, at the same time getting rid of his pants and underwear.
"Yunho." You called him between deep breaths to calm yourself down.
"Yes, beautiful?' He planted a kiss on your shoulder.
You touched his arm.
"Claim me."
He froze above you. You only felt his hot breath on the back of your neck. Somehow, it had you alerted.
You slowly turned on your back, still caged between his arms. His eyes were dark, full of unknown, to you, thoughts. Maybe what you needed from him sounded too much of a commitment. You confessed your feelings. You made him aware of your love. Yet…he didn't say anything back. Only that he wanted you.
"Will you?" You asked quietly, too scared to put any volume to not scare him away or worse, make him realize it was a mistake.
Still with this mysterious expression, he laid onto you, skin to skin. Your faces so close, you could see your reflection in his eyes.
"Like my life depends on it." He said into your lips, tone heavy with sweet threat. "In fact, it does."
You interlocked in a kiss that felt like a seal to what just occurred rather than simple affection. He kissed you deeply, desperately, but most of all you sensed a gratitude.
His velvet hardness began grinding on your sensitive spot with subtle yet decisive moves, lubricating his length with your wetness in the process.
You broke the kiss from all the air leaving your lungs. He was hard, hot against your skin, begging to enter you. And your pussy cramped at the pleas, more violently each second.
He put his forehead to yours. Took a few deep breaths before he finally said:
"I love you."
Only then he allowed himself to push inside.
The words you had wanted to hear for so long and the soul easing fullness have tears falling from your eyes. He groaned at your tightness that engulfed him and spasmed around him. The warmth and your nectars embraced him whole.
You gasped loudly as he moved further, concurring more inches of your inferior. Yunho was exactly how you imagined him to be. Long and thick, with popping veins that rubbed on your walls. You moaned, whined, and squirmed with every push and pull.
"Can I go faster?" He wiped your tears of joy away.
"Yes." You panted. "You can now."
After a slow pull, he pinned into you with power, having you gasp in sudden pleasure.
He leaned on the side, now nuzzling your ear.
"You're taking me so well. I knew you would." He whispered, and if all your nerves weren't already awakened, now they were.
The pace fastened. He was taking you, fully almost possessive. He went deep, attacking your sweet spot with even but strong hits. The sound you made bordered with sobbing.
He raised up on his knees, now straddling your leg. The other one ended up over his shoulder. Only when he re‐entered you, you realized why he chose such a position. He reached depths you didn't know anyone could.
"Fuck." You cried out.
Yunho fucked you however he felt fit, placing kissing on your inner thighs as he hugged your leg while doing it. He winded and whirled his hips as he thrusted inside your defenseless cunt.
The release was approaching with no mercy.
"I'm so close." You grabbed his muscular thigh with both hands.
"I know, baby. I know." He moaned as your walls' texture rubbed onto him even more now that you were almost orgasming. You cramped around him, sucking his width unforgivably.
"Fill me in, please. I need your cum inside me." You couldn’t help but beg when the speed and force he was obliterating you with was too overwhelming. You had to have him burst inside. It was what you mean by claiming you, owning you.
He cursed loudly and leaned over, shifting his weight on his arms.
"You have no idea what you've just started."
The new position allowed the man to put on even more speed and power, pushing you off the cliff, straight to the void of the most heavenly bliss.
The euphoria embraced you from all sides. A flow of your juices flooded his cock, making it harder, too hard to not to explode.
"Oh fuck, yes." He whined and soon joined you in ecstasy. He pumped inside with low grunts leaving his throat, and you melted over the feeling of hot load, every last drop nourishing every corner of you.
He slid out after a few soothing pushes, followed by his semen. Yunho didn't have to watch this physical proof he claimed you. He knew you all his. He just lowered down and caught your weak frame in a tight, warm embrace.
Both calmed yourselves down by inhaling your scents, so familiar yet so new.
His eyes when he finally landed at you were smiling, all dreamy. You knew what Yunho's happy face looked like, and it was all plastered on his features right now.
You felt like your heart was about to burst out of your chest at the sight. He was happy because of you. You made him this joyful.
"You love me." You slipped. The excitement and emotion didn't allow you to keep quiet.
He kissed you and kept smiling.
"You have no idea."
You didn't hide this time when Yunho watched you as if he learned your details by heart. You wanted him to see the woman and all her love she got for him.
"Come." He said and got off the bed. "We both need a long and hot shower."
"Soaking again?" You giggled lazily, admiring this Adonis of a man that now stood in front of you in all his glory. You bit your lips at the view of his glistening pride, knowing it all was for you to love and pleasure.
Seeing your eyes wandering all over him, Yunho couldn't help but smirk at your bluntness. He then leaned over to kiss your forehead.
"Better get used to it."
You realized how stupid you were to think you could live without his melodic laugh.
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justaz · 4 months
this got longer than i meant it to so im putting it under the cut
merlin and morgana watching arthur and gwen be The Couple in camelot. they are heartbroken, jealous, and tired- no, exhausted. they've arthur and gwen for years and fell madly and hopelessly in love with them (respectively). however, they care for the both of them and if they’re happy together then merlin and morgana will simply bite their tongue. besides, its not like their feelings are reciprocated so there’s no use in stirring up trouble.
but the pain eats away at them until they are shadows of their previous selves. merlin is quiet and demure while morgana’s lighthearted snark is growing harsher and harsher. it comes to a head when morgana makes a scathing remark to merlin about his feelings. before, her comments had been directed at others, arthur more often than not, but never toward merlin. they were in the same boat so why would morgana target him?
but she did and things get a little tense. then merlin finds a spell and shows morgana and the two of them, utterly exhausted and desperate for an end to their agony, agree to take part in the spell together. merlin concocts the potion and they both down it. the next day, merlin and morgana are as happy as can be. it was a startling 180° from the morose and downtrodden duo they had been not even twelve hours before to the happy, on cloud nine, nothing is wrong with the world people that hummed as they danced around the castle
merlin and morgana exclaim to one another how freeing it is to not feel such a heavy burden of unrequited love. they mention how easy it is to breath. how they haven’t been this happy and carefree in years. of course, like everything else, there comes a price
to be rid of feelings like love, the opposite feeling would take it’s place. a lot of people believe the opposite of love to be hate, but it is in fact indifference. it starts off slow where gwen makes inside jokes that morgana cant remember. then it moves to them having trouble remembering arthur and gwen’s names. then their memories begin to rewrite themselves to remove arthur and gwen from their minds. eventually, they roam the halls, arm in arm, without even a glance at either arthur or gwen bc they cant find it in themselves to care about these two random strangers. who would?
arthur and gwen go to gaius who has already noted their odd behaviors and has been looking into it. the rest of the knights join them in gaius’s chambers bc they had also noticed how weird they were acting. lancelot is quiet and brooding until arthur pushes him to confess what he knows.
lancelot tells them how he fell for gwen the first time he had come to camelot. she flushes and arthur seems upset but lancelot continues. he tells them all how despite, or maybe because of, his love for gwen, he let her go to be with arthur bc she was happy with him. he hesitates and gwen encourages him. lancelot mentally apologizes to his two magical friends and spills the beans. he explains how morgana has loved gwen for years and how merlin has loved arthur for years. the three of them had bonded after arthur and gwen were engaged about how much it hurt watching the person you love be happy with someone else.
slowly, he pulls out a vial filled with glittering, dark red liquid - dark like blood. he hands it to gaius and explains how they had come to him a few days ago with that and said how it would cure his pain. it would wash away his love for gwen so he wasn’t crushed under the weight of it. he says he never took it bc he didn’t think it was right but merlin and morgana had already taken it. he wasn’t sure what the side effects were going to be until he saw them that afternoon.
gaius finds what the potion is and explains how it did in fact wash away their feelings of love for arthur and gwen and with the absence of love, indifference took hold. he wasn’t sure if their missing memories could be attributed to the indifference or if the spell took to wiping the memories to prevent the love from regrowing.
arthur and gwen are quiet, guilty and upset that their closest friends were going thru such turmoil and they weren’t aware at all. leon clears his throat and asks how to cure them. gaius grimaces and read the book a bit more before responding that a counter potion would do the trick, it would neutralize the previous potion by bringing back their memories and feelings. arthur is quick to agree but gaius interrupts that once the counter potion has been administered, everything will come back at once. everything.
they question him and he explains that every memory, every word spoken, every touch, and every feeling from the past 7+ years will run through them at the same time. considering they’ve been dealing with unreciprocated love and watching the one they love be with someone else for the past couple of years, it wouldn’t be that farfetched to assume that they would look and sound like dying animals. suffice to say, it wouldn’t be pretty.
in spite of the guilt and fear in arthur, he insists that they have to bring merlin and morgana back. he doesn’t want to put them in pain but he cant just let them wipe themselves away and continue on with his life as if he didn’t just lose his best friend and sister. they spike merlin and morgana’s wine with the potion and, as gaius predicted, merlin and morgana both drop to the floor, screaming and crying in pain, pleading with anyone to make it stop and take the pain away.
gwen hides her tears in elyan’s shoulder, arthur uses his long taught skill of being an Emotionless Prick of a Prince his father taught him to not cry. the tears stay in his eyes and do not fall. a few minutes later, merlin and morgana are both catatonic on the ground, limp and staring at nothing. their breathing is slow, so slow they almost appeared dead.
lancelot and gwaine help merlin up and take him to his chambers while leon and percival do the same for morgana. no one mentions what happened and merlin and morgana stay locked in their rooms for two days before being able to get up out of bed. they aren’t back to their shadow selves from two weeks prior, nor are they the happy go lucky duo from the past few days. instead, they are slow and quiet and barely even there. they’re barely even people anymore. simply going through the motions.
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fluentmoviequoter · 4 months
Defend Myself
Requested Here!
Pairing: Tim Bradford x fem!reader (hockey fan & self-defence teacher)
Summary: During a hockey game, you get into a fight with the drunk man sitting beside you. When Tim Bradford arrives to break up the fight, he decides he'd like to see you again.
Warnings: fight between r and drunk man, unwelcome comments and grabbing (nothing overtly sexual or descriptive), fluff at the end, Tim and Aaron are sarcastic
Word Count: 1.9k+ words
A/N: Why I go back and forth between American and British spellings is a mystery.
Masterlist | Tim Bradford Masterlist | Request Info/Fandom List
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“Alright, ladies,” you call to the self-defence class you’re teaching. “What’s the goal here?”
“Defend ourselves and protect our minds,” they reply.
“Right. Because learning how to fight and keeping yourself physically safe isn’t all that matters. Focusing on what can go wrong in life isn’t any fun, so while we work on self-defence, use it as anger management. Have fun with this!”
Your last class on Friday afternoons is one of your favorites. The women are always excited to learn, they listen well and use good form. Most importantly, they really understand your goal in teaching them. In addition to how great the group before you is, you also get to look forward to hockey after they leave. Whether it’s a game or just to watch practice, you find yourself at the rink most Fridays, and as many other chances as you can get. Hockey and self-defence are two of your favorite things, so afternoons like this are borderline magical.
“Uppercut,” you signal.
As you demonstrate the proper way to move into an uppercut after the warmup, you watch the class.
“Can I ask a question?” a woman in the back row asks between moves.
“Of course,” you reply with a smile.
“Have you ever had to use these moves in real life? Like, to defend yourself?”
“Unfortunately, yes. But that’s why we learn it, right? If we know how we don’t have to live in fear about the when.”
“Which is why we chose the bear,” another girl murmurs.
“Can’t always choose. Preparation is key, and knowing how to react is the most important thing you can learn as a woman.”
“Fighting can be boring though,” someone groans.
“Clearly, you’ve never been to a hockey game. Let’s focus, ladies. Take a breather before we move into strength drills.”
You grab your water bottle from the floor and survey your classroom. Hockey fights are certainly more entertaining than fighting to defend yourself, but you enjoy both.
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Los Angeles isn’t necessarily known for its hockey scene, but the arena is packed tonight. Your season pass with the seat on the ice is getting plenty of use this year, and as you sit back to watch warmups, you can’t help the smile that grows on your face.
As the crowd grows and the first period gets nearer, two men take the seats to your right. You nod politely when they greet you, but quickly return your attention to the players preparing to skate out. While the announcer introduces the teams and prepares the fans for a good game, you glance toward the men beside you. The one closest to you seems to already be buzzed, and the oversized cup of beer between his legs doesn’t instill confidence in you. Hopefully, he’ll stay quiet, you think. Cheering for your team is one thing but you know too well how quickly a drunk hockey fan can ruin a night. Anyone who’s been to a hockey game can probably imagine your concern.
You try to ignore him as he gets more talkative, but in the middle of the first period, he drains the remainder of his beer and turns toward you.
“Pretty little thing like you prob’y has some questions,” he says. “I can explain it t’ya.”
“I’m good,” you answer firmly.
“If t’changes,” he slurs as he turns away.
It won’t.
The bell rings and the teams leave the ice as the crowd rises in mass. You stay seated comfortably in your seat as your drunk neighbor leaves with his friend. Since you told him you didn’t need his help, he’s left you alone. As long as that continues, you’ll be able to enjoy the rest of the game, and maybe witness a hat trick from your favourite player.
“Here,” your neighbor says as he returns. “Looked thirsty.”
He shoves a cup of soda toward you, and you push it back. “I don’t want that.”
“Just try’na be nice!”
As he falls back into his seat, you lean toward the side to get some room. His arm moves to the armrest between you as he reaches his fingers toward your leg.
“Don’t touch me,” you tell him as you knock his hand back into his lap.
“Jus’ a pretty lil’ thing,” he murmurs as he leans over the armrest.
“Sir, get him under control,” you say to his friend.
“He’s not my problem,” the other man answers.
He rolls his eyes as if you’re overreacting and sits back in his seat. Your fists are clenched tightly as you watch him move away from you, and you’re mad that he’s causing you to miss so much of the game and keeping you from enjoying it.
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“Los Angeles, make some noise for the third period!” the announcer yells. “We’ve got a tight game and tighter teams. Make it a night to remember, LA.”
“Night to r’mem’ba sounds pre’y good.”
You take a deep breath before you raise your eyes. Somehow, your neighbor got more drunk in the short break between the second and third periods than the rest of the game combined. He reaches toward your arm, and when you pull away, he frowns and steps to stand over you where you sit.
“Leave me alone,” you demand as you stand.
After you put a bit of space between you, you notice that the people sitting behind you are watching you. You don’t care, however, as he throws an empty cup toward you. You move out of the way, and it isn’t until he lunges toward you that you truly react. Your fist makes impact with his jaw before he finishes stepping forward.
“Fight!” someone yells behind you.
You plan to do just that. If he can’t understand no or stop, maybe he’ll understand some of your favourite self-defence moves.
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“Reports of assault at Honda Center: fight in progress. Attendees have made numerous reports of disturbance,” dispatch alerts.
“Responding,” Tim replies. “Code 3.”
“Aren’t there supposed to be fights at hockey games?” Aaron asks. “That’s, like, half of the draw.”
“On the ice. Fights off the ice are a regular occurrence,” Tim answers. “Usually drunk rival teams.”
“Easy to break up?”
“Sure. If you think pulling a guy who can’t feel anything off of another guy who doesn’t even remember why he’s trying to kill someone else easy, absolutely.”
“Could’ve just said no,” Aaron mumbles as Tim turns.
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“Man, back up!” a security guard demands.
He grabs your attacker’s shoulder and tries to pull him backward, but it doesn’t work. As you prepare to throw another punch, you see that the drunk guy’s eye is black and swelling, his lip is busted, his nose is bleeding, yet he still isn’t quitting.
“Jus’ stop playin’!” the man demands as he grabs for your waist.
You push his wrists away and shove him against the glass dividing you from the ice. He elbows backward, but you block it with your forearm as he yells at you.
“The police are on the way!” someone yells from higher in the seats.
“Get off me!” the man roars as he pushes himself backward.
You manage to catch yourself before he shoves you against the seats. When he raises his hands toward your chest, you raise your right leg into a front kick and momentarily stun him into remaining still.
“Kick his butt, lady!” a man cheers.
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“LAPD,” Tim announces as he and Aaron enter the arena. “Where’s the fight?”
“Follow me,” the guard replies.
He leads them into the section where the crowd has gathered to watch the fight. The moment Tim sees the number of people invested in the fight and the suspended timer above the rink, he expects the worst.
“Call for backup, Bradford?” Aaron asks.
“Not yet. Let’s see what we’re dealing with,” Tim answers.
“I doubt the guy can go for much longer anyway,” the guard adds. “She knows what she’s doing.”
Tim doesn’t get a chance to ask what that means before he reaches the center of the crowd. He watches you elbow the man under his chin. As Aaron takes a step toward you, Tim extends his arm to stop him. You’re clearly winning, but the guy is too drunk to realize that he can’t keep going. He’ll realize just how badly he lost once the alcohol wears off. A night in lockup would do that nicely, Tim thinks.
The man steps back and prepares to jump at you, but Tim grabs his shoulder from behind and throws him against the glass before he shoves the man to the floor. With his knee pressed into the man’s kidney, Tim secures the handcuffs on his wrists.
“Take him,” Tim tells Aaron.
Aaron nods and yells for the crowd to clear a path. He follows a small group of security guards as he walks back to the shop.
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The crowd around you begins to spread out the moment your attacker is ripped away from you. You take a deep breath and nod at the officer who helped you.
“You alright?” he asks.
“Yeah,” you answer with a smile. “Little tired. Thanks for the assist, Officer Bradford.”
Tim watches your eyes rise back to his face after reading his name tag. He smiles at you just before the buzzer over your head rings as the game resumes.
“You wanna stay?” he asks over the sound of skates and cheers.
You shake your head and follow him to the staircase. Once you’re in the main area of Honda Center and the noise of the game is muffled, Tim turns toward you.
“That was impressive,” he applauds. “I’ve been called to more fights than I can count. Never seen one under control like you had it. You, uh, you clearly won.”
“I don’t think you’re supposed to commend me for getting into a fight, officer,” you tease.
“Where’d you learn to fight like that?” he asks.
“I teach a self-defence class for women,” you explain. “Been fighting for a while but honed my skills for safety more than entertainment.”
“Then they were wrong.” At your confused look, Tim clarifies, “911 dispatcher said there was a fight. You were just defending yourself.”
“He was drunk and didn’t understand when I told him to stop.”
“Which I am allowed to commend you for.”
You smile at Tim again, and he decides that he needs to see you again. More than being impressed by the thorough beating you delivered to the man who was harassing you and trying to touch you, Tim finds you incredibly beautiful, and he knows you’re talented and care about others. He doesn’t want this to be a one-time encounter.
“Have you ever considered hosting a class for the police department?” he asks, looking for a way to ensure he can talk to you again soon. “We bring in instructors from the city occasionally to host free classes. You’d receive compensation, of course.”
“I haven’t, but it does sound nice. If more women knew how to defend themselves, it might make your job easier.”
Tim agrees as he hands you his card. “Call the station in the morning and we can work something out. If you need a teacher’s assistant or anything, I’d be happy to help, too.”
You tap his card against your thigh as you say, “I’d like that.”
“Bradford!” his partner, Thorsen – you feel like you should recognize the name but don’t – calls. “We got another call.”
“Sorry,” Tim tells you. “Hopefully I’ll see you at the station soon.”
“I think you will.” When you smile at him this time, Tim feels like you punched him, too.
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thatrandomidiot182 · 2 months
We ain't gonna mention that I've been spelling Vhagar wrong this entire time 🤐
Continuing with Velaryon! Reader,
who has now gathered an army of loyalists in her name. A ragtag group of knights, sellswords, and peasents from a variety of houses, who have sworn to follow her wherever she may go. Who are willing to lay down their very lives for her every whim.
Not for Aegon
Not for house Targaryen or Hightower.
Certainly not for house Velaryon.
For her.
Turns out all those years spent building connections and garnering favor amongst all the realm paid off...
Meanwhile, Aemond was literally grounded for a good bit after Lucerys' death-
"Before you even think of touching that dragon again, you must atone for your mistake. Go to the Sept, kneel before your gods, and try to look even the slightest remorseful, a few tears couldn't hurt... Speak to the King and his council, show regret and empathy. The servants will bear witness, and the word will spread. Soon enough, you'll find yourself recipient to more sympathy than your dead father." (He puts on quite the show, only bc he's actually upset that Reader is mad at him lol)
-and Reader was sent North to deal with the northern houses, and gain the favor of house Stark.
Reader knows it's a futile effort. The northerners are fiercely loyal to their oaths, and even if they weren't, the Starks weren't known to send their men south very often.
However, Reader has her own reasons for going to Winterfell.
Rumors from Dragonstone speak of a certain prince being there after all...
Jacaerys is utterly shocked to see Reader at Winterfell.
It's only been a few days since they last saw each other, but he's been stressing himself out bc he thinks Aemond is probably torturing her!
Normally he'd be stoked, but the sight of the huge black dragon she rode in on was more than enough to render him flabbergasted.
Reader is amused and slightly insulted at his surprise.
Was it really that shocking to see her with a dragon?
Jace is ultimately happy to just see her again.
Cregan is tense. He's only spoken to her once before, during a birthday of some forgettable lord, but that one conversation was enough to leave him wary of her ambition. He knows she's smart enough to realize that the North would never rally behind Aegon and is suspicious of her intentions behind visiting regardless.
Reader explains that she doesn't mean any harm with her visit and that she has no intention of swaying the Lord Starks' decision. (Which makes him even more suspicious, lol)
All she asks for is one night, and the Norths sworn secrecy.
Secrecy of her real reason for visiting.
During that one night, Reader and Jace meet in the Godswood before he follows Cregan up to the wall.
They spend the time reminiscing and rekindling their bond. Sharing fleeting touches and long, yearning glances in the shade beneath.
They hold hands and caress cheeks, speak of dreams long past and futures no longer possible.
She tells him of Lucerys' death.
She holds him as he mourns his brother.
Then, just before daybreak, she extends an offer,
"I would leave right now, if you so desired."
"Why would I wish for you to leave me?"
"I would leave Westeros. Kings landing. I would give it all up, leave everything behind this instant, if you should ask. The throne, the crown, the war, all of it."
"And where would you go?"
"Wherever you please, Essos or otherwise. We could fly away, right now. I would rid myself of my name, my wealth, my lands, and my honor, if it meant we would leave together."
"What about Aemond? Will he be left behind as well?"
"Aemond would follow, as he always has. He'd be angry at first, but he'd learn to live in content with me. With us. The three of us together could conquer any land we desired, be it a continent or a farm, we would be unstoppable."
Jacaerys was astounded at the audacity.
Reader was asking him to abandon his family, his mother, to run off and live some peasent life alongside his brothers murderer? Or rayher, be some sad replica of The Conquerer and his wives?!
His anger was multiplied after Reader began defending Aemond.
"The storm had all of the dragons unnerved, Vhagar was unresponsive and acted on her own! Aemond did not command her to kill Lucerys! He wanted his eye. He wanted Lucerys to live with the same burden he granted Aemond when we were children..."
"Is that his account? How could you believe such a tale? Aemond is nothing but an evil snake hiding in the grass. He has held a grudge against Luke for humiliating him and would jump at the opportunity to enact revenge! Truly, what could ever make you believe such a-"
"-I wished to be the one to kill him! I wanted to be the one behind the blade that would cut Lucerys' throat... Aemond would have never taken that opportunity away from me..."
Jace is heartbroken. He's crushed, furious and unbelievably disgusted. At Reader, at Aemond and at himself.
Here was the woman he loved, who, just moments before, was consoling him, holding him in such a tender embrace. Now stood before him, declaring that she wished to have been the one to murder his brother.
He spends the rest of the night cursing the gods for dealing him such a fate.
He damns the Hightowers for corrupting his family and weeps and wails at the roots of the Godswood as he sends Reader away with half of his shattered heart.
Reader has now resolved herself to her fate. Jacaerys was the last tether tying her to her past, and with his rejection comes the determination to follow through with what she started. She can't allow all of the pain to be for nothing.
She departs from Winterfell with a blacked heart, clad in iron, and drowned in dragonfire. Prepared to take the necessary steps to win.
Reader arrives back in kings landing to the news of Jaehaerys' death.
The servents scramble to inform her of the oddly unfortunate circumstances surrounding his death.
The maids discuss the absence of a certain white-cloak the night of.
The knights of the keep inform her of Ser Criston Coles true whereabouts that night.
Helaena herself conforms the rumors with little inquiry.
Reader is furious and seeks Cole out to personally berate him for his stupidity. She's disgusted by his actions and threatens to inform the King of his shortcomings.
She doesn't, though, because she believes he's the perfect opportunity to get into Aegons mind. After all, the boy looks up to the man like a father. He'd never suspect him, which makes him the perfect pawn.
Outside of her schemes, Reader comforts Helaena, (the way we all wish to have comforted her poor bby) holding her close and allowing her to cry her heart out.
Alicent had attempted to console her daughter but was quickly banished to go 'comfort Aegon' as Reader had assured her Helaena was in good hands. In truth, Reader just wanted her away from Helaena to ensure she wouldn't spread any of her stupid ideology.
When Alicent and Otto came to Helaena with the funeral plans, Reader laughed right in their faces and strictly opposed the idea.
She vehemently argued with the two, but in the end the decision was ultimately left to Helaena.
The best Reader could do was convince them to place a black canopy over the body.
She also requested her people in kings landing to conduct their own 'crowd control' to keep the situation as quick and calm as possible.
After the proceedings, Reader convinces Helaena to visit Aegon.
"I understand that as much as you love Aegon, you are not particularly fond of him either, however... I think it would do you good to talk with him."
"Your mother and I can hold you as tight as we possibly could, but at the end of the day, the only other person who could truly understand your pain is Aegon. He truly loved Jaehaerys."
Aegon is calm enough by the next morning to entertain Readers presence long enough for her to disclose who the ratcatcher behind his sons murder was.
Yet, this information was not enough to sway Aegons mind from having all of them hanged.
Readers handmaids ensured the public knew that it could have been avoided, and that the King was well informed of the man's identity...
Otto was informed of this as well and was furious at Aegons blatant display of carelessness. He confronts Aegon with Readers testimony that she did, in fact, tell him the man's identity. Aegon then goes off about inaction and idleness and spills the fact that Ser Arryk had gone to Dragonstone to assassinate Rhaenyra.
Otto, ever the tactful man, gracefully drops an interesting bit of information during his monologue that Reader finds particularly intriguing.
"Your father was right about you."
"He made me king!"
"Is that what you think?"
After Aegon dismisses Otto as hand and replaces him with Criston Cole (which reader finds absolutely delightful, for her plans at least) Reader leaves Aegon and his new hand with one final thought before chasing after Otto.
"It would do you well to write up a letter to Ser Arryk's parents informing them of his death, seeing as if either of you would have cared to discuss this plan beforehand, you would have known that the White Worm has taken root in Dragonstone. I'm sure you know how well acquainted lady Mysaria is with Ser Arryk and that she is clever enough to see through your ruse. I have no doubt she would happily inform her lover of this threat to his wife, do you?"
Aegon is panicking.
Cole is also panicking, but not for Arryk. He's panicking because now he has a much higher chance of dying if Reader tells Aegon about that night...
Reader and Otto meet with Aemond in his bedroom. Reader summarizes the circumstances, and Otto laments about how he never should have put Aegon on the throne.
Aemond quickly catches onto Readers' plans and quickly consoles his grandfather. After all, nobody could have predicted the stupidity that is Aegon and Cole running the kingdom.
Otto is completely worn down. He's exhausted, defeated, and utterly terrified, knowing what is to come with Rhaenyra and Daemon being against them. He's angered and humiliated at being replaced by Criston Cole of all people.
He's also, now completely on board with replacing Aegon and will be making the proper preparations for dealing with the inevitable backlash of the decision during his time in Oldtown, where he will reside until Reader sends him confirmation of Aegons removal.
Otto attempts to convince the two to let Alicent be involved in their plans but is denied. Alicent has always preferred Aegon over Aemond, and no matter what either of them do, that will never change.
During the next council meeting, Reader sits in at the behest of Aemond, and Cole, who managed to convince the king to allow her presence with very little pushing.
During the meeting, Reader supported both Maester Orwyles idea of combining the strength of the two council armies and Coles idea of a swift offensive action.
She convinces everyone that it would be best to gather strength before making too big of a move, but that it is a good idea to begin conquering the few houses still loyal to Rhaenyra sooner rather than later. She then volunteers to stay behind and guard Kings Landing with her dragon while Aemond and Vhagar follow Cole and his men on their endeavor.
Alicent, resolved to the whims of the council, volunteered her brother and his men for Coles gathering, hoping that Gwayne would help to keep him in check. However, the Hightower silbings find themselves outnumbered once again as Readers own army joins as well, with special instruction to heed only Aemonds commands.
Larys then recruits Reader to help him persuade Aegon into staying in Kings Landing. Reader tries her 'best' but also makes it a point to let him know that the men would benefit from his presence on the battlefield.
After that, Reader moves to investigate some rumors floating about the lower areas of Kings Landing. Particularly those of silver haired bastards...
Aemond and Vhagar chased Moondancer and Baela off at first sight, managing to give quite the burn to the smaller dragon before they escaped.
Reader gains a new handmaiden, one who swore loyalty to the young Velaryon after the promise of receiving medical treatment for her daughter.
Upon her return to the Red Keep, the walls tell her of a certain encounter in the Sept...
divider by: @bucciniexe
Okay, pt. 3 is done!! Officially, the start of season 2 and the buildup of Reader and Aemonds plans coming to light. In case it wasn't clear, Reader caught Otto before he was able to speak to Alicent, so the interaction between them at the end of ep 2 didn't happen. Also, Otto and Coles colors were changed to signify their change of allegiance! Aemond is just green bc it differentiates him from Reader and Jace more, he is completely loyal to Reader!
I think there will only be two more parts to this, as I'm following the hbo series... although if enough people are into the idea, I'm considering writing more in detail one-shots of certain scenes. One I'd love to delve into is the confrontation between Reader and Jace in Winterfell. I have so many thoughts about them 😩.
Lmk if this feels too long, bc I'm aiming to cover 3 eps in each part, but I'm not sure if it's too much for you guys to read...
Anyways, thanks for all the support on this series. It means a lot to me that other people are as interested in this as I am 🖤 and to any new followers who followed bc of this series, I'd like to inform you that I am a multi-fandom blog, so pls don't be too upset if you see me post other things between parts ty 🙏
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amongemeraldclouds · 7 months
better than revenge | chapter six: twelve days of christmas
Summary: Flashback, spending your winter break with Mattheo Riddle.
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Mattheo Riddle x Reader
Warning: smut, 18+ minors dni, fluff. Smut is just short and not detailed given the format of this chapter so lower your expectations haha.
Author's note: If you read this as part two of chapter three and discard the rest, Mattheo will continue to be your boyfriend. No heartbreak.
I wanted to try writing in a different format where I can showcase how your relationship with Mattheo developed over the course of winter break in just one chapter. It was fun writing this!
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I just wish I could forget when it was magic.
Day 1: Brand new day
“Good morning sunshine,” Mattheo says in a sleepy voice. I blink, why is there a boy beside me in bed?  Memories of last night return - of broken bones, healing spells, and snarky comments. “How do you feel?” I ask, noting the absence of yesterday’s cuts and scrapes. “Never been better,” he smiles, rising from bed. “To thank you, my kind savior, I must take you out for tea and biscuits. Or hot chocolate, if you prefer.” I narrow my eyes in distrust, “why are you being nice to me?” “We got off on the wrong foot yesterday,” he explains, “on account of all the bleeding. But today is a new day. Let’s start over?”
Day 2: Stargazing
“Riddle, you’ll be the death of me! You can’t just apparate me everywhere!” “I wanted to show you the view from the roof,” he says, laying down the blanket he brought along.  I look around and gasp at the panoramic view of moonlit castles and bodies of water, flames flickering in the winter air. “It gets even better,” he smiles at my amazement, “look up.” I lay down beside him and marvel at the twinkling stars. He leans in, “if you stare long enough, you could pretend you’re floating among the stars.” I look at him then and at his quiet smile. He has no idea his eyes reflect the same beauty he tries to impress me with. 
Day 3: Chocolate vices
“Do you want one?” He asks, offering me a cigarette. “No thanks, I actually like my lungs.” He snickers, “hey, it helps me relax.” “It’s okay, I’m not judging you.” “So no vices at all?” He asks, “alcohol, drugs, whatever?” “Nope, I don’t like feeling out of control. But does chocolate count? I have a notoriously sweet tooth.”
Day 4: Snow bombs
“Take this!” I say, hurling a ball of snow at Mattheo. It catches him square at his shoulder. “Oh you’re going to regret that,” he says, picking up a pile of snow. I run away but he manages to catch my leg. I duck behind a statue, gathering the next snowball. 
Day 5: A quiet day
“This is all your fault,” he says, sniffling into the tissue. I sneeze in response. “We’ve already taken the potion, we’ll be fine by tomorrow.” I snuggle deeper into the blanket, fighting the fever chill in my bones. Mattheo tucks me in his arms. “Come here, we’ll keep each other warm.”
Day 6: Pillow thoughts
“Why do I keep waking in bed with you?” Mattheo asks. “Then stop sleeping beside me,” I wave him off, sleep clouding my mind. I don’t want to, he thinks.
Day 7: Cold hands, warm hearts
“Merry Christmas!” I beam brightly at Mattheo, placing a neatly wrapped present in his hand. “Um, it’s not yet Christmas?” He states, turning the package over in his hands. “Open it!” I urge. “It’s tradition with my mum to give presents early back when she was around. So you have more time to enjoy them.” “Um, thank you.” He tears the package open and wraps the emerald green scarf around him. “Nice and warm, did you make this?” I nod, “with magic!” I wave my wand around. “Do you like it?” He’s quiet for a few moments. “Yes! It’s just…it’s the first time I’ve received a Christmas present. The dark lord doesn’t really do Christmas, it’s why I’m here at winter break.” he waves his hands awkwardly. “We can make it a yearly tradition?” “I’d like that,” he smiles.
Day 8: For the love of eggs
She swore she would never fall in love. Not after seeing what it did to others. Love is all consuming, it takes everything and leaves you hollow when it’s gone. But sitting across him, eating eggs for breakfast, she didn’t think it would be so bad.
Day 9: Frigid hazards
He watched her skate across the pond, hair flying in the wind. She once said he would be the death of her. He thinks it’s the opposite.
Day 10: A flower blooms in winter
“Can I kiss you?” I ask Mattheo. His face lights up. “It would be my pleasure.” 
Day 11: Maybe it’s worth the risk
“Will you be my girlfriend?” “I thought you’d never ask.”
Day 12: Never have I ever before
“Mattheo, please,” I beg. “Please what, baby? Use your words,” he commands. “I need to feel you.” I gasp. “Breathe, angel. It’s okay, you can take it.” I nod, gripping the sheets and feel myself adjust to him. “Good girl, you’re doing so well.” He laces his fingers through mine and kisses my lips, moving into me again. “We’ll start slow, we’ve got all night.”
Christmas Day: On thin ice
“Matty, I’m scared.” “What’s wrong, love?” His brow furrows. “I want this, I want you. But so many things can go wrong,” I say, waving my hands around. “Don’t worry,” he says, brushing my hair from my face. “I won’t hurt you.” “Promise?” “Promise.”
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A/N: We're just three chapters away from the canon ending, then there will be a bonus alt ending. Stay tuned!
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scarasbaefy · 1 year
when they lie
he lies, not knowing you already know the truth.
chars; kazuha, wanderer/scaramouche
; mentions of cheating, f.reader but can be read as g.neutral, not proof-read
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.kaedehara kazuha
“i’m so sorry, y/n. i wish i wasn’t the one telling you this, but i wouldn’t have been able to live with myself if i didn’t say anything. i’m extremely disappointed in his actions.” beidou said with a sorrowful look on her face.
she had explained to you moments prior about what she had seen on the deck of the ship while everyone was unloading cargo. kazuha had been kissing another passengers cheek as they held each other lovingly.
“i need to talk to him. thank you, beidou. i know you would never lie to me about something like this, but i have to hear from him myself.” you told the captain before heading to the location kazuha had told you he’d be at.
you arrived at the top of the hill. kazuhas back was facing you, but he turned to face you once he heard you approaching.
“i knew it was you,” he said with a smile, “my love, i’ve missed resting on land with you. come sit with me. the air feels lovely.”
“kazuha…” you ignored his request, “i feel as if something is wrong. is there someone else thats taking your attention? perhaps someone you’ve grown to like better than me?”
kazuha softly gasped, taking a step back before collecting his composure. he didn’t think there was any way you’d find out about him cheating. he loves you— but he loves this other woman as well. he had taken great precautions to make sure no one knew anything.
“of course not, darling,” your heart sank at his words. you didn’t know he was capable of lying. especially to your face. although you looked like you were going to be sick, he continued, “why would you even ask a silly question like that? you know i’d never do something like that to you. i love you and only you.”
“beidou told me everything.”
this time, his heart sank.
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scaramouche is big on betrayals. he’s the last person who would commit such an act on you. or so you thought.
you and nahida were secretly looking out for scaramouche as he had left sumeru city to join a research team on their exploration. it’s something nahida had persuaded him to do so he wouldn’t be cooped up doing nothing.
the two of you giggled as you watched your boyfriend walk along the river, unknowing of yours and the archons presence. the laughter immediately came to a halt when nahidas eyes widened, a look of horror replacing what was once happiness. you followed the direction of her eyes, your smile dropping as you saw scaramouche greet another wanderer with a passionate kiss.
nahida was quick to release the spell on your out of body experience. tears flooded both yours and her eyes as the realisation started kicking in. who was that other person? why did neither you or nahida know a thing about this? did he really keep this under the radar to the point neither one of you grew a single speck of suspicion? a million questions flooded your brain, but nahida was there to comfort you.
the day scaramouche returned, you were ready to confront him. though, nahida had convinced you to put him to a test. would he lie to you or would he confess everything and be honest?
“hey, i’m back.” scaramouche hugged and kissed your forehead, “did you miss me? you better have. i missed you while i was away from you, so it’s only fair that you missed me as well.”
when you didn’t respond or reciprocate affection, he knew something was wrong. you bit your lip, contemplating on how to ask him about everything. your trust on his honesty wearing thin the more you would think about it.
“i doubt you missed me!” you faked a playful smile. “i bet you were out kissing other people or getting another girlfriend or something.” you rolled your eyes at him, pushing him away from you.
he laughed at your words as he tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. “as if. you’re the only person i need. everyone else… i can’t trust.”
it was your turn to laugh. “don’t amuse me. you? can’t trust anyone else? i should be the one who can’t trust anyone. including you.”
scaramouche looked confused, so nahida cleared up his confusion by replaying his memory of the stranger over and over.
“you’re such a hypocrite.”
taglist;  @ulquiorraswife @yevurin @lovingveliona​ @i-luvyuu​  @x-aloeveraa-x  @mf-619lans
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itsjustrosee · 5 months
Part 2 for stranded please😔 that call made me lose my mind tbh😔😔thx<3
yes of course I will make a part two!! I really just wanted to say thank you for all of the support on the first part, I'm really happy that you guys liked it <3
I've never written anything as um- graphic- as this before, so if it's bad I'm sorry
But since yall asked, here it is
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Stranded pt.2 (Minho x fem!reader)
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Pt.1, Pt.2
Context: Go read the first part, that will explain everything (u could read this as a one shot tho I guess)
Warnings: cursing and lots of smut 😖
Word count: 2.8k
! I proof read but there might still be spelling mistakes !
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As Minho hung up the phone you couldn't wait to pull his lips back on to yours. Once he did so, he quickly put his phone back in his pocket and turned all of his attention back to you. You drew towards him again, putting your chest right up against his, eliminating any previous space you had from each other.
Your lips merged onto each others again and it resulted in a long, hungry and desperate kiss. You felt heat radiating off of Minho's body as you continued to put your hands all over him. He did the same as he kept his left hand on your ass to keep you propped up on the wall as he continued to kiss you. His other hand found it's way up your thigh, inching higher and higher up. You could feel yourself throbbing between your legs, and eventually you started to become more and more desperate for Minho.
You moved one of your hands to the back of his neck and the other traced down Minho's defined chest and eventually to his lower mid drift, and you gently slipped your fingers under the waistband of his sweatpants. You could feel him grow even harder between your legs because of the sudden contact.
The tension in the room was thick and heavy and you could sense that you were both longing for even more of each other.
"Wow someone's a little eager, huh?" Minho said breathlessly while pulling away from the kiss. The deep rasp in his voice sent shivers down your spine and you couldn't help but feel even more turned on by him.
"Oh shut up Minho." You say while panting. I mean, you'd be lying if you said that you weren't eager, and you'd also be lying if you said you hadn't woken up after dreaming about moments like these with Minho for months.
However, you had always chided yourself for thinking about him in such a way. But why would you even want to admit that you had a crush on the guy who enjoyed making fun of you?
Still no matter how wrong you thought it was, you knew deep down that he was the only boy at your school that you had ever felt any sort of attraction towards. Something drew you to him and you were just so used to denying it and how you felt about him. But now, after admitting out loud that you liked him, it felt as if a pressure in you that was building up by the day had finally disappeared. You didn't even know how long you had been waiting to say it but when you did, it just felt right.
Minho on the other hand didn't have to try and convince himself otherwise. He knew that he liked you, but he could never find the right way to tell you. He was always worried of how you would react if he did. If you would laugh at him or tease him, or if you wouldn't even take him seriously, if you would just think he was joking with you. The thought of ruining any chance of talking to you again, even though the only talking you guys did included insults and teasing the other person, scared him regardless. But he could only avoid telling you for so long. He knew he would end up breaking and saying something to you one day.
After sharing another brief kiss you pulled away from Minho again, "Come on, let's go up to my room." You said while unwrapping your legs from his waist and putting your feet back on the floor, holding his hand in yours as you led him upstairs and into your room. You entered your room and Minho walked in after you, closing the door behind him.
You took off your tights and Minho stepped forward, helping you take off your shirt. He crashed his lips onto yours once more and you had one hand on his chest while the other was futzing with your skirt, desperate to get it off.
Once you had stripped off your remaining pieces of clothing, you remained only in your bra and underwear. Once of your hands traveled lower again and you began to pull down on the waist band of Minho's sweatpants once more. He soon got the hint and pulled down his sweatpants, leaving him in only his boxers. Articles of clothing were scattered around the floor as you and Minho stood close to the edge of your bed. He continued to kiss you as you palmed him through his underwear, causing him to exhale a soft moan as you did so.
You drew away from Minho, one hand lingering on his chest as you dropped down to your knees. You used your other hand to pull down Minho's boxers and they loosely fell to his ankles as his cock sprung out, hitting his stomach. Beads of precum glittered his cock as you took his length in your hands, steadying yourself by removing you hand from his chest and placing it on his upper thigh.
Very quickly, you had to mentally prepare yourself for what you were getting yourself into because Jesus, he was big to say the least.
You could hear Minho's breathing hitch as you slowly began rubbing him up and down, thumb gliding over his tip softly as you looked up at him. "Who's eager now, hm?" You say in a seductive tone that makes Minho's mind spin. You hear him let out a scoff in response.
You let out a giggle as you bring your head closer, littering kissing on Minho's cock as you licked him up and down. He groaned quietly and flung his head back, taking one of his hands and putting it on the back of your head. He tugged at your hair as you kept kissing and rubbing his length up and down, changing your pace from fast to slow in order to tease him slightly.
He moaned once more, "You're really never going to stop teasing me, huh?" He said with a soft chuckle while pulling his head back up, allowing himself to look at you. He was making a joke but it was obvious that he was desperately waiting for you to give him more.
"I'm not teasing you Minho." You said in an innocent voice before pausing, "Just tell me what you want me to do."
"Oh- come on. You know what I want you to do." He says while continuing to let out soft moans due to you to licking him up and down, taking his tip in your mouth and swirling your tongue around it before pulling away once more.
"Maybe I do. But I want to hear you say it." You say while grinning up at him. You knew you were being a bit unfair to him but you just loved seeing him act like this, the way he turned into putty at your touch. I guess you could say you finally liked having some power over him, after he was the one teasing you for so many years.
You could hear in his voice how impatient he was getting, "I want my dick down your throat," he said while beginning to grip your hair harder. "Is that clear enough for you Princess?" He said. His tone more desperate and pleading this time.
"Your not even going to ask me politely?" you questioned, knowing that you were definitely pushing your luck, but you wanted to see how far he'd be willing to let you tease him.
Minho sighed before he continued, "Please." And that was all you needed to hear.
You took Minho's cock in your mouth all at once, choking on his length as the head of his dick hit the back of your throat. He let out a groan and threw his head back once more. You pulled your mouth away and then kept sucking him off. The way you swirled your tongue around his dick warranted whimpers and moans from Minho that he was clearly trying to hold in.
Minho was a popular guy and he had been with girls previously. Maybe he had gotten drunk at a party or two and gotten lucky with some random girl, but nothing compared to how you took him. You were gentle yet so passionate with him and he was absolutely losing his mind. He was sure he would never be able to feel this good from anyone else's doing but yours.
He mumbled words of praise to you as you continued to quite literally, suck the life out of him, and you enjoyed seeing how pleasured he felt by your touch.
Minho used the hand he had on your head to guide your movements as you continued to move your mouth up and down his cock. And sooner then even Minho imagined, he was almost over the edge.
"Oh- fuck- I'm close." Minho said breathlessly, yet despite his warnings you kept your movements the same. And when he finally came in your mouth, you swallowed every last bit of him up.
"You did so well for me baby." Minho said while helping you back up, bringing you in and kissing you again. He took a handful of your ass in his large hands, making you moan into his mouth at the sudden contact. Then suddenly, he picked you up and tossed you onto the bed and he began to climb on top of you.
"What are you doing?" You asked with a mix of confusion and excitement in your voice.
"What do you mean? Did you really think that I'd be done with you already?" He questioned again as he looked down at you with a grin that you couldn't help but to reciprocate. "It's your turn now princess." He said while sliding off your panties.
You would be lying if you said you hadn't been soaking wet this entire time. The ache between your legs was prominent as Minho slid his fingers into you, making you moan loudly.
"Wow looks like someone's already excited, huh?" Minho said, teasing you slightly as he continued to pump his fingers in and out of you. He was being agonizingly slow and you cursed at yourself mentally for teasing him earlier because now he planned on doing the exact same to you.
"Well your one to talk." You said with a bit of an attitude, but in actuality you were just trying to pull yourself together. You couldn't help but moan as Minho used his free hand to squeeze your breast and used his mouth to kiss the skin along your bra line.
"So you're giving me attitude now, hm?" He said softly as he brought his mouth up to your ear and whispered.
"N-no I'm sorry, just please-" You said, voice breaking because of how Minho's thumb began circling your cunt.
"Please what? Use your words sweetheart." He said against your ear as he began kissing you down your neck.
"Please Minho you know what I want you to do." you say before continuing, "please don't make me say it." you said, basically begging him. I mean, it was bad enough how eager you were to let his hands explore all over your body, you weren't trying to loose the last ounce of pride and dignity you had left.
"Fine. I'll let you off easy just this once princess. But next time I'm making you beg for it." Minho said slowly and you could tell he wasn't lying.
He took his fingers out of you and moved his way down your body, his head stopping at your thighs as he used his hands to spread them apart. He kissed the skin on the inside of your thighs before turning his attention to your throbbing pussy.
He licked a strip through your folds and then his mouth began to attack your heat. You moan and throw your head back as he continues to devour you. Each lick sending shivers down your spine, making your back arch, further incasing his head between your thighs. He kept both of his hands at your hips firmly to keep you from squirming out of your grip. And as he continued to go down on you, he worked magic with his tongue and you could soon feel heat rising to your core as he did so. He ate you out as if he were a starved man who hadn't eaten in days, and you couldn't help but continuously moan his name while he did so. You kept your hand on his head, ruining his perfectly styled hair while doing so, while your other hand on your mouth, trying so desperately to silence your loud moans.
You feel yourself on the brink of an orgasm as you gasped out, "Minho I'm- I'm really close." But before you could cum, Minho pulled his face away from your pussy making you whimper, "What? why- why'd you stop?" you said while panting.
"Sorry baby, but if your going to come, then it'll be around my cock." Minho says with a smirk as finds his way back on top of you, legs between yours and his hands resting on either side of you. He was already rock solid again as he lined the tip of his dick up with your entrance.
He began pushing in his head slowly and you let out a sharp gasp. You hadn't actually processed how big Minho was, not until he was about to go inside you. "Your too big." You could barley mumble out.
"You're alright baby. I know you'll be able to take it, right?" He asks, waiting for you to give him an actual confermation. He wasn't going to ever force you into something you didn't want to do.
You let out a nod but Minho just looked at you once more, "Words sweetheart." Minho reminded you as a soft smile tugged on the edge of his lips.
"I-I will be." You say before gulping, "I'll be okay." He brushed his hand against your cheek and moved a piece of your hair behind your ear as you said this.
"Good girl. That's what I thought." Minho cooed, and with one swift push he entered you fully, allowing his thick cock to stretch out your walls. You moaned loudly and the quick pain you felt turned into pleasure as you enjoyed the feeling of being filled up by him.
"Fuck- your so tight." Minho said as he let out a groan, slowly pulling himself back out of you and then in again.
You had been with only one other boy before and though you had thought of it as a good experience, comparing it to the one you were having with Minho right now, it was nothing. Minho knew exactly what he was doing and he was great at doing it. He knew just the right ways to make you squirm and moan his name, and it was safe to say he definitely knew how to get the right reaction out of you. You could do nothing but savor the feeling of him in you, he made you feel whole.
Your moans only got louder as Minho continued to pump deeply in and out of you. Again, you felt yourself growing closer and closer to an orgasm and Minho could feel this by the way your walls began to tighten even more around his cock. He slowed his thrusts down and would then speed up again, edging on your orgasm.
"Minho please.” you said desperately as he continued to pound into you.
"please what baby?" Minho said while panting. You had to give it to him, he had the stamina of a god. I mean shocker he's on the track team, so that's to be expected.
"Please just let me come- I'm so close." You said, your tone even more desperate then before as you basically begin to beg him.
"Alright princess, since you asked nicely." Minho said with a chuckle. God he still managed to be cocky even in situations like these. You could tell that he was close by the way his thrusts ended up become harder yet more and more sloppy. You felt waves of euphoria coming over you as one last thrust on Minho’s end was able to tip you over the edge. You finally unwound under him, moaning and overstimulated as he finished in you with one last thrust. “You’re so good for me.” Minho said while he kept his cock in your pussy for a moment longer. He gently kissed you as he pulled out and laid down next to you on the bed, slinging his arm around your shoulder. “You did so well baby, you know that right?” He said breathlessly as you both lied there panting. It definitely sounded like you had just ran a marathon now.
You looked at him and smiled as turned to your side and rested your hand on his chest.
“come on princess let’s take a shower and get you cleaned up,” Minho said while kissing you once more on the forehead before getting up and offering his hand to help you up from your bed.
God, you loved this man.
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@minminho0 (Im proud of myself for not forgetting to tag u lol)
okay yall this is it and I really hope you guys liked it. It took me a while to finish this because Ive never rlly written anything like this but uh theres a first time for everything right?
Also I have seen ur guys requests and I'm going to start working on them now but I will be doing a kind of first come first serve typa thing.
anyways I just wanted to say thank you again for all of the support that you guys have been giving me, it really means so much ❤️
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koolades-world · 9 months
Behind the Scenes
All it took was the watchful eye of your best man.
“How was yer day?” Mammon took your bag from you as the two of you began the walk home from RAD together.
“Uneventful mostly, but not bad. The fact that you were there during Seductive Speechcraft today was more than enough to turn my day around.” You turn and smile at him.
“What’d ya mean?” He glanced over at you.
"Just a bad day. Having you at my side make it better." You try to deflect.
"What happened?" He reached out to grab your hand, which you took.
"A couple things." You avoid his gaze.
“What’s the matter, darlin’?” Mammon stopped you in your tracks by standing in front of you. He looks right into your eyes, and holds your chin in his hands.
“You’re so caring Mams, but I’m fine. Thanks for asking.” You place a hand on his arm, trying to continue walking. He stops you, holding you close.
"Ya've been havin' bad days for a while now. What's the root? Ya can't hide this from me." You sigh, realize the jig is up.
"There's been this demon at RAD who's been picking on me. Today he stole my Potions homework, shouldered me into my locker, and almost drowned me in the bathroom. Thankfully the professor let me off since I never forget my work at home, but next time I might not be so lucky." You admit.
"He what? Forget the whole homework thing, I'll kill the bastard. Who did this to you? You gotta tell me about this stuff. Where does it hurt? Tell me the truth." Silently, you lift one of your sleeves to reveal the bruise you got from being slammed into the locker and pull down the collar of your uniform reveal the outline of fingers on the back of your neck. You wince at the memory. “What were ya planning to do? Suffer in silence? Mc, I don’t tell ya enough that I love ya.” He cupped your face in his hands, speaking to you gently.
“Usually when this happens, I just use a spell to cover it since I'm not good enough at healing magic yet. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for not telling you and I’m sorry for worrying you, but he…” You trail off, glancing around. “I don’t think I should even be telling you this.” Mammon looks at you, then around the both of you as well.
“Ya know damn well ya can tell me anythin’. Fuck him. If ya want, ya can wait until we get home.” Mammon knew whoever this demon was wouldn’t dare to both you while he was around.
“I want to wait until we get home.” You said. That was the only thing you had been sure about that entire conversation. Mammon, instead of letting you walk, opted to carry you, insisting it was for your own good. You couldn’t shake the feeling of paranoia, that he was somehow listening and that you said too much.
One you both arrived home, Mammon sat you down in the living room and called over everyone that was home. In a matter of minutes, Levi, Satan, and Asmo were gathered around you, concerned at how oddly serious Mammon had approached them. While you sat silently, Mammon explained. You could see the rage blossoming on Satan’s face, and the horror on Levi and Asmo’s.
“Sweetie, why didn’t you tell us sooner?” Asmo cuddled you in a similar way that Mammon did when he found out.
“I was afraid…” You search their faces for their reactions.
“What did he say to you?” Asmo asked.
“He told me he would hurt my family if I told anyone. Not you guys, my human family. I haven’t seen them in so long and I didn’t want anything to happen to them. I really miss them. He said it would be fun to…” You couldn’t continue. A silent tear makes its way down your face. Mammon wiped it away.
“You don’t have to continue.” Asmo pulled you in closer to him.
“What’s his name?” Satan speaks up for the first time. His face was a little red and his eye has begun to tick, but looked eerily calm otherwise. To the untrained eye, it may have looked like he was calming down, but that couldn’t be more wrong.
“Please don’t hurt him.” You begged them.
“Why?” Levi, who had also been silent, nervously asked.
“He must have a reason for acting the way he has been. He probably has a family, and friends. I don’t think he deserves to be hurt, just maybe talked to.” Asmo gripped you hand tighter at your words and swept some hair out of your face.
“We’ll see what we can do, honey.” Asmo exchanged glances with his brothers. “How about this? We take you to Purgatory Hall to spend time with whoever’s there right now while we go talk to Lucifer, Belphie, and Beel.” He asked you.
“Can’t it wait? What if he’s listening?” You pleaded.
“I can assure you if he is out there and dares to act on his threats, I will see to it personally.” Satan’s tick was stronger and more noticeable.
“Anyways, I trust Sol with my life! If there’s anyone I would let look after you, it’s him.” Asmo told you.
“Ok, if you’re really sure. I trust you. Thanks guys. Can I have a hug?” You rose from your stop to be swarmed by the four demons around you. They took care to not hurt you more. You felt safe in the middle of them.
All of them personally went with you to drop you off at Purgatory Hall. Simeon answered the door, and as soon as he took in the scene, his usual smile faded and called for Solomon. Mammon explained the situation, to which they promptly agreed to help. As Asmo transferred you to Simeon, you heard Solomon asking them to save him a piece. It send a sharp shiver down your spine. As soon as the door shut, their facades dropped.
“They never told us his name. Even if it means I have to check every student at RAD, I will. After all, there can only be so many who meet his description.” Asmo chuckled. Satan was still doing his best to hold in his explosive rage until they were far enough from Purgatory Hall.
“Levi, take Satan somewhere to decompress for a while. We’ll reconvene here once we find the others.” Mammon took out his DDD and began making the calls he needed. Asmo also took out his DDD to check as many Devilgram accounts as he could to see if anyone looked particularly guilty.
As soon as Lucifer found out, he practically flew out of the place to meet up with his brothers. It was easy to see the similarities between him and Satan at this point. Belphie and Beel weren’t far behind. It was rare to see them both so agitated. The three of them quickly went in to see you, to see for themselves that you were ok, and to ask for the name of who has been bothering you. After much coaxing, they finally got it. Lucifer made Simeon promise to heal you, and with that, they vanished again. You didn’t know what to think, and hoped they would adhere to their promise.
Once they found him, they didn’t know what to do first. Question him or get straight to what they were there for: to make him pay for what he did. Each of them had their own idea, that they would never dare tell you. While you were safe and sound at Purgatory Hall, the brothers were having the time of their lives. It was a side of them they would never let you see; the side of them that truly reveled in misery and pain.
That demon vanished.
About a week and a half later, he reappeared a changed demon. He apologized for everything he did and remained out of your way from then on. He seemed physically fine, but was a different demon altogether. He was much nicer, and quieter. His friends avoided you like the plague, afraid of something you didn't understand. In fact, after that, everyone treated you like gold if they didn't already. You weren't stupid. You knew the brothers did something but nobody dared tell you. It was a little uncanny as everyone outside your household was pretending nothing had happened in the first place.
But the brothers were kinder, if possible. They kept bringing you small trinkets and gifts, like flowers and anything they thought you would like. They checked up on you more frequently and took you out more frequently. They always made sure you had everything you wanted even if you didn't ask for it. They even arranged for you to see your family in the human world with one accompanying you, although you suspected the others were watching from a distance. It was still chilling to think about what they did to that demon to make them stop so suddenly upon their return, or where they even went, but you settled on never knowing what they did. You just took their gestures at face value and appreciated them for it.
The brothers were glad you were recovering from everything. Anything you refused to tell them, they got out of the perpetrator. Simeon was an amazing healer, and even Lucifer wasn't sure how he brought him back together, mentally and physically. You could never find out.
errrr i don't really like this </3 the concept was more fun but I can't scrap it after how much i put into it
i kinda wanted it more ominous with less words but i think I need more writing practice for that lol
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coffeeailee · 5 months
an extremely bad day .
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chars . sigma , fyodor dostoyevsky , nikolai gogol , osamu dazai x fem ! reader ( SEPARATELY )
fandom . bungo stray dogs
synopsis . of course females have to deal with periods , which is an extreme nightmare for females due to how painful it can be , luckily your boyfriend is here to save the day and help you with your period !
genre . fluff
note I : probably ooc , error spelling / grammar ( THIS IS MY FIRST TIME SO PLZ BEAR WITH ME 💔 )
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When he realized your instant mood change, he could've sworn yesterday you were so happy ! And now you ... looked really mad. He thought he had committed something wrong or thought you misunderstood something, which made him extremely scared. Poor sigma, he doesn't even know what was going on until you explained how period works and the side effects.
Eventually, after he was finally done dealing with the casino customers, he immediately went there to comfort you and tried to help you by cuddling with you as you groaned and complaining in pain due to how painful the cramps were.
Of course your boyfriend is there to listen while cuddling with you as you keep complaining, just keep talking for twenty six hours, he wouldn't mind at all, he doesn't actually mind hearing you talking all day. Sadly he has to deal with the customers at the casino too, so maybe not always.
Not only that, he'll most likely try to find a way to spend more time with you and try to find a way to make you feel happy so you could forget your cramps, he actually genuinely feels upset you have to go through such a pain ! He's definitely going to try his best to make you feel comfortable, cozy and definitely happy so you wouldn't feel irritated because of your period !
Overall, he's an extremely caring boyfriend who definitely will try his best to help you !, you're his significant other after all, of course he's going to help you as much as possible! he already promised himself that he will make you happy as long as you're with him, together.
" Is... is this warm enough for you?, if it's not warm enough I can get you some blankets and make you a tea. I don't like seeing you in pain at all, so if you need something please tell me. " he smiled slightly while caressing your head as your head was on his chest , cuddling with him before smiling back at your sweet boyfriend , you were extremely glad you have a boyfriend like sigma. He planted a kiss on your forehead awkwardly before continue cuddling with each other and eventually fell asleep together.
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you don't even need to tell him, actually, before you even know you are having your period , he already knew what was going on . It was really obvious to him since he always observes you , after all , this is fyodor we're talking about.
"Fyo , can you help me buy some-" before you get to finish your sentence , expect the stuff you need in front of you immediately. This man literally marked when you're going to get your period in his calendar , plus he's already prepared for this ever since he started dating you. So don't worry , if you need something he is most likely to have it in the house.
he's probably not weirded out and doesn't mind your tantrum, he's completely fine with it. Oh? You want chocolate? , you got it. You want plushies? , how many? nevermind , he'll just buy hundreds of them , he's confident that's enough. This is his любовь we're talking about.
If you're emotional and always cries every time when you're having your period, he's there, don't worry about it. Just like what has been said, he doesn't mind your tantrum at all. He's literally calm while here you're sobbing and bawling your eyes out. But it's okay, you wouldn't be sad anymore, he's here for you, so why bother being sad? He's here to comfort you and wipe your tears away
Overall, he's the type of boyfriend that's prepared for his other significant needs, albeit he doesn't show much emotion about it, he actually does care. He's definitely experienced and knows what you need for your period , he also might play the cello for you if you request him to play it for you while you're about to go to sleep as you're having your period.
" Моя мышь, are you unable to sleep? " Fyodor whispered quietly as you were unable to sleep since your cramps were saying no to sleep. He only huffed gently before planting a quick , but yet passionate kiss on your cheek as he grabbed a blanket and pillows for you, and put it around you so you could feel comfortable. He eventually started playing his cello for you, before smiling slightly, he was relieved that you were finally able to sleep.
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Oh? What was that? Did he just hear you're having that time of the month!?! Be not afraid! Your silly boyfriend, nikolai is here to smooches and kisses you everywhere! Cuddles are a must if his poor little dove is having cramps.
He would definitely pull pranks on you, who knows, maybe it might be effective!
Nevermind it wasn't effective, you were mad and he's fucked up. But that's okay! He'll comfort you with his tricks , a trick that only his dove knows and no one else!
Since he has a teleportation ability, it'll be easier for him to get stuff you need. Though, when you asked which store he got it from, he never dared to answer the question. What? Of course not!, he would never steal people's items! , well, at least that's what he said. Even a toddler would know that was a lie, it was too obvious because he kept smiling.
If you're clingy when you're having your period, he's definitely gonna giggle happily like a high school girl giggling every time she sees her crush in the hallway, it makes him super special, especially YOU hugging him! Gosh you're gonna make him explode and he might go insane at any moment!
Overall, he's definitely the annoying boyfriend when you're having your period. He makes you angry sometimes, but you still love him anyways, he's your silly lil clown. You appreciate his attempt at making you happy even though it didn't end well at all. But you're glad he's actually trying, because it proves that your silly boyfriend actually does in fact care for you.
" my dearest dove ! , I cannot help but feel nothing other than pain every time I see your face looking upset, allow me to perform a trick that has only been shown to you ! " Nikolai grinned stupidly as he hid his hand inside his coat before a portal appeared behind you with Nikolai's hand holding a flower for you, you were about to grab the flower until he suddenly attacked you with kisses. He also still kept that stupid and yet adorable grin.
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Your mood swings, your food cravings. That's more than enough for him to confirm that you're in fact having your period right now, at first he doesn't understand why you don't want to tell him anything about it, after thinking a while about it he finally thought it's because you're embarrassed, it makes sense but why hide from your boyfriend?
He will immediately take advantage of this by taking a day off so he could spend his time with you, he's too lazy to do work and get scolded by Kunikida! He's not interested in hearing Kunikida scolding him for three hours. However, you're an exception, he doesn't mind hearing you talking for hours, talk about anything you'd like and he'll keep it in his memory for eternity until he has finally left this world. But if you force him to go to work, Kunikida would start to shed tears and start saying "thank you" for million times for making Dazai go to work and doing his work.
He might be lazy, but that doesn't mean he wouldn't do any errands for you. You're his significant other, he doesn't want his belladonna to suffer while having a period! That's just too evil and cruel! Let him do it instead. just get a snack, rest, stay comfortable and cozy, and listen to him, okay? He'll promise he'll get home as fast as possible if he's doing your errands.
If you asked him to buy you some pads for your period, he wouldn't hesitate to do so. But please show him what pads look like first and then tell him which specific pads you want... Because if you don't, well, just expect Dazai to come back home with diapers instead of pads.
Overall, he's quite a decent boyfriend. He definitely knows your food cravings and doesn't mind doing your errands at all even though sometimes he doesn't like it. Plus he knows what to do, except the pads part... Because Dazai accidentally bought a lot of diapers instead of pads... You two might need to eat instant cup noodles for a while.
" Belladonna, let's keep staying like this. " Dazai smiled brightly and warmly while eating instant cup noodles along with you as you both were on the futon and watching the television. Even though it wasn't much, it makes you extremely comfortable as Dazai leaned his head on your shoulders and still kept his smile.
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extra note : AEUGH I'M SORRY THAT I ACCIDENTALLY POSTED DRAFT VERSION OF THIS 💔 EVEN THOUGH ONLY COUPLE PEOPLE ( I think ... ) SAW IT I STILL FELT EMBARRASSED 😭... but srsly , I could've sworn that I posted it as draft... Did I hallucinate again or some shit ..
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alohajun · 1 year
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bf!junghwan x fem!reader | wc : 1.5k words | content : possible grammar and spelling mistakes, lowercase intended, angst, fluff, happy ending, arguments, crying, use of petnames | request — i wonder if i could get an angst fic where the reader fights and make up with him? just a huge argument in general (i'm a sucker for angst lmao)
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"i'm sorry, okay? i love you and all, y/n ... but this is too much."
junghwan muttered under his breath, sighing deeply as he avoided meeting your eyes.
the two of you sat in the living room of your shared apartment, the air tense with the seriousness of the conversation your boyfriend had started.
“and what exactly is too much?” you stood, taking a step away from him. “you lived in the dorms all this time because of the comeback, and i never complained.”
“y/n, don’t–”
“you come home after a while, and i can’t even approach you because you are pushing me away! what have i done wrong?”
junghwan furrowed his brows. “i just want some time for myself! am i only allowed to have some free time when i’m at the dorms?” he scoffed, annoyed.
“i never said that.”
“well, you didn’t have to.”
you took a deep breath, turning away from your boyfriend. junghwan immediately noticed the distance between the two of you, rushing to stand closer.
“i didn’t mean it like that. i’m sorry,” he apologized. “it’s just been a stressful week, and everything is piling up.”
you shrugged, trying to show you weren’t affected by his words. “okay? so let it out, then. don’t keep it in.” you frowned, crossing your arms over your chest.
an exhausted sigh escaped his lips, brows furrowed as he contemplated his words. he shut his eyes tightly, taking a deep breath before speaking.
“you’ve been too clingy, okay? it’s not necessarily a bad thing.” you knew he was rambling nervously, looking everywhere but you. “but it’s just you are always there, and i just need—"
“a break?” you continued the rest for him, tears pooling in your eyes. “not to be touchy with you? what else do you need? hm?”
junghwan shook his head. “jagiya, please. i–” he trailed off, trying to fix his words.
were fights like this normal? things like this happen in a relationship, right? this has to be something common, yeah?
you filled your mind with positive thoughts, but as you thought about what junghwan said, it was difficult not to break down in sobs.
you forced a smile. “you don’t need to explain yourself, hwan. it’s fine. i understand.” you lied, seeing the way relief flooded his face instantaneously.
what you said was far from the truth. you weren’t fine; not at all. you didn’t even know what you did so wrong.
why was it wrong for you to be clingy when you were meeting your boyfriend after a few weeks?
you couldn’t wonder what went wrong, holding in your tears as you watched junghwan nervously look at you.
his members were always clinging to him, but he never complained. why is he complaining now? did he not feel the same anymore?
various questions ran through your mind, each of them only breaking you down further.
maybe junghwan doesn’t feel the same anymore. maybe he doesn’t love me. maybe we do need to break up.
“you don’t have to apologize, hwan.” you hoped he believed the façade you put up. “i understand.”
you didn’t understand, though — not even the slightest — but you didn’t want junghwan to know that.
after all, you’d never ask for love from someone who was asking for distance.
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so junghwan walked into your shared apartment with a relieved smile on his face now that their comeback promotions were finally over.
ah, this is what freedom feels like.
due to his hectic schedules and work stress, junghwan had long forgotten about the conversation you two had a month ago, and he assumed you did too.
he was so busy with his work that he never noticed how little you spoke with him, waving off your generic texts, thinking you were just as busy as him.
and well, you were just as busy as him — not in the sense he thought, though.
you were busy overthinking every single detail of your conversation with junghwan, causing yourself pain by beating yourself up for the little things.
when the brunet walked into the empty apartment — which seemed like it had been empty for days — his hands immediately turned to his phone, contacting you.
“jagiya, where are you?” he asked, settling his bags in the room as he walked around the house. “is everything alright?”
“i was at jinny’s for a couple of days. on my way back now.”
junghwan hummed in response, nodding even though you couldn’t see him. “ah, alrighty. just wondered where you were. you didn’t even text me about it,” he muttered.
"i didn't want to trouble you, hwan-ah. i'll come home soon, okay? bye."
the brunet couldn’t get a word out before the call ended, standing in the silence of your empty apartment. your words stung, and he couldn’t think why you would ever think you’d be troubling him.
you two were dating. it was normal to share your daily activities with each other and–
junghwan froze, the realization hitting him like an asteroid. he had no idea what you had been doing for the past month. he checked his texts with you, realizing you never shared much with him.
just like that, he remembered the conversation you two had a month ago, wondering if that was the reason you kept your distance, not wanting to ‘trouble’ him.
surely, you aren’t thinking about that. we didn’t really agree on a break, did we? what was even the conclusion we came to in that conversation?
junghwan paced around the apartment, stressing himself immensely with various thoughts — just like you had once. he didn’t even notice you enter the apartment, only shifting his attention when you closed the door.
as junghwan greeted you with his infamous grin, there was nothing more you wanted than to flower kisses all over his face, absolutely missing him dearly after a month of not seeing him.
but you held back, even going the mile to block junghwan when he tried greeting you with a kiss.
“i have been outside all day,” you explained, pushing away your boyfriend gently. “it's better if i take a shower first.”
“oh, okay.” junghwan frowned at your excuse, noting the distant look in your eyes. “i’ll order us lunch.”
“mhm, alright.”
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so junghwan moved the food around his plate with his chopsticks, replaying the words he wanted to say in his head multiple times.
“you haven’t been saying much, jagiya,” he commented, his voice barely audible. “just a couple of calls and generic texts. is something wrong?”
you shrugged. “not really. you wanted this anyway, right?” you reminded him of the words that stuck with you for the past month.
“i never really let you complete that sentence. what was it you needed? a break? a breakup? which one was it?”
your eyes held no emotion as you spoke, all your tears wasted on the endless nights you had spent crying over the conversation.
“jagiya, what? no!” junghwan’s voice was raised, almost sounding offended. “i don’t want a breakup. never! how could you ever think that?”
“well, that’s what it sounded like to me when you said i was clingy.” you stared at your plate, not wanting to meet your boyfriend’s eyes. “a breakup is an option.”
“no, it’s not. i would–” junghwan was interrupted by the ringing of his phone, ignoring the call as he held your hands. “y/n, please. i don’t want to–”
he was once again interrupted, this time by your phone ringing. you answered the call without a second thought — anything that would make you look away from junghwan’s tear-filled gaze.
“yes, oppa!” you greeted in a cheery tone, as if you weren’t seconds away from a meltdown. “congrats on your comeback, by the way! manifesting a win for you all!”
so junghwan smiled, his heart warming at the thought of you keeping up with his work despite him having hurt you with his words.
“thanks, y/n!” jihoon replied through the phone. “we are having a little party! come over with hwanie before we run out of snacks.”
you chuckled softly. “i won’t be able to make it, but i’ll send hwan over. have loads of fun!” you cheered, smiling as you pulled the phone away, wanting to end the call.
but before you could, junghwan took the phone from your hand, wanting to make things right. “jihoon-hyung? yeah, something important came up. i won’t be able to make it either,” he explained.
junghwan ended the call, placing your phone on the table before taking your hand in his. you wanted to pull away — you really did — but you couldn’t as you looked into your boyfriend’s glossy eyes.
you sighed. “go do your important thing, hwan. don’t waste your time on me. let’s just have this conversation another day,” you said, looking away.
“you are my important thing, y/n. i apologize for acting like shit, but i will correct my mistakes, i swear. i promise, i will make it right.”
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taglist — @kflixnet @gyutendo @twntycm @heejojo @jaesvelvet @fightmegirl @koishua @lovethyfandoms2 @kpoprhia @woooooooosh8 @milkybonya @enhacolor @yunho-leeknow @candililac @willdieforbeidou @luvbrie @mui890mew @one16core @soobin-chois @odetoyeonjun @wonluvrbot @acciomylove @idkwatodoanymore @kyufilms @ily-cuz-i @acaiasahi @bobariki @kyuchanie @teuranghae @changmin-wrlds (to be added, please send an ask or dm!)
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ksnfangz · 1 year
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★ ₊˚ paring: Cupid!Ni-ki x Human!Reader
★ ₊˚ Genre: Fluff , angst(?) , unrequited love
★ ₊˚ Warnings : None?
★ ₊˚ word count: 1.2k
★ ₊˚ A/n : my brain turned off for like a month but i randomly decided to write this! hope it isn’t to shitty lol. Enjoy <3 ( yes there will be a part two aka side B !! sorry for any spelling / grammar errors.
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Couples. Ni-ki hates couples, which is pretty ironic since he’s the reason half of them currently exist. Thought it was not like he had a choice seeing as he was born as an angel a cupid at that.
At first, it was fun being able to make two people fall in love and watch how some relationships blossomed while others fell apart, but over time it grew repetitive The constant matchmaking and shadowing had taken a toll on the boy.
When he first told his mother how he felt she just brushed it off as the boy not liking the idea of love… which wasn’t surprisingly not that rare writhing cupids but what she got wrong was that Ni-ki does want love.
He’s just tired of helping everyone else with their love lives when he can’t even help himself. As he continued to trail behind his new match he couldn’t help but wonder when would cupid shoot him with an arrow if that were even possible.
“ Don’t you ever get bored?” Ni-ki questions looking away from the couple-filled streets “What do you mean?.” Jungwon asks looking over at the boy.
“ Of watching people fall in love, of being invisible, stuck in the shadows.” the younger explains, jungwon simply shakes his head.
“ Not I think it’s quite amazing actually…” Jungwon replies smiling as a couple walks past holding hands. Ni-ki scoffs. “You don’t get it.”
“ It’s okay to not like your job Ni-ki Lots of cupids hate their job.” Jungwon says
“But this is a job that I can’t quit I’m stuck doing this until… I don’t even know when.” Ni-ki whines slamming his head down onto the table. Jungwon softly patted the boy's head.
“ I mean you can quit…” a new voice spoke causing Ni-ki to sit back up. It was Jay another angel.
“But there’s consequences, have you heard about Heeseung?” Jay asks, Ni-ki shaking his head.
“Who is that?”
“ he was my friend, and once a cupid like us… a few years ago he gave up his wings to become human, all for some mortal he’d fallen in love with.”
“But isn’t falling in love with a mortal forbidden?” Jungwon says confusedly. There were a lot of things angels couldn’t do.
“Yes, which is why he’s no longer here It’s been said that he is still human… but his lover was taken away,” Jay replies causing the younger's eyes to widen. “They killed the mortal?” Ni-ki asks loudly.
“No of course not they just wiped heeseung from their memory, I heard they ended up falling for someone else.” Jay states the two boys letting out sighs. “ Heesueng tried to come back and beg for forgiveness but a fallen angel never regrows their wings.”
“So what was the point in telling me all that?” Ni-ki questions. “To show its better to be an angel and live in the shadows than be a mortal and have everything about your life out in the open.”
“But what if I’m tired of the shadows?”
“That's on you Ni-ki, since only you can stop yourself from stepping into the light.”
Walking along the busy streets Ni-ki mindlessly trailed behind the latest couple, who were making their way to an art museum.
Normally when Ni-ki grew tired of one couple he’d leave and find a new one but despite his boredom, he knew these two were a good match and wanted to make sure they’d succeed.
Their names were Eunjin and Daesoo and they’d been friends for years now silently crushing on one another. Well, that was until Ni-ki stepped and in used his magical powers to get the two idiots to confess. Now his job was to protect their relationship until it was stable enough for them to handle on their own.
Upon entering the art museum Ni-ki watched as the couple showed their tickets and joined the crowd of people waiting for their tour guide.
The crowd seemed like your average group of people couples here and there, a few college students and critics. However, one person stood out quite a bit. Or at least in Niki’s eyes, though he couldn’t see his face the girl seemed much brighter than everything surrounding her.
While everyone else seemed to wear more Dark attire the girl wore a bright blue cardigan hanging loosely on her shoulders, paired with a white skirt matching the headband on her head.
Ni-ki watched as she stared up at the painting as if she were in a trance her curious eyes shining under the museum lights.
Neither of them realized that the crowd had now moved on to the next piece. Ni-ki also eventually found himself staring at a piece of art but it wasn’t the painting on the wall.
“ Y/n.” called out a voice pulling the girl— y/n out of her trance.
“Come on before you get left behind.”
“Okay coming! Heeseung.” she replied voice bright and cheerful as she skipped off toward her … friend?
wait Heeseung? Lee Heeseung, the fallen angel.
Watching as the two walked off and joined their group, Ni-ki averted his eyes from the painting that the girl had been captivated by moments ago.
He could see why she stared for so long. Psyche and Cupid.
But Psyche can’t see Cupid.
So what’s the point?
It was now a few days later and it was safe to say he still didn’t get the point, even after days of following the pretty human around, The boy could probably tell you every detail of her face from how long he’d stared hoping she’d eventually look back at him. Though it never happens he still hopes.
Sometimes he finds himself thinking of what Jay said. “Only you can stop yourself from stepping into the light.” he repeats to himself as he watches the girl read next to her window, The soft taps of rain hitting the glass echoed over the soft sniffles coming from the girl.
“ If I give up my wings will you finally see me?” Ni-ki asks and of course, receives no answer. He sighs having an internal battle with himself.
“ I don’t wanna give up my wings if it means I can't have you.”
He thinks back to Jay's story about Heeseung, how his lover was taken away from him when he left. Was Ni-ki willing to risk it? Was he ready to risk losing something he didn’t even get the chance to have?
As he watched the girl climb into her bed and fall into a peaceful slumber looking effortlessly beautiful despite the dried tears on her cheeks, he realized he’d do anything to make sure he’d be there to wipe away her tears. Whether she loved him or not.
“ Jay! You idiot I told you not to tell them the story about heeseung!” Jake shouts shoving Jay's chest. Jay stumbled back confusedly shocked by Jake's aggressiveness.
“ What are you talking about? What’s going on?” Jay asks. “ The story about turning human to peruse love” Jake reminds. “ You told Ni-ki and jungwon about it right?” Jay nods
“ Well Jungwon found a letter from Ni-ki this morning and it says that he’s going to give up his wings for some girl from a museum,” Jake explains, all the color drains from Jay's face.
“ As long as the higher power doesn’t know why Ni-ki is giving them up he should be fine.” Jay states.
“ Yeah but what if they find out?”
“ Another cupid will be sent down to make her fall for someone else.”
“ and what about Ni-ki?”
“ he stays human but will not be able to have a lover unless a cupid uses their powers to form a connection”
“ Shit…”
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as always likes and reblogs are appreciated but not required thank you for reading ily <33
label tags 🏷️ : @k-films @k-labels
© IKEUIA. please do not plagiarise, repost, copy or translate any of my works!
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celebtf · 6 months
The mission with Alec & Jace part 2 ( Nsfw )
A few hours earlier...
Jace was trapped inside the smokey cloud from the Wizard's spell, Jace couldn't see Alec anywhere even if they had just been by each others side. This Mission was a bad idea for Jace and Alec to take on by themselfs, so much could go wrong by the Institution believed in them, they could do it
Jace was trapped inside the smoke, he couldn't see anything, not Alec, not a way out, not even the wizard. Everything around Jace was gone, just the smoke. Jace was suddenly hit with a headache so strong he fell down to his knees and let out a huge cry.
Jace could feel this huge crack in his spine, his Shadowhunter, he saw his Shadowhunter marks fade away and he started to lose some muscles, not much but just enough to make him less muscular, his hand srinked and his legs got skinnier. He could feel his feet get smaller so his shoes were now to big.
Jace face started to heat up, his jaw changed structur and his stubble and mustasch faded, his nose got more semetrical and his eyes turned brown. Jace hair went from blond, slick-back to dark brown and messy-styled.
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" Alec, Alec where are you bro.. I can't see you. I have this huge headache and my body is all in pain. " I searched for Alec but I couldn't find him. After a while the haze started to fade away and I could see myself out.
" Jace is... is that you.. but why do you look like me " I saw somebody... not somebody I saw me walking towards me, I didn't know what to think. " who are you and why do you look like me " I asked the man walking and started to back away from him.
" Jace it's me Alec, well it was me Alec.. now I'm you I guess, it happend in the Haze/cloud thing.. I think we need to return home to the Institution and try to figure this out " Alec who was now Jace said.
The New Alec started to head back, he saw The new Jace being a bit behind but Alec just continued confused forward.
* Present Time *
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Alec, Jace and Isabelle met up inside the Institution and tried to brainstrom ideas for how to break this curse that the Wizard had trapped them inside, even tho the New Jace knew it wasn't going to work either way, the Wizard had told him that.
The new Jace walked in to his room to take a simple shower, to Explore his new body. When Alec had been in his old body, before he switched and became Jace, he had always wondered some stuff about Jace, who hard has his abs, how big was his dick? He could clearly see that Jace was Hung like a horse..
" Let's see now " Jace tried to put up a finger in his new butt " Oh Jace.. I was right, you're so tight, that's good to know for later " The new Jace laughed in the shower.
" Oh Jace... I mean Alec can you come to my room a very fast, it's important " Jace shouted down the hall, part of step 2 in his plan.
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" What is it Alec.. I mean Jace, what's so important right now - " Alec was shocked to see Jace without a shirt laying on his old bed.
" What are you doing .. Jace. Why are you shirtless laying on the bed" the new Alec asked and blushed. Alec didn't know how, but after the Switch he saw Jace in a new light..
" It's okay, come here, I know you want it, come on bro " the New jace laughed and waved over Alec, The new Alec walked over to the bed and sat on over Jace and stared kissing his neck and down his hard abs.
" Yes Alec, oh that's the spot " The new Jace moaned when Alec kissed his neck. Alec couldn't really explain it but hearing his new name being said by Jace, his old self, it made him feel something.
" I love kissing you... Jace but I need you inside of me please " Alec moaned and begged, Jace chuckled, he had forgot how submissive he used to be in his old body.
" Your wish is my comande.. Alec "
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" You're so big Jace, I forgot how big I used to be before the swap" Jace could see his former body being in heaven and it turned his new body on to the max
After they were done, Jace had filled Alec up and they both got cleaned up, took a shower together. Jace couldn't stop thinking, he had just slept with his old body with Jace inside of it. The old Alec, new Jace had always dreamed of it since he was younger.
They both Dried off and started to pick up the clothes of the wood-floor in the bedroom
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" Hey Alec, clearie wanted to see me, just to discuss something about the mission and how we can stop this Wizard. But I will see you later Bro " The new Jace kissed the new Alec goodbye and left the room with a smile.
Jace walked inside and hide in a small room in the Institution, picking up his phone from his pocket and Dialed a number.
" Hey Wizard, it's me, just calling to say thank you again, you were right, not only did your spell swap our bodies, it gave him my old personality traids, he's so Submissive for me "
" I'm happy you enjoy it Alec... I mean Jace " the wizard laughed over the phone.
" I enjoy it very very much " Jace laughed and smiled to himself
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johaerys-writes · 23 days
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Ch. 6: now i'm ashamed
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
They arrive at their new hotel a little before noon. It’s one of those bland and boring airport hotels with no colour or personality, but a slightly fancier version of that because, of course, Achilles wouldn’t stay in a hotel sporting anything less than four stars. A bellhop is already waiting for them by the time their cab pulls up in front of the entrance to help them out of the car and carry their bags out of the trunk. 
It is the least of Patroclus’ problems, but it rankles that Achilles booked a suite with a double bed without even asking him first. Not that Patroclus really expected him to, but it still bothers him. Despite everything that’s happened between them in the past few days, Achilles has no right to pretend that they’re a couple. No matter how fun it was at first, it was extremely unwise and very irresponsible, and whatever spell Achilles has cast on him has thoroughly been broken now. None of the excitement of their illicit adventure remains. It feels wrong and dirty for them to continue this play-pretend; Patroclus wants none of it. 
The room is as bland and colourless as the rest of the hotel: there’s a beige cover on the bed and the furniture is also beige, and there’s a painting in beige tones above the bed. The bed itself, at least, is big and looks comfortable, and the tub in the bathroom has a hydromassage setting and is big enough for three people, let alone two.
Not that Patroclus will be using that, no matter how badly he may want to. He’s got a lot of work to do, and besides that, even if he does use it, it won’t be with Achilles. And he doesn’t care a fig how much Achilles grumbles and pouts about it. Patroclus is done catering to Achilles’ each and every whim. 
“This rug is awful,” Achilles complains, kicking off his shoes and putting on the disposable slippers that housekeeping left for them. “It’s so ugly, and the texture? It’d feel better if I were walking on packed straw. For the kind of money they’re charging, it is unacceptable to be greeted with this eyesore. I should lodge a complaint with the hotel’s interior designer.” 
“Knock yourself out,” Patroclus mutters irritably, pulling out the desk chair. He takes his laptop out of its case and connects to the wifi, steeling himself for the mountain of emails he’ll have to go through today. It’s close to the end of the workday in Greece, but a few of his team are still there, working on a new client project, so there will a lot for him to review before closing for the evening. Just because he’ll be arriving in Greece later than he’d thought doesn’t mean he can put off doing his work until then. He’s done more than enough of that in the past week; he absolutely cannot shirk his responsibilities any longer, not for Achilles or anything else. 
Peleus’ name flashes on his phone screen as soon as he switches it on, wishing them a safe flight and asking Patroclus to contact him as soon as they stop at Qatar for their connecting flight. Patroclus shudders when he is reminded that he still hasn’t come up with a good enough lie to justify the extension of their trip to Peleus. He doesn’t think there’s any excuse that would be believable enough to explain this whole mess.
He jolts a little when Achilles leans over him, his arms coming around Patroclus’ shoulders from behind. 
“Why don’t you come and take a bath with me, hm?” he whispers, lips caressing his ear. “We could relax, have a cocktail… Continue where we left off.” 
A flash of rage blinds Patroclus for a moment. He shrugs Achilles off, staring resolutely at his laptop screen.
“Get away from me,” he growls warningly. “I’m busy.” 
“Well, you don’t have to be,” Achilles tells him, a little miffed. “We won’t be going back home for another week, at least. Technically, you’re still on holiday.” 
“A week?” Patroclus turns around to pin him with a glare. “We’re leaving, Achilles. Tomorrow.”
Achilles purses his lips in a pout. “Five days.”
“Fine, four days. And a half.” 
“I’m not bargaining with you! We’re leaving tomorrow and that’s final. I’m booking the tickets right now.” 
“No, you’re not.”
“Watch me,” Patroclus says, turning back to his laptop and pulling up a flight booking page.  
Achilles’ hand shoots over his shoulder, but Patroclus catches his wrist on reflex; there’s a brief struggle where they both try to get their hands on Patroclus’ laptop, and Patroclus seems to be winning until Achilles basically climbs over his lap and onto the desk, slamming the laptop screen shut and sitting half-way on top of it. 
“Get off, you’ll ruin it!” Patroclus shouts, trying to catch Achilles’ legs and pull him off the desk, while Achilles kicks at him and clings onto the desk for dear life. It is all so comical and ridiculous that Patroclus is glad no one is around to see them right now. He throws his hands up with an angry huff. 
“Achilles, you fucking asshole—” He takes a step back and glares at him, sweating beneath his suit. He tries not to worry about Achilles’ weight that’s currently probably crushing his poor laptop as he says, “You’re like a child. You know that? A stubborn, arrogant, spoiled brat. Things always have to go your way, otherwise you’ll throw a fit and make it everyone's problem. I’m done with you, you hear me? I’m done with your bullshit. Done.”
“You weren’t done with me when you were doing me this morning,” Achilles retorts haughtily, tilting his chin up in defiance, and Patroclus has to use every ounce of willpower he possesses not to walk over to the desk and strangle him.  
“I'm never going to be doing you again after all this,” he says through gritted teeth. “Believe you me.”
Read the rest on AO3!
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five-rivers · 3 months
A continuation of my pollfic! Last entry here.
If there was someone under the shelves Danny had knocked over, Danny couldn’t leave them there.  He wouldn’t be able to live with himself.  Or half-live with himself.  Whatever.  Stupid reflexive death joke.  
Missing most of his height, he didn’t have the leverage he usually would, but in human form he could phase his arms right through the books and shelves before pulling them up and tossing them to the side with his relatively meager human strength.  Unfortunately, this made a lot of noise.  Not from things he was touching, or things he was throwing, but from things those things bumped into.  
The light was getting closer, brighter.  He didn’t have a lot of time.  
He worked in the direction he’d heard the first sounds, ghost half thrumming under his skin.  He wanted to be in ghost form, he wanted to be ready to fight.  He didn’t like facing such a large, unknown group in human form.  Oh, sure, he’d done similar things before, when there was need for it, like when Youngblood and Ember had kidnapped all the adults and stolen the ghost shield generator, but there were substantial differences between that and this.
“Danny?  Danny?  What is he doing?”
He didn’t have time to explain.  Finger spelling wasn’t an efficient method of communication.  
The light was like a spotlight.  He wasn’t looking.  He wasn’t looking.  
He flipped over another shelf, revealing the thin, tailed ghost with large feathered wings that Danny had seen in the copyists’ room when he’d first come in.  He looked harried, and his bag was torn, but he was otherwise intact.  
“What is wrong with you?” he hissed.  “Do you–”
Danny tried to put his hand over the ghost’s mouth, but it was too small to be an effective muffle.  However, it did make the ghost pause long enough to actually look at Danny.  
A thin smile stretched out over his thin face.  “You’ve attracted their attention, haven’t you?  The quiet ones.  Finally.”
The ghost loomed over Danny, and Danny saw that the torn bag contained stacks of spent visitor badges, the ink on them faded, but still visible.  They had notes written on them in shiny black ink. 
“I’ve been researching them forever, coming back down here again and again.”  He looked up, eyes wild and reflective under the light, and his long-fingered hand came down on Danny’s shoulder.  “You’re trying to run, aren’t you?  Can’t have that, I need to see an actual transformation - don’t worry, you’ll be able to spend as much time in the library as you want, after.”
Oh, heck, this guy was nuts.  Nuts, and bad at guessing Obsessions.  Not that being nuts was particularly unusual for ghosts, but in this case, it was particularly inconvenient.  
Danny swiped at the ghost’s face with an ecto-charged hand and phased out of his grip.  Judging by the brightness, he had only seconds before the quiet ones got here.  
“Wait!  Don’t go!  I can already see why they like you, you’ll be so small, so soft–”
For Danny, that wasn’t exactly a recommendation.  He dove into the triangular space between a fallen bookshelf and a wall, and shimmied sideways until the gap let back out into the more usual maze of shelves, and then he ran, his footfalls mute against the stone and tile floor.  
“He was here!”  he heard the thin ghost shout, his voice growing fainter as Danny moved further away.  “Over here!  Please, please come back!  I need to see!”
“That was awful of him!” shouted Dad, suddenly, making Danny wince at the volume.  “I can’t believe he did that after you dug him out!”  
Danny shrugged, hoping they’d pick up on the motion even if they wouldn’t be able to directly see it.  Although, with how he was moving it would probably be difficult…  Either way, it wasn’t the first time someone he’d helped had backstabbed him, and it wouldn’t be the last.  And Danny had dropped those bookshelves on him in the first place, so…
“It’s too bad you can’t change again,” said Dad, after another minute went by.  “That trick of going up through the ceiling bought you a lot of time, even if, um, you know.”
Danny grimaced.  He could transform.  It was just that he didn’t want to attract the quiet ones.  He wasn’t sure he could outfly them like that again.  They were close.  And if Danny read the movements of the light right, many had taken to the air and were searching from above.  
No, it would be best if he stayed like this, 
“I’m trying to find another way up,” said Mom.  “I’m assuming you can’t change for some reason - your hands still look human - so I’m trying to find other ways up.”  She sighed, the sound staticy in Danny’s ear.  “If we had our other equipment, this would be so much easier.”
Maybe.  But Danny’s new size was making even this equipment unwieldy.  He adjusted a camera slightly.  Until they gave him a heading, he’d just focus on moving away from the light.  
Although…  In most other buildings Danny had been in, stairs that led down and stairs that led up were closely placed to one another.  The stairs might very well be in the opposite direction from where he was going. 
He made a face.  Was his moth-ified brain just making up reasons to go back to the light?  Or was that legitimate reasoning?  He couldn’t tell.  
“I’m getting some readings… but they look like they’re from back where all the other ghosts are,” said Mom.  There was a tiny click from one of the smaller cameras pinned to Danny’s shirt.  “Even with the filters to take out inanimate objects…”
“I thought those were still buggy.”
“They are.”
Danny licked his lips and looked back over his shoulder.  He’d gotten far enough away that the light was not so bright as it had been, but it was still there.  It was still… pressing.  Arresting, even. 
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As my rewatch of Voltron season 6 comes to a close, here are my thoughts on it. Mind you, as I'm writing this, it is past midnight. I took my medication, and one of the pills I take makes me a bit sleepy. I wholeheartedly apologize for any repeated sentences, nonsensical phrases, poor spelling of certain words, and poor grammar.
Keith and Krolia's adventure to the area where the other Alteans are should have been at least two episodes - there are moments that should have been more fleshed out, but were unfortunately cut short by production, and possibly absences of Steven Yuen since he is a popular actor in both America and South Korea
Season 6 was ordered, it started production with a certain number of episodes, then one of the suits decided to cut down on the number of episodes - that explains the weird montages
Monsters and Mana, while the best episode of the season (and I stand by it) was definitely written as either a needed filler episode (which is fine) or a special episode to release between season 6 and season 7
Anything that I said about Lotor, in terms of how he ruined Allura's character, is wrong. Allura is just not a good character in this season. I can understand that she needs that connection to her people, and Lotor is able to help her. But I genuinely stand with Lance when comes to not trusting Lotor, since he could not shut the ever loving fuck up about their fathers being friends. My brother in Christ, Lotor, we fucking get it. Your dad and her dad rubbed elbows.
The kiss shared between Lotor and Allura still makes me gag. Nothing against the shippers of this specific ship. I just hate Lotor and how he manipulated Allura. I've been through my own kind of manipulation, so I can't seem to like the character as a person.
I am still right in the theory that Lance and Shiro's relationship was supposed to be important. As much as I adore the fight that Keith has with Kuron, and he tries to being Shiro back and Keith says "I love you", shocking the clone enough for Keith to get the final blow... Lance was given the shaft once again. I could try to work with this in my fix it fic, despite sacrificing my favorite moment in the finale. I'm still outlining my fic, and still on chapter 1, so only time will tell.
That Galra robot that was programmed to have fun was amazing and the scene of it being tied to a rocket getting shot into space as Amazing Grace played in the background is iconic and I wish people talked about it more. Because it was insanely funny and I loved it too much. Fly high, random robot. I will always love you.
Despite me bashing Lotor for all that he is, I will still say that he is a well written character that I would love to punch in the face. Unfortunately he is like 7ft tall, and I am the same height as Krillin from DBZ. So I'm either going to have to learn how to do a Shoryuken a la Street Fighter.
As much as I love the finale of Season 6, I genuinely have to say that Keith's inclusion after being away from Team Voltron just seems convenient.
The Black Lion is the most disloyal bitch I have ever seen. I love the Black Lion's design, as I should. I'm a basic Voltron: Legendary Defender fan. But the Black Lion instantly took Keith back after leaving the team to be with the Blade of Marmora. Also the Black Lion had no problem with Kuron after a certain point, which is stupid. How dare it not be a continuous struggle for Kuron to gain its trust. Then again, this is the same lion that was still loyal to Zarkon despite the fact that Zarkon was evil. Never understood why Zarkon's bond with the Black Lion was so strong when Shiro proved himself to be the better paladin, but that's none of my business at this time.
I personally felt like the Blade of Marmora overstayed their welcome after a certain point. This could just be a me problem, and I am wholeheartedly willing to be the only person on this hill.
Coran is consistently amazing.
I don't know when the writers started making Hunk more of a tech savy character (I genuinely have no idea), but it's quite eye opening when you notice the change in archetypes.
Matt is still an okay character to me. When he was revealed, a good chunk of the fanbase was madly in love with him, which I understand, but I just look at him and shrug.
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