#to ensure my brain stays interested
beautyofsorrow · 5 months
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building on this headcanon as posted here because i have spent so long rotating it in my head despite not having a plot to house it:
uhura is Not Into It at first but they eventually sway her into semi-regular attendance with the promise of overblown camp + comedy. i feel like she'd also be obsessed with pontypool due to the language aspects
hemmer doesn't like the violence but he'll discuss soundtracks and their efficacy ad infinitum in the mess hall
every halloween they try to binge the halloween franchise only to get two movies in and give up. they're obsessed with the franchise's refusal to respect its own canon though and talk so much about it that uhura assumes they've seen all the films at least five times
they keep a running spreadsheet of everything they've watched complete with stats and commentary. there's an entire column labeled "does the horse die?" if the answer is yes, they can't show it to captain pike
probably no one on that ship is normal about theo crain, but chapel and ortegas least of all
i have not decided what ortegas's favorite subgenre is but chapel's is one hundred and thirty-three percent the most Terrifying body horror. the fly (1986) is the one that got her into horror films
i can and will do so much with the alien franchise, but the fic i probably won't write yet think about so often is chapel + uhura post-1x09 curled up in uhura's bunk sharing a deeply platonic sort of grief while that first one plays
una chin-riley shockingly into horror films. no i will not elaborate.
speaking of una, i will never be over the chaos potential of in-universe explanations for satanic panic (2019)
spock has been banned from attending movie night because he talks too much and not in the fun kind of way, but he watches the films intently on his own time and then meets with them both to discuss
m'benga does not get it. at least once a year they make him sit through something they promise he'll like and he never comes out unscathed
pelia: "horror films? ah yes, what a delightful genre. have you see when a stranger calls? some of my best work" [cue shipwide uproar for the next three weeks]
films christine chapel cannot be normal about: lisa frankenstein, american mary, jennifer's body, return to oz
films erica ortegas cannot be normal about: the scream franchise, probably. and not just because of sidney's tank + boxers combo in the second one
[watching scream 5] ortegas: "why does that dude look so familiar?" chapel, 15 minutes later: "oh my god. it's boimler"
they've got a prepared speech about the superiority of practical effects and a special interest in replicating the grosser ones. captain pike finally asks sam kirk to cordon off a section of the science lab for them so they can stop causing shipwide alerts
that time they made una sit through So Many nightmare on elm streets despite the declining quality only for her to turn to them in the middle of dream master and roast them to a crisp by asking if it was going to get better or if their perception had been so skewed by their love of suit-up montages set to 80s dad rock that their judgment couldn't be trusted anymore
they do eventually win her back with new nightmare, tho
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Hi, I was wondering if you could do an NRC Students (Except Ortho) x Reader, Where Reader and they are having a Romantic moment/Date, but it gets interrupted by Someone or Something?
Yeah of course!! Thank you for the req and for your patience, I know it's been FIVEEVER. My concrete sequential brain can't omit characters though, so Ortho is on here in a platonic like. babysitting/sibling outing way :D
I hope you enjoy <3
Ruining The Moment
**Every single one is different/written as it's own drabble. Apologies if some cut off abruptly, I struggle with knowing where to end things.
You and Riddle were studying together on one of the upper floors of the library. While quiet remarks had been made back and forth, more than anything, you both just enjoyed each other's company.
Neither of you had really noticed just how much time had passed since class had been out. Now, with the library being bathed in the warmth of the sunset, Riddle was about ready to pack up to ensure he made it back to his dorm in time for tea time. However, as he looked up from his work, he found himself pausing to study your visage.
The sunlight pouring in from the windows behind you made you look like you were glowing; ethereal. His eyes lingered on you, studying every inch of your expression, focused on the task at hand, which happened to be your history homework. The slight furrow of your brow, the sharpness in your eyes, determined to finish your work, the slight pout of your lips...
He found himself feeling shy all of a sudden, without much of an explanation. He wanted to compliment you - at least...to tell you how lovely you looked, his hand reaching gingerly across the table to try and hold your free one, but just as you noticed, he startled as a very distinctive voice cut through the other hushed chatter around the library.
"Eheee~ goldfishie!! And lil shrimpy, aww I get a two for one deal!! Whatchya guys doin'?"
Floyd came over, picking up one of Riddle's book and flicking through it, feigning interest, before looking bored and setting it aside.
"Blegh, have you guys seriously been here all d- eh?? Goldfishie, you're all red~ you're not mad though, are ya? Usually it takes more than that t'push your buttons."
Riddle seemed to be at a loss for words, opening his mouth as if to say something, then snapping it shut, just making Floyd giggle as he sat on the table and leaned backwards to talk to you.
"Ahhhha I see what's goin' on. You should ask goldfishie out, shrimpy, he ain't gonna do it himself otherwise."
Riddle somehow managed to flush even more, his cheeks nearly matching his face in colour.
"Yes I would! I just- I- If you hadn't so RUDELY interrupted our-"
Riddle's rambling was cut short by a soft peck on his cheek, causing him to sputter and look at you in disbelief. The rather smug look on your face combined with Floyd's rambunctious laughter was enough to render the redhead completely speechless, contemplating now, how the future would play out.
He would never admit it, but these late night rendezvous in the kitchen were some of his favourite moments. He was always concerned about your journey from Ramshackle to Heartslaybul, but you always stayed on the phone with him while he prepped everything and you walked over.
Being the voice of reason in the dorm, as well as Riddle's handler often left him drained, but your presence and an empty, quiet kitchen were more than enough to make him feel better. There was also a bit of a thrill to it, as nobody knew the two of you were dating yet. He loved knowing that the two of you would be left to your own devices...that he would have your full, undivided attention.
You let him know you were getting to the front door, so he made sure to go unlock it for you, before heading back to the kitchen.
You walked in on him measuring a tablespoon of vinegar into a cup of milk.
"Won't that curdle it?"
Trey hummed in amusement, pulling you in gently against him.
"Yeah, that's the point. Buttermilk in red velvet cake is a must."
He leaned down to kiss you softly. Admittedly, it likely lasted longer than it felt, but he pulled away rather quickly, pulling you to his chest and turning you away from the sudden flash of light from the hallway. Hushed giggles and whispers were heard afterwards, rather panicked sounding as Trey's glare penetrated through the darkness.
He was about to pull out his pen to stop the footsteps that were clearly booking it down the hallway, but you gently lowered his hand. Though embarrassed, it was nothing worth expending magic on.
"People were gonna find out one way or another..."
Trey sighed softly, his face softening as he turned back towards you.
"True, I just wish it could have waited a little longer."
You smiled a bit mischievously.
"Well they're gone now, and it's not like anything we do at this point will change what they do with the photos. Want to continue where we left off?~"
"Don't let me go."
"I'm not going to let you go."
"Don't let me go."
Cater laughed softly. "I couldn't let you go if I tried, you've got a vice grip on me right now."
He walked beside you slowly, letting you try and get used to the feeling of being on his skateboard, your forearms locked together to help you keep your balance, but you were still wearing a helmet as an added safety measure.
"Do you want to try giving yourself a little push? I'll still-"
"No, no thank you, this is still fine."
He couldn't help but chuckle again, finding you rather cute. He enjoyed being the person you were relying on for safety right now, and your focused face and determination to not fall were just too adorable to ignore! He tried to lean in to kiss your cheek, but you weren't expecting it, so you leaned away, tilting you backwards on the skateboard. Cater tripped over the skateboard as you tumbled backwards, but at the last moment, he managed to pull you on top of him and took the brunt of the fall instead, grunting a bit before laughing softly.
"Sevens, I'm sorry-"
"Are you okay??" You cut off his apology, more concerned about the fact he not only fell on the pavement, but that he had taken your weight along with it.
"Hm? Oh of course I am, Cay-Cay's taken MUCH rougher falls in a far less prepared manner. You can't get into skateboarding if you don't become an expert in how to fall properly." He hummed, rather satisfied with himself that you hadn't gotten hurt, sitting up and helping you sit up in the process.
You gave him a small, faux pout.
"Well, I'm afraid the only falling I'm an expert in, is head over heels for you."
You couldn't help but grin and wink as the ginger's face flushed a bit, a bashful smile a mile wide being hidden behind his hand.
He could hear you cheering him on from the stands as he crossed the finish line, coming in first place. Pure elation coursed through him; not only had his training paid off and he had beaten RSA's competitors, but he had done it in front of you.
As soon as he got the go-ahead from coach Vargas, he was jogging off to come meet you at the bottom of the bleachers, a little out of sight of all the hubbub. He was absolutely beaming as he approached you. You had a small hand towel in one hand, and his water in the other. Despite this, and the fact Deuce had just run a race, you wrapped your arms around his neck as he wrapped his arms around you, laughing.
"I did it!!!"
"You did!! And I got it all on video for your mom too!"
He laughed again softly, hugging you a little tighter before letting you go.
"You're the best, you know that right? I really appreciate you coming here."
He averted his eyes for a moment, before leaning in to try and place a kiss on your cheek.
"Thank you for-"
"Deuce? Coach is looking for- ah-"
Jack averted his eyes awkwardly, his ears flattening, his tail tucking slightly, and rubbed the back of his neck a bit.
"Sorry if I'm interrupting something, but coach said he needs everyone...uh...back, I'll give you two a minute though...sorry-...sorry."
Even though you couldn't see Jack's face, you could hear the embarrassment in his voice as he slinked back from whence he came. Not to mention, Deuce's cheeks were flushed from both being "caught" and from the race.
Deuce stuttered a bit, trying to recover, but failed as you placed a soft kiss on his cheek instead.
"You should get back to your coach before he sends someone a little less considerate than Jack to come find you. You can return the kiss later, okay?"
You giggled softly, gently pushing him to go join his team lest he get into trouble with Vargas.
Ace: (OTL this is a little different sorry)
"You know you could have just done this right the first time and we wouldn't be stuck redoing this assignment for Crewel."
Ace mocked you through facial expression before responding.
"Yeah well if you had shown up at lunch like you were supposed to, we wouldn't be stuck here after school."
You rolled your eyes.
"You knew I had to talk to Crowley at lunch, your poor planning and listening skills are not my issue. I know I told you that the recipe only called for mustard seed and bat fur, not snake tongue. How do you even confuse that??"
You searched his face for answers, but he just turned his face away from you, a light blush on his face as he mumbled something under his breath. You huffed and rolled your eyes.
"Oh come on, I deserve an explanation as to why you did it. There's no way it wasn't on purpose."
He sighed, puffing his cheeks just slightly and restating what he said.
"Maybe I just wanted to spend time with you"
With the cauldron bubbling, it was rather difficult to hear him, so you just shot him a confused look.
"Dude, speak u-"
"I wanted to hang out, okay?! Like. One on one. You're always so busy with your...rEspOnsiBilItiEs and...taking care of everyone and babysitting Grim, I feel bad trying to ask for some of your time when I know it's a precious commodity and this was the only way I could think of doing it, okay?! Just....we'll get this over with and then you can go."
His face stayed flushed, his safety googles too fogged up to see his eyes. You were stunned into silence for a moment, before you tried to reach for his hand. You startled away however, as Crewel's crop hit the edge of the cauldron.
"I take it you two pups are staying on task?"
You gave him a strained smile. "Of course Professor."
Ace silently added the last of the ingredients before using a funnel and ladle to help him add the brew into an Erlynmeyer flask, leaving it open to cool and nodding slightly at it as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"That should be it, it just needs to cool and then put a stopper on it."
Crewel grabbed the neck of the flask, his gloves thick enough to withstand the heat as he swirled the contents gently and studied the fluid. He nodded slightly.
"Get some tape, label it properly, then you'll be dismissed. I'll take care of clean up and storage. Well done."
The professor cracked a smile at the two of you as you nodded to acknowledge him, thanking him before moving to join Ace at the desk. He was writing your names, the date, the class - all as expected for the label, but now that you were a little bit away from the professor, you waited for him to put the tape down before holding his hand gently, speaking quietly.
"Ace, time might be a precious commodity, but you're precious to me too, okay? Grim should still be with Deuce and Epel for a little while. Once we get out of here let's go get slurpees or something, okay?"
It took Ace a moment to buffer, his hand coming up to cover his face in an attempt to hide just how flustered being called 'precious' got him. Near immediately, the crack of Crewel's crop was heard, making both of you startle.
"Gloves do not go near your face Trappola. That's a health hazard."
He gave the two of you a bit of a knowing smile as Ace nodded meekly at the reprimand, still reeling from the fact you had just asked him out.
You slid your gloves off and lifted your safety googles, grinning.
"Sound like a deal?"
Ace smiled shyly but tried to play it off as he followed suite.
"You sound like Azul. Yeah, sure, I GUESS we can go get slurpees."
"You really think you're hot shit, don't you?"
You couldn't help but laugh softly at the lion beastman. This man really tried to kabedon you and expected you to take him seriously. Yeah right. Amusement was written all over your face, which on one hand was a little unexpected, but on the other, just made it all the more entertaining for him too - he didn't mind a challenge if the prize was you.
"I might think something like that, yeah. You got an issue with that herbivore?" His voice carried a bit of a playful growl to it as he leaned in closer, going so far as to nip at your ear lightly.
His ear flicked slightly in annoyance as he backed up just a tiny bit; a group of panicked first years came barreling down the otherwise empty hallway.
Leona grumbled something about them being a nuisance, but you watched in horror as the poor boy holding the potion he was so urgently trying to get to Crewel tripped over his friends shoelaces. For everyone save for Leona, you're sure time slowed right down as the potion flew out of the boys hand, the stopper flew out of the bottle, and the potion landing all over Kingscholar.
At the very least, the boy who tripped didn't hit the floor as Leona yanked him up by the back of his shirt, growling.
"What the FUCK did you just spill on me?"
The boy was winded and whiplashed, but his friends seemed to be a mix of distraught and trying not to laugh. Leona growled, tossing the boy to the side gently to let him get on his feet, before nodding and growling at the group of bystanders.
You had to suppress your own laughter as Leona started to shrink in front of you.
One of the boys laughed nervously.
"It's a shrinking potion, it's really nothing dangerous!! And ah- we really really need the mark for Crewel's class so...we're really sorry but we're gonna have to take you in as proof we completed it!!"
Leona looked bewildered, his ears flattened against his head as he growled, though it sounded rather...cute as he continued to shrink.
"No! You touch me I'll turn you to sand!! You're going to regret this!!"
You couldn't help but join in on the giggle fit in the hallway, the once tall and mighty Leona reduced to mere inches. Despite his protesting, you lifted him by the back of his shirt like it was his scruff, poking his chest gently with your other hand.
"Mm, well, I think it's bad enough they'll be getting a 20% dock on their mark, so we're going to help them out and submit you as proof."
Leona growled, his hands holding your finger tightly as if it could do anything to stop you.
"....I'll make it up to you later, or you can choose to refuse but I'm going to tell Malleus about this."
Even at his minuscule size, you could see the flash of anger in his eyes at the mention of Malleus.
"Don't you dare bring this up to the lizard...fine. We'll....we'll go to Crewel's...but if ANY of you breathe a word of this to ANYONE else, turning you to sand will be a show of MERCY."
"And the crowd goes wild as Ruggie Bucci scores one more goal for Savanaclaw right before half time! He couldn't have cut it closer if he'd tried!"
The announcer kept rambling about one thing or another, but your eyes were on your boyfriend as he, (rightfully), showboated a little on his broom, working the crowd a bit. His smile was downright adorable as he did so, before he finally made eye contact with you and it got a lot more devious.
He shot up on his broom into direct sunlight, so when you tried to follow him with your eyes, it took a few seconds of blinking before you saw him hanging upside down by his knees on his broom in front of you. His tail had to be wagging a mile a minute as he giggled a bit.
"Shyeeheehee heya sweetheart~ you're a real pretty face to be showin' up around here. Y'got a boyfriend?"
This little shit
He knew he was just out of reach for a kiss, and while amused, you tried to conceal it under a mask of being jokingly mad.
"You know, if you had a significant other, they might not be too impressed with these shenanigans."
Ruggie stuck his tongue out a bit.
"I'm pretty confident I'm cute enough to get out of any sort of trouble with them."
Your expression was pretty telling that that was exactly what the case was. He snickered and came close enough to hold your face, teasing you with the possibility of a kiss before he just shed his jacket and tossed it at you instead. The whistle blew, and Ruggie sat back upright on his broom despite the indignant sound you made.
Even though the first time you had attended Magift practice at Savanaclaw you had been...given a concussion by Grim via magift disc to the head, it wasn't enough to keep you away for good.
Jack had invited you, (and reluctantly allowed Grim), to come watch morning practice. (But only if you wanted to.)
Before he had even seen you, his ear flicked and his tail started wagging just from recognizing your footsteps. He had to keep his attention on Leona during the brief as a sign of respect, but as soon as Leona dismissed the debrief, he flashed you a bright smile and waved at your spot on the bleachers.
It was clear to everyone playing, Jack was distracted, as he kept glancing over at you after every play, to the point where Leona had to stop the disc from hitting Jack square in the jaw and call a recess.
Jack didn't seem to realize the break was done because of him. You couldn't hear from where you were, but whatever Leona said to Jack made the freshman's ears flatten and tail tuck a bit. Leona shook his head a bit before gently shoving Jack in your general direction, Ruggie looking rather amused at the entire interaction.
Jack approached you, a little bashful and ashamed as he rubbed the back of his neck, averting his eyes.
"Ah...uhm...for some reason...Leona thinks you being around is a distraction to me...which is NOT true, but he doesn't think it's safe for me to play as long as you're here...which is dumb, because...I wasn't distracted."
You couldn't help but grin a little, using your height on the bleachers to meet him right at eye level. You didn't make him look at you, but you knew he certainly felt like he should.
"Wanna look at me and try saying that again?~"
Jack sputtered a bit, his cheeks feeling warm and feeling as if he needed to take a step back as you just gave him a bigger shit eating smile, stepping down from the bleachers until you were right in front of him, trying to get him to look at you, though he covered his face partially with his hand.
"Okay, that's enough, if you keep teasing him he's not gonna be able to focus for the entire day."
Leona sighed, shaking his head and holding his head with three of his fingers.
"I'm surprised his tail isn't sprained from how fast it's been wagging shyeheehee" Ruggie snickered, and you stepped back, shrugging innocently.
"I wasn't teasing, I was just-"
"That's enough I said. You can go wait by the mirror entrance or go back to Ramshackle. Somebodies puppy crush is a hazard to himself, so if he's still acting a fool he'll come meet you soon."
Azul: (extremely Flirty MC SORRY LKSJHFLKSDJF)
"It's good isn't it?"
As much as he detested that smug tone, there was no way he could deny just how much he had enjoyed the meal you had prepared, ready to offer a trade.
He sighed.
"You're obviously skilled. I would be willing to pay for the recipe in exchange for giving you free food at the end of the night."
The less food waste recorded the better, and you needed to save every cent you could...not to mention, just giving you the trash food at the end of the night would save him the trouble of hiring you, going through the onboarding process, and having to pay you. Hopefully you would go for the free food, considering it enough compensation for the rest of the time you were here.
What he didn't expect, was for you to laugh, taking a seat on his desk and serving another forkful of food, holding it up to his lips.
"Oh come on now Azul. Do you really think I can't provide for myself? I didn't come here for that type of trade~"
Azul felt his cheeks flush, gently pushing the fork aside as he averted his eyes, his mind deciding to entertain a train of thought that was more emotional than logical...surely you weren't implying what he thought you were.
He chanced a glance back at you, only to be met with that...infuriatingly conniving smile he found aggravatingly stunning.
Your smile only widened. "What's wrong Azul? Not in the market for a kiss or two?~" You leaned closer to him, a pathetic squeak leaving him before you heard a very polite clearing of the throat from near the entrance of Azul's office.
"I'm so very sorry if I'm interrupting something, but your next clients are here Azul. It would be rude to keep them waiting." Jade flashed a polite, but strained smile at you, hoping you would get the message.
You sighed softly, blowing a kiss over your shoulder as you left the room.
"Enjoy the rest of your meal Azul~ You've got my number if you want it again!"
Jade: (sorry this doesn't quite fit the bill but I think it's cute)
"It's not much further. Please, be cautious of where you step, the moss can be quite slippery."
You fought to not pant trying to follow Jade. You had only agreed to this hike because he said it was beginner-friendly, and he had seemed SO excited when he had told you about a mushroom species he was eager to find.
Yet here you were, scaling a small waterfall, watching Jade's every step to try and follow for the sake of not DYING.
Maybe that was a bit dramatic, but the point was, whether it was due to embarrassment, or not wanting to get hurt, you didn't plan on falling in front of Jade.
Jade made it up first, offering you a smile and his hand to help pull you up.
Part of you thought about how he might pull you close once you got up, but that was quickly dashed as he kept you nearly an arms length away. A small pout threatened to form on your lips, but you just smiled and thanked him for his assistance. He nodded slightly, before venturing forward.
"The mushrooms I thought I saw shouldn't be much farther. Do make sure you stay cl-"
A yelp left Jade as he slipped on the very moss he had warned you about. You weren't entirely sure what made you think you could catch him, but your body acted before your mind. It must have been the adrenaline, or maybe a desperate need to impress him, because somehow you managed to catch and support the merman before he hit the ground so you could gently place him down, you staring down at him in confusion, and him looking up at you in absolute bewilderment. You weren't exactly what took over, but before Jade could say anything, you could feel a shit eating grin grow on your face as your heart felt as though it was pounding out of your chest.
"Falling for me hard and fast, huh?"
Jade looked shocked, but amused, picking himself off the ground, before matching your height with a small smile as he spoke softly in your ear.
"Did it take you this long to notice?~"
It was 3am.
It was 3 in the fucking morning when you heard a crack from your front door.
And yet, your sense of self-preservation went completely out of the window as the smell of your favourite meal started to fill Ramshackle. Making sure you didn't wake Grim, you gingerly left your bed, curiousity getting the better of you as you made your way down the stairs.
You took a peek at the front door as you came down, expecting splinters, but from what you could see, it was completely fine. You could hear soft humming and scatting coming from the kitchen, giving you a pretty good idea of who was in there. You couldn't help the smile that played over your lips as you watched Floyd use your kitchen utensils as drumsticks, making sure to stop right before they made contact with anything while he vocalized the drumline instead. You assumed it was an attempt to be quiet, but as soon as he heard the floorboards creak, his attention locked onto you and he pushed his headphones back as he beamed.
"Floyd wh-"
"Shrimpyy!!! I got bored and Azul took my key for the Mostro Lounge so I came here. Gotta few recipes I felt like makin', 'nd I know you ain't comin' by food easily. Figured you could be my taste tester in exchange for me usin' your kitchen. Also I broke the lock on your door cuz I lost the key ya gave me, but I fixed it too so don't get mad about it."
If it were anyone else, you may have gotten a little pissy, maybe asked for more of an explanation, but Floyd's animated nature and excitement as he continued his little drumming session had you smiling fondly. You sat at one of the stools on the far side of the island in comparison to Floyd, watching him work.
"I'm fine by that." You couldn't help but wonder a little bit, what had kept Floyd up this late, but you knew asking would likely only kill his mood, and that was the last thing you wanted. Not just because he was cooking FOR you, but he seemed so happy doing so...it wasn't worth it, he was clearly distracting himself with whatever kept him up with this.
By serving you.
Your mind wandered to a few other times Floyd had looked out for you in his...unique way. You must have zoned out for longer than you thought, as you were brought back to the present as Floyd waved a piece of food in front of you. He looked at you expectantly.
"Well are ya gonna have a taste?"
Your eyes flicked up to his mismatched ones as you offered a mischievous smile.
"Of the food or your lips?"
His eyes widened slightly, before he started giggling, then leaned over the island.
"Well I wouldn't be opposed t'ya tryin' both~"
You were so close to him, your stomach and heart doing flips just as you leaned in and-
Possibly the fastest you'd ever witnessed Grim move, he launched himself at Floyd's face, managing to land a kick and effectively move you and Floyd apart.
The food he had offered you plopped unceremoniously onto the counter as Floyd made a spitting noise, and Grim stood protectively, panting, staring Floyd down.
"That's right! Ya better not be scarin' my hench human! You're lucky all you got was a mouthful of fur, I'll light you up next time!!"
After a beat of silence, Floyd started to giggle.
"Ehee~ Seaaaalie, ya sure got some nerve interrupti-"
"Aha, you were hidin' food!! I can't believe you did this, I thought you loved me prefect." Grim's ears folded down, the pout audible in his voice as he scooped up the food that had landed on the counter, oblivious to the now murderous glare Floyd was giving him.
You couldn't help but chuckle, getting up just enough to move closer to Floyd. With the cat distracted and fanboying over the food, it was easier to relinquish Floyd's anger without another interruption. You grabbed his shirt and tugged him to you, grinning.
"I missed out on tasting that bite, but I won't miss out on enjoying you~"
You were just sitting on the front steps of Ramshackle, watching as the sunset painted the sky in beautiful red, orange, pink and purple hues. A slight breeze kept the lingering heat of the day at bay, the only sound you could hear being the slight chirping of birds. Grim was currently, at least supposedly, with Ace and Deuce at Heartslaybul, meaning all three thirds of the braincell were not your responsibility.
God was life always this boring without them around?? Yeah, sure, the peace and quiet could be nice but it felt weird now, where was the drama, the tension, the shenanigans, the tomfoolery?? You rubbed your face with your hands, groaning a bit out loud. Were you seriously so wired to this world's madness now that a moment of peace felt like you were just waiting for something to go wrong?
Your head shot up, to the voice that was coming from above you.
"Kalim?? What are you doing here?" You smiled, moving to stand up as he descended slightly on his carpet, somewhat dismissing his concerned expression.
"Ah- well um, I was gonna come and ask if you wanted to come to Scarabia tonight for a party! But then I got in trouble with Jamil and he didn't know the party was gonna happen so I didn't want to throw it anymore, but I still wanted to hang out with you! If you're not busy that is. I can take you on a magic carpet ride!"
Oh thank the sevens, someone was going to relieve you of your weird, anxious boredom.
"Scooch over, I'm getting on." There was a lilt of amusement to your voice as you clambered on behind Kalim, wrapping your arms around him, gently resting your cheek against his shoulder. He giggled softly in response, making sure that the two of you rose slowly away from the ground.
"Where'd you wanna go? I can take you over the school, we could go to the field and cheer on the track team, we could even go to the beach! Ah, but if Jamil caught us he might get grumpy, so maybe we should stay on campus."
You hummed softly. "Honestly, I just want company right now. If you just take us to the top of NRC and let us watch the sunset together, that'll be more than enough for me right now."
"I can do that!! Hold on to me, okay??" You nodded a bit against his shoulder, and he took off.
Though he had to speak a bit louder over the rush of wind in your ears, you could hear him perfectly well as he spoke.
"You know, back home, there's a story about this sort of thing, there's even a song! I'll sing it to you if you want!"
"It might be better if you wait until we stop flying-"
"Nonono, part of the whole appeal is singing WHILE flying." He glanced back at you, his puppy dog eyes working their own kind of magic before you silently agreed. His expression lit up immediately as he began to sing.
"I can show you the woAGHOU"
Kalim's hand went to beat on his chest, causing you to yelp as the two of you started to careen forward. You reached forward and tugged up on the magic carpet, narrowly avoiding running into the school and sent the two of you sprawling into the grass instead.
You were glad your hands made contact with the ground first; it made it somewhat easier to help roll Kalim away from eating dirt, and to stop yourself from colliding into his back.
It took a moment for both of you to collect yourselves after you hit the ground, but in less than thirty seconds you were both on your knees, looking at each other. Somehow you managed to ask at the exact same time, "are you okay??!", followed by a beat of silence, and then laughter.
Jamil: (this killed me to write so I'm sorry it's not as good as the other ones/not quite the same)
Jamil had invited you to the Scalding Sands. Rather, Kalim had beat him to the punch, as there was an event going on he wanted you to attend. Jamil had offered to let you come with him a day or two before, seeing as he was supposed to be there early to assist his parents with preparations. As if he needed to entice you further, (and convince Kalim it was a good idea), he offered to give you a tour of the palace.... nobody wanted you to be victim to the expansive maze that the Al-Asim's property was after all.
Well, that was the excuse you both rolled with.
The streets were buzzing with energy, vendors calling out everywhere, sights and smells and sounds of the market filling your senses, but your focus was on something else entirely.
Jamil wasn't a touchy person, but he had been the one to take your hand. His hand held onto yours firmly, leading you with confidence through the bustling streets of Silk City. Despite the errands you were running with him, he insisted on being the one to hold everything. He was also incredibly patient as he stopped anytime you inquired about something.
However, it was him who slowed down upon seeing a small crowd congregate around what you could only assume was some sort of street performer, music playing. He had brushed past most others, but he worked his way through the crowd, seemingly curious to see who was at the center of attention. No sooner had you made it to the front of the crowd that one of the dancers lit up and called out to Jamil, greeting him as if they were old friends.
"Do you know them?"
Jamil had a bit of a mischievous smile on his face. "You could say that."
You quirked your brow as his 'friend(?)' came over, the two of them speaking rapidly in Arabic as they shared a quick hug. Jamil switched back into English, introducing you to his friend.
His friend wore a bit of shit eating smile. "You know Jamil dances, right? Did you ever wonder how he learned?"
"Now hold on, don't go crediting yourself for that, I taught myself."
"If you count flailing like a monkey as dancing, then yes, you did, but as an art? You only got to where you're at because of me."
Jamil tsked and rolled his eyes, waving his friend off, though it was clear it was light hearted.
"You haven't seen me dance in ages."
"Right, I'm sure you've had pleeeenty of time to practice at that fancy college of yours."
You couldn't help but interrupt their bickering by taking everything from Jamil's hands and shoving him forward a bit.
"Just let him show you what he's got."
Both of them looked at you in slight disbelief, but amused.
"MC we really don't have the ti-"
"Are you scared of embarrassing yourself Viper? Come on, if your date says you're as good as you claim you still are, you should have no issue joining us for one song. Just like old times."
His friend could see the gears in both of your heads come to a screeching halt, even if for just a moment. Sure, you had wanted it to be something like that, but hearing it put so bluntly...
You wrapped your arm around Jamil's waist with a shit-eating grin, ignoring the rising heat to your own cheeks.
"My boyfriend plays down his abilities all the time. I hope you're ready to be humbled." Before pushing him into the middle of the ring.
Despite his slightly flustered state, you could have sworn you heard him whisper about how he would get you back for that, a promise you could only hope he would keep.
"I told you to stop moving." His voice, though slightly irritated was just as amused as you struggled to stop laughing.
"But it tickles. Can't I just put it on with my hands?"
An offended gasp left Vil as he tilted your face slightly, brushing on more of the facemask. "No you heathen, we can't just apply it with our hands."
"What if. I washed my hands super super well." His expression left you giggling again as he sighed and pulled the brush away, his faux frustration melting away to a soft smile, shaking his head.
"Sometimes even I struggle to tell when you're just teasing or when you're serious." He chuckled softly, reapplying a bit of product to the brush to continue putting it on your face. You tried not to scrunch your nose, but sevens, he was applying it so lightly it felt weird!
As absorbed as you were in the feeling of the brush, he considered what your reaction might be if he were to kiss you this very moment. He knew that of all the people in the school, he was the only one who had achieved this level of casual intimacy. As good as he was at reading other people's emotions, the nagging anxiety of reading you, specifically, wrong could be the end of the friendship he held so dear. Of course, even if you were to reject him, you were both old enough to be mature about it, but rejection was not something Vil handled well.
He was pulled from his thoughts as he realized just how close he had gotten. Hell, your breathing had hitched at his closeness, eyes wide as your mind raced with possibilities. Vil SO wanted to kiss you in that moment, but his door flung open with a bang, startling the two of you apart. Vil shot the intruder a dirty look.
Epel was out of breath, bent over, pale and wincing as he looked to his housewarden in his P.E uniform, not noticing you there.
Vil's face went from mildly frustrated to near fear for his vice housewarden, until the mans laugh from down the hall echoed into the room.
"Oui. I believe it's nothing major, but you are more versed in healing magic than I am Vil."
Rook came into view, holding an arrow that was firmly lodged into his shoulder, his smile subdued from pain, but genuine.
Vil immediately came over, getting over his initial shock and ire in favour of helping Rook.
You got up from the bed, mostly with the intention of teasing Epel, but he took one glance at you and couldn't help but laugh breathlessly.
"You look like y'got mayo on your face."
"You're about to have disappointment on yours."
You nodded towards Vil , who evidently didn't feel confident in removing the arrow at the dorm, chiding Rook for coming to him instead of going to the infirmary.
"If that's the talking to Rook's getting, I can only imagine yours."
"....aw shit."
Rook: (insert distressed Sebek emoji I've become far too reliant on on Discord to convey my Feelings because I'm Just Hoping this suffices for the Rook Fans.)
You could hear knocking at the door, light, but insistent. You were slightly annoyed - Grim could open the door by himself...at least he could if he were home. You forgot that you had given him "permission", (AKA, you had begged Vil to let Epel keep him around for a night to give yourself a night to relax), to go to a "sleepover".
So who was knocking at your bedroom door?
You felt a wave of anxiety wash over you, until a soft voice came from beyond the door.
"Mon trickster, I know you are awake. May I come in?"
Your brain needed a moment to buffer before you responded.
As if there was any question about it, you chided yourself a tiny bit, but Rook took it as an invitation to come in, smiling warmly and waving a bit as he entered the room.
"Bonjour. I was hoping to whisk you away for a mome-"
"What are you doing here??"
Your question was as amused as it was...a little concerned.
"Why didn't you knock at the front door?"
Rook tilted his head a bit, as if he were surprised you were questioning him.
"Ah, I did, but upon not getting a response and knowing you were up, I let myself in. Do not fret, nothing is broken. I wouldn't want to leave you without a reliable lock on your door. However, I do respect your privacy, so I knocked before coming into your bedroom."
He smiled softly as you wondered just how reliable that lock was, before Rook continued.
"As for my presence in our home, I was hoping to treat you to a relaxing night. I know Monsieur Fuzzball is currently occupied."
He fully stepped into the room, and only then did you note the picnic basket in his hand, complete with a blanket on top. The flash of interest didn't go unnoticed by Rook - why would it? He smiled and held it up a little bit.
"These are the leftovers of the food I helped some of the dorm members make, undetected by Vil. I thought we could have a few snacks while we stargaze...then again, I could gaze at the most lovely star I know if we were to stay inside."
A sly smile grew as he winked at you playfully, causing you to look away a little bit.
"So? What do you say my dear?"
Somehow, when you lifted your head again to look at him, he was next to your bed and awaiting your answer with a fond expression.
You couldn't help but push his face away a bit, laughing a little flustered as you got out of bed, causing him to giggle a bit too.
"We can go up. I would love to stargaze with you."
At least, you would have.
Rook had shown you how to get up there, your common sense returning as you remembered just how dilapidated Ramshackle was when you showed up- you hadn't spent nearly as much time fixing up the outside of Ramshackle as you had on the inside. You scooted yourself nervously onto the ledge, just enough to be secure, though Rook reassured you he had done this dozens of times, (he had?), and there was no reason to worry.
Despite his reassurance, he let you stay where you were so he could set up the blanket, walking confidently and lightly across Ramshackle's roof. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you, crickets chirping and the buzz of other insects filling the air, as well as the now familiar creaks and groans of the old house settling beneath you two.
Rook hummed softly, satisfied with the set up and came back to get you, his hand outstretched. He smiled warmly, the moonlight only serving to make his already attractive features more stunning.
"Will you join me for our date, mon tri-"
Just as you reached out for his hand, both of you heard a loud creak. Despite his best efforts, Rook let out a soft, but discernable "Merde" as he fell through Ramshackles roof, laying winded in the attic on his back trying to gather his thoughts.
Obviously concerned, you peeked into the sizeable hole in your roof, peering down at the blond.
"....Are you okay????"
You tried to suppress your laughter, but at his slightly bewildered look, followed by a grin and thumbs up, both of you bubbled into giggles.
He stood up, then reached out towards you.
"I'll catch you. We can continue down here instead my dear."
You smiled and slid your legs over the hole, letting it be future you's problem as you hummed, giving him a cheeky grin.
"Promise? Because I've already fallen for you a hundred times before."
His eyes widened slightly, before smiling a little bit more.
"Then this time, I promise to catch you and never let you fall again, mon amour."
Epel: (this one is different sorry)
You could see him, just barely, peeking through the classroom doors narrow window. The tell tale purple poof of hair was hard to miss.
Evidently, Crewel's class had gotten out a little early, and here you were between Ace and Deuce, listening to Trein drone on about something he already covered. With Passion. You held in a ragged sigh, glancing at the clock on the wall, willing for the seconds to tick by faster.
Finally, the bell rang, Trein's voice being drowned out by the shuffling of bags and students making their way to the door.
In all the hubbub, you had managed to get squished in an Adeuce sandwich as they walked you out the door, Ace's teasing voice lilting in amusement.
"Where ya runnin' off to so fast preeeeefect? Got a special someone waitin' for you?"
Deuce chimed in, though gentler in his tone.
"I saw a certain someone looking at you through the window....mostly 'cus Lucius meowed at him peeking, but-"
You groaned, elbowing them both in the ribs as you saw fit, shaking them off your shoulders. Gods you hated to love them and loved to hate them the little shits. You and Epel were just friends. That was all there was to it. Grumbles and giggles followed behind you from the two of them as you managed to make it out of the classroom.
You were just friends.
....then why did your stomach do a flip when you looked at Epel and he greeted you with that boyish grin of his?
Idia: (also don't come after me for nobody recognizing Lilia's voice assume he has a voice changer or something idk)
"Brb, my brother needs me for something."
You and Muscle Red responded softly, hearing as "Gloomurai" AKA "Gloomy" AKA Idia Shroud got up from his desk, leaving you and his friend alone.
Now, you only knew it was Idia because you usually would game together in his room, so it wasn't like he didn't know it was you on the other side either, you just had finally had the means to get your own set up and wanted to test it out. Idia and Muscle Red had plans already, but neither of them minded you joining them as you had a couple times before.
But you and Red had never been left together before. And just like IRL, being left with a friends friend left some amount of awkwardness to be had.
You held in a breath of relief as Red spoke up.
"So, how long have you and Gloomy known each other?"
"Just under a year. We go to the same school together."
"Oho? You've met in person then? Forgive me if I'm being invasive, but please do tell, what's he like? We've been online friends for years, I can't help but be a teensy bit curious about the man behind the screen."
You waited a beat. You knew part of the reason that Idia didn't share much about his personal life was because of his reasoning behind not wanting to ever feel too close to the people he connecting with online...yet Red was one of his best friends. And you wouldn't overshare, you could just share your thoughts on him. Besiiiides it wasn't like Idia would hear you gushing about him to his friend, he had left his desk to go help Ortho with something.
"....well...Gloomy is a pretty introverted guy but...as I've gotten to know him better? He can be really sweet, and passionate about the things he loves. He's a little shy and awkward, but I think it's part of his charm. He's also, just. Gorgeous. But don't tell him I said that."
Mischievous laughter came from Red as an audible "Idia dying" sound came through your headphones.
"You know, after being able to know our dear friend, I would have thought you'd have known Gloomurai wears Bluetooth headphones." You felt a little embarrassed as Red chuckled again.
"I told you Gloomy, that they liked you back. You've got no doubt about it now. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone~"
The telltale blip of him disconnecting left the two of you in incredibly awkward silence, until Idia had the guts to ask.
"D...d-do you really think all that?"
Ortho: (platonic, obviously)
"Ah, there you are Prefect, I tried to call and text, I even dropped by Ramshackle to see if you were there, how courteous am I to have sought you out to hand deliver your tasks for the week, aren't I just the best?"
Ortho could all but see the light drain from not only your eyes, but your expression as a whole as Crowley continued to ramble on about his generous nature.
How dare he? This was supposed to be you and him time. You had even less time than Idia to dedicate to hanging out together, because of how hard you worked for the headmage.
Before you really had a chance to acknowledge the headmage, Ortho got in between the two of you, getting in Crowley's face a little bit, floating to ensure the man would see him eye to eye.
"You're interrupting my time with the prefect sir. This is my one and only warning for you to stop."
Crowley took a slight step back, flabbergasted at the boys behaviour before he brushed his outfit down as if he was calming ruffled feathers.
"Well...I really must speak to the prefect Ortho, it's no small matter and you're far too young to underst-"
"I gave you a warning Sir. If it's no small matter, then it's probably your responsibility anyways. Instead of pawning off your less than desirable tasks to the prefect, why don't you think a little harder about what sort of stress that puts them under when they've already dealt with overblots completely unassisted. They've done more than enough for you and the school, and will no longer be at your beck and call, mkay? My brother and I can make sure they get the money they need so they don't have to work for you at all anymore. So now, you know that they won't be doing your dirty work anymore, you and your shadow can go back to your office and be the pathetic mess of a man you are on your own because you've got no friends, no family, and no significant relationships in your life to ease the ache of loneliness. Goodbye."
Without waiting for a response, Ortho grabbed the headmage by the shoulders and turned him away from you, giving him a light push towards the school before returning to your side.
"I know where we can find some really cool rocks, follow me!!"
DIASOMNIA (RIP my braincells, sorry guys)
Malleus: I'm so sorry this man. It's more platonic than anything.
"See that one? It's modeled after Corvus corax, the Common raven. And that gargoyle is similar, though the subtle differences imply it's modeled after Corvus corone, the Carrion crow."
He smiled rather proudly at you, glad to share and show off his knowledge to someone he cared for so deeply.
"What do you think?"
"I think I like the fox grotesque more."
A small 'hm?' left Draconia, a bit of a look of shock on his face until he registered that you were teasing, a playful smile playing over his lips.
"Only you would jest with me so casually Child of Man." He chuckled softly, patting your head. "Thank you for accompanying me today for club hours. I've rather enjoyed having someone else to speak to."
He turned towards you more, gently taking your face in his hand, rubbing your cheek gently with his thumb.
"It's not often I feel as appreciated as I do with you. Thank you, for everything you've do-"
Sebek's pathetic bleating drew both of your attention, an almost annoyed sounding huff leaving Malleus as he let go of your face, though stepped closer to you as Silver and Sebek ran up to the both of you.
"Wakasama, we've been looking for you everywhere! We were so worried-"
"We were not..."
"That we may never find you again!!"
"You're so dramatic..." Silver shook his head a bit, sighing.
"Apologies Malleus. Fa- Lilia sent for you. He went to your meeting for you and wants to fill you in."
He wore a slight pout on his lips, but nodded.
"I understand. Thank you Silver." He turned towards you, offering a slight bow. "I'll see you in due time, child of man. Until next time."
Lilia: (a little different, sorry)
"Kehehehe, are you excited prefect?"
You had to refrain from rolling your eyes. Of course of all the people you could have been paired with for home ec. you got Lilia Vanrouge....not that you minded entirely, he was pretty cute.
But being cute didn't get you good grades, and it certainly didn't improve your cooking ability.
You tapped the end of your wooden spoon against his nose.
"I'll be excited if you and I can pull this off successfully. No experimenting with the recipe, okay?"
Lilia sighed dramatically, sticking out his tongue.
"Fine. Ruin my fun. That's fine." He giggled a bit afterwards, scooping the recipe card up just as Crewel placed it down, not giving you so much as a glance at it.
"Alright, you ready? Let me read the ingredients to you."
You gave him a bit of a dirty look, only to be greeted with a wide grin. He took the spoon from your hand, gently booping your nose back.
"Aw come on~ you trust me, don't you? And you already took away my other fun, let me have this!"
Despite your better judgement, you relented.
He kept his promise- everything seemed reasonable as he read it out to you.
"Whisk two cups of AP flour, two and a half teaspoons of baking powder and a pinch of salt in a large bowl."
"Got it."
"Then beat the eggs until aerated, and slowly add the sugar. While you add sugar to the eggs, give me a kiss to give me some sugar too. By the time we're done, the eggs should be triple their size."
"Got- huh"
You turned around, bewildered at what you had heard, to see Lilia's cheeky grin.
"Well prefect, are you gonna follow the recipe card?"
You gave him a playful smile, gently pushing his face away from yours, leaving you both in giggles.
"I'll follow what the card actually says....and if this turns out, maybe I'll give you that kiss."
"This is my favourite place to feed the wild rabbits....I know it's not great for them, but they deserve a little treat every once in a while just like everyone else."
Silver's voice was soft as a small group of wild rabbits hopped around the two of you, as if they were pets. The two of you sat under the shade of one of the many apple trees of Night Raven College. Silver used a dagger to expertly cut into the ripe, unbruised apples he had picked out for the rabbits, claiming they deserved better than the fallen fruit.
You watched him, how focused he was, yet how soft he looked under the dappled shadows casted on him from the leaves above. He caught you watching, glancing at you and cracking just the slightest smile as he cut a piece of the apple and handed it to you,
"The grey one is super friendly. You can try feeding it. You'll probably be allowed to pet her too."
You thanked him softly, so as not to startle your furry friends and heeded his advice. You weren't exactly surprised when his advice paid off, though you still let out a soft sound of content as the bunny hopped into your lap, allowing you to pet it gently.
You heard Silver hum softly. "She really likes you. You should come here with me more often."
You couldn't help but smile a little shyly at that. "I would lo-"
Kalim's piercing voice cut through the quiet, peaceful environment the two of you had, startling all of you, but most of all the rabbits as they scattered and disappeared into the bushes, making Silver sigh softly in disappointment before offering you a small smile.
"We can get them back after. Let me talk to Kalim. I'll be right back." His gaze lingered a moment longer than it should have before he got up. You felt a bit of a funny feeling in your chest as you entertained the thought of him kissing you, trying to erase the thought before he would be able to tell.
"How did you even manage this human?"
Sebek had to bite his tongue, trying to keep his voice down so as to not spook your horse.
Somehow, your boot had slipped all the way through the stirrup, but nothing you or he did got your foot or boot loose enough to pull it back through. He tried to pull your boot off too, but that had just hurt.
You were trying really hard to not laugh. Yes it was inconvenient and uncomfortable, but how you managed to get yourself in this position was as funny to you as it was frustrating to Sebek.
You had asked Riddle for assistance at first, but Silver had called his attention over for something more pressing, so he had appointed Sebek to help you.
Sebek let out a frustrated bellow as yet another attempt was met with no progress, your horse side stepping away from him anxiously. You patted your horse gently and just looked at Sebek apologetically.
"You can just wait til Riddle or Silver can help with magic. It's not like the pain is unbearable."
"No. I was tasked with releasing you from your saddle. I will complete what has been required of me. Excuse me."
He knelt down to undo the saddle from beneath, and you got the hint, trying to move your foot out of the way best you could to let him do so.
He stood back up, and gestured to get you to get your horse to lay down so he could be taller. He offered his arms to you.
"Hold onto me. I'll make sure the saddle comes with you so it doesn't tug on your ankle."
Of course, it was just as your arms wrapped around Sebeks neck that Riddle came back, making a bit of a flustered noise at the sight of the two of you so close to each other.
"What is going on here?!!"
Sebek reeled, ducking his head out from your hands, flushed.
You looked rather unamused between the two biggest sticks in the mud you knew and gestured at your foot, still firmly stuck in the stirrups of your saddle.
"I'm still just trying to be granted sweet release."
--------------------------------------- RAHHHHH GOOD GOD I FINALLY FINISHED IT
Hopefully it lives up to expectation <3
----------------------------- Tag list:
@fluffle-writes @my-cursed-brain
@nyx-of-night @sickle-stick @distant-velleity @nemisisnemi @amatsuchan-eiliniel @random-twst-and-oc-stuff
I'm so tired BYE I love you guys
602 notes · View notes
bradshawsbaby · 1 year
Love in the Air
Pairing: Rooster x Female Reader
Summary: You weren't expecting anything interesting or exciting to happen on your flight from Virginia to San Diego. But what happens when you decide to shoot your shot with the handsome stranger sitting in front of you on the plane?
Word Count: 12.5k
Author’s Note: Thank you so much to my dear friend, @ryebecca for giving me the idea for this one! I've been mulling it over in my brain for a while now, and the super adorable Netflix movie Love at First Sight gave me some much-needed inspiration to finally see it through to completion. This story exists outside of the Mr. & Mrs. Bradshaw Universe, which is sort of a first for me, so I hope you all enjoy!
Warnings: Travel anxiety, some very mild angst, discussions of parental death, brief language, lots of fluff.
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If you had to rank your preferred modes of transportation, flying would probably be at the bottom of the list, beat only perhaps by public bus or bicycle. It seemed that no matter how hard you tried to make it as smooth and easy a journey as possible, your experiences at the airport always turned into one catastrophe after another.
Your flight this morning was supposed to take off at 9:30am, which meant that you had scheduled the start of your day to ensure that you would be at the airport no later than 7:15, accounting for traffic and long lines at check-in and security. That, of course, meant that you had to leave your best friend, Katie’s house in Fredericksburg at 5:45 on the dot in order to make the sixty-one mile trip to Charlottesville-Albemarle Airport, and that was being generous. If the two of you stopped for coffee—which Katie insisted was a must—that alone had the potential to derail your plans, which had you nervously fiddling with the bracelet you never took off, the one your dad had given you as a gift for your high school graduation.
“Relax,” Katie laughed, taking her eyes off the road for only a moment to reach out and squeeze your hands reassuringly, halting your anxious movements. “You’re going to get there with plenty of time to spare. There’s literally no one on earth who’s a more responsible flier than you. Have you ever even come close to missing a flight?”
“No,” you admitted sheepishly, taking a small sip of your hazelnut iced coffee. It did little to calm your nerves, but it was one of the best iced coffees you’d ever tasted.
“Of course you haven’t,” Katie smiled, her eyes back in front of her as she signaled to merge into another lane. “So just take a deep breath and enjoy all this gorgeous fall foliage. I’m going to get you there without incident, I promise.”
Katie knew better than pretty much anyone how much flying tended to stress you out. The two of you had been attached at the hip since the first day of kindergarten. Your friendship had survived all the ups and down of adolescence, boy drama, the separation of going to colleges hundreds of miles apart, heartache, loss, and so much more. She was truly the sister you never had, and you couldn’t be more grateful to have her in your life. Even now that you were living in San Diego, and Katie and her husband had moved to Fredericksburg, Virginia for Josh’s job, nothing could keep the two of you apart.
Using a little bit of the vacation time you’d accumulated at work, you’d taken a long weekend to fly out and surprise Katie for her and Josh’s housewarming party. It had been months since you had seen your best friend in person, and the two of you had spent the past few days acting like a couple of high schoolers, staying up all night eating junk food and keeping poor Josh awake with your loud and hysterical fits of laughter.
You hadn’t realized just how lonely you’d been, all by yourself in San Diego, until you’d witnessed up close how cozy and happy Katie’s life in Virginia was.
It wasn’t that you were jealous of Katie, not by any means. She and Josh had met in college, and you were thrilled that your best friend in the whole world had found her person, the one who was going to be there to hold her hand through life and love her through every up and every down. You had even shed a few happy tears when Katie had confided in you this past weekend that she and Josh were finally trying for a baby.
You weren’t jealous, but you desperately longed for what she had. While Katie and Josh had been happily in love since sophomore year, your love life had been decidedly marked by one failed relationship after another. The most painful of which had been your last boyfriend, Andrew. That breakup had been what had propelled you to accept the job offer that had taken you to San Diego almost a year ago.
“Screw Andrew!” Katie had told you as she’d helped you pack up your entire life into a few suitcases and boxes. “You’re headed to the Hottie Capital of America!”
“I must have missed that moniker on the travel brochures,” you responded dryly, although it was the first time you’d felt the urge to laugh in weeks.
“Um, hello, missy. It’s literally called ‘Fightertown USA,’” Katie said, stopping what she was doing to turn and face you, hands on her hips. “You’re going to end up with some sexy fighter pilot, and I am literally going to wither away with envy,” she giggled, winking at you.
“Yeah, right,” you smiled despite yourself, nudging her playfully.
“It’s true,” Katie sighed, feigning dramatics as she draped a hand across her forehead and swooned onto your bed. “I can see it now. You’re going to make the cutest little Marine or Navy wife.”
And yet, for all of Katie’s confidence, there you were, a whole year later, just as single as you had been when you’d first arrived in Fightertown.
It wasn’t to say you were completely on your own. You’d made some really good friends at work, and you got along with all of your neighbors. You’d even gone on a few dates with some guys from North Island. But none that ever went anywhere.
Spending the weekend with Katie and Josh, being reminded of just how in love the two of them were, made you wonder if it was ever going to be your turn.
“You okay?” Katie asked, breaking your silent reverie as she took the exit leading towards the airport in Charlottesville. It wasn’t necessarily the closest airport, but it was the only one for today that offered the flight you needed to get back home. “You seem so quiet.”
“Hm? Oh, yeah,” you nodded distractedly, smiling as you took another sip of your iced coffee. “Just a little tired, I guess.”
How could you possibly tell your best friend that seeing her happiness caused an ache inside your chest that hurt like nothing else you’d ever known? You couldn’t. It made you feel guilty enough just to admit it to yourself.
“Feeling a little nervous about your flight?” she pressed, reaching for her own iced coffee as the car came to a halt at a red light. “I know it’s long, and you hate connecting flights, but I stuck some Benadryl packets in your bag, if that helps at all. It sucks that you have such a hard time sleeping on planes.”
Smiling, you leaned over and pressed an affectionate kiss to her cheek. What had you ever done to deserve such a good friend? And there you were, lamenting about all the things she had that you didn’t.
“You’re the best,” you told her sincerely, giving her shoulder a small squeeze. “I’m so glad I was able to get down here this weekend.”
Katie beamed brightly, reaching up to squeeze your hand before placing hers back on the steering wheel. “You’re telling me. It was the best surprise ever. I’m just sad I can’t keep you here longer.”
“I’ll be back soon,” you promised, trying to mentally calculate when you might be able to get time off from work again.
“Maybe you can come down for Christmas this year?” Katie suggested hopefully, glancing over at you with her big green eyes.
“Maybe,” you nodded, twisting your bracelet once more as you saw the signs for the airport approaching. “Or maybe I can fly you and Josh out to San Diego.”
“Oh, yes! Christmas on the beach? Sounds perfect,” Katie grinned, looking out for the sign for departing flights.
All too soon, Katie was pulling up in front of the Delta terminal where your flight would be taking off in just a few hours.
“See? Only 7:11! I got you here ahead of your insane schedule, even with the stop for coffee,” your best friend teased, a twinkle in her eye as she indicated the time on the dashboard.
“Yeah, yeah,” you waved her off, laughing out loud as she swatted your hand jokingly.
The two of you climbed out of the car to grab your luggage from the trunk. You’d done your best to pack lightly, which was never an easy task for you, even just for a weekend trip. But somehow, you’d managed to squeeze everything you needed into a carry-on bag. Well, that and a giant duffel that you were claiming was a purse.
“Ugh, goodbyes make me crazy,” Katie shook her head, clearly trying to hide the tears that were brimming in her eyes, which caused tears to spring to your eyes as the two of you reached for each other.
“I love you so much,” you told her, squeezing her tightly as she rocked you back and forth in her arms. “I’ll call you when I land.”
“Text me when you get to your gate,” she said, pulling back and taking your hands in hers. “And let me know if there are any cuties on your flight,” she added with a grin, waggling her eyebrows suggestively.
“I doubt I’m going to bag any cuties looking like this,” you countered sarcastically, indicating the yoga pants and oversized sweatshirt you’d donned that morning, as well as the messy bun you’d thrown your hair into.
“Shut up, you’re gorgeous no matter what,” Katie scolded you, swatting you on the butt. “Now get going. We wouldn’t want you being late or anything like that,” she joked.
You laughed as well, though your heart ached a bit as you grabbed the handle of your suitcase and began turning towards the doors of the terminal.
“Love you! Talk to you soon!” Katie called out, waving and blowing kisses.
You threw one more wave your best friend’s way, then disappeared inside the terminal, which was already fairly crowded despite the early hour.
As expected, despite the fact that you’d taken pains to get there early and make sure you were on top of everything, the unlucky cloud that seemed to follow you whenever you flew made its appearance once again.
You of course ended up on the slowest moving line at security, only to be heavily questioned by the TSA agent who seemed to be under the impression that you looked nothing like the photo on your driver’s license. Then, when you finally got to the security scanners, you set off the metal detector and had to be publicly groped by another sour-faced TSA agent. As if that wasn’t bad enough, your suitcase was “randomly selected” for extra testing and security checks.
Katie may have loved to tease you about it, but this was precisely the reason why you always left as early as you did to get to the airport.
By the time you were finally rolling your suitcase towards your gate, you were feeling more frazzled than ever. Naturally, the gate had changed since your boarding pass had been printed, and now you had to trek halfway across the airport to find the new one.
You wondered what it felt like to be one of those lucky travelers whose gate was right at the center of the terminal, right near all the restaurants and shops. It had never been you. Without fail, no matter where or when you were flying, your gate always ended up being at the farthest corner of the terminal.
When you finally arrived, triple checking that the gate number matched your flight information, you let out a heavy sigh as you grabbed an open seat at the end of the row. To your surprise, you found that you were seated right next to an open outlet. You never got that lucky.
Turns out, you really did never get that lucky. When you plugged your phone in, you found that it wasn’t charging. Evidently, the outlet was open because it didn’t actually work.
Muttering under your breath, you unplugged your charger and threw it back into your duffel bag. At least your phone was still on 74%. You’d much prefer to have it fully charged, but this would do until you could charge it on the plane.
Glancing down, you realized that you had missed a text from Katie.
At the gate yet???
Rolling your shoulders back and getting more comfortable in your seat, you opened up the message so that you could send a quick response.
Just got here. You’d think I was on the No Fly List with how long it took me to get here.
Katie must have made good time getting home, because it wasn’t long before your phone was buzzing with another text.
😂😂😂 Get yourself a drink!
Katie, it’s not even 9am…
So? A mimosa then!
You laughed, shaking your head. A mimosa didn’t actually sound like such a bad idea right now. Neither did a large iced coffee. But now that you’d finally made it to your gate, you didn’t feel like dragging all your stuff with you across the terminal once again. And you didn’t feel comfortable leaving your things behind, unattended or even in the care of a stranger. Maybe you’d just order one on the plane.
When your phone buzzed again in your lap, you looked down and saw that it was another text from Katie.
Any cuties to share that mimosa with???
You were about to text her back that right now, the only cuties you could see were an adorable four-year-old and an elderly couple who must have been in their eighties when suddenly, the most gorgeous man you had ever seen in your life appeared, as if out of thin air. You were suddenly glad you didn’t have a mimosa or an iced coffee in hand, for you were certain that you would have spit it out in shock upon seeing this guy.
Jaw hanging open and eyes widening, your brain was too fuzzy from lack of sleep to remind you that it was wholly inappropriate and rude to stare.
He truly had to be the hottest man you had ever seen up close in real life. Tall, with broad, thick shoulders and a muscular build. His hair was a golden brown that looked like it was touched frequently by the sun—as did his skin, which was an amusing combination of both tan and pink, as though he should have applied just a pinch more sunscreen than he had. Most surprising of all was the mustache that made your stomach do a strange little flip. You usually weren’t all that attracted to facial hair of any sort, and most guys couldn’t pull off the mustaches they tried to sport, but this particular mustache was the sexiest thing you had ever seen. And somehow, despite not knowing this man from a hole in the wall, you couldn’t imagine him without it. It was like it was a part of his DNA.
Thankfully, he was still staring down at his boarding pass, so he hadn’t noticed your intense scrutiny. Coming to your senses, you closed your mouth and quickly averted your gaze, your cheeks growing hot with embarrassment. How mortifying. Imagine if he had looked over and caught you staring at him, gaping like a fish out of water?
Still, despite your self-consciousness at the thought of getting caught, you couldn’t help but steal another glance in his direction, this time out of the corner of your eye. He looked even taller this time around. It probably had something to do with the way he carried himself, an easy confidence pouring off him. This man knew he was hot stuff, of that you were sure. But there was also something unassuming about him, something quiet and almost humble. He was dressed in a pair of dark sweatpants and an old UVA T-shirt, nothing fancy or flashy. Somehow, however, he managed to pull it off even better than a three-piece suit.
You were startled out of your observations when your phone buzzed again. It was Katie, emphasizing her last message impatiently.
Do you have some kind of magic powers that I was unaware of to make hotties appear out of nowhere? Right when you texted me, the hottest guy I’ve ever seen walked up to my gate.
‼️‼️ GO TALK TO HIM!!! ‼️‼️
At the mere suggestion of going to talk to that guy, your stomach erupted into butterflies. Looking up once again, you saw that he had evidently confirmed he was at the right gate, and had settled down in a seat a couple rows over, facing away from you. God, even the back of his head was handsome.
Are you crazy? This guy is seriously the most gorgeous man I’ve ever seen. I look like a homeless lady that wandered in off the street. I am NOT talking to him!
Your phone buzzed angrily a moment later.
Will you shut up before I drive back there to hit you upside the head?! YOU are gorgeous!!! Who cares if you have no make-up on and your hair’s in a messy bun? It’s called airplane chic! You’re still completely stunning. He would be LUCKY to have a girl as hot as you want to talk to him!
Chewing your bottom lip, you looked up again, trying not to be obvious as your eyes slowly wandered over the people at your gate, until they landed on him once more. He was on the phone this time, having an animated conversation with whoever was on the other end of the line. Occasionally, he would turn slightly in your direction and you could catch a glimpse of his side profile.
Damn, this man was seriously perfect from every angle.
“Alright, Mav, I’ll see you when I land,” you heard him say—not that you were trying to eavesdrop—before he hung up the phone and dropped it back onto his lap.
It was then that you noticed his phone was plugged into the outlet next to his seat.
Maybe this could be your opportunity? You could casually walk over and see if there were any other open outlets near his. Perhaps you could even make a joke about how it was just your luck that the outlet near your seat wasn’t working. Maybe he’d laugh and tell you some horror story from his travel experiences and the two of you would end up talking until you exchanged numbers. Maybe there was some tiny, infinitesimal chance that this stunning man would actually be charmed by you and possibly even the teensiest bit interested.
Or maybe you would just remain rooted to your seat, terrified to move as you stared at the back of his head.
You were already anticipating the text from Katie when your phone buzzed once again.
The reason you’re not answering me better be because you’re in the middle of a conversation with Mr. Hottie from your gate!!!
Biting down on your lip, you turned your phone over, not knowing how to tell your best friend that you were too much of a chicken to get out of your seat and approach this guy.
At that moment, however, you were suddenly saved, at least somewhat, when a member of the flight crew announced that they were about to begin boarding. Forgetting about Katie’s texts and the hot guy sitting several feet away from you for a moment, you began gathering together all your belongings, making sure you hadn’t forgotten anything.
When your boarding group was called, you did one final sweep around your seat, securing the strap of your duffel bag up on your shoulder and wrapping one hand around the handle of your carry-on before making your way to the line extending from the counter.
As you stepped up behind the elderly couple you’d noticed earlier, your boarding pass slipped out of your hand, floating through the air despite your best attempt to reach for it, and landing somewhere behind you.
Turning to find it, you nearly collided with the tall wall of man behind you, who was bending at the same time to grab it off the floor.
“Oh!” you gasped, startled to find that Mr. Hottie, as Katie had dubbed him, was not only standing behind you in line, but was also holding your boarding pass in his hand, glancing down at it.
“San Diego with a layover in Atlanta, huh?” he grinned, glancing from the boarding pass up to your face. Unsurprisingly, he had a beautiful set of whiskey-colored eyes that made your stomach do the same strange little flip that his mustache had induced. Oh, and up close, the mustache was even sexier.
“Oh, um, yeah,” you nodded dumbly, your tongue suddenly feeling like it weighed a thousand pounds as your brain short-circuited and couldn’t come up with a single worthwhile thing to say.
“Glad to know I’m not the only one,” Mr. Hottie went on, holding your boarding pass out to you. “Looks like we’ve got a long day of flying ahead of us.”
Mouth hanging open, you slowly reached out and took the boarding pass from him, trying frantically to think of something—anything—to say. He was flying to San Diego, too? You were on the same exact flight? Including the same layover?
“Hey, the line's moving!” someone from the back called out, sounding annoyed.
Turning back over your shoulder, you were mortified to see that the elderly couple in front of you had disappeared and you were, in fact, holding up the line.
“Oh, um, I’m sorry,” you mumbled, ducking your head as you clutched your boarding pass and reached out for your carry-on. “Thanks again for grabbing this for me,” you told Mr. Hottie, waving your boarding pass slightly before turning and practically running towards the counter.
With his long stride, he caught up to you in no time, his smile friendly and warm as the two of you joined the line of people waiting to board the airplane.
“You weren’t holding anyone up,” he whispered down to you, as if it was some special secret the two of you were sharing. “I don’t know what that guy was in such a rush for. To move from that line to this one? We’re all getting out of here at the same time.”
You smiled at his words, feeling comforted by his reassurance. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. Some people are just always in a hurry.”
The two of you were quiet after that, and you wondered if that would be the end of the conversation. You were casting around for anything else you could talk about when he suddenly asked you, “So are you leaving home or heading home?”
Your heart fluttered at his question. If he didn’t want to keep talking, he wouldn’t have asked that, right?
“Heading home,” you told him, fiddling shyly with your bracelet. You laughed softly. “It’s still kind of weird saying that. I’ve only been in San Diego for about eleven months.”
He raised his eyebrow, one corner of his mouth turning up in a smile. “Yeah? Well, I know I’m a little late, but welcome to Fightertown. I hope it’s been treating you well.”
“Oh, it has been,” you nodded, making sure to pay attention to when the people in front of you began moving forward. “I take it you’re heading home then, too?”
“I am,” he grinned, shouldering the backpack he was carrying with him. “Well, actually, I’m kind of leaving home and heading home,” he amended. At your curious look, he explained, “I’m from Virginia originally, but I live in San Diego now. I guess you could say I’m a transplant, just like you,” he added with a chuckle. “Are you from Virginia, too?”
“New York, actually,” you told him, as the two of you followed the flow of people towards the plane. “But my best friend and her husband moved to Fredericksburg recently, so I was spending the weekend with them.”
“Ah, that’s a nice area,” he nodded, rubbing the back of his neck as he glanced down at you with a smile. At your unspoken question, he said, “I was actually down for a reunion weekend at my school. I went to UVA.”
“I gathered,” you replied teasingly, indicating his T-shirt.
Glancing downward, he shook his head and laughed. “Almost forgot I threw this on when I woke up. Trying to get to the airport on time is a real pain, isn’t it?”
“Absolutely,” you agreed with a laugh, adjusting your hold on your duffel bag. “Flying is definitely one of my least favorite modes of transportation.”
“Hmm, I don’t know if I’d say that,” he said in reply, an amused look on his face.
Before you could ask him what was so funny, however, you were being welcomed aboard the plane by the stewardesses, who were all smiling and indicating that they expected you to keep moving down the aisle.
Your heart dropped slightly at the abrupt end to your conversation. Now the two of you were going to go to your separate seats, and he’d probably forget all about you. It was one thing to make idle conversation with a stranger while on line, but you doubted he had any real interest in continuing the conversation beyond that.
Sighing softly, you rolled your suitcase down the aisle, pausing every now and then as the people in front of you put their bags in the overhead bins and got themselves sorted. When you finally reached Row 22, you stopped and looked back at Mr. Hottie with an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, this is me. I’ll just be a minute,” you told him, pushing down the handle of your carry-on.
“No worries, this is me,” he grinned, indicating Row 21. “I even snagged the window seat,” he added with a wink.
Your mouth went dry. He had the window seat of Row 21. You had the window seat of Row 22. He was sitting directly in front of you.
“Here, let me help you with that,” he said, reaching for your carry-on bag and easily hefting it above his head, sliding it into the overhead bin for you. “Do you need me to put this one up there, too?” he asked, pointing towards your duffel bag.
“Oh, no, it’s okay,” you shook your head, holding onto the strap of your bag. “I’m going to keep this one with me. Thanks a lot,” you smiled, not even noticing the line of disgruntled people that was beginning to form behind the two of you.
“No problem,” he smiled, starting to slide into his row with his backpack still on his back. “Have a great flight.”
“You, too,” you replied, a little sadly, as you crawled into your row, doing your best to ignore the annoyed looks some people were throwing your way.
Needless to say, it was just your luck that the impatient man from the boarding line ended up sitting right beside you. You tried to smile at him, but he just grunted and put his headphones on, completely ignoring you.
Fine by you. Pulling your phone out, you found that you had a whole new series of texts from Katie, demanding to know exactly what was happening.
On the plane now. We should be taking off soon. I talked a little bit to Mr. Hottie. Are you happy?
It didn’t take long at all for her to respond. You could imagine that she had been sitting by her phone, waiting eagerly for your message.
Eeeee, yes, very! What did you guys talk about? Are you sitting near each other on the plane? Did you exchange numbers??? Send me a picture!!!
You laughed softly to yourself as you tried your best to answer all the questions your excited friend had asked you.
Just small talk. He’s actually flying home to San Diego, too. He went to UVA and was there for a reunion weekend. We did not exchange numbers and I’m not going to be a creepy stalker and take a picture of him, but he actually is sitting in the seat right in front of me.
OMG, IT’S FATE!!! So he has the same layover and everything??? And he’s FROM San Diego?! Babe, this is the guy for you!!! You’ve got to keep talking to him!
How would you suggest I do that? Just tap him on the shoulder and whisper into his ear the whole time?
It’s only a couple hours to Atlanta, and then you’ll have the layover, and then another four and half hours to San Diego. You could practically be engaged by the time you land! Just slip him a little note or something. Give him your number!
Your stomach was doing somersaults at the mere thought. Between the two of you, Katie had always been the more outgoing one. She would have no problem slipping a note with her phone number on it to a complete stranger, putting herself out there for the possibility of rejection and utter humiliation. You, on the other hand, preferred to play it safe. It was much more comfortable that way. And sure, maybe you’d never met your Josh the way Katie had, but at least you’d never been hurt too badly, right?
Unbidden, you thought of Andrew and felt bile rise in your throat.
Luckily, you were saved from having to answer Katie right away when the cabin crew made the announcement that it was time to shut down all electronics. Switching your phone onto airplane mode, you slipped it into the front pocket of your duffel bag and took a deep breath, buckling your seatbelt and closing your eyes.
Takeoff was your least favorite part of any flight. When you were a little girl, your parents used to make funny faces and sing silly songs to distract you from your terror. Even now as an adult who was flying all on her own, you still tried to remember the sound of their voices as the plane began its ascent.
It didn’t take too long before you were finally cruising at 18,000 feet and the captain turned off the seatbelt sign. Since you were a Delta SkyMiles member, you got free Wi-Fi on all your flights, so you immediately reached to turn your phone back on to let Katie know you had taken off safely.
As soon as your phone connected with the Wi-Fi, it was instantly flooded with a slew of text messages. A couple were from some of your friends back in San Diego, wishing you a safe and easy flight, but most were from your crazy best friend.
Don’t think you can use being on a plane as an excuse not to answer my texts!
I know you’re a SkyMiles member and you can see these messages!
You better answer me!!!
Shaking your head, you quickly tapped out a quick message in response.
Took off safely. Thinking of watching a movie before we land in Atlanta. You’re crazy and I am not slipping him a note.
Your phone was blessedly quiet for the next several minutes, and part of you hoped that Katie had given up this ridiculous notion. Knowing her as long as you had, however, you should have figured that wouldn’t be the case.
What’s the worst that could happen? He doesn’t answer you? The two of you never talk again? You’ve never seen this guy before in your life, and the chances are good that you’ll never see him again after this. So if you put yourself out there and it doesn’t work out, who cares? At least you tried. And sure, it might be a little embarrassing at first, but like I said, you’ll never have to see him again. But what if you thought about it the other way around? What if it DOES work out? What if this could be the start of something great? Would you really just want to walk away, wondering what could have been and regretting that you didn’t take a chance? You deserve to be loved so, so, SO much! And I know that you have so much love to give! This guy would be lucky if you chose him. Just give it a try, will you? For me? Please! You can’t see it, but I’m giving my best puppy dog face right now. And sending you all the best vibes! You can do this! I love you! ♥️
You groaned at your best friend’s heartfelt message. How could you possibly say no to that? You knew Katie just wanted the best for you, and she wanted you to be happy. You wanted to be happy, too. What if she was right? What if this was your chance? Would you be a fool to just walk away from it without even trying? Like Katie said, at least if you tried, you could say you’d done all you could. And if it didn’t work, then Mr. Hottie just wasn’t the one for you. No harm, no foul.
You were starting to feel like you might need to make use of the vomit bag tucked securely in the seat pocket in front of you when the stewardess stopped at your row to offer you all snacks and beverages. You gratefully accepted a can of ginger ale and a packet of pretzels, nibbling on them slowly in an attempt to settle your roiling stomach.
You were being an idiot. There was no reason to be so dramatic about all this. You could write a quick note and pass it up to him, then pretend it had never happened. Seriously, what was the worst that was going to happen? He was going to get up and make an announcement over the loudspeaker that the girl sitting in 22A was a pathetic, lonely loser? You doubted that very much.
Before you could lose your nerve, you reached into the front pocket of your duffel bag and pulled out the pen you always kept there. Turns out, it really did come in handy. Mercifully, the grumpy man beside you was already snoring, so you could write your note in peace without being worried about him seeing what you were doing.
Hand shaking slightly, you penned a quick letter to the handsome, charming man in 21A.
Hi there. I realized in all our talking that I never caught your name. But it might be good to know, seeing how we’re layover buddies and all. Hope you’re enjoying the flight so far.
You signed your name at the bottom, and then took a deep breath, reading over what you had written on the back of your Delta napkin. It sounded impossibly stupid, but you’d come this far and you weren’t going to turn back now. What was it that people on the internet were always saying? Something about shooting your shot?
Breathing through your nose to avoid getting sick, you reached out a trembling finger and lightly tapped the broad shoulder that you saw peeking out from the seat in front of you. You suddenly realized that he may have been asleep and panicked at the thought of waking him up, but he shifted immediately at your touch and you could tell that he was turning towards you.
Not wanting to meet his eye, you immediately thrust your napkin into the small open space between your seats and the windows, silently praying that he would take it from you instead of laughing in your face.
A second later, you felt his large fingers brush against yours as he took your little note, shifting in his seat once more so that he was facing front again.
What had you just done? Oh, God, there was still another hour left to go on this flight, then a layover, and another four and half hours to San Diego. True, you would never have to see him again after you landed in California, but that was still a lot of time left to have to be in proximity to him if all of this blew up in your face.
You were just about ready to launch yourself out of one of the emergency exits when you suddenly looked up and realized that there was a small white napkin hovering above your head.
Mr. Hottie in 21A was reaching back with your note in hand. Your stomach plummeted and your face and neck grew warm with shame at the thought of him returning the letter you’d written him, until you noticed the red ink on the back of it. 
You’d written your note in black ink.
Slowly reaching out, you took the napkin from his hand, your fingers brushing against each other once more. His were large and warm and calloused and made goosebumps rise on your arm.
Pulse beating rapidly, you turned over the napkin to see the response he had written on the back. His handwriting was a bit messy, more of a scrawl than anything, but it made you smile to look at it.
What was I thinking, not properly introducing myself to my layover buddy? Hope you can forgive me. My name is Bradley. I don’t suppose there’s any chance you’ve got some Wi-Fi on this flight, do you? If you do, feel free to text me. We seem to be dangerously low on napkins.
At the bottom, he’d written his cell phone number.
Pressing a hand over your mouth, it took everything in you to swallow back the squeal of delight that rose up your throat. It worked! Katie’s silly plan had actually worked! Oh, she was going to gloat about this forever when you told her.
Beaming brightly, you pulled out your cell phone. As much as you loved her, Katie could wait right now. You had an extremely gorgeous layover buddy to get in touch with.
Typing his number into your cell phone, you opened up a new message and contemplated what to say for a moment.
Layover buddies who both just so happen to have some inflight Wi-Fi? Clearly it’s meant to be.
You hoped the message came across as cute and flirty instead of desperate and weird as you hit send, anxiously waiting to see if he would reply.
It took only a moment before your phone buzzed, Bradley’s name lighting up your screen.
Layover buddies who both just so happen have some inflight Wi-Fi AND spring for the window seats? Obviously it’s meant to be!
You smiled and were about to think up a reply when another message suddenly came though.
Oh, and to answer your note—I’m enjoying the flight a lot more now.
The butterflies went crazy in your stomach as you wrote back to him.
Me, too. And that’s saying a lot, considering the four-year-old behind me hasn’t stopped kicking my seat since we boarded.
Bradley only took seconds to reply.
Oof, that’s rough. If I could switch seats with you, I would. But I have to admit that I’m very happy that you’re not kicking my seat.
Wouldn’t be too sure about that, you sent back teasingly before lightly nudging his seat with your foot.
Hey! I thought we were friends!
We’ll see 😉
You and Bradley went back and forth like that for the entire remainder of your flight to Atlanta, the banter light and easy as you teased and joked with each other. You even ended up playing a game of 20 Questions, in which you learned, among other things, that Bradley’s favorite color was red, he once broke his arm when he was seven years old, and he absolutely despised peas.
As the captain announced that you would soon begin preparing for your final descent, you shot off a quick message to Katie, who you had woefully neglected during your conversation with Bradley.
I owe you one. The pep talk and the plan actually worked—I’m texting Mr. Hottie as we speak! Update you soon. We’re about to land in Atlanta.
Just as you sent the message off to your friend, another text from Bradley arrived.
Looks like we’re going to have to turn off our phones, layover buddy. I’ll see you when we land. Food? I’m starving.
Grinning, you had to pinch yourself to check that this wasn’t some sort of elaborate dream.
Same. I’ll race you for some french fries.
You’re on.
When the plane finally landed and the captain turned off the seatbelt sign, everyone practically jumped out of their seats in a mad dash to see who could be the first to get their belongings out of the overhead bins. Since you and Bradley were in the window seats, you took your time, knowing you weren’t getting off the plane anytime soon.
You were surprised, however, when he suddenly popped his head over the back of his seat, grinning down at you. “Good thing our next flight doesn’t leave for a couple hours yet,” he said, indicating the crowd with a good-natured grin that made your heart melt.
You had almost been starting to think you’d exaggerated just how good-looking he was, but nope. He really was that hot.
“Plenty of time to grab those fries,” you laughed, smiling up at him.
When you and Bradley were finally able to step out into the aisle, he opened the bin above your head and reached for your suitcase.
“Let me take care of this for you,” he said, lowering it to the ground and lifting the handle so that he could wheel it up the aisle.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” you insisted, not wanting him to think that you expected him to carry your things for you.
“Hey, what are layover buddies for?” he winked, leading the way off the plane.
Once the two of you were standing face to face in the middle of the airport terminal, you began to feel a little shy and self-conscious again. It had been easy to talk to Bradley via text, but now that you were gazing up at his handsome face again, you suddenly found yourself getting just as tongue-tied as before.
Bradley seemed to sense your nerves because he smiled warmly at you, his demeanor just as open and friendly as it had been the entire time you’d known him.
“How about we hunt down those fries?” he suggested, waiting until you smiled and nodded before turning and guiding you towards the main concourse.
The two of you ended up finding a quick and easy little fast food counter, where you ordered a couple burgers, a large order of fries, and some vanilla milkshakes with whipped cream and cherries. As soon as it became clear that Bradley was going to pay for both your meals, you tried to argue and insist on paying your share, but he wouldn’t hear it.
“My mom raised a gentleman, and she would kill me if she thought I was even thinking of letting my layover buddy pay for her lunch,” he told you, winking playfully as he handed his credit card to the employee behind the counter.
You took your suitcase from Bradley as he balanced the tray with your food in his hands, leading you to an empty table towards the end of the concourse.
“Your mom must be very proud of you, I’m sure,” you grinned, reaching eagerly for a fry and popping it into your mouth. “Did you get to see her while you were in Virginia?”
Bradley smiled, though his eyes suddenly looked a little sad. “Yeah. Yeah, you could say that.”
Deciding not to press the matter, you instead turned the attention to his college reunion. That led to the two of you happily swapping stories about your time in college, which landed you on the subject of what you do now.
“A naval aviator? Really? And a TOPGUN graduate? That’s very impressive,” you gushed, mentally picturing him in a flight suit. You’d gone on a couple dates with some naval aviators from North Island, but none as handsome or as charming as Bradley. You suddenly groaned and covered your face with your hand when you remembered what you’d said to him right before boarding the plane. “So that’s what you meant when I was saying that flying isn’t my favorite mode of transportation,” you murmured, feeling a little embarrassed.
Bradley threw his head back and laughed at that, looking genuinely amused. “Hey, I get it. Flying isn’t for everybody. Trust me, some days I wish I had just opted for a desk job,” he grinned, his muscles flexing as he stretched in his seat. “But there’s nothing quite like it, when you’re the one doing the flying. Maybe one day I can take you up in the air and change your mind.”
He looked across the table at you and held your gaze, and you felt sure in that moment that you would have promised him anything he asked.
“So what’s your call sign then?” you asked with a smile, resting your cheek in your hand as you looked into his eyes.
“Oh, you know about that, huh?” he chuckled, the tips of his ears turning pink. “Well, uh, they call me Rooster.”
You had a feeling he expected you to laugh—maybe other girls in the past had—but you just grinned brightly in response. “I like it,” you said simply. “It suits you.”
He let out a small breath and smiled in return. “Thank you. My dad’s call sign was Goose. So I guess it runs in the family.”
“Your dad is in the Navy, too?” you asked curiously, lifting your milkshake and taking a sip.
Bradley cleared his throat slightly, looking down at his lap. “He was. He died in a training accident at TOPGUN when I was two.”
You sucked in a breath at your own carelessness and looked across at Bradley with empathy glowing in your eyes. “Oh, Bradley,” you murmured softly, reaching out and resting a hand over his. “I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay,” he replied gently, a small smile on his face as he placed his other hand over yours. “But thank you.” He was quiet for a moment before he went on. “It was just me and my mom for a while, back home in Virginia. But she got sick when I was in high school, and she passed away my senior year.”
“Bradley,” you breathed out sadly, your heart breaking for him. You winced when you thought of what he’d said before, about seeing his mom while he was in Virginia.
“She and my dad are buried in my hometown, where I grew up. I go to see them at the cemetery whenever I’m back in town,” he explained, as if reading your thoughts.
“I’m sure that means a lot to them, and that they’re smiling down on you always,” you told him sincerely, squeezing his hand lightly.
He smiled up at you, the sadness in his expression lifting slightly. “I like to think so. I think they’d like you a lot,” he added, then looked away. He suddenly seemed embarrassed.
The two of you sat back, disentangling your hands as you sat in mildly awkward silence for a moment or two.
“What about your parents?” Bradley asked, clearly looking for a way to change the subject. “Do they still live in New York?”
It was your turn to look sad now. “Well, we actually have a lot in common, Bradley. Only I guess my story is sort of in reverse. My mom passed away when I was six years old. She got in a car accident on her way home from work. And my dad passed when I was a freshman in college. Lung cancer.”
“Shit,” Bradley muttered, shaking his head and running a hand through his hair. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have—”
“It’s okay,” you cut him off, placing a reassuring hand on his arm. “You couldn’t have known. And it feels kind of nice talking about it with someone who I know understands. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah,” Bradley nodded, his expression serious as his dark eyes rested on your face. “Yeah, I do.”
You and Bradley sat in companionable silence as you finished your meals, then checked to see how much time you had before your connecting flight.
“I guess we should start making our way over to the gate,” you suggested, glancing at the time on your phone. You had about ten text messages from Katie, but you were too embarrassed to open them anywhere near Bradley.
Bradley nodded in agreement, wordlessly taking the handle of your suitcase and leading you back across the concourse.
“Hey, we got so distracted talking about my job that I never even asked what you do,” he suddenly realized once the two of you were seated at your gate, both your phones charging in a nearby outlet.
“Oh, yeah,” you smiled, brushing a loose strand of hair that had escaped your bun behind your ear. “Funny enough, I actually work for the Midway Museum,” you told him, glancing up at him, only to find that he was already gazing down at you.
“No way! Guess we’re both stuck aboard aircraft carriers for work then,” he chuckled. “What do you do?”
“Well, my official title is digital content specialist,” you said, biting down on your lower lip. You felt like it always sounded a bit pretentious. “Basically, I help run the museum’s digital accounts—social media, their website, email blasts, things like that. My degree is in marketing and communications, so that’s basically what I do.”
“That’s amazing,” Bradley said, and you could tell that he genuinely meant it. Some guys just pretended to be interested in your job as a pretense for trying to get into your pants, but you could tell that Bradley actually cared about what you had to say. He was actually listening. “Is that what brought you out to San Diego?”
“It is, actually. I had been applying to a few different places, and when I got word from the Midway that they were interested in hiring me, I thought that maybe it was the fresh start I needed,” you confessed.
“Has it been?” Bradley asked quietly.
“I think so,” you nodded slowly, absent-mindedly twisting your bracelet around your wrist. “It’s hard sometimes, being so far away from my best friend, Katie—the one I was visiting. She’s pretty much the only family I’ve got left. But I like the life that I’m building in San Diego.”
“That’s good. I’m glad to hear it,” Bradley smiled, his hand lightly brushing against yours as he shifted in his seat. He looked like he was about to say more when the flight crew called your boarding group.
“Looks like we’re going to be sitting near each other again, 21A,” you teased, glancing down at his boarding pass as the two of you rose and grabbed your phones.
“Glad to hear it, 22A,” he joked in return, holding up his phone and waving it back and forth. “And now my phone is fully charged for our trip back to San Diego, so let the texting commence.”
Giggling, you nodded as the two of you walked down the rampway side by side and made your way onto the plane and to your seats without incident. When you got there, however, you saw that there had been some confusion with a young family that looked to have four children under the age of eight. It seemed as though their tickets had gotten split up so that they weren’t all sitting next to each other, and the mother was frantic.
“Excuse me, ma’am?” Bradley asked, quickly taking stock of the situation. When the woman looked up at him, clearly stressed out and worried he was going to yell at her, he smiled comfortingly. “I was just going to say that, if you’d like, you can have my seat. I’d be happy to take yours since it looks like it’s next to my friend here anyway. That way, we can all be comfortable and sit with the people we want to sit with.”
“Oh, thank you!” the young mother exclaimed, looking ready to hug Bradley. “Thank you!”
She and her husband quickly got their children settled, thanking Bradley a few more times for good measure, while he took your carry-on and set it in the overhead bin.
Once you had settled in your window seat, Bradley took the seat beside you, grinning impishly.
“Look at that. Now we don’t even need to waste the Wi-Fi,” he murmured, nudging you playfully.
“Things just have a way of working out for us today, don’t they?” you laughed, settling your duffel bag at your feet. “I’m just going to send a quick message to Katie, to let her know I made it onto my connecting flight,” you told him, reaching for your phone and quickly opening Katie’s messages so that Bradley wouldn’t see them.
“Good idea, I should text Mav,” Bradley said, grabbing his phone out of his pocket. At your confused look, he explained, “My godfather. He’s also in the Navy, and he also just so happens to be stationed out in San Diego. He’s going to pick me up at the airport.”
Nodding, you sent a brief text to your best friend, promising you would call her as soon as you got home, then settled in for the flight and tried to get as comfortable as possible.
As soon as you felt the plane jolt to life and begin taxing towards the runway, your chest grew tight and your grip on yours and Bradley’s shared armrest started to turn your knuckles white.
“Hey,” Bradley said softly, genuine concern in his voice as he glanced over and noticed how on edge you suddenly appeared. “You alright?”
“I’m fine,” you lied, keeping your gaze fixed straight ahead on the screen in front of you, which was currently playing some Delta commercial that your brain could scarcely register.
“I think your death grip on our armrest would suggest otherwise,” he pressed gently, his tone remaining light and good-humored. “You trying to take that thing with you?”
Startled, your nervous trance was broken and you glanced down to see what Bradley was talking about. Sure enough, your nails were digging into the armrest so intensely that you wouldn’t have been surprised if they left little crescent-shaped marks in their wake.
Letting out a shaky laugh, you looked up at the man beside you ruefully. “Okay, truth be told, I get a little anxious during takeoff,” you confessed, biting your lip in embarrassment. He would probably think that was silly. He was a fighter pilot, after all. His day job involved flying multi-million dollar aircrafts for the military. And here you were, acting like a scaredy cat over a commercial Delta flight.
Bradley’s eyes crinkled in a way that you found devastatingly charming as he smiled over at you. The look on his face was kind, without a single trace of mocking humor.
“Want to know a secret?” he whispered, leaning in closer to you so that his nose was nearly pressed against your cheek and you could feel his breath on your skin. “So do I.”
“You’re kidding,” you scoffed, shooting him a skeptical look. He was probably just trying to be nice. “But you’re a naval aviator!”
“Yeah, but I’m not the one flying this plane, am I?” he retorted with a lopsided grin. “It’s hard to put the reins in someone else’s hands. So I understand being nervous. Hell, I still get a little nervous sometimes when I’m flying an F-18. Just don’t tell anyone I said that,” he added, lowering his voice conspiratorially.
“Oh, of course not,” you giggled, smiling over at him. Glancing out the window, you realized that his conversation had distracted you so much, you hadn’t even noticed that the plane had finished its approach towards the runway and was officially waiting for takeoff.
Some of your nerves returned, and you gripped the armrest once more, but this time, you felt Bradley’s large, yet gentle fingers close over yours. Surprised, you turned your head sharply and instantly met his gaze. It was direct and disconcertingly open as he looked deeply into your eyes.
“It’s okay,” he assured you in a low voice, squeezing your fingers comfortingly. “We’re going to be okay.”
“My parents used to sing to me during takeoff,” you found yourself blurting out suddenly, your cheeks growing warm at the admission. “I can remember my mom doing it when I was a little girl, and my dad used to do it for me even when I was in high school,” you explained shyly, lowering your eyes to your lap.
At that moment, your stomach dropped as the plane suddenly began hurtling forward, seeking enough momentum to become airborne.
You squeezed your eyes shut, trying to recall the sound of your parents’ voices in order to calm your racing heart. But a new voice suddenly entered the mix as you felt your newfound flying buddy lean across the armrest, his warm body pressing against your side as he sang quietly in your ear.
“You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain…”
Wait a second. You knew that song. Where did you know that song from?
“Too much love drives a man insane. You broke my will, but what a thrill…”
Yes, you definitely knew that song. It was on one of the records your parents used to play when you were a little girl. Was it Jerry Lee Lewis?
Gasping in recognition, you whisper-sang the next lyric in harmony with Bradley—“Goodness gracious, great balls of fire!”
He laughed in delight when you began singing along, squeezing your hand with an affectionate grin. “And would you look at that,” he said, nodding towards the window. “We’re airborne. Wasn’t so bad, was it?”
Shocked, you followed his line of vision and were taken aback to see that you were already ascending into the clouds, leaving the city of Atlanta far behind. That had been one of the smoothest takeoff experiences you’d had in—well, you couldn’t even remember how long.
“I barely even noticed!” you exclaimed, focusing your attention back on Bradley. You smiled gratefully, your heart melting at the adorable puppy dog look on his face. “Thank you, Bradley.”
You noticed at that moment that he still hadn’t let go of your hand, and your pulse began to quicken, but this time for entirely different reasons.
“You’re welcome,” he murmured in response, his voice low and suddenly husky. It did something to you, that deep, raspy voice of his. “Happy to do it.” He squeezed your hand gently once more, then slowly—almost hesitantly—let it go.
“I haven’t heard that song in the longest time,” you told him, resting back against your seat. “My parents used to listen to it.”
Bradley smiled slightly. “It’s the one song I can actually remember my dad singing. He loved to sing and play the piano. My mom had tons of home videos of him doing it. But that song—that song I can actually remember hearing him sing, you know? I was so young when he—well—I can remember that one. And that’s why it’s my favorite to sing and play.”
“You play the piano, too?” you asked, impressed. “Wow, a man of many talents.” You nudged him playfully, a big smile on your face.
“I’ll have to show you what I can do,” Bradley replied, winking.
Your stomach fluttered at the implication that he might actually want to see you again after today.
“I’d like that,” you admitted, ducking your head shyly. You suddenly felt much more aware of everything around you, particularly every inch of your muscular seatmate. Goodness, he really was huge, wasn’t he? Chewing nervously on your bottom lip, you began fidgeting with your bracelet, tugging at it absent-mindedly.
“That’s a pretty bracelet,” Bradley commented, pointing at it as he watched you twist it back and forth around your wrist. “A gift?” he asked lightly, his tone almost a little too casual.
“Mhm,” you nodded, smiling fondly as you gazed down at it. You could still remember the day you opened it. “My dad bought it for me as a present when I graduated high school. I never take it off.”
“Ah,” Bradley nodded, appearing surprisingly relieved. He was quiet for a moment or two, looking like he was mulling over something. Then he turned towards you and asked, “So, um, is there anybody waiting for you in San Diego? Anyone, uh, special, I mean?” he asked, his cheeks and his ears turning red as he rubbed the back of his neck.
You felt your own skin grow warm in response. Was Bradley asking if you had a boyfriend? And was he embarrassed about it? Just when you thought this man couldn’t possibly charm you any more than he already had.
“Not unless you count my neighbor, Mrs. Flores. She really appreciates it when I walk her dog on the weekends,” you told him, your lips twitching as you tried to maintain a straight face.
Caught off guard by your response, Bradley let out a loud laugh, covering his mouth with one hand as he glanced down at you, eyes twinkling.
“I’m sure Mrs. Flores will be very happy to see you back again,” he nodded, tapping his fingers on his tray table.
The two of you sat in silence for a couple minutes until you finally glanced up and said, “I had actually just gotten out of a long-term relationship right before I moved to San Diego. It was kind of the catalyst for why I decided to take the job at the Midway Museum.”
“Oh, really?” Bradley asked, eyebrows shooting up. Then he cleared his throat, shaking his head. “I mean, I’m sorry to hear that. If it’s too personal, we don’t have to talk about it.”
“No, it’s okay,” you sighed, twirling your bracelet a few times as you thought back on your last failed relationship. Surprisingly, it didn’t hurt as much as it normally did. Maybe time really did heal all wounds. You took a deep breath before you elaborated. “Andrew and I were together for four years. For a long time, I really thought he was the one. Katie was convinced that he was going to propose on our trip to Greece. It was a dream vacation for me. I had the whole thing planned out for months and months. And I really started to let myself believe that it was going to happen.”
Bradley sat quietly, watching you carefully as he attentively took in every word you uttered.
“We were in Athens, and I had the whole day planned—all these tours and museums. But Andrew insisted that he was too tired since we had just traveled from Rhodes, and he begged me to let him stay behind at the hotel. Being the idiot that I am, I thought that maybe he wanted to put the finishing touches on his big proposal. So I went on the tours by myself. But the last tour ended early, so I came back to our hotel room a little sooner than expected.”
Your throat began to tighten as the story continued, the pain of what had happened next eclipsed only by your embarrassment that Bradley would soon know how pitifully your last relationship had ended. Why had you brought all this up?
“I’ll spare you all the details, but suffice it to say, I found Andrew in bed with one of the cocktail waitresses from the hotel bar. And to no one’s surprise, there was no ring and he never had any intention of proposing. So I flew home from Greece minus a boyfriend and with very little remaining of my dignity. Leaving everything behind and starting fresh in San Diego seemed like a really good idea, so when the Midway contacted me, I jumped at the offer. And here I am,” you finished with a self-conscious laugh, shrugging your shoulders awkwardly.
Bradley didn’t say anything at first, just continued to stare at you in a way that had you feeling distinctly exposed. Your fingers immediately went to your bracelet once again, nervously fidgeting and waiting for him to say something.
Reaching out, he placed his hand over yours and stilled your movements gently. “First of all,” he began slowly, looking directly into your eyes. It seemed as though he was peering directly into your soul. “Andrew is a complete and total loser. If he didn’t know what he had in you, then he never deserved you to begin with. It’s his loss, and trust me, he’ll be regretting it for the rest of his life if he has even an ounce of sense.” His thumb brushed lightly against your knuckles, making your legs suddenly feel like Jell-O. “Second of all, I’m so sorry. You didn’t deserve that, and I hope you know that the way that idiot treated you in no way says anything about you. I’ve only known you for a few hours, but I can see that that guy never deserved you to begin with.”
Feeling bashful, you lowered your head, trying to escape the intensity of Bradley’s dark eyes. It didn’t matter though—you could still feel his gaze.
“You don’t have to say that,” you murmured, not wanting him to think you had just unloaded all of this on him for sympathy points.
“I’m not just saying it,” he insisted, his voice serious. “You’re a special girl, and you deserve to be with someone who treats you that way.”
Someone like you?
The thought sprang unbidden to your mind, causing you to grow flustered. “Th–thank you,” you stammered, worried for half a second that Bradley could actually read your mind.
You were saved from having to make any further comment in that moment when the stewardess suddenly appeared with the food cart, asking you if you wanted any snacks or beverages.
You opted for a Diet Coke and popcorn, while Bradley took a Sprite and a bag of potato chips.
“What do you say? A little toast to my new flight buddy?” Bradley suggested teasingly, holding his can of soda out towards you.
You couldn’t help but smile, lightly tapping your can against his. “Cheers to us,” you laughed, taking a small sip.
“To us,” Bradley grinned. “You know,” he went on, after taking a gulp of his Sprite, “if you ever want to think about getting your pilot’s license, I’d be happy to have you as my wingman—er, woman.”
You laughed aloud at the notion, shaking your head. “Um, did you already forget about how well I handled takeoff? I’m not so sure anyone would trust me behind the controls of a plane.”
“I could teach you,” he shot back, waggling his eyebrows until you laughed again. “Or at the very least, take you up for a little joyride. I’d make sure to keep you safe.”
Your heart warmed at his words, and you found yourself wondering what it would be like to walk through life with this man, to have him be the one you came home to every day.
To have him be the one to make you feel like the most special girl in the world.
“I would like that,” you confessed, pushing your self-consciousness to the side as you looked into his eyes. “I would like that a lot.”
“So would I,” Bradley replied, his expression earnest.
For the next hour or two, you and Bradley shared some of the snacks you’d packed in your duffel bag and talked about everything and nothing at the same time. You had never felt so instantly at ease with someone who had been a complete and total stranger just a few hours earlier. The fact that he had been in San Diego all this time, right under your nose, and that it had taken a flight home all the way from Virginia for you two to actually meet felt like more than just a coincidence. It felt like this was exactly where you were supposed to be.
At some point, you must have finally succumbed to your exhaustion and fallen asleep because when the captain announced that you were making your final descent into San Diego International Airport, you were lifting your head off Bradley’s shoulder and blinking in confusion.
“Hello there, sleepyhead,” Bradley grinned, wiping a hand down his face and rubbing the sleep out of his own eyes.
“How long was I asleep?” you asked, stretching your arms over your head. “I never sleep on planes.”
“Well you definitely slept on this one. I’d say you were probably out for at least an hour and a half,” he told you, running a hand through his hair, which made his sunkissed curls stand on end. “I nodded out, too. Guess we both needed it, huh?”
“Yeah, guess so,” you nodded, smiling at him.
By the time you finally deplaned—after Bradley, of course, had insisted on taking down your carry-on suitcase from the overhead bin and rolling it through the airport for you—you were growing both eager and anxious with anticipation of what the end of your journey would look like.
You and Bradley technically already had each other’s phone numbers, so should you say something about getting together? Would that seem too brazen? Should you just text him tomorrow and hope that whatever spark had been ignited during your travels today wouldn’t be extinguished by the time you both got home?
All of those thoughts and more were running through your head as you and Bradley took the escalator down to baggage claim and the terminal exit.
“Do you, um, do you have somebody picking you up?” Bradley asked as the two of you stepped off the escalator. He stepped to the side to avoid the flow of the crowd, and you stepped with him. “Mrs. Flores perhaps?” he added with a teasing spark in his eye.
“No,” you giggled, shaking your head. “I was just planning to call an Uber.”
“No need,” he said, his chest puffing out ever so slightly. “Mav and I will give you a ride home. He should actually be here already,” he mumbled, almost to himself, as he pulled his phone out of his pocket and scrolled through his messages.
“Oh, you guys don’t have to do that. I wouldn’t want you going out of your way,” you hurried to tell him, noticing that Bradley still had his hand on the handle of your suitcase.
“Who says it would be going out of our way?” Bradley retorted with that impossibly charming smile of his. “Unless, of course, you’re more comfortable taking an Uber. I don’t want to make you feel like—”
“No, no, you’re not,” you interrupted, wanting to make it clear to him that you appreciated the offer.
Seemingly at an impasse, the two of you just looked at each other and started laughing.
“I would love a ride, thank you. If it’s not too much trouble,” you told him.
“Never,” Bradley insisted. “Besides, you put up with me all day. I owe you.”
“I could say the same thing,” you grinned, reaching into the front pocket of your duffel bag and pulling out your cell phone. “In the meantime, I should text Katie and let her know I landed safely and that you haven’t abducted me or anything,” you teased jokingly.
Too late, you realized your mistake.
“Ah, so you told Katie about me, huh?” Bradley smirked, looking just a tad too pleased with himself. “What did you say?”
“Oh, um, nothing, just that I made a friend while traveling,” you stammered in humiliation, your cheeks feeling like they were on fire. “I’m just, um, I’m going to step over there while you get your bag.”
“Sure, sure,” he laughed, winking at you as he hurried over to the baggage carousel to search for his suitcase.
“Oh my God, how stupid are you?” you muttered to yourself, mentally kicking yourself for your careless words as you sent off a quick message to your best friend to let her know you were alive.
A moment later, she texted you back.
Smiling, you dropped your phone back into your bag and looked up to see Bradley walking towards you, his suitcase in hand.
“Ready to head out?” he asked with a smile, watching as you grabbed the handle of your carry-on and did one quick scan to make sure you hadn’t dropped anything.
“Ready,” you nodded, following him outside to where a slew of Ubers and other cars were waiting to pick up their passengers.
“There’s Mav,” Bradley told you, pointing with his free hand towards the end of the pick-up line, where a handsome older man with dark hair and an easy smile was waving at you.
“Your godfather drives a Porsche?” you asked, your eyes nearly bugging out of your head at the sight of the vintage car. It was in pristine condition and you were certain it must have cost a small fortune.
“Technically, it’s his fiancée, Penny’s car, but she lets him drive it when he’s been good,” Bradley joked, resting a gentle hand on your back as he guided you through the crowd.
Bradley was quick to embrace his godfather when the two of you finally reached the Porsche, slapping him on the back before stepping back and holding out a hand to you. “Mav, I’d like you to meet my new travel buddy,” he grinned, introducing you by name.
Mav, as Bradley kept calling him, offered you one of those easy smiles as he held out his hand, which you took with a smile of your own.
“Ah, so this is the girl from the plane I’ve been hearing so much about,” Mav smirked, shooting a pointed look in his godson’s direction.
“Mav!” Bradley hissed through gritted teeth, his complexion instantly turning pink, even in the shade.
“Ah,” you smirked, feeling vindicated from your earlier blunder. “So you told Mav about me, huh?” you asked, nudging his side. “What did you say?” you teased, tossing back his question from before.
“Oh, he said plenty,” Mav jumped in, clearly enjoying watching Bradley squirm as he opened the passenger side door for you.
“Don’t listen to him. He’s crazy. All those Gs he’s always pulling have finally gone to his head,” Bradley protested, although he was smiling as he said it.
“Oh, I think I’m going to enjoy this car ride very much,” you giggled, winking at Bradley as you slid into your seat.
“Promise you’ll still like me by the time we get home?” Bradley whispered, leaning in close as he climbed in beside you.
You grinned up at him, thinking about how, for the first time in a long time, you didn’t feel so alone. San Diego suddenly felt much more like home than it ever had.
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writer-logbook · 1 month
5 tips for proofreading & their pros and cons
Define your objectives for each chapter. In my case, some of my chapters are better written than others. My objectives for them will differ. Before starting my proofreading, I list my needs and areas of improvements, and I write them down somewhere so I have them in front of me rather than in my head alone.
Pros : allows you to know which points you need to focus on ; provides a guideline adapted to your needs.
Cons : risk of losing homogeneity and fluidity + flaws may be shifted to other chapters that didn't have them before due to a sudden imbalance.
Plan several proofreading sessions, each one of them addressing ONE NEED AT A TIME. (E.g., one for grammar, another for style, and a final one for coherence. ) And I insist on the "one need at a time" part. Even for those who can multitask (unlike me), I really don't recommend settling for a single proofreading session. It could interfere with your concentration and let you skip some flaws. And please, always give your chapter a final read after your edits to ensure that the elements make sense as a whole, and are not repeated every two paragraphs (I plead guilty, your honor)
Pros: allows you to focus precisely on each point, and give it dedicated attention.
Cons: you can quickly get confused and risk multiple re-readings + significant time investment.
I make my corrections on a separate file. Whatever you do, it's always better to have a backup and therefore to save your files (don't blindly trust autosave) to create archives. I think it's a two-ways process : 1) you open two files simultaneously, one with your V1 and one, blank, where you'll rewrite your chapter as you make changes. Eventually, this new doc will become your V2 ; 2) you copy the parts to proofread into a new document and edit directly in there.
Pros: allows you to rewrite as you wish without being discouraged by the following paragraphs - especially in case of the first way.
Cons: requires multiple files (maybe multiple screens to be at ease) and better organization.
Change the typography. I don't know about you, but after a while, I'm struck by semantic satiation (click on the link - it's Wikipedia -, it's very interesting) and nothing makes sense anymore. After the 52,846th proofreading, I might as well read in another language. I've found a relatively effective trick - not as effective as a complete break, but sometimes you need to move forward - which consists of changing the typography. I can't remember who gave me this advice though, but be sure they've been thanked more than enough in my mind. In any case, seeing words change their shape significantly helps my brain to stay focused and attentive. (Maybe it's just my mind playing tricks on me but I only see the results.)
Pros: it's simple to implement.
Cons: I don't know if this trick works for everyone or if I'm the only weirdo (you can tell me in the comment section).
Take notes. This is a very personal tip but I keep a proofreading logbook. Like, I record in a few sentences the first time an element is mentioned, how it's describes, and most importantly… I MENTION THE DATES. The story I'm currently writing is heavily governed by a chronological system, so I have an absolute need to keep the day count up to date.
Pros: helps avoid inconsistencies and oversights.
Cons: very tedious to maintain and creates (a lot) of extra work.
I've started my prooreading journey yesterday and I already want to die. If I find in the edits something that is worth making a post, be sure that I will. Or let me know if you're simply curious.
Gentle reminder : Best is the worst enemy of good so, at some point, you'll have to let it go and let your chapter live its life to its fullest. Don't be hard on yourself and be proud of your work - or know that I am.
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petrapalerno · 8 months
Submitting to the Alien Barbarian: #1
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Signing up for an alien breeding program should be scary, considering the aliens are ruthless barbarians. On the upside, they won’t hesitate to give it to you as rough as you like it. 
Submitting to the Alien Barbarian is part of a smutty novella collection, Petra Palerno’s Filthy Shorts, that features otherworldly love interests. 
In this installment, you’ll find: alien romance, size difference, double dongs, submission, bratting, breeding, will it fit, rough play and pregnancy.
TW/CW: rough consensual sex, primal play, knotting, breeding, aliens, dominance/submission, blood play, spanking, pregnancy, fisting, overstimulation, anal play, gagging, violence, birthing, science fiction medical procedures and murder.
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The heat radiating from the crowd, along with the smell of sex, hits me in the face as the door clicks open and the pilot bot dumps me unceremoniously into the dirt.
My heart thuds in my chest, but it’s not the excitement I thought I would feel.
I’m scared shitless.
But this is what I wanted, this is what I signed up for. 
“Mates needed for Volkroth spawning season. All expenses paid for biologically compatible species.” 
You wanted someone to be rough with you, to be a fucking barbarian with you.
Maybe it was too much to expect an orientation before being dropped off at the spawning pits. I figured after the extensive medical testing to ensure biological capability, they’d ease me in.
I was so wrong.
Besides the chorus of fucking masses that surround me, there’s the guttural noises of males as they slam their fists into each other’s bodies.
Something I didn’t realize from the holo communication is that the aliens are fucking huge. They tower over me as one purple brute rips the other male off a yellow alien female, who arguably looks like she’s having a great time. She even laughs as the male turns and clocks the attacking alien on the jaw.
His bones snap, sounding like a lightning-struck tree, as he crumples to the ground. I’m not sure if the breaking noise was his jaw or his neck—but I don’t think anyone cares.
They’re barbaric! They kill soldiers deemed too weak to fight. How could you want to mate a Volkroth? My roommate’s disgusted face flashes in my mind as I wonder if the alien on the ground is dead or not. 
“If you’re too weak to fight, you’re too weak to carry on the bloodline,” the victor yells.
The last male standing drips with the perspiration of sex, his body slick and shining. Unlike the one I saw on the holo comm, he’s completely nude.
More importantly, the big beast has two massive cocks resting on one heavy set of balls. They twist around each other, almost looking like they’re prehensile. I must gasp, because I draw his attention.
I scramble to stand when the alien’s eyes fall on me. His thick black hair, falling free of his topknot, spills over the four horns. There are two on either side of his head that curl proudly away from his face. 
“A human?” He almost laughs as he says it. “I’d have thought your kind too soft, too exotic to be in the spawning pits with the rest of us.”
His voice is deadly smooth as he approaches me, a predator stalking his prey.
I freeze, even though my brain is screaming to flee, that I shouldn’t let this monster near me.
But there’s a broken part of my judgement that wants him to grab me by the neck and fuck me into the dirt. So I stay still, stuck between two desires, my heart in my throat.
I crane my head up to look at him. He moves one very deliberate step closer. He’s so close now I can feel his breath on my face.
His eyes darken, and he licks his lips.
“You should run.” His voice is almost a whisper as it leaves his mouth.
The logical part of my mind wins, and I bolt. But I don’t have time to worry about where I’m running to. His huge hand shoots around my midsection, pulling me back against his body.
His enormous cocks strain against my ass, the thin fabric of my jumpsuit doing nothing to protect me from the heat of his body. He brings his free hand up to my neck and squeezes rough fingers against the column of my throat. It sends sparks down to my weeping pussy and I squirm in his hold.
“I want you full and dripping with my seed, and only mine, human,” he breathes into my ear.
I bite back a moan. 
“That’s why you’re here, isn’t it? You want a beast to breed you, to make you submit?”
“Yes,” I manage to eek out. The first words I’ve spoken on this planet are to agree to be some space barbarian’s plaything.
His hand rips the neckline of my jumpsuit, exposing my breast to the planet’s humid air. My nipples pebble instantly as he drags his rough hand over the sensitive flesh.
The hand on my neck weaves into my hair, grabbing my ponytail and yanking my head further back until my cheek rests against his. His stubble rubs my cheek raw.
“How do you want it?” he asks.
“Rough,” I groan as his fingers pinch my nipple. I arch my back, searching for some friction as my hips lift. I want him to fuck me.
Suddenly, there’s a flash of pain and I yelp as his hand comes down hard, sharply smacking my tit.
“Can you handle rough, with all this softness?” His palms smoothes over the agitated skin of my red breast, the stinging melting into something blurred with an intense pleasure.
“Only one way to find out,” I say, with some shocking boldness. “Fuck me.”
His breath catches at my change in tone.
This is what I wanted. My body sings with joy. I want him to use me; I want him to fucking breed me.
I look back at the alien, and his brows knit. A look of resolution crosses his face.
“I won’t share you,” he says before throwing me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
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omuricebreakfast · 4 months
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Guh,, i've been errrrmmmm procrastinating on posting >>;7 Maybe I should put up a mini schedule or something.. BUT, I HAVE DOODLES TO SHOW!!!!!!!! (finally) While I continue to procrastinate on finalizing the Dating Sim AU designs for Kinito and friends I've been emmm making more au's! One of which has completely taken over my brain!!! So, have my Casino au KinitoPET designs! (Shoutout to @vam-piritz for helping me with Kinito's colors bc gosh darn I be struggling w them ms paint colors dawg,, Kinito got such a blinding pink it's hard not to make it clash w red..) AND since nobody asked, I'll share a bit of info on this au!! (Just be aware this au is purely self indulgent and funnily enough doesn't revolve around any of the main cast being ai's? they just kinda? exist now?) Sam was a well known Seahorse racer that managed to get himself into a bit of a pickle, you see, he got forced to work at Kinito's Casino because his other racer "friends" ended up gambling all of his money away. Now he has to pay off a massive amount of debt in order to get out of this predicament, and to ensure that he DOES end up paying he needs to drop his racing career and put it on hold so he can work for Kinito. Jade and Kinito are fairly good friends and business partners. She owns a seafood Restaurant that is conjoined with the Casino in order for the two of them to be close to each other. She's a very smart and strong lady that keeps an eye on Sam (And Kinito pfft) to ensure he stays and does what he's supposed to be doing. She also has a neat little interest in sciency stuff! And Last but not least... Kinito! The Casino owner himself. As stated previously he's very good friends with Jade, always had an interest in people and money. He's a fairly friendly guy that just wants to let people enjoy their time at his Casino (although the pic i decided to color in doesn't really show that lol). Just be warned, he does have some fairly strict but simple rules... Go into debt and can't pay back? Work for him. Easy as that. He may be friendly, but he won't be your friend. He can be into some... Really shady business at times... (Also The Casino is haunted! some stuff was joked about in a friend group and now it's canon LMAO)
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prettieinpink · 1 year
Romanticising your morning 🎀✨
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Having a good morning is literally essential for having a good day, so on those days when you’re dreading what’s to come or when you just need a pick me up! You do not have to do all of these, just the ones you’re interested in.
Listening to music while getting ready
Create a music playlist full of good vibes and hype, then let it blast while you’re showering, doing your makeup, etc. This creates such a good atmosphere for your mind in the morning, as long as you stay away from songs that are negative (pay attention to the lyrics!)
Allowing 20 minutes to just drink something.
No phones, no music, no distractions, just pure sipping and sitting. This can be your drink of your choice, ideally something that you enjoy drinking. Whether it’s coffee, tea, hot chocolate, matcha or even coke, just slowly sip it and savour each sip while just sitting. This helps so much for having a calm morning, as this declutters my mind and allows things that are actually important- be important.
Put some effort in your alarm
Make your alarm be so enjoyable, you can’t even get mad at it for waking you up. It can be your favourite song, a meditation, a motivational speech, your favourite character dialogue or even your favourite person’s voice. This can make waking up a lot less difficult.
Stretch before the day stretches you
I sit a lot, and my posture isn’t the best, so I ensure that I leave a little bit of time each day to fully stretch my body. This just isn’t so I don’t have constant neck pain from always looking down at my computer. If you have a sedentary lifestyle, then stretch.
Reading an wholesome article, book, bible verse etc
this can boost your morning so good!! a little brain food too, mentally and emotionally nourishing. ( if you guys want book recommendations lmk! )
Having a social media free morning
I know not everyone is able to stay off their phones in the morning for whatever reason, so instead just avoid any social networks. Scrolling on most platforms just cause you to compare yourself, feed yourself negativity and messes with the balance of your day. The most ideal would be staying off your phone completely, but I understand not everyone can.
Writing a list of things you look forward to
This doesn’t have to be big major things, but genuinely anything that makes you wanna push through the day. Mine today was I looked forwarded to talking to my friends after the weekend and baking cookies <3
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belle--ofthebrawl · 26 days
Do you remember my skincare mini series? Do you remember how Rain and Lus were kind of mean to Mountain? I felt kind of bad about that.
the day is long enough to turn you into stone
(contains: Gentle sex near the end, 2k words of mountain getting rubbed down and loved on, trans!rain topping, the glory of a naked cumulus, cockwarming and handfeeding. Written in one go so if something's wrong, no it's not. Unless it's really bad. Will throw it on ao3 whenever.)
Mountain’s been on the move long before dawn, boots on the ground with just enough coffee in his system to convince his aching eyes to open and his tired mind to pay attention. It's the last day in a long stretch of many working ones bedding the gardens and orchards down for what promises to be a proper winter season. Coming in late to the harvest season meant he missed the majority of the fun work; picking and canning and jamming and drying. All that was left was the grunt work, of mending fences and chopping wood, testing and feeding the soil to ensure a good healthy ground to plant the saved seeds in next year. Tools needed to be repaired, sheds and barns and coops needed to be cleaned out and inspected. Feedstores checked and then checked again for the constant threat of pests, but that's helped by the mousers, creeping silently along until a hand was held out and they approached with a purr that rivaled any ghouls.
At some point his brain comes online again. The autopilot shutting off when there's no more work to be done. Of course, there's always more work to be done, but as Mountain sits stop a boulder and slowly chews his way through the sandwich someone had handed to him hours and hours and hours ago, he can't think of anything else he’d like to do more than go to sleep for the rest of the year.
(Divider by @forlorn-crows)
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Not like this though. He wouldn't sleep well if he was filthy, caked in the day’s worth of sweat and grime and he honestly can't remember the last time he showered but he thinks the garden hose should suffice as he passes it on his way in. His clothes are tossed in a pail to be retrieved at some other point in time for laundry and he relishes the cold burst of water that hits his skin, tracking down through the dirt that might as well be engrained underneath.A cleaning rag from one pocket is taken to scrub what he seems the worst of it off with help of a shrunken and discolored ball of tallow and lye soap taken from another pocket. He reasons that he'll probably dry before he gets to his room and that the sight of a nude ghoul won't surprise anyone at this point. The rules were a bit laxer around this time of year, since novitiates weren't traditionally moved in until the longest and darkest night.
But there's a wrench thrown into his plans, as soon as he opens the door to his room. The motion sends a flurry of rose petals scattering across the floorboards, just a few in a trail that leads to his bathroom door, cracked open to waft out the scent of something decidedly not of his own toiletry collection. There's just enough candlelight in the tiny room for him to see he won't be spending the night alone.
“I'm not cleaning this up.” Is the only thing he can think to say as Rain opens the door wider. He's shockingly clothed but in such a way to suggest he won't be staying so for very long. Loose, flowing fabric, draped easily and easy to pull off. Mountain tries to be interested, really he does, but it's just that he's so damn tired and the bed is right there. His bones ache. His head aches. Rain is very pretty but Mountain is very, very exhausted.
“Don't worry about it.” Rain says dismissively. He beckons with an elegant arm outstretched and like the work-dog he feels he really is, Mountain obeys with a hanging head. “Oh, stop moping. We're doing something different tonight.”
“Not moping.” He says, sounding childish and petulant but the attitude disappears as soon as he sees the tub. His battered old claw foot has been utterly transformed, scrubbed clean and shining in the low light. The water, tepid on the best of days, has been heated so that fragrant steam rises in lazy whirls as Rain leads him to it. He can pick out lavender and chamomile right away, but it's not his own mixture. It's something from the water ghoul’s expensive and luxurious collection, something that came in an elegantly wrought alabaster jar that Rain pours from as Mountain gathers enough braincells to realize the bath is, in fact, for him.
“Go on.” Rain says. “I can't add everything else until you do.”
Words fail him, especially as he tests the water with his fingers and finds it delightfully hot. Slipping his whole body underneath it brings out deep and guttural noise from his chest, near sexual as it envelops him. His eyes are heavy and refuse to remain open.
“Mmrhn?” Is the best he can manage as a lid is twirled open and the gentle hiss of dry herbs hit the water.
“Pain relief mixture.” Rain murmurs, continuing to sprinkle. “Your own.”
A special blend of three salts, eleven herbs, and four oils. He knows them all by name but his brain dips offline again as Rain comes to perch on the lip of the tub by his shoulders. Mountain cracks his eye open in a Herculean effort and is rewarded with the glimpse of a small silver bowl dipping into the water and, most importantly, the sight of Rain’s clothing folded neatly on the counter by the sink.
He's just a Ghoul, after all.
“Close your eyes.” Rain gently admonishes and Mountain does. The water is poured over his hair and face, Rain giving extra attention to his beard to make sure no part of Mountain is left untouched and dry. Cool cream is smeared on the bare skin of his face with a dampened towel wrapped carefully around his head so he can still breath while whatever Rain out on his works it's magic. Something else is combed patiently through his tangled hair and left to soak in as Rain scratches tenderly at his scalp.
He drifts off; into a hazy dreamscape of grey and gardens that never need tending. His feet float above the ground so his body never aches with the weight of carrying itself around all day and somewhere in the mist, he knows someone waits. Just as he's about to find them and take them in his arms, they call out gently a name not his own and he's too tired to startle, but manages an impressive snort as Cumulus chuckles.
“How's he doing?” She whispers and Mountain hopes she's just as naked as he and Rain are.
“He’d fall asleep right here if we let him.” Rain replies. “Did you find the rose lotion? The one in a square bottle?”
“I thought we weren't doing that rose lotion.” Cumulus answers, setting what sounds like a basket down on the countertop. “Remember? It was too waxy and not moisturizing enough.”
“Oh.” Rain says, starting to unwrap the towel from Mountain’s face. His vision is blurred and he can't make out much- just the figure of his beautiful Lus gleaming mother naked in the candlelight as she unpacks her basket, setting each item down with reverence after a thorough inspection. “Right. Look, in my defense, we came up with this idea when we were smoking.”
“Nuh-uh.” Cumulus counters, a smile in her voice so rich he can hear the dimples. “You forgot everything we agreed on as soon as we saw Mountain strip down and hose off.”
“Okay.” Rain says amicably. “And? Like you're any better.”
“Surprised you haven't dove in there with him yet.”
Mountain makes a noise that informs everyone present he would very much enjoy Rain diving in to join him. But that would leave Lus out and he wants his Lus as well, it's not fair to leave her in the candlelight, lovely as she looks in it.
“He agrees with me.”
“He's agreeing with me.”
They're being so nice to him for once. He thinks the bickering has taken a different turn but it's not like there are any real stakes at play here. Rain’s washing his hair now, soaping out the mask he applied earlier and rinsing the suds out as Cumulus sits on his other side and presses something to his mouth. He opens as he's bid and lets her handfeed him some impossibly delicious, crispy bite of food. Savory and meaty in a flaky shell. His own recipe that he can recognize even as the last of his brain drips out of his skull in the heat of the water and the two beside him. His mouth is wiped when he finishes, cool water out to his lips and he drinks. The next course of fruit and cheese begins as Rain fusses with conditioner, snips at his scraggly beard with a little pair of shears and even cleans and files his nails, brushing on yet another oil to the keratin.
“I could watch you pamper our man all day.” Cumulus teases, holding out a cube of cheese on a stick. Rain takes it gracefully, giving her extended and pointed eye contact as he draws back. Mountain wheezes and the noise brings their attention back on him again.
“Your turn.” Rain says.
He's helped out of the water, gone tepid by now and for once his body doesn't complain about the work of moving joints and muscles and his bones don't feel like they’ve been filled with lead. Cumulus dries him with her power, keeping him warm thermals harnessed to keep him from shivering. His skin, dry from the heat and the harshness of his own soap, is coated in a shea butter lotion and he's led from the bathroom to his bed with a fire crackling in the grate.
“Lay down.” She says, and he obeys. On his back at first but she flips him with ease onto his stomach and really, he's got no complaints there. She's easy to underestimate, always seen with a box of sweets and tucked up with a book but only a fool forgets she's a menace from the pit. Being spoiled up top just suits her better and she's got years of experience to draw on as she straddles his back. Hands that once ripped jawbone from skull press tenderly into his muscles and he forgets everything again as she works him, fingers dancing like she's playing her piano. Her body is a comforting weight atop him, easing any lingering anxiety he might have had about things being left undone or not good enough. It's no use to worry without energy to act on it. If things go wrong, he’ll be rested and restored enough to deal with them. Even his tail is lovingly played with, tugged on and rubbed until it settles.
At some point, she slips off and lays next to him with a little plate of chocolates. Rain’s on him now, pouring more oil in a straight line down his back, humming as he dots more here and there. Mountain grumbles until he's fed a candied pecan from Lus’ lips and the kiss distracts him enough so that he doesn't notice Rain shuffling back to sit on his knees as he idly plays in the spills of oil, finger painting that takes his hands lower and lower.
With one hand on each cheek, Rain pulls him apart. Warm oil splatters directly on his hole and he jolts with a whimper that Lus smothers with her chest. Rain dips two fingers inside, easily finding the spot that has his legs shaking in moments. He didn't have the energy for sex, he thought, but what they wanted was vastly different than what he expected. Rain’s fingers steadily pump in and out of his body for ages as he and Lus kiss, the water leaving his own lip prints in the film slowly absorbing into Mountain’s skin.
“You hard, baby?” Lus asks him between breaths and Mountain is embarrassed at the way he whispers out no, chasing the taste of her but she just smiles patiently at him.
“Don't need to be, honey. We’ll take care of you.”
When he's finally deemed ready, he's pushed onto his side, Rain tight to his back while Lus throws a luscious thigh over his hip, going for his neck. He feels the press of Rain's breasts against his shoulder blades, his own hips rocking for purchase until his tentacle eases out of Rain's body and wriggling home into Mountain's. It curls up inside him, heavy and deep and pressed right where he needs it. His cock is gripped in a soft, manicured hand, not to rub and tease but just to hold and comfort. He doesn't know which way to turn to kiss them and their laughter is gentle.
“Just let us take care of you.” Whispers one.
“It's the least we could do in return.” Murmurs the other.
His sleep, after an orgasm milked from his still soft cock, is deep and dreamless. It's a long time before all three of them wake up.
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mollywog · 4 months
I knowww I seem to remember a discussion about Peeta’s “mutt” programming but I can’t find it now … I want all the analysis about how it works and how Katniss is able to snap him out of it … the effect she has …
Ughhhh I spent a stupid amount of time looking for the old reblog chain and came up empty 😩
So let’s do it again!
"Katniss." I jump at the proximity of the sound. Look frantically for its source, bow loaded, seeking a target to hit. "Katniss." Peeta's lips are barely moving, but there's no doubt, the name came out of him. Just when I thought he seemed a little better, when I thought he might be inching his way back to me, here is proof of how deep Snow's poison went. "Katniss." Peeta's programmed to respond to the hissing chorus, to join in the hunt. He's beginning to stir. There's no choice. I position my arrow to penetrate his brain. He'll barely feel a thing.
Suddenly, he's sitting up, eyes wide in alarm, short of breath. "Katniss!" He whips his head toward me but doesn't seem to notice my bow, the waiting arrow. "Katniss! Get out of here!"
I hesitate. His voice is alarmed, but not insane. "Why? What's making that sound?"
"I don't know. Only that it has to kill you," says Peeta. "Run! Get out! Go!"
After my own moment of confusion, I conclude I do not have to shoot him. Relax my bowstring. Take in the anxious faces around me. "Whatever it is, it's after me. It might be a good time to split up."
The Peeta’s programmed-to-respond idea comes from Katniss, but I don’t know that I agree (though now I have an image of smoke coming out of Peeta’s ears as his chip malfunctions during the stay-with-me kiss)
Peeta jolts awake and his first instinct is to ensure her safety: He isn’t fighting to restrain himself like I image he would be if he was under some programming. It’s more like he was having a nightmare (ooo or premonition?) about the impending danger and he’s trying to pull the information through from sleep to wakefulness.
It’s also interesting to compare this instance of sleep talking to the nightmares he described before:
"Peeta, how come I never know when you're having a nightmare?" I say.
"I don't know. I don't think I cry out or thrash around or anything. I just come to, paralyzed with terror," he says.
"You should wake me," I say, thinking about how I can interrupt his sleep two or three times on a bad night. About how long it can take to calm me down.
"It's not necessary. My nightmares are usually about losing you," he says. "I'm okay once I realize you're here."
When the danger is real and not just in a dreamscape, Peeta calls out (for his love to flee) and springs to action.
Another thought; This recalled the moment after the rule change
Before I am even aware of my actions, my bow is loaded with the arrow pointed straight at his heart. Peeta raises his eyebrows and I see the knife has already left his hand on its way to the lake where it splashes in the water. I drop my weapons and take a step back, my face burning in what can only be shame.
Also pointing out her choice to aim at the heart/brain in each instance.
But I’d love the Fairytale version of this chapter because it already has true-love’s-kiss breaking ‘the curse’
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braimrotting · 1 year
ive never used this before but qsmp is pulling apart my skull and throwing my brain around rn.
PARTICULARLY my guy philza
q!phil has overcome all my waking moments and i need everyone to hear. this guy is so paranoid yet gets into every situation. hes like paranoid in the opposite way that bad is. bad prepares for every possibly situation and makes sure he has every item for it while phil just ensures he never faces bad situations.
its so obvious in how he like scuffs the tasks to stay in familiar areas. chay and tallulah spend like 70% of their time awake in 3 areas: the wall (bunker), the fishing spot and spawn. in the downtime where the code stopped attacking, they got a lil more freedom (also cause phil wasnt there) but i fear we may get more recluse phil due to the return of the code.
also similarly, its rlly interesting to see q!phils acceptance and familiarity with isolation. assuming his hardcore world is canon to qsmp that would be an easy explanation. but its so bittersweet how phil always waits. q!missa has been gone for so long but phil makes sure chay doesn't hild any grudges about it and he keeps the amour stand waiting. q!wil might not be able to come back but phil still holds hope and comforts lulah with it.
their house is so full of love too. wilbur and phil yanked at my heart by keeping the signs up. chayannes sign sayin "a pretty garden for a pretty girl <3" will never fail to make me smile. MY COTTAGE CORE SLICE OF LIFE FAMILY FR!
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wakacreations · 3 months
Letters From Rolan (Anthology)
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Stay Safe Idiot! Letter Properly Sent.
Word Count: 450
Some letters are sent and some letters are canned. Rolan has a habit of writing letters that he won't let be read. It is more personal than a diary and inconspicuous to be seen penning as it's quite normal to be writing letters so often if they weren't addressed to Tav... What happens when Tav mysteriously receives letters from the Master of Ramazith's Tower.
Dear Tav,
You’re an idiot but also I wanted to tell you that… I hope you are doing well. You’ve been off gallivanting across the Sword Coast last I have heard at least. DON’T BE AN IDIOT and getting yourself into unnecessary trouble! The last thing I need is to worry and for you once again to be all banged up and bruised entering the Tower. Some heroic adventurer you are. A good heroic adventurer would know how to properly care for themselves. Especially if they chase after danger. ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY SAVE PEOPLE! ESPECIALLY WHEN THEY HAVE PEOPLE WAITING for them back AT HOME, Baldur’s Gate! You know how much Cal and Lia worry.
I…  I don’t think I have properly said thank you for saving the world. I must confess that without you, there would not be a world for Cal and Lia to happily exist in. For that, I humbly and graciously say thank you. I know I and my family put you in unnecessary grief with the events of the Shadow-cursed Lands and with the previous owner of the Tower… I am often stuck to wonder if my family is fortunate or misfortunate for all that transpired. I do not know if all this misfortune were for us, to have the fortune of crossing paths with you. 
Whatever the case, I am here to inform you that we are doing pretty well for ourselves, quite well. Cal’s orphanage he runs at Alfira’s and Lakrissa’s Bard school just received a large amount of funding. Duke Ravengard is personally securing funds to make it a permanent facility in Baldur’s Gate. Lia has been moving up the ranks of the Flaming Fist quite vigorously. Zevlor and Tilses have been her personal mentors in ensuring she will outcompete even the experienced Fists. She will be up for promotion soon to lead her own task force.
I, myself have been receiving letters to speak at lectures for the modifications I made to Ramazith’s Tower. Many scholars and wizards are eager to learn about the specifications of “the great cannon used against the elder brain”. While I am quite pleased they are so interested, I much prefer if they would show the same enthusiasm to my research (Demystifying the Weave: Accessibility to Spellcasting for Beginners). I have heard whispers that Karlach and Dammon are having a little hellion but you didn’t hear a word from me. They might be a girl perchance and their name will be Daisy. *cough *cough Alfira’s and Lakrissa’s words not mine. Speaking of them, expect those two to become official soon to no ones surprise.
There is a lot waiting for you, Tav back in Baldur’s Gate. I am sure I, WE expect your safe return. DON'T BE AN IDIOT! Take PROPER care.
- Rolan (Master of Ramazith’s Tower)
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fae-morrigan · 11 days
hi…I was thinking about your jay/damian step-brothers au (I hope I got the right blog bc I searched through your blog and didn’t find anything but like I’m so sure it was you), but anyway…any scraps you have about this au that you can share…pleaseee
like their initial reactions and whether or not this is something Damian would flaunt, or anything else you have 🙏
How about a little more than just some scraps? For you, my lovely anon, who asked about the thing I've been circling in my brain for WEEKS?!
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Sara and Talia get together when Damian isn't born yet. It starts as just a convenience thing, putting aside their nasty breakup as college students to raise their kids with a more unified/powerful house. And then of course they re-catch their feelings and their marriage becomes For Love.
Jay, who's of course around 6 (and just lost his other mom) thinks Damian is a very ugly baby. He comes around eventually.
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Sara and Talia's respective influence on their sons ends up changing a lot about these two in this AU.
For one, Jay, like Damian, is trained from combat from childhood, and ends up taking a specialty in bladed weapons (where Damian is more of a jack of all trades). He ends up also being a lot less shy and even is actively assertive even before the experiments, making him a bit of an oddball in Gamorra (which retains Japan's culture of politeness) but also a bit of a leader. He ends up taking after Talia in terms of her strategic cunning when it comes to people, more than willing to pluck a person out of the crowd if he thinks they have a shared goal.
Meanwhile, with Sara's influence (specifically kicking Ra's to the curb immediately because only son boy allowed and Gamorra MORE than has the resources to tell him to shove it) Damian has a much more... Normal isn't the word, but happy is, childhood. They still have their grand political goals that these two are being raised to help realize, but Gamorra has a huge culture of 'it takes a village' when it comes to kids and so from the start Damian sees himself less as the top of a lateral hierarchy and more a leading part of a grander horizontal convoy.
(I'll elaborate a bit on Ra's in a later post once I pin down Jon & Nika in this au. Stay tuned!)
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The fall of Gamorra goes, somehow, even worse. Talia and Sara in this au are not above rigging the election to make sure Bendix, Least Obvious American Plant Ever, doesn't win and take control of all their combined assets, except Bendix decides an election is for suckers and in this au just straight up stages a coup with American backing. Both Talia and Sara get captured: Sara gets taken first, with Talia and Jay getting captured together while ensuring Damian escapes to Bruce.
Damian's first meeting with Bruce in this au is not precipitated by his final birthday victory over Talia- In this AU, they never played that game at all, as Damian had zero interest in ever knowing his father (why dad when perfectly good two moms?). Rather, its precipitated by being the only survivor of his family when imperialism came knocking.
He still becomes Robin, and he still has an arc around learning the true power of violence and Why Killing Is Bad, but its with a different set of challenges: Rather than trying to help Damian unlearn his arrogance and deep-rooted trained violence, Bruce has to help Damian overcome his survivors guilt. Part of Damian's motivation for staying Robin and becoming the strongest is to save his mothers and his brother here.
He hates the other bats even more at first, here. They're not Jay, so why bother? His brother is gone.
Jay's story also goes almost the same but with slight differences- He still finds the revs, and still founds The Truth, and still sets out on a quest to exploit and destroy Bendix, but....
Everyone he exposes in The Truth's pages as helping Bendix's regime? Yeah, he kills them. With a sword.
(Also he's a bit of an arrogant dickhead here because he immediately gets to the revs and decides it is HE who is in charge. Dont worry, they soften him up a bit.)
The plot of this au formally kicks off when Robin (Damian), during the We Are Robin arc (which plays out almost entirely the same) gets wise to a string of mysterious murders that has seemingly migrated from Metropolis to Gotham.
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I'm really proud of these designs btw, lol. Jay's especially.
Thanks for asking! I'll have more on this AU soon and will absolutely accept any more questions you guys have.
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ramenthroughthe6 · 3 months
Our Life: The Jeremy King 'DLC'
Step 2: Intro
Note: I hope you folks enjoy! I am more than willing to accept constructive feedback via ask box! I'm hoping to activate and AO3 account soon so I can post this on there too! In the meantime ENJOY!!
As the sand crunched beneath his feet, the frail looking boy, who was anything but, stomped away in a flurry. His bright-green bowl cut swayed in the ocean breeze, as he got smaller, and smaller, and smaller, into the distance. 
> You stayed standing. 
> You slumped to your knees
It all happened so fast. You looked to Cove, then to Derek, then back into the center, where the mean kid once was. 
You hoped to never see him again. Whatever wind you had under your sails that day was instantly swept away by an unruly tide of a boy. Cove was the first to say anything, 
“Are you alright?”
> You weren’t alright and you told him so
> You said you were alright, you lied
> You said you were alright and you meant it 
Cove still frowned slightly at your response. Just giving a small “okay.” 
“I know what’ll make us feel better,” Derek’s sudden voice made you turn to his direction, watching as his eyes darted to the cut fruit bouquet in your hand then back to you, “We could eat the fruit now!”
Before you could even utter a yes or no response, Cove had already plucked a melon skewer from the parchment wrapped, food-safe foam in your hand.
You laughed at his antics, “Hey, I didn’t say we could eat it!” 
“My dad’s the one who paid for it,” Cove shrugged before polishing off his skewer in one bite, letting some of the melon juice drip down his chin. Ew.
It felt like you were dazed in the hours that had gone by: one minute you were chatting with your friends on the freshly heated sand of the ocean-front park, the first signs of summer break veering its head. The next you watched them dart away as your sister, Elizabeth, came to confront you about the family’s missing summer snack, now plucked clean and barren like a shrub in the fall. Before long you found yourself chatting on the phone, absent-minded and distant as you chatted with with your cousin, Lee, on the phone.
“I met a mean kid today.”
“Really?” Lee immediately peaked up with interest, “What happened?”
“I dunno. I have no clue were he came from, but it sounds like he’ll be in town for a while which sucks. He’s got this bowl cut and this big ugly frown and he’s always yelling.” You felt like you could go on forever about how much you disliked Jeremy.
“I don’t think I wanna meet him.”
“I wish I never did,” You joked, “hopefully we won’t have to cross paths again.”
That was the worst thing you could’ve said  
That evening Cove, in his upset, joined you in your room by coming in through the window. His parents seemed to be on the road to reconciliation and it was hard for him to deal with the change. But you were there for him, you were always there for him. And Cove was always there for you. Even when his mom came into town the next day, you stuck around til the bitter end to ensure he felt safe talking to his family about how he felt. 
A few more languid days passed into June. Ma sat flipping through a catalogue, legs crossed and back leaned against the couch, while Mom sat curled up with a lap blanket despite the incoming afternoon sun. Breakfast had been finished ages ago, being marked by Elizabeth’s exit; she had friends to see that day, you supposed. You spent time in the living room with your moms waiting for Cove to stop by on his almost daily visits. 
But a shouting broke up the peace. 
It didn’t sound like the type of hollering you’d hear in a fight. It was more frantic. A plea. It was so familiar it scratched at a part of your brain, but you couldn’t remember what.
Mom, being nosy like she was, immediately threw off her lap-blanket, put on her slip-on shoes at the entryway, and peered out the door. The shouting only got louder. Ma would later follow suit, trying to peak behind her wife’s shoulders. Curiosity got the better of you, and you too would slip between you mothers, muttering and ‘excuse me’ as you stared at the long stretch of empty street filled only with indiscernible shouts. You looked either which way for the culprit disturbing Sunset Bird’s early afternoon serenity. You caught a glimpse of Mr. Holden, Kyra, and Cove doing the same as your family. 
“What’s going on out here?” Mr. Holden asked as he took the initiative to approach your house. Moms must have felt more comfortable at his presence too, as the three of you spilled out of the doorway to join the Holdens and Kyra in the middle of the street. Before Ma could answer, another call ran out, albeit much closer. 
“Where are ya, kiddo?!”
Your family looked over at the Holdens before searching the street for the calling family, and in that time you caught Cove’s eyes. This is exactly what you felt like when you first met him; the shouting for him to come out, the moments where it felt like Mr. Holden was ready to thrown in the towel on searching for his son, finding him behind the hill. Cove gave you a knowing look. He’d thought the same.
You followed your family in the pursuit of the voices, before coming to a sudden halt, nearly bumping into your Ma’s backside. Along the shore, cutting through the park, were a man and woman.
The man’s beacon of orange hair shown like the falling sun over the ocean at the end of the day. His pale skin didn’t help the contrast either. Next to him, a taller woman, looking equally as frantic, her choppy, dark-green pixie cut took up splashes of ocean mist as it whipped backwards.
“Hey!” Mr. Holden’s yell seemed to bounce off the pavement in an echo. It stopped both people in their marching tracks through the warm, off-white sand, “Need some help?!”
For a moment they seemed to look at each other, as if confirming the validity of the offered aid, before jogging nearly in tandem to meet the sets of families. 
“Oh thank goodness! People!” The green-haired lady smiled almost in immediate relief. “Our son is missing- he ran off and we can’t seem to find him.” 
“Thats just terrible, we’re so sorry,” Ma offered a sympathetic look, “What’s he look like? Maybe we can still spot him before it gets too late.”
“He’s short, with light green hair, he’s got on a white shirt with multi-colored stripes, and-“
“Glasses,” the woman’s much meeker partner spoke up. Instantly their words rung in you, a flash in your mind of the memory of that rotten boy.
“He’s got a bowl cut?” You said so out loud, though accidentally.
“Yes! That’s him! Have you seen him?” The woman’s eyes seemed to be filled with hope, only to look even more downcast when you shook your head ‘no’. It looked like she was about to cry.
“Oh my god I feel awful. We’ll help you find him Mrs….” Kyra paused for her to fill out the rest of the sentence, pushing the people along with a twirl of her wrist.
“King. I’m Jennifer and this is my husband, Jackson.” The two extended their hands, shaking them with each of the parents, before pausing to give a friendly wave to you and cove. Cove offered a pleasant, yet retained, wave back to the couple.
> you returned the gesture
> you remained as you were
Mr. Holden placed his hands firmly on his hips, 
“You remember which direction he ran off in?”
“It was away from my sister’s house,” Jennifer answered unsure, pointing in the direction of the row of houses and shrubbery past the playground, “but he probably wandered away from there, too.” Beside her Mr. King rang his hands around each other nervously.
“Okay. Then I suppose we can split up and start there.” Mom waved everyone over in that direction and the group soon followed. 
Kyra and Mom split together, Mr. Holden and Ma, and naturally, you and Cove. Everyone seemed to shout for Jeremy at every corner, and it was starting to get late. The early afternoon sun had rolled over the sky, as shadows began deepen and elongate. Mrs. King was verging on hysteric tears when the reached the coastline edged with nothing but rock and dense palm trees. There was no where else he could’ve gone. 
“Oh my god…my baby ran off….” Mrs. King started up with another bout of tears, her husband following as he tried to comfort his wife.
“There there, Jen.. We’ll just have to call the police next.” As you watched the scene helplessly and with concern, as did the rest of your family and neighbors, when the foliage gave way to rustling. It snapped everyones attention towards the source of the sound almost immediately: Cove was trying to make his way inside.
“Bud,” before Mr. Holden could barely do what was considered reprimanding his son, Cove was fully submerged in the miniature jungle, crunching around a bit before a familiar, and unhappy, shout of ‘hey’ was heard.
“I found him!” Before Jeremy could raise more of a fuss about Cove revealing his secret hiding space, Mr. And Mrs. King came barreling into the palm foliage through the opening Cove left. Though it was hard to see through the dense and shaded plant-life, it was clear Jeremy’s parents were heartily sobbing in a joyous reunion with their son. Cove popped out of the bush, taking a stance by your side, so he could let the Kings exit. Despite likely being 11 or 12, Jeremy was still small enough to be held by his mother. Which would be easier if he wasn’t writhing like a carp on land. 
“Thank you so so so much for helping us find our Jerebear.” Mrs. King tried to nuzzle her cheek into her son’s poofy bowl cut, only to be rejected as he continued to squirm.
“No! Let me go!” Jeremy emphasized every word as he continued to pout over being discovered.
“Seriously, you all have no idea how much this means to us,” Mrs. King attempted to hand her squirming son over to her husband who looked not at all prepared to hold the little hell ball that was his own child, “can we get you folks breakfast? Our treat of course.” 
“Oh! That sounds fun!” Kyra piped up for the rest of the group, miscellaneous agreements arising here and there.
“Perfect! My sister should have no complaints if we use the house for a little brunch soon. It’d be nice to make some friends while we’re out here, huh, honey?” Mrs. King asked the question to her inattentive husband, who was much too preoccupied trying to get Jeremy to hold his hands still while rocking him side to side. Jeremy didn’t seem all too pleased at the idea, but Mr. King gave an enthusiastic nod. Before leaving, Mrs. King got the contact information for Mr. Holden and Kyra, as well as your house phone, before sweeping her son in her arms once again. “Thank you folks a million times over! Say ‘bye’ to your friends, Jeremy.” Rather than doing that, he stuck his tongue out at you over his mother’s shoulder before giving up and being whisked away. 
‘This was absolutely the start of the most obnoxious summer you’d ever have’, was your first and only thought as you watched the family walk away into the darkening orange sky. 
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ya-bug-boy · 3 months
For my request, can you write Kukui, Guzma and a male reader with harem boys, hypnosis and gangbangs please? In the story, Kukui and Guzma sign up to be harem boys at a private Aladdin themed love hotel. But because of their rivalry due to their bitter past the manager, the male reader, would hypnotize to make them more friendlier with each other, to the point that they engage in sex together along with their clients. What do you think?
Kukui and Guzma x AMAB Reader: Harem, Hypno, gangbang.
You're well regarded as a regular client here. In this sex work industry, you're seen as everyone's favorite horny pervert. You're direct about what you want while respecting everyone's boundaries, but that doesn't mean your favorite servants won't get on each other's instead.
There's a theme this time around, it fluctuates here and there from different countries or movies. It makes the outfits interesting from a usual skimpy set up but you can always request your favorite boys to wear what you'd like for an extra charge.
Your two favorites know you're coming in today and they're fighting again about who gets to serve you. It's not often that they get client who wants to get fucked as opposed to the other way around. On top of that, you're such a good boy, you do whatever they say like they're the ones paying AND you give a good tip. But the owner comes up with a proposition and to ensure that neither of them get in the way of the other's service, intrigues them in a hypnosis session.
Hypnosis is one of the services they provide here. You're hypnotized into a certain "role" and stay that way for a whole hour. A certain chime will play in a speaker in the room that will dissolve the spell placed on you. For that reason they're not allowed to fuck your mouth, which definitely means they're both going to have a turn at you.
When they hear you want that, the two servants can't help but to grin. The three of you entering your private room where they can finally be put to good service.
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You never had hypnosis added to your list of service but after tonight you were definitely going to use it again and again. Guzma and Kukui decide to become brainless animals, their inner basic senses becoming less important as all they can focus on is cumming.
Once their dicks slip inside your hot, tight body, it's at the point of no return. Once they start, they just can't stop.
Guzma is brutal with the way his hips snap against yours, his big hands intensely grabbing at your hips, ensuring you don't even consider escaping.
Kukui has you in a lock tight grip as he face fucks you, your suffocated moans just making his twisted grin get all the more excited as your eyes roll back at the size of the length in your mouth.
They fuck your body like a game of tug of war, both entrances full and plugged by the sheer girth of their cocks alone. You're lost in this forced pleasure, unable to rationalize and think logically, the only thoughts left in anyone's brain is to cum.
You're already at your breaking point, but then the two men reposition you, Kukui lining up his hot Alolan dick to your ass before slipping inside, your body taking two cocks at the same time in one hole. You let out a wordless scream as Kukui slides in all the way, the two men groaning with how wet and tight you are until they both start thrusting their hips into you.
You cum so quickly after that, how can you not? Taking two hot Alolan dicks at the same time was a dream come true. Your dick is nice and spent but they're not, they keep thrusting, they keep filling you up, fucking you at different intervals. You're never left empty even for a few moments.
Their trusts get faster and more violent, they're breeding you, shouting out loud how you're theirs, the sounds of your hot sex with them being the only sounds you're able to hear. Even when you reach your second climax, they fuck you through your orgasm, before their breath hitches and they slam their dicks as deep as it can go, letting out shuddering breaths as they finally fill you up.
But the hour isn't over yet. And they're still hypnotized. You asked for this. You wanted this. You agreed to everything. So be a good boy and be their play thing for the next hour, okay?
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pedrotonin · 1 year
Summary: Joel catches you stealing from his brother. He ensures the punishment fits the crime.
Pairing: Joel Miller x F!reader
Rating: R
Warnings: Minors DNI! 18+ Joel is not a nice person. Smut.
Word count: 1200+
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You arrived at Jackson only a few days ago. A group of men on horses scared the living shit out of you while you were hunting for some much needed food. You tried to hide, but they found you, or rather their dog did. It growled and barked, and you had no choice but to show yourself. They'd screamed and pointed their guns at you and threatened to let the dog attack. While you cowered in front of them, thinking your last minute on this godforsaken planet had finally arrived. It hadn't. Once they made sure you weren't infected, they brought you over to their settlement. They took your gun and knife, but you got to keep the rest of your belongings.
A guy named Tommy told you you were welcome to stay, but also free to leave. That was after they held you hostage in a prison like building for a couple of days. Wanting to make sure nobody would come for you. Nobody did, so Tommy took you under his wing. He said he was going to get you your own house, but until then, you were welcome to stay in one of his spare bedrooms. That's where you were currently sitting on the bed, looking at raindrops cascading down the window.
Tommy and his wife had been really kind to you. They'd not only let you stay at their house, but also shared their food and clothes with you. It was nice. They were nice. But you didn't like being here. Actually, you hated it.
You hated people in general. Being let down so many times in your life, you trusted no one anymore. Not easily anyway. That's why you lied when you told them your name.
Jacky. That's what you came up with. It popped in your brain while you were ogling their whiskey collection. Some of it original and some home brewed. You had a couple of good night sleeps and a full stomach, so it was time to leave.
You would wait until midnight and then sneak out. Taking an original bottle of Jack Daniels with you.
When they retire for the night, you wait an hour before you sneak out the front door. Goodbye Jackson.
You hear the soft snorting sound of horses coming from the stables. Horses, how could you forget. You'd steal one of those as well.
You slink towards the stables as quietly as possible. Inside, you grab a saddle and throw it on the first horse that comes into view.
The sound of a trigger being pulled freezes you, and you feel the cold metal of the gun against the back of your head.
"The fuck you think you're doin'."
A deep, male voice, just behind you.
You don't immediately answer him, and he pushes the gun harder against your head.
"Fuckin' answer me!"
You raise your hands and slowly turn around. He is tall, and very, very angry.
"You're that kid living with Tommy," he states.
"I'm not a kid, old man. I'm fucking 25 years old," you hiss. Earning you a backhanded slap across the face.
"Give me the bag," he snarls.
You don't.
"Give.me.the.fucking.bag" he punctuates each word while taking a step towards you. Jezus, is he going to kill you?
You hand it over, and he opens it. Pulling the bottle of Jack Daniels out. Raising his eyebrows.
"What's this? You fuckin' stole this from my brother?"
Brother? Interesting.
His hand curls around your throat. Walking you backward until your back hits the wall. Then he forcefully turns you around, putting your arms behind your back, holding them with just one of his hands. The other pushes your face against the cold, wet wood.
"Ouch, you son of a bitch!" you howl. The sharp wood poking into your cheek.
"You're going to pay for this," he hisses in your ear. "They hung people for less around here."
"No. No! Take the booze! I will leave this place and you'll never see me again! I'll do anything, please!"
He stays quiet for a second. You can feel his large body hovering behind you.
"Anythin' darlin'?"
What? What is he playing at. Well, you sure as hell aren't getting yourself killed over a bottle of whiskey. So yes:
He smirks. His hand leaves your face to tangle in your hair, and he pulls. Hard. Your head snaps to the side.
He kicks your feet apart and moves your arms above your head. He steps closer and nudges his thigh between your legs.
"Be careful what you wish for," he breathes in your ear. You can't help yourself, you outright moan.
"You like being manhandled like this, sugar? Just my luck."
He presses his whole body against your back, pushing his hard cock against your ass.
"Feel that?"
You lower yourself on his thigh a bit more and start grinding it. Hell, it's been so long.
"Fuckin' slut," he whispers.
His hand opens the button of your jeans and he reaches inside to cup your pussy through your underwear. Finding you wet. He tuts.
"If you run, I'll kill you." He lets go of your arms and grabs your shoulders to turn you around.
You take a better look at him. His mustache and beard are streaked with grey. His hair is curly, also greying. Eyes brown, dark, filled with anger and lust. He's much older than you, but handsome. Tall, strong.
"On your knees."
You do as you're told. He opens his jeans and pulls his cock out. It slaps against your chin. Christ, he's big.
You open your mouth and stick your tongue out and he wastes absolutely no time, putting his leaking cock inside. You close your lips around him and begin to suck him off.
He grabs your head and fucks your face. You choke and gasp for air. He lets you for a moment but then he pushes himself back inside, hitting your troat. Strings of saliva run down your chin and your eyes water while you struggle to breathe.
"Fuck!!" he moans and without warning he comes. Thick, white ropes of his cum hit your tongue and your troat. You swallow all of it.
You think he'll maybe let you leave now, but he's not finished with you yet. He pulls you to your feet and pushes you against the wall again. He rips your jeans and panties down and drops to his knees behind you.
"What are you d-"
His tongue licks a fat stripe over your dripping cunt. Words fail you, only a loud gasp escapes.
He grabs your thighs and burries his whole face between your legs. Eating you out like a man starved. Pushing one, two and even a third finger deep inside you. Fingering you hard and assaulting your clit with his tongue. It doesn't take very long until you feel your orgasm crash over you. You scream while your pussy contracts around his fingers. He takes them out of you and starts to lick them clean. Slurping as he does. Your eyes widen at the sight.
"I have a better idea," he says while he pulls your jeans up and puts his cock back inside his own.
"You come live at my place. I'll keep you safe and you keep my cock warm."
You stare at him. Is he for real?
"Bring the whiskey," he says as he walks out.
You smile and follow him. Yes, this could work.
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eksvaized · 8 months
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[ Previous ┃ Next ] part 5
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After finally venturing back inside, Simon did not approach you for an entire hour. Instead, he chose to keep his distance and observe you from afar. You were on the dance floor with Liz by your side. Both of you were giggling and dancing, twirling around in each other’s arms. He stayed in a dark corner, hidden, hoping no one would bother him.
He watched intently as you gracefully swayed your hips from side to side, your arms wrapped around Liz as the two of you moved in perfect sync. He realised he wasn’t the only one whose eyes you caught. In fact, practically every man in the club had their hungry gazes fixed on you, looking over their shoulders, stealing sneaky glances while their girlfriends weren’t watching. A few times, several of them tried to approach you and Liz. You weren’t successful at turning down unwanted attention, but Liz was, ensuring drunk idiots didn’t bother either of you for too long.
“Hello, you,” someone purred into his ear. He felt a gentle touch on his arm as fingers traced a path up his bicep, giving it a light squeeze, trying to peel his focus away from the dance floor.
With hesitation, Simon turned his head to the side and saw Mandy standing next to him. She batted her eyelashes at him, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, and biting the soft flesh. A mischievous smile formed on her face.
If she was any other girl, he would have shoved her away after telling her he was not interested in talking. However, she was your friend, and no matter what she wanted, Simon was determined to tolerate her presence. He didn’t want to risk upsetting Mindy because he was sure that she would then report it all to you, which could potentially tarnish Simon in your eyes.
The problem was that Mindy didn’t want just to talk. She couldn’t comprehend how a plain mouse like you could capture his interest. In her mind, she considered herself superior to you, so she was determined to steal his attention.
“I saw you here, all alone, looking bored,” Mindy said, her fingers gradually slipping down from his arm and her hand retreating back to her side. “And because you’re apparently Y/N’s friend... I felt obligated to offer you my company. She’s busy and I’m not.”
Simon wanted to distance himself from Mindy, but he made a conscious effort to put on a friendly facade. Mindy took a step closer, rising on her tiptoes as her face inched closer to his. She leaned in, briefly focusing on his lips before meeting his gaze.
“Plus, don’t tell Y/N, but... I’m a much better company than she is. With her, you might get bored, but with me, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
There was nothing about Mindy that he liked. She was too cocky, too self-absorbed, and definitely too confident. She approached Simon, expecting to win him over instantly because no man had ever turned her down. However, there was always a first time for everything, and Simon was determined to prove to her that her looks alone would not make him fold and fall to his knees.
“Ah, how nice of you, really. But I’m fine on my own.” He wanted to turn her down, but he realised he had to be smart about it.
“Let me buy you a drink, at least,” Mandy insisted. Despite Simon’s lack of interest in her, she remained stubborn and refused to leave him alone.
He shook his head and looked away from her, his gaze returning to the dance floor.
Liz had disappeared. You were all alone, but you didn’t seem to care about the lack of company. With your eyes closed, you allowed yourself to be completely consumed by the music. Your fingers ran through your hair, your hands caressed your body, and you swayed your hips to the beat. Simon could not tear his eyes off of you. He was mesmerised by your beauty, utterly enchanted by the way you effortlessly moved your body, shutting out the chaotic noise of the world around you.
While keeping one eye on you, he continued to entertain Mandy, who was still bent on sticking around. He racked his brain, trying to come up with an excuse that would allow him to get rid of her, but he had a sinking feeling that none of his usual tricks would be effective in persuading her to leave.
Simon saw a man approach you. The drunk stranger whispered something into your ear. You shook your head and smiled politely. From the looks of it, it seemed like you were trying to tell the man you weren’t interested in talking with him. As Simon watched the interaction, his gut instincts told him he should intervene. However, he didn’t want to overreact. He kept himself rooted to the ground.
But then, you pushed the stranger away for the second time. The man laughed, shook his head and placed his palm on your back, gradually inching his hand lower. Looking uncomfortable, you tried to move away from him. Though your polite smile remained, your eyes grew wide, and you anxiously glanced around.
“I think I see Y/N,” Simon said and turned to face Mindy, who was still running her mouth. “I’m going to be right back.”
Mindy’s lips parted in confusion, her eyes growing darker and angrier. She was not pleased with the fact that Simon had chosen to ditch her for you. But before she could react, try to grab his hand and stop him, Simon had already started forcing his way through the crowd, pushing past the stumbling people, determined to get to the dance floor as soon as possible.
“Is everything all right here?” Simon asked calmly as he approached you and the stranger. His voice carried a hint of concern, though he tried to hide his anger; his face remained expressionless, but his fingers curled into tight fists.
When you turned around and saw Simon, he could see a visible relief wash over your face.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is fine. You can move along, buddy,” the man said, causing Simon’s jaw to tighten.
“I wasn’t talking to you,” Simon spat back, grinding his teeth. This time, he couldn’t hide his irritation while speaking.
Simon’s attention shifted to you. Your eyes darted between the two men. Sensing that you wanted to get away from the stranger, Simon wrapped his fingers around your shoulder and guided you towards the bar, giving you a gentle push to steer you away from the sea of people.
“This is the second time you saved me,” you pointed out when the two of you found an empty spot at the end bar. While leaning against the counter, you shifted your body closer to the wall, letting Simon shield you away from the people.
“Well, I guess that then, instead of one, you owe me two drinks now,” he said with a playful smile directed towards you, which caused you to giggle and enthusiastically nod your head.
“Sounds fair.”
But he only let you buy him one glass of whiskey. And the second time you ordered drinks, he paid for both of you because he didn’t want you to waste your hard-earned money on him.
You two talked and flirted a lot. He often had to lean down and speak into your ear, so you could hear what he was saying. His warm breath tickled your skin. Whenever his hand lightly brushed against your waist or his fingers slowly traced down your arm, an electrifying shiver would run down your spine. And maybe it was just all the cocktails you had drank, but the more you chatted with him, the more you liked him. He was handsome and funny, and unlike the other men in the club, he wasn’t completely wasted. Most importantly, he didn’t creep you out.
At one point, you couldn’t help but notice your gaze fixating on his lips. At that moment, a sudden realisation washed over you — you wanted to kiss him. However, you quickly pushed that thought to the back of your mind. No matter how tempted you were to brush your lips against his, it would be too forward. You weren’t drunk enough yet to act so boldly.
“Aren’t your friends going to be upset that you ditched them for me?” Simon inquired, his fingers lightly drumming against the empty glass in his hand.
“No,” you immediately blurted out, looking around while shaking your head. Mindy was nowhere to be found, and Liz seemed to have disappeared into the crowd, engrossed in conversation with some strangers on the dance floor. “They often abandon me whenever an attractive guy flirts with them, so I guess it’s my turn to do the same.”
You and he had another hour to spend together before Mindy and Liz approached you. Apparently, they were bored and wanted to go home, and insisted that you go with them.
“Friends don’t leave their girlfriends alone at the club with some stranger they just met,” Mindy stated with a smile. However, her words had a sarcastic undertone, suggesting that your safety wasn’t her top priority, and her only goal was to lure you away from him. If Mindy couldn’t have Simon, she didn’t want you to be with him, either.
Simon didn’t want to say goodbye to you just yet, but he realised he couldn’t force you to stay, either. Before you left, you asked him for his phone, which he handed to you. You entered your phone number and returned it to him.
“Call me,” you smiled. “Because I still owe you a drink.”
He watched as you, Mindy, and Liz exited the club. By the time he got outside, too, the three of you were already gone.
He decided to have a quick smoke before calling a cab and going home. As he stood further away from the crowd, enjoying the crisp air and feeling relieved having escaped the deafening awful music, the creepy stranger who had been causing problems for you earlier approached him.
“You stole my girl,” the man stated, angrily pointing his finger at Simon, pressing its tip to his chest. The stranger’s body was swaying from side to side as he struggled to keep his composure.
Simon could tell that the man was heavily intoxicated, so he refused to entertain him. At first, he remained silent, hoping that his lack of response would deter the persistent stranger. However, the man continued to talk, irritating Simon and pushing his limits.
“Shut up and go before I break your nose,” Simon warned in a bitter tone.
Simon walked away and fetched his phone out of his pocket. While his gaze was glued to the screen, the stranger approached him again. The drunk man shoved Simon, using all his strength, clearly not feeling happy about being ignored.
Simon inhaled sharply and remained still, choosing to overlook the stranger’s reckless behaviour. However, when the man pushed Simon for a second time, Simon lost all control. The anger surged through Simon, causing his eyes to darken, his nostrils to flare, and his mind to shut off.
Simon’s clenched fist forcefully struck the man’s nose, a revolting crack resonating through the air. He punched the stranger once. Then twice. Simon kept hitting him, each punch landing with a sickening thud. The man’s balance faltered, his body collapsing to the ground, but Simon’s relentless fury endured. His hands became stained with crimson, his knuckles throbbing with an insatiable itch. With every irregular, ragged breath, the scent of iron filled the air, mingling with the acrid taste of adrenaline.
Simon’s vision became distorted, blurring the world around him and heightening his senses. It didn’t help that he couldn’t stop thinking about you, either. He kept imagining what the stranger would have done to you if he hadn’t interfered. What if the man would have followed you home? What if he had done something and Simon hadn’t been there to stop him? The questions continued to pile up in his head, intensifying his anger and transforming it into pure rage.
Simon only drew back when whispers and murmurs reached his ears. The crowd was rapidly gathering around the scene. Everyone was pointing fingers, gasping loudly and whispering among themselves. Despite his mind being in disarray, Simon’s ability to observe made him acutely aware of how terrible everything looked. The tension in the air was palpable. The realisation hit him like a truck: he was beating up a guy who, at this point, wasn’t even attempting to defend himself.
Simon took a step back, releasing his grip on the stranger’s shirt and allowing his body to crumple to the ground. A mixture of guilt and regret engulfed Simon, overwhelming him like a sudden downpour. He glanced around, cursing under his breath as he examined the crowd. His attention returned to the motionless man lying before him. A question gnawed at his mind: was the stranger even breathing anymore?
No, no, no.
He can’t be dead.
Simon refused to let the same story repeat itself. He didn’t want to do something he had done before. He collapsed on his knees and shifted the man onto his back. From up close, after leaning down, he could see the stranger’s chest slowly rise and fall — he was breathing, and even if Simon broke a couple of his ribs and left his face bloody, at least the man was still alive.
Before anyone could call the police or attract the attention of the club’s security, Simon quickly stood up and distanced himself from the sea of people, leaving the man to lay on the cold concrete.
Only after crossing the street did Simon dare to turn around and look back. He noticed a woman kneeling beside the stranger, while a man stood next to her with a phone pressed to his ear, likely calling an ambulance.
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