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algebraicvarietyshow · 9 months ago
egy napon
mikor micimackónak semmi dolga nem akadt, eszébe jutott, hogy tenni kéne valami nagyon fontosat
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the-kennster-gallery · 10 months ago
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It's finally done!! My dnd party as ponies!!! I also gave them elements of adventure because I thought that'd be cute :) This was so much fun to do. Drawing pony versions of characters I like is so spiritually healing idk how to explain it. I'd love to do more of these! Might try to draw some npcs later.
Bonus notes about my thoughts behind mlp designs in general below the cut
Across all types of ponies, it's more common for men to have cloven hooves and for women to not. Cloven hooves are considered more masculine and smooth hooves are considered more feminine.
Earth ponies generally have more muted colors. Their coats are generally matte in appearance and commonly have piebald patterning. Their manes are often only one color. Earth ponies are generally stockier than pegasi and unicorns.
Pegasi have wings on their hooves. These hoof wings have the same coloration as their normal wings and chest feathers. Pegasi coats are often one color with a gradient around their feathers, but some are known to have patterns and coloration resembling birds, bugs, and other flying creatures. Their manes often have gradients or stripes of color. Pegasi are on average the smallest type of pony.
Unicorns are the tallest and most slender pony type. Their coats are often shiny or sparkly, and they often have gradients all across their body. Their mane is usually pretty simple by contrast. They have long, fleshy tails with hair at the bottom, unlike other types of ponies whose tails only consist of hair. They also usually have the long hair around their hooves and on their ears. Unicorn magic is always the same color as their eyes.
(Ok so I stopped watching mlp before Kirin got introduced so if this sounds insane that's why lol) Kirin have a lot of traits that are similar to unicorns: shiny coats, long, fleshy tails, and extra furry hooves. The hair around their hooves and on the tips of their ears have a stripe of color that is different from their usual mane color. Kirin don't have cutie marks, so to represent their callings and talents they are given special necklaces when they come of age. These necklaces are usually crafted by their parents or tribe leaders. Jewelry holds a lot of cultural significance to Kirin. Much like unicorns, kirin magic is the same color as their eyes. Kirin are by far the largest type of pony. I mainly added the tusks because it's an Ulgan thing but I like it so I'm making the executive decision that kirin have tusks. The blacked out eyes are all Ulagn though.
Ponies with parents of different races frequently pick up features from other races. For example: Boulderfly's parents are a pegasis and an earth pony, so his butterfly patterning manifests in a piebald pattern. Creeping Vine's parents are a unicorn and an earth pony so her colors are more muted and she has less hair on her ears and hooves than other unicorns. A pegasis with a unicorn parent could have a longer tail and glittery coat like a unicorn, or an earth pony with a kirin parent can have scales on their rump and face like a kirin.
In this universe, all types of ponies are capable of learning and practicing magic, they just need arcane focuses to help them generate and direct that magic similarly to how a unicorn or a kirin would use their horn.
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oldmacykerenew · 1 year ago
Apukam tegnap volt 7. eve, hogy meghalt* …
Csak most realizaltam, hogy ma mar 18.-a van… Nem is emlekszem az elso napra nelkule, szerintem azok a napok kb sokkban teltek. Azt tudom, hogy az estet a baratnomnel toltottem, hogy ne legyek egyedul abban a nagy hazban utana…
Qva gyorsan eltelt ez a 7 ev. Mintha most lett volna… aztan neha, ha probalok emlekezni, akkor tobbnek erzem. :(
Azon mindig ledobbennek az emberek, hogy a regi dolgokra ugy emlekszem vissza, hogy “ez anya halala elott volt, ez apa halala utan…” vagy “akkor meg elt anyu… stb”
Ezek a “nagy esemenyek”, a vizvalasztok az eletemben. Mihez merjem? :(
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pikkelyke · 1 month ago
na szépjóreggelt, mivel is lehetne szebben kezdeni az évet, mint egy INES 6 szintű nukleáris eseményes álommal
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poembyme · 11 months ago
Összeakad tekintetünk,
Megáll az idő mellettünk,
Szívverést hallok tőled
Hevesebben, egyre félek,
Ahogy közelg a mutató,
Egyre távolotsz utadon.
Elvesztél a rengetegben,
Eztán merre keresselek?
Néztük egymást évekig,
Sors, a szerelmet mérik,
Hurrikánként csapott le,
Álmomban őt látom este.
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dalszoveg-planet · 2 years ago
És most már csak én vagyok És száz négyzetméter keserédes emlék Töröltem a lejátszási listát, de még mindig hallom az összes kedvenc dallamodat
Reneé Rapp - In The Kitchen
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the-drowsy-captains-art · 2 years ago
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I bring you Akloh (they/them), my Yiga OC!! They're a half-hylan half-shiekah who grew up in Kakariko. As an anthropologist and archeologist, they accidentally ran into the Yihga clan in the depths and through the befriending properties of banana (cookies), they haven't left the clan since.
the backstory is a bit of a work in progress but I might write a fic for 'em one day
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howuart · 2 years ago
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vivalasthedas · 3 months ago
i really hope they either patch in more/better skintone range
or someone mods it
twice now i've gone to make a character and forgotten that 'warm deep skin tone' is literally not something it has. Here are the five darkest warm skin tones it offers
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This would be an embarrassing foundation range if it was a makeup line
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I do like the setting here.. its very peaceful.
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can-i-roll-for-it · 2 months ago
Scenes from somphermore year I think about all the time
Kristen telling Tracker she wanted to marry her
Fig and Adya sleepover
Gorgug and Kristen hugging and telling each other "I love you" when both their gfs where mad at them
Fabian with the fire elmental "Thank you for my life"
Gorgug giving Fabian and Ragh oranges when they were sad
Adaine and Aelwyn sleeping next to each other after they first recuse her and Aelwyn weaking casting shield around them
Adaine being like "I know a secret~" when she learnee Fig and Adya kissed
"I would really like for you to be my big sister" Adaine and Aelwyn in the nightmare forest in Adaine's mind
"Gorgug I died again!" "I know! sorry I wasn't there"
Riz being like "Kristen something bad always happens when it's just us"
Fig reviving Riz while flirting with Adya and Riz coming back to life and immediately being like "Am I interrupting something??"
And many more
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prokee · 2 months ago
Nem csupán arra vagyok rohadtul büszke, hogy friss szállásként megnyitva már elment a decemberi időpontok fele, és már jövő nyárra is van két foglalásunk, de arra is, hogy az utolsó napok rohanása után végül összeállt és a helyére került minden, és a vendégek imádják a kis bódénkat.
Innen indultunk:
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...és ez lett.
(Nem tudok egy szemből napsütötte képet lőni, mert délelőtt hónapok óta felhős idő van...)
Nulláról építettem fel, vízzel, villannyal, klímával, kompletten, meló mellett esténként és hétvégéken. Hát asszem, erre szokták mondani, hogy most már férjhez is mehetnék :)
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brutebomber · 6 months ago
Brute Bomber thoughts on the usage of souls wasn't as important, considering he grew up with it despite his parents both coming from Tural. They would likely be mad, but their dead because they didn't use the machine. and now...is it normal to feel sad, remembering them?
"I wouldn't recommend it luv."
It was a offhanded comment, though plans were written rather fast and discarded just as fast, or rather typed since the production of paper was useless now. Paper is, a rare material and everything was often digitial, notebooks were a luxury to be had and the sound of typing followed by slight pen scritching.
his fingers and thoughts flew fast, over a hundred clicks a second before he stopped.
"...It does nothing, really. Its just a gimick, I'm just holding back before I use it. The others know about it too, but we get paid better if we keep it. not that it matters. I got a lot of new ideas on beating you up. next time."
He licks his lips at the thought. A nerd, perhaps. But a battle nerd...
"I'm thinking of some elemental reaction. You, your a mage right? or you know your magic? You think a person can die from hot and cold at the same time?"
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Roi was not interested in the show or the feelings of the audience. The only concern he had was setting free the souls that were being used to entertainment. Despite what Wuk Lamat and the others believed, Roi hoped that the Alexandrians would cease their reliance on souls. It was disgusting to refuse anything the right to pass on. Long again, he would have been more accepting of it. But he had been to the aetherial sea and spoken with the departed. He had been helped and harmed by them. They deserved to live on. He didn't blame anyone for their use of them. Most were not educated in the cruelty of the entire thing. And death is a scary thing, after all.
He didn't know if his former opponent was playing a character on the stage or not. It didn't matter. Still, Roi could act high and mighty about his goals, but there was another part of him that simply craved a good fight beyond anything. Which part of him convinced him to agree to fighting? He wasn't actually sure.
"What was that thing you took during our fight? It was banned, right? Do they sell it here?" If it was potent, he might be able to use it in a pinch. Yellow eyes scanned the notebooks. Funny, he didn't take him for a planner.
"Already planning for a rematch?"
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sztivan · 15 days ago
ti egyébként hol találkoztok ennyi rémes emberrel?
volt az a thread, amiben arra, hogy aki el akar költözni Magyarországról, miért akar, ahelyett, hogy a kérdésre válaszoltak volna, rengeteg ember, aki már rég elment, elmondta, hogy mit lát most, keresték a választ
na és nyilván rengeteg dolgot látok az országban, ami rossz (és ez nem egy olyan post akar lenni, hogy miért maradok itt - arra tök más, objektív okaim vannak, ez más téma), de amikor arról írtok, hogy mennyire szörnyű emberek vesznek itt körbe és milyen fojtogató a hangulatuk, hát azt egyáltalán nem érzem. oké, nem az van, hogy mindenhol mindenki csodálatos, de így amerre én mozgok - legyen szó akár a munkáról, akár a lakhely-ovi-környező boltok háromszögről, akár a hobbijaimról -, nagy totálban teljesen rendben el lehet lenni azok között az emberek között, akik ugyanott vannak
bevallom, kicsit olyan ezt a panaszhalmot látnom, mint amikor olyan nyugat-európai helyekről, amiket ismerek, mesélik a magyarok, hogy hajaj, mennyire nem lehet meglenni, mert nincs közbiztonság meg mi az isten, én meg nem értem, hogy miért ennyire más a tapasztalatunk, nekem mennyire nem volt semmi bajom ott
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borharisnya · 9 months ago
a faszim, akit csak
pár hetente látok, és AKI SÜT NEKEM KENYERET, 18 éves korom óta egy tejbegrízt se főzött nekem senki, hagyott itt kovászt. és aztán elment most igazán nagyon sok hetekre, én meg jól elfelejtettem a kovászt etetni. de most napok óta küzdök már érte és ÉL, FLÓRIKA ÉL, örüljetek velem!
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stickalittle · 1 month ago
Mondjuk, én nem tudom, ki kap ajurvédikus kezelést, Orbán kapja-e vagy a felesége,
de a világ 2000 leggazdagabb emberének egyike bármilyen orvost, bármilyen specialistát, bármilyen kezelést meg tudna fizetni a világ bármely pontján, és akkor az egészségügyi problémájával elmegy Indiába egy ajurvédikus kezelésre. Ilyet csak az tesz, aki a., hétköznapi értelemben egy teljesen átlagos, becsapható hülye b., már elment az összes orvoshoz, specialistához és kezelésre, és már csak az az egy reménye maradt, hogy hisz a csodában. Vajon melyik eset áll fenn?
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