#to be mortal is the greatest punishment
albedid · 2 years
so fascinating to me that the gods viewed staying human for eternity to be a greater punishment than loosing most of your sentience and being turned into a monster
#Played some of the new quest today#Lore!!!#also just. Genshin’s whole thing on whether being human is our greatest strength or our greatest weakness is so delightful to me#Dain views all humanity as the opposite of dregs#he acknowledges that there are damaging parts of human nature (“but mortal arrogation never stops”)#but for him the concept of humanity is a power that all humans can draw on#I’ve always been curious abt Dain’s line in Travail “we will defy this world with a power from beyond”#who is we? The remaining survivors of Khaenria not with the abyss order?#The whole of humanity?#and what is the power from beyond? At what point is smth not native to Tevyat? Khaenria was supposedly separate from Tevyat#but still in like the same sphere#whereas the primordial one and the second who came were supposedly from outside Tevyat#but eventually became wholly tied with it#so is this power from Khaenrian?#And!! Khaenria is referred to both as quintessentially human (“the apple of humanity”) and as something separate from humanity#and so like? Is this power from beyond that we will defy this world with just. The tendencies of humans?#to explore and question and love and hate and connect? Because those are all things that are good at toppling existing structures#In contrasts to Dain’s view abt the power of humanity the gods view being human as a punishment#(the Gnosticism is showing)#Anyway maybe I’ll re-write this to be more comprehensible later#genshin spoilers#spoilers#genshin impact spoilers#Posts by me
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evilios · 1 month
🏺 On Fear of Gods.
Specific religion: ancient Greek polytheism.
Unsourced claims that "actual fear of the Gods was frowned upon in ancient times" remind me badly of the "everything before Christianity was good and now we have fear instilled in us by Evil Monotheism" and it bothers me so much so why don't we look at our sources.
I don't think it's wise to look at just poetic sources for votive claims, though poetry does show us another perspective on the feared and respected Gods, so I am using Homeric Hymns (trans. by Apostolos N. Athanassakis, *just my personal preference) as a source. Previous commentators in [ this post ] have already mentioned that many festivals, such as the beloved by many Thargelia, were festivals to appease Gods and shoo away the dangers awaiting old communities.
Let us look at cases of the Gods causing fear in the very people that do respect them:
Awe, reverence, and pale fear seized the mother; and she yielded her seat to the goddess and asked her to sit.
(to Demeter, 190-191)
All night long they propitiated the glorious goddess, quaking with fear, and as soon as dawn appeared they told the truth to Keleos, whose power reached far, as the fair-wreathed goddess Demeter had ordered them.
(to Demeter, 292-295)
Demeter is among feared Goddesses not just because she is amazing and deeply awed (though she is); her wrath brings devastation. Appeasing Demeter out of fear of what happens if you don't is simply a norm of the society her cult thrived in: one reliant on agricultural luck.
When you are here you shall be mistress of everything that lives and moves; your honors among the immortals shall be the greatest, and those who wrong you shall always be punished, if they do not appease your spirit with sacrifices, performing sacred rites and making due offerings.
(to Demeter, 364-369)
Persephone's becoming as the queen of the underworld is marked, with the words put into the mouth of God of the dead himself, by this statement: they will honor you or they will be punished. Aside from being a sweet thing to say to your newly-made-queen wife, it's a reflection of an ancient belief that non-appeased Gods are terrifying.
Through the precious tripods he entered his temple and lighted a flame to guide the ships, enveloping all of Krisa in light; and the wives and fair-girded daughters of the Krisians raised a cry at the radiance of Phoibos, for he instilled in them great fear.
(to Apollo, 443-447)
Apollo is not at all posing danger to these people. In fact, a few lines below, he wonders why they hide away in fear and instills courage in their hearts so they may speak. But he is feared for such is the nature of a God. His voice is "loud", his presence is "mighty". Like other immortals, he overwhelms you with the very presence.
When he saw Aphrodite’s neck and lovely eyes, he was seized with fear and turned his gaze aside.
(to Aphrodite, 181-182)
I should provide context: Anchises feels fear upon realizing that Aphrodite is divine. The very fact alone is enough to instill this primal reaction in him, because she is so much above him.
Now the god became a fearsome, loud-roaring lion in the bow of the ship and then amidships a shaggy bear he caused to appear as a portent. The bear reared with fury and the lion scowled dreadfully on the topmost bench.
(to Dionysus, 44-48)
Dionysus is probably the most obvious God to be afraid of: he turns into terrifying creatures most often, instills frenzy, and causes disruption and desolation if he's displeased frequently. Most people know the account of Pentheus or the story of Minyas' daughters. Dionysus is a notoriously fearful God.
A lot of mythical narratives serve to instill fear of misdemeanor, it is not a thing that only existed in Christianity: the idea of hubris is the idea of not crossing the clear-cut line between mortal and divine. If you do, you are punished as so many were, in myth. Ancient Gods are feared while being respected and beloved, those are not opposites of each other because the divine beings are not human despite sometimes appearing human-like. They are forces of nature, patrons of inter-human relationships, ones who control how things are done. And it just happens so that if things are done wrongly, they let humans know through signs, messengers, or punishment depending on the wrongdoing.
There's cultural background behind religions that cannot be overlooked just because it reminds you of aspects of Christianity and to say that recorded aspect of fear within many religions is an invention of Christian faith is simply disrespectful to these religions.
I'm not going to police your personal religious practice, this is not my business; so please do not make it about that. But there's a difference between having no fear in religion personally and claiming that it's historically a "Christian invention" that did not exist in some magical glorious ancient past.
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shellem15 · 2 months
Okay, I know the Dawnfather and the other primes are running interference, but we NEED to get a full, one-on-one conversation between Asmodeus and Raei (I need it. So bad.) It would hurt so much but so GOOD. I know the hardest bars would be dropped, fucking "My greatest heartbreak...is that I will only have eternity to punish them" levels of bitterness and resentment.
Especially considering what we learn about them in the intro! Imri was straight up ready to die for Luz! Fucker threw himself into the goddamn flames for her!
You know there's so much angst over that. Over how she apologized before healing him. Is Asmodeus hung up on that? About how he sacrificed himself out of love and all she gave in return (in his mind obvs) was guilt? Does he think that's why she tried to save him during Calamity? Not out of love but out of guilt for trapping him?
Asmodeus, who was changed (change, a thing he hates above all else) for her. Who refuses to be changed ever again. Who would hurt the ones he loves in his pursuit of revenge. Who loves his hatred more than he loves his siblings.
The Everlight, who was just trying to help her brother. Who was just trying to help the world. Who got stabbed in the back for her efforts. Does she regret it? Trying to help him? Does she regret saving him on that ship in the first place?
Perhaps Torog is right. Perhaps death would have been the greatest mercy for him. Anything that isn't pain, that isn't all-consuming hatred.
Imagine if she told him that. How much that would fucking hurt him (them both). If it was a lie, would he know? Would he call her out on it?
Probably, I imagine. He'd probably say something like: "Mortals think we are different. That you are honest while I am not. But between us, you've always been the better liar. The greatest, cruelest lie that's ever been told, is that there is any mercy to be found in this wretched world."
TLDR, this miniseries is driving me insane.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Vampire König Headcanons
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Warnings: Nondescript Depictions/Implications of Smut, Territorial König, Jealous König, Dominant König, Submissive König, Domestic König <3, Marking, Consensual Dub-Con, Restraints, Abuse of Vampire Powers, Feeding, Mentions of Blood, Mentions of Injuries, König using Urban Dictionary, Petnames, No Pronouns used for Reader except ‘You’.
So domestic that it hurts.
6’10 military vampire boyfriend in a pink frilly kitchen apron that says ‘Love, Peace and Hope’ on the front of it >>>>
Seriously, though, he’s the most caring of his kind (if you exclude Simon) and is so gentle and loving that you could scarcely believe what he was until he showed you his fangs and his abilities.
Don’t be fooled by his kind nature, though; he’s given you more protection than you’ll ever need with his scary dog privileges. Ones which ward off humans and other supernaturals alike.
And, given how tall he is, you don’t see the death stares he gives to bystanders; all you see is a path being cleared in front of you, people scrambling out of your way in what you may construe as consideration. Or terror.
Speaking of König’s gargantuan proportions, he needs more blood to survive than the average vampire. More than you, or any other human, can possibly provide.
Luckily, he only feeds from animals. Mostly.
Their taste is not as exquisite as human blood, not being as clean by comparison (particularly in pests, like rats), but he makes do. Especially when it’s for your own safety; to protect you from his blood rage when he hits a draught.
But, regardless of his masterful self-control, there comes a point where his palette can no longer stand the taste of disease and death in his blood supply, his thirst becoming so dire that he needs human blood. Now.
The first time you saw him like this, you panicked, asked what was wrong.
He told you he was fine as he gripped the kitchen counter, crushing the marble – that he just needed to go to sleep, giving a vague smile and no explanation.
It was only after being grilled and your concern melting his resolve that König’s resolution gave out, and he confessed his greatest shame. His strongest vice.
And, without knowing how dangerous he could get while feeding, you, in all your kindness and virtue, offered yourself to him.
“I know it’s not much, but I can try to find you something else for you, too !”
Never has a human who has known of his true nature been so selfless as to put their life on the line for his own survival.
Long story short, he eventually caved to your generosity and, when he tasted your blood, knew there was no finer delicacy he could tear from any planet in any universe.
You are the only one for him.
In return, he’ll try to cook and care for you. And, surprisingly, he’s pretty good at it !
Has all your favourite dishes memorised. Whether you told him or not.
He tries not to use his mind reading abilities on you, though sometimes, it slips out, hence he knows so much about you despite you never having uttered the specifics to him.
Whenever he’s feeling fragile (jealous) about you liking an actor or a character you’re watching, he’ll use his powers to ever so slightly see what you’d like to do with them.
Or what you’d like them to do to you.
This often leads to some very specific practices occurring in the bedroom.
When König is feeling particularly dominant, he tends to get quite…forceful.
All within the realm of consent, of course.
This side of him is typically triggered by jealousy, though it is not a punishment.
Far from it.
This is your reward for being so loyal – so disinterested in the advances of others, whether supernatural or otherwise.
“Say that you’re mine,” König growls, his fangs slick and protruding against your throat, coated in saliva, as if he were rabid. The weight of spectral chains forcing your body to be still and subservient is heavy upon your mortal vessel.
His hands have torn through your underwear, your only barrier against the merciless ecstasy you will be subject to on this night.
“Or you won’t leave this night unscathed.”
Consensual dub-con and restraints <333 !!1!
Fr though, König would never use his telekinesis on you unless you expressly asked him to, because, unlike many of his kind, he’s got a human side.
One which he only shows to you.
This much is apparent when he puts himself in your hands and gives himself to you in his entirety.
Becomes the antithesis of the typical bloodthirsty, cynical, overlord vampire stereotype when he’s feeling submissive.
The type to say “Please, Darling,” when he needs you to touch him.
Pull on his hair and he’s D E C E A S E D (more so than he already is).
He’s been touch-starved his entire mortal and immortal life, never having found someone special enough to make him feel comfortable, so his imploring for you to touch him is, whether you know it or not, a big honour – and a commitment for König.
Speaking of, he adores cuddles.
Both giving and receiving.
Not that you know this, but sometimes he intentionally crushes you into his chest between his pecs because once you called him your “Big tiddie himbo”, and it’s stuck with him since.
Plus, you also like to motorboat them sometimes.
Yeah, he had to go onto Urban Dictionary to find out what himbo meant. No, he did not delete his search history afterwards, so now you know his second greatest shame; his lack of fluency with modern terms.
Sometimes, you’ll drop random turns of phrase to see what his reaction will be; whether he’ll pretend to know what you’re saying or if he’ll submit and tell you he has no idea what he just said.
“König, you’re so rizzular, you know that ?”
“Uuuhhh…yeah ! You…too…?”
He does get a little insecure about it, but that’s nothing compared to how he feels whenever his friends come and visit.
Other vampires and supernaturals, naturally. And, regardless of their status, he’s always on the edge of his seat, wondering if you’ll take one look at them and decide to leave him in pursuit of another.
It doesn’t matter how many times you try to reassure him; König is dead set on his doomsday premonition (a panic attack he had while asleep once) that you’ll leave him.
“Köni, Baby,” you say, voice gentle as you cradle his head to your chest, sat bundled in amongst the blankets on the sofa. “I’m never leaving you. Even when I’m a ghost, I’m going to haunt you forever !”
He has thought about turning you, btw.
But he can never seem to find the right time to broach the subject; especially when you’ve told him how you have no interest in being immortal. At least, not yet.
“You’re only human once,” you tell him, smiling. And, somehow, König can feel his heart skipping a beat.
Until his friends leave, König puts on the facade of someone who has never felt an ounce of panic in his life.
Mad territorial.
Keeps you sat on his lap or tucked away in a hidden part of the house for the duration of his friends’ visit.
And God forbid if any of them try to touch you.
There have been many an occasion where you and König have been left cleaning up blood spatters soaked into your carpet and walls because König’s instincts kicked in, causing him to disarm whoever had been stupid enough to make physical contact with you.
Yeah, König feels bad that he ruined your new carpet, but would he do it all again to protect your honour ?
Yeah, okay, sometimes he does intentionally mark you up the night before the guests arrive. Yes, he does hide any articles of clothing that could cover his love bites up.
“I just want them to know that you’re mine,” he tells you, almost whimpering, his eyes wide and almost tearful when you give him a narrowed look.
“König, you’re mauled off enough hands that they couldn’t un-know that we’re together even if they tried !”
And, at the end of the night, you’ll either be met with a very prideful König, whose powers you can feel weighing heavier on your shoulders by the minute. Or, puppy König, who comes bounding over to you, his eyes bright with nothing short of a lifetime’s adoration.
Either way, König wants you to know that you are thoroughly loved, and no measure of mortality, or time, or distance will ever change that. 
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterlist [Continued] Masterpost Modern Warfare AI Masterlist
AO3 Wattpad
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anathemafiction · 11 months
"I'll tell you why I spit on your forgiveness. Why I loathe your redemption. To reach a hand down to someone, they need to be BENEATH YOU! And I'm beneath NOBODY."
"My greatest heartbreak is that when I've collected every last mortal soul into my pit, I will only have eternity to punish them."
— Brennan Lee Mulligan as The Lord of Lies, ExU: Calamity
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
What kind of yandere are they?
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Explanations below/Click for higher res
MK has been through so very much. The glamour of being a hero wore off quick, leaving him with many insecurities and doubts. Giving him someone innocent and kind to protect stabilizes him somewhat, but makes him more vicious in an effort to ensure their safety.
Sun Wukong thinks as something worth protecting. You give him a purpose and a good reason to dust off his old bones and return to fighting- all he asks in turn is that you stay on Flower Fruit Mountain with him. And the world getting it’s greatest hero back is a worthy trade for your lack of freedom, isn’t it? (The most likely to kidnap you, tied with Macaque.)
Ne Zha uses you as motivation for his fervent service. If the celestial realm has you, then it’s clearly worth protecting. If someone so good and kind resides there, then why should he waver in his duty? This extends to personal fights in your name- he rarely comes out unbloodied.
The Mayor keeps a close on eye on you, always watching from the shadows. You probably have a tie to the Lady Bone Demon in some way, an heir to her blood or powers. He cultivates your misery by pulling strings and arranged misfortunes- the fact that no one stops him or saves you is proof enough (to him) that the world is rotted to the core. Proof that it needs to be destroyed. Proof that you need something, or someone better- maybe him?
You justify the Lady Bone Demon’s ideals. She watches as you suffer and break, your kind soul perpetually punished for good deeds and unyielding optimism. If you trust people, they betray you. If you help people, they hurt you. Your life is proof to her that the world is cruel, and needs to be wiped clean. So she obsessively watches from afar, her mind constantly plagued with thoughts of you, and thoughts of ending your suffering. (The most manipulative yandere on this list.)
Azure Lion sees you cast from the Celestial Realms, thrown out for daring to try and improve the lives of mortals without approval from the Celestial Bureaucracy. Not only are you a perfect member for his brotherhood (and he will get you to join), but you also reaffirm to Azure what he’s fighting for.
Zhu Baije is a very flawed man. By his own nature, he’s something of a troublemaker. You work to counteract many of the problems he causes, working hard to ensure that no fissure in the group grows too big. It’s easy to think of you as someone worthy of worship- you seem to have an endless well of patience and kindness. He just wishes that you gave a little less of it to people who aren’t him.
Ao Lie watches you close. He sees how you struggle to pull everyone together even when things are at their absolute worst, and respects your efforts. He sees a person always willing to stand up for other and for what’s right, never allowing yourself to stand idly by. The harder you fight to mend rifts between people, the more admirable you become to him.
Mei just wants you- she doesn’t bother thinking it through or wondering exactly why. You’re nice and you’re good, so you’re hers. Her parents are fully supportive of her attempts to ‘adopt’ you, and have a room set aside for the day they ‘bring you home’.
Pigsy doesn’t think of his obsession as a hero, warrior, or soldier. He instead views them as a child in need or guidance and protection, the sort who would be benefit nicely from being taken under his wing- likely enlisting Tang and MK to help him corral you into his care. (The most likely to succeed in his goal, tied with Sanzang)
Princess Iron Fan doesn’t think much of you at first, viewing you as a little more than a disposable pawn. But, to her surprise- you perform far more admirably than expected, so keeping you both alive and close becomes the rational course of action. She gets used to using you, then gets used to you, then wants you. And Iron Fan knows how to get what she wants.
Macaque at first is just using you, stringing you along. He trains you to be more like him, feeds you lies about Wukong and MK, gets you to hate them by filling your head with falsehoods. And somewhere along the line, he ends up getting attached. Instead of getting better, he doubles down on his manipulations, intent on keeping you close. (The most likely to kidnap you, tied with Wukong.)
Tang Sanzang sees so much potential in you. You’re a feral little thing, tucked away under bushes and baring your teeth at him- a child acting like a wild animal. His holy heart aches for you, thinking of the struggles you must’ve endured through your life. With a pair of heavenly circlets for your wrists, Sanzang inducts you along for his pilgrimage, intent on bettering you bit by bit- by force, if he must.
Expect lots of tutoring and life lessons, all delivered with endless patience and a paternal attitude. Teaching you to read and write and behave might be harder than pulling teeth, but it will be done. Not to mention the four other pilgrims whom he positions as your ‘brothers’, who adore and respect him, each one swayed by his words of what’s ‘best for you’. (The most likely to succeed in his goal, tied with Pigsy.)
Tang probably mirrors Pigsy in his acquiring of a child- he finds some dirty little waif on the streets and takes them in as his own. Something ancient and repeating calls from within him, pushing him to take this little unfortunate thing into his care, to push them to be ever better- an inner voice calling for him to be kind and merciful. And really, who is he to deny such a kind urge?
Master Subodhi is a wonderful judge of character, capable of picking out both the flaws and strengths of a person. You could be troubled and impatient, or rude and reticent. All that matters is there’s true good inside you- however embryonic it may be. Through strict guidance- and with a not insignificant amount of amusement at the shenanigans you cause with his other students- Subodhi manages to slowly molds you into a better and stronger person. Mind you, all of this is through the masterful use of manipulation. Expect his other students to help him reign you in and chip away at your resolve to leave. (The most likely to have an obsession that’s stronger than him.)
Sandy thinks that you’re simply wonderful. You’ve been a constant supportive force in his life, encouraging his therapy sessions, teaching him how to brew tea, vouching for him to shelters across the city. With your support, Sandy slowly becomes a better person, leaving behind most of his obsessive and possessive behavior behind. There are lingering traces, hints of overprotectiveness and denial of consent, holding you too tight in his arms and not letting go or slipping sleeping pills into your tea… but even those habits lessen in frequency and severity.
That, or you might be a child of his that he wants to be a better role model for. Sandy wants you to be happy! He wants you to be confident! He wants you to have a good dad! So he almost unhealthily works to improve himself, finding positive ways to channel his most toxic and unhealthy traits, hoping to become someone worthy of your love. (The least likely to hurt you.)
Everyone else treats Sha Wujing like a monster, hurling wicked names and cruel words. ‘Demon’ and ‘fiend’, they decree, and Wujing has long internalized their words as truth. He’s plenty happy to act on his learned monstrosity, lashing out at any who draw near- until you come along with a simple compliment and an admission of weakness. You aren’t strong enough to fight, not quick enough to run from him- but you’re kind enough that he doesn’t think to butcher you. Growing obsessed with you amplified some of his worst traits while also teaching him about unconditional love and support, the dichotomy of equal progression preventing any true growth for a time. Once Sanzang comes along, Wujing has to think long and hard on who he is and what he’s done and who he wants to be and what he wants to do- and decides to be better for you.
There aren’t many people that the Demon Bull King cares for, but you’ve managed to worm your way into his stony heart anyhow. It’s awkward to try and be open with someone so squishy and frail, but he makes a token effort to be less intimidating and overbearing so you aren’t as scared. It’s not easy settling you into his family (especially with his son now battling you for his attention), but he’s sure you’ll get used to it eventually. Iron Fan is more on board with your induction than her son, coming to view you as a lovable; if weak, second child. Red Son refrains from outright violence, but is notably icy over the sudden competition for affection. Still, in the strangest of ways- it’s family.
Chang’e has been alone for a very long time. There’s no real way to know exactly how long, but isolation has taken it’s toll. Is it so bad to want someone to dote on and nourish? No! So you and her should be family! She’s even more insistent if Y/N is leporine in some way- the two of you are meant to be family! A loving lunar goddess and her perfect little lop, together on the moon. To her, it sounds like something out of a fairy tale. It might be more of a saccharine nightmare to her captive, though. (The most capable of keeping Y/N from escaping.)
The Scorpion Queen really just wants a friend, no matter what it takes to get one. Loneliness has gnawed away at her inhibitions and morals, leading her to snatch up the sweetest looking person around and haul them back to her castle. She’s not above using poison to keep you complement, brewing up several blends from her own venom. Paralytics, sedatives, you name it. One quick sting and you’re helpless in the Queen’s arms, ready to be pampered and protected. After she’s done cleaning and patching your new wound, of course.
Kui Mulang has been waiting for his lover for so very long… and then you come stumbling in, wide-eyed and unaware of the dangers that the demon possesses. You’re a funny little mortal, unworthy of having your weak soul devoured- not only would it not expand his lifespan too much, but he fears it might even make him weaker. Instead, he forces you to become a cute little companion/pet and regales you with tales of his lover, filling your ears with descriptions of her beauty and kindness. Don’t get the wrong idea, though- you aren’t making him a better person. He’s just found one single person to not be totally awful to. (The most likely to replace his obsession.)
Syntax admires your work from afar, picking apart every bit of tech you manufacture. He’ll install dozens of cameras across your home just for the joy of watching you scramble to disable or destroy them. With the sheer volume of spyware distributed, it’s inevitable that you miss at least a few, allowing the spiderized man to maintain constant surveillance. He inducts your work into his own, picking apart the blueprints he’s stolen from you, admiring the many lines of code you’ve written. There’s a new camera in your house each day, slowly stealing away all privacy. The concept of a ‘blindspot’ doesn’t exist in Syntax’s carefully curated world- no closet, corner, or crawl space is safe from his leering eyes. You’re then subjected to 24/7 surveillance, your life becoming an ever-present livestream on the screens of Syntax’s machines. (The least likely to personally interact with his obsession.)
Huntsman has never seen a worthier adversary. You match him blow for blow and thwart his traps at each turn. He has to keep upping the ante as you escape his clutches, an ever evolving quarry worthy of pursuit. The biggest (and only) dilemma he has in regards to his obsession is whether he should taxidermy or cage you. Either way, you’ll make a nice trophy. (The most likely to kill you.)
It takes a saint to gain the Ink Curse’s attention. You have to be the most wonderful goody-two shoes darling in the world, a person who’s mature and rational and kind and responsible and generous and wise and loving. If you can manage all of that, along with having no major character flaws or massive mistakes in your past… then you have their attention. It is the worst prize you could have ever received.
Alternatively, be a child who gets trapped in the scroll. There’ll be a mocking form of pity to every interaction, but the Curse might try to mold you into an equally brutal punisher of sins. After all, what else can you do? You’re stuck, aren’t you? Get used to the company, kiddo. (The most likely to break you.)
Yellowtusk would happily speak with you until all the rivers of the world run dry. The two of you match wits in civil debates, opposing each other’s viewpoints and arguments with fervor. No stakes, no hatred, no grudges- just debate for the sake of debate. You grow together, sharing your wells of knowledge and expanding the breadth of your wisdom side by side. His obsession with you is softer than most, quelled by quick chats and simple skinship - but it’s obsession all the same, waiting to spiral out of control.
Red Son’s pride is an irrefutable aspect of him. The half-demon views himself as superior to all but a select few- and you, unfortunately, do not fall into that group. Red thinks of you as something akin to a cherished pet, worthy of care and companionship, but not freedom or respect. He could control almost every aspect of your life if he so wanted, but that’s more trouble than he desires. If you behave properly, Red allows you to dress yourself and have a small collection of personal possessions. Also, expect him to personally forge you a tracking collar emblazoned with his family’s insignia. (He truly does care about you- deep, deep, deep down in his heart. But you’re still lesser than him.)
If you happen to be his sibling, though, his treatment of you becomes more bearable. He’s still insanely possessive and domineering, but there’s more respect for you as a person.
The Spider Queen also thinks of you as a pet, a cute little thing to dress up and lock in chains. You make the most wonderful decoration for her throne room, shaking in the corner with a shackle clasped around your wrist. Everything you wear is produced from her own silken webs, everything you eat is caught and killed with her own two hands. If you step too far out of line, expect your next meal to be the corpse of a loved one.
Peng looks at you with some strange mixture of pity and amusement. (There’s some genuine care in there, but they’d never admit it.) You’re the smallest and youngest of the Brotherhood, with naivety and kindness to match. They find it funny to toy with you in a variety of ways, though they take care to never truly cause harm. Ex: Knocking into you for the sole purpose of tripping you up, biting back laughs as you apologize for ‘not paying attention.’ Peng will ‘forgive’ what you perceive as a personal mistake, hauling you up and dusting you off before sending you on your way. You’re a fun toy. A devoted sibling. A cute little time-killer. And, somehow- the person they cherish above all else.
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scaredyspooks · 8 days
BG3 Kinktober 2024
Because I'm a perverted conduit that the void speaks through, I'm doing a Baldur's Gate 3 themed kinktober this year on here and AO3. As I publish the fics I'll be updating this list with links to them, and so y'all can gauge your interest here's the list!
Astarion (spawn) - roleplay - what's an innocent magistrate to do when his assistant propositions him when they're staying late at work?
Gale - pegging - growing bored of the wizard's endless accounts of how he and his goddess' bodies once intertwined, you notice there's one pleasure she never showed him.
Shadowheart - sensory depravation - life's greatest pleasures can be found in loss and darkness.
Lae'Zel - leather - peeling the leathers from your lover's body are one of the greatest rewards of battle.
Wyll - chastity - just because he wants to take things slow, doesn't mean you can't torment him a little.
Karlach - temperature play - attempts to cool her down end up having an interesting result.
Minthara - bondage - an interrogation goes south as you try to get to the bottom of the Absolute's cult.
Halsin - olfactophilia - after almost a tenday of not having time to bathe you head to the river, only be blocked off by a large elf.
Mizora - public - shrouded in the cloak of the hells atop a secluded pedestal, only to find it is in fact a stage.
Rolan - electro - someone's ego boost at getting a new tower has him coming out of his shell.
Zevlor - glory hole - the commander and the cleric need a release, things get interesting when the stranger behind the wall ends up being far too familiar.
Ikaron - semi-public - tensions are high in The Hollow, but you think you can help.
Raphael - naked platter - the devil has made a patisserie of you for his guests, though they seem to fade from existence as he grows distracted by the meal he's making of you.
Haarlep - size difference - the succubus is shocked that you want to see their true form, turns out they're a lot bigger than their master.
Rugan - impact play - the Zhentarim seeks to punish you for trying to skip out on your deal, he doesn't get very far.
Gortash - power play - your relationship has always been somewhat of a dance, one that you're determined to lead.
Dammon - edging - the forge's flames illuminate more than the smith realises, but you're happy to "help" once things quieten down.
The Emperor - hypnosis - the ilithid believes he can still get through to you, with one last attempt.
Aradin - hate fuck - your competitor, the thorn in your side, but damn if he doesn't have good stamina.
Abdirak - sado-masochism - two priests of Loviatar aid in each other's prayer.
He Who Was - free use - his ability to travel the shadowcursed lands unhindered has him popping up everywhere, making you pay for his insatiable desires.
Lia - wax play - after the first few drops, it's hard to tell what's blush and what's burn among the giggles in the Elfsong.
Cal - play fighting - a little extra training won't do any harm, though the proximity may prove... challenging.
Gale - findom - what starts as a simple shopping trip to Sorcerous Sundries takes a turn as you drag the wizard to more and more shops.
Astarion (ascended) - biting/marking - your last night as a mortal will be one to remember.
Shadowheart - human furniture - god's favourite princess needs a throne.
Wyll - roleplay - the son of a duke has a duty to mingle at these important events, though it usually shouldn't lead him to a cupboard with a handsome stranger.
Lae'Zel - predator/prey - your heart races, your breathing to quick to catch, and you know the more you sweat the easier it'll be for her to catch you.
Karlach - human ashtray - she's been making fun of you all evening for your drunken confession about her cigars, but once the other's go to bed she's happy to indulge you on the Elfsong's roof garden.
Halsin - breeding - ever the beast of nature, with your perils finally at an end he lets himself run loose with you and you realise it’s going to be a long night until he’s done filling you.
Minthara - body worship - the drow isn't keen onbeing nursed after but with injuries so severe you need to make sure she's alright.
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omegalomania · 1 year
face in my hands. listen to me. no just. just listen. like. i think on the whole fandom tends to heavily mythologize what certain songs are "about" despite this never being solidly confirmed to be the case and fob (pete in particular) generally try not to say without question What Songs Are About because they want people to take whatever meaning they can from it. but from now on we are enemies is one of the exceptions to this rule to a very limited extent and by that i mean that on two separate occasions, during the hiatus, patrick and pete shared a little bit of what the song was about on twitter, independent of one another.
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if you haven't seen the film amadeus it's about a rivalry between two historical composers, wolfgang amadeus mozart and antonio salieri. salieri loathes mozart and finds him supremely childish and annoying...but also irritatingly brilliant beyond words. salieri obsesses over wanting to see mozart fail and even plans on killing him, but they do eventually form a friendship. then mozart gets sick and dies. salieri essentially breaks and loses his mind and years down the line will claim that he murdered him.
the name of the song, "from now on we are enemies," is a direct quote from the film. but it's not talking about mozart. it's a furious diatribe that salieri flings at god himself. he's so wildly and deliriously envious of mozart that he feels like this is divine punishment and so he declares god his mortal enemy for bestowing mozart with such brilliance. from now on we are enemies, you and i.
this is, i should note, one of the last songs fall out boy wrote before the hiatus. this and "alpha dog" were considered "new" for the believers never die greatest hits compendium, but alpha dog was technically debuted before folie released, on the welcome to the new administration mixtape. then fall out boy went on hiatus and there was no guarantee of return.
like i dont know what to say about this song that hasnt already been said. its fucking deranged as all get out ill tell you that much. its fucking unhinged that this song, this song with this central thesis statement, is one of the last songs you wrote together as a band before going your separate ways without any guarantee that you would reform again. and it's THIS. IT'S THIS SONG. a song that laments about whether anyone will remember you when you're gone (reminds me of flu game, reminds me of so much (for) stardust the title track, reminds me of .... so many of the themes inherent to their eighth studio album. actually.), and a song that practically lays out its inspiration for all to see. for a band that seldom if ever discloses with actual intent the Meaning behind their songs, this is a song that discusses a HIGHLY FRAUGHT ARTISTIC RELATIONSHIP and it's hard, it's real damn hard, to see anything but what is clearly all on display. composer but never composed (patrick has always considered himself a composer first and foremost). singing the symphonies of the overdosed (pete played a song that was named after the drug he tried to overdose on with his band mere nights earlier). i'm just a man on a balcony singing no one will ever remember me (again there's the fear and dread about the legacy you leave behind just before the band goes their separate ways).
can't fucking lay out the sheer psychological damage this does to my soul just thinking about this. they played MISS MISSING YOU the night before. just, you know, one of the other Songs that's so hard to disentangle from the hiatus because of the way it was written (patrick wrote the music while making soul punk, felt like it wasn't for him, and set it aside...despite there being, again, NO guarantee that the band would ever reform at this point, and then the song was only completed once fall out boy decided to come back, with joe and andy adding instrumentation and pete adding the lyrics) and whose music video features patrick and pete literally KILLING EACH OTHER. from now on we are enemies. i need to walk into the ocean. i need to lie down. im inconsolable.
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lunastrophe · 7 months
Drow Lore 🕷️ Minthara About Slayer
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When Minthara speaks about the Dark Urge’s heritage and about Slayer – dark, monstrous entity uniquely connected to Bhaal's bloodline – she uses terms elgg-hor and duk-tak.
Devnote to Minthara’s line seems to suggest that they are merely equivalents of “slayer, killer” in drow language:
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In connection to drow lore, though, their meaning is a bit broader. These terms were used as nicknames for at least two renowned drow from Menzoberranzan who were considered exceptionally cruel - even by drow standards.
🕷️ Uthegentel Del'Armgo: Elgg-hor - Elgg-hor can be translated as "Destroyer" (elgg – “kill, slay, destroy”). This nickname, along with a few others, was given to Uthegentel of House Barrison Del’Armgo, one of the greatest warriors and weapon masters in the history of Menzoberranzan and one of the largest drow ever seen in the Underdark. In battle he was fearless, seemingly immune to pain and most mortal wounds, and few drow ever fought with so much reckless ferocity. It was said that he appreciated carnage so much that sometimes he was literally ripping his opponents to pieces, tearing them limb by limb.
Uthegentel’s unusually large appearance, ungodly strength and savage nature were making others suspect that he was not a full-blooded drow, or even more than a mortal – although nobody could tell for sure who (or what) could be mixed into his ancestry.
🕷️ Vendes Baenre: Duk-Tak - Duk-Tak means literally "Unholy Executioner" and it was a nickname of the fourth daughter of House Baenre. Vendes was small of stature, but she was known to be incredibly volatile, vicious and sadistic, enjoying the art of torture. Whenever her mother needed to punish someone, Vendes was more than eager to take care of it, being “…brilliant at her cruel craft, finding every sensitive area on the hapless prisoner.”
Vendes was especially known of wielding seven-headed whip of fangs that could transform the skin of her victims, changing them into ebony statues. She was making use of it to punish lower ranking drow of her house, or even would-be priestesses of the Academy who were seen – or only suspected of – deviating from the Way of Lolth. Statues created as a result of such punishment were put on display for all to see.
🕷️ Elgg-hor and Duk-Tak in Minthara's Memories - Minthara certainly remembers both Uthegentel Del’Armgo and Vendes Baenre – since they were still alive around 14th century DR.
She was probably seeing Vendes especially often since Duk-Tak was her relative – maybe even her aunt. She definitely saw some of her famous statues and probably witnessed how they were made. Who knows - maybe the two of them were even working together at some point, since Vendes liked to punish heretics and apostates among the future priestesses, and Minthara’s oath was also connected to punishing those who turn from Lolth?
It is hard to tell if Vendes was among Minthara’s favourite relatives, being highly unstable and volatile – but Minthara might still admire her wicked efficiency and skills. Maybe she could even see some kind of symmetry between Vendes and Orin (and now I wonder if it could influence her perception of the latter somehow...).
🔹 So... yeah, both elgg-hor and duk-tak seem adequate enough as drow names for a murder incarnate. But originally, they were not used as names connected uniquely to the Slayer - or to Lord of Murder and his progeny in general.
For more of my drow lore ramblings, feel free to check my pinned post 🕷️
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sagaduwyrm · 10 months
Infinite Realms World-building
So I have a lot of thoughts over why their aren't that many ghosts in the Ghost Zone/Infinite Realms and how other afterlives fit into the situation so here.
The Infinite Realms aren't an afterlife. They're not a place any mortal soul is supposed to reach. They're the lining between afterlives, the wall holding them apart, the cradle holding all those places souls are meant to go. The Infinite Realms aren't anything, just a no man's worthless land.
The Infinite Realms weren't anything.
But. Picture this.
You are dead.You are dead you are dead you are deadyou aredeadyouaredead
It hurt. It was the worst thing you've ever felt, that moment when the bindings between your mortal body and your immortal soul were sundered beyond all recovery. You're disoriented and in pain and crying, weeping wails echoing across the metaphysical expanse.
But then a hand reaches out to you.
Hands, really.
They whisper in your ear. Come home, one says, offering gentle, glittering love. You've earned this, screams another like it’s a battle-cry. A dozen voices like hellfire and damnation offer atonement, if that's what you seek, although the punishment they offer varies. One voice that is not a voice but is the void offers the rest of non-existence, the creak of a wheel suggests reincarnation.
These gods and demons and spirits and entities want you, is the thing. Their grip is like chains around your ankles, dragging you down, and you have to choose, you hAVe To cHooSE, or It Will Be Chosen For You.
And this is what's supposed to happen, isn't it? The next step. Your eternal rest. Getting to pick is a greater mercy than a little mortal deserves, even.
You aren't a little mortal. You refuse to be.
You are the woman who revolutionized school lunches.
You are the greatest hunter in the world.
You are Romeo and Juliet, except they were a tragedy and you are not because you can bet your ass you went out laughing.
You are the world's next rock-star whose voice no one ever got to hear.
You are a man who loves boxes.
You are a clever wish-granter, the greatest magician in the world..
You are a Queen with people to protect.
You are the master of technology.
You are a boy who died too soon, too young, and hell, you should give up, but you never got to see the stars. You never got to see the stars, or what your sister looks like graduating from college, or how your friends look when they change the world. You'll never know if you'll be an uncle, if you'll have your dad's shoulders or your mom's wiry strength, what it feels like to kiss someone, whether or not Dash will ever get that stick his ass and become a decent person again. No one will ever read your paper on the genesis of stars, or fly to Pluto in a rocket ship you designed, or welcome you home after you've fulfilled your life's dream and gone to space.
It's a goddamn tragedy is what it is.
And dying hurt, so bad you're not sure if you'll ever be the same. But. All your chains are broken now. Your soul is free, in a way that it's never quite been before. You are a butterfly, broken free from your cocoon.
And they want to chain you.
They whisper so sweetly, so gently in your ear, even as they tear you apart in a child's game of tug-of-war. You have to choose.
Fuck that.
Fuck that. Dying hurts but it also freed all the potential of your beautiful, brilliant soul, and you aren't going back. Maybe you’re Icarus, flying too close to the sun, but you have wings now, and you won't let them be pinned.
You take the plunge. Through brimstone, through the river with its eternal ferry, through light and dark and a thousand different afterlives that want you like they have any damned right to your soul.
You fly, and you aren't sure if you're running forward or fleeing, but you fly. And it takes forever, a century and a day that lasts less than the beat of a heart, but then you burst free of all those grasping hands and you see green.
The green is infinite and it's empty. But it's free. It's beautiful and bright and you breathe it in, this base stuff of reality, this entropy in motion, and your soul comes to life. You aren't bound anymore, not by the base practicalities of your body, not by the laws and hunger of the gods, not by anything but your own willpower and trust in yourself.
Once the Infinite Realms were empty, once they were nothing. Now there are ghosts singing their exultant freedom. With them they bring ideas and movement and life, and the eddies they stir become whole new beings, spirits that never lived as anything other than what they are. These empty currents now hold whole worlds, ghosts and spirits and monsters.
And one day some strange being comes and tries to take your freedom and he calls himself Pariah Dark. Maybe he was a determined mortal just like you, maybe he was a demon, something sent by the gods to punish you for daring to be more, but it doesn't matter. Regardless of how hard he tries, how many lands his armies invade, how deep he digs his clawed hands in, it doesn't matter. 
No one can conquer Infinity.
And then the Ancients awake. Even in a realm of equals, there are still those who are more. And what is the point of power if you can't protect your fellows?
So they shut him away, this fool who doesn't care for the freedom the Infinite offers, put him in a sleep so deep even his dreams can't disturb others. And when he wakes up there is a boy, small and young, but with more determination in his body than most could dare claim, and the tyrant who steals freedom is sent straight back to sleep.
The Infinite Realms need no King, but this boy is small and clever and kind, and when two people war, he is the first to come and mediate, the first to shove himself between their fury and make them remember themselves. They don't need a King, but the Infinite Realms are so big, with so many people, and they wouldn't mind a Speaker. Someone to connect them all, regardless of how far they lay apart.
And this boy with stars in his eyes and gentle hands grumbles, but he loves the Infinite as much as they love him, and he's almost meant for this, existing between Ancient and New, Living and Dead. They would never chain him, but he was always meant to explore, and who wouldn't want to meet and see and know everything?
The Infinite Realms are green and free and beautiful, and no god can ever change that.
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sengardet · 2 days
Gertrude's Punishment
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Gertrude's greatest strength is also her greatest weakness.
Dark energy crackled from Heidi's fingertips as she hurled a shadowy bolt at Gertrude from behind. Their battle had waged on for over two hours.
Gertrude turned and deflected it with her enchanted sword, the impact reverberating up her arms. Sweat poured down Gertrude's brow, stinging her eyes.
"You're weakening," Heidi said, walking closer.
"I have plenty of fight left in me, witch!" Gertrude snarled. She charged forward and slashed at Heidi with renewed ferocity. Steel clanged against an invisible barrier. Gertrude's mighty heart pounded frantically in her chest, breath coming in ragged gasps now. Legendary for feats of strength and speed with the power of her heart, Her weakness was time, and it was running out…
Heidi's lips curled into a wicked smirk. "Poor dear, working yourself into exhaustion." She thrust out her hand, unleashing a fresh barrage of inky bolts.
Gertrude tried to block them but faltered, her sword arm trembling. The spells struck her, sending jolts of icy pain through her body. She staggered back and fell to one knee, head spinning.
I would sooner die than surrender...
Grinning in triumph, Heidi walked toward Gertrude's hunched form, savoring her imminent victory over the once-mighty warrior maiden.
As Gertrude collapsed to the ground, Heidi straddled her fallen foe, eyes glimmering with cruel triumph. She reached down, phasing through Gertrude’s warm living flesh as if it were nothing but soft clay.
Gertrude gasped as Heidi’s hand closed around her still beating heart. The organ pulled to the surface, glistening, and pounding in the chilly moonlit night.
“Pathetic,” Heidi sneered, lips curled in a vicious smile. “For all this trouble, you’re as vulnerable as any mortal.” She said, watching Gertrude’s legendarily large, exposed heart contract violently in a candid expression of terror and exhaustion.
The victorious sorceress slapped the defenseless woman’s exposed life. A sharp, wet sound echoed through the forest as Gertrude cried out, back arching while Heidi took in the view of her seizing and stuttering heart, thrown into chaos by the sorceress’ assault.
I need to escape… Gertrude whispered, pushing weakly at Heidi.
In a burst of desperate strength, Gertrude bucked Heidi off and stumbled to her feet, one hand clutching at the quivering muscle protruding obscenely from her chest. She tried to run, but after only a few staggering steps, Gertrude collapsed to her knees, fighting for breath as her heart still shuddered uselessly.
“Going somewhere, my dear?” Heidi mocked, kicking Gertrude over. The knight lay helpless and drained of all vigor. Heidi knelt and seized the quivering muscle with both hands, squeezing her slick fluttering prize with savage glee.
Agony exploded through Gertrude’s body, her back bowing as a strangled scream tore from her throat. Her vision went dark as Heidi’s grip tightened. The last thing the knight saw before her blackout was the sorceress’s feral grin.
But Heidi wasn’t finished…
She cradled Gertrude’s pathetic and thoroughly defeated heart tenderly, admiring how the delicate thing still rippled in her merciless grasp, still fighting valiantly to keep its owner alive.
“Shh, my dear. It’s not over yet,” she said to the unconscious knight as she rhythmically massaged and constricted the slick and hefty vascular mass between her hands. She tenderly coaxed Gertrude’s weakened heart to keep pumping, to keep circulating blood through her needy little body.
Mighty and determined as it is, Gertrude’s heart contracted powerfully in sporadic beats, rippling with life as Heidi’s motion nourished it and moved blood through its sprawling arteries. Heidi grinned in wicked anticipation, helping this vigorous and determined pulse bring life back to her victim.
“Oh Gertrude, your heart is so beautiful,” she said as she held the supple pink flesh, feeling its rhythmic and lively beating between her hands as those vibrant blue eyes slowly revealed themselves. It became faster, more forceful as Gertrude groaned awake.
Heidi sat there holding her living prize, feeling the rise and fall of Gertrude’s chest beneath her thighs. The woman’s body seemed to surrender, muscles slackening in defeat. But something was different…
Gertrude’s heart pounded harder and faster by the second. Each contraction rippled across the glossy pink surface; arteries taut as they swelled beneath her hands. Heidi cocked her head, intrigued by the forceful contractions despite Gertrude’s otherwise effortless squirming.
“My, my, what’s this?” Heidi mused, tracing a fingertip along the prominently bulging blood vessels.
She pressed her palm to the writhing organ, felt it strain and stutter against her touch as if yearning to break free as she reminded the woman of her situation. Gertrude’s body tensed, her breathing shallow and labored.
Leaning in close, hot breath tickling Gertrude’s ear, Heidi whispered mockingly, “And what exactly are you planning, my silly little pet? Your precious heart is getting so aggressive with me sweetie.”
She slammed her hips against Gertrude’s abdomen, eliciting a choked gasp.
“Come now, I’m dying to know what futile scheme has it pumping so very… very hard..." she said with sadistic excitement, asserting her grip on the twisting, clenching supple muscle as it strained violently against her. "what an angry little thing.” she continued.
Heidi gazed down in wicked adoration. the feisty muscle calming finally as Gertrude truly accepted her fate. This new toy was more enjoyable by the second.
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niqhtlord01 · 29 days
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“We believe the boat is unsinkable.” - Philip A. S. Franklin
To think a single sentence would bring about the end of the world as we knew it.
The gods of old saw the sailing of this ship, this “Titanic”, and were filled with disgust and rage. To think these mere mortals could make such boastful claims was nothing less than an insult upon themselves; an insult which dug deep into the heart of Poseidon himself.
Across the seven seas he reigned supreme and if he decreed that a boat, however magnificent or ostentatious, was to sink then it would sink to the bottom of the oceans and be forgotten forever more.
On the maiden voyage of the Titanic Poseidon went to his brother Zeus, king of the gods, and asked his permission to punish the hubris of man. He would remind them of the power of the gods and to make such brazen displays would only further incur their wrath.
For his measure, Zeus too agreed with his brother. Long had been the days since man had made offerings to the pantheon and now they had grown to see themselves the master of this tiny world. To this end he proclaimed to all the gods that none were to interfere with his brother’s actions to sink the human ship “Titanic”. No sooner had the words left his brother’s mouth then did Poseidon turn to water and rain down upon the earth once more.
Using his strength he pulled a glacier from the far north and placed it directly in the path of the Titanic. He planned for the vessel to slam itself against the glacier and be torn asunder; casting the passengers down into the cold waters of the Atlantic where they would serve as a warning to all those who thought themselves above the gods.
In the dead of night the Titanic came and just as Poseidon had planned it did indeed smash headlong into the glacier. Yet to his surprise the hull was not torn asunder. Nay, it was not even damaged in the slightest. The metal hull of the ship charged headfirst into the glacier and shattered the frozen mountain into a thousand shards that slowly sank beneath the dark waves.
 The passengers who had heard the commotion and come to the main deck to observe the event let out a great cheer and the night was soon lit by the chorus of celebratory fireworks and song.
Poseidon watched as his prey continued sailing past him unfretted in the slightest and flew into a great rage. The waters of the world swelled and shuddered at his wrath. Hundreds of other smaller ships were swept beneath the waves across the globe while those along the shores watched in horror as waves as high as the clouds themselves raced towards them.
Though the world shook and quaked under Poseidon’s wrath the Titanic continued sailing ever onward; undeterred by the ravages causing such chaos all around him.
As the vessel finally reached its destination, ahead of schedule mind you, Poseidon only further drove himself into bouts of pure rage.
He swore that for each year that ship remained afloat he would raise the levels of the sea one foot until all that was left was his all-encompassing oceans. This shocked and threw the rest of the pantheon into disorder as what few followers they had left would ultimately be wiped out by such an action. Yet to their dismay Zeus had made his degree and none were to interfere with Poseidon’s feud with the human vessel. Even Zeus himself, who now had come to know the madness now consuming his brother, could not break his own oath lest he invite civil war amongst the gods.
So as it went year by year Poseidon made true to his curse. The sea levels rose one foot each year and continued to rise with no sign of stopping.
At first the humans of the world saw little concern. Save for several island nations being swallowed up by the sea the majority of humanity went about their daily lives as if nothing was wrong. It wasn’t until the fifth year when nearly all of Europe was swallowed up did things begin to change.
Unaware of why the water levels were rising, humanity showed its greatest quality and once more adapted to face the rising challenge. Entire cities and communities transferred to living upon water craft, with the most ambitious ones lifting entire cities and creating floating islands that would rise with the oceans.
By the tenth year the planet had lost nearly 63% of its landmass to the rising oceans while the Titanic continued to sail.
Now converted into an almost religious object of worship, the Titanic had slowly been transformed into the largest floating city to sail the great ocean with new generations being born to only know the cold confines of its steel walls.
Nothing Poseidon had done had come close to sinking the Titanic and so his wrath had only deepened. Waves as tall as mountains bounced off the metal hull effortlessly while legions of sea creatures of every variety were repelled assault after assault by the human crew. With no signs of stopping the gods now grew more and more desperate to bring about an end to this matter once and for all.
It was true that while they had been forbidden from interfering, Zeus had said nothing of their offspring.
And so each god went to their demigod children and gave them one command. One command, which if carried out and fulfilled would earn them a place alongside them in the pantheon, to rule over the humans for all the days and nights of eternity.
Sink the Titanic.
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Between Azure and Wukong... I think he did manipulate Wukong into taking the fall for them when their initial attempt to overthrow the Jade Emperor failed, similar to how he had manipulated MK into freeing the other members of the Camel Ridge trio. The difference, I believe, is that with Wukong, he had done so unknowingly. He truly had admired, possibly even loved, Wukong... but he'd done so in the most toxic way possible, and when Wukong was young and at his most arrogant, making him easy prey to fall for it. And I think the entirety of the odea to overthrow the Emperor was Azure, tbat maybe the Havoc Wukong had caused may have unintentionally opened the door for them to rally behind, but the truth of the matter was that Wukong was jsut lashing out and hadnt actually intended or wanted to start a rebellion. I think Azure put the idea into his head, or rather, put it into everyone's head and then just elected Wukong as leader after hearing the story, leaving him the perfect scapegoat for when the plan went south.
And Wukong KNOWS he was manipulated into it. He knows it and wants to protect MK from this. When he spots Azure, he IMMEDIATELY pushes himself to the front to block his view of MK and Mei. He was at the back of the group but pushed himself in front to block Azure's access to the two youngest members of his new family. I don't think he's entirely aware that it wasn't intentional, but I'm certain Wukong is self aware enough to realize who it was who wanted the Jade Emperor's throne and who was it that got pulled around like a puppet and then had hsi strings cut the moment he couldn't live up to his puppeteer's expectations
My buddy @a-tea-goblin has done some amazing posts on why Wukong despises Azure specifically for what he did to him, even if the lion isn't aware of it.
This shot in particular I think sums up Azure Lion's motives;
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Azure pretty much put Wukong on a pedestal. A powerful demon king with loyal subjects. Someone able to go toe to toe with the gods. Thats what Azure, Peng, and Yellow Tusk saw. To make someone an idol is to unknowningly dehumanize them.
Wuong is someone that DBK calls their "youngest worthy brother/xiandi" in JTTW. Someone who became king of his people when he was barely a cub. Someone who is clearly not mature enough to rule the Universe. People like DBK and Macaque were able to see this side of Sun Wukong that the others couldn't.
Azure used Wukong's immaturity to head the charge when even his own brothers saw him as "the Leader", because he was trying to defer punishment that would have befallen him if they had failed.
For Azure, it was easier to say that Wukong "betrayed" his brothers when he was captured by Erlang (and Furnace'd) + forced to surrender to the Buddha, rather than admit that he allowed their youngest brother take the blame.
And it was easier to think that Wukong had "become a warrior for the oppressors" than admit that the monkey was on religious probation. And ofc dodge the tiny detail that Camel Ridge stripped the dao of it's surroundings into a desert + in the novel was actively hunting and eating humans and sapient animal spirits. Macaque gained his reputation as a "coward" not because he ducked out at the sign of danger, but because like Wukong - Macaque cared for his own people and not for some Demon Las Vegas like the other Three.
even Macaque points this out in the S4 special
MK: "I thought he wanted to help people. He said he wanted to be the hero." Macaque: "I'm sure he does. Everyone thinks they're the hero of their own story. Azure's always been good at convincing people he's the good guy. He's even fooled himself."
Ultimately I think Azure's greatest sin is Inaction/Refusal to take blame. Even when he was at peak power in Heaven, he said nothing about the divide between the celestials and mortals. Azure doesn't want to admit that he was no more than a celestial agent who jumped straight to rebellion instead of reform. Someone willing to fight but die for their cause.
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Which the lion attempts once again when he manipulates MK into rescuing his old brothers from the Scroll. Azure literally sees Wukong within MK, and by seeing the full of how much alike MK & Wukong are; he panics and almost cuts him down.
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Because Azure saw the "old" Wukong in MK, and when he saw the "new" that he had encountered back during th Journey - he knew his attempt to make MK the new rebellion's idol had failed.
Think about it. Why did he only show MK his memories and not his allies? Because someone more emotionally mature like Pigsy or Sandy would have immediately clocked on that Azure was full of it and called him out.
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Azure, describing Camel Ridge: "But the celestial realm did not abide competit-" Tang, interupting with his copy of JTTW: "Didn't you guys eat people!? Alolai was a paradise because it was full of peaceful non-people-eating monkeys!" Pigsy, furious: "That is it! Stay the Diyu away from my kid!" *whacks Azure with the Jade-Toothed Rake*
Even if Azure doesn't realise that he's doing this conciously, he still manipulated Wukong and attempts the same on his successor. Whilst LBD sought out a new world order by erasing the past, Azure does so by repeating the steps of his past failure.
And we see that when Azure does become a true leader when he takes the celestial throne, his decaying mind defaults to accusing his remaining comrades of treachery and Wukong of poisoning his mind when it is his own refusal to admit that he's in way over his head.
And of course, it is only when Azure is defeated and being ripped apart by the Emperor's power does he recognise all of this...
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general-sleepy · 1 year
The thing that really gets me about the cigarette-switching gambit in Saw is that it's near-objectively the correct answer to the trap.
They've been placed in a painful, terrifying near-death experience. John's thesis is that a brush with mortality causes a person to better appreciate how lucky they are to be alive, which then leads them to have a better quality of life. Lawrence and Adam have met the criteria of this situation.
Adam and Lawrence are both being punished for being emotionally detached. Adam is an apathetic voyeur. Lawrence isn't properly emotionally affected by his work (and implicitly doesn't appreciate his family). In the cigarette gambit they work together and, importantly, trust each other.
Adam, especially, knows that Lawrence has strong motivation to kill him. He knows that there is a poisoned cigarette and a non-poisoned cigarette. He trusts that Lawrence is going to keep to his word and give him the safe cigarette. This isn't the action of an angry, apathetic person ("pathetic," as John calls him, is just a personal insult). He's risking his life based on a belief in the goodness of a stranger. He's proven that the situation has changed him from the person that John judged him to be.
Lawrence has been presented with two choices: one coldly logical and one based on selflessness and empathy. If he was the cold, uncaring machine that John accuses him of being, he should just give Adam the poisoned cigarette, actually killing him, as he's been instructed. This is the least risky option, with the greatest chance of saving himself and his family. (Even ignoring that these are people he loves, it's, from a purely utilitarian, trolley-problem perspective, the option that has the greater chance of saving the greatest number of lives, which must be appealing to John).
Trying to pull off the ruse with the cigarettes puts himself and his family at risk, with the potential reward of protecting the life of a stranger. It's the empathetic, emotionally-driven choice.
But, with the false cigarette solution, no one dies. Suffering is as minimal as it can be. It doesn't adhere to the brutal, survival-of-the-fittest approach that John has toward survival. Life must be bought with blood and sacrifice or otherwise it's cheapened. For you to properly appreciate life, you have to have won it, either by mortification of the flesh or, in this case, because someone else has lost.
So, a peaceful solution based on mutual trust, which places a value more on genuine love than a fetishization of animal survival, is unacceptable. Altruism isn't acceptable. You're not supposed to be courageous enough to throw yourself on a grenade; you're supposed to be determined enough to throw someone else on it. Because, then you'll be alive, and you'll (or at least you should) be grateful.
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bugwolfsstuff · 5 months
•The children of Hephaestus whom he molded out of clay are stunningly beautiful.
It's really dazzlingly and at first everyone thinks that they are the children of Aphrodite and fall into deep shock when their father turns out to be Hephaestus, the ugliest in the Olympians.
•And I think Leo Valdez is a clay kid. Rosa thought he was a demon, because her sister wasn't pregnant and just showed up with a baby one day, saying that he was hers and everyone around her believed her. It's definitely diabolical! And Leo is really pretty.
•And Hephaestus, as the father of pandora, is such an alarm, like first they tell you that you have to create punishment for humanity and you do it... and this is your daughter, your child, and the last thing you want is for her to be considered greatest evil and accused of all mortal sins.
By the way, then maybe Hephaestus put Elpis in the box to somehow help his daughter.
I originally thought of him seeing Pandora more like one of his machines than one of his kids but your making me realize that making her his kid makes everything more angsty and fun.
I also headcanon that Hephaestus kids made from clay (or Claybies Cabin nine likes to affectionately call them) have birthmarks kind of like fingerprints [I can't explain it properly]
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byou-shin · 1 month
CHARACTER ASKS !! tagged by @vicciouxs („• ֊ •„)
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The Pope really likes theater arts. He's one of the figures who persistents in preserving Italian dramaturgy after a period of decline. He likes many types of theater arts, especially those related to religious elements and Baroque-style romantic comedies. The Pope will usually come one hour before the theater starts just to take a comfortable position and read a literature book while waiting for the theater to start. Sometimes he even asked the opinions of Cardinals and his favorite priest to choose the right clothes to wear to theatrical events.
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He hates nonsense and small talk, his personality tends to be to the point and on the spot, but still very careful on facing things. If he doesn't like something once, it will last forever, even though he had to accept punishment from God, he still won't like that thing. His picky nature will be clearly visible on his face and even if people satirize him, he will become happier and his expression will become sharper. His firm stance sometimes actually makes him look a little arrogant for some parishes. Luckily his beautiful face helped him from beat.
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Ayse had to admit to herself that she's a stubborn woman and difficult to advise. She tends not to want to listen to what other people say and prefers to trust her own instincts, which are either good or bad. Her ambition to free her loved ones from misery drives her to continue moving forward no matter who gets in her way. Even though the woman had fallen in love with a terran, she chose a rotten and mortal death.
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This lonewolf priest sometimes wondered whether his personality was a good thing, all he knew is how it feels to be rejected. He tends to be unable to refuse requests for help from church ministers. But for a special case from the Pope, whom he considers to be the greatest and most powerful representative of God on earth, he would do it as if his life depends on it. But don't get him wrong, even though he sometimes seems obedient, he won't hesitate to kill anyone he considers a menace.
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This cheerful beautiful girl will never stop talking about things she likes. Starting from collecting ancient accessories, painting, holding tea parties, picking flowers, visiting abandoned places and so on. The chatterbox girl also writes all the pretty memories she has in her diary. Sometimes her step-younger brother, Adam, would even pretend to have an agenda with the Church so he could escape from the endless chatter. But even so, a cheerful beautiful girl can get a little lonely sometimes.
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I tag : @sewerwolfx @yuauaua @miwksowp @vampirepill and others who want (☆•ヮ•)八(•ヮ•)
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