#so is this power from Khaenrian?
albedid · 2 years
so fascinating to me that the gods viewed staying human for eternity to be a greater punishment than loosing most of your sentience and being turned into a monster
#Played some of the new quest today#Lore!!!#also just. Genshin’s whole thing on whether being human is our greatest strength or our greatest weakness is so delightful to me#Dain views all humanity as the opposite of dregs#he acknowledges that there are damaging parts of human nature (“but mortal arrogation never stops”)#but for him the concept of humanity is a power that all humans can draw on#I’ve always been curious abt Dain’s line in Travail “we will defy this world with a power from beyond”#who is we? The remaining survivors of Khaenria not with the abyss order?#The whole of humanity?#and what is the power from beyond? At what point is smth not native to Tevyat? Khaenria was supposedly separate from Tevyat#but still in like the same sphere#whereas the primordial one and the second who came were supposedly from outside Tevyat#but eventually became wholly tied with it#so is this power from Khaenrian?#And!! Khaenria is referred to both as quintessentially human (“the apple of humanity”) and as something separate from humanity#and so like? Is this power from beyond that we will defy this world with just. The tendencies of humans?#to explore and question and love and hate and connect? Because those are all things that are good at toppling existing structures#In contrasts to Dain’s view abt the power of humanity the gods view being human as a punishment#(the Gnosticism is showing)#Anyway maybe I’ll re-write this to be more comprehensible later#genshin spoilers#spoilers#genshin impact spoilers#Posts by me
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acefaun · 6 months
Kaeya~ The Curse
Synopsis: God!MC brings back a container of cleansing water from the pool they came across on their adventure with Dainsleif in the Chasm. They hoped to give it to Kaeya… But it seems as though they were a little too late to help. Hopefully they can make up for lost time.
⚔️Masterlist⚔️ Gender-neutral, God MC! ~Spoilers for Chasm Interlude Archon Quest after Liyue A/n: Popping into the Genshin fandom with a self-indulgent serving of my favorite Ragbros! 💕 I read a few fanfics about how Kaeya might have had a similar reaction to Dainsleif during the Archon Quest, so I decided to add my own bit to it with a little bit of the SAGAU aspect of MC being their ‘god’.
–Word Count: 2,800–
I had been gone from Mondstadt for too long, I mused as I took in the fresh air around me. Being in the Chasm for weeks on end made me cherish the feeling of the open air in Mondstadt. The free wind was so much less stifling than suppressive rocks.
Still, however grateful I was, one person remained on my mind on my trip home. The cool container that rested within a pouch against my leg reminded me that my mission wasn't over. On my recent adventure into the Chasm with Dainsleif, we found the ruins of an ancient civilization that the Abyss was using for another of their schemes. Their goal was to bring Khaenri’ah back, but we put a stop to their nefarious plot. 
While it would have been nice to see the ancient citizens of Khaenri’ah freed from their curse, it would have caused much more suffering and loss than done any actual good. There wasn't a chance that their plans would meet with surefire success, after all. In fact, I—along with Dainsleif—was certain their plan would fail spectacularly. I had Khaenrian friends to protect, and I would never take a chance playing with their lives. 
My fingers brushed against the cork of the bottle I carried. I wasn't that powerful, but even I could feel something comforting from the bottle. I couldn't imagine the discomfort and suffering that those cursed had to go through without a hint of relief. By having this water nearby, I hoped that Kaeya might feel some reprieve. 
Kaeya never divulged anything about himself to me, out of fear that I was the god from Celestia that sent his nation to ruin. So, I wasn’t entirely sure how Kaeya’s lineage really affected him, but it was better to be safe rather than sorry. Fortunately, each adventure I went on seemed to lead me to more answers that he probably didn't even know himself.
Still, I might have been overthinking things… After all, Kaeya was only a descendant of Khaenri’ah, he wasn’t there when it was destroyed. But that Abyssal scheme was terribly effective—even Dainsleif had to rely on me to resolve the situation. I had to prepare for the worst and hope for the best with Kaeya’s unknown situation.
It was early in the night when I walked through the gates of Mondstadt. Luckily, if all was as well as I hoped, I knew exactly where my friends would be gathered. 
I was grateful that, as soon as Dainsleif and I finished our quest, he understood the urgency with which I had to return home and check on my found family.
Opening the door to the Angel’s Share, it was unusually quiet, and my apprehension only grew. My eyebrows furrowed as I noted a few regulars, but there was no bard. There was no exasperated Diluc or rambunctious Kaeya. “Charles,” I asked, walking up to the bar. “What's the lull? Isn't it usually more lively here at night?”
“Your Excellency,” he addressed me formally. “Sorry. You must be looking for Master Diluc. He's visiting Master Jean tonight. You might be able to find him in her office.”
My eyebrows furrowed further. Something was wrong for the alcoholics to be missing and Diluc to be in the Knight's headquarters. I prayed I was jumping to the wrong conclusions… I couldn’t wait for an explanation. “Tell me what happened.”
He let out a brief sigh, his empathetic eyes landing on me. “I heard that Captain Kaeya fell ill. I wish I had more to tell you, but the Knights have been keeping things quiet since. No one really knows what happened yesterday-”
“Yesterday?” Then my suspicions were unfortunately correct. Kaeya was affected by the Abyss’s device, and no one was there with Kaeya to help or understand why he was suffering. Before Charles could give another word, I was flying out of the door. I was thankful the foot traffic was light as I raced up the stairs to get to HQ. 
The knights were quick to fling the doors open for me as soon as they recognized my intended path. Nearly crashing into Jean's office door, I flung it open, startling those inside. Jean immediately stood from her chair. “Your Excellency, you're here. There's been a problem-”
“With Kaeya,” I finished for her, my eyes flickering across the faces in the room. There was Jean, Diluc, Barbara, and Amber. They were no doubt all gathered there for the same reasons. But I needed them to cut to the chase. “I heard. Tell me everything.”
Jean gestured for Amber to tell the story from the beginning. Taking her cue without hesitation, Amber walked me through her version of what happened, “I was just returning from my patrol yesterday afternoon when I ran into Captain Kaeya. He looked… bothered; but I didn’t think he was feeling unwell or anything. I was about to ask him about it when he just… Well, I don’t know what really happened. He just looked like he was in so much pain; it was so bad, he looked like he couldn’t breathe and then couldn’t even stand on his feet.”
“We were thrown completely off guard,” Jean commented. Apparently it wasn't the most subtle thing. Many citizens panicked at the sight of the Captain in such agony and went straight to the Knights of Favonius to report the emergency. 
Barbara then added anxiously, “We tried our best to help and make it bearable, but nothing we did worked. We spent all night trying everything, well into the morning. Even with my hydro vision, I couldn’t seem to ease his symptoms. Eventually, we had to send for Master Diluc… We thought they might be at odds, but we were sure he might know something to help. I mean, something like that wouldn't just randomly happen, right?” 
Of course, she assumed it was some natural affliction. It wasn't poison, and it wasn't something they could heal with their church medicines. They had Kaeya’s situation all wrong, and Diluc didn't seem like he told them a word. 
Guilt weighed heavily on my shoulders. I tried to stop the Abyss Order as quickly as I could, but there were too many abyss mages for me to work swiftly and efficiently. Not to mention, Dainsleif was in agony and his friend was dying in front of him. Stopping the Abyss took far too long and drew too much attention to Kaeya. I could only imagine how long of a night it must have been for Kaeya to endure.
But what could Diluc have possibly done to help, anyway? This situation never happened before—and I would be sure it never happened again. None of what happened was precedented. With my gaze flickering to the apparently frustrated red-head, I paused, taking in his appearance. I knew he didn't enjoy working with the Knights of Favonius, but this particular agitation was new. It was time I got his side of the story. “Diluc… What did you-”
“I came to see him as soon as I was informed, and when I got here, they refused to let me in his room,” Diluc hissed, withholding so much wrath that it left me surprised.
Jean sighed, all of them looking awkwardly away from the angered man. She supplied me with an explanation, “At first we thought getting Diluc would be the best response. But… As soon as we had Kaeya inside of headquarters, he started shouting that he was burning. It wasn’t a fever, and he seemed like he wasn’t in his right mind. Knowing vaguely what happened between them, I made the last minute call to keep Diluc out. Your excellency, you have to understand… I did what I thought was best for Kaeya given the circumstances.”
“He could have been dying, and it was ‘for the best’ that I couldn't see him,” Diluc retorted. He didn't need the weak excuses of the Knights of Favonius, he wanted to make sure his brother was okay. He couldn't do that if they restricted him from going as far as the first floor.
“I disapprove of how you made the decision to keep Diluc out after so quickly inviting him to this mess.” I snapped at the group of knights in defense of Diluc. “What happened between them is in the past and had nothing to do with what happened to Kaeya. Diluc,” my steely gaze softened as I met Diluc’s eyes of adoration. Of course, he knew I would understand everything. I would take his side. I offered to him, “Come with me. We're going to go check on Kaeya. I came to help.”
“Thank you.” He didn’t hesitate to follow me out of the quiet room. Everyone else meekly remained where they were for just getting scolded by me. Still, I had trouble waiting for Diluc as I practically rushed to leave Jean’s office. 
“Captain! Captain Kaeya, please go back to your room! You're not-” The knight that was chasing Kaeya down the stairs, faltered at seeing me. “You're Excellency! I'm sorry! Captain Kaeya shouldn't have slipped past us! Ah!” The Knight panicked as Kaeya immediately flung his arms around me, his larger frame almost overtaking me. “C- Captain, please, that's their Excellency you just-”
“(Name)!” My eyes widened at hearing Kaeya call my name. Hardly anyone ever used my name. Everyone respected me, feared me, cherished me, adored me. Using my name was disrespectful, something frowned upon. But I loved hearing it from them. I loved when they used my name and not some impersonal title.
“Kaeya,” I replied with his name, in turn, my hands resting on his back.
“It feels nice…” Kaeya muttered, his arms tightened around me, holding me closer. “I felt when you got to Mondstadt. You felt different from usual, but I needed to find you. Please, let me hold you. It doesn't hurt anymore.”
“We're going home, Kaeya,” I hushed, trying to soothe him as best I could. I knew the water I had with me was really what was drawing him to me like this. But for now, I wanted to make up for not being faster. Just like Dainsleif, even Kaeya would need time to recover from the strain his body was put through. “Diluc’s going to take us back to the manor, and we'll take care of you.” Similarly to how his grip tightened around me, I pulled him closer, my fingers sinking into his unkempt hair. “I'm sorry… I'm so sorry.” 
He hummed, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything more as he basked in the presence of the cleansing water. Though the effects of what happened lingered in his system, he was feeling better just by being with me. He knew I was his god.
Diluc hesitantly pressed closer, despite the eyes of onlookers that were judging us. “If the manor is where you want to go, I suggest we depart. Kaeya, can you walk?” 
Kaeya could—he just bounded down the stairs for me—but he'd never make it as far as Dawn Winery. Awkwardly, I mentioned, “I'm agile, but I'm a bit of a limp noodle when it comes to weights. I'm afraid you'll have to carry him, Diluc. He’s been through a lot.” Reaching for the pouch at my side, I untied the strings and held the bag out to Diluc. “You can hold on to this for now. I have one for you when we get home. It'll help him feel better.” 
I didn't explain much just yet as Kaeya was carefully lifted, and he relaxed into Diluc’s arms. No one dared to question or stop me as I left with the two brothers accompanying me. I wasn't necessarily leaving because of the way Diluc had been treated. I was leaving purely because of the confidential matter that only involved the three of us.
Taking us to the teleport point, the journey home was short, and we took our time to get relaxed in Kaeya’s room, where he passed out almost immediately. It was the first time he was almost entirely free of pain since the incident. 
“If I may ask,” Diluc started slowly, his hands grazing over the pouch you gave him with the concealed bottle inside. “What exactly is this?”
Diluc knew mostly everything about Kaeya—who he was, where he was from, why he was in Mondstadt. He also knew Kaeya as a brother, which was where we were now. He wanted his brother to be okay and as annoying as usual, not bedridden.
As promised, they deserved answers. So, I began my summarized explanation of events, “I went on a mission recently against the Abyss Order. They… tried to revive Khaenri'ah against my warnings of what would happen. They were determined to cleanse the Khaenrians of their curse. However, all that resulted was suffering. Every living soul with that curse was in unbearable agony. It could have been devastating if I hadn’t gotten there in time.” My downcast eyes landed on the gentle rise and fall of Kaeya’s chest. “Even a nation away, he probably thought he was dying. I could only do my best to fix it as quickly as possible—but I wasn't strong enough to take care of them as fast as I wanted to. Who knows how long Kaeya was suffering because of me…”
“But you took care of them,” Diluc reminded me, knowing I would no sooner fall into self-loathing. “You did good against a powerful enemy. You should be proud. Whatever this water is… you managed to bring it here to help him. Don't think what you did wasn't adequate.”
Pursing my lips together, I knew better than to argue. He would only try to make me take it back. Diluc cared much more than he let on. He wouldn't let me shoulder the guilt. So, rather than dwelling on that, I changed the subject back to the pouch. “I forgot, I brought a bottle for you as well. However, I mean to go back and collect more for you to store in the Winery in case of emergencies like that one.” Taking the pouch back, I opened it, pulling out the glass bottle of cleansing water. “This was in an ancient city. Apparently, it acts as a cleansing water, soothing the effects of the curse. It won't cure him, so it does no good to drink it. But having it near will help.” 
“Cleansing water,” Diluc repeated, observing the seemingly normal water that I held. It was strange that Kaeya couldn't even tell what he was attracted to when he found me in HQ. From what Diluc could tell, Kaeya could simply sense the water from that far away. “It's fascinating. I'm sure we'll have to keep a greater supply. I… feel like I should ask how you came to know that this water would help him when it looks and feels like normal water to those without the curse.”
“Because that fountain was where the cursed went to meet a peaceful end,” I replied quietly, avoiding mentioning my travel partner. In truth, I probably wouldn’t have suspected what the effects of this water truly were if not for Dainsleif’s explanation. “It seems sad, but this water is truly the only thing that seems to be able to give some respite.”
Diluc hummed, his eyes now searching Kaeya and wondering when his sad end would come. Luckily, he wouldn't have to suffer so much anymore thanks to my efforts. Diluc watched how I delicately traced Kaeya’s still hands, my eyes overflowing with guilt. “You did your best. I wish you'd be kinder to yourself.”
I hummed, but I didn't agree or disagree with him. “I'm not finished with my mission against the Abyss… but… I'm not leaving Kaeya right now. You can stay too. Mondstadt can do without their Darknight Hero for a while. Kaeya needs us more than they do.” Kaeya deserved to be coddled after his horrible experience. I'd do my damned best to ensure it never happened again.
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chococustard · 9 months
Your Genshin kids are adorable! I love the Priscilla/Yuying/Claire friendship you alluded to in the last art dump (poor Diluc… your daughter just has an instinct for divine beings)
But on the topic of poor Diluc, how do their parents react to the friendship? Diluc and Wriothesley seem like they would be good friends since they have a lot in common but everyone else basically represents every faction in the game.
You got Neuvillette, a dragon sovereign seeking to judge the archons for their crimes; Zhongli, an archon who presumably destroyed Khaenri'ah 500 years ago; Kaeya, a Khaenri'ah spy who is a descendant of the man who founded the abyss order; and Childe, a fatui harbinger who fell into the abyss.
Would they try and keep it together for the sake of their kids? (I love the idea that the three girls are there going :3 while their parents are glaring daggers at each other) Would they find some sort of common ground? Would they recognize each other immediately but think the others don’t know so they come up with increasingly ridiculous ways to hide it? How did Wriothesley and Neuvillette react to the incident with Claire and Yuying? (Can you tell I like the angst?)
hi hi!! thank you so much im glad you like them!!! bc we have limited knowledge atm there's a lot of questions posed that cannot be answered and considering how new fontaine is idk anything for sure //shakes hoyo
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they try to keep cordial for the kids tm or at least not to be bad influences in front of them. extra notes under the cut:)
diluc met nv first when he brought claire to fontaine for a business trip and she just, drags in a half dragon to him yelling "i made a new friend!:D" then he met nv and he knew. just knew, these people ain't human. found out they're dragons. "great," he sighed once more.
kae plays his quartermaster persona to a t. when he first meets wriolette he puts on the charm. nv only knows him for via the knights and wrio rarely goes above ground. so like, they're cool with him. mostly. they both do questionable shit that nv can't personally approve of but hey. they ain't his problem. (on that note i like to think he'd be good friends with jean:)) (does nv know about kaeya's khaenrian blood? does he know about khaenri'ah in general? i dont have him)
kaeya and wrio has this, kind of friendship that's like, there's a tension there. they're both people with reputations, but also, like that tm. they're cordial and they get along but there's. SOMETHING.
meanwhile diluc meeting wrio? he's ELATED. man has good taste in tea. they spar sometimes. FINALLY, SOMEONE NORMAL.
wrio is happy in general his baby is making friends meanwhile nv is: to claire: good child:) to yuying, the daughter of one of the usurpers: hmmmm :| (he knows the child did nothing wrong and she's a good kid in general) contrast to diluc he actually LIKES childe. for one he helped with the narwhal thing, and the fatui helped during the crisis and childe himself never did anything bad personally so they're chill. he will sometimes humor his requests to fight if he's free. then decks him. the adeptus power up juice doesn't help much rip. the girls like to play with his hair.
zhongli knows kaeya's khaenrian. kaeya at some point finds out zhongli is rex lapis. they. they have to keep it together. one of them is under nda. outside of that, there's a reason kaeya is liked by the old timers of mond.
zhongli and nv:
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nv finds out eventually. and for the sake of his daughter, dont worry about it. they'd bond over old people things probably. nv should meet yanfei and they should be friends if anything cause zl is a menace and they'd be passive aggressive w each other. (i need info but it would be so funny for their kids to go my dads stronger! and make them fight each)
via claire, AGAIN, she invites her bestie yy and the new friend from fontaine to her bday party cause SURE WHY THE FUCK NOT. and those 2 non humans meet and GASP, you're just like me!
post accident tm, what do you even say to that. how do you even react to that
early on in yuying and claire's friendship, on a windy summer day, diluc slowly gets used to having to be cordial with a harbinger. a harbinger who who married a god. someone who will live longer than him. he spoke to childe, as they watch their daughters laugh and run through the grapevines, "one day, when i'm no longer around, please look after my daughter."
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0ssianic · 4 months
Story foreshadowing?
So I was mostly skipping through the Iridescence Tour event, but the conversation between Yae Miko and Ei caught my eye
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Relevant part of the conversation:
Ei: But if nothing else, I know that we must avoid another war at all costs. The people cannot be made to suffer like that again. Yae Miko: Hmm... Yae Miko: But what if the bigger war comes to pass? What then? Ei: If it cannot be avoided, then... Ei: ...I will have no choice but to fight.
The mention of a potential future war, which would be bigger than Inazuma's civil war is interesting.
Just based off "the bigger war", the options I think of are:
Tevyat wide/country against country
the Abyss Order
Option 1 I can't see happening given how the Traveler has/will have friends and allies in each nation and we as the player will have PCs from each country.
Options 2 and 3 seem more likely because both could be a common enemy for the traveler and all seven nations.
Option 3 seems possible, but I'm torn on what's going on with Celestia. On one hand, there's bits from the archons & Neuvillette about setting a part of their power aside in order to grant visions and that they're bound to not say certain things. Venti and Zhongli have always been cagey about anything involving both Khaenriah and the archon war/how the 7 got their gnoses.
But on the other, Celestia has been silent for 500 years since cursing the Khaenrians. It makes it seem like they've died out or gone powerless. Before the fontaine expansion, i wondered if there would be an event where we would get to witness a celestial nail hit* and that would prove that Celestia is still active and paying attention (and it would be cool).
The Abyss Order seems like the most likely option, given the traveler's sibling leads it and fighting them would be the natural opponent for the climax of the story. That and they're not aligned with the Fatui. The Tsaritsa seems to be the only one who's got a long term plan related to them and with how Sneznaya is going to be the last of the seven nations, they're probably going to be the most involved in getting the climax of the story kicked off.
Whatever it ends up being, it surprised me to see what seems like foreshadowing to what the endgame plot could be. In a fricking iridescence tour side event of all things.
*My thought process was that with the end of the Fontaine story quest, Celestia would be pissed and try to punish them, even if it couldn't undo the destruction of the Hydro throne
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hellonoblesky · 2 years
OK OK ive been thinking a lot about what you said about the fandoms portrayal of the relationship between kaeya and venti and how its very odd considering kaeya being khaenrian and venti being an archon. i think it’d be very interesting to write smth about the two and them kind of running circles around each other because they both think the other is going to do something.
on the same page, since you like khaenriah alot i wonder how you view the archons role in the cataclysm ? im personally inclined to believe they were .. controlled in a way ? not in the “oh theyre so innocent 🥺🥺🥺” because i dont think they were like. MIND CONTROLLED fully but i do think it was partially against their wills ? something to do with the gnosises and their true uses ? im sort of undecided on it still because i havent fully thought it out..
HEHEHE SPINS AROUND Also quick disclaimer I have not played Nahida's story quest yet (I. don't like her very much and haven't worked up the energy to play another like hour-long quest with her) so this is all based on information learned from the game up to the final Sumeru Archon Quest!!!
I think the Archons, initially, were summoned to quell the threat of the Abyss, and the Abyss alone. I think that despite Celestia's track record for suppressing nations that reach something comparable to their level of power (Vindagnyer), that Khaenri'ah legitimately wasn't majorly interfering with Teyvat to the point that Celestia would have grounds to step in and demolish it (like, again, they did with Vindagnyer).
(WHICH ISN'T to say that I think that Khaenri'ah was entirely cut off from the rest of Teyvat, I wholeheartedly believe that they had established trade and relations with other nations, especially because Khaenri'ah was founded on a mix of nations, so it would make sense for them to have established relations with those nations to accommodate for the variety of people. I just think that Khaenri'ah had no interest in Teyvat in terms of like, rising to power over it, which is why it persisted for give or take 2500+ years (it's definitely around the same time as Venti's lifespan, but I don't have an exact number yet). Which tracks with it being founded on people literally just trying to live without the Archons)
I think the Cataclysm was triggered by a select few (Gold likely one of them) digging too deep into Forbidden Knowlege, as Nahida said it was of the deepest depths of the Abyss, and if there's anything the Cataclysm is known for it's 1) The Destruction of Khaenri'ah and 2) The Emergence of the Abyss.
This initial surge of the Abyss, as in the Sages of Khaenri'ah/Gold discovering it and tugging at it, could have led to a lot of reactions in Celestia. If Celestia had been looking for a reason to sic the Archons on Khaenri'ah, this was definitely it. If Celestia had just been. Hangin out there and went like "OH SHIT LOL the fucking ABYSS is putting the IRMUNSIL in DANGER right now someone send the Archons" then that's. Different.
In the end, I think the Archons didn't know exactly what they were doing or the full effects of what would happen. They were summoned by Celestia, possibly by the Heavenly Principles themselves, and told to stop an Abyssal threat in Khaenri'ah.
Gold's outburst (which I still believe was originally a defensive move and not a move intended to destroy) caused the Abyss to come FLOODING through, sending the Archons into a panicked or more desperate state, leading to them using tactics and moves that focuses more on total annihilation than just getting the Abyss out, ESPECIALLY as the Curse began to manifest and people started succumbing to it, taking on more "monstrous" forms.
AND ITS ACTUALLY!!!! SO INTERESTING because from the Ruin Golem in the desert we know that the Curse may have (actually with what we know of Dainsleif and such it DEFINITELY) manifested in different ways with different people. And Khaenri'ahns fought AGAINST it. They used the machines of their nation to fend off the Abyss because it was destroying THEIR HOME. THEIR HOME WAS SUCCUMBING TO THIS FORCE BROUGHT UP FROM THE DEPTHS THAT THEY HAD NO SAY IN.
HOWEVER. I think the Archons SHOULD have made more of an effort to care for the survivors. I think Venti could have done better when handling the Durin situation (especially considering that Durin was a CHILD put in the body of a dragon and had minimal if not NO idea what was happening when he was fighting Dvalin). I think Zhongli and Liyue were in an optimal place to save and help people. I think that Ei, in her grief, should have gone to the other Archons with her questions. And I think that King Deshret and the Greater Lord should have made the proper preparations and/or proper documentation of the event.
Were they misinformed in their attack and destruction of Khaenri'ah? Yes.
Was the destruction of Khaenri'ah their INTENTION? No.
Do they understand in this day that what they did, in the end, caused a whole nation to lose itself and hundreds (if not thousands) of people to be stranded with a curse they didn't know about manifesting in them, and that the way that their nations now see Hilichurls may very Harmful? Yes.
I highly doubt that any of them believe what they did was wholly right, but I think some of them may be under the impression that, though, harsh, the ends justified the means. (Zhongli, mainly, I think. Love the guy but he WWAS the Warrior God, and the preservation of Liyue was his number one obligation).
BUT I think that Khaenri'ahns, those who's family lines survived (Kaeya ESPECIALLY, being of the Alberich Clan), do hold a (pretty rightful) hatred towards the Archons, because at the end of they day they don't know the full story (neither do the Archons, but they probably know a little more). From a normal Khaenri'ahn POV, the Archons descend on your nation, then the Abyss surges forward, and now everything is irreversibly fucked up and you've lost pretty much everything.
(Also I do wholey believe that Kaeya would like. Humor Venti as in he would be his usual cheery jokester self but at the end of the day, he doesn't like him. He's not a fan. Actually I could probably write a whole other post about Kaeya and how Mondstadtian religion probably had a hugely negative effect on him but that's like. Legitimately a whole other thing DKJFHSDJF)
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maah-long · 11 months
Gathering my thoughts after Genshin's Fontaine Archon Quests
Partly why I disappeared from Tumblr and Twitter, running away from spoilers 💀💀💀 ig this post is mostly for me, to organize my thoughts I havE MANY OF THEM
But one nice thing I did was finish only one quest (not chapter or questline) per day before going to bed, all lights out. It was so comfy, I'm sure this'll be part of why playing them is being so memorable for me 😭😭😭 and the prison songs are such bangers, they made everything even better!!!!
But anyways, most important things first, arlECCHINO. SHE IS SO CORDIAL??? I mean not cordiaaal friendly, but like, super polite?? And calm and collected and all?? I honestly thought she was gonna be a bit insane, or at least that there would be something giving away some type of ulterior motive but..,, I got nothing?? She seems genuinely interested in saving Fontaine and cares for the kids, even if it's probs for self-interests first and foremost, maybe. She totally is very manipulative tho. Other thing I find funny about her is how she destroys anyone with her unforgiving words, while being calm and pretending she's kinda not doing it on purpose. Love that, you go queen 🥳🥳🥳🥳
The thing is, when I saw the guy in the first quest turning into water after saying something he shouldn't, I was "ARLCECCHINO WILL BE LIKE THAT FOR SURE", manipulating everyone, and if any slip-ups happen, she can just unalive them. That Lyney and Lynette could not give anything away or she would just poof them. But I don't know anymore, if it IS like that, she fooled me completely. But I mean, she could do whatever she wanted with me, I wouldn't mind 🥴🥴🥴🥴
So, I still think there could be something more at play. Maybe the gnosis is another key? But surely the nation ENDING seems like a more pressing matter, oh yes. Even then, everyone is sus. And I mean everyone.
By the way, Neuvillete, you think what "sentence" is too severe, huh 🤨🤨🤨??? who, whom what, why??? The first thing that popped into my mind was Celestia. If not the archon, they're the ones who can do things like that. BUT it doesn't seems like Fontaine is progressing so much for them to care? Especially with the alienated citizens and a kinda not thaaaAAT useful archon y'k..,, Though their tech do look like the most advanced from all the nations, even if that alone, at least for me, doesn't scream "reason to kill you all!! heavenly principles on you!!!" HoweVER turning everyone into water and ruining the nation do remember a bit Khaenrians(?) turning into monsters and losing their nation. Food for thought!!! Wish Neuve said a bit more. However it truly wouldn't be wise to go out there screaming "hey, the gods-gods wanna wipe us all out, no pressure tho 😉", so yeah.
AND Furina. What's with that poor child 😭😭😭? From the first moment she came in the screen I was like "man this girl has no idea what she's doing, does she...". In the court, her commentaries were just 💀💀💀 One that comes into mind is she thinking that finding a clue on Lyney's bag was concrete proof of his crime. My dear, that's the easiest thing to manipulate in the whole world, planting fake evidence. Don't go there thinking you revolutionized the universe !!!!!! And almost all her remarks where kinda like that. That you would deadpan and go "seriously, you really believe that's super clever?". Now that I know (do I??? I think I do at least??) it was on purpose I'm letting her slip. But the thing about her having a curse is pretty interesting. I think her eyes are pretty sus (even if a lot of charas have weird eyes and no explanation, like hu tao, arlecchino and keqing). Does she have a weird side, hm 🤔 but again, they showed no sign of this until now, so ???
About the ending... I still don't know if I think that's a dream or not. Is defs what traveler saw while dreaming but, remember in the beginning,,,,, Childe awakening "it"..,,, hearing voices..,, hydro powers..,,, his dream in the abyss seeing a whale while falling into the sea....,, Guess he's really Mr. Worldwide huh. Maybe he's more linked to Fontaine (or at least some fontaine being?) than we thought? I think the whale ended up saving him. But hey, breathing underwater??? Getting kinda busted, my man.
Hope the quests keep escalating until something mind-blowing happens. I can feel it 😤😤😤
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haeresys-realm · 1 year
Someone published a polling which already has very strange but not surprising results.
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Yes, maybe there are still some who don't undertand what does this abbreviation stand for, so here's the definition from Urban Dictionary:
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I was always shocked how many people think the second variant could be true. My, this mr Omega build said himself that he is not the one who has the control, he's only THE MOST SELFISH, so no other segment would do such (stupid) thing as deletion all other segments aka his work of dozens of years because one little Rilukkhadevata segment-girl demanded that.
(There was a time I thought that DottoreMains subreddit is a comfortable place where some people who think deeper than cliched moralfags gathering, but how much I've mistaken... There are few of such, and I highly respect them. But it looks like the most of these subs (because they are the loudest and have no shy to say any shit they want without thinking) are brainless kids who like the character only by his appearence and some sort of villanous vibes and THAT'S ALL. Almost NOTHING that such kids post or comment has any link to real canonical Doctor which shows no respect even to script writers' work.) And for sure I will always be shocked by these situation in fandom and especially how stupid they see the Doctor, and coming back to our topic, the original Doctor, so I will repeat that his death or sickness is an absolute anti-canonic shit. He was fuckin' youngster when he graduated and started to experiment on Eleazar, while he concluded with absolutely assuarance that there's an elemental correlation and he really COULD REACH THE POWER OF GOD if only he had a little more input, and we can state Pedrolino give him all he needed, thats why the achievement about reading these old notes is originally called "before «I» was born"; and in Tatarasuna he had no segments yet, because he made them after long decades of researching work on Scaramuccia (because by contrast with Ei he had no guidance and because his goal was not only to make such doll but to enhance this khaenrian technology), it was his original self, but he was ALREADY that self-assured second Harbinger who played his subjects as a rishboland cat, easily changing his voice and appearance and calling Pedrolino from such distance to deliver him a massage just by talking to the atmosphere as some gods do hah. You can say it is all the devices, oh well ok, but he press no button he just uses the energy of ley lines as gods do. So please, don't humiliate his scientifical genius by thinking such cliched way. Even if MHY would decide to explain his defeat this way, it wouldn't be an adequate canon, just some contradictive shit to ignore for not being too disappointed in such interesting plot and character. That's all I want to say and I don't want to arguing with you. If you think the other way... Ok. You can't downvote me here me hereas always, so you can just make a meme but I will stay sane and logical whatever it takes. Even if hoyo would try to crush all their Harbinger's canon where Pedrolino will no longer be the first Fatui as they described him. Being first Fatui but not having a rank as the Fatui is not being a first of the Fatui, it is only being the first to found the Fatui organisation. And these are too different things But it's another topic and you can still think other way, but I am absolutely assured in all my investigations and conclusions and hope hoyo will not be that stupid and contradictive as most of their fanbase. Sorry not sorry for sharpness guys but I'm really tired of this and wait for the worst yet still hoping for the best.
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genshinimpact88 · 2 years
Episode 1.
Khaenrian war…. A place of explosions, blood, death… a battle between the gods and nations
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Timothy, blue veins on him with hydro and dendro around him
And julia, red veins on her with pyro and anemo around her
Dead bodies all around them, blood everywhere
They were monsters… killers….
No one knew what they were.. what created them, but they killed anything they laid and eye on
But soon… they vanished… and to this day.. people still talk about the two..
How powerful they were, they were scared of them
But No one knew where they went.. if they died or not…
“Adventure time!!!” Bennett was walking on the soft grass
“The princessen agrees” fischl said
“Meat?” Razor asked
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Bennet, the boy in the middle
He was quite unlucky, his whole life, no one wanted to be his friend, until he met fischl and razor
Fischl,the blonde girl, she’s very delusional, and speaks in 3rd person view, no one wanted to be her friend either, until she found bennet and razor
Razor, the lone wolf boy, raised by wolf, and is trying his best to learn the human ways, and decided to join bennet and fischl
They were all going out on another adventure, though, they always end up going wrong, their still fun
“Fischl asks, where are her and her friends heading to today?” Fischl turned to bennet
“I wanted to check out the starsnatch cliff, I’ve heard they got the best views!” Bennet excitedly said
“Will there be meat?” Razor asked
“I’m sure there will be a few boars you can hunt down buddy” bennet patted razors back
They continued their walk up the tall cliff, until they finally made it, at sunset
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“Woah..” bennet looked at the beatiful view, with a smile on his face
“The princessen thinks this is very pretty! She thanks bennet” fischl squeezed bennets arm
“Yeah… pretty” razor said, he had meat in his hands from hunting down a boar
“I think I call this, one of bennys successful adventures!” Bennet sat on the edge of the cliff
As soon as he did that, it started to crack
“Bennet! Fischl screamed” Fischl screamed
“Oh no” bennet looked down, accepting his doom
Then he dropped, falling down
“AHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhh” his voice faded
Fischl and razor looked at each other in shock, and turned around, making their way off the cliff
As bennet was falling, he remembered he has a glider
He tried to bring it out, but the wind was hitting him to fast
He eventually did get it out, but it was crooked, but it still slowed down his fall
He hit the grass and rolled down another hill
“ABHHHHH MAKE IT STOPPPP” he was holding his arm out, but he wouldn’t stop rolling
And then he stopped, he looked up
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It was creepy, and bennet knew exactly where he was
It was abandoned after the khaenrian war, kids weren’t allowed in this part of monstat, only the knights of favonious were, but their leader has been on a long journey, so they haven’t visited in a while
Bennet nervously stood up
“Fischl… razor????!!” He was lost because it was so foggy
He sighed “my luck today..” he said, and then he continued to walk
Creepy howls we’re being made.. bennet hated it
He turned and saw a skeleton
He gasped and covered his mouth quickly… but stayed looking at it
Then he took a deep breath and closed his eyes
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” he ran for his life, screaming
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH” he kept running
This only lasted for a few seconds, cause then he tripped over another skeleton and fell down, starting to roll again
“AHHHHH” bennet screamed some more, he was now very muddy.. and even some blood got on him,, from 400 years ago
Bennet stood up again, feafully,. He was going to lose it
He walked on some stone, so he wouldn’t get mud or blood on him anymore
Then he looked down, noticing something
The stone he was standing on, the cracks of it were glowing, red and blue… maybe there were crystals inside!
“BENNET!!” Razor shouted
“Razor, Fischl!!!” Bennet smiled, seeing his friends running over
“Fischl is shocked, what happened to you bennet?” Fischl asked “she doesn’t wanna get muddy”
“We aren’t allowed in here… but… look” bennet pointed at the glowing rock they were standing on
“Razor, do You think you can get that open, with your claws?” Bennet asked
“Yes” razor nodded once, and then he roared
A powerful electro wolf was behind him, and razor could control it
Then he started clawing away at the rock, chips of it were flying
Soon.. razors wolf went away, and he painted in tiredness
Bennet and fischl patted his back… and then looked down into the rock
The glowing had stopped, but there was two people in there, covered in blood
“OH MY GAWD” bennet jumped in fischls arms
“AHHHHHHHHH” fischl dropped bennet
The two of them were freaking out, but razor jumped down there
“Guys” he said
“Their alive!”
The two stopped panicking and looked down
“Wh-what?” Bennet asked
Razor was slapping both of their faces gently
“Their alive! But their asleep” he said
“Probably in a coma” bennet figured “should we take them back?”
“Yeah! They need help” Razor said, looking at some of their wounds
“The princessen is not carrying one of them” fischl said
“Your lucky Theres two” bennet jumped down
Razor picked up the boy, and bennet picked up the girl
They looked human… they were just bloody and hurt… there was much more blood on them than their wounds could make.. so they must of killed something… or…. Multiple things,,,
But the kids didn’t think that… they just thought that these two people needed help.. so they started finding their way back to monstat, and we’re going to take them to the healer
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hellolulu · 2 years
Every day I think about genshin lore and how spoiled I am since Sumeru began.. and also my brain hurts because it's so full! Of lore! And theories! My "khaenria literally was everywhere, it wasn't a solitary nation so much as a thing that just existed across Teyvat like an anti-religion" thoughts keep coming to bite me and then I start thinking about whether the Aranara being separated from humans due to the akasha stealing dreams is probably just another Big Celestia plot because the Eremites and Hilichurls have access to elemental power without visions and yet Celestia made it so that archons rule and give people power as they wish so these things have to long predate Celestia-- Aranara and Dreams and whatever was up in the long forgotten Sumeru Desert past and elemental abilities are all just things that were normal and existed? Just to be wiped out Just Like That? And don't get me STARTED on the fact that Enkanomiya architecture matches the city in the depths of the Chasm and that Stormterror's Lair is different to both those styles (suggesting it was built after celestia's arrival which reminds me celestia is very close from there, and you can see it and as we know that's pre-khaenrian war Mondstadt) AND different to the classic Khaenrian architecture we see across the whole world AND that Boreas (the Boreal Wolf, Razor's wolf dad) has a completely unique style in his little location and this all links back to just how much Celestia wiped out in order to have Only One Archon per location - we all know the Guili history, we know Enkanomiya, we know the Chasm, but the rest of Teyvat all have these mysterious "and then everything changed / got wiped out" before the war between Khaenria and Celestia stories too but they're quieter about Sumeru for some reason and it feeds into the Archons are Unable to Defy Celestia's will so they literally can't give me real answers and can only give clues and half truths idea because Nahida should know So Much About It All and my GOODNESS don't even speak to me about the Eleazar/Hilichurl parallels I'm losing my mind I'm grinding my teeth the,,, the golden Wolford,,, I read his archive when he was new and thought it was interesting, but it took me until Arana literally said it was their fight that caused him to hide on that island at Tsurumi for me to even make the connection between Withering and Rifthounds.... everything is all connected and the lore makes me go insane.. anyway thanks for reading I am a lore lover it's true 💔💔
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chocoenvy · 3 years
"i hate that i still care for you." part 1/3
part two part three
ALL THE SUPPORT ON MY FIRST POST ALMOST KILLED ME I LOVE EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YALL??? Anyways, I had wanted to explore more of what i had last time but ended up with a slightly different concept. I hope to build on both concepts seperately in the future but for now have this splurge
Warnings: suicide ideation, cult behavior, slight yandere content
Your head was heavy and swimming with an ocean of thoughts. The schools of fish were being eaten by sharks in your mind, and you were ready to be swallowed alive.
Dragonspine was cold, biting your skin. Your fingers were red and numb. They felt ready to fall off. You thought Teyvat would be different. When you had been randomly transported here out of the blue, you assumed at worst the characters wouldn't know you and how much love and care you had put into them.
But there was a much much worse option.
They hated you. The characters you adored and nurtured from level one to nintey, hated your guts. Why? You asked yourself everyday. Why did they hate you?
You tried to ask, you assumed Jean would be willing to listen to you. She was the acting grand master of the city of freedom after all, so you assumed a fair trial or something came with that. But she chased you out of Mondstat, and you escaped by the skin of your teeth.
Would she have killed me? You wonder sometimes, If I hadn't ran, would she?
Thoughts like that of your bevloved characters... it made it hard to live. The only thing keeping you alive was your own will and it was breaking. You didn't have much of a will in your own world, much less now that literally everyone even the players you had given powerful weapons and artifacts, those you had grinded days for to get them to their full potential.
Everybody you adored hated you.
A sob escaped past your lips and you shivered. Dragonspine was quiet. It wasn't welcoming but neither were the gates of Mondstat, Liyue, or Inazuma. The lack of people just made it better.
A dark part of your mind slithered it's way in the rational. Corrupted your will to live and be strong, injecting doubt into you. Wouldn't it be better to jump down from the top of Dragonspine?
You ignored the thought. Rationel took over quickly as that was it's job. You needed food and shelter. Somewhere nobody would hurt you but you also wouldn't freeze to death.
I wonder... In the corner of your eye, just like on the screen of the game, you could "see" a minimap of where you were. Is Albedo in his lab?
You had nowhere else to go, so you decided why not? The worse that could happen was...
Well the worst that could happen was that you'd die. And that's not that bad is it?
You trudged your way to Albedo's lab. It wasn't that hard considering the teleportation devices all around Teyvat still worked for you, but with your weak body it was absolutely exahausting.
Collapsing in the workshop, you found that it was empty.
Thank God. You sighed.
A fire was lit and you scurried towards it on your hands and knees. Scraping your already battered and scarred skin. You huddled in on yourself and idly watched the fire. Your body grew warmer and your brain became foggier. Eventually, your body curled in on itself and you were out like a light.
That was quite a while ago. Albedo had found you and warmed you up, able to recognize you without any trouble. He could feel it. The feeling of you possessing him when you were merely a force that could control characters. When you chose to play him, it was intoxicating, and touching your real body with his hands was gratifying.
With Albedo's support, he and what was left of Khaenri'ah were now your loyal acolytes. Those that had harmed you came knocking on your doorstep, begging for forgivenss. It was enough to get you drunk on power.
But paradise wasn't perfect. Far from it. You sat at a table alone, awaiting the three archons' arrival. Despite the khaenrians' and the abyss princesses' pleas, you needed to do this. You needed to face them.
The door opened, "Your grace-" The immediately began, trying to save their own skin from what they expected to be your wrath.
"Save it." You snapped, facing away from them. You took a deep breath. They'd listen to their god right? They'd listen to a merciless god... right? Your hands shook knowing they were behind you but you had to get it out, "What you did to me was unforgivable. I was- I am so scared to just walk outside! And for what? Just 'cause I look like your god? No- because I am your god! What is up with all of you, you act like children!" You snarled at your own lap, refusing to turn to look at them. You knew what would happen if you did. "I don't care if someone is actually trying to copy my looks, as long as they're not claiming to be me I don't want any harm to befall them. If they claim to be me I will handle them. You will not touch them. Nobody deserves that especially since-" Shit. You sniffled and wipped your nose with your sleeve, "Especially since I cared so much for you. I-" You inhaled shakily, this was the revenge you dreamed for. Right?
"If I was dead, would they all be happy?"
They didn't wait for the rest of your spiel, they shouted their protests at once.
You raised a hand and they fell silent. "I wondered that everyday. I loved you guys so much. You were the characters- the people I nurtured into unstoppable forces not even the abyss could stop." A hiccup escaped your mouth, tears fell from your eyes. You know what'll happen if you look back- You turned your head to gaze at the three archons bowing before your chair, their heads downcast, shame leaking from their eyes in the form of dewy teardrops. You smiled, a small scoff passing your lips, "And yet despite all you've put me through," Your gaze softened, "I still adore you."
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reilliane · 2 years
context for this is that khaenrian lore has me in a chokehold and I cannot escape it so, I'm going to describe this in broad strokes and not go into the heavy details because then we would be here for pages and pages and that's not the point but, consider, if you will:
Khaenrian!reader, they're basically the equivalent of a second generation immigrant from snezhnaya to khaenri'ah but have loved thee all their life, and then the cataclysm happens, but even after death they wake up, and they aren't in the abyss. Rather their in a body that was not their original, this body is that of a Homunculi, now there's a lot of a reason for why this happened, from who they were in their first life to who they knew. But clutched in their hand is a small chess piece, that once belonged to a traitor of an old friend. So they leave for the land their family came from originally, snow has never bothered them much and they aren't keen on heading anywhere else. And over time as things change they put themselves in the position of harbinger in order to keep safe the heart of an old friend, keep your friends close yes but keep your enemies closer. They take a new name and a new act towards those around them, and rather than wake with the crows has per habit once was, they find themselves acting the role of the rooster. (Fatui lore is wild what do you mean one of the titles of the Harbingers is canonically Rooster that's absolutely batshit and I'm here for it) But somehow they find themselves growing rather well acquainted with the Balladeer.
So what I'm advocating for is Khaenrian/Homunculi!Reader & Scaramouche companionship, doesn't have to be romantic I just want them to hold hands, while I have set up for both of them, like enough set up that I would take up so much space writing it out so let's not do that here, do I know how they become friends? No and it does not matter because at the end of the day I think it would be neat if they were both magnificent bastards because I love that trope to death and what's better than one magnificent bastard? Two magnificent bastards and they're a power couple who fit the dynamic of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss (scara) Manipulate Mansplain Malewife (reader).
I have no idea if this is coherent but neither is the brainrot I have about these two so it's fine.
To begin, the essence being a camaraderie between two unnatural people is lovely. I've always loved me summo that.
I can sort of see this scene happening where they just underplay each other's strengths and be snarky in saying 'i bet you're gonna be all scathed when this mission's over', belying the real message of, 'don't get hurt/take care out there'.
They aren't... humans, why must they be prey to some emotions?
(Romance route?? Ah yes, deny those emotions, darlings. Platonic route? UNCHANGING, KEEP THE DENIAL GOING)
Also, MC being spared from the Khaenri'ahn curse (well not exactly, given she's a homunculus) and wandering with a single purpose ('keep safe the...') that's not for herself emanates puppet vibes.
A long-term duty she's willfully doing—what a perfect contrast to Scara who's out to reap the gains for himself.
It could be that it's just me, but I love some me some relationship where you can't pinpoint what exacTLY THEY ARE lmao
Like- Scara is a bastard... yes, MC can be one too depending on how she makes do with her 'life'. They can be bastards with one another but at the same time they're like,
"Get that thing treated, it's disgusting to see."
Translation = "What the hell, get that healed!!"
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3rdgymbros · 3 years
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— title; i could never give you peace.
— pairing; morax! zhongli x dendro archon! reader
— summary; in which your relationship with the khaenrians has earned celestia’s ire, and zhongli tries to warn you before the situation can escalate any further.
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Seeing as how he’s standing amidst a crowd of mortals, you take care to address him by the name that he’s chosen for himself. Zhongli raises a hand in greeting, your voice carried to him by the wind. He’s dressed in a fitted suit, which makes him seem even taller and leaner and more devastatingly handsome. You wear your happiness like the sun’s rays as you step down from your modest vessel, much too eager to wait until the ship properly docks. You’re already lifting up the long train of your robes as you hop down onto the dock, a broad grin spread across your lovely face.
Liyue is as lively as ever. Ships crowd the harbor, with more lurking offshore, waiting. Dozens of patchy cats stalk the docks like they’re in charge, even while they beg sailors for scraps of fish. The sailors work hard, dark heads of hair gleaming burnished under the sun, and their pleasantly drunk, raucous voices chant sea songs while they build and scrub and scrape barnacles from the undersides of ships.
“It’s been a while!” You draw the eyes of many as you approach, eliciting shouted greetings and a few vulgar comments that you pretend not to hear. Zhongli’s eyes flash, and his anger can be felt like a pulsating blister, raising goose bumps down your spine. The whispers instantly cease as the guilty parties in question suddenly find themselves to be very busy, fleeing the scene rather than risking Zhongli’s palpable wrath. You direct the full force of your relief to Zhongli as you ask, “Is everyone else here already? I hope I’m not late.”
Zhongli shakes his head. “No. You’re very early in fact. The others won’t be arriving for a good while yet, and I was hoping to use this chance to talk with you. Walk with me?”
You accept his proffered arm, and Zhongli takes you on a tour of Liyue. The Lantern Festival brings with it a festive mood, and though it’s merely late afternoon, already an enormous crowd has gathered in anticipation for the night’s events, and the pavements are clogged with foot traffic. You’re glad that your arm is linked so securely with Zhongli’s. Food stalls and confectioners cater to the road’s never-ending wake and smells of sugar and roasting pork float on the perfume of incense.
“Are you looking for anything in particular?” Zhongli asks, apparently noticing how your eyes linger for too long upon the wares of a toy vendor. Row upon row of toys brings back happy memories of your childhood days, although that time of innocence has long since passed.
“It’s the little prince’s birthday in several days,” You explain, thinking fondly of your newest charge, a little boy with wide, over-sized blue eyes and smooth, brown skin. “I need to get him a present since they’ve invited me to the ceremony.”
They, of course, referring to the Khaenrians, with whom you share a mutually beneficial relationship. The Academia in your home country is thriving, much like the bountiful woods and greenery there, gaining the attention of scholars throughout Teyvat. This is in no small part thanks to the knowledge that you’ve exchanged with the Khaenrians; in exchange for their technological advances, you bring life to their barren wastelands, nourishing it with your powers and flooding it with colour. Life.
How quickly Zhongli’s face clouds. His steps grow slow and hesitant, his amber colored eyes finding yours before quickly darting away. As late afternoon moves to early evening, the light of a thousand lanterns are reflected within his eyes, and they seem to take on an even greater depth – too deep for his youthful appearance. They’re the flickering eyes of someone who has endured pain and torment, who understands the world and what he has to do.
You freeze as dread pools in the pit of your stomach. You loosen your grip upon Zhongli’s arm. And, around you, the world spins on. “What’s wrong?”
“You’re still in contact with them.” The words are innocuous enough, but they feel heavy. There’s something that he isn’t telling you, and you can feel it wedging between you and casting a shadow over every spoken word. You want to ask Zhongli what’s wrong, but when you try, the words stop up your airways and wither upon your tongue at the expression on his face. A thousand unreadable emotions are written across his visage, but fear and concern are uppermost, evident and distinguishable. “You must stop. Don’t meet with them anymore.”
Your breath catches, and your chest feels as though it’s collapsing. This time, you finally manage to choke out, “Why?”
When Zhongli finally looks at you, you have to swallow down shards of broken glass. It looks as though just laying eyes on you seems to hurt him. “Celestia.”
You try to speak, but find that you’ve been reduced to silence once again. Vines are wrapping themselves around your stomach and chest so tightly that you’re sure they’ll kill you. You press the heels of your hands against your eyes, and you want to scream. You want to do a lot of things that you’re likely to regret, so you just stand like that for a long while trying to catch your breath.
Celestia knows.
Celestia is cruel.
Celestia will never forgive the Khaenrians.
Zhongli must take your silence as a no, for he continues. His words tumble around you like snowflakes, seemingly multiplying in their amount and intensity. He means well, which makes it all that much worse.
“Surely you must understand the gravity of the situation. Celestia is displeased. The country is lost.”
You do know. You didn’t rise to your position as the Dendro Archon by being a fool. Your powers had been weak, and you’d survived the Archon War by using a combination of your wits and strategy. Now you find yourself wondering if this is what drew him to you in the first place – if some small part of you hadn’t reminded him of his dead companion, a goddess with billowing sleeves, who had loved glaze lilies in full bloom.
“Zhongli.” You say. Quietly, but with resolution.
He must hear the change in your voice. Zhongli raises his head and stares at you. But he understands what you’re planning to do. He can see the determination coloring your face, just as you can see the fear on his. To him, the solution is simple. Maybe he’s always done what’s expected of him. But you’re not the same. Not since you’ve noticed that in this world, while you and your people are standing at the top, there are those whose backs you stand on to stay there. You think of the little prince, hearing his anxious voice in your ear, doe eyes fixated on your figure, asking you to promise him that you’ll come back to visit soon. You can’t abandon them. You won’t.
“Don’t you understand?” Now, there is anguish written plainly on his face, and it twists at your heart; it’s a feeling that you know all too well. It plays across his face like words on a page, evident in the tension in his jaw and his eyes, glazed over like light shining upon a pond. “If you insist on associating with the Khaenrians, I won’t be able to protect you anymore!”
“If you can’t protect me, then just abandon me. Do what needs to be done.”
And then you’re walking, because you can’t bear to look at him any longer, and your body is already moving before you’re even aware of it. You aren’t sure where you’re planning to go, but anywhere is better than staying here. Zhongli reaches out, his fingers reaching out to grab your billowing sleeve, but you shake your head and jerk away from him. You can hardly see him, your eyes are so blurred.
In the days to come, you find yourself replaying the scene countless times, each time thinking of different things that you should have said and done.
But all you do is leave, without looking back.
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jade-parcels · 3 years
Hey I hope you don't mind me asking, but where does the idea of Kaeya betraying everyone come from? It seems kind of far fetched to me given the only reason i know that he would would be he's somehow from Khaen'ria. I don't care for spoilers.
Same with Albedo but I haven't seen anything for him that would make me think he'd betray mondstadt.
So this is a loaded question and a lot actually goes into this! A lot of people don’t really get it, I’ve noticed a lot of new players say that, not that I’m accusing you of being a new player, albedo and kaeya seem like they wouldn’t betray Mond so let’s get into it cause I’ve been waiting for this one, I’ve got theories
Kaeya is a descendant of khaenri'ah, we don’t know how many generations removed he is but he still carries the dominant ‘star shaped pupil’ gene.
Kaeya was dumped off at the raginvindr estate by, what we believe to be, his father. We don’t really know how old kaeya is or the age difference between him and Diluc. They could be 1 year apart, they could be 3 years apart. I don’t know how old he was when he was abandoned by his father either but he was old enough to understand when his father told him he was khaenri'ah’s last hope and that he would be a spy for khaenri'ah while living in Mond.
Kaeya is surprised when the traveler mentions khaenri'ah and says something along the lines of ‘that’s a lost nation and only the sinners are left’ I feel like the lost nation is a touchy subject for Kaeya for many reasons
1. He was abandoned by his family and the weight of ‘oh my I’m khaenri'ah’s last hope’ was put on his shoulders at a young age. Kaeya was essentially expected to betray Mond in favor of khaenri'ah
2. His fight with Diluc stemmed from this. When he decided he wanted to come clean, tell Diluc that he’s a traitor. He’s confused, he doesn’t want to betray his home nation of khaenri'ah but he also doesn’t want to betray Mond, which has become his home over the years. He loves the knights, he loves his brother, he loves his friends, he doesn’t actually want to betray them at all…does he? He doesn’t actually know. So he wanted Diluc to either accept him for who he is or kill him and Kaeya got the worst outcome. Diluc didn’t accept him. And he got a vision which prevented him from being killed by his brother so he was abandoned by his second family now
Hopping over to Albedo real quick. Albedo is khaenrian as well. While he doesn’t have star shaped pupils he bears the mark on his neck instead. Albedo was created, not born, he isn’t human. Albedo himself theorizes that one day he’ll destroy Mond. Currently, he doesn’t want to. But later, we may see a change of heart. Maybe he’ll have an epiphany or something and decide to destroy it all. Maybe he’ll meet Dain and the two will chat about khaenri'ah? Yeah idrk
People love the theory of Kaeya, heartbroken by so many abandonments and broken promises. And Albedo, a non-humanoid searching for his true purpose and finding that it’s to avenge khaenri'ah. And Dain, a survivor of that day when khaenri'ah was obliterated. When they all come together, harnessing their power and destroying the city of freedom…uhhh…holy shit…that would be so awesome??
Kaeya is a favorite of many, the traveler has come fo trust him while also being a bit suspicious of him right? Albedo is trustworthy, smart and kind. Dain is actively helping look for the traveler’s sibling and teaching them about khaenri'ah. If these 3 came together I think fans would collectively explode. And the AUs where kaeya is the lost prince of khaenri'ah??? Hello??? I’m busting rn thinking about it /j
Overall, it’s just a fun theory that would really ad depth to the game. To see side characters like Albedo and Kaeya, who were kind and helpful, become a threat to Mond would be so fascinating. They have motives to destroy Mond but I don’t think either actually want to currently. Something could happen and someone could snap…who knows
I wasn’t gonna go search for quotes because im feeling lazy so this is all based on my memory so if I’ve quoted something wrong or misinterpreted a line let me know!!
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hollowbingbong · 3 years
House of monsters AU - Genshin Impact
House of monster AU - Genshin Impact
The house of monsters au or THOM AU is about how almost everyone is some kind of monster or otherworldly being and lives in one GIANT mansion. Note: I’m still fleshing out the story so some things may change in the future also the main ship is kaebedo BACKSTORY: The AU follows kaeya who is sent to live in the mansion, the reason why kaeya is being sent to the mansion is that after master crepus Death, diluc (the only other human in this AU that matters) could not care for himself and his younger brother after crepus’s death, so diluc sent kaeya to the church but the church didn’t want to have a “cursed” child with them so they sent kaeya away, ya know, out of sight out of mind. So Kaeya has to figure out how to coexist with a mansion of monsters, make sure Diluc doesn't suspect anything through his letters, and stay alive. Oh did I mention kaeya is the only human there?
Later on, though, kaeya would find out he is the last human with magic (or well Khaenrian), humans long ago used to have magic aka visions but as time went on and more races of otherworlders(aka the monsters) started to appear and humans started losing their visions, so a bloodline was born and named the Khaenrian bloodline and this bloodline’s purpose was to keep magic alive in humans but as generations passed this bloodline would soon start breeding out the magic in them(also the Khaenrian's got their magic from the ABYSS). Kaeya's birth mother was Khaenrian and his father a normal person and on the night of kaeya’s 7th birthday, they were killed in an accident (cough assassination cough) and leaving kaeya the only survivor.
Kaeya would be adopted into Ragnvaldr family but that wouldn’t last long as crepus would fall ill and die, which would result in Diluc and kaeya’s estranged relationship. Also being a Khaenrian the church would dub kaeya “Cursed” or “cursed blooded child”.
So I’m still figuring out what type of monsters(or otherworlders) i want the others to be but I’ll list who is what so far Kaeya: Human/Khaenrian Diluc: Human Albedo: Vampire Venti: Dragon of the wind(aka a god) Zhongli: Dragons of contracts and geo (aka a god) Childe: Werewolf Rosaria: Dhampir Klee: Fairy Bennet: Fire Imp Razor: Werewolf Mona: Star bearer (basically someone born of a shooting star) Barbara: a human who fell into the sea and was blessed to become a siren Lisa: Electric Demon (also one of the first demons to be born so she’s super powerful) Fischl: Kitsune Jean: Halfing (a human and angel hybrid) Noelle: Centaur Qiqi: Zombie Amber: Phoenix Hybrid (she’s part phoenix and rabbit. How that happened no one knows) Hu Tao: Ghost Xiangling: Werebear Xiao: Oni Aether and lumine: Angels (celestials)
That's all i have so far.
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