#finally got to answer this awawa
reilliane · 2 years
context for this is that khaenrian lore has me in a chokehold and I cannot escape it so, I'm going to describe this in broad strokes and not go into the heavy details because then we would be here for pages and pages and that's not the point but, consider, if you will:
Khaenrian!reader, they're basically the equivalent of a second generation immigrant from snezhnaya to khaenri'ah but have loved thee all their life, and then the cataclysm happens, but even after death they wake up, and they aren't in the abyss. Rather their in a body that was not their original, this body is that of a Homunculi, now there's a lot of a reason for why this happened, from who they were in their first life to who they knew. But clutched in their hand is a small chess piece, that once belonged to a traitor of an old friend. So they leave for the land their family came from originally, snow has never bothered them much and they aren't keen on heading anywhere else. And over time as things change they put themselves in the position of harbinger in order to keep safe the heart of an old friend, keep your friends close yes but keep your enemies closer. They take a new name and a new act towards those around them, and rather than wake with the crows has per habit once was, they find themselves acting the role of the rooster. (Fatui lore is wild what do you mean one of the titles of the Harbingers is canonically Rooster that's absolutely batshit and I'm here for it) But somehow they find themselves growing rather well acquainted with the Balladeer.
So what I'm advocating for is Khaenrian/Homunculi!Reader & Scaramouche companionship, doesn't have to be romantic I just want them to hold hands, while I have set up for both of them, like enough set up that I would take up so much space writing it out so let's not do that here, do I know how they become friends? No and it does not matter because at the end of the day I think it would be neat if they were both magnificent bastards because I love that trope to death and what's better than one magnificent bastard? Two magnificent bastards and they're a power couple who fit the dynamic of Gaslight Gatekeep Girlboss (scara) Manipulate Mansplain Malewife (reader).
I have no idea if this is coherent but neither is the brainrot I have about these two so it's fine.
To begin, the essence being a camaraderie between two unnatural people is lovely. I've always loved me summo that.
I can sort of see this scene happening where they just underplay each other's strengths and be snarky in saying 'i bet you're gonna be all scathed when this mission's over', belying the real message of, 'don't get hurt/take care out there'.
They aren't... humans, why must they be prey to some emotions?
(Romance route?? Ah yes, deny those emotions, darlings. Platonic route? UNCHANGING, KEEP THE DENIAL GOING)
Also, MC being spared from the Khaenri'ahn curse (well not exactly, given she's a homunculus) and wandering with a single purpose ('keep safe the...') that's not for herself emanates puppet vibes.
A long-term duty she's willfully doing—what a perfect contrast to Scara who's out to reap the gains for himself.
It could be that it's just me, but I love some me some relationship where you can't pinpoint what exacTLY THEY ARE lmao
Like- Scara is a bastard... yes, MC can be one too depending on how she makes do with her 'life'. They can be bastards with one another but at the same time they're like,
"Get that thing treated, it's disgusting to see."
Translation = "What the hell, get that healed!!"
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queenofnohr · 5 years
Fate/Grand Order Gareth Line Masterpost
Here’s what I’ve been working on alongside my other work! I’ve been taking more time on my translations to be a bit more liberal with phrasing/making it not so literal, so I hope it’s paid off? Gareth is one of those types who’s kind of a huge Round Table fan, so while she speaks politely, her excitement shines through a lot. I hope I was able to capture that kind of youthful energy.
EDIT: All her lines are now available!
I.... should be using my patreon, probably, but I feel like voice lines are things that won’t really benefit me by being on there. I will hopefully have my first patreon only post up by next week (it’ll be a Material Book Profile from Book IV!)
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Summoning: I am Gareth. A knight who sat 7th at the Round Table, and as such served King Arthur!
Level Up: I could get used to this magical power! Ooooh~
Ascension 1: Yeah, this is what I’m most used to wearing after all. If I’m armed, I’ll be able to fight with you, you know? By the way, this armor is from back in the day, when I was traveling around as a page. Ascension 2: Hm? Did anything change? I don’t really think so, but thank you anyway! Ascension 3: Ooooh! Incredible!! This is my Round Table armor, Master! So cool, so cool!! Ascension 4: My lance was once praised by my former king, His Highness, King Arthur. If it is by your decree, it shall pierce through anything. In accordance with your will, it shall pierce through anyone. But, please, I pray you use me for the sake of building a peaceful world. —Whaaat. I tried to be just a little cool. Ehehe.
My Room Generic 1: If you just stand around, roots will start growing out of you! You’re young, Master! I’m young too! So let’s get up and get out there! My Room Generic 2: Masters and Servants are like kings and knights…… Hm? ...It’s….. A little different than that? Mm…… Ehehe, it’s kinda complicated, huh. My Room Generic 3: Okay, so, with knights and kings, King Arthur would be my superior…… That makes the relationship between a “senpai” and “kouhai” easy to understand, but…… Your kouhai is Miss Mash, so…… Hm…… Hmmmmm…… I don’t really get it…...
With Arturia: Our King of Knights…… Ah! Your Highness, King Arthur! ……To be able to meet again…… *sob*... *sob*....... I’m so sorry…… I’m so very sorry…… I wasn’t able to fight alongside you in that final battle…... With Bedivere: Sir Bedivere! Aha, it really is you! Oh, what’s with that arm? Strictly speaking you’re a different person? What do you mean by that? With Gawain: Brother, it looks like you’re in a good mood. …….Lord Gawain. Um……. Ehehe…… If you don’t stop ruffling my hair, I’ll get mad! …...But, Brother, I really am happy to see you again. I love you! With Mordred: It looks like Mordred is here too, but…… Mm…… I want to talk more, but I feel like there’s no chance of it happening. With Tristan: Infidelity is bad, you know! Sir Tristan? …...Sir Tristan! Don’t just look away, Sir Tristan. With Merlin: A- Actually, Lord Merlin is kind of difficult to deal with. I like him, but he’s a little…… how should I put this - a little scary. I can’t really put it into words. Master, please keep this a secret from Lord Merlin, okay? After Chapter Camelot (?): Ah, Sir Galahad? Sir Galahad…… that’s you, right? Why did you turn into a girl? …...Oh, my mistake, you’re Miss Mash! My apologies! Aha…… That was close. With Lancelot (Saber): Kya! N- No way…… no way, no way, no way!!! …...Could that really be……? No, it can’t be…… The great Lancelot from back then…… It is him- No way, you’ve gotta be kidding me! Awawa.... Awawa… Awawa…. What am I supposed to do with myself…... With Lancelot (Berserker): This sinister aura…… It’s just like from the day I was killed…… Sir Lancelot…… Even now, my voice still can’t reach you. With Astolfo: Oh boy! A Frankish Knight! Let’s joust! I won’t take no for an answer! With ???: Joust!!! With me!!! With Arturia (Lancer/Lancer Alter): Eh…… Is that His Majesty, King Arthur? But, there’s so much that’s different…… Like, um, it’s really hard to say this directly, but…… How did his majesty get a horse indoors……? With Arthur Pendragon: Your Majesty…… that’s you, isn’t it? Isn’t… it? Hmmmmm.
Likes: What I like? A spear and shield! Or even just a spear is good with me! Is there anyone who’s up for a joust? Then again, we can’t really have horses running around indoors…... Dislikes: What I hate most is oil slicks. It’s really easy to slip on them, you know? Holy Grail: A mass of magical energy? I have no interest in the Holy Grail. Perhaps if my former king wanted it, then maybe…… No, even if that happened, I wouldn’t be able to get it. Of all the Knights of the Round Table, only Sir Galahad was able to obtain it. If there was anyone else who might be able to…… Oh, that’s right. Sir Percival probably could.
Bond 1: I’m the child of King Lot and Morgan, Gareth. I once served King Arthur, and received the seventh seat at the Round Table. Oh, of course, it wasn’t the original seventh seat. The Knights of the Round were constantly shifting members around. Bond 2: You want to know…… how I became the final knight of the Round Table? Even though I was inexperienced, the other knights - and more than anyone else, His Majesty and Sir Lancelot - supported my joining. Oh, that’s right, I don’t think I mentioned that. I served as Sir Lancelot’s squire. Bond 3: “One day, you’ll rank among the greatest of knights. In time, you’ll become a true knight, comparable to your elder brothers.” Those are the kinds of things everyone used to say, and they were more than I deserved. …...Eh? Was there a lot of pressure? O- Of course there was back then, but certainly not now! Bond 4: When Big Brother Agravain decided to accuse Sir Lancelot, I was sad. I was just... so, so sad. I objected, of course. Because he was Sir Lancelot, the one who bestowed upon me the ranking of “knight.” To me, he was the ideal knight - someone I wanted to be. Bond 5: Yes, long ago…… I was killed by Sir Lancelot. I didn’t really understand what happened…… I was helping Lady Guinevere, and then I saw Sir Lancelot running toward me, and I- He-...... No, it’s all simply a shame. No matter what I say, I cannot stop that day. My words can’t yield anything, and so the past- the moment he took my head in his hand and crushed it- it can’t be changed. In his eyes, I didn’t exist - not one bit. This, I am perfectly aware of. I don’t regret it anymore. But, I was summoned in peak form, spear in hand! And so I’ll fight with all my strength, just like I did back then! I’ll do my best!
Event: It looks like there’s some kind of fun festival going on! An event… Aha, so that’s what it is! Then, let’s head out right away, Master! Birthday: Happy Birthday! It’s an auspicious day, so even though it’s been a while, I’ll try to occupy myself in the kitchen. Just leave everything to me. I’ll even pretend to be your assistant for the day.
Battle Start 1: You face the seventh of the Round Table, Gareth! Battle Start 2: I will absolutely attain victory! Battle Start 3: I’ll go all out. That’s okay with you, right?
Card Select 1: Yep! Card Select 2: I got it! Card Select 3: Hm…...
Extra Attack 1: Ei! Ya! Haugh…… Fire! Extra Attack 2: Ei! Ya! Take my Arondight Overload!
(she actually has 4 Extra Attack lines - but the other two are just variations on these 2 with different yelling)
Skill 1: I have confidence in my endurance! Skill 2: My hands are often praised! Ehehe! Skill 3: O, ring! Lend me your power!
NP Select 1: Is it really okay? NP Select 2: Absolutely!
NP 1: Face me! Augh! Haugh! Time for the finishing blow! Ira Lupus (Rampaging Wolf Maiden)! NP 2: I’ll take you down! I am a wolf! My spear is my fang of certain death! Here I go! Ira Lupus (Rampaging Wolf Maiden)!!
Damage 1: What was that? Damage 2: It’s not over!
Defeated 1: How…… regrettable…... Defeated 2: I- I…… can still…...
Victory 1: Victory! I won, Master! Victory 2: Fufufu, think I’m small and you’ll be sorry. Victory 3: I’m still a Knight of the Round! I won’t lose!
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