#to be fair this is the only platform where i use it as an alias
erial-c · 4 months
its so silly and fun having an online alias . like you just got PRANKED . this is not the name i was given when i was born but instead a word i took from my favorite piece of media and use on every social media platform
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thirdsonseth · 8 months
My thoughts on Social Media
To me, social media is a form of online communication that involves visual and textual languages throughout all platforms. When I get involved in social media, I see myself as someone who wants to make friends, but also wants to find some people that live near me. I mostly use Discord since it's the only social media app that I use at the moment and when I'm on there, I usually prefer text over voice chat because I feel like it gets the information out more clearly than when I try to tell them in voice chat. The only downside with using text over voice is that they don't know what I sound like and it's not a very personal way to communicate with someone. When it comes to my strengths and challenges is that I have a fair idea on how to engage with the audience when it comes to making videos on YouTube. Like, there are a lot of videos for many types of communities out there. If you want to know about gaming, you can follow a channel that talks about gaming. If you want to know about anime and manga, there are many types of channels that do just that. Not only is there a community for different types of subjects, but there are people that are heavily engaged with content creators, or “YouTuber's” for short. They also create a positive or negative impact on YouTube and even beyond the social media cyberspace. Sometimes the fans that engage with their YouTuber's so much that they develop a parasocial relationship with them. This goes to the point where they take pictures of them, stalk their house, and even DDOX them. According to Dictionary.com , DDOXING “is a person’s identifying information, as address, phone number, name, or alias, when maliciously posted online to target that person for pranks, fraud, or other harassment.” There was a time where a even a YouTuber harassed another YouTuber by breaking into his home while videotaping it to her Instagram followers and then DDOXING his information as well. These types of influencer's have an incredible huge following to the point of having more power over people. Even though what she did was wrong, she had a huge following on YouTube and YouTube doesn’t want to do anything on her channel other than monetizing it temporarily because she’s one of the big YouTuber's that’s giving that website revenue. These are the many things that these YouTube celebrities have over the captivation of their audience. Having a massive engagement and influence over their lives can have detrimental effects over the things around them. The challenges that I deal with on social media are how most people are very negative and overly sarcastic on there and that kind of messes with my mental health and makes me want to stoop to their level. For this class that I'm taking, I want to understand how to incorporate social media into film and to also use it to share the gospel with the lost.
Seth Bailey
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hollyoongs · 8 months
I love you, baby, baby, baby (boynextdoor - serenade) I've been screaming the whole neighborhood knows (I like you)
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ᨓ 。han dongmin x fem reader ꒰🎧꒱ ﹕fluff ﹕3.9k
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[一] Being extremely shy, like Taesan was, socializing was never easy, or at least he doesn't remember it like those fairy tales where the main characters befriend talking animals that brighten up the story. He doesn't even recall how he found his small group of friends who brought him joy every passing day, making him feel less alone. His faithful and intimate friend was a computer inherited from his sister, where he connected in a special way with nothing more and nothing less than the pirated music he had downloaded.
For Taesan, music was his escape from the bitter reality of being an ostracized child. Along with a notebook his mother had bought for the start of school, which he never used due to the decree of his teacher back then, he transcribed every challenge, moment, and feeling like poetry in such a delicate and precise manner that he was surprised by his writing abilities. However, it wasn't enough to keep them hidden from his family; he wanted to be more than a ghost in society.
Taesan became increasingly involved in musical art and dared to upload his first song to SoundCloud. He can still feel the tense air he created alone at 2 in the morning with his first friend, Leehan, on the phone, who rushed to leave a compliment that he would cherish in his heart. It was a fresh start as he slowly grew on the platform under the alias "L0V3MNTN," keeping his identity hidden and staying socially connected with his now best friends: Jaehyun, Woonhak, Sungho, Riwoo, and Leehan, the only ones who knew his secret.
If he's honest and sets aside his group, there was another reason why he made music. He doesn't have a clue when he started to be so nervous and with his heart trying to escape his chest because of how loud it was beating.
You were popular; your pure and charitable soul created a perfect harmony with the beauty you possessed. Taesan still remembers when he saw you for the first time, moving into the house next door. You, being a quite friendly person, decided to greet him from a distance, flashing a gentle smile, your hair swaying softly in the breeze of that fresh morning, not to mention the graceful hand gesture you made.
But what did he do? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Taesan remained still, his face turning so red that he was sure it could be compared to a tomato, until you walked in with boxes in hand. The guy took advantage of the situation to enter his house without further ado, his heart beating rapidly.
For reasons of life (although Taesan describes it as "destiny"), you would end up attending the same school, and both of you would be part of the same class. Just like the first time, he couldn't enter the classroom after identifying, at a glance, the only human being he knew who wore bows as a statement piece, so when his friends saw her at a fair distance, they didn't make him take a break due to the teasing (cons of actually being in the same grade). They wanted him to be more carefree when it comes to love, but Taesan can't create a whole new persona for the sake of her falling for him; he wasn't confident in his look, and he was far from being good at flirting or making a move.
He preferred taking small glances at her, capturing her emotions through his eyes, and taking pictures of her healing smile, which was making him like her even more as time passed.
"Is Taesan okay?" The voice of a pretty worried Woonhak made Jaehyun look at the person he named and later at the youngest.
"More than okay. It's his daily admiration session." Jaehyun knocked on the wood table to finally catch the lover's attention. Taesan noticed how everyone was looking at him, some of them holding their laughs, which made him think of how long he looked at her (or what face he had).
Embarrassed, Taesan tried to focus on the conversation, but his mind kept drifting back to you, the source of his daily distraction and admiration. The guys around him, his friends, couldn't help but tease him, and he could feel his cheeks burning as they exchanged mischievous glances.
Riwoo grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Come on, Taesan. You're practically writing sonnets in your head every time she walks into the room. Why don't you just talk to her?"
Taesan's eyes widened, panic setting in. "Talk to her? No, no, that's too much. I'm not ready for that. What if I say something stupid?"
Sungho, always the pragmatic one, chimed in. "What if you don't? You've been staring at her for weeks, man. It's time to make a move before someone else does."
Leehan, who had been silent until now, added with a sly smile, "Besides, your music is really good, and your 12k followers know it. Maybe she's waiting for you to serenade her."
The mere thought of serenading you made Taesan's heart race even faster. The idea was simultaneously terrifying and exhilarating. The guys continued to share playful banter, each offering their own piece of advice, but Taesan's mind was preoccupied with thoughts of you.
Days turned into weeks, and Taesan found himself trapped in an endless loop of admiration. He noticed the small details about you—the way you laughed, the sparkle in your eyes when you talked about something you loved, and the kindness that radiated from your every gesture. Yet he couldn't muster the courage to approach you.
One day, as he sat in his room, composing another piece of music, he decided it was time to take a chance. He poured his feelings into the lyrics, crafting a melody that echoed the rhythm of his racing heart. With trembling hands, he uploaded the song 'Serenade' to Soundcloud under his alias and the most basic caption he could ever think of: "A song for my favorite soul."
As the song gained attention on the platform, Taesan couldn't help but wonder if you would stumble upon it. The lyrics were a silent confession, a melody of his unspoken feelings. And to his surprise, the feedback poured in, not just from his friends but from others who resonated with the emotions embedded in his music.
— : ☆
On the contrary, you eagerly anticipated the weekly releases of the Soundcloud user whose songs dropped every weekend, thanks to the introduction by your friend Eunchae. From that day forward, you found yourself captivated, unable to resist the allure of each musical creation. The very first track, titled "I Keep Thinking of You," struck a chord deep within you. At the time, you were entangled in a relationship with someone who proved to be more than just annoying, leading to an inevitable downfall. Amidst the chaos, there was one person who stood by you, helping you navigate through the confusion and offering a fresh perspective.
Your neighbor, Taesan, played an unexpected but pivotal role in your life. One night, when you believed you were expressing your thoughts alone about your struggles with the current relationship to the moon, Taesan approached with shy yet comforting words from his side of the window. His kindness and cheerful demeanor, coupled with a subtle nerdy charm, left an indelible impression on you. Taesan's presence became a source of solace, a comforting constant amid the tumultuous waves of your romantic entanglements.
As the SoundCloud releases continued, you found a strange synchronization between the lyrics and the chapters of your own life. The music seemed to be a melodic diary of unspoken feelings, resonating with your experiences. The producer's creations became a soundtrack to your emotions, and you couldn't deny the growing attraction to both the artist and the person behind the music.
In time, your affection for Taesan blossomed into something beyond admiration (the one that increased as you noticed he went to the same high school as you). His shy courage and thoughtful gestures began to make your heart flutter, and you couldn't help but realize that the person you longed for was right in front of you, or at least that was what you wanted to think about.
— : ☆
Days later, during lunchtime, Woonhak excitedly grabbed Taesan's arm. "She heard it, man! She heard your song, and she loves it."
Taesan's heart skipped a beat. "She knows L0V3MNTN."
Riwoo nodded, a cute smile playing on his lips. "Yep, and I've heard her singing 'Serenade' and talking to her friends about the mysterious L0V3MNTN. It looks like your music caught her attention."
Taesan was actually shocked. The fact that you, the muse of his songs, liked and sang one of his songs that were dedicated to you felt like a fever dream at this point. He left the place with a stupid grin all over his face in the company of Jaehyun. On the way home, Jaehyun gave him a small shoulder hug like a proud dad after his son made a scoring goal in a soccer game.
"I'm telling you, Taesan, this is the time, so you can ask her for a date, write another song, anything! But you heard Riwoo today; she likes you."
"No way, she likes L0V3MNTN."
"Remind me who's that person." Taesan got shy and slightly pushed his friend as a friendly joke. "I'm being serious! You're doing it well so far; we know how you guys interact; you gain her confidence, and now this: just push yourself more and trust me, you're going to be  hers." After that small sentence, Jaehyun left his friends in his house and parted ways with them.
Aside from eating his meal and doing his homework, he focused on doing another song with a beat that was hidden in one of his music folders. His notebook had so many words that his head was starting to hurt slightly, but that was interrupted by a familiar sound coming from his neighbor's room. He moved with his moving chair to catch a glimpse of your back moving along to "Serenade," which came from a small speaker. You were wearing cute teddy bear pijamas, and your hair was wild and free, not taking care of the world.
He couldn't help but smile at the view. Your turning around wasn't in his plans, and he stood there in his seat with his red cheeks. You slightly ran to lower the volume of the speaker with an embarrassed smile.
"Was I too loud?"
"No, not at all." An awkward silence made its way to your conversation. You moved a little to your balcony, finally resting after cleaning your room.
"Sorry, this song makes me want to jump around and fall in love." Taesan copied your same action, and finally, you guys were facing each other. The soft wind from the afternoon made them comfortable enough to keep the conversation going.
"Do you like the song?"
"I love it, and I love this artist."
Taesan's heart pounded in his chest as you expressed your admiration for the mysterious artist, unknowingly praising the songs he poured his heart into. Trying to maintain composure, he mustered the courage to join the conversation.
"I heard that L0V3MNTN guy is a bit of a recluse. Probably doesn't even leave his room" Taesan joked, desperately attempting to keep his secret while engaging in small talk.
You chuckled, the sound echoing in the quiet afternoon air. "Maybe he's just shy. You know, some people express themselves better through their art than in person."
The words struck Taesan like a chord, resonating with his own struggles to communicate openly. Encouraged by your understanding, he decided to take a leap of faith.
"Yeah, you might be right. Sometimes, it's easier to express feelings through music" Taesan admitted, feeling a weight lift off his shoulders as he revealed a bit of himself.
The conversation flowed effortlessly from there, transitioning between shared musical tastes, favorite tracks, and the emotions each song evoked. Taesan found himself entranced by the genuine connection he felt, grateful for the unexpected bond forged through his art. His impulsive thoughts were having a battle right there; the school talent show ran through his mind, and he just couldn't stop the words from coming.
"I heard he's from our school and that he'll sing his latest song in the music talent show with a group of friends." Now he wanted to punch himself, until you showed him the sparkles in your eyes because of the excitement.
"If it turns out to be true, I will be at the front row of the talent show, I can even ask Woonhak to give me his spot when he perfoms."
Great, now what did he just do?
— : ☆
Taesan was in the middle of an empty classroom, surrounded by his five friends; all of them were processing the events of the last day with his crush and trying to be as supportive as possible.
"Let me get this straight: you told her that L0V3MNTN was going to perform in the talent show, which, by the way, you didn't even postulate yourself, and that I have to re-arrange you with us to sing 'Serenade'... right?" Taesan just nodded his head at the words that Sungho said. Everyone took a seat in a way that was closer, and Jaehyun looked at him slightly, worried.
"Do you realize that if you do this, you will have to show all the school, including her, that you're L0V3MNTN? Are you sure?" After the words, he nodded once again.
"I really like her, and I know I said it just like that, but now I just want her to know my feelings. So... would you guys help me?" This time, Riwoo agreed.
"But I will sing with you if I do the choreography to the song." Taesan laughed quietly at the enthusiasm. Woonhak nodded and pointed to Riwoo.
"Pretty please, I actually have some ideas that could be easy."
"Just please, both of you, don't make me do some kind of pirouet that could possibly give me soreness later." Leehan walked down in memory land with that one, and he touched his back.
"Taesan, do you have any ideas?" He actually had many, but with the shy smile on his face, all of them knew that idea, and they had to do it as fast as possible.
— : ☆
"You look amazing!" Eunchae screamed when she saw you; you were the MC of the talent show as a request from Sungho, and because your school tried to do something different every year, he also said that you were dressed nicely for the event, which you did. You were wearing a small blue bow on your head and a dress that matched the same color with small heels that make you look inches taller. Eunchae was going to perform a dance number with the dance crew, and she was wearing a more sparkly and stunning outfit that made her look like an idol.
"Have you even looked at yourself? You look beautiful!" You hugged once your small running session to her ended.
"Very much, after hearing him for quite a while, we can finally see him!." you just knew that you were going to have fun on the festival, you had approval from Woonhak and Sungho to be on front row, specially when the little one spilled out thatthey will also have a small perfomance at the end.
The talent show was abuzz with excitement, students filling the auditorium with whispers and cheers as they eagerly awaited the performances. As the MC, you took center stage with grace, greeting the audience with a warm smile and setting the tone for the event.
Little did you know, backstage, a nervous Taesan was adjusting his outfit, surrounded by his friends who were equally jittery yet supportive. The time had come for their performance, and as they gathered, the atmosphere backstage was a mix of excitement and anxiety.
"Finally, our last perfomance have arrived! Students, the rumors were true. We have L0V3MNTN!" The cheers were higher than expected and some students even held banners with his name. Her co-MC, Gyuvin gave a small smile and continued.
"With a small collaboration of our beloved students, Myung Jaehyun, Park Sungho, Lee Sanghyeok, Kim Donghyun y Kim Woonhak as a representation from the male dance crew. Give it up for... BoyNextDoor"
The stage lights turned off and you ran to the front row. The familiar melody of "Serenade" began to play, and the audience hushed in anticipation. Jaehyun came out of the dark and brightly smiled at everyone.
"Hello, we're BoyNextDoor. Let's scream for our amazing friend L0V3MNTN." all of them came out, and with a small acting intro, Riwoo pushed Taesan with Jaehyun pointing him, making everybody know who L0V3MNTN was and the cheers just got louder as Taesan began singing his song that was now a group song.
Then, as the song transitioned to the chorus, Taesan stepped forward, a spotlight illuminating him. His heart raced, but determination burned in his eyes. The lyrics flowed from his lips, carrying with them the sentiments he had concealed for so long.
You, sitting in the front row, were completely enthralled. The performance was not just a showcase of talent; it was a whole shock to everyone, including you. Your neighbor was the artist that you basically said you loved? Everything started to connect, and you could feel your heart beating faster. Taesan was like a box full of surprises, and you loved that. You loved him.
As the final part started to come to an end, the guys got off the stage to interact with the crowd. You could see Taesan's bright smile listening to his song being sang so happily and how his friends helped him come out of his shell. The boys gather around and move to the front.
"I ain't got a car, no license. But I promise you one thing, oh." Taesan went to the center when he was in front of you, his eyes looking at you tenderly.
"I'll get along with your dad for you." After those words, his arm extended with a flower that you grabbed with a smile on your face. Chants were heard everywhere, and that made you as shy as him.
He hesitated for a moment, then broke into a shy smile. The connection between you two was undeniable, and the energy in the room felt charged with a newfound awareness. The secret that had bound Taesan and his alter ego, L0V3MNTN, was now out in the open, and it was met with admiration and applause.
After the talent show, you found yourself in the midst of the crowd, congratulating the performers. Taesan's friends surrounded him, all wearing proud smiles. As you approached, Taesan couldn't help but feel a mix of nerves and excitement.
"Great performance, guys!" you said, genuinely impressed. "I loved every single part of it."
"It was all Taesan's idea; we just followed." Leehan hugged his friend, and all of them wore proud faces.
"He's such a good leader, kind, and hardworking; he wanted to make everything perfect for his confess-."
"Thank you so much, Woonhak; we're leaving for the cafeteria to buy food." The five of them ran before Taesan could say a word, and you just stood there holding your laugh. Taesan scratched the back of his head with his usual shy demeanor.
You leaned a little closer to him. "Are you really L0V3MNTN?"
He chuckled nervously. "Yeah, I am. Sorry if that disappointed you."
"There's no way in the world that I would be disappointed in you," you admitted, your eyes reflecting genuine appreciation. "Actually, I love that you're him."
He blushed, grateful for your kind words. "Thanks. I wanted to say something in person. Can we talk for a moment?"
Taesan led you to a quieter corner of the auditorium, away from the buzzing crowd. The nervousness in his eyes was palpable, but there was an earnest sincerity that touched your heart.
"I've been wanting to say this for a while now," he began, his gaze fixed on the ground. "I really like you. Not just as L0V3MNTN, but as Taesan. I've admired you from afar, and your smile has been my source of inspiration for so many songs. Sorry that I couldn't say it before, but I thought that if I told you, you'd be mad that I write songs about you since I like you, I love everything about you, and-" His word got interrumped by your lips touching his as a small peck.
The world seemed to pause for a moment as your lips met Taesan's. It was a sweet and gentle kiss, filled with the unspoken emotions that had lingered between you. Taesan's eyes widened in surprise, but the initial shock was replaced by a soft smile as he processed the beautiful reality unfolding before him.
When you pulled away, the genuine happiness in your eyes melted away any lingering doubts in Taesan's mind. "I've been waiting for you to say that. I love everything about you, Taesan, and I've kind of had a crush on you since I came here, and all of the small moments we shared made it more clear that I like you," you admitted, your own cheeks tinged with a rosy hue.
Taesan couldn't believe the turn of events. The shy boy, who once struggled to express his feelings, had just shared a heartfelt confession and received an unexpected but welcomed kiss in return. It felt like a scene from one of his own songs, a magical moment that transcended the barriers of shyness and uncertainty.
Taesan's heart soared at your confession, and a warmth spread through him, erasing any remnants of shyness. He couldn't believe that the girl he had admired from a distance, the muse behind his music, felt the same way about him. It was like a dream come true, a plot twist in his own romantic story.
"I never thought this would happen," Taesan admitted, his voice a mix of disbelief and pure joy. "I like you so much, and hearing that you like me too, it's like... like a story."
You chuckled; the sound was like music to his ears. "Maybe it's our own kind of story. I've been listening to your songs and to you, feeling this connection, and little did I know, you were right here all along."
The two of you stood there, smiling at each other, the world around you fading into the background. It was a moment frozen in time, filled with the realization of shared feelings and the promise of something beautiful.
"Hyung! Did it work?" Woonhak's voice made his way, and both looked in the direction where the sound came from. All of the heads of the guys were peeking through the door in anticipation. He looked at you once again and nodded, making his friends shout out in excitement.
Taesan hugged the girl in front of him, feeling like a winner that his feelings were reciprocated. The song for his favorite soul was a success, not just on SoundCloud but in real life. As the two of you embraced, the cheers of Taesan's friends echoed in the background, celebrating the triumph of love over shyness.
"Thank you for making me feel like the luckiest guy in the world." Taesan whispered, his words a soft melody meant only for you. They were not a couple yet, but Taesan already had another idea on how to be her boyfriend.
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↷ 𝚑𝚘𝚕𝚕𝚢'𝚜 note: BOY TO THE NEXT TO THE DOOR! I have gatekeep this one for a while, but here it is and hope you like it 🦋
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homespork-review · 4 years
Homespork Act 3: Insane Mindscrew Haymakers (Part 2)
CHEL: Rose finds a transportaliser platform in the centre of the lab.
FAILURE ARTIST: The sylladex misadventures come to something this time. Jasper’s corpse lands on the pad.
CHEL: The dead cat vanishes; Rose assumes it was vapourised but we know better, though we don’t see where it went. She finds an unlocked hub and plugs in, noticing another ominous countdown on the wall, with only three minutes left till the lab will be “UNESTABLISHED”.
Years in the future again, PM beheads the worm creature, which turns out to be a robot. The bunker landed on its side so PM stands on a pile of mailboxes to press the button, which causes more robot worms to emerge from beneath the bunker, pushing it upright, and a propeller to emerge from the top and carry it away.
Dave’s strife with Bro continues, getting more and more ridiculous and animesque, until Dave ends up plummeting down the stairwell. In a realistic work, this could quite easily break his neck, but here we just get some comical flailing and a SBaHJ IT KEEPS HAPPENING macro. Again, Dave looks more angry than afraid.
FAILURE ARTIST: I think Hussie said the Bro slicing the Abscond box is symbolic of the trap of child abuse and shows this guardian fight isn’t like the others but it is still an animesque fight that ends with a fucking meme.
CHEL: Yeah, he seems to be expecting us to pick up on these details which don’t mean anything until he actually explains them, which would be fine and in fact clever if they didn’t conflict so strongly with what’s actually noticeably shown. If he wanted us to take it seriously, he’d have done better not to put the Abscond button there at all.
Rose finds, in the lab, a console showing SBurb sessions in the northeastern US where her home is located, monitoring the time to impact of their respective meteors. There is a large cluster of already-landed ones around her house, with a much, much bigger one centred directly on the lab, with an even bigger one centred on the house. She zooms out, and finds the second-biggest upcoming impact in the world is heading for Texas, while one bigger by an order of magnitude will later land in the middle of the Pacific. "Oh look, up in the sky/ It's a hole about the size of Texas..."
"Circus Contraption - Hot Potato" (Watch on YouTube)
Checking on John’s house, Rose finds it overrun by imps, the building shaking violently. Investigating this, she finds the ogre fight; John is at least getting a few blows in now, but they’re still not doing much good. Nannasprite is able to provide support with eye beams, but the ogres are still standing, and Rose’s attempt to drop a fridge on one is useless too. Nannasprite’s teleportation proves more useful, allowing John to take a flying leap out of a hovering oven to strike with greater force and allowing her to drop a full avalanche of household appliances on the ogre. With Rose’s assistance providing him a platform to bounce off again, John strikes the final blow on one ogre, exploding it into grist pieces bigger than himself, and Nannasprite and John occupy the other ogre until Rose drops the alchemiter on it.
FAILURE ARTIST: Seeing a fight like this not long after the Bro and Dave fight makes it hard for me to take the serious one seriously. John should be dead.
CHEL: John has a backup healer and Dave doesn’t, but yeah, cartoon physics prevail here.
Rose checks in, explaining that Dave’s not connected yet, but that she’s determined that activating the cruxtruder does not actually cause the meteor to strike. John levels up to BOY-SKYLARK and collects tons of grist and boondollars, although he still doesn’t know what those actually do.
You can't wait to find out what amazing items this new supply of grist will be just barely insufficient to produce.
Hehehe. We’ve all been there.
John sees that more grist fell down to the platform below, including one huge piece stuck in the hole leading into Dad’s room.
One of those big SOUR GRAPE ELECTRIC HOLOCAUST FRUIT GUSHERS is jammed in the hole in the platform. CLOCKWORK PROBLEMATYKKS: 9
Yes, because Holocaust references are a perfect way to describe candy flavours. Technically “holocaust” can refer to, I quote from dictionary.com, “a great or complete devastation or destruction, especially by fire”, and I’m guessing it’s a parody of all the flavour names with words like “explosion” in them, but, especially when it’s not obviously uncapitalised, that’s very much not what the immediate association of the term is!
FAILURE ARTIST: John asks Nanna why she doesn’t just throw him up to the gate and she says it’s important he build up himself. Though later we do see a character that just jumps up to the gate.
Then we switch to a mysterious castle all in purple. Dad is fighting some imps with shaving cream. A new yet somehow familiar character wearing harlequin clothes watches with disgust both Dad and John on strange window screens.
We cut away yet again to Peregrine Mendicant. PM is still stuck in the mobile station with a letter addressed to David Brinner. There was a real person who went by the alias Doctor Brinner on his Portland-area radio show where he played a mad scientist. Dr. David Brinner is also a comic Hussie made before Homestuck. I’ve never read it myself. I didn’t even know it existed until I googled David Brinner.
Anyway, PM refuses to open this letter and gives stirring speeches that sound like they come from a movie (Kevin Costner’s Postman?) but I don’t think they do.
BRIGHT: PM believes very strongly in the purpose of mail delivery as the bedrock of civilisation. It comes across as funny, but not as mocking.
FAILURE ARTIST: PM then turns to the terminal. Jade appears on a screen shrouded in green static. PM finds Jade familiar. Unfortunately, before PM can converse with Jade, the terminal explodes.
Cut back again to Rose in the lab. There’s lots of cutesy pink little girl stuff down there that Rose decides to ignore. Why is it down there? Did Mom expect Rose to live there one day?
CHEL: I thought it was supposed to signal that Mom was living down there herself.
FAILURE ARTIST: Anyway, Rose also finds a mutant cat.
We cut away again to John contemplating going into his father’s bedroom through a hole in the roof. He decides to do it.
Cut to a fireplace with a portrait of Jade above it. It looks similar to Nanna’s shrine, minus the urn. But Jade isn’t dead, is she? She scampers right into the room the next panel. She arms herself with a huge rifle and tries to sneak across the room. However, her Grandpa appears, shadowed by the huge fire that suddenly lit up in the fireplace. She tries to run away only to fall asleep.
We cut to Dave’s final round - or rather, Jade fighting her Grandpa. Who, in another surprise, is a taxidermed corpse.
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She talks to him like he’s alive, though after it, she says he was easier to deal with when he was alive. This disturbing state of affairs is never treated seriously.
CHEL: This, more than anything else, is why we set up the ARE YOU TRYING TO BE FUNNY count. Horrible as Bro would be by any realistic standards, at least Dave’s guardian is obviously living and Dave is not merrily talking away to a dead person. We later find out that Jade was the one who taxidermied Grandpa, while she was barely more than a toddler. Not only was she actually able to do this to professional standards, at an age when she shouldn’t have been handling sharp objects at all, but she displays no trauma from it, nor from having had to raise herself. And yet we’re supposed to take Dave’s issues seriously, and to a much lesser extent Rose’s, with no real indication that they’re any different.
TIER: It's one thing when an author's intended depiction of “an abusive household” for the most part flies over people's heads due to the absurdity of the whole situation when it initially got presented, that happens sometimes! Especially when one factors in Bro's total screen time, how he generally ticks the boxes for “absurd but really cool” guy visually, and how late in the game this knowledge was spelled out. It all comes together to make the whole Strider situation kinda come out of left field to judge people for finding the absurd situation funny.
But when it's sitting right next to the arguably worse scenario (stuffed.dead.guardian.) and the latter pretty much never gets brought up while the former gets a big ol’ spotlight shining down on it, yeah that's what the folks call Fucking Weird and in my personal opinion, suspect Ò_Ó.
CHEL: While I can’t really state one way or the other at this point, I do think it’s worth considering a reason that has already been brought up by a non-Homestucker; in the scenarios we’re not supposed to take seriously, the children are girls. I doubt this was even slightly what Hussie intended, but it certainly explains a lot about the fandom’s reactions. The more likely scenario regarding the canon explanation is probably that the ones we’re not supposed to take seriously are not Hussie’s self-insert.
BRIGHT: Not to mention, Jade grew up on an island in the middle of the ocean, physically isolated from any other people and with only an animal for company. There are known cases of children who grew up in similar circumstances in real life. Suffice to say, it generally does not end well.
You could argue that Jade is pretending her Grandpa is alive because she’s lonely and needs the company, but this is in no way implied by the text.
At any rate, Jade informs her grandfather that the rifle she has is perfectly adequate for killing things and she doesn’t need his oversized blunderbuss.
CHEL: To be strictly fair, we do later find out she had some contact with other people, but not in a way which I feel would be a substitute for having a living human parent in the “real” world.
FAILURE ARTIST: With Jade out the door, we go again to PM. They are fine except for some cartoon burn marks and a fire on their hood. The metal snake saves their precious mailbox.
BRIGHT: It earns PM’s affection for doing so.
Back at the lab, Rose utterly fails to ignore the four-eyed mutant kitten. She carries it over to a peculiar machine that turns out to be another Appearifier. This one is locked onto her cat, Jaspers, nine years ago. Not only was he alive, but the younger Rose was holding a psychotherapy session with him.
Rose attempts to appearify Jaspers, but since this would cause a time paradox, the machine leaves Jaspers in place and instead produces a ‘Paradox Clone’, which swiftly collapses into green slime. The machine next to the appearifier sucks up the paradox sludge, analyses its genetic sequence, and spits out another cat, rather more mutated than the last, in a process referred to as ‘Ectobiology’.
CHEL: John’s screen name, we remind you, is “ectoBiologist”, so it seems he heard of the concept somewhere, perhaps?
BRIGHT: On the appearifier’s screen, Jaspers reveals a stunning secret to young Rose, and is appearified to an unknown location before he can clarify anything. Two weeks later, his corpse reappeared. Oddly, the appearifier can’t see his whereabouts for the intervening period.
It can, however, see where his body went when it landed on the pad earlier! Rose appearifies the corpse and hightails it out of the lab, using the transportaliser to make her escape before the meteor can hit.
FAILURE ARTIST: If you click on the pink horseshoe that appears at the end of the Rose: Fast Forward To Now flash, there’s a little animation of Rose enjoying Maplehoof. I guess she’s making up for the loss of her precious Jaspers.
BRIGHT: We make a brief detour back to Jade, who’s searching for Becquerel. Two new things about Jade’s mysterious abilities: One, Becquerel is invisible to them. Two, this is unusual enough that it used to disturb her. Becquerel appears briefly in the background, and there’s clearly something strange about him…
CHEL: Additionally, it was clearly his face that was carved on the pumpkin we saw earlier, and he looks canine but it’s hard to make out details at this point...
BRIGHT: But before we can find out more, the comic jumps back to John.
Now in his Dad’s room, John is struck by an unwelcome discovery — there aren’t any clowns. Not on posters, no figurines. His father’s briefcase, rather than being full of the tools of a street performer, holds only boring papers and spreadsheets. In fact, the room is pretty boring...like his Dad is just a normal businessman?
"[S] John: Examine your dad's room." (Watch on YouTube)
FAILURE ARTIST: I wish more had been made of Bing “Douchebag” Crosby in this comic but that’s just me being an old movie nerd.
BRIGHT: While John attempts to recover from the BSOD this causes, his father breaks out of a jail cell armed with a safe. This is watched with displeasure by another black figure in brightly-coloured clothing, whose name is not Spades Slick. (He likes the ring of that, though.) No, he’s Archagent Jack Noir, and he oversees the affairs of a dark kingdom through three fenestrated walls.
CHEL: He usually has a fourth one but it got stolen.
FAILURE ARTIST: Those fingers typing the name Spades Slick are a suspicious color...
BRIGHT: He also despises the jester outfits everyone has been forced to wear, and refuses to don his comical hat until the Queen hijacks his fenestrated wall and orders him to wear it. The wall cuts back to Dad, who has now disarmed an especially burly-looking agent and is punching him in the head.
CHEL: Jack Noir makes mention of his carapace at this point; I don’t remember if his species is also referred to as “carapaces” in the comic but that’s the name the fandom knows them by. Guess we’ll see if they are as we go on.
BRIGHT: Meanwhile, John opens some birthday presents he found in his Dad’s room! He gets some Fruit Gushers, a very dapper suit, and best of all, an Array Fetch Modus, which lets him retrieve an item from any card in his deck! Of course, this would be too straightforward, so he combines it with his other Fetch Modii until he gets something properly inconvenient.
FAILURE ARTIST: How much do Modii cost and does everyone in this universe have one?
CHEL: The implication is tech like this is how Skaianet made its money, but since we never really see anyone who’s not involved somehow with the game, we don’t really get a good sense of the company being part of the world, so we don’t know. If I had to guess, though, I’d think getting the sylladex in the first place costs a big lump sum and then the various fetch modii cost much smaller amounts, sort of like apps on a phone or programs on a computer.
When prompted, John closely examines the Fruit Gushers box, this flavour being “MASSIVE TROPICAL BRAIN HEMORRHAGE”. Tasty…? John thinks so. However, in the corner of the box is a small, easily-missed logo…
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After the destruction of his planet, the disappearance of his father, the appearance of his ghost grandma, and fighting numerous monsters, THIS is what finally sends John over the edge into a full-out meltdown, despite the onscreen caption declaring that THIS IS STUPID.
FAILURE ARTIST: I actually have a box of Fruit Gushers signed by Andrew Hussie.
CHEL: Back on the island, Jade, accompanied by dramatic music, attempts to retrieve a blue package from the ruins, but just as she reaches it, Becquerel appears between her and it, and we snap right back into STRIFE!
"[S] Jade: Retrieve package." (Watch on YouTube)
Becquerel, as we can now see clearly, is an enormous white dog, lacking facial features of any kind and emitting crackling green lightning - worthy of the description “devilbeast”, I think. Jade aims her rifle at his head and takes multiple shots, but none hit. The first heats up and melts into nothingness. When the second is fired Becquerel turns into green fire and next frame he and Jade are both riding on the now-enormous bullet which carries them across the lagoon to the other side of the island. Becquerel teleports the third bullet into space and himself and Jade to the top of the frog building, and he teleports himself out of the way of the fourth, the background flashing through several different locations. Finally, Jade shoots a bullet in the opposite direction with the instruction GO FETCH!, which Bec does, giving Jade time to grab the package. She rewards Bec for fetching with the irradiated steak and announces that he is a GOOD DOG, BEST FRIEND. After dancing around in celebration, she very abruptly falls asleep again, and Bec scoops her up on his back, takes her back to bed, and tucks her in.
FAILURE ARTIST: The music in Jade: Retrieve Package
is another replacement. Currently it’s An Unbreakable Union by Robert Blake but originally it was Mutiny by Bill Bolin. The original is very retro science fiction and the replacement is safari.
CHEL: For the record, real dogs are not horses and are not built to carry people like that, even very small children can damage a large dog’s back by riding it, but given Bec’s abilities, I don’t think that applies to him.
Rose comes out the other side of the transportaliser, she and the cat having both kept their atoms unmingled, and discovers she’s back in the house, in the room she thought was her mother’s bedroom. It seems the cutesy pink bed and stuff in the lab was in fact her mother’s bedroom, and this room is a well-stocked bar.
You decide not to be especially melodramatic about this revelation.
Good idea, Rose; there isn’t time, as the lab is promptly unestablished by a meteor, sending flaming debris flying through the window. The booze-filled room is especially endangered by this, so Rose decides to flee.
John punches some more cards and complains that he’s the one doing the work while Rose is just messing around on her computer, while Jade dreams and little red lights on her bedposts glow. A metal cabinet in the corner of her room has similar red lights on top, and it bursts open, revealing a Jade-shaped robot.
Sudden cut to a mysterious copy of Jade’s bedroom, except with pink walls, in which Jade stands, wearing a golden dress. Back in her real room, the DREAMBOT stands in the same position. The gold-clad Jade is, we find, a depiction of Jade in her dream. Dream Jade tries to get into bed, but complains of a heavy weight pressing down on her, as the robot is copying her actions and is now lying on top of the real sleeping Jade. Instead, she decides to fly, which of course she can do since it’s a dream (and the robot has jet propulsion).
The dream room also contains the blue package, addressed to “GG” from “GT”. This isn’t John’s current handle, but she knows it’s from John, and that she must deliver it to somewhere else without opening it.
Flashback to the previous winter. In a shot of John’s window, we see his calendar and the edges of some of his posters. The calendar is marked with smiley faces in party hats in green, red, and purple, marking Jade, Dave, and Rose’s birthdays, but more noticeably, there are creepy faces with jester hats and huge teeth scrawled on the wall and posters. I didn’t notice it until just now, but there are some purple lines on the arm of one of the poster characters which might just be part of a drawn-on clown outfit but from this vantage point look like self-harm scars. Brr. Ominous.
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John at this point in time is going by “ghostyTrickster” on Pesterchum, hence the “GT” nametag on the package. He’s chatting to Jade about having sent off everyone’s birthday gifts, and how he hopes Jade’s will “help you solve those problems you’ve been having lately”. John is embarrassed to realise it will take much longer than he thought for the package to reach Jade’s island, but she assures him it will arrive “exactly when it needs to”.
BRIGHT: With the reveal of John’s previous handle, and from the characters in the Trollslum, we also get the theme of the handle initials being the letters of DNA. (GCAT.)
FAILURE ARTIST: Jade complains about “trolls” and we have the first time this beloved and perhaps overshadowing species is named. However, John calls the “trolls” the r-slur so that’s another point.
CHEL: Also, the trolls are why he changed his handle, in an attempt to avoid them bothering him.
FAILURE ARTIST: We go back to current day. John is peeved at the graffiti on his posters. He thinks it’s the imps. However, we just saw it was there months before. What is going on, hmmm?
Rose decides to name the cat Vodka Mutini. She then talks with John. Rose wonders where Dave is and John figures that Bro is kicking his ass. Considering that this ass-kicking is later treated as serious abuse, this is a callous thing for a friend to say.
CHEL: I’d also say that counts as HURRY UP AND DO NOTHING. There’s not much an internet friend can do about someone’s abusive situation on the other side of the country but they could at least support Dave and tell him to call the police, if it is supposed to be that bad. Or at least, you know, be worried. Then again, Dave might not have told them what the ass-kicking entails, but Rose knows about his brother’s websites, and given that we know Bro made at least one film in which Dave was involved and may or may not have been on camera, and the film certainly would show the state the apartment was in…
FAILURE ARTIST: Anyway, when John complains about his posters being defaced, Rose says they always looked that way. John naturally freaks out at this creepy revelation.
We cut to WV. They are trying to get down from the mobile station without sacrificing the MAYORAL SASH. While working the Appearifier, they get John’s present with an envelope addressed to “Mister Mayor”. After WV gets more cable, they rappel down the mobile station with the package under their arm.
Meanwhile, a figure in yellow caution tape watches WV through a sniper rifle. This is Aimless Renegade, a wonderful but forgotten character.
We go back to John and Rose. John discusses the mystery of the defaced posters while he futzes around with the Alchemiter. Rose thinks that John had blocked out the memory of defacing the posters and the revelation that his father isn’t who he thought he was unblocked his memory. She thinks maybe his father thought he was interested in clowns because John drew clowns everywhere. Yet John also wrote “LAME KID”? Maybe Dad should have taken John to therapy.
CHEL: “Lame kid” with arrows pointing down at his bed, to be exact, among other insults, and the clown faces don’t look like the product of someone who liked clowns at all!
Yet Dad Egbert is supposed to be the good parent of the group, so here we go with a new count:
This one’s primarily for romantic relationships, but other relationship fumbles apply too.
Rose thinks that the drawings are the result of John trying to express something subconscious, possibly a repressed past memory. John changes the subject to the upward building process; Rose complains that chimneys weren’t meant to bear such a weight, and considers switching to walls now they can get grist more easily, but she’s running out of time as the house proper is now on fire. John blames Dave, so I think we can assume that either they don’t know his brother forces him into swordfights or they don’t think it’s a problem. Which one is hard to determine.
FAILURE ARTIST: We cut to Jade playing a bass solo so advanced it doesn’t have a bass line. Another Bolin replacement. We find out Dream Jade is in a castle on a planet that’s a gold copy of the one Jack Noir and co are on. While flying around, she sees an inhabitant that looks familiar. CHEL: This is what I was referring to when I said Jade did have some contact with people; she is able to contact the carapaces in her dreams. However, the carapaces are, as we’ve seen from WV and company, somewhat childlike in behaviour, living in a society that’s nothing like Earth’s, biologically not the same as humans so they couldn’t easily advise her if she got ill or injured, and they don’t appear to be able or willing to speak, at least not most of the time and/or in a way the humans could understand, not to mention they would have no way to physically assist her in the waking world so she’d still have to raise herself from a very young age. Hence, why I don’t think they’re a substitute for an actual human parent.
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michalwu · 6 years
Best of 2018 in TV
Another year passed and again I watched a lot of good quality tv. I think that although again it was very hard to choose my top 10 this year was a little bit less intense than previous. Still I had to do a short list of places 20-11 because I couldn’t resist not to mention a few more productions. That said remember I’m not a critic. I watch thinks I like not because I have to and this list is totally subjective though I tried to be fair. I watched over 50 series from 2018 and that’s the results:
20-11 (in random order)
The Affair (season 4), Atlanta (season 2), Homecoming, ACS: The Assassination of Gianni Versace, Killing Eve, One Day at the Time (season 2), Lemony Snicket's A Series of Unfortunate Events, Maniac (season 2), Legion (season 2), AHS: Apocalypse.
10. Anne with and E (season 2)
I never was a huge fan of the book as a kid but I read it as mandatory lecture in primary school. But I am a huge fan of this series. Beautiful placement of the plot plus very talented young cast with leading Amybeth. The best part of the story for me always was the dynamics of Anna's relationship with her adopted parents.
9. Patrick Melrose
What an absolutely outstanding trio of actors: Benedict Cumberbatch, Hugo Weaving and Jennifer Jason Leigh. Plus another young talent this year Seabstian Maltz who as a young Patrick is giving one of the most dramatic performence of the year. Creators did justice to the novel.
8. The Deuce (season 2)
This was one of the most enjoyable series this year. I love the period it shows and since the first season I started to develop a sympathy for all those characters especially for Candy. Too bad the series seems to be forgotten this year by critics. In my opion it came back in a lot better shape than last year. It’s funnier, it’s faster and the whole fuss around making porno adaptation of Red Riding Hood is just captivating.
7. Sharp Objects
Another great limited series and another proof of my love to the craftsmanship of brilliant Jean-Marc Vallée. The story from book was kinda predictable and tacky. But thanks to the director who is an expert of showing emotions and dilemmas from the past plus the cast of three great actresses made it into phenomenal work. I am really looking forward to see more projects from cooperation of Mr. Vallee and HBO because so far it brings only true treasures.
6. Barry
I was always a fan of Bill Harder on SNL and his (usually) small roles in comedies. So then I found out that he’s making his own show I kept my fingers crossed for the success. And the results are better than expected. Barry is a great combination of drama and comedy. It sound like things we see lately very often but Barry is the best mix of two this year (not to mention animated series). Why? Because drama is real (he’s a seriall killer with many very hard moral choices to make) and the comedy provided (mostly) by Henry Winkler is just a poor gold. Well done.
5. The Haunting of  Hill House
I’m not a big horror enthusiast but I do have a soft spot for those stories in classical form. And what’s more classic than beautiful, old, and huge haunted house. I fell in love with this series and it’s so much better than the previous movies. This one is actually very far from the original story written by Shirley Jackson but it capture the atmosphere the best. Separation of episode focusing on different from five siblings was a great idea. From non-believer to the most affected of the kids the story became more and more intense and scary. I honestly was scared almost the whole time. Still I tried to play with creators and watch for all  the hidden ghosts in the background. The secret of Bent Neck Lady was haunting me for a while and even after finishing the series it all stayed with me in my mind. This was my favorite new series of the year. I’d love to see it again in other form, maybe as anthology like AHS. With this cast yes please!
4. GLOW (season 2)
It’s so nice today that we can get such a smahing tv show this such a huge female cast. I love this series and those Gorgeous Ladies Of Wrestling since season 1. I always enjoy it when show or movie takes me to another peroid of time and GLOW blend us into into that reality of 80 like nothing else. We had so many exctiting things this season with Debbie becoming single mother after divorce, Sam Silvia trying himself as a father and the whole team becoiming more and more like a crazy family (recording of intro in the mall was amazing). In real life I’m not really intrested in wrestling (like at all) and though it probably differs a lot than reality I loved those duels bethween characters. Episode Mother of All Matches is one of the best in 2018.
3. BoJack Horseman (season 5)
Oh how I love this show and this character. And before anyone judge me I don’t love BoJack for being a walking disaster and misery. I love this character and many other on the show for the incredibly smart writing. He is a alcoholic, narcissus and washed-out tv star and that who he is. Just like Priness Caroline is an ambitious woman who will give up many things for career even if she know it won’t give her happines in the end. But that’s the greatest thing about this show and creators that they won’t change those characters and put them in unexpected positions just to get the wow factor from the viewers. They still find  a way to present those persons in fresh and captivating way but making it “in” the nature of the character. And that’s the fift season so congrats! And still we can count on them to give us some real gems like episode Free Churro which is a masterpiece of writing. The thing is this season of BoJack doesn’t stand out in specific way from other but it gives us the thing it always did and never disappoints - crazy rollercoaster ride.
2. Mozart in the Jungle (season 4)
When I said at the beginning that this list is totally subjective I meant it inter alia because of this series. Mozart IS my favorite tv series. I don’t know if the best but it always gave me the most joy when watching it adn that’s a pretty good determinant. Unfortunately I will have to start saying it WAS my favorite because Amazon cancelled series after this season. I’m still mad and disappointed because GoT is about to end so all platforms grab the money to invest in “next huge thing” (in case of Amazon it’s new Lord of the Ring..yeah we need it). But don’t get me wrong. I didn’t put Mozart this high because I’m mad and or to mark someone’s mistake. I just really loved this season. Placing the plot in Japan was bull’s-eye move. Rodrigo De Souza (favorite tv character next to Leslie Knope) as a boyfriend of Hailey was hilarious, a much as observing her way to become succesfull and independent artist. The scene when she debuts as conductor with piece “Hi” is maybe my favorite moment in whole season. Even stronger is her performence at the finale. Although I rooted for Hailey and Rodrigo as a couple I’m glad that creators didn’t go into cliche with their relationship. Another strong scene is the on at traditional tea ceremony. Of course as always the whole season was very firm from the music side (this series helped me to discover a little piece of classical music and I’m grateful for that). I will really miss this series. I think it could easily do another season especially now when creators decided to end this season in such an interesting place. Too bad...
1. The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (season 2)
There’s nothing to explain... but I will ;) I compared all the series with each other and in my opinion there was nothing better that Mrs. Maisel this year. I enjoyed it last year but I didn’t even expected how much delight will it be to have it back. Visually it is the most beautiful thing in tv right now. And the writing as always is case of Amy Sherman-Palladino is just excellent. Those characters are so fast and wit it’s just a pleasure to observe them interact and discuss with much to many words and refrences than any normal person would use. And those actors really take it like a champs. All episodes in Paris was nice but it was nothing compre to Catskill where it felt like watching dirty dancing but with much better and more interesting story. I love the way Palladino direct her characters. How they develop especially Midge, her friendship with Susie and her realisation that stand-up comedy is not only the thing she want to do but it is something she will do for the rest of her life. Every time she stands in front of audience, camera or father himself she proves to be nailer and we as audience live for those moments! I really enjoyed see her parents in Paris as we could discover totally different side of them both and also new romance of Midge. But my favorite sequence of the season was Midge watching Lenny Bruce (Luke Kirby is so on point with this role) in last episode and realising it all (inconspicuous scene but made me waste a few tears). At the end I will add that I love the attitude towards the children presented in this series...irrational like many other things.
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Suming up in my list dominant are HBO and Netflix productions but in the end two first places go to Amazon.
Comapring with previous year there is no sign of Legion in top 10. Well season 2 was good, sometimes even great but not enough to get into the top. Beside there’s less new series on the list (seven in 2017, four this year) but we had some amazing comebacks.
I don’t have huge disappointments this year, maybe just a few. 1) Romanoffs were boring as hell and I really counted on Weiner. 2) Cancelling of many good series like Mozart in the Jungle or Daredevil. 3) Riverdale became so absurd that it beats and law of logic. I mean why it gotta be so intense?
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tommyquackson · 6 years
Icey 3
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Not My Gif
Part 1/Part 2
Summary: You don’t like Peter Parker. Peter Parker doesn’t like you.
Warnings: powers?? swearing and mentions of readers past.
Authors Note: So idek if y’all got it but like the readers superhero “alias” is Elemental and basically her powers are all the elements (earth, fire, water, air and ice, yes i added ice cause it’s a cool power). I’ll go into deeper detail about her past and powers next chapter. Also the timeline is kinda weird. So it’s after Homecoming, but everyone is still friends after civil war :)))
“Keep your voice down Y/n! I haven’t told anyone about the mission yet!”
“Steve, I am not going on a partner mission with Peter! I can’t! We don’t even know eachother, there’s no trust, I don’t know how he handles missions, i can’t!”
“There’s a first time for everything! Plus it’s only for 2 days and one night and then the rest of the team will be down. It’s easy. Now mission briefing in 15 minutes you better be there with a smile on your face young lady. Do you understand?”
“Yes sir”
As steve walks out of your room you flip on the bed and throw a silent tantrum. This is not what you thought was going to happen when Steve said he had a surprise for you. A mission is not a surprise, it’s whatever the opposite of surprise is! Who even sends two 16 year olds, by themselves, on a dangerous mission! Okay maybe it’s a simple mission but you never know!
You sigh and head down to the conference room. As you walk in you see everyone’s already seated.
“Now that everyone’s here, we have intel that there’s a threat in San Sebastián, Spain. We need to send an undercover couple to attend the Makers Ball. I’ll give the couple more detail after dismissal. After the Ball, the rest of the team will fly in and from there we will stop the threat and return home.” Steve says in his Captain voice. We see pictures of what we need up in the projector.
“Ok so who am I going with?” Nat says
“Actually, Natasha, we’re sending Peter and Y/n.” As soon as our names come out of Steve’s mouth the conference room erupts in disagreement.
“No way cap! I’m not letting you put these kids, because that’s all they are kids, in danger. It’s not happening” Tony says standing up.
“I would never do that Tony. This is not a dangerous mission, I promise. If I could go myself I would, these guys are harmless but they know us. It wouldn’t be undercover if the avengers showed up to a ball for young entrepreneurs. I’m sorry Tony, but it’s just one night. They’ll take care of eachother and we have secret ops incase of dire emergency.” Steve says crossing his arms.
“I’m okay Mr. Stark. I’m excited to go on a real mission.” Peter says quietly.
“Of course you are” I mumble to myself.
“You have an objection, Avatar?” Tony says using one of his hundreds of nicknames for me.
“I’m just saying, you’re sending me on international mission with a kid whos left New York 2 times, both times it was sheer luck that he wasn’t killed, so excuse me if i’m not exactly feeling confident in the success of this mission” I stand moving to the front.
“Y/n! We’re not having this conversation right now!” Steve speaks. “Everyone you’re dismissed, we will have another meeting the day before we fly out.” Steve speak to the rest of the room. As everyone leaves Steve stops Peter.
“It’s fine Mr America-“
“Please kid, call me Steve”
“Sorry sir-Steve. It’s just I get what she’s saying. I’m not experienced, she’s allowed to have an opinion.”
“It’s not opinion Peter it’s fact” You cut him off.
“Y/n, what is your issue?” Peter yells going red in the face.
“Clearly, Parker, my issue is you. Since the day you met me, you’ve been acting like a complete ass. You don’t know shit about me!” You step closer to him.
“YOU DONT KNOW ME! I have been nothing but nice to you recently. The only reason I was an ass to you is because you were a bitch to me.” He yells at you.
“Get over it Peter. I’m so sorry that not everyone is as up your ass as Tony is, welcome to the real fucking world.”
“Kids quit it!” Steve says using his captain voice.
“With all due respect sir, no. Y/n, the real world? really? When was the last time you talked to anyone outside of the compound? You don’t know shit about the real world because you’re just a little baby. You have everyone take care of you and then complain you’re being smothered. You can’t do anything by yourself without Steve or Mr Barnes fixing it for you. I do all my shit by myself. I handle everything by myself.” He spits at you. You feel tears welling up in your eyes and fire tickling your hands.
“You don’t know anything about me, Penis Parker, and if you ever say anything about my dads again, I will burn the actual fuck out of you. What my family does for me is none of your fucking business. Never once, did I say anything about your family. But I can Parker, I can say alot about you and I will if I have to.”
“Atleast you cant say my parents used me for Hydra testing and torture me, cause that would be uncalled for.” He hisses at you. Your fire dies out and you feel ice flowing through your veins. You turn around quickly and look at tony.
“You told him? I trusted you with everything in me! I DEFENDED YOU WHEN ANYONE SAID YOU WERE NOTHING BUT SELFISH AND SHALLOW BECAUSE I LOVED AND TRUSTED YOU. I FUCKING HATE YOU ANTHONY STARK! I HATE BOTH OF YOU” You scream, fire and ice working together to create a deadly mixture.
“I’m sorry kid, I-“
“You’ve said enough Tony.” Steve grabs you and pulls you out of the room and your hair is engulfed in flames. You begin sobbing in Steve’s chest your fire being reduced to nothing.
“I hate him. Please Steve don’t make me go on this mission.” You beg in his arms, and feel Buckys metal arm rubbing circles on your back.
“Honey, i think it’ll be good for you. I know that you don’t want to but for one you can work out you issues and two you don’t go on a lot of solo missions and you’re getting older. I’m sorry y/n. I know you know I just want what’s best for you and as much as you hate it, we only want what’s best for Peter as well.” Bucky says pulling you into his arms.
“It’s not fair. He can’t talk about my parents like that, he can’t-he doesn’t-it’s not-“
“Hey. It doesn’t matter, he said something out of anger and-“ Steve rubs my hair.
“Wait, what did who say Steve?” Bucky cuts him off, a look of anger on his face.
“Buck I don’t-“
“Tell me Steven now”
“Peter said something about hydra and y/ns parents.” Steve sighs.
Buckys face grows cold. He looks down at you before pulling you back into the room where Tony on practically yelling at Peter.
“Peter Parker. Who the hell do you think you are? You always walk around stabbing peoples wounds?” Bucky charged in.
“I’m sorry seargent sir. I didn’t mean to, it just slipped out and I would never intentionally say something so rude and i’m ashamed and scared pleased don’t murder me” He speaks quickly almost hiding behind Tony.
“I’m not the one you should be apologizing to” Bucky pushes you forward.
“I don’t want your apology. I’ll be upstairs if anyone needs me” You speak looking at Peter before running to the elevator. Once you get outside you scream and conjure the fire deep from within and burn everything in sight. You sit in the middle of the burning platform and cry.
“Miss Y/n? Can you please put out the fire?” Friday speaks cautiously.
“Sorry Friday. Of course” You sigh and use your water to estinguish the flames.
You sit for hours thinking about what you’re gonna do. You decide to do the only thing you know how, ignore the issue and act out of utter spite and hatred. If Peter thought you couldn’t do anything for yourself you were gonna prove you were the most independent 16 year old he’s ever met. You walk back inside and down to find Steve.
“Stevie? I’m ready for my mission briefing.”
Part 4
taglist: @carry-on-ms-believer @monster-alien-chode @problematichobo @transphyco @star-trekked-twinkie @theojjjames
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initiare · 6 years
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Name: Manon, but I’ve gone by the alias of Sae on the internet since I was about 12 or 13. It’s really stuck and caught on so much over the years that it’s as commonly used as Manon is, if not more (both online and offline). Age: 29.  Pronouns: She/her.  Sexuality: Hetero. Zodiac sign: Cancer.  Taken or single: Single.
Four Things About This Blog:
1. Still unsure of how this worked exactly, but I’d decided to make a blog for Jace before I’d ever read (or seen) anything about him directly. A friend of mine had been in the fandom and I’d heard about him through her, enough that I’d peeked at a few basic bits on the wiki. And then one morning I woke up with this intense yet unexplainable urge to make him, this character that I knew next to nothing about. I read the first three books within a week and then I decided to launch him. I’ve never had a muse arise to the occasion quite in this manner, but then again, isn't this Jace we’re talking about? Nothing about him follows the status quo.
2. If I’d picked up the books without ever having heard anything about any character in specific prior to reading, I would’ve still likely found myself drawn to Jace’s character— but I would’ve made a blog for Valentine instead. They both appeal to me for different reasons, but ultimately, I’m very glad that I made Jace and I don’t regret not having made a blog for Valentine for a single instant.
3. I’m an exceedingly opinionated person with very set norms/values and they definitely make their appearance within my OOC posts, and they’re not always popular opinions ‘round these here Tumblr parts by any means. However, I don’t let them influence my perspective when it comes to writing for Jace (or any of my muses). Of course, I may recognize some or many aspects, but I make it an effort and personal challenge to look at everything from as many angles as I can as to obtain the widest picture of any character’s behavior or any situation.
4. Despite them not being in full view as they used to be, my tags have been described as being the ‘arteries’ of my blog(s) and I couldn't possibly agree more. If you don’t read them, you’re easily missing out on 80/90% of my meta’ing. My posts tend to have some coherency to them, some logic, but in my tags you find my incoherency and that’s my heart and my passion. That’s where I’m most alive.
Three Mun Facts:
1. I recognize that I’m incredibly headstrong and it’s both my gift and curse. While it’s gotten me in the occasional trouble because I realize that I’m being too stubborn a bit too late, there have been and are a lot of moments where I’ve used it to my advantage and I profit from it immensely in numerous ways. So while I could condemn it as a flaw, it very much hits the extremes on both ends of the spectrum.
2. I’ve got fire for a heart, I’m not scared of the dark; you’ve never seen it look so easy. Okay, so two days ago, I had a day of massive cleaning. This always goes hand in hand with music playing, I sing and dance (of which I can only successfully do the latter). Youtube went through related videos, it somehow got to One Direction. I used to unfairly hate them on principle because I heard them everywhere and everyone loved them; in the same light, Harry Styles was always the one I disliked the most because he was everyone’s favorite. Since that day, I’ve listened to their non-Zayn stuff a fair bit and it’s catchy, I guess I’m a very late fan. All good. Nobody can drag me doooowwwwn.
3. A lot of my thick skin stems from being able to properly put the right weight to people’s words. And I'm able to do that because I value’s people’s actions infinitely more than I do their words. It’s so very easy to say or type ‘yes’ or ‘no’, but if your actions don’t reflect your state of mind or your statements, then I lose respect. We’re all guilty of falling short of this every now and again, myself included; we’re all human after all, but once or twice doesn’t equal constantly.
How’d you start: Tumblr back in August of 2012 is when I started in the world of RP’ing. I made Tatia Petrova from TVD (I went by the url herbloodlacedtheirwine). I never really dabbled much into the world of writing before that, except little snippets in early high school as to practice and try to further my English. Platforms you’ve used: Tumblr. Best experience: While the TMI/TSC fandom definitely has its bad apples and I’ve been in fandoms where things were consistently calmer, I do find my best experience to have been here because of specific individuals I’ve met while here. However, my Tumblr experience has overall been really good since my Ezio blog. I had a field day writing him and people seemed to really appreciate my input on his character. Beyond that, his blog was also from which I released my themes and I’ll forever remember all the positive feedback I've gotten on them. Despite this site not easily showing it, there are a lot of people with a heart of gold out there. Worst experience: I’ve never exactly found myself in a really bad situation that I can refer to it as the ‘worst’, as I tend to nip things in the bud but I’m also someone who mentally catalogs things quickly, it’s how I deal with things. That and awarding stuff the weight it deserves and not a shred more— numerous things that I use to generally avoid things from getting very bad or affecting me more than I want them to.
Original or canon: Canon every time. Favourite face: Jeffrey Dean Morgan, Jamie Campbell Bower, Toby Regbo. Least favorite face: Actors or actresses that play the main protagonists in usually a show, as they tend to become over-used FCs.  Note: I have zero problem with these actresses or actors themselves, I just get tired of seeing everyone use them even outside of canon characters played by them. —To name a few examples in past and present: Nina Dobrev, Ian Somerhalder, Emilia Clarke, Katherine McNamara and Dominic Sherwood.  Multi or single: Running a multi isn't something for me, but I don’t mind writing with them in whatsoever way. Kudos and respect to multi muse blogs for having the mind to be so organized, though. I couldn't do it.
Plots or memes: Plots, although I enjoy responding to memes on Jace as crack and light type of threads so fit him quite well, they’re a nice change from the immense angst that can be done in threads. Best time to write: I used to think the night, but looking back at threads and timestamps; apparently some of my strongest writing was done in the afternoon or early evening. Problem is, I don’t always have time to write a lot during those times. An issue? Yes, yes it is. Do you like your muse(s):  I rarely make new muses, when I do, there’s a reason. So yes. How long (months/years?): For my current blogs? Jace’s blog was created in November 2017. Francis was made... July 2017 and Ezio in May of 2016. I’ve made no other muses since Ezio and any before him have been permanently archived. Fluff, angst or smut: Angst/fluff, I’ve no interest in smut as it’s written on Tumblr.
Tagged by; @takeseffort tagging; @deusidvult (come on Shae, please make me feel less bad for writing so much by outdoing me), @beastmade, @leuthros, @audacatrix, @edomson, @snakedhand. Who else do I usually tag, uhm, @cainmarked, @xncertainty. Anyone else? Say I tagged you. <3
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fiveohcomics · 2 years
Copycat Bio
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙚𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚
Name /Nickname: Katherine Sadie Wolfe, Katie, Kate, Kat, Kitty
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species: Human
Alignment: Neutral Good
Personality: Katie is a chaotic Gen Z girl who's obsessed with memes and pop culture. She's snarky and quick-witted, often throwing playful roasts at villains she fights. She's also extraordinarily smart. She makes references as often as she can. She's also a content creator, as she creates videos for fictional social media platform Vibe (Essentially Vine but it never died). Her energetic attitude is so infectious she convinced her whole team to do the Caramelldansen dance with her for a video.
Likes: Fish (alive), cats, music of all kinds except country and death metal, being a hero, memes, Marvel, Star Wars, Rick Riordan books, Pokémon, D&D, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and more.
Fears: Bees
Hobbies: Making Vibes, video games, reading, watching shows or movies, writing fanfic
City of residence: Manhattan
Occupation: Junior student at Central Park High School
Backstory: The daughter of the head of the multi-billion dollar technological company Wolfe Sciences (as well as superheroine Timberwolf), Theresa Wolfe, Katherine “Katie” Wolfe discovered at the age of 12 that she could copy anything any non-powered human could do, as well as manipulate her appearance and voice to look like someone else. She made her own suit immediately and went out to fight crime as Copycat. It was only a year before she helped found the foremost superhero team in the world: Alpha Sentinel. Other members were Stingray, Bird of Paradise, Riptide, Voltage, and Angel of Death. She had a successful heroic career for the 3 years the team lasted, until tragedy struck, and the team split up, with only Stingray and herself still in the game. Katie grew angry and bitter, which is where we find her at the beginning of Copycat.
Power Origin: Anomaly, Nanotech suit
Mother: Theresa Wolfe
Father: Unknown
Sibling(s): Emily Wolfe (adopted)
Significant other: Most often Diego "DJ" Jacobs (a.k.a Redux).
Friends: Cassie Wright (Libra) (Best Friend), Nicole Blackwell (Ultramassive Black Hole), Harmony Sora (Sky Girl), Morty Gold (The Living Skull), Adam Rivers (Riptide), Kira Lockstein (Bird of Paradise), Angela Harrison (Angel of Death), Shiro Kusaka (Daikaiju), Steven Raye (Stingray), Victor Watson (Voltage), Michael Maestro (Mr. Melody)
𝘼𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙮
Alias: Copycat
Equipment/Weaponry: Nanobot suit
Skills/Powers: Move Reflection, Chameleon, Weapon Creation, built in AI with internet access plus her own database.
Weaknesses/Counters: EMPs deactivate the nanobot suit.
Power Tier: 9-B
Durability Tier: 8-C
Skin color: Fair
Hair color: Dyed Orange
Hairstyle: Free
Eye color: Green
Height: 5'04"
Weight: 110 lbs
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(My art's not great especially with humans so I have to use reference picture for poses. And it's still not great. Sorry :/)
Extra little notes and headcanons: Katie sometimes listens to music while fighting villains. This might seem like it would be distracting, but she's actually developed a weird rhythm fighting technique that's really hard to predict if you don't know what she's listening to. Never ever fight her if she's listening to Rush B.
She sends this video to her male friends at random times:
0 notes
vent-rat · 2 years
Copycat Bio
𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙏𝙚𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙖𝙩𝙚
𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙮 Name /Nickname: Katherine Sadie Wolfe, Katie, Kate, Kat, Kitty Age: 16 Gender: Female Sexuality: Bisexual Species: Human Alignment: Neutral Good Personality: Katie is a chaotic Gen Z girl who's obsessed with memes and pop culture. She's snarky and quick-witted, often throwing playful roasts at villains she fights. She's also extraordinarily smart. She makes references as often as she can. She's also a content creator, as she creates videos for fictional social media platform Vibe (Essentially Vine but it never died). Her energetic attitude is so infectious she convinced her whole team to do the Caramelldansen dance with her for a video. Likes: Fish (alive), cats, music of all kinds except country and death metal, being a hero, memes, Marvel, Star Wars, Rick Riordan books, Pokémon, D&D, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, and more. Fears: Bees Hobbies: Making Vibes, video games, reading, watching shows or movies, writing fanfic City of residence: Manhattan Occupation: Junior student at Central Park High School
𝙇𝙤𝙧𝙚 Backstory: The daughter of the head of the multi-billion dollar technological company Wolfe Sciences (as well as superheroine Timberwolf), Theresa Wolfe, Katherine “Katie” Wolfe discovered at the age of 12 that she could copy anything any non-powered human could do, as well as manipulate her appearance and voice to look like someone else. She made her own suit immediately and went out to fight crime as Copycat. It was only a year before she helped found the foremost superhero team in the world: Alpha Sentinel. Other members were Stingray, Bird of Paradise, Riptide, Voltage, and Angel of Death. She had a successful heroic career for the 3 years the team lasted, until tragedy struck, and the team split up, with only Stingray and herself still in the game. Katie grew angry and bitter, which is where we find her at the beginning of Copycat. Power Origin: Anomaly, Nanotech suit Family! Mother: Theresa Wolfe Father: Unknown Sibling(s): Emily Wolfe (adopted) Significant other: Most often Diego "DJ" Jacobs (a.k.a Redux). Friends: Cassie Wright (Libra) (Best Friend), Nicole Blackwell (Ultramassive Black Hole), Harmony Sora (Sky Girl), Morty Gold (The Living Skull), Adam Rivers (Riptide), Kira Lockstein (Bird of Paradise), Angela Harrison (Angel of Death), Shiro Kusaka (Daikaiju), Steven Raye (Stingray), Victor Watson (Voltage), Michael Maestro (Mr. Melody)
𝘼𝙡𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙄𝙙𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙮 Alias: Copycat Equipment/Weaponry: Nanobot suit Skills/Powers: Move Reflection, Chameleon, Weapon Creation, built in AI with internet access plus her own database. Weaknesses/Counters: EMPs deactivate the nanobot suit. Power Tier: 9-B Durability Tier: 8-C
𝘼𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙣𝙘𝙚 Skin color: Fair Hair color: Dyed Orange Hairstyle: Free Eye color: Green Height: 5'04" Weight: 110 lbs
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(My art's not great especially with humans so I have to use reference picture for poses. And it's still not great. Sorry :/)
Extra little notes and headcanons: Katie sometimes listens to music while fighting villains. This might seem like it would be distracting, but she's actually developed a weird rhythm fighting technique that's really hard to predict if you don't know what she's listening to. Never ever fight her if she's listening to Rush B.
She sends this video to her male friends at random times:
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saintaugustinerp · 6 years
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Congratulations Jess! You have been accepted for the role of The Abettor with the faceclaim Anton Lisin. Please be sure to check out the accepted applicants checklist! Also be sure send us a link to your blog within the next twenty-four hours. Welcome to St. Augustine!
Name/alias: Jess Age (18+): 27 😭 (or I will be, you’re opening the day before my birthday!) Gender/Preferred pronouns: She/Her Timezone: EST  
Desired Skeleton: The Abettor Character Name: Elias Jerabek Ballard Age (18+): 19 Gender/Pronouns: Cis Male, He/Him Hometown: Prague, Czech Republic/Brookline, Massachusetts Major: International Studies Desired Faceclaim: Anton Lisin
Character Blurb:
He stands on the platform like an out-of-place shadow—odd because he’s alone, when everyone knows where he belongs, stuck tight to the heels of another. He stands tall, a figure clad in black with a heavy brow and a tight-set mouth cutting through the bright and unforgiving splendor of the mountain backdrop. But it’s only an illusion, nothing more than a prey animal making itself foreboding and big. He’s not proud; everyone knows that he bows, and who to. It’s a pathetic thing, to stand in someone’s shadow, to come when called, to bite and snarl at their command—but if he didn’t, then who would even know his name? Better to belong to another, to be known and feared; than to be alone, invisible and unmoored.
Developed Head Canons:
FAMILY. When they whisper about him, they call him bastard. It isn’t true, or at least it isn’t fair: his mother was married to his father, but his father hadn’t told her that he had married another woman first. And his mother never found out, which Elias thinks might be kinder: she wasted away with cancer when Elias was just thirteen, and when he was sent to live with his father in America, he found he already had a family—one that there was little room for Elias in. One where he was less of a boy and more of a secret, an uncomfortable truth brought to light.
IDENTITY. Loss after loss after loss. He lost his mother. He lost the entire narrative of his life he had believed in up to that point. He lost his country. He lost his father, in a way, too: he’d seen him too little growing up, for he was very important, always traveling, but he’d always been doting when he was around—but he was better at loving Elias from a distance, maybe, better when his lives and his wives were kept separate, and when Elias needed him the most, all that affection was nowhere to be found. And, with all of these things slipping through his too-young fingers, he lost himself. Lacking an identity, he became bitter and snarling. Wanting someone to follow. Wanting someone to tell him who he is.
TEMPER(MENT). He never got used to America. Never learned how to be winsome and sweet, even though he knew he should have, never figured out how to endear himself to his father’s real wife and half-siblings. Instead he’d learned to be quiet: that way he’d never say anything wrong; that way no one could make fun of his accent. But while he didn’t speak much, he did snarl, walking through the halls of his high school or his father’s Massachusetts home with a mulish set to his jaw and hard cast to his shoulders, ready to respond to the simplest slight. He was aimless, and he was angry—or maybe he was just hurt.
ATHLETICS. He found himself on the soccer field, in school in Massachusetts. He got good grades, worked hard at his classes even when it felt like he was starting behind—(who needed multiple years of just American history?)—did it to try and make his father proud. But soccer was something he did just for himself: an outlet, something physical that took him out of his head; a game, something that felt easy when everything else felt too hard. He was an aggressive player, sometimes too aggressive for his posh and polite private school, not to mention the similarly prim schools they played. He was disappointed to find that Augustine didn’t have a team, but he set his mind to transferring his skills to rugby instead. He got laughed off the field during tryouts his first year, but in his second, has finally made the team.
AUGUSTINE. If he were following in the footsteps of his father, a career diplomat and former Ambassador who guest lectures as Harvard in his retirement, he would have set his sights there, or on another American Ivy. But his father already had two children doing just that, and so Elias set his sights elsewhere: on returning to Europe, and to Augustine. He wants to make his father proud, wants to recapture the doting affection his father had lavished upon him in his youth, but he thinks it might be easier to do from a distance. Thinks that the greatest gift he might be able to give him—(and for the rest of his father’s family, which had never come to feel like Elias’)—would be to separate himself from them once again. To carve his own path.
Writing Sample:
(End of the school year, last year)
When Elias was a first year, he was a fool. Wearing that sweater, holding it close like Augustine could be his salvation. How embarrassing, practically asking to be hazed, to be one of the first years plucked from youthful obscurity and, crest over his heart, enticed toward the frigid lake with pretty promises that he was all too eager to believe in. And, more fool he, he had gone.
Now—(on the cusp of his second year, with that night at the lake like a dark veil pulled over his formerly rosy vision)—he wouldn’t be caught dead in it. Nor could he. He knows what’s soaked into those fibres, old blood dark and matted in the knit. A tell-tale heart shoved into the dark depths of his closet, where it has stayed ever since that night. He can’t bear to look at it. Can bear even less the thought of someone finding it. Has thought more than once of asking, of begging, to be told what to do with it—if only he could bring himself to speak of it. But he can’t. It’s his problem alone to solve. And, surely, he could manage that much.
He’d longed for its warmth, once it was gone. Standing in the clearing with his jaw clenched and every muscle tensed, trying not to let his teeth chatter or shivers to wrack his frame, even though it was a losing prospect, even though the gooseflesh was plain to see, what with all of it—(all of him)—on display. He’d folded it neatly, then, placed it with care in a pile with his other shed clothes on top of a rock so that the damp from the snowy ground wouldn’t seep into it.
He’d pulled it back on with less care, hands numbed by more than just the cold. Jaw clenched against something else, too, that might have been a scream or might have just been tears. But he hadn’t been pathetic before, had been willing—before the Good Samaritan intervened, both kind and useless—to wade out into the frozen lake to prove himself tough, to prove himself worthy, to never admit to his fear. Why did he have to interfere?
That spark of anger warms him, as he takes his spot without complaint, shoving his arms underneath the lifeless corpse and heaving it into his arms, unheeding of the lifeless head that shifts with their every stumbling step, knocking into him and marking him in dark red, smeared across that once-proud crest. How senseless, how useless—he’s wading out into the water anyway, and his hastily pulled-on clothes make no difference, the cold of it still stings like thousands of tiny needles driving into his skin.
He hasn’t been back to the lake, not since that night. Had stumbled back to the school with his pants soaked to the knees with icy water, that stained sweater feeling hot like a brand against his chest. He’d ripped everything off and hidden it away. Never looked at it again, tried to let it fade from his memory—(out of sight, out of mind)—like the body swallowed by the lake.
But things buried, in lakes or in closets, don’t always stay that way. The dark water that had swallowed Frederick Wells had spit him back out again, and so there’s no reason to think that anything Elias buried that same night might not meet the same fate. And so there’s only one thing to do: destroy it. He hasn’t been back to the lake, not since that night, but as the year draws to a close and nothing of Frederick Wells left unfound, he can’t imagine a place more private.
It looks different after the spring thaw. His breath doesn’t fog in the air, his feet sink slightly not in hard-packed snow but in ground made soft by snowmelt. Alive, despite what happened there in January. It still fills him with some unnamed emotion—like a memory of the cold of that night, the terror, the guilt that had only crept in after.
He finds a section of brush that’s dry enough for the sweater to catch when he sets it alight. Watches it burn, leaves nothing but ashes behind. Back in his room, his bags are packed, ready for a summer in Massachusetts that will be both a welcomed reprieve and interminable.
He doesn’t linger.
Other: Pinterest board [here]
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thenickelportrust · 6 years
Could you tell us who the current superheroes are and what their powers and general reputation is? Just to keep track of them. (And maybe the same for villains if that's not too much!)
You know I think I might add a codex in later in the game to help the MC keep track of this very info. But for now- I’ll give you a couple of the major players (both current and past, since sometimes even memories of people have an effect on the present)!
I didn’t give away any real spoilers since technically the MC knows most of this and the player will  learn it all rather easily and pretty quickly, but still under the cut for those who wish to keep it a secret for now!
Atlas (passed) - Atlas was perhaps the most powerful hero to have ever existed. Some thought they were a deity, fallen from the heavens here to reshape the world as they desired. Most of those people were, admittedly, fanatics. In truth, Atlas never did… much. And what they did do cast a shadow of doubt on whether or not they could really be considered a hero at all. But calling someone that strong a villain was a terrifying prospect all on its own. Not that anyone has to worry now, they died several years ago, and now their legacy is left to nothing more than whispers of a dead deity, an apocalypse that never came.
Their powers were… hard to pin down. They could… change things. Change them to whatever they desired, give the nonliving life or turn the breathing to stone and metal- they could make solids into liquids and vice versa seemingly without changing any other aspect of their nature. Or they could change the substances entirely- turn silver to gold, wood to metal, gas to air, dust to grain- whatever they desired.
Nymph - Nymph was one of the two who were thought to take up Atlas’ title of most powerful hero. She was beloved by most people as a fair heroine who always seemed to be there whenever anyone was in trouble. All in all, she was very well liked before she just… stopped. She didn’t stop heroing entirely, mind you, but it seemed as if Nymph started dropping off the face of the earth time and time again. Now she’s most famous for her rivalry with the minor villain Bugbite. This has soured her reputation considerably, to the point where most people don’t speak about her fondly, and usually the kindest remarks is that she’s ‘a hero from a past time, far past her prime’.
Her powers include control of all living, organic matter. However the more complex the life-form the harder it is to control, so she mostly sticks to plants. (However her most famous exploit was controlling a massive attack by a now-deceased villain who attempted to turn a deadly bacteria into a bioweapon that would’ve wiped out Nickelport if she hadn’t contained it.)
Elapine - Elapine is more often referred to as a hero of East Bay than he is a hero of Nickelport. He is extremely popular in the East Bay community, and has almost become something of a hero mascot for them. However, outside of the East Bay his popularity fades a bit, though he is still loved, there’s more tension to his praise considering he very rarely moves out of helping just the East Bay area, and some say it’s selfish for a hero to choose who to help and who to ignore. However, most everyone agrees that due to his influence, the East Bay is no longer Nickelport’s most deadly area, which has opened up a lot of trade and tourist opportunities and generally helped Nickelport’s economy greatly. He is also famous for being the one hero to work closely with Atlas, a reputation which has both bolstered as well as tainted his reputation, due to Atlas’… controversial nature.
Elapine rarely uses his power, actually, since it’s more… immediately lethal and he’s known for non-lethal tactics. However, his power is a poisonous touch, and in turn a resistance to most toxins himself.
Lady Luck* - Lady Luck’s reputation is… a bit in the air right now. She was a well-loved hero back in the day, but she retired quite a while ago and had begun to fade from the memory of most Nickelport citizens. However, she’s returned from retirement just recently, and now most people are hopefully holding their breath to see if the hero they loved so much is back once more.
Lady Luck’s power is tricky one… It’s exactly as her title implies- a control over luck. However what that means changes from context to context- and she can’t control how it’ll come into play… but most people realize when they’ve been affected by her powers.
Sentry - Sentry is just starting to make a name for themself. They’ve been around for a while as a quieter hero presence but have recently come under both scrutiny and praise for their radical ideas for change. Sentry is the leading face in an attempted to create a more organized system of heroics. They’ve been public in their wish to forge the way for a kind of heroes’ union, and have been working closely- or trying to work closely- with Nickelport’s government to make that happen. There are… mixed opinions about whether or not this could be Nickelport’s saving grace, or if it’s a disaster waiting to happen.
Sentry’s power is a bit like your basic forcefield. They create temporary solid figures, seemingly from nothing, that vary in breadth and width and can be used for a multitude of purposes- including the classic shielding, but also a platform in mid air or even as a weapon.
Lullaby - Lullaby, also known as Madeleine Briggs, is famous first and foremost for the fact that, despite still possessing a heroic alias, she has never hidden her identity- nor does she wear a mask. According to Madeleine, it’s an act of owning up to what she does as a hero- of taking responsibility for her actions. While the reaction is somewhat mixed, it’s definitely more positively leaning, and has earned Lullaby a solid reputation as one of Nickelport’s most famous heroes- even though she hardly ever speaks to the press, and most of her statements are curt, single-sentences or silent nods. Lullaby has also recently garnered a bit more fame for openly expressing an interest in aiding Sentry’s hero organization process. Which, from what little can be gathered from her silent nature, is because she believes that a systems of checks and balances could do a lot of good for the heroes, and the people they’re supposed to protect.
Lullaby’s powers are, as you might have gathered from her name, to put people to sleep. However, it’s not quite her voice that does it, but rather a mist that she can breathe out on command. A kind of knock-out gas that she can control. 
Stillwater (passed) - Stillwater was the second of the two heroes who was thought to take on Atlas’ reign. He was greatly beloved by all and often pointed to as the example of a what all heroes should strive to be. He was public and unafraid to speak with the people, even seen taking casual strolls around town or chatting with people on the street when the recognized his outfit and called out to him to talk about… well… anything! The weather, his favorite TV shows- Stillwater was most well known for bragging with great gusto about his daughter and how proud he was of her, even to villains waiting to be taken away by the police after he’d apprehended them. He always kept a tight lock on his identity, though, as he explained that he refused to put his family in the kind of harm’s way that would come to be should anyone evil had ever found out who he was. Other than that, he got about as open and public as a man with a secret identity could’ve been- even working publicly with the NPRC. That was, until he was killed in the Lotown Mining Incident, when a cave collapsed in and Stillwater rushed in to save the people inside- he managed to save most of the miners, but was ultimately trapped underneath the rubble and killed with several others.
Stillwater’s power was essentially to learn. In short, he could copy most other powers he came into contact with, albeit in a much lesser form. In his time as a hero he was able to learn flight, some enhanced strength, the ability to heat up and cool down his body temperature, enhanced durability, communication with animals, and a couple others.
Red Light - Red Light is a new hero on the scene. He hasn’t done much yet, despite this, has already garnered a rather wide and passionate following. He is well-loved by those who know him and is often referred to as ‘The Next Stillwater’ for his open, charming personality. Though he’s still new on the scene so it’s hard to say where he’ll go from here.
Red Light’s power appears to be paralysis. Though it’s hard to tell since he hasn’t been in many fights. but that seems to be the leading theory on what he can do.
Sweet Sound - Sweet Sound is infamous and terrifying as a phantasmic figure with a multitude of rumors surrounding her. She’s become something of the boogeyman of Nickelport, with no one really knowing what’s due to her influence, and what isn’t- where she’s going to strike next, or if she’s ever going to strike at all.
Nobody knows her powers.
Likewise - Likewise is… god. What can I say about Likewise? Likewise is Nickelport’s Most Wanted- the most powerful villain alive whose track record extends all the way from minor robbery to killing a hero (or two, or three). There’s no rhythm or rhyme to what Likewise does or why Likewise does it. Only one thing is for sure- everyone, and I mean everyone, knows who they are.
And almost everybody wishes they didn’t.
Likewise’s powers have two layers to them. The first is mimicry- they can mimic any singular power of a person nearby them. The second aspect is nullification- they can nullify the powers of anyone in range. What’s important, and kind of tricky, here is that while they can mimic only one power, they can nullify… almost all powers in range. (Granted, in order to nullify or mimic, they first have to get close, but once a power is nullified, it will stay that way for quite a while, ditto with mimicry.)
Domino* (retired) - Domino was a rather infamous villain most well known for his rivalry with Lady Luck, mostly due to the similarities in their powers. However he retired about five years ago, and hasn’t been seen on the villainous scene since then. However with Lady Luck’s return to heroism there’s been some speculative whispers about whether or not this will goad him out of retirement as well.
Domino’s powers were very similar to Lady Luck’s. However, instead of simply changing luck, he has the power to change the result of any specific event. The new result is randomized, and though others will remember the previous result any of its effects will be neutralized- as if it only existed in memory.
Oppenheimer - Oppenheimer is a relatively young villain who has made a bit of an explosive entrance into the villainous world. (Pun wholly intended) Like most villains she’s not exactly well-liked. Most people fear her for the fact that her attacks seem to come without warning, and almost always target upper-class areas that should be better protected- yet she never seems to be noticed or caught until after her attack is finished.
Oppenheimer hasn’t been in enough fights to really understand what her powers are. But they most likely have something to do with explosions.
Valkyrie and Harbinger you all already know. So I’ll spare you from a rewrite of what you know, but they’re also on the well-known-villains list.
The Honeybees - They Honeybees… hmm… ok, I think I actually do gotta call some spoilers here. You’ll… meet them soon.
Mambo’s Gang - Mambo’s gang is something of a hospital system for villains exclusively. They’re located somewhere on the Rusty End, but even if someone knows, they don’t dare go after Mambo or anyone who works for him out of fear for the backlash from the entire villainous community- not even the worst of the worst would dare lay a finger on someone under Mambo’s protection, either out of fear for their own health the next time they need severe medical help, or out of fear for the influence Mambo has in the villainous community.
Generally, those who actively know about Mambo’s Gang and aren’t villains dislike it, but not even heroes can deny that the neutral, no-fight territory that Mambo’s created is useful, if for no other reason than they don’t have to worry about protecting people within that area.
Ever since the disbanding of the NPRC, there’s been more tension surrounding Mambo’s hospital services. Heroes are left using the public hospitals, which while mostly works, the safety and secrecy of Mambo’s services are very tempting… But he doesn’t seem willing to extend his services any time soon.
The Nickelport Powers Research Cooperation (disbanded) - The NPRC (as they were called) was a lot of things. On one hand it was what Mambo’s Gang was for villains but for heroes- a hospital and medical facility. On the other hand, it was a research and development company- running tests with (voluntary) cooperation from heroes like Stillwater and Alchemist. It published papers on the nature of powers and discovered how they were passed down from generation to generation- and from person to person. They also had begun a series of technological developments meant either to aid heroes with their work against villains or simply to make everyday life easier and safer when the next great battle of the century could go down next door.
They were shut down quite a while ago, quietly and without explanation.
Some speculate that it had to do with the loss of Stillwater, who the NPRC often referred to as their greatest asset for his power’s flexible nature. Others think that the reason was… something else.
Alchemist (retired) - The Alchemist was… well… She was known, she was liked- perhaps even loved- and then she… stopped. She was a hero, and was perhaps going to be the most powerful hero before Atlas. She was, also, very very popular. With an almost meteoric rise to fame that fizzled out as fast as it began. She just… announced that she was retiring. She did some work with the NPRC afterwards but… never really came back to the spotlight after that. 
Her powers were to change the substance of things. She could make solids into liquid, liquids into solids, gases into liquids, and all other variations, and bend them to her will. She could even turn one kind of substance into another with ease. 
It was rumored that she was related to Atlas, considering the similarities in their powers.
After her retirement it became known that her real name is Ulla Parker, via a Rust article on Atlas while they were still active.
Igneous - Igneous is most widely known as a villain… yet it’s clear that he doesn’t think of himself as such. Often proclaiming himself a ‘protector of the innocent’ and ‘One of Nickelport’s saviors’. Still, between the mass destruction and cross-fire casualties that he causes he’s not… exactly well liked. As either a hero or a villain.
Igneous has the power to melt any part of his body into lava. This also comes with a minor regenerative/defensive aspect, as cuts or injuries that are melted will often return better than they were before, and any weapon that passes through a melted part of him does no actual physical damage so long as it didn’t touch his actual skin but the lava instead.
*A fun side fact: In the early, early, early version of Model Citizens, Lady Luck and Domino were the same person with the same personality and powers. In fact… they were a bit of a Raf and Lucy 1.0- the original choices for who you could be married to. (Only just the pronouns and appearences changed, they were still the same person back then, unlike Raf and Lucy now, who are entirely separate personalities and characters.)
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note:  I'll be adding some things due to the particular nature of this blog lol aka rewriting a character from scratch but keeping canon information of the pre-change
Name / Alias:  Ele
Are you over 18? yes
Is your muse(s) over 18?  tes
When was your blog established? 2012 with the url thecharmingprincessemma, basically as soon as the first season of ouat was over I went 'but what if the curse had been avoided instead and Emma had been raised by her parents in the Enchanted Forest'
– W R I T I N G  –
Are you selective about who you write with?
No ( anyone )   /   semi (most people)   /   yes ( some people )   /   Highly ( few people )   /   Private ( mutuals only ).
Are you selective about who you follow?
No ( anyone )   /   Semi ( most people )   /   yes (some people)  /   Highly ( few people ).
If your muse is canon, how much do you adhere to canon?
Not at all   /   A little   /   some  /   mostly /   Strictly   /   Not Applicable. - I adhere to the canon setting and the way I see Snow and David as parents, and the changes they even managed to bring in an Emma who rightfully had a completely different personality due to having lived a horrible life
What post lengths do you write?
One-Liners    /   single-para /   multi-para /   novella /   All of the aforementioned.
Do you use icons and/or GIFS?
No   /   Gifs   /   icons but it’s not ‘required’ /   Yes   /   Sometimes.
Do you write on other platforms?
No  /  yes.  
What level of plots do you write?
Unplotted  /   Open-Ended Plots   /  Semi-Plotted (it's impossible for me to write fully plotted things or even be sure of where the thread will go because I'm character-driven, and if we decide for example that our muses will 'reveal their feelings but not get together and part ways' and then in the thread your muses chooses some words that actually work and convince my muse, I can't write her as rejecting him. A different phrasing can change my muse's feelings about something and if I stop writing their honest reactions I won't be able to write at all (yes this is me apologizing to people because plots got changed lol)  /   Fully Plotted Epics    /  all of the aforementioned. 
How quickly do you usually respond to threads?
Very Slow ( more than a month )  /   Slow ( 3 - 4 weeks )   /   Average ( 1 - 2 weeks )   /   Fast ( less than one week )   /   Very Fast ( less than three days )   /   IT DEPENDS.
What types of themes do you like?
Adventure   /   Romance   /   Fluff   /   Angst   /   Smut   /   Violence   /   Tragedy   /  Domestic   /   Family. / all of the above, my fave ones are hurt/comfort and romance and happy things, angst turns into hurt comfort or nothing, smut it’s only when it helps us develop muses and relationships
What genres do you like? ( Feel free to add ! )
High Fantasy   /   Supernatural   /   Science Fiction /   Historical   /   Horror   /   comedy /   romantic /   drama /   action /   adventure   /   Espionage   /   all of the aforementioned.
Are there any themes you’re uncomfortable writing on your blog?
No  /  yes, many /  Sometimes.  
Do you have any triggers?   How do you request it tagged?
they are not 'triggers' but I can't see images with gore, it just fuels my nightmares. also when it comes to sexual content, there are some days when I'm more repulsed than others or surrounded by people so I prefer having the choice whether to see them or not, so I usually only follow people who tag them in easy ways to block. Also sometimes detailed talks of hell or black&white aesthetic that reminds me of dead people like the Addams Family makes me literally panic lmao go figure 
– S H I P P I N G –
What types of relationships are you open to?
Romantic   /   Platonic   /   Familial   /   ALL OF THE AFOREMENTIONED.
What types of pre-established relationships are you open to?
Romantic   /   Platonic   /   Familial   /   all of the aforementioned. / pre-enstablished can only happen in new verses after we have interacted for a while, or with A LOT of plotting in which we talk about our muses and their behaviors in several scenarios, or it's just too hard. Emma is almost an oc, it's difficult to guess her behaviors right and correct people if they assume wrong
Do you have OTPs?
No   /   chemistry only  /   yes - killian jones only if kept like in canon and other crossover canon characters when they follow canon.(gonna be honest, usually when muns change a canon character because uncomfortable over how much 'nicer' love made him/he was whipped, the result is someone I'd never ship with Emma because I never see them as whipped as much as respectful of female characters' traumas and needs? or simply not as dark, which I appreciate)
Do you have NOTPS?
No   /   YES.  Sorry but I never want to see anything about Emma and Regina or Emma and Neal, when it comes to Emma at least
What is your muse’s sexual orientation?
heterosexual /   Heteroflexible   /   Bisexual   /   Pansexual   /   Homoflexible   /   Homosexual   /   Demisexual   /   Sapiosexual   /   ( Grey ) Asexual   /   Still trying to figure it out.
What is your muse’s romantic orientation?
Heteroromantic   /   Heteroflexible   /   Biromantic   /   Homoflexible   /   Homoromantic   /    Panromantic   /   Demiromantic   /   Sapioromantic   /   Aromantic   /  still trying to figure it out
Are you comfortable writing smut?
No /   Selectively   /   yes.
How early in a relationship do you ship romantically?
Autoship   /   during plotting  /   after a couple ic interactions   /   Several IC interactions  /   Slow burn /   plot dependent   /   Never.  
Are you open to toxic ships?
No (not even platonically which makes hard to interact with many characters and me pretty boring lmao)   /   selectively  /   Yes    /   I am not sure.
Are you open to problematic ships?
No, same as above, though to be fair what's not problematic to me may be to others   /   selectively /   Yes   / I am not sure.
Are you open to polyshipping?
no /   Selectively   /   Yes  /  I am not sure.
Are you an exclusive shipper?
Never   /   sometimes /   Yes.
Does crack shipping ever happen?
Nope,because it doesn't matter how crazy it is, if it works, I ship for real lol   /   yes
tagged by @xthesparequeen
tagging anyone who wants to do it because chrome sorta froze and it took me thirty minutes just to do this, let alone if I wait for tagging to works
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gukyi · 7 years
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all rights reserved © gukyi - do not repost, translate, or claim as your own.
here lies all of the works i have ever written and posted to tumblr! they are sorted by ot7 series, then by members. this is the only place you will ever find my writing -- if you see any of these pieces on other platforms (wattpad, ao3, fanfiction.net, instagram, youtube, etc.), they are plagiarized works and please let me know. enjoy!
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KEY: ⚥ gender neutral reader | ♡ favorites | ♔ newest
SERIES: ✎ in progress | ✓ complete
LAST UPDATED: 06.13.21
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dandelion wisps
a collection of drabbles written either for requests, ask games, or on whims. sorted by member and genre.
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sorted: a hogwarts au
⇒ a series of scenarios featuring each member, set during the same hogwarts universe. ♡; ✎
kim seokjin: white chocolate fudge ↳ friends to lovers au — fluff | 11k
you and seokjin are the heads of your class, but recently he’s been sneaking off with shitty excuses and leaving you to watch over the students. when you finally follow him after he abruptly bails on your evening walk, you find yourselves in the forbidden forest with… a hippogriff hatchling?
min yoongi: interconnection ↳ strangers to lovers au, journal au — fluff | 8k
you can never trust anything in the wizarding world. not even your own goddamn journal.
jung hoseok: plant boy ↳ opposites to lovers au — fluff, light angst | 11k
after seven years of doing it, you’d like to think you’re an expert at skipping class. stay hidden, stay quiet, and act inconspicuous. but when you accidentally draw the attention of jung hoseok while you’re camping out on the benches outside the greenhouses, you begin to realize that all it takes is a boy with sunshine at his fingertips and a particular affinity for herbology to change things.
kim namjoon: tutor ↳ enemies to lovers au — fluff | 11k
competition has always been a thing at hogwarts, but not even the house ghosts could be prepared for the volcanic explosion otherwise known as the culmination of the rivalry between you and fellow top student kim namjoon.
park jimin: boats against the current ↳ opposites to lovers au — fluff, angst | 12k
park jimin thinks his life is all well and good, that is, until he finds out that if he wants to play quidditch for his last year at hogwarts, he needs to pass a presentation in muggle studies. and, just like the novel he needs to research, he realizes that maybe his life would be easygoing and simple, if only he didn’t fall in love along the way.
kim taehyung: love, guaranteed ↳ friends to lovers au — fluff, angst | 11k
with the celestial ball quickly approaching, kim taehyung is horrified to find out that you, his best friend, are dateless. to remedy this, he initiates The Match Project, a matchmaking service designed to find the most optimal date. to you, it’s an opportunity to meet someone else so you can stop pining after your clueless best friend. to him, it’s an opportunity to finally, once and for all, tell you how he feels.
jeon jungkook: do you want me (dead?) ↳ enemies to lovers au — fluff | 11k
jeon jungkook, quidditch extraordinaire and overall pain in your ass, is the one problem you can’t seem to solve, even with years of being the school’s advice columnist under your belt. that is, until you begin to receive letters from someone under the alias of bambi, requesting help with confessing to a crush, and suddenly, your relationship with jeon jungkook takes a turn for… the worst?
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kim seokjin
 ⇒ O N E S H O T S
start anew ↳ exes au — fluff; angst | 11k
it’s been five years since you left your hometown, vowing never to return, but a simple invitation to a christmas party and a yearning to know whether or not you’re truly over the heartbreak you left behind has you wondering if, maybe, the christmas spirit and promise of a new beginning can change your mind.
raspberry truffles ↳ friends to lovers au, fake dating au — fluff | 5k
how to fake date your best friend: step one: don’t fall in love with them. failed step one.
for you, anything ↳ friends to lovers au, enemies to lovers au — fluff; comedy | 21k
in the popular online multiplayer game, kingdom, you are the top-ranked knight with money, fame, and power. in real life, you’re a graphic design geek who’s got a very unsubtle crush on her gorgeous coworker, kim seokjin. but when you’re suddenly dethroned from the first place spot in your game, you and your kingdom character embark on a journey to reclaim your title, and learn on the way that things are not always as they seem.
the courtship chronicles ↳ friends to lovers au, fake dating au — fluff; comedy; angst; ♡ | 20k
dating has never been anywhere near your list of priorities, but kim seokjin is nothing if not determined. and when he comes to the rescue and accompanies you to your friend’s wedding, he decides to request only one thing in return: for you to let him take you out on fake dates and shower you in fake affection, and show you how much fun dating can be. he just needs to remember to keep the part where he’s been in love with you under wraps.
the heiress and the hotelier ↳ modern cinderella au, hotelier!seokjin, heiress!reader — fluff; comedy | 20k
when you share a kiss with a mysterious but gorgeous stranger on the night of your unwanted, lavish masquerade birthday party, the last thing you expect is for him to vanish at midnight on the dot. but when, as punishment for always arguing with him, your father assigns you to oversee the company’s newest resort hotel, you begin to realize that the handsome stranger may be closer than you think.
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min yoongi
⇒ S E R I E S
the little things ↳ friends with benefits au, expecting parents au — fluff; ✎; ♡
what happens when you combine friends with benefits, an accidental pregnancy, and a certain min yoongi? he falls in love.
the truth between us ↳ enemies to lovers au — fluff; angst; drama; sci fi; ✓; ♡ | 100k
there is truly nothing more unfortunate than the fact that min yoongi, asshole extraordinaire, is the editor for your very first novel. you’re stuck with him. but then, the world shifts beneath your feet, and you begin to wonder if maybe you’ve always been looking at life from the wrong angle.
➘ one | two | three | four | five | six | epilogue
⇒ O N E S H O T S
magic of the night ↳ witch au — horror | 5k
there is a witch you go to for spells and potions whenever human nature is not enough for things to go your way, and he loves you more than anyone else ever will.
i’ll give you my heart ↳ christmas au, friends to lovers au — fluff | 6k
gift exchanges are cool. gift exchanges with your ceo-slash-best friend min yoongi are less cool, because what the hell are you supposed to get the man that already has everything?
a heart full of love ↳ e2l au, actor au, high school au — fluff | 10k
people say that actors are the most dramatic people in the world but those people haven’t met a certain min yoongi.
VOGUE ↳ e2l au, fashion designers au — fluff; comedy; angst; ♡ | 42k
you’ve always said that fashion is meant to push the limits of art, but no amount of swarovski crystals could ever prepare you for the latest assignment your manager has lined up for you: design a dress with none other than min yoongi, the evil genius that stole the show from you during paris fashion week, to be displayed in a showcase in milan.
that’s the spirit! ↳ f2l au, college au, halloween au — fluff; comedy; angst | 8k
min yoongi hates halloween. as his best friend and resident halloween-lover, that is simply unacceptable. but when halloween night rolls around and you and min yoongi feel farther apart than ever before, you discover that what’s come between you is more than just a bad trick, and that no matter what day it is, loving him is the sweetest treat of all.
♔ no choice (next to you) ↳ e2l au, neighbor au, frat boy au, college au — fluff; comedy | 13k
the pros of your last-minute senior year apartment sublet: cheap, furnished, close to campus, in a gorgeous old victorian conversion home, and right next to the greek takeout place.
the cons of your last-minute senior year apartment sublet: min yoongi, senior member of the beta tau sigma fraternity, and his party-throwing, vodka-loving, ruckus-making fraternity buddies, are your neighbors.
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kim namjoon
⇒ O N E S H O T S
moving on  ↳ supernatural au, carrie au — horror, angst | 10k
when kim namjoon moves to a new town the year before graduation, the first and only thing he is told is to stay away from her.
the snow globe effect ↳ librarian au — fluff; ♡ | 10k
when a freak blizzard hits and leaves you and kim namjoon trapped in the library together on the eve of new year’s eve, you realize that when life hands you lemons, you make lemon snow cones.
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park jimin
⇒ O N E S H O T S
rich kid ↳ rich kid au, college au — fluff; ⚥; ♡ | 5k
park jimin is a rich kid. 
earnestly yours ↳ enemies to lovers au, actor au, high school au — fluff; ♡ | 8k
it doesn’t matter if you and park jimin hate each other’s guts, because you will always get cast opposite each other for the school’s drama productions, and you will always have to kiss.
just a little bit of love (is all you really need) ↳ gymnastics au — fluff | 5k
jimin’s something of a legend at gymnastics, but suddenly you walk in and turn his whole world upside down. quite literally, might i add.
fairytail ↳ merman au — fluff | 19k
you have a particular disdain for the beach. jimin is here to change that. oh! and he’s also a merman. so there’s that, too.
into the wilderness ↳ camp counselor au, unrequited love au, friends to lovers au— fluff | 27k
alright, so last summer’s camp was… disastrous. from the murky green showers to the wasps nests, it was all-around a bad time. but none of those things could be quite as catastrophic as the end-of-camp counselor campfire, when you told park jimin that you were in love with him. and if telling him was terrible, then seeing him again this summer, one year after your fruitless confession, just might be the death of you.
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kim taehyung
⇒ O N E S H O T S
seoksanhwa ↳ prince au, joseon au, sageuk au — fluff; smut; angst; ♡ | 23k
in the game of love and war, nothing is fair.
heart is where the home is ↳ airport au, strangers to lovers au — fluff; smut | 16k
when you woke up this morning, you didn’t really picture yourself falling in love with the attractive, well-read traveller sitting next to you on the plane, but a missed connection and an alarming amount of hand-holding later, you find that you both get a lot more than what you paid for.
practice makes perfect (or at least, significantly better) ↳ punk band au — fluff | 7k
taehyung’s the drummer in a local punk band, and you’re the university’s first chair flute. this is a love story that doesn’t exactly go as planned, but then again, does anything?
tattoos together  ↳ tattoo artist au — fluff | 5k
you aren’t necessarily terribly particular when it comes to tattoos, and when you arrive at your favorite tattoo parlor one day in search of a new addition, one in particular catches your eye, but more importantly, so does the artist behind its creation. and slowly, you come to realize that art does not need sentimental value to be meaningful—it just needs to be loved.
broken rings & queens and kings ↳ enemies to lovers au, royalty au, arranged marriage au — fluff; smut; angst; ♡ | 24k
to make a long, long story very, very short, you and kim taehyung have been sworn enemies ever since childhood, that is, until you find out that you’re betrothed to each other for the good of your kingdoms, and everything comes crumbling down.
victorious ↳ childhood friends to enemies to lovers au, how to train your dragon au — fluff; angst; ♡ | 21k
you’re the village’s best dragon racer, if the two years of straight victory are anything to go by. at least, until the day that kim taehyung returns and sweeps the crown right from the top of your head. you swear he’s nothing but a sleazy, obnoxious, dragon-racing jerk, but find that belief turned on its head when the two of you stumble upon a night fury in the woods, whose only chance of survival happens to be the two of you.
four weeks ↳ enemies to lovers au, roommates au, college au — fluff; angst; ♡ | 20k
four weeks. that’s how long you’re trapped on campus after missing your flight home because of a grossly overtime final. and as you’re walking around your empty campus, thinking that you could sink no lower, you find yourself alone in the art building with a certain freshman year dorm-neighbor from hell, kim taehyung. and he’s got an offer that you don’t think you can refuse: he’s staying on campus this winter break as well, and he’s happy to let you live with him.
good luck charm ↳ friends to lovers au, roommates au, actor au — fluff; angst | 11k
kim taehyung has nearly everything he’s ever dreamed of: an apartment in new york city, a lead role in an off-broadway play, and a best friend to share it with. but even still, there’s one thing missing—love. and when he goes on the hunt for it, he dots every i and crosses every t, leaves no stone unturned, but forgets to look at the person who could ever love him the most: you.
love me or we both go down ↳ enemies to lovers au, arranged marriage au, rich kids au — fluff; angst; smut | 32k
after going through with an arranged marriage to please his parents and secure his inheritance of the family business, kim taehyung thinks he’s got it all figured out. he doesn’t. apparently just being married to you isn’t enough, not when everybody and their mother can pick up on the fact that the two of you absolutely loathe each other. but taehyung wants his inheritance one way or another, so he decides that desperate times call for desperate measures: the two of you need to fall in love, and you need to fall in love fast.
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jeon jungkook
⇒ S E R I E S
fear is forever ↳ werewolf au — fluff; angst; ✓; ♡ | 10k
there’s a werewolf in that forest behind your house, they told you, and he’ll eat you before you can even beg for mercy.
➘ fear in your eyes | forever and a night
moonlight melody ↳ fake dating au, orchestra au — fluff; angst; ✓; ♡ | 50k
when your loving best friend playfully pranks you one too many times, you decide that revenge is best served hot, over a period of thirty days, and with a little extra help from the best violinist you know (sorry jimin).
➘ part one | part two
⇒ O N E S H O T S
the millionaire and his lover ↳ ceo au, friends to lovers au, fake dating au — fluff; smut; angst | 18k
over the course of your lifelong friendship with jungkook, you can’t say that you’ve ever had the greatest ideas, and a fake relationship with the boy you’ve been in love with for years is no exception. 
pen pals ↳ friends to lovers au, high school au — fluff; smut | 11k
to put it simply, pretending to be jungkook’s pen pal when you were both eight just so he wouldn’t be disappointed was a bad idea, because now he’s in love with them. or, well, you, he just doesn’t know it.
long lost ↳ childhood friends au, celebrity au — fluff; angst; ♡ | 15k
jeon jungkook is famous, talented, and on the hunt for his childhood friend and first love. you are self-deprecating, a little awkward, and exactly who he’s looking for. only, there’s one (1; single, a solo) problem: he has no idea.
the wedding planners ↳ enemies to lovers au, wedding au — fluff; smut; angst; ♡ | 28k
the good thing about being your best friend’s wedding planner is that you get to watch him marry the love of his life. the bad thing? jeon jungkook.
ice prince ↳ enemies to lovers au, figure skating au — fluff; ♡ | 22k
when, due to inexplicable and total clumsiness, your reliable, talented ice dancing partner of five years breaks his leg right before the largest competition of your life, desperate times call for desperate measures. and for a brief, brief moment, you think that everything might actually end up not-that-shitty, until you find out that the aforementioned desperate measures go by the name of jeon jungkook.
the underwear thief ↳ neighbors au, college au — fluff; smut | 10k
jeon jungkook would like to make one thing very clear: it’s not his fault.
the coffee shop contract ↳ fake dating au, college au — fluff; comedy | 18k
apparently, having an instagram profile with a different girl in every picture is reason enough for your friends to strike up a deal where they’ll pay you to have a relationship. well, jeon jungkook’s no good at relationships, but a fake relationship isn’t a real relationship. is it?
if i told you ↳ friends to lovers au, college au — fluff; angst; comedy; ♡ | 22k
in order to pay for university, jeon jungkook decides to market his most valuable asset to the wealthy socialites of campus: himself. donning a suit and tie, tousled hair, and glasses (to look smarter), he becomes every rich daughter’s dream: the perfect boyfriend to bring to balls, dinners, and business gatherings. all while you watch from the sidelines, only able to dream of having that much money to buy yourself what you really want: him.
midas ↳ enemies to lovers au, ceo au, magical realism au — fluff; angst; ♡ | 32k
jeon jungkook was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and the power to turn whatever he wants into pure gold. you were born with healing and invisibility powers but without a cent to your name. so when you’re plucked off of the streets for pickpocketing and assigned to be his minder as punishment, you realize you’re going to have to overcome a lot more than class differences if either of you are going to get what you want.
the love project ↳ friends to lovers au, college au — fluff; comedy; ♡ | 12k
from running to mcdonald’s at 3am after a halloween party where the two of you dressed up as the teletubbies to timing how long it takes for him to drink a cup of monster mixed with mountain dew and iced coffee and then do fifty push-ups, you’re used to your best friend jungkook asking you to do all sorts of crazy things. but, of all the shit the two of you do, letting him follow you around for a week with a camera and take candid photos of you for a photography assignment might just be the craziest of them all.
the art of the rom-com ↳ enemies to lovers au, college au — fluff; comedy; angst; ♡ | 33k
FILM395, the art of the rom-com, was supposed to be an easy a with one of your favorite professors, but it’s not. it’s actually a sisyphean torture that comes in the form of fellow film student jeon jungkook, who has no problem responding to every one of your discussion posts about the consumerist ideals underlying every romance movie with his own paragraphs on the beauty of love like the hopeless romantic he is. and when the two of you find yourselves partnered up for your final project, which is to create a short film on rom-coms, jungkook decides to take it upon himself to show you what love is really like.
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Lumière du Martin
So here is the story that @boughtmywayintopopculture​ promised!  
She was an AMAZING help and this story would definitely not be what it is without her!  Not only did she proof and edit but she was a big help in refining the idea (and adding to it since it is now double the length of the draft)! HUGE SHOUT OUT TO @boughtmywayintopopculture​!!!
Lumière du Martin
Basics - Vincent Karm x MC Pairing, Post Season 2
TW - Mentions of PTSD 
Rating - T
Her hand trembled as she held up the lantern, casting an orange glow over the skulls and stonework of the catacombs tunnel.  It was freezing down here.  A chill ran through her body despite the fact she was wearing her wool socks, scarf, and army green jacket.  She could see her breath at each exhale, the white mist twisting and turning in the lantern light, before disappearing completely.  She had only been down here for about ten minutes but her eyes were already beginning to become accustomed to the darkness.  The first time she came down here she could tolerate the hollow eye sockets perpetual staring but that time she had not been alone.
A rat ran across her foot and made her jump, her yelp echoed down the tunnel. She had dropped the lantern, thankfully the candle was tipped over but still burning.  Had it fallen just a couple of inches to the left it would have been extinguished by the puddle caused by the slow drips from the ceiling.  
You can do this.  The faster you find what you need to find the faster you can leave. Sophia kept repeating to herself over and over in her head.  Trying, and failing, to slow her rapidly beating heart.  This mantra did little to comfort her because she didn’t know what she needed to find; only that it needed to be found.  
She gritted her teeth each time the tunnel forked in front of her.  She did not know these catacombs like Tristan.  She had to rely on her intuition to decide whether she would go left or right.  There had been two occasions where the path she had chosen had lead to a dead end, quite literally in fact.  Tiny skeletons, once belonging to rats, were tucked into corners where the three walls met.  It wasn’t totally fair to say everything was dead though.  The cockroaches were very much alive, Sophia had discovered.  She made the mistake of looking up when she heard a buzzing sound.  The ceiling was much darker than the walls of the catacombs in these regions.  She attributed it to the constant moisture and condensation until she saw the ceiling begin to shift and move.  It was then that the largest cockroach she had ever seen fell, just inches from her face.  
The area where she was now almost looked familiar to her.  The candles lining the walls were closer together here as opposed to how sparse they were in other areas of the catacombs.  This must be a good sign.
She used the extra light to her advantage, trying to find anything that could be useful to her.  It was then she noticed the large shadow on the wall a few feet ahead.  As she got a closer look she realized it wasn’t a shadow, but an entrance to a small alcove in the catacomb wall.  
Sophia gasped.  Oh my God! No wonder this area looked familiar.
There, at the edge of the room, surrounded by broken skeletons, was the fountain that once held the essence.  The well that was once filled to the brim with luminous light blue liquid was now as dry as the bones surrounding it.  A few of the stones making up the sides of its basin were cracked and toppled; had she not known what this fountain once held she would not have even given it a second look.  
As much as she wished she could stay and reminisce about everything that had happened since she first learned of the essence, she realized she needed to keep on in her search.  She exited the room from the opposite side she had entered through; hoping this new tunnel would yield better results.
Sophia studied the runes carved into a cement block in the wall.  There were once words here but the constant dripping of water had, over time, eroded them away.  She brushed her fingers over the words she couldn’t make out, wishing her fingers could absorb what her eyes couldn’t, a telepathic type of braille.  Sadly, it didn’t work like that, she knew it wouldn’t.  She was a reasonable person, she didn’t even believing in magic.  It’s just the darkness playing tricks with my head.  She continued her search, still unsure of what she needed to find or where she would find it.
She stumbled, almost tripping over something.  She lowered her lantern to see what it was and wished she hadn’t.  One of the skulls had broken loose from the wall and rocked back and forth from her kick.  She looked up again, towards the end of the tunnel and saw it was brighter, the light just barely streaming down into the passageway.  She picked up her pace, carefully looking down making sure not to trip on anything else.  The last thing she needed was a broken ankle and to be stuck down here with only a lantern and a phone with no reception miles below ground.  
The light was dim but even that was too bright for her eyes at first, coming from the near darkness of the catacombs.  She was standing in the middle of a small platform in a much larger tunnel, with entrances surrounding her.  Water was flowing beneath the platform, which she realized was a tiny bridge.  
Maniacal laughter softly rang out from the tunnel behind her.  Quickly Sophia spun around holding out her lantern in front of her.  
There was no one there.  
Again, she heard the laughter but this time at the entrance to her right.  She turned but once again she was met with silence and empty space.  She knew that laugh, she just couldn’t place it.  It was a woman’s laugh despite its deep tone.  She heard it again as if it was right beside her but she knew when she turned her head, no one would be there.  
She knew that laugh...
The lights cut off and she was sent into complete darkness.  It was so sudden it felt like she was falling and she crouched down, hoping to ground her senses. The laughter now surrounded her and she remembered who it belonged to.  
This made no sense.  Alia was in prison, Hugo would have notified her immediately if she was release, or if she had escaped for that matter.  
She was still crouched to the ground when she heard the undeniable sound of rushing water.  
No, no, no, not again this can not be happening again!  she thought in a panic.  
She felt her chest tighten in anxiety; her breaths were short and fast and she knew if she didn’t control it, she would begin to hyperventilate.  She felt the cold water at her knees.  The room was flooding fast.  
She needed to do something.  
She saw a higher platform in the far left corner of the room.  If she could just climb up there, it would give her a few extra moments to keep her lantern dry. She gently threw the lantern up on the ledge and heaved herself up.  She looked along the walls for any indication of a way out.  
Why did I come down here alone?! She mentally asked herself
“But you aren’t alone,” said a voice from the water below.
Sophia was terrified.  She hadn’t said anything out loud.  She had said that in her head.  She looked down and her breath caught in her throat at the sight.
“Kat?” she asked in a scared whispered.
Only Kat’s head, neck, and shoulders were visible, barely, in the darkness as she treaded water.  This made no sense.  How could Kat be here?  Kat was dead, yet here she was.
Kat smiled maliciously at Sophia, reached out her deathly pale hand and grabbed Sophia’s ankle, pulling her into the water.  Water gushed through her nose and mouth as she went under before fighting and breaking the surface, gasping for air.
Sophia struggled to get her leg free, tears were flowing from her eyes and mixed with the water that was surrounding her.  She thrashed and she couldn’t take it anymore.  
She screamed.
Sophia jolted upright, taking a moment to realize it was only a dream.  A horrible, horrible, dream.  She felt a hand on her shoulder and screamed again, not realizing the hand was warm and larger than Kat’s cold, clammy touch.
“Sophia, come here.”  His voice was smooth and even, despite just waking up.
Sophia laid back down and curled into Vincent’s chest and let herself cry.  He held her tight as her body shook with sobs.  He stroked her hair and rubbed her back until she pulled away.
“I’m sorry that I woke you,” she tried to verbalize through hiccoughing sobs.     
“Sophia, you have no reason to apologize.” The way he said her name...she knew it broke him to see her like this.
She didn’t know how to respond to him.  She hated that she kept having these dreams.  She had hoped, since Marion was charged with Kat’s murder and Alia was caught, they would have subsided.  
If anything, they had gotten worse.  
They were part of the reason she found herself so often staying with Vincent, though not the only reason.  Their relationship was a sudden development but not one either of them shied away from.  
As bad as she felt every time she woke him up in the middle of the night, it was a comfort to know he was there when she woke up scared and disoriented, knowing he would hold her like he just did.  She hated relying on him for comfort at night.  She was an adult, she shouldn’t be afraid of the dark; but it was hard when the monsters you dream about were real.
After one of her night terrors, Vincent had gently suggested she talk about the dreams she was having with a professional.  At first she was startled by the idea.  Just because she was having bad dreams didn’t mean she need to see a therapist; things would sort themselves out in their own time.  The dreams didn’t stop though, and they weren’t only hurting her; she could see the pain on Vincent’s face every time she would wake up screaming knowing there wasn’t anything he could do to stop it.  
She knew he would go to the ends of the world to protect her but, the one person he couldn’t protect her from was herself.  
It hurt her to know she was hurting him with something she couldn’t control. Whatever was between them now, she had never felt it for anyone else before. In him, she saw all of the possibilities she always wanted in life, in a partner. Sophia had loved others before, of course, but not like this, not like him.
She wanted this to work.
She realized he was right with his suggestion; she wanted this to stop, needed this to stop.  She realized if she wanted to get better, she needed help.  And there was nothing wrong with asking for said help.
About a week after Sophia made her realization, she had her first appointment with Dr. Lugo, although he insisted she call him Adrian.  It took awhile to warm up to the doctor despite his kind eyes and constant offers for tea during their sessions.  For someone who made a career out of words as a journalist, words were not on her side during her sessions.
Sharing her deepest fears and deepest pains with a stranger was not something that came easily; she hardly talked to the ones closest to her about these issues.  Eventually she warmed up to Dr. Lugo and realized that unless she put in the effort nothing was going to change.  Sometimes she would leave feeling better, like a weight had been lifted from her, and other times she came out withdrawn and exhausted.  On those days, she saw the pain in Vincent’s face, he masked it smoothly, but she knew him well enough to see.  It was etched in the crease of his brows and the tender touches he would place on her shoulder or back when he knew she was struggling.  It was as if he knew anything more than the lightest of touches would cause her to crumble.
The sessions were helping though.  Dr. Lugo taught her a few “tricks” to help her to bring herself out of her lows after intensive sessions.  She also began learning to open up more, not only to the doctor, but to Vincent and her other friends.  She found opening up to Vincent to be less challenging than she expected; in fact, she quite enjoyed talking to him.  He, in turn, opened up to her.
She finally realized how much he truly understood what she was going through.  He told her about his friend Paul, who had been killed in a car accident.  He told her about the disorientation when he realized he was suspended upside down in the car, hanging on only by his seatbelt, the panic and fear he felt when he heard Raphael alternating between yelling Vincent and Paul’s names, and the deep sinking feeling when he saw his best friend bloodied and not breathing.
“When I said i knew your pain, I meant every aspect of it,” he said afterwards, his voice slightly hoarse with emotions he had long since processed and dealt with.
Hearing the emotion in his voice and seeing the sadness behind his eyes filled her with an intense desire to hold him close to her.
The dreams began to ease and it was very rare for her to wake up in the middle of the night afraid anymore.  Despite this, she still stayed over Vincent’s frequently; she had grown accustomed to him sleeping beside her.  It felt strange to be in her own bed on the occasions she couldn’t stay with him.  The other side was cold and empty and made her miss the way their legs tangled together under the covers.
One night after drifting off to sleep, she found herself back in the catacombs. She didn’t have a lantern with her this time; she didn’t need it.  The tunnels were dim but they were considerably brighter than last time.  Making her way through the maze of tunnels, she realized she knew where she was going, as if on autopilot.  She saw the shadow on the wall, the entrance to the alcove of the essence fountain.  The fountain was full of shimmery, luminous liquid.  Sophia stepped closer and looked down in the glow; it was unmistakably the essence.
“Funny, how everything ends up beneath the earth.” Kat said, her words echoing down the tunnel of skulls and bones, truly the words of the dead.
Sophia turned to see Kat standing only a few feet to her left.  She was startled at first but then Kat smiled sweetly at her and extended her hand to lace her fingers through Sophia’s.
“He’s...different than I thought he was when you first met him.”  Kat said, her large brown eyes glued to the essence.  It took Sophia a moment to understand who her best friend was referring to; Kat was talking about Vincent.  “He cares for you, you know.  And you have to let him.  I know you, Sophia, you are...were” she began trying to figure out which word was more accurate but waved it off and continued “my best friend.  You’re headstrong and brave and sometimes a bit too impulsive for your own good.  You don’t need anyone to care for you but he does…” she trailed off.
Sophia knew what Kat was saying was true; she knew Vincent cared for her.  It was evident in everything he did for her and she felt the same way about him.
And she cared for him too.  In a way she never thought possible to care about anyone before.  This...this love was different.  It was all-consuming; not obsessively so, but in the way that ignited her soul, her very person, every time he walked into the room.  Even on her low days, on the days where her sessions dug at her and left her in a fog, everything seemed a little brighter when he was near.
“Sophia, I can tell you for a fact, the time you get with the people you care for is not nearly enough.”  Kat broke Sophia’s train of thought, her gaze serious.  “You need to tell him how you feel because you never know when you will miss your chance.  You’ll never be one-hundred percent ready for anything and waiting until a perfect moment...it could mean never reaching it.  I learned that the hard way.” Kat stated with conviction.
Staring into the well, Sophia felt her eyes fill with tears, understanding that her friend had been taken from life way too early.  When she looked up again, Kat was gone and her hand, without her even realizing, was empty.
It was at that moment she woke up and felt Vincent put his hand on her shoulder.
It didn’t frighten her this time; she welcomed his touch.  The skin on her shoulder warmed under his hand.  She saw the questioning in his eyes, trying to determine what she had just come out of.
“I’m okay,” she told him sleepily before he even had time to ask.
This time, she was okay.  She realized the techniques Dr. Lugo had taught her and opening up had a very positive effect on her.  The juxtaposition of this dream and her last involving Kat made this evident.  Kat, just a few moments ago, was not trying to drown her in dark water but brought her to the luminescent essence.  Kat was telling Sophia it was safe to have the feelings she held for Vincent and she didn’t, and shouldn’t, keep them to herself.  She knew Kat wasn’t trying to speak to her from “the great beyond”; her dream was solely her mind trying to convey to her the desires she was denying herself. There had been many times Sophia had wanted to tell Vincent just how strongly she felt for him but, she always held herself back.  She realized she needed to be brave if she wanted to open herself up completely.  
She was ready to be brave, as ready as she ever could be.   
Sophia opened her eyes that morning, waking before him, for once.  It was early, the sun barely beginning to show itself over the horizon of the city.  She had a hazy memory of a dream from the previous night, of Kat and the fountain, and of her and Vincent barely making it to the bed in exhaustion.  She turned carefully, watching him sleep, his arm fitting right under the crook of her neck. This was the only time he ever looked truly relaxed, she realized, seeing no crease of tension between his brows, no slight clenching of his jaw when he was dealing with negotiations.
He slowly blinked awake when she shifted closer to him and slipped an ankle over his, pressing herself against him.  He kissed her forehead and murmured a good morning before he looked at her face for signs of distress.  
“You’re thinking,” he said, turning to face her on his side, their faces a few inches apart.  
Sophia nodded slowly, pondering her words for a moment.  Words she had held back for months, words she was certain of a long time ago and denied to herself.  She had nothing poetic in mind, nothing long and romantic and contemplative.  Just her feelings.
She looked into his green eyes, her gaze steady as she swallowed.  
“Vincent, I...I love you” she whispered softly.  
She was shocked she actually said those words to him, beyond a doubt they were true.  She was relieved; she had finally confessed her feelings for him. Sophia waited for a moment, searching his eyes for something, anything, her heart deep in her throat and pounding madly until she saw a gentle smile break out across his lips.
He kissed her on the lips, not forcefully but not quite gently either.  It was passionate, caring, conveying so many things at once she wasn’t quite sure where to begin and it made her head spin a little.  
“I love you, Sophia, very much.” He answered, his voice heavy with emotion, his usual mask gone in the half-consciousness of early morning somnolence.
Sophia released a breath she didn’t know she was holding, Vincent’s words ringing in her ears.  She was already relieved to simply say the three words constantly at the tip of her tongue, but to have them returned?  Returned, not out of reflex, but deep emotion, with a gravity that the words alone never quite captured.
He pulled her closer to him as he shifted onto his back, her head resting comfortably on his chest.  Their breaths slowed as they both fell back asleep, held in each other's arms.
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Some 3 am realizations about life, relationships and maybe more?? idk whatever have fun.
Ok before i start on this shit I am going to say it is 3 am and i am just dumping some thoughts like i usually do. Sorry for the shit grammar, disorganized thoughts and all that jazz... In a sense i feel like this is a letter to myself and what i have been trying so damn hard to understand so yeah i am talking to myself and to this website. I think. Idk. i will probably delete this in the morning when i am back on bad bitch mode and go back to posting memes pero por ahora vamos a ver como nos va. Mayb ei will leave it up bc i forget or because i dont care who sees it. sorry for the shitshow of a post you are about to read but you probably already kinda know me so yay! I debated posting this shit because the internet is a wildin place but oh well!!1!!11
ok tumblr it is 3 in the morning and i have 100% regressed into being a 15 years old on this damn website shitposting and reblogging some corny ass posts but it feels right, so here i am attempting to process it through the only form i know how to actually know how to cope with things. I mean memes are cool and all but lets be real, they don’t address the problems. this is the one place i can brain dump all of my thoughts and not really care about where they go because they will eventually disappear in the tumblr algorithm.
My old blog was often the only separation I had between my reality and the life i really wished i had, but now I have that life that I always wanted so why the hell am i back at square one? To be fair, the life that i have right now may not be envied by many but its a pretty darn good life to me. Im safe 99.9% of the time. The other .1% is a story for another day. I have been trying to figure out for months as to why i’m back to being so active on here and now that it’s 3:00am I realize it’s because of self isolation (thanks corona!). 
Let me start off by saying this; my reality is not something I am going to be able to escape. Ever. It has brought me to where i am today, allowed me to meet some really incredible people and i am so so grateful. I have learned so much in the past few years. i am grateful what happened happened. Wild, i know. I escaped it physically but i cannot escape it mentally, at least for now. School, work, writing, dealing with my freshmen’s problems was what kept my brain occupied and away from having to face the part of my life that I really just want to forget. To be fait my trauma response has taken pretty good care of fucking up my memory and all of those fun things but ironically the things i want to forget about so badly are the things i think about every single day without skipping a beat. brains are weird like that.
I am ok now but sometimes i forget and fall back into my new reality. That is ok. People that know my story ask me why i don’t write about it on a public platform because it’s inspiring?? or hopeful?? or whatever cliche people want to use when addressing a topic that makes them uncomfortable and they want to feel better about the life they live. 21 year old latina girl faces adversity and lives the american dream (barely)..i mean, i did run a whole ass magazine and wrote a piece for graduation including some details of my story but that was like the rated g version with only the little sad parts that people are able to handle without feeling like their comfort zone is being violated. MEdia is a wonderful place isnt it???  so i get where they are coming from, but what they dont understand is that an international platform is not where i can share any of these thoughts... Listen, I know this is cryptic and confusing and you are probably really curious about what the hell happened to me but i don’t feel safe to type it out on international platforms with public access. I don’t know if i ever will... Yeah i can talk to people i trust about it because i am in control of the space and the situation and who is obtaining that information but you never really know with the internet. 
maybe in the future i’ll write a book on it. even then i will probably use my alias make it a YA fiction with an added love story that ends in a happy ending. Maybe one day one of the school girl crushes I have will turn into that YA story and i dont have to make any of it up.
If i am honest...this blog is the only safe place i will probably ever have where he wont find me. He can find my school and my address and phone number and work and everything in between because that is just the way things work. Yeah yeah i get it stop posting shit on social media that is how he finds you whatever. What people dont understand is that I cant stop living my life again. I already started so i cant go back to giving him that power. It makes no sense. Also, his family is too confused by all of the ups and downs of the last year that they dont really know where i am going or what i am doing. So anyways, long story short - That’s why i am back on here, because it has become the same written safe haven I had when i was 15 and tried to escape my physical reality. Only difference is that i am trying to manage the mental reality of it all...
I also have so many questions about what to do next. Like i mentioned in another post, i didnt think i would make it to 21 but i did. I didnt think this far ahead so i guess i will just figure it out along the way but hear me out. How do i face a new reality that no one can relate to. At least not the people around me. How do i make friends and know when the “right time” is to tell them hey btw if this happens lmk lol. Even more importantly (because it relates to my future as world famous YA novelist.. lol sure grace...) How do I even date someone??? many questions are tied to that. like... I know theyre going to ask. “what happened?” “who is it?” “how can i help?” “Isnt there something we can do?”. i am more than willing to answer these questions because fuck, if im dating someone i would be curious too.. but do i even answer those questions. How do i know they are ready to handle that kind of information? how can i guarantee theyre not going to leave. How can i know that they arent going to be frightened by what has happened. how do i know they are not going to think differently of me. How do i explain to this person “yeah i have stress nightmares about what happened and when i wake up i think i am back in that situation and not where i live and i have to remind myself i am in a whole different area code but then its fine lol so if we share a bed at any point in time dont be alarmed if i wake up in a panic.” or how do i explain to them when something triggers me and all i can do is freeze because maybe it is him. Maybe he finally found me. but then i am back to reality and move on with my day because that is the only thing left to do. I cant throw myself a shitty pity party thats generic as fuck and i dont have time for it but whatever. moving on. next question. How do i know theyre not gonna walk away because they have the misconception so many people have?? Just because i went through some shit doesnt mean i am unstable or unloveable or whatever bs people think. This isnt going to go away. This shit is a aprt of me but it doesn not define me. it is not who i am.I dont have the option to make it go away but people have the option to pick up their things and go. seems unfair to me sometimes. It seems unfair to generalize people like that. I am always open to a new relationship but people expect me to be sitting at home scared to go out into the world and live my life. I have a life to live and i am so ready to explore it by myself or with someone by my side but quarantine has brought me back on here to deal with the fact that i am back to being stuck inside. Mentally and physically. One sucks less than the other. 
I have so many other questions but i am feeling tired again and its almost 4am so maybe i should go to bed. Y’all dont know how happy i am to have this trash site to vent to in the middle of the night. theres some relly judgy people on here but at least i know my feed wont judge me or try to fix what has happened. it will just listen.
Anyways, i doubt anyone will read this because this post got long as fuck but if you did i give you a high five and a virtual hug for getting through the clusterfuck of sentences. Thanks tumblr. If i ever go viral again on this shitshow of a website i may have to bring back my studyblr and go underground lmfao jk maybe. I cant wait to hug my friends and the people i have met that have become a part of my daily routine (yes even during social isolation, get off my ass I am still socially isolating). All i can do for now is wait for someone who cares about me for me and isn’t scared of my past or the pieces of it that linger in my present. I deserve nothing less. if they cant do that they are not worth my time and i hope they drop their keys every single time they go to open their front door. oh... they also better be ready for the hours i spend typing away my thoughts on my computer. Maybe one day they will be allowed to read them too... lol maybe not. whatever who knows. Peace out kiddos stay healthy xoxo.
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sammyisspazzy · 8 years
Why I Stopped Beauty Blogging After 3+ Years
Back in June, I made a post explaining that due to a hectic summer internship, I would be taking a an unexpected hiatus until September. I haven't made a post since then. It's January. It's not that I haven't thought about writing a post. It's not even that I haven't felt like writing a post. But I sort of dropped off the face of the Earth (even in social media), and I thought you all deserved a reason as to why--or a whole post, in fact.
1. I broke a habit
Yeah, okay. The simplest and most obvious reason. 
For the first time since I started blogging back in March of 2013, this was the longest break I've ever taken. and one of the only breaks I've ever taken. Besides the occasional Finals Week hiatus, I never skipped a week. 
But like anything, once you stop doing something, it's hard to get back into it again. 
My Favorite Things: September 2015
2. It felt like a job
Now we're starting to get into the nitty-gritty. 
When I came home from my internship in September, I found a pile of products from companies sitting on my dresser. Now when I'm working with a company, I like to give the products they send to me a fair trial: a few weeks of testing followed by an objective review. It's never required; it's just something I like to do. It's how I can afford to try so many new products, because like most up-and-coming twenty-somethings, my beauty budget is very slim. 
But when I was three months behind and it all piled up, just thinking about them all sounded like a chore. Which, I know, #FirstWorldProblems, but I like to put the maximum amount of effort into my blog posts, and if I'm not feeling up to it, I know it won't come out to my standards. At first I couldn't explain why I felt that way, but when I thought about it ...
3. I never really felt qualified
I am not a makeup artist. I am not an esthetician. I am merely a beauty enthusiast. And although I may do a ton of research from the above two professionals when compiling blog posts, I do not have the training of either one. It's something I've battled with for a long time. Am I qualified to give someone else advice? Am I reputable? Though I have done an enormous amount of research and have used that to help people and provide recommendations in the past, is it right of me to do so? It's a philosophical question that I've never been able to answer. Besides that, another reason why I've been putting off posting is ...
4. I've never been big on social media
Before I started blogging, I was never a big social media user. It was only when I had to promote blog posts that I started putting work into it. I've always just been of the belief that the majority of strangers on the internet don't care what I have to say, and for the people that do care, I'd rather just have a conversation and tell them one-on-one. When I first started blogging, I was by no means social media savvy by any means. I usually just posted once a week (and not even on all platforms -gasp-) that I'd updated my blog. It wasn't until I really started getting into blogging that I got into marketing. Not having to force it on social media for my blog was a weight off my shoulders (see #2). If you've never had to run active social media accounts across many platforms for a job or blog, you probably won't understand it is to have frequent, captivating content. It's a little exhausting, and probably my least enjoyable part of having a blog. Writing the actual blog posts is only a small portion of actually blogging. But then when I thought about it, even that wasn't the reason why I wasn't posting on my blog. When I thought about it, I realized ...
Greek Goddess Makeup Challenge: Demeter
5. It made me feel shallow
Now I am by no means saying beauty bloggers or fashion bloggers are shallow--I would never. In my 3+ years as a blogger, I have came across many kind, wonderful people in the blogging community. 
But I found that whenever I was explaining my blog to someone in real life, I always felt awkward. It felt superficial, materialistic, trivial. Not everyone is going to be as enthusiastic about your interest as you are, I get it. Some people are going to look down upon it, and it's their right to do so. But during my hiatus, I found that I was starting to feel the same way as them. It all just seemed so pointless to me. I barely had time to apply makeup in the morning when I was an intern, so when I finally got the chance, I didn't care which lipstick I was reaching for. I realized I'm just not as eager to share my beauty knowledge as I used to be. Which leads into my next point:
6. Beauty blogging didn't feel like me
Confession: I have never been a Sammi. My friends have always called my Sam. I will always be Samantha to family. I originally took on the alias Sammi because I thought it sounded more feminine--and that's what you want for a beauty blog right? Plus, I found it was easier to differentiate personal and work emails from blog emails just by reading the salutation. It kind of become an alternate version of myself. When marketing blog posts, I tried to channel them through Cheerful and Upbeat Sammi. Now I've always considered myself a sensible person; the Responsible Friend. This is not to say that responsible people don't wear makeup, but I've always felt that my personality and my values didn't connect with the beauty blogger persona that I exhibited. Not that I ever lied (and there are plenty of people who will still describe me as cheerful and upbeat) but social media and blogging as a whole always felt sort of forced to me. In order to capture people's interests, especially when promoting something, you have to act positive. I'm not always positive; nobody is. (see #4) As much as I love sharing the fun, little things with you, I also want to share the bad things. The sad things. The life-changing things. My deep thoughts and dreams. Things that matter to me. And although I still enjoy beauty and skincare, perhaps it doesn't matter as much to me as it used to. Because all in all...
Rainy Day Manicure: Trust Fund Beauty in Elegantly Wasted
7. I've changed
Three and a half years is a long time, especially when you're only 23. I've done a lot of growing up and maturing in that time. I graduated from college. I've transitioned from College Student to New Adult. A lot has happened in my life. 
When I started this blog, I was wearing makeup daily and always put effort into my appearance. It was just a fun hobby I enjoyed. But nowadays, my work in theatre always has me in some sort of uniform (paint clothes, all black, etc). I never find a reason to wear makeup on the regular, and if I'm not wearing any, I have nothing new to share. As much as I enjoy beauty, I hardly have a reason (or motivation) to indulge. And being that this blog is solely a beauty blog, there' nothing else that I can really share.
I've always thought that not having a specific niche would hold me back as a blogger and not capture as much interest, but I think this time around, I just want to write for me. If beauty companies don't want to send me products, that's okay. If my follower count drops, that's okay, too. But I want to keep blogging! I've worked so hard on creating my little part of the internet that I don't want to see it all go to waste. And I truly do enjoy blogging: the photographing, the connecting, the writing. 
I have so many interests besides beauty: cooking, writing, reading, music, drawing, painting, theatre. Not only that, but there are so many current events and general lifestyle issues that I'd love to talk about on here, because what's the purpose of a platform if you don't use it for the greater good, right? I'll probably still stick some beauty in here once in awhile, but I would really love this blog to be fully encompass me, on all sides. 
I really want to get back into the swing of things and blogging at least once a week, but I'd like to do a rebranding first. Change my theme, my domain, decide what I'm going to blog about. I'm leaning towards making this a general lifestyle blog so I can sprinkle a bit of everything in here. But I promise I won't be gone forever! 
I'll also still be poking around my favorite corners of the internet, and you're always welcome to contact me through any of my social media if you have any questions or just want to chat (I still lurk on them, even if I don't always post). One thing I've missed about not blogging is you guys! Interacting with you all is one of my favorite parts, and I don't think that will ever change. 
But for now, that's where we're at. Full disclosure. It feels good! I've had a lot of these things floating around in my brain for awhile.  
If this blog wasn't solely about beauty anymore, do you think you'd stick around?
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