#tmnt snake leonardo
obsessedwrhys · 4 months
Hello, could you create a headcanon for ROTTMNT where Leo and Donnie, separately, fall in love with a female reader who can transform into a giant white snake
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ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ fluff, no angst, bunch of goofiness, fem reader!!
When he met you, he thought you were just a simple human April had introduced to him and his brothers.
So when you suddenly transformed into a giant white snake to help the brothers fight against the foot clan, it threw him off guard.
He was completely drawn towards your snake form. The head was adorned with intricate patterns and your eyes glistened like twin emeralds. He could feel himself being lured into a hypnosis everytime he stares into them.
Of course that doesn't mean he likes your human form any less.
Once he finally got to know you properly, he couldn't help but fall for you HARD.
You were naturally quiet but the moment you talk to someone you were comfortable with or trusted very much, you would just beam with this beautiful glow as you talked about your favourite topic.
That's what Leo finds so fascinating about you.
After learning some of your interests or hobbies, he would always purposely ask you about a certain thing related to it just to see that joy on you. Your smile was infectious that he would sometimes fail to notice himself smiling while listening to you talk.
He also realised you would hiss whenever you were frustrated or felt threatened, you say that it's a hard habit to let go even when you were in your human form. It was just your instincts.
He doesn't mind much about it but he can't help but find it adorable when you'd hiss at someone just because they wanted one piece of the potato chips you were enjoying.
Since you curl up everytime you sleep, you'd constantly be found sleeping on one of the sofas curled up like a snake would. Leo once stumbled upon you in that state and was concern on whether or not if your back hurts sleeping like that for such a long time.
That's why the next time you went to your usual spot to nap, you'd find it filled with blankets and pillows for you to snuggle with. You didn't know who it was but seeing the familiarity of the pillows, you knew immediately it was Leo.
All these little moments shared between you both, Leo would storm up ideas of the right way to confess his feelings to you.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity that he wouldn't dare miss!!
That is why he decided to ask you out to Run of the Mill Pizza. The first reason being that he'll feel most confident if he has his buddy Hueso there to provide some support and the second reason being him wanting to treat you to some good pizza.
The night went on just fine, you were laughing and enjoying yourself. After dinner was over, he had insisted to take you to a good spot to enjoy the city view. To your surprise the rooftop of the building was decorated with flowers.
As you examined the flowers clearly planted by the owner of the place, you failed to notice Leo who had a bouquet in his hand. It was when you turn around that you finally see it, the roses being the same shade as the blush on his face.
"Oh Leo... you didn't have to"
"Well it's worth it if I get to see that killer smile of yours. Besides, I know I'm probably not the most romantic guy, but I'd like to try" He said and you raise an eyebrow at him, a bit taken back.
"What are you trying to say here?"
"I guess what I'm trying to say is that you've captured the heart of a charming, witty, and incredibly handsome man like myself. Is it too much to ask for yours?"
He'd look at you with a smirk to try to cover up his anxiousness, you couldn't help but laugh as you accept his confession. You can imagine how overjoyed he was when he picked you up and swung you around in his arms.
Which is why you'll have to get use to his terrible dad jokes about your snake abilities. It comes with the love.
"Hey hey (Y/N), what do you call a snake that can't make up its mind?"
"I don’t know, what is it?"
"A hesssssitate!"
Insert him laughing to himself as he slaps his knee.
He's a flirty boy. Not to mention very cheesy at it, he chose to nickname you 'Sapphire' because of your eyes. Just imagine him going around being "Oh my Sapphire" or "My sweet Sapphire" whenever he's talking to you. It drives his brothers insane.
Nonetheless, he thinks that you are the most venomfully gorgeous girl he has ever seen. His words, not mine.
When April had introduced you to the group, he was fascinated with your whitish hair. He was curious whether or not if it was genetics.
The second you had transformed into a giant white snake to save the brothers out of a messy fight. He was completely blown away.
Your scales shimmered like a thousand tiny diamonds and your movements were both fluid and swift. Watching you fight was mesmerising like a scene out of a fantasy movie.
Naturally, after the fight was over and that you've all returned to the lair. He was the first to ask you about your snake form, just imagine the gleam in his eyes as he scribbles down all the information you provided him with.
Just when he thought he has studied everything Yokai, the world ceases to surprise him.
He'd definitely be very analytical once he has your consent to study your snake abilities. But soon his simple idea of coming up with a hypothesis would turn into him getting to know you better.
Despite being cold-blooded, you were the most kindest person he has ever met. You were the type of person to stop whatever it is that you were doing just to help an injured bird. It was a trait he liked about you.
Now back to the hair, when you had finally told him it was genetics due to your snake form, he was amazed by it. It just looked so good on you you know. That's why whenever you're talking to him, you'd always catch his eyes trailing up to your hair to admire the way it moves and looks.
Seeing how you were unbelievably captivating like a myth, he found himself falling deeply in love with you.
Using any excuses he could to spend time with you. His brothers could sense his eagerness to be around you so obviously they would sometimes tease him about his little crush on you, that is surprisingly something you still had no idea about.
You would offer to be in your snake form for him to examine every detail about it. He had to admit, he was afraid to approach you the first time but after some getting use to, he felt more comfortable to touch the scales on your body. It was hard as expected but your belly? It was EXTREMELY SOFT!! You once giggled from how ticklish it felt and he couldn't help but swoon.
Which brings the reason why he is so devoted to make you laugh. It's like music to his ears!!
That's why every now and then you guys would exchange funny memes and videos you'd find online. He prefers to do it in person so he could see your reaction. The way your expression changes as your lips start to curve upwards is what satisfies him the most.
SO WORTH IT!!! He'd always tell himself.
After what seemed to be days, he finally convinced himself to confess his feelings towards you. The problem however is that he struggles with his words, which is ironic considering he's the smartest out of his brothers.
That's why he came up with an idea. He IS smart.
It was a normal day, you were in your apartment simply scrolling through your laptop until a virtual mail with a heart shaped wax seal popped up from the corner of the screen.
At first you were afraid it was a stupid virus you accidentally installed until you see the words 'From Donnie' displayed next to it. Feeling assured, you clicked on it.
Thats when your screen was covered by confetti, you chuckled as you see hearts also floating around the opened mail. You then began to read what was written.
"Hey (Y/N), do you know how sometimes you see a picture of a fluffy kitten, and your heart just melts? Or how you hum along to a song even though you have no idea what the words mean? That's kind of how I feel around you. Just… happy. Feeling of belong... to put it short, I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'm kind of falling for you. But no pressure of course!! No expectations!! Just wanted to get that off my chest!! But it wouldn't hurt to ask if you felt the same. Do you feel the same??"
Your heart practically melt by his confession and right below contained two boxes. One writes 'Yes' and the other 'No'.
After a quick minute of consideration and freaking out, you pressed yes. You laugh when a white snake began to slither out and blow you a kiss.
At the other side of the city, the moment Donnie received the answer back from his computer, he almost fell out of his seat from pure shock. YOU SAID YESS?? YOU DIDN'T MISS CLICK RIGHT???
Once the relationship became official, he'd definitely be more affectionate towards you, but he gets easily flustered when it's you who initiate it.
So get use to being showered with gifts because this man expresses his love better with his actions 😚
To put it simply, he worships you and gives you the appreciation you long deserve, from head to toe 'til the end of time.
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rhinocio · 2 years
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famous last words
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meocartdis · 11 months
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The snake accepts
Old drawing and old headcanon that Leo is a fan of snakes and thinks they’re cool. I’ll still take this headcanon but it’s a silly one XD
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hitwiththetmnt · 7 months
Snaky bois what is ur reaction?
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(raph was a fail I need redraw him)
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Love when people make cool alt animal or species AU’s!
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1tsuzukiagami7 · 5 months
Leonardo dart frog and Raphael snake
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They … are alive ?
They are alive …
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tmntphantom · 1 year
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uhm. okay
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yeah alright. thats cool
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enthblaze · 2 years
i need to stop saying "headcanon" when talking about snakenardo / snake leo au when im Literally the writer, everything i say is true if i want it to be
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fabuloustrash05 · 1 year
Missed opportunity in the 2012 x 1987 crossover arc in season 5 to have Karai transform into her mutant snake form during the battle and have 87 Leo freak out when he sees her because he’s terrified on snakes.
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sabindark · 2 years
What would happen if Leo had been mutated into a serpent instead of Karai?
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the-vagabond-angel · 1 year
Characters that are so soso me coded!!!
Tagged by: @pinkestpigglet and @nightcolorz
Armand (The Vampire Chronicles): do I really have to explain this, I can go into major heavy detail about how I am literally Armand, I MIGHT JUST MAKE A WHOLE POST ABOUT IT IF I FEEL SO INCLINED (I THINK I WILL)
Lestat de Lioncourt (The Vampire Chronicles): I’m a little bit of a slut I won’t even lie and I death sleep after every single inconvenience, I will see an emo man with the world’s most depressing demeanor and lose my shit and froth at the mouth and need to make him mine
Ghostface (Scream Franchise): I am just a silly fella who enjoys horror movies! Seriously I could talk for hours about slashers and all that, my boo boo bears my whittle itty bitty guys (they r grown men)
Snake (Powerpuff Girls): I have big ass gap in my two front teeth that make me hiss on my S’s (just like him!!!!) also he’s a little bit of a dumbass and so am I lmao
Mikey (TMNT 2003 and 2012): I AM SUCH A SILLY GUY I have ADHD and I’m funny and I’m always trying to give things goofy nicknames, I make everyone laugh!!!!!! He was most definitely my earliest “that’s so me” character if not my first (I was 7 when the 2012 show came out and had yet to be on the internet yet lmao)
Leo (TMNT 2018): BEFORE I WAS ARMAND, I was Leo and that’s because of tmnt Leo!!!! He’s so silly and charismatic but also secretly very afraid of failure and wants to do good!!!!! Twin!!!!!!
And whoever else wants to do this :P!!
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Okay yeah I have the basics of Viper Leo AU set up does anyone want to ask something about it to get me goin or nah should I just pretend I got an ask and post it crude with my uncomprehensible sketches and dubious quality fanart?
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tyeballz · 2 years
cw bug guts, veins under cut (its only a sketch atm)
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tmntficposting · 2 years
‘ His Son. ‘
Pairings: None
Summary: Raphael has exactly a single heartbeat to glance upwards, a single heartbeat to notice the figure hurtling towards his two siblings, a single heartbeat to watch as Leo uses all of his momentum to grab Karai and fling her to safety, where she collides harshly against the furthest left wall and slides down, unresponsive.
A single heartbeat to see the gleaming silver gauntlets raised high.And when that single heartbeat is over, Leonardo is falling towards the vat of mutagen.
Or; what if Leo got mutated instead of Karai?
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turtlethon · 2 years
“Snakes Alive!”
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Season 6, Episode 13 First US Airdate: December 5, 1992
The emergence of a half-man, half-snake villain forces Leonardo to confront his deepest fears.
“Snakes Alive!” is the thirteenth episode of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles season six. David Wise is the writer of this story, concluding a stretch of back-to-back episodes written by the show’s most prominent contributor.
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In the training area of the Lair, Leonardo presses Splinter about the one combat move that, until now, the Turtles have not been taught. Some hilarious animation follows as Splinter agrees and demonstrates the viper attack, limbo-ing around before launching himself at his student. Leo makes a couple of attempts to perform the move himself, failing each time, and is offended after it’s suggested he may have “some hidden fear” stopping him from doing the move.
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Joining the team in the living room area, Leonardo watches a report by April about the theft of 600 snakes from a reptile house. After nervously declining to view any more of the coverage, the leader of the team heads over to the bookcase, where Donatello suggests they might learn more about the crime by reading an illustrated book about snakes. In the kitchen, Mikey and Raph find the sink to be blocked, and request the use of the [drain] snake from Donatello, the mention of which unsettles Leonardo further.
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The group head up to the surface to begin investigating the robbery, with Leonardo doing everything in his power to avoid having to deal with the task at hand. Our heroes spot a technology firm’s premises being raided, and make their way into the building to confront the robbers. Inside they find a group of snakes, which somehow seem to have been carrying out orders to steal the items. Leo continues to go out of his way to not get involved, unable to bring himself to tell the other Turtles about his crippling fear. This leaves Donnie, Mikey and Raph to handle things themselves, placing a tracking device on one of the snakes so that the team can follow it back to its home base.
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April and a reluctant Vernon are also looking into the snake theft story, patrolling the city in one of Channel 6’s news vans. Along the way, they happen to witness Pinky McFingers and his two underlings breaking into a sporting goods store to steal diving equipment. The two reporters decide to track Pinky’s car to learn what’s going on. Meanwhile the Turtles follow their captured snake back to its home in the abandoned botanical gardens. Michaelangelo, Raphael and Donatello find themselves surrounded by snakes, and look to Leonardo for help. It’s at this point that the team leader finally declares that “snakes scare the living daylights out of [him]”. He goes on to faint, falling through the floor in the process.
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Act two opens with Mikey, Donnie and Raph being captured by the snakes and dragged away. Leonardo comes around and realises that the others are in trouble, but becomes overwhelmed by the thought of facing an army of snakes. He flees the scene only to run face-first into the side of the news van. April explains to Leonardo that the robbery carried out by Pinky led her, along with Vernon, to the botanical gardens as well.
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Inside, Pinky and his men are seen talking to Cobrato, a mysterious figure with a Cobra Commander-like voice whose face remains obscured by a hood. The mob boss is ordered to place a machine Cobrato has assembled in the east river, heating up the water so that the snakes can thrive. April, Vernon and Leonardo spot the mobsters leaving in their car and decide to track them once again.
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Fourth-wall breaks are part-and-parcel of the 1987 TMNT experience, but what happens next must be the first time we’ve ever had a scene that seems to exist entirely to have a character address the viewers at home. Splinter is in the Lair having a vision of Leonardo’s current predicament. He recaps the story so far, before appearing to stare into the camera and telling us that “to conquer one’s fears, one must face them, not run away”. Yeah, we get it already, thanks for contributing absolutely nothing here, Splinter.
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Leonardo confronts Pinky and his men at the pier, easily defeating and restraining them. The mobster informs Leo that Rudolph Cobrato is the man behind the operation, but refuses to say more than that; the shadowy villain’s machine has now been successfully deployed in the river. As Cobrato begins heating up the water from his headquarters, the Turtles listen in from the large glass cage restraining them. Realising that the cage is held down only by a series of bolts, the team begin the slow process of freeing themselves, using Michaelangelo’s grappling hook as a makeshift screwdriver.
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As Pinky is taken away by the police, April learns from Channel 6’s files that Rudolph Cobrato was a famed herpetologist, an expert on all things snake-related who went missing the previous year following a laboratory accident involving snake venom. From April’s perspective, the only thing left to do is return to the botanical gardens, a suggestion that forces Leonardo to admit to her his phobia of snakes. Vernon takes this opportunity to laugh in Leo’s face, declaring him to be a “scaredy turtle”, but backs down after being confronted with the prospect of dealing with the snakes himself.
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At April’s suggestion, Leonardo returns to the Lair to seek guidance from Splinter in dealing with his phobia. Leo is told that hypnosis is off the table, as it would place him in danger should it wear off. Splinter attempts to reframe this as an opportunity for his student to face and overcome his deepest fear, but Leonardo remains reluctant. Meanwhile Cobrato’s device has heated up the water enough that temperatures in the city are also increasing, with April and Vernon seen struggling with the heat back in the newsroom.
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A fatigued and beleaguered Leonardo wanders the streets mulling over his options, still not ready to take on Cobrato. Out on the town, too, are a trio of children just hanging out in New York by themselves at night. The kids are star-struck upon seeing THE Leonardo from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and encourage him to do something about the worsening temperatures. When he reluctantly declines, the group respond by calling him a chicken. Somehow this is enough to finally snap Leo out of it – I guess it just hits different coming from his young admirers than it does coming from Vernon. The kids cheer Leonardo on as he leaves for a final confrontation with Cobrato.
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Leonardo charges through the botanical gardens, initially losing his nerve after finding himself face-to-face with the snakes. Remembering Splinter’s earlier advice about finding courage, he presses on, ultimately finding himself able to get past the snakes and overcome his fear. Cobrato is ready to do battle with the Turtle, revealing his true form as a half-man, half-snake, the result of his botched venom experiment. Now, the villain declares, he is both one with the serpents and acts as their ruler. He explains that the tropical environment caused by his device will be perfect for his snakes but will prove intolerable for humans, forcing them to flee the city. Getting his shots in, Cobrato adds that snakes “are superior to turtles in every way”. This is enough to enrage Leonardo, initiating a physical struggle between the two reptiles. Using the viper manoeuvrer, Leo knocks his enemy to the ground, going on to tie him up.
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Donnie, Mikey and Raph have almost managed to free themselves when Leonardo arrives, opening the door from the outside. When quizzed as to how he got past the snakes, the team’s leader explains that he’s learned “fears are just in our minds, and we have the power to overcome them”. The Turtles are about to sabotage the machine controlling the thermal device when Cobrato attacks once more. Leonardo hurls the villain into a control panel, and a resulting electrical shock transforms the snake-man back into his regular human form. Devastated by the loss of his powers, Cobrato tries ordering his snakes to attack the Turtles, but they no longer listen to him; Instead, he finds himself briefly trapped in his own cage with the serpents before being pulled back out. Donatello goes on to destroy the controls for the thermal device, restoring temperatures to normal.
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Back in the Lair, Splinter congratulates Leonardo for overcoming his fear. The leader of the team invites the other Turtles to join him in watching “Killer Snakes from Outer Space” on TV, but after their experience everyone reluctantly declines. Left by himself, Leo concedes that even if he isn’t afraid of snakes anymore, he still doesn’t have to like them.
“Snakes Alive!” is a surprisingly well-handled exploration of phobias for an episode of a Saturday morning cartoon from more than thirty years ago; while Leonardo does receive some mockery for his fears ultimately everyone involved, even Vernon, winds up admitting that his feelings are understandable. More than that, what impresses me here is how well this works in relation to Leonardo’s character, specifically: having played the role of the “fearless leader” for so long, his reluctance to be honest with his friends about his anxieties (and the sense that perhaps they would think less of him) is entirely understandable. In that sense, this is a story uniquely suited for him, working in a way that it wouldn’t to the same degree with the other Turtles.
Rudolph Cobrato further confirms my suspicions that the TMNT crew is finally getting to grips with creating additional villains outside of Shredder & Company. His mutated design (with concealed snake form) recalls King Hiss from Masters of the Universe, as well as The Lizard from Spider-Man, and is one of those rare villains that originate in the cartoon but feel like they could work within the gaudier Turtles action figure line by Playmates; in fact, an unrelated and much more extravagant snake villain called Scale Tail would join the range in the same year that this show was initially broadcast. Having served his purpose by the end of the episode in allowing Leonardo to overcome his fear, it comes as no surprise that Cobrato is de-mutated here, never to appear again. So long Rudolph, we hardly knew ye.
Symbolically, it feels fitting that the fantastical Cobrato is paired with Pinky McFingers, who over the course of the last three seasons has become Turtlethon’s official poster boy for mediocre villains. Pinky’s usage has been telling, as he began as a stand-alone bad guy in “Raphael Knocks ‘em Dead” and was presented as capable enough to screw over the Rat King in “Donatello’s Duplicate”, but his star would fall rapidly after that, his remaining appearances all having him either act in service of another more powerful villain or being easily defeated. His departure from the series here closes the door on the recurring mob boss archetype: as the Turtles struggle to retain viewers in the face of fresh competition in the next few years (and the number of episodes CBS order each season continues to decrease), there’ll be little room to accommodate such characters moving forward.
Three episodes remain in this season for us to explore; of these, the final two are both from new writers, but before then we have another adventure from series regular Jack Mendelsohn to cover, as Michaelangelo goes back to the pet shop for “Polly Wanna Pizza”.
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terrapin-might · 1 month
Guys my computer crashed so hard I almost cried
luckily it's fine (for now...) If this computer goes kaput I'm done for, so it's taking a little break. Just text post for a minute I guess
Anyway here's Casey having a no good terrible very bad day cause he's having visions he's (almost) helpless to stop (yippee!)
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Will definitely be redrawing this, it was a random doodle but I can definitely make it good, I see the vision (heh get it?)
With my computer almost on the fritz these are traditional except for the Casey drawing I made it a week ago, feels good to draw traditionally again but not when I'm forced to (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
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I have to redo these digitally, they're already pretty good BUT YOU CAN'T FUCKING SEE THAT ARGH MY NEED FOR PERFECTION IS FROTHING AT MOUTH IN ANGUISH—
Anyhoo, The lovely @inkyrainstorms asked me to tag them when I made art of this little idea of mind so here you go! (Sorry the Leo ones are so blurry 🥲) If any of you wanna be tagged next time as well you can ask, I don't mind :)
And if you have any ideas on what I can name this au please tell me, remember it's inspired by Epic the musical and The prophet Cassandra so anything related to those are definitely welcome!
Also guys while looking at epic animatics for inspiration I found a rise animatic to horse and the infant! Can't believe this amazing person stole my idea 11 months before I thought about it :(/j
Their name is @/heishikeki here on Tumblr and heishi_keki on youtube where I found their awesome animatic, if you like rise and epic please give it a watch it's so good 🙏🏾
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