#donnie is a snake-necked turtle
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tmntphantom · 1 year ago
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uhm. okay
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yeah alright. thats cool
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rainy-doe · 2 years ago
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more of the unfinished au thing
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chaos-potat · 11 months ago
My hand slipped and I made my own Tmnt iteration
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The Chaos Crew (placeholder name) I'm making character intros and more designs but here's just what I've got so far, things might change since this is just a first draft I've been working on this au for around two years so I have a lot of story packed in here
edit: I forgot to mention what type of turtle they are
Raph is a yellow blotched map turtle Leo is a pink bellied side-necked turtle Donnie is a Brazilian snake-necked turtle Mikey is a Mississippi diamondback terrapin
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the-cauldron-witch · 5 months ago
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It has been some time since I've finished a piece of art, but here she is!! My darling Myrtha! Name: Myrtha Age: Unknown, estimated over a hundred. Species: Roti Island snake-necked turtle
Story of her below!
@thelaundrybitch @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos @redsrooftopprincess @iridescentflamingo @sophiacloud28 @yorshie @ninnosaurus @silverwatergalaxy @truffle-draws-turtles @thepinkpanther83 @avery73
The pattering of heavy rain pouring down by the sheets against the Tartarugo Brother’s dump truck echoed inside the otherwise quiet vehicle. Wipers furiously waving back and forth to wipe away the droplets attempting to obscure Donnie’s vision of the dirt road ahead, the asphalt having been left behind about half an hour ago now. The radio had lost all signal to the stations in their usual line-up, leaving the four brothers in relative silence.
“Alright, we’re going to need to park up here, otherwise the truck will probably sink into the mud too much for us to get out. The weather certainly isn’t on our side on the matter,” Donnie announced to his brothers over the sounds of the storm battering the truck, spying a decent opening ahead between two large trees just to the left of the dirt road. Nestling the massive dump truck between the two massive American sycamores, Donnie cut the engine before shoving the key into the safety of one of his cargo pockets and zipped it shut.
“We’re going to need to leave through the back,” Donnie told Leo, nudging his leg gently. Shoving the youngest brother’s legs out of his lap Raph stood up, throwing open the back doors and hopping out, feet landing with a wet squish. A shudder wracked through his shell at the feeling. Jamming his phone into his basketball shorts pocket Mikey popped out of the truck with a hop, followed by Leo then Donnie who slammed the door shut and locked up.
“Are we sure ‘bout all this? All April said was that a lotta people were tellin’ the news station of someone scarin’ away hunters and hikers,” Raph questioned gruffly, having to raise his voice slightly over the downpouring rain. Lightning shattered the blackened skies followed by a low rumble of thunder vibrating the air, the gusts of wind turning the droplets into stinging projectiles. “Fer all we know it’s some jackass in’a ghillie suit gettin’ a laugh��
“She didn’t say someone, she said something. Whatever it is April is pretty sure it’s not human,” Leo stated flatly, turning his head so that the rain didn’t pelt his face.
“Angel cakes wouldn’t have us come out here for something that stupid anyway, I bet my board on it,” Mikey defended April with an affirming nod to no one in particular, looking up just as another scatter of lightning shattered the sky with brilliant light fading into the clouds. It was bad enough they had to trudge through the ass-smelling swamp, the added awful weather seemed unnecessary in the youngest’s opinion.
“Reviewing all the information April gave me, plus tapping into the wildlife cameras put up by conservationists, whatever is hiding within the swamp terrorizing people walks similarly to humans but is at least twice or more the size,” Donnie reported, looking down at the device attached to his wrist. Pressing one of the buttons, a small hologram displayed of a clearing recorded somewhere within the swamp, “April wanted us to check it out because of this video that was sent in of it. It’s the only video that shows it clearly for more than a few seconds,”
From the shadows beyond the cameras’ sight lumbered in a rather large figure, slowly trudging into view through the murky water and thick mud. The creature walked upright with a very visible hunch and a short and clumsy gait, one of its arms clutching onto a hiking staff with a lantern hanging off the curled top. Dirty and discarded fabrics were draped over or wrapped around the figures frame, obscuring the camera of any further details.
“Um…where the hell is its head?” Mikey questioned, growing increasingly unsettled as the video played. The draped fabrics shifted awkwardly as the creature shambled its way closer, standing just a few yards away from the camera now. It stopped, the fabrics shifting and rising in an awkward fashion, as though something in the middle of its body lifted the sheet. Bending over shakily, the lantern swaying back and forth as it gripped the staff for stability, the things other arm reached into the water and pulled out a stone.  With one flick of its wrist, the creature launched the rock with laser like accuracy at the camera and promptly cut off the video.
“What the fuck?” Raph muttered in disbelief.
“Whatever that is, it definitely isn’t human,” Leo stated, pausing long enough to let the clash of lightning and thunder roll out. “Do we have any areas where that thing is frequently sighted?” He questioned the taller brother.
“I narrowed down all the sightings and reports to one specific area. Once we get there, we can split up and comb the area more carefully” Donnie reported, turning off the finished hologram video and opening the map. “I already have all the wildlife, trail and security cameras displaying a feedback loop for anyone other than myself. Park rangers closed off all camping sites and hunting trails until they figure out what this thing is, so we should be completely alone out there. Well, besides whatever we’re searching for”
“Alright, turn on your coms and trackers just in case we get separated or go off course in the swamp. I don’t think the weather is going to get any better from here on out,” Leo instructed as he began following Donnie’s lead, wincing against the bite of the rain.
The rain settled into a steady rhythm as the four brothers ventured into the swamp, following a path worn into the earth by time and many footsteps. Raph grimaced as he brought up the rear, the feeling of the muck and gravel beneath his bare feet sending spikes of repulsion through his very being with every step. With each step he could hear the mud squelch under his feet even with the rain.
“Alright, we just need to go northwest for two clicks, and we’ll be in the general area with the most frequent sightings. I set up a program on my computer to keep the trail cameras running with the feedback loop and alert me if the creature triggers the motion sensors,” Turning in the direction his GPS instructed Donnie began leading them off the worn path and into the thick of the swamp, each step bringing the rather tall terrapin down an inch into the mud and water. The gentle sloshing from each step his brothers took turned his stomach a little, finally working up the nerve to follow Raph began walking after his brother and shuddered with every wet step.
“You guys see that?” Mikey questioned suddenly, his voice cutting through the heavy droning of the rain. Following the youngest brother’s line of sight Leo, Donnie, and Raph peered through the rain the best they could. A variety of lures dangled and danced from invisible fishing line weaved between two tall trees, like the pattern of a spider’s web. Light reflected off the many fishing hooks, various shreds of fabric dangling as remnants of past victims having been caught by the hidden trap. Adjusting his crooked glasses and blinking in disbelief, Donnie studied the hand-made web curiously.
“That’s…interesting,” Donnie mumbled, unsure what to make of this. Whatever made this did it with the knowledge that A: spiders were something feared and B: how to utilize discarded fishing line and lures to make a web.
“What could have done this?” Leo stuttered, shaking his head and glancing around himself as the paranoia began to tighten his chest.
“I don’t know…but it’s definitely meant to keep people away, not capture them,” Donnie cautiously began walking in the direction the GPS directed, keeping his eyes peeled for other fishing-line spider webs. Taking a few steps closer to inspect the web, Mikey poked and pulled a few of the lures, one of them shaped like a fish and another shaped like some strange cricket like bug.
“This is getting weird bro,” Mikey stated to Raph, turning to join the grimacing brother in following Donnie’s lead.
Another ten minutes of trudging in the disgusting thickness of the swamp, passing at least four or five more fishing-line webs, Leo began noticing some trail markers as they continued. Long, thick, and carved-smooth sticks jutted from stones piled to hold it up or a mound of earth sturdy enough to hold it. Stained with natural pigments, decorated with ropes tied around the top and midsection, or wrapped with a piece of scrap clothing, the markers varied in decoration as they continued. The further they walked, the closer together the trail markers stood.
“Alright, we’re in the general area with the most sightings. So far, none of the wildlife cameras have…” Cutting off his own sentence, Donnie stopped dead in his tracks with a strangled noise. “What the fuck…” he whispered, blood running cold in his veins.
 This wasn’t right, there was absolutely no way he was seeing this. Pressing the screen of his wrist device, the hologram displayed the view from one of the trail cameras. Standing directly within view, somehow not alerting the motion sensors on the camera, was the very creature they were searching for. The sheets of torn fabric draped over the hunched form moved strangely, something lifting from the bottom again. Two glowing rings peered from the shadow under the sheets, the things head was hanging closer to its midsection rather than its shoulders as normal. Whatever this was, it moved in such a slow and careful way it hadn’t set any of the sensors off.
“What tha hells yer problem, Don?” Raph demanded through gritted teeth; fists gripping around his Sai as he waded through a particularly thick patch of mud. Did Leo or Donnie even tell him to wear shoes, or that they were going out in a god damned swamp of all places? Not that the smell differed much, but at least in the sewers he could find a way around the filth. Even if he climbed a tree to avoid the muck that he was currently ankle-deep in, Raph was positive his weight would uproot the tree from the waterlogged ground itself.
“Donnie?” Leo called with worry, stopping in his tracks once noticing the tallest brother had gone silent. There was no answer, just the orchestra of chirping or croaking of amphibians and other critters living within the swamp. Donnie shook his head; it wasn’t possible that the creature knew they were looking for it by staring into a camera.
No. No this thing was smart. It must have been watching them from the very beginning and knew they could see it through the camera. It was toying with them. He didn’t register what way his legs started moving, simply trotting towards his older brother’s voice to show him the live camera footage. His heart sunk further into the pit of his stomach as something taught caught Donnie’s shin beneath the dark water. The invisible twine snapped, setting off a chain reaction of wooden wind chimes dropping from their branches within the trees.
“Shit…It knows!” Donnie swore over the terrible clattering of the hollow wooden windchimes. Compared to the usual serenade of windchimes on a gentle breeze, the hollow wooden chimes dancing in the blustering wind made nothing but a hollow racket. His wrist device beeped loudly, alerting the movement in front of the camera sensors. Bending down to reach into the mud the creature grabbed a large rock. With a flick of its wrist, the creature shattered the camera and cut the feed.
“The fuck do ya mean ‘it knows’, what’s it know!?” Raph snapped, head whipping around in search of the threat. Donnie and Leo stood off to his right with Mikey to his left only a few feet away. Brandishing his weapons in each hand Raph steadied his breath, readying himself for an ambush or attack from afar.
“It knows we’re here in the swamp, it must have been watching us from a distance the entire time!” Donnie barked loudly, “The wind chimes are a goddamn alarm system!” Cursing under his breath Donnie swiped away the broken footage and tapped to open multiple windows. The other feeds continued to play the live camera, yet the creature never reappeared. If the creature was smart enough to set booby-traps to alert it of intruders and memorized the location of each wildlife camera within the swamp, there was a high chance that it also mapped out the quickest route around them to get to their location without being caught.
The sound of mud and water rapidly sloshing in the distance echoed off the trees from all angles, making it almost impossible to discern which direction the threat rushed at them from. Pulling out his nunchaku Mikey turned his head rapidly, eyes darting as he tried to find his unseen target within the trees. Between the disorienting sounds of the storm and the natural sounds from the swamp’s inhabitants, it was impossible to figure out which direction the creature was charging from. Movement from the corner of his eye caught his attention and Mikey swung his nunchaku, ricocheting a stone aiming for his head.
“Shit, where is it?” Mikey shouted, trying to catch sight of whatever launched that rock. Just as quickly as the wading footsteps rushed in their direction, they vanished behind the natural sounds around them. Steadying his breath while silently unsheathing his katanas Leo’s stood perfectly still, trying to listen for any possible movement. A clash of thunder and lightning roared through the swamp, blinding their senses for a second long enough for the creature to make a move. There was a wet suctioning squelch followed by a deep wooded creek. Leo turned his head towards the sound just in time for his eyes to catch the massive barren dead tree tilting towards Raph.
“RAPH!” Was all Leo could shout before the massive tree came crashing down only a foot away from Raph, one of the massive branches breaking against the back of his shell and knocking him to his knees with a splash.
“Fuck! I got some in my mouth!” Spitting and roaring with anger Raph scrambled in search of his Sai, tridactyl hands sifting through the thick mud, roots, and pond grass. Another splash from the opposite side of the tree caught his attention, Raph snapped his head to look up, breathe catching in his chest as he stared at the creature in clear view.
Two bright white rings gazed at Raphael, its head sway at the end of an impossibly long neck covered by the sheets draped over it. Horror gripped his chest so tight it knocked the air from his lungs as he registered the terrifying thing slowly extended its neck towards him. One tridactyl hand clutched the staff close to its side while the other hand extended its green, three fingers towards him.
Three fingers?
“What the…” He whispered, blinking at the creature that now stood still in plain view. A dirty butcher’s cloth was wrapped around its midsection, random patches of fabric sewn over old torn holes and a thick braided rope tying its to its midsection. The soaking sheets draped over its upper body clung to its shell and weighed down her neck that strained to hold up its head.
“Raph!” His brothers screamed in unison. Leaping over the massive dead tree trunk Donnie’s staff pierced the mud between the two, landing just in front of Raph. Launching itself backwards the creature stumbled, using its staff to steady itself so that it wouldn’t fall backwards. Finding the hilts to his weapons Raph pulled them from the liquified earth, shaking the filth off as Mikey hooked his arm under his bicep and pulled him up.
Instead of running or attacking again, the thing stood in stunned silence. Its head bobbed heavily, studying them with perfectly circular white eyes as they stared back. An oddly familiar three-fingered hand reached for the sheet covering its back, rolling it backwards to reveal more of itself. Shell and plastron now visible, it confirmed what Raph had suspected.
“It’s…another mutant turtle?” Mikey questioned in surprise, blinking as the rain somehow took the moment as a cue to slowly dissipate into a thin mist. The creature silently studied the four of them, eyeing their weapons cautiously but unable to stop herself from taking a tentative step forward.
“Tur…tles?” The elderly turtle croaked, her voice raspy and dry despite the moist air. Lowering his staff but keeping it firmly in hand Donnie stared as the other mutant shambling its way closer. Reaching for the goggles perched on the top of his head Donnie gently tugged them over his glasses and scanned the mutant standing in front of them.
“Not only is she another mutant turtle,” Donnie spoke as his eyes rapidly read over the information being displayed by his goggles. “She’s an endangered Roti Island snake-necked turtle, a critically endangered species possibly extinct in the wild and only found in the illegal pet trade. They’re normally found in swamps or lakes in Indonesia, which explains why she’s here-”
“Focus, Donnie” Leo hissed, sharp steel-blue eyes focused directly on the newly discovered mutant turtle. With the rain finally clearing enough for the moon to peak through the dispersing clouds, gentle light illuminated the elderly mutant turtle standing a few yards away. Using the staff to sweep a few steps in front of her, the elderly mutant took a tentative wet step towards them again, eyes bouncing off their weapons while her head swayed at the end of her neck.
“You’re…turtles,” She spoke again, her voice slightly strained as though she were forcing the sound down her rather long throat. “Other…mutant turtles…I don’t recognize you”
“Yes…yes, we’re other mutant turtles. My name’s Donatello,” Donnie spoke slowly, blinking as he removed the goggles and listened to her slowed speech. “Can you tell us your name?”
The extinguished lantern hanging from the staff clutched in her gnarled tridactyl hand swung gently with every shaky, cautious step she took in their direction. Unsettling bright white irises glowed against pitch black sclera and pupils, studying their faces the closer she got. Mikey audibly swallowed as he ducked himself behind the safety of Raphael, even though the older brother was just as terrified of her appearance as the youngest.
“Myrtha…they call me…Myrtha,” A thin lined smile crooked the ends of her lips, giving her a softer and less intimidating appearance almost. The unnaturally long, muscular neck twisted and contorted as it studied their appearance.
“Myrtha? That’s an interesting name,” Donnie spoke calmly, hiding the nerves that frayed at her rather frightening presence. “Are you alone out here, Myrtha?”
“Yes…live out here by Myrtha’s self…” Myrtha’s head snaked and swayed while speaking, her appearance still unsettling but less frighteningly so. The rain had finally subsided altogether, but the dark clouds still hung low and menacingly with fissures of open sky showing the moon and stars.
“Then who are ‘they’? The ones that called you Myrtha,” Leo probed further, softening his expression but keeping his stance stiff, katana gripped tightly in each hand.
“The doctors…there were many that cared…for Myrtha…at her old home” Her head bobbed and weaved as she spoke in broken sentences. The wet fabric clung to the contours of her shell and muscles of her neck, “Little one…helped Myrtha escape, gave Myrtha…special card that open doors…Myrtha ran for long time…got away from the doctors, hide here”
Inching forward carefully and slowly, Myrtha blinked her darkened eyes up to each of their faces. Flinching as those white rings connected with his baby blue eyes, Mikey shifted himself further behind Raph’s larger form. Raph’s skin crawled as their eyes connected next. Their fearful reactions didn’t deter Myrtha from stepping just a tiny bit further.
“Myrtha hides in the swamp…safest place found, so far…scare people away so they don’t take Myrtha…don’t want to go back…Myrtha heard doctors say Myrtha’s too old…” Turning her head in every angle, surveying her surroundings as though she would be ambushed on cue, Myrtha looked around fearfully. A stroke of realization flashed across her face; Myrtha whipped her head back in their direction with wide eyes. “Are you…here to take…Myrtha back?” Her voice broke as she questioned the four turtle brothers, looking suddenly more terrified than any of them felt. Knotted hands clutched the staff in preparation to fight for her life.
“No, no, no, we aren’t going to take you back,” Leo spoke with soft reassurance, “Myrtha, you…scared a lot of people. They’re talking about you to authorities and closed this entire area until they find you,” He explained, finally sheathing his katanas into their respective holsters.
Horror flashed across her face as though Myrtha was struck by a stray bolt of lightning, head rapidly whipping back, forth, and curling over her shell to look behind herself in search of any possible threats. Hands and legs started to tremble in fear at the thought of returning her to wherever she came from.
“Myrtha, they aren’t here right now-” Donnie made his voice low and soothing, taking a gentle step forward. Catching his movement from her peripheral vision Myrtha jumped back almost an entire foot, wielding her staff in both hands as though she would swing. Pausing and giving Myrtha a moment to calm down again, Donnie began speaking again.
“Listen, Myrtha. We aren’t here to take you back to wherever you came from, but people know you’re here now because you’ve scared off so many people, okay?” He explained slowly, guilt climbing its way into his chest as Myrtha’s fearful eyes blinked at him. The terrifying creature had all but transformed into a fearful elderly woman before Donnie’s very eyes. He held out his hand slowly and delicately towards her. “Can you trust us to help you?”
Wide eyes studied his features carefully, the rings slowly following the contours of his face in search of any lies written on his face before returning to his eyes. Taking a tentative few steps forward Myrtha wordlessly accepted the offered hand. Now that he was as close as possible, the wrinkles and veins covering her body were much more visible, Donnie predicted by appearance alone she could possibly be older than Master Splinter. Gently taking her knotted arthritic hand in his own, Donnie hunched himself over so that his height would be less intimidating.
“What…are we jus’ gonna bring ‘er back to the lair or somethin’?” Raph looked between Leo and Donnie in sheer disbelief. The grime and filth that clung to his skin, gear, and shorts had almost entirely dried on him thanks to the cold wind.
“What other choice do we have,” Leo’s nostrils visibly flared as he exhaled exhaustedly, rubbing the wide bridge of his nose where a headache started to settle. Sharing looks of incredulity, Raph and Mikey tossed their hands up in the air and accepted defeat. As if the back of the truck wasn’t cramped enough.
“Let’s get going,” Donnie announced, firmly squeezing Myrtha’s surprisingly bony hand as it curled around his. The thin lined smile had returned to her features, her eyes shining with gratitude at the purple clad turtle’s kindness. A small smile curled the edge of his own lips, today certainly hadn’t turned out as expected but at least they had found Myrtha before anybody else did. Especially whatever ‘doctors’ were searching for her.
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theyhavetakenovermylife · 1 year ago
Shadows Entwined: part 8
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 / Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Bonus (18+)
A/N: We are adding some friendly drama today, ulalala.
Batman still hasn’t woken up after Arkham. Batgirl is hiding something about Donnie, and you and Leo have a moment.
Warnings: None as far as I can think of other than spelling💙
The reader and the turtles are 19.
Sometimes you wondered where on earth you would be without Alfred. Had he not been a part of your life, you weren’t sure how any of you would be able to get Bruce back home safely. And you had to admit, there was something badass about watching your father’s usually mild mannered butler drive the Batmobile out the gates of Arkham Asylum, with Bruce and Damian in the back, just in time before the police got there.
You stayed back at the asylum with Batgirl and the turtles, standing in the entrance with all the inmates groaning or unconscious on the floor, as commissioner Gordon drove up to the front door. The commissioner was stunned, staring at the inmates, shocked by their mutated state, registering only a few of the words Leonardo told him, as he explained what had transpired.
“Crime fighting mutant turtles, and a mutant snake Joker”, he sighed, rubbing his forehead, looking at the anti ooze Donatello had handed him. “I should really go on a vacation soon”.
You couldn’t blame the poor guy. He rarely had any days off, and you could only imagine how he was stressing him out. This city was never quiet, and with the still expanding addition of mutants, made it all worse for him.
With the police updated and the situation under control, all six of you made your way back to Wayne Manor. Raphael grumbled all along the way, about how he was going to punch Shredder and Ra’s al Ghul’s faces in with his bare fists.
“That’s good and all”, Leo told him over his shoulder as you jumped over the roofs. “But we have to find them first”.
Leo was right. After your visit at Arkham Asylum, you were no closer to finding either Ra’s or Shredder, nor any closer to understanding what they wanted to use Joker’s venom for. Everything was still one big mystery to all of you.
Once at Wayne Manor, you were quick to find both Alfred and Robin in the Batcave, both attending to Batman on the table. It was a scary sight. Damian looked slightly fearful, but Alfred looked as calm as ever, eyes on his pocket watch while feeling Batman’s pulse through two fingers on his neck. You felt your guts tighten, nervousness spreading throughout your body.
“Is he going to be okay?”, you asked the butler, your eyes never leaving your father’s mask covered face.
“There’s nothing to fear, Miss (H/N)”, Alfred said, shooting you a small smile. “Master Donatello was right. The master is going to be alright”.
You breathed a sigh of relief, feeling Leonardo’s comforting hand on your shoulder, his pretty blue eyes as sincere as could be, with a reassuring smile on his lips.
“When do you think he’ll wake up?”, Robin asked, worry still painted in his eyes as he took Batman’s hand in his, hoping to gain some sort of comfort.
“That is hard to say, Master Robin”, Alfred sighed, before turning towards you and the turtles. “It could very easily take some time before Batman wakes up, so in the meantime, it would probably be a good idea to show our guests the rooms they spend the night in”.
Mikey gasped, clapping his hands together with sparkles in his eyes. “Rooms?! As in, rooms with beds?! Real beds, and not just some tables in an old abandoned coffee shop?!”
You looked at Leo in confusion, raising your eyebrow as a way to ask him. “We’ve been spending the past few nights in an old abandoned coffee shop”, he sighed, trying to ignore your shocked expression and Batgirl’s giggles.
“How… accommodating”, Alfred hesitated before walking toward the exit. “Follow me gentleman, and I’ll show you to your rooms”.
The turtles looked at each other, shrugged, before following Alfred, all while Mikey skipped in his step, happy to finally be able to sleep in a soft bed once again.
As the evening went on, each of the turtles were shown to one of the many guest rooms throughout Wayne Manor. Alfred, who did not want the guys to tear up the place while he was asleep, and assigned them rooms as far away from each other as possible, first walking Mikey to his room, so he wouldn’t be able to know what halls his brothers were sleeping in.
As the four turtles made themselves at home in their momentary rooms, you stayed back in the Batcave with Barbara and Damian, watching over Bruce. All three of you, getting tired after a long night of unease, had removed your masks. You sighed as you took it off, rubbing your tired eyes, feeling a little bit of relief from taking the fabric off of your face.
Damian stayed close to your father, positioning himself on a stole, allowing him to watch over the dark knight. You sat yourself on an adjacent table, watching Barbara as she worked on the chemicals on the table in front of her. Anything that could help Bruce was appreciated, and maybe she could make something that could help him wake up.
But as you watched Barbara work, you couldn’t help but think of what Damian had asked her and Donnie, back at Arkham. “We didn’t interrupt your snugging, did we?” That comment repeated in your head, along with the way you had seen Leo smirk at Donnie when Barbara had caught Joker off guard. Your little brother was a little piece of shit sometimes, but there were times where he noticed things that you never even had thought of.
“So”, you asked, playing with the end of your left sleeve, thinking of the best way to ask. “Did you and Donnie kiss?”
Barbara almost knocked over all the glass tubes in front of her before shooting you a hard glare. Okay, maybe that had been too straightforward.
“It is questions like those that make me refuse to believe you and Damian ain’t actually related”, she retorted, turning back to the chemical balance she held by a cup.
“That was not the answer I was looking for”, you teased, leaning back onto the table, letting your head roll onto your shoulder. “But for real, did you and Donnie kiss in Arkham?”
“I have a better question for you, (Y/N)”, she said, not taking her eyes off the glass tube she now held in her hand, rotating it in circles. “Did you and Leo kiss?”
That question shocked you. Blinking a few times, you had to connect the wires in your brain.
“No”, you said, wondering how it wasn’t obvious. “My dad was there throughout the whole thing! Obviously we wouldn’t have kissed with him around”.
“So you would have kissed him if Bruce wasn’t around?”, she asked, a smirk on her lips, causing Damian to erupt in laughter. Fuck. You had fallen straight into her trap.
“That’s not what I said!”, you exclaimed, feeling yourself getting cornered.
“Well, that’s what it sounded like”, Barbara smiled. “It makes sense, I mean, didn’t he have pretty eyes?”
You blushed so hard that Damian was practically rolling on the floor, screaming about how busted you were. Your little crush on Leo was no longer so little, nor as hidden as you had thought it was.
You jumped from the table and down onto the floor, your cheeks still burning brightly red, steam practically fuming out of your ears as you started marching for the stairs. Anything to get away from those two, and the chaos that you had brought upon yourself.
“Whatever”, you grumbled. “I’m going to my room. Tell me when there’s food”.
“Say hey to Leo for me!”, Barbara yelled after you, once again making Robin laugh. It was a wonder how Bruce hadn’t woken up from all that noise yet.
Once you got to your room, you slammed the door shut behind you, before letting out a frustrated sound. Of course that was where Barbara had to turn the conversation. You should have known. You loved that girl like a sister, but her smart brains made her a horror to banter with, because she would often win… if not always.
With a sigh, you threw your mask onto your large bed, before turning towards your closet. You had now been wearing that superhero costume for what felt like days, and you were very much looking forward to wearing something else. You pulled some soft comfy closing for the closet, before shutting it and turning back towards your bed. But when you suddenly noticed that you weren’t alone in your room anymore, an unknown presence standing right beside you, your now open door casting their face in a shadow, you moved fast. You dropped the close in your hand, before kicking out the strangers legs, making them fall to the ground with a groan, before you jumped on the, pressing your forearm against their neck, only to notice a pair of pretty blue eyes staring back at you.
“Leo!”, you gasped, hurrying to stand up. “Are you okay?”
“Y- yeah, I think so”, he mumbled, rubbing his head. You took slight pity on him, before extending your hand to him, helping him up from your bedroom floor.
“I know you’re a ninja and all, but please don’t sneak up on me like that”.
“S- sorry, old habit”, he stammered. “I- I just wanted to check and see if you were okay”.
You turned your head to the side, looking questionable ast him, wondering where this sudden stammer came from. “Why wouldn’t I be okay?”
“Y- you know, after all that happened at A- Arkham, both with Scarecrow and y- your father…” Leo ceased to talk when you placed a hand on his shoulder, looking up at him.
“Are you okay, Leo?”, you asked, concern in your voice. “I’ve never heard you stammer before. Is everything okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just”. He swallowed, biting his lip before he allowed himself to continue. “You’re not wearing your mask”. Oh. You turned your head, catching a glimpse of your mask, laying in the foot of your bed. Sudden nervousness washed over you, causing you to quickly remove your hand from his shoulder.
“Oh… yeah… I forgot…”, you mumbled. “Sorry about that”.
“I’m the one that should say sorry”, Leo admitted, letting out a small chuckle. “It was me that came into your room without knocking”.
You didn’t know what to say. The realization that this was the first time that Leo really saw your face, made your hands sweaty and your heart beating relentlessly, as if it tried to jump out of your ribcage. With Leo’s eyes watching your face, the only thing you felt like you could do was looking down at your feet, trying to hide your second blush in the past hour.
Leo didn’t know what came over him, because suddenly his hand was on your chin, tilting your face up towards him, letting his eyes wander across your features once more.
“You’re really pretty, (Y/N)”, Leo murmured, almost absentmindedly.
“Says the guy with the pretty eyes”, you retorted with a smile, causing Leo to chuckle lightly, momentarily avoiding your gaze. He was trying not to blush. How adorable. He licked his lip before giving it a small bit, looking back at you. Maybe you were seeing this, but you swore that he was closer to you now. The hand that still rested on your chin subconsciously tucking you towards him.
“You really think my eyes are that pretty?”, he asked, anticipation showing itself in his blue orbs.
You bit your lower lip before giving him a small nod, never dropping the intense eye contact the two of you had created with your close proximity. “If I didn’t I wouldn’t keep saying it, would I?”
Leo chuckled once more, this time not moving his eyes from yours. Then his eyes flickered down to your lips for a moment. You could only wonder what he was thinking of, but you did have a qualified guess. You would be lying if you said you hadn’t had the same thought about his lips.
Your heart skipped a beat as your faces got closer. Leo could feel your breath against his lips, making his own heart flutter. It felt wrong not to hold you in this moment, so Leo reached for your waist with his other hand, his fingertips softly gracing your side, as if he was scared it wasn’t okay. Your own fingers graced his arms, as a way to tell both you and him that it was okay.
You were so close. So close that you could almost feel Leo’s lips against your own, and as you closed your eyes, his striking blue ones were still clear in the eye of your mind. Those damn pretty eyes.
“Guys!”, a happy voice sounded from the hallway. You and Leo jumped from each other, just in time before Mikey stood in the doorway, a bright smile that soon was replaced by confusion, when he saw you and Leo’s flustered stages and your heavy breathing. You could only imagine how it looked from his perspective.
“What?”, Leo asked, fighting the blush that was forming on his face, trying his best not to sound annoyed.
“Well, I just wanted to hear if you two wanted pizza for dinner, or if we should get Alfred to cook, but if you two want to be alone…”
“Do whatever you like, Mikey”, Leo said, sounding more frustrated than he had intended. “Whatever you decide is probably good”.
“In that case!”, Mikey smiled brightly, with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Alfred said he could get everything ready in half an hour, so don’t get too busy with each other!”
You sucked in a breath of pure surprise, feeling your body stiffen at his statement. Leo too was beyond flustered by this comment.
“Mikey!”, he yelled at his little brother, as the orange clad turtle ran away with a manic laugh. Still flustered, Leo turned towards you, embarrassment written all over his face. You could only imagine how you looked. Eyes wide and limbs stiffer than wood.
“Is he always that annoying?”, you asked, looking for a way to ease the tension.
“Yes”, Leo sighed. “All day, every day”.
“Sounds like Damian”, you sighed, shaking your head with a small smile. “Come, we should probably go to the dining hall before Mikey and Damian start putting together a narrative”.
“Sounds like a good idea”, Leo said, following you out of your bedroom.
The next morning you woke up earlier than the rest of the household, before making your way to the kitchen. Here you found a sleepy Damian eating breakfast made by Alfred, trying his best to stay awake.
“Damn, what happened to you?”, you asked, pouring yourself a glass of orange juice.
“Michelangelo got the bedroom next to mine”, Damian grumbled, poking at his eggs and bacon.
“And what’s wrong with that?”, you asked. “I thought you liked Mikey after he saved father”.
“I liked him, until he started snoring”, he growled, poking a hole into the egg yoke. He stared at it for a moment, before a mischievous smile appeared on his face. “Talking about like, guess what”.
“What?”, you asked confused as Alfred served you your quick breakfast.
“I saw Donatello in the hallway last night, long after dinner”, the little demon smiled.
“So?”, you asked, taking a sip of your orange juice.
“Donnie’s guest room is on a different wing. Barbara’s guest room is opposite of mine”. You almost choked on your orange juice, coughing in order to clear your airway. Damian placed his hands behind his head with a self satisfied smile. “So maybe your questions weren’t so far off last night”.
“Have you just given me dirt on Barbara, in case she dismisses my questions about her and Donnie again?”, you asked, chest still hurting from the orange juice.
“Yes I did”, he said, poking his fork into the egg.
“You really do love to watch the world burn, don’t you?”
“Thank my grandfather for that”, he said, chewing the egg with a smile.
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fabuloustrash05 · 6 months ago
I picture the Turtles having some scarification after certain events and battles (like Leo fighting the Foot solo during the Kraang invasion). If the Turtles were to have visible scars, who would have them, where would they be in their bodies, and what fight/event would the scars be from?
Leo - Permanent leg brace on his right knee, along with a cracked shell (front and back) from his fight with Shredder in the S2 finale. Maybe he also forever walks with a limp(?).
Raph - He does have his little crack plastron from when he was a kid, but soon he gets more scars. A scar in between his eyes from the brain worm, it’s small and faint but noticeable when he removes his mask. It’s healed, looking more like a birth mark nowadays. Also a scar from where Fishface bit him and positioned him with his venom. I also headcanon that he loses an eye later in his adult life. Wrote a fanfic about it you can check out HERE.
Donnie - Healed but obviously cracked shell on his back from the Speed Demon possession. Also many a minor cut scar from when he was almost dissected by Don Vizioso to really hammer in Donnie’s vendetta.
Mikey - A few visible healed cuts on his upper arms. Anyone else notice Mikey gets arm injuries a lot?
Karai - Burnt scar on the her right side of her face is permanent after the explosion in the ep Broken Foot. No mutant snake powers healing that shit up. Actions have consequences! Also it makes for great symbolism/parallels. 
April - Not scars just the more she learns of her Kraang heritage the more Kraang like she becomes. Maybe during her psychotic break in the S3 finale her Kraang side officially comes out with long pink Kraang tentacles coming out from the back of her neck and top of her head, and her eyes become more green like the Kraang whenever her powers come out.
Casey - Remember when Alopex cut him with her vengeance blade and he was cursed? Yeah, keep that cut mark permanently on his cheek.
(Bonus) Mona Lisa - she definitely has scars from fighting in so many wars as a Lieutenant, but her newest one is a scar she got after being stung by Dregg’s scoop monster. Again, wrote a fanfic about it HERE.
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mushtoons · 1 year ago
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a silly reminder that donnie IS in fact a snake neck turtle 😋
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copperpipes · 1 year ago
Regarding your Donnie post -
Why are his teeth so un-teeth shaped? Does that have some adaptive benefit or is it just to look cool?
Why are his teeth so different from his brothers', who appear to have mostly molars?
What did your comment about him both having and completely lacking teeth mean?
How'd you get such a perfect, almost snake-shaped head in the first-pov drawing? I've never been able to get that kinda shape!
Love the long-necked boy!
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This guy gets it
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No, its not just because it looks cool, even tho it does, it has an explanation.
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Those are the other brother's irl turtle skulls, their beaks are primarily used for biting, but not chewing. Donnie on the other hand has everything already inside his mouth, and beaks with ridges is not a new thing, so why not give him a beak that functions like a full set of teeth with specialized ridges for each task?
So there you go :] his teeth are not teeth shaped because those are not teeth, thats his beak.
And about the the front angle, this is the reference I used, and you are absolutely right, its because I used a snake
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I tinkered with the form until I liked it because snakes usually have a flat head and Donnie doesn't, but otherwise I hope I could be of help :D
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folkwitchofthewest · 2 years ago
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Author’s note: Hello peeps! This is my first post here on Tumblr. I am very excited, and I hope you enjoy the story. This story was based on a writing prompt I found and immediately fell in love with it. Angst and fluff are 2 of my specialties. Also the reader in this story is a yokai, you decide what kind. Anywho, happy reading!
Description: ROTTMNT Donnie x F! Reader!
During the battle for NYC, reader is captured by the Kraang, and is held hostage. Used as a bargaining chip to force the turtles, mainly the reader’s genius boyfriend, into surrender. After the battle they wake up in a strange place with a familiar voice.
Reader’s guide: Y/N (your name), e/c (eye color), (y/s) your species.
Warnings: Blood, injuries, fluff at the end.
Word count: 2,838
This was bad. This was very, very bad, you thought as the leader of the Kraang slammed you into the floor for the second time during your fight.
A cry escaped past your lips, no matter how hard you tried not to make any noise, you didn’t want to give that thing the satisfaction of knowing how much pain it was causing you. A choked gasp was drug into your lungs as it pressed its seemingly unbreakable and ridiculously powerful robotic hand into your chest, restricting your breathing, like a snake constricting around its prey.
You were the Kraang’s prey, you realized with a shudder. And true to form, as prey would, you squirmed, and struggled as if your life depended on it. Because it did.
“Stop struggling, weakling,” Kraang shouted, as lifted you off the ground just enough to slam you back down again.
Another pained gasp slipped past your defenses, as you scrunched your face in pain, and bit your already abused bottom lip hard to keep from groaning. A ragged cough tore out of your burning lungs, feeling as if someone was raking rusted barbed wire through your chest. Thank goodness you were a yokai, or you doubted you would have survived this whole ordeal thus far.
“Your resistance is futile,” he growled, menacingly lowing his pink face closer to yours,” And yet, I might still find some use for you.”
You shudder as his hot breath brushed against your face. You wanted to gag, scream, cry, push the monster away, but alas you couldn’t make your body obey the simple command to move. Sharp claws wrapped around your limp body and picked you up as if you weighed no more than a feather.
“Come, let’s see just how much these menacing little pests care about you,” your pink captor sneered.
No, he had seen the bond you shared with the turtles, with Donnie. When had he seen it? The invasion had only begun a few hours prior. He planned to use you as a hostage. Oh Pizza Supreme in the Sky, no. You were going to be a bargaining chip in this deadly game of poker. Please no. Donnie would surrender without hesitation if it meant saving you. Your beloved purple turtle has always been your knight in shining technology, your rock, your shield, your everything. The Kraang could not do this. You wouldn’t let it!
An adrenaline rush shot through you, a grim determination settled over you, and you began to thrash, and kick, but to no avail.
“Stop squirming!” Kraang snarled, holding you up by the throat. Out of nowhere the metal fist of the suit punched repeatedly in the stomach. Blood spurted out of your mouth suddenly, coughing and spluttering. The fit left you gasping for breath as warm slick blood ran down your chin and neck. The coppery taste left in your mouth made you want to puke.
‘Coughing up blood after severe trauma is most likely a sign of internal bleeding,’ you remembered Leo telling you once.
Oh great, you would probably bleed to death before this was all said and done, and no one would be any wiser. You suddenly felt extremely light headed, and weak.
“Y/N!” the voice of your beloved boyfriend screamed somewhere to your right.
In a dizzying blur of far to quick motion you were suddenly face to face with Donnie, who looked as if he had just laid eyes upon the most horrifying sight ever. Claws dug into your left wrist and jaw, as your head was lifted slightly, your body going rigid, tears finally cascading down your cut and bruised cheeks. Tears of fear, for your life and your boyfriend’s, and pain as your arm was twisted cruelly behind your back.
“I’m sorry,” you sobbed, locking eyes with Donnie.
“Don’t apologize, dearest,” Donnie shook his head, ever so slightly.
His white knuckled grip on his tech staff looked as if he could shatter the device with his bare hands at any moment. His body was ramrod straight, and if you looked closely you were sure you could see a small tremble claim him.
“Let her go, and I might let you live,” Donnie snarled words dripping with venom, as he elegantly twirled his staff to point threateningly at the Kraang.
A nauseatingly amused laugh came from the slimy monster behind you.
“You are in no position to make threats, you wretched little thing. You see, if you do not surrender, I will kill this one,” the Kraang smirked, scraping his claws from your jaw to around your throat.
Donnie twitched. He was enraged, and terrified, feeling so many emotions he did not understand nor wish to feel. How DARE this monster threaten you?! The poor turtle stood frozen for what seemed like an eternity in his head.
“Oh, did I touch a nerve, threatening your mate? Lower your weapon and surrender. Or she dies,” Kraang smirked, a strangled sob escaped your lips as it’s cold, hard, claws pressed around your delicate throat a bit harder,” On your knees. Now.”
An ultimatum was laid in front of the genius, and for once in his life, Donnie did not know what to do. If he surrendered, he lost the world; if he did not, he lost his world. His thoughts were racing a mile a minute. You were not his mate, not yet anyways, you were both still teenagers after all. But in the few short years he had known you he had fallen hard, and knew you were the only one for him the moment he laid eyes on you. He could not lose you.
“NOW!” Kraang roared, wrenching your arm behind your back so violently a sickening pop filled the air, and you felt a blinding searing pain rip through your shoulder.
You screamed, loud, long, blood curdling. The hand around your throat the only thing keeping you upright as you suddenly feel your strength leave you. The marrow in Donnie’s bones seemed to freeze. The sound shattered his heart, and he knew what he had to do.
His staff clattered to the ground as he raised his hands slightly in surrender, dropping to his knees.
"Wait, don't hurt her. Please," His voice held tense resignation that you had never heard.
“D-Donnie, n-no. D-Don’t give h-him w-what he w-wants,” you begged, through the tears and blood streaming from between your tightly clamped teeth.
“Beloved, save your strength. Everything will be alright. I promise,” Donnie tried to reassure you, his voice shaking, barely above a whisper.
The sight of Donnie on his knees, head bowed, looking at you as if his soul had been crushed with those heart wrenchingly beautiful eyes, hands in the air to signal he would not put up a fight. The sight forced open a pit in your stomach that threatened to swallow you whole. The pain you felt now, looking at him, was so much worse than the physical pain plaguing your body.
Kraang's laugh echoed in your ears, taunting you and your dear boyfriend. Your eyes squeezed shut, you could no longer keep them open. Your alertness was fading, and icicles began floating in your veins. You were cold, and disoriented. Where was Donnie? You knew he was close, you could hear his voice, muffled as it may be. He always kept you warm and safe.
Suddenly you were flying, weightless and free. And then the world came crashing down, ever so painfully around you. It felt like there was fire everywhere, licking your skin, deep in your bones. Fire so hot, it felt like freezing cold water had been dumped all over your body. And then something soft, and strong lifted you from the fire. You cracked your eyes open, and purple filled your vision. Donnie? Was he…was he cradling you in his arms? You could barely hear his voice over the blood pounding in your ears, crushing your skull. He was saying something, but you could not make out what. All you knew was exhaustion, and pain. Darkness, blessed, sweet darkness beckoned to you. Donnie was here, Donnie was holding you; if he was then you were safe, and everything would be ok just like he promised. You let the darkness have you, while Donnie’s pleas for you to stay with him went unheard.
Something soft and warm was wrapped around you, and something squishy under you. These were the first things you were aware of as your muddled brain emerged from the void. Annoying beeping pierced through your consciousness next. What was that, and wasn’t someone going to turn it off? It sounded like the microwave announcing whatever delicious food it had been warming was ready to be eaten. The thought of food made you nauseous, or was that the oddly salty smell that filled your nose and mouth? You felt floaty, like you were drifting lazily on a cloud through thick and heavy fog.
“Y/N…….ome…ack. Lease…..cme…ba,” a smooth rich voice drifted into your awareness.
It was soft, and comforting. Whoever it belonged to seemed slightly distressed. Who did that voice belong to? You knew them, and you trusted them with your life. That much you remembered. Something soft brushed across your cheek, the touch light as a feather.
“Open your eyes darling,” the voice called again, still muffled, feeling like cool aloe on a searing burn.
Maybe you should do as the voice asked. It sounded important. And you trusted this person, what was their name again? It was right on the tip of your tongue.
“Y/N, please come back to me,” the voice was clear this time, desperate, longing.
A sharp inhale and your eyes snapped open, bright light came flooding in, blinding you. A small quake ran through your body, which felt oddly weak and heavy. A sensation ran through your body, one you had never felt before. It wasn’t pain, simply an uncomfortable burn in your muscles, especially your chest and left shoulder.
“Y/N? Y/N, can you hear me, dearest?” A purple mask and wide, concerned, bloodshot eyes filled your field of vision, shielding you from the harsh lights above.
“Donnie?” your voice barely above a whisper, but full of deep affection.
“Oh beloved! Are you alright? Are you in any pain? Can you breathe properly?” he peppered your tired mind with concerned questions, his hands hovering over you as if he wanted nothing more than to touch you, but afraid you would break like glass under his calloused fingers.
“I’m ok, sore but perfectly fine. I promise,” you reassured him, your hand reaching out to grasp his.
Your throat felt like sand, dry and scratchy. Your e/c eyes drifted over to a cup sitting on a small table behind your dear boyfriend. Donnie followed your line of sight, and quickly scooped up the object of your desires. He gently held the straw to your lips and instructed you to sip, not gulp.
You did as you were told and a sweet reward met your parched throat. Your eyes drifted around the room’s bland walls and obnoxiously beeping machines, while Donnie’s never left your battered face. He looked pale, the bags under his eyes prominent despite the mask, eyes puffy, and red. Had he been crying? Once you had your fill and your voice felt suitable for civil conversation, you looked to Donnie once again.
“What happened? Where are we?” You inquired, softly.
Donnie explained that after the battle the family escaped to a yokai hospital in the Hidden City. After all, they couldn’t very well waltz into a human hospital with 2 frantic humans, an exhausted rat, 4 mutant turtles in varying states of injury, and a critically injured y/s yokai asking for help. Besides every medical center topside was surely flooded with casualties nor would they know how to treat the injured beings. Yes, the Hidden City was certainly their best bet to get the treatment they all so desperately needed.
He also gave you a run down on his brothers and his own injuries before moving to yours. An abundant collection of ghastly looking bruises and nasty gashes littered your body. Plus an unholy number of sprains, tears, and pulled muscles. As you suspected, you did in fact have extensive internal bleeding, a punctured lung from multiple broken ribs, a badly dislocated left shoulder, a severe concussion, and several broken bones.
“I thought I was going to lose you. For 12 deplorable hours I thought I would have to navigate my way through this dreadfully dark life without you, my light. You are the air I breathe, and while we were waiting for news it felt like I was suffocating, terrified of losing my air. My precious diamond, do not ever scare me like that again,” Donnie blurted out, rare emotion filling his voice as even rarer tears flowed from his expressive eyes.
He quickly buried his head in your shoulder. Whether it was to hide his tears, the blush that was rapidly growing on his cheeks, or to find comfort you did not know; however you were left speechless at the uncommon display.
“Donnie,” you stammered, failing to find your words just yet.
You settled for running your hand over his bandana covered head, and caressing his cheek. Donnie was never one for physical touch unless it was someone he was very close with, or he was in need of a way to express emotions he was uncomfortable with. He was never good with feelings either, so such an outright statement driven by emotion was quite unheard of.
“I’m sorry, I just - I was only - I was simply…..frightened. Beyond belief,” Donnie muttered into your shoulder, obviously having a hard time finding the words to express how he was feeling.
Now this was more on brand for your certified mad scientist. He must have put a lot of thought into what he was going to say to you when you woke up, and you suspected had a little chat with Dr. Feelings.
“Tello, look at me darling, please,” you requested, your fingers moving his chin up so his red rimmed eyes met your tired ones,” Dearest, I will never leave you. I swear as sure as Metro Tower is still standing I will always fight to stay by your side. What we have, well, you would think someone tore it right out of one of those nauseating love novels Leo reads. You are my guiding light, what makes life worth living, you are my everything. I love you, Donatello. I always have. Today, tomorrow, and forever.”
His eyes seemed to bore holes into your very soul as he soaked up the meaning and significance of your words. And suddenly more tears sprang forward in both your eyes as a smile graced his lips for the first time that night.
“I love you too. More than you will ever know,” he sniffed, as you brushed his tears away.
“You look exhausted. Have you slept at all?” you questioned, resting your hand on his cheek.
Donnie simply hummed and leaned into your wonderful touch.You let out a sigh, and painfully shuffled over in your surprisingly soft hospital bed. His drawn on eyebrows shot up in a silent question, rather alarmed. You couldn’t help but giggle at the expression on his face, you found it quite adorable.
“Come,” you said, patting the empty space in the bed,” keep me company.”
“Leo would freak if he saw us, spouting some nonsense about tearing your stitches or infection,” a sly grin creeping onto his features as he slipped off his battle shell, and climbed into bed with you.
“Well, it’s a good thing it's only us then, isn’t it?” You giggled.
After several minutes of readjusting making sure not to jostle each other's injuries, you were both comfortable, cuddled up close to each other. Your head rested on his plastron, and his arms were wrapped snugly around you. You began to gently draw patterns on his plastron, this always relaxed him, and you knew exactly how to get him to sleep.
A contented churr rumbled through his chest, deep, comforting. A contented sigh escaped your lips as your eyes became heavier.
"I love you, darling," you whispered.
"I love you as well, beloved," he whispered back, before drifting off to sleep.
In that moment, everything was perfect. Yes, you had all been through hell. Yes, it was going to be a struggle to return everything back to normal. But you would all be there for each other, because that's what family did. You were safe in Donnie’s arms, and he in yours. You had 0 intentions of letting him go anytime soon, vowing to keep away the nightmares you knew would surely come.
But for now everything was alright. You had all survived, and would continue to do so.
You finally lost the battle with sleep, and your last conscious thought was of your purple turtle, and the undying love you held for him.
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pinetreevillain · 2 years ago
idk if you knew this (im guessing yes, but if you didnt, then you learned something i guess!!) but turtles usually stretch their neck when they get ready to hunt, bask or just regular stretching. what im guessing is donnie is in defense mode, so the Hunting option rather than the more laid back basking or stretching options seems more likely
which means donnie WILL be ready to bite if mr. janesh does anything antagonizing
I did! Softshells have really long necks (and really strong bites!) so that they can defend themselves! They are so flat and round, they have these really long flexible necks so they can bite at anyone who might step on them or threaten them.
It’s kinda freaky, like a snake coming out of a pancake
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lotus-duckies · 1 year ago
anyway here's a pseudo intellectual analysis of the vision quest outfits because i'm normal
The vision quest is interesting to me because it's an instance of the turtles individuality, especially how that shows in the garments they made for themselves.
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Raph deviates the most from the norm, even changing the shape of his mask which feels representative of his feelings of being outcast and wanting to go off to do his own thing.
Most notably, his outfit has a lot of elements akin to alt, adult, or rebellious images, like his belt now resembling a harness, fishnets and his neck being tied off like a choker. It makes for a compelling statement on his desire to be different, be self expressive and individual, to be seen as an adult who can make his own choices and doesn't need to be coddled.
I think this also shows in how he traded his sai, which are typically not very sharp and used for self defense (though offensive techniques can also used), for flaming shredder blades, which are definitely very dangerous for both whoever he's fighting and himself. The fact he used them without hurting himself implies practice, careful use. Wisdom, perhaps. Tempering the fire for power as Splinter said.
(did i mention i think his head reminds me of a snake with its tongue out. that's very important. he looks like a snake with More Teeth for fighting. absolutely lethal)
Also I will briefly mention the implied sensory experience that was what I wanted this to be about. He has significantly more fabric squeezing and covering him, scratchy fishnets on his arms, almost every part of his face is covered except his mouth. Suggesting a sensory profile that he may enjoy pressure stimming, perhaps that goes hand in hand with the fact he's more aggressive in his sparring and fighting. Something to think about.
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I'm going to talk about Mikey later but i think it's interesting they both chose to paint themselves and wear some kind of armor to protect themselves.
Donnie's design speaks to me as someone who has so much creative energy buzzing inside him but also wants to hide. He seemed to be the most sensitive about the fact they're mutants, often downtrodden about being told he could never be with April because they're freaks, and this combined with that he Knows he's going to get hurt results in the mask. (also maybe he likes casey and his stupid mask maybe he likes it a lot maybe they're kissing on the mouth idk)
The mask and the paint feel very creative expression,very artist form. The desire to build upon a metaphorical blank canvas to make something Different. Straight up covering his face with a skull-esque image. Changing himself from the monster he was to a creature he wants to be (human, casey, etc.
And his choice to change his bo for an axe feels ever reminiscent of the "I can't fight advanced alien technology with a 7 foot staff" statement. Although his bo staff does have a blade now, he wanted More Blade. Just blade. He's giving serial killer energy. Mad scientist energy, even. The axe requires strength that he needs, and we all know from the vizioso incident that he would kill people on sight and this axe reflects that.
Also, the sensory profile: Potentially implies enjoying covered, being in dim spaces, enjoying having a solid material on his face and tolerating the feeling of paint on his skin.
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Leo's interesting because he's the only one who kept his original weapons, and arguably deviated the least from his normal design. I think this a good example of Leo's autism behavior and his desire to keep things the same, holding onto the comfort of familiarity rather than taking the risk to jump into exploration.
The most notable difference being the bow and the arm garments (the guard and the elbow wrappings, likely to protect his arms from strain and the bow whiplash). I love how Leo adopted the bow to compensate for his knee being crapped out, a logical choice to focus on long distance range but still keeping his swords Just In Case (and probably internally hoping he'd still be able to use them well)
It shows Leo's leadership qualities, knowing when it's time to make sacrifices, adapting to new situations, changing for the better, and at the same time, the fear of the unknown and wanting to stay the same.
The sensory: Unlike Raph and Donnie, Leo's hood is a cowl neck. gee that's so interesting oh golly i wonder if something happened that made him not want something near his neck gee i wonder why
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And now I talk about Mikey's armor and paint. While I definitely think Mikey would wear armor to help keep himself safe because he gets hunted a lot, it also radiates "oh man do you know what would look SICK" and "Learn to be strong and calm, like the forest" "okay sensei got it ! *covers himself in wood*"
He chose wood pieces that still have branches sticking off of them, and with the way he painted his face and. general mutant turtle vibes. he looks more like a Creetur, shrekish. Mikey embraces the strange, the unheard of, the monsters and repulsive. Not covering himself with things to hide his turtle nature, but adding More to that nature. (perhaps we could interpret the paint and wood as camoflague, better blending in to his surroundings, being a better ninja)
I'm also reminded of the armor worn by samurais. A bold goal if intended, considering Mikey's inattentive and distracted behaviorisms. But perhaps that is what he aims to become, a noble and admired warrior, making logical choices to protect himself and trying to be better, growing up into a responsible and capable man. I will not mention the last ronin mikey i will not mention the last ronin mikey i will not
Enamoured by his choice of weapon as well. Splinter had specifically given nunchaku to Mikey, which makes me think the kusarigama blade attachments were a modification He made, likely to prove something to himself or his brothers, wanting to do more, as nunchaku are typically given to those in training to develop quick hand movements and good posture.
And then he has eliminated the chain entirely to just have a sickle of sorts. Sickles were traditionally used for agriculture and the same could be said for the kusarigama, but now they appear to have an association with assassination, once again bringing back this idea of wanting to be more dangerous, be taken seriously and doing more damage.
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etsap123 · 2 years ago
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At the base, Rockwell, Karai, Vine, and Slash were all being treated as Mondo and Leatherhead rested themselves against the wall.
Donnie and angel were dealing with the injuries as the others stood together for a group huddle, but no one really knew what to say. Everyone was still freaked out and trying to maintain their composure.
“So any plan on how to find them?” Casey asked, with Mikey trying to comfort mona and April next to him.
The group turned to Leo, whose face was paler than usual before he sighed, eyes clearly trying to hide his worry.
“Anyone pick up clues as to where they ran off. Footprints, a trail of some kind?” He asked, knowing there was likely nothing.
“There's nothing.” Aprils breathing began to shift. “There is literally nothing!” April yelled as tears flowed down her cheeks.
The room went silent before Raph released a growl.
“If only they had left something behind! Something that could lead us to them!” He raged, kicking a chunk of concrete into a semi-collapsed tunnel.
Donnie took out the dart from Rockwell's shoulder.
“Agh!” A voice cried out.
Donnie looked at Rockwell, confused, given he was still unconscious. Donnie lifted his head before standing up and walking towards the semi-collapsed tunnel. He peeked inside through the opening of the wreckage.
“What you looking at, Donnie?” Mikey said as Raph took over in comforting Mona.
“I thought I heard something.” Donnie scratched at the top of his head.
A groan seeped through the cracks gaining more of the group's attention. Mikey and Donnie urgently glanced at each other before tossing pieces of the tunnel over their shoulders.
“Do you think that's the kids or one of those "humanists"? Ralph scoffed, turning to Leo.
“I'm not sure. Let's check it out.” Leo added, walking towards the tunnel that was almost opened up.
Mikey and Donnie stepped out of the way as Leo entered before following behind him.
They looked around the scenery with Donnie pulling out his Tphone. Mikey ran his hands along the side of the wall before stepping on something with a crack.
“Aghh!!” Someone yelled, jerking their hand away from under the turtle's foot.
They hissed, pushing themselves to their knees before locking their eyes on the mutants. The three turtles unsheathed their weapons as the intruder gaped at them.
“Stay away from me. You freaks of nature!” The man snapped, backing away from them and pulling out a knife.
Leo growled and kicked the knife out of his hand. Mikey and Donnie yanked him from the ground and pushed him against the wall.
The man continued to struggle against their grip as he twisted his face in fear. Leo held the tip of his sword to the soldier's neck, immediately halting his actions.
“It's time for some answers.”
Alone in the humanist lab held, the eight children. All in separate cages stacked against the wall.
Kiba gripped at the bars that confined her to nothing but metal and the piece of cardboard she had for a bed. Tears went down her tiny face, now covered in cuts and bruises.
Underneath her, Irrilia, now with a split lip, foamed at the mouth as she teethed on the railings. She was growling like a feral animal her instincts taking a hold of her.
Next door to the snake, Iris was curled up in the corner of her prison. She had a black eye making it painful to cry but she couldn’t stop.
Slowly a small shaky hand tapped at the bottom of the cage gate, making her shift to her hands and knees and begin to crawl over. She fell to her chest as her body went limp and looked down at the hand below her before leaning her arm out to hold it.
Dakota leaned into the cage, reaching his hand to hers as the water in his eyes trickled down his face. The bars pressing hard into his ribs.
Across the room and still on the lab desk, the little boy held a foam sword with a smile. He giggled, turning to the opposing wall where the caged mutants were held. The child watched in wonder before hopping onto the chair and floor. He waddled his way through the lab and over to Cody with his foam sword in hand.
Cody looked at him with fear pushing himself back. Reaching the cage the boy knocked at the metal making Cody back away even more.
“Play swords?” He offered the foam sword with a smile, as Cody shifted his head to the side. He was about to reach for it when the child was yanked up from the floor.
“Hunter, there is no need to associate with these freaks and traitors.” Vital said holding him at his waist. “They’re better off dead if they live their life a monster.” He finished before turning away. Hunter stared at the array of cages with fear as Cody cowered back into the corner.
“Chaplin, has the new batch of mutagen arrived yet?” He asked as Irrilia slammed her fists on the gate. Vital glared at her and kicked the metal bars before her, making her jump and quiver away.
“Yes, a large amount of mutagen was stashed at the mutant base.” Chaplin said, pulling on some gloves.
“Good, then let's get to work.”
The attacker fought and kicked at his captures before they shoved him to the floor. Casey and Mona holding him down as he continued to squirm.
“Where are they?” Donnie snarled, releasing the blade from his staff.
The man scoffed. “And why would I tell you pests? You're not getting me to talk!” He yelled, causing Mona to harshly grip his sprained wrist.
He cried, the pain surging through his body.
“Tell us now!” Leo held his blade at the man's throat.
He didn't budge, but Raph slammed his foot into the crevice of his ankle, making him scream.
Leatherhead watched with a smile towering over everyone as April's hands began to twitch.
Angel's expression shallowed, turning away from Vine.
The man's breathing began to vary as the sharp pressure on his neck began to sting.
“Tell us now, and we might just let you live.” Mikey said, coming face to face with him.
Donnie and Leo quickly glanced at each other at the alien tone of their light-hearted brother.
The soldier spit in Mikey's face causing him to yelp and jump back in disgust.
Raph growled. “Ok, that's it!” Raph grabbed the stubborn soldier by the neck and slammed him headfirst into the wall.
He clawed at the hot head of the group's hand, desperate for relief.
“If you don't tell us now! We will break every bone in your body before Leatherhead drags you to the bottom of the sewer tanks for a snack.” Raph yelled, tightening his grip.
Donnie pulled up a picture of the human anatomy as Leatherhead grinned. The man paled as his eyes watered.
“So what are you gonna pick?” April focused and raised her hand, causing his arm to twist.
“Aghh!” His face strained as he hissed. “There at the remains of the TCRI lab!” Raph let him drop to the concrete floor as Leo stepped toward him.
“Leatherhead. Drop him off by the police station. He has enough illegally obtained weapons to earn himself a decade or two in prison.”
At the lab Chaplin reached into A cage a smirk growing on his face. “Aghh!!” Kohanna screamed as she was gripped at the neck and taken from the group.
Chaplin lowered a pair of chains from the ceiling as more cries radiated in the background. Kiba jerked at the cage, hissing and crying as Chaplin suspended the wailing redhead over the lab table.
Irrilia yelled, kicking and punching at the latch that her acidic teething had worn away. She slammed her fists into the metal bars and with a crack the cage door swung open, causing her to fall on the floor.
She pushed herself to her feet and looked up at Kiba, who was reaching out through the bars. Irrillia quickly began to crawl up the rails turning Chaplin's attention away from Kohanna.
Irillia groaned pulling on Kiba's gate before Chaplin gripped and yanked her by the arm, leaving her to dangle there as she squirmed.
Kiba growled as Irrilia wailed and grabbed at her arm.
Kiba hissed, spraying venom in Chaplin's face making him cry out and drop the salamander mutant on her back.
Kiba released her arms, shifting them into snakes before gripping the sides of his face with their fangs. She pulled her arms back, slamming his face into the cage, effectively opening it and leaving him groaning on his knees.
Kiba climbed her way down, rushing to Irrilia, who was still lying on the floor. Kiba nudged at her cousin, still teary-eyed, before helping her sit up.
The lab door slammed open, making Kiba and Irrilia turn to the sudden light in the room.
Vital walked in, baton in hand, before a visible green spark was released on the end of it.
“This should be fun.”
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kawaiiblue18 · 2 years ago
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So um I’ve been watching Tmnt 2012 and I thought about what if the 2012 gang were all different species like in Rottmnt plus some gender headcannons so here you go
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Raphael is a common snapping turtle and bi-gender (because I stan bigender Raph in all iterations). Partly inspired by his Rise counterpart, but common snappers are more aggressive than alligator snappers thus it fits her.
I noticed Leo’s model has some white spots, so I made Leo a spotted pond turtle. Also transfem Leo real‼️🗣️
Donnie is already tall in this iteration so why not make him taller. Credit to @/kikipups.draws for the idea to make them a Roti-island snake-necked turtle. I headcannon Donnie is a Demi boy.
I made Mikey a high orange Mississippi map turtle because they’re a pretty species and I’m happy with how she came out. Also gender-fluid Mikey because yes.
They all still have their weapons, I just didn’t feel like drawing them 🙃
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rainnthundr · 2 years ago
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tmnt au!! im gonna copy paste the details from my notes so sorry if its messy. it goes over the details for the AU and my Mikey’s backstory. im gonna make Future Mikey’s (aka 22 year old mikey) design later. some of the mental health details for mikey are based off of what i learned in my high school health class with family relations
mikey - (eastern) painted turtle
leo - red bellied short necked turtle
donnie - snake necked turtle
raph - philippine forest turtle
Heights - Tallest to shortest
Donnie (5’8)
Raph (5’5)
Mikey (5’4)
Leo (5’0)
roles are same as 2012
Leo - Transfem (mtf) - she/her
Raph - Cis - he/him
Donnie - Bisexual - he/him
Mikey - Pansexual + Genderfluid - depends on what day - Mia on girl days Mikey on boy and non bi days - but sometimes likes to be called Max on non bi days
Mikey (he’s 2 years older cause of dimension X)
Mikey - drumming, graffiti/drawing, skateboarding, parkour, cooking, hiking, skitching
Donnie - gardening, inventing, chemistry astrology, rock tumbling
Raph - weight lifting, parkour, people watching, playing with chompy, sparring
Leo - meditating, astronomy, tea making, and i also feel like she’d be into wine tasting when she’s older, and she’d do it with karai as she’d definitely be into it
splinter - bushy tailed woodrat
casey - half latino half italian
april - scottish
Story Context
The 2012 storyline goes as in the show, with some differences. after season 5 though, mikey’s little siblings and april began to drift apart to lead their own lives. they still fought crime together. Mikey took up drinking to ease his nerves when he turned 20 and would hang with Leatherhead, Casey, and Mondo and they’d have fun
they find an abandoned building to make their hang out spot, the area covered in plants and graffiti, and they decorated it with a record player, various vinyls, a slightly broken drum set, and a couple hammocks hanging from the rafters
Then Mikey is recruited by Steam to join the Mixfits (temp name maybe) and he only lets Leatherhead, Mondo and Casey know that hes leaving and no one else
The turtles notice after about two weeks of Mikey being missing that they start to panic
Donnie starts searching through NYC cameras, police scanners, his old mutagen scanner (from season 2) to try and find out if Mikey is still in NY somewhere
Raph gets Mona’s help to keep an eye out in space in case he somehow made it out there. He also uses his pigeons to fly all over the country and report back to him in the case they find him
Leo starts to patrol NYC more often than not. She gets joined by April mostly as they beat up thugs to try and see if they have Mikey
Karai uses her international connections to see if Mikey made it out of the country and is living a life on the run
They all know Casey, Leatherhead and Mondo know something but they can’t get them to talk about it, and if it seemed like Mondo or Casey were about to break, Leatherhead would butt in, growl and leave with the teens (they’d be 19 at the time, a year younger than mikey and the rest of the turtles and april would be 18)
oh and i added this last minute while drawing, but i added a bit of Diabetic Raph into my au. I thought itd be a cool way to represent. i dont have it personally but i have a teammate who does and i had her in mind when drawing. also i think that lea would carry snacks like fruit gummies or nut bars for when raph’s sugar levels get low
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halfheartedangel · 1 year ago
I lost a bet...and I feel ashamed because I didn't even know my own girlfriend's brothers that well. That is tragic...
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No but how was I supposed to know Donni and Lee were twins??? They look nothing alike-?!!!
Well they are turtles and two different species...BUT STILL. Lee is a Diamondback Therapin while Donni is a snake necked turtle???? Like hello? How was I supposed to know you two are the "older" ones
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ducknotinarow · 2 years ago
[2k3/2k7 uwu]
Just because it was said in anger, said a while ago, didn’t mean it stopped hurting. Words am did far more damage than any bruise - perhaps that’s why Yvonne wished Raphael had attacked her as opposed to said what he did. Those wounds would’ve faded by now.
It wasn’t the comment about her being spineless or whatever that hurt. It’s when he said she was like her father. A man she strived to prove wrong at every turn, to be completely different from. A man she kept her mouth shut about, and, well, look what it led too.
She’s not going to keep quiet about things anymore.
Yvonne’s quiet as she sits next to Raph. Things may be patched up but there were still things left unsaid. Well, she believes she has things left unsaid,
“I’m sorry,” She says calmly, “For not telling you about Bishop; it’s not that I didn’t want to, honest, I just wasn’t sure how or when would be the best time, clearly I ran out of that by the time you did find out,” She explains, “I should’ve been the one to tell you, and I’m sorry it wasn’t, and I’m sorry that I kept it from you at all - you trusted me, and I should’ve trusted you to understand.”
She had wanted to apologise for a while, of course she did, the remorse genuine behind her words,
“There is… something I need to ask you though,” she isn’t sure what answer she would prefer, “When you, understandably, blew up at me at the docks, did you mean what you said?” Yvonne asks him, “‘Like father like daughter’, ‘spineless’, ‘you may be a butterfly but you’re acting more like a snake’ - that’s what you said.”
Don’t get angry. Don’t get visibly upset. Ignore the pit in your chest and breath. Ignore the way your voice wavered in that moment. Your silence hurt you both before, do not let it happen again,
“I’m not looking for an apology for what you said, I simply wish to know if you stand by it,”She feels like she’s setting herself up to be hurt again, “It’s okay if you did mean it you know, I suppose, selfishly, I’m asking for clarity on where we stand - that’s all.”
Well, it wouldn’t be okay, not for her, but she’d force herself to accept whatever opinion he had - even if it did hurt in the end.
| Muse interaction
Raphael was still getting used to everything, going away with Casey to the farm house had been in truth him wanting to run away. That wasn't really Raphael. He claimed running was a coward move after all, but he needed it. Wanted to run just so tried and annoyed by everything feeling like he was going to snap and loose it. Because all Bishop did was tell the turtle he was only one thing. Angry. Hell that's why he flipped out on Von right? because he was angry? Always so fucking angry. Don't matter.
There was nothing more to the turtle than his anger, and hot it roots itself into every nook and cranny of the turtles being. Those few between moments when Raphael is clam and feels at peace. When hes reading and Donnie's near by. When hes watching tv with Mikey. When he and Leo go out to the surface together and decide to race back. When Casey and him sit up on roof tops together. When he goes to Splinter's room and drinks tea with them in silence. All it is is keeping it all at bay isn't? Raphael wasn't one to handle so many thoughts in his head, it kept him tossing and turn in his hammock till he decided to give up on sleep for the night. As he rolls out from the side and lands hard on his feet. Takes a bit longer to let his eyes adjust to the darkness i his room. Mask loose and left to hang around his neck. as he makes his way out from the room and heads for the kitchen.
He could slightly pick up on the sounds coming from Donnie's lab as he walked past it "Coffee?" he asks with a yawn he was pretty sure he heard an answer. Well if Don didn't he was sure the smell of coffee brewing would lure his brother out. As Raphael continued to the kitchen he was grateful his brothers finally backed off, and were letting him breath with out any of them basically stepping on his feet after all that happened. Raphael was getting use to holding things on his left more now, he was getting used to turning his head over more. There had been talk about finding a fix but his whole eye was removed. Cause Bishop couldn't do a half assed job it seemed, there was just nothing left to even try to help restore the vision. Sure he could get an implant if he wanted but, it would just prevent the option at all. Raphael hadn't wanted to think about it much more than he had to. As he moved away from the coffee pot now, letting the water start to heat up and work out to filter through the grounds of coffee. As he moved to sit down at the kitchen table. His eye hurt, which made no sense it wasn't there. But sometimes it felt like there was throb around the missing right eye. When he heard someone come in to the kitchen he assumed it would be Donnie. Okay he was hoping it was Donnie. So the way he paused and sort of just stared at Von was because his brain needed a second to understand this was someone else. Well more this was Von. He had no idea before but guess she had been staying away from the lair as well. Yeah he went and told her sorry and they made up but this had been the most he been around here since all of that.
"hmm hey Von, didn't know ya were around. I dunno how ta make it cold but Coffee up for grabs once it's done." Raphael states, as part of him wanted to stick around to see if Don would come out soon but well no offense to Von but her being here too would sort of ruin that little thing with him and Don. Still not tried maybe he could go up top? maybe just crash at Casey's the rest of the night? Before he can fully think on what he wants to do though Von moved to sit with him. Raphael titling his head and quirk his beak a little as he looked at her curiously. "yeah?"
“I’m sorry,”
"Accepted?" Raphael offers trying to think about why she was being sorry in the first place. Von's more clam demeanor doesn't help to give him an idea on what this was all about though.
“For not telling you about Bishop; it’s not that I didn’t want to, honest, I just wasn’t sure how or when would be the best time, clearly I ran out of that by the time you did find out,”
Oh this. Raphael moves to sit up a bit well she speaks, blame it on him being tried or blame it on the fact he knows they are still well working on things between them. But he keeps his beak quite a moment. Honestly he hadn't thought about that much since everything that happened. he saw it was water under the bridge compared to everything else Von lying to him just didn't seem like as big a deal as he made it out to be before. Or Bishops words were just that loud in his mind.
“I should’ve been the one to tell you, and I’m sorry it wasn’t, and I’m sorry that I kept it from you at all - you trusted me, and I should’ve trusted you to understand.”
"Don't worry 'bout it babe." Raphael tosses out moving to rub the heels of his palm against the missing eye. Needing to press in against the side of it. That throb was getting worst right now. Part of him wonders if he ain't just thinking about it to much however, "yeah it took me through the ringer when..he told me. Yeah it pissed me off cause well ya my friend Von. But we ain't gotta say sorry every time we bump into each other now. I get it okay. Ya got cold feet on tellin' me. Timing was all off." thinking about it he's sure she never said sorry herself before uh? eh whatever. Moving to rest his head against the palm of his hand he can just tell there is more she wants to say.
"Ya gonna keep starin' at my good looks or ya gonna open ya mouth?" he teases hoping it prompts her just a tad so he will shut up.
“There is… something I need to ask you though,”
Raph doesn't even hold back the sigh that he goes and lets come right out from his beak "Okay? and what's 'hat?" he swears this better not be some weird family connection guilt. Raphael couldn't stand to deal with that on top of everything else right now.
“When you, understandably, blew up at me at the docks, did you mean what you said?”
"uh what part? I kind of said a lot 'hat night Von." in truth he didn't recall most of what he said, it was all this blind blank moment in his own memory. He just remembered how he felt not so much what he said. He recalls bits enough to know what he said was all in anger and a need to get her away from him. But sometimes a temper was funny, it let something out that you were keeping to yourself.
“‘Like father like daughter’, ‘spineless’, ‘you may be a butterfly but you’re acting more like a snake’ - that’s what you said.”
Raph physical grimaced at what she repeated. Regretting that he made it out that he himself didn't even recall what he told her. Yvonne on the other hand? Seemed like she had been carrying everything he said with her like scars. Reminders that never fades away and had yet to truly heal over. Worse Raphael couldn't even act like he wouldn't say those things ever. That is exactly what he dose.
“I’m not looking for an apology for what you said, I simply wish to know if you stand by it,”
"Von," Raphael tries to interrupt in a want to drop this whole thing. Now he wished he stayed in his hammock. That's selfish of him. Raphael just didn't want to do this. As childish as that was, but sometimes you got to.
“It’s okay if you did mean it you know, I suppose, selfishly, I’m asking for clarity on where we stand - that’s all.”
"ya know, ya remind of Donnie sometimes and it fuckin' annoying." There was no bite behind his wording there is a touch of fondness to his words. He caught how her voiced wavered when she spoke he can see how she's trying to hold herself together. Raphael hurt her, that's what he sees. He could lose the left eye and he still be able to see that. Rubbing at his temple a moment. The best thing he can do is give her a good answer, not sugar coated no one where he thought it over. He guess so he respects and cares enough about her to show he can be serious. "I only meant the spinless comment. Maybe a bit on the snake bit too but 'hat was me jus' baring my teeth at best."
Raph isn't sure if thats good or not dropping his hand now, he can push the pain away for a moment, turning to better face her right now. "Ya know Leo and I fight so much it jus' annoy Mikey and Don?" Raph can assume Don has complained about it before Mikey even since he liked hanging out with Von on those 'girl nights' of theirs. Why bring this up though? "Leo says some shit that can kinda hurt me more 'han well even losing my eye." He offers a bitter chuckle, it's easier to bring attention to it around Von though. "But Leo don' back down from me, he don' bottle crap away either, don' need me to confront him nether." Raph explains "Tell anyone 'his an' I swear I will prevent ya from getting a drop of coffee for days."He is quick to snap or some threat the first that comes to mind, messing with ones coffee is the only thing he can think of seeing how pissy Don gets over it. He waits to settle back to where he left off with "But I respect that 'bout Leo. Leo has never held back on me, if I piss 'em off I know trust me I do. I feel most usedta the harsh shit I say but trust me Leo can be worse. Sometimes I 'hink 'bout how fire when it's real hot it's blue ya? 'hat's how I think of Leo." He explains a bit "jus' no matter what though I can count on 'hat."
He's quite a moment "it's why I look for 'hat in others so much." because of the trait he respect most in his eldest brother. "I rather people be straight forward wit' me." Raph tries to explain, "I don' care they gotta say. If its painful or not I got more respect for someone 'hat can jus' be honest with me. I rather they jus' come out an' say it sure but even if it's take some push 'hat's fine. Why i wish Don wouldn' keep his beak shut all the damn time. Or you with this." reaching up now to rub over the back of his neck.
"Sure I can' say 'd have taken it well, sure I might still snap at somewhat. Maybe accuse you of bein' a double crosser. But 'hat jus' be me freakin' out 'hat if 'hat were ture. It been my fault somethin' happened to the rest of 'em. An' 'hat would kill me." Raphael knows better than anyone losing any one of his brothers would kill him but if he was the cause? yeah be worse. "But ya not jus' any one to me Yvoone. Ya important ta me too, i love bitchin' about shit with you. I love how fuckin' snarky ya can be. I love 'hat ya put your self into danger wit' thinkin' 'bout ya self. 'Hat no one can tell ya what todo ya gonna do it. An' I know ya someone I would put my life on the line for." He feels the need to point this all out before he speaks further.
"I can tell ya those thin's I haven' said to most ever. But ya can' tell me you were related to Bishop? How else would I 'ake that? Von. Someone I care 'bout a shit fuckin' ton, and would try and do whatever I could for if ya needed me to. But ya couldn' look me in the face an' tell me 'hat? Yeah Splinless. Even if I can bet I still wouldn' have taken it well cause well fuck it's Bishop. I can' stand that Matrix lookin' ass freak."
'Hat was the thing I didn' mean I jus' said it cause I dunno I freaked. I was pissed off an' i wanted ya away from me. Still think it was spineless of ya to keep it from me, but i guess i get it as well. But I am sorry for sayin' 'hat " He pauses a moment reaching over to set a heavy palm on to on shoulder. Raphael felt there was really only one thing to end this off on. "But ya ain't Bishop. Aint even close to him." he soon offers a smile her way "Got better fashion sense so least that ain't passed down to ya 'hat's somethin' yeah?"
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