#tmi but gas pains
nicxxx5 · 1 year
fuck stomach issues man
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machinedramon · 7 months
u ever make a decision that feels so divinely influenced it almost makes u believe God exists and sent an angel down to you specifically
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elitheradguy · 2 years
My tummy hurts but Im being so brave about it
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The way that I'm about to have a full blown breakdown thinking about how I'm turning 21 this year and how barbaric women's Healthcare is.
Like wtf😭
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the-spam-specialist · 10 months
Financial Emergency: Medical Bills and Holiday Funds
As much as I hate asking for financial help...unfortunately, I need to.
For the short version: after experiencing health problems and over a dozen doctor visits, my medical bills are starting to pile up. This has left me on a very tight budget, including next to no holiday funds for Christmas shopping for my family and friends. And I fear that other costs will begin to suffer soon, like my food budget and bills.
Long and detailed story below:
So, I think I should give you guys some info about what's happened to me the past month. I've been to the doctor half a dozen times for gastro pain and some unusually excessive blood loss (I apologize for the gross implications).
The gastro troubles led to me being diagnosed with "gastroesophageal reflux disease," which is basically a mix of gas buildup, indigestion, and acid reflux. It's not life threatening and I'm taking meds to handle the pain. As for the excessive bleeding, the cause of it is still unknown. I'm actually going back in tomorrow to be tested for Cushing's disease.
As expected, all of these doctor visits have led to many medical bills. For blood draws, and ultrasounds, and even a CT scan. And this couldn't have come at a worse time since Christmas is rapidly approaching. My holiday funds have been drained. And I still have more bills to pay (still have two more doctor appointments coming up).
I apologize if any of this was TMI, but you guys deserve to know what's going on when I ask for financial help. All I can do now is ask any of you for help. Whether it's donating or spreading the post around or just offering me moral support, I genuinely appreciate you guys.
I'll be accepting donations through Ko-Fi. Thank you for your time.
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ryttu3k · 3 months
72-hour check-in: so far, so good! Medical details beneath the cut, nothing too TMI.
Still a fair bit of pain, more when moving positions - lying down on my back is comfortable, sitting up straight is fine, sitting up at a recline is... iffy, and standing and walking is mostly fine. Going from one to the other hurts like a bitch, especially going from lying down to standing up.
I mean, it feels like what moving with multiple abdominal stab wounds feels like. Which. Is what I have. So.
The actual incision is healing extremely nicely, not a lot of pain there unless I twist around, which I'm. Trying not to do. Most of the pain is internal and is presumably from the fact that they had to a) basically chop up my uterus in order to keep the cervix and uterosacral ligament so things don't fall out, b) slice up the fuckhuge broad ligament to get everything out, as well as c) trimming around the ovaries, including the ligaments and blood vessels connecting it to the uterus.
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Like. All those bits are connected. The whole-ass broad ligament is connected to the pelvis and had to be cut away, so yes, it hurts rather a lot XD;;
Otherwise: appetite is fine. Digestive function hasn't... fully returned, so it'll be an interesting next few days as that, uh, works through. They pump gas into your abdomen to see what they're doing and that causes a bit of pain over the first few days (including in your shoulders), but that's largely faded. So it's mostly just the sharpish internal pain, worse on moving, plus digestive issues. Also more fatigue than usual, which is to be expected given the 'healing from multiple abdominal stab wounds' thing.
On the plus side: was able to come home after just an overnight stay, which is so vastly preferable to more time in a public ward that I cannot overstate it. Now have vastly reduced chance of uterine cancer or endometrial cancer. Have quite reduced chance of ovarian cancer (removing the tubes drops your risk drastically). Still have the same risk I had as before for cervical cancer, which was 'very little' due to the whole never having sex thing. And the absolute 100% biggest plus side is that I will never again have another period in my life. I'm fucking free!!
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endlesscoil · 4 months
the worst thing about having a chronic illness (or 2) that affects my digestive system is I just get to have a stomach ache forever
lately the gas is so uncomfortable and painful it’s difficult to fall asleep
Idk if that’s tmi
Deal with it lol
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thetrashiestoftrash · 9 months
Having a struggle that is probably tmi but I am in pain so too bad!
Early in my grand Crohn's adventure, I had to have about a foot of small intestine removed, right around where it joins up with the large intestine. That was about 11 years ago, and there's still significant scar tissue in the area causing a stricture. Most of the time I don't notice because it's, y'know, my intestines, but occasionally there's a disconcerting stretch.
Yesterday I had a nasty flare-up. Today I am doing better, but I am excruciatingly bloated. And all the gas is collected right on that scar tissue. I feel like if you poked a needle in my side, I would go flying around like a balloon. I am keenly aware of exactly where my surgery was all those years ago, because it hurts. Mankind was not meant to be aware of his insides like this.
The end that's my complaining.
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dragonbleps · 1 month
Visited dad, although the colonoscopy was pushed to like 3:30, so he hasn't gone yet. They got some gas out of him and that gave him relief
He's terrified of the risk of the distension colonoscopy though. TMI but he's lived for decades with huge hemorrhoids because the surgery risk of perforation, while small, was not something he was willing to risk. He's lived with pain all his life because of this fear, and now he's got no choice. I started crying when I realized how scared he was, but I think mom was able to calm and reassure him
The big GOOD news, is that he's been off the real strong narcotics for a while! His pain is able to be managed with much less and he is able to move around more without severe pain. That made me so happy
It was a short visit bc he'd just gotten some of his pain meds and wanted to sleep, but it was nice.
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queenmeriadoc · 1 year
God I hope this back pain is just gas
Feel like I’m dying over here
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cassowariess · 1 year
I know this is TMI but I'm 42 years old and I've had my first ever cervical smear where I was awake the whole time. The past two times I've had to be knocked out with general anesthetic because it was so painful. This time the doctors were really kind and helpful and used smaller instruments. There was also the option of gas if I needed it, which I think helped calm me down.
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vintage01sworld · 7 months
i’ve always struggled with getting stomach pains because the second it would happen i’d go have a meal. i am now just convincing myself it’s gas tmi maybe but your stomach hurting does not mean eat it just means lay down and chug water
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languagendersex · 2 years
Had a hysterectomy Monday, more (a little TMI) below the cut:
Everything went really well, the nurses complimented me on my vital signs afterwards, and i even had an appetite the same evening. I was released at around 7pm the same day (surgery was at 8am) after I was finally able to urinate on my own (they had to do an ultrasound of my bladder to make sure I was emptying enough) and walk around a bit.
The past 2 days have been on-and-off, lots of short naps and awake time (every 2-4 hours I either have to lay back down or get up again). I took like 3 doses of the opioid meds they gave me (once on the night of the surgery, twice yesterday), and I really felt they were making me extra tired and nauseous, as I could only force myself to eat 1 meal yesterday.
So now I'm on just ibuprofen, and since I've stopped the opioid, I started to take my CBD again with a little THC mixed in. I've been having these awful bursts of anxiety in addition to the pain, which on its own wouldn't be that bad. It's just kinda like indigestion mixed with constipation and a few gas cramps. The only time I get really sharp pains is when I can feel gas moving through my colon, so I've decided to try and avoid carbonated drinks until it passes.
Even though I'm doing very well (no complications that I know of), I still am basically bedridden and can only stand/walk for about 5 minutes before feeling faint. I think stopping that opioid will help the most, and along with the cannabinoids I take, getting enough food in me will probably increase my endurance a bit so I don't feel so faint all the time.
I've been reading everyone's recovery stories and it sounds like I'm really lucky, but I'm still concerned bc I'm supposed to go back to work in 2 weeks. Sounds like it may get extended to 3 weeks but you never know.
Feel free to drop by with any advice from personal experience.
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firelordrozula · 1 month
personal TMI post; I just need to ramble.
Ken if the worst pregnancy symptom I experienced so far was not the extreme fatigue in the first trimester that was almost crippling. Not the swollen feet that make it hard to wear my shoes — nope. All of that can be managed. The worst symptom was painful trapped gas I experienced.
I thought something was wrong with the baby. Nope. Just needed to toot. 🤣🤣
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divinebastet · 2 months
TMI, digestive issues
i have been feeling like absolute dog shit since 7 am this morning when stomach pains woke me up. i've had god awful cramps all day but no other symptoms. i figured it was just gas/indigestion.
i took milk of magnesia which worked but i'm still cramping. like girl what do you want. what is your damage
the only thing i can think of is some dairy i've had over the past few days but i've never reacted this badly to it. the fuck
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kierancampire · 6 months
Sorry for TMI, but I am in so much pain and this has been causing many issues in my day to day life at the moment, and again, the pain, it hurts so bad
As a child I got "diagnosed" with IBS, but like, my mum just went to the doctor for something then casually mentioned I fart and shit a lot, the doctor I said I had IBS, but like, as a throw away passing comment before talking about something else, since then on my record I have IBS and it's just a thing. So like, technically I have it, that just wasn't much of a thing obviously
And I have never taken care of it and I have never cared, my life is just lived consuming what I want and dealing with whatever happens, that's it. So, maybe this is my fault, but what I don't get is I haven't eaten or drank anything unusual and that is outside of my usual consuming habits, yet something's quite wrong
For what feels like a week now, and again, TMI warning, extreme TMI warning. But yeah, for I guess a week my body has been in so much pain, like my stomach and my butt just hurt and feel super messed up, they just are in pain, and the sounds my stomach makes, it's not good, like it's just these constant weird noises. But there are, yes, worst issues too. Firstly the less severe one is the gas, I have genuinely scared the cats multiple times with my farts, they never stink but they are just so incredibly loud and violent sounding, like explosive farts. But the second and by far worse issue is the bowl movements. My body regularly goes 1-3 times in the morning, then that's it, I'm done. But lately I keep having issues where I need to go late afternoon/evening times which is not normal for me, but also, usually I go quite easily, I sit down, it comes out, it's fine, like literally within 5 seconds I'll sit on the toilet and be done, but lately I can be on the toilet for 30 minutes, just feeling like I need to go but can't, but feeling like it can come out any moment. Also, yeah, TMI but it has been unpleasant. At about 5 pm today I felt I had to go toilet, it's what's become normal now, stomach pains, noises, gas, feeling like I need to go but can't, when all of a sudden, yeah, it all just violently shot out like a shot gun blast in one go, and the colour which was incredibly dark, consistency, everything, like something seemed seriously wrong. But mid way through writing this I have had to go back to the toilet cause my stomach feels so messed up, but once again just nothing
I just don't know what I would have eaten that would cause me literally near constant pain, gas, and all these toilet issues for about a week. I just hope it stops soon, it hurts so fucking much, is so unpleasant, and I just am sick of feeling like I'm constantly on the verge of shitting myself, while having diarrhoea, while also constipated. Cause again, I cannot stress enough, as much as the bowl movements are vile and unpleasant, and the whole feeling like I need to go but can't just is getting to me, it's the pain. It isn't constant, but when it starts up it is like my intestines and anus have just exploded open, it hurts so fucking much to the point a few times I have started pacing because I'm in so much pain. My stomach is killing me right now. I don't believe it is food poisoning, I just have no idea what's caused this
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