#missy update
kluskinoodles · 7 days
I am sad to inform you all that Missy, my 17 year old cat, might be closing near the end of her life. My dad had to take her to the vet again cause she was not eating. She has dropped another pound. I hope she is still alive when i go home for Thanksgiving. I at least want to pet her one last time.
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dragonbleps · 24 days
Dad is home :)
Exhausted, but home.
He goes back in on Wednesday to potentially get his drainage tube out, depending on how well it's doing
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fuckyeslilkim · 3 months
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Missy Elliott, Lil' Kim & Mary J. Blige buzzed on set of Lil' Kim's music video for 'No Matter What They Say', 2000.
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missy-hissy · 6 months
A New Mod and New Versions
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Two small updates today. The first being a new mod, Boasting Conversation Category. I know not that many people have liked the changes to social interactions in Growing Together but I’m quite fond of it. The only one I felt was missing was a Boasting, or Bragging, category. Having these interactions inside Small Talk didn’t really feel like it fitted for me, so I set about creating my own category. Read More & Download Here
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This update adds two new versions to the Teenage Interaction Reactions mod to enable compatibility with the new Boasting Category mod. This update is only relevant if you intend to use the new mod. Read More & Download Here
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missygoesmeow · 4 months
apologies for being a little inactive lately! if anyone really minds haha
i've been trying to reduce my online time a little...well online on social media! my partner is going to finland again tomorrow (just for a couple weeks this time, thank goodness!) so i've been spending more time with him plus we are looking at buying a place (wow big adult much scary) so a lot of free time is looking at shitty places we can afford and nice places we cant afford :)
im also just really busy the next few months so my presence will be scattered but just in case anyone thinks I've died or something lmao have a good weekend :) p.s. if you do want to see more art, I am mostly posting on my patre0n at the moment!
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glossyybabie · 9 months
part 19 || part 20
Summary: You can feel yourself crumbling away.
Warnings: Kidnapping. Blood and gore. A Missy-esque bit of body horror.
Word count: 1376
Notes: Applying to internships has taken up all of my time so I haven’t been able to update in aeons. I’m not even sorry.
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Waking up dazed and confused was becoming a very natural feeling for you. This ceiling was a strangely common sight. The pale grey tiles felt as though they were staring back at you with a shared kind of familiarity.
You pushed yourself upright. Your body immediately put up plenty of resistance, but not as much as you’d been expecting. A morbid part of you knew that you were just adjusting. This sort of discomfort would be the new normal.
Your gaze drew towards a tray of bloodied tools, resting harmlessly against the arm of a pristine white chair. The blue latex gloves on the other armrest had been twisted inside out to avoid splattering the chair in red.
Your palms smoothed down your hospital gown against your skin. You felt no bruises, no unevenness in the form of bumps or scarring. Your skin was clear, if dull, almost monochrome. You wondered just how many basic vitamins and minerals you were dangerously low on.
You started forward on wobbly legs. Pain radiated in a multitude of areas — some areas you didn't even know were capable of being in pain. But it was easy enough to ignore. That pain wasn't too sharp or troublesome. It didn't have you doubling over. If you could walk, you were fine.
You toyed with a blood-caked scalpel in your hand. In hindsight, you weren't even sure what had compelled you to pick it up. It wasn't as if any weapon existed that was a match for Missy. And even if there was, it wouldn't be a scalpel. The fires of hell probably weren't strong enough for that bitch–
"Who? Me?"
Missy stood behind you. Just a few feet away, she was just as refined and imposing as you'd always remembered her being. Her plum skirts swished around her legs as she took a step closer. You followed the line of her vision towards the scalpel in your hand.
"Now, where exactly were you going with that?" Missy asked calmly.
When interacting with Missy, there was no such thing as a lie. Lies were for just about anyone else.
"For a walk."
Missy grinned, a sweet yet cold expression that exposed her teeth. "Sure you are, poppet. Come on, back to mummy."
She was beckoning you back, her hands open and waiting for you to take. You stared at her palms. She didn't make a move towards you. She was letting you make the next move.
You shifted the scalpel around in your hand. "Why should I?" you challenged her. "Why should I do anything you say if it doesn't matter anyway?"
Missy exhaled sharply. "Sweetheart, I can't do this with you every time you have a crisis of self. Just come over here, give me your new toy, and no one has to get hurt. Alright?"
You watched her go still. Even now, your move in this game wasn't over yet. She was giving you a rare chance to reconsider. This was her showing mercy. She wasn't hurting you . . .
Yet. But she hadn't hurt you for a year of your life, and yet she'd never created wounds that ran so deep. She didn't need to cause harm in order to hurt. She was above that.
You shook your head. "No."
Pain shot through your arm like nothing you could have imagined. Your fingers were frozen around the steel door handle. You couldn’t consciously move them. You couldn’t move anything.
All too soon, sensation returned. You jerked away and stumbled onto the floor. The scalpel in your hand scraped across your face, eventually skidding across the shiny floor to a halt and leaving a notable trail of blood in its wake.
Your face erupted in blistering pain. You let out a pained cry and clasped your hands over your nose and mouth as blood poured over your trembling lips.
Missy stooped down and pinched the chunk of mangled flesh from the floor. “I suppose I can officially say got your nose.”
You wanted to scream for so many reasons. Tears burned in your eyes. Your throat was tight, but that feeling was nothing compared to the hot, thick viscera that coated your mouth and chin. You struggled to breathe past the fluids on your face.
You started to roll onto your front, but Missy slipped the tip of her boot beneath you before you could manage. She started to forcefully turn you over, ignoring your sobbing, garbled protests.
“Come on,” Missy said lightly, kneeling carelessly in the pool of blood beside you. “Let’s see what you’ve done. Don’t be shy now.”
This was all her fault — all of this was her fault. You were so defeated. The blood started to dribble down your cheeks and through your nose where it reached your throat. Your attempted coughs resembled inhuman grunts.
Missy pulled your damp hands away from your face. She laughed.
“Oh dear. See, this is why we don’t walk around with sharp tools. It’s only a matter of time before I get bored and shock you into slicing your organs off,” Missy sighed. She toyed with the exposed raw meat of your open wound, uncaring of the way you writhed in pain and clawed at her arms, gurgling incoherent words. “I think we can do better though. Shall we go again? I’ll aim for something more substantial this time, like an eye. Ooh, maybe an ear. Your tongue, if I time it right.”
You couldn’t stop crying. You were humiliated. You’d sustained injuries to last several lifetimes, you’d been torn apart and hastily glued back together in every way possible, but this felt more real than anything Missy had hurled at you before.
This was your face. It was the only familiar sight in your reflection. It reminded you of who you truly were. And now it was as disfigured, haggard, unattractive as the rest of you. Crumbling and wasting away like a plastic-corroded doll in a charity shop.
This was the largest piece of your identity to flake away so far. And it hurt.
Missy started to pull you up. You were just relieved that she was no longer poking her sharp red fingernails into the gaping hole in your face. “Come on, that’s enough sulking,” she said impatiently. “You humans are so hopelessly hideous with or without basic facial features, so I wouldn’t worry your ugly little head about it. That’s the spirit.”
She forced you to walk towards the bed you’d woken up in, disregarding the crippling pain you were in. Your knees buckled hopelessly beneath you. Missy half-dragged you alongside her.
“And hey,” she continued, “maybe someday I’ll get bored and reattach your nose. Or a nose, anyway. That’ll give you something to look forward to.”
You choked on a gasp. Blood spurted out of your mouth, all tangy on the tip of your tongue. You tried to make the most of the sensation — it was a matter of time before Missy started focusing on new areas of your face to maim.
Your knees slammed firmly onto the unforgiving floor. The blood-loss was starting to make you feel lightheaded. The thumping against the front of your skull wouldn’t cease, no matter how much you willed it.
You tried to speak, with little success. Your words tumbled out gurgled and splattered with blood. Hardly coherent.
Missy leaned in closer, tilting her ear towards you. “What was that, dear?”
You felt sick. The way she made you feel was dehumanising. On your knees in front of her. Pleading. Begging. Worthlessly so.
You cleared the immediate blood from your mouth and sobbed. “. . . Help me, Missy.”
Missy sighed, lowering her head in resignation. “Oh, alright,” she conceded. “Since you asked so nicely.”
She lifted your limp body off the floor. You put up no resistance as she carried you the remaining distance, her arms firmly supporting your weight this time. She gently set you down and lowered your head onto a soft pillow.
She moved the tray of tools towards herself. You watched her settle down comfortably, one leg neatly crossed over the other, as she reached for a familiar silver rod. Dread settled in the pit of your stomach.
“Let me just give my cautery rod a chance to heat up first.”
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oh-koenig-my-koenig · 6 months
somebody on ao3 asked if i could make a playlist - and i love to make playlists 🥲 so this is the shared playlist of metalhead!könig x reader! (if you didn't know... that one kinda is a self-insert) so i started with the songs i put into the fic and added some more that i would like to listen to with könig, some that i would show him, some of his favourites... i hope you enjoy! <3
i took a little break over the holidays because i was stressed and a little burned out, but i'm back now, feeling a bit better, with a few new ideas rolling around in my mind!
so, last but not least: an announcement! i'm almost at 666 followers (i kinda missed the 500 mark, so this is the next best thing :P ) and when we hit that (only 6 more to go!), i'm gonna open requests for the first time! i will choose up to three for now, to work on for the follower special.
you can choose metalhead!könig or fitfora!könig (from the fics i posted so far), or suggest another AU, or whatever general ideas you would like to read, and i will try and work them out! just be mindful that i only write for könig and won't write noncon, cheating, watersports, any cest, pregnancy (and this should go without saying, but just to be sure: all particpants need to be of age).
if there won't be any requests, i will still work on a little special one shot - i already have something fun in mind c:
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Getting on my computer after checking tumblr on my phone throughout the day is like:
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adonis-koo · 9 months
the time has come, who wants to buy my laptop for me? consider it my Christmas gift 😌💅
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underscoremoony · 7 days
My manager messaged me asking if I like a specific one of Colby Brock's old merch designs?
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playhousemassacrez · 7 months
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Some Poppy Playtime characters as humans
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dragonbleps · 1 month
We left the waiting room for multiple reasons after mom learned about the (typical) 2 hour wait time. She was in pain and exhausted, and was worried we'd run into the 6-8pm shift change where no visitors are accepted, my eye was really starting to give me a headache, etc etc.
When we got home, Mom spoke to the nurse who gave her the new room to see him in, possibly tomorrow. Dad made it through surgery fine and they had no issues reversing the anesthesia :) Apparently before the surgery he was almost entirely pain-free, so the pancreatitis is well on its way to healing! He has a wound in his side now, that's going to be sore because they had to go through muscle and such. But he's conscious and doing well, recovering.
Now, for what the doctor said about his gall bladder--
In front of the stomach, liver, and intestines, wrapping around them is a fatty, curtain-like organ called the omentum (there's Greater and Lesser, and more, but specifics aren't important). It plays a role in immune response. When things get inflamed--say, a liver--the omentum clings to those structures and aids in healing.
His pancreatitis had been so severe in affecting other organs it was challenging to maneuver around the omentum to get to the gall bladder. He ended up having to snip away some omentum, but said that dad has so much, it's not going to cause any harm.
What he did was snip the bulbous end of the gall bladder and begin scooping gall stones out. He said dad had at least a hundred stones. A HUNDRED, BB-to-pea-sized gall stones in his gall bladder!!! I thought the nurses had said no scans found any but??
Anyway, so he scoops them all out and then snips as much of the gall bladder out as possible. He wasn't able to remove as much as he usually does, mostly because the omentum was blocking vision so much and they don't want to risk nicking the Common Bile Duct because that'd cause a major complication and require a re-routing procedure, it just wasn't worth the risk. So there's technically still a risk of gall stones forming in the tiny funnel shape that's left at the end of the duct, but it's still safer.
He said dad was very lucky he came in when he did, that this was a very serious case of pancreatitis that could've caused multiple organ failure if left to progress. But the pancreas is now healing and the inflammation has gone down.
They're of course going to keep a close eye on him while the surgical wound heals, and monitor his liver numbers to make sure they didn't miss a stone or see that he's forming more.
He sent both the bit of amputated omentum and the gall bladder off to Pathology just to be sure, but he didn't see anything during surgery that looked tumorous.
They still wanna figure out what the fluid backup is and where it's coming from, but other than that, he should be on the road to recovery!
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dalamusrex · 23 days
After almost a month, my dad is out of the hospital and is home ❤️
He's dealing with a rare complication from the gall bladder removal surgery (chyle leakage), so he has a drainage tube he has to empty each day, and he goes back on Wednesday next week to hopefully get it taken out.
He's exhausted and readjusting to being mobile (we live in a two-story and his bed is upstairs), but doing as well as can be expected. He's got both me and mom to look after him, so he's never lacking support.
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missy-hissy · 16 days
Patreon Re-Launching & Autumn 2024 Updates
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So a couple of bits of news. Firstly, I am re-launching my patreon! I closed it last year when my mental health tanked but I'm doing a LOT better now, so I'm giving it another go. All my mods will remain 100% free - no paywall, no early access. Support is always appreciated but never required. A little bit more about that can be found on my patreon HERE.
Secondly, I have the Autumn 2024 updates for you! A little earlier that I'd planned but I wanted them released before my birthday next week so here we are!
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And onto the updates! 3 of my mods have received updates today, including the much anticipated addon for Hopes & Fears to remove fulfillment altogether! The master post for the Autumn 2024 updates can be found HERE.
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Parenthood Discipline For High School Years
~ Added Dutch translation ~ Added discipline options when a teen is caught for sneaking out.
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The Milestone Mod
~ Updated all images to work with the new DX11 update. ~ New: Added 7 new milestones in a Base Game package.
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The Hopes & Fears Mod ~ Version 3.1
~ Overhauled Fear of Being Alone. ~ Rebalanced the gaining and losing of fulfillment due to events. The changes to fulfillment have been lowered to hopefully prevent Sims from switching several levels too quickly. ~ Added new Optional package to disable fulfillment. Please see the Life Fulfillment page for information and to download this package.
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midnightcinderella · 1 year
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Key points:
Korean release is a no-go, and the Korean language will no longer be supported
Global release is still on and has been pushed back to late September/early October
Damn near shit myself seeing "we have made the final decision not to release the game"
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bammymargera · 1 year
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it’s been a mf day 😭😭
ft missy getting coffee with bam a few days ago🥺
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