#mod updates
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interact-if · 4 months ago
Hello everyone,
This is an update regarding the state of the blog. Unfortunately all of our mods must focus on IRL and other situations that need to take priority.
As such, this blog has officially gone into archival mode. We will leave all existing posts up with their appropriate tags, and likewise the discord will remain live for community archives and discussion.
Sadly this is fairly typical for online volunteer based blogs and systems, and other things must take precedence.
If anyone is ever interested in taking over the blog, feel free to reach out. Ideally we would want to pass the torch on to a group of persons with similar standards and beliefs as we've cultivated this blog to reflect.
I (Roast) will try to keep an eye on tumblr's messages for the next coming days, but can be better reached on discord.
Thank you all for coming along with us on this ride! :)
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thesweetsimmer111 · 1 year ago
More Toddler Interactions - V3 Update
I've updated More Toddler Interactions to V3! Various new features, fixes and improvements have been added to the mod 😊
Image Previews:
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olomaya · 10 months ago
Toddler Food Update
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This is an update to the Toddler Foods and Snacks and More Activities Activity table mods so you can now serve any recipe dish in addition to the pre-made toddler foods. You can't serve burnt or spoiled food but other than that you can serve toddlers any food in the fridge or on the lot.
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Note: This doesn't replace or remove the original foods and snacks. There is now just a third option to "Serve Meal" which will give you the option to serve any recipe meals you have cooked. I renamed the original "Serve Meal" to "Serve Toddler Plate". The preference system is still in place so they will like, love or hate certain foods. However with custom foods, it will be based on whatever the custom food is cloned from so it may not match the actual food category.
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You need to redownload the MAIN files for the Toddler Foods and the Activity Table. (Note you need the Toddler Foods installed if you have the Activity Table.)
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Thanks so much to @zemyna for testing and for letting me use her adorable photos! As always let me know if any issues.
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phoebejaysims · 11 months ago
Updates updates updates (and fixes)!
Generic Register Mod
Babysitting is now added to the list of duties that the register attendant can perform. Might be useful for your nursery, who knows?
Also, performing duties is a little better handled.
Download: Mod The Sims - Generic Retail Register - With New Features (holiday pay, request time of work, assign duties)
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Bubble Bath Mod
Certain dramatic (and loser, unstable, unlucky) sims may feel nauseous showering in the smell of hot lemon. Tuning is available in the XML.
Download: Simblr.cc - Bubble Baths Runs Out
Hairdresser Mod
Make hairdresser appointments for later in the week.
Hairdressers can also take styling classes to brush up on their skills.
Getting paid now counts as career pay for non-stylist career sims too meaning it can be paid automatically into (Social Club mod) Bronzo accounts.
Chair tooltip edited slightly.
Choosing the days off is done by a pop up list rather than having to type in the day. This does mean you'll have to set them up again for your chairs!
Download: Mod The Sims - Hairdresser Mod - Impress Clients, Temporarily Dye Hair and More!
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Social Clubs
New activities: give lecture, watch TV, play video games.
Hunger is auto resolved during formal clubs.
Tried to fix teleporting lone club toddlers to no avail. If that works worse than before, sorry... seems to work better with inactive toddlers than active ones.
Club restrictions enforced more strongly via. club board for necessary clubs.
Fixed issue with bank transfers not completing when done direct through Bronzo object.
Can order Bronzo card through computer when card is missing (not just stolen).
Can end clubs early via. scheduler.
Can leave club early via. scheduler.
Can ask sim to join club activities for that session.
Sign up another sim in your household to a club via. the club board.
A sim dying should not make the club scheduler unusable anymore.
Traditional Chinese translation added.
Download: Mod The Sims - Social Clubs Mod (+ banking) - Grow Memberships, Push Activities, Make Bank Accounts and More!
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Court Mod
Lawyers should actually help their jailed clients instead of simply changing clothes and standing around like idiots.
Download: Mod The Sims - Take Sims To Court - Sue Sims, Become a Lawyer, Have Court Weddings and More!
Cheerleading Mod
If you were having trouble finding objects, included in the download file, you can now find all the individual unmerged objects.
Download: Simblr.cc - 4t3 Cheerleading Mod
Painting Needs Supplies
(Unsure if this is from this update or a previous one but:) this mod works in conjunction with the Reworked Ultimate Careers mod now. When pushed to paint, sims will use the easel if there is enough paint around.
New tuning added so you can choose if the mod places restrictions for inactive or inactive households (or both).
Download: Simblr.cc - Painting Requires Paint
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missy-hissy · 1 month ago
Mod Updates ~ February 2025
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A couple of little updates for you today ~ just the Lovestruck Attraction Overhaul, More Colourful Icons and The Custom Wants.
Any bigger updates will be held off until after the next EP early next month.
Updates (12th February 2025): 🔴Lovestruck Attraction Overhaul🔴 ~ Fixed notifications when Sims ask about attraction level if the result is Extremely Attracted. It was previously giving the Neutral response but it now has its own. ~ Added the new attractions to the randomiser for NPC Sims. Also slightly increased the number of Turn Ons/Turn Offs for NPCs. ~ Added a moodlet for when Sims discover another Sim finds them unattractive. This also adds a Hurt sentiment. Download Here
🔵More Colourful Icons🔵 ~ Added the same moodlet/sentiment from the Attraction Overhaul to ensure compatibility. Download Here
🟣The Custom Wants Mod ~ Version 2.8.3🟣 ~ Fixed an issue which was causing some LEs. Thanks @konansock for the speedy fix and to everyone who sent me errors! Download Here
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icemunmun-spicy-scalpel · 1 year ago
Mods updated - March 2024
Custom Food Interaction
Custom Drink Interaction
Air Fryer
Functional Smoothie Blender
One Pot
Frozen Summer Ice
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ohmyplumbob · 1 year ago
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LOVE this mod, but it hasn't been updated in some time so I updated BOTH to work with ALL ages (you don't need a separate file for them)
Please be sure to credit ICONIC but link back to this page or my FREE patreon
@sssvitlanz @maxismatchccworld
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claudiasharon · 2 years ago
Patch 1.99 Updates!
These are free on Patreon linked below (and MTS and Curseforge(pending)), will update Tumblr links later!
No Auto PC (overrides version)
No Auto Phone (overrides version)
Children Can Gain Fitness 
Children Can Gain Painting and Writing Skills 
Cooking Club Afterschool Activity 
Skilled Homework (Teens+Children)
Skilled PC (revamped menu)
Scumbumbo's Call Anytime + Relationship Mod Updated Plus Romance 
Work and School Mods (meet coworkers and friends etc)
Privately Ask for Advice (BGC)
Working Out Reduces Fury 
All my other mods should be okay except for the ones listed below that I need to check still.
Drink Faster
Larger Payout For Programming and Hacking
Even More Babies Mod
No Auto Swim & Gain Hygiene and Fun Faster
Donate to Charity Tweaks
More updates coming soon! I need a break now. xD
@luthsthings @sssvitlanz @maxismatchccworld @scarlets-realm
Thanks for reblogging and sharing!
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acronym-chaos · 5 months ago
We are going to have a body birthday in 11 days (13th November)
We kind of want to do an event celebrating that. We wonder whether we should do a coining event or a more general event (where one could post stuff other than coins like NPTs or Edits for example). It would probably take a week or so starting said 13th November
Here is an interest check poll
Please reblog for reach if you feel comfortable doing so
Taglist (ask to be added or removed): @radiomogai @elpisflags @rwuffles @zoeynovie @yureipunk @sevvys @ghostlywatchers
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amethystamanda · 2 months ago
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Famous Pastry Chef Aspiration by xbrettface Updated
There was very very little that needed to change in this aspiration. It just needed updating for new added tuning and to mark it as a teen+ aspiration (there's no straightforward way to mark it as young adult and older). and to recognize cupcakes baked in the oven. So I changed as little as possible.
From the original description (also the picture at the top):
Famous Pastry Chef: This sim wants to master the art of baking and become a famous pastry chef! Reward Trait: World-Renowned Baker (Adds Fresh Chef and Unstoppable Fame traits) This sim has earned a place in the Culinary history books! All prepared food is high quality and never spoils! Their fame is immortalized and incapable of fame decay over time. Tips for gaining Fame Points and winning an Award as a Baker/Pastry Chef: I have also included additional information/tips for objectives when you hover your mouse over the text of an objective. 1) Half Baked Watch 4 Hours of Cooking TV Buy a Cupcake Machine Bake 6 Cupcakes Achieve Level 5 Baking 2) Whisked Away Bake 10 Pastries Volunteer at a Bake Sale Research Advanced Cooking Techniques Achieve Level 10 Baking 3) Selling Like Hotcakes ]Earn Gold on 2 Fan Meet & Greet Events Reach Level 8 of the Culinary Career Buy a Bakery (Retail Lot) (If you need a bakery, you can download my Sweets & Treats Bakery lot here!) Become a 3 Star Celebrity 4) Life Is Sweet Earn Gold at a Hosted Charity Benefit Become a 5 Star Celebrity Win an Award at the Starlight Accolades Place a Celebrity Tile in Starlight Boulevard
What I've changed:
I changed how cupcakes are registered--instead of checking using the cupcake making interaction on the cupcake machine, it now checks for making cupcakes (a whole batch, not a single cupcake). It will now register cupcakes made in the oven too.
I added the teen+ aspiration_valid_age_type. Not having that is the main reason it was broken.
I added completion loots to the objectives, for wants and pivotal moments, as is now the standard.
I added a buff to let the game know that the aspiration was completed. I'm not sure why it's in all the aspirations I looked at, but it is, so this one matches those. Maybe milestones?
The reward trait is now valid for reincarnation.
The reward trait is now available for teens.
The reward trait now has a display_name_gender_neutral.
The reward trait is restricted to humans, or available for humans--humans meaning not pets. Probably both. I think a species test became required since the mod was last updated.
I re-used the included icon on the trait, since it didn't have one.
I updated the SImData.
I added comments, since I had to update all the files anyway, and if it does require a full overhaul at some point in the future, they'll make it much, much easier. This time it just needed a little touch-up.
Most of those are things I've done for every aspiration I've updated.
I haven't added wants. I've made so few changes that it didn't feel right to, and xbrettface said they had plans for the aspiration the last time they updated it. Hopefully they will come back and make those changes.
If you've been playing with the aspiration despite it being a bit broken, you can pop the update into your game and keep going with no progress lost. And existing translations will still work (no idea where they are, since they're not linked or included).
Requires Get to Work, Get Famous, and Parenthood.
Download: https://simfileshare.net/download/5265718/
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awwoo56709s-sims4-mods · 6 months ago
this account has been TAKEN OVER (by request)
this is meat ice cream.! im awoo's friend she's too busy to update her mods so she said i can do it, ok?
CURRENT STATUS: (10/23/24: recent patch had seemingly no effect on these) - death by vampire thirst appears to be broken. you could try 🖱️this mod on mts🖱️ for now. - chocolate lethality for werewolves was broken but i updated it 🖱️here🖱️ (its still uses core library) - misc micromanagement still works - teens can fight adults still works - nerfed/no werewolf/vampire dislike was broken but is now updated 🖱️here🖱️. choose 1 package. - no negative plasma fruit buff was partially broken (a string issue with the angrywolf versions) and updated 🖱️here🖱️ - misc tweaks should still work, the hungrier/less tired werewolves, sad guilty drinker buff, and no tense buff on pets definitely do. the others are a little harder to test... - temperaments affect needs should still work but is again hard to test lol - vampire rebalance seems to be working but is also hard to test. uh
you can reach out to me on patreon with any questions
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steddiebang · 2 years ago
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Steddie Bigbang Posting Season
It's here! The Steddie Big Bang posting season starts October 1, 2023 and runs through January 15, 2024. We have a ton of great projects posting the fantastic fic and art they've worked so hard on this year!
Want to keep track of all the great projects coming out? Here's some different ways to keep track of all the new content:
Each bang project has an assigned day where they submit a project masterpost to our tumblr with all links and project info. We're projecting roughly three projects submitting masterposts a day through November, December, and early January. All of these posts will be tagged with #steddiebang23 and #steddiebang23 masterposts, so keep an eye out or follow us to keep up to date!
Since multichapter fics can begin posting chapters on October 1, we will promote any posts we're tagged in as well. Any non-masterpost promo (for fic and art) will be tagged #steddiebang23 project promo.
Mods will post weekly round-ups every Sunday with links to all the fics that were posted that week. We will tag these posts with #steddiebang23 roundups.
During posting season, mods will promote upcoming fics regularly to build hype and so people can mark their calendars for when fics they want to read come out. We will tag these posts #steddiebang23 upcoming projects.
Any projects posted on AO3 will be submitted to our Bang Collection, under the tag #steddiebang23.
If you're on the community discord, we have a finished projects channel specifically for teams to promote their projects.
Follow us! All projects will be posted and promoted here on our tumblr.
Our authors and artists have worked really hard on their projects, so don't forget to show your love by reblogging and commenting on their work!
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thesweetsimmer111 · 1 year ago
More Pregnancy Interactions - Updates
I've updated More Pregnancy Interactions to V2! Various issues have been fixed and brand new animations have been added to the Complain about having new sibling interaction 😊 (For anyone wondering about pregnancy tests, they will be included in the next update as well as other new features).
Image Previews:
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olomaya · 1 year ago
Some Quick Updates
Okay, last thing from me for this year and it's fitting that it's mostly with my Religion mod which was my very first Tumblr post! Happy Holidays everyone!! 🤗🎆🎇
Religion Mod (Peteran):
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I fixed the issue where Sims keep getting up every 5 seconds during sermons. (so dumb, I had changed from an "&&" to an "||" at some point for some unknown reason which was the issue) They will now stay seated and listen until the sermon is over barring any motive distress.
Added speech bubbles for sermons and other interactions
Added advertising to the sermon tunings so priests will autonomously use it (if you don't want that, use the original ITUN files in my previous version)
Sims can now give Holiday Sermons (they're just regular sermons but they have a higher attraction rate for Sims to autonomously listen and can only be done during Snowflake Day and Love Day)
Sermons also now give a small job performance increase
Added skill stats for the Peteran Skill (the last two are related to features not active yet in the mod so you won't see new interactions but I've loaded them in now since I'm testing it in my game) and two skill opportunities. See image below.
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Fixed the issue where the "Gossip about Churchgoer" interaction was available all the time (it's only supposed to be available after going to church) Download the updated file HERE
Smoking Mod :
Added the missing string for the vape flavors. Thanks to the anon who let me know about it.
I also believe I've finally (finally! FINALLY!) fixed the issue of the broadcaster constantly spitting null value exceptions when teens smoke outside in front of a punishable adult.
Download the updated file HERE
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Thank you everyone for your patience! It's been a month and a half since the last poll but you're all still here & I noticed still reblogging old polls to spread some stories! That honestly delighted me to see.
There are going to be a few changes, so I wanted to list them all out for you guys.
For polls that have a link to the text in them, I'm going to add a "Yes, I followed the link & read it now" option. I've dabbled with adding it before, but not all polls have links to text in them so I decided against it. But after seeing @haveyoureadthispoem-poll and how they use it, I think it's a good idea. Thank you poem mod for opening my eyes to it, haha.
I'm changing my tags a little bit. Instead of saying "[x] language literature" or "[y] century literature", I'm just going to type lit instead. Easier and will prevent typos which commonly happen and need to be fixed. I thought about axing those tags entirely, but I have seen a few people say they use it so they'll be here to stay in a reduced form. I'm also adding "translated lit" as a tag for works not originally written in English.
For pieces that don't have a cover or an author photo, instead of having a no image found picture, I'm just going to leave it imageless. I don't think the no image found was necessary and it was kind of silly for me to use it in the first place.
When I start making polls again, I'm going to queue everything that has already been submitted so far, and then open submissions up. I'm going to allow people to submit as many pieces as they want again instead of limiting how many you're allowed to submit, though I would ask for those who do submit many to space it out a bit so you can give others a chance.
I'm going to continue to reblog fundraisers for Palestine on this blog. I have been reblogging them on my main for a while but it only dawned on me recently that if I reblogged it on my poll blogs they'd have a wider reach.
I'm changing my profile picture soon! This isn't that big of a deal I just wanted to inform you guys since I haven't changed it since starting the blog.
Expect me to begin posting sometime later this week! Once again, thank you for waiting for me to return. I love you guys on this blog so much!
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