#tma fan theory
atlasail · 6 months
Tmagp theory(spoilers for the series thus far as I’m not sure what episodes I will reference but primarily Episode 7 of tmagp and references to tma)
Note: I have not done the difficult work of checking case dates when writing this theory. This aspect could completely debunk my theory in the case that one of you know the case dates please inform me in the comments and I’m open to any and all corrections
So episode 7 in which the artefacts are gathered at the hilltop centre could possibly be how the powers gained their foothold in this universe. The powers in tma originally manifested as books (later coined Leitner’s) and the existence of supernatural artefacts is heavily explored in tma. Episode 7 was very much giving ritual vibes. Hilltop road obviously where the crack in the universe lies. here a run down of how I speculate the events occur.
1. End of TMA, Fears travel through crack and into this new universe and artefacts manifest with their arrival, the artefacts being the more potent manifestation. When the Fears enter the new universe their tokens of power are stripped from them their avatars, monsters and other manifestations left in the tma world. (This is just my thoughts based on the info I’ve got)
2. The web (or whatever it may be reconfigured into) controls the people bringing in the artefacts literally gathering power from a variety of the fears, securing this Hilltop has the very same significance as the one before it.
3. That gathering of power allows the fears to start creating avatars and generating monsters
In summary I believe Episode 7 provides insight into how the fears grew their power within the world of The Magnus Protocol. Creating a site of horrific power that allowed the fears (however they may or may not be reconfigured) to create avatar and monsters to further channel and grow their powe
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magnus-paranoics · 1 month
sooo, let's talk about Celia's sleepwalking
I've had this on my mind and I'm too lazy rn to go back over the previous episodes to reconfirm the details. Might check later. So basically. We know she's been sleepwalking. Ending up in weird places, first outside in the rain, then waking up just barely in time to dodge a train coming straight at her. At that point I was already thinking that, okay, her subconscious, or whatever holds power over her at night, wants her dead. And now after this episode, as I was texting the second half of this account, I realised I needed a map. Her sleeping body dragged her all the way to Oxford, while the oiar office is smack dab in the middle of London. Surely, that must be significant. And so I googled, just to check, the locations of the oiar office, the magnus institute, and hilltop road. Guess which one is in Oxford. That's right.
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I don't actually know what exactly this means, other than, most likely, whatever forces are at play here (the Web?) didn't like that Celia crossed over from the original tma world, and very much want to drag her back. I wish her luck and keep hoping that the oiar staff will unionise and just collectively hear eachother out and pool shared knowledge.
– The Rat, aka the Beholding avatar of this duo
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vlly-of-despair · 2 months
Ok but like, we need to talk about Alice and the ‘victim’… (spoilers for TMP)
I’ve been kicking around the theory for a little bit in my head now that the Magnus Institute program for gifted children is meant to find children who have an aptitude to act as conduits for the Fears via meditation practices that can transport their consciousness to the ‘Somewhere Else’, aka the layer of reality in which the Fears resign.
I made a past post about this, but for a summery: In the Magnus Archives, the Fears are described as gods from another realm, not necessarily from another universe, but rather in a different layer of reality we usually can’t see or comprehend, but can bleed into our world in the small weirdness of the statements we see throughout the narrative, and humans being able to harness gifts derived from the warped reality of these beings via becoming an Avatar. In the Magnus Protocol, people may channel the powers that may be from the layer of reality through becoming an ‘External’ or by an object, or environment. They categorize cases regarding the Somewhere Else as subjects being viabilities as subjects, agents, or catalysts (see ep 9 as an example of this cataloged on record).
Now, I personally believe whatever the Magnus Institute was cultivating, they wanted to specifically target areas of greater knowledge.
In TMA 127, John describes to Basira the ability to see into the minds of others as:
It’s like there’s a, a door, in my mind. A-a-and behind it is, is the entire ocean.
Before, I didn’t notice it, but now, I – I know it’s there, and I can’t forget it, and I can feel the pressure of the water on it… when I’m around p-people, or.. places, or.. ideas? A drop or two will push through the cracks at the edges of the door. And I’ll… know something.
Now both Sam and Gerard both applied to the Magnus Institute program, but were not accepted. When we saw the ARG Mag Testing sheets from past children’s names, as well as the criteria they ranked the children on, many being less so on their intelligence, but on their empathy, obedience, and conformity. So my best guess is that they find the most obedient children of high intelligence, those who may be able to harbor great ‘knowing’ and ‘seeing’ about the intellectual comprehension of most people, and that are apathetic enough to endure the possible… casualties tapping into the Eldritch horrors may call upon. Then they train them to become figures similar to the Archivist, but to the degree in which they can ‘open the door in their minds’ completely. This didn’t go so well… like at all… taken by the fact that the ‘protocol’ was enacted and the whole institute burned to the ground. Did they open a rift to this dangerous world? Is the OIAR fighting against those who try to push too much of these Outer Gods into our material world? To ‘see’ too much?
Curiously, there is a child in the ARG spreadsheet listing the children involved with the ‘gifted kids program’ with the name Connor Dyer, the same lat name as Alice. Many people, including myself, think this IS Alice and her deadname, prior to transitioning.
So, Alice was involved with the program, and her denial of the fact and urging Sam to stop researching the institute raises some big red flags. Where am I going with this? Well, if we go back to MAGP 15: WELL RUN, we see the victim that approached Gwen being compelled to spill out her fear as she is ‘drowning’ on land, trying to grab Alice as she whispers about seeing an endless, dark sea. Alice’s reaction is sooo interesting to me. At first it seems normal, she sees a dying frantic woman, reacts in panic and calls the ambulance. However, once she sees the tape recorder, she becomes utterly terrified. She says, “ I’m sorry, I can’t-.” And runs.
Alice, what about the tape recorder specifically triggered you so much? Is it because perhaps you remember this scene? Using a tape recorder, as a child in the Magnus Institute program, to document your decent into that same vast ocean beyond our world? Is if because if suddenly clicked what this is, what has happened to this woman, that she was compelled? That her thoughts were spoken with far more clarity after death because her corpse is being puppeteer by a power which unlocks the minds and fears of others beyond their mind alone? Why are you working at the OIAR? And why did you invite perhaps the only other person you know who could have the abilities the Magnus Institute searched for in youth?…
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So what’s everyone’s theories for Tmagp?
I’m talking the institute burning down, GERRY BEING ALIVE (+ GEEGEE), the undeniable evidence that Celia is the same Celia from the cult in TMA, the archivists, [ERROR], PLEASE TELL ME YOUR THEORIES‼️
Kinda off topic too but has no one caught onto the reference to protocol in mag 068??
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need a remind you what year the institute burnt down in the protocol!verse? Could this be maybe stuff leaking through like Annabelle mentioned? We never got a reason how those statements were leaked, and if we did I can bet money it sounds like bullshit, and better yet we haven’t got anything on how the institute burnt down in the protocol universe.
My bet is Gerry and Gertrude just got their petrol on a bit earlier before..whoever was head of the institute could interfere. Or maybe it was THE head of the institute did it to stop a dreaded power? We r still without so much info and s2 is about 11-12 episodes away!! Give us theory juice!!
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hancave · 2 months
a magnus protocol theory: “time isn’t real”
now, this theory is a Slight shot in the dark, and is purely based on a throwaway joke that Alice says at one point, but given the way alex and jonny like to plant very silly bits of foreshadowing early on, and some themes i’m noticing in my re-listening of tma, i’m becoming more and more inclined to believe it to have Some truth lol.
So we know that remnants of the tma universe are being revealed, especially through celia. considering her involvement in the post-change cult i think she’s likely going to be an important link.
But the question is, how?
A lot of things i had initially circling my mind was something alternate reality related, due to the doppelgängers and how everything is different, but celia seems to remember another reality.
It wasn’t until i was re-reading some of the earlier transcripts that alice makes a, somewhat pointed, joke that “time isn’t real”, that i thought:
what if this is the same reality, just heavily time distorted due to the post-mag 200 fallout?
at first I was like… nah i literally have no proof, just a hunch, but more and more things just kept piecing together that keeps bringing me back to it:
* the doppelgänger found underground appears to be older in ep 21
* darrien seeming to have fading memory until he meets his doppelgänger
* the spiral is HEAVILY involved in MAG 65: Binary, where it seems possible that the Spiral can trap consciousnesses somewhat in COMPUTERS. Hence “DISTORTED” time, as this could be work of the Spiral
now this theory is most definitely patchy, and i have some ideas on what the entities are now up to since the ending of the apocalypse, my most solid one being that the OIAR are serving the web, or some kind of smirke kind of idea to keep everything in “balance”. but once i finish my re listen i may update this as i go along hehe
also would like to thank @indieklutz in helping me out this theory together hehehe
very excited for the outcome of this side-quel (my hyperfixation is going crazy)
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jo1sstuff · 8 months
So, you know how there are multiple realities in TMA?
Like how they send the fears into more dimensions at the end of the podcast, and Anya Villette being from another universe?
What if, like how Anna Wilett is the 'original' version of Anya Villette, there are other versions of TMA characters in The Magnus Protocol.
What brought this to my mind was hoping that Melanie King might make a return. Imagine: There's a mention of some ghost-hunting lady with an almost familiar name; Marilyn Prince.
Maybe other characters could be mentioned too, like Georgie Barker, or Basira and Daisy, but with different names. Who knows!
Feel free to add your own 'alternate universe' names for TMA characters. Also feel free to write fics with this concept. Maybe TMA universe people meeting their TMAGP counterparts. Go wild! (please let me know if there are any fics with that concept though, it sounds fun)
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potatoeenjoyer · 2 months
I think jon and martin are dead the same way that lightner was dead so... they aren't ,oficialy they are dead but you know,they just might not be ,and on the other hand their minds or atleast their voices are in the computers so this might be like that one guy who got his soul traped in a book,the one jon talks to in america so they might have goten turned i to the sistem after their death ,there are to many options .
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starsoftheeye · 2 months
bro i wish i could draw better so i could make an animatic of that one but in the horse and the infant when odysseus finds hectors son, but instead its celia finding jack after killing her tmagp counterpart
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corvid-corvette-coven · 8 months
Watch me ramble and speculate wildly off the top of my head about TMAGP’s new fear paradigm
the ramblings of a madwoman
The fears have been severely reshuffled in TMP
These fears might have entered TMAGP’s universe recently
Or otherwise haven’t shaped history to the same degree as the TMA universe
The magnus institute still existed though
Which implies the events of Jonah Magnus’s life, barnabus bennett, etc happened
But the magnus institute was not relocated to London, and was in Manchester… which could mean a lot
A. The original Jonah Magnus never attempted the watchers crown, or any version thereof, he died a natural death, and the institute continued until that fire (which may or may not have been intentional)
B. Many of the events of TMA did happen the same, with the exception of a lot of the webs spinning and key events around the 70s and 90s when the OIAR or whatever was formed and the magnus institute crumbled.
C. Jonah DID live or some other influences to do with the institute and the eye happened and strands that have not yet revealed themselves will lead us to discovering this OIAR or whatever is some extrapolation of that original mission
I feel like jonah being the villain again is weak sauce tho
the series is yet to reveal its finish line OBVIOUSLY cos only 2 eps are out but there is a puzzle in my mind that is being filled out slowly, and i’m only guessing from these pieces and reasonable expectations of our boy Jonny.
Any of those being said, the way Jon, Martin, and Jonah have entered this world in some form or another, which implies there was an active change made as a result of the apocalypse and the events of MAG200 ( 😭 )
They could have been unwillingly injected into this program, or maybe the program was born when they were, if it’s intentionally nonsensical or otherwise jumbled it might be a creation of some new or old entity
Maybe in this new world smirkes 14 doesn’t apply at all, and whatever otherworldly playdough made those original entities was reformed and remoulded to newer, more apt designs for our modern day, no longer based in ancient cultures and primal motivations.
Self image coupled with flesh based self mutilation and an almost corruptive force that drains the first true joy the victim felt regarding their appearance once they strayed further and further from themselves to achieve an idealised form is ALOT to try to define as a single known entity
They were gifted this beautiful design, and once they were finally at peace with their look, they gained an itch to go further, more and more unnatural, they pursued perfection and paid the price.
Maybe multiple entities may claim a victim,
The tattooist might have been an avatar of a new eye esq entity that takes a more active role?
Then the victim was claimed as by some sort of flesh adjacent entity that contains the unrealised potential of the flesh from TMA originally (more self image and impossible standards than body horror)
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ok, something I've been wondering about
if the archivist dies, then all the assistants are let free right?? because the archivist is the thing that ties them to the eye
but what if the archivist cut their own connection to the eye through blinding themself, surely they couldn't still be a conduit for others when they aren't even connected themself
in conclusion, if Jon had blinded himself it absolutely would've solved a lot of problems for everyone
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sector27-system · 1 month
Long time no see; we're always forgetting that we write for us and feel weird about doing it because we're thinking of the wrong reasons.
Now, initially we were thinking we were going to see some spicy Hunt x Slaughter action in the near future but with the most recent developments...
We definitely have an Archivist. They're from the Manchester branch of the Magnus Institute if we recall, so probably not some remains of OG John...
Of more concern however is the difficulty we have had with fearspecting (fear+classpecting we live with a homstuck forgive us) our dear tattoo artist. They seem equally capable of invoking any fear through both the tattoos they make and others. We think we may have an Archivist (of the "I OPEN THE DOOR!" sense) for the... Spiral. For this kind of art we want to say Spiral. It is exclusively rendered on skin though, which is a Stranger thing so we could be wrong but we think this plays into team up idea we had before.
Honestly it feels like a LOT is coming to a head all at once so we have no idea what specifically comes next. Let us know your thoughts!
P.S. The Protocol people seem to have some Smirke-esque ideas. Excited to see where that goes.
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jonathan-swims · 2 years
In the TMA fandom, people are constantly finding the tiniest of clues in between words and solving the weirdest (and most impressive) codes ever.
Meanwhile the WTNV fandom has been directly handed codes and clues countless times. We have solved one (1) of them.
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frogofshadyorigin · 6 months
Okay, it's time for an unhinged and probably completely dumb fan theory. Maybe someone else has even thought about it before me. I'm sorry if I copy anyone.
Spoiler warning for The Magnus Archives, especially season 2.
Okay. We all know the not!them. Like not!Sasha.
I have a theory based on nothing really that explains who can see the person that changed as the not!person.
But first, let's look at all the people we know of that got changed.
There is, obviously, not!Sasha. Changed at the end of Season 1 while hiding in artifact storage.
Then there is not!Graham who got changed because he owned the table that trapped it.
We also have not!Rose, the mother from MAG77 who got changed before the not!them was bound to the table.
And lastly on my list, not!Greg, the cousin from MAG78. The not!them also got bound by Adelard Dekker in that statement.
Now, let's look at the people that knew they were replaced.
We have Melanie, who met Sasha whilst coming to the Archives the first time and later met not!Sasha.
Then, there's Amy, who met Graham and lived opposite of him, watching him but never really doing anything with him.
Next, we have Lucy, the daughter who had fallen out with her mother after they never really got along and only came back when her father had an accident.
Lastly, there's Lawrence, who never really did much with his cousin and they became estranged.
Now that the groundwork has been laid, let's look at what they have in common. What do all of them share?
They knew the person that got changed but also somehow they didn't know them.
Melanie had a long talk with Sasha about ghosts, where they probably also talked about other things. I mean, Melanie was interested enough to want to say goodbye to her when leaving for India. One could argue that she knew Sasha, but only on a surface level.
Amy watched Graham for a long time. She knew of his habits, how he looked, maybe a bit more, but like Melanie with Sasha, she didn't really know him. They were not strangers but also not really friends or anything.
Lucy hadn't talked to her mother in 10 years before visiting them again. Her relationship with her mother beforehand didn't seem like a good one where they would tell each other important stuff and they definitely were distant for a mother/daughter relationship. And even after Lucy started visiting again, it was not because of her mother but because of the way her father always lit up. I think it's fair to say she didn't really know her mother that well. (Granted, this one is a bit of an outlier and kinda hard to fit in the narrative, but I think it still works. More on that later).
Lawrence hadn't seen his cousin in years, only sporadically and they never really did anything. They were related by blood but that was about it. Once again, he knew him but didn't get close to him.
So. And here's my final thoughts that kinda wrap it all together.
The Stranger is often described as tapping into the 'uncanny valley' effect, where things don't look like they should, are slightly off, but you don't really recognize why. And only when you start looking closer at it you realize.
Now, if I didn't know a person beforehand, I wouldn't know that they were changed. Hence why unaffiliated people don't realize someone was changed.
If someone knew that person really well, they'd probably just wouldn't realize if something minor was out of shape. They'd push the thought away or ignore it because they trust the person they think is in front of them. Their brain fills up the non-fitting parts.
But someone who only knows them a bit, who's relationship with them is not good but also not nonexistent, would recognize something like that. And they would start to take a closer look and realize that this is an entirely different person. (Or, more accurately, instantly see it, because their brain doesn't fill in the blanks and mistakes)
Just like, as from my experience, if I know something really good and am familiar with it, I don't realize errors as much as I do with things I know only a little.
For example, if I write a text, I definitely know what words are. But it's so much harder to find mistakes in my own writing than in someone else's writing. Because I know my writing and I know what it's supposed to say and so I overlook the error. If I read someone else's text, I find mistakes much easier because I don't know what's supposed to be there so my brain doesn't just fill the blanks in. And if I didn't know writing (or the person that got changed) at all, I wouldn't be able to recognize any mistakes, since I don't know how to write.
So yeah that's my theory on who can see the not!them for their true form. Someone who knows them for more than a fleeting second but never got around to developing a proper relationship with them.
I hope this makes sense for someone else as well and doesn't just sound like the ramblings of a mad person. And if you have any ideas on this, feel free to interact. I'd love to hear other people's opinions in this.
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guys wait holy shit
Jareth the Goblin King is Michael Distortion.
just think about it for a sec
The Hair,.
Kinda gender
That scene where he’s flipping around the staircases
The ball dream sequence inside the bubble
His contact juggling and sleight of hand tricks are by definition a form of deception
He just pops up out of nowhere
The hidden door at the beginning of the Labyrinth
The puzzle with the two guards who lie and tell the truth [who are guarding doors.]
Just generally speaks in riddles
Steals people and traps them in his domain
He’s literally lies incarnate, it would totally make sense for him to switch up what name he uses; the name “Michael” canonically doesn’t fit him anyway
They’re both the only men I’m attracted to
I rest my case; Jareth is Michael, or at the very least he’s definitely an avatar of the Spiral.
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shut-up-morales · 1 year
crying screaming clawing I just finished the magnus archives tonight and I am feral
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bagelbucket · 2 years
so my theory rn is that gertrude was killed because she was on the brink of this huge magical mystery involving most if not all of the funders. including cults and whatnot. jon is about to do the same and he’s going to be targeted too. maybe whatever’s going on in the background is actually so big that it’s negatively affecting other beings and they’re like um. well. (that one episode where sasha? I think? saw that weird guy michael and he was a “neutral party” or whatever)
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