#tkkrs are something else man
stormblessed95 · 2 months
idk wh after the taekook story, it feels like are you sure is a but fake considering it was a show that was going to air, and like I know they have a good friendship or relationship but it does not seem as deep as taekooks bc I have never seen jk do something like that like going on an hours long airplane ride to visit someone bc they said they missed you. I mean jk will prob never do that for anyone else, ( which isn't a bday gift or obligation) . So I sort of feels one sided even on the show, and all the teasers it feels for jk it's like an thing or task to do rather than something he r3ally wanted to do deep inside esp with jm. It's like if no one is there jm works you know, unlike where he consciously made a decision for tae. I have only ever seen jm initiating never jk.
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This is what I meant when I said bitches get a cute moment and can't even appreciate it. Lmfao I could walk you through this and would be willing to have an honest conversation with you anon. But you've gotta leave the fake bullshit at the door. Otherwise you just get GOT shamed.
And no, I'm not opening this up for people to start re bitching about tkkrs, I get it. I promise I do. This is me just rolling my eyes but telling anon they can DM me if they want to be better. And you can still ship whoever you want AND be better anon..I'm not trying to convert you. Just tell you to ship your ship and leave other bonds out of it! Thanks.
Ending with my PSA as always to get your information from the members and not shipping circles!! Thank you everyone 🌈💜
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jkftkth · 2 months
Why did you leave? Did your belief in Taekook change?
absolutely not 😂 there’s little chance of that happening and i’m pretty sure i’ve made that clear before!
personal life reasons aside, let me tell what got tiring on here fast:
- “so xyz happened but i feel like if taekook were really in a normal romantic relationship it wouldn’t have.” this would happen, every morning and every evening 😂
i couldn’t quite figure out the intention behind, if they were just a little immature, or if they were pretending to be someone they weren’t.
first of all; 9 times out of 10 the “xyz” in question is a casual bts update/piece of content where over analyzing and purposefully misconstruing the reality (often led by anti tkkrs or jkkrs) leads to this debunking or should i say attempt to convince one self. and i personally don’t think i want to play the role of convincing otherwise just because you think it’s cooler or less delusional to not believe nor do i want to play the role of entertaining arguments from a group of shippers who have made their entire ship based on running a smear campaign against tae.
and secondly; what the heck is “normal.” in what way does this word apply to taekook individually and as a possible couple? seeing the lack of knowledge around queer reality again and again, irked me.
- speaking of smear campaigns, does it not take a toll on anyone else to go from twitter to tumblr and see the same hateful rhetoric about the sweetest man ever? i know i know, curate your space, but sometimes you just get baited, and sometimes lurkers think your space is their second home 😂
- lurkers who are basically lying in wait to catch you out. i became wary of something i said being taken out of context or just straight up twisted, at the expense of taekook’s bond. i know, again, that sounds a little like taking the blame for someone else’s misperception, but who wants to read such bs about two people who care about each other in a way no one else does? we are only responsible for our own words, but the average taekook-anti doesn’t think of it that way.
- basically i don’t think i’m built like other blogs (@stupendousfoxthing , @dearweirdme , @kookiecrush , @thv-jk97) who are actually incredibly useful and strong minded in their approach to responding. i really do admire them for their thorough replies to those who are really just unwilling (whether they admit it or not). i don’t think my replies did much for the community except give me a headache 😂 and in the end, i wish the unwilling would just leave us all alone so we can cry about hello kitty plushies and pinkies reaching out to be held instead.
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chevelleneech · 22 days
I'd love to know your thoughts on this one regarding the military service and gay se* act while serving. Read the SS in the thread
My thoughts are really just a question: Do you genuinely think Jimin and Jungkook, if together, are incapable of refraining from sex on military grounds?
As well, do you think they haven’t thought about all the present and future consequences they could face? There is technically no current evidence of them being in a relationship with one another beyond what shippers think, and it is very likely they do not have photo or video evidence piled up on their phones either.
These are adult men, who have known their entire lives they had to enlist. Same with any other queer man who chose to enlist with his partner. Same as any trans woman who had to enlist. These people are adults and have lived with the fear of being imprisoned or killed due to enlisting while either out or not passing enough to be safe.
As far as I’m concerned, Jimin and Jungkook are in the safest position presumed queer people can be in, because they have the money and time to protect themselves if someone chooses to try and cause them strife. They are also global superstars who have spent the better part of a decade under a microscope, having to operate life as normally as possible while maintaining their privacy.
So again I ask, do you genuinely think they are incapable of being adults who use common sense? Do you truly think they enlisted together, and in that moment decided: “Let’s fuck whenever we have alone time on base, because I can’t stand to not touch you all of a sudden!” No, anon, that is very likely not something they’d do.
As for their lives after enlistment, again… they’re not currently out, and likely do not have any intentions of 1) ever coming out and 2) coming out in a way that would incriminate themselves. Meaning, again, unless they come out and people start posting photos or videos of them fucking during their enlistment… nothing is going to happen.
Being queer prior to enlisting is not illegal. Dating men prior to enlisting is not illegal. Dating a fellow soldier whilst enlisted is not illegal. Having sex with men during their off time, whilst enlisted, is not illegal. What is illegal is having sex with a fellow soldier whilst on military grounds. So even if JM and JK come out after being discharged or operate in a much more glass closet than what they appear to have now, someone would have to 1) kickstart an investigation that does not look like the hate crime it would indeed be 2) prove they were engaging is sexual activities while enlisted 3) have enough of a solid case to prosecute them before it circles back to number one, being a targeted hate crime against queer men who dared serve their country and then came out.
And keep in mind, the whole “Jokers are romanticizing the buddy system” is the only line of defense Tkkrs have now, because they simply hate the fact that JM and JK chose to be together. We all assumed as much once we learned they were using the system, and their words in AYS confirm it. They wanted to do this together. They’re happy to do this together, and in JK’s own words, he has no worries he and Jimin were going to fight whilst together during this time. They were looking forward to being close to each other, and have said since being enlisted they are glad to have each other to lean on.
That’s all there is to it. Letting Tkkrs convince you of anything else, is a problem you have to fix on your own. Because again, common sense tells you these men are not foolish enough to risk prison just for some ass. Not when all they have to do is wait until their vacation time to kick in and do whatever they may want, in the privacy of their own homes. All the rest is just hoopla. It’s Tkkrs grasping at straws and acting like no queer couple in all of SK are capable of self control and sensible thought during enlistment. Only Tae and JK are, which is why they didn’t enlist together… I mean, come on anon… use your head a little bit and see these tantrums for what they are.
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
I ain't gonna lie. JK kinda being a bit of a shit stirrer today. Why is he posting pictures adding up to 13 like he's baiting Jimin, but posting the food in the same set of dishes that Tae owns? Tae already showed that dish set in his story not long ago. Kinda like that day JK said Jimin was his, but turned around and said Tae was his. JM's in NY minding his business, while JK's kinda being messy. Well, at least both sets of shippers are happy & fighting at the same time over who JK is really posting for.
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Anon, come closer. Let me show you something.
Remember this?
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Okay. Wonderful then I'm sure you remember that atrocity they did of photoshoping V on Jimin's face. See if u can find it among all these times where they replaced Jimin with V.
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These assholes didn't even try 🤦🏽‍♀️🤦🏽‍♀️ That's one of the most iconic Jikook moments of all time. If you're gonna try to copy at least put in some effort 🙄🙄
That's one.
2) Remember when Jimin said the best part that represented him was the timestamp 1:23 on the One Day MV?
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Remember how JK started recommending songs to army and pausing the songs at 1:23? He did this continuously without fail. (Manilla fight)
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Even when sometimes the part made no sense. More on this here.
When Jikookers started celebrating this guess what the vermin did? They took the 123 theory and decided to relate that to Vkook. Even though they never would have done that shit, if Jikookers didn't point it out. According to them, 123 was about Tkk because V was born on 12th December 🤦🏽‍♀️
Shouldn't it have been 1230 then?? Why did they get rid of the 0? For convenience as always. 🙄🙄 Well, joke's on them, because JK stopped doing this. This is one of the earliest moments of JK debunking Tkkrs.
3) When Jkkrs noticed the JM and started talking about it.
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The vermin said the tiger was about them. Because V's animal is a tiger.
Fuck the fact that the tiger and Korean culture go hand in hand. But guess what JK did when he met Poly C? He👏🏾covered👏🏾that👏🏾shit👏🏾up! Sure the man and the rest of BTS hated how the SK government were treating them. Sure he hates how he can't even show the world who he's in love with due to his homophobic country, so he decided the Tiger didn't mean that much to him after all. But I bet he saw a chance to kill 2 birds with one stone and he did. Fuck SK and fuck Tkkrs. Boom! Done.
4) When Karmy nick named Jikook the Sun and Moon duo because satellite Jeon is always orbiting Jimin like the moon orbits the sun, The vermin also started calling Tkk the Sun and Moon duo. Their reason? Don't ask me. Idk and idc. Too bad though, coz even BH knows who are the REAL Sun and Moon duo
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5) While we are on the "mine" topic. Karmy already explained the difference between JK saying Jimin is his Vs when he said (warning RIP your algorithm if you click on this) V is his. According to Karmy, with V it came off more like a statement. With Jimin it was possessive, AF. And I agree. Not just because I'm a Jikooker, but because you don't need to be Korean to hear the difference.
For context: An army asked JK to give Jimin to them and JK was like; he's mine. But here is what u have to keep in mind. The V one came way, way, waaaaaay later than the Jimin one. As soon as he said Jimin was his, the vermin kept pestering JK with the same thing the former Army asked about Jimin. So going by JK's tone, it seems to me like he said what he said about V, to shut them up. 🤷🏽‍♀️ The difference is in the tone, guys. U don't gotta be Korean to hear it.
These are just a few examples. And now you're telling me, even though our numbers theory makes more sense, Tkkrs are claiming what JK is doing on weverse for themselves because of a plate?? A plate? Really.
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This is just like when they decided Tkk went snowboarding because of a pair of shoes. Like no one else owns those shoes apart from JK and V 🤡 Again, someone please explain to me how people take them seriously. Please. They want what we have soooooo bad. They have always wanted what we have.
Jin can grab V's balls or whatever tf this was. Taejin what goes on??? 🧐🧐
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And the vermin did not bat an eye. Not one fucking peep from them. But in the same memories 2021, Jimin gets embarrassed and does the simple act of hiding his face in JK's neck (something he has done for years BTW)
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You cannot tell me these people don't know Jikook is real. If they didn't see what we see they wouldn't want what we have so bad. And they certainly wouldn't feel so damn threatened.
So anon, JK owning the same plate as V, cannot even be compared to JK making a post on Jimin time. It ain't and will never be the fucking same. Please.
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dearweirdme · 2 months
Rain!!! did you see the havoc thv caused with his stories 😁
Basically my perception of the 2 pictures and his caption is
1. Pic 1 - My boyfriend is so whipped for me that he travelled across the seas when I told him I miss him ❤️
2. Pic 2 - I am so whipped for my boyfie, omg he's so pretty 😍
Well ofcourse that's the tkkr in me but how else do you perceive this?? It's funny to see Army's response under the translation account posts of the captions cz how do you explain away the flirting but quite a few - "Jk loves his hyungs so much 😂"
Hi anon!
Oh man.. I’m so 🥰 over these pics!
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It’s the way I never expect Tae to post anything Tkkry, but when he does I’m never surprised. Because it is always Jk for him. No one can call this fanservice, because Jk literally went to him to spend time together. It’s something that actually happened the way we thought it could have happened. They weren’t there together for attention or for fans to spot them. They were there for each other, and it was kept private for sooooooo long.
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stupendousfoxthing · 3 months
Oh thanks for answering my ask. Didn’t think you would lol.
I just have a few things to say about your response. Please bear in mind that i am not in anyway trying to change your mind on what you believe in, i just want to point out some inconsistencies i noticed with someone who is open minded. I apologize for the incoming essay.
Oh my bad i didn’t mean to say they were never seen together but instead rarely. You may have not participated in pushing that narrative but isn’t that what majority of tkkrs believed? I say so because that was the narrative that was rampant in the famdom and among shipping spaces a few years ago and that narrative only started disappearing when we saw taekook hang out alot in chapter two. All the members lived together right up to 2019 (i think) so ofcourse they all would have hung out together when they lived together wouldn’t they? I am however specifically talking about the time when they all moved out from the dorm and didn’t live together anymore. I see you say that in chapter two taekook prioritized each other but then why didn’t they prioritize each other too in chapter one? You believe that they prioritize each other by hanging out, making time to see each other before, during and after trips and staying connected even when they can’t be together but is this an argument you would make for Taekook in chapter one? Taekook who didn’t prioritize seeing each other on breaks? Taekook who didnt prioritize going to celebrate with each other on birthdays? The fact that you think they prioritize each other now by trying to see eo before, during and after trips means that even though you don’t place expectations on them, to a certain extent you think that certain things are important to them right? So why weren’t these things that you think were important to them in chapter two not important to them after they all moved out of the dorm? I understand that people grow and things change but i think it taekook as a couple is supposed to make sense, it shouldn’t only make sense in chapter two while it barely made sense in chap 1 don’t you think?
You say taekook spent most of the time together in chap one but what do you have to back up this statement with when even their own words negate this? As far as i can remember, the only time they were actually confirmed to be seen out together was in 2018 in Namsan and everything else is either made up or there is no proof for it (we know that shippers lie all the time) I think that most of the time, you believe that they spent much time together not because of the things they actually say or do but because of the things you project unto them. Now you are confidently saying that taekook prioritize each other by making sure they see each other before, during and after trips. What is all this based on? Based on the fact that you think Jk went straight to Tae after his trip from Qatar even though you don’t have enough context or even know why they were there in the first place? You simply concluded that they were there to spend time together because i think if you thought there was a different reason they were there, you wouldn’t say the same thing. Or is it because Jk asked if members wanted to come over a day before he travelled to record seven and Tae happened to be one of the members who came over? If they prioritized each other like that why did Jk have to ask before Tae came over? Or is it how Tkkrs believe that it was Jk giggling on one of Tae’s Lives after getting back from a trip even though Tae literally addressed the person as “hyung” or it is tkkrs believing that Jk was snoring in Tae’s bed at 3am without thinking to themselves why Tae would do something as stupid as going Live at 3am with a man in his bed? Do people think he is that desperate to make a boyfriend reveal? These are a bunch of moments that you have taken, put together and decided that this is what it means even though some of these are speculations and some have little to no context. So isn’t this you projecting?
I agree that a queer couple in a homophobic country would want to hide their relationship to protect themselves but you don’t get to decide how they do it by claiming that they don’t say certain things because they are hiding. You said you don’t place expectations on taekook so if you really don’t then i don’t think anyone should pick and choose what and how they think they would hide their relationship because different people approach relationships in different ways. Why do you get to decide that Jk saying he didn’t see taehyung all through a 6 week long break was him hiding his relationship? The fact that we expect that they would doesn’t necessarily mean they will or that they are hiding it in the way we say they are especially when that only happens when they say things we don’t want to hear.
I am not setting up a lose-lose scenario. I am simply trying to show how tkkrs and shippers in general, narratives are never coherent and change depending on the occurrence. You may not share in these narratives but alot of tkkrs do and this is how alot of tkkrs 'survived' the period they considered a taekook drought.
There is so many examples of tkkrs believing in information that just isn’t true or just not treating suspicions as suspicions. A very good example is this whole plushie debate. You have decided that the plushie is 100% linked to tae and it could be but the truth is that it also might not be linked to him at all. This is a very real possibility but tkkrs already talk about it like it is a fact. I was looking through some of tae’s pics and i noticed another photo with different plushies which look like some that Hobi has in his studio but no one would make a big deal abt that because it’s not Jk. So what it is that makes tkkrs so sure that the plushie is even connected to tae at all? It’s ok to have your suspicions but you don’t know for a fact that they are connected, do you? I know that it is easy to come to these conclusions because you already see them as more than friends but then, that is your bias talking and you are not being objective because of your pre conceived notion of them I say pre conceived because i don’t think anyone has enough facts yet to confidently say if these boys are together like that or not so most of the opinions are based on stereotypes, biases and assumptions rather than facts or firsthand knowledge. I’m sure if you were to see Tae or Jk having similar stuff with other people or members, you would automatically treat it as a non event right? This is the same bias that occurs when you hear voices from their lives and immediately assume it is Jk or Tae or when they wear the same clothing and you immediately assume they are connected and then you use these in your arguments in support of taekook without caring much that they are speculations and not proven facts.
I see someone in your replies talking about a taekook Japan trip but there wasn’t a taekook japan trip (that we know of). I’m pretty sure they are talking about that time many pple believe Tae took Jk on the trip he won and because he posted that pic of Jk from the hotel balcony. Many tkkrs think that was a taekook trip but it was an OT7 trip for summer package. This and many more examples is how many tkkrs keep the faith in this ship. Never really anything factual but alot of speculations, projecting and lies.
You are like the "'I like pancakes." 'Oh, so you hate waffles?'" meme personified. You have once again written me a bad faith essay full of things I never said while misinterpreting and misrepresenting the things I said directly to you. I see you're also one of those "I'm going to save you from shipping!" missionary types. Go knock on someone else's door before I hurt your feelings because I don't need saving and your condescending attitude may play with some Taekookers (the ones you keep demanding I answer for) but it won't play here where I run things.
Oh my bad i didn’t mean to say they were never seen together but instead rarely. So you said "they were never seen together" but meant "rarely seen together" and that's what I should have assumed you meant. Everyone read the rest of this ask where anon takes everything at black and white face value and insists everyone else should do the same after admitting they weren't clear about one of the main points of their previous ask.
You may have not participated in pushing that narrative but isn’t that what majority of tkkrs believed? 1. I still don't know why you want me to answer for what other people think, believe or say. 2. Let me remind you what you said in the first ask because it's a prime example of the issue in your thinking "Before chap 2 didn’t tkkrs constantly state that taekook’s relationship was real because they were never seen together outside of work because they had to protect themselves from the homophobic country?" I have literally never seen a Taekooker say "Taekook is real because they're never seen together outside of work." That was the belief you were asking me about. I have never seen anyone say that. That's not sound logic at all. If two people are never seen together and you want to ASSUME that means they are never together, that would be a very bad proof indeed for them being in a relationship. You twisted that terrible argument with the obvious reality that two people in a same-sex relationship would have to protect it from a homophobic country and industry. You do this throughout this entire essay you just sent me. You conflate complete bullshit with actual logical points in an attempt to dismiss them because _you_ don't agree with the conclusion someone got to when looking at the same information you did. But the fact you started with "they were never seen together" and had to backtrack immediately ON YOUR FIRST POINT tells me the conclusion you've come to is based as much on a twisted version of reality as you seem to think mine is (even though you keep coming at me with things I never said and insisting I answer for them)
I say so because that was the narrative that was rampant in the famdom and among shipping spaces a few years ago and that narrative only started disappearing when we saw taekook hang out alot in chapter two.
That bullshit argument you made wasn't rampant and therefore didn't disappear during chapter 2 and I just explained why.
All the members lived together right up to 2019 (i think) so ofcourse they all would have hung out together when they lived together wouldn’t they?
Yes, they probably hung out together since they lived and worked together for years.
I am however specifically talking about the time when they all moved out from the dorm and didn’t live together anymore. Oh okay 💃
I see you say that in chapter two taekook prioritized each other but then why didn’t they prioritize each other too in chapter one?
Do you know something I don't know? Everyone see how this anon says with their full chest that they believe Taekook ABSOLUTELY DID NOT EVER prioritize each other in chapter one? Everyone read the rest of this ask where they rip Taekookers constantly for making sweeping assumptions and generalizations just like that.
You believe that they prioritize each other by hanging out, making time to see each other before, during and after trips and staying connected even when they can’t be together but is this an argument you would make for Taekook in chapter one?
Uhm, I believe that because it was demonstrated again and again in front of my own two eyeballs. You want me to apply my arguments based on chapter 2 to chapter 1, a time period with completely different circumstances? Is this how it works for you? Is this why your thoughts are a mess like this? Here I am applying information in real time as I get it, but if things evolve over time NOTHING THAT HAPPENED BEFORE MAKES SENSE ANYMORE.
Taekook who didn’t prioritize seeing each other on breaks? Taekook who didnt prioritize going to celebrate with each other on birthdays? The fact that you think they prioritize each other now by trying to see eo before, during and after trips means that even though you don’t place expectations on them, to a certain extent you think that certain things are important to them right?
Once again, I am coming to a conclusion based on things that happened. You seem to base your thinking on things that didn't. You're back on the holidays and birthday things (something Jkkrs hyperfocus on hmmmmmmm), now I don't think you can account for what they've done for every birthday and holiday, but you are very much applying your own specific standards to them while I am not. And then you're trying to act like the opposite is happening here. That I'm projecting my priorities on them. It's wild. I think if two people are dating yeah seeing each other/making time for each other is probably something important, you are taking that basic idea and making it about SPECIFIC THINGS. You push the birthday/holiday thing again and again because YOU think those specific things should be prioritized by them. YOU think they do not prioritize the specific things you think they should and treat that as proof of something. I'm not doing that, you are! 😂
I understand that people grow and things change but i think it taekook as a couple is supposed to make sense, it shouldn’t only make sense in chapter two while it barely made sense in chap 1 don’t you think?
We've established that your brain works in a very special way, and I can see why you think they "barely made sense" in chapter one. I disagree. I actually have to step away to work right now, but maybe I'll have the energy to continue breaking this ask apart soonish. Let me make one final point in this reply to demonstrate why you're not going to win this fight you've brought to my Tumblr for some reason.
I see someone in your replies talking about a taekook Japan trip but there wasn’t a taekook japan trip (that we know of). I’m pretty sure they are talking about that time many pple believe Tae took Jk on the trip he won and because he posted that pic of Jk from the hotel balcony. Many tkkrs think that was a taekook trip but it was an OT7 trip for summer package. This and many more examples is how many tkkrs keep the faith in this ship. Never really anything factual but alot of speculations, projecting and lies.
These are some of the tweets I have made about that trip you thought you were going to school me about just now. It was Season's Greetings, not Summer Package by the way:
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uhm, hello! i've been lurking around some jkk blogs and finally decided to come out of the shadows,,,
one thing i noticed between most of armys collectively, be it jkkrs, tkkrs, ot7, solos, etc, is... that they don't really seem to trust JK very much? take their 10th anniversary for example. just because JK was the last one to post a message about it, people already startes doubting that he'd post anything /at all/, questioning it, wondering why he didn't post anything. but for real, its his group's /tenth/ anniversary, people really think that man wouldn't post a single message about it? JK? the man who is ever so considerate and caring to armys?
i'm using this as an example, but i feel this stretches to everything else. people doubt JK and question his behaviors every time a rumor pops up. people often times take those rumors as being the sole truth regardless of what JK says himself. i'm tired of people thinking he isn't serious about what he does and says.
and obviously, this stretches to jkk too. even to tkk, because many tkkrs love to throw him under the bus to explain their own delusions. why do his actions need to be questioned and explained and scrutinized every single time? why, for everything he does, it must have an underlying meaning, a hidden message, something that he isn't telling us? why do people feel the need to explain his every action and words? why him making a live to see JM content has to be under scrutiny? can't it just be JK watching content of someone he loves and wanting to cheer himself up? and when i say this goes for tkk too, is exactly because tkkrs love to add explanations for what JK does and to tell everyone that "it isn't what you're seeing that is real actually". and i imagine that, a lot of the biggest ot7s blogs and pages being tkkrs themselves, this mistrust spread to regular armys too.
and this is a callout for those jkkrs who throw themselves in a well of despair when JK seemingly acts like "he doesn't care for JM anymore" too. the man himself said a hundred times that he is shy, that he doesn't like to expose himself too much, that he has a hard time taking selcas, etc. how many times people believed jkk just "don't interact anymore" just for us to find out months later that they hung out as they always did, they just didn't post about it or tell us about it in their lives?
why can't people trust JK more? he more than once told he communicate his feelings and thoughts to us through lyrics, is honest and straightforward in his speeches, says lyrics have meaning to him and that he never does anything without being intentioned about it, always makes it clear to say what he means even if he doesn't find it easy or believes he isn't the best when it comes to expressing his feelings. i don't understand why many people see him as this shallow puppet, as this dumb guy who doesn't know what he's doing, who doesn't know the meanings of his /own creations/, be it songs, lyrics, GCF videos, posts, etc. as this guy who isn't to be very much trusted, when JK is so trustworthy and earnest. that's the only reasons i can come up with to explain how some "fans" rather believe in rumors and leaks than JK himself regarding what he does with his life and his art and music.
i know you're JM biased but i also know you're very fair in your judgements and is always defending both of jkk. i hope this ask make through, especially now where there are so many "leaks" and negative rumors spreading again about him.
Hi anon,
I love this. Thank you for taking the time to post this. I'm happy to know that Jungkook has a fan who defends him like this and who loves him so much.
Everything you said is on point.
"Why can't people trust Jk more?" This is my take on this question and I'm curious to know what others think.
I will speak in general terms, ok? I think we doubt Jungkook because:
-We let tkkrs get to our head and therefore don't think all Tae & Jk interactions are only platonic.
-We let the weekly Jk and random woman dating rumors get to our head.
-We believe the "fuck boy" image this fandom has tried imposing on him.
-We believe Jikook is fan service.
-Genuine people don't exist so he can't be genuine.
-We feel a hunch.
-We don't understand that he won't act according to our fantasies because he is an actual human being and not a fictional character.
-We think he plays the parasocial relationship card really well.
Maybe it's a combination of these things?
But you are right. It is unfair to Jungkook because everytime he has talked to the fans, explained, sang, and/or demonstrated his love he has been 100% genuine.
And his actions towards Jimin have been 100% genuine too.
I think the issue is not Jungkook. The issue is us. That simple. And how sad.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
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andy-wm · 1 year
Interesting question...what happens when/if Jikook finally reveal themselves as a couple/married? What will those obsessed people do? (The ones who are obsessed with proving they are a couple although they don't give a damn about them?) Are they capable of moving on to something else? Because then the mystery is gone and their reason for trying so damn hard to prove Jikook is a couple is gone - then what? What do people with that kind of mindset do after?
Don't you ever wonder?
Just to be clear, are you asking if i think about the obsessed jikookers who seem to be in it for their own gratification?
Short answer:
No, i dont really think about them.
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I have had a few encounters with people who seem to think about nothing else. Although I try to avoid the sassaeng-level obsessed people, truthfully i can also be a little single minded... I'm ND and have trouble with moderation.
(I spent an inordinate amount of time during covid, watching grainy fancams from 2015, to fill a void in my life and a gap in my understanding of how their relationship developed)
But i know that being wholy consumed by any one thing is a little unhealthy, so for my own mental well-being I try to have some balance.
However, now i AM thinking about them now, so back to your question 😁
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Will people who don't reallly care about jikook move on, if they don't have anything prove/fight for?
If they are the type to always go looking for something to brawl over, then i guess they will move on. And good riddance. Jikook doesn't need supporters who are only there to stir up drama.
I think there are also those agressive and obsessed jkkrs and tkkrs who would continue to throw poop at each other even if jikook livestreamed their wedding and had Tae as their best man. Those people may not really care about JM and JK in particular but they will NEVER GIVE UP on PRINCIPLE.
Jikook doesn't need supporters like that either, imo.
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But what about those of us who do care about them and their happiness?
Will people who are obsessed with proving the relationship and who do genuinely care also move on?
These are the jkkrs who want to bask in the glow of true love, but also like to fight a good fight.
Will they lose interest if they don't have the obsessive need to prove the naysayers wrong?
My guess is no, because the joy of watching jikook together is euphoric in itself. Their obvious adoration and the care and dedication give us reasons too smile.
But they might miss the good ol' days of slapping back at tkkrs or high-fiving their jkkr friends when they cut down a toxic solo with a well timed caustic response. (That is kinda gratifying, let's be honest.) They might miss the detective work and in depth analysis of every bit of footage.
So maybe also yes. They might need a new adventure. I'm not saying they will stop caring about jikook, but i think they may seek out a new cause to fight for. As a side interest 😉.
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Then again, if jikook DID come out, all hell would break loose. Jikook crusaders (said fondly) would have new banners to gather under because fires would be burning on every front. Many of us - even the quiet ones on the sidelines - would probably be fighting for them.
In fact if they did come out, i think (hope) those of us who have been interested but not entirely invested (and definitely not obsessed with proving anything) would rise up too.
Jikook don't really need us now, but they will need us if it ever happens. And i hope that we - the reservists let's call ourselves - will be prepared to fight. Just like JK was when Yoongi whacked that shuttlecock at JM.
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As for me, I would stand shoulder to shoulder with all and any supporters to defend them. And I truly hope all armys, but especially the Jimin and Jungkook biased armys, would rally behind them under a rainbow flag. Because tkkrs arent the real enemy imo. They are just sad, angry people with no idea what true love looks like.
The real enemies are the bigots who hold power, and the institutionalised homophobia that threatens their safety, career and happiness.
And because that last paragraph was a bit of a downer, here are some things to warm your heart...
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theangryjikooker · 26 days
Man i think you should be grateful that you don't get Tkkrs in ur ask cause jesus the mental gymnastics there is really something else. I saw an acct having 14 pages of "taekook being solo/rebellious" or whatever. Like call the show scripted and go what's with 14 pages?? Till ep 3 they were writing essays on how the show is ending jkkrs and they should admit in hospital and the comapny lied to them all this time by doing fanservice cause now it's all showing up but as soon as ep4 dropped they're back to their 14 pages as how company is pushing jkk and their usual. I mean at least jkkrs are taking not all but most jkkrs whatever jikook says at face value while with Tkkrs it's"if it doesn't fit my narrative it's bongo's doing if it fits then it's TK ending company". They are far gone than Larries bruh. Who knows jkkrs would go there as well
Lol it’s cute that you think I don’t get them.
But yes, I would hate to be a “neutral” Tkkr in Tkk spaces. I already can’t stand the unhinged Jkkrs coming at me, I don’t know that I’d be able to deal with a whole fucking fandom.
Because I’ll tell you what, I can unravel Tkk even faster than Jkk. Fortunately for them—not my monkey, not my circus.
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juliapark13 · 2 years
Pls tell me one moment in this video.. that is any different what jungkook does with jimin. Just look at how he flirts with tae..look at his eyes..and most importantly he's the one who initiated the most between them. Look at how he grabbed tae' s head and pressed their foreheads together in boy with love. He is constantly hanging out with tae now too. And let me clarify that i believe taekook are not dating either...but my point is.. they flirt and behave just all the same. Jungkook's eyes looks at everyone in the same way. He sits on tae's lap on stage in front of thousands and thousands of people where it's not even required...he sits on tae's lap backstage too with his back pressed with tae's chest and head join together ( i believe it was in 2019 backstage photo) how can anyone let their boyfriends or partners do this?? Flirts with their friends with this limit?? It's so uncomfortable to even watch if you really believe that Jikook is dating. What people with his gcfs when he comes on stage and initiates all of this by himself with tae but with jimin it's always jm who initiates. I don't believe in any of the ships now and i don't believe in a relationship where lines are not drawn. He behaves exactly the same with tae like he does with jimin. It's jimin who treats jungkook way differently than others. Jungkook flirts a lot with tae..touch him a lot..never rejects tae's touches either. It's all good if jikook are just friends.. which now i think they are. Jk never draws a line between his treatment with tae and jimin...in fact it's always tae who wins at the end. And i think it's because in reality..jikook are not romantically involved. Not taekook either but it's clear that jk prefers and is comfortable with tae more than jimin.
Why did you send me a video full of concert moments? What did you try to achieve? 😂
Jungkook is the one who initiates moments with Tae? Where and when???
How can anyone let their boyfriend sit on someone elses’s lap? That is supposed to be a limit??? 😃 How can anyone let their boyfriend get a hickey from another man I ask.
And ‘in fact it’s always Tae who wins at the end?’ What does he win? Do you think Jungkook is a player? The disrespect. Jungkook and Jimin are the closest and you don’t know Jungkook at all.
You say you don’t believe in any ship, but you believe all the false made up tkkrs narratives? Say that you are tkkr and leave. Here is my previous answer for dumb pathetic people like you ⤵��
And when you want to talk about concert moments these concert moments were something else.
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akookminsupporter · 1 year
Hello gorgeous
So I know tkkr don't go with logic or reality in the same sentence
But why are they treating jm as some old man, while he is the same age as tae ( it's like 2 month between them ) And they had the same difference in age with jk
Their theories are something else
And the power play they paint jm with is weird and twisted (the one of two who's smallest in the group )
They really don't know the members
Hello gorgeous,
Your mistake was believing that I would know why the subgroup believes something or the reason why they are saying something ajajaja. Although on second thought maybe I do know or the answer is obvious, it's the subgroup, they are dumb.
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stormblessed95 · 11 months
umm does anon live in some alternative universe of army fandom where people are calling Yoonmin fanservice? Cause from my 4 yrs of experience what i know is tkkrs occupies around 80% of army fandom and #THEY love to call jkk fanservice and since they want jm to stay away from jk they ship him with yg like not even jkk posts get's so much like from armys the way yoonmin get's. There's decided ships for this fandom since beginning and that's taekook, yoonmin and namjin. These are the most popular ships in the fandom so idk where that fanservice came from.
the thing that irks me about yg is how easily he can praise jk and Th who are also maknaes but it takes special efforts for him to praise him. When someone tries to praise jm here comes my man yg saying "yeah but jungkook does it better", "yes but jm can you stop doing that", "yes but why did you have a guitar when you don't know how to play" , "yes but why were you getting emotional that wasn't the time" there's always a but when it comes to praising jm but see how effortlessly he does it for jk and TH. The whole tom and jerry dynamics being him constantly saying something to jm idk how that's fascinating to y'all.
I remember how armys were dragging that one grp which i think was seventeen or something else i don't remember but yeah they were saying that the members needs to have some sense cause they were teasing one member over his weight but yg saying "i don't why you were shirtless when you're body wasn't even that great" like yes king show us how tom and jerry works. It actually gave me a small heartattack when in today's suchwita yg said something one good line about jm. Anyways jm loves him so i have no right to feel bad or anything on his behalf.
Anon didn't say anyone was calling yoonmin (or any one else) fanservice, so 1. Calm down over THAT part. 2. There have also been jkkrs and vminners and sope (hopeminers? Lol) since 2013 as well, so relax there too. Not that it's a competition?? Because that's weird...
And 3, and most importantly.... the thing that irks me about you is that you are speaking in fact about yoongi not complimenting jimin ever, when Yoongi praises Jimin just as much as he teases him. And for all the bickering and teasing Yoongi gives Jimin, Jimin gives it right back JUST AS MUCH. SO GOD DAMM, chill out and look at the whole picture there. Like my god, the man can barely breathe without praising Jimin in some way... Jesus.
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A whole Compilation for you...
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Always encouraging him and believing in him
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Just spoiling him
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1. Question: what is Jimin to you?
Yoongi: person I want to take care of
2. Question: to yoongi, jimin is __?
Yoongi: important person
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Just loving on him all the time
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The other boys always making Jimin be the one to ask Yoongi for things because he always gives Jimin what he wants
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The man just cannot help himself, here is a whole thread to look through!
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"It actually gave me a small heartattack today when Yoongi said one good line about jimin"
Is doing nothing but exposing yourself as ignorant. Because like cmon have you watched ANY content? Not just yoonmin bickering compilations?? Lol Jimin didn't talk about how much Yoongi gives him love, support and encouragement ever since their trainee days until now for you to act like he doesn't do anything but dote on the man. The bickering is something they both ENJOY and doesn't upset them. Jimin doesn't need your protection. He especially doesn't need it from YOONGI of all people.
"Anyways jimin loves him so I have no right to feel bad or anything on his behalf"
They say after writing an entire essay doing exactly that... better luck next time I guess?
Do yall forget that yoongi is my man? My bias? Everything to me? That trashing him in my inbox is NEVER going to get your a sympathetic ear? Lol especially when you are just laughable wrong??
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How does Jungkook always end up giving tkkrs something to work with, to fuel their narratives? The list is getting bigger and bigger. How do I even blame Tkkrs for using it against jkkrs?
"I only go to his room cause it's closer", "I only film him cause he's always around", the innocent "why serendipity", "we should change units", "he's not the main model of gcf", and so much more.
Jkkrs should just give up and find another duo to ship. Lol. Jungkook is not helping their "ship".
Anon 2
Jungkook just outing everything. Man was like "why?". Bts has grown so big, don't know why they still need scripted moments. Just causing more ship wars now. I am not surprised there's always equal distribution of Taekook and Jikook moments. This explains why.
Alright tumblerinas, let's talk about this unnecessary mess you brought to my inbox. I chose these two asks because I will try to make a point here. Bear with me.
First of all, I do not give a single fuck. I saw all sorts of clips today, including this one that got people's panties in a twist and it just flew over my head without even thinking that it could become an issue.
Second of all, what do you think you're achieving by bringing this nonsense to my blog? You're merely demonstrating that you are people incapable of having thoughts more complex than those who used to paint inside caves. You're also making me realize how damn normal I am. We all have issues, but all it takes is for me to come online to make me feel better about myself. I only have to read my asks and I instantly feel that I'm smarter. It's a great confidence boost.
One of you is seriously asking why BTS still needs scripted moments. Because I assume you have no idea how a show, be it a concert or anything else in the entertainment world, is made. How there is a director, how they need an outline in order for everything to run smooth because they put a lot of effort and money and they need to deliver. And you come here, acting all mighty, when in fact you're just stupid. Or uninformed. But there is google, honey. Do you fucking research.
And yeah, Jungkook is a grade A asshole. He's this prick mastermind who likes to watch the fandom world burn and ''outs'' how a show is made. Oh my god, please all of you do that exercise of saying this out load. You really need to hear yourself and not just come up with the dumbest of takes that are either only in your head, or you share it with your like-minded people, all of you stuck in this weird version of reality in which the world is severely distorted.
As to the first anon, I don't even know what else to say to you because you're just embarasing yourself. Your level of intelligence is so low that I would feel sorry for you if I had any sympathy left. Which I don't. To not be able to make a distinction between fandoms spaces and those who become subjects of discussion in those fandoms. To not be able to understand how someone can lead a life that is so complicated due to the nature of their work, that you believe that a side of their agenda is to think that they need to be part of an elaborate plan in order to please one or another specific subsection of a fandom?
As to the examples you gave about what Jungkook said in other ocassions. Yeah, I'm not even going into that. I know you're dumb, but I don't think you're that dumb. Unless you've been living in isolation all your life, with just an internet access.
I would like to circle back to how I started this. I do not give a fuck. There is clearly a mess inside your brain and an awful lot of confusion because you're trying to look at this from some sort of weird moral standpoint, as if you're personally offended by this imaginary issue. Let me say this again. I do not care.
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alottamoney · 10 months
An anon mentioned that we've had many big tkk moments this year. For me one of the biggest was that tae live where he revealed that jk sings that love song to him, when he was visibly missing him and sang along with jk's cover instead of the original song. Almost everyone either completely ignored that part of the live (coz they didn't know what to make of it and didn't want to accept it for what it is) and the other side just called tae a liar coz even they know that if he is telling the truth then they really aren't just friends.
Them being together on suchwita was a very big surprise, never expected bh to do that. It was a very cute episode. Tae was in his super supportive bf mode, like always. That whole day was something else. First those listening party pics and then tae and jk both in suchwita.
One thing that almost all tkkrs have completely ignored is jk's tiktok like. That was a very big deal atleast to me. He is literally flirting with tae in it. Couldn't be more obvious. I mean imagine if tae had liked a similar taennie video.
But the loudest one for me is definitely tae's last insta story. All that's left for him is to write in bold letters that yes this man is mine coz he isn't really being subtle anymore
Sang along to the cover? I'm not sure what you mean, as in instead of playing the actual song? I agree, people did somewhat overlook this for the unidentified man in Tae's other live, as was the TikTok like. I'm told it was hyped, but it didn't feel that way. I thought maybe it's just me who thinks it's significant, because I've been harping on about Jungkook just being there, in terms of Taekook, since hiatus was announced lol.
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dearweirdme · 1 year
so what are your genuine thoughts on jikook? because i feel like in order to be a taekooker you either have to be a jimin anti who believes he's getting in taekook's way or he's doing fan service with jungkook to hide taekook; which is dumb because how does hiding a gay couple with another gay couple do anything? it still breeds the same results in regards of putting a target on the artists’ backs (jk in this case cause he's supposed to hide, right?).
and then there's some tkkrs who just say jikook are good friends. but then how do you explain jimin giving jungkook a hickey? (i know they called it a bite but it's still fishy. drinking at night all alone, jk picking jimin up bridal style and spinning him around until jimin had to bite his neck to let go of him?? sus) and how do you explain jimin having the most screen time in jk's GCFs and getting GCFT all dedicated to him with a queer coded song? and GCF Saipan with queer coded lyrics on jimin's part twice? not to mention jungkook sucking and kissing jimin's ear on stage? jungkook using informal language with jimin but not with tae?
if all of the above can be waved off as friendship then that would make it that jungkook has pretty loose friendship boundaries, and that he'd do wayyy more sus stuff with his romantic/sexual partner, presumably taehyung. but here's the thing... taekook have never done something weirdly sus to that extent, ever.
Hi anon!
I sense, that you are a Jimin and Jk shipper, and that you are trying to test me (if I'm mistaken, I hereby apologize for assuming). I feel like you've made really narrow selection of 'ways to be a Taekooker'. I am not a Jimin hater (I love that man and I think he's a vital part of BTS, and a dear friend of both Jk and Tae), neither am I of the believe that everything Jk and Jimin do is fanservice. I suppose I would fall in the last possible option, I do believ Jimin and Jk are just close friends... and I feel I am able to explain my reasoning behind that pretty well.
Let me first point out a few things I feel vital to make people understand my reasoning. It makes a lot of difference if you look at this situation with the assumption that Jimin and Jk want people to know they are together and that their company lets them be bold about it, or if (like me) you think Tae and Jk don't want to be out and their company also doesn't allow them to be obvious. Let me elaborate a bit (it's what I do.. bear with me here). It's quite common knowledge that Idols in general arent allowed to (publicly) date, not even in a heterosexual way. I am pretty sure we can agree that the possibility of BTS members having dated in secret is quite real (we just haven't seen them, because they aren't allowed to do it publicly). I think we can also agree, that the likelyhood of the company allowing a queer relationship to go public is even less likely. So the likelyness of them allowing real footage of a real queer in-band-relationship, to me is nearly impossible.
The second thing I would like to point out is that we (both Taekookers and Jikookers) are basing a lot of our thoughts on edited footage. I recently made this post (which is vague as hell, but I think it conveys the message) .
Everything we see from official content has been edited and screened. It's stuff we are meant to see. Editing choices have been made. I find it way more likely for a company in SK to edit footage in a way that hides a queer relationship, than them making editing choices that highlights a queer relationship. That is just me following logical thinking. SK = queer not good + idols dating not good = no real footage of a queer in-band-couple.
So what do I feel about Jikook. Simply put, I feel it's fanservice combined with a real close friendship. You are right that covering up one queer relationship with another one wouldn't make much sense, but I feel they were attempting to level out the playingfield. Having more members act at a higly intimate level does make it easier for them to play the 'fanservice' card. Which is what neutral armies definitely do. Maybe they miscalculated the way Jk and Jimin's chemistry worked, because they do have that. They are very playfull and teasing. I can definitely see how that would make fans think something more is up. So now they have two huge ships both around Jk... and funnily enough... out of the three main players.. Jk is the least controversial one. You and I agree that Jk is most likely queer. I would even agree that Jimin is possibly queer. I think it very possible Jk, Tae and Jimin have this strong bond because not only are they close in age, but maybe they also have similar struggles. I am not mad at Jimin and Jk doing fanservice. Fanservice is part of their job. Tae knows that too, although he doesn't always like it. Jobs come with parts you like and parts you dislike. I think Jk and Jimin doing fanservice is close to how they naturally act, playfull, caring. I think Tae and Jk have been told to tone down the fanservice a lot, but when they do to me it looks like they both just melt into it.
That was me explaining my general thought on this matter. Lets get into the specifics you mentioned. I feel this won't go over well and people will be quick to just go defensive, but it is honestly how I see things. I do not mean to insult or argue... it's my honest interpretation of situations you've laid out for me.
So I have actually already adressed the bite and the earsucking. It's in this post and I still stand by my interpretations (although you will most likely disagree).
I would like to add, that if it's okay for Jikookers to use these moments... it's similarly okay for Taekookers to use Tae kissing Jk's ear, neck, and nape. Let's not be hypocrits. Drinking at night alone is not weird between friends. It happens so often.
Jk's GCF's are not romantic to me. None of them are, and several have romantic songs as background. I know Tokyo GFC is one of Jikook shippers main proofs, but point out the romance to me (like for real, because I genuinely do not see it. I can understand, if you were already a shipper or looking for a ship, this coming up will mean something. But I saw those clips before I became aware of shipping, and I only saw friendship. Troye Sivan himself said about that song that he saw it as being about his fans (platonic) and I am very much inclined to think that is what Jk meant to convey as well
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(again, ofcourse you will disagree). I think it was two close friends on a trip. It was funny, cute, close, but not romantic. I also think it very unlikely that their company would allow Jk to publish anything romantic in origin. You can bet their contracts are full of image clauses and restrictions (the non-dating clause being an example).
Jimin having more screentime to me makes sense because aside from Tae, he and Jk were probably closest. I do not deny that they spent a lot of time together and that he is an important person to Jk. I think Tae and Jk were restricted in how much they were allowed to share of their bond. To me that makes sense in how I feel their company would deal with an in-band relationship.
If you search non-shipping conversations about BTS's use of informal language with each other (which I have done). You will find one thing everyone (Native Koreans included) mentions is that talking informally isn't a sign or indicater of a romantic bond. It is a sign of closeness between friends and siblings. While not everyone agrees on the specifics, it is generally believed that BTS amongst each other are more informal than when they are in function. Although they do in general stay at a middleground state of formalness. So they might slip up some times. The moments you refer to, are actually used as examples of members joking around.. as close friends. All members have slipped up by dropping honorifics or using banmal, although some more than others, the younger ones being more inclined to do so. In cases like this I like to look at neutrals point of view, because shippers are biased. (This is what my general view is, anyone with serious input feel free to add on or teach me).
if all of the above can be waved off as friendship then that would make it that jungkook has pretty loose friendship boundaries
Ah, this seems very judgemental to me. Does your faith and idea of Jk rely on your believe in Jikook this much? Him goofing around with a friend, who he is very close with, whom he has shared a large part of his life with, who he has lived with, isn't okay? Honestly the things you've described aren't actually that big a deal.
and that he'd do wayyy more sus stuff with his romantic/sexual partner, presumably taehyung. but here's the thing... taekook have never done something weirdly sus to that extent, ever.
Ah, anon... we haven't seen even ten percent of their lives. You can't say with certainty that Tae and Jk have never done anything sus. You are basing your opinions on the footage you have seen. And as I've stated before... I don't think it very likely that BigHit would allow footage with signs of any real relationships to get out.
What I see between Tae and Jk is a softness, it's in looks and subtle touches and the way they move around each other. It's vague as hell, and I cannot describe it much better, but that softness I do not see between Jimin and JK. I also see clear instances of especially Tae being jealous of Jimin at times, while I do not see that jealousy in Jimin when Tae and Jk interact. There are several moments I feel would not have happened if Jimin and Jk were a couple. I also feel Jk and Jimin do not fully engage as they often pull back and lean away.
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ask-serendipity-sky · 11 months
This is directed to your angry anons, Why is everyone throwing a tantrum about those pics??? this fandom thrives on misery. Jimin does not give a single fuck about shippers or what they think about him or his friends. He adores them both and the pics were cute so he posted them, end of story. Tae is a straight man so him hugging jk like that is not a fucking problem to jimin and shouldn’t be a problem to anyone else. Jimin doesn’t see anything wrong with it so why are y’all mad at him? You think he wastes his time thinking about what would please tkkers or what would piss them off before he posts something??? Please be serious this isn’t a k drama this is real life and these are his real friends!!
Hello anon,
It's directed at me too 😭
Because Jimin doesn't appear to give a single fuck, thats why I'm dissapointed. Because this is real life with real people, that's why I'm dissapointed.
Perhaps Jimin, Jk, and Tae are not affected because they've reached nirvana in their nice homes with their bodyguard and careers where they will succeed even if they were all to release crap music.
But the world doesn't rotate around Jimin, Jk, and Tae. There are other real people in the world who are affected by tkkrs.
Not too long ago, a grandma (with cancer) Argentinian ot7 jkkr I follow was physically attacked in her home because tkkrs doxxed her. They got her info then went and threw stones at her and her house.
Then we get Holland who will never have the opportunities and protection like BTS does get harassed by tkkrs. Even his little niece was called ugly names.
Go post a picture of someone dear to you and say you are a jkkr and see what tkkrs do.
Then we have family, friends, other people who have been bullied and attacked by tkkrs in different ways.
Good for Jimin, Jk, and Tae but not everyone is in their position.
Hope that helps.
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