#tired of bts mistreatment
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ssshhe8 · 10 months ago
Ignore any grammar or spelling mistakes. I’m trusfrated 👍
An EXO-L took to Facebook to post a fake “translation” where they “revealed” that HYBE often paid for their groups awards, brand deals, charts, etc.
Well, that’s WHAT the KPOP fans took from it.
Instead of acknowledging that the translation was faked they decided to carry the delusion into other fandoms.
Now almost (yeah pretty much all the fandoms) are attacking BTS. Saying they PAID their way. Somehow they went from being extremely poor at their start to buying their career.
Just gonna casually mention how their album debuted with 34 Sales but that’s Payola for you.
I’m sure in 2010 when they were formed, they knew they would have multiple nominations at the Grammys.
I just know it!
Also. It gets better. According to KPOP fans HYBE is the reason for every groups failure. Especially the Big Three Groups. They’re also to blame for every single song by another group/company that did not chart.
Somehow HYBE even managed to pay G-Idle to block Aespa on the chart? I’m not sure how they profited from that but it happened.
Furthermore, HYBE/BTS are to be blamed for Big Bang, EXO, IKON, and more groups loss of popularity. I saw something about Loona too?
It is because of this that BTS won an award over EXO back in 2017. Yep. Something that happened in 2017 has been brought up in 2024.
I was also informed that HYBE paid for the following: The sinking of the Titanic. Jungkook’s Stuck Potatoes, Jin’s Decision to Cut his Cake with his hand. RM’s inability to Drive. Jhope’s fear of bugs & Snakes. And Taehyung and Jimins dumpling incident. I strongly believe they were involved with Suga bumping his nose with his straw too.
You know the time when he was on Live with his shoulder strap, drinking an americano? He kinda smiled real shy after he bumped his nose and giggled.
But one thing I rarely noticed mentioned was the reason behind all of this.
Min Hee Jin.
And her plot to Casually mention as many groups as possible in hopes of igniting a fanwar to Distract the public as much as possible from the actual allegations against her. The break down wasn’t working good enough, I guess.
“Step on Aespa’s neck.” She Quoted from Bang PD.
That group was literally minding their business before you dragged them in that mess. Not to mention her open hatred for Le SSERAFIM being the first GG to debut. This woman is mentioning every group alongside New Jeans.
I have no problem with these fandoms or their groups. It’s not hard to simply focus on the ones you like. But the way they’re going for BTS, Who has been minding their business and doing their required military service, is uncalled for.
It’s natural to lose popularity. You’re not going to win every single award… if you love the group then support them to your best ability. Don’t worry about who is ahead of you.
It’s just very WEIRD & DELUSIONAL behavior that is making kpop as a whole look very immature.
Also the fact that most of these groups are friends yet their fandoms are fighting like children for everyone on Twitter to see.
Yeah. I name dropped but I’m not dragging any group. I’m simply quoting what I seen on Twitter and giving my opinion. I swear it will benefit you not to get on there. There are some funny tweets tbh. A LOT of viral tweets. But it’s just extremely messy.
It’s back to 2017-2018 for BTS fans on twt. Every fandom on there is lurking. I feel bad for the ones just minding their business.
Lastly. Some bts fans are just focusing on Namjoon’s comeback (as they should.) Pre-ordering for Right Place, Wrong Person is available now!
Also, I gotta mention how ENHYPEN casually danced to the Sweet Venom remix while the company is in flames. ✨They are icons ✨
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solarwynd · 8 months ago
Remember how many ppl, including armys believed jimin didn't want a solo career because he was silent in 2022, even after two self made albums here we have jikookers saying jimin still didn't want a solo career because he said in suchwita that it's meaningful for him if all members are together ( these are the same people who are hell bent on believing Letter is for jungkook despite him saying it's for army, soo much to take jimin's words as it is lol) He didn't want a solo career that's why he didn't leave hybe despite mistreatment. I am shocked out of all the reasons, they believe him not wanting a solo career is reason. Not to forget all the members mentioned how they can't wait to be back as group but sure only twist jimin's. When other anons pointed out why he would break his back making two self written albums , the answer this blogger comes up with is "just because you excel at something, doesn't mean you want it".
That reply is just...lmao.
That anon in the OG post said everything that needed to be said so I don't have much to add but
Jimin's priority is BTS, this is something we all understand. But that is something entirely different than claiming that Jimin has no interest in pursuing solo music because where did they get that from? He wouldn’t be getting ready to release MUSE, his second album if that was the case. And yes we also get Jimin loves those men, but they are not the end all be all of his entire life. He does exists outside that group yet he is the only member that people keep tethered to BTS with a ball and chain in every aspect.
It's literally just a re-wrapped version of the the same tired “Jimin isn’t as ambitious as JK is ” argument people like to bring up time and time again.
I’d just like to know how is JK being a singer and saying he wants to be the biggest popstar in the world any different from a SoundCloud rapper saying they wanna be the next Kendrick? That doesn’t constitute as active ambition to me that’s just an aspiration. One that he didn't even try or have to put in any real work in for because everything was already set up for him to achieve that aspiration in just the span of 4 months. But Jimin? working on two albums at a time, coming up with an interconnected story line, lyrics, composing, producing AND choreo for both? THAT is actual ambition.
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canwehavehextonite · 21 days ago
htoo tired to write a genuine take so mb ill cm back to this bt smthing smthing ppl in fandom spaces want a perfect victim character in their nuanced unpacking of the intricacies of abuse and the very nature of victimhood that they r never going to get. however at the same time ☝ the flaws of louis character and toxic pieces of him and his behavior do not negate the fact that he is very much A Victim of abuse that is inherently loaded with racial violence. if i see one more person try to say that its Both of them "mutually abusing" each other im going to genuinely lose my shit bc yes. louis is at many times mistreating the people that he loves. yes louis is choosing to stay obsessed and trapped even when they are not together. yes louis is making choices that hurt himself, claudia, and others. no there is no perfect victim or even perfect villainous abuser. but lestat having trauma and louis having flaws does not detract from the fact that louis is very much a victim of lestat's (and later armand's) abuse and that the power in both of those relationships is so clearly not in louis' hands no matter how he might treat them or. have flaws like people do.
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queenhallebe · 5 months ago
Bro, I get defending your ship and "debating" about who you believe is the real couple but literally why is Jimin & Jk's bond always accused of being fake. I'm tired of this fanservice term. Can people not believe Jimin & Jk are with other members without thinking they play shit up for the camera? Is this really what the fandom has come to?
Unfortunately anon, it is what the fandom has come to. They do it for reasons only they know of. But the obvious thing here is- this is Jimin and Jungkook we're talking about. And that on it's own is enough for them to be crucified.
It has become a norm to hate on anyone who is a part of BTS, or related to BTS in any way...wether as a fan or a coworker, or a family member. So it doesn't help that Jikook, of the famous BTS, and the two biggest soloists of the group are close. Anyone would hate them, and sometimes it be your own people! As much as Armys like to say you aren't an Army if you hate any of the members, but it's true. Sometimes it be the same Armys hating on these two.
I don't know about you Anon, but from what I've seen since I joined the fandom, jikook's biggest haters aren't the kpoppies, or locals.. whatever people prefer to call them.
6.It's the hyung line stans. I think you would know why I'm even saying this. For some reason, the hyungs don't have as much support as the maknaes, and who gets affected at the end of the day? Jikook. Why? Coz they're Jimin, and Jungkook. “ That is how they keep themselves relevant, atleast my fave doesn't have to resolve to fan service to sell, unlike Pigmin and Payolakook 🤢”
5. VMINers... These two are the soulmates of BTS,as we know. And Jungkook, “ separated” them. He “ played” besties. And this came directly from a girl on TikTok, legit..💀
4. KTHs... These are the V lovers. As the most followed on IG, I observed that a lot of people expected him to be the biggest soloist. And also because of his acting career, his model like figure- I mean he's perfect in all ways. And it is a lot of the subgroup that never ever expected Jimin to thrive alone. As time went on, they threw tantrums that V was being mistreated by Armys, BTS and HYBE. And we all know who got the most hate; Jungkook. The one man who was supposed to take care of V,his boyfriend! Did you know, that 99.9 % of taekookers are V biases? Now we all know 😀 and he's blamed for not supporting Taehyung, for not rebelling against HYBE that treated V unfairly.
3. JJKs...these are well known Y/Ns of the fandom; Jungkook stans. Mostly where the homophobia comes from, within the fandom. If I'm not wrong, there's a famous Wattpad story called motorsport..? And the biggest JK story ...I forgot what they call it. Oh yeah, mutual help!! And this is not a hate for the authors in any way. The JJKs love this type of thing, they j*rk of to these things. They write “ Jungkook's the type of boyfriend to-” . And what happens when they see Jimin jumping on JK's back and inhaling him?? “Jungkook is straight, Jimin is just an attention seeker, he loves queerbaiting so bad!” And if you haven't yet noticed, most JJKs love Jungkook as a soloist. They don't give a sh*t about any other member. BTS would be nothing without Jungkook, and the JK validation goes crazy, so Jimin is using him. Jimin is fake, and whatever he does with JK is only to help himself. Poor Jungkook...
2. I don't even know what to call these ones. But there's a certain subgroup within this fandom that believes it is jungkook's duty to end all the delusions in this fandom. They're the gossipers of the fandom. The drama lovers. They think BTS is Hollywood in some way. If Jimin laughs with Jimin today, they run to shipper accounts to find out what their opinion is. Tomorrow he laughs with Jin, they go to the senseless shippers accounts to hear the tea. They get confused in between, feel bad for the poor members whom apparently jungkook's switches like his underwear. They want Jungkook to have a stand. Now they ask themselves, and irritate others on the media,“ why doesn't Jungkook hug V when he knew Jimin was watching?? Why didn't he laugh at Jhope's joke? Why doesn't he just be decisive and love one member?” All because they decided to entertain the shipping drama...Now Jungkook is the enemy
1. I know a lot of people would disagree with this one. I mean no one wants their faves to be treated unfairly, and there is a softness towards one's own bias. But this is a truth that people deny still, to this day. No one gets hate like Jungkook in this fandom. Not outside, WITHIN the fandom... Yes, the hyung line is overlooked, Jimin is hated by KTHs, and V too is hated. But when one person out there finally decides to talk about Jungkook and the hate he's getting, it's all “ it happens to other members too” . It's suddenly, “ he's famous, he should have known” when sasaengs invade his privacy. “ Jungkook shouldn't get anything this time, let's vote for RM, JK will be happy that his hyung won!”
I absolutely agree that all members get hate, and this isn't a competition where one member's pain should be compared with another. But you also know what's not fair? Refusing to acknowledge that Jungkook is at the centre of almost everything here, centre of the BTS ships, centre of his own group, and the maknae. People refuse to just take their eyes off their bias just once, and see that Jungkook is getting hate from all sides of the fandom. He's always the one to throw under the bus, the one who will be “okay” at the end of the day. And I know it's taking forever to say this one thing, but people have resentment towards Jungkook in this fandom, and some don't even know it. It only took one album for people to expose themselves. And no one hates Jungkook in this fandom like a PJM!
“Look at how Jimin invested in his album, nothing was handed to him. He even sang in Korean, and got to the top! He worked so hard. Why should he be no.2 ? Especially to that Jungkook whom the entire fandom got his back, and scooter also? His songs weren't even all that!”
And in case no one here knows, Jikookers are 99.9% PJMs 😹😹. People can say whatever they want, but PJMs be acting like they graduated from Harvard. Like they're the ones who birthed Jimin. Just like KTHs and VMINers, they think their biases are suffering while everyone's got jungkook's back. They don't see that they have Jungkook as a servant who has to kiss the ground Jimin walks on, kiss his feet, compliment him, just be whipped for him. They see themselves as Jimin Park's twin flame. I don't even have to say anything more...just go and see what people are saying about Are You Sure , and recently if you're a Twitter person, a Jikookers GC was exposed... Go and see what all they say about JK (and V)💀💀
Anyways anon, I don't know if you'll agree with me, but I just pointed out what I see everyday. Not everyone in these subgroups is like that, but majority here is overshadowing the good ones🤷. And these are the people who degrade the relationship that Jimin and Jungkook have. They cannot deny that they're an energy, a force, and they're tight like this 🤞. So what will they say?? Fan service. They cannot unsee the cuddles in AYS, so they'll say it's scripted. They cannot comprehend that Jungkook and Jimin are men, and they play rough, so they'll call Jungkook abusive for the same thing their fragile Mimi just did to Jungkook a few minutes ago.
I mean you can't say you don't know what happens when two famous people, with an insane chemistry, and a large following are also close, can you? 🤷 And coming to your real ask..( I'm so sorry for straying 😭)... There are people who genuinely believe Jikook are dating other members, and they'll do anything to prove it, even if it means calling jikook a script. And some of these Yoonmin shippers are taekookers who want to keep their accessory Jungkook. Some are PJMs who hate Jungkook coz KTHs hate Jimin.
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not-goldy · 1 year ago
So you are very ok with JK given everything by the company while Jimin is mistreated af ? You said JK AND JM. But what JM is getting ? Dust ?
Just like JK, you are being greedy only wanting him to the succeed while JM is always ignored by the company. But ofcourse JK is successful so you are ok with JM being his trophy husband, who works hard but with restricted success and won't go above JK, isn't it ?
I'm open to discussing the various ways in which one member's career could be hyped up more or invested into more by us or their company. I'm open to discussing all the ways in which their company could be abusing them or the ways in which they aren't being treated fairly.
What I would not do is hate on another member just because while secretly yearning for what he has for my bias. That's bad karma so you are on your own.
I can't and don't need to hate Jungkook in order to love Jimin.
I can't wish evil for Jungkook in order to wish well for Jimin. I'M NOT DERANGED NOR SLOW LIKE THAT.
They can both be successful artists, their individual successes don't take away from each other's.
They can both be great
They can both coexist as icons.
There's so much room and space for them to inhabit as they each speak to unique demographics. Different talents, different audiences.
I don't need to bring one down to lift one up. You are weird for that shit.
Also these are SOLO artists which presupposes they have separate deals and contractual rights and obligations with the company and I'm tired of explaining this over and over- get yourself some legal education will you.
They are both free to contract and if they are not happy with their contracts they can sue the company.
I'm okay with Hybe performing and fulfilling their obligations under their contract with Jungkook. If that contract stipulates they give all their resources to him then that's what they must do.
Jimin needs a better lawyer to negotiate a better deal for him then if the contract is not serving him because believe it or not hybe is not a charity and they don't operate outside the limits set by their contracts🙄
We know this because they refuse to get into matters that fall within the privacy clause of their artists and as Jimin said, even the food they give them comes straight out of the artist's pay.
We can talk about the different value they place on each member - which of course, they don't place the same value on the members equally. Some are valued more than others. But we been knew that. It's been that way since day one.
It's business though. Nothing personal. Companies do take risks on others more so than others because they look for different things in artists and have specific target markets in mind from the get go.
It's the reason Jungkook may not work well for Dior but Jimin does. They are unique brands and require unique artist's brand as well.
It's up to that artist and their fans to prove them right or wrong- which us and Jimin keep doing every single day. Let's focus on that. The more we sell out, the more numbers we have the better for his market value.
Jungkook is the GOLDEN MAKNAE. he has that going for him. You can't take that away from him. He's managed to capture a portion of the market that most music companies struggle to break through. He could well be the next Justin Beiber or the JB of Kpop but then again he is his own person and a unique phenomenon on his own just as BTS.
Don't underestimate his influence. Don't make that mistake.
He has all the qualities that makes A GLOBAL POP ARTIST and right now there is a gap in that market. I have several posts on this explaining this phenomenon please find any and read for further clarification on my other blog.
Btw, Jimin stans are mostly adults most of whom are lawyers and legal practitioners with the JDs and shit who understand the ins and outs of the entertainment industry. Get real and quit embarrassing us💀💀💀💀
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fromtenthousandfeet · 8 months ago
I get that, but I really don't care about numbers as some form of dick measuring contest. I'll try to explain:
I feel he deserves to get big numbers because that is what he'd inevitably get (what he's always gotten) if they didn't sabotage him. I don't want him to be given what Jungkook has, I just want them to stop messing with him, to stop hindering him from reaching his full potential. His artistry deserves to be known and loved by the world.
I just want the people who've always underestimated him and talked about him like the dirt under their shoe to be humbled. It drives me insane that the one member who's solely responsible for how Jimin is hated now and the current dynamic he has with his fandom, is getting the kind of success that has always rightfully always belonged to Jimin, through fraudulent means.
It drives me insane that the member who has always benefited the most from narratives constructed by the company and perpetuated by the fandom, narratives that have always been toxic for Jimin, is just getting what he wants out of life, having a smooth-sailing solo career.
Has Jimin not been mistreated enough in order for him to thrive all these years? From Jimin not being given vocal lessons compared to him being given absolutely everything, even being sent overseas to be trained to become a better dancer, to him being painted as this perfect, insanely talented artist while Jimin is made out to be flawed in every way.
There's always been a direct contrast to the kind of treatment both of them received, from the company and the members, to the fandom.
I'm honestly so tired of it all. It makes me resentful towards life. I don't understand how it can be so unfair. I really can't take this
Yes, it's insanely unfair. And I want everything for Jimin you want. So many of us do.
I prefer not to talk about shipping on my blog, but damn I hate the way that narrative hurts Jimin most of all. I mean, the things people say about Jimin are beyond shocking and cruel. How he survives it I don't know. And why Jungkook never tells his rabid fans to knock it off, I also don't know. He strikes me as a coward, but maybe it simply has to do with contractual limitations and obligations. BH has never done anything to discourage shipping (in any pairing), and why would they when it keeps up engagement? And now they're going for a full on cash grab with the travel show + merchandise.
You feel like you're going insane because you're being gaslit mostly by the company, but now by JJKs, too. It's been going on for years, but it used to be more subtle than it is now. That company has been gaslighting Jimin since day 1.
So, you have three choices:
Walk away from all things BTS/Jimin/HYBE. A clean break. This is a guaranteed cure to gaslighting.
Reconnect with your sanity by finding like-minded people who see through the madness and recognize reality. Tumblr is where it's at! Try to limit your exposure to the gaslighting as much as possible. Block JK-related words on X. I mute essentially anyone who mentions Jungkook.
Do nothing and continue to go crazy. Go insane to stay sane?!?
The music industry might just be the most unfair one on earth. Talent and hard work do not guarantee success. Record labels can and do sabotage artists on a regular basis. It's not just Jimin. I want to tell you that it's all going to work out, but I can't. I don't know. I hope it will. I think there are signs that Jimin will leave BH, but I don't want to get your or my hopes up too much.
Maybe have a shot glass full of bitters and tears? Just kidding! Dumbest name for a song ever.
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dearweirdme · 1 year ago
Full disclaimer but this is gonna be a whole ass rant because I'm tired of the fact that even in the year 2024, people are still trying to shut us up when we call out HYBE and/or 0T7 fandom fuckery towards Taehyung.
Geffen, whose main fuckin usefulness is promotion, didn't even post for TWO whole fuckin days after Layover's release. HYBE had two months notice of estimated pre-order numbers from VBar and still managed to 'run out of stock' and couldn't fulfil the order that would legitimise him breaking and exceeding the record---then they tried to shift the blame to VBar, Taehyung's biggest fanbase and main solo support 😏, to the point where she had to show her receipts proving they had advanced notice of sale numbers with plenty of time to fulfil them.
Did we not all see those petty ass moments, even in the past, where staff bought ice creams for every member besides Taehyung so Namjoon had to share his own with him so he wouldn't be left out?
Or how about the fact that when a member's name is missed out in listings and promotional ads, most of the time it's Tae's? (With Jin also being treated in a similar fashion because I know some MF gonna pull the same old whataboutism on that)
Or how about the fact that the biggest group fanbases feel so comfortable with his mistreatment that they do it themselves openly, like posting BTS GROUP photos where he isn't even there, or posting BTS solo album photos where Layover isn't even there or even openly gloating about the fact that they screwed with his merch counts?
They make their derision so blatant and despise hin so clearly but 0t7 'fans' still wanna roll out in droves to defend their asses when they stay making 'mistakes' and those 'mistakes' coincidentally stay fucking Tae over
Who do y'all think these losers are taking their lead from?
Maybe it's the same company that in one of the festas gave all of the members fortune slips and only Taehyung's was used to shit on him; warning him that if that if didn't beat to HYBE's drum terrible things would happen to his career and his future would be dire?
Yes, all members have moments of shitty treatment from fans and the company but there is a CLEAR double standard on the fandom when it comes to Taehyung. The big '0T7' accounts do not move for Tae the same way they do for others and way too many are actively working against him and they get away with it because that's the line that has been normalised by HYBE.
Go look at any comment praising Taehyung specifically and damn near guaranteed that you'll find @0T7Becky underneath it talking about how we gotta praise all the guys all at once---at a rate that doesn't happen when it's the other guys getting singular praise.
Maybe we can even take a look at official content like Run eps where editors run a consistent 'joke' of Taehyung being dumb or selfish or how about the way they tooks shots at him through Tata or in one of their shitty games?
This shit is there to see and it speaks for itself but people still want to play dumb make their false equivalence and use whataboutism to shut down any discussion of it.
Anyone who says they're active on Twitter or in these fandoms, especially those who have been fans for a while, and doesn't see or remember the difference in how Tae is treated by the company and the fans is straight up lying. 400+ antis were exposed forming a group chat to hate on Taehyung and the 0T7 fandom was 🙈��🙊 Its not just a couple of haters talking shit; it's actual campaigns against him; ignored, enabled and even helped by the accounts that are supposed to be representing the fandom and sharing info.
One of the other members wear a hat with braids and the fandom wants to close ranks and protect them. Taehyung wears a durag and all of a sudden we're taking a 'let's spotlight that shit and correct his behavior' stance?
Like, yeah, maybe we should be letting the guys know what's up but there's no damn consistency and the collective only want a call to action if it means shitting on Taehyung.
How many times does Taehyung have to make his 'fuck you' policy towards the company clear before we actually listen to him? Not long ago, he pretty much told us that the only reason he re-signed was for the guys. It was outta his own mouth that he implied that HYBE was an 'aint shit' company.
Something in the water is obviously not clean when it comes to Taehyung's relationship with HYBE and it hasn't been for a while.
There's a reason he has so many solo stans and it's because these people have been pointing out the weird behavior towards him for a while and they've been shut down and shut up with any mention of HYBEs passive aggressive behavior towards him for years and the fact that the 0T7 fandom suddenly take a collective leave of absence when it comes to defending him, promoting him or hyping him.
So I'm not here for any motherfuckin complaints or comparisons when this fandom has operated for YEARS on a policy that Taehyung needs to be punished, held back and deserves to eat shit because at one point he was, according to them, getting too much attention, making too many famous friends (yeah, this shit really took off after Hwarang. They didn't like that Tae was being 'singled out' for acting roles) and they 'had to make it fair'
I'm sure there'll be some wanting to play delusional in response to thise but if you look for it you can find whole ass complications of how shitty HYBE has been towards Taehyung in particular and Jin. Their mistreatment towards Jin has been dismissive and disregarding. With Tae its headed towards pettiness and spite (coincidently the two members known for being the most stubborn and assertive with the company seem to be treated worse. Funny, right? but people still wanna say there's no smoke or no fire 😏)
The difference being that it's not only HYBE who treat Taehyung like shit.
You can find screenshot after screenshot of '0t7' accounts repeatedly 'apologising' and getting passes for making the same 'mistake' 20 fuckin times over and it's always about Taehyung.
Hi anon!
You put quite some time and effort and heart into this, so that’s why I’m posting this.. and also because I do agree with parts of your ask. I’m gonna cut the conversation short after this though, because from experience I know my asks are gonna be vile and messy 😑.
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awrkive · 4 months ago
I tots agree with the hybe controversy ask reply coz like why does K-pop have to be so tiring and filled with useless crap amd arguments with people who you have nothing to do with 😭😭😭 like I like bts and bts only idc abt what hybe’s ceos are doing with the company i get it that bts has built it up with their hard work but it’s something that’s between them a,s the company they are grown men and not babies 😭 I’ve given up on that crap it’s been ages and I dread to even open Stan twt
(Btw I’m the anon who said I blush when you reply to my asks I’d like to go by 🐥HEHE)
but yehh like its always so weird to me when kpop fans express EXTREME emotion towards a certain company and its ceos and whoever the fuck they have in there. whether its love or hate, its weird as hell 😭 like yeh not liking a company bcs they mistreat their employees is normal! thats good! but going to lengths as to Actually do a deep dive in its inner workings and growing deep hatred for the people in there just bcs you stan a kpop group under it is just... not normal 😭 just say fuck hybe turn off ur phone and move on with your life! dont stress yourself too much about it! 😭
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taehyungfirst · 8 months ago
I saw so much rage towards geffen for not properly promoting jm and all that with TS all of it was over quora,reddit and armys were trending tags for it but WHERE WAS THE RAGE when it happened to taehyung??only solos and some armys were trending the tags we had to trend the tags for everthing to happen properly no links posted for days promotional vedios were posted days later they were busy promoting olivia R. and most of all when the tags were trending armys would go "maybe this is tae's way of promoting" "maybe he doesn't want it" and making vedios about it which armys gave lots of views for just to justify the sabotage and the mistreatment he got and same ppl are now speaking up for jm..why not for tae cuz we know they can do right things when it comes to others just not for tae it pisses me off so much
when friends itunes sales were deleted magically which affected his bb hot 100 replacement like wtf🤨
bts has hold the record of most streamed song every year since 2013 and this year friends has the possibility to do the same thing but where is the energy??i rmbr armys streaming 7 to get the record and there used to be the daily stats and all that and for jm's lc 1b project they literally got abt to leave chart song to up in top 50 spot they can do things but they just don't move for tae i just don't know why it's honestly so tiring esp. when you see other mmbrs being treated better😑
(I am sorry for the rant💜)
Hello dear! Sorry for the late reply I was waiting for the lurkers to get off my back.
The rage does not exist when it’s about Tae, it’s always some excuse and some big account saying “they choose this and that” shifting everyone’s attention. I refuse to believe an artist doesn’t want to reach as many people as possible, I refuse to believe they wanna get blatantly sabotaged by their own company (even worse when they’re enlisted and they can’t do anything or even see it).
This most streamed song record is revealing their true faces too, it’s not that they don’t wanna stream, it’s that they don’t want Taehyung to get the record and that’s so obvious right now. Their ego is too big to let another group get that record and they will move only when they will see another way to get that and ignore Tae.
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bandzboy · 11 months ago
I mean, as a casual but long-time Stay, I'd be super disappointed if the fandom didn't speak up and boycott the thing.
I still remember back when a bunch of Stays were ex-army who were getting tired of BTS getting really big and getting too Americanized and stuff. (Heck, I think BTS also ended up having a Puth collab, and a bunch of them were like ''this guy does not pass the vibe check''.)
Darn I miss those days.
Part of me was — and is — worried that a bunch of current Stays are gonna try to stream that song anyways. But it's good to know that many are boycotting it.
Yeah, I'm not really sure how to end this ask. It's just a weird mix of drifting away from a band, not wanting to see things repeat, and being sick of pro-zionist stuff happening in the music industry.
yeah jungkook collabed with him in 2022 lmfao and i mean at the end of the day, there are always gonna be people that won't participate and won't want to do it bc they either 1) don't believe it will work 2) can't stand the fact that they comfort is being compromised or 3) they are fine with them having a song with him bc they are also zionists lmao which is something that people atp will have to do deal with HOWEVER.... these people should not discourage you or feel weird bc you trying to stand for something. i keep mentioning this, bc it sincerely pissed me off, but the statement skz_usa put out yesterday saying like how are we suppose to fight this if there are zionists in every corner of the industry and making it seem like it's impossible like honestly it's not that impossible! the divestment from zionism will probably take a very long time and yeah, changes won't come right away but that's what is like with every brand we are trying to boycott from the bds movement shit just takes time and i know people hate this and trust me i don't wanna have to do this either but at this point in time, it's definitely necessary to do something no matter how drastic it is because these people care about money and, let's be serious, these companies are doing an awful with their idols and are constantly mistreating them amongst other things if anything something like this movement should have happened a lot time ago. but anyways, i don't wanna ramble for too long (bc that's what i've been doing too much these days KDJFKGD) but it's good stays are aware and i've been seeing the reactions of the fandom on twt and there are a lot of people onboard with the boycott and it's great and gives me hope that it will send a message to jype so truly what we should do now is make people aware, making sure there's discussion and hopefully more people join in. i could probably be too positive about this but like i think it's better to have hope than not have it at all but truly it's very good that there is discussion and people are aware so let's see how this goes and then figure out what to do from there
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alottamoney · 1 year ago
Adding to this 'Tae lost fans because of taennie' discourse. Why do Tae stans ship him with every woman he breathes next to if they know that dating is a hot button issue? They were also one of the proponents of taennie so they could stick it to "delulu" shippers, now they're all surprised pikachu face because people aren't streaming? Pick a struggle. Why are they asking accountability from the same taekookers who they were ready to "cleanse" from the fandom. Ask taennies to stream. Do they really think the rest of bts are idiots, even Jin who imo is the least promoted doesn't go around parading gfs or have pics of him smoking in public or saying shit about Bang PD. If we consider all that Tae is as privileged as the rest of the ml. I'm so tired of ml stans complaining. Freakin' JK stans are talking about mistreatment. People not liking your fave's song isn't a conspiracy. Nobody is obligated to like something just because they "worked hard on it" that's not how anything works.
Fair enough.
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beautifulpersonpeach · 1 year ago
Dear BPP, sorry if I'm overstepping but is there a reason you're not answering my asks about joining discussions on Jimin's mistreatment by Hybe to push Jungkook? Hybe is abandoning and sabotaging BTS to prop Jungkook is one narrative that is higher now due to recent events. Your opinion on this and how Armies narrative of sidelining Jimin is needed.
Hi Anon,
There's no real way for me to tell which asks are yours if you're anonymous. That said, if I get an ask I find interesting or don't mind answering, I usually will answer it. I'm bored of repeating myself though, I really don't need to read for the umpteenth time about how much Jimin is hated and how everyone close to him is out to get him; I'm tired of pointing out obvious things like how different labels managed each member's roll-out a.k.a HYBE America vs. ADOR vs. BigHit - a point that eliminates most of the conspiracy theories floating around about Jimin, Jungkook, and BTS; or pointing out how Jimin and BTS re-signed with BigHit early, twice. I'm tired of reminding people corporate interests are pretty straightforward, I'm tired of seeing the same impotent threats and complaints seven times over. The fandom has already imploded so every akgae claim about the fandom has become a self-fulfilling and self-reinforcing prophesy. And I've seen this movie play out before so it's pretty easy to tell where we're going from here.
A lot of people are generally myopic and predictable, and that hasn't changed in fandom spaces in decades. People here are having the same discussions they had last year, with themes that have been repeated every 2-3 years since BTS debuted. And I'm certain we'll be talking about the same things in 2025 and 2027, give or take some 'life event' chatter. None of the people here will ever really leave either. Because nobody who gets into BTS ever really leaves or moves on from them (whether they hate or love them), so these narratives no matter how repetitive, will never dramatically change. Each new person entering the fandom will pick up these narratives based on their pre-conceived notions, self-sorting into ARMYs and akgaes, and so the dueling narratives continue to persist for each new generation of fans. I can count on one hand the number of original ideas re: Jimin, jikook, Jung Kook, BTS, HYBE, k-pop, I've seen the last 12 months, and I'm not saying that to be condescending. I'm actually quite sad about it.
Anyway, all this to say Anon, I'm skipping those conversations because I've had those conversations before, already said my piece and would rather not repeat myself. You can still send your ask. I can't guarantee answering it but if I find it interesting, I might.
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jintears · 5 years ago
fuck bighit! all my seokjinnies hate bighit
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yutaholic · 2 years ago
Jungwoo/Mark’s tweet earlier got me sooo mad I was heated again like so quick after the nj concert the very next day you’re like “back to koreaaaaa💚” like I’m upset bc i am into 2 other groups, all of which I’ve supported since their respective debuts (except for the fact that I’d been around and waited for neos since 2014 smrookies…since their fucking name sounded like a citation in a legal contract, SR14B! That’s right, all the way from Florida, I’ve been down for them since before THEY WERE EVEN “THEM”, THEIR DAMN SELVES!! I remember when Haechan spelled his birth name without a ‘c’ in it, you little muskrats, i— anyway ) but 80% of my attention time and money for the last few years has been to nct, including superm. First it was it was like 50-55%, then it progressed a couple years ago to 65-75, now here we are. To the point that I still care about my favs but all I talk about & most of I listen to & only I voted for, has been nct. On top of that, I’m Black. And was most active on Twitter. Do y’all know how hard it is to be a black ifan to these mfs for over half a decade, sometimes I wonder if im in my right mind cus part of me lookin in the mirror like “bitch u sure u good over there?🤨” 😭
The confidence…the gall, the audacity, the mf TEMERITY of these people to either not gaf enough about the majority of their fans that they’ll pussyfoot around and kiss the feet of Korean nctzens so much that they are actively disrespecting us. A few of them lurk, I know they do, esp Ty. ik cus he’s my bias & what he texts in bubble proves he knows things he wouldn’t be aware of without looking at our tweets. I am so upset with him & I have never been mad enough about anything he’s done as I am rn. If you’ve seen anything Tyongf have said, you know we are a little shocked and a lot disappointed. I’d planned to say sumn but that video showing he was insecure in his position came out so I used my allotted texts on that but the minute he sends smth (3 replies allowed per message of the artist) it’s ON, on.
I remember superhuman era quite well but what strikes me is how large the treatment gap has widened since then. There came to a time where we were lowered another peg (cus we knew we weren’t equal) to please and appease kfans. Then it’s gotten worse and worse when their fandom size jump quite a bit with Kick It but EXPONENTIALLY abroad with Sticker & favorite last year. But the acknowledgement has been less! How long does sm think we will sit & take this from them before we find another group that doesn’t mistreat their fans abroad lmao. One of those I’m into is BTS. Do you think I would’ve been calling radio stations regularly to get & then keep their songs on there, buying the albums in store to help with physicals and doing all the other projects if they treated intl army like NCT treats nctzens outside of Korea🧐?!?? Does NCT and sm think GRAMMY NOMINATIONS came to BTS twice by intl armys getting treated like second class citizens?! LMAOOO chile they have bumped their damn heads.
Atp I want Chris Lee and some other people’s heads on pikes!! Whoever make them type of decisions to shun us!! They really bending over backwards for people who tanked their entire era in anger bc American fans got fan service like taking pics with them on the street & shit?? That just shows how shallow they can be! Clown asses! Usually I’m like “Bubu don’t go on Twitter there aren’t good things there” but rn I’m sooo close to going off that it got me boutta text him to go on Twitter & exactly what to search if he wanna see whats really good in the fandom rn. I’m tired of being understanding & acting like I’m fine and is being the bigger person. I want to evoke emotions, I want them feel upset and worry and FEAR👹 It sounds unhinged and petty but I want them for even just a MINUTE, to have a bodily experience of fright and sadness and the realization that we very can leave in droves! But not boycotting an era and cursing them out, oh no, by legitimately just dropping them. That we CAN leave their asses silently and put another group on the map. We can drop not just the unit but the whole brand, ending that nct Hollywood bullshit RIGHT NOW if they don’t appreciate us being around. We don’t expect to be superior just at least toe the mf line??
It’s funny, they call us grass sometimes bc of our light sticks. I’m all about not feeling insecure or conflicted in the past but…These days? I’d thoroughly enjoy them having an “oh shit…” feeling of despair, and epiphany that if they don’t water ALL the “grass” in their yard, there WILL be noticeably large patches of nothing but dirt and dead plants.
I need you to know that I thoroughly enjoyed reading this ask. You have a way with words. I could feel the rage through my screen. I also felt like I was being scolded even though I did nothing wrong. You know how like when you're in the room and your friend is getting chewed tf out by their mom? That's how I felt for a hot minute lol
I said in an earlier ask that all this ncity discourse has me feeling like I'm on the couch with a bag of popcorn watching my bestie fight with her boyfriend. You are now that bestie and I will cheer you on while you read our men to filth. 👏 also hell yes kill nct hollywood early so we never gotta deal with that shit! hahahaha
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viscountessevie · 2 years ago
Tbh this fandom is annoying me soo much and sometimes i feel like you need to share all those strange takes if you don’t want to be called names. I’m all about criticize what need to be criticize but sometimes i ask myself if we aren’t going too far. Sometimes it feels like we are so full of ourselves to think that we know everything. For example I don’t like the fact that Simone can’t like or leave a comment under a post where they are defending POC because people immediately make it about Bridgerton or how some people act as if she is stupid.Since s2 came out, more precisely since the beginning of the year, every single days people talk about the same thing. Now they are starting again with the bts stuffs especially with a photo with the cast except Simone and Claudia. This fandom need to take a position because it’s embarrassing to see the same people say that Simone was happy in B, even posting stuffs where she is all excited and happy about her experience or about her return in s3,and then at the same time stating she was treated badly/ she was isolated by her castmates etc…if a person is victim of all the stuffs this fandom is talking about she can’t be happy or excited and I honestly believe Simone because you can see on her face how really happy she is. So maybe there are indeed some strange stuffs but it’s not completely how some people are imagining 🤷🏻‍♀️…ah people need to remember one thing: CC is a WOC like Simone. You can’t fight for Simone while at the same time be awful to CC even about her stuffs outside Bridgerton because then you only show that it’s not about fighting for WOC rights and all but it’s only a fandom who is obsessed with an actress so they need to shade everything and everyone for her and this is so wrong
[Posting this first because I'm still working on the Regé post 😭😭 - it's longer than I expected and took a toll on me cos looking up receipts of his mistreatment is not fun oop so currently taking a break from that so I can go back to it with a fresh set of eyes! Also will be reblogging gifs and stuff in the meantime just to off load how stressful everything has been not just in terms of the post but life]
Anyways holy smokes anon you went off - hope this helped getting it all off your chest. I do agree with most of these though with this line: "I feel like you need to share all these strange takes if you don't want to be called strange names"
I do hope you're referring to when people overanalyse the IG activities rather than about calling out bigorty and showing solitary especially to the fans and cast of colour. Because we need more of the latter. We cannot stop calling out production and other racist/racially ignorant fans that let them off the hook. Otherwise they'll get even more complacent than they are now.
I agree there have been a lot of repetition but mostly because the Bton team keeps pulling the same shit. Though now I'd argue there's new shit happening every other day sigh.
As for Simone on set, my take is she was fine/okay on set, also the cast isn't buddy buddy like others and that's okay, it is work and a job after all. I think like Jonny mentioned she was probably surprised by their stories and arc in the final script, especially when the audition flashback scripts she got never saw the light of day in the final versions. Maybe a little confused by the way promo rolled out but she doesn't seem like the type to want to centre everything on her so she wasn't going to make a fuss and did her own things instead. That being said still doesn't excuse or make it okay for the way she was sidelined in her own season.
HARD agree on your last point. I've already talked abt this before and yeah I'm indifferent to her as a person and understand why others may not be fans of her (and there are other Indian actresses they prefer anyways which valid) but some anons around just keep spreading hate and I feel like most of us are tired honestly - both fans of CC and those who don't care much for her. Like she's gone guys, let her go.
Anyways thanks for sending this in and hope you feel better anon also it might help to take a step back from the fandom too at times. Breaks are good!
That being said yall I think I'll close asks for a bit, my numbers are giving me a bit of anxiety. But anything urgent at all, my DMs are still open ❤ Thanks for understanding!
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svngho0ns · 3 years ago
about her
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— basic info
ෆ— birthname eunice bae 유니스 배
ෆ— korean name bae eunjoo 배은주
ෆ— nicknames
── nicey. a nickname given by her parents. a combination of her name eunice and baby (eunice + baby = nicey)
── jooey. a random nickname her boyfriend, who is now her fiancé, calls her.
── human chanel. growing up fashionista, eunjoo had always love chanel. blame it to her mother who keeps dressing her up and spoiling her with chanel since she was still a baby.
── hybe's princess. currently the only female soloist and idol under hybe. she's like a royalty in the company, many respects her and looks up to her so much.
── it girl. do i even have to explain why? with her personality, popularity and how attractive she is to many people's eyes, it's no wonder why she's the it girl.
ෆ— birthdate june 17, 1995
ෆ— zodiac sign gemini
ෆ— birthplace nice, france
ෆ— hometown nice, france (1997-2004) marseille, france (2004-2010) paris, france (2010-present)
ෆ— nationality korean-french-british
ෆ— languages
# english fluent
# french fluent; mother tounge
# korean fluent; mother tounge
# japanese semi fluent
# italian semi fluent
# chinese learning; improving
ෆ— gender female
ෆ— pronouns she/her
ෆ— sexuality bisexual (unknown to public)
ෆ— blood type ab positive (AB+)
ෆ— height 169 cm (5'6")
ෆ— weight 45 kg (99 lbs)
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— career info
ෆ— stage name eunjoo
ෆ— debut date february 14, 2014
ෆ— debut age 17 years old
ෆ— companies hybe (2012 - present)
ෆ— training period 2 years and 1 month
ෆ— years active 2010 - present
ෆ— representative emojis 🐱🐈
ෆ— signature
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ෆ— rankings
## rap — 10/10
## vocal — 10/10
## dance — 10/10
## stage presence — 10/10
## acting — 09/10
## composing — 09/10
## producing — 09/10
## song writing — 09/10
## public speaking — 07/10
ෆ— known for child model. global ambassador of chanel, prada and versace. her hollywood movies. asia and europe's it girl. kpop's muse. her role in euphoria s2. runway fashion shows. cover magazines and billboards. being the first kpop idol to perform on coachella (2018). 2019 coachella performance. being the biggest blink and army. mentor in i-land and girls planet 999.
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— personal info
ෆ— mbti type intp (logician)
ෆ— strengths
— analytical
— original
— open-minded
— curious
— objective
ෆ— weaknesses
— disconnected
— insensitive
— dissatisfied
— impatient
— perfectionistic
ෆ— habits rolling her eyes when her eyes are tired. biting her lips when nervous. pouts when she's hungry. dozing off.
ෆ— hobbies baking. sleeping. watching movies. reading. cooking. painting. going out for a walk. gardening.
ෆ— likes music. her friends. her family. her lover. her pets. lily, tulips, and rose flowers. color red, pink, black and gold. harry potter. twilight. blackpink. bts. sweets.
ෆ— dislikes rude people. getting interrupted when talking. any form of mistreatment. egg plant. snake. thunders. people fighting physically and verbally infront of her. shouting. haters. toxic people. delusionals. dispatch. mnet. idols with fake personality.
ෆ— phobias phonophobia thalassophobia acrophobia ophidiophobia astraphobia claustrophobia
ෆ— pet peeves slow walkers. talking while eating.
ෆ— idol friends bang chan, felix (stray kids) all of (nct) all of (blackpink) all of (twice) jessi (soloist) hwasa (mamamoo) hyuna (soloist) yujin (kep1er) all of (bts) all of (seventeen) eunbi (soloist) yujin, wonyoung (ive) jackson, jinyoung, mark, bamban, jaebom (got7) all of (exo) irene, seulgi (red velvet) boa (soloist)
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