Part Time Exploradora
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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Once upon a time I wanted to be a librarian. Why? I wanted to be surrounded by books and always be learning. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I convinced my library to let me have an adult book card after I made my way through the kids section at 8 so I could read books on physics and history. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Every summer I did the summer reading club and collected my Pizza Hut personal pan pizza . (I miss these) ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Anywho, I wanna keep curating things I think are valuable and education being one of them. I believe books are the most cost effective way to learn. If you can’t afford it - you can go to the library 😍 ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ It makes me excited to get DMs people actually reading the recommendations I learning about subjects I love history, anthropology, tech, science and it’s how I’m learning business (my friends are dope and share their mba syllabuses with me). Books let me temporarily escape reality while also learning how the world around me works. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So, I asked in my stories what topics you all want because I have an insane number of books, student loan debt, and random knowledge to share. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Let me know what you want to learn and we’ll curate some lists on @basicbrownnerds this fall relaunch 😊️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ PS:If you wanna support @basicbrownnerds and donate $5 for our production I’ll send you a custom curated list of books to fuel your summer. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Just DM me and I’ll ask you some questions to make your perfect curated list😊️ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ #bookwork #latinanerd #latinas #womenintech #stem #intersectionalfeminism #travelinladies #latinasinbiz #bossgirls #startupl #adtech #smallbiz #shoplatinx #femmetravel #travelblogger #latinaswhotravel #travellatina #solotraveler #chapina #centralamerican #latinabloggers #latinablogger #browngirlbloggers #writersofig #womeninbusiness #womeninstem #newyorkblogger #viajeras
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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I grew up not seeing many people that looked doing what I wanted to achieve. I grew up thinking well that’s “cosa de americano” thinking in not American - but I associated Americans with white and often it was boys doing it . I thought that’s not things I could do. One of those being hiking. So I didn’t even try until I went to Bali and was led by locals up a volcano - I came back and found the closest trail .... But I also am a “Whats the worst that could happen” type of person. And yes, sometimee i get asked where I’m from - but I mean it’s curiosity and movement got me to say yea Guatemalans be out here doing it and yes - were American too. So on the latest episode of @basicbrownnerds I’m talking to @latinaswhohikefounder Victoria on belonging outdoors, in academia , and growing up in two cultures the US and Ecuador. & yes, I recognized i am privileged - but those of us who are we can use that to create bridges between people . We remembered about a year ago we had@latinxproject and we took a group to hike! Some people who had never done it before . (PS @latinaswhohike has a hike coming up Sunday.) but the truth is - this is ancestral. As people we’ve been in nature . There - We see first hand how fragile and precious or environment is (climate change is real folk ) . We meet people of all colors on the trail and encourage you to keep going “you’re almost there” (yes can people be nice ) And science 🤤 - your frontal Cortex is less stimulated allowing you to relax, the plants turn CO2 (pollutants we make) and turn it into O2 that we need to survive . So while you’re waiting for Friday to end listen to this episode on @Spotify, @anchor,fm, Apple Music, Google play & more. And hope you feel inspired to go outside. #latinaswhohike #visitnewyork #hudsonvallay #browngirlsclimb #latinx #gooutsideandplay #travellatina #viajeras #basicbrownnerds #girlswhohike #adventurenthusiasts #internetfriendsmeeting
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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I don’t understand racism but I forget that I’ve been very privileged to be in certain spaces. I’ve met people I have along the way that many others may never get the chance to meet. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Because before I got to travel , read books about different cultures,went to college - I also had to unlearn prejudices and racist views in my life - and I’m still unlearning. And if in a small way I can be a bridge - I should. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Along the way I’ve met : ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ white Americans who have grown up in poverty in rural America. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ People in Europe who survived war, genocide, and were the most hospitable. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Black people who are incredibly wealthy and have more degrees than most people I know. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I met Muslims & Jewish people of all colors, nationalities. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve worked with nuns & pastors that helped LBGTQ & Undocumented people with no questions asked- just acceptance. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve also seen the worst of humanity. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve met people that claim to be Christians that have acted atrociously towards other people. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ & Latinos who have said the most racist awful things about other Latinos. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve walked amongst mass graves of people who were murdered for being different in cities where they had once lived in peace. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ I’ve talked to children detained at the border who shared their life stories that had endured more than most adults will ever have to - and yet they had hope . They just wanted to be safe. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Having had seen all this it scares me when people stop asking questions , doing research, and start to blame others or worse just blindly believe propaganda. This is how war and genocide starts. I’ve seen what happens after. I’ve studied what leads up to it - I’ve spoken to children escaping it. & the internet can create bubbles but it could also create connections. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ So here is a little encouragement to talk to someone who grew up differently than you , find ONE thing in common and maybe let go of some prejudices you both had of each other. Because what if we all just did this a bit more? maybe we’d see at the end of the day - were just all trying to find happiness. 📍@plazadelaraza LA
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
How to start a podcast on a budget
Reading Time: 3 minutes
So you want to start a podcast, you love having conversations and think the world should hear. You have no idea where you should start. If you’ve been following along you know I am the type to break things down into small pieces and get it done. So I have made it super easy for you to get started. In addition to PartTimeExploradora I also have a podcast, Basic Brown Nerds.  Basically my friend and I, avid podcast junkies, often we would have deep and passionate conversations in our lovely suburban restaurants often getting some side eye. We’ve now reached over 20K downloads (woot-woot), yes I am a nerd and having a background in advertising technology helps but anyone can get started. So maybe you just want to get your podcast out there with your ideas, maybe you want to complement your brand to tell your story, or maybe you’re just curious below are the easy steps to get your podcast going.
Here are the 6 basic things you will need to consider to get it going!
Outline your podcast
So what will the overall focus of your podcast be?  You have tons of ideas and just wanna chat, the truth is though you really need to have a focus. It might seem like Basic Brown Nerds is us just chatting but really you want to make sure the listener follows along and can stay engaged. Decide on how long you want each episode, how many, and the frequency of your podcast. Go through and make a list of the topics you want to cover in your podcast and the format of each episode.
Podcasting Equipment
We first started recording with just our laptop and a very very very good attempt at being in a quiet room. You can do this to get started, but note your audio will be errrr not the best, but you have to start somewhere. For season 2 – I invested in a mic that is super simple enough to just hit recording. We’ve gone through a couple of different types and my favorite so far is the Shure MV5 Digital Condenser Microphone (Gray) + USB & Lightning Cable
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 that’s under $100 and easy to transport with max audio clarity. Get it here! 
Recording & Editing your podcast
Well, you’re ready to record, how do you do it? Personally, I prefer adobe’s audition and recording directly there. Your other option is recording directly to via the web app, tablet, or through your phone. You can easily hook up your mic to this. If you’re using you can use the app on your tablet. If you are using adobe audition this will easily let you edit out the parts you don’t need add in cool effects ect. 
What is hosting? Basically where you can keep your audio files saved on the internet. You have several options here, you can choose to host it on platforms such as audioboom and soundcloud and pay for it OR you can host it for free using to host your podcasts. Anchor hosts it free for you costing you nothing and letting you have full control as well as editing and distribution – which takes me to the next points.
Distributing your podcasts
You can do it manually and submit your podcast to every platform out there, hunt down emails and get it published. Spotify is one of the most difficult to get approved on and easier through a third party hosting podcasting distribution platform. Which I have done – OR you can save yourself a headache and just let do it for you. Some platforms require a certain amount of listens and downloads BUT they will submit it for you! The main ones that you want to be on if you do it yourself is Apple Podcasts, Google Play, SoundCloud, and Spotify.
Promoting yourself
Cool so now you have a podcast but who will listen? This is where you have to be PROUD and share with people what you’ve been doing. Share with your family, your friends, share on facebook, online, on instagram. We actually started building up our community long before we even published our first episode and most of our awesome listeners have come from the ‘gram. Take the time to engage in facebook groups, on twitter, and self-promotion!
These are the simple top-level steps each one has a bunch more but this is a great place to start and where to start breaking it down on your podcasting journey!
  If you want to chat feel free to book a strategy session with me and let’s get your voice out there!
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
How to start a podcast on a budget
How to start a podcast on a budget
So you want to start a podcast, you love having conversations and think the world should hear. You have no idea where you should start. If you’ve been following along you know I am the type to break things down into small pieces and get it done. So I have made it super easy for you to get started. In addition to PartTimeExploradora I also have a podcast, Basic Brown Nerds.  Basically my friend…
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
4 Books every Go-getter Woman needs
Reading Time: 3 minutes
I have always believed you can learn anything. The key is finding the right resources and breaking it down into small pieces! I, like many others, did not have the funds to go to graduate school nor wanted to go into debt so after graduating college – I kept learning. I immersed myself in a new career and learned hands on. Most of all I googled and did it the old-fashioned way – read books. So I am sharing my knowledge and compiled this list for you if you are an aspiring entrepreneur or want to break into tech!
I have compiled the 6 books to gain the confidence of a mediocre white man BUT like I said there,  I feel take things with a grain of salt. Since then I have read books that apply more with my values & circumstances. As a woman who is a latina and building a conscious media & advertising company, it’s refreshing to find business books that align with who I am and value.
So let me know what you think about the list below with some of my favorite & reviews: 
Leapfrog: The New Revolution for Women Entrepreneurs by  Nathalie Molina Niño 
This book kept being recommended to me by the PartTimeExploradora community. So I started listening on Audiobook on my way to give my final pitch presentation feeling the impostor syndrome kicking in. Why would I be able to do this? And the first opening, Nathalie stated she was a tech serial entrepreneur, investor, and child of Latinx immigrants. Basically, she is goals and in her book, she goes through hacks. Many of which I have instinctively done and been judged for doing because codeswitching isn’t limited to business and we have to survive in the white male-dominated spaces. As a Latina woman in tech, this was the most relatable, gave me helpful tips, and confirmed my current path. Get it here!
Building Social Business by Muhammad Yunus
I might have some bias here since I worked at Grameen America, but reading Muhammad Yunus’ Banker to the poor inspired me to get into social enterprise and microfinance after college in the first place. As someone who, like many other latina entrepreneurs, have a social impact at the forefront of their business. It’s a new model of non-profit and capitalism that I can get behind. Yes, we all want to make that shmooooney but if you’re like me you want to make sure that we all benefit and can make a difference. I think many of us struggle to navigate this and Muhammeds social enterprise model is the best way to undestand. Get it here! 
Start with Why by Simon Sinek
Okay so you have your business idea and you know HOW you are going to do it and WHAT you are going to do. But really do you know the WHY? The WHY behind the meaning of it all, that will get you through it, and fuel you through the times that are rough. Simon goes through examples of companies and their meaning. Truth is you can tell everyone HOW you do it, others can attempt to copy you, but if your WHY is unique to you – they can never replicate that. Having been at startups and now running my own firm, I can promise you that there will be times you want to get up but knowing WHY you keep going is key . Get it here! 
Lean in by Sheryl Sandberg
Yes, I mentioned her before in my mediocre white man list – because of latinas been leaning in but she gets a pass. The truth is being a woman in tech, it’s really hard to have those difficult conversations and for me my bosses, yes white men, were my allies many times and allowed me to flourish. It’s tough to find people like this and navigate not just being a female in tech but also creating a balance in your own life and not just seeing everything as a blocker to your future for when you want to have a family, kids, ect. I basically like to call these the “being a Susan” skills – think of this book as learning how to codeswitch to adapt and survive in the white male-dominated tech world. Get it here!
So go out and get it girl! Go out and get the world and read up on some of the best ways to do it below. 
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links.  This means any purchase made based on recommendations on this post will give a commision percentage to PartTimeExploradora at no additional charge to you. Any profit made from affiliate links or advertisement goes into supporting the costs and creation of 
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
4 Books every Go-getter Woman needs
4 Books every Go-getter Woman needs
I have always believed you can learn anything. The key is finding the right resources and breaking it down into small pieces! I, like many others, did not have the funds to go to graduate school nor wanted to go into debt so after graduating college – I kept learning. I immersed myself in a new career and learned hands on. Most of all I googled and did it the old-fashioned way – read books. So I…
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
Don't be trash! Dad hat
Don’t be trash! Dad hat
Dad hats aren’t just for dads, they’re for telling everyone not to be trash. This one’s got a low profile with an adjustable strap and curved visor.
• 100% chino cotton twill
• Unstructured, 6-panel, low-profile
• 3 ⅛” crown
• Adjustable strap with antique buckle
• Head circumference: 20 ½” – 21 ⅝”
With this dad hat- you are being our sugar daddy and supporting the continued production of basic…
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
Don't be Trash, Be Compost V-Neck
Don’t be Trash, Be Compost V-Neck
Take down the patriarchy one shirt at a time! Basic Brown Nerds listeners know we say men are trash, but let’s tell the men in our lives not to be trash and be the compost that allows for women to flourish. V-Necks are fitted tees, we recommend sizing up for this. Ink Jet printing has a smooth finish and is long lasting. We are excited to release these quality tee’s and support US Latinx business.…
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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Go everywhere Unique Embroidered purse Go everywhere Unique Embroidered purse sourced directlly from Guatemala
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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Exploradora Tote 100% Cotton lightweight tote. Be an exploradora in this cute tote whether you're roaming the town or the world. Take your cute tote with you and reduce plastic bags!
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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Guatemalan Hand Embroidered Exploradora Backpack Beautiful Guatemalan hand embroidered backpack fits laptop and has inside pocket. Directly sourced from Guatemala brought back from PartTimeExploradora.
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
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Purple Hand Embroidered Guatemalan Cellphone Wallet Clutch hand embroidered in Guatemala and bought directly by Joy. This cell phone wallet clutch combo is ideal for the exploradora on the go making sure she does not lose anything day o day or on your next adventure
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
Sorority: Not 4 years but for life
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Our slogan is “Realize your potential” and I realize how this has been my driving motto since I joined my sorority. Yes, I’m a sorority girl. No, not a multicultural latina sorority I joined a Panhellenic sorority Alpha Xi Delta at Rochester Institute of Technology during my sophomore year.
I don’t typically share where outright that I was in the sorority but the more I think about it I realized that it has shaped who I am. I also did not join a Latina sorority because it wasn’t a fit for me. I found my space when I walked into recruitment night.
I was terrified to talk in, I stood down Greek row surrounded by these beautiful houses and saw a house full of white girls. I was terrified I was definitely not gonna fit in, and I didn’t fit in with the latina girls cause I was not “latina” and i “talked white”, so where was I gonna fit? My engineer friends were cool but they didn’t get my girly things. Then I walked in and instantly was welcomed, I looked around and spotted some latinas and knew I was safe. Latinas that sounded like me. And the white girls didn’t make me feel unwelcome, instead, we laughed for hours about the silliest things.
On bid night a group of girls showed up at my apartment with a poster and celebrated me. They welcomed me and that night as we were introduced to our pledge sisters they said: “look to your left and look to your right, these are the women will be the women that stand by you on your wedding day and the most important days.” I rolled my eyes but 10 years later, these words were the ones I could think of when I saw my best friend get married remembering the first time she even mentioned her now husband. Then laughing and reminiscing with friends from our sorority who had been there the day we met.
The truth is, I can’t tell you who most of the people in my sorority are and I don’t keep in touch with everyone. I have a hand full of women I stay in touch with and my best friend I constantly forget was my sorority sister because she is my best friend – she is my person.
I did, in fact, stand by her on her wedding day. She’s stood by me in my darkest days and we’ve cried, laughed, and been there for each other. I did, in fact, find a friend for life.
Sorority life taught me the importance of sisterhood. That despite anything you have going on, any qualms you have, in the end we have each other. That even if I haven’t spoken to a sister in years, I know when I see her we’re rooting for each other. It taught me the importance of community. Of having a support system that will be there for you. That on the days we would come crying home cause a trash man hurt us or we had a rough day someone was there to hug us and eat ice cream with us.
Sorority life taught me leadership. It taught me how to be part of an organization. How to budget, how to run an organization and be part of a team. Most of these girls in the picture were on the executive board. I learned what it meant to be part of something bigger than me. To organize meetings, to lead a team of 60 women. I learned to deal with different personalities and handle it diplomatically. I learned how to also balance our lives from professional to personal and remember we’re all going through something. This overall taught me how to run operations at a startup (let me tell you running a team of 60 college women is way easier than white men in tech).
I learned the importance of always connecting with others. Recruitment taught me that, learning to find something we can all relate to and connecting potential new members to a member. This taught me to bridge connections in my everyday life, it taught me to network, and it taught me to be open to meeting new people when I travel
Overall I really learned how to always be realizing my potential, to keep going to keep pushing. That even when you feel uncomfortable you will have a team ready to push you on, to laugh with you, hold you, and then celebrate.
If I would have let my fear of being the only brown girl in the room I really would have never meet these amazing women. I wouldn’t have been able to realize my potential. And I wouldn’t have gotten the chance to become the best me, I probably wouldn’t even be sharing today all the experiences I’ve had since then.
Have you joined a sorority? I’d love to hear your experiences if you have let me know below! Bonus points if you’re an AXiD
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
Sorority: Not 4 years but for life
Sorority: Not 4 years but for life
Our slogan is “Realize your potential” and I realize how this has been my driving motto since I joined my sorority. Yes, I’m a sorority girl. No, not a multicultural latina sorority I joined a Panhellenic sorority Alpha Xi Delta at Rochester Institute of Technology during my sophomore year.
I don’t typically share where outright that I was in the sorority but the more I think about it I realized…
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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
Latinx, Women, and POC Centered Events in NYC, Philly, LA : Round up Week of Sept 24th
Reading Time: 1 minute
Hi Exploradorx,
PartTimeExploradora is built with the intention to explore different areas of your lifes. Continuously exploring you’re interested, challenging your perspectives, and getting you to go out and meet people! So I will be trying as much as possible to share events going on in the community that will benefit our community please feel free to submit events you are organizing and/or may know of. Starting this week for free events, as well as events I am a part of and community members that will have upcoming events and partnering up with me to help spread the word!
New York
Conversation with Luis Fonsi  & Lena Waithe at Marriot #LovesTravels Beyond Barriers Sept 25th 2018
Hispanic Heritage Month Meet & Greet with Latinas in Tech Sept 25th 2018
Unpacking Immigration – The Wing & Hola Trenza Sept 25th 2018
TechStars Latinx Startup Weekend October 5th – 7th, 2018 20% Discount using code “PHILSUCOACH” PS: I will be a mentor focusing on Systems & Operations for Tech Startups, so come pick my brain there. See my LinkedIn Here 
  LOS ANGELES AmigaPrenuer Live Podcast Event: Career Change & Women CEO Mindest Sunday September 29th, 2018 at The Lazurus Experience in DTLA
PS: Check out Jacqueline from AmigaPrenuer’s Interview with Joy’s entrepreneurial journey and about travel
  Have an event? Submit your free event via the form below to be shared in our weekly round ups. We’re open to any area where you think exploradorx will benefit! For any paid events please contact for affordable & accessible promotional packages at [email protected]

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parttimeexploradora · 6 years ago
Latinx, Women, and POC Centered Events in NYC, Philly, LA : Round up Week of Sept 24th
Latinx, Women, and POC Centered Events in NYC, Philly, LA : Round up Week of Sept 24th
Hi Exploradorx,
PartTimeExploradora is built with the intention to explore different areas of your lifes. Continuously exploring you’re interested, challenging your perspectives, and getting you to go out and meet people! So I will be trying as much as possible to share events going on in the community that will benefit our community please feel free to submit events you are organizing and/or may…
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