#tiny tw: swearing
triple-pupil · 6 months
I know it's late for the day off trans visibility but hey, When is it not a good day for that?
‼️I am not trans, this is HIGHLY based on the experiences of @aka-baka-shiki's experiences and information as a trans man‼️
‼️Also PRE-TRANSITION DICE, if you don't like that‼️
✨King Dice And his journey post-top surgery✨
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But first, lil' testoretone shots intermission.
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"Everyone's so mean to me"
The initial t shots got him horny, REALLY horny. Bitch was looking forward for the shots with the doc because someone would be touching his ass.
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"Hey handsome, ready for my t-shot ♥️"
It was bad.
And it left him with scars right above the ass because ig injections in old times leave scars.
Now to the post-op, a couple of years later.
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"shit fuck fuck shit fuck shit shit fuck"
He couldn't feel shit, he lost sensitivity on his chest for a long couple of days, to the point of thinking he's never get sensitivity back.
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He also wouldn't be able to raise his arms or move greatly for a couple of weeks to not fuck up the stitches and open the wounds. So he ended up incapacitated, spending most time in bed, with basic needs taken care of by nurses in the clinic or by servant demons at his hotel.
This sounds restricting but nice because of the constant assistance, but Dice's pride and need to be independant were CRUSHED because of this.
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He needed help getting on and off bed...
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... Dressing up and stripping...
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... Eating...
...Going to the bathroom, bathing, etc.
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"I wanna die"
This was the most he has lost control in recent memory, he felt so humilliated he'd recall it later on as hell on earth.
He was SO bitchy about strangers seeing him this weak and vulnerable that the Devil had to take on a few duties like bathing and eating.
More of Dice being a bitch:
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"Just let the Imps bathe ya, damnit!"
Can't add more pics, I'll make a second part soon.
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Forced move
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warning : tiny comfort, darker themes , little yandere behaviour , obsession , obsessed love , mutual love , little swearing , tiny mention of blood , nervousness , angst , love , kissing , touching eachother , nothing graphical in smut and blood , little drinking , blackmailing basically , open ending , make out, minors don't interact
Charlie Walker/Ghostface x fem reader
The evening was dark and relatively cool when the small pling from her mobile phone made the eighteen-year-old look up. Glancing up from her homework and books, she picked up her phone and typed on the small screen.
It was a message from one of her friends. Party at the barn.Stabathon-free alcohol come over she read the message and sighed slightly. Not that she wouldn't want to come. But the exam period was coming up and a party compared to the anger of her parents would be something she wanted to avoid.
On the other hand, a little fun and a little alcohol would be a deliberate distraction. And the old, big barn was not too far away. A short drive. A little fun never hurt she thought and decided to finish the sentence before changing.
The thought did cross her mind because of the murders that had been committed in the last few days. Actually, her parents had hung up an exit spear after eight o'clock in the evening. But she thought this was a bit exaggerated.
Uncertainty lay in her gaze as she looked at herself in the mirror. There are still other people here, said this little voice calling for a party. Suddenly the doubts were gone and the fun was there. She looked at herself again in the mirror a loose outfit not uncomfortable but not a looker either.
Simple and appropriate for a horror party. With another pling on her mobile phone she picked it up. Charlie is here too ;) she read the little extra message and a smile flitted across her lips. Charlie Walker, the acknowledged nerd of the group, film club leader and her crush.
Ever since she had seen him at Woodsboroo high school she couldn't get away from him. His friendly, cheerful manner when he talked about movies. How much he knew about movies, his whole being attracted her. Only the glow in his blue eyes when Kirby even spoke to him was something she noticed.
Kirby Reed she knew, no everyone knew that Charlie had a thing for the blonde. He seemed to be attached to her like a dog. She's just using him she thought after hearing this herself as the girls walked by. She knew the girls only briefly, most of all she had to do with Jill.
They had been assigned to several school projects together and even then they got along quite well. But now that she was already going to a party where Charlie was and not Kirby, she could take advantage of the situation. Maybe he'll notice me she hoped and opened her wardrobe again.
She had tried on everything from her normal everyday clothes to her pyjamas and communion dress. All except two things. ,,This is a bit extreme," she muttered and took the short leather skirt and the loose blood-red blouse out of the wardrobe. Holding the two items up, she pondered for a moment. ,,So what?" she decided and put on the clothes she had once bought for Halloween as a joke.
At that time she wanted to go as a hooker with all her friends just for fun. Teenage fantasy she thought and smiled as she turned in front of the mirror. The clothes just looked a lot better than they did a few years ago. It accentuated her curves, her legs were visible all the way up her thighs.
The red blouse made her décolletage clear. He's going to notice me she thought resolutely and grabbed her leather jacket before grabbing her mobile phone and car keys. Walking out of her room, she listened in on the house. She heard the sound of the television downstairs in the living room. A good sign.
Creeping slowly down the stairs, she peeked around the corner into the living room. Both asleep she thought happily as she heard her father snoring lightly and her mother snuggled up to him. Creeping along, she took the black high heels before taking her car key from the small key bowl and opening the door.
Pulling it quietly behind her, she hurried to her car and got in. ,,Done" she muttered in relief and started the engine before driving off towards Stabathon. The drive didn't take long - she was on the road for about ten minutes before she heard the relatively loud noises.
Parking the car, stuffing the key in her jacket pocket to her handy she headed for the barn. This looks good she thought and grinned when she saw all the decorations and slightly dressed up people. Even though her outfit definitely stood out from the others.
She didn't have a knife stuck in her chest, or a ghostface mask, or even the jacket of her football team. She was dressed relatively inconspicuously for the party. She tried to find her boyfriend but gave up after a few minutes.
Too many people with too many of the same costumes and too much alcohol. Looking around she finally found the bar with the drinks.
Heading for it, she found the alcohol in a large glass bowl before grabbing one of the red plastic cups. ,,Y/n the best animatress of our film club in her gorgeous outfit" she suddenly heard a voice next to her and jerked around. ,,You scared me Robbie," she said, shaking her head slightly.
Robbie was the second boss of the film club and Charlie's best friend. She knew he was recording her and it was being streamed live. ,,Don't do that," she said, taking the first sip of alcohol as he looked her up and down with his camera for the third time.
Defensively, he raised his hands and chuckled. ,,What? It's not often you come out like that, a real beauty," he said, but quickly fell silent as he heard the warning look from his classmate. ,,Thanks Robbie, you really are a gentleman" she said rolling her eyes and swearing inwardly. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all.
She took another sip of the drink and was about to leave when Robbie walked around her and cut her off. ,,Sorry, I didn't mean that, come on, let me get you a VIP seat," he said with a smile and pointed to the stage. Nodding, she followed him and quickly arrived at a ladder leading to the upper area. ,,Are you serious straw?" she asked and took one of the stalks between her hands.
Before she threw it at him, which Robbie returned with a roll of his eyes. ,,No, go up and sit or stand on the railing so you can see everything," he said, seeming slightly excited as he looked at his watch. ,,Thanks" she murmured as he left to start the welcoming speech before she made her way upstairs. He's right, she thought, leaning against the wooden railing where she could see everything. A small smile flitted across her lips as she listened to their speech, paying more attention to Charlie than anything else.
Regardless, she took another sip of the alcohol and looked at the first staff for a while. Before she suddenly heard a creaking behind her. The creaking of wood, someone coming towards her. She put the cup down on the railing and spun around. She was already prepared for a prank in the worst case scenario.
To her surprise Charlie showed up. ,,Hi Charlie," she said, slightly surprised, and smiled at him. He was leaning against one of the stacked bales of straw. The white button-up shirt clung loosely to his torso. The grey shirt underneath which was slightly visible through the slightly open collar.
The long brown hair that always looked so soft to her. Almost fluffy. The small smile on his lips and the piercing look of his blue eyes. He was perfect. ,,Hey, I didn't think you were coming," he said, walking up to her before standing next to her.
She felt how nervous she was, how fast her heart suddenly beat, her fingers tangled in her skirt and she stared at him. ,,Yeah, me neither...well a friend texted me to come" she admitted and quickly looked away as he looked from the film to her.
In the corner of her eye, she saw his eyes pass over her form. He's looking at me, she thought excitedly and grinned slightly. ,,You think this stabbing is so funny?" he asked with an amused tone in his voice when he saw her smile. Protectively she put her hands up slightly, ,,No...I um just had to think of a joke" she said hastily and would have preferred to sink into the ground. He nodded slightly in disbelief and turned back to the film.
She continued to watch him and felt almost stupid after five minutes of endless waiting. Do something she urged herself, because one thing she couldn't do was flirt. Or even make a real move. She had once asked him if she should stay for the break to help with the club, or have a coffee. She had even asked him for homework, but at the last moment she withdrew her book with the note for a meeting.
The idea came from Jill and not even from her. ,,Hey, I've got to get back to Robbie's for the next film, see you later," he said suddenly, pushing himself slightly off the railing. ,,Um, yeah, have fun," she mumbled and would have liked to push herself down.
He had just disappeared behind the bales of straw and she was already thinking about finishing the alcohol before she plunged down when he suddenly reappeared. ,,Hey, if you're up for a little party at Kirby's house, why don't you come?" he said hurriedly and she called after him with a ,,I will, thank you!". It's at Kirby's...but he invited me she thought happily and decided to go in search of her friends again. Not knowing that the evening would be all the more exciting.
Not only had Gale turned up, but the real Ghostface and the sheriff were all here. But when the first shot was fired by Dewie, she had run outside with the crowd for fear of being arrested.
As well as becoming another victim of Ghostface. ,,What a night," she muttered as she started the engine and drove down the road to Kirby. Parking the car and getting out, she saw the lights on in the house.They must have left earlier she thought, her high heels clicking lightly on the street before she went inside.
The door was open. But after only a few steps inside she heard voices and a slight relief spread. ,,You knew the door was open, didn't you?" she asked as she walked in and looked into the faces of Robbie, Kirby, Jill and Charlie. Only the latter gave her a small smile. Almost as if he was relieved that she was here.
But she could have imagined that. ,,Y/n, what are you doing here?" Jill asked in surprise and stood up before pulling the other into a light hug. ,,Charlie invited me," she answered briefly and Robbie handed her a bottle of high-proof alcohol. ,,Drink to the survival of my masterpiece," the camera man ordered and she took a light sip. ,,Whatever I invited you...we're watching Stab Seven now," Charlie announced and took care of the film.
Jill sat back on the couch next to Kirby who hadn't said a word to the new girl. Robbie moved a few feet away to the kitchen and continued to complain, mumbling. And Y/n sat down on the left, on the other side of Charlie.
Not that she didn't want to be with him, but Kirby seemed to be looking at her with a look she knew too well. Get out of here, the blonde seemed to say. As best she could, she tried to ignore the look and took a few more sips of the alcohol.
A few minutes had passed and Stab was in full swing when she slowly felt the warmth in her body. She was not drunk if at all slightly tipsy but the warmth told her she had had enough for now.
Putting the bottle on the table, she took off her leather jacket and her red blouse stood out as an eye-catcher. ,,Someone has made herself pretty," she suddenly heard Kirby say. The blonde looked at her carefully and smiled charmingly. But there was annoyance in her eyes. ,,So what?" she asked back and raised an eyebrow before standing up.
Grabbing the bottle, she took another step towards Kirby. ,,Nothing...nothing the question is for whom?" she probed further and Y/n became more uncomfortable by the second. She didn't like the way the evening was going. ,,For no one but me," she countered and walked past the blonde to hand Robbie the bottle and grab a glass of water.
Walking back she just saw a shadow coming from the right before she bumped into someone coming in with firm steps. ,,Ouch...Trevor?" she said as she stumbled back slightly from the force of the older and taller man. Surprise showed on everyone's faces as the one they didn't think was coming appeared. ,,Great" she muttered and looked at the stain of water on her blouse.
Right in the area of her bust and the black lace of her bra pressed against it. ,,The bathroom is upstairs," Robbie said, averting his gaze from her and his camera. ,,Peeping Tom" Y/n muttered, slightly annoyed, and went up the stairs. A few moments later she heard Jill leaving with Trevor, looking for her mobile phone, and Robbie going out onto the terrace. Only Kirby and Charlie stayed behind.
Finding herself in a house and hallway with endless doors, she was baffled. ,,Just great" she mumbled before sighing and opening one door after the other which seemed to take forever. How rich is she? she asked herself when she found the third guest room and the second walk-in wardrobe. Before she finally found the bathroom with another door. Turning on the light she grabbed one of the towels and tried to dry it somehow.
She wanted to avoid walking around in a visible bra all evening. Taking the towel off her clothes, the stain had only receded slightly. Sighing, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her bra was still slightly visible on closer inspection, but otherwise it was fine.
Leaning on the sink, she ran her hand through her hair. Did he even look at me? she asked herself and decided to go back downstairs. The evening was not over yet, even though she could hardly hear any sounds coming from downstairs. Walking down the corridor she suddenly heard a creaking sound like a door.
Looking around, she saw that a door to the guest room was slightly open. Did Jill go in there? she asked herself and decided to check. She hoped it was Jill or just a pet and not a stupid prank by Kirby.
That was the last thing she wanted. She opened the door a little wider and slipped inside before taking a few steps inside and standing in the middle of the room. ,,Hello?" she asked into the darkness but got no answer.
Suddenly the light from the bedside lamp came on and gave the room a slight orange tint. Not bright enough to dazzle but not too dark to see anything. Only the shadows of the furniture and things seemed more threatening.
She had flinched and scurried around as the door closed and suddenly Charlie was leaning against the door, causing it to close. ,,Charlie...you scared me," she said, grabbing her upper body before a small unsmiling smile came to her lips. ,,Is everything all right? It's pretty quiet down there?" she asked and took a step towards him. For the first time, however, it seemed that something had changed in him. His gaze remained on her, not avoiding her, and there was no Kirby in his blue eyes.
He seemed to be looking only at her. An engaging feeling, she found. ,,Everything is fine, Jill is outside with Trevor. Robbie is on the terrace recording and Kirby...she's asleep on the couch" he said after a short silence and walked away from the door with a click. Did he lock it? the question entered her head, but she could have imagined the click. ,,That's good...and you?" she asked and continued to look at him. Her heart seemed to have never beaten so fast as she realised how close they were.
Alone together in a room. No party, no friends, no Kirby, just her and Charlie. ,,Oh, I just wanted to check on you, I was worried, you know? You can't be too careful about the killer, can you?" he asked and slowly approached her. The question took her slightly by surprise.
Ghostface. She had been aware of him. But she as a victim. Why? Because she drew for the film club, read books and had a crush? No, she wouldn't be a victim. ,,That's true, but if he's really copying the original murders, then well, I'm not a suitable victim, I don't have a role in all this," she said, gesturing around her as if the others were here.
An amused chuckle crossed his lips as his blue eyes continued to look at her. ,,Are you sure? I mean the killer could also think of something new...something unexpected" he said and took another step towards her.
He was standing in front of her now, looking at her and not seeming to want to let her go. Her heart seemed to jump out of her chest as she looked into his eyes. ,,And what?" she dared to ask as she felt him twirl a strand of her hair between his fingers. Her heart beat even faster.
His look was amused, almost pleased with himself. As if he had accomplished something. Something important. ,,A move," she heard him say before he came closer and closer before kissing her. She felt his other hand on her hip, pulling her slightly closer. She sighed and her hands went to his torso.
He was gentle and careful she was uncertain and reluctant. It was apparently the first kiss for both of them. But it was incredible. Her heart was full of love. She had closed her eyes but noticed the small smile on his lips when he broke away. Through the light he seemed to tower over her even more.
As if his shadow enveloped and covered her. Enchanting her and keeping her close. It was a pleasant feeling, there was only the two of them. She saw the small blush on his cheeks as he carefully let a hand wander over her breast. ,,Oh man," he murmured as he squeezed gently and she couldn't help but smile.
He was completely fascinated by the new feeling and she felt herself falling for him more and more. Dare said her inner voice and she reached for his other hand and brought it to her lips before giving it a soft kiss and placing it on her other breast. ,,That's wow - I mean, am-am I hurting you?" he asked suddenly, almost startled as he seemed to sense her brief shudder.
It was true that she was as good as inexperienced in the area of intimacy. At least as far as contact with twits was concerned, but now there was no better chance. She leaned forward and gave him another gentle kiss.
Before she told him, ,,No...please go on, it feels good," even though she also felt the warmth on her cheeks. They both seemed to have to overcome their insecurity little by little. With caution and uncertainty. She felt him deepen the kiss and his hands continued to run over her body. Exploring every inch and yet with a caution. With a caution almost out of fear of hurting her or out of rejection.
She noticed how he detached himself from her and his gaze went to the guest bed. Suddenly she realised what he meant but the uncertainty she had felt was almost gone. Instead, she felt comfortable, comfortable with the thought of what it could lead to.
Nodding slightly, she took his hand and he led her to the bed. Standing in front of it, he engaged her in another kiss just as he was about to say something. ,,I-" she started before suddenly a clang and a scream could be heard from below. ,,What was that?" she immediately asked in alarm and looked at Charlie who was looking at the door.
Walking past Charlie, she wanted to look outside. ,,If it's Jill, then-" she couldn't get any further when a hand suddenly came down on hers and he gently but firmly pulled her back. ,,It's only Kirby, she must have dropped a bottle," she heard him say, but his voice seemed to have almost changed.
The tone of lightness was gone. It seemed almost commanding, controlling. He's going to keep me here, she thought, feeling her heart beat fast.
But whether out of love or slight fear, she couldn't tell. ,,Are you sure? I mean, there's a murderer on the loose here," she admitted to her concerns and she flinched in surprise when she felt his lips on her neck. He laughed lightly. ,,It's a good thing we're together," he whispered and he seemed different.
As if his nice, friendly, almost sometimes retiring manner was to some extent an act. She felt him continue to spread kisses greedily and needily on her neck. His hands ran lightly over her breasts and he traced the lace of her bra. Goosebumps spread over her body.
A pleasant feeling. As if he was hiding behind something, knowing that he knew something. That he knew something she didn't. ,,Yeah...but here," she stated a little uncertainly and gently pushed him away from her. She knew that maybe it was a one-time moment and yet something inside her told her that something was wrong.
But what? She looked at him again. His eyes seemed darker, still blue, but the good seemed to be gone. His gaze held hers as if he was proud. But proud of what? ,,Are you sure everything is alright with Kirby?" she asked, trying to read his reaction. To her surprise, he almost sighed in annoyance. As if the talking was annoying him and he wasn't nervous at all.
As if he saw it as annoying. ,,The bitch is fine!," he said suddenly, upset but full of resentment. What happened? she asked herself again as she realised that something was definitely wrong. But he immediately realised his mistake as the girl took a step back. Away from him, back away from him. Out of fear. ,,Charlie...what have you done?" she dared to ask and her hands clawed at her skirt in fear of the truth.
Defensively he raised his hands and came towards her trying to explain himself but stopped when she pointed at his shirt. ,,Is-Is...that blood?" she asked, slightly afraid when she finally noticed the small dark spot on his white shirt. Astonishment was in his eyes as he wiped his fingers over the stain.
She saw him lick the substance from his fingers and an uncomfortable shiver came over her. ,,You-you are", ,,Ghostface" he finished her sentence before a knife bored into the wall next to her head, blocking her way. A short cry escaped her lips. Fear had a grip on her, devastating fear. Fear of dying, fear of being hurt. Fear of him in a mix of attraction.
It was scary. ,,Please Charlie," she tried, but whimpered as she felt his fingers brushing against the strands of her hair again. ,,Do you know how long I have waited for this moment?" he asked and seemed to be waiting for her answer.
But he didn't get it and only an anxious shake of the head. ,,No? Well, let's say long enough to know that you're just like me," he said with a happiness that couldn't have been more inappropriate. Not when the cold steel of the knife next to her head could still mean her death. ,,I didn't kill anyone," she dared to say, wincing as he laughed and his eyes darted briefly to the knife.
As if he were weighing when he would kill her. ,,Oh no, I don't mean that... no, I mean our kind, our feelings, you know? I mean we were both just too shy to talk to each other all the time" he explained what he meant and slowly she understood. Slowly she understood him.
Slowly she realised that her crush was a crazy serial killer who had wanted her as an honourary victim all along. She had been the victim for months. ,,And now you're going to kill me?" she asked, looking back from the knife into his eyes. Again he smirked and seemed to enjoy it.
Enjoying having the confidence, enjoying having something and not just being a plaything. He let go of her hairline and his hand moved carefully, almost shyly, over the warm skin of her neck.
Before he lingered there and slowly and gently put his hand around her neck. ,,No, no I would never kill you. Not like Kirby, that fucking bitch...I just didn't want to believe it until now. And now we finally have each other" he began to whisper softly, audible only to them both.
But clearly understandable. Has he had this side all this time? she asked herself, seeming to see this side of pent-up anger, hatred, disappointment and all the emotions only rarely if ever for the first time. And it fascinated her to a small extent inside.
Fascinated and frightened her. ,,I-I...was always afraid that you would never look at me," she suddenly admitted. For fear that they would be her last words. For fear of never having confessed to him. ,,I have always seen you, my precious girl" he murmured and gave her a soft chaste kiss on her lips.
As if he was going back to his old self for a moment. ,,What did you want to say to me earlier?" the question seemed to come back to his mind. But there was a certain impulse in his eyes. As if he was afraid of getting the wrong answer. As if he was afraid that she had even played with him. Suddenly the grip around her neck became slightly stronger.
Not strong enough to cut off her air but enough to give her a warning before he picked up the knife again. ,,I-I wanted to say that I...love you," she admitted. They just looked at each other for a moment. For a moment in which he seemed to be weighing whether he could trust her.
A moment in which she decided whether she could trust him. A moment was enough before he pulled the knife out of the wall and kissed her. The metal clanked to the floor, but it was nothing. It didn't matter that he was Ghostface, it didn't matter that she was actually afraid.
It was the realisation that they loved each other that penetrated them both and made them forget their situation for a moment. ,,I love you too" she heard him say and it was the first time in the night that she felt hope next to fear. Hope that when all this was over she had a chance at love with Charlie. A chance that everything would turn out well.
Because she knew if she didn't make it out of here he would keep her for himself. Because underneath his friendly, cute, nerdy exterior, he was a hurt, scared, insecure serial killer who found redemption in her. And they both seemed to know that she could give him love.
The love to forgive him for what he had done. She was his and whether she wanted to or not he would not let her go. His sweet, dear, beautiful light of hope. No she would never leave him. He would make sure of that.
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cyncerity · 3 months
Just finished your new storeshifter au and, if I may add to the angst train, how long did it take for Sapnap to eat in the same place as his partners?
I'd assume he would have some trauma surrounding eating/chewing/swallowing near people after everything that happened with Bad and I would bet that sudden change in behavior would be extremely worrying to Karl and Quackity
yes absolutely, it takes a long while for Sapnap to get used to eating around people again after the Bad incident. Hell, he’d probably have a hard time eating. I think he’d play it off to Karl and Quackity as just wanting to eat by himself but then he’d go off and just…not eat.
also i can imagine this happening in the middle period between the fiancés leaving after the Bad incident and them finding the store, so they’re just traversing through the dangerous woods. Yknow, probably the least favorable place to be starving yourself given that you need energy to walk and fight off threats.
(tw for a little talk of fatal vore and digestion here, nothing canon just intrusive thoughts)
I can imagine that Sapnap has a hard time with swallowing anything for a while. He won’t drink anything warm cause it reminds him of his dad’s body heat when he swallowed him. He won’t chew anything because all of a sudden he’s back to the forest in that fight with that bird and it’s his dad that’s getting crunched in his teeth. God forbid he try eating any sort of animal; the first time he tried to eat meat after the incident it wasn’t fully cooked and the blood in his mouth sent him into the worst panic attack of his life.
Worse yet, when he does have a full stomach, the sounds of him digesting his food make him want to sob. Countless times after the incident he had tried to force himself to eat. After all, he was the only one of his trio who could fight, he had to get over himself and stay strong for them. But every time, he’d dream of a scenario where he hadn’t been lucid enough to let his dad out, where he had died within him, and they only sounds he’d woken up to were the gurgles of his own stomach and he couldn’t handle that.
He survives solely on water for as long as a living being can. Karl and Quackity notice him getting weaker, but he pushes off every attempt they make to comfort him. He doesn’t deserve to be comforted. He’s a monster.
Eventually he passes out and Quackity and Karl give him a very stern talking to, and he’s no longer allowed to wander off while they eat cause they want to make sure he’s eating too.
He has a breakdown when they make soup one night because now that he’s with them, instead of it being just his dad, it’s his boyfriends, too. He can almost feel them struggling and screaming, and the warm, full feeling in his stomach when he swallows only makes it worse. He won’t tell them why he can’t eat. They can’t figure it out, but eventually they find things he’ll eat by ruling out what he won’t. Nothing crunchy, nothing warm, no meat. Karl and Quackity begin to stock up on any berries they find, honey when they can come across it, and whatever roots they can easily grind into a smoothie-like mixture just to keep something in his stomach.
It takes a while for him to get over himself, and he probably still can’t properly eat some things, and he regresses a ton when he eats one of his fiancés for the first time (still trying to figure out how that happens but i’ll write it eventually), but after a while of Q and Karl being ok with it and getting more comfortable, he starts to feel better about himself.
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ittybittybumblebug · 8 days
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Nothing like waking a grumpy giant knight (who has zero people skills) from his enchanted slumber, eh?
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Scott: So, about the security arrangements for the Hood and the Chaos Crew –
GDF General: That is GDF’s area of authority, Commander.
Colonel Casey: Let the GDF deal with them, Scott.
Scott: It may not be my circus, and those most definitely not my monkeys. But when those rabid little fuckers get loose, it’s me and my brothers they bite on the ass, so apparently I’m the one dealing with it. So, about the security arrangements for the Hood and the Chaos Crew …
Yeah, it's been a week, fortnight, month, weird time.
The standard disclaimers, I do not own Thunderbirds, either the Original Series, the Movies (both Supermarionation and Live Action), or the Thunderbirds Are Go Series. (Although I do own copies on DVD.)
I do not do this for money, but for my own (in)sanity and entertainment.
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blumin-onion · 4 months
Daily Doodle Day 268
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<- Day 267 | All Days | Day 269 ->
"I won't dim my shine you should go fucking blind"
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sugarsweetvirgo · 7 months
Hello. So I have a question. Seto is obviously overprotective of eve. Would he ever go to certain lenghts to protect her if he deems it nessacry even if eve doesn't like it?
Absolutely, and he does often, mostly without Eve knowing.
Long lore dump under the post, trigger warning for obsessive and overprotective behavior.
Kaiba is protective of Eve the same way a dragon is protective of its jewels, keeping a constant surveillance on her and getting downright terrifying if anything happens to her.
If the two of them are out together, Kaiba constantly has his eye on Eve, staying very close to her if she's not either on his shoulder or in his palm. If anyone else is holding her or talking to her, Kaiba is always a few feet away, ready to intervene if things go astray.
If Kaiba isn't with her, she always has some sort of protection around her. At home she has his servants and maids keeping a constant eye on her and helping her around the place in his stead, and if she's in public she has 2-3 bodyguards with her at all times, along with secretly hiring his private security force to follow her and take down any potential threats. If any one of his hires makes a single mistake around her, leading to even the smallest of scrapes, they're swiftly and immediately replaced with a new hire, despite Eve's very vocal protests.
Along with already having a mound of security constantly around her, Kaiba tends to tap into the cameras that litter Domino city when he's not with her, just to make sure she's safe (And possibly to just be able to see his tiny thing when he's not around.)
And to add the final layer of icing to the cake, the black choker that Eve wears every single day, the piece of jewelry that she loves and cherishes so much because her special somebody made it just for her, has a tracker in it that she doesn't know about. No one, not even Mokuba, knows this tracker exists but him. Kaiba almost never has to use it because of all of his other security measures he set up, but it's always there as a just in case measure.
Kaiba also tends to get very vindictive of anyone that dares hurt Eve, even emotionally. For example, when Eve shrunk and most of her friends ended up leaving her because of her new height and connection to Kaiba, giving Eve the extreme abandonment issues she still deals with, Kaiba may or may not have "convinced" every major college in Japan to reject their applications and scholarships to their schools, essentially destroying their academic careers. Or when one of his best guards accidentally squeezed Eve a little too tightly when trying to hold her, the guard was not only fired in the spot but barred from working in any Kaibacorp owned business again. And considering Kaiba owns most of the businesses in Domino...
Yes, obviously this gets exhausting for Eve. Sometimes she feels trapped and overwhelmed by how much Kaiba puts into keeping her safe, and tends to get really upset when another guard or servant that worked with her got fired over something she herself thinks is a minor mistake, or had forgiven. Eve has a tendency to get really attached to the people that work as her security, because she has such a hard time connecting to people because of her size and status as the Eighth Wonder, so she always gets really upset when Kaiba absentmindedly replaces them with someone new over a simple mistake .
Eve recognizes Kaiba's obsession with keeping her safe as unhealthy, and tries to calm down his concerns with her training on self defense and carrying around her own sort of protection. Though she also understands that this amount of protection comes from a place of genuine concern, both because of her connection to the Kaiba brothers and because of her height, she still longs for the days where she could simply walk outside and smell the fresh air without having a guard stand 4 feet behind her.
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clumsiestgiantess · 10 months
Lovers of the Other-world Universe, I present to you: a silly thing I made :)
(There’s some swearing in the audio so look out)
pov Erica witnesses the hazmat giants warp in for the first time
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pain-is-too-tired · 3 days
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He didn't want to annoy Minos. The human had a short temper. Chris didn't want to test it, even if his shaking was more of a subconscious action he couldn't always control,that didn't matter to Minos.
The scene in the excerpt isn't exactly match to the drawing,but it's same au and a wip I'm working on so thought it was fitting ✨️
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loaflovesdoodling · 1 year
Since I can't really draw anything today, but I don't really wanna have the day off either, here's a little fic I wrote for @george228732's Fylass in Wonderland :D
(Well, it's not really a fic, per say, more like a oneshot, but, anyway)
(Context; this happens right after the finale, Ades asks for a couple minutes of alone time before joining the others downstairs to make dinner.)
"what if all that stuff the kid's saying is... even partially true...?"
-Pleiades closed the door behind him, staring into the mirror, muttering to himself.-
"is there actually another me? A soul almost identical to mine? Does he feel the same emotions I feel? Does he feel anger, remorse, madness, pride? And..."
-His gaze temporarily avoided the mirror before him, as he stared at his hands and paws.-
"...does that mean I'm a so-called 'symbol bearer'...? Is he immortal like me...?" -he wondered, seemingly hallucinating as if a diamond-shaped hole had perforated his right hand.-
" ...so if he's exactly like me, then.... his parents..? And... Dulciana...?? No... no.... I must not call her name in vain. Noone must ever hear about her." -he scolded himself, looking away and clenching his fists.-
"even then..." -he walked closer and closer to the mirror, facing it once again.-
"if that Pleiades were to 'shatter'... what would be of......"
-he gazed into his reflection wide-eyed as the mirror suddenly shattered, glass shards flying everywhere. That ruckus echoed throughout young Fylass' house, accompanied by a loud and distinct groan, then being followed by utter silence and the sound of blood dripping-
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sunnibits · 2 months
bro on god I’m fucking praying rn that going to college will reboot my fucking brain bc right now it feels like I’ve been on The Horrors™️ program for like 9 months straight 🙃🙃
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spoilers for dark days beneath the cut.
i have. a lot of feelings about skug in book 4 and him being Not Too Great after being tortured for nearly a year by gods. which is understandable but the whole thing is somewhat brushed off- largely by skug, because thats what hes like.
and i was reading the grimoire section on dd and it is.. the same. val makes some jokes about it, to a degree so does skug and just i dESPERATELY want someone to give skug the chance to actually fucking talk about stuff that's happened to him. without making jokes about it like goddDAmn dude :,[ no i do not care that skug would probably be unwilling to discuss Things in a way that was at all serious but this man needs some goddamn assistance
aND. i mean. val got the "mmmhm yeah lets get you some. some. lets address this" wHY NOT SKUG. HMMMMMM????? SKUG NEXT, D E R E K. im so sorry this is an incoherent mess i am just. lots of feelings mmmmMMmMmMmMm yep
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xxswagcorexx · 2 years
did an aggie today and i really like how these designs came out :) <3 little guys!!
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 2 years
This is the sequel for the last drawing about Surfer Dream (The next post is probably going to be a fic :])
Tw: Blood & Swearing
Who's this 'asshole' Sapnap is talking about?
Sapnap is very worried about his tiny friend :(
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 1 year
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when you just want garlic bread for lunch.
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So this Silly Little Science Lad:
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Is that Kleitus I mentioned. He was bought by a frat house (a fictional branch of Kappa Alpha Society) because they thought it'd be cool and an attention-grabber.
Well, they were right. This little guy is rather anxious until Scientific topics are mentioned, and this has been an accidental chick magnet. They give him several little bandanas after he expresses interest in a KA member's bandana.
He's doing his best to learn English, but speaking a human language is a little difficult when your mouth opens in three sections rather than one fused lower mandible.
The hand in the size comparison is Chaz's hand. Kleitus is most comfortable around him.
Most of the Kleitus whump will be centered around his anxiety disorder, self harm, and potentially minor PTSD. Might do a bit about his time in the lab before the frat
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