#just like Mokuba. Dude got done so dirty by the anime i swear
sugarsweetvirgo · 7 months
Hello. So I have a question. Seto is obviously overprotective of eve. Would he ever go to certain lenghts to protect her if he deems it nessacry even if eve doesn't like it?
Absolutely, and he does often, mostly without Eve knowing.
Long lore dump under the post, trigger warning for obsessive and overprotective behavior.
Kaiba is protective of Eve the same way a dragon is protective of its jewels, keeping a constant surveillance on her and getting downright terrifying if anything happens to her.
If the two of them are out together, Kaiba constantly has his eye on Eve, staying very close to her if she's not either on his shoulder or in his palm. If anyone else is holding her or talking to her, Kaiba is always a few feet away, ready to intervene if things go astray.
If Kaiba isn't with her, she always has some sort of protection around her. At home she has his servants and maids keeping a constant eye on her and helping her around the place in his stead, and if she's in public she has 2-3 bodyguards with her at all times, along with secretly hiring his private security force to follow her and take down any potential threats. If any one of his hires makes a single mistake around her, leading to even the smallest of scrapes, they're swiftly and immediately replaced with a new hire, despite Eve's very vocal protests.
Along with already having a mound of security constantly around her, Kaiba tends to tap into the cameras that litter Domino city when he's not with her, just to make sure she's safe (And possibly to just be able to see his tiny thing when he's not around.)
And to add the final layer of icing to the cake, the black choker that Eve wears every single day, the piece of jewelry that she loves and cherishes so much because her special somebody made it just for her, has a tracker in it that she doesn't know about. No one, not even Mokuba, knows this tracker exists but him. Kaiba almost never has to use it because of all of his other security measures he set up, but it's always there as a just in case measure.
Kaiba also tends to get very vindictive of anyone that dares hurt Eve, even emotionally. For example, when Eve shrunk and most of her friends ended up leaving her because of her new height and connection to Kaiba, giving Eve the extreme abandonment issues she still deals with, Kaiba may or may not have "convinced" every major college in Japan to reject their applications and scholarships to their schools, essentially destroying their academic careers. Or when one of his best guards accidentally squeezed Eve a little too tightly when trying to hold her, the guard was not only fired in the spot but barred from working in any Kaibacorp owned business again. And considering Kaiba owns most of the businesses in Domino...
Yes, obviously this gets exhausting for Eve. Sometimes she feels trapped and overwhelmed by how much Kaiba puts into keeping her safe, and tends to get really upset when another guard or servant that worked with her got fired over something she herself thinks is a minor mistake, or had forgiven. Eve has a tendency to get really attached to the people that work as her security, because she has such a hard time connecting to people because of her size and status as the Eighth Wonder, so she always gets really upset when Kaiba absentmindedly replaces them with someone new over a simple mistake .
Eve recognizes Kaiba's obsession with keeping her safe as unhealthy, and tries to calm down his concerns with her training on self defense and carrying around her own sort of protection. Though she also understands that this amount of protection comes from a place of genuine concern, both because of her connection to the Kaiba brothers and because of her height, she still longs for the days where she could simply walk outside and smell the fresh air without having a guard stand 4 feet behind her.
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