#time to revisit this blogs ask box
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Me: *opens up tumblr* My tumblr dashboard:
Me: Me, already with pen: well. I guess im back in the fandom.
#i contribute#funny#hellsing#vladcard#---#this fandom is such a fixation#how heavily it infests my brain#is worrying#the one fandom that once in#i can't escape#welp#guess im back...#because vlad...#is...#*gestures vaguely*#time to revisit this blogs ask box#(please no anderplant please no anderplant please no ander-)
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hot gunslinging outlaw x reader | 18+ | 2.7k
immediately following your mother's gruesome death, you come to find out that your father is the wealthiest industrialist on the continent of san-am and is on his deathbed, leaving the entirety of his vast wealth to you—a man you've never met. along your way across the continent, your train is abruptly highjacked and you come to face-to-face with a handsome outlaw coming to claim the massive bounty on your head.
story warnings; 18+ for kidnapping, graphic + grotesque details, worldbuilding, heavy prose + descriptions, implications of matricide, reader has a bounty on them, reader gets a gun pointed in their face, roughly proofread
reposted from my deleted blog: theoxenfree.
this is a concept piece for a significantly larger project, see how the cat jumps.
petition for me to rewrite this darker bc this shit doesn't match up to my current style. let me know if you'd like to see it revisited?
would love and absolutely appreciate feedback + reblogs 💕
Mother died a week before the lawyer showed up on your doorstep with an inheritance letter and half-hearted condolences for your absentee father’s poor prognosis.
A day after that, your life was stowed into a pair of suitcases and a heavier hard case that you barely justified bringing aboard the train. In three weeks and three layovers, you would be across the continent in St. Corpus, the industrial heart of San-Am, where your father awaited you on his deathbed.
Horace Grissom had fathered a new age of industry and outward expansion in lands once believed to be sprawling metropolises centuries long gone. They had been left behind as skeletons of steel and rust from a time of global war, reclaimed in totality by the roots of elder trees, the decay of salt and sea, the precarious will of mountains, and the great sinkholes and corrosion of sand and time.
Traces of that old world had survived thanks in part to the rigorous efforts of archaeologists and conservationists at the University of San-Am in Grimerise. With each new discovery, opportunistic vultures like your father blotted their pens to their tongues to their pocketbooks and readied themselves to own the patent of it like history had a price and could only belong to them. Indeed, anything could be bought, because with those fragments of history, he built the San-Am Continental Railroad which crossed through each of the five territories and was considered the premier way to travel.
You were never allowed to ask questions about Horace under Mother’s roof as the very mention of his name would set her ablaze in some pettish, garrulous tantrum that, oftentimes, ended with you going to bed before dusk without dinner until the next day.
She loved that bitterness up until the very moment she died, clawing your clothes, your skin, her nightgown, her own throat because she couldn't breathe and there was nothing you could do to save her from succumbing.
“Go in peace, Mother.” you said, kissing the back of her sun-speckled hand even as she tried digging her nails into your face. “I love you.”
She did not waste peacefully, nor did she end by staring up rapturously at the ceiling as though something else waited for her beyond it.
Mother passed in blood, vomit, excrement, and all her hatred while you bade her farewell and considered who was best to call to have her body carted away to burn with all the others that had also succumbed that day. You made sure to label that as the cause of death on the official paperwork.
After that, you had made quick work of piling all of her things into boxes to be incinerated as well, certified the house was safe and in a liveable state (besides her old mattress, which was the first thing you disposed of because of the smell) for another family to move into.
Once all of that had been finished and you gained the time to rest, you got a knock at your door, a bald, sinewy man with a round hat claiming to be Joseph Whitwald—estate planning lawyer, he made sure to specify more than once—and that you needed to leave post haste to your father's estate in St. Corpus before he perished.
“You have significant placement in his will, illegitimate or not. This is what he wanted, this is what shall be done,” said Whitwald assuredly as he rooted through the pockets of his pants and white suit vest for something. He found it and made a sound and a flourish, revealing to you a red ticket. “Take this. It's for one of the elite cabins in first class. Your father wanted you to have the best amenities that the San-Am Continental has to offer.”
Even with such luxuries available to you with the sound of a bell on string, you eventually found yourself exchanging tickets with a young woman traveling solo for the first time. She went red in the eyes, asserted her appreciation, and scooped you into a hug before taking the ticket and her belongings to the first car.
The passenger car was considerably noisier with children running amok, drunks and musicians belting tunes while dancing in the center aisle—doing poorly to keep their balance as the train navigated the terrain beneath the rails, and ladies in bustles and fashionable blouses screaming like hens over fresh gossip. The stewards were frustrated that they couldn't get their trolleys through all the bodies, whereas some passengers let their stomachs roar through their mouths as they assailed anyone nearby (especially the poor lads just trying to deliver food) with complaints.
You liked everything happening around you; it was a good distraction from the way life had twisted your arm behind your back. The cacophony of laughter and anger felt like home, a comfortable companion to sit there with you on the empty, thinly padded benches while you stared uselessly at the inheritance papers—uncomprehending.
A gasp shot up your throat and made you bite your tongue as you were launched forward onto the adjacent bench (also empty) when the train suddenly began to slow—brakes engaged with such quickness that the wood beams under your feet vibrated up through your soles into your bones and teeth and skull until you became lightheaded and collapsed back into your seat.
The squeal and grind of steel worsened your confusion, turned the fuzz in your head into dull drumming—aches that pulsed to a beat you couldn't figure out, but it deadened the screams all around you and bodies hitting the floorboards in thunderous heaps.
And then, there was silence.
The other passengers kept their voices low as they climbed back into their seats, children were smothered deep into their mother’s bosoms as they wept, and no one dared to investigate what had brought the train to such a violent stop.
“Mummy, what's happening?” asked a girl from the benches behind you. She couldn't have been older than ten, from the sound of her. “Mummy, why—”
“Lottie!” the mother hissed at her daughter, “Shhh! Say nothing else, child.”
From a few seats away, closer to the front, you recognized the gruff, muddled voice from one of the drunkards who had been dancing in the aisle a while ago. Now, he had a bloody nose and a nasty knot growing on his forehead.
“What the hell is the big idea of them scarin’ the piss outta us like this? Do you see my face? They gonna do somethin’ to fix it?” he complained, then swigged liquor from a flask he had smuggled on. “I should go up there and give ‘em a piece of my mind. Bastards.”
“Peace, friend,” soothed a musician with an unfamiliar accent and stringed instrument. “Don't be hasty. I'm sure there’s a good reason why they had to stop. Let them find a solution, we’re just here for the ride.”
Just as the chatter was rising up again, commotion from the first class car stifled it hard, prompting some folks to abandon their seats near the door separating the cars to crowd into the rear. You were tempted to flee with them, join their pack so if they were going to find a way off the train, you'd be mixed up in their stampede and have a better chance to get away.
Except, you simply packed away your inheritance paperwork and sat there with your chin tucked to the collarbone, the visor of your baseball cap pulled lower over your sunglasses to seem as nondescript as possible. Meanwhile, the sounds from first class grew intense; glass shattered, passengers screamed and shuffled around, something you knew to be true because you felt the floor rumble under your feet again.
And then, the passenger car door slid open without the ferocity you had expected. The door scraped along its metal rail, allowing the body to pass through in heavy, languid steps. You paced your breaths to hear it all; the boots and clinking spurs striking wood with dull thuds, a baritone hum that you were convinced you could feel reverberate in your own chest as it came closer, the scuff of thick fabric and creaking leather.
You waited for it all to pass, to move on like a slow-moving rain cloud amidst a humid summer day, but it stopped at you instead. The tips of the man's boots were within view, as were slithers of tattered, black fabric from a long duster that fell short of his shins.
And then, there was the barrel of a gun. The breaths you had been holding shivered out of you, cold dread sank deep into your stomach and bones as the gun flicked upward a few times.
You obeyed and raised your head up to look at the man—tall, broad-shouldered, a rugged face with dark features mostly obscured by the shadow of his wide rim.
He tilted his head, gun higher as he flicked it down and you understood that to mean to take off your sunglasses. When you did so, offering him a full view of your face, his lips lifted crookedly into a half-smile.
“Well then,” he took the bench adjacent to you before holding something up to your head, seemingly a piece of paper, and shifted his gaze between you and it just twice. “Aren't you something special? Found you, darlin’.”
“What?” you frowned. “Found me?”
“Yeah, the resemblance is uncanny. You're definitely his kid. It's all in the eyes, really.” He said, turning the paper around to reveal a photograph of a man who you did share an eerie likeness to. It was the sameness in the eyes—the color and shape and emotion they evoked through a simple still image. “Horace Grissom had an illegitimate kid a long time ago. Turns out, not everyone is so pleased for that to become public knowledge. Turns out, someone wants you to bite the ground.”
“I've done nothing wrong!” you bristled.
He settled on the bench and hiked an arm up across the back of it. “That's usually how it goes, hun. Puttin’ holes in types like you really ain't my favorite thing to do. You'd be surprised how many people get put in your exact situation. Well, eh, not quite. ‘Cause not everyone is Horace Grissom’s kid.”
“Who hired you?” you demanded.
His lopsided smile remained. “Can't tell you that, darlin’. Confidentiality an’ all that.”
“So, then, you're a bounty hunter?” At this point, you weren't sure if you were trying to stave off an inevitability, or he had just riled you up that badly. “How much are you getting?”
“Enough to live the high-life for quite a while, I'd say.” He continued, “but I ain't no bounty hunter. Them folks gotta play by rulebooks an’ a bunch of codes and whatever. Not my thing.”
“A criminal, then,” you said. “An outlaw.”
He shifted the rim of his hat away from his eyes and leaned towards a pillar of golden, midmorning sunlight that came in through the window. “Sure, if that's what'll make you feel better about this entire thing.”
You could actually see him now—the contrast between the ambery hue in his rich complexion and pale green of his eyes. His skin had some weather to it, enough to prove that he had seen the worst of every season for years on end without it wearing him thin, along with thoroughly kempt hair on his face and loose waves that draped slightly beyond his shoulders.
“I…” the longer he stared at you, the less you were able to think. That was ridiculous considering you had survived the soul-crushing burden of engineering school and all of the personalities therein. “I can offer you something better than what you were hired for.”
He did a fast sweep of the colossal heaps of fabric hanging from your frame, a style you preferred to keep eyes off of you on the best and worst of days. It didn't do much to deter him as it did others.
“Oh, yeah? Whaddya got, hun?”
You lifted your shoulders and stacked your bones right. “I've got a vast inheritance that I'm not interested in. Horace is dying and I’m in his will to receive half his properties, along with his shares in the San-Am Continental Railway and Subsidiaries. If you can get me to St. Corpus, you can have the inheritance—every last gris.”
A shrill whistle echoed around your head, tuneful and mocking. The sound of it whittled your confidence back down to nothing, filling the space of your throat with a vise that you couldn't seem to swallow around. That same great unease you had felt before weaseled around in your chest, coiled your ribs and then plunged straight down into your gut.
“Good offer, but it ain't on the table.” The way he spoke was easy and slow, a thick drawl that suited every bit of him up to even now. He acted as though he weren't essentially holding a gun to your head, threatening your life in the name of money—or something else. “Gris is always good to have lyin’ around, but, honey, it don't really mean a lot to a man like me. Why, then, d’ya think I take on work like this? Why do ya think I trek halfway across the five territories time and time again? What really keeps a man goin’ out here in this godforsaken place?”
You felt yourself shrink in your seat as he leaned forward over his thighs, coming closer still like he had a secret to keep. “It's for the thrill. The hunt. The challenge of it all. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't actively seek out men to shoot or… nice types like you, but part of the fun is trackin’ down, the other part is just havin’ a chat—just like this.”
Then, he had the picture of Horace held out to you between two fingers. “Tell ya what, I see that hard case you brought aboard. I know what it is, but I want you to offer me somethin’ more interesting than a bunch of gris.”
You scrunched the photograph against your palm once you had it, hoping the sweat off your skin would ruin his face and make the ink run, but looked to the aforementioned hard case instead.
It was made of a hard plastic shell with strips of rubber outlining the odd shape of the thing. Inside was your handheld welding gun—one of many—that you had decided to bring along for little reason besides thinking it could be of use at some point during your time away. It wouldn't be enough to handle larger jobs such as the ones you were accustomed to in the workshop back in Grimerise, but it could fix a wagon or two, glue some pipes together, and do some damage if need be.
“C’mon, darlin’, sell yourself to me.” he pressed, gesturing his impatience with winding fingers. “What do you do for a living, huh?”
“I'm an engineer,” you continued hastily, “I-I can solder, weld, braze, cut, and saw. I can do anything if I have the right equipment.”
In turn, he asked, “Does that mean you can cut open a safe?”
“If you give me what I need, I can do anything.” you said.
A new sort of look overcame his features, one of great fondness and admiration that made the green of his eyes take on the milky luster of jade. You had the hope that this unique softness would gain you freedom from a shallow, empty death; a chance to go forward to seize the assets sworn to you by a man you'd never known.
His hands came forward to take your wrists, the weight of them first heavy and then cold as a pair of handcuffs were locked around you, knocking bone when you lunged back into your seat and fought against them.
“I've got myself quite boon!” In the next moment, he had hauled you up across his shoulder, retrieved both your suitcases, and called one of the stewards to carry your welding gun after him. “Time to go. Gotta introduce you to the crew and get ya settled in.”
“Wait, I don't even know your name!” you shouted and thrashed from shoulder.
He grinned. “Jericho, darlin’.”
#outlaw x reader#outlaw x you#outlaw x y/n#gunslinger x reader#gunslinger x you#gunslinger x y/n#cowboy x reader#cowboy x you#cowboy x y/n#oc x you#oc x y/n#oc x reader#cowboy oc#gunslinger oc#outlaw oc#.02#sci-fi#science fiction#writing#original writing#original fix#original character#original character x reader#bounty hunter#bounty hunter oc#bounty hunter x reader#bounty hunter x you#bounty hunter x y/n
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I wonder if I've ever sent this to your ask box. But I wrote some fluff fics for a fandom week event when I was 16 or 17, and shared it on Tumblr. I didn't realize how important archiving things was, and I also wasn't really familiar with AO3 back then. Years go by, and I rarely use Tumblr anymore, and I was *sure* that those fics are in a RAR file somewhere in my computer, so I... deleted the blog. A year later, I suddenly want to revisit them. They probably weren't that great, and most probably super cringe, but they're an accomplishment nonetheless. The first 7 fics I ever wrote and published! I wrote fics entirely in English despite my non-English mother tongue, and I was 16! Stupidly, I used the "read more" to separate the summary and the fic itself, so the fic isn't available in reblogs (the "read more" points to my now-deleted blog). I emailed Tumblr support to get my blog back, but they said there's no way to do so. So now those fics are... nowhere to be found. I was agonized. I'm still agonized now. If only I could turn back time...
I'm thinking about rewriting those fics entirely, using the still-available summaries (that the fandom week event reblogged). Just to let go of this pit in my chest. But still... I get so sad every time I think about it. I was so stupid. I lowkey wish someone decided to plagiarize my fic just so I can read it again.
This is exactly why I rarely use a readmore.
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hey there! there's a fictional character that's been running around in my brain for a lil while that you might find interesting - he's from pokemon, and his name is faba! he's very green themed and has these bean-shaped glasses, and works as a scientist at the aether foundation (a pokemon conservation group that hides some rather dark secrets)! apologies if you've already considered this guy - I'm fairly new to checking out your blog! anyway, have a nice day ^^!
hey there lovely anon!!! how are you doing today? i hope you're having a good one 🥰💖 ohoho, what a suggestion!!! you've got me riiiight in the feels—Branch Chief Faba has been lingering in the back of my mind for quite some time 🙈💖

jgfkds look at him, he is soooo handsome 🫠🫠🫠 no wonder he's been running around your brain...you have great taste!! and he's hitting all the favourite boxes—stylish, green-themed, tinted glasses-wearing mad scientist with an enormous ego...wow 🙈💚 i've seen a few people compare him to another beloved fictional fave of mine, Maxime Le Mal!! @luluisgreendraws even drew this fabulous art of the two with their outfits swapped 😉
genuinely i think the only reason Faba hasn't been a fixation up until now is that i was 18 when Pokémon: Sun and Moon first came out, so my tastes hadn't yet refined...and i was down horrendously bad for Guzma 😳💖 but hey, who wasn't? 😂 but now you're making me want to replay the game...i'm not vibing too much with Scarlet and Violet, and Sun and Moon is my favourite after Diamond and Pearl!! oh dear...to revisit this game with a mature set of eyes is going to be catastrophic 😖 awww you are so nice, thank you very much for this lovely ask and for dropping this awful fellow in here!! welcome to the blog, and apologies for anything you may see...though by suggesting Faba, i think you're in the right place 😂💖
#i was WAITING for the day that someone would suggest this bastard 🙈💖💖#curse my weakness for characters who are arrogant and condescending to the point of slappability#but just. fucking LOOK at him. i've seen the simp art. i know you guys understand fgjfkdfg#thank you very much for this anon...and if you see me start reblogging fanart you know we've hit DEFCON 1 😂#faba#branch chief faba#pokémon#pokemon#faba pokemon#pokemon sun and moon#sun and moon#f/o suggestions#starleskasks#long post
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Just talk about Soundwave. Please. You can write a three pages essay on him and I'll be so happy to read. Also, i would like to know about your favorite authors in real life?
So this has sat in my ask box for a few days because i was FREAKING DELIGHTED BECAUSE EXCUSE TO TALK ABOUT SOUNDWAVE FUCK YEAH and then i promptly clammed up going "what.... what the fuck do I talk about????"
So first let me answer the more specific question, about authors :D
I have read a LOT of books. When I was in Highschool, I used to show up, pick one series that had at -least- three to five books in it and were at least ~300-500 pages per book, and i would go to the librarian and check out the entire series.
We weren't supposed to be allowed to do this.
I'd then read one book a day, return it every morning at school, and at the end of the week or the start of the next week, do it all over again with a new series.
I read science fiction, fantasy, sometimes I read fiction (I usually consume real life material in the form of textbook excerpts, or articles or direct study records and stuff, but sometimes i pick up a whole ass textbook or a written conglomeration on a subject. Most of the books I -keep- a physical copy of, are academic)
So... when I say these are my favorite authors
they come from a LOT of reading-- and these are the authors who books I not only loved reading, but love to revisit and read again and again and again.
Kristan Britain - Green Rider series
Probably the most impactful story series on me personally that I have ever read, and it's absolutely influenced how i write directly. I learn a LOT from reading her stories as well as simply enjoying how immersive her world building is. Her characters are alive feeling and relatable, sometimes they think so alien to my own preferences yet she makes them understandable.
She's -amazing- with foreshadowing... the tiniest details in her books can easily come up as major plot later and it feels so *natural.*
She's also one of the few authors i've read who likes to jump around character POVs and really get into their individual head spaces and perspectives, while still retaining this lovely individualism for each character.
Naomi Novik - The Temerarie Series & others
And also one of if not THE creator of Archive of our Own! I was blown away when I learned that, years after discovering and falling in love with her books.
I've read her other books too, and while I also enjoy re-reading them and their wonderful whimsy and lore exploration, the series that has my heart and undivided attention is her spectacular historical fantasy world with DRAAAGOOONNSNSSSNSNDSNDNSJNSSS
have i mentioned i like dragons
a l o t ?
Anyhow-- this series takes place during the Napoleonic wars, and deals with some amazingly complex topics of interspecies respect and communication, political machinations, the conflict of duty against the desire to be true to one's heart and what they feel is genuinely the best choice, betrayal, love, hope, war, just... a little bit of everything. There's a splash of romance, but unlike most stories I have read over the years, it's not the main focus and it doesn't suddenly derail the entire series and drop plot as a consequences.
(i hate nothing more than a beautiful story ruined by a beautiful or worse, a sub-par romance that entirely destroys the established story and stops caring about anything but bumping fuzzies ;-; I LIKE MY PORN *WITH* PLOT TYVM. ...okay i even like porn without plot but at least don't pretend it's a plot filled book then XD)
And.... this one is actually another fanfiction author, who I don't think I've ever name-dropped on my blog before!
I re-read her stories all the time, and find myself visiting her old archive of books at least once if not many times a year.
Aside from the insane amount of comfort and feels and laughter her stories bring on for me, they've also been a major encouragement in my own writing-- absolutely one of my role models for just... doing your own thang.
Soundwave.... oh lawd
i have already written probably more than you wanted to know XD
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Hey I follow you for a good while now and love your content. Especially all those Spyro the Dragon posts!
I always wondered if you remember Jade Cocoon for the PS1? It's a hidden gem and one of my all times favorites.
Thanks for your awesome Blog✨👍
Hello, thank you for sending in an ask! This is Larsa from Acquired Stardust.
To answer your question it makes me happy to say, yes I do know the game in question. Jade Cocoon holds a special place in my heart, seeing the name of the game takes me way back. That title was one of my very early childhood games on the Playstation; I have many fond memories playing it and trying to capture monsters to then scramble together for various fusions. Come to think of it I recall it being a difficult task to progress through the main story and all the battle themes were so intense that they still play in mind to this day.
Actually I had recently revisited it about a month ago and immediately the graphics really blew me away. Jade Cocoon is an underrated gem and it is awesome that other people still appreciate it too. I look forward to playing through the game again soon. Do stay tuned from content from that game and more.
The blog is an ongoing work in progress every single day and a great challenge we've have with it so far is managing to get around to posting about and writing about all the great things we would like to share with everyone. So many of these things have inspired us and shaped our lives positively, and it feels like we have only scratched the surface on highlighting the things we love so much including Jade Cocoon and other things perhaps more outside the box.
Thank you for the kind words, that means a lot to us! Credit where credit is due so far all the Spryo the Dragon posts were created by my partner, Ash. Many thanks to you and everybody else for following the blog!
-- Larsa
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Happy Friday, everyone. I hope you all have a wonderful day today.
Every day, there will be a theme: such as Blorbo Blursday where it is encouraged you go into each other’s ask boxes or even a post on your blog asking about each others’ weekly project or muse.
This group is open to all creators: writers, visuals artists, and readers. It is for those who appreciate these types of creators. All fandoms are welcome. We accept original works, original characters, alternate universe, strict canon, opt, x reader, and so on.
We aim to support, nurture, and cheer on our fellow content creators, as well as give everyone visibility. Different levels of participation are okay. I understand that schedules change, as does health. Participate at any level, as it feels right for you and your heath.
Time to give back to the community. :)
How to participate: Make a post recommending a fic you love from at least a year ago. Dust off the archives, dig through your AO3 history and share those old fics with newer fans who might not have seen them - and the fans who’ve been around forever and might want to revisit an old fave. This doesn't just need to be AO3. It could be right here on Tumblr, etc.
Please make sure that you tag @bardic-tales once you are done with your post, so I can place it on our masterlist.
NOTE: This is open to fan fiction and original work. So, even wordpress blogs, etc, counts.
Our Members' Offereings:
@themaradwrites: stargate-atlantis: off the beaten path
@wyked-ao3: hp & star trek: an unexpected development
@andromedalestrange: all elite wrestling: lacrymosa
@megandaisy9 @watermeezer @sliceoflifeshepard
@nightingaleflowlibrary @kricketbee
@themaradwrites @pinkevilwriter
@serenofroses @asirensrage @aalinaaaaaa @goldenlilium-ocs @glbettwrites
@wyked-ao3 @badscientist @thebadphilosopher @andromedalestrange
@fantastictrashpolice @seastarblue @happypup-kitcat24 @chickensarentcheap @allaboutlov3
To sign up for the Creators’ Club, please see this post on @bardic-tales’ blog about it:
Creators’ Club Tag List
Thank you for your interest, and we look forward in getting to know you and your works.
#creators club#writers on tumblr#writing community on tumblr#writing community#writeblr#writeblr community#oc community
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⚠️WARNING: Spoilers for Good Omens Season 2 Episode 6 below the cut!
DO NOT CLICK BELOW THE CUT IF YOU DON’T WANT SPOILERS! I’m live-blogging this because I need emotional support apparently
Eight battery operated candles,,, no more open flames in the bookshop I see
“It all looked so simple in Jane Austen :(” Aziraphale have I mentioned that I love you
Bees :)
Oh god Angel Crowley look is infinitely worse in context for some reason
Maggie has BALLS and I love her
Shax I am going to fight you
oh no
Oh no
That was an invitation
This is vampire rules isn’t it
OH no
never thought I would be happy to see that circle light up
“You can all leave now and nobody will be hurt” “you’ll be hurt”
Hey uh. Did the theme song change? That guitar riff is new?
Wait yeah things have DEFINITELY changed in the theme song, unless I’m crazy I don’t think the Bentley drove through the theater before?
Crowley is so fuckin smug lmao
Crowley has adopted Muriel hasn’t he
“I don’t have clearance. You’d have to be a throne or a dominion or above.” Crowley just opened the fucking file. “I haven’t always been a demon, and they never change their passwords.” COOL COOL COOL COOL COOL GUESS ITS TIME TO REVISIT THAT ASK ABOUT THE HIERARCHY OF HEAVEN
Aziraphale really said siege warfare o_o
“Does what you say make sense in your head?” Nina I love you
MOTHERFUCKERS IT WAS AN ARMAGEDDON PLOT!! I WAS RIGHT!! … and wrong, Gabriel was a dissenter!!
Gabriel is a major asshole but he is uh. An asshole opposed to Armageddon: The Sequel
“Why all the fire extinguishers?” I AM CRYING
Oh no. Saraquel is sharp o_o
Oh my god they were coworkers
He is Crowley’s emotional support Angel and it happens to be mutual thank you very much 🙄
Nina and Maggie my beloveds
What the fuck happened for Gabriel to be against Armageddon, I need to know
“Junior recording Angel, 38th class” congrats Muriel, you’re no longer the lowest ranking Angel in heaven!
He’s letting them throw books, they’re desperate, Crowley HURRY
Okay so his memory was in the matchbox that was in the box but fell out?
oh that. That killed a lot of demons.
Yes I believe you did in fact just start a war. Holy shit.
“Apparently if we do a miracle together it all works a bit too well” yes hm you two do work very well together don’t you 👀
This is some ineffable bureaucracy if I’ve ever seen it
Everyday playing in the background 👀
bobbing my head along to Everyday with Gabriel and Beelzebub :)
I am going insane.
I was not expecting these two to get together before azicrow
The Metatron is a surprise homie
Don’t call Muriel dim >:(
“We need a little us time” 👀
oh my god if they just convinced Crowley to have an honest conversation
Metatron. What was that. Stay the fuck away from them. Mind your fucking business.
Muriel was given The Crow Road :)
No. Noooo no no no no.
Don’t you dare. What happened to the “I regret nothing” on your playlist.
“Well obviously you said no to hell, you’re the bad guys!” WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU’RE?! WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR OWN SIDE?!?!?!
I’m going to simply pass away now.
nooo not the glasses 😭😭😭😭😭
No nightengales,,, we could’ve been us
“I forgive you” cool cool cool cool cool cool cool I have been stabbed in the chest
The second coming?!?!?! Fuck
I am unwell
I am going to need so much fanfic after this
#good omens#good omens season 2#gos2#good omens s2#good omens spoilers#good omens season 2 spoilers#good omens s2 spoilers#gos2 spoilers
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Plague Doctor Cindy!

Hi, I drew this concept art sheet thing shortly after drawing the Butcher!Aurora art and I took a break after that. Sorry I didn't post this one immediately.
Edit: Some close ups and extra commentary have been added
Rambling below (TW: medical subject matter like diseases and surgery, death, delusions, and cannibalism)
Meta wise, she started out as a mad scientist for the sake of being a mad scientist by listening to Novocaine by Cree-P and GHOST, and Black Box Warrior-OKULTRA by Will Wood. I just imagined Cinderella going too hard or harsh on Lady Tremaine, her patient/ser-worker/co-star, with her research, experiments, and surgeries out of frustration, stress, and madness. Hell, I would not be surprised if she tried lobotomy at some point during her side jig/job as a doctor.
But ever since I listened to Butcher Vanity by Vane and Flavour Foley, Cinderella later grew to be more than just a plain old mad doctor as I revisited her Screen Universe para concept and explore what her deal is. From why exactly did she fall into this path, to her relationships with the characters related or relevant to her story. She became another tragic character. This time, someone who developed an obsession with finding a cure for the prions after it "ate up" her once villain co-worker friend with in-character or canon compliant delusions.
Some close ups
The other state was meant to say production as well, but I'm too lazy to fix the typo now
Cindy with the Bok-su pose is slightly cursed ngl, but it keeps living in my head rent free. The fact that they're both doctors doesn't make it any better ToT
Eldritch Cinderelly (the note says healthy because their true forms's color and brightness changes if they get certain health conditions. In this one, she should have been a bit dimmer and grayer due to the Discontinuation Rot)
Herbs and spices stuffed in the beak like a true plague doctor. Though, Cindy does this for different reasons. Instead of the original reasoning where the herbs will ward off the plague, she does this to replace the smell of burning and rotting flesh with as much fragrance as possible. It also puts her at ease
Stolen Ideas Inspo :>
How it'd look like under her apron/dress thing
Goggles stuff for eye protection
Eyes. Eye eyeballed (eh? eh?) her eye color because I can not find a good proper close up of her face and eyes in the official material and the coloring in the og movie looks a bit inconsistent at times.
Screen shots from the ID server itself again of course
OKULTRA cranking up the mad doctor inspiration (ft. Novocaine starting the whole thing prior to listing to OKULTRA)
I think this one is still pre-butcher vanity arc
Typical Disney para behaviour
more Cinderella angst lore because yes
A shit ton of other paras have not so healthy relationships with their characters at this point. They include, but not limited to some Pokemon characters, and SpongeBob.
Health anxiety go brrrr
This is from when Butcher Vanity arc or obsession hit around. It expanded her lore and everything. It was a game changer for this specific para tbh. I think this is about four months after posting the past Cindy rambles shown in the previous screenshots
Ok, this one is from an ID adjacent server, but I feel like this is still a bit relevant to the whole thing
(Also from the ID adjacent server) Ok, this one is kinda complicated since I mentioned another para who had something to do with a different Disney centered subplot that somehow affected the plot and lore of the entire paracosm. Basically, Snow White helped one of her ser-workers to found a cult and... everything went downhill and batshit insane from there. Ruined or fucked over the entire government and all... you may either dig through my casual account for the answer or ask through the Screen Universe blog about it.
Bonus: A joke relevant to the whole Cinderella x Sleeping Beauty ft. prion plague debacle arc/subplot (I found this god damn image from Pinterest and I captioned it as "Cinderella and Aurora")
TLDR: 1950 Disney princess becomes a mad plague doctor, grows into another tragic para, becomes vegan as a trauma response, loses her villain patient to the plague's delusions, goes off into a deep end after burning said patient, despises cannibals, and turns into their world's equivalent to a veteran in a "has seen the origins of modern day problems and the horrors of war" way but the war is the plague from the distant past.
#screen universe#immersive daydreaming#art#paracosm#daydreaming#digital art#disney princess#cinderella#plague doctor time
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Hiiii I’m Jax and this is my book blog aka where I just word vomit and perchance have cohesive thoughts about books!!
I do have an art blog too which you should totally check out… (@jaxdoeswhimsyart )
However you have been warned I’m still not fully adjusted to how Tumblr works, like sorry y’all it’s been like 2 years and I’m still confused af 😭
✧What I Read✧
I mainly read older fiction from the early 1900s since for some reason I’m extremely fascinated with that time period (and also the 1800s although the literature from that era is a bit challenging for me lol) However I am trying to broaden my horizons by reading more modern books because my biggest pet peeve ever is when people think they’re some how better for reading so called “classics” and then treat modern books like they’re trash… (been there, done that, it was not fun…)
Moving on I really love more in depth books especially those that make me really critically think about my knowledge and the information presented to me!! And I looovvveeee characters, like reading to me is all about experiencing things through other peoples perspectives and trying to understand the complexity of their existence!!!
I also have a special place in my heart for books that help me explore myself and act almost like a mirror for me to reflect into. Like there’s something so special in those reading experiences that I wish I could share with the world, but I know when others read it it’s unlikely that they’ll see and feel things exactly how I did.
So yeah that’s why I think book blogs are cool because then you can see how others interpret and experience certain books and it’s like “wow I never thought that way about that book before!!” :)
Okay enough rambling here are some of my favourite books of all time!!
✧My Top Reads✧
Demian by Herman Hesse
Giovanni’s Room by James Baldwin
The Empusium by Olga Tokarczuk
East of Eden by John Steinbeck
On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous by Ocean Vuong
Brideshead Revisited by Evelyn Waugh
The Berlin Novels by Christopher Isherwood
Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
The Master and Margarita by Mikhail Bulgakov
Well I guess that concludes my intro post! Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy?!
!!If you have any questions about the books I read or if you want book recommendations/want to recommend a book, my ask box is always open!!
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It's MAY now! Which means, the time has come
The Mission (should you choose to accept it):
the 2nd anniversary project is to make crafts which will be turned (if you wish) onto Redbubble merch (t-shirts, mugs, stickers oh my!) that you and anyone else who wishes can buy and wear and use and love every day 🥰
here's how it will work:
The Why: basically every month we have people asking for crafts to become merch, so for this project we thought WHY NOT?!?!
The What: the theme for May will be THROWBACK THEME 2, meaning you can revisit any of the previous themes from two years of Gallacrafts
The How: it's a COLLABORATIVE project if you want it to be, so grab a partner or a group now
The When: posting day will be Sunday 21 May
The Where: we'll work our magic to set up a Redbubble store in June with your designs plus some special anniversary designs we'll put together. the store will be open all of July which is our second anniversary month!
we'll do reminders in May but for now put on your thinking caps and grab a partner or group! -> This is the reminder!
there's also this month's theme This Kiss to keep you busy in the meantime 😘
Frequently Asked Questions
I don't have anyone to collab with, what do I do?
We're running a matchmaking service so send Cherry @too-schoolforcool or Donna @sleepyfacetoughguy a DM if you'd like some help, or alternatively come hang over on the Gallacrafts Discord.
Also, if you'd prefer to work alone, feel free!
What were the past themes?
Fuck U-Up
Breakfast Boys
Choose your own adventure
Family's Family
Secret Santavich
🖕🖕 And especially fuck you
Deleted scenes
I'm fucking gay
You're under my skin
Team theme/we make a good team
I like 'em sweet/gallacrafts after dark
Holiday cards
Wearable crafts
Short King
Big Fic Energy
This Kiss
(psssst you can also check out past themes on the Gallacrafts Blog here!)
I want to participate in this month's theme but don't want my craft on merch, what do I do?
Absolutely no problem! Either contact one of the admins (Cherry or Donna) & let them know, or state in your post whether you wanna opt out. We'll also be double-checking with each crafter who participates that they want to be-merched.
Are you making money off this?
No way. We're able to set the profit margin on Redbubble at zero - so you'll be able to buy the merch at the lowest possible price and we definitely DO NOT make a cut. We'll take screenshots of the process of setting up the store for transparency and accountability.
I don't make digital art, how can my craft be made into merch?
we get it, we're physical crafters ourselves! crafters like us might need to think outside the box a bit on this one
Maybe you might want your Galla-cookie recipe on a magnet?
Maybe you want to make the rooster mug and then put a pic of that on a mug (mug-ception)
The Discord is a great place to ask for help or incubate ideas 💡
#Mod Post#gallacrafts#2nd anniversary project#shameless#ian x mickey#gallavich#ian gallagher#mickey milkovich#theme 21#throwback theme 2#gallacrafts second anniversary#gallacrafts theme reveal
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Intro 🧡
guess I might as well do an intro
diagnosed adhd software engineer here (🩷💜💙, coming to you from the Rocky Mountains (where rich people's empty ski homes are literally everywhere and driving up costs….. pls send help)
lol just realized that could be taken as being a software engineer needs to be diagnosed- which honestly, fair
writing stuff + ao3 link
just finished a canon-adjacent story about the main kids. it’s a short story that I had so much fun writing :) and I hope to focus on more short stories in the future.
also doing a south park/good place crossover because why not
wrote this thing called "the cultish conundrum" which... exists... (planning to rewrite it someday when i git gud™️) (wrote this when I knew NOTHING of fandom so I did try to be canon-compliant but knew nothing of creative writing when I first started, so I hope to revisit to rewrite it to be actually… good one day lol)
Also if you’re an ao3 writer of your own and want me to kudos/comment just lmk!! I know this isn’t an excuse but my adhd makes it so bad for me to read others works but if I’m instructed to I genuinely love it and want to support y’all as from what I’ve seen, there’s SO many talented SP writers out there that I genuinely want to support so badly but am literally so bad at committing when there’s so many choices lmao
quick stats:
mid 20s and fresh out of college (studied computer sci so bear w me if I sound too tech bro; I won’t be offended if you call me out for doing something wrong as I not only don’t get offended easily, but acknowledge I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing since literally the only time I’ve had social media in the past is when I would look at tumblr in middle school cuz it allowed porn it im being real with you 👀)
9w8 ISTP (took the official tests in college tho acknowledge it’s only slightly scientific lol)
ex-mormon who served a mission (emphasis on the ‘ex’- 🫡 🥲 god the stories I have lmfao. also I may or may not talk too much about the BoM musical because of this - sorry, not sorry)
works in tech and works from home
builds legos and games most nights (i wanna learn new hobbies besides this, hence the whole trying to learn how to write thing. pls bear with me- i BS’d my way through English classes in college lol)
so yeah!! south park has basically been my comfort show/emotional support media for as long as i can remember. like it's literally been keeping me sane through… everything. I’ll respect any ship in the fandom (unless it’s something really weird like the things ‘pro shippers’ are for? But I’ll be honest I literally haven’t run into any of this and don’t plan on searching for it lmfao. And no, I don’t view ‘kyman’ as a ‘pro ship’ when done right, so I respect it (aside from the weird ass nazi folks who I will never get along with but thank god I haven’t run into those folks… and I’d like to keep it that way 🥲)
absolutely down to chat about anything!! just use my ask box or dm if you're 18+ (minors please no dm). This blog will likely stay sfw, but it may occasionally not be! I’ll tag when it’s not, but this is your warning now. i promise i'm super chill and just here to vibe with other cool humans who don't tolerate any transphobic/racist/etc behavior. I don’t ever do social media (aside from TikTok to share guitar covers and songs but im way too pussy to face reveal here), but just want to connect with others in the fandom so here I am 👋
not here for any drama and will respect ships in the fandom though i am partial to style (what got me to look into the fandom space in the first place, though even here love their sbf relationship first and foremost before anything romantic as i only recently started shipping them. When I say im new to fandom romantic shipping of any kind, I truly mean it lmfao)
also I like writing meta posts, but just know I do it all for fun and that I completely understand and respect that my opinions are just that- opinions. at the end of the day it’s just a silly show and that’s the fun of fandom- being able to share these
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Episodic Nostalgia: 2025
Well, here we are! Only time will tell what new-and-exciting atrocities/human rights violations we have to look forward to as the new year unveils itself to us, but in the mean time I’ll be carrying on here with more reviews of my favourite state sanctioned propagand- I mean, tv shows from my childhood. Last year I completed the first seasons of ‘Star Trek: The Next Generation,’ and ‘Spider-man: The Animated Series’ respectively, before deciding to take a break from both shows, just to keep things fresh around here. As for what’s next, I’ll be following a similar format, alternating between two different series (one live action, and one animated), namely:
Star Trek: Deep Space Nine: When I first started this blog, my approach was much less structured, casually jumping back and forth between Star Trek series, with DS9 initially being one of the primary focusses. I reviewed eight episodes before committing to TNG and Spider-man, so it makes sense to pick up where I left off. With ten episodes remaining, I figure I might as well complete the first season while I decide what to do next. Besides, I love that show, so it’s not exactly a hard sell for me.
Batman: The Animated Series: While it wasn't the strongest episode, 'Christmas With the Joker' was a lot of fun to review, and I’ve been meaning to revisit this series ever since I got the Blu Ray boxed set a few years ago. Although, unlike Spider-man, I may take a slightly more lax approach in the order I review them. The Beauty of this series is how effectively each entry stands on its own (with the exception of a few two-parters), so I may skip or jump ahead to certain episodes as I see fit.
To follow up on that last paragraph, I’ve also been considering switching between different animated series more frequently. I expect I’ll stick with Batman for the duration of the DS9 reviews, but I could foresee a point where my Saturday morning cartoon selection becomes more sporadic. Additionally, I’m toying with the idea of more-regularly deviating away from strict episode reviews, similar to some of the “reading break” posts I did last year, but I have nothing concrete planned in that arena for the time being. That being said, If anyone ever finds themselves interested in my opinions over anything even loosely connected to the theme of this blog, feel free to reach out, or ask a question. Obviously, I reserve the right to disregard any suggestions/questions I find disrespectful, or irrelevant, but this kind of stuff is always more fun when other people are engaged.
Anyways, the next review drops on Friday where I’ll be picking up with the somewhat-infamous Deep Space Nine episode, “Move Along Home.” See you then!
#star trek deep space nine#batman the animated series#new year 2025#general update#ds9 season 1#star trek ds9#star trek#batman tas#retro tv#dc animation#batman#new year#episodic nostalgia
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My first BG3 character (post full release) was a Tav, specifically a dragon bloodline sorcerer. I feel like this has greatly influenced how I perceive and interact with Gale to this day.
Early on in Act 1, Gale asks about doing magic, and then laughs it off and says something along the lines of oh, I mean studied it, that doesn't count. For my sorcerer, they'd built up their whole personality and feelings of self-worth around their draconic blood and their natural gifts, and I'd been purposefully choosing every dragon bloodline dialogue option I could.
It felt a lot like he was telling my character he was less than because he hadn't done it "the proper way". And as a burnt out ex-gifted millennial, that fucking hurt. It was going from being praised constantly for natural talents to being told I was an idiot for not solving the problem the same way as everyone else, it was having my out of the box analysis of literature paraded in front of the class by the teacher who then said "only a crazy person would have been able to see it this way" before tossing the research paper down on my desk as everyone stared.
There was a quote one of my uni mentors told me to try and help me through all that shitstorm. "Talent hits a target no one else can hit. Genius hits a target no one else can see." It didn't help. It was isolating. It was a constant battle of trying to do what was expected and being told "you're better than that" and then doing what I was passionate about and being called weird or outright humiliated.
And Gale's dialogue brought all of that back like a dam breaking.
I've tried, after having a ton of Durge playthroughs (many of which where I have taken the hand in Gale's first scene), to revisit Gale as a character, to try to engage with him and see what everyone is gushing about. I know that as you get the characters to open up, you see whole different sides of them and there's so much more buried under there you never would have even known about otherwise. But each time, I just flash back to that original interaction and how shattered and angry it made me feel.
I'm sure this is going to piss off a bunch of people but honestly, my blog my rambles.
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Staying Soft and Structured Durring Busy Seasons
Busy seasons have a way of testing our limits. With work, school, and personal commitments pulling us in every direction, staying grounded can feel almost impossible. Over time, I’ve found that the best way to go through these hectic periods is by blending gentleness with structure. Being soft allows me to honor my limits, while structure keeps me moving forward with purpose. Here’s how I find balance:
1. Start with a Clear Plan
At the start of each week, I take a few minutes to list out my top priorities. I ask myself: What deadlines are non-negotiable? What tasks align with my long-term goals? This helps me focus on what truly matters and avoid feeling overwhelmed by unnecessary distractions.
I also rely on my planner and google calendar to map out my days. Time-blocking tasks gives me a clear sense of direction and makes even the busiest days feel manageable.
2. Be Flexible with Your Schedule
While I love having a plan, life often throws curveballs. Flexibility is key to staying soft during these moments. When things don’t go as expected, I remind myself that it’s okay to change the plan. Adjusting my schedule or moving a task to another day doesn’t mean failure—it means I’m staying adaptable and realistic.
3. Prioritize Rest and Recharge
Rest is non-negotiable, especially when life gets busy. I carve out small moments to pause and recharge, whether it’s enjoying a quiet cup of tea, taking a short walk, or journaling for a few minutes. These moments may be brief, but they make a big difference in helping me stay grounded.
4. Reflect Regularly
Reflection is a powerful tool for staying structured. At the end of each day or week, I take a moment to think about what went well and what could be improved. Did I overcommit? Was there something I handled particularly well? These check-ins help me refine my approach and stay mindful of my limits.
5. Keep Your "Why" in Focus
During busy times, it’s easy to lose sight of why we’re doing what we do. I like to write down my goals and revisit them often. Whether it’s a career milestone, a personal dream, or simply getting through a tough week, keeping my "why" front and center motivates me to stay consistent and intentional.
6. Embrace Imperfection
Finally, I’ve learned to let go of the idea that everything needs to be perfect. Some days, I might not check every box on my to-do list, and that’s okay. Staying soft means showing myself grace and recognizing that doing my best is enough.
Busy seasons are never easy, but by weaving together structure and self-compassion, I’ve found a way to navigate them without losing myself in the process. For me, staying soft and structured is about creating a life that feels both productive and kind.
How do you handle busy times in your life? I’d love to hear your strategies in the comments or connect with you through my blog.
Yours Truly,
#girlblogger#encouragement#self improvement#just girly things#college life#study motivation#college#journaling#mental health#am writing#writing to heal#busy day#busy schedule#goals#goal oriented
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Hiiiii gang. Now that I’ve taken a bit of a sabbatical, I figured I’d give everyone a ‘where I am’ update and let you in on the future of this blog and all that fun stuff
So, full transparency, I’m still incredibly burnt out. The few times I Have wanted to write I’ve been stopped by the fact that I just don’t have any inspiration for BG3 anymore. So, sadly, this blog is going on an Official hiatus. I can’t promise it won’t be permanent, but I also can’t say I’ll Never write for Baldur’s again. My interests come in waves and I’m sure eventually my feverish addiction will be back, but when that might be is completely up in the air. That being said, here’s some rapid-fire answers to questions no one’s asked yet.
Is everything going to be deleted? No, I will not be deleting the blog. Even if I never write again I’ll keep it up so you can revisit old work.
Will you still answer asks? Yes, I’m still around to chat. My ask box will stay open and I’ll always be around to answer things even if I’m not posting regularly.
Where else can I find you? For now, nowhere. I’m kicking around the idea of making a horror themed side blog because there was a bit of interest when I tried it. If I do start writing somewhere else, I’ll make an announcement post here for anyone interested.
#pretty sucky post to make on my birthday but I’ve been thinking about it long enough that I figured now’s a good a time as ever#.announcements
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