#time on frog island
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videogamepolls · 5 months ago
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Requested by @smartzelda
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infectedwithmagpiebrain · 7 months ago
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Me when
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zanarkandfayth · 2 days ago
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I made a thing
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candycryptids · 3 months ago
It’s the time of year where I think ‘I should get out of bed and eat something’ and this happens approximately 18 times every second for 5 hours until I finally manage to get out of bed
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ellraiser · 4 months ago
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closing in on final designs!
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grassbreads · 2 years ago
Wait, I’m sorry, Ely from Choujin X is SIXTEEN???
I was dead certain that she was like a middle schooler, but she’s the same age as the other main characters??
Damn that girl is short.
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pxper-riings · 2 months ago
working on my list of games i wanna play for next year to try and actually stick to it
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markscherz · 5 months ago
Meet the seven new frog species we just named after iconic Star Trek captains!
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Artwork by A. Petzold, CC BY-ND 4.0
At the right time of year along rushing streams in the humid rainforests that stretch the length of Madagascar's eastern and northern mountain ridges, otherworldly trills of piercing whistles can be heard.
Are they birds? Insects? Communicator beeps? Tricorder noises?
No, they're little treefrogs!
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Boophis janewayae. Photo by M. Vences, CC BY-SA 4.0
Until recently, we thought all of the populations of these little brown frogs across the island were one widespread species, Boophis marojezensis, described in 1994. But genetics in the early 2000s and 2010s showed that there were several species here, not just one.
Now my colleagues and I have shown that they are in fact eight separate species, each with unique calls!
These whistling sounds reminded us so much of Star Trek sound effects that we decided to name the seven new species after Star Trek captains: Boophis kirki, B. picardi, B. janewayae, B. siskoi, B. pikei, B. archeri, and B. burnhamae.
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Photos of all new species described by Vences et al. 2024. CC BY-SA 4.0
I subtly and not-so-subtly built some Star Trek references into the paper, but probably the best one is this one:
'Finding these frogs sometimes requires considerable trekking; pursuing strange new calls, to seek out new frogs in new forests; boldly going where no herpetologist has gone before.'
— Vences et al. 2024
There’s a real sense of scientific discovery and exploration here, which we think is in the spirit of Star Trek.
Of course, it doesn't hurt that there are at least two Trekkies amongst the authors (including yours truly). As fans of Star Trek, we are also just pleased to dedicate these new species to the characters who have inspired and entertained us over the decades.
On a personal note, this marks a milestone for me, as it means I have now described over 100 frog species! I am very pleased that the 100th is Captain Janeway's Bright-eyed Frog, Boophis janewayae (if you count them in order of appearance in the paper)—she is probably my favourite captain, and I really love Star Trek: Voyager.
You can read more about the discovery of these new species on my website! You can also read the Open Access paper published in Vertebrate Zoology here.
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mousebattery · 10 months ago
i want to draw more silly shit to throw here and just. Marginally Participate in fandom but im at work most of the day then i come home and by the time body maintenance takes place (eating, chilling, washing) its bedtime and if i dont respect bedtime then The Regret. god knew i would be too powerful with enough free time on my hands
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autumndragon · 2 months ago
In the episodes of Shell Shocked, Ruffnut and Tuffnut mention how Viggo would actually be fun to hang with if he didn't try to kill them all the time. Can you imagine Viggo being among the chaos of the Edge? I'm telling you, he wouldn't last a week.
Hiccup: Dragon Fly Four!
Hiccup: *jumps off a cliff*
Viggo: Fishlegs, are you alright?
Fishlegs: I will only tell you this once, senile old man, the name is Bonecrusher, Thor Bonecrusher
Viggo: wat
Viggo: should you not be at practice?
Snotlout: no, I quit the dragon riders. I will now be a beggar in the streets, all alone, cold, like my dead heart.
Viggo: oh--
Viggo: hello
Tuffnut: I kissed a frog :D
Viggo: goodbye
Viggo: finally, a sane person
Astrid, carrying two axes, five knives, a spear and a sword: kill
Viggo: understandable, have a great day
Ruffnut: *sitting behind a game board*
Viggo: ah! Maces and Talons, may I join?
Ruffnut: can't. I ate the pieces
Viggo: excuse-- you what
Ruffnut: I ate the pieces
Ruffnut: don't tell Hiccup
Ironically, Viggo finds dragons are the most sane creatures on the island.
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lordprettyflackotara · 10 months ago
fill the void || fred weasley
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It felt odd in a way, being alone for the first time.
Usually you were surrounded by your fellow Slytherins, the smell of cigarettes and cologne something your nostrils had grown accustomed to. The sound of vicious insults or bitter rants making a nest in your ears. The sight of scowls with liquor in their hands, their knuckles typically bruised and bloody.
But right now, all of that was gone. The air in the courtyard was clean, the breeze blowing past you providing you with the smell of the earth. Your sights were centered on a giant oak tree, as well as the moon that dimly illuminated the area below. It was an odd change, your surroundings being so settled. You couldn’t help but wonder what you would’ve become if you hadn’t been placed in Slytherin. Maybe yellow would’ve suited you better.
It wasn’t that you despised your housemates, even if they were a group of misfit toys. Mattheo protected you, Theo tutored you, Draco was always glued to your side. It wasn’t them that troubled you. It was what wearing the sickening shade of green meant. Submission to the dark lord. Following the ideology of pureblood nonsense. Especially being one of the only prominent girls, there was always the lingering question who’d you marry and reproduce with.
“Am I interrupting?”
You didn’t need to turn around. You’d recognize a Weasley’s voice anywhere. “Unfortunately not,” You admitted. You hated to admit you knew which Weasley twin it was, a lanky Fred Weasley plopping down beside you on the concrete steps. He stretched out his long legs, mere inches separating both of you. “Is there a reason you’re perched out here instead of doing shots with your friends?” Fred asked. How could you explain why? Oh yes, I am having an existential crisis because of the fact my dress is emerald. Want to go inside and split a chocolate frog?
“Where’s your other half? Didnt think you two separated,” You quipped, brushing off his question. Fred took the hint, leaning back on his hands. “Currently snogging Angelina Johnson,” He answered. This caught your attention, your head snapping to look over at him. “The chaser that wiped the floor with Blaise last season?” You asked. Sometimes you forgot how small this dreaded University actually was. Fred nodded, shrugging. “Aggressive on and off the field, just the way George likes em,” He replied.
You snorted. “Ahh yes. Makes sense a Weasley would enjoy being slutted out,” You snickered. It was too easy of a jab. Fred began to man spread, his long legs in your personal bubble. “I wouldn’t be so hasty little serpent. A few of us know how to put a brat in their place,” He smirked. The cocky motherfucker winked, heat dashing across your cheeks. You must be in a different dimension. There’s no bloody way a Weasley made you blush. “You’re cute when you blush,” Fred praised. He couldn’t help but notice how good you looked in the moonlight, the beams highlighting your features.
“Are you complimenting me Weasley?” You questioned. You avoided his gaze, trying to ignore the fact your heart skipped a beat. “Obviously not, i’m flirting with you,” Fred replied, unable to control the smile creeping across his lips. You were just so easy to tease. “What makes you think you can flirt with me?” You asked, turning your head to look over at the ginger. He shrugged, meeting your firey gaze with ease. “Perhaps it’s because we’re in the same boat, sitting out here alone in a bloody courtyard while the yule ball is less than five hundred feet away,” Fred explained. You audibly scoffed. “Weasley’s can’t afford a boat,” You spat.
Fred chuckled at your insult, your venom harmless to him. “Considering you’re out here I think it’s safe to say your boat has sank. Guess we’re on the same island together then,” He replied. You couldn’t help but find his facial expression smug. “Great,” You grumbled. You rested your chin on your knees, contemplating your life decisions. Fred sighed. “Well, if my presence really isn’t that valued i’ll relocate,” He said. He began to rise to his feet, your body doing a one eighty. You didn’t realize your hand was gripping his wrist until it was, desperately holding him in place.
“Sit down Weasley. I-,” You paused, looking up at the ginger. “I’d prefer it if you stayed.”
Fred grinned down at you mischievously, resuming his place beside you. “Figured you’d say that. Just wanted to hear you say it,” He gloated. You slapped his arm. “You’re unbearable. You know that don’t you?” You grumbled. Fred couldn’t help but laugh. Your annoyance was adorable. “You seem to like it,” He replied. You frowned as he stood up in front of you. “Do not,” You argued.
“Do too.”
“Do not!”
Fred extended his hand in front of you. The faint sound of classical music could be heard over the stillness, the wind having faded out. “Care to dance?” He asked. The choice was standing right in front of you, demanding an answer. You could say no and continue moping on the stairs. You could say no and go back inside, all eyes on you once again. Or you could say yes, potentially having a good time with a boy you didn’t belong with. Dancing with a Weasley? Draco would have a field day with this one. But Fred’s hand never looked more appealing than it did in that moment.
Hesitantly you took his hand, allowing him to bring you to your feet. Even in heels he easily towered over you, the ginger not hesitating to bring you close to his chest. “You know you can drop the bad girl act with me, I won’t tell,” Fred said, guiding you back and forth. You were an awkward dancer, despite the endless ballroom dancing classes your parents put you through. “It’s not an act,” You argue. Fred looked down at you, his face painted like he knew you. Like he could see right through your hollow shell.
“Sure it isn’t. And i’m not the best prankster in Hogwarts,” He quipped. You slowly spun you around, giving you time to catch up as you almost tripped in your heels. “You’ve really got quite an ego, don’t you Weasley?” You asked. Fred grinned as he pulled you back close to him. “Thats a bit hypocritical, don’t you think?” He asked. You glared up at him. “I think not,” You argued. Even though your words were laced with venom, you couldn’t deny how much you enjoyed his touch.
So gentle but so assertive, guiding you. Your mind strayed away, imagining him guiding you a different way. Guiding you to take his cock, to ride him until the sun came up. “Hey? Are you listening little serpent?” Fred asked, his voice coming back into frame. You blinked a few times, trying to regain your composure. “Sorry, what?” You asked. Fred slowly guided the dance to a stop, the song ending. You couldn’t help but wish it’d last forever. “I was asking what you’re thinking about,” He said.
You could feel yourself turning red, your filthy thoughts flooding to the forefront of your mind. You felt tongue tied, unable to confess your dirty fantasies. “Ohh, I see,” Fred said. You couldn’t bear to look at him in the eye, embarrassed enough to be in this position. You felt his slender fingers slide under your chin, guiding you to look up at him. You allowed him to guide you, his eyes boring into yours. You liked that, allowing him to guide you. Even if he was supposed to be bad for you, his touch put you on cloud nine.
“Do you like that? When I guide you? Take control?” Fred asked, his voice dropping an octave lower than before. You could’ve dropped to your knees in an instant. “Maybe I do,” You replied, not wanting to cave, not just yet. Fred leaned down further, pressing his lips against yours. His lips were warmer than you thought they’d be, filling the void inside of you. The void that craved approval and validation. His lips provided all of that and more. He guided you towards the giant oak tree, pinning you against it.
The sharp bark scraped at your back, a groan escaping your lips as Fred’s refused to stray from yours. You raked your hands throw his hair, pulling at the roots roughly. Fred whined into your mouth, smirking as he pulled away. “Cute,” He murmured. His eyes flickered behind you, ensuring no one was around. “As much as i’d love to make you squirm, we can’t do much here,” He whispered. You pulled him back to your lips, sliding your tongue into his mouth. You couldn’t get enough, your body craving him.
“That eager, are we?” Fred asked, pulling you back in for another kiss. You gently bit his bottom lip, pulling it towards you. “Fuck me, at the very least Weasley,” You ordered weakly, your body betraying the attempt at dominance you were spewing. Fred grinned mischievously. “Turn around for me pretty girl,” He purred. You did as asked, his large hands pushing you against the tree. You could hear the clinking of his belt, your core throbbing in anticipation.
His large hands pushed up your dress, pulling your panties to the slide. “You’re lucky we’re in the courtyard, otherwise i’d make you beg and scream for me to fuck you,” Fred purred. You felt his tip brush up and down your folds, a moan escaping your lips. One of Fred’s hands flew to your mouth. “Gotta keep quiet little serpent. Dont want anyone to hear you being a whore for a Weasley, do you?” He taunted. He pushed himself inside of you slowly, your body feeling like it may split in two.
“You’re fuckin soaked for me,” Fred mused, placing a sloppy kiss against your shoulder. Your moans were muffled by his hand, your walls struggling to accommodate his size. “I’m bigger than Malfoy aren’t I?” He asked teasingly as he bottomed out inside of you. You grabbed onto his wrist, yanking it away from your mouth. “In your dreams Weasley,” You spat, whimpering as he bucked his hips ever so slightly. Fred began to suck at the side of your neck, harsh enough to leave a hickey. “Dont leave marks on me,” You argued, moaning as he began to thrust into you. Fred released your neck with a pop, satisfied as the skin began to turn purple.
“Whys that? Afraid your boy toys will find out you’ve let me in between your legs?” Fred asked, beginning to pick up the pace. His pace was brutal, his hand flying back over your mouth to muffle your sinful noises. “When they ask tell them. Tell them how I ruined you. How a Gryffindor made you cum in a courtyard like a dog in heat,” Fred huffed. He continued to viciously snap his hips into yours, his cock abusing your g spot with each thrust. You moaned his name into his hand, gripping one of his wrist and the tree for support.
“You’re so fucking tight, so perfect,” Fred groaned into your neck, his breath hot against your skin. He removed his hand from your mouth, his hands taking their rightful place on your hips. “I’m going to make you cum on my cock. You understand me? You’re going make a mess for me,” Fred ordered. His orders were hypnotizing, your legs beginning to shake as he held onto the fabric of your dress. You could feel the knot inside of you tighten, a familiar feeling coming.
“Please make me cum Freddie, fucking please,” You pleaded, your orgasm coming faster than you’d like to admit. Fred chuckled, fucking you mercilessly against the tree. “There she is, there’s my sweet whore. Go on, cum for me,” He panted. You squeezed his wrist tightly as you came, euphoria washing over you as you came on his shaft. Your legs trembled, threatening to give out on you at any moment. You felt Fred’s hips stutter, the ginger pulling out of you.
He guided you onto the ground, your bare knees hitting the dirt below. You stuck out your tongue, allowing Fred to cum inside of your mouth. “Holy shit,” Fred moaned, watching as you swallowed every last top. You both sat there for a moment, your highs subsiding as you soaked in what you had just done.
“Hey y/n?”
“You wanna grab a butterbeer sometime?”
“Shut up Weasley.”
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theauthorandtheartist · 4 months ago
I had a dream the other night that i can't stop thinking about, where a new LOZ game was released in a similar vein to TOTK, except instead of collecting sages like in that game, there was a series of dungeons/temples that were directly tied to other LOZ games, and at the end, you gained the ability to summon the avatar/ghost of the hero from said game -like the TOTK sages- to help on your quest (and get a fun power up). All of the links would have stilted dialogue with you at first, but as the game goes on they get more friendly and at the end of the game theres a cutscene where they all "move on" and it's super emotional cuz by this point they're all brothers (player-link actually emotes during this cutscene, the only time he does so, for an extra punch in the gut). I don't remember all of the details, but what I do remember was:
A Palace of the Four Sword dungeon where you gained the Link(s) from FSA. FSA Link was the simplest in terms of abilities, the avatar would split into 4 and distract enemies/fight alongside you. Pretty sure this was the first one/tutorial temple. Later on this link gives you a sidequest after which you gain the Four Sword as a weapon (its the second strongest in the game behind the master sword).
A Tower of Winds dungeon where you got Minish Cap Link to tag along. He allows you to shrink for short periods of time to get through locked doors/escape danger. Don't remember much about this dungeon except that there's a timer to get through it before yiu have to start over.
Forest temple/great deku tree/kokiri forest type place where Oot/MM link joins up with you. He allows you to rewind time for a little bit (basically the recall ability but on everything including you). Later on He gives a sidequest that results in obtaining the Fierce Deity Mask (best armor in the game).
Arbiter grounds dungeon where you get TP link. He's basically a glorified horse; you ride him around.
Tower of the Gods dungeon where you get WW/PH Link to tag along. He's like Revali's Gale and Tulin's gust in one.
The dungeon to get the Master Sword is like the Skyview Temple, and to be allowed to draw it you must beat SS Link as the final boss of the temple, After which he joins you on your quest. He allows you to do skyward strikes with any one handed weapon.
A secret, optional dungeon that you only unlock by falling asleep on this random island. It's kohohlit. The only avatars/ghosts that you can access here are OoT/MM Link and WW/PH Link (because PH was a dream and MM was an alternate reality). By the end, You get Alttp/albw/LA link who can put enemies to sleep for a time. Later he gives you a sidequest to get ravio's bracelet, which opens up a few easter eggs and secret loot.
Other links/games were included as easter eggs but they don't stick around. BOTW/TOTK Link is a recurring ghostly NPC who you can find in all the weirdest places, offering seemingly nonsensical trades that change every time you see him (10 frogs for 13 bombs, a ruby for an apple pie, 35 monster parts for a single ancient arrow, etc). There's a few places around hyrule where you see two-bit LOZ1/LOZ2 Link just vibing. ST Link takes the place of Purah or Robbie as the eccentric scientist/engineer who will upgrade your stuff if you bring him materials, and he can also upgrade your ghost-Link-friend's abilities as well since he's -y'know- Hero of Spirits.
There's murals in the castle from Cadence of Hyrule, and there's "ancient history books" about HW and AoC. Throughout Hyrule you'll meet various NPCs claiming to be from different countries here to see "the birthplace of the hero of Holodrum/Labrynnia/Calatia."
Various Zelda's would show up too. You get a sidequest where you have to sneak aboard a ghost pirate ship. It's Tetra's. There's a mysterious sheikah warrior who repeatedly accosts you on your travels to loredump and test if you're ready to fight the big bad. She only ever brings you down to half heart, at which point she makes a disappponted comment and leaves. you aren't able to beat her until near endgame, at which point she reveals herself as sheik, has a brief conversation with Oot/MM Link, gives you some cryptic foreshadowing advice and a few fairies, and dips. BOTW/TOTK zelda is similar to her link since she can be found all over the place, but she deals exclusively in ancient materials and dragon parts. TP Zelda gives lore/exposition when you finally make it to the castle, right before the big bad fight.
Big bad is an amalgamation of all ganons/ganondorfs/big bads across the timelines. He telegraphs attacks via shifting forms to look like various bad guys (forms tentacles like bellum and Majora (at the same time) before slam attack, gets blue pig face before charge attack, long purple vaati hair and bat wings before AOE gust attack, scales up his arm and X on face before big AOE lightning blast, and big fuck-all sword and gerudo features before slashing. 2nd phase has it split into like 5 separate beings to fight you and all your friends at once (each one has different features: one is similar to bellum/majora, one is more beast-ganon, one more demise, one Vaati-esque one, and one Ganondorf-like one). The music is harsh and disjointed, cobbled together from many other games, and the noises that the beast makes are screeching and painful.
By the end of the game, there's a big deal made by SS link that you are the final Link in the cycle, that it's over, that you finished what he couldn't. There's a sense of hope, but also of sorrow, since all your new friends are leaving now. They're ghosts, they're dead, they've done their duty and it's time for them to rest. Before they go, though, each one gives you one last gift (the ability they've been helping you with this whole time) and one last sidequest (one for each of them) for you to accomplish: find their treasures, keep them safe.
Post game is you running around without the ghosts (FSA Link's ability duplicates you now, giving you 3 buddies to fight with, but they can't give dialogue and they last like 30 seconds so it's not the samel), doing mini-dungeons and fetch-quests in order to obtain major key items (all old and unusable anymore) from the Links' adventures, (the Beetle, goddess harp, spinner, shards of the fused shadow, deku/goron/Zora masks, gnat hat, various kinstones, pictobox, deku leaf, LA instruments, Ocarina of Time, wind waker, etc) and some from games not mentioned previously or not from your gaggle of links, (Harp of ages, rod of seasons, silver arrows, a doppel, ST panpipes, a revival doll, Cadence of Hyrule Lute, HW blue Scarf, old and broken Terrako, champion's tunic, BOTW champion's picture, trirod, etc). In post-game, there are new NPCs to replace the links/zeldas that used to fill those niches, but it's not the same. They're gone. It's a bittersweet feeling.
After you finish all the post game and get all the treasures (basically 100%ing the game), you get an achievement called "archive of the ages" and a special cutscene where Player Link sets the Master sword down on the side of his bed, looks out the window of his house at the brilliantly setting sun, smiles, and falls asleep. You may no longer play on that save file anymore. The adventure is over.
Basically I dreamt up a game that was a love letter to the entire series, and I'm sad it was just a dream. Logically i know this will never happen because that would mean tying up LOZ and it's too much of a cash cow for Nintendo to ever stop making, but it was a wonderful dream to have for a little while.
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muffinlance · 6 months ago
ORBSJB AGNI AS A TURTLE DUCK I'm sorry but LIKE HOW CUTE AND then it's like he's this turtleduck in the pond bc depending on how people treat animals, small ones that need help, that's how he knows if they're good and he blesses the ones that treat him kindly and then Zuko and I'm sorry of this sint coherent (I'm a long time fan of your content btw, all the his and the books and omg I wish I could've gotten some)
Azulon looked down. His grandson, along with the turtleduck in his arms, looked up.
“This is Agni,” the boy said. “He says you should stop now.”
QUACK, said the duck. It was a strange red-gold. It was glowing. It was staring at him, even through the flames of the throne.
“Stop what?” humored the Fire Lord.
“The war,” the boy said. “It’s killing too many firebenders. Also his sister has been yelling at him, so we should let the waterbenders go, too, and be nice to them from now on so he can get a good night’s sleep and not have her redirecting comets at him any more. Probably we should leave all the other benders alone too because he’s pretty sure it was the air spirits that made him a flightless duck. He says that’s their sense of humor.”
QUACK, said the turtleduck.
“…Guards,” said Azulon.
This proved to be an ill-advised action.
There is a Fire Nation child in Hakoda's village. The child has a softly glowing turtleduck in his arms and a quietly oozing wound under his bandage. This is not how Hakoda thought his morning would go.
"What's with the turtleduck?" asks Hakoda's son, who is wrapped around Hakoda's arm and his spear in a way that makes it very hard to instinctively stab at red-clothed things. Hakoda... expected more of them. But the tiny sail boat the kid just ran into Sokka's lumpy watchtower seems to be empty, now that its single feverish passenger has stumbled over. With his duck.
"It's a turtleduck-phoenix," says the Fire Lord's heir, answering exactly none of Hakoda's actual questions. "...You remember?"
"That your hair is going to get worse before it gets better?" says Sokka. "Absolutely."
The Prince scowls. "Then where's Aang?"
"Katara's been looking for him. He's still in the iceberg."
"...The Ember Island Players' iceberg?"
"The Ember Island Players' extremely accurate and well-researched iceberg."
The Fire Prince stares at Hakoda's son. The Fire Prince stares at Hakoda. The Fire Prince flips his duck around to face himself, then starts shaking it. "Give me a less stupid reality."
QUACK, protests the duck, with a burst of accompanying immolation that does nothing to dissuade the prince.
"Sorry, buddy," soothes his son, "you were always in the stupid reality. Remember the frozen frogs?"
Quack, says the duck, as if in confirmation.
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thewertsearch · 2 months ago
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You stash Terry in your PUZZLE MODUS. It's quite a handy modus, allowing you to captchalogue objects of any size, as long as you can fit them all in a finite space by maneuvering the cards around like a big game of Tetris.
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Wallet Modus, eat your heart out. We have a new frontrunner for the best inventory system in the comic.
The space in your inventory is mainly hogged up by one incredibly huge thing. You guess you should get rid of it. But you can't shake the feeling you might need it someday, and you don't want to risk ditching it and be caught with your pants down later.
Well, a card that size could potentially contain the Frog Temple, or even the god damn Forge.
In fact, if it's not one of those two, I don't know what it is. They're the only structures I can think of that would require a card that size, unless Jake just arbitrarily captchalogued a chunk of the island.
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On your worktable there are a few comic books starring your favorite heroine of all, SPIDER-GIRL. You don't know what it is, but there's something about a girl who has spidery powers and a sassy attitude that is just so cool to you. It's just another quirky fact about you that definitely doesn't have any greater significance, and never will.
Vriska Serket is going to eat you alive, spit out the bones, and toss what's left off a cliff.
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Forcing the comics into your puzzle sylladex knocked out a bunch of other crap. You have seriously got to reorganize this thing. What were you even thinking captchaloguing all those bullets one at a time, anyway?
Do you know how long it's been since we've seen an honest-to-god modus shenanigan?
Too long. It has been too fucking long since we last saw Homestuck's most enduring gag. Four thousand pages in, and this shit still gets a chuckle out of me, and probably always will.
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elizabethrobertajones · 2 years ago
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And with @maeljade's tags:
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Erenville: "No."
Erenville, answering his linkpearl to silence on the other end: "err who is this?"
Frog: "..."
Erenville: "I'm closing the connection."
Frog: "There'saweirdbugonmyisland"
Erenville: "Do you... want me to come study it?"
Bounding Frog, Hero of Eorzea, master of 20 forms of combat, standing on a chair and holding a broom: "GET IT OUT OF MY HOUSE. TELL NO ONE ABOUT THIS."
(I've decided thanks to the Dawntrail reveal, they need to be friends, and only showing extreme vulnerability will undo the damage done by the Toad Incident... it's an inelegant solution, but then, their relationship is not pretty :D)
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logansdoll · 7 months ago
ivy, l. howlett (4)
landing on Ellis Island, it was finally time for you to show off what you could do
CW: canon typical violence, gore, guns, mutation, profanity, innuendos, mature themes, mentions of sex, y/n is very poison ivy-esque, jean grey exists but is not present, etc.
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After figuring out Magneto and his gang were headed for Ellis Island, the four of you loaded into the Blackbird on a covert mission to stop him.
So after disembarking on the faraway side of the island, and deducing that the machine was hidden in the torch, you all stormed inside in an attempt to get you to the top.
Which meant passing through the museum.
Though it wasn't long before Logan caused a ruckus.
The moment he walked through the metal detectors, an alarm began to blare, forcing everyone to freeze.
Quickly, he drew his claws, stabbing the sensor until the alarm shut off, before turning to the rest of you.
Scott flashed him a cocky smirk, but Logan just flipped him off.
Rolling your eyes, you continued on, dipping in your belt pouches and sprinkling seeds along the carpet walkway, keeping your eyes peeled.
Though Logan was thoroughly confused.
"What's that?" he asked, brow raised as he walked up next to you.
"Our backup," you answered with a knowing grin, pressing ahead to spread some more.
And, as much as he willed them not to, his eyes traveled down your back, all the way to your leather clad ass.
He was only a man, and he had to say it looked absolutely fantastic, perfectly fit for your figure and moving so tantalizingly.
Trust, if you gave him a chance, he'd rock your—
A sharp jab to his side snapped him out of his reverie, its source being a particularly displeased woman with hair whiter than winter snow.
"You're drooling," she raised a brow, almost scolding.
She didn't need the professor to know what the man was thinking, and all that could be saved for after they rescued Rogue.
Before he could respond, he caught a whiff of something.
"There's someone here," he sniffed, brows furrowed.
"Where?" Scott asked.
"I don't know.... Keep your eye open."
But the man paid no mind, power-walking ahead and around the column in search of the source.
Though when he came back around, there was something different about him.
Something odd.
"I know there's someone here. I just can't see 'em."
He stalked toward Scott, his claws suddenly sprouting.
'The hell...'
Suddenly, another Logan tackled the other, the two tumbling into a maintenence room.
'Okay, what the actual hell...'
You three quickly followed, Scott unsure of which one to shoot as they stood off.
"Wait!" the both shouted in unison, their voices the same.
But one suddenly slashed the chain holding the door, slamming it shut right before your eyes.
"All right, back up," Scott ordered, holding the side of his goggles.
But before he could shoot it open, a familiar frog man suddenly swung over, knocking him into another room and kicking you and Ororo to the ground.
 Using his tongue, he slammed the door to Scott shut before wrapping it around your ankle and tossing you onto a higher level, sending you crashing into a display case.
But before you could even recover, he was already scaling the wall, having stuck some sort of adhesive saliva on Ororo's mouth to distract her.
Quickly, you pulled yourself up, but his tongue smacked you right back down, before grabbing your waist and tossing you into a nearby elevator shaft.
You hit the bottom with a sickening thud, hitting your head right on the concrete and splattering blood all over the floor.
That was the last straw.
Jaw locked tight with anger, you pushed yourself off the ground, fixing your neck with a disgusting crack as small as thin vines of ivy grew around your wound, quickly closing it.
"He's done."
Taking all of your pouches off your belt, you opened them up and flipped them upside down, dumping every seed in your arsenal on the ground.
And with a flick of your hand, they all shot up into the air, carrying you along with it.
When you reached the top of the shaft, your vines began to grow all over the place, two large ones completely ripping the doors open.
Toad's eyes narrowed, confused to see a gigantic lotus flower before him.
Until it bloomed, you emerging from its receptacle.
"Don't you people ever die?" he shouted, annoyed, as the stormed over.
Big mistake.
Instantly, a vine coiled around his body, tightening as you were carried toward him.
Your plants grew without control, overtaking everything on the upper levels and even encroaching on the lower.
Though you still approached the balcony with your new friend.
"Woah, woah, woah, slow your roll, love," he began to panic, jolting with fear as even larger vines burst through the windows, the flora following you outside. 
The reality of his situation was finally sinking in.
"You can't kill me! That old man o' yours don't allow it!"
You stared at him, eyes cold and dead serious as a humongous Venus Flytrap grew at your side.
"Who said I was going to kill you?"
Terrified, his eyes turned to saucers, especially when it began to move closer.
Without hesitation, the vine binding him shifted its grip, tossing him into her jaws, which she snapped shut the moment he landed.
Of course, you really couldn't kill him, so you'd already given her precise instruction.
"You know what to do," you nodded to her, "Don't go too deep."
She gave you a wiggle of confirmation, before quickly growing toward the harbor, submerging herself and Toad underwater.
With that taken care of, your plants returned you indoors, bringing you toward the banister of the upper floor to look over, where the others seemed to be regrouping.
"You guys all right?" you asked as you descended.
Turning to you, Logan's eyes widened, surprised and quite fascinated.
He knew you could control plants, but he didn't think you'd have the whole damn jungle following you.
"She wasn't kidding..." he nodded, intrigued.
For Christ's sake, you were sitting in a huge flower like some woodland fairy.
"I took care of the toad guy," you reported, stepping out Lottie—the lotus.
"The shapeshifter's handled, too," Logan nodded, focusing back on the matter at hand.
"Prove it," Scott raised a brow, resting his fingers at the side of his goggles, ready to blast.
"You're a dick."
You rolled your eyes, turning toward the roof.
"If you ladies are done... there's a girl that needs saving."
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Once you all finally made it to Lady Liberty's head, you looked around, only to find that the machine was already powering up within the flame of the torch.
"Everybody, get out of here," Logan stated, seriously.
"What is it?" Ororo asked.
"I can't move."
Suddenly, something shoved him up against the wall, pieces of metal flying from all directions to pin each and every one of you.
You, in particular, getting stuck in front of Scott.
And, of course, the man himself descending from a hole he made in the statue's head.
"Ah, my brothers. Welcome," Magneto smiled, turning to Logan, "Let's point those claws of yours in a safer direction."
Using his power, he forced Logan's fists to point toward his chest, bending some scrap metal to keep them there.
"And you," he turned to Scott, Sabretooth removing his goggles. "You'd better close your eyes."
"Storm, fry him," Scott ordered, his eyes screwed shut to keep from hurting you.
"Oh, yes. A bolt of lightening into a huge, copper conductor," Magneto agreed, sarcastically. "I thought you lived at a school."
"I've seen Senator Kelly," you blurted, hoping to divert his attention.
"So the good senator survived his fall and the swim to shore," he smiled, walking up to you. "He's become even more powerful than I could have imagined."
"He's dead," you corrected. "I saw him die. Like those people down there will die."
Knowingly, he leaned in closer.
"Are you sure that's what you saw?"
You scoffed, not even surprised by his indifference.
He didn't give two shits whether those people down there lived or died.
And he could see the realization all over your face.
"Why do none of you understand what I'm trying to do?" Magneto groaned, "Those people down there control our fate and the fate of every other mutant... Well, soon our fate will be theirs."
"Help!" Rogue cried, her voice muffled but not far away. "Please help me!"
"You're so full of shit," Logan glared, pissed. "If you were really so righteous, it'd be you in that thing."
"Help! Somebody help me!"
Magneto ignored the comment, instead floating up in the air to commence the process, leaving the rest of you to wait for the inevitable.
Although Logan didn't.
Suddenly, he let out a roar of fury, impaling himself with his own claws.
"Logan!" you exclaimed, eyes wide.
You knew he could heal, but that didn't mean it hurt any less.
But his doing so destroyed his binds, dropping him to the floor.
And he played dead for a moment, waiting until Sabretooth got close enough to lift him up, before stabbing him in the gut.
Sabretooth yowled with pain, tossing Logan through the hole and out on Lady Liberty's head to fight.
Which left you to finding some sort of way to escape.
Frantically, you used your power to call out to any sort of flora you could, cursing yourself when you couldn't find anything.
That is... until you felt a tiny wiggle from the corner.
'No way...'
You thanked practically every God in heaven that some contract worker was eating David seeds on the job, because there laid a perfectly intact sunflower seed on the ground.
Quickly, you grew it larger than the average sunflower,
Sabretooth dropped back in, eyes locked on you as he slowly approached.
He caressed his gnarled claw over your cheek, staring at you intently.
"You owe me a scream."
But before he could do anything, Logan dropped down right behind him.
"Hey, bub. I'm not finished with you yet," he growled, eyes flicking to you. "(y/n)."
"Scott, when I tell you, open your eyes," you instructed.
"Trust me."
"You dropped something," Logan smirked, tossing you Scott's goggles.
Quickly, the sunflower caught them, angling them in front of your face just right.
Scott opened his eyes, the beams diverted toward Sabretooth, who was blasted clear into New York harbor.
'Oh, thank, God...'
You had no idea that was going to work.
"Thanks," Scott nodded as Logan cut him down, the large leaves of the sunflower pulling you free.
"Don't mention it," Logan assured, breaking Ororo free before turning toward the torch. "We gotta get her out of there."
"Scott, can you hit it?" you asked.
He attempted to aim, but it was no use.
"The rings are moving too fast," he denied.
"Just shoot it!" Logan exclaimed.
"I'll kill her!" Scott held firm, turning to Ororo. "Storm, can you get me up there?"
"I can't control it like that. You'd fly right over the torch."
"Not in my range."
"Then let me do it," Logan stated, turning to Scott. "If I don't make it, then at least you can still blast the damn thing."
Your weren't for this plan, but it seemed like you had no choice.
"I can get you up there," you sighed, growing Susana—the sunflower—slightly larger, until she was big enough to be stood on. "But she's small. So once you get there you're on your own."
He confirmed with a nod, his eyes looking at you with something almost indecipherable before stepping onto the flower.
Quickly, you grew her stem toward the machine, going higher and higher until he was close enough to jump on top of it.
And once he did, you returned her back to her normal state, thanking her gratefully for all her hard work before turning your attention to the sky.
Where Magneto was stopping Logan from destroying the machine.
"I have a clear shot," Scott reported, powering up his beam. "I'm taking it."
"Hurry!" Ororo rushed, the wave of blinding, white radiation already close to and nearly reaching the delegates of the summit.
With a quick, precise shot, Scott knocked him away, freeing Logan and allowing him to slash the controls, instantly dissipating the radiation.
Sighing with relief, you finally allowed your shoulders to sink, running a tired hand through your hair.
He did it.
The X-men had won the day.
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