#time is just a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
fandomfairyuniverse · 1 month
So we got one timeline where dome does die and tonkla possibly starts committing some felonies (fair) and another timeline where dome doesn’t die because great intervened and great keeps intervening and changing things so these timelines are going to keep moving in tandem until….. something happens idk what but something’s gotta give eventually
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thevalleyisjolly · 8 months
It's very funny to me whenever people complain about continuity or changes to the "canon" in Doctor Who because there's the whole UNIT dating controversy, which is hilarious peak long-running TV series with multiple writers shenanigans, and which still has not and probably never will be definitively resolved.
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stupidphototricks · 25 days
Nobody's doing it like Otto Chriek. He's a vampire who has sworn off drinking b-word. He likes hanging out in cellars and hanging from chandeliers. Photography is his passion, and his passion is painful and comes with a high risk of discorporation. He experiments with dark light and philosophizes about the nature of time. He figures out how to create photo plates with hardly any effort. He invents the three-color printing process. He designs a method to auto-reanimate himself. He lays down his life for the team (but then picks it up again*).
*(yes this is a joke from the book, all credit to Sir Terry)
William caught Sacharissa's gaze. Her look said it all: We've hired him. Have we got the heart to fire him now? And don't make fun of his accent unless your Uberwaldean is really good, okay? -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Vell?" he said sternly. "Vot you all looking at? It is just a normal reaction, zat is all. I am vorking on it. Light in all itz forms is mine passion. Light is my canvas, shadows are my brush." "But strong light hurts you!" said Sacharissa. "It hurts vampires!" "Yes. It iss a bit of a bugger, but zere you go." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
William vaguely remembered something someone had once said: the only thing more dangerous than a vampire crazed with blood lust was a vampire crazed with anything else. All the meticulous single-mindedness that went into finding young women who slept with their bedroom door open got channeled into some other interest, with merciless and painstaking efficiency. -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Good mornink," said Otto. "Do not movink, please, you are making a good pattern of light and shade." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"I cannot promise an absolutely vunderful job first cat out of zer bag, off course." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Bodrozvachski zhaltziet! …oh, sorry, Miss Sacharissa! Zere has been a minor pothole on zer road to progress…" -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"Zer philosopher Heidehollen tells us zat the universe is just a cold soup of time, all time mixed up together, and vot we call zer passage of time is merely qvantum fluctuations in zer fabric of space-time." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
(Sounds kind of like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff...)
"It [dark light] is a light without time. Vot it illuminates, you see . . . is not necessarily now." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
"You vanted color, I gif you color," said Otto sulkily. "You never said qvick." -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
A couple of bits that are more spoilerish under the cut:
That thing where Otto screams and (sometimes) turns to ash when he takes a picture is particularly funny if you imagine it from the point of view of the unwitting photographic subject, in this case Cheery Littlebottom:
"Ah, a vonderful framing effect!" said Otto, who'd been on the other side of the door. Click! William shut his eyes. WHOOMPH. "Ohhbuggerrrrr . . ." This time William caught the little piece of paper before it hit the ground. The dwarf stood open-mouthed. Then she closed her mouth. Then she opened it again to say: "What the hell just happened?" "I suppose you could call it a sort of industrial injury," said William. -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
And the scene where Otto goes up against William's father is just a thing of beauty.
"Ve have people like you back home," he said. "Zey are the ones that tell the mob vot to do. I come here to Ankh-Morpork, zey tell me things are different, but really it is alvays the same. Always zere are damn people like you! And now, vot shall I do with you?" [...] "You think I bite him? Shall I bite you, Mister Lordship? Vell, maybe not, because Villiam here thinks I am a good person." He pulled Lord de Worde close, so their faces were a few inches apart. "Now, maybe I have to ask myself, how good am I? Or maybe I just have to ask myself… am I better zan you?" He hesitated for a second or two, and then in a sudden movement jerked the man towards him. With great delicacy, he planted a kiss on Lord de Worde's forehead. Then he put the trembling man back down on the floor and patted him on the head. -- Terry Pratchett, The Truth
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sleeplesssmoll · 9 months
Okay, but genuinely the new event confuses me. not the story or anything just the time period it's in.
like it's clearly supposed to happen after chapter 4 but that one (according to the atlas at least) happens in 1913 while the event takes place in the... is it the 90s?
is the time just not linear? are different parts of the world in different times?
Like I knew to expect some timeline shenanigans in such a game but like not this!
So uhh if you have any more of an idea of what's going on I'd really want to know...
Timeline? Oh boy. When in doubt, quote someone 😎
“People assume that time is a strict progression from cause to effect, but actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.”
-The Doctor
I am also not in the position to explain something I am also struggling to comprehend. This post did their best to figure this out. I am going to hold off until the next chapter though because I think that's when things get a bit more organized. The event really throws me off too tbh.
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How to break down information
So a while back i was asked how i break down information when deducing, you can see my answer to that question here. But since not long after that i was teaching deduction to a friend, and i had to get into this topic again, i thought i'd make a post out of it.
I'm gonna be linking this to another question i was asked a while ago, and that is "how do i see the world when deducing?", again, i give an answer to that here. But i think expanding on this answer, and linking it to the question at hand, may be useful for anyone wanting to learn deduction through watching other people do it, which is how most deductionists learn.
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So the first thing we have to do when breaking down information from what we observe, is to keep in mind the implicit information that comes with those observations. So for example, let's say that we're deducing someone, and for some reason, the only thing we know about them is that they have car keys that belong to them, well that means that obviously they have a car, but some implicit information that comes with that is the following:
The fact that they have the money to acquire a car, which tells us about their economical status
They have money to pay for the gas for said car
They have accessibility to go to a lot of places without having to rely on outside factors like public transportation
The radius of places they can comfortably visit is quite large
They drive places, which means that they at least shouldn't drink for the periods of time when they're driving
They're at least 16-18 years old (depending on the country)
You can see how we go from knowing absolutely nothing about this made up individual, to knowing a few things, just by understading that the existence of car keys means the existence of a car, which means a plethora of other things. Now we can take one of these implicit meanings and expand on it, for example, their age being at least 16-18 means:
They're probably close to or have graduated high school
They're close to having or have a job
They work or study somewhere within the previously mentioned radius
They follow a daily route to get to where they work or study
And with that now we get an idea of location, routes they take, and travel times, and this is just with a single piece of information about them having car keys. Now if we were to know, for example, the model of the car, we could know more about their economical status, placing them as a student or knowing what kind of job they might have, which would give us a more accurate age range than just a minimum of 16-18. From this point on it's just a matter of stacking more and more information and relating it to what we already have, discarding things that don't match with the new observations we make, and adding new ideas based on the new information we acquire.
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Now, in my blogs you're gonna be seeing a lot of different ways to visualize deduction, a lot of different theories that compare deduction to a Timeline or a Building to help illustrate certain parts of the skill. I think the closest i've gotten to describing it as a network of interconnected points has been my String Theory (yes, i know, super original name), but for purpose of this post we're gonna try to visualize deduction as a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff connections between observations, implicit meanings you can derive from said observations, and probable conclusions, conclusions that are derived by mixing and matching these things together.
For this purpose i've made a quick and simple illustration of what this could look like with different observations you could make. For this example i've worked simply with the existence of a theoretical phone, watch, and set of keys, but the more we go into detail the more our conclusions go from very general, to incredibly specific (for example knowing that the phone is old and scratched, or knowing that the car keys are of a certain brand of car, or that the watch is a gift. All of this gives us more information to add to this ever expanding web of simple conclusions). The diagram is the following:
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So to explain this visual aid a bit, you can see how the objects are broken down into things that we know about them or their owner just from their existence. Knowing a watch is a smart watch means it has apps, it has connections to a phone, it can recieve texts or calls. Knowing keys are for some sort of gate means they open some closed off, private residence, or knowing they're for some sort of office tells us they're probably connected to some job, which means the person has an income, they go somewhere probably about 8 hours a day, they probably have to interact with people quite a bit, or if the keys are for a locker that measn this person regularly carries a lot of stuff they have to deposit in said locker. This is all information we could know about someone just by knowing they possess these items, not even getting into any details about the items, or getting into more than just 3 of them.
Now, i wanna be very clear, this diagram is Not supposed to be used as a base to make your own deductions, i'm not giving you a diagram for you to whip out as a guide for when you see a phone or a set of keys, and i'm definitely not encouraging you to immediately see an analog watch and follow this diagram to conclude it has a single use, and then use that as a base for your deductions. This diagram is supposed to be nothing more than an example, and not by any means the extent of the deductive process you should go through when dealing with these objects in your own deductions. In fact, you can see the diagram is not actually complete, and it doesn't include any specific details about these objects nor how the conclusions link together from object to object. Seeing these objects in real life will not always have you arrive at the same conclusion, since each deduction is hugely situational, and specific details about these objects might lead you down completely different paths. All i want you to take from this diagram is the methodology of extracting and navigating information
That being said, i do encourage you to start thinking about the observations you make as clusters like these, little groups of implicit information that comes with anything you observe. Expand it onto things like scratches on a phone screen, stains on a shirt, fingernails, shoes, desks, lamps, anything. Make sure to use these very simple, little steps to slowly carve your way to the big conclusions.
That's it for today, i hope this post was helpful and maybe better illustrates how to actually extract information from what you observe. If you have any questions my inbox is open.
Happy Observing!
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nyx91 · 3 months
Do you have a favorite quote? Either in general/from a character/from a show/etc
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There are of course so many, but I tend to like old sage advisory quotes like;
(it got long so I undercut) 🤣💜
“Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind.”
“Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.”
“I wish it need not have happened in my time.”
“So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.”
"Some People Live More In Twenty Years Than Others Do In Eighty. It's Not The Time That Matters, It's The Person."
“Do you think I care for you so little that betraying me would make a difference?”
"Just because you see a smile doesn't mean you know what's going on underneath. A smile is a valuable tool my dear, it inspires your friends, keeps your enemies guessing, and ensures no matter what comes your way, you are in control."
And some silly quotes too:
"[Time] Is More Like A Big Ball Of Wibbly-Wobbly, Timey-Wimey Stuff."
"Nice place. But no shop downstairs. I'd have a shop. Not a big one, just a shop so people can shop."
"Take that depression!"
Pippin : "We've had one, yes. What about second breakfast?"
Merry : "I don't think he knows about second breakfast, Pip."
Pippin : "What about elevenses? Luncheon? Afternoon tea? Dinner? Supper? He knows about them, doesn't he?"
Merry : "I wouldn't count on it."
And of course po-tay-toes!!!
"Po-tay-toes! Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em in a stew!"
There's so many quotes over so many media it's hard to choose but these are the first that comes to mind.
And one sexy quote...
"So you say you love him because he's a hero. Let me tell you something about heroes, Princess. A hero would sacrifice you for the greater good. I have no such compunction. I would burn this world for you."
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doctorwho-rewatch · 11 months
S3E10 - Blink
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Don't blink. Blink and you are dead.
The Weeping Angels are one of the most horrifying aliens in Doctor Who and this episode is one of the best non-Doctor Who stories of the series. I say that deliberately. This episode is so good, but it is very different from a traditional Doctor Who story. I never understood why people use it as an introduction to the show. You'd be sorely disappointed if you expected the rest of the show to be like Blink.
With the Doctor and Martha largely out of action, it is up to Sally Sparrow and Larry Nightingale to decipher the easter eggs in various DVDs to prevent the Weeping Angels from getting hold of the TARDIS and to rescue the Doctor who is trapped in the past. All the while keeping safe from the Angels, because if you blink...you get zapped into the past, erased from the present.
I was hooked at every moment. The creeping sense of dread as Sally navigated her way through the house - never knowing if an Angel was just around a corner, or just through a doorway is executed brilliantly. To keep yourself safe means to constantly maintain eye contact. If you're terrified, how do you do that? Your eyes begin to water. How much longer can you keep from blinking? What happens when another one, or another one appears. These are genuinely terrifying monsters.
Carey Mulligan was excellent as Sally and Billy Shipton's journey of being zapped back and living his days until he reunited with Sally as an elderly man was poignant.
This episode unnerved me for days after watching and I cannot think of a flaw. Brilliant stuff.
QUOTE: "People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect. But actually from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint it’s more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey… stuff." (iconic)
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Did they ever reveal the origin behind Poptropica? If Poptropica is just a natural place with weird islands, or if there's a scientific or magical explanation, or if someone or something created and/or rules Poptropica, etc. I don't think there is any explanation or backstory given. And we'll probably never get it, because they won't update the game anymore. We can't even log in :/
Don't remind me about the login thing 😭
Oh man... anyway... there were at least two different backstories/explanations given for Poptropica's origin, or how it works.
The first was in a video game called Poptropica: Forgotten Islands:
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Make of that what you will :p
The second was in the graphic novels. The story of the novels was originally for a Poptropica TV show that was meant to explain what Poptropica really was, but they condensed the story to a 12 part graphic novel series (only 4 were made).
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In the 4 novels, all of these questions were answered except for the "Is there an evil genius behind all of it?"
Make of that what you will...
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So Poptropica is a pocket dimension connected to each timeline in the multiverse, and each island is from a different timeline.
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The middle image is what Poptropica is, since it's still connected to the universe it comes from. Things that happen on each island affect whatever universe they come from.
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And there's this big crystal ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff that's the center of time/the multiverse and causes the islands to appear and disappear. Yeah.
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There's no reason given for why it does this. Except for this statement by the author:
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I guess each island is the specific time period/area from each timeline where everything went wrong, and it needs to be fixed, or else the whole timeline's screwed.
(That doesn't explain why sometimes they disappear before the problem is fixed.)
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Hey, all I know is this: there is probably some evil genius behind it XD
Let's all distract ourselves from the sorry state of the game by theorizing what's really going on here!
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denimbex1986 · 9 months
'You can always count on The Doctor to deliver some iconic and memorable lines of dialogue, and ever since Doctor Who’s modern era began in 2005, we’ve gotten countless legendary lines. This quick-witted and wise time lord played by Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant, Matt Smith, Peter Capaldi, Jodie Whittaker and Ncuti Gatwa has delivered some hilarious, poignant and at times sassy quotes...
"People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a nonlinear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff." -Tenth Doctor in “Blink”
As David Tennant’s Doctor is attempting to explain a very complex situation to Sally and Larry in “Blink,” one of Doctor Who’s best episodes, they keep questioning him about how time works. Ultimately, he gives into the question and explains it as eloquently and simply as he can, which is of course still pretty “wibbly-wobbly.”
"All right then, Doctor Whoever I’m about to be… Tag. You’re it." - Thirteenth Doctor in “The Power of the Doctor”
Ending out a historic run, Jodie Whittaker’s Thirteenth Doctor left us with an iconic line before tagging a familiar face, David Tennant, as the Fourteenth Doctor.
"Don’t blink. Don’t even blink. Blink and you’re dead." -Tenth Doctor in “Blink”
The weeping angels – a monster essential to understanding Doctor Who – are single-handedly one of the scariest creatures on the show. That became very apparent in “Blink” as the Tenth Doctor explained that if you bat an eye, you could end up dead, because you never know when the lurking angel statues will get you.
"Rose… before I go, I just wanna tell you, you were fantastic. Absolutely fantastic. And do you know what? So was I!" -Ninth Doctor in “The Parting of the Ways"
Christopher Eccleston may have left the show after one season, but the Ninth Doctor will always be remembered. From his beautiful relationship with Rose to his “fantastic” last line, he still has a great legacy.
"Everything ends, and it's always sad. But everything begins again too, and that's always happy. Be happy. I'll look after everything else." -Twelfth Doctor in “The Return of Doctor Mysterio”
Anytime The Doctor has to talk about their past, it’s always sad. However, the timelord is also aware of how good things can be as well. So, when speaking about taking care of the world after returning, he implores those he’s with to “be happy,” and not dwell on the end.
"Allons-y!" -Tenth Doctor’s Catchphrase
While the other Doctors’ catchphrases are in English, David Tennant’s fan-favorite Tenth Doctor decided to get fancy and make his French. Honestly, every time I hear “Allons-y” – which means “let’s go” – I smile.
"Some people live more in 20 years than others do in 80. It’s not the time that matters, it’s the person." -Tenth Doctor in “The Lazarus Experiment”
Throughout their years of life, The Doctor has gained immense wisdom, especially when it comes to spending time with those you love. This line is delivered as Ten explains why there’s more meaning in living a full life than a long one, a lesson The Doctor knows all too well, and one we can all stand to learn from.
"Never be cruel. Never be cowardly. Hate is always foolish. Love is always wise. Always try to be nice, but never fail to be kind. Doctor… I let you go." -Twelfth Doctor in “Twice Upon A Time”
While Peter Capaldi’s Doctor was known for being the grumpiest of the bunch, he was also wise and caring, as you can tell with this sweet and inspirational quote from his final moments before Jodie Whittaker took over as the Thirteenth Doctor.
"I don't want to go!" -Tenth Doctor in “The End of Time”
It’s always sad when a Doctor regenerates, however, Ten’s was extra emotional, because he didn’t want to leave. David Tennant truly loved playing the Doctor, and you could feel the sadness as he said goodbye. Luckily, he didn’t leave forever as he came back for “Day of the Doctor” and he returned again for the 60th Anniversary as the Fourteenth iteration of the time lord.
"You’re my favorite, you are. You are the best, you know why? Cos you’re so thick! You’re Mr. Thick Thick Thickety Thickface from Thicktown, Thickania. And so’s your dad!" -Tenth Doctor in “The Girl in the Fireplace”
The Doctor has sick burns up their sleeves every once in a while, but this was not one of those moments. However, what matters is David Tennant’s Doctor tried. In this episode the tipsy time lord waltzed in to save Rose with his tie on his head and drink in hand hurling insults like this at the evil Victorian robots.
"In 900 years of time and space, I’ve never met anyone who wasn’t important." -Eleventh Doctor in “The Almost People”
If there’s one thing the Doctor truly believes in it’s how vital all life is, and how everyone deserves to feel valued. He made that clear during this Christmas special when Matt Smith’s time lord said this memorable line.
"Lives change worlds. People can save planets or wreck them. That’s the choice. Be the best of humanity." -Thirteenth Doctor in “Orphan 55”
When Thirteen and her pals go to a resort that turns out to have some horrifying secrets, she helps save the day and teaches everyone, including the audience watching the episode, that we should always be trying to be the best of humanity.
"Right, physics! Physics, eh? Physics, physics, physics, physics, physics…" -Tenth Doctor in “School Reunion”
Somehow, the Tenth Doctor found himself teaching the youths about physics, and before hopping into his complex lecture, he started by simply saying the word over, and over, and over again. It was hilarious, especially considering the incredibly smart words that came out of his mouth after this silly moment.
“We’re all stories, in the end. Just make it a good one, eh?” -Eleventh Doctor in “The Big Bang”
When Eleven thinks he’s going to lose Amy Pond, he tells her their story. At this point, he thinks they’re parting ways and that when Karen Gillan’s character wakes up she won’t remember. So, he simply tells her that he’ll be a story in her head, and that at least the time they shared created a great story.
"You want weapons? We’re in a library! Books, the best weapons in the world! This room is the greatest arsenal we could have. Arm yourself!" -Tenth Doctor in “Tooth and Claw”
The Doctor never uses weapons. He uses his sonic screwdriver and wit to solve his problems, which is one of their most admirable qualities. So, it made sense that when someone asked if they had weapons to fight the bad guys, Ten responded saying the books that surrounded them would help them more than any weapon...'
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weerd1 · 5 months
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On this anniversary of a film that I wanted to hate but immediately fell in love with, I want to take a moment and wax poetic about the Kelvin Timeline. There was a lot of consternation then (and probably with some fans still) about there seeming to be differences to the timeline BEFORE the Narada incursion; the Kelvin had 800 people on board in a time a decade before the Constitution Class which only had 200 people on board under Pike. Things like this.
Now, do I know it's because JJ Abrams did no thave the encyclopedic knowledge of Trek I do and just thought George Kirk saving 800 lives sounds a lot cooler than a hundred? Sure. But...
There's no way in Star Trek to make a single incursion in a timeline. Think about this: Nero goes back, changes how the Enterprise will interact with the galaxy three decades later. So now, does the Enterprise go back in time and work with Gary 7 in 1968? Does Captain Christopher encourage his son to grow up and lead a Saturn mission? Do they go back to San Francisco in 1986 and invent transparent aluminum? Later on, does Sisko go replace Gabriel Bell?
(On a side note: I thought this would be the plot of Picard S2. The altered timeline kept the Bell Riots from being affected by Sisko and causing a closed temporal loop...why else put it in California in 2024 and talk about Sanctuary districts?)
We know there are other changes to the prime timeline caused by time travelers because Strange New Worlds tells us so; but THOSE changes aren't necessarily reflected in the Kelvin timeline. The Eugenics Wars are delayed almost half a century in the Prime Timeline now (possibly early on; even in TWOK Khan says he was from 200 years earlier...in a film that takes place in 2285)...but in STID Khan is from 300 years earlier, so still in the late 20th Century roughly.
Basically, once a temporal incursion hits a timeline, it doesn't just change those specific events; it alters any OTHER temporal incursions that were otherwise caused by that future. Brannon Braga said as much about ENT, that the incursion from the Borg in FC affected how Cochrane did things, and potentially changed whether the history we see on that show is exactly what preceded TOS.
I suppose I'm just saying that Star Trek is a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff...and I think that's ok. Just gives me more trivia to memorize.
Thank you and Happy Birthday Trek '09.
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kristina-naida · 1 year
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People assume that time is a strict progression of cause to effect, but actually, from a non-linear, non-subjective viewpoint, it's more like a big ball of wibbly-wobbly... timey-wimey... stuff ✨️⏳️
So excited to say that I finally watched "Doctor Who" 💙 and I am so sad that I didn't find out about this show earlier 🥲 It's amazing 🫶🏼 I'm a huge fan of fantasy and time-space stuff and this show is just a mix of everything I love 🤩 Can't wait for the 60th anniversary speacial episodes 😍 Allons-y ✨️
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bluseum · 2 years
Time is fluid and basically not real. Just bully it until you have enough. This ask cosigned by Razzia
you’d think a doctor who fan would have better time management wouldn’t you. anyway yes you’re right
time is just a big ball of wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff
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Just Another Stray
By dreamingofabluebox
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This fanfiction is also posted on my Wattpad, ThatFandomN3RD.
Chapters: One
Chapter Two
The Daleks continued to make their way through the mall, eradicating anyone they came across. The Doctor and I moved quietly, avoiding detection. It wasn’t easy and was an extremely slow progress. I was hoping that the Doctor was figuring out a plan in that crazy brain of his. He stopped and peeked around a corner, making sure the coast was clear. We continued on for a bit longer before the Doctor pulled me into a closet, putting his hand over my mouth. I heard the hum of a Dalek passing by outside the door. We waited. When it was clear, the Doctor released me, and we began moving again. I was still trying to wrap my mind around the fact he was real.
‘Doctor?’ I asked quietly. He hummed in response. ‘If we’re the fictional dimension, and you’re here, then that means the theory of the multiverse isn’t a theory at all. It’s fact.’ He turned around to look at me.
‘Pretty sharp,’ he responded. ‘Though, you guys did get one thing wrong.’
‘And what’s that?’ He looked into my eyes, a wild kind of excitement swimming in his brown eyes. He grabbed my shoulders.
‘It’s so much bigger than that. Imagine as many worlds, as many dimensions as you can. Then multiply that infinitely. That is the extent of time and space. It’s all just one big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey stuff.’
‘So, there’s even more out there than we could ever imagine…’ The Doctor smiled and nodded. He let go of me and turned back around.
‘We’re getting close to the Dalek base of operations. Allons-y!’ The Doctor took off down the hall, and I had never been more excited to hear French. I took off after him and was nearly thrown to the floor with the sudden appearance of the Doctor’s outstretched arm. ‘There it is. Right in the middle of the mall.’ He crouched just inside the entrance to one of the many shops. I crouched next to him.
‘So. How are we getting in there?’
‘I’ll go. You stay here, where it’s safe.’ I put a hand on the Doctor’s shoulder before he could rush off. He turned to look at me, confused.
‘Let me help. I’ve already come this far. What’s one more step?’ He nodded and focused back on the roaming Daleks.
‘They’ve multiplied since we’ve last met. There shouldn’t be more than one. Surrender won’t work, they’re too destructive for that. Maybe if I can cause some kind of explosion…’
‘Like build a bomb?’ He turned back to me briefly and smiled.
‘Exactly. Most efficient way to take them out. Worked countless times before.’ He stood and began ripping electronics from various things in the shop.
‘You know they’ll be coming after you for vandalism, right?’ The Doctor laughed.
‘Oh, we’ll be long gone before that.’ He said we. Did he plan to take me with him on the TARDIS? I felt my heart skip a beat. Me, on the TARDIS, travelling with the Doctor. Be still my sci-fi loving heart. I couldn’t get my hopes up until it was actually happening.
As much as I wanted to ask the Doctor what he was doing, I knew I wouldn’t understand most of it. Instead, I let him work in silence so he could focus.
‘You aren’t all doom and gloom, are you?’ he asked suddenly, still working on his contraption.
‘What do you mean?’
‘You’ve gone all… quiet.’
‘Well, you’re working on something important. I was letting you focus.’ He laughed and then held out the device.
‘There we go! That should do it!’ He pressed a button and ran to the door. He looked back at me and gestured with his head for me to join him. He handed me the device, smiling. ‘Want to defeat your first batch of Daleks?’ I didn’t even bother to hide my excitement.
‘What do I have to do?’
‘Press the blue button before you throw it. Then throw with everything you got, because we’ll have to run so we don’t explode with ‘em.’ I nodded and got ready to throw, pushing the blue button with my thumb. I threw it across the mall, managing to land it right next to a Dalek near the middle of the group.
‘I can’t believe I made that!’
‘No time! Run!’ The Doctor grabbed my wrist and pulled me through the shop, putting as much distance between us and the Daleks as he could before the explosion went off. We barely made it out. I bent over, putting my hands on my knees to catch my breath. The Doctor was laughing. ‘That was some fun, wasn’t it?’ I looked up and laughed. That’s when a shade of blue caught my eyes. And there she was. The TARDIS. I straightened and walked over to her, gently placing my hand on her wooden frame. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space. I never thought I would get to see her with my own eyes. The Doctor walked up next to me.
‘I… never thought I’d get to see this…’ I whispered.
‘You should see the inside,’ he replied, unlocking the door and walking through. A few moments later he popped his head back out. ‘Well?’ He looked at me expectantly. I carefully stepped into the TARDIS, my eyes on the floor. But when I looked up… I cried. It was more amazing than my world had made it out to be. The Doctor seemed confused by my reaction.
‘Something wrong?’ he asked. I wiped away my tears.
‘No,’ I said, chuckling. ‘She’s just… more beautiful and amazing than I ever thought.’ He smiled, clearly excited that I loved the TARDIS.
‘Not only that, she never fails me!’ He hopped around the controls.
‘Dimensionally transcendental,’ I whispered. The Doctor paused. ‘That’s the only way to describe her. There’s no words in English to truly describe her.’
‘There is in Gallifreyan, but unfortunately for you, you wouldn’t understand a lick of it.’ He went back to the controls. ‘You may want to hold on.’ He looked at me, smiling, before he pulled a lever, causing the entire TARDIS to shake. I fell into one of the seats and did my best to hold on. It wasn’t long before it was over.
‘Where are we now?’
‘You might recognise it.’ He went over to the door and opened it, holding it open for me. I walked out to find myself in my apartment. My heart sank as I realised that there wasn’t going to even be one actual trip in the TARDIS. My hand rested against a corner of the ship. I didn’t want to let go. I turned back to the Doctor.
‘Even though I was in so much danger, this was the most fun I’ve ever had.’ I gave him a small smile as he watched me. ‘It’s kind of silly, but… I’m scared to let go of the TARDIS.’
‘Why is that?’ he asked innocently. His eyes were watching me intently. He knew this wasn’t for everyone.
‘I’m scared that if I let go, I’ll just wake up. That this entire thing has been a dream. I don’t want it to be a dream.’
‘Well,’ said the Doctor, seeming to think. ‘I guess I could give you one trip. As a thank you.’ I looked up at him in shock.
‘Really? You mean it?’ He smiled and disappeared inside the TARDIS. I followed him and shut the door behind me. He was already around the controls, pulling various levers and pushing buttons. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever get used to walking in here.’ I watched him work for a moment. ‘So, aren’t Time Lords only supposed to watch things unfold instead of interfering with events?’
‘And an entire mall would be dead if I hadn’t,’ he replied, not looking up. He studied something on a screen.
‘Right. But what made you interfere? Not with just the mall, but in general. Why don’t you just sit back and watch things happen?’ He stopped what he was doing and placed his hands against the control console, bowing his head.
‘I couldn’t stand to just watch innocent people die when I could do something about it. I’m the only Time Lord left. There’s no one left to enforce the non-interference policy.’ His features had taken on a look of sadness as he stared down at the controls. He suddenly straightened, clapped his hands together, and then resumed working on the controls. ‘Alrighty, then! One trip, one destination.’ He thought for a moment. ‘I know a place that you’ll enjoy! Valose 9! Gorgeous little planet. Not too much different from Earth. Just cleaner and in the year five thousand forty-one.’ The TARDIS shook and we were off again. I sat in one of the seats, watching the Doctor fiddle with various controls. Ten minutes later, and we landed. When he opened the door, I audibly gasped.
The grass was purple, but it smelled of a calming citrus. The leaves on the trees were a deep blue, almost the shade of the TARDIS. The Doctor walked up to one of the trees and peeled a strip of bark from it, holding it out to me. I took it and looked at him, wondering what he wanted me to do.
‘Sorry! Forget that not everyone knows what I’m thinking. Take a bite. You’ll like it.’ I gingerly took a bite of the bark. It tasted sweet.
‘What is this?’
‘Bango bark. These trees are the only bango trees left in the universe at this point. Beautiful, aren’t they?’ He looked up into the branches. I handed the bark back to him and he munched on it absentmindedly.
‘I’ve never seen nature like this before.’
‘Different planets, different times, different ecosystems.’ We heard a rumbling and the ground shook. ‘Probably should have mentioned the quakes.’ He motioned for me to follow him, and we made our way toward a nearby city. Nothing could have prepared me for what would meet my eyes when the city gates opened. Not only were there humans, but people of all different species. I tried not to stare, but it was hard considering I have never seen anything but other humans.
‘Wow,’ I said, looking around.
‘You like it?’ asked the Doctor, looking down at me. ‘It’s an interesting planet. Only thing wrong with it is the quakes.’ And that was when several guards appeared and pointed weapons at us.
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centuriesuntold · 4 years
    @donnanxble​ liked this post for a starter !
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   “You at least get to eat the cucumber when you’re done, don’t you?” The Doctor squinted an eye shut with a grimace as he laid one of the slices over it, the other blinking a few times before following suit. “I mean, otherwise, it doesn’t matter how relaxed you get, it’s just a waste of a perfectly good cucumber.”
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expelliarmus · 6 years
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maddenleftchat · 3 years
(not a request) I had an idea and I’m not sure if it fits XD or God!Dream better-
So whichever god this fits more starts to try learning more about human life and culture from sources other than the reader, and comes across memes, vines, and other pop culture references. And now he starts misusing them while talking to the reader-
GD/XD: I suppose you could say this is… (leans in and whispers) free real estate?
Reader, not expecting that at all: w h a t
GD/XD: Yeet! (tosses something to Darling)
Reader: (catches it) Where are you learning all of this??
GD/XD: Time isn’t like what you mortals think it is
Reader: What do you mean?
GD/XD: It’s more like a big ball of wibbly wobbly, timey wimey stuff
Reader: What the- how do you know that quote
GD/XD after something good happened: This is very pog
Reader, knowing better than to question it now: Very pog indeed…
- 👑
I-....I'm sorry...but-
GD/XD with reader: *in car.*
Reader: *See road work sign* "Don't you even-"
GD/XD: "Road work ahead? Tch- yeah, I sure hope it does!"
Reader: "God damnit!"
No, but in all honesty I think it would better suit GD. XD just seems to "up on my high horse" to care about that stuff.
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