wickedlyxenvy · 21 hours
Oh, Pride's hellbent on not building a bridge and getting over that little detail. You have your reasons if you ever chose being done with us in the future. I'm personally standing with Greed and you. And yes, even Pandora in extension.
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Extremely cautious. Hell help us if anything you say travels through one ear and out the other with our brother. He's had this weirdly crazed look in his eye since I first saw him at the party if you ask me.
Greed's bond with Pandora no doubt pushed that along, not that I entirely blame him– I was in his shoes not too long ago myself, two seconds away with being done with all of you.
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So, there is something to be cautious about with Pride then. Looks like him and I are due for a chat about that.
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wickedlyxenvy · 21 hours
Then let me fill you in on what really happened from someone who was there. Greed's cutting the tether between himself and any brother who looks at him with accusation while Pride is seconds away from skipping over the line to a side he shouldn't be on. It's fucked, Wrath.
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It's not a true party unless something goes wrong at some point. Heard that Pride and Greed may have gotten into it, but I only know hearsay.
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wickedlyxenvy · 22 hours
You missed one hell of a party. The fun got sucked out of it real fucking quick, though.
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I'm not in the mood for conversing.
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wickedlyxenvy · 7 days
"While I think going that far and admitting to everyone else I called you brilliant docks me my popular points, I'm sure I can make a few exceptions and give you that." Envy folded his arms across his chest as all thoughts shifted on their self-proclaimed leader during the Princes' temporary vacation on the mortal plane. While Daddy Devil was away, he put his favorite son in charge keeping his brothers on track to break the curse. However, with every witch being taken as a queen for the brothers detracted from any option the King would have at his own side, they all lost sight of the mission for a period. Even Pride veered off track, but if Greed thought to warn him against their brother, that meant bad news. "You think he'll betray us, flip sides, and join the King? I would say that's a ridiculous notion if I did not know Pride's stubbornness keeping the asshole happy. I'll maybe speak with Bel and see if she can talk sense into him." If anyone could convince Pride he was being a fucking dumbass, it was the woman he held in higher regard than he did his own brothers. "Doubt we're out of the woods yet with the wildcard that is Rhys, but we'll require his assistance when it comes to coven matters. I know what Pan's words of wisdom will be, don't die." Envy hummed lightly, considering Greed's statement carefully with a small shrug, "I don't particularly trust our brother right now, Greed, so that's pretty much the indicator I'm no longer on his side. It's your best friend's daughter we're bringing back, it's you I give a shit about, you even get a taste of what Wrath's gone through, I'm on your side now."
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Maybe once a upon a time he would have clamored at every opportunity to make himself look better in anyone's eyes outside of his own, hoping that the favor would get him somewhere, but now... Greed had no desire to undermine and take from his brother that wasn't rightfully his. It as a strange feeling, letting things rest outside of his grasp and not sieging control. "Well, if you're dead-set on sharing my contributions, don't forget to mention what you said, I am absolutely brilliant." Greed grinned slightly in humor before it fell. He could admit that he wanted the conversation with Pride to go better but everything was too raw still for either one of them to see past, and a part of him knew that Envy was right in some way. Pride doesn't care for anyone outside of his Queen despite what his brother says. "That's what worries me. I would watch your back around him, Envy. He may be playing amicably with you all now, but he was the King's favorite for a reason. You don't just... lose that mentality." He couldn't help the warning falling from his lips, but after his conversation, where the very words that twisted and fell from his brother's lips reminded him of their King, he was left with a bitter taste on his tongue. Greed rose a brow at Envy's words, "you told Rhys? I can't see that he took it well, but seeing as he's not on a murdering spree currently, I would hope you were able to speak some sense into him. I'll let her know, she may have some words of wisdom for you and your Queen." A beat passed before he spoke again. "If it gets too crowded for you on the our brother's side, feel free to come stand with me. I wouldn't turn you away, not when you're the only brother who hasn't been hostile so far."
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wickedlyxenvy · 8 days
Envy could taste the sharp anger like a bitterness he cannot wash away from his tongue even with the strongest of concocted remedies. He was poking a sleeping bear by interacting with the First Son, he knew the consequences that may befall him the minute he struck up the conversation, but he would risk just about anything lifting the plan from the ground properly. "I'm not hiding the truth I am a selfish creature doing this for my own selfish reason. Yes, I want to give my brother and your family back what my King stole, but I can't pretend I know the first thing about righteousness." Envy's gaze followed the man's movements, the space decreasing at a typical uncomfortable level that didn't bother him the way Rhys thought his intimidation tactics permitted. His eyes fell on the witch's hands as he gripped onto the Prince's tie, traveling along Rhys' arm before landing on his features. A lustful shock suddenly bolted through Envy and had he been noncommittal to his Queen, he would have entertained the notion of locking them both in a room until they banged out the hate. Still, that did not stop the demon from slightly lifting his head as the tie tightened further around his neck like a noose, spiking the dirty thoughts once again. Pain was his pleasure, after all. "Imagining any of the Princes experiencing what you did gets you just so hard, doesn't it? That's hot." Envy wrapped his hands around the male's wrists and nudged away from him with dry amusement covering his expression, "The coven will know exactly what is happening the moment we begin the spell. Any member who isn't already dead will retaliate unless we throw in the First Son as a distraction. I'm talking about a full-on siege, Rhys. You, your army, taking back what's yours and starting new."
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Rhys really tried to be on good behavior, well... better behavior than usual. However, the longer he stayed in the Princes orbit, the more he felt irritable, cagey, the anger beneath the surface begging and scratching to be let loose. The very fact that the only reason Envy was attempting to bring back his sister was to reunite her with her supposed love, instead of doing what was right, was now the main cause of his ire. The witch's eye twitched, the only indicator of his rising fury, a small tsking noise falling from his lips. "You think this vindicates you? You aren't doing this because it's right or because it's bringing back my twin who never deserved the fate she got dealt. Even if you could magically pull a resurrection spell out of your ass, you're doing this for yourself and that fucking brother of yours." Rhys' voice was quiet as he stepped closer, closing the distance between the two so he could grip Envy's tie in his hands gently as if to straighten it. "Maybe I should let you do it so you can experience the loss of a loved one first hand. I never look down on a witch, ever. However, one witch performing a spell as powerful as my mother's will not be enough, which would make sense why my mother never dared the spell on her own– you're killing your Queen for your brother." Rhys tightened the knot of the tie until it got uncomfortably tight on the Prince's throat, "so, knowing that your Queen's life is on the line, what is it that you wish that I help you out with?"
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wickedlyxenvy · 8 days
Envy had been extremely proud of himself up until this point. The pieces of the plan were finally falling into place in unexpected ways, it was no longer about resurrecting Celeste and giving his brother the woman he cherished back. Greed's words still rang in his mind, siphoning the life force of the entire coven would alter the very fabric of nature as the Princes knew it. A long time coming for the members if the outcry from those who defected can attest. Ainsley never bottled her opinions about the coven's mistreatments to the female populous and his own research turned up the same reaffirming horror stories plaguing anyone that escaped. Envy yanked away from his thoughts as soon as his brother clapped a hand to his shoulder, lifting an eyebrow in shock that the other was toning down his greediness. "Actively abdicating your opportunity sharing the credit? Noble as you are, they're going to know exactly what you did regardless." The demon pondered another closer look at Greed as his brother provided a small bit of news he shouldn't feel surprised had developed, "Who wants to be around a toxic ass brotherhood? It might be for the better anyway, Greed. Pride doesn't really give a shit about any of us, you know, all he cares about is Isabel. He's just pissed he cannot control you or us for that matter." Envy released a sigh, "Since you're standing at her side, I don't want to be this reason for any animosity between you two. Tell Pandora about the plan. I mean, I didn't have a choice filling in her son when he's been hellbent on killing the Princes, so might as well fill Mama Witch in."
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Greed hummed in thought. He wouldn't pretend to know what it's like to hold such magical power to bring someone back from the dead outside of a demon deal, but he supposed it wasn't just to witness the Princes downfall that Pandora may have strayed from any attempt to bring her daughter back. It would have meant losing more than just her daughter in the end, and what was the point in bringing a part of their family to life if the family was still broken? Greed nodded along to his brother's words as Envy digested and broke down what he'd been implying. The coven was always slated to be torn apart and it would have been a shame to not use the magical excess their deaths would release– taking tragedy and bringing back the lost daughter of the First Witch was poetry. The prince couldn't help but grin in response but ultimately shook his head; a hand grasping his brother's shoulder. "As greedy as I am and would love to be hailed a brilliant hero in this tale, it's your plan, your glory– I merely just helped you see what you would have eventually." Greed squeezed Envy's shoulder before pulling his hand away to cross his arms over his chest. "Look, I want you to hear it from me instead of Pride, since I won't really know how he will tell it, but I've cut off ties with him and any of our brothers that decide that I'm nothing better than a common imp," the Prince shrugged sadly, "I've pledged myself to Pandora, despite everything... she's my best friend. Seeing as I'll be by her side more now, let me know if you need anything in your endeavors to bring her daughter back."
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wickedlyxenvy · 8 days
And apparently, I shouldn't shit myself with shock that it only took minimal effort getting you to agree with me. You mean more trouble than I typically would? Don't hold your breath, Daddy-o.
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Apparently not too much when it comes to me agreeing with you. Stake away, just don't start a fight– you don't need to be getting in trouble, you hear?
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wickedlyxenvy · 8 days
No, you're right, it's disturbing to imagine a world where you and her were teeny tiny tots. I know what eye-fucking looks like, Niko, it's the same looks I have been shooting Gi practically since we met. Do you think doing the deed is in the cards for them if you've seen that shit in any of your visions? Even if that wasn't the case...the tension's been building.
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Since we were children if you could imagine such a time. Someone had to raise the bar for anyone else who attempted to even be with her, I call it my duty as her best friend. He's actually eye-fucking her? Phe did say something about going to the next step with poor old Gluttony, maybe they'll finally do the deed and end everyone's misery of having to witness the prologue of it.
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wickedlyxenvy · 18 days
Envy couldn't fully express his satisfied gratitude being called sir, but the moniker rang an appropriate melody in the demon's ears he would elicit at every turn from her lips and her lips only. He understood the type of sexual relationship they both required for their enjoyment, a dominant force and his submissive, a master and his willing servant, a demon Prince and his illustrious Queen wearing the crown he bestowed generously. Envy clasped his hands firmly behind his back as the hungry gaze followed Gianna's movements, feeling the growling monster within him scratch at its confines while the woman slowly stripped for his entertainment. What lay underneath the green little number he knew someone only with a sensing knowledge for the night's events would choose soon fell to the floor as well and the sight of her nearly making him pounce without any games keeping him from having what was his all along. He said nothing as Gianna laid back on the bed and worshipped herself like a prized pony who knew in all the ways to tease him. His hand twitched, fighting all urges to pleasure himself at the sight of the girl's digits trailing a path his own fingers should, that his tongue will one way or another. Envy permitted the sprinkling of jealousy come through, a slice he knew she would feel with their bond, the fierce emotion that came from imagining anyone else seeing his queen in this state, completely exposed and ravished by another's hands. Anyone who witnessed Gianna's naked form would lose the ability to breathe. Placing the thought aside, her moans reaching his ears caused Envy's change in expression. There was mischief, mayhem, darkness in his eyes. "Did I say you could make a sound, Sugarplum?" He hummed, strolling smoothly across the room until he reached the foot of the bed. The man unbuttoned the last remaining closures of his dress shirt and tugged it off. "Stop touching yourself and place your hands above your head." Envy yanked the leather belt he was wearing from its loop holes and pulled it taut, the slight clapping sound ringing deliciously in the demon prince's ears, "And be a good girl about it or i will not allow you to cum tonight."
As Gianna's blue eyes watched Envy speak, his very instructions sending an electrified bolt of desire running straight through her and it was all hers. She could feel her Prince's own desires as tangible as her own, but it only rivaled her own. Never once had she come across someone who had caused her to yearn as much as the demon Prince did. While she was sequestered away by her brothers, she still had eyes and no one had commanded such a presence as Envy did to her. The witch managed to nod, "yes sir." The words falling from her lips before her brain could filter it, having no earthly idea where it could have come from but it felt right in the moment. Even as Envy steered the two of them through the masses in the party, her mind could only run circles around what they were finally doing– sexual tension at its breaking point, guaranteeing a rollercoaster of pleasure before ending in bliss that she was sure Envy would deliver. Her heart was racing out of control in her chest by the time the two made it to a bedroom, her eyes taking in every inch of the overly opulent bedroom that screamed the Golden Trio before moving to Envy once he started to speak again; unable to look away from every movement he made. His request almost sent a wave of embarrassment through her at the thought of stripping in front of him as she'd done for no one before, but his words kept her on track even when his lips threatened to distract her. Perhaps that was why he commanded the things he did, knowing that her brain would attempt to hijack the moment at any time and make her hesitate– taking the bit of control out of her hands and mind. All she had to do was obey, despite punishment being a curiosity in itself. Gianna's hand reached to the zipper, thankful for the dress that she and Alexia picked out had the placement on the side instead of the back, pulling it down as slow as her shaking fingers would let her; her gaze only moving from Envy's own eyes to his belt and back. Pushing the satin straps off of her shoulders until the green fabric began to snake down her body, slowly revealing the black overly strappy and intricate lingerie– again bought at her friend's behest, just for this moment. Unclasping her bralette, she let the material fall to the ground before pushing the bottoms down to join the rest of her clothes and leaving her nude except for the jewelry that adorned her skin. Her heart hammered a million miles a minute while her brain attempted to force nervousness onto her, trying to trick her into thinking she wasn't as desirable as any other women that Envy was sure to have graced his bed before, the thought to be jealous of anyone else in the back of her mind, but she only needed to obey. Stepping over the pool of fabric on the floor, Gianna made her way to the bed, pulling herself into the center; the cool bedding meeting her back as she laid down. The moment she spread her legs, her fingers of one hand trailed to her core– surprise coloring her features at the discovery of how wet she was just from Envy's words alone, trailing her digits through the moisture to bring up to her clitoris. A shuddered breath fell from the witch's lips as she started with slow circles for long tantalizing moments before bringing her free hand down to tease her entrance. A moan fell from her lips when she began to press her finger into her core, her eyes never leaving Envy's as she pushed further; pleasure racing across her skin in time with her fingers, following his orders until he gave her new ones.
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wickedlyxenvy · 25 days
You have known her longer than me, of course you would think so. Wow, how does it feel seeing you are the original man in her life and hold all the bragging one can make towards my brother? Gluttony is a simpleton when it comes to Jo's every whim while he's spending all night eye-fucking her.
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I can see both sides, but Josephine's persistence is my favorite thing about her. Or is it more like Gluttony is the Nikolai version two, though we both know I'm the better version. I don't doubt that but there's not many things that she could ask him that he wouldn't give her.
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wickedlyxenvy · 25 days
I keep the conversation light and fluffy just for you, M. No Prince is at their full power, in Lust's defense, otherwise a-humping you would go. Do you see any legs worth rubbing against?
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Cute, dog jokes. Always so hilarious, E. What use are hellhounds if we don't have at least a little resistance to Prince's influences? Besides, if I'm humping someone's leg, it's because I want to.
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wickedlyxenvy · 25 days
I admit, we all should have done something the moment our King took her. His possessive habits were not a secret to the Princes and yet, while Celeste suffered, we kept our mouths shut and our hands to ourselves. Well, six of us had. I'm going to tell you why coming after us will be the greatest mistake of your life, Rhys, and believe me when I say that it could change everything. You know Gianna holds your mother's grimoire with its ancient spells far beyond the magic this realm has seen in a very long time. We're using the power of the coven's lives to bring your sister back, but in order to do so, you and I can help each other.
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Oh, I see. Just because you know that your brother was fucking my sister means you now think you know what it's like to carry burden? At least Wrath is alive for now. It doesn't matter what she would have wanted. Celeste is dead, asshole, the only thing that's guiding me right now is making sure everyone who had a hand in her death pays. You may not have hurt her, Wrath pay not have hurt her, but you all stood by as she took her life and did nothing until it was centuries too late. I will not stop until I bathe in the blood of the King and his sons, ripping his empire to shreds with my very hands and there's nothing you can do to convince me otherwise.
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wickedlyxenvy · 25 days
I am just saying, Rhys, of all my brothers, I am perhaps the best person who could understand the guilt carrying a sibling's burdens right now. Go fucking balls off the wall with the King for all I give a flying shit, but do you think hunting down my brothers and I releases you from your never-ending torment? That killing us is what she would have wanted for you? You knew her better than me, yet, I don't think so.
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Oh, you'd like that, wouldn't you? I'm aware of how shit my coven has gone and I fully intend on breaking it apart until it's nothing but mortar and rubble under my boots. However, my first priority is taking down your King and then hunting down each and every one of your brothers until you're gone. Then I'll worry about my coven and sitting on my throne– how's that for 'booze addled brain'?
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wickedlyxenvy · 26 days
Thank you, Pops, what does a demon need to do to get someone agreeing with me? I'm staking my claim on green.
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For all intents and purposes, you are most commonly referenced with the color green. So, if that doesn't mean you own it, then I don't know what would.
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wickedlyxenvy · 26 days
You are speaking with someone whose very existence is weaved by the darkness. This isn't me trying the bonding right to save our lives, I don't appeal to anyone's humanity, but I will make my point clear in case your booze addled brain cannot compute. Why not take this darkness you've always possessed and redirected it toward something that rightfully belonged to you since birth? The coven, for instance.
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That sounds just like the type of shit Ezekiel would lead you to believe, Envy. How would I not relish in it when it's the very fiber of my being. This darkness has been with me since I was a child. So, is this shared darkness supposed to make us bond? Make me more sympathetic so that I'll spare your measly lives when this is all said and done? Spoiler alert, it won't.
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wickedlyxenvy · 26 days
The spike in attraction shot through him like an arrow shot by Cupid's bow himself, although, Envy understood there was more than love between them. It's an unexplored carnal instinct that has been building since the moment the prince laid eyes on the witch and made his hunger perfectly plain. "When the moment is right, Sugarplum, you will have your wish." Envy hummed softly, imagining the dirty kinks his little witch possessed in that mind of hers he would fulfill. "There is, however, one rule of your lessons. Every instruction I give, every demand, you must listen and obey. Misbehave and we will see about punishments." The prince wrapped his hand around the witch's and led them between bodies, finding he could no leave the main party area fast enough. Navigating his way though different hallways, he pushed open the door of a guest bedroom. "Now," Envy released Gianna's hand, slipping out of his suit jacket, and unbuttoning the sleeves of his dress shirt, "Strip slowly and lay flat on the bed," He approached her again, firmly gripping her jaw and pressing their lips together. As Envy pulled away, he dropped his own hands to his belt, "And after you have spread your legs, I want you teasing yourself."
A shiver of excitement ran through the witch at Envy's words, never thinking she'd hear such words fall from someone's lips outside of the books she read as a treat under the cover of night; the only thing she knew of romance and more, other than the words that fall from Envy's lips so easily. "I never thought I would have been into that," Gianna's voice hoarse at the prospect of pleasuring herself while Envy watched; taking enjoyment in the act as much as she. The girl could only speculate what their conversation looked like on the outside, and perhaps if it was any other time or with any other person... she would have been more conscious about it. However, there was no one around her except for Envy; her world and gravitational pull. Nothing but his tantalizing words and absolutely filthy promises. Gianna registered the loss of his body heat no matter how small of a step he took away before her eyes dropped to his offered hand, forever the gentleman towards her, not even a second passing before her hand slipped into his. "More than ready," her eyes flicking to his as her lips pulled into a small grin, "I've always been an excellent student."
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wickedlyxenvy · 26 days
Uh, yeah, do you expect anything less given my history with his darling little sister? I hold her hand and the asshat has a full on embolism. You saying you're not like that with me now? My cold heart weeps, Issie.
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Honey, you do that just fine without my help. It's like you breathe and he wants to throttle you, though in the beginning I was like that with you, too.
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