#tiki beach pier restaurant
soltalks · 1 month
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fiestyfifties · 3 years
Vacationing in a Pandemic - we decided it was time to get a mental break after the long winter.  A week away for spring break, Sunday through Friday.  I decided I would work the first two days to see how this would go.  It went pretty well, it was lovely to work with a view of the lake.  After work, less than 10 minutes to get to the ocean.  What a dream.  Kingston Plantation was quite lovely, pickle ball, bicycles, a gym a spa, a plethora of (heated) swimming pools and a water park for the kids.  The restaurant at the Embassy Suites was a highly limited and over priced and underwhelming food.  The drinks, I am told, were good and fairly priced, with an indoor bar and the outdoor Splash Bar.  There is a gift shop and Star Bucks on premises.  The beach area is wide open and has a very long pier where one can walk on for a $2 fee. There are two other Hilton hotels on the premises and a long standing bar, the Wet Whistle practically on the beach.  There are several restaurants close by and Bimini’s has the best tasting food.  Bimini’s also has a fresh seafood market with a very tasty hot crab dip for sale in a 12oz tub.  Kroger is across the road.  A few miles away there is Publix and more restaurants.  Lulu’s Beach Arcade has a fun attraction in the Ropes Course.  It took us about 45 minutes to complete the course, doing it leisurely and repeating some of the course.  This cost $15 and was worth it.  Barefoot Landing has a few good stores to browse at, including Tiki Jims with fun and funny gifts.  We did Ripley’s Aquarium plus 2 attractions at $49.99 per person for 13 and up.  Despite starting the Aquarium before 10am, it was still quite packed.  While they state it is a 2 hour activity, even with us doing it leisurely, we were done in little over an hour.  The Odditorium was interesting in places, but really nothing one cannot find online and last just about an hour. The Moving Theatre is really just for little kids.  The rides are quite jerky and it lasts 15 minutes and the wait in line was around 40 minutes.  All in all, the Aquarium is the only attraction worth doing and only if the weather is bad or one has nothing better to do.  We bought out tickets online, they were emailed to my phone.  One also gets a free parking pass for Park at the Dolphin on Withers Drive, which is not stated online or on the ticket.  We had to go to Ripley’s and ask them where to park.  Also, do not bother calling the number which they state online, no one answers and even if one leaves a message, no one returns the call.  The weather in Myrtle beach was between 50 and 71 degrees each day.  Definitely not my kind of beach weather, but one makes all kinds of sacrifices for teen kids who want to enjoy spring break.  
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bellatrixobsessed1 · 4 years
Kissing Dead Pearls (Part 12)
Azula wishes that she could say her first date went flawlessly. But it didn’t. She was awkward as hell and she isn’t sure how she’d managed to get a second one. God, she doesn’t even know why she had been so awkward, they’d been friends since childhood. But she always finds herself tripping over her own emotions when it comes to love, romance, and softer things. 
She isn’t meant for it. She is meant for competition and relishing in victory. For bursts of power and excitement, the thrill of a new endeavor or achievement. And yet she found herself wandering the boardwalk that evening hand in hand with her childhood friend. The sun was well on its way down painting the entirety of the boardwalk in a vivid shade of orange. 
“Sno-cone?” Sokka offered. “Cotton candy?” 
He had been spoiling her all night and she was the one with the cash to throw around. She’d made a promise to herself to make sure to pay for their next date and to make it a somewhat upscale one. 
“Just cotton candy.” She answered. They hadn’t even made it to the tiki restaurant that he’d wanted to show her, she didn’t want to fill up on snack food before they got there. He held out a cotton candy cone, picked a small blue fluff of it off, and said, “open your mouth.”
“Why?” She’d asked holding her hand out. 
He had rolled his eyes. “I’m gonna feed it to you.”
“I can feed myself?”
His laugh had been precious, she almost didn’t mind that it was at her expense. Her cheeks had slightly colored. “Sometimes couples like to feed each other.”
Azula crinkled her brows, “why?”
“Because it’s romantic.” He replied simply.
“How so?”
He laughs again. “I don’t know, I didn’t make the rule. Now open your mouth.”
Hesitantly, Azula obliged and he popped the piece of cotton candy onto her tongue. There was a burst of sugary sweetness as it dissolved. 
“Was that so hard?” He nudged her. 
“It was agonizing difficult.” She grumbled, folding her hands over her chest. 
He slung an arm across her neck and over her shoulder. “C’mon, we’re almost there.” He pointed to a small little shack with a straw and bamboo roof. Colorful paper lanterns hung from the boarders of the roof and decorated the ceiling. On each of the four supporting posts, circled bright strands of cheap lights shaped like pineapples and flamingos. 
“Tacky.” She commented with a roll of her eyes. 
“Tiki.” He corrected, making her wonder why she felt so flustered when he’d been the one making the cringeworthy jokes. 
Even from that distance she had heard the thrumming, upbeat drums of that year’s most popular reggaeton hit. No wonder he’d liked that restaurant so much. He took her hand again and tugged her along in an excited speedwalk. “Alright, Azula, are you ready for the best smoothie you’ll ever taste!?” 
He was so enthusiastic that she had to crack a smile. “I hope that they’re as good as you say they are.” 
“They have some pretty tasty onion rings too.” 
It was getting easier but her tummy was still fluttering incessantly. Sokka pulled out a stool and motioned for her to have a seat. Azula looked the chair over and took a deep breath, she had to boost herself up on the lower rung of the chair and quite literally climb it to actually get to her seat, it left her feeling doubly awkward. Sokka’s chuckling hadn’t helped. He wiped a tear from his eye, “geez, sometimes I forget that you're that short.”
“Shut up!” She snapped, he only snickered harder. She was certain that he was getting a kick out of seeing her face go bright red. 
There were so many couples out and about that night, and somehow she felt like she just stood out among them. As though she were some sort of fake, a bizarre parody of what a girlfriend was supposed to be and look like. Her laughs had been too forced and there had been undertones of nervousness. And for the life of her she couldn’t figure out why. She’d known him for so long and she’d never had any problems conversing with him. Never had any problems being herself.
But somehow this was different. Something about it just was. 
She felt like she was on her way to ruining not just their new relationship, but their longtime friendship as well. 
“You alright?” He asked. 
She’d nodded. 
“You just…” he trailed off and took an onion ring and then a sip of his smoothie--mango-peach--and continued, “aren’t being you.” He seemed to think for a moment before backtracking, “you seem anxious. Am I doing something wrong?”
Her heart halted. Because it was her. Something was wrong with her, not him. She shakes her head, “you’re fine, Sokka.”  
He gave her a soft smile and cupped his hand over hers. His ocean blue eyes were so soft and loving, it made her feel that much guiltier. “This is your first date, isn’t it?”
She nodded. 
“It’s always a little awkward at first.” He assured. 
Azula thought that it ran a little deeper than that. Genuinely, she wanted the affection. Truly a kiss sounded nice. But actually receiving one? The very possibility that her night would probably end with one…? It caused her stomach to lurch. 
It was just that she hadn’t ever opened up before. Never found the courage to show a softer side of herself and it just felt weird and wrong to do so.
Sokka hummed softly, “hey, I have an idea!” He declared. 
“Is it a good one?”
He wriggled his brows. “It’s an idea.”
Azula buried her face in her hands, each time he’d ever said that, it turned out to be a dreadful one. 
“You just sit there, okay?”
She bit the inside of her cheek. “Sure, Sokka.” She paused, “but if this is awful, I’m going to throw you off of the pier, understand?”
He flashed her a mischievous grin, “guess I better get my swim trunks on.” 
That night she was exposed to the worst karaoke cover that she’d ever heard, but it sure as hell made her feel less obvious and out of place. For that night she was simply, ‘that girl with the karaoke boyfriend’. 
He certainly was no siren. He was more comparable to, perhaps a walrus where vocal quality was concerned. 
That night she pushed him off of the pier just as she had promised. 
That night, he told her that she could take her time to get used to things, that they didn’t have to have their first kiss right away.
That night they had their first kiss anyways; on the edge of the dock she’d just thrown him from. He hugged her close and soaked her clothes with ocean water.
A walk on the boardwalk is out of the question, because that is where Sokka had taken her. It feels dreadfully strange to have her hand in Jet’s. It isn’t particularly unpleasant by any means. In fact, Jet is very sweet and gentle. A stark contrast to Sokka, who enjoyed playing rough with and teasing her. 
It is both a relief and a sting. The contrast is so stark that she doesn’t feel like she is trying to use him as a fill-in Sokka but it very considerably accentuates that Sokka is gone and that she is with someone else.
“How about a walk on the beach?” He suggests. 
That would make sense, they spend a lot of time on the beach surfing. Maybe they can have themselves a more passionate practices. But the beach is very close to the cove, she and Sokka’s cover. Though that beach isn’t the only beach, it is simply the closest one to her house. 
“There’s a beach across town that I’ve been meaning to check out.” Azula says. 
“Alright, a walk on the beach it is.” He beams. He slides an arm around her waist and leads her to his car.
Suddenly she feels shamefully shy again. Sokka is the only person she’d ever let touch her like that. Sokka is the only person who she thought would. Though it doesn’t feel particularly wrong to let Jet do so. It, in fact, feels rather nice to have that kind of affection again. 
All the same it feels wrong. So horribly wrong to let him take her by the waist when she’d never truly called it off with Sokka. When he is probably isolated and touched-starved somewhere out at sea. 
And especially when she catches herself pretending that it is Sokka who is holding her.
“What kind of music are you in the mood for?” Jet asks as he messes with the radio dials, “personally I think synthwave has the right vibe for cruising down a road by the ocean.”
“Synthwave is fine.” She forces a smile. 
“Cool.” He pushes at his sunglasses and leans back in the seat. 
It is nice to have the wind in her hair, to feel it warmly on her face as she watches the palm trees rush by. In some sense it makes her feel alive again. She glances at Jet who nods his head to the music. The wind flutters his hair. One hand on the wheel he reaches for his soda and has a sip before putting it back in the cupholder. “Want a sip?”
Azula brings her lips to the staw, she can slightly taste him on it as she has her drink. “Thank you.” She says, putting the cup back down. 
“Yeah, any time.” He pulls into a parking spot. “Leave the boards here or do you think we’ll use them?”
Azula thinks for a moment. “Leave them. We can just walk this time.”
He nods, “sounds good, I think it’d be nice to just walk and get to know you better.”
Just like that it occurs to her that they talk almost daily but they never really had a real conversation. They mostly talk about surfing and parties. It will be rather nice to know his interests and hobbies. What his home life is like and what his pet peeves are. 
He holds his hand out and she takes it as they make their way down to the sand. For much of the sunset they sit at the shoreline and dip their feet in the water, discussing more mundane things. 
He really loves synthwave and his favorite color is brown of all colors. He says that it reminds him driftwood and that he used to build driftwood castles and pirate ships with his childhood friends before he’d moved to Port Tui-La. He’d called his crew the Freedom Fighters and they were ‘good and noble’ pirates. He mentioned that his first mate, Smellerbee caused a mutiny one time and took over the ship. 
Azula had, had a good chuckle at this. 
For herself, Azula mentioned the fish game. She also made note that she preferred tea to coffee and that blue is superior to brown in every way. 
After some time of quiet, just watching the sun show its last rays while skipping rocks and fidgeting with shells Jet says, “hey, I’m sorry about your mom and Sokka. The reason I moved is because I lost both of my parents in a house fire.” He pauses. “Some men in masks just poured gasoline all around and lit it up while they were asleep. I was at Longshot’s house…” he trails off. “I never did find out who they were or why they did it. I live with my uncle now.”
Azula swallows, her belly flutters for his loss. “Yeah.” She stuffs her hands into the pockets of her shorts. “It’s...it never feels the same. There’s this emptiness…”
Jet nods. “And you can’t fill it.” 
“It’s like there’s a hole. You can meet new people, but that doesn’t fill the hole, you just have a mound of sand next to the hole. You can push the sand in but it doesn’t quite fill it right.”
Jet quirks a brow. “Yeah, that’s a good way of describing it.” He pauses. “But having a new mound is better than nothing at all, right?”
She can see it in his eyes that it runs deeper than just a general analogy. 
She thinks for a moment before finally nodding. “Yes. I think that it is better to try to make something new, even if it isn’t the same.”
Jet’s darkly colored eyes light up. He tenderly caresses her cheek and leans in.
For a fleeting moment she thinks that it might be too soon. She very nearly tells him not yet. But is it really too soon? It has been months. She hasn’t feel a connection like this, a warmth like this in months. 
She decides that it isn’t too soon. 
His lips find hers.
It is a kind kiss, soft and delicate. Her belly flutters again, both pleasantly and with a sense of melancholy. She isn’t alone. 
She deepens the kiss.
A tear slips down her cheek.
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realtybymonica · 2 years
Beautifully Remodeled 3BD 2BA Home For Sale in Galveston
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*Popular Vacation Rental! Beautifully remodeled & Fully Furnished 3/2 Canal-front home with quick access to Galveston Bay and Beach. This successful vacation rental known as Sea Isle Splendor features Open living/kitchen/dining area with tile flooring, high vaulted ceilings & exposed beams. Kitchen has stainless-steel Samsung & Bosch appliances, custom cabinetry, wide granite countertops with additional seating at breakfast bar, & wainscotting. Primary bedroom has private deck & all three bedrooms have Shaw engineered hardwood flooring. Exterior features include wide canal frontage, Tiki Style Bar, outdoor shower, outdoor TV, boat slip, boat lift replaced (2018), decking & staircase replaced (2017.) AC/Heating (2016.), Roof (2015.) Sea Isle has as great amenities such as community pool, Marina, boat launch, tennis courts, park, lit fishing pier over the bay, & restaurant. Wetlands reserve across from home with incredible bird watching!
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3monthsineurope · 3 years
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July 24 and 25, 2021
Happy 27th birthday, Haley! I love you and hope you’re having a blast in Mexico with Malik!
Saturday I woke up at 8, which you all know is really early for me. But Catherine and I were taking a red eye flight to visit Nicole in Florida! I wanted to be tired for the plane. Ingvar and I both got up and showered, then I drove him to his car, close to Western. He had played Mario with friends the night before, and Ubered home. We were both pretty tired. I dropped off Ingvar and we said our goodbyes. He was going golfing with some of his best friends! I went and dropped off some things at Value Village for donation, then made myself some spaghetti squash with meat sauce and runny eggs for breakfast. I took care of my plants and worked on packing. I had packed most of my things the day before, but there was still some to do. I put on some make up, then it was time to meet up with my friend, Rachael!
Rachael and I met while we were at Western! We don’t see each other often, but we try to when we are visiting each other’s towns. We met at Woods at Boulevard and caught up for about an hour. It was so nice to see her! After our coffee date, I went home and laid down and rested my eyes for about 15 minutes. I finished all my packing, then left Bellingham around 3.
I spent the drive down to Kirkland listening to voice memos and responding to my Taylor Swift friend, Erica. I also talked to Grandma Sue. Before I knew it, I was parking in Kirkland! Catherine and I were so excited to visit Nicole in Rockledge, Florida! We wanted to go last year, but obviously Covid prevented that. Nicole and Catherine had been roommates at Western, with me right across the hall. We’ve been friends for almost 11 years now! Nicole and I have traveled together in Mexico and Puerto Rico, and Nicole, Catherine, and I did New Orleans in 2018! We were excited to finally visit her in Florida. (Yes, I was just in Florida, but two different friends asked me to come at two different times, haha.) I got to meet Catherine and her boyfriend’s Brad’s dog, Bella! She is so sweet!
We hung around their apartment for about two hours, just catching up and watching the Olympics. Brad was nice enough to drive us about a half hour to SeaTac. I sat in the back with Bella, and didn’t feel anxious at all! Brad dropped us off right around 7:30, with our flight being at 9:45. I didn’t have TSA precheck this time (I think I forgot to put it in my info when we booked our trip, months ago), so Catherine and I went through general security. There was absolutely no line! We got through, then headed to The Club at SEA—the lounge we could get into with my card. It was Catherine’s first time in an airport lounge. We each had two drinks and some yummy snacks. We hung out for over an hour, then took the train to N Gates. Our plane started boarding around 9. Catherine and I sat together in an exit row, with her on the isle and me in the middle.
The flight to Orlando was about five and a half hours. I finished my blog from Stuart, Florida, and listened listened to music while we were taking off and a bit after. Catherine ended up finishing one book on her phone and started another on the flight. The flight attendants passed our drinks and snacks and then I tried to sleep. Unfortunately, there was a very rude and obnoxious man in the row behind us. He was complaining about Alaska Airlines the whole time, and even called one of the flight attendants fat! He lied to them, too, about how many drinks he had in total, so they would keep serving him alcohol.
Anyways, because this man was so loud, I only ended up sleeping about two hours. Catherine didn’t snooze at all! I couldn’t believe it. Normally, I sit in the window seat, so maybe I didn’t sleep much because I didn’t have the window to lean on? We landed in Orlando right around 6am, eastern time. Ingvar was still awake at home, hanging out with his friends, hahah. Catherine and I disembarked the plane, took a small train to the main part of the terminal. We both went to the bathroom, then found Nicole! It was so early, hahah. It was so nice of Nicole to pick us up, because she lives about 45 minutes to an hour away. We were so excited to see her! Even though we both saw her about two weeks prior, when she was in Seattle for her grandma’s funeral. Nicole has a cute little Mazda. Nicole he picked out a breakfast place for us, called Keke’s. We drove about fifteen minutes to get there, and we arrived before they opened at 7, haha! We caught up in the car, then headed inside right at 7.
For breakfast we all had coffee (Catherine and I were gonna need it, that’s for sure!) and I had a combo with raspberry stuffed French toast, a chocolate chip pancake, eggs, and ham. It was a lot of food! I definitely took my leftovers to go. Nicole had an egg white omelette and Catherine had some French toast. It was all tasty and the service was really great. From Keke’s, we headed to Rockledge, the town that Nicole and Oscar live in. Nicole actually ended up going on the wrong roads for a bit, which was kinda funny!
In Rockledge, we stopped at the grocery store, Publix. I don’t think I’ve ever been to a Publix before? It was kind of like a Whole Foods, with expensive produce. Nicole got some stuff for her and Oscar, and some snacks and sandwich stuff for us. It was an expensive grocery tip! Catherine and I paid for some, though. Next up, was their apartment! Oscar met us in the garage and helped withy groceries. I love Oscar, I didn’t get to see him when he was in Seattle the weeks before. He’s such a nice guy. Nicole gave us a tour of her place. They have a three bedroom and two bathroom apartment in a large community. One bedroom is their master, one is their guest room, and one is Oscar’s office. Their living room and kitchen is a huge space, and they have a ton of closets and windows. They have a laundry room and a screened in porch, and a one car garage. I loved seeing their place!
Catherine chose the guest bedroom to stay in, while I got set up on a futon in Oscar’s office. We hung around for a bit and caught up with Oscar (and Nicole, of course), then I took a shower in Nicole’s bathroom (Nicole usually had the master bedroom’s bathroom as her own, with Oscar having the guest bathroom as his own). It felt so good to shower, wash my face, and brush my teeth after our red eye flight! Catherine showered too, then we were ready to take on the day!
Unfortunately, when Catherine and I booked our flights a few months ago, Nicole was sure she wouldn’t have to go back to work (she’s a sixth grade science and math teacher in the nearby town of Cocoa), to start the process of setting up her classroom and getting ready for the kids to come in August. A few week ago, though, she was informed that she had to go back July 26, the second day of our trip. What a bummer! So, the day we arrived, July 25, a Sunday, was our only full day without her going to work. We had to make the most of it! Oscar ordered us all Chipotle, then we all sunscreened up (thanks for making sure there was plenty of sunscreen, Nicole!) and headed to their apartment pool. We all brought our own beach chairs on our backs, and they even had a cooler for drinks! All four of us hung out at the pool for a few hours and chatted and relaxed. We ate our Chipotle and had some hard seltzers and hopped in and out of the pool. Catherine, Nicole, and I had been best friends for more than ten years now, so there was no shortage of catching up and chatting we had to do. I ended up taking about an hour nap in the shade, which was so nice!
After the pool, we rinsed off and got ready to go to the Cocoa Beach pier (Cocoa Beach is a different town than Cocoa, surprisingly). Oscar stayed home to fill out some documents (Nicole and Oscar had just been approved for a home loan! He needed to do some stuff with that), so Nicole gave us a little tour. She showed us where her school was, their gym, where they used to live, some wild peacocks in Cocoa Beach, and we ended up at the pier. The beach was pretty busy, even around 7! People were surfing and chilling on the beach, and their pier was full of restaurants, shops, and people. It’s pretty wild, that when you visit Florida, it’s almost like the pandemic doesn’t exist. Obviously it is still an issue, but you wouldn’t think so in Florida. Nicole led us down to the end of the pier, to a restaurant called Rikki Tiki Tavern. We sat at the bar top and all had a drink (my frozen mango madness was amazing!) and shared some coconut prawns! The view out there was amazing. We could almost even see launch pads for rockets, down the shore.
After our snack and drinks, we went down to the sand and water, for Catherine to put her feet in the Atlantic Ocean for the first time! Nicole showed us how she’s learnt to walk on her hands, then we called it a night. She drove us back to Rockledge and we got back around 9. Dang, we were all pretty tired! Catherine and I needed to get some rest, hahah. Nicole and Oscar had to get up early to go to work, so we all decided to go to bed. I called Mom after doing my bedtime routine, and it was nice to talk to her. I fell asleep pretty quickly, seeing how I only got three hours of sleep in the last day and a half. I was so happy to be in Florida, though! :]
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
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I plunked down a copy of this “Margaritaville” lot that I originally built for Longhollow, of all places, in GilsCarburg’s Twikkii Island, where I’ve been building the bitty beach houses. It fits in much better here than Longhollow, since the whole place is tiki-kitschy. *laugh* And it has no actual doors or windows on the lot, other than for the restrooms, so it’s completely open-air. It sits across the road from where the Maxis boardwalk lot was...because I decided to go ahead and demolish that and flatten the area to build something that’s more boardwalk-ish than the Maxis lot. Maybe something with a pier, I dunno.
Anyway, I put this down because I demolished the Twikkii Beach Hotel, which had the place’s only restaurant. This lot had a restaurant, so I didn’t have to build anything new. Plus, I thought the place needed a swimming pool somewhere, too. So, it kills two birds with one stone. And I think it needs more plants in front. :P
As I was placing the lot, I thought to myself, “I’ll have to figure out where I can put a pool square so the ocean across the street isn’t black!” Um, DERRRRRRRP! I am so stupid sometimes. *laugh*
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stephaniesrvtravels · 5 years
Morro Bay is quiet town, but I would not call it sleepy as there is plenty going on, just at a slower, quieter pace. And I am perfectly happy with this pace.  Mind you we recently visited in January, right after a cold spell. Morro Bay did not disappoint, it was 65 degrees and sunny the first day, and 70 and sunny the second day. I wish we could have stayed longer.
Morro Bay is not fancy, and its not pretentious. You won’t find a high end corporate hotel or resorts.  You will find many inexpensive small boutique hotels, regular lodges, motels and small rv resorts. Morro Bay is affordable for all.
There is so much inexpensive and FREE stuff to do that everyone will enjoy.
Walk or drive out to Morro Rock, a large volcano vent that sits right on the ocean’s edge.  There is plenty of free parking near Morro Rock or along the street. There is a walking trail that leads to Morro Rock and plenty of benches and clean bathrooms along the way.
Walk along the beach, and find lots of sand dollars.  You can access the beach from so many locations. You can walk along the pedestrian trail, or you can park at the base of Morro Rock and walk to Morro beach which is to the right of Morro Rock.
Play in the surf. Bring your towels, blankets, chairs or umbrellas and spend the day on the beach.
Watch the surfers.  There are a lot of surfers at Morro Beach, as the waves are just right. You can sit on one of the many benches or stay parked in your car.
Swing on the beach.  That’s right, there are swings facing the bay, a place where you can swing all of your cares away.
Find the hidden beach behind Morro Rock.  This is the first time we explored behind the rock. You cannot go around the rock but there is a jetty and a small beach at the end of the trail worth visiting.
Visit The Shell Shop. This shell shop is a classic and has been around since 1955.  They have the best collection of shells from around the world that I have ever seen. I cannot vouch for how sustainable their collection practices are, but that is for another blog.
Walk through the shops along the bay.  There are so many shops with all of the beachy collectibles you would expect to find in a tourist shopping area. There are art shops, sweet shops, and gift shops galore.
Visit the Skateboard Museum.  With over 200 skateboards dating back to the 30’s this museum is certain to stir childhood memories.
Take a Tiki Cruise or another cruise. We had so much fun on our Tiki Cruise around the bay.  Where else can you take a 40 minute boat ride for $10-$13 in California.  See the sea lions sunning themselves on the barge, watch the otters floating on their bats, enjoy the stunning views of the harbor and bay.  You also get a closer view of the large brown pelicans.
Have some world class clam chowder.  I have not tried them all, Harbor Hut is my favorite place for clam chowder.  I recently tried The American Fish Company and it was delicious and chalk full of clams.  I have heard great things about Giovanni’s Clam Chowder… that’s next on my list to try.  Need I say more.
Fine dine or casual dine. There is no shortage of excellent local dining locations all along the bay of Morro Bay.  I love the Harbor Hut, but had a delicious meal at the American Fish Company.  Carla’s Country Kitchen offers a hearty american breakfast.  Most restaurants have a fabulous view.  We watched mamma otters cuddle their young while we ate our dinner. Awe…
Fish. There is a dock you can fish off of for free or if you have a licence there is no shortage of places to drop your line in the water.   Don’t forget your pole.
Watch the otters and their pups.  Right next to the pier is a protected little inlet also known as an otter nursery.  There are plenty of mamma otters nursing their pups in this location.
Watch the sea lions.
Watch the large brown pelicans. 
Walk to the park in the marina featuring a pirate ship and a large octopus. 
Walk along the bay all the way to Morro Rock along the trail.
Visit the new maritime museum. 
 Stand Up Paddle Board or Kayak
Hike  There are a lot of hiking trails nearby.  Here is a list to enjoy from https://www.slohike.com/morro-bay
Where to stay… In a previous blog post, I created a list of places to stay if you are interested in visiting this incredible little town.  https://wordpress.com/post/stephaniestravelsdotblog.wordpress.com/1441
Thank you for joining us. Please be sure to follow my blog if you want to keep up with our upcoming adventures.  If you enjoyed this post, please like this post or like my page or follow my blog at Stephanie’s RV Travels.  Comments are welcome and enjoyed. If you have a favorite place to go, that you would like to share please share in comments or send me a message.
Follow me on facebook at facebook.com/stephaniesrvtravels
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    Previous Post written in October 2017.
Morro Bay, it’s so much more than a tranquil little beach town. Morro Bay is quiet town, but I would not call it sleepy as there is plenty going on, just at a slower, quieter pace.
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And on the third day... we rested.
Okay so it was actually the fourth day of our adventure, but this was Day 3 after blowing through two days of park hopping.
Today was about lazy. It was sleeping in for real. It was lunch as our first meal of the day with Kimmer’s cousin, Derek, driving up to chauffer us between our temporary castle, his home, and ponts inbetween. He actually joined us in the hotel restaurant to help finish off our lunch. Then we were out and about, driving  down the California coast to Huntington Beach where right off the bat we spotted classic cars on the road and high-end sports cars on that same road. We strolled the pier, taking in its sights and sounds, people both young and old fishing (and learning to fish), the sun, the seagulls, the surfers, the beach, the waves, the volleyball matches on courts laid out to either side of the pier, the string musicians putting on a show, the wind, the kites, that little shop where Kimmer picked up a new pair of sun glasses, the sound of old time jazz music from speakers mounted around that Ruby’s Diner at the end of the pier...
And so on.
Also, the sounds of cousins catching up.
Afterward, we crossed then crossed the streets to Fred's Mexican Cafe & Cantina up above. A little bit later, Linzy and Martin joined us for lunch. There, not only did we have the pleasure of some tasty food, we also got to experience the sounds and sights of a motorcycle cop chasing down and pulling over a pretty snazzy lookin’ sports car.
And then it was time to be on our way again. This time to Derek’s place where we met up with his son, Kyle, Kyle’s best friend, Dylan, and Dylan’s dad, Shane.
First thing on the evening’s agenda?
A Nerf War.
This time, though, instead of indoor chaos, we trecked down to a nearby field, established boundaries, called a start to the proceedings, at which point my teammates took off and ran away. Far, far away.
So yeah. That happened.
With darkness eventually descending, we declared the games over, returned to the homestead, and formulated the evening’s plan: Shane would take the boys to Whole Foods for dinner whilst Derek would drive the rest of us to Downtown Disney where Linzy had a little gift shopping to do at World of Disney.
So we get there and immediately split up, Linzy and Martin heading straight for the gift shopping whilst we amble over to Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen® Express for their latest batch of beignets.
Unfortunately they were closed... as was the restaurant next door. A pair of restaurants across the way, Salt & Straw and the dining room at Splitzville were both packed... with lines.
Yeah. The Universe had spoken.
It was time to go.
Which is right when Kimmer had this brilliant flash of memory. You see, one of the last times we were here, we ambled into the Disney Hotel complex out of curiosity, rounded the pool, and eventually came upon Trader Sam’s Enchanted Tiki Bar.
So with the crowds filling up (and lining up to) all the available eateries in Downtown Disney, we basically swam upstream to Trader Sam’s where we immediately scored some seats, a round of specialty drinks, a plate of appetizers... surrounded by blazing tiki torches, the outside bar and revelers, and a pair of musicians performing traditional hawaiian music along with one round of “Happy Birthday” to a lucky customer.
Linzy and Martin joined our refuge shortly after, then later Derek and Linzy ventured back to Downtown Disney in search of ice cream and parking validation.
Didn’t quite work out the way they thought... but they still scored the ice cream and the validation.
After that, Derek dropped us back at our hotel where the missus ‘n I settled in for the night with Phineas and Ferb on Disney+.
Not long after, our good night gave way to a series of explosions. Fireworks, of course. But close. Unexpectedly close.
So we go outside and, sure enough, there it is. Right. There.
The Magic Kingdom’s fireworks show from the back.
The show’s designed for the crowds on Main Street U.S.A.. Of course you can see it from all over Anaheim in every direction... but the audience is on Main Street, the fireworks are launching from behind and to either side of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle.
So yeah. We were seeing and hearing it all from behind. Closer, even.
And it.
The exclamation point at the end of our Vacation.
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realtybymonica · 2 years
Beautifully Remodeled 3BD 2BA Home For Sale in Galveston
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Beautifully remodeled & Fully Furnished 3/2 Canal-front home with quick access to Galveston Bay and Beach. This successful vacation rental known as Sea Isle Splendor features Open living/kitchen/dining area with tile flooring, high vaulted ceilings & exposed beams. Kitchen has stainless-steel Samsung & Bosch appliances, custom cabinetry, wide granite countertops with additional seating at breakfast bar, & wainscotting. Primary bedroom has private deck & all three bedrooms have Shaw engineered hardwood flooring. Exterior features include: wide canal frontage, Tiki Style Bar, outdoor shower, outdoor TV, boat slip, boat lift replaced (2018), decking & staircase replaced (2017.) AC/Heating (2016.), Roof (2015.) Sea Isle has as great amenities such as community pool, Marina, boat launch, tennis courts, park, lit fishing pier over the bay, & restaurant. Wetlands reserve across from home with incredible bird watching! This home is perfect for primary/second home living or investment!
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cruisesandcasas · 7 years
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We met at the Los Angeles airport to be greeted by a Paul Gauguin representative to guide us to our flight on Air Tahiti Nui.  Lisa tried to upgrade us to no avail so we snuggled in for the overnight to Tahiti.  Upon landing our luggage was already on our bus transportation to our resort and we received Tropical drinks.
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Our launch point for our French Polynesian vacation was a two night stay at the Intercontinental Tahiti Resort and Spa in Papeete with a lavish garden setting and a gorgeous turquoise lagoon. Our overwater bungalow was under construction so we settled into our panoramic view room. We started with breakfast in Le Tiare and spent most of our time lounging and swimming in the superb infinity pools set amid colorful indigenous plants and towering palms. The cocktails from Bar Tiki were delicious. 
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  We took a shuttle to visit Papeete
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 We experienced true island bliss with massages at the Deep Nature Spa by Algothermto.  Our journey with a free flowing sense of relaxation has begun.
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We ate dinner at Le Lotus and enjoyed an amazing Polynesian dance performance and the dinner was fantastic as well. 
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 We were impressed with the staff and service and very pleased we arranged the Pre-Cruise Program.
We boarded the ship early evening and needed to wait for additional passengers on a delayed flight (no man left behind!).  We settled into our balcony stateroom 702 where we had all sorts of yummy goodies waiting for us.  Our refrigerator was filled with our favorite beverages.  The crew already knew our favorite drink and always had one ready for us, They knew our names and even nicked named us "The Sisters"!
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La Orana Huahine
Known as the "Garden Island" for its lush rain forests and dramatic terrain.  After the life boat drill we shuttled to the pier and boarded "Le Truck", French Polynesia's famous local style bus. We had lunch at the local Huahine Yacht Club, purchased sarongs and danced to the island music.  One of the gorgeous Les Gauguin's dance instructors joined us for our excursion to shop in town. later that night we enjoyed a fancy dinner at L'Etoile and watched a beautiful sunset.
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    La Oran Taha'a (Motu Mahana)
This was a exciting island retreat.  A short tender (a boat) ride to what I call Gilligan's Island. It was a wet landing the boat didn't shore,even though it was fun, water shoes would be helpful.  We spent the whole day under the shade of swaying palms, snorkeling, swimming, canoeing, and eating barbecue with cocktails from a floating bar.  We ended with a relaxing overwater massage.
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    La Orana Bora Bora (2 nights)
 This was just breathtaking, by far the most beautiful water I have ever seen!  We experienced the unparalleled beauty of Bora Bora's lagoon on a speedy wave runner (which got the best of Lisa).  We saw spectacular overwater bungalows and yachts cruising in the turquoise water. We went to the iconic Bloody Mary's because we were parched and it did not disappoint. We shopped for pearls and purchased some souvenirs along the way.  We ended with a sunset cruise on an Outrigger Canoe inside the lagoon of Pearl of Pacific. We drank champagne, enjoyed hors d'oeuvres and listened to the ukulele watching the sun setting and catching the famous green flash, it was truly incredible.
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 La Orana Moorea - 2 nights
Craggy peaks, swaying palms, and pristine waters are the very picture of an island paradise.  Unfortunately we received inclement weather (I mean pouring) but that did not deter us!  My sis wanted to stay in an overwater bungalow for her birthday, so we left the ship and checked into the Intercontinental Moorea Resort & Spa for a night.  Upon arrival we were upgraded to a fabulous suite bungalow, with beautiful furniture, and the deck was bigger than my condo.  We spent the afternoon eating and drinking at the swim up pool bar.  We saw some fellow passengers that were enjoying their beach excursion.  They have a dolphin center on the property.  We were treated like royalty with the best seat in the Fare Nui restaurant for our eight course birthday dinner.  Lisa's favorite event was when we had breakfast delivered to our overwater bungalow in a outrigger canoe.  We checked out the spa and gift shop and headed back for our last night on the ship. 
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 Our last night on the cruise was bitter sweet.  Before dinner we utilized our final salon services.  We enjoyed our gourmet meal with our new friends (one who got married on the ship) and everyone agreed the service was exceptional and appreciated the longer port stays.  The Polynesian tradition of hospitality is A Cut Above The Rest !
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 La Orana Papeete
Our last stop before heading home was our dayroom at The Pearl, Tahiti. It was a nice way to end our Polynesian sister journey. Overall the ports were beautiful, the service was impeccable and I got to spend it with my beautiful sister I couldn't have asked for more unless I could change the weather it will be hard to top an island vacation like Tahiti!
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villachezshell · 5 years
Villa Chez Shell Anna Maria Island, FL-villachezshell.com
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Villa Chez Shell is a beautiful vacation rental house located in Holmes Beach on Anna Maria Island in Florida. The highlight of this renovated 3 bedroom and 3 full bathroom single family home is its tropical private backyard complete with an inviting heated pool and a soothing stone waterfall. The pool includes a swim-up Tiki table, and the whole area is surrounded by palm trees, lush tropical foliage with blossoming flowers and all the privacy you could wish for. You are sure to enjoy the serenity and privacy of this Anna Maria Island oasis! vacation rental house Anna Maria
If you are "tired" of relaxing by the pool or at one of the top beaches in the world, consider watching an amazing sunrise near the Anna Maria City Pier with views of the Sunshine Bridge in the distance. Be sure to end your day watching a breathtaking sunset at Bean Point, The Sandbar restaurant, Coquina Beach or at Manatee Beach while listening to live music. For the more adventurous, consider biking to nearby Longboat, hiking through Leffis Key or kayaking through the Robinson Preserve. Of course, you can also go fishing at one of the piers or on a boat from the historic fishing village in Cortez or a bit further from Siesta Key. And, shopaholics, rejoice – a short ride will take you to the boutiques at St. Armands Circle or Ellenton Premium Outlets.  
When you are hungry, the Island’s restaurants are award winning too - the Beach Bistro, Eat Here, the Waterfront, the Blue Marlin and so many more. The food is great and many of them are right on the beach or on the bay! palm villa anna maria island Website: https://www.villachezshell.com/
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vacationsoup · 5 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/10-great-beach-bars-grills-in-and-around-venice-florida/
10 Great Beach Bars & Grills in and around Venice Florida
Beach Bars - Tiki Bars - Grills - This is Florida!
Figure yourself sitting together with friends and family, having a cool drink and good food, leaning back, letting your eyes wandering over the water - this is true joy of life!
Venice Florida is a top destination for great beach bars, tiki bars and grills directly at the water. Let me present a few of my favorite locations from Englewood to Venice and Sarasota:
  Sharky’s on the Pier Venice
Sharky’s is a great award winning beach bar and restaurant directly at Venice Beach. With a wonderful breeze coming off the water, this is a fantastic place for a meal. They offer all sorts of drinks and great food. Enjoy the sunsets and have fun. The location is simply unbeatable.
Go to their website sharkysonthepier.com to inquire about hours, events and menu.
  Pop’s Sunset Grille Nokomis
Pop’s Sunset Grill in Nokomis is THE place to take your friends and family for a taste of Old Florida. It has become one of Western Florida’s favorite landmark over the past 30 years. Guests love the casual atmosphere and fresh local fare.
Have a Cesar’s Salad or some bay scallops while enjoying the beautiful Intracoastal Waterway and the fabulous natural wildlife. Sip a delicious cocktail with the scenic view of boats and ships sailing by. Mostly at weekends, they offer some of the best live local entertainment in the Venice and Nokomis area. Be sure to check the calendar!
Please visit the website for opening hours, events and menu: popssunsetgrill.net
  Dockside Waterfront Grill Venice
They offer casual waterfront dining & authentic Florida charm at Dockside Waterfront Grill. Enjoy sitting under Tiki Huts directly at the dock and admiring colorful sunsets.
For info and menu, please visit their website geckosgrill.com. For promotions and offers also see their facebook site.
  Casey Key Fish House & Tiki Bar Osprey
Casey Key Fish House in Osprey, FL, is an “Old Florida” waterfront restaurant with excellent food and a laid back casual atmosphere. The dining room is over the bay and EVERY seat has a view of the water! At sunset, even the local birds flock to the docks as they scramble for the scraps of the night’s leftovers.
Their great food is moderately priced. With 200 feet of deep water dockage, you can get to the restaurant by car or boat (Dockage Marker 32). Also, if you’re on the adventurous side, there are on-site rentals for jet skis, paddle boards, kayaks, fishing charters, and boat rentals too!
Read more at their website caseykeyfishhouse.com
  O’Leary’s Tiki Bar and Grill Sarasota
Imaging yourself sitting with your toes in the sand, sipping on an ice cold and delicious cocktail, watching the sun reflecting on the water and feeling a breeze that is pushing through the palm trees – wouldn’t that be a perfect moment?
O’Leary’s Tiki Bar and Grill offers decently priced drinks and tasty food combined with that laid back vibe.
For more info please go to their website olearystikibar.com.
  Lido Key Tiki Bar Sarasota
This place is truly a slice of paradise! The Lido Key Tiki Bar is located directly on the beach behind The Ritz-Carlton Beach Club – you can’t beat the views, the cool white sand, the relaxed atmosphere. The rustic décor has its unique charm.
They serve amazing cocktails and delicious food together with an excellent service. Don’t miss their popular fish sandwich, it is simply irresistible.
Please see their website ritzcarlton.com.
  Lido Beach Resort Tiki Bar Sarasota
A favorite among locals, the resort's Tiki Bar, which is open to the public, is the perfect place to meet new friends, mingle over tropical cocktails and enjoy southwest Florida's breathtaking sunsets. While relaxing at the Gulf front bar, choose from a tempting menu of satisfying sandwiches, salads and appetizers along with tropical libations that perfectly complement the beachfront surroundings. Don’t miss their Happy Hour specials!
More on their website lidobeachresort.com
  White Elephant Englewood
How about bringing your boat to the deepwater harbor? Of course you can also arrive by car and enjoy great food and drinks. The 'Old Florida' style structure was originally as a resort, and now houses the popular cold drinks and delicious food spot on Chadwick's Cove. The idyllic location with the public beach across the highway and the marina at the bay make it a favorite eating-place, with fantastic entertainment a regular feature!
Please visit the website whiteelephantpub.com
  SandBar Tiki&Grille Englewood
This is a perfect place to eat and drink after a day on the beach or shopping in Port Charlotte. Some say they are serving the best food on the key. And there always seems to be someone singing or playing music for entertainment, so bring some time to enjoy – The place to be on Manasota Key!
See their website sandbartikigrille.com.
  Lock’nKey Englewood
They serve great food at great prices and have great entertainment several nights a week. Soak up gorgeous sunsets or come for lunch and glory in the warmth of Florida. Every entree is a “Specialty of the House.” All menu items are made fresh from the finest available sources and prepared with loving care – just steps from Englewood Beach.
See their website lockandkeyrestaurant.com
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placestostayflorida · 5 years
Anna Maria Island Market
Beach resort anna maria island
Anna maria island turtle watch
8:30am – 2pm
Theme featuring designs
Including original whimsical
Anna Maria Island 7 Bedroom Rental Stunning, extravagant, elegant, recently constructed luxury anna maria Island eight (8) bedroom rental home with 7.5 bathrooms! This upscale vacation rental boasts a heated pool with a spa, covered lanai, rooftop deck with hot tub, Foosball, and Ping Pong tables but best of all this home is only a three-minute walk from our world-class beaches. Anna Maria Island 1 Bedroom Rentals Experienced vacation rental … Anna Maria Island for the past two decades, the Buchans are well invested in the tourism economy. Two years ago, they remodeled the former Sandy Toes resort on 26th St. … Anna Maria Island Umbrella beach resort anna maria island july 4 2018 Another sea turtle that has laid her eggs
Beach Farmers Market on Anna Maria Anna Maria Island is the perfect getaway for the Holidays for your entire family because of the weather, the proximity to so many things to do, and the lush, tropical landscape that surrounds you during all your fun, Holiday festivities.
The Coquina Beach Market on Anna Maria Island takes place from 10-4 every Sunday, November through July.The market is a great place to find island treasures, From fresh produce, arts and crafts, to jewelry and apparel and everything in between!
Anna Maria Island Umbrella Beach Resort Anna Maria Island July 4 2018 Another sea turtle that has laid her eggs beneath a Holmes Beach bench has anna maria island turtle watch volunteers frustrated. suzi bradenton beach rentals Fox, the group’s executive director, said beachgoers who were in … Anna Maria Island, sometimes called Anna Maria Key, is a barrier island on the coast of
ANNA MARIA ISLAND, Fla., Feb. 01, 2019 /PRNewswire-PRWeb/ — On January 7, 2019, RVA, Resort Vacation Accommodations closed on an asset purchase of the management contracts of Edgewater Vacation Homes …
This year, however, that might not be the case on Anna Maria Island — at least not just yet … who runs Really Nice Tikis under a tent at the Beach Market at Coquina Beach. Ray Bates, who drives the …
Come support Siesta Key businesses—which have struggled due to the red tide outbreak this year—and enjoy food and drink specials at Key restaurants, plus a free trolley to from Morton’s Market, from 5 …
Anna Maria Island July 4 2018 Another sea turtle that has laid her eggs beneath a Holmes Beach bench has Anna Maria Island Turtle Watch volunteers frustrated. Suzi Fox, the group’s executive director, said beachgoers who were in … Anna Maria Island, sometimes called Anna Maria Key, is a barrier island on the coast of Manatee County, Florida, in the United
Every Tuesday (excluding December 25, 2018 and January 1, 2019) through May 14 th the City of Anna Maria is hosting a farmer’s market at City Pier Park at the corner of Pine Avenue and South Bay Blvd. Southwest Florida produce will be available along with herbs, plants, flowers, baked goods & much more! Market hours are 8:30am – 2pm.
Anna Maria Island Market specializes in distinctive artistic merchandise with an island theme featuring designs by Mari Zevin including original whimsical cartoons. Mari Zevin – Art and Original Cartoon Designs and Ideas, Prints, Commissions, lighting, light switch panels, stationery, t-shirts, jewlery, lampshades, Anna Maria Island, Gulf of …
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Directions to the Market From Bradenton: Go west on Manatee Ave. to Anna Maria Island. At the first traffic light turn left, this will be East Bay Dr. Proceed south through the next traffic light, East Bay Dr. becomes Gulf Dr. Continue south on Gulf Dr. through Bradenton Beach.
Coconut Cottage 4 Anna Maria Island 35 rows  · COCONUT COTTAGE – Anna Maria Island Accommodations Gorgeous 3 bedroom/2.5 bath home, only a couple of blocks to the beach! There is a king in the master with a flat screen TV, a king in the second, and a twin trundle in the third bedroom. MANATEE COUNTY — A developer received the Manatee
The post Anna Maria Island Market appeared first on CSITND Travel Blog.
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Arriving in Den Haag (The Hague) was a stark contrast to the manic, tourist-driven bustle of Amsterdam. It was like Amsterdam took an Ambien and red wine-induced nap. Walking out of the train station, what struck me first is the corridor of hip, trendy lunch places, clearly geared toward the local, organic, healthful young professional, which was kind of the opposite of the Amsterdam tourist center's offerings. The next thing I noticed were the splashes of primary color in that signature Mondrian style everywhere -- in the train station, on buildings, etc. It is clear that they're extremely proud of the famous 20th century painter. After checking in at the hostel, I went out for some lunch at the nearby Grote Markt, an outdoor plaza with tables, flanked by a half a dozen restaurants on each side. After my food choices in Amsterdam, I was craving something healthy. de Boterwaag, the restaurant I picked, delivered with an insanely good chicken sandwich. Grote Markt was breezy, but bathed in sunlight and relatively lively as one would expect on a Sunday afternoon. Aside from the delicious food, I was able to try a couple new local beers, Brand (a pilsner) and Affigem (a dubbel) and enjoy being outside in the sun. I spent the rest of the afternoon exploring some of the notable attractions nearby, including the Binnenhof, a massive government structure that surrounds an enormous courtyard. It was wonderful walking around the pedestrian-centric paths through the city, dotted with shops, restaurants, and bars. Even the heavily commercial, upscale retail areas felt nicer than usual, since you weren't trying to dodge cars walking through them. That evening, I checked out a tiny Italian restaurant, Sapore, recommended by the hostel-provided map, of all things. Their homemade tagliatelli with pesto made for an amazing second meal of the day. After dinner, I checked out a couple local watering holes, also recommended by the map. De Oude Mol (The Old Mole) was a fantastic, oddly decorated spot which locals clearly favored. Huppel the Pub was a beer and whiskey bar with an impressive selection on both counts. Even my hostel bar, De Gekke Geit (The Crazy Goat), was pretty awesome, with a talented live band greeting me upon my return and a pretty solid house beer (along with the absurd "Lekker Blonje" which translates approximately into "Yummy Blonde" and featured a nude woman's top on the tap handle.) The next day, I wandered up the road to the Peace Palace, my main reason for going to The Hague. For the uninitiated, that's the location where the International Court of Justice, a prominent United Nations body, meets. My plans to go to the Gemeentemuseum were stymied by the European standard of closing museums on Mondays, but I headed to Madurodam instead. Madurodam is an amusement park, primarily targeted at children, that showcases an impressive collection of 1:25 scale models of famous Dutch attractions, locations, and industrial centers. The model of Schipol Airport is particularly impressive. My favorite part of the entire display was the fact that they featured not only a coffeeshop (the marijuana variety) but also a small piece of the Red Light District in the Amsterdam section. Love it. After Madurodam, I went to Scheveningen Beach, which was super nice. The boardwalk was filled with "beach club"-style restaurants and there was an enclosed, elevated pier that stretched out above the ocean, offering great views of the coast and various retail/dining options. Unfortunately, the weather sucked -- it was insanely windy, so my attempt to sit on the beach was cut short, in part because I didn't want to sit there much longer with my face wrapped in a microfiber towel to keep sand out of my eyes. I returned to Grote Markt later that evening for a bite at Hoender en Hop (Chicken and Hop). The piri piri oil chicken was outrageously good, and made even better with apple sauce and homemade Belgian-style fries on the side. The Hertog Jan pilsner I had was easily the best pilsner I have had since arriving in The Netherlands. I ended the night with a pretty respectable tiki-themed cocktail at Tikibar Vavoom, another place I'd recommend. My trip concluded the following morning with a trip to Gemeentemuseum to see the largest Mondrian collection in the world, including Victory Boogie Woogie, his final, unfinished painting. The museum did a good job of showing the progression of his work and helping you understand the man behind the paintings. Evidently Mondrian appreciated his fine clothing and a frequent night out on the town. I can get behind that idea. Overall, The Hague was a bit of a surprise. I really didn't visit it expecting much. I wanted to see the Peace Palace, and I knew there was a beach, but other than that, I figured it would be boring. I only saw a few spots, but I was pleasantly surprised and I very much enjoyed the experience of being there.
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Houses For Sale in Panama City Beach, FL
1509 Tin Cup Ct #202, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $269900
Welcome Home! Gorgeous 3 Bedroom 2 Bath Condo in the Highly Regarded Wild Heron Subdivision. Open Floor Plan, Hardwood Floors, 10 Foot Ceilings with Crown Molding, New Kitchen Appliances, New Granite & Upgrades Throughout. Tranquil Pond View From The Heated & Cooled Sunroom. Lake Powell Access For Fishing, Jet Skiing & Boating. Golf Memberships Are Available At Shark’s Tooth Private Golf Club. Wild Heron Homeowners Can Enjoy Using The Kayaks & Canoes From The Boathouse To Explore Lake Powell. Other Amenities Include A Private Neighborhood Pool and Main Community Pool with Tot Pool & Hot Tub, State-Of-The-Art Fitness Center, Playground, Tennis Courts & Fire Pit Located By the Lake’s Edge.
6218 Pinetree Ave, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $239000
Investment property and cash flow opportunity- 3 rental units. This triplex is walking distance to the beach and Grand Lagoon. There are 2- two bedroom/one bath units and a one bedroom/one bath unit. They have all tile floors, the two bedroom units have a spacious kitchen/dining area open to the living area and 2 good sized bedrooms. The one bedroom one bath also has a spacious living area and good sized bedroom. Each unit has its own patio area- room for outdoor dining and a garden. Just minutes from restaurants, shopping, golf courses, marinas and more. There is also a utility room wi th washer and dryer hookups. All info is approx and must be verified by Buyers if important.
3726 Tiki Dr, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $279900
This 4 Bedroom 2.5 Bath Hidden Lagoon home with a 10 yr warranty has plenty of space with 2,433 Sq Ft. In a prime Location. Hidden Lagoon subdivision is tucked away on dead end street off North Lagoon close to restaurants, entertainment & grocery, and is near the Naval Base and Beach. Amazing Kitchen with nice added touches like soft close drawers and functional drawers under the sink. Home was built in 2015 with new stainless appliances, wood floors. Elegant touches in the Master Suite. Each of the upstairs Bedrooms are a great size with a Full Bath w/ double vanity. Laundry Room locat ed upstairs. Has a Large 2 Car Garage, sprinkler and security systems, & Inside Storage to fit all of your things. LOW HOA with community pool, clubhouse & BBQ Grill area. Lowest sq ft price in subdivision.
22325 Palmcrest Dr, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $99000
Palmcrest Drive on the coveted west end of Panama City Beach, seclusion and silence surround the property with less than a mile to Lake Powell, less than a mile to the Gulf of Mexico and 6.5 miles to Pier Park. Also located close by are two grocery stores and several restaurants and a golf cart drive would suffice to get there. The home features three bedrooms and two full baths with a full kitchen. The exterior presents a fenced in yard, covered porch with a generous garage and carport! Come visit the west end today!
17620 Front Beach Rd #K2, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $124900
2 Bedroom/2 Bath townhouse style condo in quiet location in Portside. Complex is on desirable west end of Panama City Beach and close to Pier Park. Unit offers a private back patio with access to patio off living area and a private balcony off upstairs master bedroom. This 16 acre tropical complex is located across the street from beach! Amenities include 3 pools, one heated, 3 tennis courts, hot tub, club house and Polynesian Style Hut. All information is taken from public records, please verify if important to buyers.
8127 Random Rd, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $125000
Cute Florida cottage on 1/2 acre spacious country lot. Metal roof, brick exterior. Nice carport and storage/laundry room. Kitchen, dining and living room, 3 bedrooms. Lots of big oaks and beautiful azalea bushes adorn the yard. Home is clean, lots of room for enjoying the great outdoors and you can put your boat in the intracoastal right there at the ramp at the bridge. One year Old Republic Home Warranty provided by seller. Zoning is R-2 Duplex/Manufactured Housing. Future land use maps show WBC West Bay Center Sector Plan.
99 Grande Pointe Cir #39, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $359900
Look no further, this is one the fastest growing areas outside of 30a. Grande Pointe at Inlet Beach is a intimate community located in the highly desirable area of South Walton. Only minutes away from the sought after beaches of the Emerald Coast and the prime location of the community provides access to a variety of outdoor activities at Lake Powell and Camp Helen. Additionally, with its convenient access to both HWY 98 and 30-A, local shopping, restaurants, and attractions for the whole family are only a short drive away! Pictures may be of similar, but not necessarily of subject prop erty, including exterior and interior colors.
143 Sandollar Dr, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $160000
This 3bed/3ba Cedar sided contemporary home is on a huge lot in a quiet location at the end of a culdesac in Grand Lagoon Shores! Detached garage with attic storage. Open floor plan with very unique center walk-around fireplace between kitchen and living room. Skylights and vaulted ceilings give a very open and bright feel. French doors from living room and master overlooking the huge patio and back yard Patio has been wired to accommodate a hot tub. Absolutely huge fenced back yard with double wide gate for vehicle or boat storage access. Sprinkler system run from well. You are central y located on the beach, with shoping, restaurants, entertainment and nightlife just a stone throw away. Walmart is just around the coner. The beautiful white sand beachs are a 2 minute drive.
8700 Front Beach Rd #2308, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $149000
Welcome to Island Reserve! This great 1588sqft, 1bedroom 2 bath condo has 2 balconies overlooking the lovely landscaped courtyards. Island Reserve amenities include a fabulous Tropical in ground pool with a waterfall, indoor basketball court, fitness center and owners lounge. Nice bamboo flooring in living/dining area, 10’ceilings, stainless steel kitchen appliances, crown molding, granite counter tops, tile in kitchen & baths. Extra large storage room could be used as an office,etc. Master bedroom has a large walk in closet. Call today!All sizes approximate.
107 Grande Pointe Cir #41, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $359900
Look no further, this is one the fastest growing areas outside of 30a. Grande Pointe at Inlet Beach is a intimate community located in the highly desirable area of South Walton. Only minutes away from the sought after beaches of the Emerald Coast and the prime location of the community provides access to a variety of outdoor activities at Lake Powell and Camp Helen. Additionally, with its convenient access to both HWY 98 and 30-A, local shopping, restaurants, and attractions for the whole family are only a short drive away! Pictures may be of similar, but not necessarily of subject prop erty, including exterior and interior colors.
2522 Shady Oak Ct, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $109900
Nice open double wide mobile home, Split floor plan, freshly painted interior, new carpet. Eat in kitchen with stainless side by side refrigerator and stove. Large great room with builtins and seperate dining are just off the kitchen and living room.Roof is approximately 5 years old and AC is a little over 1 year old.Easy to show call for an appt today.
8700 Front Beach Rd #10106, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $239900
Enjoy all the beauty and relaxation offered by the upscale Island Reserve community! No more yard work and exterior upkeep of your home! This lovely,spacious, 2200 sq.ft.,two story home with 10 ft. ceilings features 20X18 living room with wet bar for entertaining that is open to dining/kitchen area. Kitchen has a huge walk-in pantry, island, granite counter tops, stainless appliances and custom cabinetry. First floor half bath provides convenience for guests. Large master suite features it’s own balcony. The spa-like master bath has a deep, relaxing soaking tub, spacious walk-in shower, double vanity with granite counter top and custom cabinetry with tons of storage space as well as a huge walk-in closet. The two
137 Park Pl, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $183500
Exceptional One Story, End Unit "Cabana" Model 2 Br/2Ba, Maintenance Free Town Home In Beautiful Palmetto Trace. One of the few townhome Units that Has An Insulated Florida Room And A Separate Dining Area. Approx 19' Foot Pergo Floored, Eat-In Kitchen With Beautiful Lighting, all new appliances and Granite Island with storage and seating. Tiled Back Splashes, And Breakfast Bar. Kitchen Also Has Double Pantries. Master Bedroom Has Pergo Floors And His And Her Closets. Both Full Baths, Dining Room, Living Room, And Florida Room Have 16" Tiles And Both Bath Tub Sur rounds Have Tile Accents. Orange Peel Textured Walls In Designer Colors. New Hot Water Tank. Beautifully Landscaped And Private Rear Yard With Retaining Wall That Backs Up To Undevelopable Nature Preserve. Irrigation System With Water Provided By The Association. 11X23 One Car Garage That Easily Accommodates Most Vehicles. There Is A New Buyer Fee of .05% of purchase price Measurements Are Approximate. Please Verify/Measurements For Accuracy.
103 E Lakeshore Dr, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $695000
Brand new, fully furnished beach house that is turnkey ready to become a vacation rental. Fantastic unobstructed Gulf views. This home was custom designed and decorated. Between the Carousel Supermarket and Thomas Donuts. Walk across Front Beach Rd to access the private Laguna Beach. Great Gulf views from all over the home. Large maintenance free Trex deck, gas range, gas tankless water heater, security system, 3 balconies, 4 bedrooms, 3.5 bathrooms, sleeps 11.
3810 Long John Dr, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $149900
So close to the beach, you can hear the waves. This is a great opportunity to own a 2 bedroom beach cottage, less than 4 blocks to the beach. This home has an open-concept floorplan that gives it a much larger feel. The lot is .17 Acre, plenty of room for toys and beach gear. It is centrally located on the Historic East end of Panama City Beach, only 3 blocks to Marinas, fishing and boat launch. Currently rented at 895.00 per month, if you are looking for a great investment opportunity. (All info including SF, dimensions, schools, etc is approx. Buyer to verify any info that is important.)
375 Wahoo Rd, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $379900
Here you have a one level low maintenance home on 102 foot canal lot, priced extremely well in the Bay Point Subd. As soon as you walk through the front entrance which is hand carved doors from Honduras, into the foyer you look out unto the water. This is a 3br/2.5ba 2300+ sq ft home with the master bedroom and great room both opening up to a large deck area that flows onto your boat deck. These three separate decks on the waterside provide plenty of entertainment area for family and friends. Owner has turned one of the three bedrooms into an office with built in shelves and dental mold to give it a business look. There is a wet bar in the foyer adjacent to the large great room with its cathedral ceilings and large fireplace area. Plenty of room for everyone during the Holidays with an
8730 S Thomas 1302 Dr #1302, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $69900
Plaza’s of St Thomas is a Gated Subdivison right on Grand Lagoon and across the street from the beach! Great location for a vacation home or short termrental. All the conveniences of Thomas Dr. are at your fingertips with its restaurants and shops. And this complex is abounding with amenitiesincluding community pool, tennis courts, retail shops, boat dock with deep water access, pet walk, fishing, BBQ grill, community room, shuffleboard,and much more! Furnishings are negotiable This one want last long.
22232 Overlook Dr, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $124900
Awesome opportunity to live close to the beach and Lake Powell. This home has many wonderful features such as has a split bedroom plan,open living -dining area and has a brilliant location. This well cared for double wide mobile home is on a large lot 100×128 with plenty of room for all of the water toys and comes with a large fenced in back yard. You will be only a few minutes to the Beach, lake,Pier Park,Carillon Beach and 30A.This is a great investment piece for under 125,000.Check it out before it is too late.
124 Bid A Wee Ln, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $149500
This one of a kind building lot, that has just been cleared, located in the sought out Bid-A-Wee area! This is a quiet cul-de-sac extremely close to the beach! All utilities are underground.
403 Geneva Ave, Panama City Beach, FL
Price: $90000
from http://www.theochomesearch.com/houses-for-sale-in-panama-city-beach-fl/
0 notes
woodworkinghere1 · 4 years
Up to date Ocean Isle Seaside Information
Breaking News Today -
Good morning, mates!! I wished to share an *up to date* Ocean Isle Seaside Journey Information at the moment (together with all of the outfits I wore whereas I used to be there). My household has been visiting Ocean Isle since earlier than I used to be born – so I’ve actually been going there each summer season my whole life! It appears like my second house – and it’s one of many solely locations on the planet the place I’m actually in a position to chill out. I’ve such good reminiscences from our summers there rising up, that it appears like such a secure, comfortable place after I’m there.
I additionally wished to notice that I’m not encouraging anybody to journey proper now resulting from COVID. Nevertheless, if you have already got a visit to OIB deliberate, otherwise you need to journey there subsequent summer season, I hope the following tips will assist you to out!
pom pom gown, additionally is available in purple and white
Brixton straw hat // Rayban sun shades // “Discuss to the Palm” T-shirt // AGOLDE Parker denim shorts
Brixton straw hat // Amazon coronary heart necklace // striped one piece swimsuit
Brixton straw hat // Amazon swimsuit (these are oranges!) // AGOLDE Parker denim shorts // related straw bag
Crimson Costume Boutique white eyelet gown // Cella Jane store headband // Amazon coronary heart necklace
The place to Keep
A RENTAL! My household all the time rented a home for per week each summer season. We rented by a number of completely different firms all through the years: Sloane, Cooke and McClure are the perfect. You must also take a look at VRBO! Chris and I personal a seashore condominium and we do lease it out by VRBO, nonetheless it’s not in the marketplace this summer season resulting from renovations (I’ll you should definitely share the hyperlink with you guys subsequent yr!).
A HOTEL: In a pinch (or if there aren’t any leases out there), then take into account reserving a room at one of many two oceanfront inns, The Ocean Isle Inn and the The Islander Inn. They’re proper beside one another and very related, and situated proper subsequent to the pier in a simple and handy location. The one draw back is that, like a typical resort, the rooms are fairly small. However they do provide a buffet breakfast each morning, and boast a pool and sizzling tub!
The place to Eat
59 CAUSEWAY: Our new favourite breakfast place in Ocean Isle! 59 Causeway is situated proper alongside the canal with a tremendous view and affords all kinds of bagels, cream cheeses and breakfast choices like cinnamon buns and donuts. We picked up bacon, egg and cheese bagels FOUR instances whereas we had been there final week – they’re among the greatest bagels I’ve EVER had!! In addition they devoted a whole part of the restaurant to a “espresso bar,” and provide a number of completely different espresso and espresso drinks, in addition to wholesome smoothies. Plus the ambiance is tremendous cheerful and beachy.
BREAKERS PIZZA AND GRILL: At the very least as soon as per go to we head over to Breaker’s for some mouth-watering sizzling canine and french fries. (We attempt to restrict our journeys because it’s not very wholesome – BUT SO GOOD!) Breaker’s additionally has a bunch of various Hershey’s ice cream flavors, and I personally love thier banana splits. Situated subsequent to the pier, Breaker’s additionally has an arcade within the again and a surf store situated upstairs.
DRIFT COFFEE & KITCHEN: We looove Drift Espresso for each breakfast and lunch! They’ve wonderful avocado toast (known as an “Avocado Smash”) and a Market Breakfast Bowl that’s tremendous wholesome and scrumptious with egg, avocado, candy potato, greens, quinoa, child tomatoes. Plus their espresso is AMAZING. It’s good to both stroll or experience your bike right here for breakfast!
THE PURPLE ONION: This can be a native secret that we found a few years in the past The Purple Onion serves wonderful pastries and conventional breakfast objects, in addition to burgers, sandwiches, salads and soups for lunch. My favourite is the Purple Onion Cafe Salad with a facet of candy potato fries! For those who go right here for lunch you HAVE to order a slice of cake. Take a look at the “cake fridge” whenever you stroll within the door – there are tons of various sorts, all mouthwatering.
OIB SURF AND JAVA: Situated throughout the bridge, OIB Surf and Java is well worth the drive in case you are a real coffee-lover. Half surf store and half espresso store, they provide nearly each espresso drink possible (critically, simply check out their menu), in addition to baked items like their well-known monkey bread. And the HUGE plus is that they’ve a drive-through, so that you by no means even have to go away your automobile in the event you don’t need to.
BOUNDARY HOUSE: This is among the nicer restaurant close to Ocean Isle Seaside… its a bit pricier than the encompassing eating places however 100% value it! It’s sooo good – they serve buttery recent honey croissants with each facet salad and people are all the time my favourite a part of the complete meal! They’ve wonderful appetizers, seafood and my dad says their steak is phenomenal!
CAPTAIN JOHN’S SEAFOOD HOUSE: Captain John’s is my household’s favourite place in Calabash for fried seafood! My dad and mom and brother all the time get the seafood platter with deviled crab (I normally get a salad topped with coconut shrimp). You need to eat right here in the event you like seafood – then cease at Callahan’s subsequent door to buy groceries – they’ve a HUGE number of trinkets, jewellery, decor and items. Even in the event you don’t purchase something, it’s a lot enjoyable to peruse!
INLET VIEWBAR & GRILL: We love this place as a result of it has nice meals and it’s dog-friendly! Chris and I like taking Winnie, sitting on their outside patio and eating whereas looking over the water. I all the time get the mahi mahi with a baked potato on the facet as a result of it’s mmmm good!
MARIA’S PIZZERIA: We bought takeout a number of instances from Maria’s final week (we simply found it, due to some mates of ours!). Their actual specialty is the “Maria’s” pizza – I might eat the entire dang factor on my own!!
OCEAN ISLE FISH COMPANY: Often known as OIFC, Ocean Isle Fish Firm is a good place to seize a drink earlier than dinner. They’ve a Tiki Bar situated on the highest with superior views of the sound! My mother and I all the time order enjoyable drinks in a coconut. We additionally love their retailer – they promote a bunch of cute T-shirts, children toys and have a big number of Yeti cups. For those who keep for dinner, we expect their meals is simply “okay” however we love the ambiance and it does have an superior view!
OYSTER ROCK: I really haven’t been right here however all of my mates RAVE about Oyster Rock. It’s a brand new restaurant situated proper on the water in Calabash and serving up inventive cocktails and all kinds of dishes, from seafood to pasta. Their menu seems to be actually mouthwatering and we’ll for-sure be stopping by on our subsequent go to!
PROVISION CO.: This restaurant is definitely situated in Holden Seaside, however we drive in yearly for his or her wonderful meals! This was my favourite place for hamburgers and cheeseburgers in the complete world. Attempt their onion rings – they’re OMG so good.
SHARKY’S: Sharky’s has been an Ocean Isle Seaside staple for greater than 30 years! Tucked beneath the Ocean Isle Seaside bridge, the restaurant has a big indoor eating space in addition to outside eating that overlooks OIB’s lovely waterfront views. My household loves any of their seafood, and their pizza as effectively! The Tropical Shrimp Salad is BOMB, and I all the time order it with a beer adopted by a slice of key lime pie.
What To Do
THE BEACH: The obvious factor: benefit from the seashore! The seashore at Ocean Isle is very nice, we deliver our personal chairs and umbrella and arrange camp for hours at a time. Typically we pack lunch in a cooler, different instances we’ll head again to the home for an hour to eat and take a break from the solar. Our journeys all the time contain getting as a lot seashore time as potential!
BIKE RIDE: Bikes are very easy to lease in Ocean Isle, and you may experience everywhere in the island wanting on the fairly homes! We wish to experience our bikes to Drift Espresso within the morning for breakfast.
PUTT PUTT: There’s a cute little putt putt place proper subsequent to the pier in Ocean Isle (you possibly can’t miss it – you will notice it in your left whenever you drive onto the island!). Our household loves pleasant competitors, we all the time play no less than as soon as throughout our week on the seashore.
YOGA: Yoga on the seashore is the proper method to get up within the morning (together with the dawn). It’s $10 per class, and you may see the schedule right here. You don’t even want a yoga mat, simply deliver your seashore towel and also you’re good to go.
FARMER’S MARKET: There’s a extremely cool little Farmer’s Market that units up store subsequent to the Museum of Coastal Carolina each Tuesday beginning at 9 a.m. in the course of the summertime. Though they don’t have a lot produce, they do have a ton of native paintings, pure soaps, honeys and jams, and even some cute seashore towels and seashore baggage. (Notice: this may be on pause this summer season resulting from COVID.)
CONCERTS & OUTDOOR MOVIES: For those who’re into music, you might be in luck! OIB affords FREE live shows each Friday night time from 6:30 to eight p.m. All live shows happen within the lot subsequent to the Museum of Coastal Carolina on the island. Carry a seashore chair and your individual drinks and prepare to benefit from the music (and do some dancing!). For teenagers, OIB additionally has free outside film nights each Wednesday in the identical lot. You’ll be able to test the film schedule right here. (Notice: this may be on pause this summer season resulting from COVID.)
What To Pack
A lot of the eating places in Ocean Isle are fairly informal, however my mother and I like to decorate up so we normally put on attire and wedges to dinner each night time. You definitely don’t have to try this, although – we’re normally the dressiest ones there! For a visit to Ocean Isle, you’ll undoubtedly have to pack a number of bathing fits and cover-ups, in addition to a seashore bag, towels and sunscreen. For journeys to Drift Espresso and bike rides across the island, pack a cute tee and a few denim shorts. A pair of good sandals can also be a should!
Let me know in the event you’ve ever been to Ocean Isle and when you have any favorites! I’d additionally like to know in the event you’re planning a visit there sooner or later – it’s my favourite seashore of all time, in spite of everything
The post Up to date Ocean Isle Seaside Information appeared first on Breaking News Today.
source https://daily247.net/updated-ocean-isle-beach-guide/
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