#thunderbolt for main theme
cleopheanne · 5 months
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Vishakha, the star of purpose thus of dedication.
Vishaka translated from sanskrit means "the poison vessel", "forked" or "two-branched". Vishakha is "the power to achieve many fruits in life" this nakshatra is like pushya directed towards agriculture but I wanted to describe it's relation with fire in this moodboard.
The main deities are Indra and Agni who associate Vishakha with fire (Agni) and dedication and passion (Indra), Vishakha embodies the fire of dedication, it represents fixation. Indra is the one who create thunderbolt and thunderbolt create fire. The "poison vessel" refers also to the ability of fire to destroy indiscrimately and the "forked" refers to the duality of this nakshatra which is ruled by two deities also lies between two rashies: libra and scorpio, the separation of two individuals (I will elaborate on that later)
Devotion is also a proeminent theme of Vishakha: the burning passion that pushes an individual towards the achievement of his goal, not only that but also the burning passion between two individuals.
Vishakha is associated with Hestia, the goddess of the olympian fire who was charged by Zeus (thunder god and her boss) to keep the fire alive.
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sambuckylibrary · 7 months
TFATWS Anniversary Event 2024
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The @sambuckylibrary will be holding a The Falcon and the Winter Soldier Anniversary Event! The event will start on March 18th and run until April 28th. During that time, we will be reblogging and sharing the work you guys create here on our blog.
This event is not just for the creators, but for the commenters. You can post fanfiction, art, moodboards, edits, podfics, fic list recs, comments, etc. It’ll be a low-stakes event. No need to sign up. Just remember to tag @sambuckylibary in your post for each fill, and we will be tracking #tfatwsanniversary2024 for reblogs.
If you are posting on AO3, please add it toTFATWS Anniversary Event 2024 Collection.
Each week will have a different theme with prompts from Monday to Friday. Each prompt will also come with a badge you may use for it when you post. The weekly themes and their prompts will be:
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For the text version of the information above as well as the FAQ and rules, check the information under “keep reading”.
MONDAY: “I don’t think he’s the kind you save.”
TUESDAY: Sam Searches for Bucky
WEDNESDAY: “Can you move your seat up?”
THURSDAY: Team Up at the Airport
FRIDAY: On the Run
MONDAY: Laying Low
TUESDAY: Reunite in Wakanda
THURSDAY: Victory Party
FRIDAY: 6 Months of Ghosting
WEEK 3 (April 1 - 7): The Falcon and the Winter Soldier
MONDAY: Couple's Therapy
TUESDAY: “Let me just walk you through a hypothetical.”
WEDNESDAY: Madripoor
THURSDAY: “You’re just gonna set me up like that, huh?”
FRIDAY: The Cookout
WEEK 4 (April 8 - 14): Post-TFATWS
MONDAY: Meanwhile, on the Boat...
TUESDAY: Divorce Arc
THURSDAY: Better Thunderbolts Ideas
FRIDAY: Better Captain America 4 Ideas
WEEK 5 (April 15 - 21): AU Week
MONDAY: No Powers AU
TUESDAY: Period Piece
WEDNESDAY: Sci-fi/Fantasy AU
THURSDAY: Based on a Movie
FRIDAY: Ghost/Zombie AU
WEEK 6 (April 22 - 28): Sambucky Week
MONDAY: Didn’t Know They were Dating/Friends with Benefits
TUESDAY: Redwing
WEDNESDAY: Hurt/Comfort
THURSDAY: Separate, Long Vacations
FRIDAY: Dealer's Choice
What is this?
It’s a SamBucky event.
Is there any pressure?
No pressure at all.
Can I fill more than one prompt with one piece of art/one fic?
Yes! You can fill one prompt with one piece of art or fic. You can try to fill all five prompts that week at once with one piece of art or fic. You can do any number in between.
Are there any prizes for making anything for this event?
Just the satisfaction that you made something cool.
Is it just SamBucky?
Yes please, just SamBucky. There can be side ships, but the main ship should be SamBucky.
How long will this event run?
It will run from March 18th and run until April 28th.
I heard there are badges I can use for each fill?
There are! You can find the badges here.
What are the guidelines for the bingo?
I will be borrowing some of this from the MYSU Valentine’s Day Bingo 2022 Guidelines, since they were fantastic.
For Everyone:
1. Remember to @sambuckylibrary in the post as well as #tfatwsanniversary2024.
2. Please also tag the prompt you’re filling (for instance, if the square is “Redwing”, use “#redwing” as one of your tags when posting about it on Tumblr).
3. If you’re uploading to AO3, please:
a ) Say somewhere which prompt you’re filling.
b ) Add it to TFATWS Anniversary Event 2024 (TFATWS_Anniversary_Event_2024).
For Artists:
1. Create at least one piece of new art that can’t have been posted anywhere else before this.
2. All visual art forms are welcome:
a ) Gifsets, at least 3 gifs.
b ) Aesthetic boards or moodboards, at least 4 images each.
c ) Drawing/painting, that is not a sketch.
d) Fan video.
e) Graphics edit.
For Authors:
1. At least 500 words.
2. Posted on Tumblr or AO3.
3. Can be part of a series, but should work as a standalone.
For Podficcers:
1. The podfic should at least be 5 minutes long.
2. It should be posted on either Tumblr or AO3.
3. The podfic can be of a fic made for the event, a fic not made for the event while still adhering to the prompt, or a notfic.
For Fic Rec Lists:
1. You must have at least five fics or podfics on the rec list.
2. Make sure to give brief descriptions of the fics or podfics as well as their rating and wordcount.
For Commenters:
1. Any amount of comment counts, from a heart emoji (“❤️”) to an essay.
2. We would rather this be about what makes you happy and joyful about reading than any scathing critiques.
Things to be mindful of when creating:
For Sam
Avoid framing Sam only as a caretaker or emotional support for Bucky. Be mindful of Sam acting angry or aggressive in an out-of-character way and falling into the angry/sassy Black man trope (check out the MCU source material to help with character traits).
Avoid decentering Sam as a main character and refrain from focusing entirely on Bucky.
In art: avoid whitewashing Sam’s skin and research drawing Black characters.
General disclaimer: Race affects every aspect of his life, including interacting with police/government and the white structures of the world when it comes to performing his duties as Cap and simply being a Black man that lives in the U.S.
For Bucky
Avoid phrasing “flesh/normal/human hand” to refer to the contrast between his prosthetic arm and his right arm. The phrasing is ableist. You can simply refer to his prosthesis when relevant, otherwise use “right/left arm/hand”.
For more information, please check out this document suggested by @ninesdb on how to write Bucky as an amputee. @ninesdb is also open to questions if you have any queries not answered by the google doc.
Specific Tags:
Avoid tags in AO3 like “Sam Wilson is a Gift”, “Sam Wilson is a Saint”, and “Bucky Needs a Hug”.
Have fun and we look forward to your TFATWS Anniversary fics!
- The Mods
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fefeman · 5 months
Oban Star Racers review
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Yesterday I decided to watch Oban Star Racers, since it was a series I slept on when I was a kid and I heard a lot of good for it. So I binged the 26 episodes yesterday and today.
Overall verdict: FUCKING DOPE. 9/10
Very good series overall. It has a pretty unique art style (most notable on the humanoid characters) but it makes it work and uses it well to have pretty dynamic and expressive characters and gorgeous environments. And it's a very neatly written story, that finds the right balance between a sport fiction (racing), the overarching space opera/space fantasy narrative, and the interpersonal drama.
And the OP is pretty good and sells the color.
The plot :
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(two ships preparing for the preliminary of the Oban Star Race)
In the future, humanity is set to participate in a racing competition between civilizations of the galaxy, where the winner will receive the "ultimate prize" from a sort of "god" of the galaxy. Eva, a young girl who wishes to be recognized by her father (both literally and figuratively), gets involved in this race when said father becomes the manager of the earth team... And it soon turns out the competition has way higher stakes than everyone believed.
The plot reminded me bit of Red Lines, albeit with far looser vehicle rules than it (one competitor rides a giant beetle... ONE COMPETITOR JUST FLY HIMSELF), although I don't think a more in-depth comparison is worthwhile. Ultimately they provide different experiences despite the similarities.
A more in-depth rating would be :
very well written with good dialogue. None of the 3 main storylines (racing, drama, mystery) feel underdeveloped compared to the other, and they all manage to fit right into place as the plot progresses. The only downside is some plot points could have been introduced earlier and in more detail, but this only concerns a few.
The characters are colorful and interesting. The secondary cast have a lot of personality, with unique ship design that sometime really push the definition of "racing ship".
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(one of the secondary cat... I mean cast, Para-dice)
And the recurring cast isn't left behind. They are complex and nuanced, flawed people who sometimes make bad decisions, but always act in an understandable way. Sometimes their reasoning is more implied than explained, but it's not easy to miss it.
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(The short guy with black and white hair is Don Wei, the protagonist's father. The tall dude with his tits out and sunglasses is Rick Thunderbolt, a pilot for the earth team)
The only issues are that one character is developed and leaves the story way too quickly and that some are a bit too simple/one not. But it's a minority and it's probably to balance give more time to the interpersonal drama.
Art :
The art style surprises a bit, but you get used to it quickly. It makes for expressive characters, and it's stylization make the humans not feel boring compared to the many aliens.
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(you may have noticed they don't have noses)
There's also some clever use of 3D here and there, but it's well integrated so it doesn't feel too jarring. And the environment are fun to look at.
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(This isn't what you expect to see when you're told you're going for an interplanetary racing competition. But I really like this planet, Alwas)
The music is good guys. I put the OP above, but the ost is also great, both for actions and non-action scenes. I really like the preliminary planet's theme... it really sells the confusion of humans reaching a new world they've never seen before with a pre-fire spacefaring civilization (that uses caterpillar-powered engines).
And Prince Aikka's theme is also cool.
Anyway, for the music, I was gonna give it a 8/10, but now that I listened to them again for this review, I realize they do carry a lot of making this experience pleasant. So
That's a very important factor if you make Sci-fan, so I thought it was good to make it a category. Oban's setting succeed in the two key point I look for in a fictional universe: It makes its own sauce, and it looks alive.
Not everything in the setting is unique, but it offers some fresh concepts or visual identity make the inspiration turn. Like, I really enjoyed Ceres' ship being an amalgam of tubes that shouldn't fly, and that he rode standing on it rather than in a cockpit.
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or spirit weird anatomy that looks like an unraveled humanoid
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Or hell, Oban (the planet) itself functions in a way I haven't seen yet in sci-fi. that's what I mean by "make its own sauce". I can look at some elements of it and say "Wow, you don't see that every day" and get a rush of inspiration from the new flavor.
As for the "looks alive" part, by that I meant that the series gives the impression if I put the camera away from the main plot, there still would be interesting things to see. We know a lot is going on offscreen. We only see one of the 3 preliminaries... that's a lot of teams we haven't met... And even with the one we met, there's political intrigue in their homeworld, tragedies they wish to repair, etc... It's a universe where you feel you could always find something new to look at.
So, once again
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atamascolily · 1 month
TBF S4 Speculation: We Could Be Immortal
Urobuchi has said in interviews that Thunderbolt Fantasy Season 4 is going to dig into Shang and Lin's backstories. I'm of two minds on this--on the one hand, I live for juicy details about my faves, gimme all ya got. On the other hand, one thing I genuinely like about TBF is how much remains mysterious and open into interpretation. Character backstories can be challenging, and up until this point, they haven't been necessary for the narrative--I think Urobuchi is a talented enough writer to pull off a satisfying reveal that ties into everything else, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little nervous... and curious.
Because I love speculating, and because there's still a month and a half before S4 starts airing, I'm going to write out my thoughts for the hell of it.
I first came across the "Shang is a fallen god" theory from @jafndaegur's fic "Just A Guy With A Sword" and it's intrigued me ever since. A past history as a martial god of some sort would not only explain Shang's unique skill set, it would also explain why collecting magical swords and preventing misuse of them is so uniquely personal--as a way of atoning for the suffering and destruction he's undoubtedly been privy to in that kind of privileged position. Not to mention that Shang's decision to reject his destiny/role and do his own thing as a (mostly) ordinary human being feels so in-character for him.
I like this idea because it makes Shang, and his emphasis on appreciating everyday life becomes even more poignant and meaningful as a result. It fits into the series' larger themes of the responsible use of power and an emphasis on free will and choice over destiny and fate. Plus, it would delightfully recontextualize the entire series, from Lin Xue Ya's wry comment at their first meeting that Shang has no respect for the divine to Shang's conversation with Bai Lian, an ordinary person who was mistaken for an immortal. Not to mention a contrast with whatever Huo Shi Ming Huang has planned--unknown for now, but almost certainly related to acquiring cosmic power(s). Up to this point, we've only had humans and demons, but there's no reason why Urobuchi couldn't up the stakes even more by introducing beings with entirely new power levels, just like he did with the introduction of the Sorcerous Sword Index at the end of S1.
(Also, as a bonus, this would be a backstory for Shang that wouldn't involve fridging his family or anyone else he cared about; we've had quite enough of that already, thank you very much.)
On a meta level, becoming an all-powerful divinity has been a running theme throughout Urobuchi's prior works, so the idea of someone starting out as a god and then giving it up seems like a logical evolution of the idea, as well as a fun twist. I could totally see him doing it here.
I've suspected for a long time that Lin Xue Ya might not be fully human--his lack of canonical birthday (when even the immortal demons have them!), his incredible genre-savviness, etc, etc, all point to someone who isn't what he seems to be, on top of his general sketchiness. (Depending on how seriously you take the epilogue to Bewitching Melody of the West, it also seems like he has knowledge that he shouldn't otherwise have, again pointing to him as a meta-narrator and authorial stand-in.) As a trickster figure, he echoes the kitsune of Japanese legend (who can take on human form in many stories), and the main Pili series has a bunch of dragons with human forms. [A recent social media post for this year's Dragon Boat Festival also put Lin Xue Ya in the role of Bai Suzhen, the famous "White Snake" of legend who took on human form and fell in love, so, uh, there's that.] Lin Xue Ya's backstory also involves him giving up and turning away from the path of the sword, which in turn could mean that he also gave up on other things as well when he became a wandering thief and rogue whose sole purpose in life is his own personal amusement.
Previously, my one stumbling block with this theory was that Lin and Shang are both opposites and equals in every sense of the word. This is, for instance, the reason why Lin also has to be a Secret Sword Master at the end of Season 1, because Shang is one. In order for them to contrast each other most effectively, they have to be on the same level. Thus, if Lin Xue Ya isn't or wasn't human, then Shang also has to be the same level of being in order for this symmetry to be maintained. Having Shang be a fallen god would satisfy this requirement and then some.
Given that the ending of the series is most likely Shang and Lin walking off into the sunset together as their journey continues, this backstory would also mean they were and have always been timeless and archetypal, with no beginning or end, and the symmetry is also pleasing to me.
Is this where the story is actually going? I have no idea, but this is certainly plausible and I look forward to finding out!
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toaarcan · 7 months
Stormbringer: A Pokemon Emerald Nuzlocke, Part 17
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This is it. It's time for the Pokemon League. Our party are all at Lv.60. Their moves have been fine-tuned with TMs. Items have been equipped. Heals have been purchased.
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Vulcan the Blaziken has been here since the beginning. He's strong, he hits like a truck, and he's pretty darn fast too. He's going to be our main Pokemon for Sidney and our secondary for Glacia. He doesn't have much to offer for the Champion, but this run goes to Steven so he'll have his time in the sun eventually.
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Aurora the Gardevoir is our lucky encounter from right near the beginning. Fitting that I'd get a shiny of one of my favourites in legit the second run I ever do where I can't keep my Pokemon. She's a fast Special Attacker with Psychic and Thunderbolt as her main moves, with Hypnosis and Dream Eater to give her some healing and stalling if need be. The abundance of Water here means she's going to have a lot of use for her Electric moves.
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Volt the Manectric is also a fast Special Attacker. That's going to be kind of a theme. He's kind of a one-trick pony but he's going to be our main for Glacia and Wallace both.
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Terra is our Earthquake-spamming physical powerhouse, she's on deck for Drake and some of Phoebe's Ghosts. I just have to keep her away from the half-dozen Ice Beam spammers on these teams.
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One of our two newcomers, Harbinger the Absol is a physical attacker who hits things really, really hard with his Attack stat, and doesn't really do a whole lot else. He isn't really going to feel the lack of STAB, hopefully.
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And lastly, we have Proxima the Starmie. With the wrong ability and the worst possible nature for their species, they've been screwed by RNGesus a bit, but nonetheless, a Starmie is a Starmie. This is still one of the best Pokemon in the entire game. They're going to sweep Drake. That's what they do.
These are our heroes for the final act.
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tired-needs-sleep · 10 months
Tell me any fun (or not-so fun) facts about your rebornverse OCs! Totally not because I'm planning something...
i have been waiting for an ask like this. you dont even know. i looove fun facts and i have a few laying around.
gonna stick to my main character ocs since they have the most stuff about them- i have some side ocs like rue and rene but they are not nearly as developed, so there'd be little to no fun facts for them
also gonna try and keep this, somewhat organized but it's bound to devolve.
originally she was going to be shipped with. shudders. fern.
don't ask. i will not answer for my sins
i got the idea to kill her parents in a fire from an idea from a year prior to making her, where the main character's home burnt down mysteriously and a wild absol saved them, forcing them to embark on a journey. i never developed this idea much further so i instead recycled elements from this to make rhea and sara.
that main character's pokemon included every eeveeloution, hence where i got her theme from.
originally rhea was also going to be an empath but i figured i liked her being autistic instead, so i switched it.
yes she is canonically autistic
she's polyam! right now the idea is her to be shipped with victoria and saphira.
her family heirloom is called the obsidian starshard- it is the 5th key to the ruins under reborn. long ago one of her ancestors (i assume a grandparent,) stole the starshard and fled reborn for alola. a small branch of the guardians of the ruins chased after them to retrieve it, but they were always evaded. it eventually led to her mother passing it down to her to keep the organization on their toes when they caught up to her years later.
that eventually ended up leading rhea back to reborn. small world, huh?
rhea constantly squeezes her starshard. it comforts her
she's easily flustered
her name is pronounced ray-a. its technically wrong, but i think it suits her more.
as a kid her nickname was ray-ray. which is. longer than her actual name
her birthday is march 14th
she actually had to battle shade twice, since she was too psyched out to focus the first time around due to seeing corey die again.
rhea and hardy are good friends
she has litchenburg figures from being struck with a thunderbolt. most of the scarring is on her back, but you can see some of it on her arms and collarbone
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rhea's trainer class is rising star during maingame. as champion it's protector of reborn
after the events of agate city, rhea almost passes out since it was so soon after she got injured
before the amaria incident, rhea loved swimming
she blames herself for that as well, constantly trying to figure out what she did wrong
her natural hair color is brown
she's considered dying her hair pink
pink is her favorite color
she adopted the eevee from the lost railcave. she named him florence after the captain.
she looks like her mom
they were about 8 when their parents were killed
she likes puns only because her dad was a goofball and never passed up a chance to use puns
névé (her a-ninetales) reminded her of winter when she found her as a vulpix
she thinks about the other trainers that were on the train at the beginning sometimes
they looked up to amaria before the whole underwater thing
speaking of water: she loves swimming and pretty much anything with water.. and yet they still remember what happened and can't bring themself to do anything she'd want to around other people. sometimes when she's alone they still feel this dread that it'll happen again….
her flareon never liked amaria
she feels guilty about - (… literally every death)
she is an only child, but always wanted siblings
emphemeon(bug type evo) evolved first, espeon evolved last.
i didn't like how victory road had a lot of self aware jokes. it got old very fast for me, so instead of having the others save her at every turn, i have koa do that since its always out of its pokeball
rhea can understand what her eeveeloutions are saying
koa knows power gem through cavern
her favorite cereal is trix and she named her scorbunny that because it reminded her of the mascot
she prefers hot springs over pools
she thought she was aroace before she had her first crush
she picked up rock collecting shortly after coming to aevium and since then knows a little about rocks and gems
her favorite rock is granite and her favorite gemstone is sunstone. she also thinks geodes are awesome
in school she played soccer and volleyball
she has an incredibly high spice tolerance
she finally realizes that how she feels abt aelita is not platonic sometime towards the end of chapter 14
instead of arceus she says adrest in common phrases
heavy sleeper. sometimes when someone tries to wake her up it won't work until long after a normal person would give up, but if she's tossing and turning it's a lot easier (which, is like 70% of the game, but details details), and she has a habit of swatting at people that try to wake her up while she's in a deeper sleep. she isn't aware she does that until someone tells her.
i almost named her an A name but i asked one of my friends which one and she chose nia's name
nia originally had gray eyes, but she always had heterochromia
if i could assign a legendary to her, i would choose either virizon, keldeo, or galarian zapdos
nia swears up and down she's killed a fake plant before
her favorite drink is apple juice, but she likes orange soda a ton as well.
^ her favorite food is galarian spicy curry.
she punched a screen in the nightmare school out of frustration and, predictably, cut her knuckles on the glass, but she wouldn't stop picking at the scabs when they were healing so they scarred.
she's a yellow character.
she's the type to confess something before a drop on a rollercoaster
she doesn't like milk. it needs to be flavored or in cereal for her to tolerate it. that's why her favorite cereals are the ones that flavor the milk. besides trix. she'll eat that and only that one dry sometimes
she might have adhd because of accidental projection
she's afraid of her own power
ironically, she's also afraid of heights
she treats her birthday like any other day and doesn't see it as very important, but goes all out for her friends.
instead of cherry like ari hosts usually get, the nickname marianette gave her is tangerine
it becomes her favorite after that chapter, and she has a few outfits with tangerine/orange slice patterns
she looks. really good in orange or yellow, which is a main factor in why they're her favorite colors post valor. before then it was red
for her birthday, she got a toxel egg from amber, a bandanna from aelita, earrings from melia, and the rest i haven't decided on yet
her favorite jewelry is a ring her mother gave her
'through space and time' is a common theme in rejuv so i went wild with it. valen is a perfect example of this. nia has known him since she was a child
her favorite weather is a warm day with a chilly breeze
she has a habit of adopting the younger characters as her siblings. its happened with marianette and mosely. it will happen again.
she and ren are good friends after they made up.
she's terrified of time traveling
the whole gang placed bets on how long it would take for nia and aelita to get together. it was originally venam's idea and everyone got in on it when they saw how the two were around each other
her birthday is november 24th
hasumi and kisaragi are the same exact age
sara's favorite artist would be odetari
they prefer ice cold drinks, but could handle a hot drink.
their main love language is acts of service (other top 2 are words of affirmation and quality time)
canonically the only gyms they've had real trouble with are reeve, garret, and aaron.
she likes telling her friends she's proud of them.
light sleeper; if you touch them while they're asleep there's a high chance they'll wake up. [iseult is the only exception.]
the main reason why hasumi isn’t a mega (...anymore) is because she doesn’t like changing into that form.
sumi is very protective of sara
they can’t resist a challenge, especially when someone baits them into doing it, even though they know exactly what’s going on
they don't like billionaires
bad spending habits. if they see something they want they will get it.
they probably believe in karma
affectionate name calling. their favorite thing to call people is dumbass.
vision in their right eye is a little worse than their left 
she is a chronic complainer
it deeply pains sumi to see her trainer suffer and she does what she does best: be there for them like they would for her
they tend to over apologize whenever they're being vulnerable
they aren't fluent in pokemon language but can understand the general idea of what its saying
they show symptoms of c-ptsd. i think it's possible they have it
they have depression.
they're left handed
sometimes when they're half asleep their body does that jolt thing (when you jolt wide awake since your brain thinks your heart rate is slowing down too quickly)
they never get used to people just knowing who they are
when fighting any form of pain inflicted on them makes them angrier
their own blood actually freaks them out 
they get motion sickness
sumi and silverhawke will only obey sara, even if they say to do whatever the person says
 she likes her hair being brushed
 their favorite food is sushi and seafood
 she also likes rice
 she's terrified of the doctor because its a scary unknown thing and they don't like the idea of someone just. examining them
 would not like shots either
 tends to prefer laying on her stomach
they keep at least one coin in their pocket for flipping and can do it with their thumb
they hate it when people make "got something on your face" jokes 
they're always wondering when they'll eventually let everyone down
their original nickname was kisara until i shortened it once and it stuck to sara
i would've named hasumi something like prophecy or whatever if it weren't for sara's name
sara's name means devil
their favorite flower is the moonflower. they use shampoo with its scent.
their second favorite is the desert rose.
as hinted with that last one, they like succulents
they would like cheesecake
their favorite flavor type is tangy, their second favorite is sour
their original nickname was kisara but i shortened it once and it just, stuck
the first thing i decided about them was their ace
she has a small collection of fountain pens
i went back and forth between black and white hair for them for a good second before i settled on white. but i like to think that they've dyed their hair black before
their favorite book genre is thriller but mystery and horror come in second and third
doesn't like pineapple on pizza
their spice tolerance isnt terrible. they can tolerate a good amount of spice since they're more resistant to pain, but its just not her thing usually
they walk silently if there's nothing on the ground to interfere with it like leaves
she thought of battle more like a means of defending herself instead of a hobby and finds it tedious at times
…so due to the nature of absol and that, they aren't as fond of battling as the usual league challenger. ava and scarlet had to convince them to give it a try
probably has a resting bitch face when they're tired. so almost all the time
voice can be monotone at times, usually when depression is kicking their ass
they're semi nocturnal- their internal clock is a few hours later than the usual person's so it's harder for them to sleep until it's really late.
[chronicleverse au] the main motivator for sara's hyper independence is iseult refusing to stop caring for them so much
[with r's deso trio]
they love asra and cande's cooking but doesn't ask often out of fear of bothering them
they just let cande pick them up
in fact, they just let all three of them do whatever they want with psychical affection
they're taller than asra lmao
they always wear the bracelets they got for their birthday
they also adore the music box they got then too
their aura exhaustion is worse here
mena likes to drag them along to do whatever her plans are for the day.
they are very fond of cande's siblings, mostly little xiamena.
asra and sara are very close. very very close. they're each other's weaknesses.
as you can tell, sara has a lot more facts. this is mostly because i didn't write down every single idea for nia and rhea like i did for them, and some details may have been lost to time and tumblr void.
as a bonus, here's one more not so serious fun fact: if rhea and sara were in the same game as companions, i think they could work as a ship. it'd be kinda cute.
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s-c-g-s-c-g · 6 months
Friday AMV Recs
This week's recs are fandom specific. Mobile Suit Gundam specific that is! Mobile Suit Gundam is a massive franchise, with plenty of timelines to get you confused! Today, we're focusing on entries in the Universal Century timeline (aka the main one). These AMVs are arranged more or less in order of when their show takes place. Visual spoilers!
Sound of War by Skyking AMV - Mobile Suit Gundam: The Origin
Origin is fundamentally a prequel and this really uses that for all its worth. The slow build towards war gives me chills and the editing is well done. The inciting attack is almost more impactful in this format as we figure out the tragedy as it unfolds via context clues. The shot choices are really effective. Also, I am not immune to the hope of a good Amuro ending cameo!
War Pigs by I Forgot My Pen - Mobile Suit Gundam (multiple UC)
Listen, gundam is fundamentally a "war bad" franchise. The gundam are cool and marketable, the action is fun, Char is probably here, and war is bad. This AMV does a great job of combining an anti-war song with the action and core anti-war theme. The action feels exciting and almost wrong in that feeling which is hard to pull off. The timing and sync are both great.
Combat Harness by EnQuatre - Mobile Suit Gundam: Thunderbolt
Oh boy! Time for the inherent tragedy of war! The escalation of tone as the song goes on is impressive. The editing choices and sync in this AMV are inspired. I love the shift from scene to scene in tune with the beat. The emotional through line and almost frantic energy towards the end is really effective. Makes me sad every time!
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aptericia · 7 months
Posting my Thunderbolt Fantasy playlist here! This is not the whole OST, this is a selection of my 24 favorite pieces (however the whole ost is also awesome! I linked to it here)
Track list below the cut if you’re interested (not spoilery)!
His/Story (season 2 OP, full version)
Lang Wu Yao (Lang Wu-Yao's theme)
show-no-feel (Shang Bu-Huan's theme)
Claymore (I actually don't know what this is. It's a lyric version of Show-No-Feel that's featured on the Crescent Cutlass single. as far as I know, it does not appear in the show.)
Judgement (season 3 OP, full version)
Roll the Dice (season 2 ED, full version)
thunderBOLTfantasy (Thunderbolt Fantasy main theme)
tanh1 (Dan Fei's theme)
GKpeople (the Xuan Gui Zong's theme)
from either way (Shou Yun-Xiao's theme (1st half), Juan Can-Yun's theme (2nd half))
Kguy&kill don't Ikill (Xing Hai's season 1 theme (1st half), Sha Wu-Sheng's theme (2nd half))
Betsu Ten guy (Mie Tian-Hai's theme)
Crescent Cutlass (insert song from Bewitching Melody of the West)
He Zi Ying Luo (Xie Yingluo's theme)
Xiao Kuang Juan (Xiao Kuang-Juan's theme)
Di Kong (Di Kong's theme)
Lu Zhen Jie (Lou Zhen-Jie's theme)
Huo Shi Ming Huang (Huo Shi Ming Huang's theme)
Divine Swarm (the Order of the Divine Swarm's theme)
Wàn Jūn Pò (Wan Jun-Po's theme)
Princess Cháo Fēng (Chao Feng's theme)
Azibělpher (Azibelpher's theme)
Sinister Fortress (the Demon Realm's theme)
Raimei (season 1 OP, full version)
My notes:
The soundtrack is composed by Hiroyuki Sawano. All lyrics are sung by Takanori Nishikawa (also known as T.M. Revolution), a Japanese pop singer and the voice actor for Lang Wu-Yao.
The track names from season 1 are written in the Roman alphabet, so for those I used the styling present on the album. The other track names are translated/Romanized as needed.
Some of these are used as generic BGM but are named after (and primarily used for) a certain character/group, so I've simply listed them as "___'s theme"
Some tracks are variations on each other or the same theme. Such pairs are His/Story & Thunderboltfantasy, Show-No-Feel & Claymore, Gkpeople & Betsu Ten Guy, and Azibelpher & Sinister Fortress :D
Again, this is just a collection of my favorites, not the most used or most iconic tracks (sorry Lin🦆). My top 5 are probably Crescent Cutlass, Show-No-Feel, His/Story, He Zi Ling Yuo, and Lang Wu Yao!
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garfunclegaming · 1 year
So New Gundam Seed is a Thing...
Not to sound like a hater, but do we really need to re-tread this ground? Everything about Seed/Seed Destiny has not only aged poorly, but decreases in quality in comparison to the series the preceded it and the series that have come after it. Just to list a few problems with Seed in general...
The artwork is just bad. It’s bad early 2000s anime artwork that has that unique blend of generic, bland design and lack of style and quality. The transition from traditional animation to digital was harsh, yes we all know that. But Seed/Seed Destiny exemplifies the worst aspects of this transitional period. Sameface is everywhere. Everybody has the exaggerated, lifeless early 2000s anime eyes. If you swapped key character’s clothes and hairstyles you would not be able to tell who is who. The mecha designs are also pretty awful. People don’t like Freedom/Strike Freedom from the actual anime. They like Hajime Katoki’s salvaged redesign. If you look at the actual key design artwork for the mecha in these shows...they are awful. A mish-mash of classic 0079 designs mated with the cool stuff from Char’s Counterattack. Freedom is just an uglier, worse designed Nu Gundam knockoff.
The animation is bad. Tons of repeated frames, recycled footage, static poses...”Beam spam” became a popular phrase in the fandom because of Seed/Seed Destiny having a completely static shot of a Gundam posed with all its weapons out and firing in all directions.
But most importantly the story and characters are awful, and pale in comparison to both the stuff that became before Seed and the stuff that came after. Seed itself is an awkward, ugly, grimdark(dumb) retelling of 0079 where the nation states involved are all irredeemably bloodthirsty and stupid. Zeon is a genocidal dictatorship that dreams of total dominance of the Earth Sphere but we have a intricate and detailed history of how it got to that point in its politics. Seed/Destiny tries to say something about genetically modified people vs unmodified Humans...but it flubs any potential of that thread hard. So much so that by the end a third party lead by an Idol and the main character can effectively end all conflict by the power of the protagonists Godly plot armor. That’s not even mentioning all the behind the scenes drama involved in the production of Destiny...
Do we really need Seed in a post IBO, Thunderbolt and now Mercury world? What does Seed possibly have to offer when it has A: proven itself to be lackluster and B: we have better series with quality characters and superior themes. Seed is popular, I guess? But then I’d say Micheal Bay’s Transformers (Bayformers) is the most popular iteration of Transformers. Would anyone honestly argue that its popularity translated to any semblance of quality?
I don’t know, I’m just worried that after the roaring success of G-Witch injecting much needed new blood and vigor into the fandom we’ll have a lot of people picking up Seed and being disappointed with what they find.
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rozetheeuwu · 1 year
Ordell theme teams:
Nightclub theme teams for my boy Ordell.
Normally I avoid putting oc stuff in the main tag if canon characters/story beats aren't referenced in it but there are some references to some of the characters in there lol.
Aloha to the Alola:
Ashen Beach, singles
Primarina Nickname: Star (Torrent, Bold, Choice Specs, Surf, Moonblast, Psychic, Hidden Power)
Incineroar Nickname: Belt (Intimidate, Brave, Leftovers, Fake Out, Flare Blitz, Darkest Lariat, U-Turn)
Decidueye Nickname: Step (Shiny, Long Reach, Brave, Leftovers, Nature Power, Shadow Sneak, Sucker Punch, Leaf Blade)
Lycanroc (Dusk) Nickname: Rocker (Tough Claws, Adamant, Life Orb, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Crunch, Stomping Tantrum)
Alolan-Raichu Nickname: Pancake (Surge Surfer, Timid, Life Orb, Thunderbolt, Psychic, Calm Mind, Dazzling Gleam)
Dusk Mane Necrozma Nickname: Lightshow (Prism Armor, Jolly, Ultranecrozium Z, Sword Dance, Photon Geyser, Sunsteel Strike, Outrage)
Blast from the past:
Holy Field, doubles
Eevee Nickname: Pearl (Shiny, Anticipation, Timid, Eevium-Z, Last Resort, Baton Pass, Substitue, Stored Power)
Ribombee Nickname: Polaris (Shield Dust, Modest, Magical Seed, Pollen Puff, Dazzling Gleam, Nature Power)
Minior Nickname: Fallenstar (Shiny, Shields Down, Jolly, White herb, Shell Smash, Rock Slide, Acrobatics, Self Destruct)
Garchomp Nickname: Bark (Shiny, Rough Skin, Jolly, Leftovers, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron head)
Aegislash Nickname: Hero (Stance Change, Adamant, Leftovers, Iron Head, Sacred Sword, Shadow Sneak, Sword Dance)
Salamance Nickname: Skyspectre (Intimidate, Modest, Salamencite, Dragon Pulse. Hyper Voice, Heat Wave, Hidden Power Steel)
One Step At A Time 1:
New World Field, Singles
Delphox Nickname: Fluff (Shiny, Magician, Modest, Magical Seed, Mystical Fire, Psychic, Dazzling Gleam, Wish)
Chatot Nickname: Forgiveness (Keen Eye, Timid, Magical Seed, Boomburst, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot, Encore)
Walrein Nickname: Big Boy (Thick Fat, Modest, Leftovers, Rest, Sleep Talk, Toxic, Aurora Beam)
Umbreon Nickname: Brotherhood (Shiny, Synchronize, Impish, Leftovers, Wish Toxic, Throat Chop, Protect)
Absol Nickname: Dreamer (Pressure, Jolly, Absolite, Sucker Punch, Sword Dance, Mega Horn, Play Rough
Silvally Nickname: Redemption (RKS System, Quirky, Magical Seed, Multi Attack, Dark Pulse, Flash Cannon, Rest)
One Step At A Time 2:
Holy Field, singles:
Audino Nickname: Healer (Regenerator, Bold, Audinite, Dazzling Gleam, Hyper Voice, Wish, Flamethrower)
Sylveon Nickname: Gemstone (Pixilate, Bold, Magical Seed, Wish, Swift, Heal Bell, Psyshock)
Ditto Nickname: Funky (Importer, Quirky, Choice Scarf, Transform, Transform, Transform, Transform)
Garchomp Nickname: Bark (Shiny, Rough Skin, Jolly, Leftovers, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Iron head)
Toxicroak Nickname: Spike (Dry Skin, Jolly, Life Orb, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance)
Arceus Nickname: Puppy (Multitype, Modest, Magical Seed, Judgement, Fire Blast, Earth Power, Recover)
New Game+:
Rainbow Field, Singles
Magmotar Nickname: FlameDra (Flame Body, Timid, Magical Seed, Flamethower, Solar Beam, Hidden Power (Ice), Thunderbolt)
Hawlucha Nickname: Halse (Mold Breaker, Adamant, Flying Gem, Acrobatics, High Jump Kick, Sword Dance, Poison Jab)
Yanmega Nickname: Raidra (Speed Boost, Modest, Magical Seed, Air Slash, Silver Wind, Hidden Power (Water), Protect)
Clefable Nickname: Pegasus (Shiny, Magic Guard, Quiet, Leftovers, Moon Blast, Hidden Power (Ground), Wish, Cosmic Power)
Jirachi Nickname: Nerferti (Shiny, Serene Grace, Jolly , Leftovers, Zen Headbutt, Iron Head, Rest, Sleep Talk)
Mimikyu Nickname: Magna (Disguise, Jolly, Mimikium-Z, Sword Dance, Shadow Sneak, Play Rough, Drain Punch)
Hi Hungry, I'm Dad:
Glitch Field, Singles
Tentacruel Nickname: Familiar (Clear Body, Bold, Black Sludge, Surf, Toxic, Toxic Spikes, Rapid Spin)
Ditto Nickname: Funky (Importer, , Quirky, Choice Scarf, Transform, Transform, Transform, Transform)
Garchomp Nickname: Bark (Shiny, Rough Skin, Rash, Leftovers, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, Stone Edge, Flamethrower)
Audino Nickname: Healer (Regenerator, Impish, Audinite, Last Resort, Wish)
Toxicroak Nickname: Spike (Dry Skin, Jolly, Life Orb, Gunk Shot, Drain Punch, Sucker Punch, Swords Dance)
Gardevoir Nickname: Stargaze (Shiny, Synthetic Seed, Stored Power, Focus Blast, Calm Mind, Wish)
Aloha to the Alola:
Theme Name
Blast from the past:
Holy field in reference to his past in the Sanctum.
Eevee in reference to him owning an Eevee before fleeing to Alola.
Ribombee in reference to and honor of Taube.
Minior in reference of team Meteor.
Garchomp in reference to Solaris.
Aegislash in reference to Mirage Tower.
Salamance in reference to and honor Elena.
One Step At A Time 1:
One step at a time 1 involves all the characters of his past who he is rebuilding bridges with as well as Lin.
New World Field in reference to new beginnings.
Delphox in reference to Ace.
Chatot in reference to Taka.
Umbreon in reference to Zero.
Absol in reference to Luna
Walrein in reference to Blake
Silvally in reference to Lin.
One Step At A Time 2:
One step at a time 2 involves all the characters of his past who he is rebuilding bridges, but specifically the ones that have to do with hiss religious background and dealing with loss/the death of someone.
Holy field in reference to his past regarding religion.
Audino in reference to his father, Hiram.
Sylveon in reference to his twin, Divers.
Ditto in reference to his uncle, Elias.
Garchomp in reference to Solaris.
Toxicroak in reference to Corey.
Arceus in reference to his past with religion.
New Game+:
The name is a play on him restarting his adventure in Reborn who he had left behind and beginning anew. The team references the most important people he met in his journey. (Specifically those who helped shape his journey and those who he is very closest with)
Rainbow field because haha gay joke.
Magmotar in reference to his boyfriend, Cal.
Hawlucha in reference to his girlfriend, Alistasia.
Yanmega in reference to Shelly.
Clefable in reference to Noel.
Jirachi in reference to Anna.
Mimikyu in reference to Shade.
The names of the pokemon are a reference to this from my favorite media.
Hi Hungry, I'm Dad:
This team is a dad joke.
The Glitch Field is used because it's using the older gens stuff.
Tentacruel in reference to his adoptive father, Hal
Ditto in reference to his uncle, El.
Garchomp in reference to Solaris
Audino in reference to his father, Hiram
Toxicroak in reference to Corey.
Gardevoir in reference to Radomus.
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Watchmen syndrome?
//It's a term I use to describe a certain brand of media illiteracy. It's when people take away a surface-level understanding of a story as the main thesis, when it's often either a very shallow interpretation or exactly what the story is arguing against.
//I use Alan Moore's Watchmen as an example because it's the biggest victim of this. It's one of the big stories that started the Dark Age of Comics and made Grimdark a major mainstream writing style that's stuck around to this day. A lot of people think it's designed to showcase how realistic superheroes would be gritty, tough, swear, fuck, and kill people. How they'd all actually be awful people with prejudices and perversions. How the most powerful hero in their world is an apathetic god who's bound by fate and thus doesn't give a shit. How our world is on the brink of war and it's meant to peel back shallow idealism in favor of a cynical perspective on cruelty.
//And if you actually read the story, you'll see that the entire thing is an argument against all of this. It's not celebrating grimdark violence, it's using it to explore broader themes of power, whether the ends justify the means, the concept of the greater good, and the importance of human life no matter how small it is.
//People often label Watchmen as a deconstruction, but it was specifically a deconstruction of the Charlton Comics heroes, who were notable for being much more political than those of Marvel or DC: the Question, Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Peacemaker, Night Shade and Thunderbolt.
//moviebob did a more thorough breakdown of this in his 3-part breakdown of Batman V. Superman, but essentially, Moore was trying to show why the concept of politicized superheroes would be a terrible idea, how real people being supers would be subject to the same flaws and weaknesses as any of us, and how we couldn't rely on them to save the world from the threats we're really facing.
//Yet the moments that stand out to be the most in comic are the understated ones, and the ones that highlight the importance of human life and compassion even in an universe that doesn't care. Rorschach may be a gritty murderous vigilante with a rigid black and white morality, but he never harms children and values his friendship with Nite Owl. This among many other examples.
//It also helps that Watchmen, as a whole, is just very well-written, beautifully-drawn and colored, effectively foreshadowed, well-paced and just overall a very professionally-structured comic. There's so much more to it than just "grimdark superhero deconstruction," hence why I refer to tragic misunderstandings of a story's purpose as Watchmen Syndrome.
//If you want a prime example, I recommend checking out Dr. Manhattan's "Thermodynamic Miracles" speech. It's really one of my favorites in any comic I've ever read.
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bumbis · 1 year
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Went to Kennywood today! Genuinely forgot how fun riding stuff could be.
Phantom's revenge my beloved is the main reason I went, I love it sm, rode it three times in the back. I can't help but have the goofiest smile on my face, even into the last airtime hill where the photo op is I'm always cheesin' in the picture. :D < me
I ALSO rode thunderbolt, god what a weird ride, I love it but its broken up into a bunch of different sections. Great if you go with someone you're really close with because you can have em' push into you or vice versa. FAIR WARNING you cannot ride thunderbolt alone. sometimes they'll get a ride op to ride with you.
Then I waited 30 minutes for Steel Curtain. I've always been pretty skeptical of this ride, from the themeing to the manufacturer to the really unimpressive ride I had in 2021, I never liked it. It looks great though. I got on it and GOD nevermind. I don't know how but in 60 degrees after it just finished sprinkling it blew me away. I got a back row ride (a lot of people love row 3 or 4 so I didn't know if the back was the best) it didn't matter, fun from start to finish. It's relentless. Maybe I just went when it was running good but it's a beast. I have phantom over it still but I completely get it if you think it's the best in the park, S&S did a great job. I think it's an elite ride maybel
Lastly, I rode Skyrocket two times because the line was short, it was the only ride running two trains. I rode in the front row for the first ride and the first 15 seconds or so are really fun! The midcourse brake run kills the pace though. It crawls through the 20-30 second 2nd half. Apparently Kennywood wanted the ride to stand high off the ground so the turnpike could be installed back under, but this never happened and the ride suffers from it. I went on again in the second or third row and jesus. those restraints suck. For reference I am about 6' 1" and skinny with long legs and i was in pain waiting to get out. If you're at all tall I say wait for the front of either car (rows 1 or 4) because I think they have extra leg room. If you're heavier I'm sorry but this ride will probably not be for you. Which sucks because just about every other kennywood coaster is pretty accommodating!
Overalls I had a great time, it was pretty gloomy outside but it was fun regardless! If you can make it out to kennywood I highly recommend it! Ranking: 1. Phantom's revenge 2. Steel curtain 3. Thunderbolt 4. Sky rocket 5. Jack Rabbit 6. Racer if you have somebody to race, otherwise exterminator.
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portaldisaster · 2 years
thanks @/hungry-skeleton for making the list and linking it to me ^^
this is the skylanders ask game, but again i am just gonna answer em as a list. get opinion'd. idiot.
do it yerself here
💙 Who's your favorite skylander?
❌ Who's your least favorite skylander?
thunderbolt. awful horrible terrible
💚 Who's your favorite non skylander character?
🚫 Who's your least favorite non skylander character?
the candle head guy in trap team
🖤 Who's your favorite villain?
glumshanks kaos
💢Who's your least favorite villain
dont have one honestly. i barely pay attention to the non trappable villains
😈 Favorite trappable villain
nightshade or chill bill
👿 Least favorite trappable villain
rage mage. his themes good but otherwise sucks ass
❔ Who was your first skylander?
tree rex? ik hes a starter pack skylanders but i dont rember. maybe series 2 flameslinger? or hot dog
🌐 What was your first skylander game?
✨ Which game was your favorite?
trap team
☔ Which game was your least favorite?
superchargers racing. ive never played the actual game but the racing game for the wii which i did have sucked ass
🔥Favorite fire skylander
spitfires design goes so hard but wildfire will always be my boy
❌🔥Least favorite fire skylander
series 2 eruptor hes kinda ugly
🌊Favorite water skylander
zap <3
❌🌊Least favorite water skylander
rip tide and punk shock. sorry their designs r awful
🌱Favorite life skylander
❌🌱Least favorite life skylander
ninja stealth elf specifically
🌄Favorite earth skylander
head rush and i will die on this hill. also terrafin on account of cool shark hehe
❌🌄Least favorite earth skylander
fist bump or smash hit. im very neutral on earth skylanders as a whole tbh
💀Favorite undead skylander
fright rider
❌💀Least favorite undead skylander
bat spin, but only marginally. there arent any undead skylanders i dislike, her design just irks me in some way
💨Favorite air skylander
whirlwind. stormblades cute too
❌💨Least favorite air skylander
thunderbolt no question
🔌Favorite tech skylander
bouncer n drobot. the senseis look cool
❌🔌Least favorite tech skylander
🌠Favorite magic skylander
enigma. if he doesnt count, trap shadow. another element where the senseis r cool too
❌🌠Least favorite magic skylander
blastermind. fuckign look at him
🌞Favorite light skylander
spotlight. blastertron seems cool too
❌🌞Least favorite light skylander
knight light, aurora and astroblast all suck im sorry
🌙Favorite dark skylander
❌🌙Least favorite dark skylander
hood sickle
♫ Favorite song from the soundtrack
the giants intro music or blastertrons theme
🎮 Favorite minigame
skystones smash. im real bad at it i love it
💠 Favorite level
mesmereldsa level i forget the name of it. but that was fun. i rlly struggled on it as a kif
❎ Least favorite level
telescope towers. i have had to redo that level a million times bc it always crashes on me
🔆 Your strongest skylander
enigma. i main him so
🔅 Your weakest skylander
any skylander that isnt a) a trap master or b) a fave. on account of me not using them as much
🔷 Your rarest skylander
i dont have any rare ones, especially not any rare variants. of the base figures, apparently springtime trigger happy isnt super common? idk
⭕ What skylander do you want the most?
i have all the skylanders i want honestly. ive never played imaginatiora and have no figures for it but if starcast or ro-bow scratch that i want a light trap and sunscraper spire. also blackout n spotlight would be neat
💔 How many skylanders are you missing?
no idea
💞 Skylanders OTP?
whirlwind/drobot or whirlwind/sunburn. ir them as a t4t4t throuple
❗Why did you start playing skylanders?
same answer as below
💙 How did you discover skylanders?
dont remember. i think my mom just bought me skylanders giants and said she thought id enjoy it. and i did
💖 Any skylanders OCs?
sort of? i have ideas for characters that idk if ill do anything with em. i have a portal master sona as well as a mabusona but thats it rlly
😉 Most memorable gameplay moment/moments
flynn dialogue. maybe i have dumb humour but some of his lines r still very amusing to me. also the beginning of the 2nd giants level, mostly on account of how often i restarted my game and played it
😇 Your favorite experience with the franchise
when me and my bestie were playing trap team together. i was enigma and xe was bushwhack and though i dont remember much, i remember we were in utter hysterics the whole time. honestly think it was one of the happiest days of my life. we just roleplayed as them for hours and its the reason i like enigma/bushwhack.
we had to stop playig at telescope towers bc that level was glitched on my wii and the fun came to a grinding halt but god i miss it
💛 What do you like most about skylanders?
the characters. i think they r funky lil dudes
🔪 What do you not like about skylanders?
the cost. they were pricey before for what they were, and now those prices are worse. also, wa snever fodn if hiw fast the gamrs came out. the series needed a breather
💎Do you hope the franchise continues?
yeah! i just dont really want another mainline game, or ar least dont want a game that introduces new characters
💜 What does skylanders as a franchise mean to you?
nostalgia? it means a lot but idk what its meaning to me is tbh. its just a fun game
💗 Describe your dream skylander game
i dont want another mainline game tbh, id want something along the lines of pokemon masters ex. id rather see more love given to preexisting characters than get any new ones. id wanna use toy codes to get characters i have in the game and have some sort of chat system between whatever story mode there is so it can at least somrwhat feel like were friends with these guys.
💯How many skylanders do you have?
i have 112 total figures: 86 skylanders, 87 counting trigger snappy; 7 items and 18 traps
💘 Will you continue playing skylanders if the franchise continues?
yeah - even if i dont like whatever may come next, id want to encourage them to make a better game ig
💝 If you could recommend skylanders to others what would be your points of persuasion?
point them towards an emulator tell them about the diversity in characters u can play. thats always been the appeal to me
🕒 How long have you been a fan?
past decade at least, thought most of that ive been a more passive fan
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atamascolily · 10 months
Every single sentence of this Anime News Network review of Thunderbolt Fantasy 2x9-10 by Gabrielle Ekens is GOLDEN:
It's finally happened guys – Thunderbolt Fantasy has fully outed itself as a Chaos Dragon spinoff. Ever since the Funky Monk-ey's destiny became apparent, it was only a matter of time before Xie handed the blade over to her dopamine-deficient acquaintance, sending Dong Li into hell in the process. But I didn't expect that Di(ddy) Kong would turn out to have the exact same name – Lou Zhen Jie – as his D&D prototype from all those years ago. You know, Gen Urobuchi is really living the dream. The man is being paid to write high-profile puppet shows starring his goth qi-channeling swordsman OC. That's like the ultimate goal of anyone who has ever created a DeviantArt account. I'm green with envy.
You know, this explains so fucking much about S2, and I am HOWLING. I kept saying that Thunderbolt Fantasy reminds me of a wuxia-themed D&D game, but I didn't expect that to be LITERALLY TRUE. This is even funnier than the fact that Urobuchi started writing for Pili in part because they killed his favorite character off in their main series, lololol.
(For context: Chaos Dragon is an anime adaptation of Red Dragon, a six-session D&D game with Urobuchi and a handful of other well-known Japanese authors, in which Urobuchi spent most of his time trolling his compatriots and killing as many NPCs as he could get away with. The original Lou Zhen Jie--inexplicably gender-flipped in the anime version--is a warrior monk armed with a sentient sword and obsessed with death. Sound familiar yet?)
Ekens also calls Lou "the big bad Buddhist boy, Dong Li's worst therapist, the perpetual walking Evanescence song who's just renounced his vow of celibacy to a sword" and I cannot decide which of these epithets is my new favorite, so I think I'll go with ALL OF THEM.
Also, nothing will be able to, ahem, top, this passage:
... The middle of this ninth episode delivers some weirdly late setup for what's going to go down between Vape Wizard and Glasses Cop. At least Urobuchi takes the opportunity to slip in some Hot Yaoi Content™ in the form of Xiao leading Lin on a leash. (He could slip out of those ropes at any time...but he won't.) ...For all of [Glasses Cop's] bluster, it looks like the Enigmatic Gale has taught him a lesson in topping from the bottom. ... Grade: A
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didanawisgi · 3 months
Gundam Thunderbolt OST 01 - Thunderbolt For Main Theme (Io Fleming Song)
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naturecoaster · 7 months
102nd Annual Chasco Fiesta
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Nine days of food, fun, and entertainment with many events including a Street Parade, Boat Parade, Car Show, 5K run, and a different genre of music every night! Come and celebrate 102 years of the Chasco Fiesta. Sims Park and downtown New Port Richey, Florida Voted Best of the Best in Festivals for Tampa Bay by TBT  Long Live Rock and Roll is 2024's Theme   Schedule for 2024 Chasco Fiesta Friday, March 15 - $20 general admission 5:00 pm - 10:00 pm Native American Festival West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm Entertainment- Ruth Eckerd on the Road Presents Marshall Tucker Band w/ The Georgia Thunderbolts. Buy Tickets Here 6:00 pm - 11:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Coronation Ball at Spartan Manor, New Port Richey Cocktails 6 pm • Dinner 7 pm $125.00 per person Hosted and benefiting the Lighthouse for the Visually Impaired and Blind The nominees for Queen Chasco and King Pithla are proposed by community organizations and are nominated. Saturday, March 16 - Country Music Concert Night Gates open at 9 am - $20 general admission after 4 pm 6:30 am - 10:00 am 10th Annual Special Olympics 5K and 1 Mile Fun Run - Register Here Starts and ends at the New Port Richey Recreation and Aquatics Center 10th Annual Special Olympics Race for Inclusion 5K and 1mile fun run 9:00 am - Noon The Chasco Fiesta 1st Annual Dragon Boat Race - a 200M two-lane dog leg race on the Pithlachascotee River. Enter Here 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival - Native American Vendors and Entertainment Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Parade Intermission CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Close – 10 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ 1:00 - 3:00 pm Flagship Bank – Chasco Fiesta Boat Parade The Chasco Fiesta Boat Parade is to begin at 1 pm on the Pithlachascotee (Cotee) River. 5:00 pm - 11:00 pm Entertainment- Country Concert in Sims Park - 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Maddie and Tae with Special Guest Wiley Fox - Buy Tickets Here Sunday, March 17 -  Bay Area Showcase Gates open 9 am - $5 entry fee over age 12 8:00 am - 2:30 pm -- Chasco Fiesta Car, Truck and Bike Show Located in downtown New Port Richey on Grand Blvd. Hosted by the Gulf Side Corvette Club for the 23rd year. The show features more than 350 entries. 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival - Native American Vendors and Entertainment Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Parade Intermission CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories Kalani Poepoe indigenous music from the Pacific islands Aztec Fire Dancers Lowery Begay Flute & Stories CreeAtive; Native American Dancers Close – 10 pm 10:00 am - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Beef BBQ 1:00 pm - 9:00 pm --Entertainment 1 - 2:30 pm   Brother Brownlow 3 - 4:30 pm  Pieces of Eight 5 - 6:30 pm Symmetry 7 - 9 pm  The American Stones Monday, March 18 - Native American Day Gates open at 4 pm - Free admission all-day 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Native American Music, Entertainment and Festival 5-6 pm Spirit Play 6-7 pm Lowery Begay Flute & Stories 7-8 pm CreeAtive Presents; Turtle Island 8-9 pm Keith SecolaNative American Dancers 8:00 pm 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up Tuesday, March 19 - Happy Hour with the Black Honkeys Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee for over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 6:00 - 7:15 pm Peyton-Monarch Band 7:45 - 9:15 pm The Black Honkeys 5:30 pm - 8:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Bowling Tournament Lane Glo South 8631 Old County Road 54, New Port Richey, FL 34653 Registration: 5:30 pm Bowling begins at 6:30 pm Entry Fee: $160 per team in advance. Hosted by Greater Pasco Chamber of Commerce Young Professionals Group Wednesday, March 20 - Latin Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 7:00 - 7:30 pm Latin DJ 8:00 - 9:30 pm The Latin Brothers Thursday, March 21 - Rhythm and Blues Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show Main Street Presents Chasco Fiesta Restaurant Pop Up 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm The Julie Black Band 8:30 – 10:00 pm Damon Fowler Friday, March 22 - Joy FM Family Night Gates open at 4:00 pm - $5 entry fee over age 12 4:00 - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show West Pasco Sertoma Chicken BBQ 6:00 pm - 10:00 pm Entertainment – Joy FM Family Night 6:00 - 7:00 pm TBA 7:00 - 8:00 pm Renee 8:00 - 10:00 pm Jeremy Rosado with Seph Schlueter Friday, March 22 Off-site Activities: Noon - 7 pm PHSC Presents The Chasco Fiesta Education Expo 1:00 - 6:00 pm Chasco Fiesta Golf Tournament Saturday, March 23 - Tribute to Rock n Roll Gates open 10:00 am - $5 entry fee over age 12 10:00 am - 10:00 pm Native American Festival PFAC Presents the Chasco Fiesta Mobile Mural Art Show 10:00 am - 6:00 pm PHSC Presents The Chasco Fiesta Education Expo 11:00 am - 10:00 pm West Pasco Sertoma Chicken BBQ Noon - 3:00 pm-- MEARES Plumbing and Electric Chasco Street Parade Organized by the Rotary Club of Holiday.  The Chasco Street Parade for 2024 will be on the second Saturday of the Event. Street Parade 4:00 pm - 10:00 pm Tribute to Rock Concert 4:00 – 5:30 pm Black Horse Cavalry 6:00 – 7:30 pm Jam Jones 8 – 10 pm Signs of Life - Pink Floyd Tribute Read the full article
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